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Outstanding Club dues

As perRI guidelines, Clubs that have not paid their Rotary dues within four months of the date on the invoice will be terminated. Clubs will then have five months to fulfill the following reinstatement requirements:


• Pay all outstanding financial obligations at the time of termination

• Pay all membership dues that continue to accrue thereafter

• Paya $30 permemberreinstatement fee

• Complete and submit a reinstatement application and provide an updated membership list along with a list of current officers and theircontact information.

After150daysfromtheterminationdate,Clubsare permanentlyterminated and cannot be reinstated

The Club loses its name, historyand charter.

Percapita dues

Rotarypercapita dues perhalfyearare as follows :

July2021 to December 2021 : $35.00

January2022 toJune 2022 : $35.00

AllClubsarebilled$1.00permemberontheirJuly invoice to help defray the costs of the Council on Legislation


To improve the new member experience, Club Secretariesareaskedtoregisternewandterminated members within 30 days, or by 1 January or 1 July, whicheveryissooner,andtoreportincomingClub officers by 1 February of each year With more accurate membership records, Rotary can provide better service to Clubs For example, the sooner a Club Secretary reports a new member, the sooner this member will receive a welcome letter from Rotary and be eligible for all the privileges of membership.

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