The Rampost
Rampo’s Offical Paper Volume 1 No. 2
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
G.O.P. Expands Influence in City Council ALEX OTTENSOSER ’24 In an unusual turn of events, Ari Kagan, who was elected as a Democrat to the 47th District of the New York City Council in November 2021, announced that he switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. Ari Kagan represents Bensonhurst, Coney Island, Gravesend, and Sea Gate. While this likely won’t have a meaningful impact given the council’s predominantly Democrat makeup, it does reflect unease among more moderate voters with the Democratic Party’s more left-leaning policies. The city council is primarily responsible for introducing and voting on legislation (proposed laws) having to do with all aspects of city life. That includes negotiating the city’s budget with the Mayor, approving its adoption, and monitoring agencies such as the Department of Education and the NYPD to make sure they’re effectively serving New Yorkers. When asked why he switched parties, Mr. Kagan explained “It’s not
me leaving the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party started to leave me. . .The Democratic Party in New York was moving to [the] left at such a speed I couldn’t keep up.” In par-
ticular Kagan has been increasingly frustrated with the council’s inability to support the police force in their efforts to be tough on crime. Some of Kagan’s critics believe that his switch in party affiliation has more to do with political maneuvering than ideology. They claim that Kagan is preparing for the 2024 election cycle and recognizing the slow drift of his constituents to the Republican party. Kathy Hochul beat Lee Zeldin by the smallest majority in 30 years. Some are predicting this trend towards the center or even Re-
publicans will continue into the 2024 elections. And although New York City remains majority Democrat, Republicans have been gaining support. Additionally, many of Kagan’s constituents are Soviet-era Russian immigrants. Kagan himself emigrated from Belarus with his family to NYC in 1993. When they first arrived in the United States 50 years ago, they registered as Democrats. However, as a group, they have been slowly shifting toward Republican candidates because of the Republican stance on Israel and taxes. They are also wary of the more left-leaning “socialist” Democrats. “We’re talking about communities that came from dictatorships and they know how bad socialism is. Socialism is really something close to a curse word,” Brook-Krasny, a former Democrat who switched parties in February 2022, said. “Candidates ran on the idea of fighting socialism and that there is a possibility we’ll be living in a socialist city.”
Inside this Issue... National 1 - 6 Dangerous Effects of Train Derailment in Ohio A train carrying at least 100,000 gallons of carcinogens (substances capable of causing cancer) derailed in East Palestine, a town of approximately 4,700 people in Ohio. (Page 3)
Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Student debt in America currently is at an all time high. Collectively, students in America owe 1.76 trillion dollars in debt. (Page 5)
International 6 - 9 I Spy With My Little Eye The discovery of a Chinese spy balloon hovering over California has sparked widespread concern among the American public, leaving many feeling uneasy and violated. (Page 6)
Peru’s Political Crisis On October 8th 2020, Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra was removed from office by the Peruvian Congress, the latest in a string of failed Chief Executives in a country long plagued by political corruption. (Page 7)
Opionion 9 - 12 Reproductive Freedom From the dawn of time (or at least the early 20th century) there has been a ferocious debate as to whether or not abortion should be legal. (Page 9)
Bidens Chances In 2024
Following President Biden’s chaotic and controversial 2020 election and the many global events that have since taken place, the election of 2024 is a topic of ceaseless discussion amongst Americans. (Page 11)
National 2
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
The End of Extra Food Stamp Benefits for Low-income Families LILY FREILICH ’25 With the end of the pandemic comes the end of the many things it implemented as a result, that now seem routine. One of the policies put into place during the shutdown increased the number of benefits a low-income family receives. The goal of the legislation was to soften the economic blow that COVID-19 caused by allowing every family part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), regardless of income, to receive the maximum amount of food stamp benefits. This protocol stabilized the issue of limited nutritional and safe foods for families, helping to bring poverty to an all time low. Throughout the spread of the coronavirus, every participant received an average of $251 a month. Effective March, this benefit will sink to $82 and for some to a shocking $23 a month, which will be painful as the highest inflation in decades drives up the prices of goods; these pandem-
ic-era programs that impacted more than 30 million people, are coming to an end . While the number of benefits are decreasing, the Biden administration drove permanent increases that
will be down a significant amount of groceries per week and considering any additional costs they face, families will struggle to put food on their tables. The impoverished and unfortunate are stuck in a violent cycle. With the constant increase in the price of groceries, shelter, and energy more people are flocking to food banks. The food banks are each spending more than two million dollars every month, struggling to satisfy their demands. Professionals warn that the effects of changing the pandemic policy can result in “‘$3 billion dollars in food purchases diswill still leave the benefits 25% higher appearing from the American econthan they were prior to the pandemic. omy (Vince Hall, Chief Government While the policy kept the number of Relations Officer at Feeding Amerimalnourished people from growing, ca)’ every month.” As more policies it did not decrease that rate, causing are being terminated, and the amount people to question its effectiveness. of empty food banks is increasing, At the same time, once the policy was a rise in hunger for many families is removed its recipients suffered its det- inevitable. rimental impact; it was not a seamless transition for many families. Most
I Spy With My Little Eye LIAM GOMBERG ’24 The discovery of a Chinese spy balloon hovering over California has sparked widespread concern among the American public, leaving many feeling uneasy and violated. Between January 28th and February 4th, the balloon crossed numerous miles of land, including a highly important military installation in California. This incident has raised concerns not only about the intentions of the Chinese government, but it has also sparked a debate about the use of advanced technology in modern espionage. As the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in spying activities
