Randolph Community College Magazine - Fall 2017

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RANDOLPH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Fall 2017 | Magazine & Report to the Community

In this issue:

Eclipse Event • Apprentice Accolades What I Did Last Summer • And more...

On the Cover

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. From left, Dorothy Hans, English/ reading instructor; Fred Watts, mathematics instructor; and Kia Vang, department head for medical assisting, help us kick off a series of articles featuring the faculty and staff heroes of RCC. Photo by Perfecta Visuals/Jerry Wolford and Scott Muthersbaugh.

Weird Science

Chemical reactions create colorful flames in an RCC General Chemistry course taught by Dr. Patrick Healy, chemistry instructor. This course is part of the Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) for Associate in Arts and Associate in Science students designed to easily transfer to four-year colleges and universities.


C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E Magazine & Report to the Community | Fall 2017

CONTENTS President’s Message......................................................................................2 Giraffe Feeders...............................................................................................4 Summer Camp............................................................................................ 10 Here’s Your SIgn............................................................................................14 Heroes of our Hallways............................................................................16 A Warrior Son & a Mother’s Heart...................................................... 22 Eclipsing Experience..................................................................................26 Saving the Day............................................................................................ 32 It’s About Time/By the Numbers.........................................................44 RCC Foundation..........................................................................................47


F. Mac Sherrill, Chairman Fred E. Meredith, Vice Chairman John M. Freeze James G. Gouty J. Harold Holmes T. Reynolds Lisk Jr.

Curt J. Lorimer Shirley D. McAnulty Robert E. Morrison Bonnie R. Renfro Cynthia G. Schroder R. Andrews Sykes

 www.randolph.edu  www.facebook.com/RandolphCommunityCollege  www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=32471  @RandolphCC

Information: 336-633-0200 Alumni Relations: 336-633-1118 Public Relations: 336-633-0208

The Randolph Community College Magazine is produced twice a year by Randolph Community College and the RCC Foundation.

Magazine Staff

Felicia Barlow, Managing Editor Cathy Hefferin, Editor Shelley Greene, Vice President

Contributing Writers Kelly Heath Tonya Monroe Greg Stewart G. Warlock Vance

Design & Production

Kris Julian, Magazine Art Director

Photography by

Sydney Bartholow Cathy Hefferin Kris Julian Guest photographer credits provided in articles.

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I am fortunate every day to get to work with the stellar employees at Randolph Community College. Those of you who know me can attest that I frequently say what sets us apart from all other colleges in the state is our people, and I deeply and truly believe that. Whether they work directly or indirectly with students, they are passionate about our mission and committed to serving our students in every way they possibly can. There are no “little people” or “unimportant positions” at RCC. Every employee’s role is critical to our mission of creating opportunities and changing lives. This edition of our magazine focuses on those who are doing their work directly in the classroom, obviously having a very special impact on our students. As of this semester, we have 87 full-time faculty, and 297 part-time and adjunct faculty teaching our students in both the curriculum and continuing education areas. They come from all walks of life and backgrounds and received their degrees from institutions across the country. Did you know that 16 of our faculty members have doctorates? Some of them have been here for many years, and some of them just started with us. As was profiled in the summer issue of our magazine, some of them start their educational careers here at RCC and then come back to teach. Three of our faculty members are profiled in this issue: Medical Assisting Department Head Kia Vang, English/

Reading Instructor Dorothy Hans, and Mathematics Instructor Fred Watts. As you will see from these profiles, we have faculty with interesting and compelling backgrounds and interests, and these are just three examples! Whether they be full time, part time, or adjunct, all of our faculty also have some very interesting stories to tell about their students and the special experiences they have every year that keep them committed and energized with their role of teaching. I was once a faculty member, so I can attest to the work ethic and commitment it takes to do it well. Day in and day out, our faculty members are providing the highest quality of educational experience for our students. I know some of them have told me before that they love being at a community college because of the smaller class sizes and individualized attention they are able to give students. Unlike at many universities, research, publications, and grants are not the focus for our faculty; serving our students is the focus. And that focus on students makes RCC a special place for students to grow and discover the scholar and leader within them. There’s lots more news to share in this issue, so I hope you can find a quiet corner and enjoy this latest issue of RCC’s award winning magazine!

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Sticking Their NecksOut RCC Welding Students Fulfill Tall Order for North Carolina Zoo By Cathy Hefferin Designing and building a giraffe enrichment device could be a tall order for some, but not for Randolph Community College’s Welding Technology students. They recently worked with zookeepers from the North Carolina Zoo to improve an existing enrichment item and add a new one to the giraffe enclosure behind the scenes at the Zoo in Asheboro. The students and their instructors formed a caravan of vehicles and 4x4 trucks outside the N.C. Zoo Education Building on July 12 to follow Animal Management Supervisor Jodi Wiley through the back gate and along the tram paths to the rear of the giraffe barn to install the new equipment. The students worked for several hours in the July heat and humidity to remove an old wire basket from an existing pole

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and install the new hardware they had fabricated with design help from the zookeepers. While the old basket, originally designed as a hay feeder according to Wiley, could hold a few tree boughs (from which the resident giraffes love to munch on the leaves), the new hardware has a horizontal bar with eight loops across the top to which various enrichment items can be attached. It is also angled to boost the height of the 16-foot pole to a total of 18 feet to place it at “giraffe height.” The hardware was mounted to a hand-cranked hoist that can be moved to the bottom of the pole for access by the zookeepers. Although the giraffes were safely tucked away in the barn during the “construction,” the RCC students did attract some attention from other animals nearby in the habitat. Suddenly appearing at the habitat gate were an ostrich and three zebra, curious as to what was going on. Although the zebra didn’t stick around, the ostrich supervised the work for quite some time. After completing the improvement to the first armature, the students enlisted the help of a couple of zoo workers and a forklift. Together, they successfully installed the second fabricated pole at another corner of the giraffe’s behind-the-scenes quarters, then attached the second enrichment armature. (continued on page 7) randolph.edu | 5

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Wiley, who has been with the N.C. Zoo for 15 years, said the enhanced armature would give the zookeepers more options to provide the giraffes “enrichment” with feeding puzzles, toys, and other objects to stimulate their curiosity and engagement. Wiley, who said the giraffes usually take some time to adjust to new items, reported the Zoo’s big male giraffe went right for the new enrichment when he was let out of the barn. RCC Welding Department Head Michael S. Ford said realworld projects such as this help the students prepare for the work force, where skilled welders are in demand. The RCC Welding department previously worked with the N.C. Zoo to build several elephant feeders in 2013 and 2016, which solved a problem of the elephants ingesting sand while feeding off the ground. The RCC Welding students who worked on the giraffe project include Bailey Black and Cole Jacobs, both of Asheboro; Neil Jones of Coleridge; Spencer Craven and Coy Wolfe, both of Franklinville; Benjamin Salmons of Denton; Laura Thompson of Staley; Alan Mozingo of Trinity; and Seth Williams of Troy. Welding instructor Allan Bechel also assisted.

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Excellence in Teaching/Staff Person of the Year Honorees

Dolores VargasBenavides Randolph Community College honored Dolores Vargas-Benavides as its 2017 Excellence in Teaching award winner during its Spring Convocation held Jan. 6, 2017, in the R. Alton Cox Learning Resources Center auditorium.

Vargas-Benavides started out at RCC in the English as a Second Language program when she emigrated to the United States from Mexico. She earned her high school equivalency diploma at RCC and began to take curriculum classes. With some encouragement from her instructors, Vargas-Benavides decided to continue her education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, eventually earning her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish. She went on to earn her Master of Arts in Spanish from North Carolina 8|RCC • Fall 2017

State University, and she is currently working on her Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a specialization in Cultural Studies at UNCG. Vargas-Benavides began to teach Spanish part time at RCC in August 2009 and joined the College as a full-time instructor in August 2010. In addition to her classroom teaching, she teaches English for Speakers of Other Languages courses at RCC. She is very popular with her students. “Miss (Vargas-Benavides) is the best teacher I have ever had,” says one student in an evaluation. “She makes learning fun and always was helpful. She explained why something wasn’t correct without making you feel stupid.”

Vargas-Benavides has been nominated for the Excellence in Teaching award at RCC each year for the past five years, a clear sign of the high esteem in which she is held by her faculty colleagues. This year alone, two separate nominations were submitted for her to win the award. Vargas-Benavides is active in other areas of the College, too. She took part in the President’s Educational Leadership Academy at RCC in the spring of 2015. She planned and hosted a Latino Career Symposium at RCC in November 2015 for all students in the community, but particularly Latino students, bringing in guest speaker Monica Colin of the Mexican Consulate of North Carolina.

RCC’s 2017 faculty and staff winners were announced in fall 2016, as these winners become RCC’s nominees for statewide awards due in October. The recipients were surprised during their daily routines with a visit from RCC’s Senior Leadership Team and presented with flowers, balloons, and an oversized award certificate. In addition, the honorees are treated to a lunch with RCC’s president, a dedicated parking space during the year, and engraved bricks with their names are placed in the plaza surrounding the JB Davis Bell & Clock Tower on the Asheboro Campus by the RCC Foundation. The formal recognition is done during the Spring Convocation when all faculty and staff members are present.

Cathy Hefferin Cathy D. Hefferin was honored as the 2017 Staff Person of the Year during RCC’s Spring Convocation.

Hefferin has been with RCC for nearly 25 years working under several different titles, including director of public affairs/ affirmative action officer, director of communications and marketing, director of communications, and currently assistant director of marketing for public information. No matter what her title, Hefferin has been at the center of RCC’s outreach efforts for the last two decades. “Cathy works tirelessly to make sure RCC is seen positively in the community,” said a co-worker. “Her attention to detail is a big part of that.”

One colleague says, “I refer to (Cathy) as the ‘hub’ of our campus. She is such a wealth of knowledge and information. I truly don’t think there’s anything she DOESN’T know about RCC’s history! The thing about Cathy is that she doesn’t make a show about her accomplishments. She quietly does her job and many people don’t even realize how much she contributes to our campus.” Hefferin was part of the RCC team that developed the Fountain-Luria Student Leadership Academy at RCC in the 2007-2008 academic year, and she has volunteered to serve on that committee every year since. Since 2014, she has served as a representative of the College on the Asheboro Advisory Board for the State Employees Credit Union. She

also has been very active in RCC’s Armadillo Trackers, the college’s fundraising team for Relay for Life, which funds cancer research. Hefferin graduated from the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Randolph program in 2007. She also completed the RCC President’s Educational Leadership Academy in fall 2014. Throughout her tenure at RCC, Hefferin has been active in the Public Relations, Information, and Marketing Association (PRIMA), a statewide organization of her colleagues in the North Carolina Community College System; the College News Association of the Carolinas (CNAC); and the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR). randolph.edu | 9

N O T Y O U R P A R E N T S ’

SUMMER CAMP 2017 Armadillo Adventures Summer Camp Success By Felicia Barlow Ah, summer camp. Memories of swimming, craft-making, and campfires. Fast-forward a few decades to the summer of 2017. Kids from across Randolph County converged on the RCC campus for some awesome adventures — Armadillo Adventures that is!

