Ramaz Upper School: 2013-14 Brochure

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Located in the heart of New York City, Ramaz is a co-educational, Modern Orthodox Day School with a rich history of Jewish education and academic distinction. Our environment is deeply rooted in nurturing the individual abilities, passions and aspirations of our students. Founded in 1937, we are known for academic excellence and innovation, combining Judaic and general studies in a very modern way. Today, students’ lives continue to be anchored in the teaching of Torah as well as enriched by a love for Israel; exceptional, devoted faculty; the cultural resources of Manhattan; and a profound, spirited sense of responsibility to the world. To be a student at Ramaz is to be given support and encouragement to discover the best in yourself and in others. It’s to respect tradition, and at the same time, question the status quo. Here, Jewish scholarship and spirituality meet western culture and American values. Co-curricular activities, the arts, athletics and community service are central in your everyday life. Inclusivity is not just a lesson, it’s a core value. Ramaz is a school from nursery through twelfth grade. What you learn here will guide you for the rest of your life. UPPER SCHOOL


THE RAMAZ MISSION You’ve heard of our school, but do you really know what we’re about? At Ramaz, we are committed to performing our best inside and outside of the classroom.

Ramaz is more than a place of learning. It’s where those who study the world prepare to one day change it for the better. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders.

OUR MISSION As a co-educational, Modern Orthodox Day School, Ramaz strives to educate students toward the following goals: • A commitment to menschlichkeit, reflecting fineness of character, respect for others, integrity, and the centrality of chesed in all its manifestations. • A commitment to Torah, mitzvot, Ahavat Yisrael, and love and support for the State of Israel. • A commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual rigor, scholarship, and a life-long love of learning. • Loyalty and gratitude to the United States of America, and the democratic traditions and values of our country. • A sense of responsibility for the Jewish people and all humankind.


ACADEMIC PROGRAM TEFILAH Every morning at Ramaz, we begin with davening. Each afternoon, classes stop for mincha. Each grade has its own minyan and we have a Sephardic minyan and a Women’s Tefilah group.

In the spring, seniors create an individualized program including: mini-courses, chesed opportunities and internships. 5


Ramaz provides a rigorous academic program that includes both Judaic and general studies classes mixed throughout the school day. No matter what challenge you face, our guidance team and learning center are here to support your social, emotional and academic needs. Our different academic departments include:

ENGLISH English focuses on the composition process, grammar, poetry, novels and short stories, and fosters a love and appreciation of good literature. HEBREW Students expand upon their knowledge of vocabulary and LANGUAGE grammar through authentic Hebrew texts, audio and visual materials, newspapers, current events, Israeli media and culture. Hebrew is organized by level of ability. HISTORY Freshmen and sophomores learn about World /Jewish History, understanding the unique relationship between Jews and the modern world, while juniors learn American History. Seniors choose from a variety of electives. UPPER SCHOOL


JUDAIC Through traditional and contemporary texts, students learn STUDIES more about what it means to have a Jewish identity. Discussions foster an understanding of, and appreciation for, halacha and Jewish thought in the life of a Modern Orthodox Jew. MATH Classes are small for individualized attention and at least three levels are offered in each grade (honors, accelerated and grade level). Opportunities are available for exceptionally gifted mathematicians. PHYSICAL Students learn the rules and gain the skills to participate in EDUCATION a variety of sports, including volleyball, FrisbeeŽ, basketball, baseball, hockey and more. SCIENCE Students study the three basic science disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics, and then progress to more specialized courses as they advance through school. Courses are tracked to accommodate each student’s level. TALMUD In Talmud classes, boys and girls acquire knowledge and textual literacy. The curriculum stresses critical thinking and rigorous analysis. Classes are organized by level of ability, yet to create a unified community of scholars, each year the whole school learns the same masechet.


