Ranney Life 2010

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Crossing the Lawn – Celebrating the Class of 2017! As part of the time-honored tradition, the Class of 2017 celebrated the annual Crossing the Lawn ceremony on June 3. The day began with a breakfast in RSPA Panther Gallery. On hand to salute this year’s graduating class for their achievements were close to 350 family, friends and members of the Ranney community. Fifth graders Victor Chu and Alexander Short opened this year’s program by welcoming everyone as they led them through the Pledge of Allegiance. Head of Lower School Patricia Marshall congratulated this year’s graduating class with a rousing and familiar cheer – “You made it!” She reflected on what a remarkable journey it has been for each student and what it took to reach this moment: “The Class of 2017 is not only bright and talented, but they also have an entrepreneurial spirit,” as evidenced by the numerous initiatives they have undertaken that have benefited countless organizations including the ASPCA, American Red Cross (Haitian Relief Efforts), Trinity Episcopal Church Holiday Gift Drive, and many others. Mrs. Marshall concluded by reminding the students how crossing the lawn is a symbol that marks their accomplishments in the Lower School and their transition to the Middle School. She commented that the students should be proud of their journey and happy to celebrate with their friends and families who have joined them for this special moment. Head of School Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff began his address by welcoming the parents, grandparents, and aunts and uncles of this year’s graduates. As he congratulated the Class of 2017 for reaching this academic milestone, he asked those in attendance to look at these young children and know that the future is as bright as ever. “In their eyes,” he said, “we see possibility and in their hearts, we know there are dreams to be fulfilled. Because of them, we know that the future is bursting with potential and promise.” Dr. Sykoff

offered his deep gratitude to Mrs. Marshall and Laura Gillroy, Assistant Head of Lower School, and the fifth grade teaching team, for their fine leadership and dedication. “It takes a whole village to guide children, including parents,” he added. In his address to students, Dr. Sykoff read from an ancient Indian story entitled The Lion Makers that was specifically written to teach children how to be leaders. “The moral of the story,” said Dr. Sykoff, “is that really intelligent people listen carefully to others to become more intelligent and that genuine intelligence also includes good old-fashioned common sense.” He reminded the students “to never look down on those who appear less scholarly or different because everyone has something important to offer.” He implored students to “appreciate the unique talent in one other,” adding that to be a great Ranney student requires both scholarship and character. This year’s ceremony also included the Class of 2017 performing a moving rendition of the song We Are the World for their parents, followed by the ever-popular fifth grade video. As the Class of 2017 officially said goodbye to the Lower School, they received a warm and heartfelt welcome from David Fischer, Head of Middle School, who commended them for their years of dedication and hard work that have brought them to this position. “You are,” he said, “the future of the Middle School.” The promotion ceremony concluded with the fifth grade class joining together for another inspiring performance – Do I Make You Proud by Taylor Hicks. The Class of 2017 was greeted by rousing cheers from the Ranney community as they began the official Crossing the Lawn ceremonial walk from the Lower to the Middle School. Congratulations to the Class of 2017!

Eighth Graders “Rise” to the Challenge of Upper School Each June, as the days become warmer and flowers bloom, students can barely contain their exhilaration at the approach of summer vacation. These are the sure signs of spring, but there is an even more noteworthy event that marks this time of year at Ranney School and causes special excitement among eighth graders – Middle School promotion. This year, when 67 eighth grade students eagerly processed into RSPA Panther Hall for the Friday, June 4, Middle School Rising ceremony, you could almost feel their elation as they began their transition to Upper School life. The ceremony began before an audience of hundreds of proud family members, friends and teachers as Giulia DiGuglielmo, Student Council President, led guests in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Vincent Morano, Honor Code Representative, who offered the Invocation. When Head of Middle School David Fischer took the podium, he congratulated this year’s graduates for their hard work and determination, noting that the past three years have been nothing short of inspirational adding, “today is not about what you have achieved, but what you are about to achieve.” Head of School Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff also offered his congratulations to the Class of 2014 and reflected on two “teachable moments” from recent news stories. The first was a story about a perfectly pitched baseball game that didn’t happen – due to an erroneous call by an umpire. “Both pitcher and umpire turned what wasn’t a perfect game into a perfect learning experience,” said Dr. Sykoff. “By embodying humility and modesty, they also taught us responsibility and accountability. This experience is a perfect example of what the honor part of the Ranney code of Knowledge, Vision, Honor represents.” He also spoke of the 13-year-old boy who climbed Mt. Everest and has now set his sights on exploring Antarctica. With only four years of climbing experience, he is also a gifted student and musician, not unlike many of Ranney’s own talented students. In closing, Dr. Sykoff offered a gift to the Class of 2014 – a book by David Shenk entitled The Genius in All of Us. He urged students to send him an email this summer telling him how they are working hard to become great and, in return, he will send them the book as a gift. Following the student awards presentation, John Avendano, Student Council Representative, Steven Parlamas, MAG Co-Editorin-Chief, and Andrew Aboujaoude, Honor Code Committee Representative, each spoke about what Ranney’s motto, “Knowledge, Vision, Honor,” means to them.