becomes increasingly prevalent, national security and the safety of American citizens have become a pressing concern. In recent years, drone sightings have gone up nearly 600% in locations that house advanced military technology, and in the last year alone, there have been over 2,000 documented drone-related incidents. This escalation in UAV usage for surveillance purposes has made many Americans question what other spying activities the Chinese government has been conducting, and whether their intentions are truly peaceful. The idea of being monitored and spied upon by a foreign government is a direct infringement on
the privacy and sovereignty of the United States. Citizens and officials alike are demanding that the government take swift action to prevent further Chinese spying attempts. The government must take measures to protect American citizens from these invasive and harmful activities. The implications of foreign espionage are far-reaching, as they threaten not only the security of American citizens but also the integrity of the nation as a whole. The Chinese government’s denial of any involvement in the spy balloon incident has done little to quell the anger and concern of the Continued on page 3
March 2023
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
I Spy With My Little Eye
The Rampost
Rampo’s Official Paper
Raymond ashkenazie ‘24 Sam Ostad ‘23 LAYOUT EDITOR
Aviva Schilowitz ’24 National Contributors Lila Ellman ’22 Noa Essner ‘25 Lily Freilich ‘25 Liam Gomberg ‘24 Evie rosenfeld ‘24 Alex ottensoser ‘24 Julius zimbler ‘24 International Contributors
Zachary Kochin ‘25 Phillip David Meadows ‘26 Keren teichner ‘25 Opinion Contributors
Leo Eigen ‘25 Noa Essner ‘25 Zachary Kochin ‘25 Alex ottensoser ‘24 Faculty Advisor
Mr. David Deutsch
National 3
Continued from page 2 American public. Many believe that this is just another attempt by China to shift the blame and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This incident has not only highlighted the growing tensions between the United States and China but has also raised questions about the ethics and legality of using advanced technology in espionage. While some argue that such technology is necessary for national security, others believe that the
use of UAVs is a violation of international law and a threat to global stability. This debate is not new, and the question of
whether advanced technology should be used in intelligence gathering is an ongoing issue. Nevertheless, the discovery of the Chinese spy balloon in California has further fuelled the controversy and underscored the urgent need
for greater transparency and collaboration among governments to prevent any further spying activities. The discovery of the Chinese spy balloon is a wakeup call for not only Americans but also the international community. The incident underscores the need for greater attention to be paid to the issue of foreign espionage and highlights the need for more significant efforts to prevent future occurrences. Only through effective collaboration and transparency can we maintain global stability and security.
Dangerous Effects of Train Derailment in Ohio LILA ELLMAN ’23 A train carrying at least 100,000 gallons of carcinogens (substances capable of causing cancer) derailed in East Palestine, a town of approximately 4,700 people in Ohio. The crash was likely caused by mechanical issues with a faulty wheel bearing on one rail car, and it caused the dissemination of contaminating substances into the air, surface soil, and surface water, due to 11 derailed cars carrying toxic substances catching fire. In addition, officials proceeded with a controlled burning of some cars containing these deadly chemicals. Scott Deutsch of Norfolk Southern Railroad explained, “If we don’t do that (control the burning), the car could continue to polymerize and the entire car could break apart. We can’t control where that goes, so that’s the reason
for doing this, get moving on this is that we don’t have to run into letting the car do it itself.” The toxic substances spilled and burned included: vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate, and ethylene glycol monobutyl ethers. Residents were told to evacuate during this time, as exposure to these substances could cause one to experience short-term difficulty breathing, skin irritation, headaches, and vomiting, with the potential for more dangerous long-term effects. These chemicals could pose many risks to the people of East Palestine, despite State and federal officials having repeatedly reported that they have yet to detect dangerous levels of chemicals in the air or in municipal water. Local residents have reported burning and itchy eyes, sore throat, rash, and migraines, and 3,500 fish having allegedly died in local
waterways. Presently, officials have not been able to explain why residents are still reporting ailments. The residents of East Palestine still feel unsafe, as they have a constant fear of breathing the air, drinking the water, or even letting their children play outside. Confusing and seemingly shifting messages from government and railroad officials have frayed the local trust, which was already thin in a town battered by decades of mill and plant closures. Right now, the biggest concerns of residents are the long term effects of the toxic chemicals, as a more extensive investigation and a longer period of time are necessary to fully comprehend the ramifications of the accident.
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
Biden’s New Border Policy NOA ESSNER 25’ In the U.S.-Mexico border, CNN states that “Encounters along the US-Mexico border currently range between 6,000 to 7,000 a day.” Regulating the population has long been a priority of the United States federal government. This is made plain by the roughly 15% of
proaching a record high, a major concern for a number of reasons. Right now, the de jure border policy grants protection to immigrants seeking safe haven from oppression in their home country, regardless of whether or not they entered the U.S. legally. Though the subject and ethics of immigration remain highly controversial, there are several notable benefits
posed policy is harsher than they would have preferred, from a purely economic and political standpoint, it does ultimately benefit the U.S. Long-term, should Biden’s border policy take effect, it will dramatically decrease the number of immigrants entering the U.S. per year. 2021 already saw a nearly record decrease in U.S.