TANAKH The primary goals of the Tanakh department are to instill in our ( B IBLICAL students a love of Torah and to strengthen their belief in God. As STUDIES) teachers cultivate the students appreciation for mitzvot, they instill in them a love of Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael. Students are educated in the yearly, recurring cycle of the Torah as they explore the Biblical narrative and experience the complexity and depth of RAMA our Z tradition.


FACULTY Our faculty are experts and leaders in their fields of study. More important, they are advisors and mentors who are as passionate about teaching as they are about ensuring each student exceeds his or her own expectations. Out of 79 faculty members, 17 have Ph.Ds, 17 have rabbinical ordination, and 39 have master’s degrees. Many of our faculty are accomplished in the classroom and beyond, publishing works in Judaic studies, academia, poetry and fiction. Our teachers are early adopters of every technological tool that enhances teaching and communication. 7



LUNCH Lunch period can mean something different to each student. Some may sit and enjoy a hot meal and salad with friends; others may attend clubs or make a Bikur Cholim visit at Lenox Hill Hospital. Whatever your preference, this time serves as an important break in the day.




CHESED GROWING STRONG BY GIVING BACK Chesed defines our culture and is inherent in all we do. At Ramaz, we’ve created a host of projects that allow the entire school to constantly contribute to worthwhile causes. Students also have the opportunity to embark on more independent and long-term projects stemming from their varied interests. Some of our projects include: • During Purim, students cheer up patients at local hospitals, hosting a pre-megillah Purim party and reading them the megillah. • Students regularly wrap leftover lunches for City Harvest and pack gift bags for American and Israeli soldiers. •T hrough A Package from Home, students adopt a border patrol combat unit, forming a special relationship with the chayalim in that unit.

Chesed Day is an annual day of service held every fall. Past projects have included delivering Sukkot packages to senior citizens and helping with Hurricane Sandy repair and rebuilding. UPPER SCHOOL


NEW YORK CITY LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! New York City is as much a part of our classroom as any subject we study. As a Ramaz student, you’ll have the unparalleled opportunity to meet and speak with world-class leaders in politics, the arts, sports, business and academia. Just steps from beautiful Central Park (where students go for track and other school activities) and Museum Mile (discovering new worlds without the travel time!), there are so many ways you’ll benefit from being here. Our students commute from lots of places, but everyone who goes to Ramaz is a true New Yorker with easy access to all the city has to offer. Here are just some ways Ramaz students have learned “Big” in the “Apple.” 10

Many classes use Central Park in their “field work.” From using tree shadows to learn about trigonometry, to understanding how NYC was formed, Central Park is literally and figuratively our backyard!

The twelfth grade Israeli Media class attended the JCC for The Other Israel Film Festival, which presents dramatic and documentary films, as well as engaging panels about history, culture and identity.

Every year, the ninth grade Honors Biology class visits the DNA Learning Center in Harlem where they perform laboratory experiments with cutting-edge technology in the field of DNA research.

The Honors Hebrew class saw a performance of Not By Bread Alone by the Nalaga’at Theater, the world’s only professional deaf-blind ensemble. As bread was kneaded, formed and baked on stage, the storytellers conveyed their memories and dreams. On Yom HaShoah, the eleventh grade traveled to the Museum of Jewish Heritage to see artifacts from the Holocaust. At the Museum, they were led by survivors who shared their personal stories.

The Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar visited the new Islamic wing at the Met for a guided tour, followed by a lecture on Jewish life in Islamic Spain, by Professor Jane Gerber of the CUNY Graduate Center.

Bad Apple, the senior elective class on the history of NYC, took a walking tour of the Bowery and surrounding areas.

The entire ninth grade went to see the exhibit Dead Sea Scrolls: Life and Faith in Biblical Times. The day included a lecture by Professor Lawrence Schiffman, world-renowned expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and tours given by Yeshiva University students.

