ranney school’s
world langua ge literary magazine
taxi spring 2012 issue 3 volume 1
taxi w o rl d
l a ng ua g e
li t era ry
m a g a zi ne
spring issue
2012 3
1 r a n n e y
ti nt o n
2 3 5
h o p e
fa l l s,
n j
( 7 3 2 ) danica lenge 68
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
( 7 3 2 )
s c h o o l
9 3 5
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r o a d 0 7 7 2 4 4 7 7 7 ( f a x )
the seasons
taxi staff co-editors s o p h i a l e e h a n n a h si m p s o n
staff c h r i s g r o s s o e li sa s t a v o la i l a y d a t a k i l g i l l i a n v e r a l l i
advisor m m e .
i s a b e l l e
d a l y
The leaves fall from the trees Slowly and beautifully Fall has arrived The air is getting colder The birds are flying to the south for warmth It is beginning to darken earlier When winter arrives The rain will turn into snow We will wait for spring With our hearts tired of cold Winter seems to be the longest season When spring arrives, the flowers will bloom After the spring, summer will arrive Summer is complete with warm weather And fun with friends In the beautiful nature When summer comes to its end, The leaves will fall from the trees
Layout work completed with Microsoft Word, Publisher, Adobe Acrobat, and Preview. Cover printed on 80 pound White Cover Stock. Pages printed on 60 pound Skytone Parchment White Text. Type set in Modern No. 20 font. Printed by Omega Graphics, of Shrewsbury, NJ. Written work and artwork are submitted by students of the Ranney Upper School during the 2011 — 2012 school year. Copies printed: 300.
We would like to thank those who have contributed their time to Taxi: first and foremost our advisor Mme. Isabelle Daly; World Language teachers Heidi Bonney, Jeanette Cordero, Ina Gurman, Jan Mae, Adam Materasso, Margharita Reiter, and Nancy Rosenthal; Kate Greenberg and Ave Maria Walwark, for their students’ beautiful artwork; Dr. Noel Delgado, for his assistance to the magazine; and our fellow students, for their commitment to language. 2
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
las estaciones rachel burstiner Las hojas caen de los arboles Lentamente y con belleza Otoño ha llegado El aire se está enfriando Los pájaros están volando al sur para calor Está empezando a oscurecer más temprano Cuando el invierno llega La lluvia se convertirá en nieve Nosotros esperaremos la primavera Con nuestros corazones cansados del frio El invierno parece ser la estación más larga Cuando la primavera llega, las flores florecerán Después de la primavera, el verano llegará El verano es complejo con tiempo cálido Y divertido con amigos En la naturaleza más bonita Cuando el verano llega a su fin, Las hojas caerán de los arboles
to the reader Language connects us all. It allows one to communicate with another; it has seen the rise and flourishing of cultures; and it has come to define the human being and the heights to which s/he has climbed. But what of language as an obstacle? We hear phrases such as “language barrier,” which brings to bring to mind confusion, incomprehension, and most significantly, consciously recognized difference. We travel to different lands and different cultures, and we make little effort to learn the indigenous languages. Too often do we neglect to communicate with the wealth of difference in this world, though it is this difference – between one tongue and another, one heritage and another – this difference that we must embrace and that we humbly celebrate in Taxi.
yours sincerely sophia lee ‘12 and hannah simpson ‘12 66
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
table of contents
hasta el final
• table des matières • • فِ ْھ ِرسInhaltsverzeichnis • 目 录 • indice • • ת ו כ ן ה ע נ י נ י םcontenta • оглавление • içindekiler •
kayla birde
prose • prose • • ن َْثرProsa • 散 文 • prosa • • פ ר ו ז הprosa • проза • düzyazi • prose • • ن َْثرProsa • 散 文 • • פ ר ו ז ה
la belleza de la noche • chris grosso • 7 hayat buyuk sehirde • ilayda takil • 9 饮食文化课 • walter cuje & patrick glodkowski • 11 l’hiver • natalie cantave • 13 montaña rusa • brandon flynn • 14 la perplejidad de septiembre el duodecimo • anthony dennis • 16 les jeux olympiques à londres • madison boyan • 18 chère petite hannah • hannah simpson • 19 chère vieille natalie • natalie cantave • 20 我的決定 • rose maisner • 22 diario • andrew aboujaoude • 27 mis vacaciones en Atlántida • steven jacobson • 28 le camping • ilayda takil • 30
No es una cosa grande sino un millón de pequeñas cosas que se juntan, para formar algo que se conoce como la amistad. La amistad es de dos personas pegadas juntas con todas las pequeñas cosas que importan en la vida. Un mejor amigo es uno que es una sombra de ti, y nunca se aparta de ti El que siempre escucha lo que tienes que decir, y nunca te juzga El que te puede hacer reír sea lo que sea Y sabe cuando estás triste sin que le digas ni una palabra. La gente que te importa y traba una amistad verdadera contigo perdurará para siempre porque los amigos se aman.
until the end
mi viaje a londres • amy winkler • 32 vuelo • anonymous • 34 italie • madison boyan • 34 l’étranger • elisa stavola • 36 las vacaciones en barcelona • marc owitz • 38 kayla • carly ansell • 40
verse • vers • • ِشعْرLyrik • 詩 歌 • versi • • ש י ר הcamena • поэзия • şiir • vers • • ِشعْرLyrik • 詩 歌 •
patentia est radix virtutis • anonymous • 43 la plage • ashleigh shay • 45 la mar • erika serhus • 46 hundirse • alex seneca • 48 me recuerdan de ti • briana richardson • 50 4
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
It isn’t one big thing, it’s a million little things which come together to form something we know as friendship. Friendship is two people glued together with all the little things that matter in life. A best friend is a shadow by you, who never leaves your side. The one who always listens to what you have to say and who never judges you. The one who, no matter what, can make you laugh, And who knows when you’re sad without you saying a word. The people who matter and form friendships will last Until the end because they have each other.
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
el día de acción de gracias • leah chaise • 51 combustible • veronika fischer • 53
butterfly girl
mon amour, la lumière • natalie cantave • 54 vaut-il la peine? • allie demarco • 55 l’apocalypse • gillian veralli • 59 l’hiver • christina kalinowski • 60 en esta nación, somos uno • steven parlamas • 62 hasta el final • kayla birde • 65 las estaciones • rachel burstiner • 66
art • l’art • • فنKunst • 藝 術 • arte • • א מ נ ו תars • искусство • sanat • l’art • • فنKunst •
brooding • charles inguli • 8 classic breakfast • julia palecki • 10 anticipation • casey wolfe • 15 ivy • matthew elkwood • 21 veiled dancer • casey wolfe • 26 tent sculpture • mostafa meleis • 31 house in the wind • elizabeth martin • 33 tabloid bouquet • tara rogan • 35 funhouse • taylor veralli • 37 the body as a battlefield • tara rogan • 41 tilt • joyce dayan • 44 contemplation • julia palecki • 49 paper lights • molly o’neill • 52 detachment • julia palecki • 57 life • danica lenge • 58 gingerbread house • victoria renner • 61 undulation • peter bontempo • 63
molly o’neill 64
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
butterfly girl • molly o’neill • 64 twisted • danica lenge • 68 spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
peter bontempo
undulation spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
en esta nación, somos uno
la belleza de la noche
steven parlamas
chris grosso
En esta tierra es donde empezó todo, Con los orígenes de las colonias, Pero con el tiempo largo, nuestros sentimientos cambiaron, Y luchábamos contra la corona por la libertad. Había una prueba de la fuerza de nosotros, Entre el Norte y el Sur, Sabíamos que no podríamos continuar así como estábamos nos quitaron, Pero al final, fuimos uno. Nos atacaron en Pearl Harbor, Y nos quitaron nuestras torres, Pero hay una cosa que no se quede quitar; La unión de todos nosotros. En esta nación, somos uno.