American citizenship that belongs to immigrants according to the Pew Research center, 13.7% of the U.S. population is comprised of immigrants. By comparison, this number was only 4.8% in 1970. Both federal and state governments alike are concerned the ongoing rise in population will negatively impact the nation’s economy. To address this, in mid-February 2023, President Biden announced plans to implement a stringent new border policy that will further regulate immigration across certain U.S. borders, especially the Texas-Mexico border. The new policy states anyone, even refugees fleeing persecution, will face repercussions and quick deportation should they enter the United States illegally. The objective of this less-forgiving immigration policy is to ensure that unlawful migrants don’t enter the country, instead hopefully promoting legal immigration. This policy is intended to be temporary; if the policy takes effect, it won’t last more than two years. The number of immigrants illegally entering the U.S. is slowly ap-
to taking more decisive (though arguably harsher) action. Though the U.S. can accommodate an expanding population, there is a limit to how rapidly it can grow each year. In addition to straining taxpayer dollars to nearly 132 billion dollars annually, large numbers of illegal immigrants pose problems for those communities that need to cope with overcrowded schools, housing shortages, and other challenges. Furthermore, the rising population brought about by unregulated immigration proves very costly to federal and state governments. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, it also poses a national threat; once refugees can enter the United States without consequence or federal regulation, what’s to stop a potential terrorist from entering the U.S. the same way? Controlling illegal immigration thus also contributes to stronger national security. And such a strenuous burden on public funds should arguably be resolved through a new immigration policy. With all this in mind, though the Biden administration concedes their pro-
immigration to just over 8.7% according to EconoFact, and this number may very well decrease in 2023. Regardless of whether or not this proves beneficial to the United States, President Biden has limited the window of public discussion on the policy to only thirty days, as opposed to the usual precedent of sixty. Subsequent to this thirty-day period, Biden’s new policy is expected to be implemented on May 11 of this year, immediately replacing Trump’s policy. Upon speaking to the press, the Biden-Harris administration stated they would have preferred a less harsh reform to the status quo, but now leave Congress the responsibility of recognizing and implementing said change. Even so, with mixed responses thus far, Biden pushing for this policy could either make him a more or less appealing candidate in the upcoming 2024 election. Only time will tell whether or not this policy will affect the otherwise apparent stalemate amongst the candidates over popular support.
March 2023
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
National 5
Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan NOA ESSNER 25’ Student debt in America currently is at an all time high. Collectively, students in America owe 1.76 trillion dollars in debt. This is for a few reasons: rising tuition costs, increased enrollment, lack of state funding, limited scholarships, high interest rates, and more. This is affecting 1 in 5 Americans and having student debt lowers your credit score, lowers your net worth, and can even get you disqualified for a job(which you would need because of all the debt). Because this issue is affecting so many Americans, and it’s becoming an increasing problem, one of the main issues that the Biden Administration has chosen to make a plan about. Overall, Biden’s student loans plan aims to reduce the burden of student debt and make college more affordable for students and families and to make the program easier to navigate. Some Key points to his plan: Immediate Loan Forgiveness/Extending Repayment Pause: forgiving up to $10,000 in federal student loan debt for all borrowers as part of COVID-19 relief efforts. This would provide im-
mediate relief to the millions of Americans(43.5 million Americans to be exact) currently struggling with student loan debt. Public Service Loan Forgiveness: fixing the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which was designed to forgive the student loans of borrowers who have worked in public service for at least ten years. The program has been criticized for being too complex and difficult to navigate. Biden’s plan would simplify the program and ensure that borrowers receive the forgiveness they have earned. Income-Driven Repayment(more debt relief to low and middle class people): simplifying and improving income-driven repayment plans, which allow borrowers to repay their loans based on their income. His plan would cap monthly payments at 5% of discretionary income (income above 150% of the poverty level) and forgive the remaining debt after 20 years of payments so the debt doesn’t pile up to a point where it can never be paid off. Tuition-Free Public Colleges: public colleges and universities tuition-free for students whose families earn less than $125,000 per year. This would
help to reduce the need for students to take out loans in the first place. Bankruptcy Reform: reforming the bankruptcy code to allow borrowers to discharge their student loan debt in bankruptcy(currently, it is very difficult for borrowers to do this) There are many economic and political ramifications for this. Economically, the debt relief will cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Also, now maybe colleges will continue to increase tuition as more people seek a college education with this debt plan. Politically, implementing this plan would increase support for Biden and the Democrats. This also paints the Democratic Party as a party which values higher education, and reinforces the idea that people have that the Republican Party doesn’t want that education for more people; that they are fine with the current situation.
