Diploma portfolio

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RASOUL DARYANAVARD rasouldaryanavard@gmail.com c : +36 70 977 1242 Online Portfolio : http://issuu.com/rasouldary/docs/rasoul_dary

26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 34 35

MECHANICS, MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Technical description structural plans load analyses

31 35 38

CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Participants and their tasks The scheme of contact List of activities Cost estimation Technical description

51 52 53 55 56

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Technical description Layers order Details

59 72 73


Architectural Design Structural Design Building Construction Building service Building service Construction Management


BUILDING SERVICE ENGINEERING Lighting of Building Electric power demand Heating and cooling system Mechanical system Ventilation Electrical power demand heat loss Water and domestic hot water consumption Gas system HVAC pipe network



5 8 10


Studies on survey Kármán Tódor VS Orlay dormitory Concept & Design Process





The goal was to answer some general questions which were on my mind before I started the actual design of the Dormitory. I believe this survey helped me a lot in the design process and developing my project according to student’s needs and preferences.

Gender : Dormitory is a really sensitive function and all small details such as differences between genders, different age ranges should be take into consideration. In the case of my survey it happened unintentionally that the same number of Males and Females participated, which means that the functions sensitivity was not affected.




Age : Age range has a significant impact on the way people communicate with each other. If people who live together are within the same age range their communication would be much different, than if they were in different age ranges. Thus, it was important for me to divide the students into 4 groups and determine which age range they were.


21-25 26-30

30< Male





05 04

31 35

13 11

01 0


Faculties : Since BME is offering an increased number of courses in English it has attracted a great number of international students. This development spurred me to focus on the new opportunities that arise when international students from different faculties get the possibility of living together in the same dorm. By living together, they have the possibility to integrate better and share values and experiences, thus enriching both their professional and personal lives. Below you can find the faculty distribution of the participants. Please note that my focus on the K building resulted in that more than 70% of participants belong to the architectural faculty.

71% Architecture

Survey sample

15% Civil Eng.

07% Chemical Eng.

03% Economics

01% Transport Eng.

02% Mechanics

01% Natural Science



Aim of the survey :

Pre. & 1st year


2nd year


3rd year

4th year

5th year& more




Education level :

Student state :

Because of the characteristics of international students, one can not assume that a persons age is equivalent to their educational level. Thus, I have created the figure on the left to illustrate how long the participants have progressed in their studies. From my personal experience, my classmates varied in age from 18 years to 34 years.

The participants fall into three different groups. Regular students, Hungarian students and Erasmus students. In the figure below I have shown the distribution of the participants relative to the three groups.


Regular students

Costs :

32 24

Taking the cost in to consideration is one of the key factors while designing affordable and comfortable living units. As you can see below the majority(59%) of participants are paying less than 300 euros/ month so if the rooms at Orlay Dormitory cost less than 250 euros then most of the rooms would be occupied by the students. I can assure that the design and comfort level of Orlay dormitory rooms and common use zones is higher than most of the flats which costs varies from 300-400 euros. I hope the design will provide an opportunity for a cheaper and sexier accommodation for the students of BME university .



08 10

Number of Residence












Erasmus & exchange

10 16

* I asked Hungarian students If they would mind living in a dormitory with international students and the result was positive with over 70% vote . and personally think that’s a great idea to mix the culture specially those people who are coming to Budapest for half semester as Erasmus or one year study program.


2(Important) %

3(Most Important) %

I believe a design of a public building is more successful when the users are involved before and during the design process. By involving the users in the process we can ensure that they provide valuable input, that will help improve the design and thus the living conditions of the users. Furthermore, the involvement of the users will also likely create more responsible usage and a feeling of ownership among the users.





Single room




Shared bathroom




Shared Kitchen




The three most important aspects are shown to be access to public transport, privacy and having a single room. Thus, it is central for the participants to have a place to be themselves, while being connected to the city and the surrounding life.

Bar and club








Sport facility




That’s why picking the chosen plot play an important role in convincing student to come and settle at Orlay Dormitory.

Studies facility




Clarity of rooms




It is also clear that many of the participants are willing to share facilities such as kitchens and bathrooms or at least its not on the top preferences check list of choosing a dormitory thus I have designed private bathroom unit for each room with an extra shelves and wash basin at the room’s entrance door, and a sheared kitchen on each floor for up to 18 people, with a 10 person dining table.

Room’s furniture




Distance to school




Distance to city center




Public transport





Importance of mentioned points:

1(less Important) %

Remarks: At the end I asked surveyors if they have any remarks and following point were mentioned by them: - Max 2 person in one room and NO shared bathroom. - No pets, smoking area. - The best dormitory room could be in a condition that maximum 2 person/ room live in it with small kitchen and bathroom. - Its important to have washing room and dryer - Shared spaces … any kind of them are very important to connect people in the dorm. - English representative. - Having information about the dormitory and easy access to it, being cost effective and cheaper than renting a flat. - Security, parking for bikes and grocery store. - Never been in a dorm. - Security system. - The corridor can be separated to 3 units, male; female; and uni-sex with 18+ age limit. - The possibility to live together with Hungarians is a good opportunely for the international students. I tried to take into consideration the written and verbal remarks I have got, and the resultant is the following design of dormitory.


Karmon Dormitory VS Orlay Dormitory :

Entertainment : One or two table games will be placed at the lobby and club room which let students spend few times on them. casual furniture to any sort of public buildings designed for young generation.

O rubbish bins will be placed Bins:

at the kitchen, collected by cleaning man each day. Wastes will be separated in advance! Not like what we see at .


Window: An important element from view, light, smoke and smell point of view! Being applied at and as same as dorm. Due to elevation design the dimension of window will be limited!



At dorm there will be a canteen which serves warm foods on daily base.


Dining : A table should be provided for dining. In case of dorm it’s a 810 people dining table.

Security :



There will be inlet machines at the lobby which just allows residence to get into upper floors. Its mostly planed in all dorms.


In case of dorm there are 2 bed,1 desk and a corridor. Which makes dorm different is the room arrangement, a bathroom sent is planed in each room . In general the comfort level is higher and of course will be rented more expensive too!


Shared bathroom block:


Washing Room: One thing which catches my eyes at dorm was set of washing machines and dryers. So I shall say the idea of having a separate room for this function is coming from




Space usage of is just a mess like most of dorms in Budapest. In there will be covered shelves on 2 side of rooms which is well designed. The aim was to use the maximum space in its true meaning. Since student’s daily life meets these sort of small details they should be taken serious.

In case of dorm toilet and showers are shared between 2 genders, but to give more privacy and a higher level of comfort to resident of dorm I decided to design each room with toilet and shower. It is either used by one or maximum 3 in few rooms.





Concept & Design process: In the bank of Bartok Bella street both sides are locked by block of houses in other word you can have a look throw just where there are streets! Which is quite normal in city planning of view, but when I had a look closer to these blocks I found out that most lf the houses are attached together with their own courtyard or with a common courtyard, but there was a single block of attached houses which was semi open due to any reason such as NON accessible, town regulation or lack of investors interest!! This block is located between Orlay, Kemenes and Bartok Bela streets!



According to my Studies Due to high inclination and rocky hill as we get closer to Citadella hill, building areas decreases and green area increases! So as you see and I marked the housing blocks are irregular and diffused! Plus less high and mostly villa type buildings!

Metro 4 Tram Stop Bus Stop Concept Zone Diploma Project Zone Walking Distance 300 m


In the bank of Bartok Bella street both sides are locked by block of houses in other word you can have a look through blocks just where there are streets! Which is quite normal in dense zone of city , but when I had a look closer to BME university surrounding area I found out that most of the houses are attached together with their own courtyard or with a common courtyard, but there was a single block of attached houses which was open from one side due to any reason such as NON accessible, town regulation or lack of investors interest or even bombing in 1st or 2nd world war! This block is located between Orlay, Kemenes and Bartok Bela streets!

Metro 4 Tram Stop Bus Stop Concept Zone Diploma Project Zone Walking Distance 300 m

After some Investigations I found out that because of being on the hill side houses are detached, an empty plot cached my eyes right between these 2 zones (1 attached blocks & 2 villa type houses). It would be a great experience to do something there ‌ in fact due to my own favorite major of architecture which is landscape; this plot was just perfect to be chosen for a school project such as diploma!

Gellert Hotel

Further you will see the design process of the building and the landscaping of this area , the aim was to give a character to this dead corner of 11th district. I hope my concept would be interesting to you too and I hope you found them realistic.

Budafoki Street

University's Gate



6 4



Entrance for parking now days and in futurea pedestrian will be added to it.

Public zone- fire wall of neighboring building which a new dormitory building will be attached to.





New Building

Now days 2 leveled parking area- future public zone.


View point

The ground floor of the building in front will be demolished and the whole site will be opened to Bartok Bela street.



fire wall of neighboring building which a new dormitory building will be attached to.


Public zone- building on right with be demolished!


View to neighboring building on left side of dormitory. Trees will remain.



Why Dormitory ? Since there isn’t any dorm which foreigner student could stay during their education or Erasmus period, I came up with the idea of designing a building where students could come along together ,live and enjoy their time! - I made a survey with 100 student asking them about their needs and demands and I found the survey’s result really useful into design process. - following things were taken in to consideration while I was surveying students :age, privacy requirement, faculty, studies level, attendant program, Financial Statements. - the aim is to design a place which would be financially preferred beside all other benefits!

Existing building attached to a empty hall (on the right side)!

Why this Plot ? Of course location of each project has direct influence on it! So after having the function in my mind I had a look to Google Map, after selecting few sites I went to check them one by one and the site on the right became my favorite one! Since I am interested in landscaping and of course shall do a Diploma project, this site was just perfect! - Its just 300 far from university! Non stop public transport and access to the center! - re-functioning the empty land and turn it to a public space for use of public and students. - Excising 2 building next to selected plot which could be attached to the project and be used again.


GENERAL, DESIGN CONCEPT Zone As you can see in above sketches, I have a greater zone as a concept. One of the proposals is that to open one of the housing blocks which is not build so long ago and has a key role in my Greater urban proposal. Bartok bela 3-7 is a social housing block standing on pair of pillars with a commercial ground floor which can be removed and opened to the future park behind it! Aim of my propose is to bring people inside and relief the huge dead area which is locked by huge blocks all around it!

Kemenes Street

Sport Hall

Excising Building

Orlay Street


Sport Hall

Excising Building

Bartok Bela Street 14




10 6


4 2 0



3D model of the construction site: their Masses- Connections and acces Access from Orlay Street

Site Plan and the landscaping skin.

Access from Bartok bela Street

Neighboring building fire wall!

Access from Kemenes Street


Right now the plot is used as a parking space for Gellert hotel, In sequence of my Concept plan, all vehicles should be moved under ground and the most top floor will be used as a green public space! Therefore there will be constructed 2 underground parking levels which can place about 250 cars and of course open for public! There will be an entrance in kemenes street.

Red blocks are proposed masses at the 1st study stage.


Existing building with high potential to became a multipurpose sport hall (Its exactly what a dormitory complex needs). 25x15 square meter in plan and 9 meter in high covered with a curved pitched roof and build-in roof windows! The floor covering needs to be changed, another change is the roof covering which will be done latest before removing the mobile cranes. The rest of works like plastering, changing the windows and finishing is done at the latest point.

Existing office building which would be refunctioned to public areas in 2 first floors and dormitory on next 3 upper floors, there will be a floor added to this block as well! As I mentioned earlier that it going to be re- functioned to dormitory and public rooms like library and buffet. It’s a building built in 1949 and structure is a masonry wall system. It’s a non protected house so any changes can be applied! Currently its covered by a pitch room but I am planning to remove the roof and add one more floor to this block, the added floor will be build in same style as the new building. There will be just one link between these two building which will be places on the 1st floor (corridor of the new building to library in old building).

