tom hill’s advice column Teixeira Cattle Co. is sharing gene frequency for multiple important production traits. Unique in this data set is that the Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls are referenced with 23 million phenotypes from eight major beef breeds. In other words you can evaluate the genetic potential of the Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls against the largest combined beef cattle comparison of the US cattle industry. Simply put these gene frequency bar graphs allow you to compare the genetic value of the Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls to the US cattle population not just the American Angus database. CW=Carcass Weight: 77% of the Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls are superior to the industry average for carcass weight. Doc=Docility: 85% of the Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls are average to better than average for docility. BW/CED/ADG: The Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls offering is 75% average plus superior for average daily gain while being below industry average for birthweight and above industry average for calving ease. Actual Birthweight: 73% of the Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls are average or less than the US beef population while at the same time being 75% above the industry average for growth and carcass weight. CED/Calving Ease Direct: Teixeira Cattle Co. Bulls will have daughters with superior calving with 80% of the offering industry average or better. HP=Heifer Pregnancy: Rate of a Teixeira Cattle Co. sale bulls will be equal to industry norms Milk: 75% of the Teixeira Cattle Co. will produce daughters in the mid range of beef industry. MRB/Marbling: 80% of the Teixeira Cattle Co. will sire calves above average for marbling in the beef industry with no extreme, no negative outliers. REA/Ribeye: 80% of Teixeira Cattle Co. bulls will sire calves above industry average for ribeye area with no bulls in the lower 40% for marbling. RFI: 83% of the Teixeira Cattle Co. bulls will sire calves with industry average or better for feed efficiency. Summary = The Teixeira Cattle Co. multi-generation selection program has created genetic value for superior marbling, ribeye area, growth and feed efficiency. While being below industry average for birthweight and calving ease. At the same time creating females with moderate milk and easy calving without sacrificing fertility. - Tom Hill
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