November 16, 2024 · ה״פשת
Parshat Vayera begins with Avraham sitting at the entrance of his tent, when he sees three men approaching. These "men" are actually angels sent by Hashem. Avraham, always kind and welcoming, runs to greet them, offering them water to wash their feet and food to eat. He invites them into his home, showing us the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim (hospitality). One of the angels tells Avraham that Sarah, despite being very old, will have a son within the year.Sarahlaughsindisbelief,butHashemassures her that nothing is impossible for Him.
Next, Hashem tells Avraham that He plans to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because their
In ParshatVayera, we learn about Avraham’s amazing kindness when he welcomes three guests into his tent. Even though he was recovering from a painful brit milah (circumcision), Avraham rushed to greet them, offered them shade, and prepared a delicious meal. From Avraham, we learn the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim - welcoming guests with a full heart. He didn’t wait to be asked; he noticed they might need help and took action. This reminds us that even small acts, like sharing a snack or being friendly, can make others feel valued. Avraham’s kindness inspires us to treat everyone warmly.
people are very wicked. Avraham, who cares about all people, tries to save the cities by asking Hashem if He would spare them for the sake of fifty righteous people, then forty-five, and so on, all the way down to ten. Sadly, there are not even ten righteous people, and the cities are destroyed. However, Avraham’s nephew, Lot, is saved because of Avraham’s merit.
Avraham moves to Gerar. Sarah is taken captive by King Avimelech. Hashem comes to Avimelech in a dream and warns him to return Sarah to Avraham. Avimelech returns Sarah and gives her gifts to bring back to Avraham.
Avraham, at 100 years old, and Sarah, at 90 years old, give birth to a baby boy: Yitzchak. Yitzchak is the first Jewish boy to have his brit milah at 8 days old.
The next story in the parsha is Akeidat Yitzchak, the Binding of Yitzchak. Hashem commands Avraham to take his beloved son, Yitzchak, to Mount Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice. Even though this is the hardest test imaginable, Avraham obeys Hashem without hesitation, showing his complete trust and faith in Hashem. Avraham is about to sacrifice Yitzchak, Hashem stops him and provides a ram as a substitute. This teaches us the importance of emunah (faith) and bitachon (trust) in Hashem.

Candle-lighting: 4:19pm
Havdalah: 5:15pm allah: 5:25pm