Icon november 2016 john deere

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La disponibilidad y confiabilidad del WL56 son fundamentales para que Carnes Viba, S.A. mantenga los estrictos cronogramas de alimentación de su ganado.


El cargador de ruedas WL56 le ofrece la funcionalidad que necesita para su trabajo de construcción general, con la calidad y el soporte que usted espera para tener éxito. Está diseñado y fabricado por John Deere con componentes simples, que demuestran confiabilidad a largo plazo. Todo esto a un precio que ha sido una sorpresa agradable para un grupo diverso de empresas.

FIABILIDAD En la región Cintalapa de Chiapas, México, se encuentra el MVZ Medico César Cepeda Ruvalcaba. Con 34 años de experiencia, es el director de operaciones en un corral de engorda Carnes Viba, S.A. que contiene 54 corrales y una planta de alimentos. Uno de los desafíos más grandes que enfrenta Cepeda es mantener un programa de alimentación coherente para su ganado de gran tamaño. “Para mí, la durabilidad es muy importante en cualquier tipo de máquina porque nos permite mantener el proceso. En los corrales de engorde, los procesos deben ser muy estables. La manipulación debe ser lo más estandarizada posible porque la alimentación del ganado se realiza según el hábito, por lo que es muy importante que los animales reciban su alimento todos los días a la misma hora”. Con un motor Deere PowerTech™ trabajador y confiable, junto con un sistema de enfriamiento eficiente, el cargador WL56 ofrece la capacidad en la que Cepeda sabe que puede confiar. “Uno de los aspectos que más me gustan del cargador WL56 es que el proceso para el servicio de mezcla es muy preciso, debido a que tenemos diferentes suministros que componen la fórmula y es muy importante que cada uno de ellos sea lo más preciso posible, de acuerdo con la fórmula. Este equipo ayuda a lograr eso. Recomendaría el cargador WL56 porque es una máquina que nos ha dado grandes resultados en nuestros procesos”.

FUNCIONALIDAD Para Joe Titzer, de Titzer GCS, en Los Cabos, Baja California, el punto de venta clave del cargador WL56 es la capacidad para satisfacer las demandas únicas de su aplicación. “Mantenemos, creamos y agregamos el contorneado a los campos de golf en todo el mundo. Estoy orgulloso de que mi trabajo me permita crear cosas que nadie más puede crear. Y elegí John Deere por la máquina en sí misma: nada funciona como un producto de John Deere. Tiene mejores controles: es casi como una extensión de ti mismo”. ombas de engranaje doble proporcionan ujo hidráulico fiable La trans misión PowerShift™ automática y electrónica ofrece cuatro velocidades de avance y tres velocidades de retroceso. Y la cabina espaciosa y cómoda, con estructura protectora contra vuelcos ofrece todo lo que un operador necesita para mantenerse productivo durante un largo turno de trabajo. “Realmente me gustan las máquinas de John Deere por su comodidad; el operador puede operar la máquina durante 10 o 12 horas por día y aún así sentirse muy cómodo. Además, es una máquina más rápida. El cargador WL56 nos ha ayudado porque carga camiones de forma realmente rápida. No puede comparar los tiempos de ciclo de la máquina. Debemos mover una gran cantidad de material y es muy rápido y eficiente. “Si alguien está interesado en comprar una máquina ohn Deere, definiti vamente les aconsejaría que lo hagan. No puede comparar el precio y la calidad de la máquina”.

VALOR POR EL DINERO Grupo Empresarial Coyatoc es un grupo de empresas que está completamente dedicado a trabajar con entidades del gobierno. Una caracter stica que define a la empresa es la diversidad del trabajo que realiza, incluida la construcción de caminos, aeropuertos, edificios, escuelas, parques y muchas operaciones que utili an arena y grava. os reciben en sus oficinas scar Augusto Reyes rdoñe , CE , Alberto Reyes Estrada, Director de Control y Calidad y Andrés Reyes Estrada, erente de Procesos de peración. “Para el tipo de proyectos en los que trabajamos, que generalmente se realizan contra reloj, debemos resolver un problema o crear un proyecto en un tiempo determinado , dice scar Augusto Reyes rdoñe , CE de rupo Empresarial Coyatoc. “El equipo, su confiabilidad y durabilidad deben ser óptimas. Desde el momento en que descargamos el equipo en el lugar de trabajo, debe funcionar de la mejor manera posible, de forma eficiente y rápida . hasta ahora, el rendimiento del Cargador WL56 ha demostrado ser inmejorable. “La máquina ha trabajado por más de 1080 horas desde que la tenemos. Es una máquina nueva, pero las condiciones en las que ha estado trabajando han sido difíciles, con largos días y ha respondido de la manera más eficiente . El Cargador WL56 puede manejar hasta las condiciones más extremas. Está diseñado con una ingenier a superior, procesos de fabricación innova dores, materiales livianos y de alta resistencia para garantizar el máximo tiempo de actividad, mayor vida útil y menores costos operativos. Reyes dice, “El uso que hemos hecho del cargador WL56 ha sido real mente intenso y no esperábamos el rendimiento que hemos obtenido. Creo que la decisión de comprarlo fue la correcta. Recomendaría que si alguien está buscando comprar un cargador, tenga en cuenta el WL56. Tiene un buen precio y el rendimiento es óptimo para su capacidad”.


Además de participar en una amplia variedad de trabajos, el Grupo Empresarial Coyatoc valora la capacidad del WL56 de encargarse de casi todas las tareas.

La elocidad, la eficiencia y la facilidad de uso de los controles para el operador del WL56 ayudan a que GCS lleve a cabo proyectos que ninguna otra empresa puede realizar.

SERVICIO Y SOPORTE Además de proporcionar una máquina extremadamente capaz a un precio bajo, la amplia red de concesionarios de John Deere está comprometida a brindarle soporte a usted y a su operación. “Mi concesionario de John Deere nos brinda soporte con respuestas inmediatas”, dice Cepeda. “Cuando buscamos piezas o es tiempo de realizar mantenimiento, recibimos una respuesta rápida. Simplemente coordinamos el momento y ellos llegan el día y a la hora necesaria. El servicio prestado es muy preciso y eso garantiza que la máquina no deje de funcionar”. “El soporte es muy importante porque cuanto más demo ramos en conseguir piezas, menos dinero generamos” explica Titzer. “El servicio y soporte de John Deere son realmente buenos en cuanto a la disponibilidad de las pie as. Si algo falla, ellos están ah para ayudar. Si necesita mos algo, ellos lo tienen. Si no lo tienen, lo consiguen al día siguiente”.

“Cuando nuestra empresa decide qué marca usar, siempre tenemos en cuenta el servicio que esa marca nos proporciona”, dice Reyes. “De todas las marcas que usamos, creo que Deere ha sido la empresa que nos brinda la respuesta más rápida”.

Carnes Viba, S.A. recibe servicios de Dimasur, Chiapas. Titzer GCS recibe servicios de Dimanor, Los Cabos Grupo Empresarial Coyatoc recibe servicios de Dimasur, Chiapas. Vea el video (en inglés) en:





El cargador WL56 le da la funcionalidad que necesita para trabajos de construcción general con la calidad y soporte en que puede confiar para mantener su obra en movimiento. Es un equipo diseñado y fabricado por John Deere con componentes sencillos y probados de gran fiabilidad. Todo a un precio que será una agradable sorpresa. Consulte a su distribuidor John Deere para más detalles.


international construction NOVEMBER 2016 Vol 55 No 9

A KHL Group publication




Roadbuilding P27


Pumps P47




Large structures P39

ICON 11 2016 Front Cover.indd 1

04/11/2016 09:04:14

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04/11/2016 08:20:29

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y the time you read this, we will be living in a somewhat changed world. Barack Obama will no longer be the most powerful man in the world. It may be that the most powerful man in the world is a woman. It may be that the most powerful politician in the world is not a politician. The question “Which current US presidential candidate is best for the construction industry?” has been asked on numerous occasions and of numerous groups within the US construction industry. Towards the end of last year, Donald Trump was seen by many in the industry as the non-politician who could potentially bring something fresh to the jaded population on Capitol Hill; and, of course, he famously said, “I love construction, I love the whole thing. I can tell you more about Caterpillar tractors than the people that work there.” He may have won himself some industry friends with that soundbite, but I’m not sure quite how the engineers, designers and operators at Cat would have felt about the remark. In one survey, respondents who preferred Hillary Clinton spoke about her strong union ties and her economic know-how. Those who preferred Trump felt his business savvy and real estate knowledge would be good for US industry. In surveys of construction professionals I have seen from the latter part of last year, Trump generally came out on top; a surprise as the industry traditionally leans towards the Republican candidate. As the momentous day approaches, however – and, obviously, it’s now a two-horse race – Hillary’s standing in surveys has improved, but it’s generally too close to give any impression of how things will go overall, much as it is in today’s general populous polls. In fact, on the day I write this, one poll has Trump edging ahead – and that with just a few days to go. So, which candidate would be best for the construction industry? If polls of construction professionals can’t separate Hillary and Donald, who can? The one thing I would say is that a vote against the prevailing system can have unforeseen repercussions. Look at Brexit and ask yourself whether the majority of people in the UK really wanted to leave the European Union and go it alone. Well, here’s hoping for a sensible outcome…

Mike Hayes Editor

International Construction (USPS No: 021-895) is published 1st September 2016 by KHL Group and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Rd, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. Postmaster: send address changes to International Construction, PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437.

ISSN No: 0020-6415 USPS No: 021-895 © Copyright KHL Group 2016

The paper in this magazine originates from timber that is sourced from sustainable forests, managed to strict environmental, social, and economic standards. The manufacturing mill has both FSC & PEFC certification, and also ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditation.

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ICON 11 2016 Comment.indd 3

04/11/2016 09:07:28

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international construction I t International ti l C Construction t ti , iincorporating ti Construction Industry International and World Construction, is available free of charge on request to anyone who falls within the controlled circulation criteria. The official issue publication date is 10th November 2016. The magazine is published 10 times a year. It is available to anyone who does not meet the criteria at an annual subscription rate of UK£215, US$345, €260.

NOVEMBER 2016 Vol 55 No 9

construction A KHL Group publication





Roadbuilding P27


Pumps P47

Liebherr tower cranes at work (see p.39)




Large structures P39



Poor showing continues for Caterpillar...US to build major drones base in Niger...Runway expansion for UK’s Heathrow Airport...


Editor Mike Hayes e-mail: mike.hayes@khl.com Tel: +44 (0)1892 786224 Deputy Editor Joe Malone e-mail: joe.malone@khl.com Tel: +44 (0)1892 786211 Editorial Director Paul Marsden BSc Editorial Team Lindsey Anderson, Alex Dahm, Steve Ducker, Sandy Guthrie, Fausto Oliveira, Cristián Peters, Murray Pollok, D.Ann Shiffler, Euan Youdale Advertisement Manager Alister Williams e-mail: alister.williams@khl.com Tel: +1 312 860 6775 Corporate Clients David Stowe e-mail: david.stowe@khl.com Tel: +44 (0)1892 786217 Production & Circulation Director Saara Rootes Print & Digital Production Manager Ross Dickson e-mail: ross.dickson@khl.com Tel: +44 (0)1892 786245 Production Assistant Anita Bhakta e-mail: anita.bhakta@khl.com Tel: +44 (0)1892 786246 Design Manager Jeff Gilbert Events Design Manager Gary Brinklow Junior Print & Digital Designer Mitch Logue Commercial Director Paul Baker Finance Manager Alison Filtness Finance Assistants Josephine Harewood, Gillian Martin, Kate Trevillion Circulation Manager Helen Knight Office Manager Clare Grant Business Development Director Peter Watkinson Publisher James King




International Construction’s team looks back at a year in construction and the International Rental Conference gears up for its 4th outing, this time in China.




Oil prices are rising and the rubble is strenghening, but Russia’s economic woes are far from over, as Scott Hazleton reports.



While construction remains largely in decline across the CIS, their respective governments are green lighting major projects in an effort to stimulate growth.




In the past, it wasn’t rocket science. Now, however, the demands of building roads to last – and, of course, to do it quickly – call for some impressive technological intervention. Mike Hayes reports.



November is finally upon us and manufacturers pause for breath before the show begins. There’s no expense spared, as International Construction reports.




From east to west, construction equipment has proved pivotal to ensuring large structural projects reap the rewards, as Joe Malone reports.


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An industry that requires the most technical of details continues to thrive in competition between manufacturers. Joe Malone takes a look at the latest ideas on the market.



Ditch Witch launches new directional drill, and Volvo CE looks at the jobsite of tomorrow.


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ICON 11 2016 Contents.indd 5

04/11/2016 11:37:11



GERMANY Liebherr has announced the launch of two new rough terrain (RT) cranes, some 20 years after the firm was last active in this market. The new machines will be aimed largely at the North American market, which currently represents some 50% of the global RT crane market. W ith this in mind, the LRT 1090-2.1 (90-tonne capacity) and LRT 1100-2.1 (100 tonnes) cranes will be showcased at the ConExpo event in Las V egas in March 2017.

