2024 Rough & Ready Sale Catalog

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wasbornandraisedinAbbeville, LouisianaandisthesonofEffieRogersandthelateJ.C.“Black”Rogers,alsoof Abbeville.TommieismarriedtoJaniceFortnerRogers,withwhomhehasfourlovely daughtersand10grandchildren.

Dr.P.O.LandryandTommie’sgrandfather,ChonBroussard,introducedTommieto theworldofanimalsandopenlandasayoungboy.Hespentcountlessdaysplaying “Rawhide”intheopenfieldsofDelcambre.TheseearlychildhoodexperiencessolidifiedTommie’sdesiretopursuehisloveoflandandanimals.Tommie’sbondwithhis fatherwasoneofmutualrespectandunderstanding–hisfatherinstilledinhim,from ayoungage,thewilltonevergiveuponyourdreams;quittingwasnotanoption. Tommieattributeshissuccesstohisfather’sexampleofhardwork,integrityand honor.Likehisfather,Tommiefirmlybelievestheseprinciplesarethekeytosuccess.

UpongraduatingfromtheUniversityofSouthwesternLouisiana,Tommieventured intotheoilindustryworkingforseveralservicecompaniesintheGulfofMexico.In thelate’70s,hestartedhisownoiltoolservicecompany,RogersOilToolsServices, Inc.wherehewastheownerandpresidentfor30years.Asaresultofhisinnovative ideasandambition,TommieledRogersOilToolsServices,Inc.intoaninternationally respectedbrand.

Whilepursuingacareerintheoilindustry,Tommiewaspresentedwiththeopportunitytobuylandandliveoutachildhooddream.In1982Tommieboughthisfirstpiece oflandinthetownofBranch,Louisiana.Withjustsixcows,hebeganasecondcareer inthecattleindustrybyestablishingTheBranchRanch.Hewasdeterminedtobuilda successfulcattleoperation.Ashisdaughtersmatured,Tommieintroducedthemtothe cattleindustrythroughthe4-Hprogram,wherehesupportedthemwithbeefcattlefor theirprojects.For12yearsTommieandhisdaughterstraveledaroundthecountry showingBranguscattle.Throughtheyears,Tommiedevelopedvaluablerelationshipswithareacattlemenaswellascattlementhroughoutthecountry.The conditionandvalueofhisanimals,aswellasthehonestyofhisopinion, affordedhimtherespectofcattlemeneverywhere.

TommieservedasPresidentoftheLouisianaBrangusBreeders Association(LBBA)foreightyears,duringwhichtimehealso servedontheboardofdirectorsandchairedvariouscommitteesandresearchprogramswiththeInternationalBrangus

BreedersAssociation(IBBA).TommieexpandedhisinterestintheBrangusindustry evenfurtherwhenheservedasPresidentoftheIBBAfrom1999to2000.Inthemidst ofitall,TheBranchRanchoutgrewitsoriginallocationinBranch,Louisiana.In1996 TommiemovedtheoperationtoitscurrentlocationinMansfield,Louisiana.Thenew propertyprovidedamplespaceforTommie’scattleoperation,aswellasroomfor expansion.TheBranchRanchcontinuedtogrowandin2003,theLouisianaCattle FestivalandFairnamedTommieRogersOutstandingCattlemanoftheYear.

BigchangescameforTommieandTheBranchRanchin2007whenhesold RogersOilToolsServices,Inc.Withmoretimeonhishands,Tommiedevotedhis effortstohisherdandaneweraofTheBranchRanch.Thisincludedthepurchaseof TheIslandPlantationpropertyin2012,locatednearNatchitoches,Louisiana.The additionallowedTommietheopportunitytoexpandhiscattleoperationmakinga biggerimpactwithinthecattleindustry.ThepropertyinNatchitoches,Louisianais nowthedevelopmentcenterforweanedcattleandTheBranchRanch’sspecialty breedingprograms.Itisalsothehosttothedevelopmentcenterforthetwo-year-old breedingbullprogram.InMarchof2022,Tommiedecidedtofurtherutilizethe Natchitochesfacilitiesbyofferingafull-servicebullandheiferdevelopmentprogram.Thisprogramisdesignedtosuittheneedsofoutsideproducerswithvarying herdsizesandbreeds.TheBranchRanchstaffworkswithgreateffort,knowledge anddeterminationtoprovideaservicelikenoother.Themainranchlocationin Mansfieldcontinuestobedevotedtoaregisteredmamacowoperation.

