Ranney School Viewbook 2013

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RAN N E Y S C H O O L E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 6 0







R a n n e y S c h o o l i s d e d i c a t e d t o e n g a g i n g i t s s t u d e n t s i n a n e xemp la r y, well-round ed education—one




d e ve l o p m e n t


e ve r y

child ’s

int ellect ua l,

p e r s o n a l , c r e a t i ve a n d m o r a l p r o m i s e . B y s e r v i n g a d i ve r s e communit y t ha t v a lues a r i g o r o u s , w i d e - r a n g i n g p r o g r a m o f s t u d y, R a n n e y s t u d e n t s a re insp ired t o rea ch t h e i r f u l l p o t e n t i a l . G u i d e d by d e d i c a t e d a n d c o m p a s s i o n a t e p rofessiona ls, t he Ra nney e x p e r i e n c e i s d i s t i n g u i s h e d by t h e h e a r t fe l t b o n d b e t we e n s t ud ent a nd t ea cher—t he h a l l owe d p r i n c i p l e c e l e b r a t i n g t h e u n i q u e n a t u r e o f e ve r y c hild . In a n env ironment w i t h c o n t e m p o r a r y l e a r n i n g r e s o u r c e s , s t u d e n t s l e a r n t h e v a lue of cont r ibut ing t o t h e i r l o c a l a n d g l o b a l c o m mu n i t i e s t h r o u g h l e a d e r s h i p a n d s e r v ice . The school’s mot t o o f K n ow l e d g e , V i s i o n , H o n o r i s a s mu c h a n i n s p i r a t i o n a s i t is a socia l imp er a t ive , o n e t h a t i n fo r m s t h e t h i n k i n g a n d a c t i o n s o f o u r s t u d e n t s . Awa kening ea ch st ud ent ’s i n t e l l e c t u a l p o t e n t i a l a n d e n c o u r a g i n g t h e s t u d e n t t o c o m mu nica t e wit h confid ence i n h i s o r h e r ow n u n i q u e vo i c e r e m a i n s f u n d a m e n t a l t o t h e Ra nney exp er ience . The ultimate success of our students is the result of a simple yet powerful mission-promise. . .

every child is known and valued.








SCHOL ARSHIP FOR LIFE The excellence of a Ranney education is apparent in the caliber and expectations of our faculty, reflected in the imaginations and passions of our students and evident within a community of learners who value a rigorous and relevant college-preparatory curriculum. Learning with Te c hnology

Q A 21st-century curriculum that includes a 1:1 laptop program grades

six–twelve, three computer labs, two digital media centers, 175 laptop computers in the Lower School and iPads as an integral par t of the Early Childhood curriculum.

Q Interactive SMARTBoards in all classrooms transform the learning

experience at every grade level, allowing students and teachers to access, view and manipulate content—both of their own creation and from sources around the world.

I ns piring Fac u lt y Mentors

Q Ranney School faculty are exceptional educators both inside the

classroom and out. They care deeply for their students and are committed to helping each student achieve his or her full potential. They know and value each child, and in doing so, they are stewards of our mission-promise.

Q More than 50 percent of the Ranney faculty hold advanced degrees. Q More than 95 percent of the faculty, in addition to teaching, serve as

coaches or as advisors to extracurricular clubs and activities, building bonds with their students outside the classroom.

A continuum of learning through Summer Study

The Ranney School Academic and Talent Development SUMMER PROGR AMS inspire students to fully engage in the learning process all year round through relevant, interdisciplinary work in English, history and world languages to STEAM programming: science, technology, engineering, art and math.

Ac ade m i c Challenge

Q An enriched curriculum engages and challenges our students, while small class sizes—student to faculty ratio of 9:1—create an atmosphere where students can excel and reach their full potential.

Q Ranney offer s 19 Advanced Placement cour ses. These precollege

courses serve as excellent preparation for the academic journey that lies ahead for Ranney students.