Third quarter results for Caterpillar show sales revenue has fallen short of analysts’ expectations

US/SWEDEN US-based contractor Fluor has formed a global strategic alliance with Swedish-Swiss technology firm ABB, to offer turnkey engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) proj ects.Combining ABB’s leading power and automation technology with Fluor’s experience in delivering large EPC proj ects, the alliance will look to win contracts for state-of- the-art electrical substation proje cts.

GERMANY Engine manufacturer De utz has signed an agreement with G enie for the supply of exchange engines. De utz ’s US subsidiary will supply G enie – a subsidiary of Terex – with exchange engines for reconditioning its aerial working platforms (AW Ps). De utz sells its exchange engines under the name De utz X change. US A Skanska jo int venture has signed a SEK 2.6 billion (US$ 307 million) contract to build the MidCoast Trolley light rail in San D iego, US. The jo int venture – Mid-Coast Trolley – will extend the route of the existing tramway from the Old Town Transit Centre to the University City. The 18.5 km-long proj ect will include the construction of nine new stations. Skanska said the new light rail would bring new options for commuters to work, universities and hospitals.

Poor showing continues for Cat


aterpillar released its financial results for the third quarter of 2016 this week, showing minimal signs of a recovery in the construction market. The firm announced a profit for the quarter of US$ 283 million, equating to 48 cents per share. This compares with a profit of US$ 559 million (or 94 cents per share) in the same period in 2015. While the firm announced a slight increase in sales of aftermarket equipment parts in the quarter, it was somewhat overshadowed by a 16% fall in revenue, down from US$ 11 billion to US$ 9.2 billion, and short of the US$ 9.8 billion anticipated by analysts. As Caterpillar announced its shares were down 1.7% at US$ 84.53, executives highlighted global economic weakness as a reason for a fall in sales demand, and also pointed to the glut of secondhand construction machinery on the market. Caterpillar vice president of finance Mike DeWalt said, “When demand goes down, dealers want to hold onto less. So that has put some downward pressure on our sales [to dealers]”. The company’s outgoing CEO, Doug Oberhelman – set to stand down in January and be replaced by Jim Umpleby – outlined signs of improvement in 2017, including rising commodity prices and a more positive outlook for the Chinese construction market. He said, “We’ve been through an awful, rough period the last four years, but I do think we’re set up for the future.” Currently undergoing a restructuring programme that could include the closure of up to 20 plants in the next two years, Caterpillar has already reduced its global workforce by over 14,000 people, to an estimated 108,800. It is also possible that the company will report a loss in its full-year results, due to pension and benefits costs that could total around US$ 2 billion, and that were not included in the outlook for this year.


US military to build major drones base in west Africa A military airbase in the city of Agadez in Niger, could cost the US government US$ 100 million. Although official reports put the cost at US$ 50 million, an investigative news site claims it has obtained documents showing the actual value of the base to be twice

this figure – with the additional financing, authorised by President Barack Obama, for the “operation and maintenance” of the base. The US government has agreed to pay for a 1,830 m paved asphalt runway at the base – capable of supporting C-17 cargo aircraft – as well as “associated pavements, facilities and infrastructure”. The base is reportedly set to house a number of MQ-9 Reaper drones, in response to the increasing threat of terrorism in the country. Niger is thought to be the only country in the region to have given its assent to the US military housing MQ-9 drones on its soil, meaning it could become an important hub for US military operations in Africa.


Equipment boost India’s is the only national market in Asia currently experiencing growth in construction machinery sales, according to industry organisation, VDMA. The Construction Equipment and Building Materials Machinery Association, in association with the German engineering federation, Verband Deutscher Maschinenund Anlganbau (VDMA), also forecasts continued growth within the Indian market for 2017 and beyond. One of the drivers for the standout performance of India’s construction industry is the Make In India programme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in September 2014; since its inception, the initiative has reportedly generated more than US$ 63 billion in foreign direct investment – largely directed towards infrastructure development. International development banks are also making billions available for significant projects, such as road and rail projects and bridges.

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ICON 11 2016 News.indd 6

04/11/2016 09:10:28


TURKEY Liebherr has released aerial footage from the construction site of the world’s largest airport in Turkey. The Istanbul New Airport, currently under construction in the European side of Istanbul, is utilising the 58 Liebherr tower cranes that constituted the firm’s largest ever order in 2015. Turkish contractor IGA started work on the first phase of the US$ 10 billion project in mid2014, with phase one completion due at the beginning of 2018. By this summer, 13,000 people and 2,000 construction machines were operating at the site. At a recent Liebherr media event in Biberach, Germany, Danyel Temizkan, managing director of Liebherr Makine Ticaret Servis in Turkey, said, “The successful completion of a project of this nature in Turkey will enable Liebherr to demonstrate its technical, logistical and financial capacities.” ■ See the video at khl.com


International Rental Conference China November 21, 2016 Shanghai, China www.khl.com/irc

Bauma China November 22 – 25, 2016 Shanghai, China www.bauma-china.com

Bauma ConExpo India Dec 12-15, 2016 Delhi, India www.bcindia.com


World of Concrete January 17 – 20, 2017 Las Vegas, USA www.worldofconcrete.com

Samoter February 22 – 25, 2017 Verona, Italy www.samoter.it





A legal wrangle is ongoing in the US, where the tallest concrete structure ever constructed in San Francisco is both sinking and leaning. The 58-storey, 196.5 m Millennium Tower in San Francisco has reportedly sunk 40.6 cm and is currently leaning 19.3 cm off of vertical at the top. The skyscraper, home to 400 luxury condominiums, opened with much fanfare in 2009, and has won numerous architecture and engineering awards. Developer Millennium Partners said the sinking was due to major excavation works taking place a few metres away, where a bus and rail hub is currently under construction. Millennium Partners says dewatering that took place when contractors began work on the center, caused the sand beneath the Millennium Tower to compact, causing the tower to sink. The Transbay Joint Powers Authority hit back, saying the issue was due “entirely to the failure of the foundation piles...to hit bedrock”.

Cement-making giant Cemex has released its third-quarter results for 2016, showing net income up to US$ 330 million, from US$ 286 million in the same period last year. The results represent Cemex’s fourth consecutive quarterly increase, which, the company said, was due to higher prices of its products, as well as the higher volumes sold, not only in Mexico, but also in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Perhaps significantly, the latest net income increase is the highest in a single quarter since 2008. The company’s consolidated net sales totalled US$ 3.6 billion in the quarter, up 4% on the comparable period in 2015, and net operating earnings increased by 25%, to US$ 551 million. Cemex chief executive officer, Fernando A. Gonzalez, said, “During the third quarter, we continued to deliver strong underlying operational and financial results by remaining focused on the variables we can control.”

A consortium of India’s Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Construction and Japan’s Sojitz Corp has secured the contract for a rail link in northern India. The contract, valued at INR 3,799 crores (US$ 569 million), includes the design and construction of a detour section of the Western Corridor freight route. The line, at the northern end of the corridor, will run through the states of Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The scope of the work for the consortium includes 315 km of railway line, 29 major and 240 minor bridges, a long tunnel, 2 traction sub stations, 321 track km of overhead equipment, supervisory control and data acquisition works and Intermediate block signalling at five Stations, as well as the supply of all associated equipment. This section will be designed for 25 tonne axle load track, 2x25 kV traction power system with high rise overhead equipment and Intermediate block signalling.

Leaning tower of SF

Cementing positivity

March 7 – 11, 2017 Las Vegas, US www.conexpoconagg.com

Railway link win for L&T

SMOPYC April 4 – 7, 2017 Zaragoza, Spain www.smopyc.es

APEX (International Access Equipment Exhibition) May 2-4, 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands www.apexshow.com

International Rental Exhibition (IRE) May 2-4, 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands www.IREshow.com

Plantworx 2017 June 6-8, 2017 Bruntingthorpe, UK www.plantworx.co.uk

BICES 2017 September 20 – 23, 2017 Beijing, China www.e-bices.org

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ICON 11 2016 News.indd 7

04/11/2016 09:10:40


Cat boss to retire in 2017 Caterpillar has announced that chairman and CEO Doug Oberhelman will retire on 31 March, 2017. Oberhelman has been part of the US equipment manufacturer for over 41 years, and led the company to its highest ever recorded sales and revenues in 2012. Caterpillar said that its departing chairman and CEO had improved the company’s product quality levels, increased its market position for machines and simplified its production capabilities through new lean management processes. The company’s board of directors have elected Jim Umpleby, Caterpillar group president with responsibility for energy & transportation, to succeed Oberhelman as CEO. Umpleby has worked for Caterpillar for 35 years and will join the Caterpillar board of directors and become CEO on 1 January, 2017.


Cimic in UGL takeover bid Australian construction giant Cimic has launched a surprise AU$ 525 million (US$ 395 million) takeover bid for rival firm UGL. Having already bought 13.4% of the company, Cimic has now offered AU$ 3.15 per share for the remainder, equating to a premium of 47% on UGL’s closing price of on Friday, October 7. UGL’s shares slumped recently, following losses incurred from contracts on the Icthys liquefied natural gas plant project in Western Australia. On revenue of AU$ 2.28 billion in 2015-16, the firm lost AU$ 106 million, but claimed that, taking the Icthys losses out of the equation, it made AU$ 33 million. With this in mind, the UGL board has advised shareholders to reject the Cimic offer. Furthermore, since the takeover bid from Cimic was announced, UGL shares have traded at a price above the Cimic offer.



Government backs plans for new runway at UK’s largest Airport - but no green light for another year

LafargeHolcim has agreed to sell its 54.3% stake in Chilean cement firm Cemento Polpaico. The deal will see LafargeHolcim – purported to be the world’s largest building materials producer – exiting the Chilean market completely. Following a public tender offer, local investment firm Caburga Limitada agreed to buy the stake in Cemento Polpaico for a reported CHF 220 million (US$ 225 million). The sale is a continuation of LafargeHolcim’s programme of divestment, which is anticipating a total of CHF 5 billion (US$ 5.1 billion) in asset sales by the end of 2017. Cemento Polpaico operates one integrated plant and two grinding plants with an annual cement capacity of 2.3 million tonnes. The company also produces ready-mix concrete and controls 25 facilities.

Runway expansion ‘yes’ for Heathrow


he UK government has backed a new runway at London’s Heathrow Airport, and the scheme will now be taken forward in the form of a draft national policy statement (NPS) for consultation. The government said it was the first full-length runway in the South East of England since the Second World War. It said that expansion costs would be paid for by the private sector, not by the taxpayer. It will be for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), as the independent industry regulator, to work with Heathrow Airport, and airlines operating at the airport, on the detailed design and costs to ensure the scheme remains affordable, it said. The government said that the airport expansion would be delivered through a “thorough, faster planning process” under the 2008 Planning Act and 2011 Localism Act. It said it would set out the airport scheme it wanted, along with supporting evidence, in its NPS. Public and Members of Parliament will be consulted and there will be a vote in the House of Commons in about a year’s time. This will be followed by a planning application by the airport to the Planning Inspector who will take a view and advise government of his decision. Final sign off will be by the Secretary of State for Transport, and then construction will start. The Heathrow scheme includes plans for improved public transport links and for an ultra-low emissions zone for airport vehicles by 2025. DUBAI UK construction company Laing O’Rourke has been awarded the contract to build a new retail and hospitality complex in Dubai, UAE. The project – developed as a joint venture between Emaar Properties and Dubai World Trade Centre – is part of the EXPO 2020 Dubai South masterplan. The complex will include a 216,340 m² shopping mall with car parking and two hotels. Construction will begin later this year and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2019. Mark Andrews, managing director for Laing O’Rourke’s Middle East business, said, “It’s very exciting to be named preferred bidder for the new retail and hospitality development as it will be one of the main lifestyle hubs in the heart of one of the largest developments in the Middle East. “The masterplan for Dubai South is impressive and we look forward to working alongside the client and all stakeholders to ensure this project is delivered to the highest quality.”

LafargeHolcim to exit Chile with sale


Komatsu in four new locations Manufacturer Komatsu America Corp has announced the purchase of four branches of US-based Road Machinery LCC, which will become Komatsu-owned facilities under the Komatsu Southwest banner. Komatsu America said the four locations – El Paso, Carlsbad, Albuquerque and Farmington – would support Komatsu’s longterm strategic plans to grow and strengthen the distribution channel. The price of the deal has not been disclosed by Komatsu. Rod Schrader, CEO, Komatsu America, said, “We will more than double the investment in equipment, tooling and training at these locations. “We see this as an opportunity to improve the linkage of our customers to our factory experts with added customer support and responsiveness.”

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04/11/2016 09:10:55


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04/11/2016 08:22:32

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04/11/2016 08:23:15



KOREA The stocks of the Doosan Group companies have fallen, following news of a delay to the anticipated listing of Doosan Bobcat. On October 10, Doosan Infracore shares were down over 13% on the previous day, while Doosan Engine, Doosan Corp and Doosan Heavy Industries were down between 6% and 12%. An spokesman for the company said, “There were several factors for our decision to postpone the IPO, including an excessive amount of shares to float.”

EUROPE A new survey of contractors has shown their international revenue rising to almost €180 billion (US$ 198 billion), up 9% compared with 2014. European International Contractors (EIC) says the rise in international revenue of contractors affiliated to its member federations is mainly due to growth in non-OECD countries, but also within Europe and in North America. International revenue, calculated without revenues from Europe, North America and Australia, grew to €62.5 billion (US$ 47 billion) – up 18% yearon-year.