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Summer camps on community college campuses are fairly common, but this is the first for RCC. Wanda Beck is RCC’s director of workforce development and the driving force behind Armadillo Adventures. “We thought it would be great to get local students on our campus…to try something new…and show them that RCC is a fun place,” Beck said. The camp was designed for young people ages 8-14. They had a wide variety of classes to choose from. Hands-on activities like pottery, theatrical make-up, hairstyling, and nail art. Creative activities like drawing cartoons and comics. And then there were the technology classes. Everything from making your first 3D video game, designing your own mobile app, and even learning code for the web! Classes ran Monday through Thursday and were organized based on age, 8-11 year olds or 11-14 year olds. Campers were given free T-shirts, wristbands, and snacks. Free before and after care was also available! Parents had the choice of morning or afternoon sessions. Some even chose both to make a day of it! (continued on next page)

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So what did parents and campers think of Armadillo Adventures? Feedback was very positive, says Beck. “Parents mentioned how organized it was, especially for the first year….and many of the students said they wished the classes were longer.” Beck says her favorite comment was from a camper who said, “Can you try to do the camps on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays too?” Since this was a new adventure for RCC, Beck says she turned to the experts at Forsyth Technical Community College for some planning assistance. They just recently started a similar summer camp. “Forsyth Tech shared a lot of great information—how to handle various situations including the sign-in/sign-out process.” Beck says another thing that really helped was having an online registration process. As with any new endeavor, there is a learning curve. One of the biggest lessons, according to Beck, is that the pottery classes may have to be longer because of the glazing process. She says pottery, along with illustration, Minecraft, and cosmetology-related classes seemed to be the most popular. While Beck says next year’s camps will still be four days a week, she says the duration throughout the summer will likely change. A debrief is already in the works, and Beck says she, and others, will take a closer look at which weeks had the highest and lowest enrollment. Overall, RCC’s first-ever Armadillo Adventures Summer Camp was a success. During the course of seven weeks, 181 campers took part in 25 different classes! Beck says it was certainly a team effort and is very pleased with how well everything went. A big thank-you to the RCC Foundation for approving a $4,800 grant that paid for the T-shirts, wrist bands, snacks, cosmetology supplies, as well as first-aid/CPR classes for instructors!

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Here’s Your 14|RCC • Fall 2017


Logo by RCC Advertising & Graphic Design Student Adopted by Robbins By Cathy Hefferin When the town of Robbins wanted to undertake a rebranding project last fall, they turned to Randolph Community College’s Advertising and Graphic Design students to design a new logo that reflected that brand. “Randolph Community College is well known for its excellence in Advertising and Graphic Design,” said Robbins Town Manager David A. Lambert. “I had heard that Lisa Hughes had done a number of innovative ‘real world’ activities with students, and I was eager to see if RCC could partner with Robbins on our logo project.” Fifteen second-year students in Hughes’ GRD 281-Design of Advertising course began work on the project with a trip to Robbins to find out about the town. Lambert said Robbins has a long history of reinventing itself. “We wanted a fresh start and something that symbolizes where we are going as a community,” he said.

“Moving Forward Together,” was a collaborative effort. Over the next couple of months, Lambert continued working with Bartholow to make some minor revisions, with Mechanics Hill Marketing of Robbins contributing to the final product. The final design incorporates a residential neighborhood, a cityscape with a clock tower, and a farm. “I tried to bring together all the things that are included in the town,” said Bartholow during her presentation. “I tried to show a place where people want to work, live and play.” The town unveiled the new logo on its Facebook page in March. Lambert said they will be using the new logo on attraction signs, products, letterhead, etc. Lambert said he was happy with the outcome. “The students put forth tremendous effort, and I was happy to work with RCC on this project. The whole process was very professional, and the students took time to understand our needs,” he said. “We gave them some challenging concepts, and they worked in excellence to complete their goals.”

The RCC students submitted designs, and the town’s Appearance Committee narrowed the choices to designs from two students, Sydney Bartholow of Ramseur and Travis Chambers of Greensboro. The committee eventually chose one of Bartholow’s designs, and she presented several options to the Town Council at their regular meeting in late January. Bartholow said the tagline,

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Photo by Perfecta Visuals/Jerry Wolford and Scott Muthersbaugh.

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If you don’t know, there are people with superpowers all around our campus. These people may be teaching English or taking orders; engaging thought or emptying trash. One thing ties all these extraordinary beings together as a team: their mission of creating opportunities and changing the lives of people for the better. To honor these individuals from all areas of academia and beyond, this magazine will periodically feature members of the faculty and staff at Randolph Community College in a series we call...

Heroes of Our Hallways Creating Opportunities Through Diverse Instruction by G. Warlock Vance Although Kia Vang, Dorothy Hans, and Fred Watts were born in different locations around the globe, Laos, New York City, and Tacoma, Washington, respectively, their teaching dynamics are remarkably similar. Each denotes exactly how their varied subjects relate to students in their everyday lives, and how this knowledge can be applied even after students move on into their careers beyond college. They are also committed to the RCC motto of “creating opportunities and changing lives,” fully understanding the great impact of these phrases. (continued on next page) randolph.edu | 17

proud of her Hmong heritage and Kia isdescribes how her parents saved her from the approaching Vietnamese army, a she translates into her ability to help Vang fact others. After immigrating to the United States, Kia attended Montgomery Community College to obtain an Associate in Applied Science and is currently working on a B.A. in Science in Public Health. Her studies, in conjunction with her work experience in the fields of pediatrics, OB-GYN, and orthopedics, helped inspire her love for her chosen profession.

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Kia explains how she “had always been fascinated by the mechanics of the body and its ability to recover from trauma.” Where some of her classmates shied away from medical pursuits, she embraced them, knowing that she wanted to be “either…a physician or run my own hospital.” Her work with RCC began in 2011. She has helped facilitate the creation and growth of the Medical Assisting program, serving as the head of this department. Although Kia strives to help students learn the fundamentals of medical procedures, she notes how she also tries “to foster critical thinking” so students are prepared “to function as highly skilled and competent health professionals.”

her upbringing in Queens For became the backdrop for her connection to literature. Dorothy intense Dorothy acknowledges how her desire to teach stems from her Hans, early experiences tutoring other

students. Later on, she was fortunate enough to have several teachers who made the books she was reading in English come alive. “I was always the shy kid in the corner reading. I just always loved English. I had some of the best high school English teachers, who made literature come alive. I loved talking about stories. I loved talking about people. Why people did the things they did. I loved that feeling that came after reading and talking about a really good book or seeing a great play.”

Dorothy attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where she earned a B.A. in English and Anthropology, then later studied for her master’s degree at Wake Forest University here in North Carolina. Along the way, Dorothy taught at a boarding school, and middle and high school grades as well. Dorothy describes her favorite part of teaching at RCC as “the students and my colleagues.” Her personal philosophy to “Be kind. Be human,” is informed by the major reason she loves literature, and how reading fiction allows one to more fully comprehend the “subject about being human.”

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born in Tacoma, Washington. Fred was Although he became interested in while in high school, he was Watts teaching advised not to go into education, thus

his first real experience with teaching came later when he worked in the technology industry. Fred was good in mathematics since his grade school years (scoring in the top percentile on national tests), so his interest in the subject was established at an early age. When he went to college, Fred says that “a contributing factor to my choice of undergraduate major was my desire to avoid English, history, and any subject that required too much drawing.” However, before becoming a full-time instructor, Fred worked as an information technology management consultant. This position required Fred to write and demonstrate the information to clients. Fred notes how both the work in his former career and his current pursuits for his hobby of genealogy 20|RCC • Fall 2017

mean he still needs to “study history.” No matter what, Fred says, “It seems that I could not escape English or history.” Fred earned a B.A. in Mathematics from Oakland University, located in Rochester, Michigan, and an M.A. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. After retiring from his initial career, he came to RCC as an adjunct instructor during the 2012-2013 academic year. He became a full-time instructor later in 2013. Fred’s approach to educating students provides them with the means to utilize math in practical ways, thus enabling them to clearly understand how the subject applies to their everyday lives. “My definition of success happens long after the class is completed. It is when a former student recognizes mathematics concepts in their everyday interactions,” says Fred. And it is this attention to his students’ needs that helps lead to their ultimate success in their academic careers.

This level of devotion to the learning outcomes for students is very similar across the teaching spectrum at RCC. The profiles of these three instructors in particular demonstrate the diversity of that academic experience and how each educator, in turn, strives for excellence in providing their students with opportunities to learn, to grow, and to enrich their lives. Photo by Perfecta Visuals/Jerry Wolford and Scott Muthersbaugh.

Dr. Vance teaches American Literature and Technical Writing for RCC. He is also the author of the crime/suspense novel “THE BAD MAN.�

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A Warrior Son & a Mother’s Heart By Felicia Barlow

Becoming a parent changes your life. It changes you in ways you never imagined. There truly is no love quite like the love between a parent and child. I would do just about anything for my boys. I’m lucky. I have never been faced with a serious issue with either one of my sons. I know that is NOT the case for many parents. Let me introduce you to Cloie Thomas and her son, Dylan. Their lives changed on May 11, 2016, the day of RCC’s curriculum graduation. Cloie was graduating with a nursing degree. Shortly after the ceremony, they got word that 11-year-old Dylan had leukemia. This is their story, in Cloie’s own words. Let’s start with your nursing degree. Give me some background on why you wanted to get into nursing. What specialty did you want to practice? I’ve known that I wanted to be a nurse as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a heart for service and for caring for other people in their times of need. When I was 18, my grandmother’s Alzheimer’s disease was becoming too much for my grandfather to handle on his own. I cared for her from that time up until the day she died in 2014, just 3 months before I started nursing school. After she passed away, my grandfather’s Parkinson’s disease worsened, and he was struggling with some added dementia. While in the first few semesters of school, I helped my mother and aunts care for him as well. When I started nursing school, I always said I would be a labor and delivery nurse. I’ve always felt a calling to that specialty and feel like I could bring a lot to the table in regard to helping new moms, especially the younger ones. Talk about the bond you have with Dylan. The bond Dylan and I share is like no other. I had Dylan when I was very young. I was 15 years old. I am a FIRM believer that EVERYTHING happens for a REASON and is all under God’s perfect timing. When Dylan was just 4 months old, my father passed away. Dylan was the first biological grandchild that he ever had the 22|RCC • Fall 2017

chance to meet and hold. It may not have been ideal to have Dylan so young, but I am so thankful that I did. I wouldn’t change a thing. It was an important goal of mine to finish high school and continue on to college in order to provide him the best life possible. I was determined to NOT be another statistic, and I was determined to make him proud of his mama! Tell me about Dylan. Dylan just turned 13 years old. He is the kind of kid that opens his heart for others. He loves little kids and isn’t afraid to say what is on his mind. He loves motocross, has his own dirt bike and also has his own track at home. He loves watching YouTube videos and was recently featured on the famous ‘YouTuber’ Jake Paul’s newest video. Dylan is very family oriented and can do the best Elvis impersonation you’ve ever heard! He is in 7th Grade at Northeastern Randolph Middle School. He can sing really well and also plays the bass guitar! He can spew off more facts about comics and superheroes than anyone I’ve ever known. He has the sweetest smile and the best sense of humor. He can make anyone’s bad day better. Now let’s talk about Dylan’s journey. What happened initially that prompted the concern about potential cancer? Dylan has had frequent ear infections since he was a baby. He’s even had tubes, so when he came to us complaining about his ears, we kind of knew the drill…a trip to the doctor’s office and on our way with antibiotics. After a few days on the antibiotic, he was still running a fever, so we took him back in to be seen. He then tested positive for strep throat although he didn’t have any of the typical strep symptoms. This was odd for me, but we were given another antibiotic and again sent on our way. Just a few days later (the day of nursing’s pinning ceremony) we noticed the lymph nodes under his chin and around his neck were rock hard and swollen. We took him back in to be seen, and they drew blood because they were thinking mono. His white count came back unusually high and the “C word” was thrown around, but we were told not to worry yet, that they were having it evaluated and they would let me know more the next day… graduation day.

