寂靜歡喜—古今人文藝術專場 Literati: Quiet Affection

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RAVENEL SPRING AUCTION 2016 HONG KONG Literati: Quiet Affection

羅芙奧香港 2016 春季拍賣會 寂靜歡喜 – 古今人文藝術專場


拍賣日期 / 地點

Sunday, 29 May 2016, 2:00 pm Grand Hyatt Hong Kong (Ballroom) 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

2016年5月29日(日) 下午 2:00 香港君悅酒店(宴會大禮堂) 香港灣仔港灣道1號


預展日期 / 地點


台中 2016年5月14日(六) 下午1:00至下午6:00 2016年5月15日(日) 上午11:00至下午6:00 豐藝館 台中市西區五權西路一段110號


台北 2016年5月21日(六) 上午10:00至下午6:00 2016年5月22日(日) 上午10:00至下午6:00 富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 台北市敦化南路一段108號B2

Hong Kong

香港 2016年5月27日(五) 中午12:00至下午7:00 2016年5月28日(六) 上午10:00至下午7:00 香港君悅酒店(M樓茶園) 香港灣仔港灣道1號

Saturday, 14 May 2016, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday, 15 May 2016, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Fong-Yi Art Gallery (Next to the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts) No. 110, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung, Taiwan

Saturday, 21 May 2016, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday, 22 May 2016, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Fubon International Conference Center B2, No. 108, Sec. 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei, Taiwan Friday, 27 November 2016, 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saturday, 28 November 2016, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Grand Hyatt Hong Kong (Tiffin) 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

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目次 / Contents 2







寂靜歡喜 – 古今人文藝術專場

Literati: Quiet Affection














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LITERATI: QUIET AFFECTION Sunday, 29 May 2016 2:00 pm Grand Hyatt Hong Kong (Ballroom)

Lots 601 – 677

601 HAN FEI (Chinese, b.1979) Bird on Rock 2011 Ink and color on paper 44 x 36.5 cm With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Imavision Gallery, Taipei Private collection, Taiwan With the artist's certificate of authenticity

HK$ 38,000 - 48,000 NT$ 160,000 - 202,000 US$ 4,900 - 6,200 韓非 醉清風

Gongbi , within the school of realism in the context of traditional Chinese painting, its deviation, New Gongbi , is gaining attention from the public and realizing its value within the circle of art; with a group of artists injecting new life into it, creating a modernized version of this conventional style, and restoring it to its rightful place alongside the xieyi approaches more fashionable in Eastern art. Han Fei focuses on birds and flowers, an important subcategory of gongbi , and his work is marked by expert gouran , or "bent brush," technique, smooth strokes, and a sublime palette that breathes a sort of understated charm. His imagery communicates a tranquil springtime atmosphere, a mood dripping with pleasant scents and soft, earthy tones. Through ingenious layering, his compositions superimpose their three basic elements—flowers, birds, and rocks—in a way that blends geometric and natural shapes into arrangements of astonishing visual impact. His oeuvre’s seemingly effortless elegance bespeaks the high degree of sophistication attained by this fervent artist. In this lot, titled "Bird on Rock," cool colors dominate in a scene that is brimming with countless enigmatic gradations of hue and shade, showing the artist’s keen eye for natural shapes and tones, as well as his superior compositional skills. Overall, this painting is a good example of Han Fei’s ambitious goal to rejuvenate his cultural heritage, imbuing it with subtle hints of Zen-like serenity, a calm and poise that is all the more apparent for the vibrant yet mellow imagery that so aptly reflects the

2011 設色 紙本 44 x 36.5 cm 鈐印:韓 非

artist’s inner world, making it eminently visible to a sympathetic audience. Most of Han’s best work was painted in recent years, marked by astute composition that cleverly distributes the broken-branch-style flowers and birds among carved railings and ornamental rocks. In particular, the taihu stones, also known as Chinese scholar’s rocks, with their close-up realism, and the parrots with their beautiful

來源: 台北晴山藝術中心 台灣私人收藏 附藝術家親筆簽名之原作保證書

plumage, captured in most lifelike postures, are radiating energy and vitality. Han’s mature skill allows him to construct complex aesthetic concepts through which to develop and express his artistic temperament. The resultant pictures are very much a work of his individual imagination, yet they manage to pluck the nostalgic heartstrings of a wide audience, letting us enter a peaceful realm away from the bustle of the world, a quiet corner where classical elegance and poignant beauty soothe our senses. 工筆畫是中國傳統繪畫中偏重於寫實的一脈,近些年新工筆做為一種團體力量得 到人們關注,並在當代中國繪畫領域裡體現出其應有價值。韓非的工筆花鳥畫, 畫面鉤染精緻,氣息溫潤,用色沉穩冷豔,傳達著一種小槽春酒、琥珀香濃的意 境。其作品多運用疊加的方式來表述花、鳥、石三個傳統的元素,幾何形與自然 形在畫中相互交錯,畫面中雕刻的石直抵內心,花鳥融合其中,更添雅韻氣息, 從這些作品中我們可以看出畫家在醉心營造自己所理解的世界。 此幅《醉清風》畫面色調以冷色偏多,色彩窮極變化,幽微深遠,反映出畫家捕 捉自然物象的敏銳觸角與駕馭畫面基調的高超調度能力。畫家別具匠心的安排, 以作為一種文化底蘊復興的徵象,籍之釋放出一派拈花微笑的活潑禪意,呼之欲 出的藝象與那溫柔畫境倒也甚是熨帖。作品同時更加關注內心意境,並將這種訊 息以藝術的形式傳達給觀者。這等佳作多為近年所繪,構圖十分巧妙,多將折枝 花鳥與雕欄賞石相疊合,太湖賞石是近距離的寫實,鸚鵡招展多姿,翎羽著色華 麗,綻放出一派盎然生意。韓非在其技法嫻熟的層面之上,將意境營造與性情流 露,也正是將這兩種意象相重合,雖為臆想製作,卻很容易觸動觀者的懷舊情 愫,將我們帶入一隅古殿香凝、寧靜致遠的淨界中。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Landscape XIA YIFU

Hsia Yifu’s work has a mesmerizing quality. His vigorous ink and color

lines, and shapes, and his knack for all but flawless composition, and

brushstrokes conjure up visual imagery both magnificent and serene,

you have something akin to a grandiose sort of "mega-realism," a

both substantial and ethereal, taking the observer on an enlightening

painting that captures the rugged essence of trees and rocks and

journey through vast, transcendental landscapes where the artist’s

mountains through the aesthetic lens of East Asian art. Entirely

talent, beliefs, skill, vision, and character rule supreme. This is a

monochromatic, this piece exudes a profound mood of peace and

painter who has experienced all the vicissitudes of life, a venerable

quiet. Its combination of vagueness and precision, of simplicity and

doyen of his art who surveys the finer points of existence and the

complexity, stands out as the hallmark of Hsia’s style: the artist has

deeper meaning of history through the lens of a calm wisdom that is

taken the form of jiaomo shanshui, or "dry ink landscape," to new

one of the beautiful fruits of old age. Hsia loves gradually unfolding

heights, devoting all his efforts to creating a purer kind of literati

and far-reaching vistas—no friend of easy angles or insignificant

painting—poignant yet mellow—than anything that went before.

details, he focuses on panoramic views and sweeping images of the wide earth with its majestic mountains, rivers, and clouds, always


searching to open his audiences’ eyes to the splendor and brilliance


of the world.

家的才情、信念、學養、氣度與風骨。這是一位經歷了風雨坎坷, 閱遍了人世滄桑的現代老人對自然、對生命、對歷史的思索和憧

This lot is one of Hsia’s most representative landscape paintings.


Deeply touched by the sheer weight and profoundness of towering,


undulating mountain ranges, and moved by the virtually unlimited


sense of depth they convey, the artist has made a black massif the centerpiece of this work, executing it in the style of traditional


Chinese landscape painting with a "dry brush." This approach makes


the surface structure of the rocks stand out with exceptional clarity,


emphasizing their solidity and visual impact. Even without employing


the classical xuanran technique, which involves adding extra washes


of ink or color, Hsia manages to imbue his scenery with many distinct


layers through subtle shading and a great variety of brushstrokes,


vividly expressing the floating movement of air and mists at high


elevations, and impressing the viewer with veritable seas of clouds


that are brimming with a sense of the preternatural. At the same


time, he is a master of light and perspective, the main domains


of Western painting, which he skillfully merges into his individual


artistic language. Add to this his expert use and execution of dots,


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

602 XIA YIFU (HSIA Yifu, Taiwanese, b.1925)




2007 Ink on paper 41.5 x 57.5 cm Signed Yifu in Chinese With one seal of the artist PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan With the artist's certificate of authenticity, issued by Howard Salon in March 2013

HK$ 40,000 - 50,000 NT$ 168,000 - 210,000 US$ 5,200 - 6,400

2007 水墨 紙本 41.5 x 57.5 cm 款識:二〇〇七 八二老人一夫 鈐印:夫 來源: 台灣私人收藏 台灣福華沙龍 2013 年 3 月出具 之藝術家簽名原作保證書

603 CHANG YU (Sanyu, Chinese, 1901 – 1966) Nude Ink on paper 43 x 26.5 cm Signed lower left Yu in Chinese and SANYU in English PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan Acquired from Taipei in 90s

HK$ 80,000 - 120,000 NT$ 336,000 - 504,000 US$ 10,300 - 15,500

The most important Chinese-born painter to be counted a part of the École de Paris, Sanyu was particularly renowned for his ink wash/brush


paintings and drawings of human bodies, earning him the moniker"


Matisse of the East." Taking his cue from traditional Chinese calligraphy, and further honing his artistic skills by sketching from life, he became an

水墨 紙本 43 x 26.5 cm 簽名左下:玉 SANYU

expert at depicting Western subjects through the prism of Eastern style and technique. His art combines a distinct feel of Western modernity with the understated elegance of Eastern freehand flair, something that is especially obvious in his many female nudes. It will be interesting to follow

來源: 台灣私人收藏 現藏家於九十年代購於台北

the latest collectors’craze for Sanyu’s nude drawings and paintings, each of them exemplifying the seductiveness of the artist’s lines and the beauty of his female forms. "Nude" is a masterpiece of Sanyu, the audience can easily realized Sanyu had infused the painting concept from the western with traditional techniques from the east. It gives a full body and a sense of completeness to the painting with very few strokes, this painting style is termed "nude in ink". Sanyu was exploring a breakthrough from the tradition, he elaborates on the smoothness and sensuous beauty of the body with straightforward and unique techniques, usually completes in one stroke. This demonstrates Sanyu is a true master with lines, Sanyu’s artwork gives the contemporaneousness of the west and the freehand brushwork of the east a perfect infusion. 巴黎畫派中最重要的華人畫家常玉,多以水墨或炭筆勾勒人體線條最為 人稱道,素有「東方的馬蒂斯」之稱。其擅長中學西用,畫風自書法萌 芽、在素描裡紮根;既有西方的現代感,也具備了東方的寫意精神。線 條之妙、彰顯女體之美。 此幅裸女為常玉代表性素描作品,其用筆灑脫,行線暢逸,使人能感受 到常玉在遵循中國傳統技法的同時,在觀念上已接近西畫的表現形式。 簡單幾筆即可掌握住模特兒的神態,畫中裸女胴體線條簡約卻飽滿,增 之一分則贅,減之一分則缺。這一類水墨或毛筆勾勒人體線條風格,稱 之為「水墨裸女」。常玉在努力試圖突破傳統格局的束縛而傾力探索。 他將人體表現得更率性而獨特,同時側重表現人體線條的流暢及感性 美。常玉裸女畫的黑色線條都是一筆完成的,線條功力了得。其紙上作 品藝術性完整而突出,既有西方的現代感,也具備了東方的寫意精神。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

604 YOSHITOMO NARA (Japanese, b.1959) Helmut Lang & Puppy (Happy Birthday) 1998 Pen on paper 21.08 x 13.91 cm x 2 PROVENANCE: Private collection, Europe With a certificate of authenticity signed by Ms. Swetlana Heger-Davis

HK$ 140,000 - 200,000 NT$ 588,000 - 840,000 US$ 18,000 - 25,800 奈良美智 女孩與狗

Yoshitomo Nara’s rise in art world during 1990s was highly related to art movements in Japan at that time. His artworks have always been categorized as superflat style founded by Takashi Murakami and developed from the addiction toward Japanese animation culture as

1998 原子筆 紙本 21.08 x 13.91 cm x 2 來源: 歐洲私人收藏 附 Swetlana Heger-Davis 女士親筆簽名之原作保證書

well as Otaku culture. Children in his works appear simultaneously sweet and sinister, with strong sense of isolation. The isolated and lonely images with little background depict artist’s self-consciousness and anxiety. Overall, his art works convey unique Japanese culture and imply the loneliness of people in the modern society. His distinct style draws people’s attention and leads Japanese contemporary art to the forefront on the international stage. Human figures in the artworks by Yoshitomo Nara always share a similarity as loneliness. This artwork was directly given to Swetlana HegerDavis in 1998 by Yoshitomo Nara on her exhibition at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo.With greetings for her birthday on the left it reveals slight differences with others. The girl and puppy, which are typical subject matters in the artist's works, appear less evil but more amiable with light color on the background. 奈良美智在九十年代的藝壇迅速崛起,與當時日本的藝術運動是息息相 關的。他的作品常被歸類為村上隆的「超扁平」風格—一種由日本動漫 文化引申,源自對禦宅文化狂熱愛好的美學概論。其作品筆下的小孩單 純可親,卻蘊含著強烈的孤獨感,這恰是奈良美智的創作精神來源。他 的作品呈現強烈的自我意識,並反映出自身的不安。畫作以疏離和孤寂 的人物形象,配上單一的淨色背景,表達內心孤獨的感受和不安的感 覺。從巨集觀去看,他的作品流露著日本獨特的文化精神,也暗示現代 人的孤寂感。他鮮明的風格,帶領著日本當代藝術走上國際舞臺最前線 的席位。 在奈良美智大部分的作品中,人物都有一個共同點:孤獨感。但這幅由 奈良美智在1998年小山登美夫畫廊的展覽中直接贈與Swetlana HegerDavis女士的作品,卻與其它的有所不同。作品的左邊寫有生日的祝賀