“This is what Ranney has taught me about knowledge,” said John. “It’s putting together all the pieces of information we learned all these years and putting it to use ... It’s recognizing those who struggled to give us a wonderful life. It’s learning how to be a good sport in the face of defeat. It’s learning how to apologize when we have hurt a friend. It’s about learning how to cherish friendships and it’s being grateful and learning how to say ‘Thank You’.” “As eighth grade graduates,” added Steve, “we have set our goals high and made the vision we see of ourselves in the future clear. A Ranney student who aspires to work, teach, research or practice in any field has already begun to achieve this goal.” “Honor is more than doing what is right,” explained Andrew. “Honor is a habit that my teachers and my parents have instilled in me. It is a desire to do the right thing because not doing the right thing would leave the residues of guilt behind. Honor is learned, and learned, and learned again until it is glued to the core of one’s spirit.” David Ketcham, Dean of Students, and Giulia DiGuglielmo then presented Dr. Sykoff and Heather Rudisi, Associate Head for Admissions and Marketing, with the Eighth Grade Class Gift – a check for $2,587 for the Student-to-Student Scholarship Fund. The ceremony was accompanied throughout by choral selections from the Middle School Chorus, led by Choral Director Lilly Torrente, and accompanied by Erik Bovino ’15, as well as a moving violin solo performed by eighth grade orchestra member Anthony Dennis. Following remarks by Taylor Swanner ’10 who encouraged graduates to “do something new and challenge yourself,” the Class of 2014 was presented with their official promotion certificates. Joseph Tweed, Assistant Head of Upper School, then took the opportunity to welcome the students to what he called their “stepping up ceremony” and Upper School. The Middle School Rising concluded with a Benediction by Noah Goldstein ’14, Tri-M Music Honor Society Member, followed by 67 jubilant graduates making their way through Panther Hall to Beethoven’s Joyful, Joyful and to the applause of family, friends and teachers.

Middle School Awards The following students were recognized for academic and extracurricular excellence: Trustees’ Award for Excellence – This award honors two eighth grade students for high academic achievement and commitment to scholarship across all disciplines. Marc Owitz and Madison Boyan Tushar Bhatnagar Award – This award honors the memory of Tushar Bhatnagar, a well-rounded Middle School student who excelled in academics and athletics and exemplified intelligence, sportsmanship and integrity. Andrew Grover, Joseph Esquivel-Murphy, Alessandra Johnson and Alexandra Esquivel-Murphy Middle School Leadership Award – This award is given to members of the eighth grade class who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and enhanced the quality of life at school. Steven Parlamas, Matthew Elkwood, Billie Haas and Soroya Dookie Ann Kappel Citizenship and Service Award This award honors former faculty member Ann Kappel and is given to two students who have best demonstrated generosity of spirit and caring and concern for fellow students. Noah Goldstein and Ronald Geraghty Middle School Panther Perseverance Award This award honors students who have met life’s experiences with a positive spirit and good humor, thereby serving as an inspiration to the Ranney community. Christina Stewart and Madelaine Young

