Ramaz Lower School Shabbazine - Shoftim 5784

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September 7, 2024


Parshat Shoftim focuses on justice, leadership, and key principles that guide the establishment of a fair and moral society during the times of the Torah. The parsha begins discussing the appointment of judges and officers in every town to ensure that justice is always followed. “Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof: Justice, justice shall you pursue.” This emphasis on fairness reflects the Torah’s concern for maintaining social harmony and righteousness.

The parsha then discusses the appointment of Jewish Kings. Kings must be chosen from Bnei Yisrael and have extra rules to follow. Kings are not allowed to have too many horses, too much wealth or too many


There is a mitzvah for the king to write two Sifrei Torah for himself. One would travel with him, and one would stay behind in the palace. Even if he has a Torah from the previous king, he stillmust write his own. Why must the king write a Torah? Perhaps the message is that the king should feel that he has a personal connection to the Torah. It is his, not the palace’s. It’s not furniture. That will also remind him to lead Bnei Yisrael according to the ways of the Torah.

wives. A king must write his own copy of the Torah and study it regularly to maintain humility and a close connection to Hashem’s laws. This Torah would stay with him at all times. The king would write another Sefer Torah that would stay in the treasury.

The parsha then discusses the Kohanim and Leviim. Although they did not receive their own area in Eretz Yisrael, they received presents from Bnei Yisrael: Terumot and Maasrot. These included fruits and vegetables, meat from korbanot, and even wool from their sheep. The Kohanim were divided into twenty four Mishmarot (groups) in order to take turns working in the Beit Hamikdash.

Next, the parsha discusses Ir Miklat: a city set aside for people who accidentally killed someone. That person must remain in the city his entire life or until there is a new Kohen Gadol. There were six of these cities.

Lastly, the parsha discusses some of the laws pertaining to war. One of these rules is that you are not allowed to cut down any fruit trees for firewood because that would be wasting the fruit. We see that even in a time of war, the Torah still has rules for how we behave.

Candle-lighting: 7:00pm

Havdalah: 7:54pm

allah: 5:25pm


Mitzvot…………………………..41 (14 Do’s, 27 Don’ts)

Lines in the Torah ..............192 (27th most)

Pesukim .............................97 (36th most)

Words ................................1523 (28th most)

Letters................................5990 (31st most)


(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)

We just started the month of לולא Did you know that לולא is an acronym (its letters stand for the first letters of certain phrases) for

a quote from ה ריש םיריש which we read on Pesach and means that each of us has a special relationship with Hashem? It is also the first letters of

which everyone knows comes from

רתסא and reminds us that we need to develop good relationships with people too.


To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.

 Called someone to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom”

 Went to shul

 Participated in Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/ Hamotzi/Birkat Hamazon

 Sang zemirot/songs

 Wore Shabbat clothing

 Helped prepare our home for Shabbat

Full Name: ______________________________


Parent Signature: _________________________


1. How many Mitzvot are there in this parsha?

2. True of False: If the palace already has a Torah, the king doesn’t need to write a new one.

3. Thought Question: Why do you think the Torah says the word Tzedek/Justice twice?

4. What 2 messages does the word לולא teach us?

5. In war, what kinds of trees are you not allowed to cut down for firewood? Why not?

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