POLAND Optimism in the Polish construction market has dipped following a slowdown in construction projects, according to research firm PMR. Its report, Construction sector in Poland H2 2016 – Development forecasts for 2016 to 2021, said the confidence index for the Polish construction market stood at 7.7 in September, which was down from 19.9 in 2015.


Orders up, sales down

China reacts to EU steel import duties Commerce Ministry of China denounces ‘rash’ action after accusation of dumping cheap steel


hina has reacted strongly to the announcement from the European Union that it will levy import tariffs of up to 73.7% on its steel, in response to what it has called ‘dumping’ of the product on the European market. The steel industry in Europe has been suffering for a number of years, with some 85,000 jobs reported to have been lost since 2008. A statement from the European Commission said its investigations confirmed that “Chinese products had been sold in Europe at heavily dumped prices”. However, in a Commerce Ministry statement, China hit back at both the accusation and the measures taken by the EU, saying, “Rashly taking such wrong steps as trade protection and restricting fair market competition is not the right direction for development of the European Union steel industry”. The statement went on to say that Chinese steel accounts for only 5% of the European market and could not, therefore, be responsible for affecting prices. The EU duties apply to both heavy steel plates and hot-rolled steel.


Plans for city power plant Saudi-based oil giant Saudi Aramco has announced plans to build a new steam-powered power plant in the city of Jizan, on the country’s southwest coast. As the kingdom’s electricity demands increase, Aramco has reported its ambitions to commission almost 132 GW of power by the end of 2021. As part of this capacity growth, the project at Jizan will include the


construction of an air separation unit (asu) at the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant. The ASU will provide large volumes of oxygen for the gasification process at both the Jizan Refinery and the IGCC power plant. Siemens recently completed the manufacture of an integral geared main air compressor rotor.

Exchange rates: November 2016 VALUE OF 1: SYMBOL Australian Dollar AU$ Brazilian Real BRL British Pound UK£ Chinese Yuan CNY Euro € Indian Rupee INR Japanese Yen YEN Mexican Peso MXN Russian Ruble RUR Saudi Riyal SAR South African Rand ZAR South Korean Won KRW Swiss Franc CHF US Dollar US$ For example: US$ 1 = AU$ 1.31

AU$ 2.47 1.62 0.194 1.46 0.020 0.013 0.068 0.021 0.349 0.098 0.001 1.35 1.31

BRL 0.40 4.00 0.479 3.60 0.049 0.031 0.167 0.051 0.864 0.242 0.003 3.33 3.24

UK£ 0.618 0.250 0.120 0.90 0.012 0.008 0.042 0.013 0.216 0.060 0.001 0.83 0.810

CNY 5.16 2.09 8.3 7.51 0.101 0.065 0.349 0.106 1.803 0.504 0.006 6.95 6.76

€ 0.687 0.278 1.11 0.133

INR 51.0 20.6 82.4 9.88 74.2

YEN 79 31.9 128 15.3 115 1.5

0.013 0.009 0.646 0.047 3.45 5.34 0.014 1.05 1.63 0.240 17.805 27.573 0.067 4.979 7.711 0.001 0.058 0.090 0.93 68.69 106.38 0.9 66.77 103.4

MXN 14.77 5.97 23.9 2.86 21.5 0.290 0.187

RUR 48.5 19.6 78.4 9.40 70.6 0.951 0.614 3.28

SAR 2.86 1.16 4.63 0.555 4.17 0.056 0.036 0.194 0.059

0.305 5.160 16.941 1.443 4.738 0.280 0.017 0.055 0.003 19.91 65.36 3.86 19.35 63.53 3.75

ZAR 10.24 4.14 16.6 1.984 14.90 0.201 0.130 0.693 0.211 3.58 0.012 13.80 13.41

KRW 874 353 1414 169 1272 17.1 11.1 59 18.0 305 85 1178 1145

CHF 0.742 0.300 1.20 0.144 1.08 0.015 0.009 0.050 0.015 0.259 0.072 0.001 0.972

Volvo Construction Equipment (CE) has reported a fall in sales for the third quarter of 2016 despite an improved order intake. Orders rose by 17% in the same period, while Volvo CE’s operating margin for the three months also grew from 4.8% to 5.2% But outside Europe, this failed to translate into a similar result in turnover, with net sales down 3% overall and 2% when adjusted for currency fluctuations. Despite higher orders in France, Germany, South America and Asia, lower orders were reported from Norway, Russia and the Middle East. Total sales were just over SEK11.5 billion (US$1.3 billion). Adjusted operating income was SEK601 million ($67 million). “Despite continued low demand, operating margin improved slightly in the third quarter,” said Volvo CE president Martin Weissburg.

US$ 0.763 0.309 1.23 0.148 1.11 0.015 0.010 0.052 0.016 0.267 0.075 0.001 1.029

Terex reveals its Q3 results Terex Corporation has announced third quarter 2016 income of US$33.3 million, or $0.31 per share, on net sales of $1.1 billion. This compares with income from operations of $30.3 million, or $0.28 per share, on net sales of $1.3 billion for the same period a year earlier. Adjusted income for the third quarter of 2016 (excluding charges relating to restructuring, divestiturerelated activity and tax benefits) was $20.5 million, or $0.19 per share. This compares to $48.3 million or $0.44 per share in the third quarter of 2015. John Garrison, Terex president and CEO, said, “Our aerial work platforms (AWP) and materials processing (MP) segments performed in line with expectations, while our cranes segment performance was negatively impacted by more challenging markets than we anticipated and operational factors.” Garrison added, “The global capital equipment market remains challenging.”

november 2016 internationalconstruction 11

ICON 11 2016 News.indd 11

04/11/2016 09:11:04

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04/11/2016 08:23:49


A year in review International Construction’s editor, Mike Hayes, and deputy editor, Joe Malone, have produced a video, outlining some of the important areas of growth in the global construction market, and giving insight into the direction it might take over the next 12 months and beyond. The short film draws on various sources of information, including economic data from IHS Global, which regularly appears in the magazine itself, and statistics from Off-Highway Research, the consultancy firm specialising in the analysis of global construction equipment sales. In the presentation, the pair move region-by-region around the world, giving an overview of how and why construction markets are performing above or below expectations, as well as outlining the risks and business rationale behind pitching for construction contracts in specific parts of the world. The video is available to view now in the videozone of khl.com

See you in Shanghai The editorial team of International Construction, as well as those of other KHL construction titles, will be present at this year’s Bauma China event in Shanghai. During the show, KHL will be preparing two daily digital newsletters for the show, and we would be happy to include information from exhibitors showcasing new equipment or services at the event. Press releases, along with relevant images, should be emailed to mike. hayes@khl.com as far in advance as possible (we will, of course, respect embargoes). Alternatively, you can come and see us at the show itself; we will be on stand 536 in Hall W1. In the meantime, we wish all of you attending an enjoyable and profitable time in Shanghai.

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Coming up: IRC heads east


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The 4th International Rental Conference in Shanghai includes stellar speaker line-up


aking place for the fourth time in Shanghai in 2016, the event has already built a reputation as a great venue for networking and education. Senior rental professionals – managers and owners of rental businesses – attend, attracted by a programme featuring rental experts from all over the world. Speakers at this year’s conference include: Desmond Soh, VP/GM – Asia, with JLG Industries, who will discuss rental trends in Asia; Matt Fearon, President of Terex AWP/Genie, USA, who will talk about lessons China can learn from mature rental markets; Bill Whitehouse, COO with Kennards Group, Australia, who will describe building a market leading rental business; and Cyril Drouin, Chief eCommerce Officer for Greater China with Saatchi & Saatchi, on creating “ A great event, bringing B2B eCommerce businesses. Industry analyst David Phillips, together key elements from Off-Highway Research, will offer insights into both Chinese and of the industry to better global construction machinery sales, while Mrs Zhang Yan Na, President understand where the of the Machinery Management and Rental Branch of the China China aerial and rental Construction Industry Association, markets are today and the will give the welcome address. The full IRC roll call of speakers truly great opportunities of and the programme of the event itself will be bolstered by its timing, tomorrow! ” taking place the day before Asia’s largest construction exhibition, JIM BARR, Vice President/General Bauma China. Manager – China Sales & Service, Full details are available at khl.com Terex AWP

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Monthly podcast Every issue of iC is accompanied by a podcast, which can be downloaded from iTunes for free. Alternatively you can listen to it on the Podcast page of www.khl.com, or click on the image below in the iPad edition of the magazine. Each podcast sees iC editor Mike Hayes and deputy editor Joe Malone look at key stories, including the news making the headlines at the front of the magazine to more in-depth discussions stemming from features. Go to ‘Podcasts’ under the ‘Audio & Video’ tab of www.khl.com or scan the QR code to access Podcast page.

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ICON 11 2016 KHL page.indd 13

04/11/2016 09:11:44

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04/11/2016 08:24:42


There may be troubles ahead Oil prices are rising and the ruble is strengthening, but Russia’s economic woes are far from over, as Scott Hazelton reports. offers significantly higher risk with below-average growth prospects, not just globally but also for the Eastern European region. Only beleaguered Ukraine offers worse prospects for construction companies.

Losses Real total construction spending in Russia declined 7.6% in 2015. Residential construction decreased 6.1% while nonresidential construction declined by 8.2%. Total construction spending is expected to post a 6.5% loss in 2016, followed by flat spending in 2017. Nor do we expect a strong turnaround in the medium term. Construction spending in Russia will experience a 0.1% compound annual increase between 2015 and 2020, with the infrastructure segment as the “strongest” segment. In the longer run, growth will pick up to a 2.8% compound annual growth rate between 2020 and 2025, with nonresidential structures driving growth. Russian consumer demand is driven by household purchasing power, and stubbornly high inflation is cutting deeply into it. Real residential construction declined 6.1% in 2015, and is expected to decrease 9.2% in 2016. Russia’s residential sector is expected to decline at a 2.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2015 and 2020. In the longer run, residential

Long-term outlook Real spending on construction of nonresidential structures in Russia posted a 9.0% loss in 2015 with commercial construction realising the smallest decline, down 5.7%. Growth was weakest in the industrial segment, which declined 12.1%. We anticipate nonresidential structures spending will decline 6.7% in 2016 before modest growth of 1.1% in 2017, led by office construction. Over the next five years the outlook for nonresidential structures construction in Russia calls for 0.4% compound annual growth. Spending on


Eastern Europe: Total real construction spending 2016 SPENDING GROWTH 2010 US$. CAGR 2015 - 2020


he Russian economy continued to contract through the first half of 2016, but the pace has slowed as oil prices and the ruble have regained some lost ground, and the economy has adapted somewhat to new conditions. Still, it remains premature to expect the Russian economy to improve significantly, although the magnitude of year-on-year (y/y) downturns has diminished. GDP in the first quarter of 2016 (down 1.2% y/y) and the second quarter (down 0.6%) showed the rate of contraction slowing, and other high frequency data support this trend. There are several factors at work. Oil prices have regained some ground, and the government is pursuing an anti-crisis programme. Additionally, the weakened ruble has boosted the competitiveness of Russian manufacturing, including in the domestic market vis-à-vis imports. While still facing some difficulties in borrowing from Western capital markets, Russian entities have turned elsewhere, particularly China. We do not believe sanctions will be substantially rolled back or oil prices will appreciate significantly in the near term. Furthermore, the impact of the Brexit vote on European and global economic activity and increased volatility in capital markets will weigh on Russian aggregate output. We expect GDP to contract a further 0.7% in 2016. A modest resumption of growth is seen in 2017, but with only a 0.8% increase. Owing to reduced economic activity and receipts from the energy sector, fiscal revenues are slipping and will not cover expenditure commitments for 2016–17. In the face of expansive social spending and public-sector investment programmes, the Russian fiscal position remains particularly vulnerable to protracted weak commodity prices via the effects on tax revenues from the oil and gas sector. International tension, finances and a lack of transparency in business practices create a relatively high risk for construction companies in Russia. The following chart looks at the risk associated with a long term investment project in Russia compared with other Eastern European economies. The construction risk score is an indication of long-term investment risk, including such factors as ability to repatriate earnings, enforce contracts and protect intellectual and physical property, as well as the stability of the workforce and prices. The cross-hairs indicate global average risk and growth. Russia quite clearly

construction spending will increase at a 1.4% CAGR from 2020 to 2025. The Russian population is dwindling and ageing with low birth rates and high infant mortality in the late-Soviet and transition eras. According to UN demographic projections, the Russian population aged 15–49 will decline 20.9% between 2015 and 2045. Russian policymakers are concerned that labour shortages will handicap the economy and have struggled to formulate policies to encourage a higher birth rate, including maternity payments and investment in expanded and improved childcare facilities. At the same time, the ranks of pensioners will swell, placing a heavier burden of social taxation on workers and employers. Investment in fixed capital in Russia will continue to contract in the near term owing to tight credit conditions and the erosion of business confidence. Turmoil in global financial markets has also dampened the flow of capital into the country, and capital continued to leave Russia on a net basis through early 2016. This reflects heightened uncertainty about global commodity prices and the effects on the exchange rate and inflation, as well as reduced profitability of domestic enterprises and, not least, geopolitical tensions that have resulted in sanctions severely limiting access to external financing.