Debt Ceiling Debate JULIUS ZIMBLER ’ 24 The ongoing debates about the debt ceiling have brought the issue of government spending into the spotlight once again. The ceiling was first introduced in 1917 during World War One to provide the Treasury Department with the authority to borrow money to fund the war. Over time, the ceiling has been raised numerous times and is currently set at an astounding $31.4 trillion. According to the US Department of Treasury1, the definition of the ceiling is “the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare
benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments”. The debt ceiling has become a contentious issue in recent years in the United States with debates on whether to fix or abolish the problem altogether. The ceiling has become a political predicament with legislators using it as a bargaining chip in budget negotiations. In 2011, Republicans refused to raise the budget without significant spending cuts which caused the first-ever decline in the United States’ credit rating. The Republican Party is very adamant that if we were to raise the ceiling, it should be accompanied by significant spending cuts. The House Freedom Caucus indicates a drastic cut in federal
spending. Members of the conservative group stated that they would agree to raise the debt limit if several of President Biden’s legislative accomplishments are rolled back and strict limits on government spending are implemented. This demand goes well beyond what other House Republicans said they want. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is trying to scavenge for enough votes to raise the national borrowing limit. McCarthy never stated that he wants to pass a debt limit bill. When asked if he was planning to pass the bill he states “I expect to get a debt limit increase that changes our funding that gets through the House and the Senate,” It’s unknown
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The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
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March 2023
Debt Ceiling Debate
if McCarthy endorse’s the Caucus plan let alone find the votes to pass it under the slim Republican majority. On the other hand, Democrats argue that not only is raising the debt ceiling necessary to avoid a default on the country’s debt but if we don’t raise it, it will drastically affect the country’s economy. Treasury Secretary Jannet Yellen states that “In my assessment and those of economists across the board, a default on our debt would trigger an economic and financial catastrophe,” and that, “I
urge all members of Congress to come together to address the debt limit without conditions and without waiting until the last minute”. The stakes are high and everyone is at a standstill. Republican lawmakers accuse Democrats of overspending while Democrats accuse Republicans of playing political games with the country’s economic future. As the deadline for the ceiling increase draws closer, it is uncertain whether there will be a compromise. If a solution is not found, the outturn would be dire for the country’s economy and for millions of Americans
Fake News Fox EVIE ROSENFELD ’ 24 In the years following the 2020 election, the term “fake news” has become ubiquitous, as more and more individuals and organizations are accused of spreading false information through various media sources. Fox News is tangled in numerous defamation lawsuits. Both Smartmatic, an election and software technology company, and Dominion Voting Systems, a company that produces and sells hardware and software for electronic voting, have sued Fox news for defamation. For years leading up to 2020, Trump accused the mainstream, liberal media of ‘fake news.’ However, as a result of the lawsuits and mountains of evidence, the greatest perpetrator of ‘fake news’ was also Trump’s biggest supporter, Fox news. Dominion Voting Systems first issued their $1.6 billion suit on March 26, 2021. Dominion accuses Fox of spreading misinformation about the results of the 2020 election. In the complaint they claim that after the election the network’s viewers ran to other news outlets that encouraged the lie that the election was ‘rigged,’ causing Fox to lose viewers, and in response “Fox set out to lure viewers back including President Trump himself—by intentionally and falsely blaming Dominion for President Trump’s loss by rigging the election,” because it was good for business. The multiple reasons for the this lawsuit included several defamatory statements Fox made about dominion such
as “Fox falsely claiming that: (1) Dominion committed election fraud by rigging the 2020 Presidential Election; (2) Dominion’s software and algorithms manipulated vote counts in the 2020 Presidential Election; (3) Dominion is owned by a company founded in Venezuela to rig elections for the dictator Hugo Chávez; and (4) Dominion paid kickbacks to government officials who used its machines in the 2020 Presidential Election.” Additionally, Fox disregarded the truth and spread lies that had no evidence. As a result of this, Dominion says that their employees have been harassed, been sent death threats, and have economically suffered. Meanwhile, Smartmatic issued a similar lawsuit against fox. In the $2.7 billion suit against the network, some of their anchors, and Rudy Guiliani, it says, “Enough. Facts matter. Truth matters. Defendants engaged in a conspiracy to spread disinformation about Smartmatic. They lied. And they did so knowingly and intentionally. Smartmatic seeks to hold them accountable for those lies and for the damage that their lies have caused.” They claim that Fox News and the other defendants have made more than 100 false statements, consciously, about their participation in the election. These suits try to prove that network’s executives, anchors and hosts continued to endorse the election conspiracy theories and fraud, while not actually believing these ideas. Fox News has supported the network’s actions. Furthermore, they
accused Dominion of “distortions, misinformation and misattributing quotes as part of an attempt to ‘smear Fox News and trample on free speech and freedom of the press.’” Fox’s defense to these allegations is that they are protected by a broad First Amendment and that they were “reporting and commenting on a matter of undeniable newsworthiness.” Both companies have to prove that the Fox executives, hosts, or guests knew what was said was false and continued with it anyway, or that Fox was failing to check the accuracy of their stories; however, most defamation cases fail, these have strong, supporting evidence. However, the lawsuit is already producing fairly damning evidence against Fox. For example, in texts from Tucker Carlson, he shows contempt for Trump and skepticism about the claims of fraud, “The whole thing seems insane to me.” This is completely contradictory to the ploys of election fraud he was promoting. Furthermore, Fox lawyers considerably redacted the documents, texts, emails, and conversations, leaving much of the evidence against them hidden from the public eye. As a result, many media outlets, such as The New York Times, challenge the legality of the redactions, “The public has a right to transparent judicial proceedings to ensure that the law is being applied fairly. That is especially important in a case that touches upon political issues that have deeply divided the country.”