in this nation, we are one Upon this very land is where it all begun, With charters for the colonies, But with time our feelings changed, And we fought the crown for freedom. Our strength was tested, Between the North and South, We knew we couldn’t endure the way we were, But in the end we stood as one. They attacked us at Pearl Harbor, And took our towers away, But there is one thing that they cannot take; The union of us all. In this nation, we are one. 62
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
Afuera, todas las críaturas del mundo se están comunicando. Oigo las canciones de los grillos. Se hablan unos a otros sobre los asuntos graves del mundo. ¿Qué tal este calentamiento global? ¿Por qué los seres humanos no nos escuchan? Oigo el viento que pasa por los árboles, que estoicamente esperan su mensaje cotidiano, No saben si las noticias serán buenas o malas. Los árboles le preguntan, a su amigo, ¿Cuántos miembros de nuestras familias han fallecido hoy para crear el papel? Como siempre, reciben la misma respuesta, ¡Sea lo que sea! No podéis preocuparos pensando en lo que pasará. Sólo pensad en y gozad de lo que os rodea ahora. Oigo en la distancia las olas, las cuales se estrellan contra la orilla. Las criaturas le piden perdón a su mejor amiga, la arena, por estar tan obstinandas y repetitivas. Teniendo tanta energía, ellas tienen que hacer ejercicio sin falta. Por eso, la arena las disculpa porque de verdad, está muy contenta de recibir tantos regalos nuevos como las conchas bellas y la comida riquísima. Todos los habitantes de la noche demuestran cortesía entre ellos, así que puedan vivir felizmente juntos. Veo la luna que da una luz al mundo tan reluciente que hasta las lombrices de la tierra pueden entender su mensaje. ¿Míradme y sabed que siempre estaré aquí, para brillar todas vuestras noches. Veo afuera un mundo desconocido por mucha gente y evitado por otros. ¡Abrid los ojos y averiguar lo que hay!
the night’s beauty Outside, all of the world’s creatures are communicating with each other. I hear the songs of the crickets. They talk to each other about the sad events happening in the world. What’s up with global warming? Why don’t humans listen to us? I hear the wind blowing through the trees that stoically await his daily message. They don’t know if the news he brings will be good or bad. The trees ask their friend, the wind, how many members of our spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
families have died today in order to create paper? As always, they receive the same response, it is what it is! You can’t worry yourselves by thinking about what will happen. Just think about and enjoy what is surrounding you right now. I hear in the distance the breaking of the waves along the shore. They ask their best friend, the sand, for forgiveness, as they have been very stubborn and repetitive. Having so much energy, they have to exercise without fail. Therefore, the sand forgives them because she really is happy to receive so many new gifts such as the beautiful shells and delicious food. All of the inhabitants of the night are courteous to one another, so that they may live happily together. I see the moon that gives such brilliant light to the world; even the earthworms can understand its message. Look at me and know that I will always be here, to light up all of your nights. I see outside a world unknown by many people and avoided by others. Open your eyes and find out what there is.
gingerbread house
victoria renner
charles inguli 8
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
hayat buyuk sehirde
christina kalinowski
ilayda takil
L’hiver est le temps pour la météo froide. Tout le monde veut porter les pull-overs chauds. L’hiver est le temps de boire du chocolat chaud., Surtout avec les guimauves. L’hiver est le temps de faire de la luge. Beaucoup d’enfants et leurs parents mettent leurs chapeaux, leur gants, et leurs manteaux. L’hiver est le temps pour la neige. Tous les enfants portent leurs pyjamas à l’envers, en espérant qu’il neigera. L’hiver est une bonne saison, Mais j’attends l’été !
Istanbul sokaklari cesitli yerlere gitmeye calisan insanlarla doluydu. Arabalar kirmizi isikta gecmeye calisan yayalari uyarmak icin kornalarina basiyorlardi. Muhtesem camiler manzarayi guzellestiriyordu ve bircok insan bu camileri ziyaret etmek icin iceriye giriyorlardi. Gun boyunca, deniz, guzel ve canli bir mavi ve gunes kadar sicakti. Tuccarlar kaldirimdarda turistlere renkli halilar ve anahtarliklar satiyorladi. Kucuk cocuklar guvercinlere ekmek veriyorlardi. Firinda pismis ekmek ve tatlilarin heryerden kokusu geliyor. Gunun sonunda, gunes denize dogru batarken gokyuzunu kirmizi ve pembe oluyor. Aksamlari camilerin hoparlorunden cikan ve herkesin duyabilecegi dualar okunuyordi. Aksamlari, karanlik gokyuzunu aydinlatan parlak yildizlarla doluydu. Istanbulda her yeni gun yeni bir macera demektir.
winter life in the big city Winter is the time for cold weather. Everyone wants to wear warm sweaters. Winter is the time to drink hot chocolate, Especially with marshmallows. Winter is the time for sleigh riding. Many children and their parents wear their hats, gloves, and coats. Winter is the time for snow. All the children wear their pajamas inside-out, hoping for a snow day. Winter is a good season, But I can’t wait for summer!
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
The streets of Istanbul are crowded with bustling people, on their way to various places. The honking cars beep at people who try to cross the road before the red light flashes on. Elaborate mosques decorate the land, and people go inside. During the day, the ocean is a vibrant blue, warm as the sun’s rays. Merchants on the sidewalks sell colorful rugs and key chains to tourists. Little children feed pieces of bread to pigeons. The aroma of baking pastries is carried afar. At the end of the day, the sun seems to dip into the sea, turning the sky a brilliant red and pink. At night, the mosques’ speakerphones blare out prayers for all to hear. The night sky fills with twinkling stars, so bright against the black. Every day is a new adventure in Istanbul.
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
classic breakfast
gillian veralli Je cours ; le sol est en flammes De loin, un enfant crie Il a perdu la bataille Les langues de l’herbe frôle ma peau Je vais mourir si je ne peux pas continuer à marcher Le soleil et le ciel sont jaunes —un signe Que le monde se termine La flamme est sur le point de frapper la terre Rien ne survivra pas Deux minutes —ma dernière minute Les mémoires inondent: Mon enfance —le passé, le présent, et le futur J’aurai pu avoir n’importe quoi ; rien maintenant Le ciel est blanc —la flamme est à quelques secondes de l’impact Le fin est maintenant.
