Ramaz Middle School Key Contacts 5780

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As a co-educational, Modern Orthodox Day School, Ramaz strives to educate students toward the following goals: • A commitment to menschlichkeit, reflecting fineness of character, respect for others, integrity, and the centrality of chesed in all its manifestations. • A commitment to Torah, mitzvot, Ahavat Yisrael, and love and support for the State of Israel. • A commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, to intellectual rigor, to scholarship, and to a life-long love of learning. • Loyalty and gratitude to the United States of America, and the democratic traditions and values of our country. • A sense of responsibility for the Jewish people and all humankind.



Thank you for entrusting us with your children. We assume this special responsibility with much care, expertise and respect for each learner. As professionals, we are here for you with every question or concern. In the Middle School, there are many professionals to whom you can turn, each with their own area of expertise and responsibility. At times, there may even seem to be some overlap among them, so feel free to choose a contact and that person will either help you personally or direct you to the best person with whom to speak. We are here for you and wish you and your child much mazal u’vracha this year. Ms. Ruth Gafni Head of Nursery - Grade 8

Ms. Jennifer Bernstein Head of Middle School

Rabbi Chaim Hagler Assistant Head of Middle School

Here’s a quick guide of whom to call when: TEACHER If you have a question about how your child is progressing in a particular class, communicate directly with the teacher. Contact the teacher via email. You may also call the school office at 212774-8040 and an administrative assistant will connect you to a teacher’s voicemail. You should hear back from the teacher within a day or two.

ADVISOR In most cases, your child’s advisor should be the first address for any questions that cannot be asked of any individual teacher. The advisor has the responsibility of trying to get to know how your child is doing overall in school and is the primary adult in the building to whom a student (or parent) can turn when help or a friendly ear is needed. Advisors speak to teachers and individual students on a regular basis, as well as meet Monday through Thursday in advisory groups of 10-12 advisees every four or five weeks. Your child’s advisor’s contact information is listed along with that of your child’s teachers. Grade 5 Advisors: Tova Brown Laura Csillag Ruth Schwarz Rebecca Somogyi Emma Teger Emily Turtil

Grade 6 Advisors: Maxine Costello Smadar Hadas Melissa Krop Nachum Lerner Ilana Swisa Elizabeth Weissman

GRADES 5 & 6 COORDINATOR: Elisheva Weissman weissmane@ramaz.org 212-774-6224

Grade 7 Advisors: Alexis Caudle Orit Nawrocki Elizabeth Sollors Rabbi Pesach Sommer Amy Untch

Grade 8 Advisors: Jessica Bijari Rabbi Mendy Eisenberg Hana Minzer Galit Naftali Scott Newman Tzipora Ross

GRADES 7 & 8 COORDINATOR: Ms. Beth Reisman reismanb@ramaz.org 212-774-6220

DEPARTMENT CHAIR If you have a question about a class placement or about the curriculum in a particular subject, contact the department chair. The chair meets regularly with department teachers both as a group and individually to discuss instruction, curriculum, departmental policies and placement. Chairs are the direct supervisors of classroom teachers in their departments. ENGLISH: Ms. Ibby Sollors sollorse@ramaz.org 212-774-6213

JUDAIC STUDIES: Tzipora Ross rosst@ramaz.org 212-774-6114

MATH: Mr. Josef Graham grahamj@ramaz.org 212-774-6279

SCIENCE: Ms. Elisheva Weissman weissmane@ramaz.org 212-774-6224

GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Dr. Atara Berliner is our director of guidance. She meets with individual students, parents and outside professionals to confidentially coordinate support for your child. If you have specific concerns about your child’s social and emotional well-being, then Dr. Atara Berliner may be the first person to contact. Dr. Atara Berliner Director of Student Guidance and Learning Center atarab@ramaz.org 212-774-8047

GRADE COORDINATOR As grade coordinator for grades 5 and 6, Ms. Kim Gantz Wexler eases the transition from 4th to 5th grade and supports students in lower grades. Ms. Kim Gantz Wexler Grade Coordinator for Grades 5 and 6 wexlerk@ramaz.org 212-774-5736

