BITTER R 2022OOT’SBitterroot’sBest2022 is published by the Ravalli Republic Newspaper a division of Lee Enterprises Dave Worstell PUBLISHER Jessica Abell MANAGING EDITOR Erin McConnaha REPORTER Kathy Kelleher, Todd Kenley and Joe PROJECTWestonSALES ravalli republic Bitterroot’s Best is a fun project to produce. Every winner says that being voted by the community as Bitterroot’s Best is an honor. We live in a great community that appreciates excellence with workers, performers and entrepreneurs that enjoy doing their best. Thanks for voting, thanks for reading and as you look through this tab listing Bitterroot’s Best do so with pride. 4 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Thankyou toeveryonewhovotedme “BitterrootsBest” Artist SteveWilson 493WarpDrive,Corvallis|(406)642-3781 stevewil sonart.com THANKYOUFORVOTINGUS BITTERROOTSBESTBIKESHOP WEAPPRECIATEYOURSUPPORT-YOUARETHEBEST! NewandUsedBikeSales,Repairs,Service andAccessories,MountainBikeRentals, EnvyScooters,SkateboardSalesandParts 219SOUTHFIRST,HAMILTON • HOURSM-F10AM-6PM;SAT.10AM-3PM363-4428 OUR SUPPOR OUARE
ThanksforvotingusBitterroot'sBest -MicroBrewery -Pizza -Soup -Salad 406.375.5204–518NFirststreetHamilton,MT www.highergroundbrewing.com–
en of The Bitterroot and look forward to having the best dressed customers for many years to come! I dedicated my Grand Opening to my mom Carol on her 86th birthday, 1-7-21! My mom and I shared a love for fashion, accessories and shopping for as long as I can remember, it was very special that she had recently relocated back to both of our home and birthplace in Montana to share in my accomplishment! I love to brag, even Carol sports Burlap’s clothing Burlap Chic Boutique is more than just a boutique, it’s my Happy
Place! Come visit us and experience for yourself! Thank you, Bitterroot community! – Kendra Herron Hale, Owner Favorites: The Closet Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply Best Hair Stylist BITTERSWEET SALONSWENSON-MINCHPAIGE Favorites: Christi AmandaSkeltonMaxwell Bitterroot’s Best Fashion & Beauty ERIN MCCONNAHA KENDRA HERRON HALE, BURLAP CHIC BOUTIQUE - BEST CLOTHING STORE.
Best Boutique FLOWER HAPPY FLORAL Favorites: Aliva Designs Burlap Chic Boutique & Gifts Best Clothing Store BURLAP CHIC BOUTIQUE AND GIFTS “Thank you for voting Burlap Chic Boutique Bitterroot’s Best Clothing Store!!! I’m honored and proud to be recognized for dressing and styling the wom-
Itisanhonorandprivilege tobe chosen byourcommunityasthe Bitterroot’sBestRealEstateBrokerage. allyourrealestateneeds.Thankyouforallowingustohelpyouwith We’reHere.Today.Tomorrow.ForYou,ForLife. ©2022BHHA liates,LLC.AnindependentlyownedandoperatedfranchiseeofBHHA liates,LLC.BerkshireHathawayHomeServicesandtheBerkshireHathawayHomeServicessymbolare registeredservicemarksofColumbiaInsuranceCompany,aBerkshireHathawaya 406-375-0166|120South5thStreetHamilton,MT|BHHSMT.com/Hamilton|@BHHSHamiltonliate.EqualHousingOpportunity. Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 7
Thankyou forvotingus Bitterroot’sBest Favorite Soup Salad 406.363.4552 337WMainstreet Hamilton,MT WWW. RIVERRISIN G BA K ERY. CO M vorite Best Barber SK RICHIE BARBER AND BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE “Thanks for your continued support over the years! I love what I do and have so many great clients! I also appreciate all the support for my Beauty Supply Store from Stylists to Customers!” –Sharon Richie, Owner Favorites Bitterroot Barber Company Best Nail BITTERSWEETTechSALON Favorites: Quan Vuong Katy Taylor Best BITTERSWEETSalonSALON “Bittersweet Salon is full of extremely talented artists, each one of us shines in our own way. Donna may be the heart of the salon, however the entire team is what truly makes it the BEST SALON in DonnaMontana.”Weidow, Owner Favorites: Allure Hair Salon 46 North Salon & Spa ERIN MCCONNAHA BEST BARBER – “SK RICHIE BARBER AND BEAUTY SUPPLYERINSTORE”.MCCONNAHA BEST SALON – “BITTERSWEET SALON”
