Rashni Parichh | project DEFY | Brand identity

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Brand Identity

An initiative by Abhijit Sinha

The brand

Defiant | Innovative | Open source Brand values

I wish to see a world where people are ready to take up and solve challenges, instead of just having jobs, and an education system aligned with this notion. The most important thing that differentiates us from others, the fact that we take a clear stance against mainstream education. We do not aim to repair the broken system of Indian education, but to create a completely new one from scratch. We are providing a complete alternative to learning. The education is brought back into the hands of the people, where they choose what they wish to learn based on what interests them, and not because of mob-influence as in institutional learning.

The brandmark Wherever the project DEFY brandmark is used there should be a minimum clear space around it. No text or graphic should be included within this space. It should always be placed horizontally. x/3






The entire logo can also be reproduced in several other colour combinations as per the secondary colour palette if required. The brandmark proportions, relationship of icon to logotype and direction should never be altered. However it is advised that for official purposes the original logo should be used. If other combinations are required in a specific case then please ask for those variations and do not attempt to recreate them from the original brandmark. When placing the logo on a document it should be either on the left or centre never on the right (in case of horizontal placement) and top or centre never at the bottom (in case of vertical placement). Logo



Typefaces The project DEFY logo has three different kinds of typefaces viz. Fabada (project), Swis721 Blk BT (DEFY) and Stylus BT (tagline). All of these typefaces are from different families of fonts. It is the perfect blend of playfulness and gravitas. This combination of typefaces is to be used for all corporate correspondences, printed and digital material and any other items pertaining to the project DEFY brand. Fabada (project) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Swis721 Blk BT (DEFY) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Stylus BT (tagline) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Typographic styles 1. The words - project, DEFY and the tagline they should all times be aligned on both sides. 2. Should never be inclined at any angle, the logo needs to be horizontal. lowercase uppercase capitalize each word

Colour palette The prjoect DEFY primary colour palette is the set of colours that should be used whenever possible. These are the initial and main choice for any design. In the situations where extra colours are required such as the prjoect DEFY website, borchure or any other promotional material, then the highlight and accent colours, secondary palette, are to be used but sparingly. The ratio of the primary palette to the secondary palettes should be around 75% - 25%. Meaning, 75% of the design should be in the primary colours and the secondary palette is to be used as an accent or a touch-up.

Primary colour palette

CMYK : C=84 M=55 Y=23 K=4

CMYK : C=4 M=13 Y=78 K=0

CMYK : C=49 M=42 Y=38 K=4

RGB : R=54 G=107 B=149

RGB : R=245 G=213 B=87

RGB : R=137 G=135 B=140

Secondary colour palette

CMYK : C=73 M=13 Y=100 K=1 CMYK : C=100 M=92 Y=0 K=0 RGB : R=78 G=161 B=45

RGB : R=11 G=42 B=167

CMYK : C=0 M=47 Y=73 K=0

CMYK : C=8 M=80 Y=83 K=1

CMYK : C=69 M=62 Y=61 K=53

RGB : R=247 G=154 B=87

RGB : R=221 G=87 B=62

RGB : R=57 G=57 B=57

Colour palette

Thank You


+91 9674313614 l rashni007@gmail.com

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