julia palecki
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
I run; the ground is ablaze In the distance a child cries out He has lost the battle The tongues of fire graze my skin I will surely die if I cannot keep on moving The sun and sky are yellow —a sign of sorts that The world is ending The flare is about to hit the earth Nothing will survive Two minutes —my last two minutes Thoughts come flooding back: My childhood —past, present, and future I could have had anything; nothing now The sky becomes white —the flare is seconds from impact The end is now. spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
饮食文化课 walter cuje & patrick glodkowski
danica lenge
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
如果我们要创建一堂课,这将是一堂饮食文化课。通常 情况下,教育的重点,只能在抽象的感知方面的历史和文化。 历史不是真正意义上的东西,学生可以具体化,充分认识到在 他们心中。我们寻求一堂课社会研究带来了一个有形的水平, 以修复这个问题。这将是通过食物,这将是研究的完成,并最 终使用添加物理教育方面。 我们课开始在饮食文化的根:成分。我们将分析为什么 某些文化中,使用特定的地理,政治,社会,史学,和经济的 角度成分。在某些情况下,这是相当,如橄榄在地中海和整个 亚洲地区大米的患病率明显。在其他时候,它是更为复杂,最 不知道为什么红薯是在美国流行的当植物是原产于非洲。 课会转移到食品和烹调方法,在各种文化的演变。我们 将研究制定具体的美食,以及改变其成分的使用。如何有香肠 几千年来在欧洲演变?社会有如何使用他们做饭的小麦,以及 如何有这种随时间变化? 这种饮食文化课会研究如何通过文化提出食品。这将需 要看看食品已经超越了文化上的障碍提出如何,以及它如何反 映在文化间关系的变化。在中国成为意大利面食,或咖喱被移 植,从非洲到印度,整个亚洲地区最终的例子面条。 最后,这堂课有一个显著的饮食方面。为了增加教育的 深入,我们会从我们正在研究的美食经常食用食品。我们要么 走出去餐馆吃,或准备在课堂上,这取决于它是什么。 饮食文化课,将是下一代的文化学习的先行者。学生会 沉浸在他们的课程,让他们真正吸收知识到一个全新的水平。
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
If we were to create a class, it would be a food culture class. Oftentimes, education focuses on aspects of history and culture that can only be perceived in the abstract. History is not truly something a student can actualize, or fully realize, in their mind. We seek to fix this problem by making a class in which social studies is brought to a tangible level. This would be accomplished through food, which would be studied and ultimately consumed, adding a physical aspect to education. Our class would begin at the root of food culture: ingredients. We would analyze why certain cultures use specific ingredients from geographic, political, social, historiographical, and economic perspectives. In some cases, this is rather apparent, such as the prevalence of olives in the Mediterranean and that of rice throughout Asia. At other times, it is more complex; most people do not know why sweet potatoes are prevalent in America when the plant is native to Africa. The class would move on to the evolution of foods and cooking methods within various cultures. We would study the development of specific cuisines, as well as the change in their usage of ingredients. How has sausage-making evolved in Europe over thousands of years? How have societies used wheat in their cooking, and how has this changed with time? Such a food culture class would study how food has moved through cultures. It would take a look at how food has moved beyond cultural barriers, and how it reflects shifts in inter-cultural relationships. For example, how noodles in China became pasta in Italy, or how curry was transplanted from Africa to India, and eventually throughout Asia. Finally, this class would have a significant eating aspect to it. In order to add depth to the education, we would regularly consume food from the cuisines we were studying. The class would either go out to restaurants to eat it, or prepare it in class, depending on what it was. A food culture class would be the forerunner in the next generation of cultural learning. It would immerse students in their curriculum, and allow them to truly absorb knowledge on an entirely new level.
julia palecki
food culture class
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
is it worth it?
natalie cantave Is it worth it? The Headache The heartache The pain The tears Is it worth it? Is it worth the crying? Is it worth the “You’re too good for him,” And the “He’s not worth it”? Is it worth the convincing yourself that he is worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth the rejection and the emptiness Is it worth that false hope when he notices you and says that you’re the best?
Je suis sortie après avoir étudié pour AP Physics. C’est devenu trop douloureux et j’avais besoin de respirer. Je me suis assise. J’ai vu la neige qui couvrait la pelouse verte comme une couverture. Il faisait froid. J’ai entendu et vu trois petites filles, mes voisines, construire un bonhomme de neige. Leurs cris de joie m’ont rappelé de l’époque où je jouais avec ma sœur dans la neige quand j’étais jeune. J’ai entendu la brise calme du vent d’hiver froid. J’ai entendu le bruit de mon voisin pelleter de la neige de son allée. J’ai entendu le bruit d’une souffleuse à neige. Je connais les sons et les scènes de l’hiver dans mon quartier, auquel je rendrais visite quand je viens chez moi l’hiver de l’université pour les vacances. J’apprécie les hivers du New Jersey.
Maybe I’m asking the wrong question Maybe the right question is “Is he worth it?” Is he worth the time and the energy that could be spent on someone who cares? So answer me this. Is he worth it?
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
I went outside after studying AP Physics. It became too painful and I needed to breathe. I sat down. I saw the snow covering the green lawn like a blanket. It was cold. I heard and saw three little girls, my neighbors, building a snowman. Their cries of joy reminded me of the time when I played with my sister in the snow when I was young. I heard the calm breeze of the cold winter wind. I heard the sound of my neighbor shoveling snow on his driveway. I heard the sound of a snow blower. I know the sounds and scenes of winter in my neighborhood, something I would visit when I come home for winter break from college. I appreciate the winters in New Jersey.
montaña rusa
vaut-il la peine?
brandon flynn
allie demarco
Un sueño que me asustó cuando tenía diez años fue un sueño de una montaña rusa. En este sueño, yo fui en una montaña rusa muy alta y muy rápida. Pero no era muy seguro. No tenía una barra de seguridad. A la parte más alta, me caí de la montaña rusa. Colgué con mis manos a la barandilla, cincuenta metros del suelo. Finalmente, mi mano derecha soltó y colgué con sólo mi mano más débil. En pocos segundos, esta mano soltó también. Me caí, fui a la tierra muy rápido. Debido a ese sueño, no me gusta la montaña rusa durante muchos años. Pero ahora me gusta la montaña rusa de nuevo. Este verano yo iba en la montaña rusa “Nitro” y me encantaba.
rollercoaster When I was ten years old, I had a frightening dream of a rollercoaster. In this dream, I was on a rollercoaster that was very high and very fast. But it was not very safe, because it did not have a safety bar. At the top, I fell off the rollercoaster. I hung with my hands to the railing, fifty meters from the ground. Finally, my right hand dropped and I hung with only my weaker hand. In a few seconds, this hand dropped also. I fell and I went to the ground very fast. Because of this dream, I didn’t like rollercoasters for many years. But now I like rollercoasters again. This summer, I was on the rollercoaster “Nitro” and I loved it.
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
Vaut-il la peine? Les casse-têtes Le chagrin La peine Les larmes Vaut-il la peine? Vaut-il la peine de pleurer? Vaut-il la peine de se demander « T’es trop bonne pour lui, » Et la peine d’entendre « Ce n’est pas la peine » ? Vaut-il la peine de se convaincre qu’il est digne Vaut-il la peine? Vaut-il la peine d’être rejetée et la peine du sentiment de vide Vaut-il la peine d’avoir espoir quand il te Fait attention et quand il dit que tu es la meilleure? Peut-être je pose la mauvaise question Peut-être la juste question est « Vaut-il la peine ? » Vaut-il la peine de dépenser le temps et l’énergie qui pourrait Etre consacrée à quelqu’un d’autre qui s’en soucie? Alors dis-moi. Vaut-il la peine?
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
mon amour, la lumière
natalie cantave Mon amour, tu es la lumière qui me guide à travers les ténèbres. Tu es une flamme, une flamme qui ne pourra jamais s’éteindre parce que mon amour pour toi ne sera jamais éteint. Un amour éternel nous aurons, la bougie avec la lumière de notre amour brillera jusqu’à la fin des temps. Tu as allumé une étincelle en moi, une étincelle de bonheur, une étincelle d’amour, une étincelle que je n’ai jamais vue auparavant. Rien ne peut et rien n’éteindra jamais la flamme, l’étincelle, la lumière, l’amour, puisque notre bougie et notre flamme seront toujours allumées. Maintenant, je te demande, mon amour, de me guider, de me guider vers la lumière et de me montrer le chemin à ton cœur.
my love, the light My love, you are the light that guides me through the darkness. You are a flame, a flame that will never extinguish because my love for you will never die out. An everlasting love we will have, one where the candle with the light of our love will glow until the end of time. You have ignited a spark within me, a spark of happiness, a spark of love, a spark that I have never seen before. Nothing can and nothing will ever extinguish the flame, the spark, the light, the love, as our candle and flame will be lit forever. Now, I ask of you, my love, to guide me, to guide me to the light and to show me the way to your heart.