The Class of 2010 gathered together on Wednesday, June 9, in RSPA Panther Hall with 275 guests including family, faculty and administrators to celebrate students’ achievements throughout their careers at Ranney School during the Senior Farewell Celebration. This year’s Senior Celebration was an evening of great joy and a tribute to student successes and acceptances into some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the nation. This year’s celebration began with the presentation of the Class Gift. Senior Class President Christopher Tomasetta presented a check for $6,083.07 for the Student-to-Student Scholarship to Heather Rudisi, Associate Head for Admissions and Marketing. The traditions continued with the beautiful display of Senior Tiles and the presentation of the Class Shield to Head of School Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff. Mary Breton ’10 and Stephen D’Onofrio ’10 presented the Class Shield noting that the shield will help everyone remember the Class of 2010 and celebrate this milestone year in Ranney’s history. The shield was created using a montage of both archival and current photos that reflect the history of Ranney School. Several humorous skits that affectionately poked fun at both students and faculty were a wonderful addition to the evening. Senior Kara Santora had guests in stitches with her spot-on imitations of Ranney faculty, while Adam Materasso, Associate Director of College Guidance and Student Activities Director, and Upper School teachers Linda Abrams and Veronica Warren were a unique triumvirate of comedic talents as they presented a lively and entertaining skit about this year’s graduating class.

Dr. Sykoff then addressed this year’s student lifers who represented 39% of the Class of 2010. “Collectively,” he said, “they have spent over 302 years of their lives at Ranney School.” He welcomed several Ranney teachers to the Roberts Stage to share their memories of this year’s lifers as young students, and they also recognized their growth into the young adults they are today. Amid much joy, warm memories and some tears, the strong bonds between Ranney students and their teachers was evident and emotional. Also on hand to celebrate the achievements of this year’s graduates was RSPA President Sue Grosso who, on behalf of the RSPA, presented students with personalized note cards adorned with an emblem of their college seal. She urged students to keep in touch and make sure they write to their parents while they are away. Russell Gartz, Director of Institutional Advancement at Ranney, offered his congratulations to the Class of 2010 and welcomed the students to the Ranney alumni club. He reminded them that they are always welcome back home. The Senior Basket presentation followed with gifts including the coveted Lifer t-shirt, a Ranney blanket, college survival kit, and other items which were presented in the essential laundry hamper. Dr. Sykoff then called up several faculty advisors who spoke poignantly about their advisees and their experiences as Ranney students. The Senior Farewell video concluded the evening and was a warm retrospective of this year’s graduating seniors. Amid much laughter, pride and reflection, this year’s Senior Farewell was an evening of tradition, celebration and great joy!

Amid radiant students, proud parents, teachers, alumni and friends, Ranney School conducted its 46th Commencement on Friday, June 11, on the campus of Monmouth University where 56 graduating seniors jubilantly bid adieu to the school they have called home for most of their young lives. More than 700 invited guests were on hand to help celebrate the accomplishments of members of the Class of 2010. In keeping with Ranney’s long-standing tradition, senior girls were resplendent in long white dresses as they each carried a bouquet of red roses, while senior boys donned formal suits and ties as they proudly processed down the halls of the University’s Pollack Hall. In his opening remarks, Ranney Head of School Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff noted the special nature of this 50th anniversary graduating class: “As Ranney celebrates its 50th anniversary, today’s graduation represents a crowning moment in a golden anniversary year.” He also reflected upon Ranney’s rich yet humble beginnings in 1960 when its founder Russell Ranney opened the school with seven students and three teachers. In a poignant letter that he composed to the school’s late founder, Dr. Sykoff shared his thoughts and sentiments on Ranney School then and now. “Most of what you envisioned for the school has emerged … the halls and classrooms are overflowing with enthused learning,” he assured Mr. Ranney, adding “our mission promise is still

united in time … and every child at Ranney will be known, valued and cherished.” Along with his warm congratulations, he praised graduates for their hard work and commitment and offered a final message to graduates – “Be yourself, be unselfish and be sensible … dream with unbridled passion, and do what you believe to be right … the rest of life will fall into good order.” Dr. Daniel B. Goldberg, president of Ranney’s Board of Trustees, also offered his heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2010 and expressed his profound gratitude to the entire Ranney community “who keep Ranney School at the forefront of educational excellence.” He commended the guidance, leadership and commitment of Dr. Sykoff and Ranney’s faculty, administrators and Board of Trustees, who have collectively “helped shape the Ranney School of today.”