Continued on page 6
March 2023
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
Fake News Fox
National + International 7
Letter From The Editors
Continued from page 5
These two major lawsuits pose direct threats to the network’s reputation and financial health and many people say these election conspiracy theories endorsed by Fox were key players in leading to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Dear Readers, I am thrilled to present the second issue of The Rampost, our newest political newspaper. As always, I want to thank Mr. Deutsch for his dedication to Rampo and The Rampost. The time he spends putting this edition together by picking topics and editing articles is so much appreciated! I also want to thank my co-editor-in-chief Sam Ostad for his help putting this newspaper together. He was instrumental in bringing this idea to light and publishing this edition. In this issue we covered local, national and international politics. Our writers covered the debt ceiling debate, the lawsuit against fox news, the 2020 Nigerian election, and so much more! We also included an op-ed style section that includes articles on the upcoming 2024 election and the current state of our supreme court. Thank you, Raymond Ashkenazie Co-editor-in-chief
Peru’s Political Crisis ZACHARY KOCHIN ’25 On October 8th 2020, Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra was removed from office by the Peruvian Congress, the latest in a string of failed Chief Executives in a country long plagued by political corruption. From 2018 until 2020, Martin Vizcarra served as president of Peru. On October 8th 2020, Vizcarra was impeached on grounds of “moral incompetence” following accusations of corruption while he served as the region’s governor in Peru. Although the allegations against Vizcarra did not pertain to his term as president, they did result in his impeachment. Vizcarra was charged with accepting bribes in exchange for government contracts while he was governor. Despite Vizcarra’s denials of the accusations and criticism of the impeachment process, he was finally ousted from office and succeeded by Manuel Merino, who resigned himself in the face of unrest five days later. However, this isn’t the first time we have seen such corruption in the Peruvian Government. In 2017 Former head of state Alejandro Toledo was charged with accepting $20 million in bribery from Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction firm, in exchange for contracts to build roads and other infrastructure projects in Peru. Toledo was detained in California in 2019 as a result of a Peruvian extradition request while he was still a resident of the United States. Despite his resistance to extradition, he was eventually returned to Peru in 2021 to stand prosecution. His trial is still going on as of March 2023, and he is still being held.
From 1990 to 2000, Alberto Fujimori presided as president of Peru. Due to charges of extensive corruption during his presidency, including anything from accepting bribes to embezzling public monies, Fujimori fled to Japan in 2000. The bribery controversy involving Fujimori and the Japanese business Mitsubishi, which was given the go-ahead to construct a power plant in Peru, was one of the most well-known corruption scandals to involve Fujimori. In order to give the contract to Mitsubishi, Fujimori is said to have accepted $20 million in bribery. Vladimiro Montesinos, his former intelligence head, is also charged with participating in the conspiracy. Additional claims of corruption under the administration of Fujimori include the misappropriation of public cash to fund spy operations and the theft of money from state-run companies. Widespread demonstrations broke out after Vizcarra was removed from power, and many Peruvians charged the Congress of acting undemocratically and seeking to advance its own interests. When Manuel Merino, the former leader of the Congress, was named as interim president, it exacerbated the crisis and led to more turmoil and protests. The selection of Merino was viewed by many Peruvians as an effort by the Congress to maintain control while muzzling the opinions of common people. However, his presidency was short-lived, nevertheless, as widespread demonstrations erupted, demanding his resignation. Two protesters were killed when the demonstrations turned violent. In response to these protests five days into Merino’s Presidency,
the Peruvian Congress nominated Fransisco Sagasti, a centrist lawmaker, as interim leader. Since then, he has worked to stabilize the nation and has taken action to deal with the problems that caused the crisis. Sagasti has pledged to change the political system, foster social inclusion, and boost accountability and openness. Peru remains bitterly divided despite Sagasti’s efforts. There are worries that the nation’s democratic institutions are in danger since many Peruvians no longer trust their political leaders. High levels of poverty, inequality, and corruption, as well as other existing economic and social issues, have all been made worse by the political crisis. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the nation. There are high rates of infection and fatality and many Peruvians are struggling to make ends meet. The economic situation has also gotten worse as a result of the crisis. Addressing the nation’s urgent issues has become more challenging as a result of the political uncertainty, there is a growing deterioration of trust in the institutions of government. The international community has taken notice of the crisis, and numerous nations and organizations have expressed concern about the situation in Peru. For instance, the Organization of American States (OAS) has encouraged Peruvian authorities to guarantee that human rights are upheld and has called for an investigation of the violence that took place during the protests. There are worries that the crisis could worsen, resulting in more violence and unrest throughout the nation.
International 8
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
Oh, the Humanity: Adani’s Downfall Highlights the Need for India to Industrialize PHILIP-DAVID MEADOWS ’24 The irony could not be greater: Gautam Adani, once India’s third-richest billionaire, was ‘blown up’ when a short-selling company called Hindenburg Research alleged widespread stock price manipulation of Mr. Adani’s company, Adani Group. Adani Group has its hands in almost every sector possible in India from grain storage to ports to wind turbines. Over the past few years, Adani’s investments constituted nearly 7% of all capital spending by India’s 500 largest listed firms, making it the largest capital spender beside the government. However, this all came crashing down on January 24th, when Hindenburg Research, an American short-selling firm, released a report alleging that much of Adani Group’s market value was artificially inflated by a scheme involving Mr. Adani and Adani affiliates. Short-selling companies like Hindenburg Research often investigate large companies they suspect of fraud or other bad-business practices, short their stock, release their findings to the public, and then make a windfall as the stock fall prices when people rush to sell their stock when they discover the company is not as financially sound as previously thought. The effects of this report were immediate, as Adani Group’s share plunged to half its value in a week and Mr Adani’s companies lost over $100 billion in collective value in a week. In response, Mr. Adani released a
413-page rebuttal of Hindenburg’s claims. However, this has not seemed to quell investor’s fears, as Adani Group’s stock price has yet to recover. All this points to heightened risks within India’s emerging markets. India’s growth is characterized by two things: corporate debt and government intervention. Many companies in India often “spend big to build big” as much investment in India such as ports, airports, and electric grids, often requires massive working capital. However, this squeezes out smaller companies who lack sufficient capital to break ground. All this comes in the context of once-in-a-generation economic reforms. Nahrenda Modi, the Prime Minister, and his Bharatiya Janata Party have standardized India’s once-fragmented domestic market, consolidating various local levies and taxes into a single goods and services tax. The state has also been instrumental in promoting increased access to digital services and a universal basic income scheme to lift millions of Indians out of poverty and into the globalized economy. Moreover, India’s government has taken a larger role in India’s economy, directing corporate investment to prioritized sectors through “production-linked incentives” in fields such as pharmaceuticals, batteries, and renewable energy. However, this government investment is a double edged sword, as it tends to lock out smaller companies that lack the access or connections needed to secure government contracts. All in all, these
conditions depress investment in India, which is badly needed, as millions still lack basic services, such as clean water or electricity. According to the International Energy Agency, over two hundred million Indians were without access to electricity as recently as 2017. Adani Group is a poster child in both of these regards: its debt-to-asset ratio is over one, indicating a large amount of debt relative to its size. India’s government is also a major player: it serves as a lender to the company and some state insurance groups even have investments in the company. Whether India can find a way out of its dependency on large companies to rev up the economy largely depends on the state’s role in the economy, too much and investment stalls as small companies get locked out of the economy; too little and companies invest elsewhere.
