OUR PLATFORM 2021 PERFORMANCE SALES total volume: $1 Billion total acreage: 363K+ properties: 249 WE BSI T E site visitation: 3.2M+ brochure downloads: 25K+ average time on site: 2.48 min.
E-NEWSLETTER number of subscribers: 60K+ frequency: 2x a week open rate: 10% above national average
SOCI AL M EDI A number of followers across all platforms: 27.5K+
V I DEO M EDI A video impressions: 9.3M+ average watch time: 2.00 min.
OUR AUDIENCE Our agents are in direct contact with qualified land investors. Each new property listing is distributed to our exclusive and proprietary database, providing an immediate and thorough canvassing of potential investors. Our diverse network of land investors is distributed throughout every region of the United States. are between the ages of
41% 4 5 - 65 OUR DIG ITAL P A RTNERS
Digital display banners, social media posts, E-newsletter inclusion, line listings, and custom branded content through our digital partners’ websites.