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Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund

3.47 Atlantic Birch (2000)

A CCG reportadvi ed thatthi 827 grosston Canadian tug pilled die el while refueling atCourtney Bay Berth o. 1 in SaintJohn, New Bmn wick,on October20, 2000. The ownersrespondedtocontain andclean-upthe pill. The TCMS reported thatthetug wasfined $10,000 on May 2, 2001, forinfractions ofthe Pollution Regulations.


It was statedthat the cause ofthe spill was the high rate offilling when a tank was almost full and deck scupper plugs, designed to prevent a pill on deck going into the water, leaked. Some 55 litres ofdiesel was reported to have been spilled.

!h� Administrator has heard no more concerning this mc1dent andconsidersthat any claims againstthe SOPFareunlikely and has closed his file.

3.48 Kent Express (2001)

Again aCCG rep01tadvisedtheAdministratorofanother spill in SaintJohnharbour.The incident involved thi 13,020gros ton Barbadosflagcontainership that, on January 13, 2001, wasstatedtohave pumped 15 litre of sludge oil overboard. TheTCMS subsequentlyadvised thatthe ship wasfined $10,000forthe offence.

TheAdministratorwas informed that anyclaim from the CCG in this incident is unlikely. He consider that any otherclaims against the SOPFare unlikely and has closed his file.

3.49 Cicero (2001)

This is a 10,919 gros ton Canadian registered, B1itish owned, ro-ro fen·y operating between Montreal, Quebec and St. John's, Newfoundland.

TheCCG reportedthat,on February 5, 2001, therewasa bunkeroil spill fromthevessel when he wasalongside at Section66, Montreal harbour. Acrack wasfound in the hull. Local contractorswereemployedon behalfof the ship toeffectthe clean-up, monitoredby theCCG.

The CCG stated that theircosts andexpen e would be billed to the operators ofthe ship.

TheAdministratorhas heard nomoreconcerningthis incidentand, ashedoesnotconsiderit likelythatclaims will beforthcomingtothe SOPF, hehasclosedhi file.

3.50 Marsha Dawn II (2001)

This isa 14gross tonCanadianfiberglass fishingvessel oftypical open aftercockpitconstruction. On February 7, 2001, the vessel wasfound sunkathermooringsin St. AndrewsHarbour,New Brunswick. Itwasstatedthata small amount ofdiesel hadbeen spilled. CCO ER personnelattendedthe sitetoascertain the pollution ituation. Subsequently, the 0 stated thatexpen<,e<, in this connection were minimal and there would be no cost recoveryaction from that organization.

TheAdmini trator ha heard no more ofthe incident and as hecon iders it unlikely that the SOPF will receive aclaim, heha clo ed his file.

3.51 Sandy S (2001)

The issuance by the CCG ofa itrep advised the Admini tratorofthi incident and, thu , the potential fora claim against the SOPF.

On February 9, 2001, the 13 gro ton Canadian wooden fi hing ve el, built in 1947, ank along ide in Prince Rupert Harbour, Briti h Columbia. The local DFO Small Craft Harbour per onnel provided initial re pon e tothe inking. The inking re ulted in the relea e of orne ofthe approximately 900 litre of die el fuel aboard. The owner rated he would obtain help from friends to rai e the ve el. Thi did not happen, forcing the CCG to act. On February 13, 2001, the ceo sent a letter to the owneradvi ing him that,pur uant tothe CSA, they held theowner re pon ible for all co t and expen e incurred by the Canadian government in the inking ofthe Sandy S. The owner tared he had no fund available to al age the ves el. The owner igned a letter undertaking to be re pon ible forall co t and expen e incurred by the Canadian authoritie under ection 677 and 67 CSA. On February 13, 2001, undercontract to the CCG, alvor rai ed the ve el and remo ed the remaining oil aboard. The ve el wa then towed to the 0 borne Burn Site where it wa to be temporarily beached.

Thi concludedthe CCG ER' in ol ement with the Sandy S. TheAdmini tratornote from the CCG Claim Statu report dated December 31, 200I, that the Crown ha ubmitted to the owneron October26, 2001, a claim amounting to 9,677.30, toreco erthe CCO' co t andexpen e in the incident.

3.52 Cartierdoc (2001)

During the afternoon of February 27, 2001, the chief engineerofthi 18,531 gro tonCanadianGreat Lake bulk carrier advi ed the local office ofTCM that thi ve el had been involved in an oil pill. The Cartierdoc wa laid-up forthe winterat berth M2, in Montreal Harbour. TCMS, CCG, EC, the Port Authority and the rna ter, re ponded. The owner contra�ted forthe clean-up. During the winter lay-up, asroutme, �e engine room bilge were pumped on a regular ba 1 . It wa reported that a well a the biloe water, an estimated 1,100 litre ofdie el and "' !ubricating oils had been pumped overboard. The thick 1ce, fast around the vessel, and in a current free berth had held the oil. Hole were drilled in the ice and mo ' t ofthe oil wa recovered. It wa rated that an oily water separator aboard the Cartierdoc had malfunctioned.

lean-up op ration wa monitored by the CCG G laim tatu Report ofSeptember 30, 2001, not that the Crown' claim amount of$5,527.97 was ettled in full b the hipowner on September 26, 2001.