Bitterroot’sBestThankYouforvotingusotingus “GreatSalon,asanewcomertoHamilton,thiswastheplaceforme”-Jeanne 406.363.2731–202StatestreetHamilton,MT Wehave7hairstylists,2nailtechs,anesthetician,andanincredibletattooartist OfferingEminenceskincareandSevenhaircareproducts Salon NailTech HairStylist “It’saplacewherepeaceandhappinessover“Love,friendship,smiles,laughs,hugs,justeveryonethere!”-Rebecca“Mysecondhome,whereIamalwayslovedandwelcomed”–Valerie“Walkinastranger,leaveasfamily”-Jennifer“BittersweetSalonliterallychangedmyoutlookonlifeat55”-Lesleyow,andyouleavelookingmarvelous!”-Kayla“Homeawayfromhome”-Jaela
T hanksto everyonewho votedustheBitterroot’s BestCandyShop! Weappreciateourloyal customers. BigSkyC ANDY,INC. 319W.MainStreet,Hamilton • 363-0580 www.bigskycandy.com/shop Wewouldn’tbehere withoutyouall! ThankyoutoourCommunity foryourcontinuedsupport andforvotingus Bitterroot’sBest 217WMainStreetHamilton,MT(406)363-7710Waiter/WaitressMexican Best MICHAELAttorneyHAYES Favorites: Chouinard Dustin M. TomBitterrootSchoenlebenLaw Best New Business A THAIGER “We are so supported by a very sweet community, and I could not do it without the wonderful staff and my wife and family that supports so much”- Alex Visisviriyachai with wife Rheaun Kester Favorites: Seppi’s European Market & Deli Suzettes Organics Best Financial Institution RAVALLI FEDERALCOUNTYCREDITUNION “I would like to thank the members of the Ravalli County Credit Union who voted for us as Bitterroot’s Best Financial Institution! I would also like to thank my staff who continuously exceed our members’ expectations and provide amazing service to all who bank with us. The credit union philosophy is “people helping people.” I am honored that my staff and I are doing this everyday for the best community in Montana, and that we have been recognized for our efforts.” – Darcie Parsons, CEO Favorites: Farmers State Bank TrailWest Bank Clearwater Credit Union 10 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Business ERIN MCCONNAHA DARCY PARSONS, RCFCU - BEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION
406.363.4318 • 302N1ststreet#5,Hamilton,MT59840 • www. owerhappy oral.com Thankyoufor votingus Bitterroot’sBest Florist Boutique
I’ve got good people surrounding me so I’m really grateful for that. “ – Lyric Johnson Favorites: Shayna Rupp Philips Engel & Volkers Bitterroot Valley Julie Fillingham Broker/ Owner Best Tax TOMPKINSPreparation&PETERSCPAS,P.C. Favorites: H&R Block Weber and Vanorio CPA’s, P.C. ERIN MCCONNAHA TAYLOR KING - BEST INSURANCE AGENT ERIN MCCONNAHA LYRIC JOHNSON - BEST REALTOR 12 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022
“I feel very, very grateful to be first of all nominated, that was kind of a surprise, then to actually was very, very cool. feel like I’ve got a lot of support from a lot of people in community, which is even better, I think.
are honored to receive Bitterroots Best Insurance Company. We have a great team in place that provides State Farm’s wellknown products with the local customer service our clients deserve. We will continue to treat our clients like family, provide great service and support our community for years to come. We thank everyone in this wonderful community who have supported us our first 4 years.” –Taylor King Favorites: Ryan Tellock Payne West BrandonInsuranceBraaten PayneWest Insurance Best CARDINALManagementPropertyPROPER-TIESINC. Favorites: Caras RealManagementPropertyPropertyManage-mentSapphire Best Real Estate Office HOMESERVICESHATHAWAYBERKSHIREMONTANAPROPERTIES Favorites: Corvallis Real EstateBrooke DeVries Engel & Völkers Western Frontier - Hamilton Best Realtor LYRIC JOHNSON –DEVRIES REAL ESTATE