On the reserve: This work is painted on the rear side of Nara's poster 作品背面 : 該作品畫於奈良美智海報背面


語,而作品中典型的女孩和小狗的形象也在亮色調背景的襯托下,少了 幾分敵意而多了幾分親切感。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

605 ANDY WARHOL (American, 1928-1987) A Christmas Thing 1954 Ink on paper 43.2 x 36.5 cm PROVENANCE: Andy Worhol Fundation for the Visual Arts Christie's, New York

HK$ 160,000 - 240,000 NT$ 672,000 - 1,008,000 US$ 20,600 - 30,900

Andy Warhol is one of the true masters in commercializing art. Warhol, as a founder of Pop Art, he is good at utilizing objects, from


celebrities to anything people are familiar with, and turning them


into his artworks, for instance Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. A famous quotation from Warhol "Making money is art and working

1954 水墨 紙本 43.2 x 36.5 cm 來源: 安迪.沃荷視覺藝術基金會 紐約佳士得

is art and good business is the best art" demonstrates his concept as commercializing art that is deep in his heart. This works comes from his series for Christmas. In fact, he never missed chance for togetherness and Christmas became one of his favourite festivals. From the late 1950s until his death in 1987, Warhol was an integral component of New York's creative community, and has been described by several of his contemporaries as the glue that held the legendary group of artists and New York's downtown crowd together. Society's relationship to consumption was something that Warhol addressed extensively in his art. This work is the culture of consumerism that has come to define the modern tradition of Christmas celebrations. One thing should be noted that, a signature from Andy Warhol, which remarks the spot and time of this creation, is rarely seen in his sketches and makes this work outstanding from others. 若論全世界把商業藝術化、藝術商業化做得最淋漓盡緻,安迪.沃 荷必會名列其中。安迪.沃荷,作為波普藝術的開創者之一,他作 品的一大特色是將名人及人們所熟悉的事物轉換為作品元素,例如 聞名世界的瑪麗蓮.夢露和埃爾維斯普雷斯利等。正如他自己所 說,賺錢是藝術,工作也是藝術,而賺錢的工作才是最棒的藝術, 因此他推崇藝術的商業化,經常使用絹印版畫技法來重現圖像,並 以重複來體現現代社會中批量生產的趨勢。 該作品為他聖誕作品系列之一。事實上,安迪.沃荷在生前從未錯 失任何與朋友歡聚的機會,聖誕節也成為他最喜愛的節日之一。他 在社交中如魚得水,並成為傳奇式的紐約藝術創作團體的核心凝聚 力。社會中的形形色色與消費所構建的紐帶是安迪·沃荷不斷地在他 的藝術中提及的,這幅作品中所呈現的就是在消費主義的文化背景 給予傳統節日慶祝新的定義和認知。最值得注意的是,該作品附有 安迪.沃荷親筆簽名,標註了其創作地點和時間。這在安迪.沃荷

With frame 作品帶框圖



Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

606 WUNG GUAN LING (NG Kwun Lun Tony, Chinese, b.1964)

吳觀麟 移山系列之三

Moving Mountains Series - III 2011 Ink and color on paper 58 x 89 cm With one seal of the artist

HK$ 50,000 - 80,000 NT$ 210,000 - 336,000 US$ 6,400 - 10,300


2011 設色 紙本 58 x 89 cm 鈐印:吳觀麟

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

607 AGATE BOWL WITH GOLDEN HANDLE Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) L: 9.6 cm H: 3.1 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 70,000 - 90,000 NT$ 294,000 - 378,000 US$ 9,000 - 11,600 宋 金把瑪瑙碗 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏

608 SMALL BAMBOO CARVED IMMORTALITY PEACH WATER POT Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) H: 3.6 cm D: 7.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 22,000 - 32,000 NT$ 92,000 - 134,000 US$ 2,800 - 4,100 清 竹雕壽桃水 盂 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

609 BIAN PINGSHAN (Chinese, b.1958) Rattan Ink on paper 57 x 16 cm Signed Pingshan in Chinese With one seal of the artist

HK$ 12,000 - 22,000 NT$ 50,000 - 92,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,800 邊平山 藤 水墨 紙本 57 x 16 cm 款識:平山 鈐印:三

610 SCENTED ROSEWOOD INCENSE PLATE Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) L: 39.5 cm W: 25.5 cm H: 3 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Belgium

HK$ 36,000 - 46,000 NT$ 151,000 - 193,000 US$ 4,600 - 5,900 清 黃花梨香盤 來源: 比利時藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

611 BIAN PINGSHAN (Chinese, b.1958) Tree Ink on paper 70 x 33.5 cm Signed Pingshan in Chinese With one seal of the artist

HK$ 24,000 - 36,000 NT$ 101,000 - 151,000 US$ 3,100 - 4,600 邊平山 樹 水墨 紙本 70 x 33.5 cm 款識:平山 鈐印:三


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Taihu Stone PENG WEI

Modern gongbi was form since ’85 New Wave and the exploration of modernization of Chinese painting, rules gradually established and differentiate itself from traditional painting, it demostrates a strong vitality by emphasizing the spirit of modern society. Peng put attitude before compassion and talent in her creation; she mastered brush painting skill at young age under the influence of her father Peng Xiancheng whom is a famous painter. She paints on various medium with different colors and classical painting characters and techniques. Peng differentiate herself from traditional topics and other classical painters by developing her own painting techniques, as demonstrated in "Taihu Stone", which create an entirely differerent Shan Shui expression. Peng demonstrated her insight to the spirit of comtemporary scholar with her lifestyle and living philosophy that set her apart from other painters. She mentioned that when her passion to a series of artwork diminishes, painting of rock would recharge her enthusiasm and refreshes her. "Taihu Stone", which act as an iconography in classical ShanShui painting, had utilized available material and methods in contemporary art and gained ideas from former pattern. Consequently, it appears in contemporary art in another way that is never before seen. 中國當代藝術自85新潮以來,伴隨著中國水墨當代化的探索思潮,新工筆 這一藝術風格的逐步形成,並使繪畫創作走出了傳統水墨形製、題材和範式 的框架,強調當代社會精神表達,使工筆畫呈現出蓬勃的生命力。在彭薇的 藝術公式裡,熱情和天賦都在其後,藝術態度才是第一位的。她的父親是著 名畫家彭先誠,耳濡目染下,自幼毛筆就進入了她的生活。彭薇將中國傳統 畫裡的山水花鳥等各色人景用彩墨畫在宣紙上,麻紙上,絹上,女鞋的內與 外,塑膠模特的身軀上。彭薇正是從「太湖石」這一中國傳統人文題材中找 到了自己的繪畫語言,一個不同於其它藝術家的古典山水中國畫。以一種全 新的繪畫技巧來構造出一個靜謐的山水世界。 彭薇以她新工筆畫家的文人身份、生活方式、生活哲學,在現代畫家這裡已 不多見,新的眼光和概念演繹出新文人精神。正如彭薇自己所說,畫石頭在 我這裡如同充電,當一個系列進行到我已非常熟悉,熱情減退時,回到它, 又有了新的熱情。「太湖石」古典山水圖式的文化符號,在吸取當代藝術任 何可使用的材料、觀念、方法,從過往無窮圖式中獲得靈感,其繪法或挪 用,或置換,使這一經典圖式以另一種未被發現的方式和效果,出現在當代 藝術中。

Taihu Stone in Liuyuan Garden, Suzhou. 江蘇蘇州留園中的太湖石

612 PENG WEI (Chinese, b.1974) Taihu Stone Ink and color on paper 137 x 70 cm Signed Peng Wei in Chinese With two seals of the artist

HK$ 300,000 - 500,000 NT$ 1,261,000 - 2,101,000 US$ 38,700 - 64,400 彭薇 太湖石 設色 紙本 137 x 70 cm 簽名:彭薇

"Schiller, a German aesthetician, identifies artists into two categories: sentimental and simplicity. Sentimental would outcry to the society and hoping for salvage; while simplicity would express themselves in a natural way. I believe I belong to the latter. Regardlessly, we are all stamped by our generation, and you are collecting those stamps." — Peng Wei 「席勒把藝術家分為傷感和素樸兩種,傷感型的藝術家對社會叫喊,企求在藝術中獲得拯 救。樸素型的藝術家則表達自己,用天生自然的方式創作。我想,我屬於後者。但無論哪 一類,我們都被時代打上了烙印,而你收藏了這些烙印。」 — 彭薇


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel


Liang’s achievements in wild cursive Chinese calligraphy reflecting a

(LEONG Lampo, Chinese-American, b.1961)

reverence for both the spirit of Daoism and the Sublime, as well as an



2013 Ink on paper 52 x 38 cm (107 x 79.5 cm with frame) Signed upper right Lanbo in Chinese and lower left Lampo Leong in English With two seals of the artist Liang (upper right) and Lanbo (bottom left) LITERATURE: Liu, Charles. "A Review on Chinese Ink Painting in North America. " Art Salon. The People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, China (2013/1): 219 (1 color plate) PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 18,000 - 40,000 NT$ 76,000 - 168,000 US$ 2,300 - 5,200 梁藍波 遊歷 2013 水墨 紙本 52 x 38 cm(107 x 79.5 cm 帶裱) 款識右上 : 藍波 款識左下 : Lampo Leong 鈐印右上 : 梁 鈐印左下 : 藍波

ever-renewed wonder at a universe revealed to us through modern

In his current series, Moving Marks , which includes this work, incorporates wild cursive Chinese calligraphy with geometric structure attained by accumulated layers of ink washes to generate an ethereal atmospheric quality and a sense of moving energy in a mysterious and powerful cosmic space. These familiar yet abstract images make us aware of the miraculous vitality in nature as well as the enigmatic process of creation in the universe. (Lot 613)

Grandeur Spirit III is another great sample of Lampo Leong’s works in Chinese calligraphy. Though energetic brushwork and unique composition, Leong turns Mengzi’s philosophy into an abstract paintinglike construction with linear rhythms, enhancing this dynamic expression with great artistic value. In this work, his ingenuity is also demonstrated in the treatment of the background — with elegant color and beautiful textures, the background washes integrate and contrast with the powerful calligraphic marks, creating at once an ancient and a contemporary sensibility for this classical Eastern tradition. (Lot 618) Virtue is a great sample of Lampo Leong’s achievements in wild cursive Chinese calligraphy. The word "Virtue" is derived from Laozi’s Daodejing: "High virtue takes no contrived action and acts without agenda." Though dynamic brushwork and unique composition, Leong turns Laozi’s philosophy into an abstract painting-like construction with linear rhythms, enhancing its meaningful expression with great artistic value. (Lot 620) 梁藍波的狂草作品,透過中國文字的圖像以及水墨的穿梭揮灑、碰撞交 織去延展傳統水墨的語彙並推進水墨藝術向抽象性和後現代性的演化。 在本拍品所屬的當代水墨系列《墨勢》中,融合狂草書法的筆觸和幾何 構架於抽象水墨之中,既力求發揮中國書法線條的精神意蘊,強化作品 的視覺衝擊力,又充分利用充滿動勢的水墨肌理去營造一種氤氳渾沌的

出版: 劉昌漢《絲路上的長城 ── 北美水墨畫觀 覽》,《藝術沙龍》,北京人民美術出版社, 2013 年第 1 期,第 219 頁(1 張彩圖)

視覺空間,營造豐厚強盛的生命張力,展現博大輝煌的宇宙氛圍。(拍 品編號613) 作品《浩然之氣》體現了梁藍波狂草的線條和結體盡顯其書法的功力, 然而,最新穎獨到之處是它的佈局——字體的安排高低錯落、疏密有

來源: 亞洲私人收藏

致、穿插靈動。通過雄健、律動的線條,演繹出抑揚頓挫的樂音,生動 地將孟子「至大至剛」的「浩然之氣」演化成繪畫般的節奏。作品除了 東方哲學精神的表達,畫面更與西方抽象表現主義的構成相契合。其書 法的獨到之處還體現於他在背景上的處理——在古雅的設色中加入各種 肌理,使水痕與墨色產生出豐富的對比,既古樸又現代,成就了深具現 代性的狂草藝術作品。(拍品編號618) 作品《德》則通過剛勁、律動的線條,演繹出抑揚頓挫的樂音,生動地 將老子《道德經》高深的哲學演化成抽象繪畫般的節奏,除了東方哲學 精神的表達,畫面更與西方抽象表現主義的構成相契合,產生出深具現 代性的狂草藝術。(拍品編號620)


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

614 PABLO PICASSO (Spanish, 1881-1973) Picador 1953 Ceramic D: 22 cm H: 2.5 cm NUMBERED: 143/200, with the Madoura and Empreinte Originale de Picasso stamps LITERATURE: (A.R. 201)

HK$ 40,000 - 80,000 NT$ 168,000 - 336,000 US$ 5,200 - 10,300 巴布羅.畢卡 索 鬥牛士瓷盤 1953 瓷器 D: 22 cm H: 2.5 cm 印鑑、標記及編號: Madoura / Empreinte Originale de Picasso 143/200(底部) 出版: (A.R. 201)


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Animals painted by Qin Ai do not exist as appeared, they were isolated from the reality and placed in the foreground with a dramatic background which add a hint of surrealism to her works. 秦艾筆下的動物都不是真實存在於畫面環境的形象,而是 被抽離了出來,放置於戲劇性、舞台式的背景中,平添了 幾分超現實之感。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Treasure Chest Series: Chang’e QIN AI

Qin Ai graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts in 1996,

old-fashioned round lock on the chest, also a projection of her

earning a degree from the Chinese Painting Department of the

inner self, as well as an iconic representation of the moon, thus

College of Fine Arts. She currently lives and works in Nanjing, and

connecting the hare with the painting’s Chang'e theme. Overall,

is one of the most important contemporary female artists in the

the interplay of light and shade, and the restrained yet vivid

field of gongbi painting. Freely mixing and rearranging classical

brushstrokes, serve to convey the Chinese nation’s tribulations

elements, she favors a surrealistic style and meticulous technique

and broken dreams throughout the ages. Many of the picture’s

to create unique and often dreamlike images. In 2006, she began

constituent elements are lifted from Song Dynasty literati painting,

to work on a series of paintings titled

but reassembled in a peculiar fashion and

"Treasure Chest," in which she combines

style—yet it is this "weirdness" that first

scrupulously realist form with traditional

attracts one to this distinctive work of art.

style and atmosphere to freely express her emotional world. Qin has a deep root of


cultural heritage and this can be seen with


her reliance of traditional symbols, such as,


the conventional Chinese wooden chest,


painting from Song Dynasty that embellish


the chest, and the complexity of the


wallpaper from the background. Traditional gongbi seldom treats it background with perspective, however under the influence of modern art and Western concepts, contemporary painters in the Chinese realist style are adopting novel approaches in terms of both form and aesthetics, and this is also true of Qin Ai.