Section through Orlay street



Exicting buildings and their future function:

Playground - Walkable - Benches - games - Rest & relaxing - Gathering space - Soft Sand cover


Vertical junctions Car access Public access

Paved zone - Walkable - Benches - Fontaine - Rest & relaxing - Gathering space - Stone paved

Other propose is to create a paved, green zone for public, and 2 vertical connections which helps parking users to get to ground floor easily. Beside that it can be a nice gathering place for students having their common and individual activities. (Sport or educational) There will be connections to Underground parking, trees, benches, green zones such as Aromatic, Leisure and Urban gardens.



Aromatic/Chromatic Garden - Walkable - Benches - games - Rest & relaxing - Gathering space - Following covering

Leisure Garden - Walkable - Rest & relaxing - Sand & grass cover

Holm oak


Violet Wild flowers Lavender Salvia

H until 30m D=6-8 m

Cork Tree

H= 10-12m D=6-8 m


Urban Forest - Walkable - Rest & relaxing - Gathering space - Sand & grass cover

Pedestrian - Walkable - Benches - games - Rest & relaxing - Gathering space - Sand cover

Oak Tree

Chestnut Tree

H until 45m D=6-8 m

H until 36m D= 6-8 m

Clive Tree

Almond Tree

H until15m D=6-10 m

H until 10 m D= 5-7 m

Lanta Camara Laurel daisy

H until 20m D= 6-8 m

Poplar tree

Green Rosemary Menthe

Yellow lavender cotton dandelion

H=10-12m D= 6-8 m


-2 level in general floor is parking even here below the dormitory block! -1 is a closed floor containing public rooms of dorm such as laundry ,party place WC blocks, storage and mechanical room. GF: the ground floor is a transparent space it means as less wall as possible will be build. Obviously some function like reception , waiting area, garbage room and toilet blocks are needed and planed! On the rest of the floor I am going to improvise bicycle lockers! This floor will be attached to the park without any dividing sets. +Floors: General floors are the rooms (single or double), a common kitchen and corridor. Each rooms has it’s own bathroom and washing sink.

TF: Top most floor could be a common terrace for dorm residents who can hang out on the weekend have BBQ or just chill. Something which can not be done on the public park!



Units: Room Arrangement of the dorm is so that gives a great space to students for storing their stuff such as school stuff and clothing or even their extra stuff. One side of the room is fully shelved with different functions as Wardrobe, bookshelves and simple stores in both open and closed style. On the other side of the room is a bed built in furniture attached to bathroom wall and again shelves under and above it . Right next to it there is a study area which contains bookshelves , a table , chair and other equipment such as lamp ,etc … I shall mention most of furniture are moveable so if during summer some rooms need to be re arrange its possible or student themselves can re arrange the rooms if they wish too. Below you see 2 view point of the room arrangements. The concept behind the rooms arrangement is that even if we have a small and limited space but it shall be organized so that functionally fulfills the aim of project. That’s why I can say the rooms at Orlay dormitory are divided to 3 zones , 1st is the living zone which contains bathroom block a small wash basin and a enter space. 2nd is the sleeping zone with bed and side table and finally 3rd is the studying zone with mentioned equipment's above.

Over view of the room arrangement concept

Bathroom arrangement might look weird but I found it a clever way to save space and that’s the point of designing such functions.





Shading : Timber generally has a higher level of heat capacity relative to other construction materials and also uses less fossil fuel energy per unit during manufacture making it a greener product. Shading is made of PSL wood, and the shading is build out of 4x45cm panels which would fold to one corner. There is steel railing system which supports the shading elements and help them to move freely. -lets through little radiation -reflects most of the radiation -absorb little energy -can not radiates back to outside the absorbed heated well

baluster : The baluster is made of glass but a stainless steel frame is holding it plus a tube handrail on the top. It is supported by sides and its 90cm higher than the floor level. Step out balcony : Since the dormitory is a comfort I thought maybe it would be nice to have a sort of balcony but a really tiny one which doesn’t disturb the elevation arrangement and on the other hand has it’s own function. I end up with the solution you see on the details, its 40 cm wide which is enough for stepping out have a smoke or get some fresh air, have a look out or to let resident to open and close the shadier easily.


Concrete panels manufacturer is IVANKA IVANKA coverings are produced with the well mastered technique of fine-casting concrete captures rich variety of textures, graphic details and visual appeal of patterns and ornamentation. A wide range of surfaces is available from the dead smooth surface to a rough or rustic appearance. Walled paper has all the advantages that a high performance quality concrete offers: durability, thermal and sound insulation, fire resistance, corrosion resistance and waterproofing. Walled paper can be fixed to existing walls ex. plaster, brick or wood. Ivanka has the added option for clients to create custom made one of a kind bespoke designs inspired by their love of graphics, or original artwork. For brands bespoke designs can be created in concrete to express unique branding statements, or on exterior cladding for the outside of buildings. Ivanka also offers consultancy on architectural concrete concepts, design and production. Dimensions are available at (3,0x1,0x0.02 m) (1,0x1,0x0.02 m) (1,2x0,8x0.02 m) (1,6x0,8x0.02 m) Efflorescence: is a natural phenomenon that may occur on the surface of concrete elements and it is more likely to happen under great humidity. It should not be considered as a defect and can be easily treated with polishing. Stone polishing machines are suitable for removing white clouds. Please make sure your concrete product is re-sealed polishing. IVANKA recommends Sopro MNP 704 sealer for this. (see http://www.panels.hu/)



External walls : The external wall is multilayer ventilated walls, 30cm RC wall is supporting the outer layers including the concrete panels and timber shadings. (see details) The concrete panel covering is fixed with help of railed fastening. Main rails are fastened to the slab beam and a secondary rails running vertically supporting the panels .




lightening Power demand: New building

Since we have 2 separate building all calculation will be done separately for each building. Refurbished building and sport hall Plighting (W/ m2) 360 110 60 175 400 170 570 130 20 6200 350 180 110 1200 1005 880 1270 13190



5 5 10 10 20 5 10 10 5 20 10 10 10 10 15 20 20 TOTAL

72.0m2 22.0m2 6.0m2 17.5m2 20.0m2 34.0m2 54.0m2 13.0m2 4.0m2 310.0m2 35.0m2 18.0m2 11.0m2 120.0m2 67.0m2 44.0m2 127.0m2 974.5m2

3.40m 3.70m 4.00m 3.40m 2.50m 2.50m 3.40m 4.15m 9.5m 3.40m 3.40m 4.15m 4.15m 4.15m 2.50m 3.40m

staircase Toilet blocks Air lock Gathering room Kitchen store Mechanical room Corridor Food Court Lift Multisport court PC room Reception Staff room Canteen Kitchen Changing room Library

LEVEL all GF 2,3 2,3 -1 -1 1,2 GF -1,GF GF 1 1 GF GF GF -1 1

Plighting (W/ m2) 700 60 600 210 25 225 1980 3000 20 320 75 250 80 300 2300 1000 2300 300 13745



5 10 10 5 5 10 15 10 5 5 10 5 10 10 20 20 20 10 TOTAL

140.0m2 All 6.0m2 GF 60.0m2 GF 42.0m2 -1,GF 5.0m2 -1 22.5m2 -2 132.0m2 1-6 300.0m2 All 4m2 All 64.0m2 -1,-2 7.5m2 GF 2 50.0m -1 8.0m2 GF 30.0m2 -1 115.0m2 -1 50.0m2 -1 115.0m2 -2 30m2 5 50.0 m2 2,3,5,6 1231.0m2

2.83m 3.63m 3.63m 3.0m 3.13m 2.80m 2.83m 2.83m 3.00m 3.63m 3.13m 3.63m 3.13m 3.13m 3.13m 2.80m 2.83m -

staircase Air lock Lobby Toilet blocks Switch room Laundry Kitchen Corridor Elevator Storage Garbage Mechanical room Reception Changing room Gym+ fitness Sauna, Jacuzzi Club Gathering room Open garden


Electric power demand classification :low:5_intermediate:10_mediate:15_high:20

Plighting Refurbished building = 13,19 kw/m2

Plighting New building = 13,745 kw/m2

Refurbished building and sport hall Equipment #of units KW/unit Kw Boiler 2 20 40 ventilator 2 10 20 total

PMEP, Refurbished building = 60 kw

Equipment Elevator Boiler ventilator

New building #of units KW/unit 1 12 2 20 1 10

KW 12 40 10




P MEP, New building = 62 kw


Functions and their require Electrical Power demand : Refurbished building and sport hall Electrical Device

20 5 4 1 1 3 5 5 2 7 20 2 2 3 1 2 4 4 3 1 1

Computer Phone Printer Alarm system Security System Coffee machine Microwave Owen Fridge Copy machine Hand dryer Hair Dryer Dish washer Electrical Cooker chiller Grill Toaster Washing Machine Vacuum cleaner TV Cleaning Machine Hydraulic Lift P Technology

Power [KW)/Units N x P [KW]

0.6 0.05 0.5 5 2 1 1.5 0.2 1.5 2.5 1 4 10 2 2 1 10 1 1 2 10 TOTAL

12 0.25 2 5 2 3 4.5 1 3 17.5 20 8 20 6 2 2 40 4 3 2 10 167.25 [KW]

Electrical Device

5 5 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 7 50 1 6 6 6 2 14 3 1

Computer Phone Printer Elevator Alarm system Security System Coffee machine Microwave Owen Fridge Hand dryer Hair Dryer Grill Toaster Washing Machine Vacuum cleaner Sauna Gym Equipment TV Cleaning Machine P Technology

The following is an approximate electric power demand calculation. The actual, realized electric power demand of the building may differ up to approximately 25% compared to the results calculated here.

e: actual value between 0.66 and 0.9

P Refurbished building = 0,66 (13,19 + 60,0 + 167,25 ) = 158,7 Kw No need for transformer since the value is smaller than 200Kw.


new building

= 0,66 (13,745 + 62,0 + 256,45 ) = 219 Kw

We need to have transformer since the calculated value is greater than 200Kw. Transformer will be located in the mechanical room on the basement.

New building Number(s) of Units

Total power demand requirement :


Number(s) of Units

Power [KW)/Units NoxP [KW] 0.6 0.05 0.5 10 5 2 1 1.5 0.2 2.5 1 2 1 10 1 10 4 1 2 TOTAL

3 0.25 0.5 10 5 2 3 9 1.2 17.5 50 2 6 60 6 20 56 3 2 256.45 [KW]


Heating and cooling system:

Cooling System of the Refurbished Building and the Sport hall

The building will be heated using a central heating system , using gas . the heating room is found in bigger complex Mechanical room on the -1 floor right next to the staircase. Has a direct access to corridor . Heating is needed in all rooms except storages. The air heating system is applied for the whole building. The sauna zone has its own special heating elements and system to control. External walls are thermally insulated to prevent the heat loss in the building. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is 15cm for the external walls, 16 cm XPS for roof which is accessible green roof and 10cm for ground slab.