Q Ranney students achieve honors in vir tually every form of academic

and cocurricular competition from Math Team, Junior Engineering and Science Olympiad contests to mock trials, Model United Nations, Academic Quiz Bowl, John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, Math Olympiad and the National Merit Scholars program.

The Cap stone Proj e ct

Imagine students establishing charitable foundations, producing films and conducting groundbreaking historical research. Students in grades five, eight and twelve use their academic skills, imagination and faculty mentors to create individual research projects allowing for in-depth study on topics of their choice. At Ranney School, project-based learning is a fundamental part of the academic curriculum.

COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY At Ranney School, children grow into confident and responsible young men and women with the guidance and support of a close, warm community. In Lower and Middle School, students find inspiration from the older students they look up to and from the teachers, coaches, and counselors they admire—all are committed to the fulfillment of each child’s mission-promise. Our school community is diverse, nurturing and safe. At Ranney, knowledge is for life, and caring for each other along the way is for personal fulfillment and honor. Cherished Traditions

The Ranney community is made special by the countless traditions that have developed over our r ich 50 -year his tor y. From homecoming and fall festival, grandparents day, fall convocation, white gowns for graduation and discussions in the round to forensics teams, class retreats, panther pride week, cum laude induction, colors of the world day, blue and white spirit days, senior dinner and faculty appreciation day, Ranney administrators, faculty, students, parents’ association, alumni and extended family make each of these events unique and special.


Distinctive of R anney School are the rel ationships fostered in this communit y. R anney School and our parent communit y are partners in the educational journey of each child. Th e R a n n e y S c h o o l Pa r e n ts ’ Ass o c i ati o n

coordinates countless events and progr ams throughout the year that bring our facult y, students, parents and alumni together. Parents and facult y work side-by-side to ensure that every child is known and valued.

D E V E LO P I N G H O N O R A N D C H A R AC T E R An integral part of a Ranney School education is character development. Ranney School believes that as members of this community, students understand that personal and academic integrity cultivate excellence and success as well as that a developed character with strong moral, social and

School Honor Code, a declaration of community values, inspires our students and faculty to value who we are as much as what we achieve.

educational principles will last a lifetime. Valuing the significance of honesty and integrity, students model respectful and responsible behavior by treating others in the same manner in which they wish to be treated—with honesty, respect, compassion and civility. Beginning in the Lower School, Community Standards—embraced by students, parents and faculty—serve as the foundation from which conversations on ethics, honor and character are developed. The Ranney School Honor Code, a declaration of community values, inspires our students and faculty to value who we are as much as what we achieve. In the Middle and Upper Schools, both the student-led Honor Council and Judicial Review Board lead the discussion on these value-based topics, and the Ranney Ethics Symposium advances further conversations on the essence of character education, honor and integrity as lessons for life.

Members of the Ranney School community subscribe to the values and principles that are immersed in our culture. Being a member of the Ranney community means that you are: Honest

Truthful to oneself and others


Courteous and considerate at all times


Understanding, sympathetic and extend good will to all


reliable to one another


accountable for one’s actions and decisions


dedicated to upholding the honor code with commitment and respect


A Wonderful Journey Begins A great beginning starts in our Early Childhood Program. Here our students, ages three, four and five, develop both cognitively and socially, building fundamental academic skills, growing familiar with the rhythms of school life and developing a healthy sense of self. The Early Childhood Program seeks to provide each child with the foundation he or she needs to become a successful student—ready to thrive and love learning. Strong emphasis is placed on the acquisition of skills through creative play, handson projects and group activities, utilizing children’s natural energy and creativity. Our Early Childhood Program engages our students’ interests and draws upon their abilities, encouraging curiosity and creativity. In our classrooms, expert teachers introduce children to a rich and challenging curriculum that makes learning interactive and fun. While the smiles on our students’ faces say it best, the excellence of the education is clear in the stories of our many graduates who have achieved success due to the outstanding preparation for their future they received attending Ranney.