casey wolfe 54
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
la perplejidad de septiembre el duodecimo
anthony dennis El día era el doce de septiembre de dos mil doce. Me me quedaba varado en una isla desde hacía exactamente cincuenta días. Yo estaba empezando a quedarme sin suministro de alimentos. Además, había un pequeño estanque de agua potable a la izquierda en la isla. Mi esperanza para el rescate estaba a punto de agotarse. Tenía una sed inaudita. Mi último recurso era encender un fuego S. O. S. Pero parecía que el durante el tiempo que esperé, lo único que pasó fue que el fuego se me apagó. Me sentía como la única persona que quedaba en el mundo. Esperé y esperé, por lo que pareció una eternidad. El sol y la luna seguían girando alrededor de mí, y yo sabía que mi tiempo pronto se acabaría. Por alguna razón sobrenatural, sin embargo, no me sentía más débil. Un poder extraño se había apoderado de mí, y yo me sentía como si hubiera comido una comida completa que podía durar para siempre. Conforme pasaban los días, sorprendentemente me hacía más fuerte y más resuelto a sobrevivir. Después de darme cuenta de esto, de inmediato comencé a construir una balsa de troncos. Cuando terminé, me subí a la balsa e inicié mi viaje. En medio de mi aventura en las aguas, yo vi lo que parecía un barco en la distancia. Yo frenéticamente comencé a remar en esa dirección. Cuando los hombres llegaron al barco, me dieron la bienvenida a bordo. Me preguntaron adónde me dirigía, y les dijo que iba a San Francisco. Esto, por alguna extraña razón, les desconcertó. Les dije que estaba en California, pero se pusieron más frenéticos aún. Preguntándome cómo podía ser, casi no quería decir que los Estados Unidos de América. .Pero lo hice, y cuando yo dije esto, me preguntaron qué planeta era. ¿Es esto real? ¿Cómo podría estar en otro planeta? ¿No saben que no hemos perfeccionado los viajes espaciales de esa manera? Me decidí a preguntar en qué planeta estábamos. Ellos respondieron, sin paisar, la Tierra. Si nunca había oído hablar de los Estados Unidos, ¿cómo estamos en la Tierra? Me dijeron, sintiendo mi confusión: "Es el 12 de septiembre de cuatro mil dos- cientos sesenta y siete." ¿Cómo puede ser esto? ¿Cómo si me hubiera quedado con vida por más de 2200 años? Alguien, en algún lugar, debe haber querido 16 taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
veronika fischer Maintenant c’est seulement une maison de cartes Ne regarde pas en arrière pour la voir tomber Oublie tes chaussures Et laisse trainer ton pantalon de pyjama Laisse frapper les mots dans ta tête avec chaque trace de pas Tu es irremplaçable
flammable Now it’s just a house of cards Don’t look back to see it fall Forget about your shoes And let your pajama bottoms drag Let the words pound in your head with each footstep You are irreplaceable
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
querido que yo viva. Pero, ¿quién? ¿Quién tiene el poder de dejarmea sobrevivir? ¿Quién?
the perplexity of september the twelfth paper lights
molly o’neill
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
The day was September 12, 2012. I had been stranded on an island for exactly fifty days and was starting to run out of food. There was a small pond of drinkable water left on the island. My hope for rescue was about to fade. I was feeling thirsty beyond disbelief. My last resort was to make an S. O. S. fire. As time went on, the fire gradually went out, and I accomplished nothing. I felt like the only person left in the world. I waited and waited, for what seemed an eternity. The sun and moon kept circling me, and I knew that soon my time would be up. For some unexplainable reason, however, I did not feel weaker. A strange power had come over me, and I felt like I had eaten a full meal that could last me forever. Surprisingly, as the days passed, I became stronger and more determined than ever to survive. After noticing this, I immediately began to build a raft out of logs. When I finished, I got on the raft and began my journey. In the middle of my adventure on the waters, I saw what resembled a ship in the distance. I frantically paddled in that direction. When I reached the ship, the men welcomed me aboard. They asked me where I was headed, and I said San Francisco. This, for some odd reason, baffled them. I told them it was in California, but this confused them even more. Wondering how this could be, I was reluctant to say “the United States of America.” But I did, and when I said this, they asked me what planet I was from. Was this for real? How could I be on another planet? Didn’t they know we haven’t perfected space travel like that? I decided to ask them what planet we were on. They replied, without skipping a beat, “Earth.” If they had never heard of the United States, how are we on Earth? Sensing my confusion, they said, “It is September 12, 4267.” How could this be? How had I stayed alive for more than 2200 years? Someone, somewhere, must have wanted me to live. But who? Who has the power to let me survive? Who?
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
les jeux olympiques à londres
el día de acción de gracias
madison boyan
leah chaise
J'aime les jeux olympiques. Je préfère les jeux olympiques d'été parce que je préfère les événements d'été. Par exemple, j'adore regarder la natation, le running, et le gymnastique. Je n’aime pas tellement les événements sur les jeux olympiques d'hiver comme le hockey, le ski, et le snowboard. C'est bien de regarder les jeux olympiques à la télévision, mais je voudrais bien voir les jeux olympiques en personne. Je pense que ce serait amusant de les voir. J’irais aux jeux olympiques de Londres cet été parce que j'aime les jeux olympiques d'été et j'aime Londres!
summer olympics at london I love the Olympics. I prefer the Summer Olympics because of the summer events. For example, I love to watch swimming, running, and gymnastics. I do not like the Winter Olympics events such as hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. It's nice to watch the Olympics on television, but I would like to see the Olympics in person. I think it would be fun to see the Olympics in person. I would go to the Olympics in London this summer because I love the Summer Olympics and I love London!
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
Es el día de gracias La familia está aquí Los chicos ven el fútbol americano Estamos sentados en la mesa Comemos el pavo, las patatas, y la gelatina Nosotros somos todos aquí Nos falta una cosa No estás en tu silla Tú no estás a la vista Nosotros no podemos oír tu voz Y tú no estás en la cocina por cierto Pero sabemos que tú estás cerca Y un día nosotros estaremos juntos otra vez Pero por ahora nosotros somos agradecidos por todos los grandes tiempos contigo
thanksgiving It’s Thanksgiving The family is here The boys are watching football We are sitting at the table Eating turkey, potatoes, and Jell-O We are all right here But one thing is missing You are not in your chair You are nowhere in sight We can’t hear your voice And it’s certainly not your cooking But we know you’re around the corner And one day we’ll be together again But for now we are thankful for all the great times with you spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
chère petit hannah
me recuerdan de ti
hannah simpson
briana richardson Como una brisa en el cielo Como el agua del mar Recuerdo tu mirada Todos son cosas simples, hermosas también. Como los rayos del sol Recuerdo tu sonrisa que trae luz a mi día. Como una manta en una noche fría del invierno Recuerdo el calor de tu abrazo. Todo lo que veo me hace recordarte
they remind me of you Like a breeze in the sky Like the water in the sea I remember your gaze They’re all simple, and beautiful as well Like the sun’s rays I remember your smile, which brings light to my day Like a blanket on a cold winter’s night I remember the warmth of your hug. Everything that I see makes me remember you
Chère Hannah (dix ans), Tu as dix ans ! C’est un âge très amusant. Ton professeur est Monsieur Lang, et c’est ton premier an à Ranney School. Tu es bête, curieuse, et sans souci — amuse-toi bien ! Assure-toi que tu écoutes à Maman et Papa. Ils sont plus âgées (et plus intelligents) que toi, et ils t’aiment beaucoup. Je sais que tu aimes chanter. Mon conseil est de continuer cet art. La chanson t’apporta beaucoup de bonheur plus tard, et tu prendras des leçons de chant dans trois ans. Aussi, continue ton amitié avec Abby. Vous serez amis pour les huit prochains années, et au-delàs ! Abby est une fille spéciale, et tu as de la chance d’avoir une amie comme elle. Oui, je sais que ce n’est pas facile quand ton amie s’est éloignée. Reste en contact avec elle. Ce n’est pas simple, mais tu peux le faire. Tu vis une très bonne vie, ma chérie — n’oublie pas ce fait. La jeunesse ne dure pas éternellement. Profite de ça, et bon chance, cocotte. Amitiés, Hannah (dix-huit ans)
dear little hannah Dear Hannah (ten years old), You’re ten years old! It’s a very fun age. Your teacher is Mr. Lang, and it’s your first year at Ranney School. You are silly, curious, and without a care — have fun! Make sure you listen to Mom and Dad. They are much older (and smarter) than you, and they love you so much. I know that you love to sing. My advice is to continue this art. Singing will bring you a lot of happiness later, and in three years, you will take singing lessons.