ChangesforTheBranchRanchcontinuedinto2023withtheacquisitionofthe famedWilliamsRanchCompanyBranguscowherd.TheWRCherdwasmovedtothe HomesteadRanchinGiddings,TexasandwillbethebaseofTheBranchRanchTexas operation.Thetworancheshavehadalongtimeworkingrelationshipandhavea deepappreciationforBranguscattle.Thegoalremainsthesame,strivingtooffera productthatwillmakeadifferenceforregisteredandcommercialcattlemen alike.TommieandthestaffatTBRareexcitedaboutthemergerofthesetwo programsandhavebigthingsplannedforthefuture.

Tommie’ssuccesswithTheBranchRanchistheresultofhardwork.He isdedicatedtohiscraftandisalwaysinsearchofnewandinnovative waystoenhancethecattleindustry.

Schedule of Events

Bulls available for viewing at TBR Island Plantation Division through Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 253 George Thomas Road, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Map on page 56.

Thursday, October 31 - Sunday, November 3

Bulls & Commercial Females available for viewing in Mansfield Join us for an early evening gumbo on Sunday, November 3rd.

Friday, November 1, 2024

8 am . . . . .Online pre-bidding begins

Monday, November 4, 2024

7:30 am . . .Bulls Available for Viewing in Pens 9:30 am . . .Online Pre-bidding Closes 10:15 am . .Online Bidding Tutorial 10:30 am . .The Branch Ranch “Rough & Ready” Sale

. . . . . .Bulls Sell followed by Commercial Females

Lunch provided by Livestock Nutrition Center will be served immediately following the conclusion of the sale.

SALE LOCATION • Refer to map on page 56.

The Branch Ranch 134 Paradise Lane Mansfield, Louisiana 71052 Ranch Office (318) 871-6176


Doak Lambert, (972) 839-6485


Kent Smith, (979) 540-8338


Refer to page 40 for information on commercial females selling immediately after bulls.


All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for immediate shipment. All bulls have passed a BSE and have been tested for Trichomoniasis by Dr. Murphy Colvin, DVM, North Louisiana Veterinary Center.


All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their own safety or behavior of animals. The Branch Ranch owner, employees and auctioneer assume no liability for property loss or accidents that may occur.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS • Refer to page 50. Terms of the sale are cash. Payment is due at the conclusion of the sale unless prior arrangements have been made. LOAD OUT WILL BE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALE.


Free delivery of cattle purchased in our sale. Reliable truckers will be on hand to assist you. Proper settlement must be made prior to departure.

PHOTOGRAPHY • Erin Hebert, The Branch Ranch

VIDEOS • Ideal Video Productions, Wade Fisher


The Horseshoe Group, Lea Weinheimer



Best Western/DeSoto Inn & Suites 611 Jenkins St. Mansfield, LA 71052 (318) 871-2022


Comfort Inn & Suites 1228 Polk St. Mansfield, LA 71052 (318) 872-8820

Pre-bid, Bid and Buy at www.BrangusAuctions.com

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• (972) 839-6485

•You can pre-bid online beginning Friday, November 1st at 8 am

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• You will be the only person that knows that dollar amount

• A sale tutorial will begin at 10:15 am sale day followed by live auction View videos of the bulls at www.BrangusAuctions.com or www.BranchRCattle.com

Important for Online Buyers

Please note! If you have already registered and have been approved with Brangus Auctions or DVAuctions, YOU DO NOT have to register again. Just login using your password.

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BULLS THAT ARE PURCHASED FROM THE BRANCH RANCH are rough and ready bulls that have been in the company of 150+ herd mates for the duration of their life span. When these bulls are taken home from our ranch, they will need a period of adjustment prior to being used for breeding. This period allows them the opportunity to settle into a new home and a new system. We suggest putting your new bull(s) in an area with another animal such as a bred cow or steer and keeping this area from large viewing crowds.

As breeders, we have come to expect our purchases to increase in value over time. Proper feeding, care and maintenance are of utmost importance to support this expectation. In order for your new bull(s) to reach their full genetic potential a little attention before and after each breeding season is essential.

Good management practices for newly purchased bulls can also make a tremendous difference in the productivity and longevity of productive performance. Outlined below are some of the practices we feel hold the most weight.