As a recent Ranney graduate reflected, “these first magical years of learning are not soon forgotten. It is now that children learn to become students and that the seeds of lifelong success take root.”

“The Early Childhood teachers are so excited to see my children every morning. I can’t imagine a more warm and welcoming place on earth for my little ones.” –Early Childhood Parent



In the Beginners program, the curriculum builds upon students’ sense of self and independence, as well as their reasoning and literacy skills. Reasoning skills are emphasized throughout the program as students learn to identify and compare shapes, colors, numbers and letters and to demonstrate the ability to count, measure, predict and problem solve. Pre-reading skills are developed through a multisensory approach to learning during which letter recognition and early phonemic awareness are taught. Using technology such as iPads and sensory activities like sand and shaving cream, our littlest students are given exciting tools to explore, create and have fun while learning. Our amazing curriculum carries over into specialized areas that include music and movement, physical education, aquatics and library. Pre-Kindergarten

In Pre-kindergar ten, children continue to build their self-confidence, independence and creativity by developing an understanding of community and the importance of their role and contributions within it. The curriculum emphasis is on early reading readiness skills, mathematical concepts and advancing socialization skills, which include students taking responsibility for classroom leadership and routines. Our educational philosophy is that you must “see it,” “feel it” and “do it” to truly understand a given topic. Our four-year olds explore learning outside of the classroom in specialized areas including music, library, gym, swim and science. The courses of study are integrated into thematic units to keep learning meaningful and fun. Kindergarten

Kindergarten is an important year for our five-year olds. Here, students grow into independent readers and eager problem solvers. We help students develop these skills by using a balanced literacy approach where children are assessed and taught at their individual skill level. In math, our students use an exciting hands-on curriculum. Five-year olds have expressive language and keen observation skills, which makes for great conversation about learning and discovery. Using iPads, computers and high-interest books, our language arts program encourages students to develop self-expression and to design solutions to everyday problems. In Kindergarten, specialized areas of study broaden to include art, music, technology, library, swim, gym, science and world language exploration, which includes Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese.

“My kindergartener goes to swim, learns Chinese and studies famous artists and composers all in a day’s work. His first school experience is one that cannot be measured against any other.” –Early Childhood Parent

Big Dreams. Strong Foundations.

Kindergarten Graduation


How Big Can You Dream? Grades one through f ive in the Lower School provide our students with wonderful lear ning oppor tunities by welcoming them into a wor ld r ich with possibilities and guiding them into becoming active explorers and confident thinkers. The Lower School is a nurturing and supportive college preparatory program that provides an environment that recognizes the potential in each student. A culture of lifelong learning is at the center of the elementary curriculum as our faculty guides students to embrace ac ad e mic life . T he f acul t y of fe r s posi ti ve r e infor ce me nt t hat encourages students’ self-confidence, guided instruction that builds upon fundamental skills and a passion for excellence that serves as a foundation for student success. Through the learning process, students build impor tant connections with their teachers that allow them to appreciate the value of hard work in achieving their hopes and dreams. In grade level “neighborhoods,” a community of learning is guided by expert teachers who take the time to fully understand the uniqueness of each student. Students flourish in the familiar comfort of classrooms that are awash in ideas and filled with friends. Each child’s talents are cultivated in an environment that is based on a holistic and student-centered approach to teaching and learning so that qualities of compassion and good citizenship are developed alongside qualities of mind and scholarship. Within each learning community, students become selfadvocates and problem solvers. They are energized by the opportunities before them.

“The Lower School teachers are fabulous and the curriculum is truly enhanced by the sense of community that exists. My children are thriving in the classroom and have developed lifelong friendships.” –Lower School Parent



Emphasis on 21st-Century Learning and Teaching

Q Each Lower School student begins to build his or her own learning portfolio

for a long and productive Ranney career. Digital art and writing portfolios map students’ growth and achievement while at Ranney School.

