February 1, 2025
Parshat Bo tells the story of the final three plagues that Hashem brought upon Mitzrayim and how the Jewish people were finally freed from slavery. This parsha teaches us about Hashem’s power, the importance of listening to Him, and how He cares for His chosen people, Bnei Yisrael.
The parsha begins with Hashem commanding Moshe to go to Pharaoh and warn him about the next plague. The eighth plague, Arbeh, was a swarm of locusts that covered Egypt and ate all the crops and plants that were left after the hailstorm from the previous plague. Pharaoh’s advisors begged him to let the Jews go, but Pharaoh refused. Even after he saw the land destroyed, Pharaoh’s heart remained hard, and he wouldn’t listen to Hashem.
In Parshat Bo, Hashem commands Bnei Yisrael to bring the korban Pesach by sacrificing a lamb, which the Egyptians considered a god. This act required great courage and faith, as it could anger the Egyptians.ByobeyingHashem, BneiYisrael demonstrated their trust in Him and readiness to leave slavery behind. This teaches us the importance of emunah (faith) and bitachon (trust in Hashem), especially when doing mitzvot is challenging. Like Bnei Yisrael, we can be brave in following Hashem’s commands, knowing He is always with us to guide and protect us when we choose to do what’s right.
Next came the ninth plague: Choshech, darkness. For three days, a thick, black darkness covered all of Egypt. The Egyptians couldn’t see anything or move around, but Bnei Yisrael had light in their homes. Even after this, Pharaoh still refused to let the Jews go, though he tried to make a deal that only the men could leave. Moshe told him that everyone men, women, and children must go to serve Hashem.
Finally, Hashem told Moshe about the tenth and final plague: Makat Bechorot, the death of the firstborn. Moshe warned Pharaoh that if he didn’t let Bnei Yisrael go, every firstborn in Egypt would die, from Pharaoh’s son to the children of the servants and animals. Hashem also commanded the Jews to prepare for their freedom by bringing a lamb for the korban Pesach (Passover offering). They had to put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts so Hashem would pass over their homes during the plague.
At midnight, Hashem brought the tenth plague, and all the firstborn Egyptians died. Pharaoh finally gave in and told Bnei Yisrael to leave Egypt immediately. The Jews left so quickly that their dough didn’t have time to rise, so they baked matzah instead of bread.
The parsha ends with Hashem commanding the Jewish people to remember this day forever by celebrating Pesach every year. We learn about the mitzvot of eating matzah, avoiding chametz, and telling the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim (the Exodus).

Candle-lighting: 4:53pm
Havdalah: 5:52pm
allah: 5:25pm
Mitzvot………………………….. 20 (9 Do’s,11 Don’ts)
Lines in the Torah ..............205 (24th most)
Pesukim .............................106 (29th most)
Words ................................1655 (21st most)
Letters................................6149 (20th most)
(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)

Darkness (choshech) was a plague in Egypt, but darkness is also an issue for people who are blind. Did you know that there is a museum in Israel called the Blind Museum? Its goal is to guide visitors to a deeper understanding and empathy for visually impaired (blind) people. When you go in, you become immersed in a multisensory way. You feel what it's like to navigate daily tasks such as cooking, shopping, and crossing the street, all without the use of your eyes.
To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.
Called someone to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom”
Went to shul
Participated in Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/ Hamotzi/Birkat Hamazon
Sang zemirot/songs
Wore Shabbat clothing
Helped prepare our home for Shabbat
Full Name: ____________________________
Class: __________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________
1. How many more mitzvot are there in this parsha than last week’s?
2. True or False: In Israel, there is a museum dedicated to understanding what it feels like to not be able to hear.
3. Why was it a risk for Bnei Yisrael to sacrifice the Korban Pesach?
4. What was the 8th plague?
5. What mitzvot of Pesach are in this parsha?