筆的細緻委婉描摹了畫家對世界的感受並 留有傳統的痕跡,借用了很多符號性的東 西,這一系列作品中的傳統木箱、箱子上 點綴的宋畫以及繁複的牆紙,都是對傳統 符號的依賴。傳統工筆花鳥畫很大程度上 是沒有透視感的空間背景處理的,而新工 筆劃在受到西方觀念和現代藝術影響下, 構思和審美趣味已發生了極大的轉換。 《百寶箱之嫦娥》畫中玉兔以背影示人又

In this lot, titled "Treasure Chest— Chang'e," the mythical Jade Hare stares at the background, largely made up of patterned wallpaper. The hare itself is bathed in a sort of spotlight that brightly illumines the center of the composition, while leaving its periphery in a somewhat

Qin Ai, Treasure Chest Series: Pandora No.2, 2010, ink and color on paper, 94 x 61 cm, Xiling Yinshe Auction Co Ltd.,2014 Autumn Auction, RMB$437,000


秦艾《百寶箱之潘多拉》2010, 94 x 61 cm 西泠印社拍賣有限公司 2014年秋季拍賣會 RMB$437,000


murky half-light. The effect on the viewer

形成中間明亮、四周黯淡的格局,給人特 別的感動,雖有種疏離、又冷暖自知的味 木箱子之上,箱子則是以個人私藏的意象 出現,顯現出女畫家私密性的體驗,去除 了滿足個人興趣的修飾或許反而能準確傳

is complicated: on one hand, it creates a sense of alienation, but


at the same time one feels drawn to the animal at the picture’s


heart, sitting as it is on an unadorned wooden chest whose


very plainness is suggestive of privacy and secrecy, depicting the


inner self of the artist herself. Another symbolic element is the


615 QIN AI (Chinese, b.1973) Treasure Chest Series: Chang’e 2006 Ink on paper 90 x 63 cm Signed Qin Ai in Chinese With one seal of the artist LITERATURE: New Ink Exhibition , Beijing Ronghuatang Publishing, Beijing, 2006, p.84 New Gongbi Painting Collection Book: Qin Ai Volume ,Anhui Fine Art Publishing House, Anhui, 2010, p.17,99 Concept Transcendence: Qin Ai's Personal Collections , Chinese Fine Art Publishing House, Beijing, 2012, p.29,60,61 No Art , Issue no.58, Beijing, 2015, p.180

HK$ 280,000 - 380,000 NT$ 1,176,000 - 1,597,000 US$ 36,100 - 49,000 秦艾 百寶箱之嫦娥 2006 水墨 紙本 90 x 63 cm 簽名:秦艾 鈐印:秦

出版: 《出版 水墨新銳年展》,北京榮華堂出版社,北京,2006,頁 84 《新工筆文獻叢書:秦艾卷》,安徽美術出版社,安徽,2010,頁 17,99 《靠近我的天涯:秦艾個人作品集》,中國美術出版社,北京,2012,頁 29,60,61 《看藝術》第 58 期,北京,2015,頁 180


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

616 A XING YAO WHITE-GLAZED POT Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) H: 16 cm D: 13 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 120,000 - 160,000 NT$ 504,000 - 672,000 US$ 15,500 - 20,600 唐 邢窯白釉蓋 壺 來源: 香港藏家舊藏

This ewer has a short body curves into the base, whose thick round form provides it with ample stability. A short spout elegantly extends out from its shoulder. White glaze gives the piece a nice sheen. Xing province was the main production area for the Tang Dynasty Northern white-glazed porcelain. It was a great significance in the Chinese history of ceramics. This ewer is a fine white porcelain that is elegant and graceful, which reflects the "silvery snow" quality in Tang Xing Kiln porcelain. 壺唇口,圓腹,平底,小短流,通體施白釉,外部施釉接近底部。 上腹部圓鼓,下腹部弧收,底部露出白色胎土,胎質細膩堅實。釉 色潔白明淨,施釉均勻,釉質飽滿瑩潤。邢窯是唐代北方白瓷的主 要產地,在中國的陶瓷史中佔有重要地位。此件器物造型端莊規 整,屬邢窯白瓷中的細白瓷,體現出唐代邢窯白瓷「似雪類銀」的 素雅與優美。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

617 HUAIREN YAOBIAN TEA BOWL Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 9 cm H: 4 cm PROVENANCE: Sotheby's New York

HK$ 280,000 - 380,000 NT$ 1,176,000 - 1,597,000 US$ 36,100 - 49,000 宋 懷仁窯曜變 茶 盞 來源: 紐約蘇富比


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

With the rise of tea ceremony and regular tea preparation

shimmering dark glaze adds a dynamic and vibrant note. The

competitions during the Song Dynasty, tea utensils, in particular

irregular dotted pattern is reminiscent of a vast and starry night

that of the black glaze variety, gained in popularity and became

sky, a poetic touch that leaves one to ponder the boundless

an important product of Chinese kilns both north and south.

depths of the universe. In spite of its age, the bowl is in an

The Huairen Kiln, a producer of such tea utensils, was located

excellent condition, making it a worthy addition to the Song

in Shanxi Province’s Huairen County. In The Comprehensive

Dynasty Huairen ware collection of any avid tea drinker.

Records of the Great Ming Dynasty ("Da Ming Yitong Zhi") is recorded: "The Jinping Mountain lies 25 li southwest


from Huairen Prefecture, and of old there was a pottery kiln


there." In terms of clay composition and glaze coloring, as


well as shape and design, Huairen ware tended to imitate the


craftsmanship of Fujian’s Jian Kiln.


This relatively shallow bowl has rounded sides and a short


round foot. Black glaze has been applied to its outer and inner


walls, extending to the bottom part. The glazing is smooth and


glossy, and textured with rust-colored tears. The foot has a thin


layer of iron-colored glaze in deliberate imitation of Jianyao


ware. Overall, this item shows a charming decorative pattern


and sophisticated design, while the lustrous quality of the

618 LIANG LANBO (LEONG Lampo, Chinese-American, b.1961)

Grandeur Spirit III 2008 Ink and watercolor on paper 30.5 x 64 cm Signed bottom center Lanbo in Chinese and bottom center Lampo Leong in English With two seals of the artist Liang (center right) and Lanbo (bottom left) LITERATURE: Lampo Leong: Wild Cursive , Taiwan: Artists in Taiwan, (2014): 28 (1 color plate) PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 12,000 - 22,000 NT$ 50,000 - 92,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,800


梁藍波 浩然之氣 III 2008 水墨 設色 紙本 30.5 x 64 cm 款識中下 : 藍波 Lampo Leong 鈐印左下 : 藍波 鈐印右中 : 梁 出版: 《梁藍波:狂草》,台灣藝術家出版,2014 年,第 28 頁(1 張彩圖) 來源: 亞洲私人收藏

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

619 YUE WARE CELADON BOWL Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) D: 14.5 cm H: 4.2 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

Most Tang Dynasty ware falls in two categories: white ware from the northern Xing Kiln and celadon or green ware from the southern Yue Kiln, a distinction often summed up as "southern celadon and northern white." This lot shows a shape and design seen in both Xing and Yue ware, with a broad mouth, slanting belly, and a flattish round foot. The bowl has fairly thick walls and is entirely covered in light brownish-green glaze. In the book The Classic of Tea ("Cha Jing"), Tang author Lu Yu writes, "When it comes to tea bowls,

HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 NT$ 109,000 - 151,000 US$ 3,400 - 4,600

Yue ware is superior to ware from other regions, such as Dingzhou, Wuzhou, Yuezhou, Shouzhou, or Hongzhou. I also don’t agree that Xing ware is to be placed above Yue ware, for Xing white ware may look like silver, but Yue celadon ware looks like jade. Secondly, if white ware reminds one of snow, celadon reminds one of ice. Last not least, Xing ware makes tea appear reddish, while celadon bowls

唐 越窯青釉盞 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏

give it a pleasant green hue. For all these reasons, Yue ware is to be preferred." There can be little doubt that Yue celadon ware was considered to be a high end product at the time. 唐代時期瓷器燒造主要為北方邢窯的白瓷與南方越窯的青瓷,史稱 南青北白;這個時期其形製接近此盞造型在邢窯與越窯中均有出 現;其型敞口,斜腹壁,玉璧底圈足,通體施青釉,胎體厚實;唐 代陸羽的茶經中記載:「碗,越州上,鼎州次,婺州次,岳州次, 壽州,洪州次。或者以邢州處越州上,殊為不然。若邢瓷類銀,, 越瓷類玉,邢不如越一也;若邢瓷類雪,則越瓷類冰,邢不如越二 也;邢瓷白而茶色丹,越瓷青而茶色綠,邢不如越三也。」此雖一 家之言,卻由此可知,越窯青瓷茶盞在當時是一件高等級茶器。

620 LIANG LANBO (LEONG Lampo, Chinese-American, b.1961)

梁藍波 德 III

Virtue III 2013 Ink and watercolor on paper 64 x 75 cm Signed center right Lanbo in Chinese With three seals of the artist Liang (center right), Liang (center left), and Lanbo (bottom left) LITERATURE: Lampo Leong: Wild Cursive , Taiwan: Artists in Taiwan (2014): 15 (1 color plate, detail) PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 12,000 - 20,000 NT$ 50,000 - 84,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,600 50

2013 水墨 設色 紙本 64 x 75 cm 款識右中 : 藍波 鈐印右中 : 梁 鈐印左中 : 梁 鈐印左下 : 藍波 出版: 《梁藍波:狂草》,台灣藝術家出版,2014 年,第 15 頁(1 張彩圖,局部) 來源: 亞洲私人收藏

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

621 A JIZHOU WHITE VASE WITH BROWN OCEAN WAVE PATTERN Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) H: 17.5 cm D: 8 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 120,000 - 160,000 NT$ 504,000 - 672,000 US$ 15,500 - 20,600 宋 吉州窯海水 紋 膽 瓶 來源: 香港藏家舊藏

This vase featured a round mouth, long concave-neck, and plump lower body. The ceramic body is white and glazed in yellow; the neck is decorated with the pattern while the lower body is decorated with ocean wave pattern. The decoration is very smooth and detailed, which matches the classical style from the Jizhou kiln of the Song Dynasty. 宋代吉州窯海水紋膽瓶,胎質灰白,唇口外翻,頸部下漸豐 腴至接近底部收斂,圈足略寬,黃地褐彩,紋飾層次繁密, 頸部兩組旋紋中間描繪紋飾,腹部繪滿海濤紋,紋飾纖細, 繪畫流暢,為典型宋代時期南方吉州窯的風格。

622 YAOZHOU WARE BOWL WITH IMPRINTED CHRYSANTHEMUM PATTERN Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 10.3 cm H: 3.3 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

This small washbowl has a gently curved belly, a rim that is slightly arching outward, and a round foot. On its inner walls is imprinted an intertwined decorative pattern, while the bottom shows a chrysanthemum design. The entire bowl is covered in Yaozhou celadon glaze of a somewhat darkish, elegant hue. The vessel’s shape has a simple, straightforward design. Imprinted patterns were one of the most important decorative features of Yaozhou ware, including floral and animal designs, as well as human figures. This particular type of bowl is rare, making this a

HK$ 40,000 - 60,000 NT$ 168,000 - 252,000 US$ 5,200 - 7,700

worthy addition to any collection. 此洗器形小巧,淺弧腹,口部略外撇,圈足。洗內壁模印纏枝 紋,底部為團菊紋。通體施耀州窯青釉,釉色深沉、典雅,造 型簡約。耀州窯瓷器中,印花為主要的一種裝飾手法,紋飾多 模印花卉、動物、人物等。而此洗造型較為罕見,為耀州窯瓷

宋 耀州窯印花 團 菊 小 洗 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏



Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

623 WHITE GLAZED CUP Sui Dynasty (AD 581-618) D: 10.5 cm H: 8.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Japan

HK$ 90,000 - 120,000 NT$ 378,000 - 504,000 US$ 11,600 - 15,500 隋 白釉杯 來源: 日本藏家舊藏

This cup has an outwardly curved rim and a deep, wide belly. The white body is thin and light, and glazed on the inside and outside. The glaze is evenly applied, but there are some tear-stains where it ran towards the round foot during the firing process, leaving a slightly thicker coating of a faint celadon hue. Both the outer and inner walls show some fine crackling, and the surface of the glazing has a particularly vitreous texture and luster, while the coloring is smooth and pure. These features are all proof of the high level of craftsmanship reached during the Sui Dynasty, in particular in the production of white ceramics, where its standards are still unsurpassed. 杯撇口,深弧腹,白胎,質地緻密細膩,胎體輕薄,內外施釉,釉 面均勻,燒製時釉面微微流淌,杯底部呈現淡淡的青色,杯外壁釉 面帶有開片,釉水施至杯接近底部處,底部一周釉水堆積,亦呈現 青色,釉水玻璃質感強,底部露胎處可見潔白胎骨。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

624 LONGQUAN WARE HIGH STEM CUP WITH PLAIN BODY AND PLUM DESIGN Southern Song (AD 1127-1279) H: 10.5 cm D: 8.7 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 140,000 - 200,000 NT$ 588,000 - 840,000 US$ 18,000 - 25,800 南宋 龍泉窯素 胎 印 梅 花 紋 高 足 杯 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

This high-stemmed cup has a fairly wide mouth, deep belly, and


outward-arching round foot. Only the inside is covered with celadon


glaze of faint hue but smooth luster. The central part is engraved


with a plum blossom design, with the outlines of the petals clearly


discernible. The outer parts are plain and unglazed, the only


adornment being two simple lines running around the stem. This is a special piece of Longquan ware, well worth a collector’s attention. When the cup is filled with liquid, the play of the plum blossoms at the bottom makes for an entertaining diversion.