Q Lower School students are active community contributors who live by

a set of Community Standards that are reinforced in Morning Meetings and modeled throughout each school day by peers and teachers. These Community Standards, coupled by a culture of high expectations, serve as guiding principles for a diverse and rigorous academic curriculum.

Q Lower School students participate in global conversations and debates, while engaging in a rich and diverse curriculum in math, science, language arts, social studies, world language and culture, fine art and music.

Q Lower School students are digitally adept, producing multimedia projects. Research and graphic design are all part of student learning in the media/ tech lab on laptops or iPads.

Q Fifth graders research, report on and present to the community a culminating

history and science project, known as the Lower School Capstone Project.

Q Lower School students have opportunities to explore specialized programs in the visual arts, performing arts and world languages.

Q Science education in the Lower School is taught by science experts in lab environments that include an observatory and green house.

Q Physical Education and Aquatics are important specialized programs that all students participate in.

R anne y Plu s RanneyPlus offers rich and abundant extracurricular offerings during and after the school day including, but not limited to: n

Morning Care and After Care


Brass and Percussion Band


Science and Math Olympiads


Community Service Opportunities


Lower School Theatre


Environmental Club


Interscholastic Athletics


Painting and Stage Design


Graphic Arts and Digital Media


Diversity Club


String Orchestra


Book Clubs

“Every morning my daughter’s eyes light up. She loves school. She loves learning.” –Lower School Parent

Inspired Learners. Young Leaders.

Fifth Grade Crossing the La wn Ceremony


Discover Your Passion With big dreams, students cross the lawn to Middle School—a place of boundless opportunities to explore, learn and mature in a challenging, yet safe and nurturing environment. In small classes, working closely with exceptional and dedicated teachers, students pursue a rigorous liberal arts program. Classroom experiences characterized by personalized instruction and interdisciplinary lessons stimulate new passions and educate the whole child. Key to the fulfillment of our mission-promise that every child is known and valued is an atmosphere where dynamic and passionate teachers help students learn more, do more and become more, while developing strong relationships and building confident and successful young adults. Academic offerings are both challenging and stimulating with courses in advanced mathematics, literature and writing preparation; year-long world language courses in Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese; lab-based science programs and innovative history programs. This generous academic program is well-balanced with an extensive array of clubs and activities as well as support and guidance through faculty advisors. Our mission-based advisory program and student-led community standards and honor code continue to expand upon lessons learned in Lower School, enabling the development of children with strong character and understanding.

Our philosophy is simple: Set clear expectations, hold high standards and provide close support and guidance through student-teacher interactions that make learning come alive to build confident and capable young scholars.

“The Middle School staff knew my children so well. They gave them the guidance, confidence and support needed to make good decisions academically and socially.” –Middle School Parent



Emphasis on 21st-Century Learning and Teaching

Q A challenging academic progr amming that includes advanced

mathematics classes, Lab-based science courses, full credit language courses in three languages and visual and performing ar ts

Q At every grade level, the curriculum stresses impor tant foundational

skills, such as organizational note-taking, study habits, work planning and time management, which helps prepare students for the rigors of our Upper School.

Q A safe and structured environment in which students enter young

adolescence, harnessing their natural energy and interest in exploring a range of new academic challenges

Q A dynamic and student-centered advisory program that mentors and guides students through each of their middle school years

Q Collaborative goal-setting and small group discussion on values, health and wellness

Q An honor code centered on the education of the whole child Q Over 30 different clubs, activities, student leadership and service learning organizations that are designed to encourage exploration of new interests and develop new capacities

Q Cocurricular programs and Honor Societies, featuring Science Olympiad, Math League and Jr. Tri-M Music Honor Society

Q Extracurricular and cocurricular travel oppor tunities, including grade specific fall retreats, academic field trips and an international travel and study program in England

Q Vibrant oppor tunities to par ticipate in the ar ts, both within the curriculum as well as cocurricular activities, including drama, music, creative writing, band, chorus, orchestra and visual ar ts

Q Recognized for Excellence by the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Program

“We’re on the Internet, doing experiments, making projects and being creative. In our classes, we don’t just listen— we get involved.” –Middle School Student

Self-Confident Scholars. Endless Opportunity.