5 4

Global Median

3 2 1 0 -1 -2








● Hungary ● Ukraine ● Czech Republic ● Russia ● Bulgaria ● Slovakia ● Romania ● Poland november 2016 internationalconstruction 15

ICON 11 2016 Economic Outlook.indd 15

04/11/2016 09:13:24


About IHS Established in 1959, IHS is the leading source of information, insight and analytics in critical areas that shape today’s business landscape. Businesses and governments in more than 150 countries around the globe rely on the comprehensive content, expert independent analysis and flexible delivery methods of IHS to make high-impact decisions and develop strategies with speed and confidence. Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, USA, IHS is committed to sustainable, profitable growth and employs about 8,800 people in 32 countries around the world.

Growth in real (2010) construction spending by structure type 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% -15% -20%



Residential office construction will lead during this period, increasing at a 1.6% CAGR, while industrial construction spending growth will be the weakest. Real infrastructure construction spending in Russia decreased 7.0% in 2015. Spending on transportation infrastructure realised strong growth, with a gain of 5.5%, while the weakest performer for the year was energy construction. Infrastructure construction spending is expected





to decline by 3.7% in 2016 followed by 3.0% growth in 2017. Over the next five years Russia’s infrastructure segment faces compound annual growth of 1.6%, with the energy sector remaining a challenge. In the longer run, infrastructure construction spending in Russia will experience a 3.1% CAGR from 2020 to 2025, led by spending on transportation projects. Taken together, Russian construction spending







Infrastructure will post declines once more in 2016 with only token growth in 2017. Even the medium term calls for anemic improvement. Russia’s abundant natural resources suggest that long run growth should improve, but limited capital investment, due to sanctions and a poor business environment, will constrain Russia’s ability to translate improving oil and other commodity demand into new construction. iC

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16 internationalconstruction november 2016

ICON 11 2016 Economic Outlook.indd 16

04/11/2016 11:38:05

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04/11/2016 08:25:32





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04/11/2016 08:26:15


Always darkest before dawn While construction remains largely in decline across the CIS member states, their respective governments are green lighting major projects in an effort to stimulate growth. Mike Hayes reports.


t’s not difficult to make a depressing case for the construction market in Russia and the majority of the CIS nations. In Russia, we see a combination of a generally poor business environment, a weak ruble, economic sanctions by the West, the continuing low oil prices… not the healthiest picture. Construction spending in Russia contracted by 7.6% in real terms in 2015. Clearly, 2016 has also been challenging for the industry, with further significant contraction expected by yearend, before the potential for some recovery in 2017. Research firm PMR estimates cement consumption in Russia totalled about 63 million tonnes in 2015, down from 71.5 million tonnes in 2014. At the same time, cement output contracted by 10%, to 61.8 million tonnes. It now appears that many medium- and long-term infrastructure development projects that had been approved by the government and local authorities up to mid-2014, will be reined in until well into 2017 at the earliest. By the end of this year, the oversupply of cement is estimated to exceed 20 million tonnes – which is more than 25% of the record cement consumption seen in 2014. There is unquestionably a good deal of doom and gloom in the industry, but there is also a sense that the market has reached rock bottom and the only way now is up.

The Russian government has a huge job on its hands to turn its current 60 MW solar output into 1.5 GW by 2020

The Russian government has certainly shown a willingness to move forward with renewable energy projects and has, over the past few years, introduced legislation to encourage growth in the sector, as well as providing subsidies for the potential generation of 1,250 MW of power from solar projects, as well as 1,200 MW of wind power and 592 MW of hydroelectric power.


Workers on the Chernobyl project inspect the internal seals of the New Safe Confinement structure

The New Safe Confinement unit at Chernobyl, ready to be moved into position over the damaged reactor

november 2016 internationalconstruction 19

ICON 11 2016 Regional Report - CIS.indd 19

04/11/2016 09:16:42

REGIONAL REPORT: CIS NATIONS Unfortunately, due largely to the devaluation of the Russian ruble, a number of renewable energy projects have recently been shelved, and getting them back on track could take some time. For example, contracts have been cancelled for two solar power plants with the overall capacity of 30 MW in Astrakhan Oblast, which were initiated in 2013 by local company Sun Energy. In August this year, however, a conglomerate of Russian companies known as Solar Energy was given the green light to develop six solar power plants, each with a 15 MW capacity. The plants will be located in the country’s southern part of the Astrakhan region and Solar Energy will initially invest around US$ 185 million into the projects. To date, Russia’s solar energy output totals just 60 MW, although its stated aim is to achieve at least 1.5 GW of installed photovoltaics by 2020.

The historic Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, with construction workers operating beneath the newly-extended roof

Chernobyl NSC One project in the energy arena that cannot afford to be suspended is now heading for completion in Ukraine – at Chernobyl. Bechtel is part of an international team of contractors, undertaking the complex and highly hazardous effort to contain the radioactive Chernobyl reactor that was destroyed by the worst nuclear accident in history. The accident took place in 1986, but was rapidly sealed within a temporary 21-storey sarcophagus. Last month, the giant walls dividing units 3 and 4 of the nuclear power plant were completed. On these walls, made from 9,600 m3 of concrete and 1500 tonnes of reinforcing steel rebar, will sit the New Safe Confinement (NSC) – a gigantic arch that will eventually rise to a height of 110 m. The NSC, constructed by the Novarka consortium – which is led by French construction companies Bouygues and Vinci – is 165 m long, with a span of 260 m and a total weight of 30,000 tonnes, will be moved into position this month. Bechtel’s Laurin Dodd, MD of the Shelter Implementation Plan, said, “There have been a number of challenges, but there’s an overarching theme, which is the overall environment we are working in. “When the work started here, of course, we were working with much higher radiation levels that are much higher than people normally have to work with, as well as other hazards. “One of the things we’ve developed is this pad that’s reduced the contamination levels considerably and allowed people to work without special clothing.” Dodd is referring to the 84,000-square-metre concrete pad on which the confinement arch is assembled. It is said to be contamination free, although each member of staff working in the area has an emergency

Stalform has introduced a huge amount of stabilising falsework to the Luzhniki stadium project

r respirator, in case sensors detect rradioactive particles blowing across the ssite. Dodd continues, “For me personally, what makes this an interesting project is w tthe fact that almost everything we do is first of a kind. We’re doing things that nobody has ever done before. “For the international community, the biggest impact [of the project] is that it’s going to demonstrate to the world that countries can work together in addressing the consequences of a rare but very terrible nuclear accident.” With a life expectancy of 100 years, the installation of the NSC at Chernobyl will close a particularly horrific chapter in Ukraine’s history, if only temporarily.

Luzhniki Stadium

Work on the new north terminal at Sheremetyevo airport is driving forward ahead of the Fifa World Cup in 2018

On a more upbeat note, formwork specialist Stalform is working with main contractor Gelar Group on the reconstruction of the Luzhniki football stadium in Moscow, in preparation for the Fifa World Cup 2018. While the historic façade of the stadium is being retained, the rest of the structure has been dismantled and is being replaced by an interior that meets Fifa regulations. The new stadium, scheduled for completion by late 2017, will grow from 78,000 capacity to around 81,000. The fact that the exterior walls and much of the roof are being retained has made the job of creating the new stands much more complicated, as tower cranes cannot be utilised, only smaller mobile cranes. For some aspects of this unusual project, construction technology had to take a great leap backwards, as members of the 2,000-strong workforce were reduced to knocking out crumbling bricks from the original structure one by one, to help with stabilising the structure. By 2014, all non-weight-bearing internal structures had been dismantled. Following this, enhancements included extending the roof overhang by 11 m. This alone required the manufacture of 460 tonnes of metal supports. As part of its contract, Stalform was tasked with the concreting of all communication conduits in the foundation, walls and columns of the new structure; to do this the company used modular steel panel formwork, with closed section profile.

Sheremetyevo Airport Another construction boost for Moscow comes in the shape of the new northern terminal of Sheremetyevo airport. Along with the new terminal will come a rail line and terminal, plus


20 internationalconstruction november 2016

ICON 11 2016 Regional Report - CIS.indd 20

04/11/2016 09:17:06

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26/10/2016 09:08 04/11/2016 08:27:05



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04/11/2016 08:27:26

REGIONAL REPORT: CIS NATIONS next stage of development for the SEZ is the construction of a new city with an anticipated population of 100,000 people.

Almaty-Khorgos road

affiliated roads renovation and infrastructure installations. A subterranean rapid automated passenger transportation system is also being developed by Doppelmayr Garaventa Group, to connect the north and south terminals. With construction due to run directly beneath currently operating runways, two 2.1 km tunnels, each with a diameter of 6.28 m, are expected to carry around 11 million passengers and 5.9 million units of luggage per year. Again, this major project is scheduled for completion ahead of the 2018 football world cup.

The KhorgosEast Gate Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is set to become a major transit hub for international trade

The movement of freight both within and through Kazakhstan will be helped further by the expansion of its highway between Almaty and Khorgos. Currently, the two-lane highway runs to 355 km, but the redevelopment will see the road both straightened and widened to four lanes. A Korean consortium, KEC, has won the contract to advise on the project and intends to introduce Korea’s advanced intelligent transportation system (ITS), which involves the regular GPS monitoring of traffic flow and innovative traffic management developments. An official from the KEC said, “Even though the KEC offers a bidding price, which is more than 15 percent higher than the competitor, Egis in France, the KEC was selected as the final choice to carry out the business due to its high scores in technology. It is meaningful because the superiority of the domestic toll collection system and the domestic ITS technical skills were recognized around the world.”



While the general economic situation in Kazakhstan differs only very slightly from that of Russia, it hasn’t prevented the birth of a new and extremely ambitious development project on the country’s southeastern border with China. As it stands, the Khorgos-East Gate Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is becoming a transit hub for international trade; in the future, it is expected to host an international distribution centre of goods for export to Russia, Central Asia, Turkey and the Gulf. The potential for the zone, as part of the Chinese-initiated One Belt One Road (Obor) network is clear, which explains CEO Karl Gheysen’s comparison when he said, “We’re building a new Dubai.” The project, for the next years, is being managed by DP World, which also runs the Jebel Ali port and free trade zone in Dubai. Gheysen said, “Here at the border with China we have what we call in logistics an event.” At Khorgos-East Gate, as freight trains enter the country from China, the rail gauge narrows by 85 mm, so cargo must be transferred to a local train before it can continue. Obviously, the same is also true of freight moving in the opposite direction. This takes place at the Khorgos Inland Container Dock, a 129.8 hectare development within the SEZ, which currently processes around 200,000 containers. The plan is to increase this capacity to more than 500,000 containers a year by 2020. With the second phase of the dry port complex recently completed, the

In Turkmenistan, Turkish contractor Polimeks is one of the most active construction firms, either international or domestic. Having recently completed the development of the awardwinning US$ 2.25 billion international airport in the capital, Ashgabat, the company will soon complete construction work on the city’s US$ 5 billion Olympic complex. The general concept of the 1.46 million m2 complex – which includes a 45,000-capacity stadium, a 15,000-capacity indoor arean and a 5,000-capacity aquatics centre – was designed by Polimeks. As well as residences for up to 12,000 athletes, the complex also includes two hotels with a total capacity of more than 1,200. Polimeks is set to deliver the project on time and within budget, even it was apparently hindered by a number of challenges from the outset. The area on which the complex now stands was originally a quarry, and the company’s first job was


Map showing Kazakhstan’s position at the heart of the new trade route between China and Europe november 2016 internationalconstruction 23

ICON 11 2016 Regional Report - CIS.indd 23

04/11/2016 09:17:25

REGIONAL REPORT: CIS NATIONS An artist’s impression of the complete Olympic complex in Ashgabat, including the multi-sports stadium

Built by Polimeks, the iconic falconshaped main terminal building at Ashgabat International Airport in Turkmenistan

to excavate some 3 million m3 of rubbish and rubble, before backfilling it with engineering material. Another logistical problem was that, at the height of the construction phase, there were up to 15,000 people working on site. Polimeks’ deputy regional manager and project manager for the scheme, Osman Karakus, said significant planning had to go into getting people on and off the site at the start and finish of shifts, “because we are in the middle of a city and we only have a few access points to the site. Things like the cafeteria and meal times take a lot of work - we have to get 14,000 people sitting down and fed.” In terms of equipment, an average day on site might see well over 300 major pieces of equipment in use, as well as more than 100 on-highway trucks, either bringing material to the site or moving it within the confines of the project.

decade to an oil-based economy. Unfortunately, 2016 will be d tthe first year since 1995 that the economy has contracted, due primarily to low oil prices. p Nevertheless, this year, a consortium including BOS Shelf, SSaipem and Star Gulf secured a US$ 1.5 billion contract to undertake the Shah Deniz stage 2 project. u Work on the project is expected to be complete by mid22022 and also includes reactivation of the pipe-lay barge Israfil Huseinov, as well as the second pipe-lay installation campaign H oof water flow-lines in 2019. The contract can be extended for aanother five years to cover installation of the remaining trees, flying leads, as well as jumpers at the east-south, east-north and west-south subsea flanks between 2022 and 2027. w More than 70% of all first gas work across Azerbaijan and Georgia for the Shah Deniz stage 2 project is already completed in terms of engineering, procurement and construction, and the project’s first gas is expected in 2018. iC

Azerbaijan Some 90 km from the southeast shore of Azerbaijan lies the country’s largest oil field, Shah Deniz. Discovered in 1999, the oil field has been delivering gas since 2006. Thanks largely to Shah Deniz – and the work of BP, which now owns a 28.8% interest in the oil field – the country has transitioned over the past

The Shah Deniz oil platform in the Caspian sea, 90 km from the Azerbaijan coast

24 internationalconstruction november 2016

ICON 11 2016 Regional Report - CIS.indd 24

04/11/2016 09:17:36



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04/11/2016 08:27:48


Advert range ACNI 2016 indd 1

2016-07-28 09:24:01

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04/11/2016 08:28:12

ROADBUILDING The Max Bögl Group used Wirtgen’s SP 1500 paver to lay down the first of two layers of concrete on its German highways project

In the past, it wasn’t rocket science. Now, however, the demands of building roads to last – and, of course, to do it quickly – call for some impressive technological interventions. Mike Hayes reports.