625 YAOZHOU DISH WITH INTERTWINING BRANCHES AND PEONY DESIGN Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 11.5 cm H: 4.8 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 36,000 - 60,000 NT$ 151,000 - 252,000 US$ 4,600 - 7,700 宋 耀州窯交枝 牡 丹 紋 盞 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

This dish has a very broad mouth, a short round foot, and a wide,

in the remains of the Yao Kiln pottery shards were found with reign

curved belly. The interior bottom has a somewhat oval center, and

titles engraved on them, such as Xining, Daguan, and Zhenghe. This

where the glaze has been scraped away, the brownish body is visible.

explains the mostly elegant and sophisticated design of such ware.

On the outside, a decorative pattern runs along the edge of the mouth, while the vessel’s interior is engraved with floral designs. The


main motif are two intertwined broken-branch-style peony flowers


whose petals are arranged in layers, creating an impression of full


bloom. This dominant design is further accentuated by intertwining


leaves and branches that fill up all the lower interior’s remaining


space. An olive celadon glaze is applied to the whole dish, with the


finish thicker in the receding parts of the ornamental design, making for sharper contours and a shade-like effect. During the Northern Song, Yaozhou ware was a designated tribute item of that area, and

626 LONGQUAN DOULI-SHAPED CELADON BOWL Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 14 cm H: 4.8 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

This bowl is shaped like an East Asian broad-brimmed hat, or douli, with a wide, outward-curving mouth and a deep belly tapering towards the small round foot. The vessel is covered inside and out with evenly applied celadon glaze of a darkish plum green hue. The douli is the most famous and widely recognized design of Song Dynasty teabowls. Simple yet elegant, douli bowls were very much favored by the Song literati class. This item features a classic design and attractive color, showing all the widely admired aesthetic features of Song era ceramics.

HK$ 120,000 - 160,000 NT$ 504,000 - 672,000 US$ 15,500 - 20,600 宋 龍泉窯青釉 斗 笠 盞 來源: 香港藏家舊藏


盞斗笠型製,盞口外撇,深腹斜收,底部小圈足。盞口至圈足皆施 青釉,釉面均勻,釉色如梅子青色。斗笠盞為宋代最為著名的茶盞 造型,因造型酷似斗笠而得名。器形優雅,頗受宋代文人的喜愛。 此盞造型經典,釉色古樸,彰顯了宋代文人精緻生活的縮影。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

627 LI JING (Chinese, b.1972) Landscape 2016 Ink and color on paper 75 x 46.5 cm Signed Li Jing in Chinese with one seal of the artist

HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 NT$ 63,000 - 126,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 李淨 仿湘碧圖 2016 設色 紙本 75 x 46.5 cm 款識:仿湘碧 丙申春李淨 鈐印:李淨

628 A HENAN YAO IRON RUST CONICAL SHAPED BOWL Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 15.6 cm H: 4.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 160,000 - 260,000 NT$ 672,000 - 1,092,000 US$ 20,600 - 33,500 宋 當陽峪窯鐵 鏽 斑 斗 笠 茶 盞 來源: 香港藏家舊藏


This teabowl is conical shape reminiscence of amboo hat (douli), its rim is curving slightly outwards, and it rests on a small round foot. Inner side of the bowl is glazed black, with iron-rust colored splashed irregularly as decoration. This visual effect is pleasant to the eye and invites fancy reveries. Brown iron-rust glaze extends to the foot on the outside. This kind of decorative straked black glaze is typical for Song Dynasty Cizhou ware, and during the Song/Jin period this technique had reached a high level of maturity and popularity. 盞撇口,呈現斗笠形,小圈足,盞內施黑釉,黑釉上點撒鐵鏽斑點 釉色,鐵鏽斑不規則的分佈在盞中,猶如浩瀚星際。盞外施褐色鐵 鏽斑釉至圈足處。此種鐵鏽斑為宋代磁州窯創新的裝飾手法,宋金 時期足見此種釉色工藝已經被成熟掌握,鐵鏽斑這種釉色更為宋人 所喜愛。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

629 BLUE GLAZED BOWL Tang or Five Dynasties (AD 618-960) D: 10 cm H: 4 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

Blue glazed earthenware first appeared during the Sui-Tang era, using cobalt pigments as colorant. Since cobalt was initially rare and expensive, and not easy to work, thus raising the production costs, blue glazed ware for a long time remained the prerogative of the nobility, in particular the emperor and his family. This lot is entirely covered in evenly applied blue glaze of a faint, darkish sapphire hue. Near the foot, where the finish is thinner, the body’s tawny ocher is visible. The round foot is slightly wider than usual and embellished

HK$ 15,000 - 26,000 NT$ 63,000 - 109,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,400

with two lines of a swirling design. The item shows a decorous design and excellent workmanship in keeping with its aristocratic roots. 隋唐時期出現釉色純正的藍釉瓷器;以鈷料為著色劑;而藍釉這種 色彩為貴族所青睞,其原因推測可能其燒製工藝或燒製成本較高等 因素致使價格不菲;所以深受皇親貴冑所鍾愛。此盞通體施藍釉,

唐/五代 藍釉 盞 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


釉水均勻,其色澤呈現幽幽的寶石藍,釉水接近底足處,胎骨呈現 黃褐色,圈足略寬,圈足外壁刻畫兩道旋紋,整體造型端莊,古 樸,規整,製作精良,彰顯其貴族氣質。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

630 LI JING (Chinese, b.1972) Landscape 2015 Ink and color on paper 75 x 46.5 cm Signed Li Jing in Chinese and dated 2015 With two seals of the artist

HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 NT$ 63,000 - 126,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 李淨 仿石谷圖 2015 設色 紙本 75 x 46.5 cm 款識:仿石谷 乙未冬李淨 鈐印:李 淨

631 NATSUKI URUSHIHARA (Japanese, b.1977) Planet 2007 Ink, Japanese pigment powder, metal powder on paper 181.8 x 492 cm Signed Natsuki Urushihara in Japanese on the reserve PROVENANCE: Christie's Hong Kong, May 25, 2014, Lot.715

HK$ 750,000 - 900,000 NT$ 3,151,000 - 3,782,000 US$ 96,600 - 116,000 漆原夏樹 遊星 2007 水墨 日本顏料 金粉 紙本 181.8 x 492 cm 簽名:漆原夏樹(背面) 來源: 香港佳士得 2014 年 5 月 25 日,編號 715

Autumn Grasses Folding Screen by Atomi Kakei, collection of Atomi University. 跡見花蹊(1840-1926)《秋草圖屏風》,現藏於跡見学園女子大学花蹊 記念資料館。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel


Natsuki Urushihara, an active contemporary artist from

日本藝術家 漆原夏樹 是日本當代藝術界較活躍的青年畫

Japan. Graduated from painting at Tokyo National


University of Fine Arts and Music, concentrated in ancient


techniques for Japanese art, emphasizing ancient animals


in his early work. For instance, Urushihara explore the


“Two-sided” nature by contrasting colors and make use


of context with adorable images such as panda, penguin


etc; he nevertheless hinted the reality world and led the


audience to question if an insanity society with sensibility


and peacefulness on the surface exists. Urushihara utilizes


metaphor to express his fascination to the imagery of


heaven from the old world, while making attempts to create new artwork. He probe into the social distance and social


interaction, creating a resonance with his audience, by


exploiting human figures in his recent work.

材雖已司空見慣,但漆原夏樹認為這是超然世界的美,並 決心要用自己的藝術方式來呈現同一題材的畫作。或者更

“Planet” is an artwork inspired by the Yakushi-ji from Nara


of Japan, Japanese traditional painting techniques with


hint of Buddhist painting is applied. Urushihara believes,


although very common, this is surreally beautiful and


decided to create his artwork based on this. Urushihara


explained, “ from the phenomena of the reality world


I perceived, I replace it with a delusive, mysterious and eventful world with visual pleasure.”


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel


Kong, was a Chinese painter and calligrapher. Fang has a very solid

方召麐,女,1914年出生於江蘇無錫,後定居於香港,是中國當代 傑出的書畫世術大師。曾先後受業於錢松喦、趙少昂、張大千,得

foundation after studying under great artists like Cheung Dai-chien


and developed her own style after years of practices. Her artwork includes a wide variety of topics, with a preference being world

創新,終於形成自己別具一格的畫風。方召麐的作品題材豐富,而 尤以世界和平、人類幸福這一類主題最受偏愛,充分展示了藝術家

peace and happiness, demonstrating her compassion and sympathy.


Her painting techniques is plain and marvelous, with an bold and


traditional style of painting, was praised by her audience.


Fang is one of the earliest participant in experimenting modern ink and Chinese painting reform. She received honorary doctorate from

方召 麐 ,是中國最早一批進行現代水墨實驗和國畫改造的藝術大 師。曾為多個大學的名譽博士,香港紫荊獎章的獲得者。她天賦奇

various universities and Bronze Bauhinia Star, a rank in Order of the


Bauhinia Star in Hong Kong. She is the first female artist to exhibit


in Japan in the post-war era, co-exhibiting with Chao Shao-ang in


Feng Zhaoling, born Wuxi, Jiangsu, and later migrated to Hong

1951, a year after studying under him, demonstrating her gifted talent. She then studies under Cheung Dai-chien and was praised by him. Fang’s calligraphy was also acclaimed by internationally.

香港著名詞人林夕,稱讚是方召 麐 「人畫合一了」評價說,「有 些人的堅強是莽撞的,而有些人的堅強是負責任的,方老即是後 者。」方老作為壯美風格的女畫家,中國書畫史上尚屬罕見。70

Albert Leung, also known as Lin Xi, a prolific and award winning


lyricist based in Hong Kong, once commented, "Some people are


strong yet reckless; some are strong and responsible. Fang belongs


to the latter." Fang’s style is of elegance, which is rarely seen in the


history of Chinese painting and calligraphy. She creates contrast,


richness and depthness with the application of brush and dampness


of ink in her Shan-shui work; she has nonetheless painted the work of fishermen on lake with bird-eye view, her painting insinuate

比,營造遠近層次效果。紅霞盡染於波光粼粼的水面上,方召麐用 鳥瞰的方式畫了江上泛舟的漁民往來勞作。這幅畫初看色彩豐富、

innocence yet profound, injecting a new aesthetic value to Shan-



格上,她的小畫不纖弱,大畫不空泛。方老的書法亦是碑帖淵源寬 博,古拙樸厚,氣勢磅礡,自具風貌,為海內外畫家所欽敬。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

632 FANG ZHAOLIN (Chinese, 1914-2006)


Autumn Lake


1989 Ink and color on paper 76 x 89 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection by Mr. Fang Mansheng

HK$ 100,000- 180,000 NT$ 420,000 - 756,000 US$ 12,900 - 23,200

1989 設色 紙本 76 x 89 cm 來源: 方曼生先生舊藏

633 WOODEN TRAY WITH BLACK LACQUER FINISH AND INLAID MOTHER-OF-PEARL FLORAL DESIGN Late Qing or Early Republic (AD 1644-1911) L: 28.5 cm W: 17 cm H: 2 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 NT$ 21,000 - 42,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 晚清/民國 木 胎 黑 漆 嵌 螺 鈿 花 卉 紋 盤 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

634 JIANG ZHAOSHEN (Chinese, 1925-1996)

Landscape 1990 Ink and color on paper 64 x 48.8 cm Signed Jiang Zhaoshen in Chinese and dated 1990 With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 80,000 - 120,000 NT$ 336,000 - 504,000 US$ 10,300 - 15,500 江兆申 一徑入雙崖 1990 64 x 48.8 cm 設色 紙本 款識: 一徑入雙崖 初疑有幾家 行窮人不見 坐久日空斜 石上生靈草 泉中落異花 終須結茅屋 向此學餐霞 庚午江兆申 鈐印:兆申之印 雙菩提樹盦 來源: 台灣私人收藏

635 ZHANG YU (Chinese, b.1959) “Divine Light” Series 2000 Ink on paper 68.5 x 67 cm Signed Zhang Yu in Chinese and dated 2000.11

HK$ 60,000 - 80,000 NT$ 252,000 - 336,000 US$ 7,700 - 10,300 張羽 靈光系列 2000 水墨 紙本 68.5 x 67 cm 簽名:張羽 2000.11

Chinese painting by brush is a representation of the Chinese philosophy and its culture from public perceiptionand which is the mission given to ink painting by Dan ink. One can not ignore the outstanding contribution to contemporary by Zhang Yu, especially from “Divine Light” series; people even name him the Pioneer of Experimental Ink. Zhang’s work is more emotionally inspired where traditional ink is usually imagery. Zhang said “Chinese painting focuses on spirit rather than actual imagery, which deviate it from western art, and that is the essence and core to Chinese painting.” “Divine Light” is the last experimental work done on brush, and it is a very rare experimental work that Zhang is reluctant to categorize it as abstract. Zhang constructed a pattern, that depicts the floating light in space, emphasizing the non-imagery rather than abstract. This is how it differentiates itself from the western and Japanese abstract. 在世人看來,毛筆繪出的中國畫就是代表中國的哲學、中國的文 化,彷彿這就是筆墨丹青所賦予水墨作品使命。提及毛筆繪畫,在 中國當代藝術就無法不提起張羽在實驗水墨方面突出的貢獻,尤其 是《靈光》系列作品給人留下了非常深刻的印象。有人甚至因此稱 其為實驗水墨的教父。水墨作品通常多以表現是外在聯繫,而在張 羽的作品中,我們可以看到其卻蘊含豐富的關係。張羽認為「中國 畫本身在於對神的把握,不在於外在造型的準確,它重在傳神。這 是西方繪畫難以比擬的,是中國畫的核心和精髓。」 《靈光》系列是毛筆作品的最後一次實驗,完成《靈光》之後毛筆 彷彿就失去它意義了。《靈光》系列的確是實驗水墨的一個非常難 得的作品。對於這樣一個作品,張羽其實不太願意別人稱之為「抽 象」。作品《靈光》是張羽創造了一個圖式,強調了它是非具象 的,而不是抽象的,是一個圖式、一個方或一個圓,是光在宇宙中 的懸浮。由此《靈光》不同於西方的抽象,也不同於日本的抽象, 而是屬於中國的抽象。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