2010 Graduation Awards

This year’s Commencement speaker, Preet Bharara ’86, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, delivered a powerful and impassioned address to graduates imploring them to “serve your country because she has served you.” A 1986 Ranney alumnus, he credited Ranney’s outstanding faculty for preparing him so well to achieve his lifelong goals. It was at Ranney, he declared, “that I learned the core values of service and citizenship” and “the commitment to one day try to spend a portion of my life … in service to my community and to my country.” Bharara spoke of his humble beginnings as an Indian immigrant, who became a naturalized citizen at age 12, and is now living the American dream. “America is the greatest country in the world,” he said, “but it is not perfect. For that reason, America needs your help. Serve your country because your country needs you.” He asked graduates to

heed the call to service echoed by Robert F. Kennedy more than 40 years ago when Kennedy said, “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events.” Despite the myriad of problems facing the world today, Bharara told graduates “do not ever lose the feeling of hope and possibility you feel on this day … the world waits for your arrival, and the country craves your contribution.” Along with remarks by the class valedictorian, Manik Uppal, and salutatorian, Mary Breton, this year’s program included several musical selections by the Upper School Chorus. Under the direction of Mrs. Tess Nielsen, Chair of the Performing Arts Department, the Chorus performed He’s My Brother and In the Beginning with featured solos by seniors Ross Bernstein, Peter Giovine, Benjamin Mooney and Christopher Lombardi. The commencement ceremony concluded with the formal conferring of degrees by Drs. Sykoff and Goldberg to the senior class. As the Class of 2010 processed out of Pollack Hall to the throngs of congratulatory handshakes, hugs and smiles from family and friends, they said their final farewell to the Ranney community for now – secure in the knowledge that they are well-prepared to tackle life’s new and exciting challenges in the months and years ahead.

Many of the graduates were recognized for outstanding academic and other achievements with special commencement awards, including: Valedictorian – Manik Uppal Salutatorian – Mary Breton The Headmaster’s Cup – This award is given to a member of the senior class who best exemplifies the school’s motto: Knowledge,Vision, Honor. Mary Breton Gershom Tomlinson Humanitarian Award This award is given in honor of former Ranney parent and trustee, Gershom Tomlinson and is awarded to a member of the Senior class who has contributed to the greater community. Taylor Swanner Faculty Prize – The Faculty Prize is awarded to a male and female student who has demonstrated a deep respect for intellectual values and a love of learning. Heather Flynn and Peter Giovine Ann Kappel Citizenship and Service Award This award honors former faculty member Ann Kappel and is given to a student who has best demonstrated a generosity of spirit and concern for fellow students. Jeremy Lessing Robert Paulus Leadership and Perseverance Award This award is given to a student who has met life’s experiences with a positive spirit and good humor, thereby serving as an inspiration to the Ranney community. Ben Mooney Margaret M. Mahon Award – Given in honor of teacher and former Head of School, this award goes to a student who best exemplifies good citizenship, helpfulness, thoughtfulness and has maintained an excellent scholastic average. Chris Lombardi Ranney School Leadership Award – This award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and enhanced the quality of life at school. Chris Tomasetta

Middle School Major Athletic Awards for 2009-10 Outstanding Middle School Athlete Award Madison Boyan and Charles Sabaitis Panther Pride Award – Mackenzie Marcellino, Alexandra Esquivel-Murphy, Caroline Korey and Dylan Staats Athletic Director Awards – Jack Boyan and Brianna Marchese (6th grade), Peter Gerhard and Giavanna Marchese (7th grade), Joseph Esquivel-Murphy, Alessandra Johnson, Briana Richardson and Liam Wall (8th grade) Sportsmanship Awards – Zachary DiGiaro and Hannah Stamer (6th grade), Kristen Guyler and Sean Callahan (7th grade), Amanda Hurd and Andrew Grover (8th grade) Blue and White Award – Guilia DiGuglielmo and Vincent Morano

Upper School Major Athletic Awards for 2009-10 NJISAA Scholar-Athlete Award Christopher Tomasetta Headmaster’s Senior Award – Christopher Tomasetta and Veronica Maccia Athlete of the Year Award – Taylor Swanner and Pat Fermo Golden “R” Prize – Krista Irons and Jeremy Lessing Blue and White Leadership Award – Eric Hurd Eugenie B. Edwards Spirit of Tennis Award Laura Church Panther Pride Dedication and Commitment Awards – Ashleigh Shay (9th grade), Melissa Cantave (10th grade), Jacqueline Korey (11th grade) and John Zipp (12th grade) Athletic Director Awards – Erika Serhus and Madison Price (9th grade), Natalie Cantave and Anthony Papetti (10th grade), Alexis Wyckoff and Kyle Reid (11th grade) and Taryn Pontolillo and Matt Haines (12th grade)