In the spring, students enrolled in t he Take Me Out to the Ballgame class traveled to Citifield for a Mets game. The course focuses on how the American economy and culture influenced the evolution of baseball. UPPER UPPER SCHOOL SCHOOL


CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Our co-curricular programs are all about helping you express yourself and develop your interests and passions. With over 72 clubs, you’re bound to find the community that’s just right for you, but if you don’t, start a club of your own! There’s nothing like pursuing your interests with others who share them because the most rewarding steps are those we take together.



STUDENT GOVERNMENT Executive Council Class Presidents

COMPETITIONS & TEAMS Chess Club Chidon HaTanakh College Bowl COMMITTEES Debate Team AIPAC-Israel Advocacy The George Jacobs Chesed Mock Trial Program Coalition for the Homeless Math Team Human Rights Club/ Model Congress STAND: A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition Model UN Torah Bowl Israel Affairs Committee Tzedakah

FINE & PERFORMING ARTS Art Club Art through Experience Band Chamber Choir Choir Creative Tones Dance Drumaz Graphic Arts Club Guitar Ensemble Lighting Club Music Production Course Percussion Ensemble Photography Club Stage Crew

Theatre Video Club WRMZ Radio

Historical Simulations Club Kosher City Harvest Mandarin Club Midnight Run SPECIAL INTERESTS Mythology Club Arabic Club Physics Club Asian Club Politics & Foreign Bekiut Policy Club Bridge Programming Club Business Investment Club Sexual Identity Cooking Club in Society Driver Education Students Against Engineering Club Destructive Decisions Environmental Club PUBLICATIONS Graphic Storytelling Club Breakthrough Hiking Club El Ramillete

Our Israel/ Israel Affairs Club Likrat Shabbat MegaRAM Parallax Ramblings Rambunctions raMEDz RamPage Sports Report Tarte aux Pommes Toses Xevex Yearbook

The Ramaz Choir has produced 8 CDs to critical acclaim and has participated in countless song festivals and music competitions.

Our Science Research Program prepares students for national science competitions, including the Intel Program!

Parallax, our literary magazine, has been awarded the Gold Crown Award — the highest accolade from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association — since 1998. 13


ATHLETICS GO RAMS! Ramaz has got game! Just ask any student, teacher, or our (super-fan) principal. Yes, it’s safe to say we’re a competitive bunch. And when we play, we mean it. So, whether you’re on one of our many teams, or cheering wildly from the sidelines, you’ll know what it is to be a true-blue (and yellow) Ram! Most teams are members of the Yeshiva Athletic League, which represents many of the Yeshiva Day Schools throughout the New York area. We play in exhibition games against schools in both the Yeshiva Day School and Independent School communities.



FALL Girls Junior Varsity & Varsity Basketball Boys Junior Varsity & Varsity Basketball Girls Junior Varsity & Varsity Volleyball Boys Junior Varsity & Varsity Hockey Girls & Boys Track

SPRING Boys Baseball Girls Softball Boys Softball Girls Tennis Boys Tennis Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Hockey Boys Volleyball

In the last 6 years, 18 teams have won league championships.



INTRAMURALS Announcements and sign-up for intramural sports take place in March. Intramurals are offered in basketball, hockey, table tennis and swimming.




SPECIAL EVENTS and Yom Haatzmaut — or as we call them, LIVING THE LESSONS “The Yoms.” Over just eight days, in quick At Ramaz, we believe in the power of succession, we remember, we mourn, we learning by doing. Many of our special programs complement classroom learning. honor and we celebrate. Our students are given the opportunity CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS to see the world they will one day change. Ramaz’s annual end-of-year visual, literary and performing arts evening SHABBATONIM spotlights the breadth of talent among Each grade goes on a Shabbaton where our student body. The entire building students have an opportunity to bond comes alive with paintings, drawings with their friends and strengthen their and photography, while the relationships with teachers. evening showcase features CELEBRATING THE YOMS original student music, Each spring we take an emotional journey choreography and poetry — through modern Jewish history as we with performances from sonatas, observe Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron, to dramatic monologues, to rock & roll. UPPER SCHOOL


SPECIAL EVENTS BOOK DAY Book Day is an exciting learning opportunity for the entire school. Students and faculty are given the same book to read prior to the event, then on the day, all regular classes are replaced with special electives that allow students to learn about the theme of the book in different ways. For example, when the book selected was Q&A, by Vikas Swarup, students learned about Indian cuisine from a chef-led cooking demonstration, were taught Bollywood dances and experienced Jewish life in India via a documentary film. When the day is done, every student has experienced something new about a culture they may have known little about.