Technology goes on the road T

he arguments for and against constructing either concrete or asphalt roads are many and varied and include environmental issues, speed of delivery and material longevity. Cost, however (in both the long- and short-term), generally sits at the top of the list. At some point, technology may swing the argument in favour of one or other material – or another more suitable material might arrive to wipe out the argument for both.

Already, polymers which were originally developed to strengthen commercial roads and allow heavy equipment to operate in all weathers, is being used to stabilise the soil beneath some national roads. The natural extension of the use of polymers and composites in construction will, in all likelihood, see them entering the argument on road surfaces themselves. For the time being, however, both asphalt and concrete have their place, and manufacturers of road construction machinery have R&D teams working on ways to expedite the delivery of their respective road surfaces.

Best of both roads The Wirtgen Group is fortunate in that it builds machines that deliver both road surfaces. Being understandably diplomatic on the subject, it says the construction of a new road “whether from asphalt or concrete, requires the production of an excellently bonded


The Wirtgen SP 1500 paver lays down a 20 cm thick base layer made from 360 kg cement per m3 concrete november 2016 internationalconstruction 27

ICON 11 2016 Roadbuilding.indd 27

04/11/2016 09:19:27


India’s long road to success

The importance of the Indian government’s can-do attitude

Schwing Stetter introduced M series batching plants for road building, with the capacity to deliver 110m3/hr


he building of roads is one of the highest priorities in India today. A recent report from the German engineering federation, VDMA, revealed that the only national market in Asia currently experiencing growth in construction machinery sales is that of India. A great deal of this growth stems from the government’s drive to upgrade and extend the country’s road network. As well as manufacturers of construction equipment, India is now a world-leading attraction for contractors, such as China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC), the world’s third largest building company. CCRC has indicated its willingness to bid on both government funded and PPP projects, to the tune of up to Rs 30,000 crore (approximately US$ 4.5 billion). In the wake of positive talks, Raghav Chandra, chairman of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), said, “They are interested to bid for 2,000 to 3,000 km of highway projects, which is a positive sign for us”. There will be plenty more road building to go round, with the government said to be planning work on 50,000 km of two-lane highways and some 15,000 km of expressways. Music to the ears of leading companies operating in the country, such as the Wirtgen Group, Schwing Stetter, Caterpillar and Komatsu.

A bright future VG Sakthikumar, managing director of Schwing Stetter Sales and Services, said, “The future is going to be very bright. The government has a long term focus on road projects like Bharatmala, Sagarmala and the development of road infrastructure in the North East.” Schwing Stetter India has introduced the M series no-foundation batching plants for road building, with the capacity to deliver 110m3/hr. The plants can be quickly transported on low-bed semi-trailers and rapidly set up again, thanks to their fully-installed pre-assembled compact units. Contractors utilising for the mobility of these plants can reportedly save up to 20% of the original cost of the equipment – a serious benefit when bidding for contracts. Schwing Stetter India currently manufactures some 3,000 machines annually and the company reports that it has enough capacity to increase delivery by as much as 50%. In a similarly upbeat tone, Hiten Kapadia, business line manager for road construction equipment at Atlas Copco India, said, “In the next five years and beyond, we do believe that there will be a realisation of the huge untapped potential in all product segments of the road equipment business. Backed by the strong experience of being world leaders in road construction equipment, we are ready to tap into the opportunity to deliver higher quality roads in India, with not just compactors, pavers and tandem rollers but will also set new benchmarks with innovative technology equipment such as compact planers, feeders, etc.” Atlas Copco produces the Dynapac range of road construction equipment, including compaction, paving and milling machines. Kapadia said, “Our Dynapac machines are designed for the toughest conditions and cost, the Dynapac CA255 soil have several unique features. In terms of lowest operating cost compaction technique to achieve compactor has advanced compac passes. The Dynapac CC385 an end result in minimum pas lower fuel consumption and more tandem roller offers 25% lowe than 25% higher productivity as compared to the same class of machines in India by ensuring a perfect surface finish aand minimum rework which lowers the cost of operation.” lo Dynapac’s CA244 single drum vibratory roller is one of the road construction machines available in India through Atlas Copco

pavement structure, beginning with a stable base layer and going all the way to a precisely levelled surface course”. Max Bögl Group called upon Wirtgen pavers when it was tasked with the rehabilitation of a number of highways in Germany. The contract was based on dual-layer paving, which offers a high quality concrete surface, but with lower material costs. Two separate layers of concrete were used, with the 20 cm thick base layer made from 360 kg cement per m3 concrete, and a maximum aggregate size of 22. The top layer – which was just 6 cm thick – comprised a highgrade material mix, with 420 kg cement per m3 concrete and two-eighths double broken and double screened chippings. The challenge for Max Bögl was in the timing and therefore logistics, as the two layers of concrete had to come together weton-wet. Wirtgen’s SP 1500 paver was used to lay down the bottom layer of concrete, which was then fully compacted before a second layer of concrete was dumped on top, then the top-layer paver used a finishing beam and super smoother to produce a level surface. Both slipform pavers featured an intelligent control system. The surface was subsequently finished with a texture curing machine of type TCM 1800. Christoph Hofmeister, Head of Division at Max Bögl, said, “For the project on the A9, we had a steady stream of 45 articulated trucks carrying between 6,500 t and 7,000 t of sand, gravel and chippings every day during the paving phase, in addition to 27 trainloads of cement. This is equivalent to roughly 750 t of binder. It is currently the largest mobile plant in the world. Building this concrete roadway meant orchestrating a complex system of machines, material, weather, ambient conditions – and people. To assure the project’s success, not only did the technical equipment need to operate faultlessly, but the team had to work hand-in-hand, communicating swiftly and clearly.” Technological advances are making road construction both faster and cheaper, and technology was certainly a benefit for Lithuanian contractor Panevezio Kaliai, which won the contract to upgrade a stretch of highway in Zarasai, northern Lithuania. With both large volumes of traffic and heavy vehicles, the road – which connects Warsaw and St Petersburg, has to be particularly hardwearing and the project needed to be proceed on a tight schedule.


28 internationalconstruction november 2016

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04/11/2016 09:19:43

YOUR NEW CHOICE FOR EXCELLENCE You want to operate in comfort, service with ease and work efficiently. In a world of choices, the new half-lane Cat® cold planers are an innovative alternative. They are productive, simple to operate and feature integrated technology. Choose excellence today and contact your Cat grated te dealer or visit www.cat.com m

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11/2/16 8:58 PM 04/11/2016 08:28:52

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Untitled-1 1

04/11/2016 08:29:19

ROADBUILDING Hazardous fine particulates, resulting from the road recycling, are electrostatically charged in a housing on the conveyor belt

remote application offers machine control which can be used with any of the company’s three-track curb and gutter machines currently equipped with the G+ system. The remote control features a 4.3 inch (109 mm) graphic display screen that shows the run functions of the machine – the same information that is normally viewed at the operator’s console on top of the paver. Furthermore, control options are expressed in easy to understand international icons and full script explanations. Most paver functions are included on the remote and are controlled with easy to operate and durable dials or switches. The remote control also gives the operator individual control of each leg of the paver with automatic/manual adjustments for elevation and steering.

Thoroughly modern milling

GOMACO’s G+ control system features a 4.3 inch (109 mm) graphic display screen that shows the run functions of the machine

The 3,617-km Route 62, which runs south from Niagara Falls on the eastern US-Canadian border to the Mexican border at El Paso, Texas, currently undergoing some rehabilitation. A section of the road was resurfaced in 2000, when the Oklahoma Department of Transport (ODOT) was switching from conventional hot mix asphalt (HMA) to the newer superior performing asphalt pavement system, or Superpave. The mix used by the original contractor was too low on oil and deteriorated rapidly. Markwell Paving was contracted to rehabilitate the highway and used a Roadtec RX-700e heavy-duty milling machine to carry out the work. The half-lane cold planer features a fourtrack suspension, dual water spray bars and 120-degree conveyor


Total control The firm decided to use Bomag’s sophisticated compaction control management package (BCM net), with each machine linked via integrated tablet PCs and GPS receivers. In this way, BCM Net provides every roller driver with a continuous overview of the number of completed passes, temperatures and compaction progress. As well as a general overview, with the tablet PC in the cab, operators can see their own results at a glance, enabling them to optimise their schedule. Data on passes, temperature and the Evib value for asphalt stiffness are both visually displayed and saved for complete documentation. With a simple colour-coded display, the operator knows immediately where there is still work to be done. On the Lithuanian site, Panevezio Keliai opted for a high number of static passes. Tomas Baciunas, head of the firm’s technical division, said the Bomag system meant “the driver can now concentrate on the actual driving. This is an important safety aspect”. The roller drivers also see the asphalt temperature on their monitor. Baciunas said, “This prevents the operators from driving too early onto hot material”.

Street smart The extent of the appliance of science in road building was evident earlier this year, when US-based construction firm GOMACO showcased its intelligent GP3 slipform paver, which includes the G+ control system. The system first launched is already evolving, and the latest

The Markwell Paving Company use the Roadtec SP-100e Stealth paver on the US 62 highway rehab project november 2016 internationalconstruction 31

ICON 11 2016 Roadbuilding.indd 31

04/11/2016 09:19:53


The Roadtec SP-100e works in tandem with a SB-2500e Shuttle Buggy, which provides a steady flow of HMA to the paver

Fast track Off-Highway Research offers insight into the global paver market


ast year some 7,300 asphalt pavers were sold around the world, according to specialist forecasting and market intelligence company Off-Highway Research. The sector had a value of some US$1.8 billion. The biggest paver market in the world remains China, thanks to its physical siz e and continued investment in infrastructure. However, the slowdown in the economy over the last five years means the market is not what it once was, with sales having fallen 40% or so since the peak. The other maj or global market is another physically large region, North America, where some 1,425 asphalt finishers were sold last year. Meanwhile Europe is also significant, as is India. In terms of manufacturing, G ermany is the most significant supplier of asphalt pavers in the world, thanks to the W irtgen G roup’s V oegele brand, along with the V olvo and Atlas Copco machines which are also made in the country. Italy also produces a good number of machines under the Bomag and Caterpillar brands, and these Europeanmade machines are among the most successful pavers internationally, although several also manufacture in North America to meet the specific needs and machine requirements of that market. In Asia, other manufacturers also come into play – most notably Sumitomo in J apan, and a number of the large Chinese equipment makers, such as X CMG , Sany and Z oomlion. In India, meanwhile, there are more indigenous manufacturers, and Ammann’s j oint venture, Ammann Apollo is also a significant player.

swing, allowing it to feed a truck in an adjacent lane or even on a tight bend. Once the road had been milled, Markwell laid 14,000 tonnes of base course, which contained more oils and additives to bind the milled surface with the top two layers of HMA. The company used a gravity-fed Roadtec SP-100e Stealth paver, which worked in tandem with a Roadtec SB-2500e Shuttle Buggy material transfer vechicle, providing a steady flow of material to the paver. ODOT smoothness requirements are stringent; with a straightedge test, there can’t be more than a 3 mm variance in a 3 m section. Mike Boatman, general superintendent with Markwell Paving, said, “We beat the ODOT smoothness test and have paved what I’d argue is likely the smoothest section of US 62 in its entirety”. iC

32 internationalconstruction november 2016

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04/11/2016 09:20:12


Powerful All-Rounder VÖGELE SUPER 1800-3

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JOSEPH VÖGELE AG · Joseph-Vögele-Str. 1 · 67075 Ludwigshafen · Germany · Tel. +49 (0) 621 8105-0

Untitled-1 1

04/11/2016 08:29:46


All bases covered! www.wirtgen-group.com/technologies

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ROAD AND MINERAL TECHNOLOGIES. With leading technologies from the WIRTGEN GROUP, you can handle all jobs in the road construction cycle optimally and economically: processing, mixing, paving, compacting and then rehabilitation. Put your trust in the WIRTGEN GROUP team with the strong product brands WIRTGEN, VÖGELE, HAMM, KLEEMANN and BENNINGHOVEN. www.wirtgen-group.com

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A WG G 02 B A4 EN i dd 1

21 09 16 11 45 04/11/2016 08:30:07


Final call November is finally upon us and manufacturers pause for breath before the show begins. There’s no expense spared. International

Construction reports.

