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Congratulation to the HONOREES

Eyal, Erin, Michal and Asaf Seinfeld

I see a great Ramaz – well housed, well staffed, well supported. I see proud parents deriving joy from the spiritual and educational investment that they made.

-Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein


Congratulations to GAIL PROPP AND FAMILY on a well-deserved honor!

xoxo, Ilana & Zev Schubin and family ‫מזל‬

Congratulations to GAIL PROPP and her amazing family

Joe & Suzy Yasmine and Aaron Sokol

I see a great Ramaz – well housed, well staffed, well supported. I see proud parents deriving joy from the spiritual and educational investment that they made.

-Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein


Congratulations to this year’s HONOREES

Sasha & Gene Salamon

In tribute to our good friend GAIL PROPP May you continue your interest in humanitarian causes.

Janie & Bob Schwalbe

The two most precious gifts we can give our children are roots and wings – to be firmly rooted in our rich Judaic heritage, and to be inspired to reach one’s fullest potential.

-Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein


Mazal Tov to all of the incredibly dedicated HONOREES!

Jonathan ‘83, Stephanie, Sam ’17, Naomi ‘18, Aliza ’20, and Rachel ’22 Freilich

Mazal Tov to DANA and JENNIFER! I go WAY back with one of you and WAY WAY back with the other. Kol hakavod on your efforts on behalf of Jewish education. Adina L. Shoulson '90 & Todd Stern

It is time to recognize that knowledge is more than information; it is inspiration.

-Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein


Mazal Tov to all the HONOREES!

From Gideon & Shara Lipson Schor

Mazal Tov to this year’s HONOREES! We appreciate you!

Diana & Brad Stoler

I see a great Ramaz – well housed, well staffed, well supported. I see proud parents deriving joy from the spiritual and educational investment that they made.

-Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein


Thank you to the dedicated Upper School faculty and administration who partner with us in educating, encouraging and inspiring our children. Mazal Tov to JENNIFER BERNSTEIN, DANA HILTZIK and GAIL PROPP on your well-deserved honors

Sirena Silber

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