February 2, 2024 · כ"ג שבט תשפ״ד
Parashat Yitro · פרשת יתרו
A PEEK AT THE PARSHA Moshe’s father-in-law, Yitro, heard about the great
In the third month after leaving Mitzrayim, Bnei Yisrael
miracles that Hashem did for Bnei Yisrael. Yitro then
reached Midbar Sinai (Sinai Desert). They spent three
came from Midian with Moshe’s wife, Tzipora, and
days preparing and purifying themselves in
two children, Gershom and Eliezer, to join Bnei
preparation for accepting the Torah. They camped
Yisrael in the desert. Yitro saw Moshe answering all
together at the foot of Har Sinai, k’ish echad b’lev
of Bnei Yisrael’s questions from morning until
echad (like one person with one heart). On top of the
night. He told Moshe that if this continued, he would
mountain there was a thick cloud and lightning,
get too tired, and he advised Moshe to appoint
thunder, smoke and the sounds of the shofar.
different judges to answer the easier questions, and
Hashem gave Bnei Yisrael the Aseret Hadibrot (10
then Moshe would answer the very difficult
1. I am Hashem 2. Don’t pray to idols 3. Don’t say Hashem’s name for no reason 4. Remember the Shabbat 5. Honor your parents 6. Do not kill 7. Do not be untrue to your wife 8. Do not steal 9. Do not lie 10. Do not be jealous The parsha ends with Bnei Yisrael asking Moshe to tell
ONE BIG IDEA Bnei Yisrael received the Torah in Midbar Sinai (Sinai Desert). Why there and not in a special place? The desert belongs to everyone. We may enter or leave whenever we like. There’s no need to make a reservation or to pay to come in. So too the
them what the Torah says because it was too scary to hear the Torah directly from Hashem.
Torah is for all of us. No matter how smart we are, no matter where we came from, no matter how good we are at something, all of us have a connection to the Torah.
TIMES - זמנים Candle-lighting: 4:56pm Havdalah: 5:54pm allah: 5:25pm
PARSHA STATS Mitzvot ..............................17 (3 positive, 14 negative) Lines in the Torah ..............138 (46th most) Pesukim .............................75 (47th most) Words ................................1104 (46th most) Letters ................................4022 (46th most) Year(s) ................................2448
DID YOU KNOW…? The Aseret Hadibrot are written in the Torah twice. First in our parsha and the second in Parshat Va’etchanan in Devarim. About Shabbat, the first one says, “Zachor et yom haShabbat” (remember the day of Shabbat) and the second one says, “Shamor et yom haShabbat” (guard the day of Shabbat). And the first one says we observe Shabbat because Hashem rested on Shabbat, and the second one says we do it because Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim.
(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)
CHECKLIST To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.
Called someone to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom” Went to shul Participated in Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/ Hamotzi/Birkat Hamazon Sang zemirot/songs Wore Shabbat clothing Helped prepare our home for Shabbat Full Name: ______________________________
QUESTIONS 1. How many positive mitzvot are in this parsha? 2. Does the Torah belong to a certain type of person or to everyone? 3. True or False: Moshe will answer Bnei Yisrael’s easy questions. 4. True or False: On the day Bnei Yisrael received the Torah, the weather was clear and sunny.
Class: __________________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________
5. What do you think the difference is between “remember” and “guard?”