December 14, 2024 ·
Parshat Vayishlach begins with Yaakov returning to his father’s home and inevitably seeing his brother Esav, who he hasn’t seen in many years. Yaakov sends messengers toEsav tosee if he is stillangry at Yaakov. The messengers return and share that Esav has an army of 400 men. Yaakov prepares for meeting Esav in three ways. First, he prays to Hashem, asking for protection: “Save me from my brother, save me from Esav.” Yaakov then tries to appease Esav with gifts. Yaakov sends Esav hundreds of goats, cows, camels, and donkeys. Lastly, Yaakov prepares for a war, in case Esav attacks. Yaakov divides his family into two groups,
Yaakov’s name being changed to Yisrael is so important that the entire Jewish People becomes Am Yisrael. And the Jewish state becomes Eretz Yisrael! And the name means “struggling with God!” Why are we and the holy land named that? Why not “Simcha” (happiness) or “Ahava” (love)? Maybe Hashem is telling us that many of the important things in life are not easy to get. They take hard work. And sometimes we will succeed and sometimes we won’t. But the reward isn’t always succeeding. Sometimes the reward is the hard work itself.
this way if Esav attacks one group, the other group could run away.
One night, as Yaakov is on his way to meet Esav, he wrestles with a mysterious man until dawn. After the fight, the man blesses Yaakov and changes his name to Yisrael, meaning “one who struggles with God.” Yaakov’sthighgetsinjuredinthe fightandthat is why Jews do not eat the Gid Hanasheh (a nerve found in the thigh of a cow).
The next day, Yaakov and Esav meet. Yaakov bows seven times before Esav. Esav runs to Yaakov and they hug and kiss. Yaakov then introduces Esav to his entire family. Esav asks Yaakov to join him in traveling to Seir, but Yaakov says that his family is too large and won’t be able tokeepup. Yaakov andhis family travel to Shechem. In Shechem, the prince kidnaps Dina, Yaakov’s daughter, to make her his wife. Shimon and Levi free Dina and then wage war with the entire city of Shechem.
At the end of the parsha, Rachel dies while giving birth to her second son, Binyamin. Rachel is buried in a grave on the side of the road. Yitzchak dies at the age of 180 and is buried by Yaakov and Esav in Ma’arat Hamachpela.

Candle-lighting: 4:10pm
Havdalah: 5:10pm allah: 5:25pm
Mitzvot………………………….. 1 (1 Don’t)
Lines in the Torah ..............237 (11th most)
Pesukim .............................153 (4th most)
Words ................................1976 (6th most)
Letters................................7458 (6th most)
(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)

If you think about it, Yaakov was the first Jewish wrestler in history. Did you know that the most famous Jewish wrestler in modern times is William Goldberg, who was known as just “Goldberg.” Goldberg was a one-time World Heavyweight Champion, a two-time United States Heavyweight Champion, and a one-time World Tag Team Champion (with Bret Hart). At one point, he had the longest match winning streak in pro wrestling. There have been other Jewish wrestlers, but none as skilled as Goldberg. Or Yaakov.
To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.
Called someone to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom”
Went to shul
Participated in Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/ Hamotzi/Birkat Hamazon
Sang zemirot/songs
Wore Shabbat clothing
Helped prepare our home for Shabbat
Full Name: ______________________________
Class: __________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________
1. Who was the first Jewish wrestler?
2. How many mitzvot are in Parshat Vayishlach?
3. Thought question: If you had to come up with a name for the Jewish nation, what would it be?
4. How many ways did Yaakov prepare for meeting Esav?
5. How old was Yitzchak when he died?