Total electricity for cooling :E= (refurbished building)

Qcool 3


97450 = 3

32483.34 [W] = 32.5 [KW]

G cool [w/m2] HEAD ROOM FUNCTIONS 100



Q cool Ax G cool

3.40m staircase




100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3.40m 3.70m 4.00m 3.40m 3.40m 4.15m 4.15m 4.15m 2.50m

35.0m2 22.0m2 6.0m2 17.5m2 18.0m2 11.0m2 120.0m2 67.0m2 20.0m2

1 GF 2,3 2,3 1 GF GF GF -1

3500 2200 600 1750 1800 1100 12000 6700 2000

100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2.50m 2.50m 3.40m 3.40m 4.15m

44.0m2 34.0m2 127.0m2 54.0m2 13.0m2 4.0m2 310.0m2

-1 -1 1 1,2 GF -1,GF GF

4400 3400 12700 5400 1300 400 31000

PC room Toilet blocks Air lock Gathering room Reception Staff room Canteen Kitchen Kitchen store

Changing room Mechanical room Library Corridor Food Court Lift 9.5m Multisport court Total


Cooling System of the New Building G cool [w/m2] HEAD ROOM FUNCTIONS

Total electricity for cooling :E= (new building)

Qcool 3


123100 = 3

41033.34 [W] = 41.01 [KW]



Q cool Ax G cool


2.83m staircase




100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2.83m 3.63m 2.80m 3.63m 3.13m 3.0m 3.13m 3.63m 3.13m

Gathering room Air lock Club Lobby Sauna, Jacuzzi Toilet blocks Switch room Reception Changing room

30m2 6.0m2 115.0m2 60.0m2 50.0m2 42.0m2 5.0m2 8.0m2 30.0m2

5 GF -2 GF -1 -1,GF -1 GF -1

3000 600 11500 6000 5000 4200 500 800 3000

100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2.80m 2.83m 2.83m 3.13m 3.00m 3.63m 3.13m

Laundry Kitchen Corridor Gym+ fitness Storage Garbage Mechanical room

22.5m2 132.0m2 300.0m2 115.0m2 64.0m2 7.5m2 50.0m2

-2 1-6 All -1 -1,-2 GF -1

2250 13200 30000 11500 6400 750 5000




Mechanical Engineering System Ventilation System : Designing a good and healthy indoor climate in the Lego Centre plays and essential importance since many visitors with the children will be expected there. Of course there are only “no smoking” areas both in the indoor and outdoor parts of the complex. The spaces shall be ventilated with ventilation aggregate that lets the fresh air in and takes the old damp air out. It should also be insured that the CO2 in the air should never rise above 0.1%.


Two open garden were planed to ventilate the corridors naturally beside their functional aspect. Rooms are ventilating naturally as well so there is no need for mechanical ventilation also the head rooms are shorter and smaller shafts in diameter are applied! Same system is applied for kitchen and stair block. Artificial ventilation is also used for underground parking and basement floors of dormitory with equipment in the basement and the air change is done periodically. The parking with more than 5000m2 floor area needs a huge air flow which can be served separately , I decided to choose a kind of ventilation system that has fans inside it’s duct . Calculation of air flow : 164 cars x100 m3/h/car = 1400 m3/h VPARKING = 16,400 m3/h Electricity : 16,4 x 0.6 = 9,84 Kw HELIOS is a company which is producing all kind of ventilations , between their products I can mention this plastic In-Line mixed flow fan with 150mm diameter.

rest of the building can be ventilate with same ventilation grid system , just the difference is , I am going to have a central ventilation machine for it which is good enough for 2945m3 indoor court and other functions which needs to be ventilated mechanically such as gym, sauna, club and changing rooms, etc. there will be a 1.5mx1.5mx2.5m ventilate machine on the -1 floor right next to the sauna room where we can locate other machineries later if its needed . http://www.heliosventilatoren.de/


Ventilation Electrical Power demand :

Refurbished building and sport hall V0 122,4 122,1 12 29,75 25 42,5 91,8 269.75 29450 * 715,3



244.8m3 81.4m3 24.0m3 59.5m3 50.0m3 85.0m3 183.6m3 53.95m3 No need 2945 5271m3

0.5/h 1,5/h 0.5/h 0.5/h 0,5/h 0,5/h 0,5/h 5/h 1.0/h 10/h

3.40m 3.70m 4.00m 3.40m 2.50m 2.50m 3.40m 4.15m 9.5m

staircase Toilet blocks Air lock Gathering room Kitchen store Mechanical room Corridor Food Court Lift Multisport court

ACH : AREA 72.0m2 22.0m2 6.0m2 17.5m2 20.0m2 34.0m2 54.0m2 13.0m2 4.0m2 310.0m2 974.5m2

LEVEL all GF 2,3 2,3 -1 -1 1,2 GF -1,GF GF

* The Multi sport court has it’s own separate ACH machine. Thus I am not taking it into consideration with rest of the building since its not used all the time.

Air changes per hour is a measure of how many times the air within a defined space (normally a room or house) is replaced. Air changes in a confined space are important for a variety of reasons, mainly though, we need fresh air to live. Without sufficient fresh air exchange, moisture is trapped in a room/ home/ building, molds can feed, and other allergens and excessive dangerous gases (e.g. Carbon monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, urea formaldehyde), can remain in the home. Number of 'air changes per hour' were less of a problem before 'air sealing' came into play, because construction practices and products were not geared to energy efficiency. With a new focus on energy efficiency, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels, consumers try to seal their homes from air transfer in and out of their homes in winter and summer The importance of fresh air intake cannot be understated. An air change does not represent a complete change of all air in the enclosure or structure unless it can be considered plug flow. The actual percentage of an enclosure's air which is exchanged in a period depends on the airflow efficiency of the enclosure and the methods used to ventilate it.

Refurbished building and sport hall m3/h x person m3/h 270 30 75 2100 150 1450 1305 V 0=5380

15 15 15 25 25 25 15

PERSON VOLUME 18 2 5 84 6 58 87 TOTAL


119.0m3 61.20m3 45.65m3 498.1m3 278.1m3 110.0m3 431.8m3 1543,8m3

3.40m 3.40m 4.15m 4.15m 4.15m 2.50m 3.40m

PC room Reception Staff room Canteen Kitchen Changing room Library

AREA 35.0m2 18.0m2 11.0m2 120.0m2 67.0m2 44.0m2 127.0m2 295,0m2

LEVEL 1 1 GF GF GF -1 1

V 0 = V ∗ ACH V 0 total, Refurbished building = 715,3 + 5380 = 6095,3 m3/h

A =V 0 ∗ V0x

QFIL = 0.35 x (∆T) [W] QVEN = 0.35 x V 0 x (∆T) x (1-η) [W] Eletricity = ??? KW

1 3600∗4

= 6095,3 ∗

1 3600∗4

A = a ∗ b = 4230 and a = 40cm

= 0.423m2 b≡ 105 cm

[Q = 650 KW]



198,1 10,865 1589 189 7,825 63,0 1120,68 424,5 96,0 54,45 78,25 3831,68


396.2m3 21.73m3 317.8m3 126.0m3 15.65m3 63m3 373.56m3 849.0m3 Self vent. 192.0m3 27.225m3 156.5m3 No need 3585 m3

0,5/h 0,5/h 0,5/h 1,5/h 0,5/h 1/h 3/h 0,5/h 1/h 0,5/h 2/h 0,5/h -

2.83m 3.63m 3.63m 3.0m 3.13m 2.80m 2.83m 2.83m 3.00m 3.63m 3.13m -

staircase Air lock Lobby Toilet blocks Switch room Laundry Kitchen Corridor Elevator Storage Garbage Mechanical room Open garden



140.0m2 All 6.0m2 GF 60.0m2 GF 42.0m2 -1,GF 5.0m2 -1 22.5m2 -2 132.0m2 1-6 300.0m2 All 4m2 All 64.0m2 -1,-2 7.5m2 GF 50.0m2 -1 50.0 m2 2,3,5,6 1231.0m2

QFIL = 0,35 x V 0 x (∆T) [W] The ventilation loss equation is similar to the filtration loss equation. The only different when there is heat recovery is applied in the air handling unit. In this case part of the heat of the leaving air is transferred to the incoming air. The efficiency of the heat recovery is represented by η which is the ratio of the total heat content of the leaving air and the recovered heat.



QVEN = 0,35 x V 0 x (∆T) x (1-η) [W] = 0,35 x 15877,8 x 35 x (1-?) = 194503,05x (1-?) Eletricity = ??? KW

[Q = 650 KW]

New building m3/h x person m3/h 225 1750 30 1600 750 500 V 0=4845

15 25 15 25 25 25

PERSON VOLUME 15 70 2 64 30 20 TOTAL


84.9m3 322.0m3 29.05m3 93.9m3 359.95m3 156.5m3 1046,3 m3

2.83m 2.80m 3.63m 3.13m 3.13m 3.13m

Gathering room Club Reception Changing room Gym+ fitness Sauna, Jacuzzi

AREA 30m2 115.0m2 8.0m2 30.0m2 115.0m2 50.0m2 348,0m2

LEVEL 5 -2 GF -1 -1 -1

V 0 total, new building = 3831,68 + 4845 = 8676,38 m3/h

A =V 0 ∗

1 3600∗4

= 8676,38 ∗

1 3600∗4

A = a ∗ b = 6002 and a = 40cm

= 0.602 m2 b≡ 150 cm


Heat loss : External walls: [16 x 23x2 − (49,68)] + [22x23x2 − { 281,52 − 3,5x6x2 }] = 1402,8 m2 Curtain walls: (3,4 x 7,5) + (6 x 3,5x2) + (5x3,4x2) = 101,5 m2 windows on 1 elevation = 1,8 x 2,3 x34 = 140,76 m2 140,76 x 2 = 281,52 m2 Windows on side elevation= 4,14 x 6 x 2 = 49,68m2 Total window surface = 331,2m2 Door = 1,0 x 2,4 x2 = 4,8 m2 Roof = 22,0 x 16,0 − (7,0x7.0 + 3.5x7,0) = 292,5 m2

Transmission loss- TL ID

A[đ??Śđ?&#x;? ]

External wall


∆T[⠰ C ]


1402,8 35



External curtain wall

101,5 35



Windows wall

331,2 35



4,8 35



292,5 35







Linear loss- LL L[m] ∆T[â ° C ] Ń°[W/đ??Śđ?&#x;?K] Q=L∗∆tâˆ—Ń°[W]

ID In this equation Ń° is the linear loss coefficient, which can be also estimated by using computer simulation tools, or the following table can be used for ground floor or walls by the ground. There are two main dependencies: The resistance of the multilayer construction and the relative elevation (which is relative to the ground level around the building.) Corner : 23,0x4,0 = 92 m corner or Curtain wall : (4x 3,4)+(6x3,0) = 31.6mt External wall- internal wall :23,0x 13 = 299m Ground losses: (23,0+16,0) x 2 = 78m external wall-slab : (23,0+16,0)x2x 6 = 468m Windows perimeter: 80x [(2,3+1,8)x2]=656m Doors perimeter: [1,0+(2,4x2)]x2=11,6m

Filtration Loss Coefficient (FLC): Ventilation and infiltration both bring outside air into the building, forcing out the air that was inside the building. In winter time, the cold outside air replaces the warm inside air. To keep the temperature inside at standard value, the heating system must raise the temperature of the outside air temperature. This heating of ventilation and infiltration increases the heat loss of the building. With these air changes, it is necessary to calculate the energy required to heat the volume of air by the temperature difference.