Middle School Promotion


Opening Doors to the Future Now, more than ever, we believe students benefit from a well-rounded,

to fostering the social, emotional and physical transition from adolescence

“The Upper School faculty is a group of caring, dedicated professionals who are experts in their field. My son was very well-prepared to thrive in college.”

to adulthood, helping students to develop personal responsibility, empathy,

–Upper School Parent

rigorous Liberal Arts education, guided by outstanding teacher-mentors who truly know and value each child. In the Upper School, we engage students by inspiring a passion for learning. Students learn to think critically and creatively, solve problems, write and speak effectively, research across intellectual disciplines as well as develop cultural and digital literacy through independent and cooperative learning— all with an open-minded pursuit of diverse points of view. We are committed

leadership skills, courage, self-knowledge and healthy decision-making. Through community service projects, summer internships, international travel and programs on ethics and character, Ranney students have a global perspective and are challenged to leave a positive impact on their school community and the world. By the completion of their senior year, students feel empowered and self-confident, have established lasting relationships within the community, have acquired knowledge that will benefit them for the rest of their lives and are ready to share their talents and dreams with the greater world. At commencement, the entire Ranney School community celebrates with pride the accomplishments of our graduates and the celebration of potential.



Emphasis on 21st-Century Learning and Teaching

Q An academic program that features over 30 advanced/honors and

19 Advanced Placement courses, covering vir tually every area of study, which are open to qualified students beginning in ninth grade

Q A comprehensive four-year approach to college counseling, featuring an

on-campus college fair, guided college tours, interactive workshops on interviewing and essay writing

Q Innovative course offerings in marine science, ethics and leadership, robotics, astronomy and health (including CPR and AED training and certification) that are the result of student-teacher partnerships

Q 1:1 laptop program technology—a seamless part of the curriculum Q Experiential learning through internship programs in medicine, law, finance, entrepreneurial studies and engineering, available to students beginning in tenth grade

Q Mission-based advisory program that feature student-led goal-setting and performance-review conferences

Q Honor code centered on the education of the whole child—where moral and academic excellence go hand in hand

Q Student leadership is a central par t of daily life, such as student-led judicial review board, town meetings, pep rallies, newspapers, literary publications and clubs

Q More than 30 clubs and activities designed to illuminate new interests and develop new capacities

Q Global education, featuring faculty guided academic, cultural and ser vice learning travel

Q Nine nationally char tered academic, ar t, theater and music Honor Societies including the Ranney chapters of Cum Laude and the National Honor Society

“The teachers here couldn’t be better. They care so much about their students. They will do whatever it takes to help you succeed.” –Upper School Student

Lasting friendships. Limitless Potential. Upper School Commencement


The Perfect Match

The College Guidance office is one of the distinguishing features of Ranney School. It’s where highly knowledgeable college counselors carefully and skillfully guide each student through the college admission process, providing the individualized attention and care that is characteristic of the Ranney experience. Applying to college can be demanding, but the door to Ranney’s College Guidance office is always open, and counselors are ready to provide the solid advice and strong support needed for a meaningful and personal college-application process. It starts in ninth grade, when all students’ schedules pass through the College Guidance office for review. Counselors then work closely with students, parents and advisors throughout the Upper School years to ensure that each student follows an appropriate academic course, with clear and achievable goals. The ninth and tenth grade precollege workshop provides parents and

By the time students are ready to apply to college, they are well-

“I feel fortunate to have the help of our College Guidance office. At Ranney, we have an entire team of supporters.”

prepared and well-informed, benefiting from individualized counseling

–Upper School Student

students with all the tools they need to ensure they are on track to reach their goals. During the junior year, Ranney’s college counselors meet one-on-one with students and parents to discuss all the criteria within the college selection process and help focus on each student’s priorities, goals and aspirations.

designed to ensure success—and our success is evident: 100 percent of our graduates go on to attend four-year schools, including some of the most selective colleges and military academies in the nation, as well as prominent international universities.