214NorthFirstStreet Hamilton,MT FindusonFacebookandInstagram Itisanhonorto bevotedforthe secondyearina rowBitterroot’sBest OurCommunityisofthe utmostpriorityforus,andwe lookforwardtoservingyou foryearstocome Andinadditionthis year’sBitterroot’sBest Coffee/Espresso CustomerService CommunityInvolved Business
201W.Main • 363-6236 mikesellsfinejewelry.com Serving theBitterroot for39years! thankyou foronceagainvotingus Bitterroot’sBestJewelryStore! finejewelry Mikesell ’s Best Used Car Dealer QUALITY MOTORS - HAMILTON Thank you for your support and confidence over the years! We know none of it is possible without the community.” -Tyler Monaco, Sales/Business Manager Favorites: Willow Creek Motors LLCAutomotive Reeds Auto Mart Best Auto Body/Repair Shop ROD’S AUTO & ALIGN Favorites: French’s Garage M & M Trans & Auto 14 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Automotive ERIN MCCONNAHA TYLER MONACO, QUALITY USED CARS - BEST USED CAR DEALER
Bank Like a LocalSafe.Secure.Instant!MobileMoneyfarmersebank.com • Your Montana Bank Since 1907 Farmers State Bank Member FDIC
Best Car Wash SPLASH CAR WASH Favorites: Riverside Conoco Power Wash Car Wash Best Domestic Car MeROD’SchanicAUTO & ALIGN Favorites: M & M Transmission and RelianceAutoAutomotive Best Foreign Mechanic ROD’S AUTO & ALIGN Favorites: M & M Trans & Auto Reliance Automotive Best New Car MILDENBERGDealerERMOTORS Favorites: Bell-McCall Company Best Tire Store LES SCHWAB - JERRY WESSELS TIRE CENTER Favorites: Tire-Rama Les Schwab - Bitterroot Valley Tire Stevensville Best WIMP’STowingBODYWORKS Favorites: S & S Auto Body Inc J & D Auto Body Inc Best APOTHECARYTWOMedicineAlternativePOPPIES Favorites: Between the Worlds Jody Mohoff, Alternative Wellness Center BestDR.ChiropractorWOLF Favorites: Rising Wellness, Inc - Barnings GilbertChiropracticJ.Roberts,DC Best MOUNTAINDentistPEAKDENTAL Favorites: Molly Gannon, DDS Capron Family Dental Best Eye Doctor BIG SKY EYE CARE Favorites: Rocky Mountain Eye Center John Hutchison 16 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Thankyouforvotingus Bitterroot’sBestGroceryStore! Weappreciateyoursupport! Hamilton • 406-363-6200 1131North1stStreet Stevensville • 406-777-7300 39StevensvilleCutoffRoadWest Wea pprecia Health & Wellness
Best Health and “Fitness Gym IRON ATHLETICHORSECLUB “Thank you to our wonder ful members, staff, instructors and personal trainers for making us the best gym in the Valley for 2022 and years past!” - June Jessop, Owner Favorites: Canyons Athletic Club Bitterroot Crossfit Bitterroot’s BestPhysical Therapist! Bitterroot’s BestPhysical Therapist! Thanksfor trustingus withyourhealth. 484OldCor484OldCorvallisroadsuiteB406.381.3683www.innityhealthpt.com ERIN MCCONNAHA BEST HEALTH AND FITNESS GYM – “IRON HORSE ATHLETIC CLUB” 211MAIN,HAMILTON 406.363.3611 Thankyou forvotingus Bitterroot’s BestPharmacy! www.bitterrootdrug.com
Weappreciateyourbusiness andlookforwardtoproviding youwiththebestpricesand selectioninthevalley Thankyouforyour continuedsupport WeThankEveryonewhovotedus Bitterroot’sBestLandscaper2022 VERN’SLANDSCAPEANDNURSERY.INC. 360-0170 649USHighway93NorthNexttoAls’Cycle Best Massage ROSEWOODTherapistWELL-NESSCENTER Favorites: Allora Massage & Spa Rikki Clarke Best Medical APOGEEDispensaryMarijuanaGARDENSDISPENSARY Favorites: Heirloom EuphoriaRemediesWellness Best BITTERROOTPharmacyDRUG Favorites: Corvallis Drug Store Healthcare Providers Best Physical Therapist SUZY BERLAND - INFINITY HEALTH PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS Favorites: Hamilton Physical Therapy, P.C. Catalyst Physical Therapy Best COURCHESNE,YVONNEPhysicianKMD Favorites: Nicolett Weston, FNP-C April L Weinberger, MD Best Personal Trainer JUSTIN ZIMMERMAN – IRON ATHLETICHORSECLUB “Who is the best?! My clients, they are the best! I couldn’t take this honor without acknowledging, my success stems from the facilities that allow me to shine; Iron Horse Athletic Club, Bitterroot Aquatic Center, and Stock Farm Fitness. Thank you Bitterroot Valley, for 4 years as Bitterroot’s Best Personal Trainer, I love making fit ness fun, for you!” -Justen Zimmerman Favorites: Teddy Koburi - Iron Horse Athletic Club June Jessop - Iron Horse 18 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 ERIN MCCONNAHA BEST PERSONAL TRAINER – JUSTIN ZIMMERMAN, IRON HORSE
Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 19 (406) 363-2211 bi erroothealth.org 1200 Westwood Drive, Hamilton, MT We are Bi erroot Health HomeEmployerThankyouforvotingBierrootHealthDr.YvonneCourchesnetoBierroot’sBestPhysician
MARAActor/ActressLUTHER Favorites: Max StephanieNaidlMock Best Artist STEVE WILSON ART & GALLERY Favorites: Leisa Lewis Paige Swenson Best HEATHERAuthorMONTES Favorites: Jerry Crandall Anne Marie Scott Best Community MONTANABusinessInvolvedMADECOFFEE “Community involvement and giving back is a top priority to us at Montana Made Coffee. Now more than ever, we need to know we can lean on our neighbors. It’s about so much more than a good cup of coffee to us.” – Shannon Fifield and Janele Bucholz, CoOwners Favorites: Hamilton Packing Co Mineshaft Pasty Co Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 21 Thanks for votingus Best Wine Selection! 100SkeelsAvenueSuiteB 406.361.8211 www.jessiswineandgoods.com Wewouldliketothank everyonewhoVotedus Fromyourfriendsat BitterrootsBes t Motorcycle/ATV Dealer 619Highway93North•Hamilton,MT363-3433 619Highway93North•Hamilton MT363-3433 Thanksfromthecrew atAl’sCycle!Wecouldnotdoit withoutyouguys! alscycleyamaha.com/ Community ERIN MCCONNAHA MONTANA MADE COFFEE - BEST COMMUNITY INVOLVED BUSINESS
Thankyouforvotingus-OutdoorDining-BeerSelectionBitterroot’sBest352WoodsideCutoffRd,Corvallis,MT406.961.8333www.nstaphouse.com 228W.Main,Hamilton 406-363-5480 Weappreciateyoursupportoverthepast34years! ThankyouforvotingusBitterroot’sBestOfceSupplyStore! Best Customer Service MONTANACOFFEEMADE Favorites: HamiltonMaria’sPacking Co Best Day Care CURIOUS MONTESSORIMINDSANDPRESCHOOL “We are so honored to have won Bitterroots Best this year! We have had such a great year working with some of the best families, students, and teachers in the valley.” – Sierra Parke, Director Favorites: Precious Moments Dahlia’s Darlings Best INNBITTERROOTLodgingRIVERANDCONFER-ENCECENTER Favorites: Angler’s Lodge and Cabins Stevensville Hotel Best STEVEReporter/ValleyVoiceFULLERTON Favorites: Perry Backus Randy Waters on the Drive Best Art Gallery ART FOCUS Favorites: Montana Bliss Artworks The Cupboard Best Bed & BITTERROOTBreakfastRIVERRANCH Favorites: Hannon House Time After Time Bed and Breakfast 22 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 ERIN MCCONNAHA SIERRA PARKE, CURIOUS MINDS - BEST DAY CARE
Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 23 CALLUS ORSTOPINTODAY ANDFINDOUT WHATMAKESUS... CALLUS ORSTOPINTODAY ANDFINDOUT WHATMAKESUS... Bitterroot’sBest UsedCarDealer! TMAKESUS... TMAKESUS... WeTakeAnythingOnTrade!Cars, Trucks,SUV’s,ATV’s,Trailers,RV’s. NotTrading?WeAreCashBuyersand WillEvenPayOffYourCurrentLoan!!
Jessica Lewis is Bitterroot’s Best Teacher of the Year a high honor for her third year of teaching English in Corvallis Middle School.
Lewis said she loves teaching.“Ilove being able to share my passion for reading and writing and to see my kids connect with what I’m showing them or what story we’re reading,” Lewis said. Her example was a Ray Bradbury book called “All Summer in a Day.” “We finished the story and they were all mind blown and they weren’t saying anything,” Lewis recalled. “Then I looked out and watched it click with all of them. They started saying, ‘Oh, I get it’ and ‘Oh, that’s really cool.’ That is the best.” Lewis also helps coach Corvallis High School Track and Field and said she enjoyed teaching in Glasgow for a year before returning to the Bitterroot Valley.
