April 20, 2024 · ד״פשת ב"י ןסינ Parashat Metzora · תשרפ ערוצמ
Parshat Metzora begins with a description of the purification procedure for a person who has Tzara'at. After the kohen determines that the Tzara'at has been healed, a ceremony involving two birds, a cedar plank, a scarlet thread and water from a live stream, is used for the initial stage of the purification. After 7 days, the person brings three animals and an oil offering to the Beit Hamikdash. If the individual suffering from Tzara'at cannot afford the sacrifices, two birds can be substituted for two of the animals.
This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Hagadol. It is called that for several reasons. The main reason is because a big miracle happened in Egypt around this time. The firstborn Egyptian males found out that the Jewish People were going to sacrifice a lamb before the Plague of the Firstborn and they asked Paroh to stop them but he wouldn’t because he couldn’t. So thefirstborn males fought with Paroh’s army and many Egyptians died. They didn’t die because of a plague or because of war with the Jewish People. They died fighting with each other. This is a reminderthat weneedtoknowwhoourenemies are and who our friends are and never fight in general, but certainly not with our friends.
Homes, too, can be afflicted with Tzara'at. If stones on a home become discoloredacquiring a strong red or green pigment - a kohen is called to analyze the stones. If it is Tzara'at, the home is off-limits for up to three weeks. Either the colors fade, or the specific stones are removed or the house is demolished. The purification process for a home is similar to the process for a person.
After concluding the subject of Tzara'at, the Torah discussesother casesofimpurityand the purification process. These cases require a person to go into a Mikvah (a natural body of water, which could be an ocean, a lake, or a smallpoolthathascollectedrainwateror other natural water). Sometimes, the purification process also involves bringing a sacrifice.

TIMES - םינמז
Candle-lighting: 7:22pm
Havdalah: 8:20pm
allah: 5:25pm
Mitzvot ..............................11 (0 Do’s, 11 Don’ts)
Lines in the Torah ..............159 (40th most)
Pesukim .............................90 (42nd most)
Words ................................1274 (39th most)
Letters................................4967 (39th most)
(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)

This year, the first Seder is the night of April 22nd. That is almost the latest start date of Pesach. Did you know that between 1903 and 2062, the latest date that Pesach begins is April 24th? It happened in 1929 and 1967, and it will happen again in 2043 and 2062. All 4 of those years are all multiples of 19 years apart from each other, because 19 years is the cycle of how long it takes the Jewish calendar (Lunar) to re-align with the Solar calendar.
To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.
Called someone to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom”
Went to shul
Participated in Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/ Hamotzi/Birkat Hamazon
Sang zemirot/songs
Wore Shabbat clothing
Helped prepare our home for Shabbat
Full Name: ______________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________
1. True or false: A home can get Tzara’at
2. If a person goes into a Mikvah that is filled with Powerade, does the person become pure?
3. What is the special name of this Shabbat?
4. How many other special Shabbatot during the year can you name?
5. Is the first Seder this year the latest date it can ever be?