LEARNING CENTER Dr. Atara Berliner is the Director of Learning Center. The middle school LC faculty provide academic support for students who have undergone psycho-educational evaluations by outside professionals. The LC also coordinates learning accommodations granted to approved students. If you have questions about your child’s LC accommodations, please contact Dr. Berliner. Questions regarding the scheduling of LC sessions should be directed to Ms. Minzer. Dr. Atara Berliner Director of Student Guidance and Learning Center atarab@ramaz.org 212-774-8047

Ms. Hana Minzer Learning Center Coordinator minzerh@ramaz.org 212-774-6262

HEALTH OFFICE The Middle School Health Office is staffed with a full-time registered nurse. It remains open the entire school day. Parents of students with any health-related concerns are encouraged to contact the school nurse, who will facilitate communication of medical issues, when appropriate, to school teachers and personnel with regard to confidentiality. Ms. Judith Rose, RN Nurse rosej@ramaz.org 212-774-5963

STUDENT ACTIVITIES & ATHLETICS If you have questions about your child’s involvement in co-curricular activities, you may call your child’s advisor or speak directly to our student activities director, Ms. Sandy Dweck or our Clubs Coordinator, Ms. Hana Minzer. Questions about our athletics programming should be addressed to the specific coach or to Mr. Matt Candel, our Director of Athletics. Ms. Sandy Dweck Director of Student Activities dwecks@ramaz.org 212-774-5781

Ms. Hana Minzer Clubs Coordinator minzerh@ramaz.org 212-774-6262

Mr. Matt Candel Director of Athletics candelm@ramaz.org 212-774-6101

MIDDLE SCHOOL OFFICE The Middle School office staff is available every day to answer any questions or direct you to the proper individual with whom to speak. If a student ever has a change in attendance, arrival, or dismissal time, (e.g. for a doctor’s appointment or illness) please email ms@ramaz.org to alert the Middle School office. Ms. Jeanette Salem Office Manager salemj@ramaz.org 212-774-6767

Ms. Beverly Hunter Receptionist hunterb@ramaz.org 212-774-6166

ADMINISTRATION The school administrators are available to facilitate communication, assist you as parents during your son’s or daughter’s middle school years, and to enhance the quality of your child’s educational experience in the Middle School. Ms. Ruth Gafni Head of Nursery Grade 8 gafnir@ramaz.org 212-774-5892

Ms. Jennifer Bernstein Head of Middle School bernstej@ramaz.org 212-774-8044

Rabbi Chaim Hagler Assistant Head of Middle School haglerc@ramaz.org 212-774-8057

OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF SCHOOL The head of school is always pleased to hear from students and parents. Emails are always welcome and if you prefer an in-person meeting, please contact Michelle Daniels. Jonathan Cannon Head of School cannonj@ramaz.org 212-774-8043


Michelle Daniels Executive Assistant to the Head of School danielsm@ramaz.org 212-774-8064

FACULTY DIRECTORY If you have a question about any of your child’s courses, feel free to reach out to the appropriate faculty member. Berliner, Atara Dr. Director of Guidance and Learning Center Ext. 8047

Dweck, Sandy Ms. Student Activities Coordinator 6128

Bellaiche, Julie Ms. French Grade 7 7041

Eisenberg, Mendy Rabbi Laniado, Meyer Rabbi Advisor Grade 8 Chumash Grade 7, 5640 Navi Grade 8 6122 Lerner, Nachum Mr. Learning Center Fein, Rena Ms. Specialist (Grades 5-8) Girls PE 6148 6253

