Ramaz Music Curriculum Timeline 2024-2025
1st Grade Review K concepts
Students will perform action songs and practice in-tune singing. Through movement and listening, students will review steady beat, same/different, and fast/slow.
Utilizing iconic notation and audiation, students will practice and perform, alone and with others, the difference between beat and rhythm.
Students will be presented with their first two solfege syllables and learn to use the Curwen hand signs a ong with their singing.
Thanksgiving/ Chanukah
New and review repertoire will be sung a one and with others, to ce ebrate our ho idays. Literature will be incorporated to connect to the new so and mi solfege patterns
2nd Grade Review Grade 1 concepts
Review so and mi, la, ti ti, quarter rest, begin practicing so,mi la through song, listening, musical play, playing instruments, alone and with others.
Wild Symphony
Begin multi-month exploration of instruments utilizing Dan Browns picturebook, Wild Symphony with accompanying listening selections.
First graders will learn repertoire connected with prayer and also learn new tunes for familiar prayers. Children will learn about singing posture, performance etiquette, and first and second endings, as they prepare for their celebration
Students culminate their learning through a performance assessment via their Chumash celebration
Second graders will learn repertoire connected with torah.
Veteran’s Day/Thanksgiving
New and review repertoire will be sung alone and with others, to celebrate our holidays. Literature and thematic rhymes will be utilized to practice melodic and rhythmic concepts.
Children will learn about singing posture, performance etiquette and creative movement, as they prepare for their milestone event. Students culminate their learning through a performance assessment via their Chumash celebration
Tu B’shevat
Sing songs communally and learn to connect the content of the song to the theme of the holiday
Half note Sing, move to,, play songs that feature half note patterns
Tie and Half rest
Student musicians will create, perform, and respond to repertoire featuring half notes, ties, and half rest.
Learn ho iday repertoire, review known unison songs that connect with Purim
High/Low Decipher between high and low music through kinesthetic exploration, aural listening games, and iconic notation
Sing songs communally and learn to connect content of songs to the holiday Quarter.
Eighth notes
Visually aurally recognize ta and ti ti, play on non-pitched percussion instruments,and body percussion
Learn new holiday repertoire. Review unison songs that connect with Purim
Read songs on the staff with do, read exercises with so-mi-do, and transcribe staff notation. Create melodic patterns via improvisation activities.
Sing songs communally and learn to connect the content of the song to the theme of the holiday 4-beat and 2-beat Meter
Sing songs, play games in four beat meter, clap four beat ostinati whi e singing, and write patterns utilizing bar ines.
Sing and respond to songs that celebrate Israel
Quarter rest
Quarter rest presented, practiced through iterature, musica play, new vocal repertoire, istening examp es
Students will sing, play instruments, and respond to songs that celebrate Israel.
Musicians will echo and improvise melodic motives with this
Learn the new Curwen hand sign for la and incorporate it into solfege singing patterns, musical games, and singing new songs
6/8 Meter
Second graders will play instruments, singing games, and practice ostinati in the new 6/8 meter.
3rd Grade Review grade 2 concepts
Third grade students will review half notes and rests, so-mi-do, 4 and 2 beat meter, so-do, and 6/8 meter through song, listening, musical play, and playing instruments, alone and with others
The Orchestra Students will learn about instrument families and timbral differences between instruments of the orchestra
Dotted half note
Third graders will sing, move to, and play songs with dotted half note patterns
4th Grade Review Grade 3 concepts
Students will review the music staff, orchestra instruments, scale, and third grade rhythm patterns.
Mallet Madness
Students will engage in an Orff unit utilizing Artie Almeidas repertoire as a resource to play melodies and rhymes connected to known rhythms
Fourth graders will learn treble clef note names in preparation for their recorder unit later in the year via musical play
The Orchestra Students will learn about instrument families and timbral differences between instruments of the orchestra
Thanksgiving/ Chanukah
New and review holiday repertoire will be sung alone and with others, Literature and thematic rhymes will be utilized to practice melodic and rhythmic concepts.
Veteran’s Day/ Thanksgiving
New and review holiday repertoire will be sung alone and with others, to celebrate our holidays. Literature and thematic rhymes will be utilized to practice melodic and rhythmic concepts
Orchestra/Lincoln Center Young People’s Concert Curriculum
Study repertoire to prepare for their annual trip to hear the renowned orchestra
Shabbat Shira
Students will learn repertoire associated with Shabbat to prepare for their milestone celebration
Sixteenth notes
Students will sing, move to, and play songs with sixteenth note rhythm patterns
Children will learn to recognize known rhythmic patterns on the music staff
Learn new holiday repertoire, review songs that connect with Purim
New and review holiday repertoire will be sung alone and with others, to celebrate our holidays. Students will play familiar melodies on Orff instruments
3 Beat Meter
Fourth graders will learn to sing, play, listen to, and create rhythmic patterns in a three beat meter
Link Up
Students will engage in a curriculum of singing, movement, listening, and playing recorder that aligns with Carnegie Hall theme
Link Up
Students will engage in a curriculum of singing, movement, listening, and playing recorder that aligns with Carnegie Hall theme
Sing songs communally, learn to connect the content of the song to the theme of the holiday
Whole note
Third graders will sing, move to, and play songs with whole note rhythm patterns
Whole rest
Third graders will sing, move to, and play songs with whole note and rest rhythm patterns
Sing songs communally, learn to connect content of song to the theme of the holiday
Scale and Pentatonic scale
Students will learn about the whole and half steps in the scale and the pentatonic scale
Fourth graders will learn new vocal repertoire surrounding a Jewish theme in preparation for then end of year milestone celebration
Link Up
Students will engage in a curriculum of singing, movement, listening, and playing recorder that aligns with Carnegie Hall theme