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
Also, continue your friendship with Abby. You will be friends for the next eight years and beyond. Abby is a special girl, and you are lucky to have a friend like her. Yes, I know that it’s not easy when your friend is far away. Stay in contact with her. It’s not simple, but you can do it. You’re living a very good life, my dear — don’t forget it. Your youth will not last forever. Take advantage of it, and good luck, honey.
Love, Hannah (eighteen years old)
chère vieille natalie natalie cantave Chère Natalie, Waouh, regarde comment tu es adulte. C’est incroyable de voir comment tu as muri et ce que tu as fait de toi-même. Je ne peux pas attendre jusqu’à ce que je sois plus âgée. Pour te faire sentir vieille, je partage avec toi quelques souvenirs. Rappelle-toi quand tu as appris comment monter ton vélo — oh, excusez-moi, maintenant tu conduis. Aussi, n’oublie pas le plaisir que tu as à Seashore Day Camp, mais comme toi, j’ai grandi, tu as besoin d’un emploi et tu as travaillé comme instructeur de natation et de sauveteur à Ranney-in-the-Summer, où tu te voyais dans les nombreux jeunes campeurs qui t’admirait. Garde toujours à ton cœur les plus riches et les plus chers souvenirs de ta jeunesse, et je sais que beaucoup, beaucoup de d’autres souvenirs viendront. Bien que je sois jeune, je voudrais t’offrir des conseils : quoi qu’il arrive, n’oublie jamais où tu as commencé, d’où tu viens, et surtout, souviens-toi des gens qui ont été là pour toi et qui t’aime.
julia palecki
Ton amie, Natty 20
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
dear old natalie
hundirse alex seneca
Dear Natalie, Wow, look how grown-up you are. It’s so amazing to see how much you’ve matured and what you have made of yourself. I can’t wait until I’m older. To make you feel old, I’m sharing with you some memories. Remember when you first learned how to ride your bike — oh, excuse me, now you’re driving. Also, remember the fun summers you had while at Seashore Day Camp, but as you got older, you needed a job and you worked as a swim instructor and lifeguard at Ranney-in-the-Summer, where you saw yourself in the many young campers who admired you. Always keep your richest and dearest memories of your youth close to heart, and I know many, many more memories will be coming. Although I am young, I would like to offer you advice: no matter where in the future life takes you, never forget where you started, where you came from, and most importantly, remember the people who have been there for you and loved you.
Sus ojos son azules quiero hundirse en el mar y nunca llegar para aire O son verdes? hierba verde en el verano No, son de marrónes. marrónes y embarrados. ordinario. llanura y los amo.
to sink
Your friend, Natty
matthew elkwood
His eyes are blue I want to sink into the sea and never come up for air Or are they green? green grass in the summer No, they are brown. brown and muddy. ordinary plain and I love them 48
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
the sea
rose maisner
Tranquility and the sun
我的名字是高爱。我十九岁。我有一个很完美的生活。我 的家很大。我是个很好的大学生。 我很聪明啊。我想做一个医 生。我的男朋友的名字是李朋。我们在一起很高兴。 可是我爸爸妈妈去年死于车祸。我不禁想,他们是多么年 轻。 我爸爸去年三十九岁。我妈妈去年只三十七岁。我想让他 们在天堂里高兴。他们爱你,可是他们不爱我的男朋友。我不明 白。他很完美。他们为什么不喜欢他? 我想履行我爸爸妈妈祝愿,可是我也爱我的男朋友。他想 我和他去加拿大。李朋在那里工作。他是律师。他很聪明。 我们去年去大学校。我们天天都 走路上学。李朋和我上 历史课。他二零零九年二月十四日请我吃晚饭和看外国电影。中 国菜好吃,可是外国电影很差。它是一个有趣的晚上。 他那个晚 上他成了我的朋友。我们周末打电子游戏和听美国音乐。 他去年给了他的朋友,王文,一张纸。老师老师把它朗 读。它说“我认为我爱爱。我看着他,笑了。他知道那我也爱 他。 那时我们做男女朋友自从。 我的決定很困难。我爱我的爸爸妈妈。他们是我家人,可 是李朋是我的男朋友和我也爱他。李朋晚上三点带我到加拿大。 现在三点。他看着我。我不知道该怎么办。。。 “你好, 朋” 我说。 “你好,爱”他给我一个拥抱.他很温暖我算了它是十二 月。 “你好吗?”我说。 “很好。 你呢?“他说。 “马马虎虎。”我说。 “为什么?你不好吗?” 他问。 22
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
The sea was beautiful and was a place of sky and of Paradise. My love for the sea was the same as my love for you and for all the world. It was forever and was the entirety of my heart. Blood was flowing throughout my entire body and in my ears. The sound seemed like the sea and the waves when they pull sand into the depths. My heart beat like the sea when I was swimming to save you, my love, My love for you and of the sea. But when I arrived at our rock You were not there, and would never be there again. You left the beautiful island in a ship with your lover for another island far from here. Suddenly the sea became evil and taunted me. I left the sea and never loved again and never swam in it ever again. The sea was my enemy forever.
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
la mar
“我可以。”我试图改变话题。“你穿着我买给你的袜 子! ”
erika serhus De tranquilidad y de sol. La Mar era bonita y era un lugar del cielo y del Paraíso. Mi amor por la mar era lo mismo que mi amor por ti y por todo el mundo. Era para siempre y estaba en todo mi corazón. La sangre se precipitó por todo mi cuerpo y en mis oídos. El sonido se parecía al de la Mar y las olas cuando tiraban la arena dentro de las profundadas. Mi corazón latía como La Mar cuando yo nadé a salvarte, mi amor, Mi amor por tú y de la Mar. Pero cuando yo llegué a nuestra peña Tú no estuviste allí, y no estabas allí otra vez. Tú saliste de la isla bonita en un barco con tu amante a otra isla lejos de aquí. De repente La Mar se volvió maligna y se burló de mí. Yo salí de La Mar y nunca dejé que me enamorara otra vez y nunca nadaba en la. La Mar ya era mi enemiga para siempre.