College N ights

Freshmen, sophomores and their families are invited to our ninth and tenth grade College Information Night, which introduces the college planning process. As they enter more seriously into their college search, eleventh graders and their families attend a separate eleventh grade College Night as well as a Mock Admissions Evening, where parents and students become the admissions committee. An annual financial planning seminar for parents features advice from financial experts and scholarship counselors, and the Transition to College program helps to prepare students for the move from high school to college. College Fair and Fall visitation


g r a d uat e s h av e m at r i c u lat e d at t h e f o l lo w i n g c o l l e g e s a n d u n i v e r s i t i e s

American Univer sity Babson College Bard College Barnard College Boston College Boston Univer sity Bowdoin College Brandeis Univer sity Brown Univer sity Bucknell Univer sity Carnegie Mellon Univer sity College of Char leston The Univer sity of Chicago Colgate Univer sity University. of Colorado at Boulder Columbia Univer sity Connecticut College Cornell Univer sity Dar tmouth College University of Delaware Dickinson College Drexel Univer sity Duke Univer sity Elon Univer sity Emer son College Emor y Univer sity Fairfield Univer sity Fordham Univer sity Franklin & Mar shall College

The George Washington University Georgetown Univer sity Hamilton College – NY Har vard University Hobar t and William Smith Colleges Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Lake Erie College Lehigh University Loyola University Mar yland Manhattan School of Music Marist College Univer sity of Mar yland, College Park Massachusetts Institute of Technology Univer sity of Miami Univer sity of Michigan Middlebur y College Monmouth University Muhlenberg College New Yor k Univer sity The Univer sity of Nor th Carolina at Chapel Hill Nor theastern Univer sity Nor thwestern Univer sity Univer sity of Notre Dame Pace Univer sity, New Yor k City Univer sity of Pennsylvania Pratt Institute Princeton Univer sity

Providence College Quinnipiac University Rhode Island School of Design University of Rhode Island Richard Stockton College of New Jer sey Rider University Ringling College of Ar t and Design University of Rochester Rollins College Rutgers University Saint Joseph’s Univer sity Santa Clara Univer sity School of the Ar t Institute of Chicago Skidmore College University of St. Andrews (Scotland) Stanford University Stevens Institute of Technology Susquehanna University Syracuse University Tufts Univer sity Tulane University United States Naval Academy Ur sinus College Villanova Univer sity Washington and Lee Univer sity Washington Univer sity, St. Louis Williams College The College of Wooster Yale Univer sity

Each year, Ranney hosts a college fair, welcoming more than 60 colleges and universities from around the globe to campus. Moreover, admissions counselors from some 90 colleges and universities visit Ranney to meet with interested students each fall. Ca m pu s Tri p

Ranney provides a unique opportunity for students to visit college campuses as part of school trips—first during an annual three-day sophomore retreat and later in college bus trips primarily for juniors. These have included visits to Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and upstate New York. At each destination, students visit a variety of campuses; for instance, a large state school, a liberal ar ts college, an Ivy League institution and an urban university. “ The Book (S ) ”

The College Guidance office has created a complete step-by-step guide to the college selection and admission process. It includes articles and tips, sample application essays, financial information and much more. Our counselors have even created a guide for prospective scholar-athletes and artists and a special ninth- and tenth-grade student and parent guide.