The 2023 Nigerian Election KEREN TEICHNER ’ 25 In 2015, for the first time in Nigeria’s history, an opposition party, the APC, won the presidential election and took control of the government. It was a moment of pride and hope for a country that is home both to Africa’s largest economy and population. Since then, however, Nigeria has been in a state of rapid deterioration. Food inflation has
soared, further worsened by the war in Ukraine. In the last ten years the country’s public debt has doubled. Crime–including kidnapping–is skyrocketing, and as a result of theft and vandalism, oil production is now at the lowest it has been in 30 years. A third of Nigerians who want to work are unemployed, and 50% of people between the ages of 15-24 are looking for work. 40% of the country’s 5-11 year olds are not enrolled in school. Two thirds of
the population is living in poverty. This is what is at stake in the recent 2023 election. There were 18 candidates who ran in the election with three main contenders. The first was Bola Ahmed Tinubu, member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) party, the previous president’s Muhammadu Buhari’s party. He is a Muslim from the southwest and former
Continued on page 9
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The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
The 2023 Nigerian Election Continued from page 8
million valid votes were counted. Additionally, many parties have lost faith in the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), claiming that the electronic voting system that the INEC
governor of Lagos state. The second was Atiku Abubakar, member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). He is a Muslim from the northeast, and is a former vice president. The third candidate is Peter Obi, member of the Labour Party, and the former governor of Anambra state. He is a Christian from the southeast who is very popular among the young population. In order to win the election the candidates must hold the highest number of votes nationwide and more than a quarter of the ballots cast in at least two thirds of the Nigerian states. On March 1st, Tinubu was elected the president of Nigeria. However, Tinubu received a record low percentage of the votes and many people are challenging the validity of the results. Many polls across the country opened hours late and violent attacks and voter intimidation was frequent. This discouraged many people from voting as can be seen from the numbers. 93 million people registered to vote but only 24
created to strengthen the voting process ended up corrupting it. Although INEC promised to upload the results from each polling unit to its website to strengthen their credibility, many were not uploaded until days later. While INEC blames the delay on technical difficulties, many speculate it was a result of INEC falsifying the results.
Among the challengers of the presidential elections are Obi and Atiku, the other two major candidates. Atiku, who came second, told journalists “The weekend election was neither free nor fair” and vows to challenge the results in court. Obi, who came third in the election, also firmly believes that the results were falsified and promises to do the same. He believes that he should have won the election and declared “We will explore all legal and peaceful options to reclaim our mandate. We won the election and we will prove it to Nigerians”. Despite the candidates’ confidence that they will be able to successfully challenge the election in court there has yet to be a successful legal challenge to the Nigerian presidential elections. Nigeria’s future is still uncertain and the electoral disputes have caused much division in the country. The presidential election is not over yet, the question is who will be the Nigerian president for the next four years.
Reproductive Freedom ALEX OTTENSOSER ’24 From the dawn of time (or at least the early 20th century) there has been a ferocious debate as to whether or not abortion should be legal. In 1973 the supreme court ruled, in Roe V. Wade, that state laws that prohibited abortion violated the implied constitutional right to privacy. Since then there have been even more arguments from both sides and unfortunately, Roe v. Wade was overturned this past year. The Supreme Court ruled that the court’s logic in Roe v. Wade was faulty. In my opinion, prohibiting abortion not only violates the Constitution but it also puts women’s lives at risk. The 14th amendment states “nor
shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property” which I, and many others, understand to imply a right to privacy which includes the right to make decisions about one’s own body. In order to infringe on those rights the states need to show a compelling reason. In the 1973 supreme court case Roe v. Wade, the Court determined that the state failed to do so, “The constitution does not explicitly mention any right of privacy. In a line of decisions however . . . the court has recognized that a right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy, does exist under the constitution.” This right to privacy prohibits states from prohibiting abortion during the first trimester.
Another strong argument for legalizing abortion is the health and safety of women. If you take away a woman’s right to a legal abortion, many will still find a way to get an illegal abortion which will be harder to get and less safe. Additionally, limiting women’s access to legal abortions without taking into consideration the mothers health, will inevitably lead to higher death rates. In 2012 a woman in Ireland (where abortion laws are very strict) died due to complications related to carrying an infeasible fetus. After abortion was legalized, the black maternal mortality rate declined by 30-40%. Deaths from the complications of unsafe abortions constitute 13% of all maternal deaths according Continued on page 10
Opinion 10
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
Reproductive Freedom Continued from page 9 to Marge Berer in her article: National Laws And Unsafe Abortion: The Parameters Of Change. Lastly, giving women the right to an abortion greatly impacts the economic outlook of women. They are able to continue schooling, maintain jobs and earn more income. Access to abortion
increased womens probability of graduating college by 72%. Being able to delay motherhood by only one year due to legal abortion increased women’s wages by 11% on average. Legalization of abortion decreased the percentage of children who grew up in poverty by 0.54%. I think that the right of a woman to make a decision about her own health and her own body is fundamental.