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
“是的。你不觉得粉红色的我看起来不错吗?“ 我们都笑。 他总是让我笑。 “我的数学考试有一百分。” 我说。 “哇! 你很聪明啊, 高医生!” “谢谢” “你准备好去了?”他问。 我跟他走,但停止。 “怎么了?” 他问。 因为我不想告诉他的原因,所以我说,“我不想去。” “为什么?”他说。“你会很喜欢加拿大。他们有最好的 音乐,人,和菜!” “饭。。。”他知道我的弱点。 “哦! 你饿了! 我现在请你吃饭。” “不是。。。” 我告诉他是什么困扰着我。 “我明白。 可是你的爸爸妈妈想你高兴!。” 他说。 “可是爱你让他们不高兴!”我说。 “我爱你。我想你跟我来,可是我想你高兴。你要决 定。”他对我伸出他的手。等待。。。 我不知道该怎么办。他很那种,聪明,和知道我很好!我 们都爱浪漫喜剧和美国电视。我们周末打电子游戏和听美国音 乐。我不想这些很好时间结束!我不能决定!我应该怎么办? 我看着成一个水坑和看三个倒影:我和我的爸爸妈妈?! 我转身。没有人我身后。我转身背对着水坑。仍然存在。
爱。快乐点。我们爱你。 谁说的?可是倒影消失了。我盯着我自己的倒影反思。 仰视李朋。他还在那里他对我省出手。 我拉了他的手。我们走向公共汽车站。 我说,“我也爱你。高兴点儿。” spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
my decision
la plage
My name is Gao Ai. I am nineteen years old. I have the perfect life. My home is very big. I am a great college student and am very smart. I want to be a doctor. The best thing in my life is my boyfriend, Li Peng. We are very happy together. But last year, my parents died in a car accident. I can’t help thinking how young they were. My father was thirty-nine years old. My mother was only thirty-seven years old. I want them to be happy in the afterlife. They love me, but they didn’t love my boyfriend. I don’t understand. He is perfect. Why did my parents hate him? I want to fulfill my parents’ wishes, but I love my boyfriend too. He wants me to go to Canada with him. That is where Li Peng works. He is a lawyer and is very smart. We went to college together two years ago. We both walked to school every day. Li Peng and I were in the same history class. On Valentine’s Day, in 2009, he treated me to a Chinese meal and a foreign movie. The food was really good, but the movie was terrible! Afterward, we laughed over the funny horror movie. It was a fun night. He became my best friend. We spent the weekends playing video games and listening to American music. A year later, he passed a note to his friend, Wang Wen. The teacher took it and read it aloud. It said, “I think I love Ai.” I looked at him and smiled. He knew then that I loved him too. We’ve been two lovebirds ever since. My decision is hard. I love my parents. They are my family, but Li Peng is my boyfriend and I love him too. Li Peng is taking me to Canada at three p.m. It’s three now. He runs towards me. I don’t know what to do… “Hello, Peng.” “Hello, Ai.” He gives me a hug. He is so warm that I forget that it is December. “How are you?” “Very good. How about you?” “So-so,” I say. “Why? Are you okay?” he asks. “I am okay.” I try to change the subject. “You’re wearing the socks I bought you!” 24
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
ashleigh shay L’eau est transparente Dans la mer il y a des poissons Ils sont de couleurs très différentes Rouge, jaune, violet, orange, et plus En haut, le soleil est chaud et brillant Le ciel est bleu clair et les nuages sont blancs Je suis très contente ici Seulement pour un moment C’est moi et la mer
the beach The ocean is clear In the ocean there are fish They are of many different colors Red, yellow, violet, orange, and more Above, the sun is hot and bright. the sky is light blue and the clouds are white I’m very happy here Only for a moment, It’s me and the ocean
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
“Yes. Don’t you think pink looks great on me?” We both laugh. He always makes me laugh. “I got a hundred on my math test,” I say. “Wow! You are very smart, Dr. Gao!” “Thanks.” “Are you ready to go?” he asks. I’m about to walk with him, but then I stop. “What’s wrong?” he asks me. I don’t want to tell him the reason why, so I say, “I don’t want to go.” “Why?” he asks. “You’ll love Canada! They have the best music, people, and food!” “Food…” He knows my weakness. “Oh! You’re hungry! I’ll treat you to a meal now.” “No…” I can’t keep this inside me much longer. I tell him what was bothering me. “I understand. But your parents wanted you to be happy!” he says. “But loving you makes them unhappy!” I say. “I love you. I want you to come with me, but I want you to be happy. You can decide.” He holds out his hand for me. Waiting… I don’t know what to do! He’s so kind, funny, and smart, and he knows me well! We both love romantic comedies and American television. On the weekends, we play video games and listen to American music. I don’t want those good times to end! I can’t decide! What should I do? I look down into a puddle and see three reflections: me… and my parents. I turn around. No one is behind me. I turn back towards the puddle. The reflection is still there.
Ai. Be happy. We love you. “Who said that?” But the voice is gone and I’m left staring at my own reflection. I look up at Li Peng. He is still there, holding out his hand for me. I take his hand. We walk towards the bus station. As we get into the bus, I say, “I love you, too. Be happy.”
joyce dayan 44
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
patentia est radix virtutis
veiled dancer
anonymous Patentia est radix virtutis; audacia fingit castitatem. Molles, fugati, pusillanimi sic interdum videndi fortior — vel fortior fortissimus omnis — quia patentia perduceret animas ad aequanimitatem. Fugare dificilior saepe quam sese abicere in caeco moenere voluntatis qui degit ad infinitum, et in saeculum. Plurima serviunt vanitatem etiamsi profitentur virtu et valde et leviter adaquae. Festina lente, festina lente.
patience is the root of virtue Patience is the root of virtue; bravery feigns morality. The weak, those who flee, should be seen as stronger — stronger than the strongest of all — because patience has led their souls to equanimity. Fleeing is often more difficult than wasting oneself in blind service to the will — which persists through the ages, into infinity. Enslaved by pride, they profess virtue, loudly — subtly — the same.
casey wolfe 26
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
Hasten slowly, hasten slowly. spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
diario andrew aboujaoude En el mes pasado, mi familia y yo fuimos a Nueva York porque queriamos pasar el rato con mis tios y mis primos. Nueva York tiene muchos lugares fascinantes. Tiene muchos museos, restaurantes, Time Square, El Parque Central, la Plaza Rockefeller, y la Ciudad Radio. Nos encontramos con mi tio y su familia, y nosotros fuimos al Museo de Historia Natural. Vimos muchos exposiciones egipcias, asiaticas, y africanas. Despues de ver todas las exposiciones, mi primo nos dijo, “Veamos la pelicula de los animales tropicales,” y nosotros fuimos al teatro. A las dos, salimos del Museo de Historia Natural y manejamos al restaurante Mars. Yo pedi un sandwich con papas fritas, y mi familia pidio sus comidas. Mi mama nos dijo, “Comamos rapidamente,” y todos comimos rapidamente. Entonces, fuimos a Times Square y compramos muchas cosas; yo compre zapatos negros por un precio muy bueno. Las tiendas de Times Square estan abiertas todos los dias para los clientes. A las cuatro y media, nosotros manejamos al Parque Central en nuestros carros. Nos sentamos en bancos limpios y veia al rio y vimos los animales. Yo les dije, “Levantemonos y caminemos porque yo estoy aburrido.” Luego, nosotros fuimos a la Plaza de Rockefeller porque queriamos ver al arbol de Navidad. Es grande y tiene luces con muchos colores diferentes. Vimos el arbol y bebiamos chococolate caliente. Finalmente, fuimos a la Ciudad Radio porque queriamos ver El Spectacular de Navidad. Las puertas del teatro estaban abiertas. El Spectacular de Navidad fue muy bueno, y me diverti con mi familia.
diary Last month, my family and I went to New York because we wanted to spend time with my aunts and cousins. New York has many interesting places like museums, restaurants, Time Square, Central Park, Rockefeller Center, and Radio City. We met with spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
up with my uncle and his family, and we went to the Museum of Natural History to see Egyptian, Asian, and African exhibits. After seeing all of the exhibits, my cousin said, “Let’s watch that movie about the tropical animals,” and we went to the theater. At two o’clock, we left the Museum of Natural History and drove to the restaurant Mars. There, I ordered a sandwich with fries, and my family orders their meals. My mom told us, “Eat quickly,” and we did. Then, we went to Times Square, and we bought a lot of things. I bought black shoes for a very good price. The stores in Times Square are open all day for the customers. At 4:30, we drove to Central Park in our cars. We sat on clean benches and watched the river and the animals. I told them, “I’m bored. Let’s get up and walk.” Later, we went to Rockefeller Center because we wanted to see the Christmas tree. It was large and had many lights with different colors. We looked at the tree and drank hot chocolate. Finally, we went to Radio City because we wanted to see The Christmas Spectacular, which was great to top off a spectacular day with my family.