100 percent of Ranney graduates are attending a college or university recognized by U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges

More than 80 percent of our students are accepted to their first or second choice college


The Scholar-Athlete Tradition At Ranney, inspired coaching, great facilities and a broad range of available sports come together to provide our students with outstanding athletic opportunities, balancing the mind and body. Every Ranney student has the chance to build individual skills, to compete and to excel to his or her fullest potential. The Lower School program serves as the foundation for the entire athletic program. A sound skill set along with the proper attitude, work ethic, dedication and commitment are developed at this level. Students in Lower School will use physical education, after school practice and competitive games to develop a more advanced set of skills and experience the thrill of interscholastic competition. In Middle School, athletes choose from more than 12 interscholastic offerings that serve as the feeder programs to the varsity teams in the Upper School. Practices are held during physical education class, with games against both public and private schools in the area. In Upper School, the athletics program combines a high level of intensity with an equally high level of participation. Nearly 80 percent of Upper Schoolers are members of at least one varsity team. Many teams take part in off-season conditioning programs, with some traveling to out of state camps and tournaments. In recent years, Ranney’s varsity athletes have proven themselves formidable competitors, with many teams capturing Patriot Conference titles and several recording undefeated seasons and earning State B Division Championships. The Upper School is a member of the Shore Athletic Conference B-Central NJSIAA and the NJISAA.

In victory or defeat, Ranney coaches and athletes exemplify a commitment to sportsmanship and character development. Panthers compete with heart, class and poise, and a high level of achievement.

“Ranney School athletics prepared me to succeed and encouraged me to pursue athletics in college. It has made all the difference in my life.” –Ranney Alum












Baseball Basketball Field Hockey Fencing Lacrosse Soccer Softball Swimming

Baseball Basketball Lacrosse Soccer Tennis

Basketball Cheerleading Field Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Softball Tennis

Cross Country Fencing Squash Club Swimming Track (spring) Winter Track Club

Baseball Basketball Crew Cross Country Fencing Golf


Lacrosse Soccer Squash Club Swimming Tennis Track (winter and spring)

Basketball Cheerleading Crew Cross Country Fencing Field Hockey Golf

Lacrosse Soccer Softball Squash Club Swimming Tennis Track (winter and spring)


Cultural Literacy in the 21st-Century

Are you the next Picasso or Academy Award nominee? Are you interested in painting, improving your photography skills or throwing clay on a wheel? Perhaps you could have been the lead in the school play or first chair in the orchestra if you had just tried out. At Ranney, opportunity is everywhere. At Ranney School, artistic expression is a celebrated everyday element of a balanced education, helping us define who we are, see things in exciting new ways and communicate important ideas. With exceptional instructors and impressive facilities, our programs in drama, music, visual art, public speaking and creative writing are designed to nurture the full range of artistic talent in every child. In every grade level, Ranney’s arts curriculum combines a broad foundation in the history and theory of art, music and drama with rigorous instruction in technique. It is complemented by an eclectic array of extracurricular opportunities on stage and in the studio. The result is a vibrant, creative community in which artistic achievement is valued as highly as academic and athletic performance.

“ I came to Ranney with some determination and a tiny bit of raw talent. This music department has molded me into an award-winning singer who is now considering music performance as a college major.” –Upper School Student






Creation, Expression and Performance The opportunities that exist for our students in the Fine and Performing Arts are abundant and diverse. Beginning in our Lower School program, Ranney students experience an array of art and music education, leaving their classroom each day for “specials”: an opportunity to learn from experts in the field of art, instrumental music and performance. This continues throughout Middle School, where our program expands to include an award-winning forensics team. Our students continue to be exposed to the art and music curriculum and have countless ways to let their creative side shine. Finally, in Upper School, the sky is the limit, where a complete Advanced Placement curriculum awaits these artists and performers and a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities exist. Fine Arts Lower School