Photo courtesy of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Photography Department

You found out about his diagnosis on your graduation night. Take me back there, if you can. Graduation day was a hard day because we knew SOMETHING was going on, we just didn’t know what yet. I was just going to skip the cap and gown ceremony because I was a worried and nervous wreck. Dylan, being the precious soul he is, told me that HE wanted me to go to graduation. That I had worked so hard and he wanted me to finish it all the way it’s supposed to be. During graduation, we were awaiting the news from UNC Children’s Hospital in Chapel Hill. I always say it happened like it would in some movie you’d see. I kept my phone with me, since this was a special circumstance, and my husband had his with him as well up in the stands. I kept watching his face to see if he received any calls before me. Literally, as I was walking up in line to walk across the stage, I noticed something different about my husband’s face. Something inside me just knew. I walked across the stage trying to hold back tears and smile for the picture with Dr. Shackleford. As soon as graduation was over, I had to wait for what felt like a lifetime right outside by the second big oak tree for my family to get to me. My husband played me the message and all I heard was “It’s Leukemia.” My world stopped. I was so numb, I could barely cry. There I was surrounded by my classmates that I had just spent the last two years of my life with. They were all laughing, hugging, and smiling for pictures with their families on the happiest, proudest day of their lives, and I was just standing there letting the news sink in as my world was crashing down around me. We left graduation and rushed straight to Chapel Hill. As everyone else was spending the next few weeks celebrating their graduation with trips and parties, I celebrated it in the Pediatric ICU with my son and meetings with oncologists giving me news about his rare form of Leukemia. The next several months were full of highs and lows. Talk a bit about that roller coaster. Imagine being told your child has cancer. Leukemia to be exact. When you get this news, it generally means it will be one of two types: ALL (Acute Lymphoid Leukemia) or AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). ALL is still serious, but is more common. AML is very life threatening and requires extensive treatments and a transplant. Now imagine being told that the oncologists can’t quite determine exactly which form your son has

because it has markers for BOTH and it’s RARE. When I got the news I was like okay, it’s not the easier one, it’s not the harder one, it’s the HARDEST one. HOW? WHY? I was heartbroken and furious all at the same time. In the midst of it all, my beloved grandfather (the one I took care of) passed away in June a few weeks after Dylan’s diagnosis…something that I never fully got the opportunity to grieve. We started out treating it as ALL, and it didn’t have an effect on the disease. We switched gears and treated it as AML and got some response. His disease still wasn’t low enough after the second round for a transplant, so we did one more to try to get the disease to a low enough point for a bone marrow transplant. Little did I know that this round of chemo would almost kill my son. The chemo wiped out all of Dylan’s counts, and he was left with nothing in his body to fight off infection. A day or so before Dylan’s 12th birthday, he started running a high fever. Dylan had a monster infection. This infection continued to take over his already damaged body, and he became septic. His lungs shut down, and the day before his 12th birthday, Dylan told me “I’m just so tired mama,” and that was the last time I heard him speak for nearly 2 ½ months because soon after he was placed on the ventilator. Dylan continued to worsen. He had maxed out settings on the ventilator, and more extreme measures were needed to keep him alive. Dylan’s oxygen saturation continued to worsen, and his tired and very sick lungs needed a rest. ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) was needed. This is basically maxed out life support. A tube inserted through his neck would send his blood out of his body and through a machine to be oxygenated and then returned to his body through another tube. Very dangerous, and extremely risky for a child who has no ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count, which fights infection) and extremely low platelets (platelets keep you from bleeding out). Dylan was on ECMO for nine long and grueling days, and we saw signs of improvement with his lungs. He was taken off ECMO and did well for 24 hours, but slowly started to decline again. The unheard of was happening all over again. His lungs were shutting down. AGAIN. They sat me down and said they would TRY to place him on ECMO again, but this is virtually unheard of in pediatric clients and that I should prepare myself for the unimaginable. I was told that he could possibly only have 24 hours left to live, and IF he did survive, he (continued on next page) randolph.edu | 23

would have severe deficits as a result of being without adequate oxygenation. Something inside me couldn’t fathom that, and I kept fighting for my son. He was on ECMO for the second time for another 10 days. (In the meantime, my daughter’s first day of kindergarten took place as well as her 6th birthday). Dylan surprised everyone. He finally showed signs of improvement. He was finally able to come off ECMO, but was still on the ventilator. The doctors told me they thought he would be ventilator-dependent and would require a tracheostomy. He again proved them wrong and was extubated just five days after being taken off ECMO and made a FULL and COMPLETE miraculous recovery with NO deficits! He lived through the impossible. Now we had to give him time to recover from this and get him ready for a bone marrow transplant. In December 2016, after being stood up by three previous donors from the national donor registry, the fourth donor came through and Dylan received his bone marrow transplant! Dylan had a few good months, then you found out the cancer was back. I can’t even begin to fathom what this was like for you, as his mom. This was really hard. We were told that the transplant was going to be Dylan’s saving grace. That if we could make it to, and get through the transplant, it would be the “end all, be all, cure all.” Unfortunately, Dylan did relapse with disease outside the marrow. It showed up on many of his bones and mucous membranes. This made his already rare situation even more rare and difficult to treat. You are the epitome of a ‘mama bear’ and have fought hard to get Dylan the best possible treatments. Tell me about that and how you ended up at St. Jude. When we learned of Dylan’s relapse it was devastating. We love our home hospital, but we quickly realized that we were dealing with something that they didn’t have enough experience with. I knew I had to get Dylan to a place that sees RARE cases. I researched the top five pediatric cancer hospitals in the country and was ready to work to get him there. St. Jude will only treat patients who qualify for an open clinical trial, and we weren’t sure if there would be anything open that fit Dylan’s needs. We were told it would be a “shot in the dark.” In the meantime, I was setting up consultation appointments in Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, and Texas. I was going to go anywhere and do anything 24|RCC • Fall 2017

Photo courtesy of Flashes of Hope

to get him the best possible treatment available. We finally got the phone call that Dylan would be eligible for a trial at St. Jude, which is basically the mecca of pediatric cancer research. We left as soon as they would take us, which would be only five days later. You have said that you now believe your nursing degree was meant for this, to help care for your son. I always knew I wanted to be a nurse, and it didn’t happen immediately after high school. It didn’t happen two years after high school. It happened NINE YEARS after graduating high school. I was so passionate about my nursing school experience. I LOVED clinicals. I loved one of my nursing instructors in particular because she inspired me so much. Her name was Mrs. Carlen. I wanted to soak up every bit of information she would give. Looking back now, I’m so thankful I did. MY education is so so important to ME because I have used every piece and part of it in caring and advocating for my son. Had it not been for what I learned, I honestly feel like my son’s experiences would have turned out much differently. There were times when I stood

up to doctors, voiced my opinions, noticed subtle changes in my son’s condition that I may have never have known to do beforehand. Dylan was diagnosed on May 11, 2016. This was my wedding anniversary and my graduation day. I don’t think this was a coincidence. I was given the blessing of my nursing education because God knew I would need it for a bigger purpose. I initially wanted my degree to PROVIDE a better life for my children. Now I realize I got my degree to literally SAVE my child’s life, and I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to serve my own family in this extremely special way. As a mom, your journey has touched my heart. It really makes you realize that everything you have and know, can be taken away in an instant. What would you say to parents, like me, who (unknowingly) take things for granted? I could go on for pages and pages about this! When Dylan was first diagnosed, I struggled so much with seeing others take small things for granted. But now, all I can do is spread my story along with God’s messages in hopes it will inspire others to appreciate how precious life truly is. I

literally had to pray every day for my son’s ability to use his own lungs. This made me thankful for every single breath he and my daughter take today. Something as small as your child BREATHING is worth praising because it could all be so different. I encourage everyone to look at them a little longer, play an extra 5 minutes, answer that 2,000th question even if you’ve explained it 100 times in 100 different ways. Read an extra story, let them have the “one more minute” at bath time. My son can’t take showers or baths like a “normal” person because he has a central line in his chest that can’t get wet or submerged. Enjoy summers with your families, cherish their birthdays. Down to the hair on their heads (because my son has lost his hair multiple times) to the whites of their eyes, to the pretty pink color of their lips (Dylan’s lips turn a pale yellow, sometimes blue when his blood counts are low). The fact that they can run to the mailbox and back without getting tired… praise the moments you are in. The day before Dylan’s diagnosis I wasn’t a cancer parent either…but now I am. This journey is far from over. What’s next? We completed our Venetoclax trial on Sept 7th and found out that the trial drug got Dylan’s disease to the lowest it had ever been. His PET scan came back clear, and his marrow was MRD (minimal residual

disease) negative! Once we got this news, they wanted to transplant us as soon as possible. We were admitted to the BMT floor on September 25th, where Dylan received 2 weeks of harsh chemo that would prepare his body to accept donor stem cells. While he was going through that, I was also preparing myself because I had the opportunity to be his donor! I was given the chance to provide life for my child for the second time. I had to have lots of blood work done, and received 3 shots of GCSF (a drug that helps your body produce an abundance of stem cells) every day for 6 days. Then, when it was time, I sat in the donor room hooked up to a machine that took my blood, filtered out the stem cells, put them in a bag and returned my blood to my body. I did this 2 days in a row for a total of 10 hours. Dylan was transplanted on October 10th. The transplant process was rough, he struggled with severe mucositis but was still very determined to take care of his body to give himself the best chance. He would do 50 crunches a day and walk with physical therapy every day. He was a trooper! We are now out of the hospital and living back at Target House, the housing apartments for the families of St. Jude. We have to remain here until at least Day 100 post-transplant because the first 100 days are the most crucial. We have to be

extremely careful, and he has to be closely monitored. So far, his body is successfully producing my cells! We will have a bone marrow aspirate and a PET scan to see how well the transplant worked, and to be sure he is still cancer free. We are hoping to return home to NC by the end of January in hopes to return to a “normal” life, something we haven’t had in close to 2 years. Hopefully, if things go well, I will be able to return to work as a labor & delivery nurse! What else would you like to add? I’d just like to tell anyone out there who gets discouraged about taking “too long” (in the world’s view) to complete a degree or program that it’s OKAY…and maybe there is a bigger purpose as to why it is taking so long. STICK WITH IT, and never give up. No matter what life throws at you, whether it’s being a single mom, a teen mom, having to work multiple jobs that slow down processes…IT’S OKAY. As long as you keep going, NOTHING is impossible. I’d also like to say that it’s important to trust your gut, and to stand up for what you believe in, even if you’re scared of looking stupid or feeling inferior. It’s worth it to speak up and make a change than to stay quiet and watch things worsen. Dylan relaxing with sister Camdyn Submitted Photo

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Eclipsing Experience Story and photos by Greg Stewart

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The normally dark electronic message signs on southbound I-85 warned of potentially heavy traffic due to the eclipse, but I hadn’t encountered any yet near Lexington, North Carolina. Perhaps because I was still 180 miles north of the center of the ribbon of totality that ran diagonally across the United States. Or perhaps because it was 3:30 a.m. on the morning of the eclipse and most people who were planning to witness the event were still asleep. While the traffic wasn’t heavy, there were numerous early birds like me on the road, and nearly all of them had out-of-state license tags on their vehicles. Most were from Virginia and West Virginia, but there were quite a few from greater distances as well. This was a big deal, and in spite of wall-to-wall coverage on broadcast, print, and social media, there were a lot of people like me who wanted to see it for themselves.