the body as a battlefield
mis vacaciones en Atlántida steven jacobson Por el fin de semana de la Acción de Gracias de 2011, yo fui con mis padres a las Bahamas. Salimos de Nueva Jersey por avión ese miércoles, y llegamos en las Bahamas solo dos horas más tarde! Yo no podía creer que hubiera un lugar tan bonito como este. Fui a la Atlantis, un recursa bueno. La Atlantis estaba grande, tenia toboganes de agua larga y la comida era muy sabrosa! Comimos a un restaurante diferente cada noche. Cuando caminamos por el puerto para ir a la cena, vimos a muchos barcos que eran muy grandes. Durante el dia, yo montaba los toboganes de agua y leía cerca de la piscina. Me divertí mucho. Mi cosa favorita fue el torneo de la batalla de la Atlantis. Había un torneo de baloncesto entre las universidades como Har 28
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
tara rogan spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
kayla carly ansell Hace dos años que conocí a mi amiga Kayla. La conocí en mi playa por medio de una amiga de la familia, Jen. Kayla, Jen y yo nos divertimos mucho en el verano. Íbamos a la playa todo el tiempo, salíamos a comer juntas, y también visitábamos la ciudad de Nueva York. Recientemente, pasamos solamente algunos días juntas, pero todo lo que hicimos fue divertido. El final del verano, sin embargo, fue muy triste para nosotras. Tuvimos que despedirnos de nuestra buena amiga Kayla porque durante el resto del verano iba a vivir en Francia con su familia. Jen y yo estábamos tan tristes al verla ir a casa (a Francia). La acompañamos al aeropuerto. Jen y yo todavía hablamos con ella en Facebook y por correo electrónico y siempre con ganas de verla en el verano, cuando su familia viaja a la costa para visitarnos.
kayla Two years ago I met my friend Kayla. I met her at my beach club through my friend Jen. Kayla, Jen, and I had a great time this summer. We went to the beach all the time and ate with each other. We even went to the New York City! Some days we would just hang out but we all had fun. Late summer, however, was very sad for Jen and me. We had to say goodbye to our good friend Kayla because during the rest of the year she lived in France with her family. Jen and I were so sad to see her go home. We went with her to the airport to say goodbye. Jen and I still talk to Kayla on Facebook and through emails and we always look forward to the summer, when Kayla and her family travel to the coast to visit us.
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
-vard, College of Charleston, Connecticut, UCF, UNC Asheville, Florida Estado, Utah, y Massachusetts Amherst. Connecticut fue el campeon de la NCAA en 2011, pero no ganó este torneo. La universidad de Harvard lo ganó! Durante de un partido mi padre y yo conocimos a Lesley Visser, una periodista de la televisión de deportes por muchos años. También vimos a Sir Nick Faldo, un jugador famoso de golf. Vimos a muchos jugadores de las universidades mientras caminamos por el complejo, y ellos eran muy altos. La Atlantis 2011 era unas vacaciones involvidables!
my vacation to atlantis On the weekend of Thanksgiving 2011, I went with my parents to the Bahamas. We left New Jersey by airplane that Wednesday, and arrived in the Bahamas just two hours later! I could not believe there could be a place as nice as this. I went to the Atlantis, a good resort. The Atlantis was great; it had long water slides and the food was very tasty! We ate at a different restaurant every night. When we walked through the harbor to go to dinner, we saw many gigantic boats. During the day, I rode the water slides and read by the pool. I had fun. My favorite thing was the tournament, the Battle of Atlantis. There was a basketball tournament that included universities such as Harvard, Charleston, Connecticut, UCF, UNC Asheville, Florida State, Utah, and Amherst. Connecticut was the NCAA champion in 2011, but did not win this tournament. Harvard University won it! During the game, my father and I met Lesley Visser, a television journalist for many sports over the years. Also I saw Nick Faldo, a famous golf player. We saw a lot of players from universities as we walked around the resort, and they were very tall. The Atlantis 2011 was an unforgettable vacation!
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
le camping
vacation in barcelona
ilayda takil Quand nous sommes arrivé au bois, nous avons monté la tente. Le prof de biologie a vu les oiseaux, les grenouilles, les serpents, les insectes, et les pélicans. C’était très intéressant! Professeur Dupont était en train d’attraper un poisson pour les échantillons. Les étudiants et moi, nous écoutions les professeurs avec beaucoup d’attention. Je me suis promenée dans le bois avec Professeur Dupont et nous avons vu beaucoup de fleurs. Professeur Dupont a pris une photo de l’araignée. C’était très grand et effrayant. Ew! Après-demain, les chercheurs ont regardé les photos. Je me suis promenée sur le sentier. Les arbres est très grande, verte, et génial. Professeur Dupont a dit que les arbres étaient très vieux. La nuit, nous avons fait la cuisine avec les boites de conserve. Les montagnes étaient très beaux et il faisait si beau. J’étais très contente!
camping When we arrived at the woods, we put up the tent. The biology professor saw birds, frogs, snakes, bugs, and pelicans. It was very interesting! Professor Dupont was in the process of catching fish for research. The students and I listened to the professors with all our attention. I hiked in the woods with Professor Dupont and we saw a lot of flowers. Professor Dupont took a photo of a spider. It was big and scary. Ew! In the afternoon, the researchers looked at the photos. I went hiking in the woods. The trees were old, green, and amazing. Professor Dupont said that the trees were very old. At night, we cooked canned food. The mountains looked very beautiful and it was so nice outside. I was very happy!
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
In the summer of 2009, my parents and I visited Barcelona, Spain. The city of Barcelona was the final stop of our Mediterranean cruise. We disembarked in the morning and went to Hotel Olivia by taxi. Hotel Olivia was located in Cataluña square. The square was near Las Ramblas, a famous street. Our hotel was very modern and our room contained three beds. I had a fantastic view of the district of Gótico. Later, at ten, we went to a restaurant to eat. After dinner, we walked to Cataluña square. There were many people in the square because they were crying over the death of Michael Jackson. He died on the twenty -fifth of June that year. The mourners were very sad. The second day was when we saw the majority of popular places in Barcelona. First, we woke up, showered, and left for Las Ramblas. There were many performers and salesmen on the street. I did not like Las Ramblas because it was dirty and had many pickpockets. You had to guard your wallet. After, we boarded a bus (two decks!) and we went to many more places in Barcelona. We saw the statue of Christopher Columbus, the Olympic stadium, the soccer stadium (FC Barcelona), the architecture of Antoni Gaudi, and much more. We passed the University of Barcelona where my cousin studied for a year. Barcelona was an enchanting and magnificent city. After the long day of touring, we went to the airport in Barcelona. I saw my friend in the airport while we were waiting for our flight. He also was going back to the United States. My family ate in the cafeteria before boarding the flight and I chewed on some cookies. Our flight left at eight, heading back to the United States. When we landed at JFK, I was happy to be back in the U.S., but I knew that it would be a long time before I went to Spain again.