• During the adjustment period supply the bull with fresh water and quality hay and after a 24-hour period you may provide them with additional energy at approximately one percent of body weight.

• Although highly recommended, if an adjustment period area is not an option and the bull must be turned out with the cow herd, bring the herd to meet the bull and allow them to return to the pasture together.

TheBranchRanchisoffering110+ofourtoproughandreadybulls. These bullshavebeenhand-selectedfromagroupofover250bullsbasedon phenotype,structuralsoundness,fertility,andmaternalqualities. These bullsareinpeakphysicalconditionandarereadytowork.Undernormal conditions,ourbullsenterthebreedingseasonwithamplebodycondition tomaintainlibido,motility,andbreedingeffectiveness. Thisyearweare offeringanexceptionalsetofbullssiredbyanumberoftopherd sires. Thatgroupofsiresincludes BWCC Doc 468F42 whoranksinthe top1%forCEM,2%forTM,REA;andtop4%forMilkandYW.  BWCC Blackbelt 468G ranksinthetop1%forWW,2%forTM,3%forYW,10% forREAandtop15%forIMF. TBRisofferingseveralbullssiredby TCB Catawba Warrior R532 whoranksinthetop1%forbothMilkand TM. Healsoranksinthetop10%forBW,SCandCEM.Keepaneyeoutfor thebullssiredby MC Rubble 889F91 whoranksinthetop2%forMilk andSC. Heisinthetop5%forYW,10%forBW,WW;and15%for CEM. Alsoavailablearesonsof BR Elevation 544G2, Great Basin 129B4, BWCC Something Soggy 10G4, MC Stretch (889G15) 948G15, T3 Rocket 23H4, SRR Marksman 23F and WRC Recharge 11C2 tonameafew. ThesebullshaveprovidedexcellentoutcrossopportunitiesforourBranguscattle. TheBranchRanchbullsare growninpasturesthatrangeinsizefrom100-300acresensuringtheyare builttotravelandinexcellentphysicalcondition. TBRbullshavebeen developedonahighforagerationwithatargetedgainrateof3pounds perdaywhilegrazinginBermudagrasspastures. AllTBRbullsaresound andreadytobreedandhavepassedbothBSEandTrichtests30days beforethesale.Lastly,allbullsareBLVandJohnesfree. Pleasegiveusa calltomakeanappointmenttoviewthebullspriortothesale.

• In order to avoid injury, do not turn your new bull loose with an older bull. Keep his company to the cow herd, bred cows and steers.

• For his first breeding season, your new bull should be limited to a minimum number of cows to service. This number is typically related to his age. A good point of reference for a two-year-old bull would be 20 cows.

• It is important to keep a close eye on the condition of your bull once he is turned out for the breeding season. An excessive loss of body condition at a fast rate could mean he is fighting an illness. Some illnesses if not caught early can be detrimental to the development of your bull. If you feel there is a need for concern take the time to visit with your vet. You may also want to keep in mind that hay and/or pasture alone do not provide sufficient nutrients for growing bulls. Additional energy may be necessary.

• Your bull is 50% of the calf crop that he has bred so it‘s imperative that you have a set process for parasite control and you stick with it. This process should include treating for internal parasites as well as using an effective form of external parasite control.

If possible, bulls need to be kept at least a pasture away from cows that are in heat in the off-season. In cases where circumstances may inhibit this practice, proper fencing is a must. Using board or pipe fencing will yield much better results than a wire fence which can often be challenging. Lastly, but certainly not least, be sure to provide shade and clean water.

The Branch Ranch isnowofferinga FULL-SERVICE BULL AND HEIFER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM atitsislandplantationfacility.Utilizingourfirst-classfacilitiesweofferawide varietyofprogramstosuitaproducer'sdevelopmentneeds.We workcloselywithnutritionistsandveterinarianstodevelopa forage-basedfeedingprogramthatdevelopscattlewithsound feetandlegs.Bullsaredevelopedwiththe fit-not-fat attitude andarereadyforservicewhentheyleaveourfacility.Wework withproducersofvaryingsizesandbreeds.

Services Offered:







Please contact us for more information. Tommie Rogers, Owner (337) 298-8599 • tommier@branchrcattle.com Chris Koffskey, Ranch Manager (979) 224-8178 • chrisk@branchrcattle.com

Natchitoches, Louisiana www.BranchRCattle.com

Rough & Ready Bulls 8 One Ranch, One Brand

About the Females Selling...

