Rallyup Magazine Winter 2019

Page 19



Stigma in the Military When God Moves...He Moves! by: Vanity Dawson

There are so many exciting events that happen in life that I am thankful for, and God’s glory shines through each one. One such recent experience not only displays how great God’s glory is but also helped me desensitized mental health stigma in the military. I have been serving in the military for almost seven years and it’s one of the greatest decisions I’ve made in life. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar Depression, leaving me questioning what that meant for my military career. You hear often in the military, “If they don’t ask, then don’t say anything.” Even so, despite some trepidation, I decided to disclose that I sometimes suffered from depression during a recent health assessment. Then in May 2018, I had to meet with military medical professionals to discuss my disclosure which resulted in a non-deployable profile. What did that mean for me? I could potentially get medically discharged because of my condition. After furnishing requested paperwork, I stayed calm and waited. Every time I needed orders, I had to get approval because of the medical profile. It was really discouraging and scary, especially not having heard any news back from the medical board. Seven months later, I finally received news that more paper work was needed. The request shot my spirits down and I started worrying. I was in the fight to stay in the military. Then I had to remind myself whose child I am. A child of God! I had to scold myself to stop worrying because it shows little faith. I got myself suited and booted in God’s armor. Deuteronomy 20:4 says “For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory”. I learned that in my church and so started praying on it. I also had to find peace in trusting God’s plan.

Instead of worrying and stressing, I came to trust that God has a plan for me, whether it was continuing my military career or closing the military chapter in my life. I let the whole situation go and smiled. I wasn’t going to let this situation put me down. The regular struggle of feeling down and having to pick myself up to move forward in life was bad enough. Right before Christmas break, I received an email. It reflected all God’s glory! The email said I received a waiver, which allowed me to continue serving in the military. I learned that there are different waivers, but mine allows me to remain deployable. All I could do is thank God. I knew He had a plan for me. I don’t understand where He will take me, but I trust in God. Throughout the process I learned that it feels so much better to be able to disclose my diagnoses instead of keeping it a secret. I had to endure some stress and fear, but my honesty led to a weight being lifted off my shoulders, and now I can openly seek the care I need. Yes, some diagnoses can result in a medical discharge, but mine did not. The military isn’t here to just kick you out, they are here to help you be mentally and physically fit to fight. The stigma is if you have any condition, don’t report it because you’ll get discharged. I’m not saying my results will be the next person’s results, but there is always hope and a path forward. With a little honesty, faith, trust in God, and prayer things always work out for the best.

Winter Issue 2019| rallyupmagazine.com | 19

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