Outer corner of wall with external insulation









Joint of curtain wall and internal wall





Joint of external wall with external insulation and internal wall (boh edges counted) Ground losses-0.25-0









Joint of external wall with external insulation and floor slab (both edges counted) Window perimeter if the frame is in the plane of the thermal insulation wall Doors perimeter











Outer corner or Curtain wall





Filtration loss- FL ID

V[đ??Śđ?&#x;‘ ]

∆T[⠰ C ]



Visual lock/ Air lock

24 35



Engineering room

140 35






Water Demand: Resident/workers

Number of people Liter/Day

Residence in new building



Workers in new building



Residence in Refurbished building workers in Refurbished building

30 10

100 30

TOTAL required water/day in new building TOTAL required water/day in Refurbished building

Total 8100 60 3000 300 8160 3300

Total Cold water consumption: 11.46 m3/d Green roof and garden : 2 l/ m2/d x 350 m2 = 700 l/d Total swage water : 12.16 m3/d

Domestic Hot Water: Hot water is produced by gas boiler which is placed in boiler section of the mechanical room. The pipe will be running through the shafts and there is a suspended ceiling between the main beams which easily can help pipes to get to their destination.

Domestic Hot Water

Used amount(L/d) 40% (L/d)

In new building



In Refurbished building



Domestic hot water is 40% of total amount of usage water. Initial water temperature is 10⁰ C Final water temperature is 45⁰ C Gas boiler (condensating) is used for heating up the water.

Total Domestic Hot water consumption: 4.584 m3/d

Qnewbuilding = mxCx 45 − 10 = 100x 3264x 45 − 10 = 11.424 Kw Q refurbishedbuilding = mx Cx 45 − 10 = 100x 1320x 45 − 10 = 4.62 Kw



Cold water will be supplied by the public network from Bartok Bela street and Main water pipes will be led from the Orlay street to boiler in mechanical room. A Water controller will be placed in the Mechanical room on -1 underground floor and water is distributed throughout the building. The pipe will be running through the shafts and there is a suspended ceiling between the main beams which easily can help pipes to get to their destination. The water consumption including one main group which is water consumption of the residence and workers. There is some functions like Jacuzzi and changing rooms but the consumption should not be so different that the main group we have! There will be a double wall constructing around the sauna and Jacuzzi area which led the necessary piping and drainage system. The Mechanical room if self is 50 m2 and 3.13 m headroom. Sewage system: sewage water will be collected on 2 main shafts and driven to the public network. The reason of having the calculation separately is that I planed a mechanical room for each building since they are not attached and they have different function with different needs from building point of view!

Gas System: Gas will be supplied by the public network from Bartok Bela street and Main Gas pipes will be led from the Orlay street to mechanical room. A gas control unit will be placed in mechanical room, gas is used for heating system and boiler. The pipe will be running through the shafts and there is a suspended ceiling between the main beams which easily can help pipes to get to their destination. The gas consumption including basically the dorm rooms and public functions like library, Canteen, gym, changing room, etc… There are two dry saunas which need to be heated by gas system. The Mechanical room if self is 50 m2 and 3.13 m headroom. The reason of having the calculation separately is that I planed a mechanical room for each building since they are not attached and they have different function with different needs from building point of view!








Ventilation Transmission loss Linear loss Filtration loss

1 1 1 1

41,78 2,62 2,87 Total

41,78 2,62 2,87 58,69

Q 58,69 = 8,5 8,5

= 6,5 m3/h

Not allowed to build any types of pipe network in Chimney: Under the building (or basement), In floor or ceiling In suspended floor or ceiling In toilets in cold storage rooms in storage rooms(larder) Service connection (after the gas meter): The highest pressure is 0.1 bar The pipe network can not be driven through in other properties, in common properties The pipe network can not be driven through in Class „A”, and Class „B” fire danger areas, in car storage areas, in the rooms of gas equipment which has bigger consumption than 116kW, Switch gear rooms or cabinets where voltage higher than 0.4kV Smallest diameter of the service connection is DN15

Gas Consumption of new building


Interconnecting pipe network: Each estates has to have its own interconnecting pipe network, Smallest Diameter of the interconnecting network is : DN25, The highest pressure of the interconnecting pipe is 0.1 bar Gas pipe can pass room where the elevation is higher than 1.7m In garage interconnecting pipe can not pass Not allowed to build any types of gas network in: sleeping room, toilet, …


It is possible to place gas meter with keeping a following circumstances Outside and outside walls → Mechanical protection and temperature correction In staircase, common rooms → Closed and ventilated cabinet In basement Non corrosive, waterproofing, plastering min 1.7m elevation, Gas meter can not be placed: In bathroom, in toilet In living areas (Dining room, sleeping rooms etc.) In garage,

Safety distances: From any gas equipment: 1m Any hot pipe, ducks etc.: 0.5m

Switch gear rooms or cabinets where voltage higher than 0.4kV Rooms which classified in A or B fire class In boiler rooms

The HVAC power demand: A central heating system will be used for the entire building , the HVAC room is located on the -1 floor , fresh air will be collected from outside through the small opening on the Ground floor. ducts will carry supply of all spaces with ventilation up in the celling for needed areas.

QHVAC : QTL+ QVEN + QBHW= 41,78+ [194,5x (1-?)] + 11.424 = ?



Public pipe network and connection to the new Constructions. [Scale 1:500]





Technical description:

Skeleton: The monolithic RC skeleton was chosen for the given building because of the follows: 1.Use of RC structures is cheaper in compare with steel structure (the prices can be different and depend on a lot of requirements. For most precisely result economic calculation is needed). 2.Use of RC skeleton structure is typically for that type of buildings (the information was taken based on analyses of similar building). 3.The RC skeleton structure has fire advantage in compare with steel structure (fire resistance). 4.Because of the design of the building it is preferable to apply monolithic RC structure.

The skeleton of the building is made from monolithic RC elements on the site. The structural grid is Same because of the functional features of the building. The biggest span of the structure is 10.30m with 3.00m cantilever on both sides. And on the other direction which is the load bearing direction the spam is 3x 7,30m. (see plan 1)

There is 2 floor underground parking constructing in same time as the dormitory block is being constructing and these two construction are attached to each other so here is where the dilatation gap shall be applied, and as we know the role of dilation gaps are to avoid 2 neighboring construction to have any physical touch to each other due to soil settlement or earthquake based on structural requirements of Euro code 2 Design of concrete structures and Euro code 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance. The solution was solved with consultants of Building Construction Department and Mechanics, Material and Structures Department. (see details 2 and 3 )

Connection between column and foundation is fixed. Vertical bracing system was applied to avoid negative earthquake impacts (concrete bracing walls). Due to free ground floor design there was not so many possibilities to place the bracing walls that’s why as you see on the plan 1 there are 2 main walls parallel to each other and between the building is braced with elevator shaft walls (stiffening hearth system). Task of stiffening elements is to avoid horizontal movements and keep the building as rigid as possible. The bracing walls are 20cm thick and the stiffening hearth is made of 15cm thick walls and there is a wall beam connecting 2 shear walls together. According to consultation with structural department it should be enough for holding the rigidity of building.(see plan 2) The parking has no problem with stiffening since there will be more than 6 pieces of RC walls going from foundation to roof, between columns and each with 5cm thickness.

The stability of the building is provided based on the rigid connection between columns and beams and between columns and foundation; the cross-sections of the columns and beams were increased up to100x50 and 65x50 cm to provide additional strength.


Foundation : Monolithic pad foundation made in site was applied arranged to the grid. This solution was chosen in according with property of the soil and soil water level. On the underground floor which has public functions as club, gym, changing rooms and mechanical rooms the outer walls are made or higher quality RC walls to protect the building from soil pressure and water pressure in same time help the rigidity of the building and partly transfer the pointed force of columns and distribute them on the foundation and foundation beams . The size of foundation elements, quality of concrete and reinforce depend on calculation (soil mechanic, loads of the building, earthquake). The calculation is based on Euro code requirements. But according to my estimations the depth of the foundation should be minimum 70 cm. and the dimensions are 70x120. foundation beam wide is 60 cm and its connection all foundation pads together in order to help the rigidity of the whole building on -7,50 m.

Vertical Loadbearing Elements : The vertical load-bearing elements are monolithic RC columns and walls made in site, which transfer loads from roof, floors and walls to the foundation. Sizes of the columns were taken according to approximate calculation of one of them 100x50 cm concrete C30/37 was chosen for the column according with calculation and analysis of stability. The calculations are based on Euro code 2 Design of concrete structures, information from courses on “Design of Load-Bearing Structures” and “Special Load-Bearing Structures”, Study Aid for Design of Load-bearing Structures. pillars at the parking area are 30x30 which is enough for 2 story parking and division of these 2 parts is done with help of dilatation gap. and to provide the dilatation gap, the load bearing monolithic RC wall 300 mm thick was chosen. The density of the columns and shear walls were increased in comparing with the rest of the building such as outer walls.

Horizontal Loadbearing Elements : (slab and Beams) I choose to use flat RC monolithic slab with 25cm thickness, Concrete cover cnom=20 mm (The calculations were based on Euro code 2 Design of concrete structures, information from courses on “Design of Load-Bearing Structures” and “Special Load-Bearing Structures”, Study Aid for Design of Load-bearing Structures) Due to a longer span of 6 meter and special design of structural system I need to have beams which runs only in one direction, the load will transmit to beams and then through columns to foundation. There will be an edge beam as well supporting the cantilever part and closes the building perimeters. According to the calculation the main beams will be 50x65 cm which means 40-45 cm down standing. The down standing part do not disturb the whole design and in corridor area the gap between two beams are covered by suspended celling. (see the structural booklet for calculations)

Curtail wall : Curtain walls provide nicer and more elegant façade as long as they are making the building seems more specular. In case of my building in some external surfaces will be used which are not so visible and effective on the out look of the building but still it should be designed carefully. A great adventure of huge glass surfaces such as curtain wall is that natural light can penetrate deeper within the building, and it’s the most important fact that I consider to use curtain wall instead of windows. The curtain wall transfers the horizontal wind and rain forces that are incident upon it to the main building structural connections to the slabs. Curtain wall is designed in the way to resist air and water infiltration.(see details 7-8-9-10)

Roof : The load bearing element of roof structure is monolithic RC slab 25 cm thick. The flat roof type was applied for the building with different variation below: 1-Green roof(extensive) with gravel covering all around the parapets and pipes. law pants: grass, sedum or herbal Erosion control (wind blanket or jute mesh) 2-Access flat roof with concrete panel tiling and open joints there are concrete steps sitting on sand bedding 1,00x2,00 meter concrete tile 3- Access flat roof with timber boards this part is furnished and 30-40 cm shifted higher than rest of roof level. Method of water diversion is point wise(roof drains). Maximum area is 150 m2, maximum distance is 15 m between gullies. The points were selected to be next to the columns cause In this case they can be easily driven to swage network or turn into the closest shaft. The roof solution was chosen according with design of the building and consultation with Department of Building Construction.



The spatial rigidity of the structure is insured by the concrete shear walls which are used to counter the effects of lateral load acting on a structure. They will be places around the elevator shaft with 15 and 20 cm thickness and there will be 2 main ones parallel to each other 10 meters long and 20cm thick.

Staircase: stair case is prefabricated according to the design of my building with 3,9 meter length and 1,30 meter width. Contains 2 flight which is supported by 2 beams on the each sides. Due to its long length the thickness of it is calculated at the factory and its 19cm. The covering is synthetic resin just same as general floor covering of the public zones . The beams which are supporting the stair is 30*40cm The rise of the stair is 16cm and the go is 30 cm 16 steps for a story The stair flights are sitting on the beams and to avoid the vibration of the flight we apply a soft rubber at their meeting point, this rubber has 1 cm thick and it lets the flight to be flexible a bit. From other hand this rubber plate is a acoustic separation too. (Schock Tronsole type F)


Structural Floor plan of under ground floor : Concrete quality of RC slab is C30/37 and B500 steel


Same as columns and beams.


Structural Floor plan of General floors :



Structural Floor plan of 6th floor :


Load Analysis:


#)Computation of the slab of the general floor. The slab is a multi span one way loadbearing slab.