Favorites: Brittany Hayes Holly Snyder Best Assisted Living Residence BEE HIVE HOMES OF HAMILTON Favorites: Sapphire Homes Hamilton Assited Living and Memory Care Best SPENCERCoachHULS Favorites: Brandon Olsen Garrett Middleton BestHAMILTONVolunteer/HeroFIREDEPARTMENT Favorites: Robin Pruitt Ryan Tellock 24 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 ThankYouforvotingforme Thankyou toallmyclients andcustomers forallyour continued support! BITTERROOT’S Be Bar r! I’vehad27greatyearsinthebusiness. SKRichieSalon220CherryStreetHamilton370-8584 ERIN MCCONNAHA JESSICA LEWIS BEST TEACHER
Best BITTERROOTEmployerHEALTH “Super excited. To me it just kind of recognizes what we already know, which is that we have a pretty special place here. Taking care of our patients is our number one goal and taking care of our employees is the best way to make sure that that happens.”–BecciConroy Bargfrede, Chief Transformational Officer Favorites: Tompkins & Peters CPAs, P.C. Red Rooster Artisan Bakery Best p fit BITTERROOTASSOCIATIONHUMANE Auction/Estate Sales SWANSON’S ESTATE SALES Favorites: BlueJay Estate Sales RLP Auctions Best HAMILTONButcherPACKING “We’re definitely humbled and honored to be voted. We want to provide for our community, and give them the best quality and the best customer service we can, that’s how we run our business.”–Jason Schlange, Owner Favorites: Hamilton’s IGA Double K Ranch & Fifth Season Montana Best Book Store ankyouforvotingus2022Bitterroot’sBestPrimeRib VotedFavoriteSeafood,Steak,BestFineDiningandAnniversarySpot •Consideredoneofthebeststeakhousesin Montana… •FeaturedontheFoodNetworkandseveraltravel magazines •Rated“5-star”experienceonseveral‘on-linetravel sites’andListedinseveralinternationaltravel reviewsasa5-starrestaurantinMontana LOLOCREEKSTEAKHOUSE.COM•273-2622 Locally&FamilyOwned LOLO MONTANA L OL O CR EEK STEAKHOUSE R ar ey et w el l done Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 25 Goods & Servicesness ERIN MCCONNAHA BEST BUTCHER – HAMILTON PACKING CO
CheckoutourHumidor-Wehavealargeselectionof necigars Liquor • CraftBeers • DomesticBeers • Wine • Mixes • Tobacco • Ice&More Monday-Saturday9am-8pm 501SouthFirst Hamilton 363-3751 LocallyOwned&CommunityInvolvedfor30years Hamilton’sStateLiquorStoreandMore ThankYouForVoting CHEERSUNLIMITED Bitterroot’sBestLiquorStore Weappreciateourcustomers! 26 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Best Book Store CHAPTER ONE BOOK STORE Favorite: Between the Worlds Best Candy Shop BIG SKY CANDY Favorites: Old West Antiques & Candy Store Wildflower Confections & Boutique Best Computer Repair GRIZZLYBANDBROADFavorites: Top-Down NolaboyConsultantsComputerCellPhoneRepair Best SCHROCKContractorCON-STRUCTIONINC Favorites: Turner Remodeling INC Beck Builders Inc. Best Convenience Store BOWERS MARKET “That’s what we strive to do anyways, we’re proud and just thank the community.” -Jamie Drake, Manager Favorites: Lone Pine Conoco TownPump Woodside Best GardenNurserySupply/ K & S GREENHOUSE Favorites: Evans Ace BitterrootHardwareNursery ERIN MCCONNAHA BEST CONVENIENCE STORE – “BOWERS MARKET”
Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 27 Thankyou toeveryoneforvoting AidanSisson Bitterroot’sBestFlyFishingGuide Call 406.552.9394 askforAidanorFreestoneFlyShopandcontactLatitudesOut–Ortting s Best Fly Fishing Guide voting Aidan Sisson Best FLOWERFloristHAPPYFLORAL
“We like the shopping experience to just be a really positive, fun shopping experience for people. Happy, because that’s kind of what we’re all about and we are really selling an emotion, you know we’re dealing with people’s emotions so we like to make everything a great experience, and customer service is a big deal for me. We just like to offer something to the community that’s really positive, and that’s what’s most important, that people feel good when they’re in here. Everything from the time that the flowers come in to the time that they’re delivered to the person, the recipient, we just want that whole experience to be wonderful for our customers and clients” – Pam Suarez, Owner Favorites: Big Sky HamiltonBohoFloral
28 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Best Furniture Store
- Mark Brintnall, CoOwner with wife Gayle Brintnall Favorites: Valley Furniture Ravilli Services Thrift Store BestEVANSImprovementHardware/HomeACEHARDWARE Favorites: Massa Home Center Don’s Home Center Best Jewelry Store MIKESELL’S FINE JEWELRY Favorites: Between the Worlds Asmus Jewelers & Coins Best Landscaper VERNS LANDSCAPING Favorites: Earth & &BitterrootWoodLawnLandscaping ERIN MCCONNAHA MARK BRINTNAL, BEST FURNITURE STORE – BITTERROOT FURNITURE
“Our customers truly do mean everything to us, they are everything that we are, and we believe that, we take care of them. But really the reason we have been successful in the past couple of years is the fact that there’s over two million dollars in stock and it’s available for immediate delivery, which in today’s world is very hard to find. That’s made us who we are in the last two years and we’re gonna continue to do that. So drive a little, save a lot.”
Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 29 Thankyou,BitterrootValley,for VotingRedRooster ‘BestBakery’‘BestBreakfast’ ‘BestDessert’and‘BestSandwich’ ArtisanBakery Breakfast Lunch Espresso Catering VotedFavoriteEmployer,Caterer,DeliandSoup MondaythroughSaturday7:00amto3:00pm • redroosterhamilton.com 310SouthFirstStreet,Hamilton • 406-381-1129
30 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 ourCommunityforbeingWearesothankfultovotedBitterroot’sBest Vegetarian OrganicFoodSelection AndvotedFavorite Restaurant RestaurantService AsianFood NewBusinessOpened withinaYear 163S2ndstreet Hamilton,MT 406.375.5159 www.suzettesorganics.com Best Marijuana Dispensary APOGEEDISPENSARYGARDENS Favorites: HeirloomEuphoriaRemedieswellness Best Office Supplies THE PAPER CLIP Favorites: The UPS Store Bitterroot Trading Post Best Pawn Shop THE EXCHANGE Favorite: Repeat Best Pest Control BUG OFF PEST CONTROL AND TREE SERVICE Favorites: Bug Master Bugless Pest Control Best ALYSSAPhotographerKANEN-WISHER Favorites: Jaela B. Photography, LLC. Sara Cox Photography Best Ranch Supply Store MURDOCH’S RANCH Favorites: Cowpoke Ranch Supply Inc Lakeland Feed & Supply Best Tattoo Shop IRIDESCENT TATTOO AND FINE ART “We always strive to produce the best work we can and take a lot of pride in our craft. It’s awesome to be recognized for that and we appreciate serving the community!” – Jay Williamson, Owner Favorites: The Steel Paintbrush Tattoo Infinity & Beyond ERIN MCCONNAHA JAY WILLIAMSON (CENTER), IRIDESCENT TATTOO - BEST TATTOO SHOP
Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 31 Bitterroot’sBestThanksforvotingus Bitterroot’s BestFavorite Bartender StiffDrink PlacetoMingleifSingle FirstDateSpot Bar LiquorStore FridayNightSpot Margarita FirstDateSpot Atmosphere 172S2ndstreetHamilton,MT406-375-5590www.westslopedist.com Best Thrift Store SAFE THRIFT STORE Favorites: Ravalli Services Donations GoodwillCenterStore Best Unique Gifts BETWEENWORLDSTHE Favorites: Flower Happy Floral & Gifts Two Poppies Apothecary Food Restaurantsand Best BITTERAppetizerROOTBREWING Favorites: The Edge Restaurant & Sports Bar A Thaiger Best Asian Food A THAIGER Favorites: 2nd Street Sushi Suzette’s Organics BestNAP’SAtmosphereGRILL “I feel like it’s exciting, I feel like all of us together work really hard to make this a good experience. We want it to be enjoyable whether you’re having iced tea or a cocktail, or whether you’re having a burger or just chips and salsa. We want to make it a good experience for everyone who walks through that door.” –Krista Mohn, Manager Favorites: WestslopeBouillaDistillery ERIN MCCONNAHA KRISTA MOHN, NAP’S GRILLE - BEST ATMOSPHERE
32 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Best Bakery RED ARTISANROOSTERBAKERY Favorites: River MineshaftRisingPasty Co Best Breakfast RED ARTISANROOSTERBAKERY Favorites: Coffee Cup Cafe Hangar Cafe Best Budget MARIA’SLunch Favorites: Taco Del Sol Nap’s Grill Best NAP’SBurgerGRILL Favorites: Bitter RootBouillaBrewing Best Business BOUILLALunch Favorites: Maria’s The Edge Restaurant & Sports Bar Best Coffee/Espresso Shop MONTANACOFFEEMADE Favorites: Bitterroot Beanery Big Creek Coffee Roasters Best Deli SEPPI’SMARKETEUROPEAN&DELI Favorites: Back Door Deli Red Rooster Artisan Bakery Best Dessert RED ARTISANROOSTERBAKERY Favorites: Spice of Life Cafe Victor Steakhouse & Lounge Best Family FIESTARestaurantFriendlyENJALISCO Favorites: Nap’sMaria’sGrill Best Fine Dining WILD MARE Favorites: Mission Bistro Lolo Creek Steakhouse Inc BestMARIA’SMexican Favorites: Fiesta En Jalisco Five T Taco Best Organic Food SUZETTE’SSelectionORGANICS Favorites: Rainbow’s End Natural SuperFoods1Foods Best Place To Eat Solo RIVER RISING Favorites: Suzette’s Organics Seppi’s European Market & Deli SATURDAY JULY202230TH @ the Daly Mansion Grounds 2pm - 8pm LOCAL & REGIONAL BREWS LIVE MUSIC w/ Joan Zen FOOD TRUCKS FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE CHECK THE BITTERROOT BREWFEST FACEBOOK PAGE FOR UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THE EVENT! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BREWFEST!
