6 minute read

hip-source Oil Pollution Fund

3.58 Scarab (2001)

ACBC TV tation in St. John's, Newfoundland, repmted that, onApiil l9, 2001, acargoship left that p01ttrailing oil. It sub equently transpiredthattheshipwasthe3,136 gro ston Cayman Island flagmulti-purposecargo hip Scarab; and, in fact, had ailed from Botwood, Newfoundland. It wasreportedthat she wascarrying paperat thetime. The oil wasspotted coming from the ship at seaabout65 nautical miles SEofSt. John's by a DFOsurveillance plane. The slick was noted tobe approximately 2 km long by 100meterswide.The Scarab wasen route toAlexand1ia, Egypt, at the time.


TheTCMS reported the occun·ence to the Egyptian authorities in accordance with agreedPortState Control procedures, with the reque t that they board the ship on her arrival.

TheAdministratorhas closed his file.

3.59 Joe's Salmon Lodge (2001)

This is an unregistered 300 gross ton accommodation barge which, on April 24, 2001, sat on a Jog at low tide and, holed, the barge sank. The barge was moored at Mitchell Island, in the orth Arm ofthe Fraser River, British Columbia, at the time.

The TSB, who reported the incident, stated that there was no pollution but that thebarge was extensively damaged.

TheAdministratorhas closed hi file.

3.60 Egret Plume II (2001)

ACCG Status Report advised the Admini tratorthat this 25 gross ton Canadian wooden craft, registereda a yacht, ank in the Small Craft Harbourat Ladysmith, British Columbia, on April 26, 2001. Lady mith i on the east coast ofVancouver I land, about 20 mile south ofNanaimo. The craft had been built in 1931.

Itwas reported thatthe Egret Plume II had recently refueled and hadanestimated660to 1,100litresof diesel aboard. Acontractordeployed booms and absorbentpads. The nextday,April 27, 2001, theCCG ER personnel anivedonsceneand assumedthe OSC role.

The owner, residing in Victoria, stated he had no money and did not take an active role in responding to the situation. Thecraftreceived adamaged bow in the sinking and was considered to have Little or no value.

On April 28, 2001, the CCG contracted to have the craftremoved from the waterand placed on a trailerin the Small Craft Harbour's property. No fmther pollution was released in this operation.

TheCCG Status Report ofDecember 31, 2001, notes "claim to be submitted to shipowner". The Administratorawaits developments.

3.61 Canadian Transfer (2001)

The TSB reported that on May 14, 2001, this I6,353 GT Canadian Great Laker, loaded with salt, struck bottom with considerable damage. The vessel was down-bound at the time andjust to the we t of Goderidge Harbour, Lake Huron, when she left the prescribed channel. o pollution wa reported

3.62 Mokami (2001)

Thi ves el is a 3,0 I5 gros ton Canadian tanker. The MCTS reported toCCG ER that, on May 17, 200I, there had been a spill ofdie el in St. Lewi harbour, Labrador, involving the Mokami while the tanker wa transferring fuel to a hore tank. It wa estimated that 200 litres had been pilled. The Mokami ailed.

The ameday, the mayorofSt. Lewi complainedto theCCGthatthe pill wa notbeingcleaned-up. The CCG explained to the mayorthat ifthe pollution wa hiprelated,then the hip wa re pon ible for the respon e, with the CCG in a monitoring role. In the afternoon the hipowner informed the CCG that they wereon ite and mounting are pon e. In calm unny condition a urveillance flight wa madeoverthe area Jaterthe ame day, May 17, 200l, and ob erved a lick ofoil 15 mile by I00 meter o further report on the incident havebeen recei ed by the Admini tratorand a the cau e ofthe pill doe not appearto be hip ource, he ha clo ed hi file.

The mayor ofSt. Lewi informed EC that the fuel had leaked from a pipeline to hore oil torage tank . The mayor confirmed, on May 18, 2001, that the clean-up wa progre ing ati factorily with mo t ofthe oil removed from thewater urface and thatboom with ab orbent were in place at the wharf.

CCG and EC, togetherwith provincial official , planned a follow-up to the incident to as e damage, and timeline and effectivene ofthe clean-up.

3.63 Purple Rain (2001)

The TSB reported that on May 31, 2001, the 10 GT Canadian fi hing ve el ank when anivipg under escort mto Cap-aux-Meule harbour, le Ile -de-JaMadeleine, Quebec.The ve el wa declared a constructive total loss after being alvaged. There wa no report ofoil pollution.

3.64 Scotia Prince (2001)

The TSB reported that thi 5,005 GT Canadian passengerfen·y , on June 17, 2001, struck bottom while departing Yarmouth, ova Scotia, and breached a double bottom fuel tank. At the time the CCG Response Organisation in the Maritime wa not made aware ofthe incident. o oil pollution was reported.