Bernstein, Jennifer Ms. Head of Middle School 8044 Bijari, Jessica Ms. English (Grade 7), Writing Skills (Grade 7) Brown, Tova Ms. Math/Advisor Grade 5 6273 Candel, Matthew Mr. Athletic Coordinator 6101 Carr, Devorah Ms. Learning Center Specialist – Judaic Studies/Chumash Skills Grade 5 6123 Caudle, Alexis Ms. Technology 5/STEM 7&8 6142 Costello, Max Ms. English Grade 5/ Learning Specialist 6127 Csillag, Laura Ms. Learning Center Specialist – Judaic/ Navi Skills/Advisor Grade 5 6277 Drazin, Miriam Ms. Learning Center Specialist - General 6627

Gantz Wexler, Kim Ms. Grade Coordinator 5-6, Public Speaking Grades 5, 7, 8 8059 Graham, Josef Dr. Math Department Coordinator (Grades 5-8) 6279 Hadas, Smadar Ms. Hebrew (Grades 5-8) 6147 Hagler, Chaim Rabbi Assistant Head Of Middle School/ Talmud Grade 7 8057 Halsall, Loren Mr. History Grades 6&7 6170 Hunter, Beverly Ms. Administrative Assistant 6166 Kerbel, Judah Rabbi. Judaic Studies 6213 Kim, Danielle Ms. Math Grades 5-8 6121

Krop, Melissa Ms. Math Grades 5 & 6/ Math LC 6146

Levy, Yisroel Rabbi Navi – Grade 6/ Halachah Grade 7/ Talmud – Grade 7-8/ Tefillah Coordinator 6141 Levy-Cohen, Rinat Science (Grades 5 & 6) 6137 Litwin, Danielle Ms. Navi – Grades 5, 7 6144 Minzer, Hana Ms. LC Specialist - Judaics/ Advisor Grade 8/ History Grade 5 6262 Mizrahi, Benjamin Mr. Math Grades 5 & 6/ Chumash Skills Grade 7 6234 Naftali, Galit Ms. Chumash Grades 6, 8/ Women’s Tefillah Coordinator/Advisor Grade 6 6626 Nawrocki, Orit Ms. Hebrew Department Chair 6155 Newman, Scott Mr. Math (Grades 7 & 8) 6266

Phillips, Ellen Ms. Assistant Librarian 6231

Somogyi, Rebecca Ms. Science Lab Assistant 6140

Reisman, Beth Ms. Art /Advisor Grade 8/ Advisor Coordinator Grades 7-8 6220

Stern, Frances Ms. Math 6267

Rose, Judith Ms. School Nurse & Nurse Coordinator 8046 Rosenkrantz, Dassi Ms. Music (Grades 5-8 and Middle School Chorus) 6111 Ross, Tzipora Ms. Judaic Studies Coordinator/Jewish History Grade 8/ Talmud Grade 8 6114 Salem, Jeanette Ms. Office Manager 6167 Schwarz, Ruth Ms. Chumash Grade 5/ Parasha Grade 5/ Advisor Grade 5 6143 Sigal, Ribak Ms. Hebrew (Grades 5, 6 & 8) 6136 Sollors, Ibby Ms. English Coordinator/ English Grades 7-8/ Advisor Grade 7 6163 Sommer, Pesach Rabbi Mishnah/Gemara/ Halacha Grades 6-8/ Parasha Grade 6/ Advisor Grade 7 6125

Sukhonos, Natalya Ms. Spanish (Grades 7 and 8) 6625 Swisa, Ilana Hebrew Grades 5-8 6145 Teger, Emma Ms. English Grade 6/ Advisor Grade 5/ Writing Skill Grade 8 Turtil, Emily Ms. Learning Specialist Grade 5 6230 Untch, Amy Ms. English Grade 5/ Math Grade 7 6127 Wachs, Noreen Ms. Head Librarian 6232 Weinstock, Elie Rabbi Grade 6 Parasha 5636 Weisinger, Akiva Rabbi Navi Grade 7 6250 Weissman, Elizabeth Ms. Science Department Coordinator/ Science – Grades 7-8/Advisor Grade 8 6224

The Rabbi Haskel Lookstein Middle School of Ramaz in the Benjamin & Esther Gottesman Educational Center 114 East 85th Street, New York, NY 10028 212-774-8040 www.ramaz.org

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