Ar t, Grades 1–5 Graphic Design, Grades 4–5 Middle School

Foundation Ar t, Grades 6–8 Upper School

Ar t Principles Digital Photography Graphic Design Ceramics and Glass Printmaking Painting and Drawing Sculpture AP Studio Ar t

Performing Arts Lower School

Music, Grades K–5 Spring Musical Middle School

General Music, Grades 6–8 Forensics Drama Musical Production Upper School

Music Principles Chor us Music Theater I, II, III Jazz Band I, II, III Orchestra Music Theor y and Composition AP Music Theor y

Special Trips and Programs

Museum of Modern Ar t Trip Metropolitan Museum of Ar t Trip Competitions and Wor kshops Exhibitions National Ar t Honor Society

Special Trips and Programs

Annual Musical Production Annual Dramatic Production Technical Theater and Forensics Coffeehouses and Recitals Heritage Festival and the Count Basie Competitions Competition International Performance Oppor tunities Tri-M Music Honor Society

“Printmaking & Ceramics allowed me to experiment with materials and techniques. Not only did it push my creativity, but [it] also instilled a sense of play that continues to influence the way I work.” –Ranney class of 2008, R.I.S.D. class of 2012


Sharing Our Vision

Ranney School seeks students who share our vision, seeking to challenge themselves in a rigorous college preparatory learning environment that is both diverse and supportive. Although admission to Ranney is highly selective, we are committed to a personalized admission process that gives each applicant thorough and individual consideration. While academic promise is an important selection factor, it is not our sole concern. At every age level, we seek mature, motivated and talented students who will both thrive at Ranney and contribute to the richness of our community. Previous academic performance is only one of many criteria considered during the admission process. Transcripts and test scores, if applicable, carry significant weight, but we also examine teacher and counselor recommendations and evidence of special talents or abilities. Much like the highly selective colleges that accept Ranney graduates, we seek a diverse mix of students who will enhance our school’s vibrant learning environment.

“Students and teachers welcome new students with real enthusiasm. Before school even started, I was invited to a welcome BBQ at school and a get-together with the soccer team. People like to see new faces here.” –Upper School Student

G etting Started

The first step in applying is to complete our information request form online or the enclosed application. We recommend that families contact us a full year in advance of the fall term, in which their student hopes to enroll. Panther for a Day in Lower Sc hool : s c hool - day visit and testing

When you have submitted the application, you will be contacted to schedule a visit date. During the visit, prospective Beginners, Pre-K, and Kindergarten students take part in play groups as their developmental and social skills are evaluated. Applicants for grades one through five take a standardized test, meet with members of the Admission Committee and visit a classroom. Panther for a D ay in Middle A N D U p p er S c hool : s c hool - day visit and testing

Each applicant is scheduled for a visit, which includes standardized placement testing, meeting with a member of the Middle or Upper School Administration, and attending classes with a Ranney student. Age R e qu ire m ent

F or More I nfor m ation

Please visit our website at www.ranneyschool.org or contact our Admission Office at 732-547-4777, ext: 1109.

In the best interest of our youngest learners, the Admission Office adheres to the following policy: by October 15 of the first year of attendance, Beginners must be three years old, Pre-kindergarteners must be four and Kindergartners must be five.


Each year, Ranney holds several Open House events that provide an excellent introduction for prospective students and their parents. These events take place on Saturdays or during the school day. Dates can be found on our website or obtained by calling the Admission Office.


F inan c ing a R anne y E d u c ation

Current tuition rates may be found on our website. Ranney School offers need-based financial aid to those who qualify. RANNEYSCHOOL.ORG

K N OW L E D G E Ranney School does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, ethnic origin or disabilities in the administration of its education, hiring, admission policies, financial aid program and athletic or school administration programs.





RAN N E Y S C H O O L E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 6 0

235 HOPE ROAD • TINTON FALLS • NJ 07724 732.542.4777 W W W. R A N N E Y S C H O O L . O R G

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