2 minute read
from PETS Manual
It is customary for the District Governor to officially visit all the Clubs in the District, once in the year as an officer of Rotary International in the District, he observes the working of the Club; both internally and externally; advises and guides the Club During the official visit, he has to complete the following minimum programs:
1. Meeting with Club President, Secretary and President Elect. Assistant Governor is also to be invited for this meeting
2. Conducting Club Assembly will be done by Asst. Governor with all the Directors, Committee Chairman and Members of the Club at least 1 week before GOV
3. To attend a Public Function on this occasion and address the invited gathering.
District Governor’s Official Club Visit (GOV) is perhaps the most important event in a Rotary year. For a Club including its President and Secretary the GOV leads to their performance appraisal and for the DG, it is duty mandated by RI ByLaw 15,090 (e),
The GOV serves several purposes :
1. To gain information about a Club that will enable DG to give proper counsel and advice.
2. To inspire Rotarians with helpful suggestions which include RI, TRF Programs and of Service Opportunities.
3. To Give Rotarians a larger version of Rotary
4. To provide R.I. Office with information for its guidance in serving the Clubs.
Guidelines and requirements for all theses programs are as under :
Meeting with President, Secretary and President Elect, Following records should be kept ready.
1. Club Charter
2. Club Constitution and Bylaws (a) Copy of Semiannual report of 1st July / 1st January and the receipt for Payment of RI Dues
(b) Receipts for payment of District Dues.
(c) Receipts for subscriptions to “Rotary News“
(d) If the visit is after 30th September, copies of new member form sent to RI and Receipts/ details for payment of prorate dues to Rotary International
3. Roster of Filled and Unfilled Classifications
4. Club Leadership Plan and Committee
5. Attendance Register and Minutes of (a) Board Meetings
(b) General Body Meetings (c) Club Assemblies (d) Committee Meetings
6. The Club’s activity report, plan and objective in all Avenues of service.
7 Strategic plan of the Club
8. Club Budget.
9 Audited accounts of the previous year
10. Rotary Foundation Contribution Records.
11. Club Bulletins.
12. Copy of Manual of Procedure (MOP) & Rotary code of Policies (RCP)
13. District & Global Grant Projects Reporting Status.
14. List of past members of the Club and their addresses with phone numbers.
15. Organize a meeting with District Governor, Committee Chairmen and the Board of Directors. Plan an imaginative agenda for this meeting.
16. Take full advantage of District Governor’s presence for any guidance
17. Discuss any special problem with District Governor
Governor Public Meeting
1. Plan the Meeting for about an hour.
2. At the meeting of Governor’s Official Visit, please avoid Guest of Honour, Special Guest and Keynote Speaker etc., except their presence as invitees
Club Assembly
A Club assembly is a meeting that all members attend to discussclubprogramsandactivities.Mostclubsholdfour tosixassembliesperyear Assembliesallowmembersto Brainstormideasforprojectsandactivities
Set goals and develop action plans using the Club LeadershipPlan.
Review the club's strengths, opportunities and weaknesses.
The club administration committee is responsible for planningtheagendaforassembliesunderthedirectionof the Club President. A suggested timeline and list of purposes are given below. For assemblies that focus on
Immediatelyfollowingthedistrict Assembly2023
ImmediatelyaertheInstallationoraer July1,2023
AprilorMay2024 strategic planning or continuing education, consider involvingtheclubtrainer.
Beforeplanning assemblies, seekinput frommembers to ensure that the meeting address their interests and concerns.Askquestionssuchas:
What are the most important factors in retaining currentmembers?
What changes would increase your participation in clubserviceprojects?
Whatarethereasonsyoudoordonotcontributetothe RotaryFoundation?
Todescribe,reviewanddiscussplans developedandsuggestedatthePETSandDistrictAssembly2023
TopreparefortheGovernor'sofficialvisitandreviewofthe ClubactivitiesbytheAssistantGovernor
Toreviewtheclub'sprogresstowardsgoalsanddeterminethe club'splanfortherestoftheyear.
Toprovideanopportunityforopendiscussion(ideas andsuggestionsmaybeimplementedtohelp bringclubplanstowardscompletion)