2009-2010 Athletic Highlights Ranney School celebrated an exciting year of athletics throughout the fall and spring. This year was filled with many athletic accomplishments by our student-athletes, in both team and individual sports. Ranney athletes competed for the second year as new members of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA), which allowed students to compete with more schools than ever before and participate in more tournaments throughout the year. Congratulations to all of our student-athletes for an amazing year! Cross Country • 2009 – Ranney Varsity Girls’ - Patriot Conference Cross Country Champions • 2009 – L iam Wall placed 166 over 242 competitors in the USA Track and Field National Youth meet in Reno, Nevada for MS XC team • 2009 – Middle School Cross Country -Great Pumpkin Run Champions

Varsity Girls’ Tennis

• 2009 – Ranney School NJSIAA Non-Public South B Champions

• 2009 – Ranney School NJISAA Prep B Champions • 2009 – Laura Church – NJISAA Champion 3rd Singles • 2009 – M elissa Cantave/Natalie Cantave- NJISAA Champions (1st Doubles) • 2009 – Grace Farren/Mariel Pearl – NJISAA Champions (2nd Doubles}

Varsity Field Hockey • 2009 – H anna Miller—one of the top 14 players in State Prep B League for Varsity Field Hockey

Soccer • 2009 – Middle School Boys’ CJAL Soccer Championship • 2009 – Middle School Girls’ CJAL Soccer Championship

Basketball • 2010 – Middle School Varsity Boys’ CJAL Basketball Championship • 2009 – Varsity Girls’ Basketball Panther Classic Champions for 8th year

Swim • 2010 – Middle School Girls’ Swimming – Ranney Invitational Swim Championship • 2010 – Middle School Boys’ Swimming – Ranney Invitational Swim Championship • Both Middle School teams had a perfect season • 2010 – Patriot Conference Swim Champions John Zipp - 50 Freestyle Alex Lin – 500 Freestyle Chris Tomasetta, Alex Lin, Alex Stolarz, John Zipp – 200 Freestyle Relay

Fencing • Thomas Hearne 2010 PDS Soph/Frosh Meet Foil Champion • Omar Sarhan 2010 PDS Soph/Frosh Meet Epee Champion • Patrick Glodkowski 2010 PDS Soph/Frosh Meet Saber Champion • Sam Tkach – District Gold Medal

Spring Track & Field • 2010 – Patriot Conference Track Champions – Jeremy Lessing – 1600 meter and 3200 meter, Natalie Cantave – 400 meter hurdles • Katherine Rodriguez took 1st in the Freehold Area Running Club’s 5K race series (WINTER) • Ranney Running Club the Paris Marathon in France. • Natalie Cantave (400 Hurdles), Anthony Papetti (400 Hurdles) and Anike Oladeji (Shot Put) qualified for Round 2 of the NJSIAA Non-Public B Group Championships

Golf • Varsity Golf got 3rd place at the Patriot Conference with Christian Drappi and John Zipp taking 3rd and 4th

Crew • Varsity Crew made it to the US Rowing National Championships after a fine performance at the Mid-Atlantic District Championships • Craig Slater made the Junior National Team • Meghan Rennie was given a spot on the Junior National Sculling Team

Ranney School’s Second Annual Alumni Spring Weekend was a major success and concluded on Thursday, May 27, 2010, with the induction of nine alumni and one Faculty Member into the Panther Athletic Hall of Fame.The induction, which was one of the highlights at this year’s Upper School Athletic Awards, brought out alumni and their families for a special pre-event reception and the Hall of Fame awards ceremony, held in the Searle Library. This annual event honored ten exceptional alumni (Mickey Kaplan ’98 was unable to attend) who helped pave the way for our program’s success in academic and athletic achievement ...and continue to uphold today. All nominees were true leaders, dedicated athletes, inspirations in the classroom and were faithful champions of integrity, commitment and service of excellence to the entire Ranney School community.