3.65 St. Martins Wharf(2001)

t. Martin i a mall community on the north shore of the Ba of Fundy about 45 kms ea t ofSaint John. The T B r ported that, on June 19, 2001, two Canadian fi hing e els were afire at the town wharf; the 13 gro ton Tanya Jane 1 and the 14 gro s ton Miss Denette. The wharfwa also fire damaged. The CCG ER sent a repre entative to the scene to ensure any pollution was contained.

TheAdmini tratorhas heard no further information on the incident. He considers it unlikely thatthe SOPF will receive a claim and hasclosedhi file.

3.66 Joggins Wharf (2001)

Joggin i a village ofapproximately 570 inhabitants <md, again, is ituated on the Bay ofFundy but, in this ca e, is in ova Scotia, toward the ea tern head of Chignacto Bay. Joggins wa erved by a timber con tructed government wharf, five kilometers from Joggin , at a place calledTwo River but commonly know a Joggin Wharf.

On July 3, 2001, a truck on the wharfand three lobster boat at the wharfcaught ftre and were de troyed. The boat were ofthe tandard fibergla open aft cockpit de ign, approximately 13 meter in length.

The CCG ER re ponded by providing monitoringand advice on the pollution threat.

Thewreck ofthethreeboat were pulled higherupon the hore,then broken upanddi po ed-ofin a landfill ite. It was later tatedthat abarge wa being u edto replace the wharfand that the police concluded that the ftre had originated in oneofthe lo tboat Total damage weree timated tobe in exce ofhalfmillion dollar

TheAdmini trator doe not expect to re eive a claim on the SOPF for thi incident and ha clo ed hi file.

3.67 Me/lisa Desgagnes (2001)

Anotherincident, whichcametothe dmini trator' attentionfromone oftheT B Daily Occurrence Report , involved the 4,488 GTCanadian bulk carrier Messi/a Desgagnes. It was tated that,on July 14, 200I, while departing Po1t aux Basque , ewfoundland, the ve el truck bottom u tainingdamagetothe propeller. The ve el returned tothedock and diver detected a mall leakAn oil boomwasdeployed. Mo t propeller hafts areoil lubricated. The CCG ER in ewfoundland wa not made awareofthe incident at the time.

TheAdmini tratorcon ider it unlikely that he will receive a claim a are ult ofthi minoroil pollution incident and ha clo ed hi file.

3.68 Tadoussac Marina (2001)

On December 7, 2001, the Administrator received a claim from the Municipalite de Tadoussac, Tadoussac, Quebec, for $2,195,00 covering the costs ofthe local fire brigade responding to a spill ofgasolinefroma boat in a local marina on July 16, 2001.

TheAdministratorcommenced an investigation and found that the incident involved a 9 gross ton Canadian pleasure motoryacht L'Ance L'Eau. The marinafuel depot attendant, with the boat owneron site, commenced refueling into afuel filling deckfitting no longerconnected to a fuel tank. An estimated 67 litres ofgasoline went directly into the engine room ofthe yacht and some gasoline automatically pumped into the hru·bour. Pru·ks Canada requested the local fire brigade to respond to the incident because ofthe dangercaused by the spill.

Having carefully exanlined the circumstances, onAp1il 3, 2002, the Administrator wrote to the municipality, rejecting the claim. It was considered that the measures taken were not to prevent, counter, repairor limit to the minimum the damages fromcontamination resulting from the pill but, rather,takento minimize the risk of explo ion orfire resulting from the gasoline spill. The Administratorsuggested that the claim should be more correctly addressed to those who requested the service, orthose who benefited from the service.

The Administratorclosed his file.

3.69 Zodio (2001)

The TSB reported this 19,867 gros ton Malte e flag bulk cruTierbroke adriftfromher moorings in high wind and strong current condition in the Port of Churchill, Manitoba, early morningon July 27, 2001. The ve el ran aground and damaged three water ballast double bottom tank The Zodio was partially loaded with grain atthe time having topped loading forthe night a little earlier There wa no pollution.

TheTCMS cruTied out an investigation into the circum tance and, at the arne time, a Port State Control in pection.

TheCCG wa not involved in thi incident. The Admini tratordoe not expect a claim to be forthcoming and ha closed hi file.

3.70 Solander (2001)

The TSB reported that on Augu t I, 200I, the 37 gross ton Canadian general cargo vessel Solander sank when offOpit at, Tofino Harbour, British Columbia. All even people aboard at thetime were aved. The ve el wa carrying chemical products and general cargo. Salvage was being contemplated. There was no rep01t of oil pollution.

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