TCM laid charge again t the ship for infraction of the Oil Pollution Regulations on Aptil 4, 2002. The ca e wa ftr t heard on April 18, 2002, at which the owner ha pleaded "not guilty". The case wa adjourned until June, 2002.

TheAdministratorcon iders it unlikely that he will recei e aclaima are u1t ofthis incidentandhas clo ed hi file.

3.53 Vancouver Sunset (2001)

TheTSB reported that, on March 4, 2001, this Canadian 36GTyacht ank at the Plazaof ation moming facility, Fal e Creek, Vancouver, B1iti h Columbia. It was tatedthattherewas nopollution and thatthe ve sel was refloated, althoughwithexten ive waterdamage.

The Admini tratorha clo ed hi file.

3.54 VT No. 30 (2001)

Anotherincident, reportedtothe SOPFby theTSB was the inking ofthi barge. The VT o. 30wa reportedto ha e unk, on March 10, 2001, at the Government dock in Alert Bay, Briti h Columbia.Atthe time the 355 GT Canadian barge had acraneon deck which lid offand at erticallyon the bottom. Thebargeand thecrane were reco ered without oil pollution. The die el engine drivencranehadbeen pecially fitted with anti-theftcap on the fuelacce pipe , which pre ented leakage.

TheAdrnini tratorhas clo ed hi file.

3.55 Daviken (2001)

Thi i a 23,306 gro ton Bahamian flagore carrier. On April 1, 2001, afterexiting Ei enhower Lock, U eaway, upbound a mall quantity ofoil wa found in the lock. The hip wa informed and arrangement made for her to be in pected at the next lock, Iroquoi , in the Canadian Seaway. In the meantime the hip had taken action in removing oily waterfrom the rudder po t compartment and tightened the rudderpo t gland. On in pection byTCM in Iroquoi no oil leakage wa found and the hip wa allowed to proceed.

There wa no SOPF involvement in thi incident and theAdmini tratorha clo ed hi file.

3.56 Utviken!Provmar Terminal (2001)

A report wa received at the SOPFthatthere had been a colli ion in Hamilton harbour, Ontario, with potential for oil pollution. On inquiry it wa found that, on April l, 2001, the 17,191 gro ton Bahamian flag ore catTier

Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund

Utviken had struck the 982 gros ton Canadian refueling vessel Hamilton Energy and continued on hitting and holing the 4,710gross ton Canadian fuel storagebat·ge Provmar Terminal in the engine room. It was reported that the Hamilton Energy uffered damage to her rudder and propeller. The Provmar Terminal's stern sank in some 12 meters ofwater but it was reported therewasnooil pollution, as the loose oil in the unken ex-tankerhadbeen contained in the flooded engine room. The Utviken had suffered holing to herbulbousbow; it was reportedthatshe had experienced engine problems while manoeuvering. The Provmar Terminal wasraised on April 3, 2001. Pollution throughout was minorand all contained within thebooms.

Juri diction in theharbourwas underthe Hamilton Hat·bourCommission (since, Hamilton PortAuthmity). Neither the CCG nor SOPFwas directly involved.

TheAdministratorconsiders it unlikely that he will receive a claim asa resultofthis incident and has clo ed hi file.

3.57 Destiny 1 (2001)

ACCG StatusRepmtadvisedtheAdmir1istratorthaton April LO, 2001, the 196grosston Cat1adian chatter pas enger ves el Destiny 1 caught fire while mooredat Granville I land, Vancouver. The vessel was used for dinnercrui es. ACCG craft and the Vancouverfireboat re ponded. Laterthe decision was made totow the dan1aged hull toa mooring buoy at Kit ilano, Vancouver. CCG put contractor on stand-by incase ofneed. The ve el wa tatedtohave had 1,300 litre ofdiesel fuel aboardandCCG ER per onnel tooktheoppmtunityto plugthetwofuel tanks tohelprninin1izetheriskof pollution.

Laterthe followingday,April ll, 2001, the Destiny I ank at the Kit ilano mooring buoy. A representative of the in urer arrived on cene and declat·ed the vessel a total lo The CCG advi ed the ownerofhi re pon ibilitie undertheCSA, to remove the pollutant and the ve sel.

The CCG in tructed their SAR ve el crew tocheck the wreck periodically. There ha been no pollution reported. On April 12, 2001, the Destiny I was rai ed and moved ashore. Precaution were taken to ensure that no pollution wa caused during the dewatering of the hull.

The CCG advi ed that theirclaimto recovertheircosts and expenses has been submitted directly to the hipowner.

The Admini trator awaits developments.

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