Citizens of the United States have a right to live wherever they want, choose where their children attend school, decide how to practice their own religion, and marry, so the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion should also exist.
Florida Man Has Presidential Resume ZACHARY KOCHIN ’25
prudence, which DeSantis has shown he has. He has enacted initiatives as Florida’s current governor, Ron governor of Florida that have reduced DeSantis has gained publicity recently government spending and improved for his tenacious leadership and prothe business climate, which have boostmotion of conservative ideas. Many ed economic growth and job creation. people are thinking that DeSantis In the White House, where he would would seek the nation’s top job in the be well-positioned to enact policies upcoming 2024 presidential election. that would assist to strengthen the DeSantis has a track record of accomeconomy and create employment, his plishment in Florida; he has put into experience and adherence to consereffect several conservative measures vative economic principles would be since assuming office in 2018, which valuable assets. DeSantis’ has shown have strengthened the state’s economy a dedication to national security and and enhanced the quality of life for public safety, by allocating millions of Floridians. He has, for instance, lowdollars to improve the state’s election ered taxes, scaled back regulations, and security, including the implementation improved the business environment. of multi-factor authentication for elecThese regulations have assisted Florition workers and the use of a secure da in luring new businesses and emnetwork to transmit election results. ployment, which results in a booming DeSantis has also shown his support economy and a low unemployment rate for Florida’s veterans and active milithat have made him a star in Republitary. A bill that increases funds for milcan circles. DeSantis is renowned for itary base upgrades and assistance for his great leadership abilities in addition military families was enacted by him in to his achievements in Florida. He 2019. Also, he has expanded money for has proven that he is capable of makveteran addiction and mental health ing tough choices and defending his services. He has taken a tough stance convictions in the face of criticism. He against crime as governor of Florida has, for instance, adopted a hardline and has put laws into place that have posture on immigration, supporting assisted in lowering crime rates in the safe borders and criticizing sanctuary state. In the White House, where he towns. He is regarded as a capable and would be in a position to execute laws powerful leader who is not hesitant to that would serve to keep the nation express his opinions and stand up for safe and secure, his experience and his convictions. dedication to public safety and nationA successful presidency requires a al security would be priceless assets. strong commitment to economic DeSantis has shown a dedication to
education, which is necessary for an effective administration. He has adopted initiatives as governor of Florida that have improved the state’s educational system and made it more accessible to all pupils. In the White House, where he would be well-positioned to adopt policies that would assist to strengthen the educational system and give students the skills and knowledge they need to flourish in the twenty-first century. DeSantis has shown a dedication to upholding the law, which is necessary for a successful president. He has been a steadfast supporter of the rule of law and has strived to defend the Constitution and the rights of citizens while serving as governor of Florida. In the White House, where he would be in a position to execute laws that would strengthen the rule of law and safeguard citizens’ rights. DeSantis’ record as governor, along with his commitment to fiscal responsibility, public safety, education, and the rule of law, provide evidence of his ability to effectively lead and to bring about positive change. Additionally, His successful track record in Florida, great leadership abilities, appeal to the conservative base, and national prominence makes him a formidable candidate. DeSantis’ will be a key player in the Republican Party and a force to be reckoned with in the coming years whether or not he decides to run for office.
Opinion 11
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
Biden’s Chances in 2024 NOA ESSNER ’25 Following President Biden’s chaotic and controversial 2020 election and the many global events that have since taken place, the election of 2024 is a topic of ceaseless discussion amongst Americans. Thus far, the most likely candidates appear to be President Joseph Biden (Democrat) and former President Donald Trump (GOP). Many public figures and state government officials are considering the prospect of running, such as John Bolton, Ron DeSantis, and Nikki Haley from the Republican Party. The only official candidate from the Democratic Party to challenge Biden is self-help guru Marianne Williamson. Opinions differ and the evidence remains ambivalent on whether Biden will be
any changes in the economy, and Biden has yet to institute another course of action. His reticence also earned him the nickname of “Basement Biden,” referencing his impromptu trips to Camp David amid several crises. This evident lack of leadership under pressing situations explains voters wanting another candidate. Although President Biden has yet to secure and regulate the U.S. economy from inflation, his presidency has still seen many legislative victories. These range from aiding foreign relations, increasing employment, and a record decrease in families’ dependencies upon employment checks. Biden created an effective system of communication and strengthened alliances under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which provided him with the support he needed to
This better infrastructure has driven many network companies like AT&T to deliver faster service to low-income families, working-from-home employees, and senior citizens. Biden’s performance as president and his prospective list of opponents might secure him a victory should he opt to run again in 2024. A CNN poll conducted in December 2022 found that 62% of Republicans and 52% of Democrats would prefer to see Trump and Biden replaced by a new candidate. The Republicans’ midterm failure and the successes of his term make Biden’s position stronger than it previously seemed. However, while these factors may help give him an edge, it is not guaranteed that Biden would prove victorious against his opponents. Based on the
elected for a second term should he opt for a second term. One of Biden’s greatest potential downfalls was his indecisiveness, which he demonstrated early after his inauguration. His presidency faced a weak start with the U.S.’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. This decision set the precedent for many more potentially “unAmerican” decisions during Biden’s term. Additionally, Biden’s presidency has also seen a rise in economic inflation, followed by shortages of staples like gas, milk, and baby products. Biden’s 2022 Inflation Reduction Act has yet to show
send funds and ammunition to Ukraine. It is also noteworthy that despite Biden’s warning that the U.S. might be entering a nuclear crisis with Russia, the president successfully reduced tension between the countries. Biden’s efforts at creating jobs, such as having the U.S. produce its own materials to build factories as opposed to importing them from China, have also increased employment and minimized the number of Americans surviving off of unemployment checks. The Biden Administration also oversaw the building of new roads and bridges, a goal many previous presidents failed to accomplish.