1. Lindsay Minerva ’05

2. Zyad Younan ’91

1. Lindsay Minerva ’05 –

Lindsay was an outstanding student-athlete who participated in field hockey, basketball and lacrosse during her career at Ranney School. She saw success both on the athletic field and in the classroom, and, for that, was named an NJISAA State Scholar-Athlete in 2004. Lindsay was a true leader who helped to establish Ranney’s field hockey and lacrosse programs. Being the well-disciplined individual that she was, Lindsay was always respected by coaches, peers and opposing teams. 2. Zyad Younan ’91 – Zyad was an outstanding student-athlete during his years at Ranney School. He excelled in soccer, basketball and baseball, and shared the 1991 Athlete of the Year award with his brother Shaddy. Zyad was a dedicated athlete who was enthusiastic and committed to all that he did. Making the best of every situation, he was an intelligent individual who was always ready to meet any challenge. He was also self-motivated, and always played the game the way it was meant to be played.

3. Shaddy Younan ’91

4. John Jaravata ’01

3. Shaddy Younan ’91 – Shaddy excelled in soccer, basketball and baseball while attending Ranney and shared the Athlete of the Year award with his brother Zyad in 1991. While working hard to earn 12 Varsity letters throughout his career, Shaddy could always be found on the athletic field or in the gym. His downto-earth demeanor earned him respect from every individual he came in contact with, and he will not be forgotten by those within the Ranney community. 4. John Jaravata ’01 – As a three sport athlete during his time at Ranney School, John played basketball, golf and soccer. He put Ranney Golf on the map after winning the 2000 Prep Conference Championship and the Monmouth County Championship in 2001. John worked hard as an individual and enjoyed all sports, making him a true asset to each and every team on which he participated.

5. Alexandra Salani ’05

6. Phillip Kurdyla ’94

5. Alexandra Salani ’05 – Alexandra was a four sport student-athlete who demonstrated amazing potential in cross-country, swimming, winter track and spring track. During her time at Ranney School, she worked extremely hard and never once gave up. As a freshman, she won the 2001 Monmouth County Cross-Country Championship. Alexandra, then went on to capture both the ’03 and ’04 NJISAA State Cross-Country Championships. While serving as a role model for younger runners to emulate, Alex was responsible for the overall growth of Ranney’s crosscountry program. 6. Phillip Kurdyla ’94 – Phillip was a stand-out athlete in soccer, swimming, track and baseball throughout his high school career and was named Ranney’s Male Scholar-Athlete in 1994. Phil played with a positive attitude and always worked hard. His dedication and commitment to athletics has left a lasting impression in the Ranney community.

7. David Capezza ’01

8. Amy Fass ’98

9. Emmett Walling

7. David Capezza ’01 – David was an important part of Ranney athletics, participating in soccer, swimming and baseball during his playing career at the school. He was a popular and dedicated teammate whose outstanding work ethic made him willing to do anything necessary in order to be successful. He had the unique ability to interpret situations and handle them in a mature manner. David was a true Ranney Panther!

9. Emmett Walling – Emmett has been a valued member of Ranney School‘s coaching staff for the past 30 years. He is a leader and mentor in the athletic department. Emmett is one of the Jersey Shore’s premier swim coaches and has brought the Ranney aquatics program to where it is today. He is a beloved colleague and coach to all who have had the opportunity to work with him, serving as a positive influence in their careers and lives.

8. Amy Fass ’98 – As a student-athlete at Ranney School, Amy was prominent in tennis, swimming, softball and basketball. Amy obtained success through commitment, hard work and enthusiasm and always displayed tremendous leadership skills. She was named to numerous post-season award teams, as well. She will always be known as one of Ranney’s finest athletes.

10. Mickey Kaplan ’98 – Mickey was a stellar student-athlete who shined bright in both tennis and basketball while at Ranney. He was a passionate tennis player who worked hard throughout the year. As a result, he put the Ranney Tennis program on the map after winning NJISAA Singles Championships in ’95, ’97 and ’98. Mickey also excelled on the boys’ basketball team, allowing the program to reach great levels during his playing career.