As recently as early July, I was still debating whether or not to make the trek to the closest area of totality in South Carolina, but after attending a presentation by photographer and astronomer Johnny Horne (RCC class of ’73), I had no doubt that this was something I had to do. Later in July, while driving through South Carolina to visit family in Georgia, I made a side trip off of I-85 to explore small towns that were in the line of totality. I was interested in more rural areas because the predictions for gridlock traffic for larger cities like Columbia sounded pretty ominous. I normally try to avoid crowds, but Johnny made it very clear that one did not want to be alone during the eclipse. He said that the way creatures, including humans, react to a total eclipse would be an important part of the experience. (continued on page 29)

Composite of 11 images showing the stages of the eclipse. The first frame on the left was made at 1:14 p.m. The last frame on the right was made at 3:50 p.m. Total eclipse was at 2:41 p.m. The orange tint of the ten partial phases is due to the color of the solar filter that was on the lens for those exposures.

Having left Anderson, South Carolina, around 4 p.m., this was the post-eclipse traffic on I-85 northbound near Gastonia, North Carolina, at 9 p.m.

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I’ve always been thrifty. Okay, I’m a cheapskate. First, I used a 1970’s era 500-mm lens that was never that sharp to start with. The filter material is from Amazon that I mounted in a holder made from an empty yogurt container and cardboard from a cereal box. The toilet paper tube on top of the camera was to help aim the camera. I made sure the tube was parallel to the lens, then all I had to do was look at the shadow of the tube on the ground, and, when the tube’s shadow disappeared, then the camera was pointed at the sun. In addition to holding together the toilet paper tube aiming device, the blue tape was to hold the lens in focus and to ensure that the wind didn’t blow the filter off of the lens while pointed at the sun.

After visiting several small towns near the east side of I-85 and studying maps and websites, I settled on several locations that I would try. My first choice was just outside of Anderson, a 65-acre flea market and farmer’s market called the Anderson Jockey Lot and Farmer’s Market. The large parking lot assured that I would be able to park my van and have easy access to my camera gear. Like tailgating. I pulled into the parking lot just before 7 a.m., and there were several dozen vehicles that had been there all night, ranging from big RVs to small cars with tents beside them. Only a few people were stirring, and even though the parking lot and adjacent buildings weren’t very scenic, I decided this was the place to be. I looked for a level spot to park the van because I was later going to set up a 12foot light stand with a camera on top, so I wanted for it to be on level ground. With Johnny’s words echoing in my head, I looked for a parking place near other people. Even though the beginning of the solar show was six hours away, and totality would be more than an hour after that, eclipse enthusiasts were beginning to prepare whatever method they would use to view the event. Equipment ranged from the free NASA approved solar viewing glasses that were being provided by the kind folks at the Jockey Lot to sophisticated computer controlled tracking telescopes with live camera feeds to laptop screens for image capture. My equipment was definitely more on the free solar viewing glasses end of that equipment spectrum. While I’ve always been curious about astronomy, I’ve never invested in any specialized equipment for astrophotography, nor have I studied how to capture the beautiful images that I’ve seen by other photographers. I’m always budget conscious, so I didn’t want to spend much money for equipment that I would use only once, so I decided to do what I could with equipment that I already had. From Johnny’s presentation, I did learn that I would need to purchase some solar filter material to put over the telephoto lens of any camera that was going to be pointed at the sun at any time other than the brief period of totality. I found some material on Amazon for under $20, so I was in business. Weeks in advance, I had decided to leave the really serious photography of the eclipse itself to the more serious astrophotographers who really knew what they were doing. I would make a passing attempt at photographing the eclipse as more of a souvenir for myself. I had a feeling that the other folks at the location where I ended up would probably create a party atmosphere that would lend itself to good people pictures, my favorite kind of photograph, and I was not disappointed. (continued on next page)

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An off-label use of eclipse glasses.

The night before going to South Carolina, I loaded into the van, three DSLR cameras and lenses, and a pointand-shoot camera, each with its own purpose, along with various tripods and light stands. I used a 500mm telephoto lens on a tripod for the actual sun photographs during the eclipse. I put one camera with a 12mm wideangle lens on a tripod at ground level to make pictures automatically at five-minute intervals from start to finish during all phases of the eclipse. During the roughly two and a half minutes of totality, I fired this camera by hand more frequently just to have more images to choose 30|RCC • Fall 2017

from. The point-and-shoot camera went up on top of the 12-foot light stand in order to capture video and sound of the event from just before totality until just after, and finally, I had a handheld camera for walking around to capture people pictures of those like myself who had gathered to witness this amazing event. That was almost as much fun as the eclipse itself. The joy and enthusiasm of all those people who had gathered to witness this total eclipse of the sun was absolutely worth the trip! (continued on next page)

Now, about those signs that I had seen early that morning that warned about heavy traffic. Well, let me say that it took three and a half hours to reach my destination that morning, and over eight hours to get home after the eclipse. But it was worth it!

Some eclipse observers chose to sit back, relax, and let the eclipse come to them. Amateur astronomer Chris Plonski had some really nice telescope equipment, and he knew how to use it. He said that when he was preparing for the eclipse, he discovered it was going to be too bright to see his laptop, so he repurposed a plastic storage box so that he could see the laptop screen.

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Saving the Day Couponing Queen Krystal Parson By Tonya Monroe Editor’s Note: Krystal Parson recently taught several popular couponing classes for RCC’s Workforce Development and Continuing Education Division. The popularity of the classes caught the attention of the media, and Krystal was interviewed by WGHP-TV Fox 8 and a producer for two national radio programs, America In The Morning and The Jim Bohannon Show.

Sunday mornings are usually filled with preparing for church, relaxing or savoring a cup of coffee; but for Krystal Parson, Sunday mornings mean church and scouring the circulars for coupons and looking for the best deals. Krystal says she began couponing with her friend, Eileen, “as a way to raise funds for our daughters’ cheerleading team to attend competition.” For Krystal, couponing seemed like a good idea to raise money and stretch her budget. Krystal buys groceries and toiletries for herself and her two girls, ages 10 and 15. Her weekly strategy is to “get the most for the entire week on a $40 budget.” Each week, Krystal reviews the circulars for all stores. She creates a list for each store, taking note of relevant coupons, and sorts her collection in an accordion organizer labeled by section of the store. “I use the file system because it helps me stay organized,” says Krystal. “Each week I flip through the circular, label the front with the date and any coupons I will use in that insert. I then place the inserts in a large Ziploc bag. My bags are organized chronologically in a tote bag.” (continued on page 34)

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...get the most for the entire week on a $ 40 budget


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She also utilizes apps and websites to help locate deals. If the deal is too good to pass up, Krystal will visit stores in Asheboro, Greensboro, High Point and has traveled as far as Danville, Virginia, to purchase products. “Depending on my shopping, I spend anywhere between $30 - $50 a month.” One rule of thumb for Krystal, which she follows to the letter, is “I follow the guidelines on the coupon and the store policies. In addition, I only purchase items I will use. Just because I have a coupon doesn’t mean I use it.” Krystal says she buys items in large quantities only if she can freeze them, if they are nonperishable and if she will use them quickly. The savings, which Krystal records in

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a notebook, have fired her passion for more couponing. There are a few tips Krystal recommends to anyone who is interested in couponing: be patient, stay organized, and only buy bulk products that you will use often. You may be wondering what Krystal does with 50 boxes of detergent, 25 sticks of deodorant, 75 bottles of dish detergent or 15 bottles of body wash. “I create blessing boxes for my family at Christmas,” Krystal explains. “I also provide to others in need and host a sale once a year with my coupon partner Anita, in which we invite our family, friends, and community to come shop at a discount.” (continued on next page)

She uses the money she saves and from the once a year sale for something special — trips to Disney World, Pigeon Forge, and Myrtle Beach. Krystal shares her passion for couponing by teaching classes and holding one-on-one sessions with people eager to learn the trade. Based on her class evaluations, her students marvel at the “incredible amount of money you can save just by using coupons and keeping an eye out for bargains.” Krystal remarked, “People get pretty hyped when I explain to them what you can get for free, or when the store has to pay me to shop!” Even random passers-by can’t resist gleaning a few shopping tips from Krystal. By leveraging the power of buying multiple items, Krystal keeps folks stocked up with the essentials.

She’s the “Coupon Queen,” and she’s ready to save some money!

The right tool for the job - Krystal begins the task of snipping out the coupons that will keep money in her wallet.

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The first group of apprentices stand ready for the challenge in the Gene Haas Computer-Integrated Machining Institute.

Celebrating Apprentices Apprenticeship Randolph/Golden LEAF/ Pathways to Prosperity

in April 2015 to create seamless educational pathways for students to go from local high schools to community college into lucrative advanced manufacturing jobs.

By Kelly Heath

Funding from the Golden LEAF Foundation will be used to purchase equipment to open two new high school advanced manufacturing programs: a metals manufacturing program at the Randolph County School System’s Eastern Randolph High School; and an advanced manufacturing program at Asheboro City Schools’ Asheboro High School. Equipment will also be updated at the existing metals manufacturing program at Randolph County School System’s Randleman High School and at

Educational partners Randolph Community College, Randolph County School System, and Asheboro City Schools were recently awarded a $960,000 grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation to further advance the Pathways to Prosperity program. “This community has its act together,” said Golden LEAF Executive Vice President Mark Sorrells about Randolph County and the three school systems, explaining why Golden LEAF had decided to fund the grant request. “This community has a plan…and they are mobilizing the resources to make it happen.” This Golden LEAF Community Based Grant specifically addresses Golden LEAF’s funding priority of workforce preparedness in economically distressed and rural communities in the areas of advanced manufacturing. It also continues the Pathways to Prosperity partnership between the three school systems that was first unveiled 36|RCC • Fall 2017

Hands-on experience makes the Pathways to Prosperity program a valuable gateway to a lucrative career.

the Computer-Integrated Machining program at Randolph Community College. Students will benefit as these new and improved facilities will allow the partners to double high school enrollment (from 250 to 500+) students in advanced manufacturing programs, and student access to community college classes, industry-recognized credentials, and work-based learning will increase. Connected with the Pathways to Prosperity effort is Apprenticeship Randolph, a collaboration between the Randolph County School System, Randolph Community College, Asheboro City Schools, and the AsheboroRandolph Chamber of Commerce. Apprenticeship Randolph is a four-year educational and on-the-job training program. Students accepted as apprentices will begin taking college courses at RCC during their senior year of high school, while also working in the industry. The first class of 16 apprentices are working at 11 different companies in Randolph County and participated in a signing ceremony on August 10 to kick off their participation in the program. A signing ceremony was held at RCC on August 10 to celebrate the apprenticeship between the student and their company.

