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Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund
3.45 Flying Swan VI (2000)
This was a 63 gross ton wooden Canadian fishing vessel. The CCG issued a Status Report advising that the Flying Swan VI was found capsized on October 1, 2000, by two otherfishing vessels. The position was _ some 30 nautical rrules SW ofYarmouth, Nova Scotia, south ofthe entrance to the Bay ofFundy. About 1 metre ofthe hull was showing above the sea and, with the agreement ofthoseconcerned, it was decided that the best option was to sink the wreck. By October 2; 2000, the upturned vessel had drifted to a SUita _ ble s1te fordisposal and was sunk by a CCG vessel. Mmor pollution was released, there being an estimated 4,500 to 9,000 litres ofdiesel oil remairung on board at the timeofsinking.
Laterthe TSB issued a report stating that a power blockjammed while hauling a seine net aboard with a catch offish, contributing to the capsize. Six crew were re cued and one died.
3.46 Keta V (2000)
Keta V wasa 236gross ton Canadian registered tug used in supp01t ofdredging operations. Overnight October3/ 4,2000,the Keta V when on passagegroundedon rocks in Liverpool Harbour, Nova Scotia. The tug refloatedand wenttoanchor, whereshe sank All seven crew member abandonedintoa Liferaftandwererescued. Itwas stated that there wa approximately 27,000 litre ofdiesel fuel aboard. There i a large salmon fishfarmaboutone-half rrule fromthewreckpo ition.TheCCG and EC, among other ,weredispatched tothe scene. During October4, 2000, diver wereemployedtoplugthefuel tankvents andacontainmentboomwa deployed. The nearby fish farm was boomed. Effort were made torecoveroil from the wreck. Weatherconditions remained adverse and the wreck received moredamage a it pounded the bottom. The CCG ordered theowner toremove the wreck. On October23-24, 2000, alvors attemptedtorai e the wreck u ingacraneand liftbag , butwere unsuccessful. Afteradditional preparations, the contractorcould not rai e the ve el on ovember 11, 2000. By this time, the wreck wa obadly damaged thatthere werenot enough watertight compartments to assist provision of po itive buoyancy. Severe adverse weathercontinued, and it wa nece ary to revise the original plan to raise the Keta V. On January 15, 2001, to a new, agreedplan contractor commenced removing all components, which may becontaminated with oil. This removal task wa completed on January 19, 2001, and,approved by the authoritie Furtherworkceased. It wa intended that an underwater urvey ofthe remains ofthe wreck would be made in the Spring of2001 to ensure no other threat ofpollution existed.
The December 31, 2001, CCG Claims Status Report noted that the CCG costs and expenses for this incident were $29,808.89 andthatthis claim amount was ubrrutted to, and paid in full on November 30, 2001, by the shipowner. TheAdministratorclosed his file.