1970 2010


“If you’ve read the history of our school, I think you may recall that Mr. Ranney opened the School in 1960 with seven students and three full time teachers. Even then, the student-teacher ratios were excellent. If we had the opportunity to tell Mr. Ranney about his school today, I’m certain we would all have something to share. Over the years, I’ve listened carefully to many of you and, as such, I was inspired to prepare a letter to Mr. Ranney in this anniversary year, … hopeful that it reflects some of our collective thoughts and sentiments about this great institution.” (Excerpt from Dr. Sykoff ’s Commencement Address, 2010)

Dear Mr. Ranney, There is so much I would like to convey to you about the school in 2010. But, I must begin with an apology for making a few changes. Please forgive me as I will explain. First, two years ago in our capital expansion program, we put up a new Lower School building, which was painted gray on the exterior portion. Because it looked so nice, I decided to have the beloved Red Barn, which was so nicely connected to the new building, also painted gray. While it looks great, and by the way, you’d love the new Panther Hall as it has a great stage for ballroom dancing, an activity I know you loved, a few alumni have expressed some disappointment in the color change. Please forgive me. Second, I hope you are comfortable with my expansion of the school motto that you gave to us … that when translated from Latin reads, “Life has given nothing to man without hard work” with the words, “Knowledge, Vision, and Honor.” If you knew our students today, you’d probably agree with me that each is a perfect expression of these three ideals. ... and, finally I must take responsibility for not continuing with the old dress code, which required: plaid, pleated skirts for girls and jackets and ties for boys. But the students today do look pretty good … most of the time. You would be pleased to know that while our dress code has become a bit more modern, dress down days and senior cut days notwithstanding, Ranney students come to school each day decked out with intelligence, imagination, and spirit. I wish I could tell you about each one of these seniors … their laudable accomplishments, their diverse talents, their incredible college admissions list, and their amiable desire for being good to each other. But this commencement ceremony is limited in time. Suffice it to say, you’d roar with Panther pride at the notable achievements of these 56 seniors. Aside from these few changes, the school has grown with the vision you had for it from its opening day in 1960. Most of what you envisioned for the school has emerged … the halls and classrooms overflow with enthused learning. At this anniversary graduation, we are extolling the virtues of 56 wholesome young people, many of whom have already made their mark on society … many being the kind you would hope to have as friends. Speaking of making a mark, I am pleased to tell you that one of your top students, Preet Bharara ’86, is with us today, and you’d be so delighted to know that any concern you had about his future should be put to rest as he has just been appointed by the President of the United States to the position of United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Indeed, Mr. Ranney, our alumni are soaring in their chosen professions … and the world needs them today more than ever. While there were only seven students in your class of 1965, the alumni association today is over 1500 and growing. Most importantly, Ranney stands today as a beacon of educational excellence, serving over 800 children filled with hope and optimism, and lovingly supported by caring and dedicated parents and teachers. If only you were able to join us for such events as the final senior walk across campus, the affectionate Crossing the Lawn ceremony, or the charming Senior-Beginner breakfast … you’d see in an instant how wonderful your school is today. While we’ve never met, I feel we share some of the same values. It is a true honor and privilege to serve the school as headmaster. Be assured our mission promise is still united in time … the simple promise that each and every child at Ranney School will be known, valued and cherished. Oh, by the way, we are going to redo the Commons Stage very soon and upgrade the parquet dancing floor that you installed back in 1987. I promise you that I will not paint it gray like I did the Barn. Instead, we hope to refurbish it in your memory as a grand dance floor, and pieces of the original floor will be placed in our time capsules, serving as an esteemed memory of your everlasting legacy. The dream continues, Mr. Ranney … and the school in 2010 resonates with purpose and meaning … please feel comforted in knowing that we will always strive to make a difference in the lives of children.

Yours in time,

Lawrence S. Sykoff June 11, 2010

Save the Date September 2010 2 New and Division-Changing Parent Orientation and Social 3 New and Division-Changing Student Orientation 7