BringingtheBestCountry&RocktoDanceVenues·WeddingsPrivatePares·SpecialEvents SHOWDATES & BOOKINGINQUIRIES: www.nashville406.comfacebook/nashville406info@nashville406.com THANKS, BITTERROOT! BESTBAND Proudly sponsoredby Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 - 33 Best HIGHERGOUNDPizzaBREWINGCO. “[Winning “Best Pizza”] feels awesome, feels overwhelming. Lot’s of hard work put into it, it feels good, it paid off.” Pizza Chef Randolph Dodson Favorites: Kodiak Jax Cowboy Troy’s Best Prime Rib LOLO STEAKHOUSECREEKINC Favorites: Wild Mare Victor Steakhouse & Lounge BestNAPSRestaurantGRILL Favorites: Suzette’s Organics A Thaiger Best RestaurantBOUILLAService Favorites: SuzettesNap’sorganicsGrill Best Romantic Dining WILD MARE Favorites: MissionBouillaBistro Best HIGHERGROUNDSaladBREWINGCO. Favorites: Suzette’sNapsOrganicsGrill ERIN MCCONNAHA BEST PIZZA – “HIGHERGOUND BREWING CO.”
Best Sandwich RED ARTISANROOSTERBAKERY Favorites: RiverBouillaRising Best Seafood 2ND STREET SUSHI Favorites: A Thaiger Lolo Creek Steakhouse Inc Best HIGHERGROUNDSoupBREWINGCO. Favorites: Red Rooster Artisan Bakery River Rising Best Steak WILD MARE Favorites: Lolo Creek Steakhouse Inc Victor Steakhouse & Lounge Best SUPERSupermarket1FOODS Favorites: Hamilton’sAlbertsonsMarketplace Best SUZETTE’SVegetarianORGANICS Favorites: Bouilla Spice of Life Cafe Best MINESHAFTCatererPASTYCO Favorites: Red Rooster Artisan Bakery Seppi’s European Market & Deli Best Bar NAP’S GRILL Favorites: Westslope Distillery The Edge Restaurant & Sports Bar Best Bartender CHRIS AT DISTILLERYWESTSLOPE Favorites: Hillary at Westslope Distillery Krista Mohn Best Beer Selection FIN’S TAPHOUSE Favorites: Higherground Brewing Co. Bitter Root Brewing Best Friday Night Spot NAP’S GRILL Favorites: Westslope HighergroundDistilleryBrewing 34 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, June 24, 2022 Nightlife THANKYOU, BITTERROOT V ALLEY SH A YNARUPP REALES TA TE B ROKER Thankyou,BitterrootValley,forvotingme oneofyourBestRealEstateAgents! Learnmoreat www.shaynarupp.evrealestate.com ShaynaRupp·Engel&VölkersWesternFrontier 100 PinckneyStreet · Hamilton · MT59840 406-369-4187 shayna.rupp@evrealestate.com ©2021Engel&Völkers.Allrightsreserved.Eachbrokerageindependentlyownedandoperated.Engel&Völkersandits independentLicensePartnersareEqualOpportunityEmployersandfullysupporttheprinciplesoftheFairHousingAct.
99MarcusStreet,Hamilton,MT 406.363.0300 www.ihacmt.com Letusbeyourpartnerinhealth& tness Bitterroot’sBest • Gym • PersonalTrainer Thankyoutoourwonderfulmembersforyourcommitmenttohealthand tness.WinningBitterroots Bestre ectsthehardworkofourentireIHACteam.Fromourhealthand nutritionspecialists,ourmanagementteam,andourmaintenancecrew;everyoneoftheseindividualstnessexperts,toourmakeitpossibleforustodoourbestandbecomethebest. BestPersonalTrainersintheValley!UnlimitedClassesFriendliest&CleanestFreetness&discountednutritionconsultationwithmembershipBestpersonal&grouptrainersinthearea!