636 AN IMPERIAL GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF USHNISHAVIJAYA Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) H: 17.4 cm PROVENANCE: Sotheby's, Paris

HK$ 260,000 - 360,000 NT$ 1,092,000 - 1,513,000 US$ 33,500 - 46,400 清 官 造 銅 鎏 金 尊 勝 佛 母坐像 來源: 巴黎蘇富比

USHNISHAVIJAYA vajrasana sitting on a double lotus-shaped pedestal, eight arms radiating gracefully around the body, the head and the three faces slightly bent, each decorated with a third eye on forehead and overcame by a double chignon behind a crown, wearing a dhoti with finely carved flower borders. 尊勝佛母跏趺端坐於雙層蓮座之上,三面八臂, 每面均為三目。雖手中的器物部分遺失,但仍可 知其手中所持寶物及手印的吉祥寓意。佛像三面 微傾,面目嚴肅慈祥,項戴珍寶纓絡,身著秀麗 天衣,雙足跏趺於蓮花寶座中央。其製作精美程 度推測或為宮廷造辦處所製作,彰顯出清代皇家 對佛教的重視與信仰。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

637 A TIBETAN GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF AMITAYUS 16th century H: 18.7 cm PROVENANCE: Sotheby's, Paris

HK$ 180,000 - 260,000 NT$ 756,000 - 1,092,000 US$ 23,200 - 33,500 十 六 世 紀 西 藏 銅 鎏 金 無 量 壽 佛 坐像 來源: 巴黎蘇富比

AMITAYUS vajrasana sitting on a double lotus-shaped pedestal, hands of dhyana mudra holding a vase, the serene expression is framed by long ears and a crown. 無量壽佛跏趺端坐於雙層蓮座之上,雙手結禪定印托長壽 瓶於腹前。頭部微傾,細眉闔目,神態安然。頭戴寶冠, 繒帶於耳后自然卷起,佩戴項圈纓絡、臂環手環,並均嵌 以綠松石。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

638 VAJRA PESTLE Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644) H: 17.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 160,000 - 200,000 NT$ 672,000 - 840,000 US$ 20,600 - 25,800

Vajra pestles are religious utensils used in Tibetan Buddhism that trace their origin back to an ancient type of Indian weapon. In the Tantric tradition, vajras are an implement used to overcome all sort of doubts and demons, a tool for dispelling evil influences with the power of the Buddhist law. Vajra pestle is also a symbol of indestructability and power, and often used in combination with a bell, which represents feminine wisdom, the vajra symbolizes the masculine attribute of skillful means or compassion. This lot is entirely gilded and features meticulously cast decorative designs. 金剛杵是藏傳佛教的重要法器,杵原是古代印度的兵器,由於質地 堅固,能擊破各種物質,故稱為金剛杵。在密教中,金剛杵象徵摧 滅煩惱之菩提心,象徵如來金剛之智慧大用,能破除愚癡妄想的內


明 銅鎏金金剛 杵


來源: 台灣藏家舊藏


喻男性與女性的親密結合之外,更代表慈悲與智慧的結合。金剛杵 惱、摧毀形形色色障礙修道的惡魔,為密教諸尊之持物。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

639 NOBUYOSHI ARAKI (Japanese, b.1940)




1946 Gelatin silver print and photograph 46.5 x 58 cm Signed Nobuyoshi Araki in English on the reverse PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 NT$ 109,000 - 151,000 US$ 3,400 - 4,600

1946 銀鹽相紙 46.5 x 58 cm 簽名:Nobuyoshi Araki(背面) 來源: 亞洲私人收藏



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The bodhisattva stands in a graceful posture, abbanga, on a circular lotus pedestal, holding the stem of a flower in his left hand. The Prajnaparamita text, ‘Perfection is Wisdom’, resting on the lotus bloom at the shoulder identifies the subject as Manjushri, the Buddhist god of Wisdom. Although the statue was probably cast in Tibet for a Tibetan patron, there is no mistaking the influence of Napalese sculptural traditions in the sensuous modelling of the youthful human form and the stem yet engaging expression. The sash tied low at the left thigh is a feature commonly seen on Nepali standing bodhisattvas. And the gilt copper from which it is made is particularly reminiscent of Nepalese statues. Subtle departures from mainstream Nepalese styles, however, suggest the Tibetan provenance. The large pectoral suspended from the necklace, the similarly shaped but smaller belt ornaments, and the rhomboid jewellery set above the armbands, are designs not seen on contemporary Nepalese sculpture. Numerous historical records confirm the presence of Newar artists in Tibet, who were no doubt influential in the creation of this elegant sculpture of Manjushri. Another Bodhisattva Kyabdol (skyab sgrol) with an ear of corn at his left shoulder (in the collection of the British Museum, fig.1) corresponds very closely in style to Spink’s Manjushri. Since both deities belong to the iconographic group of 16 Bodhisattvas it is likely that the two images originally belonged to the same set. 在佛教中認為,文殊菩薩為「智慧」的象徵。常修持文殊菩薩,可增長智能, 辯才無礙,了知諸法真實義。文殊菩薩造像多以跏趺姿態為主,站姿的文殊菩 薩像卻不多見,立像通常成組陳設,並為重要寺廟中所供奉。此尊造像面型端 莊俊秀,造型優美,通體鎏金,品相完美。寶冠、耳璫、繒帶、瓔珞、釧環及 衣飾均雕刻細膩精緻,一絲不苟。不僅具備尼泊爾佛像的形態與審美,又兼有 西藏造像的神秘與深邃,顯示出高超的藝術水準,極為難得。 此尊文殊菩薩立像傳承有序,大英博物館中亦有一尊與其非常類似的造像(如 圖 1)。這兩尊造像,尺寸、風格、造型非常接近,推測皆出自於同一組八大 菩薩像。且此類佛像從級別上來看,通常是為重要寺廟所鑄造,並經歷過數百 年的供奉,其所具備的福祉不可估量。

Fig.1: Bodhisattva, 15th-16th century, H: 38.1 cm, The collection of the British Museum, Acquisition date: 1952 圖1:佛造像,15-16世紀,38.1 cm, 大英博物館館藏,藏購於1952年


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

640 A VERY RARE AND IMPORTANT GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF MANJUSHRI Nepal-Tibetan 13th-14th century H: 39.2 cm PROVENANCE: Collection Mr J. Gelpey, London, before 1997 Collection Spink and Son Ltd, London, 1997-2002 Collection Mr and Mrs. J. Meijer, the Netherlands, 2002-2013 PUBLISHED: Light of Compassion. Buddhist Art from Nepal and Tibet, Spink & Son Ltd, catalogue, London, 1997, pp. 12-13 (fig.2) J. Van Alphen, Cast for Eternity, Bronze Masterworks from India and the Himalayas in Belgian and Dutch Collections, Ethnographic Museum, Antwerp, 2005, p.186, fig. 60 LITERATURE: D. Snellgrove, The Image of the Buddha, London, 1978, p.346, fig. 271 With certificate of authenticity issued by Art Loss Register

E st i mat e o n re qu e st 估價待詢 13-14世紀 尼 泊 爾 西 藏 銅 鎏 金 文 殊 菩 薩 立 像 來源: 倫敦 J. Gelpey 先生收藏,1997 年之前 倫敦 Spink and Son Ltd., 收藏,1997 年至 2002 年 荷蘭 J. Meijer 伉儷收藏,2002 年至 2013 年 著錄: 《慈悲之光 尼泊爾與西藏佛教藝術》,Spink & Son 出版,倫敦,1997 年,頁 12-13(如圖 2) J. Van Alphen 著《鑄造永恒 收藏于比利時和丹麥的印度及喜瑪拉雅精品銅像》,民族博物館,比利時安特衛普,2005 年,頁 186,圖 60 出版: D. Snellgrove 著《佛像》,倫敦,1978 年,頁 346,圖 271 附 Art Loss Register 出具之作品保證書

A Large and Important Gilt Bronze Figure of AVALOKITESHVARA, 13th century, H: 63.4 cm, The Collection of Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Part I, Lot 25, Christie's New York, 17th March, 2015, USD$ 8,299,000 十三世紀 尼泊爾 鎏金銅觀音立像,63.5 cm,錦瑟華年 —— 安思遠私人珍藏第一部分,拍品編號25,紐約佳 士得,2015 年 3 月 17 日, USD $8,299,000

fig 2 86

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

641 A GILT BRONZE VAJRA BELL Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644) H: 23.5 cm D: 11.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 26,000 - 36,000 NT$ 109,000 - 151,000 US$ 3,400 - 4,600 明 銅鎏金金剛 鈴 來源: 台灣藏家舊藏

Vajra bell, a symbol of wisdom and virtue, is one of the primary ritual symbols in Tibetan Buddhism. The three constituent parts of a Vajra bell are the body, the handle, and the clapper. This lot is shaped like a large temple bell and cast in a copper alloy, with a round mouth and even rim. Both the top and the sides of the body are embellished with elaborate decorative patterns. This lot is very rare and precious. Its lower middle part consists of a Manjushri Bodhisattva head and three Buddha heads, while the topmost element is a hollow radial sphere. The body and handle of Vajra bells are usually separately cast and then soldered or riveted together. The handle’s shape looks like one end or half of a vajra pestle, which is why vajra bells are generally considered to be derived from vajra pestles. 金剛鈴是藏傳佛教的重要法器,故又稱藏鈴。金剛鈴表智 德之器,具摧破、堅固二德,有摧破煩惱之功用。在修法 中,主要為督勵眾生精進,警覺、勸請佛菩薩,令彼等歡 喜之用。金剛鈴由鈴身、鈴柄、鈴舌三部分構成。鈴身外 形似 ,響銅鑄成,圓口,邊緣齊平,頂部和周身均飾有精 美花紋。 此件金剛鈴屬胎藏界鈴,柄首為九股半杵形,傳世中十分 少見,彌足珍貴;下接單層仰式蓮花瓣,蓮瓣飽滿圓潤, 典型的永樂風格特徵;其下為修法本尊的頭像。鈴身為銅 合金製成,圖案繁複華麗,頂部為蓮瓣裝飾的諸佛種子 字,並依順時針方向排列。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

642 JADEITE PHOENIX HEAD HAIRPIN Middle Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) L: 16 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, France

HK$ 48,000 - 60,000 NT$ 202,000 - 252,000 US$ 6,200 - 7,700 清中期 翡翠 鳳 首 簪 來源: 法國藏家舊藏

643 A TIBETAN GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF THE SECOND DALAI LAMA 16-17th century H: 22.5 cm W: 18 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, London, acquired in 2007 LITERATURE: Himalayan Art Resource (himalayanart.org), item no. 23958

HK$ 500,000 - 800,000 NT$ 2,101,000 - 3,361,000 US$ 64,400 - 103,100 16-17世紀 藏 傳 銅 鎏 金 達 賴 喇 嘛 二 世 坐像 來源: 倫敦藏家舊藏,於 2007 年購買 出版 : Himalayan Art Resource (himalayanart.org), 編號:23958


Seated in dhyanasana on a double-lotus base with beaded rims, his right hand raised in vitarkamudra and his left holding a manuscript in his lap, dressed in voluminous patchwork robes with hems incised in a floral pattern, the face with smiling mouth flanked by prominent ears, the base sealed and incised with a double-vajra. 此尊達賴喇嘛二世端坐於雙層蓮座之上,右手施法印,左手 持經文,身著長袍,衣緣處鏨刻纏枝花卉。面帶微笑,嘴角 上揚。台座蓮瓣挺拔飽滿,辦尖微翹。底座密封,並有雙金 剛刻印。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

644 A GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF SHAKYAMUNI Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644) H: 18.6 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 120,000 - 180,000 NT$ 504,000 - 756,000 US$ 15,500 - 23,200 明 銅鎏金釋迦 牟 尼 佛 像 來源: 台灣藏家舊藏

Statues of Shakyamuni Buddha usually come in two basic varieties: sitting and standing posture. In addition, there are a number of mudras, or hand gestures, the five most commonly seen of which are the dhyana mudra, varada mudra, bhumyakramana mudra, dharmachakra mudra, and the "fear not" mudra. This statue shows Shakyamuni in the lotus position making the bhumyakramana gesture, also known as the "overcoming demons" mudra. This is the most common way of representing Gautama Buddha’s moment of enlightenment under a sacred fig tree in Bodh Gaya, as well as one of the most important images in Buddhist iconography. The Buddha is dressed in the kasaya, the monk’s robe, and his expression and overall appearance are serene and dignified. He is sitting on a lotus seat, his right hand making the bhumyakramana mudra, and his left placed in the dhyana mudra position. The entire statue is gilded, and the craftsmanship excellent. In particular, the fine adhesive gold coating of the face is very typical of Ming Dynasty style and technique. 釋迦牟尼圖像學變化很少,只有坐姿和立姿兩種,所施禪定印、與願印、觸 地印、轉法輪印和無畏印為最常見的五大手印;而此尊降魔印釋迦牟尼像, 或者說佛陀菩提伽耶成道像,是佛教圖像學中最為重要的造像之一。尊相妙 相莊嚴靜穆,身著袈裟,一手施禪定印,一手施降魔印,跏趺坐於蓮花座 上,整尊造像寶相莊嚴,製作精湛,通體鎏金,面部泥金工藝,具有鮮明的 明代造像風格与特徵。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