First Day of School

9 SCHOOL CLOSED for Rosh Hashanah 11

RSPA Panther Cubs Soccer Begins


RSPA General Meeting

15 – 17 Upper School Class Retreats 21

Lower School Back-to-School Night


Middle School Back-to-School Night


Upper School Back-to-School Night

October 2010 1 2

Welcome Back Cocktail Party Fall Festival and Alumni Weekend

4 Ranney Golf Classic and Tennis Tournament 9

Admissions Open House


Fall Convocation

25 SCHOOL CLOSED – Faculty Professional Development Day 29

Halloween Spooktacular Parade

May 1, 2010, was a golden moment in the 50th Anniversary year as Ranney parents, administration and friends gathered at Addison Park in Aberdeen to celebrate at the 23rd Annual RSPA Panther Ball – A Golden Gala. Led by chairwoman Melissa Stevenson, co-chair Alicia Knoop, Parents’ Association President Sue Grosso and Vice President Mimi Keenan, a dedicated team of parent volunteers worked throughout the school year to make the festive night an overwhelming success. The evening included an impressive cocktail hour buffet, dinner and a Venetian room, as well as dancing to the music of Tim McLoone and the Shirleys and a robust silent, live and wine auction. One of the new introductions for the 50th Anniversary gala was the use of an electronic bidding system called BidPal, which allowed guests to keep up with their auction bids without having to leave the party in the ballroom. Thanks to the generosity of parents, sponsors and auction purchasers, the Parents’ Association raised more than $390,000, enabling the RSPA to complete their $2 million pledge to sponsor the building and activities presented in RSPA Panther Hall during the Foundations for Learning campaign. Be sure to join us next year for the 24th Annual RSPA Panther Ball, scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2011, at Addison Park!

Panther Ball Committee Chairs: Melissa Stevenson, Chair Alicia Knoop, Co-Chair Michelle Fino, Panther Ball Secretary Patricia Nickel, Ad Journal Chair Cathy Romano and Kathryn Ryan, Auction Donation Co-Chairs Kathy Dodge, Closing Committee Chair Jennifer Andiorio and Joanne Chropuvka, Decoration Co-Chairs Jennifer Santa Maria, Live Auction Chair Kathy Dodge, Ursula Ayers and Allana Egol, Panther Pride Co-Chairs Rand Peppas, Raffle Chair Lisa Mallach, Sponsorship Chair Swati Rajmane-Warren, Sponsorship Co-Chair Tom Martin, Wine Auction Chair

The Class of 2010 will be attending these fine institutions in the fall! Jordan Anderson – New York University Max Bennink – Bentley University Ross Bernstein – Monmouth University Mary Breton – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Benjamin Briggs – Tufts University Rachel Brodsky – Barnard College Daniel Burstiner – The George Washington University Laura Elizabeth Church – The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Chelsea Coniaris – College of Charleston Alexis Connolly – Columbia University Brittany Cunningham – Lehigh University Stephen D’Onofrio – School of the Art Institute of Chicago Linda Dayan – Bard College Christian Drappi – Duke University Nora Fadil – University of Delaware Jaclyn Famiglietti – Muhlenberg College Josephine Ferenc – Franklin & Marshall College Patrick Fermo – Marist College Conor Fitzgerald – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Heather Flynn – Georgetown University Peter Giovine – Princeton University Matthew Haines – Hofstra University Bryan Herzog – Bucknell University Eric Paul Hurd – The University of Scranton Krista Irons – Emory University Jeremy Lessing – Middlebury College Christopher Lombardi – The George Washington University Jason Lopyan – Emory University Veronica Maccia – Muhlenberg College

Samantha Marc – Barnard College Zachary Marc – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Anna McGinty – Lehigh University Peter Messana – Lehigh University William Miller – College of Charleston Benjamin Mooney – Ursinus College George Parlamas – University of Pennsylvania Rupa Patel – Carnegie Mellon University Taryn Pontolillo – Bucknell University Katherine Rodriguez – Loyola University Maryland Kara Santora – Northeastern University Jack Scilla – Rollins College Sunanda Sharma – Boston University Matthew Simpson – The College of Wooster Nisha Sondhi – Fordham University Pooja Sondhi – New York University Jessica Springsteen – Duke University Alexander Stolarz – New York University Taylor Rose Swanner – Quinnipiac University Christopher Tomasetta – Stanford University Manik Uppal – Columbia University Ben Weakley – University of Miami Daniel Weinstein – University of Michigan Andrea Wong – New York University John Woolley – Tulane University Michelle Yau – New York University John Zipp – Franklin & Marshall College

Ranney School e s t a b l i s h e d

Ranney School 235 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 Phone: 732-542-4777 • Fax: 732-542-8243 www.ranneyschool.org

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