STUDENT-LED BATTLE OF THE GRADES Every year, we take time out from regular classes for the highly anticipated Battle of the Grades. Students compete in varied challenges and find talents they might not have known they had (can you taste the difference between Hershey’s and Mikupelet chocolate?). The energy in the building is electric, and after two days of competition, a winning grade is crowned. But make no mistake, when it comes to fun and class pride, everyone is a winner!

SENIOR HERITAGE TRIP TO POLAND AND ISRAEL This is the culmination of a Ramaz student’s academic and spiritual journey. This two-week trip gives students deeply-intimate insights into all that was lost in the Holocaust — and all that was found with the rebirth of the State of Israel. Students are connected to their religion, their families and classmates, and afforded a world perspective that shapes them for the rest of their lives.




Graduating from Ramaz, our students are uniquely prepared for the rigors of a college education and all the opportunities it provides. Our College Advisement and Israel Guidance offices are expertly COLLEGES Babson

George Washington



Boston University

Johns Hopkins







CUNY – Baruch


CUNY – Macaulay Honors (Hunter)


CUNY – Queens Dartmouth Emory

Rutgers SUNY Binghamton University of Chicago University of Maryland

One hundred percent of Ramaz students attend a four-year college or Israel program. 20

University of Massachusetts University of Miami University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of Wisconsin Washington University Yale Yeshiva University/ Stern College Yeshiva University/ Yeshiva College

Ramaz was the first to develop a YU/Kollel Fellowship allowing our students to learn together with students from RIETS and Stern College for Women.

staffed and offer comprehensive advice and support to parents and students regarding post-Ramaz aspirations. Recently, Ramaz graduates have enrolled in the following colleges and Israel programs: ISRAEL PROGRAMS Aish Machal

Midreshet Yeud

Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


Migdal Oz

Yeshivat Maaleh Gilboa

Bezalel Art School


Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh

Ein HaNatziv


Yeshivat Orayta

Emuna Ve’Omanut

Shaalvim for Women

Israel Experience at BIU


Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim



Machon Maayan


Midreshet Harovah

Yeshivat Ashreinu

Midreshet Lindenbaum

Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi

Midreshet Moriah

Yeshivat HaKotel

Midreshet Torah V’Chesed

Yeshivat Har Etzion

In over 76 years, we have graduated more than 5,400 alumni. Many have chosen to make aliyah and live in Israel!

Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Zion Yeshivat Torat Shraga Yeshivat Yesodei Hatorah

A RAMAZ CONNECTION IS FOREVER. Ramaz is here for you, from the moment you enter our building as a freshman, to long after you receive your high school diploma. We’re here to share in your joy as your family grows; here as you realize your goals and dreams; and here with a network of resources and support whenever and however you need us.

Three Ramaz graduates have clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justices. UPPER UPPER SCHOOL SCHOOL


YOUR WORLD IS WAITING AT RAMAZ. Be a part of our journey of learning, growth and friendship. We look forward to meeting you soon and guiding you through some of the most important — and best — years of your life!


Rabbi Haskel Lookstein ’49, Principal Rabbi Eric Grossman, Head of School Dr. Roberta Solar, Assistant Head of School Mr. Ira Miller, Dean, Upper School Rabbi Shlomo Stochel, Associate Dean, Upper School Dr. Renee Koplon, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Upper School Ms. Randy Krevat, Director of Admissions Mr. Kenneth Rochlin ’86, Director of Institutional Advancement



Ramaz admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. RAMA Z

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