645 WHITE GLAZED BOWL Late Tang or Early Five Dynasties (AD 618-960) D: 10 cm H: 4 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

This bowl has a lipped rim and round foot. Faint casting marks are visible on the outer walls. The entire bowl is glazed except for the foot, where the ceramic body is visible, which is slightly on the thick side, white and smooth. The finish is clean and glossy with a faint tint of celadon. A spiral pattern running along the item’s lower part gives an aesthetically pleasing effect. This kind of pattern is based on decorative elements often found in Tang Dynasty gold and silver utensils; in terms of design and glazing this bowl displays all the

HK$ 42,000 - 60,000 NT$ 176,000 - 252,000 US$ 5,400 - 7,700

typical features generally found in late Tang and early Five Dynasties Xing ware. Although well over a thousand years old, the item is in excellent condition. 此盞唇口,圈足。外壁依稀可見拉坯的痕跡,周身施釉接近至圈 足,圈足處露胎,胎體微厚,胎土潔白細膩,釉面潔淨剔透,釉水

晚唐/五代 白 釉 盞 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


微微呈現淡藍色。器身下部一道旋紋展現出器物的造型美感,此種 設計傳承了唐代時期模仿金銀器造型的傳統;此盞從造型到釉水均 呈現出晚唐到五代時期邢窯白瓷的特點,雖經歷千年的洗禮仍風采 依舊。

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

646 SHIRAGA KAZUO (Japanese, 1924-2008)




Ink on paper 48 x 67 cm

HK$ 50,000 - 80,000 NT$ 210,000 - 336,000 US$ 6,400 - 10,300

水墨 紙本 48 x 67 cm

647 LONGQUAN CELADON BRUSH WASHER Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 12.4 cm H: 3.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 40,000 - 60,000 NT$ 168,000 - 252,000 US$ 5,200 - 7,700 宋 龍泉窯青釉 小 洗 來源: 香港藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Historically, the Longquan kilns were the most important producers


of celadon ware, with items from the Song Dynasty enjoying the


highest reputation. Not only does Song greenware tend to have the


best quality, it also comes in a great variety of designs and finishes,


the latter including pastel celadon, plum green, and dongqing (“ilex


green”) glaze. This shallow washer has a wide mouth and flat bottom,


with curved sides that show a melon-ribbed pattern. The entire vessel is covered in a thick and lustrous celadon glaze, with a lighter color where the body is bulging slightly, and a uniformly deeper hue in the concave parts, particularly of the melon rib design. This shading effect adds an extra touch of elegance and variety. The outer walls and round foot are neatly worked, with the foot’s unglazed underside revealing the reddish-brown tint of the body, a typical feature of Song era Longquan ware.

648 PABLO PICASSO (Spanish, 1881-1973) Sujet colombe 1959 Ceramic Vase 15.5 x 20 x 16 cm NUMBERED: 137/500, inscribed 'Edition Picasso', with the Madoura and Edition Picasso stamps LITERATURE: (A.R. 435)

HK$ 40,000 - 80,000 NT$ 168,000 - 336,000 US$ 5,200 - 10,300 巴布羅.畢卡 索 鴿子瓷瓶 1959 瓷器 15.5 x 20 x 16 cm 印鑑、標記及編號: Edition Picasso / Madoura / Edition Picasso 137/500(底部) 出版: (A.R. 435)


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

649 DW (Chinese, b. 1981)


1973 Ford F-Series

1973 福特F系列

2013 Silver Gelatin Photographic Paper Edition no. 3/5 40.64 x 50.8 cm PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

HK$ 12,000 - 20,000 NT$ 50,000 - 84,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,600


2013 銀鹽相紙 鏡框 版數:3/5 40.64 x 50.8 cm 來源: 直接來源於藝術家

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

650 DW (Chinese, b. 1981)


Opportunity Cost


2014 Fine Art Paper Print Edition no. 1/5 61 x 50 cm PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

HK$ 10,000 - 20,000 NT$ 42,000 - 84,000 US$ 1,300 - 2,600

2014 美術紙 版數:1/5 61 x 50 cm 來源: 直接來源於藝術家

651 NOBUYOSHI ARAKI (Japanese, b.1940) Flower 2006-2009 Polaroid unique 8 x 8 cm x 2 With certificate of authenticity issued by Taka Ishii Gallery

HK$ 12,000 - 22,000 NT$ 50,000 - 92,000 US$ 1,500 - 2,800 荒木經惟 花 2006-2009 寶麗來相紙 8 x 8 cm x 2 附 Taka Ishii 畫廊提供之原作保證書


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

652 NOBUYOSHI ARAKI (Japanese, b.1940) Women 2006-2009 Polaroid unique 8 x 8 cm x 3 With certificate of authenticity issued by Taka Ishii Gallery

HK$ 18,000 - 28,000 NT$ 76,000 - 118,000 US$ 2,300 - 3,600 荒木經惟 女人 2006-2009 寶麗來相紙 8 x 8 cm x 3 附 Taka Ishii 畫廊提供之原作保證書

653 LI YIHONG (LEE YIH-HONG, Chinese, b.1941)




1991 Ink and color on paper 88 x 95 cm Signed LI Yihong in Chinese and dated 1991 With three seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 160,000 - 260,000 NT$ 672,000 - 1,092,000 US$ 20,600 - 33,500


1991 88 x 95 cm 設色 紙本 款識:辛未仲夏於笛音凝室明窸義弘鄉情 欽印:義弘染翰 在川小記 即事多所欣 來源: 台灣私人收藏

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

654 BLUE AND WHITE INCENSE BOX WITH POEM AND FLORAL DESIGN Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) H: 3.5 cm W: 4 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 65,000 - 75,000 NT$ 273,000 - 315,000 US$ 8,400 - 9,700 清 青花 花 卉 人 物 題 詩 香 盒 來源: 台灣藏家舊藏

655 LI YIHONG (LEE YIH-HONG, Chinese, b.1941)


A Fan Calligraphy


1967 Ink on paper 15 x 51.2 cm Signed Li Yihong in Chinese With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 NT$ 118,000 - 160,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900

1967 水墨 紙本 15 x 51.2 cm 款識 :李義弘 鈐印:吉祥 李氏 釋文: 林亭積雪對江干 松影橫波木葉乾 正有幽人招隱士 溪邊煙柳斜陽裏 郭外秋風碧水前 牛背歸來歌未已 清溪極浦與雲連 遠樹微茫映碧天 片片風帆向何處 飛鴻已渡白沙洲 遠岫浮煙水自流 已有扁舟待明月 幽棲猶認舊柴門 山雨微茫嶺色昏 林際鐘聲蕭寺晚 江南春色雪猶寒 滿地平蕪木葉乾 遠近清溪添碧水 山光雲影共徘徊 夕照群峰霽色開 鴻雁無聲江水濶 書寒玉堂詩 李義弘 來源: 台灣私人收藏


吟詩沽酒坐消寒 隨風遠破暮雪天 鳴榔歸去夕陽前 澹雲疎柳一江秋 寒蘆苦竹幾家村 雁聲已隔暮雲端 扁舟遠處破煙來

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

656 LI YIHONG (LEE YIH-HONG, Chinese, b.1941)


A Fan Landscape


1983 Ink and color on paper 15 x 51.2 cm Signed Li Yihong in Chinese With two seals of the artist

1983 設色 紙本 15 x 51.2 cm

PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 NT$ 118,000 - 160,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900

款識 : 誠登絕頂望鄉國 江南江北青山多 癸亥夏日畫於笛音凝室 李義弘 鈐印:李義弘記 在川 來源: 台灣私人收藏

657 WAN QINGLI (Chinese, b.1945) Loyalists from the Old Dynasty 1997 Ink and color on paper, hanging scroll 19.5 x 72.5 cm;141 x 72.5 cm Signed Wan Qingli in Chinese and dated 1997 April With nine seals of the artist

HK$ 50,000 - 80,000 NT$ 210,000 - 336,000 US$ 6,400 - 10,300 萬青力 上古遺民 1997 設色 紙本 立軸 19.5 x 72.5 cm;141 x 72.5 cm 詩塘: 上古遺民 讀趙松雪吳興賦 以將還敦樸於上古為題 信手圖之 餘作畫一曝十寒 又如昔時京戲玩票 忽餘忽楊 不過一時忘情而已 此圖累數日始成 自覺不佳 奈 何時間不容再重作一幀 好在尚未入摩登新潮 人或冷眼清觀 今日尚有愚頑如此 者也 丁丑四月 萬青力 鈐印:山水知己 萬 青力 本幅:上古遺民 丁丑四月初夏 萬青力 鈐印:萬 青力 宣城 小棚友 肖形印 肖形印


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel


With its round belly, rattan handle, jade lid handle, and tapering

L: 17 cm H: 15.5 cm

drinkers have to deal with when preparing their favorite brew.

PROVENANCE: Private Collection, Japan

spout, this cleverly designed teapot blends essential features of Chinese and Japanese tea ceremony to create an eminently practical utensil that solves many of the little issues and problems avid tea

The rattan handle, for example, ensures that you won’t burn your hand when picking up the pot, while the sturdy tapering spout guarantees a smooth flow without any dribbling, and also cuts off the flow cleanly when the cup is full. Last not least, the lid handle made

HK$ 60,000 - 80,000 NT$ 252,000 - 336,000 US$ 7,700 - 10,300

of jade not only provides heat insulation, but also serves an important aesthetical purpose, putting the finishing touch on an outstanding item that gets top marks for both beauty and functionality. 此壺器型渾圓飽滿,搭配藤把,玉摘及砲口的設計著實巧妙的合併 了中國及日本的茶道文化精髓,並透過精巧地設計克服了許多茶人

大丸保久作 藤 柄 玉 摘 砲 口 銀 壺


來源: 日本藏家舊藏

藤把的設計能確保使用者在使用上不燙手;砲口的設計元素則能確保 出水的順利,不管是出水或斷水都簡潔有力。最後再搭配上玉紐的 設計不但使茶人在取蓋時有隔熱效果, 也對整把壺有著畫龍點睛的效 果,是把不可多得的泡茶利器。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

659 ENGRAVED INDENTED TIN TEA SAUCERS BY SHANG TIAN TAI Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) L: 11.5 cm W: 7 cm PROVENANCE: Private Collection, Japan

HK$ 10,000 - 20,000 NT$ 42,000 - 84,000 US$ 1,300 - 2,600 清 雕花尚天泰 款 雕 花 錫 托 ( 五 只 ) 來源: 日本藏家舊藏

A set of indented tin saucers in prime condition. The

saucers’ edges are slightly raised, curving very gently towards the middle, which has a round, deeper indentation to receive the teacup. The outer rim is in the shape of a stylized flower blossom with eight lobes of varying size, while a lianzhu decorative design runs around the upside’s central indentation, which is itself embellished with the auspicious Chinese character shou ("longevity"), also executed in the lianzhu style. The central part of the underside shows the characters “Shang Tian Tai” in bas-relief. 錫器蓮形茶託一套,狀態完好,形式上略作淺弧邊沿,托盤至中心 徐緩下凹,中部作圓形托座,茶托外圍輪廓作花瓣造形,分出八 瓣,大小不等,富於變化。茶托中部正面附予連珠草葉紋環飾一 周,中部以連珠紋作「壽」字文飾,予人吉祥歡慶之感。茶托背面 中心淺刻陽文「尚天泰」款識。

660 A CIZHOU BLACK GLAZED RIBBED JAR WITH HANDLES Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) H: 15 cm D: 13.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 120,000 - 160,000 NT$ 504,000 - 672,000 US$ 15,500 - 20,600 宋 磁州窯黑釉線條雙耳罐 來源: 香港藏家舊藏

This jar is a representative work of Cizhou ceramics. It was produced by carving ridgelines onto the halfly dried pottery to form raised vertical rib patterns in the sides. Ithas a pair of small strap loop handles on the shoulder, covered overall in a black glaze and thinning to pale brown at the raised ribs, exposing the buff coloured body. During the high temperature firing process of the pottery, the black glaze was allowed to flow naturally through the carved lines. This created distinguishing black and white contrast in tonality where the rhythmic lines became the pattern, a significant representation of the bold characteristics of the Northern kilns. 罐唇口,弧腹,肩部飾雙耳。器身施黑釉,裝飾有線 條紋;黑釉線條罐是磁州窯系的代表作。其製作方法 是在半乾的胎體上先刻出棱線,形成有韻律的線條起 伏,再施以黑釉,由於釉料在高溫下的自然流動,使 得黑釉隨著棱線的起伏呈現濃淡黑白的對比,起到以 線條裝飾器身的效果,展現其渾樸質感與北方窯口瓷 器的豪邁性格。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

661 ZHOU CHENG (Chinese, b.1941) Balmy Landscape in Autumn 1967 50.5 x 34 cm Ink and color on paper, hanging scroll Signed Chunbo in Chinese With four seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 NT$ 63,000 - 126,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 周澄 秋高氣爽 1967 設色 紙本 立軸 50.5 x 34 cm 款識:秋高氣爽 丁未中秋 蓴波 欽印:澄 大 年 慎獨草堂 來源: 台灣私人收藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

662 SHODAI ISHIGURO KONAN JADE SLEET STYLE SILVER EMBOSSED CENSER H: 10 cm D: 10 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Japan The Ishiguro family has already produced three generations of famous

HK$ 65,000 - 80,000 NT$ 273,000 - 336,000 US$ 8,400 - 10,300

potters. The founder, Ishiguro Konan, was born in Toyama in 1914. At the age of 14, he began to study under Kawauchi Komyo, one of Hirata Soko’s best students. Honing his skills as a goldsmith, his work in 1943 attracted the attention of a high-ranking cabinet minister, as well as a minister of trade and commerce, and the governor of Tokyo. In 1984, Ishiguro Konan, was awarded the 7th Class Green

初代 石黑光南 玉 霰 型 銀 打 出 香 爐

Paulownia Leaves Medal by Emperor Hirohito.