Manitowoc will be launching its new luffer for the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, African and Latin American markets: MCR 295


Bauma China Quick Facts What? International trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, construction vehicles and equipment

When? November 22 to 25, 2016 Opening Hours: 0900 - 1700 (Tue-Thu) 0900 - 1500 (Fri)

Entrance to Bauma China, 2014

s we move into November, the construction world readies itself for another Bauma China. The last Bauma China exhibition in 2014 broke all records for the event, attracting 3,104 exhibitors from 41 different countries – up 14% compared with 2012 – and taking up 300,000 m² of exhibition space. Visitor numbers came in at 191,000, with people descending on the New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) from some 149 countries. While it’s always a good time to hold an international construction equipment exhibition, UK-based market research firm BMI Research has reported that China’s construction industry will grow an estimated 7% in 2017, thanks to fiscal stimulus. The company said, “We maintain our expectation that growth will remain on a slowing trajectory over the coming decade.” 'Growth' is a word we don't hear enough of and there's a real buzz surrounding the forthcoming event.


What’s on show?

Shanghai New International Expo Centre 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai

Manufacturer Manitowoc will be at the show, launching its latest Potain luffing jib crane for the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Latin American markets. The MCR 295 will be the largest luffing jib crane from the Manitowoc manufacturing facility in Zhangjiagang, China. Potain’s MCR 295 will be available in three versions. The MCR 295 H16 will lift 16 tonnes, the H20 will lift 20

Admission Online registration free of charge Tickets bought on the day will cost CNY 50.00 (US$ 8.20).

More information www.bauma-china.com


november 2016 internationalconstruction 35

ICON 11 2016 Bauma China Stop Press.indd 35

04/11/2016 09:21:05


Rental Conference

Fourth IRC takes place the day before Bauma China


he 4th International Rental Conference (IRC) INTERNATIONAL takes place in Shanghai, China, on Monday 21 November – the day before the Bauma China exhibition – and will provide a valuable CONFERENCE 21 November 2016 Shanghai snapshot of the current situation in the region. The full programme for the event, which will be held at the DoubleTree Hilton in Pudong, Shanghai, is available at www.khl.com/irc

Gomanlift’s B16 hybrid boom lift

Mantall at work in a China shopping centre


tonnes, and the H25 will be 25 tonnes. All three will have a 60 m maximum jib. Leong Kwong-Joon, Manitowoc regional product manager for tower cranes, says, “With so many options for this new range of MCR 295 cranes, users can choose the exact model with the best load curve and line speed to suit their needs. “With luffing jib crane sales on the rise, we wanted to add another choice to meet the increasing needs of our customers in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.” Alimak Hek, the Sweden-based mast climbing equipment manufacturer, will be at stand A.14 where it will unveil the Alimak TCL – a new tower crane lift. The TCL can be used as an external installation solution to fit a variety of different tower crane brands and systems, the company says. Off the road (OTR) tyre manufacturer Exmile Tyre has returned once again to Bauma China, showing its new HK205 and HK207 tyres on stand 385/95R25. Features of the new tyres include slow heating build up and fast heating release when at high speed, excellent grip performance and a special tread compound that offers anti-abrasion performance and longer service life, the company says. The new tyres will also have enforced tire bead to reduce deformation under heavy loads and give better stability performance, says Exmile. China-based crane and construction equipment manufacturer Zoomlion says it will present around 20 products at the exhibition, continuing on its theme ‘build for sustainable lives’ introduced at Bauma in Munich last April. The company says it has improved its product lines, machine parts and has focused on making its fleet more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Mantall will have a wide range of its products on show, including the 8 to 14 m AMP mast lift series with high strength aluminium alloy and double-lift plate chain single mast. Also at the show is the Mantall vertical mast ASP series with 10 to 14 m

working heights. Mantall super-material lift ALP series material lift will be represented by the 7.95 m working height ALP25. The manufacturer will also be showing its complete line of booms and scissors, as well as its Mantall S series truck mounted platform. Sinoboom, meanwhile, will demonstrate eight new coating upgrade products, including two articulated boom lifts, telescopic boom, five scissor lifts, including the GTJZ1212 scissor that will appear on the International Powered Access Federation’s (IPAF) stand. New from the manufacturer is the 16 m working height GTZZ16EJ articulated boom with lightweight aluminium platform and flexibility. The new GTJZ1623D is a rough terrain scissor lift with two-way platform extension of 1.2 m and 1.5 m, robust off-road performance, 90° double-door design. Eatsman’s (EHM) ES series of electric scissors will be there, powered by a 24 V battery. The hydraulic system uses an integrated component design to reduce any potential leakage points which lowers material and maintenance costs. It has been designed for stability, with a larger platform area and higher capacity. The standard option includes a manually extendable platform. EHM’s ES1930 an updated product, with an 8 m working height and stowed size of 1800 mm x 760 mm x1750 mm. The ES4046 electric scissor has a working height of 14 m, stowed size of 2440 mm x 1170 mm x 2010 mm and capacity of 320 kg. Gomanlift will show its new lithium battery powered 21 m spider lift X21 and hybrid powered boom lift B16 at the show. The X21 has a working height of 21 m, 10 m outreach, weighs 2,800 kgs, and is suitable for trailer transportation and working in congested applications. It is 1.99 m high and 0.79 m wide. The B16 is a new generation hybrid boom lift, with 16 m working height, 8 m outreach, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. iC

Sinoboom GTJZ1623D rough terrain scissor

36 internationalconstruction november 2016

ICON 11 2016 Bauma China Stop Press.indd 36

04/11/2016 09:21:28

Welcome to earth. The Rocket has landed. Rocket Flex from Scanreco offers a multitude of digital control functions. Fourteen pushbuttons in either one or two-steps – momentary, latching or interlocking – a customized setup and design give a high degree of adaptability and features. The Rocket Flex transmitter is made for heavy usage and offers 120h of non-stop use before charging – as usual, our customers can rely on our ability to deliver functionality they can trust – Never-Stop Technology™ from Scanreco.

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04/11/2016 08:32:34

Machine Control Solutions Learn more about Leica Geosystems’ solutions for professionals on any construction site. leica-geosystems.com

Leica iCON roller Achieve more with visual passcount mapping Experience the unique benefits of Leica iCON machine control solutions now in your roller. Get your compaction jobs done faster, more efficiently and right the first time. Save time and money by avoiding over or under compaction. Achieve smooth compaction results every time for a long lasting foundation.

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Š 2016 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Leica Geosystems is part of Hexagon. All rights reserved.

Untitled-1 1

04/11/2016 08:37:31

LARGE STRUCTURES On the Panama Canal project, Peri pulled in engineers, logisticians and other specialists from its subsidiaries based in Spain, Panama and Germany

John Deere’s new engine has variable speed ratings and is equipped with an integrated emissions control system

It’s the small details From east to west, construction equipment has proved pivotal to ensuring large structural projects reap the rewards. Joe Malone reports.


s you climb into the nitty gritty of large structural projects, it’s intriguing to hear about the important roles played by manufactures whose work can often be forgotten once a project is complete. Stories of manufacturers of falsework and formwork, as well as cranes, provide just a small insight into the work that goes on to ensure structures are built safely and well. Despite there being several impressive structures built in 2016 alone, it’s impossible to look past the expansion of the Panama Canal, which officially opened on Sunday 26 June. The canal, considered to be the world’s largest civil works at the time, reached its conclusion after nine years marked by contract disputes and potential competition from neighbouring countries. Since its opening, large container ships can now also pass through the 80 km-long canal which connects the Pacific with the Atlantic. For falsework and formwork company Peri, its inclusion on the project represented its largest individual order in its 47-year history.

From 2011 to 2014, Peri delivered a total of 1,100 containers packed with formwork and scaffolding materials to the jobsite. The company’s engineers also provided continuous on-site support throughout the three-year period. Such a huge project didn’t come without its challenges, though. Peri had a huge number of engineers, logisticians and other specialists pulling together from its subsidiaries based in Spain, Panama and Germany. For its part, the company used its newly developed SCS climbing system, which was designed for the construction of dams, locks, cooling towers, pier heads, tunnels and strongroom


Peri used the SCS 250 with 2.5 m-wide working platforms for the Panama Canal project november 2016 internationalconstruction 39

ICON 11 2016 Large Structures.indd 39

04/11/2016 09:22:27


R DM Kwik form played a part in residential and commercial Al Jaz eers T ower, Abu D habi

I ndian rail link

US$ 569 million contract to include 315 km of railway line consortium of India’s Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Construction and Japan’s Sojitz Corp has secured the contract for a rail link in northern India. The contract, valued at INR 3,799 crores (US$ 569 million), includes the design and construction of a detour section of the Western Corridor freight route. The line, at the northern end of the corridor, will run through the states of Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The scope of the work for the consortium includes 315 km of railway line, 29 major and 240 minor bridges, a long tunnel, 2 traction sub stations, 321 track km of overhead equipment, supervisory control and data acquisition works and Intermediate block signalling at five Stations, as well as the supply of all associated equipment. This section will be designed for 25 tonne axle load track, 2x25 kV traction power system with high rise overhead equipment and Intermediate block signalling, suitable for doublestack containers dedicated for freight transport. Additionally, L&T will be electrifying the entire Western Corridor route, from Dadri to the port of Jawaharlal Nehru in Mumbai. With this contract, L&T will be responsible for constructing 1,042 km of track out of a total 1,464 km in the Western Corridor. The project will be funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency.


T he line, at the northern end of the corridor, will run through the states of H aryana, R ajasthan and Uttar Prad esh

facilities. Peri has since noted that its high loadbearing, flexible bracket system proved itself on a number of occasions during the project. It used the SCS 250 with 2.5 m-wide working platforms for the Panama Canal project. With its SCS 250, the formwork is mounted on a carriage and can be retracted to allow reinforcement work to be carried out. In accordance with the wide range of project requirements in the different construction areas, the brackets were combined with either the flexible VARIO GT 24 Girder Wall Formwork or its TRIO Panel Formwork. The modular construction system with multipiece brackets was flexibly adapted to match the structural geometry. Peri says that one of the big advantages here was that, with the SCS, the same formwork could be used for the first casting segment as well as subsequent standard cycles. This ensured a high degree of costefficiency, says Peri. The safety concept of the climbing system is also practiceoriented and well thoughtout, according to Peri. It says for inclined applications, the working, concreting and finishing platforms can be adjusted to accommodate all inclinations, while even changes in the pitch are possible without any problems. Consequently, it said, the construction team benefited from the safe working conditions thanks to horizontally positioned platforms. It’s easy to forget that such large structures rely on the expertise of such specialist manufacturers, whose work will no longer be visible in terms of its systems and structures. The project cost some US$ 5.4 billion in total.

T owering confidence Moving on to a very different type of structure which utilised its falsework and formwork needs was the Al Jazeera Tower in Abu Dhabi. RMD Kwikform was called upon to piece the project together and, as a fast-track project, the contractor required multiple solutions to form the walls, columns and slabs of the building. RMD Kwikform’s Prop Tableform slab system and Rapidclimb climbing formwork were used on the project, along with wall formwork using superslim soldiers and GTX beams, and KwikColumn for the Columns formwork.


internationalconstruction november 2016

ICON 11 2016 Large Structures.indd 40

04/11/2016 09:22:40

LARGE STRUCTURES Istanbul New Airport project constitutes Liebherr’s biggest order of the year. 58 Liebherr tower cranes are being used to help construct what will be the world’s largest airport


As the slab support was constructed into tables, the onsite team could simply move tables from one floor to the next with no dismantling or re-erection required, reducing the slab construction cycle time, and speeding up the construction process. With the availability of crane support, the cores of the towers could be cast using the integrated Rapidclimb climbing formwork system, with second fixing safely conducted using the trailing access platforms. Due to the compact nature of Rapidclimb, the onsite team opted to follow the core construction casting slabs as soon as the core section was completed. With site assistance technicians from RMD Kwikform supporting the erection teams, the time needed to complete a core and slab section was apparently reduced by up to 50% from the initial phases of the project to the top, 40th floor. Ahmed Atalla of RMD Kwikform, said: “The key to this project was to deliver the most time and cost-effective solution to the contractor that would allow the team onsite to meet its very demanding programme time. “Because the business was familiar with our table formwork they recognised the benefits in using this system for the slab construction.” He added, “When it came to the core formwork, this was the first project in Abu Dhabi to use the Rapidclimb climbing formwork solution. As the project progressed, the team were able to reduce the time it took to complete pours, taking full advantage of the reusable wall formwork panels integrated into the Rapidclimb system.”