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Leaving a


RCC Recognizes the Commitment and Dedication of Longtime Instructors Randolph Community College has been extremely fortunate to have attracted and retained excellent instructors throughout its 54 years of educating students in Randolph County. The extraordinary commitment of these individuals to educational excellence has enabled Randolph Community College to be successful in changing the lives of the students these individuals served. Two longtime, esteemed Randolph Community College instructors — Mitchell Kiser and Waymon Martin — retired on May 31, 2017. Mitchell Kiser, division chair of the Industrial, Engineering & Transportation Division, devoted a great deal of his life to the Machining program at RCC, retiring at the end of May after more than 30 years of service to the College. He first joined RCC on August 1, 1986. Mitchell led the department through its growth years, starting out in about 4,400 square feet of space in the Administration/Education Center machining lab. He saw the department through many changes including becoming a designated Haas Technical Education Center in 2007, the planning and renovation of the Continuing Education and Industrial Center, the move to an 8,000-square-foot machining lab in that building in January 2012, and the dedication of that space as the Gene Haas Computer-Integrated Machining Institute in 2016.

Waymon Martin with Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr.

Mitchell was chosen as RCC’s Excellence in Teaching award winner in 1992. Waymon Martin, department head for Business Administration, joined RCC on August 1, 2001, with over 32 years of teaching, human resources, finance and consulting experience. He spent the next 16 years imparting that wisdom to his students and was well known for his personal dedication to students’ success. Waymon was active as an advisor for Beta Theta Rho, RCC’s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. In 2017, Waymon received an Advisor Appreciation Award from PTK in grateful appreciation of 15 years of outstanding service and leadership to Phi Theta Kappa and the Carolinas Region. Also, during the 2017 spring PTK induction ceremony, Waymon was surprised with special recognition of his service to PTK with a 15-year service pin, Honorary Membership in PTK, and the naming of the Waymon C. Martin Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship through the RCC Foundation.

Mitchell Kiser and wife, Barbara , with Dr. Shackleford

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Waymon was honored as RCC’s Excellence in Teaching award winner in 2006. For a list of other RCC retirees and their years of service, visit http://www.randolph.edu/rcc-history/retirees.html.


Twenty-two area high school students took part in the fourth annual Randolph Community College High School Leadership Academy, sponsored by the RCC Foundation, on June 13 on RCC’s Asheboro Campus. The leadership development program for rising ninth graders focused on topics such as the definition of leadership; personality types and leadership styles; networking/public speaking; situational leadership; and leadership on social media, according to Lorie McCroskey, RCC’s director of development. Participants were awarded certificates during a ceremony at the end of the day. Participating students and their high schools were the following: Asheboro High School Freddy Kelley, Jarrett Kidd, Diamond McDowell, Fatima Perez, Liam Richau, Kierstan Yow. Eastern Randolph High School Olivia Hall, Lily Whitaker. Randleman High School Bethany Dobias, Amy Pavon, Parker Trivette. Randolph Early College High School Alexis Allspach, Kevin Cox, Gabriel Gonzalez.

Southwestern Randolph High School Mattie Keeter, Lydia McRoy, Kristin Thomas. Trinity High School Daniel Gomez-Escalante. Uwharrie Charter Academy Fulton Bossong, Montana Wright. Wheatmore High School Isabel Cribbs, Andrew Lang.

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The Service of

Queen Ann

Ann M. Hoover 2017 Distinguished Service Award

Ann M. Hoover, RCC Foundation board member and longtime supporter of the College, was honored by the Randolph Community College Board of Trustees on Aug. 31 with the 2017 Distinguished Service Award. Hoover has been a member of the RCC Foundation Board since 2008 and served as president of that group from 2013 to 2015. Hoover won a Council for Resource Development Benefactor of the Year award in 2014, a national award for community college resource development volunteers. RCC Board of Trustees Chair Mac Sherrill said that Hoover’s “passion for the college has been shown both by her philanthropic contributions and her contributions of time.” He noted that for six years she was instrumental in the Foundation’s highly successful Dancing with the Randolph Stars event. “As president of the Foundation Board, she played a huge part in those years’ record-breaking annual campaigns, even dressing up as a pirate one year to encourage participation.”

Past Distinguished Service Award Winners...


Dr. Alan Luria


Rick Powell & PEMMCO Mfg.

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Dr. Stuart Fountain


Wanda Brown


Jack Lail


JB Davis


Lenton Slack


Martha Johnson

Sherrill continued, “Ann is a generous financial supporter of the College. Along with her husband, Bill, they have an endowed scholarship and significantly supported Dancing with the Randolph Stars by sponsoring, buying a table, attending, and financially supporting many dancer fundraising activities.” “I’m overwhelmed,” said Hoover, in accepting the award. “Thank-you is not adequate for this type of award.” Hoover thanked all the people she has worked with over the years including other community members on the Dancing with the Randolph Stars committees, dancers who helped raise money, fellow Foundation Board members, RCC Trustees, and RCC staff members. “I stand on a lot of folks’ shoulders to get here,” she said.


Senator Jerry Tillman


Charles W. McCrary Sr.


Randolph County Board of Commissioners


Marvin T. Caviness

“I hope that somewhere along the way I’ve had some influence in touching a life,” she continued, noting that she has learned that in helping a single mom or a firstgeneration college student, “You don’t just touch one person…it trickles down.” She acknowledged her many family members among the large crowd gathered to watch the award ceremony, including her husband, Bill. “We’re a team,” she said. “Thank you for letting Bill and I share this.” RCC President Robert S. Shackleford, who helped present the award, said, “This crazy world we live in is made up of a lot of people who take. A place like RCC can’t do its job unless we have people in the community who are givers. Ann and Bill are two of the many in our community who have been blessed and feel the responsibility to bless others.”


Robert A. Heist Jr., Cecil P. Allen & Jerry W. Howell


Dr. Larry Linker


M.H. “Mert” Branson & J.W. “Willie” Plummer

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Two New Vice Presidents on RCC Leadership Team Randolph Community College welcomed two new vice presidents to its Senior Leadership Team (SLT) on June 1, 2017. G. Chad Williams was selected as vice president for student services. RCC President Robert S. Shackleford noted in an email to RCC staff that “Chad brings over ten years of experience in Student Services at RCC. He is a dedicated professional who has shown a great deal of 42|RCC • Fall 2017

character and integrity during his time here. Chad is eager to grow, and I am confident that he will be a great fit for this position to lead Student Services.” Williams joined RCC in August 2005 as director of financial aid and veterans affairs. He completed the North Carolina Community College Leadership Program in 2009, Leadership Randolph with the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce in 2010, and RCC’s President’s Educational Leadership Academy in 2012.

He has been an active member of the North Carolina Association of Financial Aid Administrators. He has served on work groups established by the North Carolina General Assembly to evaluate state funded financial aid for students, served on a taskforce redesigning developmental math, has helped develop Business Requirements in a partnership between the NCCCS and College Foundation Inc. (CFI), and has served beyond the minimum three-year requirement on the Financial Aid Ellucian Review Team.

on the BLOCK  Williams earned a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Communications Studies from Clemson University and a Master of Education degree in Educational Administration – Two Year Colleges from Western Carolina University. He was named RCC’s Staff Person of the Year in 2013. Shelley W. Greene was promoted from associate vice president for institutional advancement to vice president for institutional advancement. “Shelley has recently taken on the supervision of our SACS liaison position, which has

added significantly to her roles and responsibilities,” said Shackleford. “She has served the College exceptionally well in her role as associate VP, and I am very pleased to announce this promotion.”

Greene was a 2010 Leadership Randolph graduate, 2012 graduate of the North Carolina Community College Leadership program, and completed RCC’s President’s Educational Leadership Academy in 2013.

Greene joined RCC in 2008 as senior marketing director and was promoted to associate vice president in April 2013. She has been active in various community organizations, serving on the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for three years.

Greene earned a B.A. in Mass Communication/Marketing from Campbell University and completed her Master of Science degree in Integrated Marketing Communications in West Virginia University’s online master’s program. She was named RCC’s Staff Person of the Year in 2011. randolph.edu | 43

It’s About Time

The academic year at Randolph Community College is very, very busy. Although it is impossible to capture it all in one Report to the Community, we thought a timeline of events might give you an idea of the many wonderful events and activities that fill the community college school year.

Daffie H. Garris, vice president for administrative services at RCC, was appointed to serve on the North Carolina Student Success Center Advisory Board.


RCC dedicates Gene Haas Computer Integrated Machining Institute.

August 24, 2016

October 7, 2016

Randolph Community College President Robert S. Shackleford Jr. was honored as one of the “Most Influential People in the Triad” by the Triad Business Journal.

Mac Sherrill, chair of the RCC Board of Trustees, was elected a member of the Regional Nominating Committee for the Southern Region of the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) at the Community College Leadership Congress in New Orleans.

October 28, 2016

November, 2016

The January 2017 issue of Our State magazine highlighted photography, and RCC was featured throughout the magazine, including a story about the program and a feature on our alumni who contribute to Our State.

Over 400 job seekers attended a Job Fair in the JB and Claire Davis Corporate Training Center planned by a team of students from RCC’s 10th annual Fountain-Luria Student Leadership Academy and college personnel.

January 2017

February 21, 2017

RCC’s Continuing Education and Industrial Center was honored with The Innovator Award, part of the Piedmont Triad 2017 Sustainable Leadership Awards, by the U.S. Green Building Council North Carolina.

Randolph Community College President Robert S. Shackleford Jr. and several other community college presidents participated in a press conference to support the North Carolina Community College Legislative Priorities for 2017-2019.

March 16, 2017

March 24, 2017 RCC unveils the Martha Luck Comer Conference Center name honoring the community leader for her longtime support of the College and the RCC Foundation (see story last issue).

RCC’s Student Government Association won five awards at the North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) Spring Conference.

April 6, 2017

April 7-9, 2017

RCC Interior Design student Heath Smith was one of the finalists in the Bernice Bienenstock Furniture Library annual interior design and furniture design competition.

Reality Redesigned, a reality television show to promote advanced manufacturing, was filmed in the R. Alton Cox Learning Resources Center auditorium (see story last issue).

April 12, 2017

44|RCC • Fall 2017

April 28, 2017

ď Ą

Kirsten Stovall (Academic Excellence Award) and Elton East (Dallas Herring Achievement Award nominee) were among those honored at the RCC Academic Honors Ceremony. (see stories in last issue).

Over 500 students applied to graduate with their associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates in spring 2017, with more than 270 graduates participating in the ceremony on May 10.