02cm Parquet




04cm Concrete Leveling




02cm Sound Insulation




24cm RC. Slab




02cm Plaster cover




Thickness [m]

Specific Weight [KN/đ?’Žđ?&#x;?]

Weight [KN/đ?’Žđ?&#x;?]

g k = 7.40 KN/m2

g d = 7.40 x1.35 = 9.98 KN/m2 q k = 3 KN/m2 Static model:

q d = 3 x1.5 = 4.5 KN/m2 Ped = 7.40 x1.35+ 4.5x1.5 = 14.48 KN/m2




From the computed Ped, I define the thickness of the slab by using the constant deflection. Effective slenderness: k=1,3

Thumb rule for the slab thickness : h ≥

l/đ?‘˜ 7,3/1,3 = = 5.615/d đ?‘‘

730 30

≥ 24,4 cm

concrete C 30/37 Ped đ?‘?




Allowed slenderness:


đ??ż 30

516.27 ≤ 27

≤ 27



14,48 1


d = 0.208 = 210 mm

Ă˜ h = d + cc + đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘&#x;= 210 + 20 + 5 = 235 mm



240 mm OK


Med -

Med #)Computation of the slab Reinforcement. Taking into account that the spans are equal, I use the simplified method by substition load and plastic moment distribution. P’ed = g d + 1.5 Pd = 1.35x7.4 +1.5 x1.53 = 16.74 KN/m2

Med += I Med –I =

(P′edx l2) 11,6


(16.74x7.22) 11,6

Med + Med +


Med +

= 76.90 KNm


C 30/37 fcd = 20,0 N/mm2


B 500

fyd = 435 N/mm2


Assumption: d = h - cc -

Ă˜đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘&#x; 2

Îś c = (1 - √(1-

= 240 - 20 - 6=214mm

2xMed 276.9x106 )) = ( 1 - √(1)) = 0,165 < 0.49 = Îś c 0 bxd2 xfcd 1000x2142x20,0

X c = Îś c x d = 214 x 0.165 = 35,31 mm

z = d-

Xc 2

= 214 -

35,31 2

= 196,35 mm

Distribution bars: Med 76.9x106 As = = =900,4mm2 z x fyd 196,35x 435

max distances = min (3h, 400) = 400 mm

Asprov = 905 mm2= Ă˜ 12/ 125 mm

Asdist= min 0.2xAs = 181 mm

Static model :


Sizing all beams by the deflection condition

L 0 cantiliver =

L c 3,0 = =7,5 kc 0,4

L 10.30 L 0 spam = cp = 10.30/1.5 =6,84 kcp 0,4




#)Computation of the beam: (demolishing checking)

Asdistri prov= 201 mm2= Ă˜ 8/ 250 mm

The catilever is more dengrous!

Load on cantilever : Pdc = 1.125x7.3 x 14.48 = 118.9 kN/m

L effective b = 0.5 m C 30/37

Pdc = 118.9/0.5 = 234.8 b

L 0 cantiliver < 13 d 7,5 = 13 d

Making the effective and allowable slenderness equal:


7,5 = 0.577 m = 577 mm 13

Checking hight of the beam: Hbeam = d + cc + Ă˜link +

Ă˜đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘&#x; 2

= 577 + 20 + 10 + 10 = 617

64 cm

64 cm – 24cm = 40 cm down standing beam


#)Computation of the internal forces using loading arrangement! Ped = 88.41 kN/m

Loading for Med+

Ped = 88.41 kN/m

Ped = 123,34 kN/m

t = 1.125 x 3,65 + 3.65 = 7,76 3,00

Ped span = Ped slab x t + 1.35 x Ged beam = 14,48 x 7,76 + 0,5 x 0,65 x 25 x 1,35 = 123,34 kN/m



Ped const = qdslab x t + 1.35 x Ged beam = 9,98 x 7,76 + 15 x 0.15 x 25 x 1.35 = 88.41 kN/m Med Med- =

88.41x 3.02 = 397,85 kN/m 2

Med+ =

123,34 x 3.02 − 397.85 = 259,10 kN/m 8

M Med +

Ped = 123,34 kN/m




Med -


Loading for Med- and A , B maximum: Med- =


Med +

123,34 x 3.02 = 555,0 kN/m 2

123,34 x (10,30 + 2 x 3.0) Aed = Bed = = 1005,2 KN 2

635,2 KN

VA left = -123,34 x 3.0 = - 370,0 KN VA right = A – VA left =1005,2 – 370,0 = 635,2 KN

370,0 KN

N 370,0 KN 635,2 KN


#)Computation of the reinforcement for Med – C30/37 : fcd = 20 B500 : fyd = 435

Med – = 397,85 kN/m d = h - cc -

Øbar 2

ζ c = (1 - √(1-


- Ølink = 650 -20 - 10 - 10 = 610 mm

2xMed 2x397,85x 106 )) = ( 1 - √(1)) = 0,113 < 0.49 = ζ c 0 bxd2 xfcd 500x6102x20,0

X c = ζ c x d = 610 x 0,113 = 69,14 mm

z = d-

Xc 2

= 610 -

69,14 2

= 575,4 mm b eff 1

X x b x fcd 69,14x 500 x 20 As = c = = 1589,42 mm2 fyd 435


b eff 2

As applied = 7 Ø 18 = 1781mm2 > Areq Placement check: 2 x cc + 2 x Ølink + 9 x Ø = 2 x 25 + 2 x 10 + 13 x 18= 330mm < 500mm Safe

L0 =






= 7,92m b1 2

beff 1 = min

Med + = 259,10 kN/m


#)Computation of the reinforcement for Med +


7,30 2

= 3.65 m

0.2 x l0 = 0,2x7,92 = 1.585 m

beff = 2 x beff 1 + b = 2 x 1,44 + 0.5 = 3,38m

0.1 x(b1 + l0 ) = 0,1 (7,3 +7.92) = 1,52m 6 x t = 6 x 0.24 = 1.44 m (min)

ζ c = (1 - √(1-

2xMed 2 x259,10x 106 )) = ( 1 - √(1)) = 0,010 < 0.49 = ζ c 0 bxd2 xfcd 3380x6102x20,0

X c = ζ c x d = 610 x 0,010 = 6,32 mm

z = d-

Xc 2

= 610 -

6,32 2

= 606.85mm

X x b x fcd 6,32 x 3380 x 20 As = c = =982.14 mm2 fyd 435 As applied = 4 Ø 18 = 1018 mm2 > Areq Placement check: 2 x cc + 2 x Ølink + 9 x Ø = 2 x 25 + 2 x 10 + 7 x 18 = 196mm < 500mm Safe


#)Crack width check: Quasi permanent design load Ped = t x Ped slab = 7.3 x 14,48 = 105.7 kN/m Pedp = t x ( gk +ψ2xqk) = 7.3x( 7.4 + 0.3 x 3 ) = 60,6 kN/m Ϭs =

Pedp Asreq 60,6 4171 x xf = x x 435 = 235,7 N/mm2 Ped Asprov yd 105,7 4418


As 4418 x 100 = x 100 = 1.45 % bxd 500 x 610

Ø max = 27 mm > 25 mm ok!

#)Shear reinforcement of the beam:

Ved = 635,2 kN/m2 Vrd c = c x bw x d x fctd

fctd = 1,4

Vrd = 0,281 x 500 x 610 x 1,4 x 103 = 120 KN < Ved

C (table) = 0,281 We need shear Reinforcement.

Distance of the link: I use double Ø 12 links (As w = 452 mm2) Ss require =



590,6 x As w x fydw = x 452 x 435 = 182.8 mm 635,2x 102

Ss require : Distance of the bent up bar Ss


= 2 Ø 12 at 150mm

I use the same distance but only single link. VRd link =



590,6 x As w x fydw = x 226 x 435 = 387,1 KN > 370,0 KN 150

Good enough for cantilever . No need for double links. Start distance of the single link from each side of columns is following. VRd link = VEd – Ped x Xstart Xstart =

VEd –VRd link 635,2−387,1 = = 2.01 m Ped 123,94

Xstart = 14 x 15 = 2.10 m


#)Computation of the Column:

Loading zone

A = 8,15 x 7,76 = 63,25 m2

Ped slab = gd + pd = 9,98 + 4,50 = 14,48 kN/m2


Ged beam = 0,65 x 0,50 x 8,15 x 25 x 1.35 = 89,4 KN Ged column = 1,0 x 0.5 x 25 x 1,35 x 29 = 489,4 KN


Ned = 9(A x Ped slab + Ged beam ) + Ged column = 9 ( 63,25 x 14,48 + 89,4 ) + 489,4 = 9536.7 KN 3,00

Ned ϑ = 1,0


1,125 x 3,65

L0 =L


I consider the column centrally compressed! (NO moments are taking into consideration!)

3,65 7,76

(buckling lenght of the column) L 0 300 = =6 ( width of the column) h 50

(from table) α max = 0,84

C30/37 : fcd = 20 B500 : fyd = 435

Nu = Ac x fcd + As x fyd Nrd = α max x Nu = Ned

( Ned − Ac x fcd ) ( Areq. = α max = fyd


9536.7 x 103 − 500 x 1000 x 20) 0,84 = 3111 mm2 435

The steel bars are placed in the column as you see in the left side figure. I chose 10 bars cause it looked more logical according to the column shape and dimension. 2 mid row of bars have an additional link which connects them together.

As applied = 10 Ø 20 = 3142 mm2 > Areq. 50


#)Computation link distance :

Construction rule : S max = min

15 x Ă˜ h min 400mm

15 x 25 = 375mm 500mm

S max = 350 mm ( its safer to chose even smaller distance than calculated ones) At the meeting point of column and beam with floor slab the S max should be reduced to half or less than half of it’s value.

S max = 150 mm And the area which this link distance should be applied is usually equal to column width( the bigger edge in our case). h=100mm

h= 100


15 15 Cantilever

h= 100 7 x 15





PARTICIPANTS AND THEIR TASKS: Client : - Client is a private company working world wild in accommodating major! The role of the client is to define the aim of the project, ensure the financial background and select the other participants. Tasks and duties: - Financial background, liquidity of the project. - To dispose with the construction site. - To procure the rights to build (attain building permit). - To establish contract with the architect, consultant, contractor, etc. - To share his/her/its rights and risks. - To attain permission for use. - Select of the PM team.

Financial Background: - Partly the own money. - Partly loan of the bank.

Architect (Design Team) : The architect of this project will be selected by an open competition. The role of the architect will be to prepare the necessary drawings and documentations according to their contract. Documentations: - outline planning consent - planning consent/ building permit - Construction plan - Fulfillment plan Tasks and duties: - To help the client in professional way to attain the building permit. - To prepare documentations according to the national standards and legal prescriptions. - To coordinate the work of the co-operative designers and professionals. Structural Engineer: The role of the civil engineer is to determine the sizes and the geometry of the load bearing systems and to make sure that the building’s structure is safe. -in all different authorities, urban planning, agricultural rules. At the end these drawings will be submitted in the different authorities to get the building permission, and when this is given we can finalize the construction plan.

The authorities : The role of the authorities is to be involved in the project as much as it must. Tasks and duties: - The main point is to make sure that the contractor is actually executing the construction according to the national and international rules and regulations. (building permission ,permission of use)



Project manager team : Selected by the references and will take a part in the project from the beginning of the process . Tasks and duties: - Quality surveying - Selection of the participants of the project : the architect and the contractor - Communication between the participants of the project - establish contract with the architect & the contractors.