Flights of fancy Meanwhile, German manufacturer Liebherr has been a go-to company where airports are concerned. Three major airports across the world have called upon Liebherr’s trusted cranes to ensure solid results. Firstly, in Chile, South America, the expansion of its main airport to 265,000 m², as well as the construction of a new terminal will make the airport november 2016 internationalconstruction 41

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04/11/2016 10:31:30




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04/11/2016 08:36:47

LARGE STRUCTURES Cemex designed and delivered 100% of the ready-mix concrete for Colombia’s longest bridge

one of the main hubs in the region. Once completed, the airport will almost double its overall capacity to 30 million passengers per year. The number of passenger boarding bridges will rise from 18 to 67. In addition, the number of parking places will more than double. The project is being constructed using 23 Liebherr EC-B series tower cranes – eight 250 EC-B 12 Litronic cranes, six 150 EC-B 8 models and nine 110 EC-B 6 machines. These flattop cranes will operate with jib lengths of 45 to 60 m and hook heights of 17 to 45 m. Since October 2015 there have been several rounds of negotiation with the consortium by contractors Vinci and Astaldi, before the contract was finally signed in mid-September. Liebherr says the main reason for its inclusion in the project is due to its office in Santiago. The company signed the deal along with its dealer Maquinarias Cruz del Sur, which will provide its 110 EC-B 6 crane, as well as assembly and service work and crane drivers for all the cranes. In mainland Europe, Liebherr was also involved in deep foundation works at the airport Barcelona-El Prat. The airport accommodates nearly 40 million passengers per year, and constant improvements have taken place to ensure it can cope with the increasing number of passengers. The project included, among other things, the linking of the new airport to the suburban railway. Two Liebherr cranes were used – the HS 8100 HD and HS 873 HD – which were equipped with mechanical slurry wall grabs, and erected support walls for the railway, which is partly underground. The total length of the slurry wall in this section was about 1,000 m with depths up to 30 m. Liebherr says the two cranes used up to 30% less fuel than other comparable machines, which it believes was achieved through its hydraulic system. Liebherr also reports that both HS 8100 HD machines proved worthy with their modern and reliable safety concept. The cranes were equipped with modified roof railings and ladders, as well as additional walkways. These are foldable, which make the machine extremely easy to transport. Finally from Liebherr, the Istanbul New Airport, currently under construction in the European side of Istanbul, is utilising the 58 Liebherr tower cranes that constituted the firm’s largest ever order in 2015. Turkish contractor IGA started work on the first phase of the US$ 10 billion project in mid-2014, with phase one completion due at the beginning of 2018. By this summer, some 13,000 people and 2,000 construction machines were operating at the site. Danyel Temizkan, managing director of Liebherr Makine Ticaret Servis in Turkey, said, “The successful completion of a project of this nature in Turkey

will enable Liebherr to demonstrate its considerable technical, logistical and financial capacities. “We are very confident that this will have a certain leverage effect for future projects in all these regions. This track record will open up new possibilities for us, not only for tower cranes but also for other Liebherr business units.”

Cooling off in Colombia

Liebherr was also involved in deep foundation works at the airport Barcelona-El Prat

Another impressive structure that completed this year was Colombia’s longest bridge, which provided four new transportation routes in the country’s Huila department. At the centre of this project was Cemex, which designed and delivered 100% of the ready-mix concrete for the project. The El Quimbo Hydroelectric project in Colombia comprises approximately 37,000 m² of tailor-made ready-mix concrete and prefabricated concrete beams. The four alternative routes – which measure 13 km collectively – comprises nine bridges which run through mountainous land terrain and the Magdalena River. The company says that basic ready-mix concrete would not meet the standards required for this project, therefore a highstrength ready-mix concrete was developed. Carlos Jacks, CEO of Cemex Latam Holdings, said, “The right formula with the specific qualities necessary for this project couldn’t be achieved at just any plant or with just any aggregates or additives. “Our ability to innovate is what differentiates us. It was through our innovation that we contributed to the construction of one of the most important infrastructure projects in Colombia.” A temporary mobile plant was erected onsite during the project, and all prefabricated elements were cast in situ. Also, due to the extreme heat in the region, each cubic meter of readymix concrete had to include more than 20 kg of ice to control its temperature. One of the bridges built – the El Balseadero Viaduct – is some


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04/11/2016 09:22:58

LARGE STRUCTURES Vinci-led joint venture has won a US$ 147 million contract to extend the port of Kingston, Jamaica

1.7 km long, which the company says is the longest bridge in Colombia.

Energy for the future Taking stock of some of the mega projects for large structures that have been announced this year, it’s clear to see the trend in the global construction industry. Firstly, a Turkish-owned energy company has been contracted to build seven significant power plants in Iran, with a total installed capacity of 6 GW. Once completed, the plants are expected to increase Iran’s current energy output by as much as 10%. The developer, Unit International, a Brussels-based firm, is owned by Unal Aysal, a businessman and former chairman of Istanbul football club Galatasaray. The contracts were signed in Tehran on 1 June, with Iran’s

Full steam ahead

Aramco to commission 130 GW of power by the end of 2021 audi-based oil giant Saudi Aramco has announced plans to build a new steampowered power plant in the city of Jizan, on the country’s southwest coast. As the kingdom’s electricity demands increase, Aramco has reported its ambitions to commission almost 132 GW of power by the end of 2021. As part of this capacity growth, the project at Jizan will include the construction of an air separation unit (asu) at the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant. The ASU will provide large volumes of oxygen for the gasification process at both the Jizan Refinery and the IGCC power plant, making it the world’s largest industrial gas complex. Meanwhile, Siemens recently completed the manufacture of the world’s largest integral geared main air compressor rotor, and 19 compressors are now said to be en route to the site at Jizan. The compressors are expected to be erected and in position by mid-2018. The construction project will be undertaken by local firm Acwa Holding and Air Products, on a 20-year build-own-operate-transfer basis. The completed facility will be jointly owned by the two companies, with Acwa holding 75%, and Air Products 25%. When fully operational, the complex at Jizan will supply 20,000 tonnes per day (tpd) of oxygen, as well as 55,000 tpd of nitrogen.


Employees from Aramco and Siemens join together to sign contract

Thermal Power Plants Holding Company, which is acting on behalf of the country’s energy ministry. According to Mohsen Tarztalab, MD of Thermal Plants, more than a thousand hours of negotiations took place, over a period of a year, before an agreement covering all the plants was reached. Construction on the power stations is set to begin in the first quarter of 2017, with Unit providing the capital for the build. Once completed, the agreement includes Unit operating the power stations for 20 years. Mr Aysal said the deal constituted the largest investment made in Iran since UN sanctions were lifted and “one of the largest made in a single package in the world”. Unit was building gas power stations in Iran before work was interrupted by the UN sanctions, including the 2.2 GW Rudeshur project in Tehran. Meanwhile, back in Panama, six major consortia have been placed on the shortlist to build the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal. All six organisations reportedly submitted satisfactory prequalification documents to Panama’s Ministry of Public Works in May. The cable-stayed 1,118 m long bridge will cross the canal north of the Bridge of the Americas. Along with six lanes for cars, the bridge is also expected to carry two further lanes for the Metro rail line. Some of the major firms driving their respective partnerships towards the US$ 1 billion contract are: US-based Dragados; Brazil’s Construtora Norberto Odebrecht; South Korea’s Hyundai; and Italian firm Astaldi; as well as a number of state-owned Chinese firms, including China Communications Construction Company and China State Engineering Corporation.

Canal benefits Heading north-east of Panama, in Jamaica, a Vinci-led joint venture has won a US$ 147 million contract to extend the port of Kingston. The joint venture includes Vinci Grands Projets, EMCC and Jan de Nul. The project comprises the refurbishment, reinforcement and upgrade of 1,200 m of quays. The joint venture will also carry out dredging work in the access channel. Vinci said the project will be completed in 25 months’ time. The company added that the project would enable larger ships to operate at the port. The project began just days after the opening of the expanded Panama Canal, and Vinci said the contract to extend the port of Kingston is a strategic move for the region. It said the port of Kingston is ideally located near the Panama Canal at the crossroads between north/south and east/west sea lanes and will therefore become one of the three main container terminals in the Caribbean. iC

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04/11/2016 09:23:08

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04/11/2016 08:34:21

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04/11/2016 08:37:51

PUMPS The PAS8 from Atlas Copco’s latest range

Pumping iron An industry that requires the most technical of details continues to thrive in competition between manufacturers. Joe Malone takes a look at the latest ideas on the market.


anufacturers of dewatering pumps have looked to improve on their ranges, either by innovating new products, or improving what they already have at their

disposal. For one, Atlas Copco has launched 18 new additions to its open frame diesel-driven centrifugal dewatering pump range. The PAS range of pumps focus on high fuel efficiency and cover a full spectrum of sizes from 105 m3/h to 630 m3/h, and discharge size ranging from 3 in (76 mm) to 8 in (203 mm). Designed for multiple applications, from dewatering on construction and mining sites to solids removal, drainage and even emergency situations involving flooding and shipping, the company says the PAS open-frame system includes both wet and dry prime options, and the modular design allowed many different configurations. Wim Moors, vice president of pumps within Atlas Copco’s Portable Energy division, said, “The new PAS dewatering pumps meet the five key criteria that Atlas Copco sets for the development of new machines – compactness, versatility, durability, efficiency and simple service.” Moors added that the pumps are easy to transport to wherever you need them, are tested in the toughest conditions, are efficient in fuel consumption and are able to

Pioneer Pumps’ new 100VM model features its vortex technology and is said to improve the handling of large solids

John Deere’s new engine has variable speed ratings and is equipped with an integrated emissions control system

cover multiple applications with a focus on modular design.” The wide range of sizes in the new PAS portfolio starts with the 6.4 kW PAS3 – a wet prime pump offering a maximum flow capacity of 120 m3/h, a discharge size of 76 mm and a maximum head of 24.5 m. It is able to handle solids of up to 40 mm and benefits from an air cooling system and 4.5 hours of fuel autonomy. At the other end of the pump spectrum, the dry-prime PAS8 operates at a head of up to 30 m, offers a discharge size of 8 in (203 mm) and handles solids of up to 76 mm with a maximum flow of 630 m3/h Atlas Copco also offers a range of portable electrical submersible pumps. The WEDA range can manage flows from 225 to 16.500 litres per minute with a maximum head of 85 m.

Vortex technology Another company innovating is UK-based Pioneer Pump which has launched a new range of solids handling pumps in Europe, as well as Africa and the Middle East. They feature the company’s vortex technology and are said to improve the handling of large solids. The new 100VM medium head pump is capable of flows of more than 200 m3/hr and the pump will reach flows of 445 m3/hr with heads of 35 m. The 200VM – the largest pump in the range – offers a discharge size of 200 mm, handling flows of up to 600 m3/hr with heads of over 35 m. The 200VM is reportedly capable of passing solids greater than 125 mm.


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04/11/2016 09:24:03

PUMPS SPP has launched its E Series autoprime pump

Simon Ruffles, managing director of Pioneer Pump in Europe, said, “Our vortex pumps provide efficient solids handling and a low fuel burn to a range of sectors, including sewage treatment and wastewater management. After several years of extensive research and testing, we are confident that we have developed a market-leading product.” He added, “When designing these pumps, we spoke to customers and incorporated what they needed in a solids handling pump. We looked at using other designs such as a screw impeller or a chopper pump, but we found that for tough applications such as ragging [pumping fibrous materials] our vortex design was superior, passing large solids effectively while withstanding wear and damage.” The company has also launched a new hydraulic submersible range in the form of the fully bonded, sound attenuated HYPP30 Hydraulic Power Pack, together with the 150HSS and the 100HSS solid handling submersible pumps. Pioneer Pump’s new range features a Perkins 404D-22T engine and delivered hydraulic flow up to 60 litres/m and hydraulic pressure up to 200 bar. The new HYPP30 can be coupled with solid handling, chopper and heavy sludge submersible pump ends. Commercial sales director Paul Skippins said the new range was designed for those applications where suction lift was greater than 8.5 m, making them the preferred choice for quarry dewatering, sludge and slurry transfer. “The hydraulic hoses can be extended up to 80 m, making those difficult to get to applications possible,” he added. And the company also introduced its new 150 Hydredge, which incorporates a 6 screw type pump and a single rotor agitator unit, designed for desilting and sludge removal applications with stubborn sediments. The 150 Hydredge can be operated using a single HYPP30 powerpack and Hydredge control panel. The controller gives the operator flexibility to choose between pumping and agitating, which ensures efficient sediment and sludge removal, says Pioneer Pump.

24/7 service Another manufacturer busy expanding nding its business and its product range is Tsurumi, which hich moved into its new 800 m2 European headquarters arters in Düsseldorf, Germany, earlier this year, and doubled its supply depot – claiming that most of its pumps could be on their way to customers within 24 hours of ordering. As well as a new electric contactor’s ntactor’s pump, the LH4110W, with 110 kW power wer and ability to pump waste water with 8mm particles articles up to 216 m vertically, Tsurumi has also embarked mbarked on a large waste water product expansion campaign, ampaign, starting with the 50GY series. The manufacturer says its delivery livery programme plans to double to around 500 pump mp types by the start of 2017. The smallest of the new w pumps has a motor output of 150 W, the largest more re than 160 kW. This

is the first step by Tsurumi in its goal to become the market leader in the waste water sector. The 50GY is a series comprising 12 electrical waste water submersion pumps made of sturdy grey cast iron that can be installed in a free-standing position. With a motor output varying between 1.1 and 9.5 kW, they can pump up to 510 litres/m to pumping heights of 68 m. To ensure that the waste water can flow without blockages, Tsurumi uses an open multi-vane impeller that turns at a speed of 2,850 rpm. The grinder mechanism with its stationary cutting ring and rotating blade, chops the solids in the waste water in fractions of a second. This development works so efficiently that the manufacturer said it was able to make the outlet diameter just 50 mm to allow pipe cross-sections down to DN50, which in turn keeps materials and installation costs low. The cutting mechanism itself is a solid design made of just two parts, and is therefore very maintenance-friendly, according to Tsurumi.