May 2, 2017

May 10, 2017

Educational partners Randolph Community College, Randolph County School System, and Asheboro City Schools were awarded a $960,000 grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation to further advance the Pathways to Prosperity program (see page 36).

RCC Welding students build and install giraffe enrichment devices at the N.C. Zoo (see page 4).

July 13, 2017

July 19, 2017

Ann M. Hoover, RCC Foundation Board member and longtime supporter of the College, was honored by the Randolph Community College Board of Trustees with the 2017 Distinguished Service Award (see page 40).

RCC opened 55th academic year.

August 14, 2017

Aug. 31, 2017 STOP

By the NUMB3RS 2016-2017 Enrollment/Financial Aid Stats

63.5 Female % 36.5 Male % 60 Part Time % 40 Full Time %

Curriculum completions (2016-2017)



120 AA Degrees 312 AAS Degrees 604 AGE Degrees 19 AS Degrees 130 Diplomas 518 Certificates

Number of students awarded financial aid:


age of Curriculum (college credit) student 23 Average age of Continuing Education student 40 Average Curriculum (credit) students enrolled in fall 2016:


Curriculum (credit) students enrolled in spring 2017:


Continuing Education students enrolled in fall 2016:


Continuing Education students enrolled in spring 2016:


Total financial aid awarded to RCC students:

*unduplicated headcounts

Over $6.8 million randolph.edu | 45

Back row, l-r: Landon Bare, Makala Wiles, Pamela Squibb, Aby Hughes, Morgan Kinney, Isaac Rumbley. Front row, l-r, Kamryn Mills, Emily Escobar.

On the Leading Edge Eight Students Complete 10th Fountain-Luria Student Leadership Academy at RCC Eight students graduated from the 2016-2017 Fountain-Luria Student Leadership Academy at Randolph Community College on March 21. Dr. Stephen Gainey, superintendent of the Randolph County School System, was the keynote speaker. After detailing several important points he feels leaders need to remember, he concluded, “Being a leader is not about winning and losing; it is not about being right; it’s about getting people to work together.” The Student Leadership Academy has been sponsored since its inception by Dr. Stuart B. Fountain, a former member of the State Board of Community Colleges, and Dr. Alan S. Luria, a former member of RCC’s 46|RCC • Fall 2017

Board of Trustees. Both sponsors were on hand for the graduation ceremony, which is the 10th one for the Academy.

The graduates of the 2016-2017 Fountain-Luria Student Leadership Academy, their majors, and hometowns are as follows:

Participants in this year’s Student Leadership Academy attended evening sessions throughout the school year with guest speakers focusing on different leadership topics. Each student created a personal portfolio, which was reviewed by a local human resource professional.

• Landon Bare, Associate in Arts (College Transfer), Liberty

The participants were also involved in a leadership project, in which they were charged with finding a need in the community and meeting that need. The projects this year included hosting an adoption fair for the Randolph County Animal Shelter; providing several services (including cleaning, minor repairs, and activities with the residents) at a local group home for disabled adults; and, in conjunction with RCC personnel, planning and hosting a job fair at the College that attracted over 400 job seekers.

• Morgan Kinney, Associate in Arts (College Transfer), Asheboro

• Emily Escobar, RECHS junior, Associate in Science (College Transfer), Asheboro • Aby Hughes, Associate in Arts (College Transfer), Asheboro

• Kamryn Mills, RECHS senior, Associate in Arts (College Transfer), Randleman • Isaac Rumbley, Associate in Arts (College Transfer), Asheboro • Pamela Squibb, Accounting, Pleasant Garden • Makala Wiles, RECHS junior, Associate in Science, Asheboro

Message from the RCC Foundation Board President The Randolph Community College Foundation had an exciting year, raising $890,936 in new gifts and pledges. I just completed my seventh year of service on the RCC Foundation Board of Directors, and I continue to be amazed by the generosity of our community. Most of the new gifts mean new scholarships for RCC’s students. In all, six new endowed scholarships and three new designated scholarships were established. Two of the new designated scholarships, totaling more than $630,000, were funded through bequests. These donors are part of the RCC Foundation’s Legacy Society, which recognizes individuals who have established a bequest. Check out page 55 for the current list of Legacy Society members. Leaving a bequest provides an opportunity to assist students and help RCC thrive for years to come.

Dean Sexton President

Generous support from the community enabled the RCC Foundation to provide over $684,000 to RCC and its students in 2016-2017. Direct support to students, in the form of scholarships and emergency grants, totaled over $300,000. Program support and grants to RCC totaled over $384,000. More information, highlights from 2016-2017, and donor recognition lists are included in the following pages. On behalf of the RCC Foundation Board of Directors, thank you for your interest and support. You are creating opportunities, changing lives, and meeting needs!

BaxterHammer Vice President

Daffie Garris Treasurer

Shelley Greene Secretary (nonvoting)

Foundation Board of Directors Elizabeth H. Aldridge Steven E. Eblin Vickie H. Gallimore Daffie H. Garris James G. Gouty Robert A. Graves Neal Griffin III Baxter Hammer Ann M. Hoover Jorge A. Lagueruela

Justin M. Lee Curt Lorimer Waymon Martin Nicki McKenzie Hill Dr. Cynthia G. Schroder H. Dean Sexton Dr. Robert Shackleford Jr. F. Mac Sherrill Mini Singh


H. Dean Sexton President, RCC Foundation

Foundation Staff Shelley W. Greene Vice President for Institutional Advancement 336-633-0174 swgreene@randolph.edu www.randolphccfoundation.org

Lorie M. McCroskey Director of Development 336-633-1118 llmccroskey@randolph.edu

Joyce B. Wolford Executive Director, RCC Foundation 336-633-0295 jbwolford@randolph.edu


Lisa P. Wright Development Specialist 336-633-0296 lpwright@randolph.edu

www.facebook.com/RandolphCC.alumni randolphccfoundation.org | 47


Fantastic Five Meet our 2017-18 Presidential Scholars By Kelly Heath Five outstanding Randolph County high school students have been chosen in a competitive process as Presidential Scholars at Randolph Community College for the 20172018 school year. Gracie Mekayla Coble of Eastern Randolph High School, Bailey Nicole Davis of Trinity High School, Jasmin Esmeralda Faz of Asheboro High School, Harrison Luke Johnson of Randleman High School, and Nicole Danielle Sheron of Faith Christian School will 48|RCC Foundation • Fall 2017

receive two-year RCC scholarships through the Presidential Scholars program funded by the Randolph Community College Foundation. High school students from public, private, and home schools throughout Randolph County were invited to apply for the scholarships. Students who met the preliminary requirements were invited to attend a Presidential Scholars Day at RCC on March 6, where they learned more about the College and were interviewed by a committee of faculty and staff members. Finalists were chosen and invited back for a second interview with RCC President Robert S. Shackleford Jr., who made the final choice of five recipients.

Gracie Coble played softball for three years at Eastern Randolph and also served as president of the Wildcat Initiative Club in her senior year. She has worked for the Liberty Parks and Recreation Department for two years and also served as editor-in-chief for the yearbook staff at Eastern Randolph in her senior year. She is pursuing her associate in science degree at RCC.

Bailey Davis was an active member of the Future Farmers of America Chapter at Trinity High School and has shown horses competitively for 11 years. She was a cheerleader all four years at Trinity and was a member of the Beta Club. She also lettered in track and is interested in pursuing a career in nursing. She is currently studying Healthcare Management at RCC.

Jasmin Faz participated in soccer and cross country at Asheboro High School for three years and has also participated in community service and missionary work with Sunset Avenue Church of God. She was a member of the youth band and an active member of the Park Street Players. She is pursuing her associate in science degree at RCC.

Students’ academic records and extracurricular/community activities weighed heavily in the selection of recipients, as did the interviews. RCC Presidential Scholars receive a $2,500 scholarship for their first year of study ($1,250 for fall and $1,250 for spring) that is renewable for their second year of study. The students have the opportunity to serve as Ambassadors for the College and meet regularly with President Shackleford.

Luke Johnson was on the football team at Randleman his entire high school career and also served as the team manager for the school’s baseball team. He was a volunteer with Tiger Buddies, works in golf course maintenance at Holly Ridge Golf Course, and is pursuing a college transfer degree at RCC.

Also pursuing a college transfer degree, Nicole Sheron was a prolific athlete at Faith Christian, playing on the varsity girls’ basketball, varsity girls’ volleyball, and varsity girls’ soccer teams. She has been a member of the Cedar Falls Baptist Church choir and youth group since 2014 and also participated in the school’s community service projects each year.

randolphccfoundation.org | 49

ANNUAL GIVING HONOR R O L L The RCC Foundation would like to express appreciation to the following investors who generously supported Randolph Community College and our students with cash gifts from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. Benefactor ($10,000+) Anonymous Trust Gene Haas Foundation Martha Comer Johnson Kennametal Foundation Frank & Ella B. Lowe Pugh Funeral Home RCC Campus Store Sandra Reid Dr. & Mrs. Larry Simpson


Receiving this scholarship will help me pay for books, tools and uniforms. It will give me the opportunity to pursue my education and achieve my goals.


~ Daniel Muro Sota, Automotive Systems Technology

50|RCC Foundation • Fall 2017

Leader ($5,000 - $9,999) Duke Energy Foundation Dr. Alan & Jacqueline Luria Gail & Tony D. McDowell Pemmco Manufacturing Petty Family Foundation Petty’s Garage Technimark

President’s Club Honor Council ($2,500 - $4,999) Richard & Mary Balog Chick-fil-A Communities in Schools of Randolph County Falling Oak Timber Bill & Ann Hoover Jute M. Ramsay RE/MAX Central Realty Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sexton Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Shackleford Jr.

President’s Club ($1,000 - $2,499)

Acme McCrary & Sapona Foundation Advisors Financial Center Elizabeth H. Aldridge Ralph Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Alexander Asheboro Fire & Security Jacquelyn Church Betts Blue Flint Animal Hospital Julia Grissom Brown Howard & Pat Burkart Steve & Rhonda Eblin Dr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Fountain Daffie & Tim Garris

Mr. & Mrs. James Gouty Sheriff Robert & Donna Graves Shelley & Kyle Greene Mr. & Mrs. Gene Holder Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holmes Max & Lola Jarrell Lillian & Tom Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lackey Elbert & Rose Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds Lisk Jr. Lowe’s Buchan Club Lumina Waymon & Louise Martin Lorie & Bobby McCroskey Fred & Diane Meredith Anne Neely Dahlia Gubalane Oldham Randolph Restaurant/Bojangles Bonnie & David Renfro Nevin & Suzanne Rohrbaugh Dr. Cynthia G. Schroder Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith Tribuzio Hilliard Studio Trinity Furniture Inc. Don Wellington Ethel Winters Joyce & Jerry Wolford

Dean’s Club ($500 - $999) Dean Beck Burge Flower Shop Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Clary Commonwealth Hosiery Mills Inc. Ann Covington Delta Delta Chapter No. 6036 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Freeze


I want to give my daughter a better future and I want her to be proud of me. The Foundation Scholarship will help me do this!