Contractor: The role of the contractor is to make sure that the building will be constructed according to the contract. Contractors will be invited by PM to the project! - to participate in the tendering process. - To contract with the client (PM) and with the sub-contractors. - To report to the authority the start-up of the construction. - To construct the building according to the national/international standards and legal prescriptions. - Continuous co-operation and communication with the designer team during the construction. - To ensure the security standards and legal prescriptions on the construction site. - To provide a written statement of completeness of the building. - Statement of the complement technical executive (site engineer) for the permission of use. - Field supervisor.

Public utilities : - Gas - Water - Sewage - Power supply company - Chimney sweeper company

Maintenance: - User( staff for cleaning). - Private maintainer company for sport equipment, mechanical engines, etc.



Public Utility Service

Field Supervisor Sub Contractor Sub Contractor Sub Contractor Sub Contractor Material Manu factor & Suppliers





Project Manager



Quality Surveyor

Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering Structural Engineering Landscaper Traffic Planner Interior Design Soil Mechanic Engineering Building Service Engineering










Demolishing of the existing building and structures The necessary machinery and equipment: excavator, hand tools. Felling, power saw, trunk diameter 10-50 cm + protection 2.1 Felling of trees; 2.2 Felling of bushes; The necessary machinery and equipment: truck for trees loading, chainsaws. Excavating 3.1 Uprooting of tree roots; 3.2 Topsoil excavation, depth less than 30 cm; 3.3 Excavation soil for basement and foundation installation, depth 6.0 m; 3.4 Sheet pile wall The necessary machinery and equipment: truck for loading of roots and vegetation soil layer, tipper for soil loading, loader to remove the vegetation layer of soil with back shovel for deep soil works, shovels and bulldozer. Preparation for foundation works 4.1 Levelling the ground level; 4.2 Preparing of connections; 4.3 Preparing for concrete layer; The necessary machinery and equipment: shovels, compacter, hammer for concrete. Foundation works 5.1 Installation of formwork; 5.2 Installation of reinforce bars; 5.3 Concrete filling The necessary machinery and equipment: concrete mixer, chute for concrete, tower crane, shovels, compacter. Underground floor installation 6.1 Soil preparation; 6.2 Crushed stone filling; 6.3 Monolithic concrete work; The necessary machinery and equipment: compacter, concrete mixer, concrete pump, hand tools. Construction of monolithic RC skeleton 7.1 Placing bars for columns and walls; 7.2 Formwork installation for columns and walls; 7.3 Concrete filling; 7.4 Removing formwork for columns and walls; 7.5 Formwork installation for floor slab; 7.6 Placing bars for floor slab; 7.7 Concrete filling; 7.8 Removing formwork for floor slab; The necessary machinery and equipment: scaffolding, braces, concrete mixer, tower crane, welding device, hand tools, panel formwork system (wall formwork panels, column formwork panels, slab formwork panels).



Masonry work 8.1 Water insulation; 8.2 Block laying of walls with reinforce bars, concreting; The necessary machinery and equipment: scaffolding, concrete mixer with pump, hand tools.



Partition walls 9.1 Water insulation; 9.2 Block laying of walls with reinforce bars, concreting; The necessary machinery and equipment: scaffolding, concrete mixer with pump, hand tools.


Thermal insulation of external walls, external wall cladding 10.1 Thermal insulation; 10.2 cladding supporting system installation ; 10.3 Wall cladding The necessary machinery and equipment: scaffolding, hand tools, excavator. Placing roof Layers 11.1 Thermal insulation; 11.2 Installation of water pipes system; 11.3 Water insulation; 11.4 Gravel filling; 11.5 Tilling; The necessary machinery and equipment: tower crane, scaffolding, welding device, hand tools. Placing block partition walls 12.1 Block laying with reinforce bars. The necessary machinery and equipment: mixer, scaffolding, hand tools.







Pipes and wires installation 13.1 Making holes for wires/pipes 13.2 Pipes installation; 13.3 Wires installation; The necessary machinery and equipment: hand tools. Floor installation 14.1 Thermal insulation; 14.2 Screed installation; 14.3 Sound insulation; 14.4 Water protection; where its necessary The necessary machinery and equipment: concrete mixer, pump, hand tools. Placing external doors, windows and curtain wall systems The necessary machinery and equipment: hand tools, scaffolding, crane Finishing works 16.1 Wall plastering – gypsum plaster –plastering machine; 16.2 Ceiling painting – water based paint; 16.3 Wall tiling – ceramic tiles and adhesive; 16.4 Floor tiling – ceramic tiles and adhesive; 16.5 Wall painting – water based paint; 16.6 Linoleum covering - linoleum; Resin 16.7 Concrete floor finishing – concrete; 16.8 Installation of suspending ceiling – cassette ceiling or gypsum board; 16.9 Timber floor installation – parquet, wooden floor; 16.10 Timber wall covering installation; 16.11 Timber ceiling covering installation; The necessary machinery and equipment: hand tools, plastering machine, and scaffolding.

17. 18. 19. 20.

Installation of internal doors, windows and handrails The necessary machinery and equipment: hand tools. Installation of engineering equipment The necessary machinery and equipment: hand tools. Cleaning Gardeners 20.1 Gardeners; 20.2 Green roof installation.


Area (m2)

Cost (€/m2)

Cost (€)









Engineering rooms and services












Toilets and changing rooms
















Sauna, Jacuzzi




Outside terraces, galleries and






Room category

operated roof SUM

Price validity Building: 300+400 cost group 200 Infrastructural facilities 300 Building Construction 400 Building Installation 500 Outdoor Construction and Installation 600 Furniture 700 Additional Expenses Total cost

% of cost 100 5 70 30 10 10 20 145

Cost (€) 2112800 105640 1478960 636840 211280 211280 422560 3066560


COST ESTIMATION Building type: Wellness center Type of cost: Building cost 300+400 cost group


TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The Chosen site is located in Budapest, 11th district ,Orlay street 5-7 . The area has an interesting character since its on the hill side of Gellert! On the left side of my plot are located villa type residential blocks which are detached but on right side and dense and attached housing blocks same as we can find all over the city. One of the positive points about this plot is the hard and partly rocky type of the soil. One of the specific features of the site is existing big old trees. They are remarkable elements of the site and they have to be protected during the construction process as much as possible, some trees going to be kept some other going to be replaced. The configuration and location of the building was designed based on the location of the trees and empty useable plots! Preparation process of the construction includes felling of some trees, bushes, demolishing of the buildings, felling of some trees and bushes, topsoil excavation. Hitachi Construction Machinery Medium Excavator ZX130-5, the Stripping of the top soil and will be done with such an excavator. two of these excavators will be enough for the plot since the plot is not clear with much vegetation in it and rather huge. we will need to dig for the new foundations and the maximum foundation level we have on this project is about -7.5 m ,so the same excavator can reach these levels but in two levels for better effect.

In addition, we need 2 dump trucks (Hitachi EH-1100) to remove the soil away from the plot area. Of course small amount of soil will be placed on site for later back fill after the foundation construction.

For the placing of metal structure elements such columns, staircase or beams, for installation of curtain wall, a mobile crane has to be used. The model is from TEREX – Flat top tower crane CTT 51B-2 S11. Specifications: Max jib length: 200 m Capacity at max length: 700 kg Max capacity: 1200 kg


Monolithic RC skeleton The next important step after foundation works is construction of monolithic RC skeleton of the building. This activity will require the following: scaffolding and formwork for monolithic works, concrete mixer and concrete pump, tower crane for transportation of formwork, scaffolding, burs and concrete transportation. The concrete will be produce on the factory and will be transported with help of concrete mixer machine to the construction site, and then it will be pumping with help of the mobile pump machine to the formwork. The tower crane has to be located closer to the center of the buildings to cover the whole construction area.

Concrete pump

Concrete mixer

Placing the Formwork All the formworks systems for foundation, slabs and columns) will be rend from PERI company. The PERI formworks will come on site construction with trucks. Because we will rend the formworks from the company and in order to save money the formwork system for each separated construction face will come and store on site 2 days before the construction face start and will be cover on top in case of rain or snow. The help of tower cranes will lift the formwork panels at the construction place. Slab formwork- SKYDECK Aluminum Slab Formwork System With the SKYDECK drop head system, striking can be carried out after only one day (depending on the slab thickness and strength of the concrete). The drop head is released with a hammer blow which causes the formwork to drop 60 mm (panels and main beams). The panels can be separated easily from the concrete and immediately used for the next cycle. Furthermore, onsite material requirements are reduced. The SKYDECK main beam reduces the number of props needed only one prop is required per slab area of 3.45 m² for thicknesses up to 40 cm. This saves time and simplifies the transportation of formwork materials across the site.


Advantages: Early striking Lightweight components Easy to clean Fewer slab props

HEALTH AND SAFETY All construction activity should comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations and the Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations. Key areas to be addressed should include: • Material identification and selection, including product data and safety information for approval before use • Risk assessment of the construction operation from design stage onwards taking environmental conditions into account • Awareness of and compliance with site-specific health and safety requirements and including induction procedures • Personnel health and safety requirements - current and up-to-date, including trade-specific training and associated training records • Personnel structure, responsible representatives, reporting procedures and lines of communication identified • Plant training and inspection certification.


Column formwork- Trio column Formwork Apart from its use as column formwork for cross-sections up to 75 x 75 cm, the 90-cm wide TRIO column elements can also be used together with TRIO wall formwork. A 60 cm height increment is used. Advantages: Rectangular or square columns Chamfer strip with clamping function Concreting platform Access ladder

The facade works suck thermal insulation, cladding, installation of windows will require scaffolding for the workers.

xThe final parts of the construction process are interior finishing, gardening and cleaning the whole building and territory.



Skeleton: The monolithic RC skeleton was chosen for the given building because of the follows: 1.Use of RC structures is cheaper in compare with steel structure (the prices can be different and depend on a lot of requirements. For most precisely result economic calculation is needed). 2.Use of RC skeleton structure is typically for that type of buildings (the information was taken based on analyses of similar building). 3.The RC skeleton structure has fire advantage in compare with steel structure (fire resistance). 4.Because of the design of the building it is preferable to apply monolithic RC structure.

The skeleton of the building is made from monolithic RC elements on the site. The structural grid is Same because of the functional features of the building. The biggest span of the structure is 10.30m with 3.00m cantilever on both sides. And on the other direction which is the load bearing direction the spam is 3x 7,30m. (see plan 1)

There is 2 floor underground parking constructing in same time as the dormitory block is being constructing and these two construction are attached to each other so here is where the dilatation gap shall be applied, and as we know the role of dilation gaps are to avoid 2 neighboring construction to have any physical touch to each other due to soil settlement or earthquake based on structural requirements of Euro code 2 Design of concrete structures and Euro code 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance. The solution was solved with consultants of Building Construction Department and Mechanics, Material and Structures Department. (see details 2 and 3 )

The stability of the building is provided based on the rigid connection between columns and beams and between columns and foundation; the cross-sections of the columns and beams were increased up to100x50 and 65x50 cm to provide additional strength.



Connection between column and foundation is fixed. Vertical bracing system was applied to avoid negative earthquake impacts (concrete bracing walls). Due to free ground floor design there was not so many possibilities to place the bracing walls that’s why as you see on the plan 1 there are 2 main walls parallel to each other and between the building is braced with elevator shaft walls (stiffening hearth system). Task of stiffening elements is to avoid horizontal movements and keep the building as rigid as possible. The bracing walls are 20cm thick and the stiffening hearth is made of 15cm thick walls and there is a wall beam connecting 2 shear walls together. According to consultation with structural department it should be enough for holding the rigidity of building.(see plan 2) The parking has no problem with stiffening since there will be more than 6 pieces of RC walls going from foundation to roof, between columns and each with 5cm thickness.