This year we are offering 150+ Branch Ranch bred and raised commercial females. The offering primarily consists of fall calving females with spring calving females comprising approximately a quarter of the offering. All females were bred to Branch Ranch calving ease Brangus bulls. Fall calving females started calving on September 1st and will continue through December 1st. Spring calving females will calve March 1st – May 1st. The Branch Ranch will sort the females by pregnancy status and phenotype ranging in group size from 3-5 head. These listings will be available on sale day. All bred heifers will be certified safe in calf by our ranch veterinarian and the data will be available on sale day. The females will be available for viewing the week before the sale at the Mansfield, Louisiana location or by appointment prior to that. Buyers will have the option to roll the next pens of females at the established price as long as the females are of the same type. Any additions or changes will be noted on the sale day supplement sheet.

LOT 150-154 ~ Fall Calving Red Cross Females

Five (5) head, bred to Branch Ranch calving ease Brangus Bulls.

LOT 155-162 ~ Fall Calving Black Angus Females

Eight (8) head, bred to Branch Ranch calving ease Brangus Bulls.

LOT 163-170 ~ Fall Calving Black Baldy Females

Eight (8) head, bred to Branch Ranch calving ease Brangus Bulls.

LOT 171-265 ~ Fall Calving Black Brangus Females

Ninety–five (95) head, bred to Branch Ranch calving ease Brangus Bulls.

LOT 266-315 ~ Spring Calving Black Brangus Heifers

Fifty (50) head, bred to Branch Ranch calving ease Brangus Bulls

Catawba Warrior

Except for those stated in the below terms and conditions, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the cattle being sold at this auction. The warranties and guarantees set forth in the "Terms & Conditions" are in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied, and the remedies provided therin shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer, or any party through buyer, for any breach of warranty or guarantee therein provided, and all other obligations or liabilities.

1. BIDDING: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. In regards to the live closeout, the auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision shall be final.

2. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold, but will not be delivered until settlement has been made.

3. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: When full settlement has been made, a certificate of registration will be furnished and transfered to the purchaser on those lots that are registered.

4. HEALTH: All animals where possession is sold are eligible for interstate shipment except as otherwise noted. Any testing necessary for intrastate or interstate shipping will be done within thirty (30) days of the sale date. A health certificate will be furnished upon completion of purchase.

5. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements from the live auctioneer will take precedence over the printed matter in this catalog. All cattle will be sold by lot numbers as announced by the auctioneer.

6. BREEDING GUARANTEES: (A) All animals are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of (1) injury or disease occurring after sales; (2) negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser. (B) Any bull is considered a breeder if he settles cows by natural service and passes a fertility test made by a competent veterinarian during any six month period trial.

7. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENTS: A. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing within six (6) months of the sale date. B. Any animal that has not proven itself a breeder within the time limits specified above, if in healthy condition, may be returned to seller at buyer's expense, and buyer may either demand return of the purchase price or replacement of the animal with another of equal value.

8. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS: The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both.

Additional Terms & Conditions applicable to the Online Auction can be found at:http://www.dvauction.com/terms_and_conditions

PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Check, cash, cashiers check or money order made out to Branch Ranch are all acceptable forms of payment. If buyer is registered through DVAuction.com and has approved Credit Card information on file, that credit card may be used for settlement if the buyer so chooses. If proper settlement has not been made in a timely manner, credit cards on file may be used to settle any outstanding balances.

Buyers interested in paying by credit card can leave their credit card information on file with DVAuction by calling (402) 316-5460. All purchases must be payed in full before delivery will be scheduled.

CHECKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Settlement shall be made directly with seller (The Branch Ranch).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This sale will be a combination timed and live event. Online pre-bidding starts Friday, November 1, 2024 at 8 am and closes on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 9:30 am. The live auction at the ranch will begin at 10:30 am Monday, November 4, 2024. Once the final hammer price has been realized through the live auction, the animal will then be considered sold.


Sale Day Map

Directions to the Ranch:

Two miles frontage on I-49 and one mile fontage on Clear Lake. Exit 177 East off I-49. Go one mile to The Branch Ranch entrance.

Location for viewing bulls through 10/29/24.

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