So Happy WeCould Help! ThankYou! 714No.1stSt.|Hamilton|363-3351 THE EDGE RESTAURANT AND SPORTS BAR “I am not surprised our customers voted us #1 casino, having one of the best crews working in the casino industry. So I have to thank our customers and co-workers for everything.” -Kristen Davenport, Manager Favorites: Silver Coin Bar & Casino Golden Moose Bar Best Happy Hour THE EDGE RESTAURANT AND SPORTS BAR Favorites: Blodgett Canyon Cellars 2nd Street Sushi Best Liquor CHEERSStore Favorites: Westslope Distillery Hamilton Wine & Liquor Best Live Music FIN’S TAPHOUSE Favorites: Bitter Root Brewing Cowboy Troy’s Best Margarita FIESTA EN JALISCO Favorites: Westslope Distillery Nap’s Grill Best Micro HIGHERGROUNDBreweryBREWINGCO. Favorites: Bitter Root Brewing Blacksmith Brewing BestNASHVILLEMusician/Band406 Favorites: Joan Zen Who Dat Band Best Place To Mingle If WESTSLOPESingleDISTILLERY Favorites: Nap’s RainbowGrillBar Best Sports Bar THE EDGE RESTAURANT & SPORTS BAR Favorites: Nap’sBrewskisGrill Best Stiff WESTSLOPEDrinkDISTILL-ERY Favorites: Nap’s Grill Rainbow Poker Room Best MARIAWaiter/WaitressATMARIA’S Favorites: Krista MichelleMohnCole Best Wine Selection JESSI’S WINE & GOODS Favorites: Shed Horn Cellars 406 Burnt Fork Market
BITTERROOT’S BEST REALTOR ‘GrowinguphereintheBitterroot Valley,wealwaysknewhowspecial ourhometownwas.Havingthe opportunitytomakealivinghere hasbeenadreamcometrue. Wearebeyondgratefulforour communityssupportandfortheir votestobecomeBitterroot’sBest Realtor.Whetheryouhavebought, sold,orsupportedusinotherways wewanttosaythankyou!Welook forwardtoyearsofservingour communitywithexcellentcustomer service,superiormarketing,andup todateexpertise.Ifyouorsomeone youknowislookingtobuyorsell wewouldlovetheopportunityto interviewforthejob.’ 500WestMainSt.Hamilton YRIC JOHNSONTOR (406)381-2245 @Bitterrootsbestrealestate http://www.lyricjohnson.com.
Best Dog Walking Spot HIERONYMUS PARK Favorites: Skalkaho Bend Park Kiwanis Park Best Pet Care/Boarding DALY DOG CARE Favorites: Wags & Woofs Dog Groom ing Service Pampered Pets Boarding & Grooming Best Pet Grooming WAGS & WOOFS DOGSERVICEGROOMING Favorites: Daly Dog Care Groom on the Vroom Best Pet MURDOCH’SSupplyRANCH&HOMESUPPLY Favorites: Wild About Pets Inc Cowpoke Ranch Supply Best Veterinarian DR. JOE MELNARIK, VALLEY PET CLINIC Favorites: Skalkaho Creek Veterinary CompanionClinicPet Clinic Best Anniversary Spot WILD MARE Favorites: Mission Bistro Lolo Creek Steakhouse Inc Best Annual BITTEROOTEventFestival/BREWFEST Favorites: Love your Mother Pop-Up Apple Day Best Day Trip LAKE COMO Favorites: Painted Rocks State Park Blodgett Overlook Best First Date Spot SPICE OF LIFE Favorites: Westslope Distillery Nap’s Grill Best Historical Spot DALY MANSION Favorites: River Park Lewis & Clark Trail, Lost Trail Pass Best Outdoor Dining FIN’S TAPHOUSE Favorites: The Edge Restaurant & Sports Bar 406 Saloon/ Big Cat Cafe Best Place To People HAMILTONWatchFARMERSMARKETCO-OP,MT Favorites: Ravalli County Fair Ground Rainbow Bar Best Weekend Getaway QUINN’S HOT SPRINGS RESORT Favorites: Glacier National Park Lake Como Campground Best Bike Shop VALLEY BICYCLES & SKI Favorites: Red Barn Bicycles Best Day Hike BLODGETT CANYON Favorites: Lake Como BlodgettCampgroundTrailhead Best FREESTONEHeadquartersFishingFLYSHOP Favorites: Bitterroot Fly Company Angler’s Roost RV and Campground Best Fly-Fishing Guide AIDAN SISSONSISSION FLY FISHING Favorites: Jenny West Rausch Top Water Best Golf HAMILTONCourseGOLFCLUB Favorite: Whitetail Golf Course Best Gun Store BOB WARD’S SPORTS & OUTDOORS Favorites: Frontier Guns & Ammo Bitterroot Trading Post Best Horseback Riding COYOTETrailCOULEETRAILHEAD Favorite: Blodgett Trailhead BestAL’SAtvMotorcycle/DealerCYCLE Favorites: Hamilton MotorcyclePolaris/KTMGarage Best Mountain Bike Trail LARRY CREEK Favorites: RAL trail Kerns Turns Best Sporting Goods/ Outdoor Store BOB WARD’S SPORTS & OUTDOORS Favorites: Scheels Mr T’s MercantilePlacesPets Sports Recreation&
HappyHour,SportsBarandCasino 140BitterrootPlaza,Hamilton375-0007TheEdgeRestaurant.com11AM-10PM VOTEDBITTERROOT’SBEST2022 SPIRITS • BEER • WINE • MIXERS OPEN7DAYS8:30AM-11PM 375-0006SPIRITS • BEER • WINE • MIXERS OPEN7DAYS8:30AM-11PM 375-0006 VotedFavorite:Appetizer,BusinessLunch,Bar, OutdoorDining,LiquorStore(HamiltonWine& Liquor)andWaitress-MichelleCole