September 14, 2024 ·
Parshat Ki Teitzei contains more mitzvot than other parsha!
Theparshabegins discussing theinheritance laws and emphasizing fairness. Even when there is family conflict, all the children get an inheritance, and the oldestsonisentitledtoreceiveadoubleportionof his father’s estate. TheTorahalsointroduces theconcept of the Ben Sorer U’moreh, the wayward son. The Rabbis in the Gemara say that this story never happened and never could happen but there are still important lessons to learn. The punishment for such a child is very serious and it reminds us of the
In Ki Teitzei, we are told be tamim with Hashem. What does tamim mean? At the Seder, one of the 4 sons is the tam, and there it means “simple.” But we also know that Yaakov was described as an ish tam, and we know that Yaakov was very wise. So, what does tam/tamim mean? Some say that it means “content,” which is a combination of simple and wise. We should be wise enough to live a simple life, to know what is important and to not always be wanting more and more things.
importance of listening to our parents and our leaders.
Next, the parsha discusses various mitzvot related to kindness and respect for others. These include returning lost objects, helping a neighbor with a fallen animal, and the prohibition against wearing clothes meant for the opposite gender. The parsha also commands kindness toward animals, such as sending away a mother bird before taking her eggs, and requiring farmers not to muzzle an ox while it works so that it can eat.
A few times in the parsha we are reminded to be kind to the convert, orphan, and widow since we were once people who had difficult lives, when we were slaves in Egypt. Ki Teitzei also addresses fair treatment of workers, the prohibition against charging interest on loans to fellow Jews and ensuring fair business practices. The Parsha closes with a commandment to remember what Amalek did to Bnei Yisrael after they left Egypt, emphasizing the importance of erasing the memory of Amalek, a symbol of evil.
Overall, Ki Teitzei teaches the importance of justice, compassion, and responsibility toward others in creating a moral society.

Candle-lighting: 6:48pm Havdalah: 7:42pm
Mitzvot…………………………..74 (27 Do’s, 47 Don’ts)
Lines in the Torah ..............213 (21st most)
Pesukim .............................110 (28th most)
Words ................................1582 (23rd most)
Letters................................5856 (26th most)
(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)

The rabbis in the Gemara say that the story of the Ben Sorer U’moreh never happened. Did you know that to become a Ben Sorer U’moreh there are many details that need to be followed: the parents both need to be the same height and have the same sounding voice, the child must be between13and 13 anda half,and so many other rules, therefore it was practically impossible for it to happen.
To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.
Called someone to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom”
Went to shul
Participated in Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/ Hamotzi/Birkat Hamazon
Sang zemirot/songs
Wore Shabbat clothing
Helped prepare our home for Shabbat
Full Name:
Class: __________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________
1. What does the word tamim mean?
2. True or False: an 8-year-old child can be a ben sorer u’moreh.
3. True or False: Parshat Ki Teitzei has the 2nd most mitzvot in the Torah.
4. If there has never been a ben sorer u’moreh, why is it even mentioned in the Torah?
5. What does being a slave in Egypt have to do with a convert, an orphan and a widow?