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
mostafa meleis
las vacaciones en barcelona
En el verano de 2009, mis padres y yo visitamos Barcelona en España. La cuidad de Barcelona fue el último lugar de nuestro crucero por el Mediterráneo. Nosotros desembarcamos por la mañana y fuimos al hotel Olivia en el taxi. El hotel Olivia estaba en la Plaza Cataluña. La plaza estaba cerca de Las Ramblas, la calle famosa. Nuestro hotel era muy moderno, y nuestra habitación tenía tres camas. Yo tenía una vista fantástica del barrio Gótico. Luego, nosotros fuimos al restaurante a las diez para cenar. Después de la cena, nosotros caminamos por la Plaza Cataluña. Había muchas personas en la plaza porque ellos lloraban la muerte de Michael Jackson. Él murió el 25 de junio de este año. Los enlutados estaban tristes. El segundo día fue cuando nosotros vimos la mayoría de los lugares populares en Barcelona. Primero, nosotros nos despertamos, nos duchamos, y fuimos a Las Ramblas. Había muchos actores y vendedores en la calle. No me gustaba Las Ramblas porque estaba sucio y había muchas carteristas. Tú tuviste que guardar tu cartera. Después, nosotros abordamos el autobús (¡Dos cubiertas!) y fuimos a muchos lugares en Barcelona. Nosotros vimos la estatua de Cristóbal Colon, el estadio olímpico, el estadio de fútbol (FC Barcelona), la arquitectura de Antoni Gaudi, y mucho más. Nosotros pasamos por la universidad de Barcelona donde mi prima estudió durante un año. Barcelona es una ciudad encantadora y magnífica. Después de ese día largo de turismo, nosotros fuimos al aeropuerto de Barcelona. Yo vi a mi amigo en el aeropuerto mientras yo esperaba para mi vuelo. Él también iba a los Estados Unidos. Mi familia comió en la cafetería antes de abordar un vuelo y yo mastiqué unas galletas. Nuestro vuelo salió a las ocho para los Estados Unidos. Cuando nosotros desembarcamos en JFK, yo estaba alegre para volver a Estados Unidos, pero yo sabía que no tardaría mucho en volver a España.
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
tent sculpture
marc owitz
spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
My bow and arrow were askew on the wooden floor. I looked into the room and found a letter on the desk.
mi viaje a londres amy winkler
Hello my darling,
Durante del verana, yo fui a Londres con mi madre. Divertimos mucho. Nosotros visitamos el Torre de Londres, fuimos a Greenwich, vimos muchos espectàcular, y visitamos a Museo Británico. Caminamos por la ciudad. La comida china y indio era muy delicioso. Un autobús de dos pisos nos trajeron por todos partes de Londres. Nosotros bebimos tí. A la palacio de Kensington nosotros beber te. Fuimos al ojo de Londres. Fue divertido. Vi la Abadía de Westminster donde William y Kate se casaron. Mi madre y yo visitamos el Mundo Teatro de Shakespeare. A jardín de Covent, un centro comercial, fue artistas callejeros. Un hombre cupo su cuerpo en la raqueta de tenís. Durante nuestro viaje, un huracán golpeó la costa este. Los huracánes no debió tipicamente a Nuevo Jersey. My madre y yo supuesieron volar a las Estados Unidos ese día. Nuestro vuelo fue cancelado. Fortunadamente había un vuelo tres días después. Mi madre y yo tuvimos tres días adicionales en Londres. Yo estaba muy feliz de regasara a mi casa.
I need to inform you that I will be back for it soon, and this time I won’t leave without it. See you soon, Jack The life of a spy is hard and never ceases to surprise you.
my trip to london Over the summer, I went to London with my mom. We had a great time while we were there. We visited the Tower of London, went to Greenwich, saw many shows, went to the British Museum, and walked all around the city. We had a lot of good Chinese and Indian food, and we drank tea at the Kensington Palace. We rode a double-decker bus and saw the main parts of London. For a bird’s eye view of the city, we took a ride on the London eye, then visited Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. We went to Westminster Abbey, where Prince William and Kate were married. Finally, we went to Covent Garden, a big shopping center with street performers, and we saw a man maneuver himself through a tennis racket. We were in London in August, when the big hurricane was 32
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
taylor veralli spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
l’étranger elisa stavola Quand je suis rentrée à la maison, j’ai marché vers la porte et je me suis penchée sur elle. Elle s’est ouverte et je suis tombée sur le plancher. Pourquoi était-elle ouverte? J’ai sorti mon arc et pivoté, en regardant autour de moi. Il n’y avait personne. J’ai commencé à monter les escaliers, en tournant rapidement, mon arc prête. Soudain j’ai entendu un bruit du grenier. J’ai poursuivi sur mon chemin très lentement pas à pas, jusqu’à ce que je suis arrivée à la porte et ai commencé à tourner la poignée de porte. Ensuite, je suis tombée de la porte. Je me suis levée d’un bond, confuse et désorientée par le choc bouillonnant dans mes veines. Mon arc était de travers sur le plancher en bois. J’ai regardé dans la chambre et trouvé une lettre sur le bureau. Elle a dit:
was supposed to hit the East Coast, which almost never happens. We were supposed to fly home the day of the hurricane, but our flight was cancelled. At first we weren’t sure when we would be able to get home, but there was a flight out three days later so we took that one, adding three extra days in London. I was very happy when I got home.
house in the wind
Bonjour ma chérie, Je dois t’informer que je viendrai bientôt pour ça, et cette fois je ne quitterai pas sans ça. À bientôt, Jacques La vie d’un espion est difficile et n’arrête jamais de surprendre.
the stranger When I got home, I stepped toward the door and leaned on it. It swung open and I fell to the floor. Why was it open? I took out my bow and arrow and swiveled around, looking back and forth. There was no one there. I started up the stairs, whipping back and forth, bow and arrow poised. Suddenly I heard a noise coming from the attic. I continued up the stairs, very slowly, step by step until I reached the door and started to turn the handle. Then I fell back from the door. I sprang upward, confused and disoriented by the shock that was still coursing through my veins. 36
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
elizabeth martin spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1
des achats dans les villes et je veux voir la fontaine de Trevi à Rome. Je veux aller avec ma famille et mes amis. J’ai entendu que l’Italie est belle et je veux y aller.
vuelo anonymous Si pudiera tener un superpoder, yo querría volar. Viajaría a muchos países y vería muchas cosas. Yo iría dondequiera que quisiera ir. Yo podría estar en China un día y en México el día siguiente. Viajaría más rápida que todas las personas del mundo. Mi habilidad me ayudaría mucho. No necesitaría pagar o esperar un avión. Si yo decidiera que quisiera ir a otro lugar, podría hacerlo al instante. Podría ir a escuela y a lugares en mi ciudad con más rapidez que en un automóvil. Volar sería el mejor superpoder, porque me daría la libertad.
italy I would love to go to Italy because I love Italian food. I love warm weather and it is warm and sunny in Italy. I love swimming and I can swim in Italy in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. I want to scuba dive in the Mediterranean and see the fish. There are cities to visit in Italy. I could go shopping in town and I want to see the Trevi Fountain in Rome. I want to go with my family and friends. I heard that Italy is beautiful and I want to go.
flight tabloid bouquet If I could have a superpower, I would want to fly. I would travel to many countries and see many things. I would go wherever I wanted. I could be in China one day and Mexico the next. I would travel faster than anyone else in the world. It would be very useful. I would not have to pay for a plane ticket, or wait for my plane to take off. If I decided I wanted to go somewhere, I would be able to do it that second. I could get to school and places in town much faster than by car. Flying would be the best superpower, because it would give me freedom.
italie madison boyan J’aimerais aller en Italie parce que j’aime la nourriture italienne. J’aime le temps chaud et il fait chaud et il fait du soleil en Italie. J’aime nager et je peux nager en l’Italie dans la belle mer Méditerranée. Je veux faire de la plongée en Méditerranée et voir les poissons. Il y a des villes à visiter en Italie. Je peux faire 34
taxi • ranney school • world language literary magazine
tara rogan spring 2012 • issue 3 • volume 1