來源: 日本藏家舊藏

Ishiguro Konan continued the Edo period’s long tradition of gold and silver smiths, but gave the conventional craft a new twist when he invented methods such as the "jade sleet" and "tapping" techniques, earning him the moniker "the first and foremost maker of jade sleet silverware in all of Kyoto." A look at many of Ishiguro’s pieces will reveal patterns of bulging or pointed protrusions, arranged in a strictly regular fashion and revealing a structure as delicate as that of snowflakes. This design is strongly reminiscent of a Tathagata (Rulai) Buddha’s head, and also conveys the serenity and beauty of Rulai’s posture, sitting on a lotus pedestal with crossed legs, lowered eyelids, and folded hands. Most of the lots currently circulating in the market are second or third generation pieces, such as silver pots or tea caddies. While tea utensils and flower vases are very common, it is much harder to find a censer by Ishiguro. Add to this the fact that the present lot represents a first generation ("shodai") item, and what you have is a true rarity that will make a worthy addition to any connoisseur’s collection. 日本著名製壺名家石黑光南從初代至今已傳三代,初代石黑光南 1914年在富山出生,1928年拜平田宗幸的高徒河內光明為師,學習 鍛金技術,1943年榮獲內閣總理大臣賞,通商產業大臣和東京知事 賞,1984年榮獲天皇賜勳七等青色桐葉勳章。 石黑光南既傳承了江戶時代的金銀器製作技法,更推陳出新,創造 出超高難度的「玉霰」與「敲打」系列製品,被推崇為「京都美霰 共賞銀器第一人」。觀看石黑的作品時,外觀經常可見一顆顆突 起,細緻如雪珠般嚴整排列,彷彿如來垂目合十,結跏趺坐蓮花之 上,千錘百煉所成就的「玉霰」,令人動容。 目前市面上流動的大多為二或三代的作品,且形式多為銀壺及茶倉 為主。相對於茶器或花器的作品,香爐算是極為稀少的香道器具加 上此件為初代石黑光南少見的銀打出之作,作品存世數量稀少,實 為難得。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

663 A SMALL HUTIAN GREENISH WHITE GLAZED FLOWER TEABOWL Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 12.5 cm H: 4.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 50,000 - 80,000 NT$ 210,000 - 336,000 US$ 6,400 - 10,300 宋 湖田窯影青 刻 花 菱 口 盞 來源: 香港藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

This type of Teabowl is a popular artifact among the upper class in


Song Dynasty, among which, porcelain produced from Hutian kiln


is of majestic elegance. This teabowl was designed with six pedals,


which depicts a lotus in full bloom, a representation of nobility and


purity. The glaze is highly transparent with a hint of faint blue, the


ceramic body is white as jade, extremely thin that is translucent under light, just like conveying the peacefulness of a clear lake.


HK$ 28,000 - 38,000 NT$ 118,000 - 160,000 US$ 3,600 - 4,900 少山刻 老松仙 人 漢 詩 錫 罐 來源: 日本藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

An elaborately engraved round tin can. On the side is carved a picture


showing the Immortal of the Ancient Pine resting under a pine tree,


fanning himself with a plantain leaf fan. Also engraved are two lines of poetry: the words enrich the image and vice versa, making for an


aesthetically satisfying effect. The lines of poetry read: "The heat of the summer’s day doesn’t dissipate until late in the night; sitting deep in the shade of the pine tree, I unbutton my shirt."

(Another view)


HK$ 30,000 - 40,000 NT$ 126,000 - 168,000 US$ 3,900 - 5,200 京都駒井製 金 銀 鑲 嵌 京 景 香 盒 來源: 日本藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

This charming little box is also a practical utensil. The tiny silver

emphasis on elaborately designed and painstakingly executed

and gold strings, less than 0.1mm in width, have to be inlaid

filigree and other ornamental features. In this particular niche,

into the metal surface with great patience and skill, a work

their achievement remains unmatched.

that requires long experience and mature craftsmanship. The result is a scene of Kyoto brimming with classical beauty and

Before he reached the age of 48, Komai Otojiro’s name rarely

refinement. Since this kind of filigree work requires much time,

appeared in international or Japanese lists of artists, but as

it can take anywhere from several months to three or even

he entered his sixth decade, both critics and collectors began

five years to complete one single piece. Place this kind of petit

to turn their attention to his work. Today, his place in the

treasure in your tearoom, and it will add a whole new layer

history of arts and crafts is secure, and his work is found in

of attraction and class to any tea ceremony you may wish to

the collections of museums and galleries in Japan, Taiwan, the

perform. This lot can truly round off a perfect collection of tea

UK, the US, Australia, Canada, and other countries around the



Komai Otojiro (1842-1917) is considered the grandmaster of


Kyoto’s gold and silver inlay craft. He is most famous for his


unique nunome zogan technique, allowing him to create an


unrivaled artistic style and language. It is therefore also referred


to as Komai zogan style. The Komai clan had run a bladesmith


and cutler business in the Kyoto area for many generations, and Otojiro made his first steps as a craftsman as a 13-year-


old when he began to learn inlay work from Master Misaki


Shusuke. When the Meiji government issued the Haitorei Edict


in 1876, abolishing the carrying of swords and other weapons


in public, many smiths, including the Komai family, switched to


the production of Western-style decorative articles and jewelry,


catering both to domestic and overseas markets.


The Komais won awards at the 1903 National Industrial


Exhibition in Osaka, Japan, the 1904 Louisiana Purchase


Exhibition in St. Louis, USA, and the Exposition Universelle et


Internationale de Liege, Belgium, in 1905. The Komai clan were


especially well known for their superior gold and silver filigree,


employing both onlay and inlay techniques. Perusing the catalogues of the above-mentioned exhibitions, one finds that their work ranged from decorative objects and small furniture to basins, bamboo vessels, boxes, vases, plates, and jewelry. Most of their output was focused on smaller items, with a clear

48歲前,駒井的名字很少出現在國際及日本藝術家的名單中, 但他對工藝的堅持與執著,最後終於發光發熱,得到市場與藝 術史的承認。在日本,台灣,英國,美國,澳洲,加拿大等世 界各地多處的知名美術館中也都收有駒井的作品。

666 FU SHENG KE CHAHUA TIN CAN ENGRAVED WITH CHINESE POETRY Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) H: 10 cm W: 7 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Japan

HK$ 40,000 - 60,000 NT$ 168,000 - 252,000 US$ 5,200 - 7,700 清 符生刻 茶 花 漢 詩 錫 罐 來源: 日本藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Through long use and much handling, the can’s oxidized surface


shines with a rich luster, rendering it very pleasing to the eye. The


artist Deng Kui, who styled himself Fu Sheng, was a renowned


calligrapher and pottery artist during the Qing Emperor Daoguang’s reign. He was one of the representative terracotta ("zisha") artists of his time, who frequently worked together with other zisha specialists, including Yang Pengnian and others.

(Another view)

667 HENAN YAO BROWN GLAZED TEABOWL Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) D: 9.5 cm H: 5.1 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Hong Kong

HK$ 50,000 - 100,000 NT$ 210,000 - 420,000 US$ 6,400 - 12,900 宋 當陽峪窯醬 釉 茶 盞 來源: 香港藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

This teabowl has a gently curved belly and a round foot. It is covered


in brown glaze inside and out, with the exception of the bottom


rim of the foot. Ceramic body is white and smooth. The finisheing is


evenly applied, and has a glossy luster free from impurities. Purple-red


glaze is a medium-high quality product produced by Cizhou kiln, its


uniformity, firmness, glossiness, and smoothness make it comparable


to Ding ware.


668 ROSEWOOD TABLE WITH DRAGONS CHASING FLAMING PEARL DESIGN Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) L: 48 cm H: 12 cm W: 25 cm PROVENANCE: Private Asian Collection

HK$ 90,000 - 120,000 NT$ 378,000 - 504,000 US$ 11,600 - 15,500 清 紫檀雕雙龍 戲 珠 紋 案 幾 來源: 亞洲藏家舊藏


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

669 TEDDY LO (Chinese, b.1974) Waking Life 2011 Stainless steel, Glass, LED, PCB boards, Electrical wire, CPU, LED driver, Power supply 110 x 110 x 15 cm PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

HK$ 180,000 - 300,000 NT$ 756,000 - 1,261,000 US$ 23,200 - 38,700 羅揚文 夢醒 2011 年 不鏽鋼 玻璃 LED PCB板 電線 CPU LED 開關 電源 110 x 110 x 15 cm 來源: 直接來源於藝術家

The surreal imagery is captured by the photographer's manipulation of the camera, as the Spinner moves the LED lights in her dance. The light artist, the light dancer and the light capturer all using their equipment and manipulation of light to create and record a moment in time. 攝影師用相機捕捉超現實的影像,使之與LED的光影共舞。而光的藝術家,光的 舞者和光的捕捉者紛紛各盡所能去創造和記錄此時此刻。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

Teddy Lo is recognized in international art circles as a pioneering figure in the new media and contemporary art scene, Lo’s creative luminous works present a fusion of technological, conceptual and aesthetic elements. The series of Spectrum Manners, is an experimental manipulation of the traditional non-retouched photographic process, in which Teddy intends to create a series of abstract expressionism images with LED lights through performance art. The intricate use of etching and forms has been explored in Waking Life, through creating more mesmerizing effects with natural and artificial lights. This art piece is made with geometric volumetric glass constructions that diffuse light with triangular etched patterns. A regenerative light sequence provides lively and energetic motion on the sculpture, representing an innate force of nature that proliferates into digital infinity. 羅揚文是首批以LED創作揚名國際的視覺藝術家,他極富想像力 的作品展現了科技與美學概念的完美融合。 Spectrum Manners系列是在傳統攝影過程中的實驗性操作,羅 試圖在這個過程中通過LED燈光展現抽象表現主義下的行為藝 術。 在Waking Life中,通過自然與人工照明的交相呼應顯示出生命 中錯綜複雜的凋謝與生機。該藝術作品以特殊玻璃為材料構造 出三角漫射光的樣式,以序列排列的燈光則給予了該作品動態 的效果,體現出大自然與生俱來的無窮力量。


HK$ 22,000 - 32,000 NT$ 92,000 - 134,000 US$ 2,800 - 4,100

Iron has low ductility and malleability, making it a difficult to work material. Repeated hammering is required to beat every part into the right shape, angle, and thickness, and make the individual elements fit into each other. The seamless look of the finished product, as if made from one piece, is in truth the result of a time-consuming, painstaking process. This kind of iron craft is therefore considered to be one of the most challenging forms of metalwork. It is a type of skill that originated in Japan during the Edo period, and today this tradition is gradually disappearing. Hammered iron objects with decorative patterns of inlaid silver are even harder to make, taxing the craftsman’s patience and skill to the utmost. This hammered iron censer features an inlaid silver design of high filigree and exquisite execution. The item’s aesthetic appeal is further enhanced by its gilded interior, emphasizing the blend of classical elegance and simple beauty that best describes its overall appearance. Any avid incense

鐵打出內鎏金 樹 柳 銀 葉 鑲 崁 香 盒 來源: 日本藏家舊藏

aficionado will be interested in acquiring this piece with its smooth, free-flowing design and attractive solidity. 鐵打出,就是以延展性最低的鐵為材質,反覆的敲打,要把握每一 個部位的錘起力度和厚度,以及部件的結合,最終以一件產品的形 態來展示,它的製作工藝是金工裡最難的工藝,技法起源於日本江 戶期間,流傳至今逐漸消失。鐵打出鑲銀紋又是鐵打出中較為複雜 的工藝。非常考驗金工師的耐力和技術手段。這件鐵打出鑲銀紋香 合,工藝技巧和造型美感都堪稱典範之作且內膛鎏金古意盎然,優 雅端莊、大氣古樸。線條流暢,柔韌又極富張力,為香道之人的一 大利器。


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

671 TEDDY LO (Chinese, b.1974) Spectrum Manners I 2011 Ink jet paper Edition no. 4/8 61 x 48.5 cm

HK$ 14,000 - 20,000 NT$ 59,000 - 84,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,600 羅揚文 光譜禮.壹 2011 噴墨紙 版數:4/8 61 x 48.5 cm

672 TEDDY LO (Chinese, b.1974)


Spectrum Manners II


2011 Ink jet paper Edition no. 4/8 61 x 48.5 cm

HK$ 14,000 - 20,000 NT$ 59,000 - 84,000 US$ 1,800 - 2,600


2011 噴墨紙 版數:4/8 61 x 48.5 cm

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

673 LINGBI ROCK L: 30 cm W: 42 cm H: 70 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 20,000 - 30,000 NT$ 84,000 - 126,000 US$ 2,600 - 3,900 靈璧石 來源: 台灣藏家舊藏

674 DW (Chinese, b.1981)




2010 Fine Art Paper Print Edition no. 2/5 40 x 110 cm PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

HK$ 20,000 - 40,000 NT$ 84,000 - 168,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200


2010 美術紙 版數:2/5 40 x 110 cm 來源: 直接來源於藝術家

Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

675 DW (Chinese, b.1981)


Un Soir


2010 Fine Art Paper Print Edition no. 2/5 40 x 110 cm PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

HK$ 20,000 - 40,000 NT$ 84,000 - 168,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200

2010 美術紙 版數:2/5 40 x 110 cm 來源: 直接來源於藝術家

676 PU RU (Chinese, b.1896) Utopia behind Mountain and Cloud 1967 Ink and color on paper 79 x 29 cm Signed Xinyu in Chinese With two seals of the artist

HK$ 40,000 - 80,000 NT$ 168,000 - 336,000 US$ 5,200 - 10,300 溥儒 青山白雲圖 1967 設色 紙本 79 x 29 cm 款識:青山白雪隱居之所幽客之懷悠然自樂 心畬 鈐印:荒寒 溥儒


Literati: Quiet Affection | Hong Kong 29 May 2016 | Ravenel

677 ANTIQUE BIRDCAGE Qing Dynasty (AD 1644-1911) H: 35 cm W: 20.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Taiwan