Insurance Associates of the Triad Joanam Juarez Dr. Larry K. Linker Mr. & Mrs. Allen Luther Breanne Marshburn Elizabeth Provancha Randolph Health Volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Mac Sherrill Dr. & Mrs. R. Andrews Sykes Wayne Industries Zooland Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America

Jeremy Greene Brandi Hagerman Mr. & Mrs. Baxter H. Hammer Tracie Hayes Kelly & Sam Heath Mandy Johnson Neal Johnson Kevin Jones Kris Julian Dr. J.W. & Kathy Kelley Kim Kimrey Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lee Curt & Vickie Lorimer Vicente Maldonado Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Briant Erin Palmer Dr. Bob & Susie Scott Robert & Anne Shaffner Mark Wilhoit Tara Williams

Faculty Club ($250 - $499) Anonymous - General Community Don Ashley Amanda Byrd James Davis Tina S. Dixon Scotty Duyck


~ Jessica Galvan, Medical Assisting

Scholar ($100 - $249) Clark Adams Heather Adams Allan Bechel Wanda Beck Mr. & Mrs. Mack Blankenship Jim Boomgarden Lynn Brady Michelle Brown Mark Brumley Shane Bryson Tracy Burnette Debbie Callicutt Clyde Cash Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Churchich Heather Clouston Robin Coble Cathy Coggins Perry Conner Jesus Corona Angela Cox

During 2016-2017, the RCC Foundation raised



randolphccfoundation.org | 51

Theresa Daniels Sherri Davis Bob Durand Melinda Eudy Diane & Steve Frost Tami Goins Marlana Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hasley Cathy D. Hefferin Lisa Hughes Janet Ingold Tiffany Ingram Mitchell & Barbara Kiser Grey & Dwight Lane Laureate Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Liberty Advisors Debbie Luck Kim Maddox Shirley & Bill McAnulty Richard McSwain Miracle Playground Sales Tonya Monroe Dan Moore Michael Nealer Mr. & Mrs. Steve Palmer Patrick R. Pardee Garret Parker Susan Pridgen Randolph Health Community Foundation RCC Facilities Staff Sharon Reynolds Susan Rice Lee Roberts Fred Rutledge Hilda Smith Sharon & Bruce Spencer Fred Stewart Janice Wassack Neil Weatherly

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whittall Sr. Pam Wiggins Chad Williams

Friend (Up to $99)

Debbie Adams Ellen Adams Cathy Aikens Kelli Akins Karla Allen Sylvan Allen Deana Allman David Allred Lenny Andrews Beth Arnold Erin Arsenault Asheboro City Schools Asheboro Recycling Center Melanie Avelino Steve Baltes Angie Bare Holly Barker Felicia Barlow Viridiana Barrios Deana Bauer Donnie Boling Rita Boling Loretta Brady Amy & Jeff Brantley Regina Brewer Willie Brewer Matthew Britt Josh Brown Wade & Wanda Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bunch Keith Bunting Pam Burleson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Butler Mason Byers Jay Capers


Randolph Community College offers a quality education for a lower price and provides familiarity to students, which is a great stepping stone to a larger school. The Foundation Scholarship will help me and my family save money to be used in my later studies at a four-year university.


~ Jannie Billips,

Associate in Arts (College Transfer)

52|RCC Foundation • Fall 2017

Steven Carter Paula Cash  Caley Cassell Megan Chapman Tammy Cheek Ivry Cheeks Rose Chilson Joyce & John Coates Sandra Collinson Chad Conville Aimee Corning Jamie Cox Janice Craven Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Creamer Kaci Davenport Anthony Davis Tatiana G. Dawkins Jessey Dearing Lauren Deckelbaum Raymond Dumeh Michael Dunn Kevin Eames Melissa Earliwine W. Allan & Patricia Edwards Dhanraj Emanuel Abraham Encinas Cameron Eunice Lisa Evans Daniel Farmer David Farrell Michael Ford Olivia Gatlin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Gazaway Kenda George Terri Gooch Cindi Goodwin Denise Greene Eva Greene Nick Haigler LaTia Hairston Dorothy Hans

Renee Harper Sandra Hartz Bryle Hatch James Healy Mr. & Mrs. Will Herring Nathan Hilton Matthew Hinshaw Pat Hinshaw Mr. & Mrs. Phil Homiller Kandi Hughes Chris Hussey Michael Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hutchinson Sydney Jackson Brian Jarrett Kimberly Jeffries Malinda Jennings Elsie Johnson Wade Johnson Hazel Johnston Robert Jones Tom Jones Bekah Kingston Ken Kinley Meghan Kirkland Ryan Knight Mr. & Mrs. Max Lanier La Z Boy Maria LeBaron Jennifer Long Angela Lucas Marsha Mabry Jen Macy Steve Maness Bryan Marbert Bryan McCormack Sue McCullah Nancy McCurry Sequilla McLean Laurie Merritt Marissa Mills


I was attracted to Randolph Community College because they offer so many different programs, the staff is nice and willing to help, and it is close to home. The Foundation Scholarship will help me get one step closer to my dreams and for that I am grateful.


Carra Miskovich Selina Moore Melinda Morgan Ronald Morris Shelby Morris Dacia Murphy Gabby Nall Lou Ann Neal Matthew Needham Julie New Gabriel Perez Donna Perry Jeremy Peterson Anna Phillips Keith Poe Pam Pollard Matthew Price

Hillary Pritchard Angela Reeder Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Rich Teresa Rich Darla Richardson Lynn Richardson Carrie Ritter Mr. & Mrs. John Robbins Steve Roberts Isai Robledo Jim Russell-Owen Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sande Susan Santowasso Stacy Schmitt Deanna Schrader Susan Shaw David Shields

Adrianne Siler Curby Simerson Ann Smith Scott Smith Devin Sova Jerry Summey Roxanne & Steve Taylor Susan Teague Jenny Thomas Allen Thompson Todd Thompson Kathy Thornburg April & Cooper Thornton Gina Toomes Town of Staley Joey Trogdon Warlock Vance

~ Kendra Andrews,

Associate in Arts (College Transfer)

Kia Vang Dolores Vargas de Haro Jimmy Varner Perry Wallace Fred Watts Amanda Watts Bartels Teresa A. Weaver Jordan Williamson Dennis Wilson Donna Windish Melissa Woodell DeShandra Woodle Asif Zaidi

In 2016-2017, the RCC Foundation provided



to prevent 7 students from dropping out due to unforeseen financial crises.

Would you like to contribute to a scholarship, program support fund, the Robert Shackleford Emergency Fund, or unrestricted fund? Visit www.randolphccfoundation.org to make an online gift to the RCC Foundation or mail a check to RCC Foundation, 629 Industrial Park Ave., Asheboro, NC 27205. randolphccfoundation.org | 53

Lifetime Membership Clubs Philanthropist Club ($1,000,000+) Gene Haas Foundation R. Alton Cox Estate

Humanitarian Club ($500,000-$999,999) Duke Energy Corporation Frank & Ella B. Lowe Trust

Platinum Club ($100,000 - $499,999)

Anna Burton Estate Anonymous Donor Photography Challenge Anonymous Trust Howard & Mescal Ferguson Martha Comer Johnson Klaussner Home Furnishings Jack & Betty Lail Randolph County Board of Commissioners Sydney Luria Memorial The Timken Foundation of Canton U.S. Department of Education

Gold Club ($50,000 - $99,999) Asheboro Rotary Club CommunityOne JB & Claire Davis Dr. Alan & Jacqueline Luria Frank Poindexter

Silver Club ($25,000 - $49,999)

Acme-McCrary & Sapona Foundation Elizabeth H. Aldridge William & Ruth Alexander Allie B. Hinshaw Estate Commonwealth Hosiery Mills Inc. Marion Stedman Covington Keith & Jane Crisco/Asheboro Elastics Energizer Charitable Trust Energizer Plant 2 Hans Klaussner Foundation Cathy H. Hendrick Bill & Ann Hoover Lillian & Tom Jordan Hans J. Klaussner Gail H. & Tony D. McDowell/ McDowell Lumber Co. Martha Moleta Morgan North Carolina Community College System North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Petty Family Foundation Jute M. Ramsay RE/MAX Central Realty/Vickie & H. R. Gallimore Maynard & Sandra Reid Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Shackleford Jr. Janice & Larry Simpson Technimark Tyco Electronics Corp.

Bronze Club ($10,000 - $24,999)

Accuchrome Tool & Mold Advisors Financial Center Allen Precision Industries American Legion Liberty Post 81 American Legion Post 45 Jennifer Lynn & Leon Atkinson Bank of North Carolina

BB&T Jacquelyn Church Betts Blanche Black Burlington Industries Mr. & Mrs. James M. Campbell Jr. Marvin & Helen Caviness CenturyLink Chick-fil-A Communities in Schools of Randolph County Dart Foundation Delta Delta Chapter No. 6036 Duke Energy Foundation Steve & Rhonda Eblin Elastic Therapy Energizer Plant 1 Dr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Fountain Georgia Pacific Corp. Goodyear Wilbert & Shirley Hancock Jimmy & Pam Hill Herschel & Anne Hockett Mr. & Mrs. Gene Holder Max & Lola Jarrell Dr. & Mrs. George W. Joyner Kennametal Foundation Kiwanis Club of Asheboro Level Cross Civitan Club Dr. & Mrs. Larry K. Linker Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch MarLouAnn LLC Waymon & Louise Martin Ted & Carol Matney Ken & Lowanda McDowell Fred & Diane Meredith Mid-State Plastics Dr. Bill & Susan Milner Nan & Robert L. Hughes Estate May Parrish Petty’s Garage Lee & Anita Phoenix PNC Bank Progress Energy Pugh Funeral Home Pyramid Services Ramseur Inter-Lock Knitting Ramtex Randolph Electric Membership Corp. Randolph Health Randolph Rotary Club Randolph Telephone Membership Corporation RCC Campus Store RCC Student Government Association Dr. & Mrs. James M. Rich Jr. Robert P. Bunker Trust Dr. Cynthia G. Schroder Sew Special Robert & Anne Shaffner Mr. & Mrs. Sherrill W. Shaw Jim & Sharon Sides Mary & C. Reitzel Smith Stedman Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thomas Unilever Bestfoods Donald & Bobbye Wellington Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Foundation Dean Wolfe

Foundation Club ($3,000 - $9,999)

A & F Vending A Venue On Worth Eddie & Audrey Allen Archdale Friends Meeting Asheboro Civitan Club

