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7. Financial Summary
Balance f01ward from March 31 I 2001
Interest credited (April 1 I 2001 - March 31 I 2002)
Recoveries of settlements - GSA and MLA sections 71 1 (3) and 87(3) respectively:
Pursuant to sections 706 and 707 of the GSA and sections 81 and 82 of the MLA the SOPF paid out at the direction or request of the Administrator the following:
Pursuant to sections 71 0 and 71 1 of the GSA and sections 85-87 of the MLA the Administrator paid Canadian claims established in the total amount of:
Pursuant to section 701 of the GSA and section 76 of the MLA the Administrator directed the following payments out of the SOPF to the 1992 IOPC Fund:
Total expenditure from the SOPF Balance in SOPF as at March 31, 2002