Foundation : Monolithic pad foundation made in site was applied arranged to the grid. This solution was chosen in according with property of the soil and soil water level. On the underground floor which has public functions as club, gym, changing rooms and mechanical rooms the outer walls are made or higher quality RC walls to protect the building from soil pressure and water pressure in same time help the rigidity of the building and partly transfer the pointed force of columns and distribute them on the foundation and foundation beams . The size of foundation elements, quality of concrete and reinforce depend on calculation (soil mechanic, loads of the building, earthquake). The calculation is based on Euro code requirements. But according to my estimations the depth of the foundation should be minimum 70 cm. and the dimensions are 70x120. foundation beam wide is 60 cm and its connection all foundation pads together in order to help the rigidity of the whole building on -7,50 m.

Vertical Loadbearing Elements : The vertical load-bearing elements are monolithic RC columns and walls made in site, which transfer loads from roof, floors and walls to the foundation. Sizes of the columns were taken according to approximate calculation of one of them 100x50 cm concrete C30/37 was chosen for the column according with calculation and analysis of stability. The calculations are based on Euro code 2 Design of concrete structures, information from courses on “Design of Load-Bearing Structures” and “Special Load-Bearing Structures”, Study Aid for Design of Load-bearing Structures. pillars at the parking area are 30x30 which is enough for 2 story parking and division of these 2 parts is done with help of dilatation gap. and to provide the dilatation gap, the load bearing monolithic RC wall 300 mm thick was chosen. The density of the columns and shear walls were increased in comparing with the rest of the building such as outer walls. The spatial rigidity of the structure is insured by the concrete shear walls which are used to counter the effects of lateral load acting on a structure. They will be places around the elevator shaft with 15 and 20 cm thickness and there will be 2 main ones parallel to each other 10 meters long and 20cm thick.

Horizontal Loadbearing Elements : (slab and Beams) I choose to use flat RC monolithic slab with 25cm thickness, Concrete cover cnom=20 mm (The calculations were based on Euro code 2 Design of concrete structures, information from courses on “Design of Load-Bearing Structures” and “Special Load-Bearing Structures”, Study Aid for Design of Load-bearing Structures) Due to a longer span of 6 meter and special design of structural system I need to have beams which runs only in one direction, the load will transmit to beams and then through columns to foundation. There will be an edge beam as well supporting the cantilever part and closes the building perimeters. According to the calculation the main beams will be 50x65 cm which means 40-45 cm down standing. The down standing part do not disturb the whole design and in corridor area the gap between two beams are covered by suspended celling. (see the structural booklet for calculations)

Curtail wall : Curtain walls provide nicer and more elegant façade as long as they are making the building seems more specular. In case of my building in some external surfaces will be used which are not so visible and effective on the out look of the building but still it should be designed carefully. A great adventure of huge glass surfaces such as curtain wall is that natural light can penetrate deeper within the building, and it’s the most important fact that I consider to use curtain wall instead of windows. The curtain wall transfers the horizontal wind and rain forces that are incident upon it to the main building structural connections to the slabs. Curtain wall is designed in the way to resist air and water infiltration.(see details 7-8-9-10)

Roof : The load bearing element of roof structure is monolithic RC slab 25 cm thick. The flat roof type was applied for the building with different variation below: 1-Green roof(extensive) with gravel covering all around the parapets and pipes. law pants: grass, sedum or herbal Erosion control (wind blanket or jute mesh) 2-Access flat roof with concrete panel tiling and open joints there are concrete steps sitting on sand bedding 1,00x2,00 meter concrete tile 3- Access flat roof with timber boards this part is furnished and 30-40 cm shifted higher than rest of roof level. Method of water diversion is point wise(roof drains). Maximum area is 150 m2, maximum distance is 15 m between gullies. The points were selected to be next to the columns cause In this case they can be easily driven to swage network or turn into the closest shaft. The roof solution was chosen according with design of the building and consultation with Department of Building Construction.




General floor plan:

Structural Floor plan of under ground floor : Concrete quality of RC slab is C30/37 and B500 steel Same as columns and beams.




Structural Floor plan on General floors :

Structural Floor plan on 6th floor :


Partition walls : Calcium silicate units have proven themselves in use over decades and are among the most traditional of building materials. The beginnings of their production and initial applications go back to the year 1898. The calcium silicate block, a rediscovered classic among building materials, today enjoys tremendous popularity. Thanks to high pressure resistance, even the thinnest walls made of Silka calcium silicate units are highly resilient. Non-combustible, frost-resistant, weatherproof Silka calcium silicate units offer an optimal solution to ensure the stability and longevity of buildings. Sound in the form of noise is one of the few elements of structural physics occupants can directly sense. Thanks to high bulk density, Silka calcium silicate units are exceptionally sound-absorbent, guaranteeing a quiet, relaxing living environment. Manufacturing calcium silicate units requires comparatively little energy. The production process is environmentally friendly, causes no noise pollution, and is not otherwise hazardous to health. Sand and gravel pits can be re-cultivated after mining or used as natural habitats or recreational areas. The Silka building system includes small-, medium-, and large-size blocks and elements, exposed masonry, innovative building systems and prefabricated wall assembly kits and offers ideal application solutions for residential and commercial construction. The building material is used wherever it is necessary by using the slim wall constructions to ensure the high load capacity and high level of sound reduction index at the same time. Thanks to high bulk density, Silka calcium silicates blocks are exceptionally sound-absorbent, guaranteeing a quite and calm living. Through the storage of thermal energy and moisture contributes the material to healthy indoor environment. Highest load capacity, frost resistance, no flammability as well as secure and fast processing of Silka guarantee the high degree of safety. More info: http://www.xella.com/en/content/contruction_materials.php

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS E150/543 Nominal length x height in mm

997 x 543

Nominal length x height in mm

1000 x 545

Nominal thickness in mm


Number per m2


Maximum dimensional tolerance Weight per element in kg Normalized mean compressive strength in N/mm2 Rw Fire resistance

1 142,1 >25 50dB 200 min



Silka calcium silicate units make it possible to build slim walls that are both extremely stable and highly sound absorbent. In addition, Silka is excellent at storing heat and fulfils all current requirements for environmental protection and economy of modern buildings. The traditional and very dense, highly massive building material consists solely of natural raw materials: Lime, sand, and water.

Openings : Due to the room arrangements there should be floor to ceiling windows applied, the material of the frame is stainless steel… Stainless steel is defined as a series of steel alloys which include at least 10% chromium. Dozens of stainless steel alloys exist. By far the most common alloy used in door production is #304 which is composed of 18% chromium and 8% nickel. The #316 alloy is used with success in highly chlorinated environments such as public swimming pools or pulp mills and is composed of 16% chromium, 10% nickel, and 3% molybdenum. Contact AMBICO in order to help you to select the stainless alloy most appropriate to your project. Dimension of the opening is 180cmx 250cm. Out of 180cm – 120cm is open able window and other 60cm is fixed. Glass itself is double glazed. Which helps to avoid heat loss, and it increases sound insulation on the building.

Shading : Timber generally has a higher level of heat capacity relative to other construction materials and also uses less fossil fuel energy per unit during manufacture making it a greener product. Shading is made of PSL wood, and the shading is build out of 4x45cm panels which would fold to one corner. There is steel railing system which supports the shading elements and help them to move freely. -lets through little radiation -reflects most of the radiation -absorb little energy -can not radiates back to outside the absorbed heated well

Aspect of the design: -thermal behavior: darkening artificial lighting -day lighting: must not decrease -architectural: water proofing, maintenance -visual: look out, possibility of dim-out -aesthetic: determines the appearance of the building -economical: decreases cooling power demand There is a shading device installed behind the upper window frame from inside which provided 100% shade.

baluster : The baluster is made of glass but a stainless steel frame is holding it plus a tube handrail on the top. It is supported by sides and its 90cm higher than the floor level. Step out balcony : Since the dormitory is a comfort I thought maybe it would be nice to have a sort of balcony but a really tiny one which doesn’t disturb the elevation arrangement and on the other hand has it’s own function. I end up with the solution you see on the details, its 40 cm wide which is enough for stepping out have a smoke or get some fresh air, have a look out or to let resident to open and close the shadier easily.


External walls : The external wall is multilayer ventilated walls, 30cm RC wall is supporting the outer layers including the concrete panels and timber shadings. (see details) The concrete panel covering is fixed with help of railed fastening. Main rails are fastened to the slab beam and a secondary rails running vertically supporting the panels . Concrete panels manufacturer is IVANKA IVANKA coverings are produced with the well mastered technique of fine-casting concrete captures rich variety of textures, graphic details and visual appeal of patterns and ornamentation. A wide range of surfaces is available from the dead smooth surface to a rough or rustic appearance. Walled paper has all the advantages that a high performance quality concrete offers: durability, thermal and sound insulation, fire resistance, corrosion resistance and waterproofing. Walled paper can be fixed to existing walls ex. plaster, brick or wood. Ivanka has the added option for clients to create custom made one of a kind bespoke designs inspired by their love of graphics, or original artwork. For brands bespoke designs can be created in concrete to express unique branding statements, or on exterior cladding for the outside of buildings. Ivanka also offers consultancy on architectural concrete concepts, design and production. Dimensions are available at (3,0x1,0x0.02 m) (1,0x1,0x0.02 m) (1,2x0,8x0.02 m) (1,6x0,8x0.02 m) Efflorescence: is a natural phenomenon that may occur on the surface of concrete elements and it is more likely to happen under great humidity. It should not be considered as a defect and can be easily treated with polishing. Stone polishing machines are suitable for removing white clouds. Please make sure your concrete product is re-sealed polishing. IVANKA recommends Sopro MNP 704 sealer for this. (see http://www.panels.hu/)

Fixation external :

Joint + corner options

Timber sliding shedders.

Sample picture!

Ivanka Concrete Panels.



Fixation internal :

Sport flooring : Classic & economical wood sports system for all applications 56mm dynamic wood sports system for multisport facilities single batten system providing good shock absorption and return of energy quick and easy to install recommended applications: multisport facilities, education gymnasiums Compliant with EN 14904 Comfortable solution for medium and « heavy » athletes Long lasting and safe solution, thanks to the proteco lacquer which avoids risks of scratch's and guarantees a constant friction value over time and a perfect hygiene Sustainable sourcing and use: PEFC certificate, indoor air quality improved / TVOC less than 100µ per m3 (after 28 days) Approved by FIBA Structure 1. Multi-layer sports floor (22 mm) 3 strips / tongue and groove 2. Single batten system with PU foam included 3. Tarfilm Characteristic: Single joist system, with PU foam included continuously in backside for a better homogeneity. New joist interaxial (36 cm): faster to install. Sound box similar to double joist system for improved acoustic for players. 22 mm multilayer giving ideal dynamic system with optimal deformation for heavy athletes. The foam-backed joist system ensures a better return of energy to players for a more dynamic performance. Extremely durable thanks to the Proteco surface treatment Easy and quick installation Budget solution for all types of applications

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Shock absorption floors(EN 14808)


Vertical deformation floors(EN 14809)


Vertical ball rebound floors(EN 12235)


Resistance to static indentation floors(EN 1516) Total Thickness floors(EN 428)

0,07 56

Reaction to fire floors(EN 13501-1)


Total weight floors(EN 430)


Friction(EN 13036-4)


Wear layer thickness(EN 429)


Specular gloss


Behavior under a rolling roll(EN 1569)

unit <= 0.50 mm

Resistance to impact(EN 1517)

No degradation

Cleaning advise: The introduction of foreign elements, such as dust or gravel (creating mechanical abrasion) will cause damage to the flooring. We recommend the installation of antistatic door mats in the entrances of the sports hall and use of specific shoes in order to reduce this phenomenon. • Dust should be removed from the flooring by using a mop (dry) or a vacuum cleaner. Frequency: daily. • Wet cleaning can be carried out using a slightly damp gauze cloth ("bride's veil" type). Frequency: every 2 to 3 days. Tree species and Classification available : Oak OR Beech Installation: - The distance between 2 joist short ends must be 122 cm widthwise, on the same line the joists are placed end to end; this allows the wooden floor to shrink and swell without creating any weak line or points. - Some areas need to be reinforced (for instance the place where are located the mobile backstops), this operation is possible by using joists, their laying have to be done in accordance with the below drawing. - The reinforcement joists have to be installed between 2 Reflex Evolution joists. Their function consist in minimizing the top wooden covering deformation. - The boards of the strip flooring shall be fixed to battens using 40mm pins. Affix the board to the batten through the tongue. Position the staples at the back of the tongue and drive it diagonally (around from 30° to 45° angle) into the board (see diagram below). More info: http://professionals.tarkett.com/products/indoor-sports/smatch-it/reflex-m-evolution#nav-tab-1


GYM flooring : - High levels of sports performances complying with the requirements of the EN 14 904 standard. - PU foam on all the sub floor for a better underfoot comfort and acoustic insulation. - Soft and homogeneous solution with good shock absorption and vertical deformation ideal for light athletes thanks to the continuity of its resilient sub construction. - Adapted to renovation with 38 mm thickness.