54|RCC Foundation • Fall 2017

Asheboro Fire & Security Asheboro Jaycees Asheboro Plumbing & Heating Co. Asheboro Randolph Realtors Council Asheboro SCORE Chapter 0648 Asheboro Woman’s Club Automatic Vending Service AVS Catering & Banquet Centre B. B. Walker Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Talmadge Baker Richard & Mary Balog William F. & Patsyanna B. Barker Harvey A. Barnett Jr. Belk Company Clark & Diane Bell Tony Bellarosa Beta Theta Rho Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Blue Bell Foundation Blue Flint Animal Hospital J. P. Bost D. H. & Edith B. Briles Peter & Mary Lynne Brisley Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Brower Julia Grissom Brown Wade & Wanda Brown David & Judy Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bullins Burge Flower Shop Howard & Pat Burkart Dr. Daljit S. Caberwal Millie Cannon Carolina Bank Dewey L. Caviness Sr. Centel Pioneers - Asheboro/Troy ITPA Champagne Dye Works Charlie’s Heating & Cooling Mildred F. Chrisco The Courier Tribune Mr. & Mrs. John H. Croom Dan Thomas Pontiac Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Malkiat S. Dhatt Dick Broadcasting Co. Du Pont Duke Energy Carolinas E. A. Morris Charitable Foundation Eastman Kodak Company W. Allan & Patricia Edwards Employees of Rampon Products Falling Oak Timber First American Savings Bank First Bank First Baptist Church of Seagrove First Presbyterian Church Robert & Pamela Foy Mr. & Mrs. John M. Freeze Pam Freeze Friends & Supporters of the Honorable Russell G. Walker Sr. Frontier Auto Body Supply Diane & Steve Frost Daffie & Tim Garris Dr. & Mrs. David G. Gimenez Gossage McFarland Sports Marketing Mr. & Mrs. James Gouty Sheriff Robert & Donna Graves Shelley & Kyle Greene Greenfield Industries Carl & Linda Grubb Brandi Hagerman J. Hyatt & Bonnie Hammond Joyce Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Harvell Michael S. Heazlitt Richard & Jeanette Heckman Barry D. Heller Jerry & Jo Ellen Holder Joretta Holt Louis Hudson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hurley Mr. & Mrs. John Ingold Insurance Associates of the Triad Ivey B. Luck Estate J. H. Allen Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jarrett Joan Fabric Corp. Robin & Marylou Johnston Dr. Augusta Julian Reid & Lois Kearns Dr. J.W. & Kathy Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Mike Keogh Dr. & Mrs. Harry W. Killian D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kinney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kite Dr. Melinda Lamb Elbert & Rose Lassiter Mike & Joanna Lee Liberty Ruritan Club Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Limber Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds Lisk Jr. Curt & Vickie Lorimer Ivey B. & Ruby O. Luck Lumina Mr. & Mrs. Allen Luther Mac McCarrell Mike McCracken Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. McCrary Sr. Lorie & Bobby McCroskey McDonald’s/McPACH Doug & Becky McDowell McKenzie Properties & Investments Rebekah H. Megerian Mid-State Paper Box Co. MOM Brands Mike & Julie Moore Morningstar Christine G. Myers National Tooling & Machining Piedmont Chapter N.C. Nurses Association District No. 31 North Ridge Church Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Briant Tony Ocampo Dahlia Gubalane Oldham Ornamental Mouldings Pemmco Manufacturing Leo & Melva Peraldo Mr. & Mrs. Mack Peters Petty Enterprises Piedmont Natural Gas Co. PMA Dixie Division H. Harold & Dorothy P. Powell Alan & Mary Joan Pugh Mac & Ann Pugh Quik Chek Winifred P. Ramsay Randolph Arts Guild Randolph County Medical Society Randolph Health Volunteers Randolph Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rankin Sr. RCC Campus Food Service RCC Faculty Association Mr. & Mrs. John F. Redding S. Steele Redding Mr. & Mrs. William H. Redding Deva & Nancy Reece Phyllis J. Rees Kimberly Roberts J. D. Ross Jr. Dr. Bob & Susie Scott Sealy Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sexton Linda Shankle Mr. & Mrs. Mac Sherrill Jerry & Shirley Simpson Sir Pizza Mr. & Mrs. Archie L. Smith Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith

Smith Sinnett Architecture Stacey Van Berkel Photography Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Stout SunTrust Dr. & Mrs. R. Andrews Sykes Tom & Joyce Temple Mike & Cindy Thrall Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Tillman

The Timken Company Thomas A. & Tracy A. Tolone Triad Quality Forum Trinity Furniture Inc. United Brass Works Inc. Von-Tex Hosiery Mills Vruwink Family Dentistry Dr. & Mrs. Henry Vruwink












Sheila Barnes Robert P. Bunker Anna Burton R. Alton Cox JB & Claire Davis Howard & Mescal Ferguson Vickie Gallimore Daffie Garris Shelley Greene Allie B. Hinshaw Willis Honeycutt Bill & Ann Hoover

Wachovia Foundation Honorable & Mrs. Russell G. Walker Sr. Michael & Buffy Waltrip Ernest “Pep” & Dorothy Watkins Jane White White Oak Family Physicians Willis Honeycutt Estate Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Wingfield

Joyce & Jerry Wolford Mary S. Wood Xi Delta Epsilon of Beta Sigma Phi Zooland Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America

Special thanks to the following members of the RCC Foundation Legacy Society for individuals who have made a bequest to the RCC Foundation. Let us know you’ve included the Foundation in your will or other estate plans, and you’ll be recognized as a member of the Legacy Society. Nan & Robert L. Hughes Elbert Lassiter Dr. Larry K. Linker Frank & Ella B. Lowe Ivey B. Luck Lorie McCroskey Susan Milner Dahlia Gubalane Oldham Sandra Reid Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr. Joyce Wolford Betty H. Wooley



was awarded in scholarships to Curriculum and Continuing Education students during the 2016-2017 school year.

President’s Infinity Circle members are donors who have made a commitment of at least $1,000 on an annual basis. Acme-McCrary & Sapona Foundation Advisors Financial Center Elizabeth Aldridge Asheboro Fire & Security Richard & Mary Balog Jacquelyn Betts Julia Grissom Brown Chick-fil-A Communities in Schools of Randolph County JB & Claire Davis Duke Energy Carolinas Steve & Rhonda Eblin Falling Oak Timber Stuart & Carol Fountain John & Ellen Freeze Tim & Daffie Garris James & Gail Gouty Robert & Donna Graves Kyle & Shelley Greene Bryant & Carri Hampton Gene & Pat Holder Harold & JoAnne Holmes Bill & Ann Hoover Max & Lola Jarrell Martha Johnson Tom & Lillian Jordan Kennametal Foundation Klaussner Home Furnishings Dan & Nancy Lackey

Elbert & Rose Lassiter Reynolds & Mary Lisk Lumina Dr. Alan & Jacqueline Luria Waymon & Louise Martin Bobby & Lorie McCroskey Tony & Gail McDowell Fred & Diane Meredith Dahlia Oldham Pemmco Manufacturing Petty Family Foundation Pugh Funeral Home Ramsay Family Foundation Randolph Restaurant/ Bojangles RCC Campus Store Sandra Reid RE/MAX Central Realty David & Bonnie Renfro Nevin & Suzanne Rohrbaugh Cindy Schroder Dean & Terri Sexton Robert & Teresa Shackleford Charlie & Wanda Smith Technimark Tribuzio-Hilliard Studio Trinity Furniture Inc. Don Wellington Ethel Winters Dean Wolfe Jerry & Joyce Wolford

randolphccfoundation.org | 55

Memorials & Honorariums July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017


Annie & Kemp Alexander Eleanor & John Wilson Alexander Sr. Fort Alexander Maxine & J. D. Brookshire Hubert Causey Teresa Crenshaw Ethel & Wilburn Eaton Randy Grissom Eugene Hicks Charles Dewey Hilliard Frankie J. Howard Pearl E. Huffman Robert W. Johnson Lola M. Jones Julia Kaufmann Brent Kidd Jack Kidd Linda King Aaron K. Linker Laura Lisk Sue Lucas Katelyn M. Lynch Thomas L. O’Briant III

Kim Page Lynda Petty Frances & J.W. Plummer Winifred Ramsay Maynard B. Reid Josephine & Fries Shaffner Rebecca Singleton Doug Smith Margaret Stevens Bobbye Wellington

HONORARIUMS Wilson Alexander Rita A. Boling JB Davis Allan Edwards Robert Graves Chris Holmes Lillian & Tom Jordan Mitchell Kiser Larry K. Linker Waymon Martin Bonnie Renfro Greg Stewart

The RCC Foundation provided program support and grants to RCC totaling



during 2016-2017.

The RCC Foundation gratefully welcomes contributions to support RCC’s programs and activities and to provide scholarships for students. If you wish to help, visit www.randolphccfoundation. org to make a gift online or mail a check to RCC Foundation, 629 Industrial Park Ave., Asheboro, NC 27205. Please indicate the fund you wish to support. For more information about the RCC Foundation, contact Lorie McCroskey at 336-633-1118 or Joyce Wolford at 336-633-0295.

56|RCC Foundation • Fall 2017

Foundation Balance Sheet June 30, 2017


Cash and cash equivalents $1,306,201.40 Investments held by fiscal agent $10,250,584.58 Accounts receivable $1,637.65 Fixed Asset – Automobile $1,060.66 TOTAL ASSETS

Liabilities Accounts Payable



Fund Balance

Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2016 $9,902,094.63 Revenue – 2016-2017 $2,362,906.08 Expenditures – 2016-2017 ($751,847.39) TOTAL FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE

$11,513,153.32 $11,559,484.29

randolphccfoundation.org SECTION NAME | 57

Armadillo Archives

Game Theory By Kris Julian I remember sitting in the Randolph Community College cafeteria in the early 1990s, admiring the master players at the foosball table. My friends and I, mostly graphic design students, had a dream of one day starting a foosball team that would travel from community college to community college, dominating the competition that would dare stand against us and our raging wrists of righteousness. “The Fighting Armadillos,” we would call ourselves, which is kind of funny if you think about it because armadillos are pretty passive and aren’t fighting

58|Armadillo Archives • Fall 2017

much of anything unless you count the bumper of an oncoming Civic. Being the creative folks we were, we dreamed up uniforms and really sweet hats we could turn around backwards when the competition got really serious (this was the 90s after all). Sadly, the foosball game, arcade consoles and pool table have gone extinct in the Armadillo Café. But fear not! With the emergence of video gaming systems came the next generation of “Fighting Armadillos.” You can find them stationed in the student lounge, running touchdowns on the Xbox. And, while we may never win any gaming competitions at rival community colleges, I still hold out the dream of one day having my sweet hat... turned around backwards, of course.

Randolph Community College & RCC Foundation

629 Industrial Park Avenue Asheboro, NC 27205



A once in a lifetime opportunity Johnny Horne, an RCC photography alumnus (class of 1974), presented a lecture at RCC in July on photographing the Aug. 21 total eclipse of the sun. Horne shared his years of chasing total eclipses, the different phases of eclipses, why eclipses happen, and special camera techniques required for capturing the eclipse. RCC’s Photographic Technology students and even prospective students took advantage of the lecture. “I wish it was today,” one student said as she went outside to see Horne’s telescope, camera and solar filter system in action. Horne retired in April 2016 after 44 years of working as a staff photographer and photo editor for North Carolina’s oldest newspaper, The Fayetteville Observer. An amateur astronomer since age 10, Horne is a contributing editor for Sky and Telescope magazine and has served on the technical support staff for Sky and Telescope astronomical expeditions to Mexico, Africa, the Caribbean and Iceland. Photo by Greg Stewart, retired RCC photography department head and instructor.

Randolph Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award the associate degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Ga. 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Randolph Community College. The College is authorized by the State Board of Community Colleges to award the Associate in Applied Science degree, the Associate in Arts degree, and the Associate in Science degree. EOE.

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