Technology buy-in Xylem has also been busy expanding its business – it signed a deal to buy smart meters, network technologies and advanced


Tsurumi has embarked on a large waste water product expansion campaign, starting with the 50GY series

Further improvements

Xylem improves Flygt 2000 drainage pump range


ylem said it had enhanced its Flygt 2000 drainage pump range, including tthe new 25 kW Flygt 2190 mid-sized submersible dewatering pump. dewaterin Built for tough, abrasives-laden liquids, the new model is available a with two impeller options – the Dura-Spin, which safeguards against wear by sweeping abrasive particles away from the impeller neck – and the semi-open impeller which is said to increase uptime by preventing imp fibrous solids from obstructing the pump. The company said sa the new Flygt 2201 shared the same proven technology, and also al offered a super-high head alternative with its twostage hydraulics version. ve And the Flygt 2400 is said to be the first stainless steel-only pump in the Flygt 2400 series, especially targeted at customers in the mining sector with esp super-high-head pump suitable for transporting chemicallya durable, super-hig water. aggressive mine w 2400 is part of its Flygt 2000 drainage pump range Xylem’s Flygt 24

48 internationalconstruction november 2016

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04/11/2016 09:24:17


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04/11/2016 10:35:59

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04/11/2016 08:55:33

PUMPS ECS Engineering Services said that implementing a comprehensive maintenance regime would ensure continued reliability and efficiency levels of the Archimedes screw pump

ECS Engineering Services said that the simplicity of the Archimedes screw pump continued to make it one of the most efficient pumping methods over short distances, but added that its efficiency should not be taken for granted

data specialist Sensus for US$ 1.7 billion earlier this year. Xylem says the deal advances its strategy to be a leading provider of systems intelligence solutions in the global water sector. It says Sensus has more than 80 million metering devices installed globally, while its FlexNet communications network technology uses licensed spectrum in the US and other parts of the world to provide secure connectivity solutions that support multiple applications. Xylem said FlexNet network technology provided a platform for its future growth. It is acquiring Sensus from investment funds affiliated with The Jordan Company and GS Capital Partners 2000. Patrick Decker, Xylem president and CEO, said the deal was an important milestone for the company’s strategy to move forward with technology. Elsewhere, there is a new pump on the market from SPP in the form of the E Series autoprime pump. SPP says that its dewatering pump comes with an optional single vane open impeller for handling raw sewage containing stringy/fibrous solids and semi solids up to 100 mm in diameter. It was also developed to be portable and lightweight, featuring a compact manoeuvrable design to allow models to be trailer transported and easily shipped. The company had also worked hard to reduce the number of components in the latest pump, as well as simplifying servicing and maintenance access.

Original methods Meanwhile, UK-based ECS Engineering Services is taking a look at what is already on the market, and is focusing on ways to ensure such products are used to their full potential. The company says that the simplicity of the Archimedes screw pump – a machine historically used for transferring water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation ditches – continues to make it one of the most efficient pumping methods over short distances, but says that its efficiency should not be taken for granted. It says that implementing a comprehensive maintenance regime would ensure continued reliability and efficiency levels, noting that the machines are often running 24 hours a day. Dave Bennion, project manager at ECS Engineering Services, said, “The Archimedes screw pump is renowned for reliability and efficiency, which is why it is employed in so many applications.” He added that this is especially the case in the water


All ears

BBA Pumps range available for all conditions


anufacturer BBA Pumps said the most popular pumps from its dry self-priming BA range were now available in corrosion-resistant stainless steel versions, and said it had taken this step in response to the requests of large pump rental companies – many of which were active in the industrial sector. The stainless steel 316 range includes the BA80H 76.2 mm clear liquid pump which can handle up to 200 m3/hour – 10.8 bar. It said these pumps were ideal for a variety of industrial applications, particularly with corrosive environments such as offshore or mining which demand high performance materials. The stainless steel casting parts are typically available from stock for the most popular BA models. This allows the stainless steel pumps to be quickly assembled with a diesel or electric motor in a sound attenuated canopy or in an open frame. BBA Pumps’ BA150E is now available in corrosion-resistant stainless steel versions november 2016 internationalconstruction 51

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04/11/2016 09:24:40

PUMPS Pumps from Selwood’s UK rental fleet on hire with DMTP in Brittany, France

treatment industry, as well as all types of drainage environments. He said that it was ideal for maintaining water levels and pumping water contaminated with debris that would seriously damage a centrifugal pump. “The maintenance regime for a screw pump is considerably less complicated than that for a centrifugal pump which, unlike Archimedes’ design, can become blocked or overheat if it runs dry. Modern bottom bearings, such as the eco-friendly bearing from Landustrie, which locates the screw position in the trough, are now sealed for life, removing the need to check grease pumps and lubrication lines regularly.” He said that, while the lower bearing was usually submersed in water and inaccessible, the top bearing, which is located close to the motor drive and gearbox, would require maintenance checks to be carried out. “Automatic grease cartridges are often employed on these bearings as well as on the gearbox, so a simple inspection of the grease level is all that is required, with replacement of the cartridge as necessary.” ECS Engineering Services is able to offer an on-site inspection service, carried out by its engineers to assess the condition and expected lifetime of any screw pump installation. The company says that, if any maintenance is required, it delivers a complete service, including renewal of the screw itself with support from its long-established partner Landustrie, if necessary.

Rental option Meanwhile at Selwood, Mark Page, managing director of pump sales said the company had seen a surge in demand for pump rental in the UK, but this was also evident around the globe. He said, “As the market grows, Selwood, with its extensive and expanding pump range and a long-established distributor network, significantly strengthens its presence worldwide. Contractors’ need for operational efficiencies increasingly drives them to choose rental as a more attractive option than capital purchase. “This works in tandem with Selwood’s pump sales business. The durability and longevity of its products – and the fact

that they are designed with strong input from colleagues in the company’s pump rental division – make them ideally suited for the rental market.” He said Selwood had plans to expand in the next 12 months with a specific focus on France and Spain where there are many opportunities for growth, working with distributors DMTP in France – Selwood partners since 1998 – and ABIN in Spain, who’ve worked with the company for more than 20 years. “The increased network across both countries plus new branches in the South of France and Madrid will allow increased national coverage in the pump rental market. DMTP’s new branch in Marseilles has been a hive of activity thanks to the region’s high concentration of industrial, petrochemical and infrastructure demand. “DMTP also recently opened a branch in Angers in western France, and plans to relocate its current Paris branch to larger premises in early 2017. These developments are part of a strategic growth plan to provide a network of pump rental branches across France,” he said. “ABIN’s main office is based in La Coruña and the additional new branch opening soon in Arganda Del Rey, close to Madrid, is welcomed by its key customers where the majority of head offices are located. Many of these customers already own Selwood pumps, creating a regular stream of service and repair works for ABIN.” Page added, “Both DMTP and ABIN have placed significant orders that include Selwood’s highly regarded super silent pumps, which are the quietest on the market, making them particularly suited to work in urban areas.” He said Selwood also continued to invest heavily in its Super Silent range and offered its entire pump range for rent – either directly from its distributors’ own fleet or supplied quickly from the UK fleet of more than 3,000 units. Page said, “Continuing to expand our rental offering is a key element of Selwood’s strategy for the coming year – and its position as one of the few British pump companies to design, manufacture, rent and sell its own range of surface diesel and hydraulic pumps is a major strength. “This year saw the launch of a new pump, the S150M, a medium head addition to Selwood’s solids handling range which is to be introduced for rental worldwide, allowing new pump applications to be targeted. “As the global pump rental market continues to develop, Selwood relishes the opportunities and challenges of a very competitive market.” iC UK-based Tadcaster Food Action Group, which was formed after the community repeatedly suffered severe flooding, ordered two Hilta C100 submersible, centrifugal and diaphragm pumps from Morris Site Machinery to help tackle the problem

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04/11/2016 09:25:16







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04/11/2016 11:18:08

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04/11/2016 09:07:37

EQUIPMENT Hundreds attended Ditch Witch’s factory in Barcelona, Spain, for the launch of its new JT40

One direction International Construction attended the launch of Ditch Witch’s new JT40 directional drill at its factory in Barcelona, Spain.


uropean customers of USheadquartered manufacturer Ditch Witch were, according to the company, largely responsible for the development of its new direction drilling machine. The new JT40 boasts enhanced creature comforts, and Ditch Witch says the machine is like “the sports car version” of their other directional drilling machines. Randy Rupp, vice president of product strategy at Ditch Witch, said its European customers were calling for enhanced comfort and class, which prompted the company

to manufacture its new JT40. He said, “We began designing the JT40 around two and a half years ago. The main thing is that a lot of the new features on the machine were driven by our European customers. “We brought out a machine around three years ago, primarily for the US market, but our European customers didn’t care for it – they wanted creature comforts. “They wanted a more compact footprint, but with the same power. They asked for a more modernised machine, so we added features like

the classy seat, which has a sports car feel to it. Inside the cab it also had storage space for notebooks, and everything is easy to reach.”

Intelligent design Rupp added that Ditch Witch’s European customers asked for a more intelligent design. He said, “Our customers want to monitor information collected by the machine. This is a feature that isn’t quite installed yet, but should be within the next six to 12 months. “We also added larger display screens, and gave them two 7 inch displays, both in colour.” Rupp believes the machine won’t just be successful in Europe, but throughout the rest of the world. He said the features added to the JT40 will represent the same effect as the automotive industry – once a

customer is used to certain features, they can’t live without. Meanwhile, Björn Saive, who works for one of Ditch Witch’s Scandinavian-based dealers JLM, expressed his delight at the JT40, and believes the machine will be a success in Europe. He said, “The machine is very modern, very Europeanised, and the result is very positive. It’s got a nice modern design and its compact, which is important in Europe. I think it will sell very well across Europe. “You can fit more on the machine, so transportation is easier and there’s less journeys to make. This saves time, money and effort. I’m very happy with the JT40.” iC Ditch Witch says the JT40 was designed with its European customers in mind

Ditch Witch’s new JT40 directional drilling machine november 2016 internationalconstruction 55

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04/11/2016 09:25:47


Looking to the future Electric and autonomous machines are demonstrated as Volvo CE reveals its prototypes for the jobsite of tomorrow. Cristián Peters reports from Sweden.


olvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) is setting itself four key technical challenges that it calls Triple Zero and 10x, which it is using to define the world of tomorrow. Martin Weissburg, member of the Volvo Group executive board and president of Volvo CE, explained what this meant – zero emissions, zero accidents, zero unplanned stops and 10x higher efficiency. Volvo said that it wanted to see zero machine emissions to help make customers’ businesses more environmentally sustainable; zero accidents with pioneering safety innovations so that machines could instinctively avoid accidents, generating a completely safe working environment; zero unplanned downtime in a world without machine breakdowns,

where machines predict and plan their own maintenance, making unplanned stops a thing of the past; and 10 times more efficient, with the electrification of construction equipment and site optimisation will dramatically reduce energy consumption. Volvo held the Xploration Forum 2016 at its Customer Centre in Eskilstuna, Sweden, to show the various technologies and multinational studies being undertaken to meet the new challenges. Weissburg said the speed of change in the world had had a strong impact on society. “The world in 2025 will change and we need to change with it.” He said that in 2025, 10% of people will use clothing connected to the internet, 10% of optical lenses will be connected to the

internet, the first printed 3D car will be in production, 10% of cars in the US will be driverless, and 30% of corporate audits will be performed by artificial intelligence. He said Volvo CE was developing technologies for electric mobility, intelligent machines and total solutions in place that would benefit its customers and the environment, contributing to increased machine performance, productivity, efficiency, safety and sustainability.

Communication Through the work of the Volvo Concept Lab, which is a new initiative for the group, Weissburg said the company wants to communicate what future innovations and solutions can be expected, although he added that these were still in project stage and are not commercially available. Dave Ross, Volvo’s vice president of advanced engineering and verification, said changes were being made “to build the world we want”, with new business models, systems, technology, products and services. One of the innovations presented at the event was to do with

autonomous machines such as the HX1 load carrier. The prototype is part of the electric site research project that estimates a reduction of up to 95% in carbon emissions and up to 25% reduction in total cost of ownership. The project – in conjunction with Skanska Sweden, the Swedish Energy Agency and the universities of Linköping and Mälardalen – aims to electrify transport in a quarry, from excavation to primary and secondary crushing. In addition to a fleet of HX1s, a prototype of a hybrid wheeled loader – LX1 – is in operation, with the potential to improve fuel efficiency up to 50%, and a gridconnected excavator. Johan Sjöberg, technical specialist in site automation, said, “This research project is a step towards transforming the quarry and aggregates industry.” The project, which is costing about SEK203 million (€21.09 million), will be completed by the end of 2018, after which Volvo CE will analyse the results and determine whether the concept is viable for the wider industry. iC The prototype autonomous wheeled loader and articulated dump truck work together

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04/11/2016 11:41:31




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