General Flooring : The general flooring is synthetic resin covering which is easy to construct and clean. Looks simple and has a bight surface. In my case there will be light gray resin used which gives the atmosphere a greater look. combining hygiene, durability and performance, below I mention some advantage of Resin covering: -Heavy duty durable finishes to resist abrasion and impact -Wide standard color choice, with bespoke color options -Decorative designs for non-industrial environments -Optional color-matching service -Chemically resistant formulations -Slip-resistant variants for safety, providing peace of mind when specifying -Seamless, impervious and coverable resins for hygienic environments -Taint-free finishes available -Rapid curing options for limited downtime -Moisture tolerant polyurethanes and epoxies or in-system dpm for damp substrates -Specialist primers for contaminated subfloors -Free of charge biocide to assist hygiene -Temperature resistant and steam-cleanable grades available -Static control options for volatile or sensitive areas -Direct bonding to substrate for effective sealing and long term durability -Technical and on-site support Joints: The spacing of movement joints must be determined by the design of the subfloor. All live movement joints in the subfloor must be continued through the resin flooring. In all instances the type and positioning of movement joints should be agreed at the design stage between all parties concerned. Protection: Whilst of an extremely durable nature these floor systems must be thoroughly protected from the rigours and abuse that exist during the ongoing contractual works. The resin floor should reach full chemical cure in 7 days at 20C. Disposal: Due diligence must be adopted if accidental spillages occur. Recover using inert absorbent granules, transferring into a suitably marked container. Disposal of all empty containers and accidental spillages should be in accordance with the local waste disposal authority. Mixing Equipment: -Slow Speed Drill (200-500rpm), such as MM17 * -Mixing paddle, such as MR2 60B * More info: http://www.altro.co.uk/Altro-Mosaic



A new locking system, Tarkett 2-lock: Flexible - Easy to remove. Secure - 2 lock “makes� you do it right, right from the start. Quiet - No need for specialist tools Fast - Installers can cut installation times by up to 50%. Easy to lay - Even for non sports surface installation companies, as no specialist experience required. Tree species and Classification available : Oak OR Beech OR maple

Ceramic Tile : Ceramic tile Is just applied in few wet zones like toilet blocks, bathroom and showers. There I am using white 20*20cm tiles with inclination to gullies applied in the floor slab. There will be glue holding the tiles. -pointing out - keeping the require distance - glue lays on with coat rack sheet - leveling

Parquet : Inside the dorm rooms the floor covering is strip floor (Parquet) . Oak wood is preferred cause of its light color which gives a greater and brighter view to the room. Its easy to clean and considers as a warm floor covering. -22mm thick, 43-73cm width -tongue and grooved joint -made of 3 layers -the strips are bond -bolster axis 80-100 cm -easy cleaning -fix and changeable

Thermal Insulation:

Extruded PS foam (Plastic Foam) Dimension: 50/60 * 100/120 0,02-0,04 w/mK Density : 25-30 kg/m3

for flat room and basement.

Rock wool Dimension: 50/60 * 100/120 0,03-0,04 w/mK Density : 150 kg/m3

for the building cladding.

Water proofing : Modified bituminous is an evaluation of asphalt roofing. It is made from asphalt and a variety of modifiers and solvents. APP ( Atactic Polypropylene) Has a better dispersion of microscope and thus the polymeric phase is more continuous than the SBS for example. Cold flexibility : -20 C Self adhesive More walk able compare to SBS UV resistance without cracks Up to 150 C heat stability Liquid bituminous water proofing with 1-1,2 mm thickness for step out balconies are the most specific chose what I found since there will be screws going through it!



Conducted sound-gap Rolls are 10m/10cn/5-10mm Load 0,5n/mm-0,9n/mm Elastomer profiled sheet Load 0,3-0,5 n/mm ∆L = Correction = 23-36 db


Use: - For static dynamic load as well - For conducted sound - TH = 90min fire protection level




stair case is prefabricated according to the design of my building with 3,9 meter length and 1,30 meter width. Contains 2 flight which is supported by 2 beams on the each sides. Due to its long length the thickness of it is calculated at the factory and its 19cm. The covering is synthetic resin just same as general floor covering of the public zones . The beams which are supporting the stair is 30*40cm The rise of the stair is 16cm and the go is 30 cm 16 steps for a story The stair flights are sitting on the beams and to avoid the vibration of the flight we apply a soft rubber at their meeting point, this rubber has 1 cm thick and it lets the flight to be flexible a bit. From other hand this rubber plate is a acoustic separation too. (Schock Tronsole type F)

Layers : R1- underground floor Synthec resin Self leveling mass Concrete screed PE foil technological layer Sound insulaon - Austroterm LT-2 PS foam installaon bitumenous sheet waterproofing layer Synthec fleece underlayer RC slab Gravel Soil

0,5cm 0,5 cm 8 cm 2 layer 3 cm 6 cm 1 layer 1 layer 15 cm 20 cm

R2- underground wall Paint RC Wall Bituminous paint (grounding) Bituminous sheet Extruded PS thermal insulaon with glue Geotexle Drain Gravel Soil R3- undergroundd wall of parking Paint RC Wall PVC waterproofing layer Extruded PS thermal insulaon with glue RC Wall Paint R4- ceramic floor Ceramicles Glue Self leveling mas Concrete screed PE foil technological layer Soundinsulaon - Austroterm LT-2 PS foam installaon RC slab

0,5cm 0,5 cm 6 cm 1 layer 2,5 cm 2,5 cm 25 cm

R7- underground parking floor Synthec resin Self leveling mass Concrete screed RC slab Gravel Soil

0,5 cm 0,5 cm 8 cm 15 cm 20 cm

R8- terrace Stoneles Crushed stone Geotex drain sheet XPS foam Bituminous sheet Bituminous paint (grounding) Screed with 2% slope Rc slab

3cm 5-10 cm 1 layer 2 cm 16 cm 2 layer min.4cm 25 cm

30 cm 1 layer 12 cm 1 layer 8 mm 30 cm

30 cm 10 cm 30 cm

0,5 cm 0,5 cm 0,5 cm 5,5 cm 1 layer 2,5 cm 2,5 cm 25 cm

R5- parquee floor Parquet PE foam Self leveling mass Concrete screed PE foil technological layer Soundinsulaon- Austroterm LT-2 PS foam installaon RC slab

R6- resin floor Synthec resin Self leveling mass Concrete screed PE foil technological layer Sound insulaon - Austroterm LT-2 PS foam installaon RC slab

0,5 cm 0,3 cm 0,5 cm 6 cm 1 layer 2,5 cm 2,5 cm 25 cm

R9- Conrete facade cladding Paint RC beam Rockwoolthermalinsulaon mechanical fixing Stainless Steel frame + Air IVANKA Fine-casng concretepanel R10- Timber facade cladding Paint RC beam Rockwoolthermalinsulaon mechanical fixing Cement based cover Stainless Steel frame + Air Timber shadow

25 cm 15 cm

1,5 cm

25 cm 15 cm 1 cm 1,5 cm


R13- resin floor on first floor Synthec resin Self leveling mass Concrete screed PE foil technological layer Sound insulaon - Austroterm LT-2 PS foam installaon RC slab Rockwoolthermalinsulaon Concrete cladding

30 cm 1 layer 10 cm 2 cm 16 cm 2 layer 1 lyer min.4cm 25 cm


30 cm 1 layer 10 cm 6 cm 2 layer 1 layer min.4cm 25 cm

0,5 cm 0,5 cm 6 cm 1 layer 2,5 cm 2,5 cm 25 cm 10 cm 2 cm



R11- Green Roof Vegetaon and soil Synthec fleece Gravel Drain sheet XPS foam Bituminous sheet Synthec fleece Screed with 2% slope Rc slab R12- Green Roof top of parking Vegetaon and soil Synthec fleece Gravel Austrotherm XPS 30 Bituminous sheet Synthec fleece Screed with 2% slope Rc slab

















Architects design and implement complex plans as a prerequisite for construction projects. Once a design is passed, an architect is responsible for overseeing that the construction work is done appropriately. That is what I found important in this field; if I can invent a good construction solution, I can defiantly build anything. I also believe buildings are built to serve people it should not be other way! In other hand our environment effects who we are, when we are in a well designed environment, we live better and we live happier and basically that creates better world so I believe great design makes a better world and great design obviously needs a great designer


BME Budapest University of technology and Economics (faculty of architectural engineering) Master of science http://www.bme.hu/

’09 – Present

Avicenna International College-Budapest HU http://www.avicenna.hu/

’08 – ‘09


-Experiment different materials (both building & modeling) -Residential courses working on family house and multi-story building, -Getting on with public building design after learning the theory behind it -Then comes the urban design in small size as a park to oversize complex project. -It follows by two-tandem semester working on a building from all points of view (design, structural, building service Eng. and construction management).


Project Manager at Sepideh Daman Co. (Intern position)

Jan13 - Feb13 2months

Daily inspect of the project (residential complex) Inductor between contractors and mother company

Jun12 - Aug12 3months

General Manager at Mirmohana Shipping Co. (Family owned company)

Port registration for the ships and Clearance Crew Visa applications and office works matching the shipment and destinations


Sustainable Architecture - Organic Design Construction Detailing - Landscape Design - green buildings Mediterranean Architecture and design - solar energies Construction Planning and Site Layout - Project management


Adobe Photoshop-AutoCAD-Lumion-Artlantis Studio (Intermediate) ArchiCAD-SketchUp-Microsoft Office-Physical Modeling-Hand Drafting-Sketching (Advanced)


Listening Music -Cooking -Painting -Playing Volleyball -Visiting Exhibitions and book shops Reading books and magazines – Travelling


Schrammel Zoltan – Senior Architect Teacher at BME (Public Building Design Department) Email: z.schrammel@gmail.com _ Mobile: +3630 253 9113

Takas Lajos – Senior Architect Teacher at BME PHD (Building Constructions Department) Email: ltakacs@epsz.bme.hu

RASOUL DARYANAVARD rasouldaryanavard@gmail.com +36 70 977 1242 Online Portfolio :




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