ambivalent mindsets of voters, Biden’s chances in 2024 would be much slimmer if a strong, new candidate were to present itself. With the number of prospective candidates, someone else will likely end up joining the election as a candidate, further obstructing Biden’s path to victory. As demonstrated by the midterm elections, anything can happen within the next few months. And while the candidates can always change, the outcome of 2024 is ultimately in the hands of the voters.
Opinion 12
The Official Political Paper Of The Ramaz Upper School
March 2023
The Supreme Court is Much Too Powerful—But It Always Has Been LEO EIGEN ’25 When the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion established in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade this past June in the case Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the majority of the American public opposed the decision. A report from the Pew Research Center from this past July asserted that 57% of Americans did not support the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, with 43% saying that they were “strongly opposed.” The overall response of the dissenting American public was a call to limit the power of the Supreme Court. Coupled with frustration over former President Donald Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, which gave conservatives a super-majority, and lingering anger over former President Barack Obama’s inability to appoint Merrick Garland to the bench in 2016, many Americans have adopted the view that it is necessary to control the power of the nation’s ultimate judicial authority. I similarly believe that the Supreme Court is much too powerful—but I also strongly refute the notion that this is a ‘new’ issue. In fact, I go as far as to claim that a defining feature of the Supreme Court throughout its history has in fact been its ability to adjudicate in a quasi-tyrannical manner. But if the issue is not new, it has been greatly exacerbated by the intense political polarization of the twenty-first century Before discussing the state of the Supreme Court in contemporary times, it is first necessary to understand how the court itself is able to harness its immense— and arguably, unbounded—power. The Supreme Court’s vast authority can be attributed to numerous elements of its structure and makeup. First and foremost, it stems from the principle of judicial review, which gives the Supreme Court the authority to evaluate whether legislation is unconstitutional, and, if so, to overturn it. Ironically, judicial review itself was not included in the Constitution, and it was introduced in
the 1803 Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison by Chief Justice John Marshall, who wrote that, “A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void.” (It is important to note that although the power of judicial review was not codified in the United States Constitution, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison do allude to a similar concept in the Federalist Papers.) Since 1803, the Supreme Court has used and abused judicial review as a means to impose its will on American law, and it has been among the primary methods of the Supreme Court to take action on a nationwide scale. Secondly, Supreme Court justices are appointed to lifetime terms, and thus, without the pressure of listening to constituents’ opinions to gain support for re-election, justices are free to make decisions without taking into account the view of the American people whom they serve. The Founding Fathers believed that giving justices lifetime appointments would, in some way, ensure integrity and unbiased adjudication on the part of the Supreme Court, whether or not that took into account the opinion of the public. Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers no. 78 that since “the courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments,” therefore this purpose “will afford a strong argument for the permanent tenure of judicial offices” because “...nothing will contribute so much as this to that independent spirit in the judges which must be essential to the faithful performance of so arduous a duty.” Hamilton added that “This independence of the judges is equally requisite to guard the Constitution and the rights of individuals from the effects of those ill humors…” But throughout the history of the Supreme Court, it is clear that justices have taken advantage of their lifetime appointments to base their rulings on their own politics and personal interests, instead of truly making the Supreme Court the non-partisan entity it is supposed to be. Now that we have established some of the factors which give the Supreme Court such broad power, we can more fully understand how it has been
able to affect the lives of Americans on such a tremendous scale in recent years. It is clear that the issues surrounding the Supreme Court have always existed. In fact, numerous articles have created long lists of instances in American history where the Supreme Court has overstepped its power and there has been backlash and controversies as a result. In the hyper-politicized culture of the twenty-first century, however, the decisions of the Supreme Court have become substantially more influential on the lives of Americans considering how much larger of a role the federal government now occupies. Furthermore, what distinguishes the ‘tyranny’ of the Supreme Court today from its ‘tyranny’ in past eras is the degree to which the Supreme Court has, in some ways, embraced its faults, and allowed partisanship and politics to make their way into judicial discourse. For example, Ginni Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, has become an alt-right conservative activist who played a leading role in the horrifying and unprecedented Capitol Insurrection on January 6th, 2021. (This signals a shift in the ways of the Supreme Court, as it was previously exceedingly uncommon for the spouses of justices to take on active political positions in the public sphere.) Perhaps we have entered into a new era of the Supreme Court, but we should not claim that the situation with the Supreme Court has always been good nor has it been entirely reliable, unbiased, and fair in its decision-making As it is abundantly clear, the issue of the Supreme Court’s power is not new. In fact, it’s as old as the Supreme Court itself. But that doesn’t make it any less dangerous.