HK$ 36,000 - 48,000 NT$ 151,000 - 202,000 US$ 4,600 - 6,200 清 古董鳥籠 來源: 台灣藏家舊藏



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Any price estimates, whether verbal or written are strictly opinions and shall not serve as a guarantee of the final price for the Lot to be sold. c. The Seller cannot withdraw the sale of the Lot without obtaining the prior written consent from the Company. The Company reserves the right to withdraw, suspend, or terminate the sale and authorization of the Lots for the following reasons. These reasons include: 1. The Company is doubtful about the definition or authenticity of the Lot or the accuracy of the statement referred to in Articles 5a, b. or c; or 2. Any violations of the Transaction Agreement; or 3. The Company deems it inappropriate to include the Lot in the auction.


d. Withdrawal of Mandate or Authorization (1)The Seller may not withdraw, suspend or terminate his/her/its mandate for the Item(s) or the authorization to the Company under this Agreement without prior written consent of the Company. (2)In the case of such withdrawal, suspending or termination stated in paragraph A, the Seller shall pay the Company an amount equivalent to 40% of the Reserve Price as punitive damages in addition to the compensation for damages or economic loss to the Company. (3)In case of default or breach of this Agreement, the Company may cancel or terminate this Agreement anytime and the Seller shall also pay all costs and expenses incurred by the Company under this Agreement. 7. Auction Rules a. The Company will auction the item according to the Reserve Price. The Reserve Price may not be higher than the minimum of the estimates set in the catalogue except otherwise if the Reserve Price agreed is in a currency other than HK dollars and the ReservePrice is higher than the minimum of the estimates caused by the exchange rate fluctuation between the Reserve Price agreement day and the auction day. Under such circumstances, except where otherwise agreed by the Company, the ReservePrice shall be in HK dollars calculated by the exchange rate at the closing of the market the day immediately before the successful auction. b. If the bid price is lower than the ReservePrice, the Company is in no way to be held liable; however, the Company is entitled to auction the item at a price lower than the ReservePrice. If the Company so auctions the item, the Company is responsible to pay the Seller the difference between the closing price and the ReservePrice. c. The Seller may not increase the price with his own or other third parties’ name, nor participate in the bidding of his/her/its auction item(s)with his own or other third parties’ name, however, The Company is authorized to bid on behalf of the Seller at the price not higher than the Reserve Price. 8. After the Successful Auction a. Settlement Upon the successful auction, the Company will request the Buyer to make full payment no later than within 7 days following the auction date, including the compensation payable by the Buyer. Upon payment by the Buyer, unless the Company receives a notice claiming such auction item is a counterfeit (as defined in Article 2 of the Transaction Agreement) or other necessary conditions, the Company will remit to the Seller within 60 workdays following the successful auction day an amount equal to the closing price taking away all the expenses payable by the Seller. In the event the Buyer delays the payment, the Company will remit to the Seller within 7 workdays following the payment in full by the Buyer. Unless otherwise instructed by the Seller in writing, the Company will make its payment in HK dollars. If the Seller requests to pay in currencies other than HK dollars, the exchange rate should be according to what the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) reports and the Company announces on the auction date. b. Closing of the Transaction and Handling Fee (1)The transaction is closed when the Buyer has paid the Company in full after the auction. (2)The handling fee is payable to the Company after the closing of the transaction. c. Non-payment by the Buyer If the Buyer fails to make all the payments due within 7 days following the auction day, the Company is entitled to negotiate special terms in connection with the payments, storage, and insurance on behalf of the Seller and act as deemed necessary by the Company to collect payments payable from the Buyer.Any and all damages, costs, expenses or fees incurred shall be borne by the Seller. However, the Company is not responsible for making payment to the Seller nor for bringing any legal actions on behalf of the Seller. The Company will discuss with the Seller to adopt appropriate actions to claim auction payments from the Buyer. d. Counterfeits If the Buyer convinces or make the Company doubt that the Lot is a counterfeit (as defined in Article 1 of the Transaction Agreement) or stolen good or involved in any illegality within ten (10) days after the Buyer settles all payments and collects the Lot from the Company, the Company will return the hammer price (The Company may deduct the reasonable expenses and fees incurred) received from the Buyer and the Lot will be returned to the Seller or forwarded to the Police for handling. The Seller shall not object to the Company’s decision and handling in accordance with this Lot and make any claim or allegation. The Company will notify the Seller of such matter and the Seller shall return to the Company without objection the entire payment received within three (3) days of such notification, and shall pay the Company fees and expenses, and any and all losses, damages or related expenses and fees. In case that the Seller’s failure of payment and compensation obligations, the Seller shall pay the interest for delay of the entire payment by the best saving rate of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)plus ten percent (10%) per annum. In addition, the Company may collect one percent (1%) of the total amount of the hammer price plus the Buyer’s Premium paid by the Buyer as the compensations for breach of contract. The Company may decide to offset the Seller’s payment payable to the Company from the Company’s or other subsidiaries’payments due to the Seller in other transactions. e. Items Not Successfully Auctioned (1)Any items not successfully auctioned, not included in the auction or withdrawn from the auction for any reason must be collected by the Seller within 35 days upon notification by the Company to the Seller that he must reclaim the Lot. (2)A storage fee of HK$300 per day per piece will be imposed on each item not collected after such 35 day period together with an additional charge for purchasing insurance coverage. The Seller may not reclaim such item until all the payments due are made. (3)Such items may be removed to a third party warehouse if not collected in 60 days after the notification of collection is issued. The expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Seller. (4)The Company may dispose of the Lot in the manner it deems appropriate if such item is not collected within 90 days following the auction date or the notice date (whichever is the earlier). Such disposal includes removing the item to a third party warehouse with the associated expenses borne by the Seller and to auction such items under terms deemed appropriate by the Company (including the terms of estimates and the ReservePrice). The Company will pay the Seller the auction proceeds after payments owed are offset. (5)The Company is authorized to act as the sole agent of the Seller within 2 months following the auction for any auction item withdrawn from the auction or not sold. The Company may auction in private the item based on net amount the Seller may receive (the amount after deducting all the expenses payable by the Seller) or sell such item in private at a lower price agreed upon by the Company and the Seller. The Company has the rights to offset all expenses payable by the Seller in advance. Under such circumstances, the Seller’s responsibilities and liabilities to the Company are the same as during an auction. 9. Photographs and Display The Seller agrees the Company have rights to make the photographs, illustration, recordings and other reproduced images of the Lot. The Company owns all rights to the photographs, illustration,recordings and other reproduced images of the Lot made by the Company. All the rights(including but without limitation the copyright) of such images shall belong to the Company and the company is entitled to use such images in any manner it deems appropriate,and the Seller has no objection.


10. Taxes a. According to the tax laws of Hong Kong, The Company shall submit to the competent revenue agency the name of the Sellerand other relevant documents supplied by the Seller. b. If the Seller is a Hong Kong resident (corporation or individual), according to the tax laws of Hong Kong, no withholding amount of the profit tax will be deducted. However, The Company shall reserve the rights to claim for the tax amount and other related expenses (including but not limited to interests, penalty) from the Seller if the representation made or document provided by the Seller is not true. c. Where the Seller is a foreigner, the Seller agrees that The Company may deduct an amount equivalent to 0.5% of the hammer price or the Reserve Price (if the Reserve Price is higher than hammer price) and submit the deducted amount as Profits tax to the competent revenue agency. The amount to be withheld by The Company shall be subject to change once the applicable tax rate is adjusted. Article 4.Terms Applicable to Both the Buyer and the Seller 1. Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property rights (including but without limitations, the copyright or patent) of all the images, photographs and written material in connection with the Lot shall maintain and belong to the Company at any time. The Buyer or any person may not use such items without obtaining prior written consent from the Company. 2. Notices All the notices distributed according to the Transaction Agreement herein shall be made in writing. Any notice shall be deemed served to the recipient on the second day following delivery if sent by mail. If the recipient is abroad, the notice shall be deemed served on the fifth working day following delivery by mail. 3. Severability a. If any part of the Transaction Agreement is deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any court, such part can be ignored and the rest of the Transaction Agreement continues to be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by the law. b. The conditions of the Buyer under Article 2 exclusively apply to the relationship between the Company and the Buyer, which the Seller shall not apply. And the conditions of the Seller under Article 3 exclusively apply to the relationship between the Company and the Seller, which the Buyer shall not apply. 4. This Agreement is entered into the parties in English and Chinese. If there is any conflict with two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 5. This Agreement may be revised or modified by the Company from time to time, and the Prospective Buyer, the Buyer andthe Seller agree to obey the revision or modification. 6. Jurisdiction The Transaction Agreement is governed under the Hong Kong laws and the interpretation and effect of the Rules shall be subject to the laws of Hong Kong. The Buyer and Seller shall submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts for the interests of the Company.


本業務規則,為羅芙奧香港拍賣有限公司 (「本公司」)作為拍賣公司與賣家訂立合約之條 款,亦作為賣家之代理人與買家訂立合約之條款。準買家、買家及賣家務須細讀各項規則並 完全同意遵守本業務規則。準買家、買家請特別留意第二條第5項,其對本公司之法律責任作 了限定。 一. 本業務規則所用詞彙之定義 在本業務規則中,某些常用詞彙需加以解釋。此等詞彙定義如下: 1.「買家」:指本拍賣公司所接受之出價最高之自然人或法人。 2. 「準買家」:指任何有意參加本公司舉辦拍賣之任何自然人或法人。 3. 「賣家」:指將拍賣品獨家委託本公司於本公司舉辦之拍賣會參與拍賣之自然人或法人。 4.「拍賣品」:指交予本公司以供拍賣出售之物品,尤其在任何目錄內以任何編號描述之一 項或多項物品。 5.「落槌價」:指本拍賣公司就某一拍賣品而接受之最高出價之價款。 6.「買家佣金」:指買家按拍賣落槌價之某一百分比而支付之費用;收費率如第二條第4a項 所列。 7.「底價」:指本公司與賣家協定之最低價格,拍賣品不能以低於該價之價格售出。 8.「贋品」:指拍賣品構成模仿,而模仿之原構想及其整體執行均具有欺詐意圖,以就拍賣 品之作者、來歷、年代、時期、文化或來源進行欺騙,而對此等事項之正確描述並未在目 錄之描述上反映出來,而拍賣品在拍賣當日之價值,遠低於按照目錄之描述所應有之價 值。按此定義,任何拍賣品均不會因為有任何損壞及 或任何形式之修整而成為贗品。 9.「保險值」:指本公司不時按其絕對決定權認為拍賣品所應購買之保險之價值(不論保險 是否由本公司安排購買)。 二.買家 1. 本公司作為賣家之代理人 作為拍賣公司,本公司以作為賣家代理人之身分行事。除另行協定外,在本公司之拍賣中 成功拍賣之物品,即產生賣家通過本公司之代理與買家達成之合約。 2.拍賣前 a. 鑑定物品 本公司鄭重建議,準買家應於拍賣進行之前親自鑑定其有興趣競投之物品。除香港法例 (如商品說明條例)另有規定外,本公司不會就拍賣品及其證明文件之真偽對買家作任何 保證。 b. 拍賣品狀況之重要注意事項 請準買家注意,在可能的範圍內,目錄中對於拍賣品特性上之描述,皆已提及顯著的損 壞,惟不包括所有的缺陷、瑕疪與不完整。對任何拍賣品之描述亦不應視作表示其無經 過重整或修理,亦不應視作對拍賣品狀態或保存情況的陳述或保證。在目錄中若有狀態 陳述的缺乏或損害鑑定的缺乏,並不代表拍賣品是為良好狀態。本公司鄭重建議,準買 家在拍賣進行之前,對於有興趣競投之拍賣品狀況應經由親自檢閱,不應依據目錄中的 描述或陳述,因為任何在目錄中所列出的描述或陳述是為純粹本公司的主觀意見,並非 提供聲明或擔保。準買家知悉並瞭解所有拍賣品均以「現狀」售出。除香港法例(如商 品說明條例)另有規定外,本公 司對於任何拍出之拍賣品狀態不作任何承諾或保證。 c. 符號表示 以下為目錄中所載符號之說明 高估價拍賣品 為對「高估價拍賣品」( )作出競投,買家必須填妥拍賣品預先登記表,並向本公司 交付所需的財務狀況證明、擔保、存款證明及 或本公司可絕對酌情要求買家為競投須 作出的其他抵押。本公司對是否接受任何預先登記申請有最終決定權。本公司建議買家 在有關拍賣日期至少五個工作日前聯絡本公司,以進行預先登記。請注意本公司不能在 週末或公眾假期期間取得財政狀況證明。「高估價拍賣品」登記競投者,本公司將提供 特殊的競投牌號參與競投。 ○ 保證項目 拍賣品編號旁註有○ 符號者,表示賣家已取得本公司保證,可在一次或一連串拍賣中得 到最低出售價格。此保證可由本公司、第三方或由本公司與第三方共同提供。保證可為 由第三方提供之不可撤銷競投之形式做出。若保證拍賣品成功售出,提供或參與提供保 證之第三方可能會取得財務利益;惟銷售不成功時,則可能會產生虧損。若提供或參與 保證之第三方成功競投保證拍賣品時,他們仍需支付全額的買家佣金。 d. 目錄說明 本公司於目錄或鑑定意見書內對任何拍賣品及其證書之作者、來歷、日期、年代、尺 寸、材質、歸屬、真實性、產地、保存狀況或估計售價之陳述,或另行對此等方面之口 頭或書面陳述,均僅屬本公司主觀意見之陳述,不應依據為確實事實之陳述,亦不應視 為本公司對於任何拍賣品之狀態所作之承諾或保證。目錄圖示亦僅作為參考而已,不應 作為任何拍賣項目之依據,藉以決定其顏色或色調,或揭示其缺陷。拍賣價格之估計, 不應依據為拍賣品會成功拍賣之價格或拍賣品作其他用途之價值陳述。 許多拍賣品基於其年代或性質,使其未能有完美之狀況,目錄內有些說明或鑑定意見書 會提述拍賣品之損壞及 或修整資料。此等資料僅作為參考而已,如未有提述此等資 料,亦不表示拍賣品並無缺陷或修整,如已提述特定缺陷,亦不表示並無其他缺陷。 e. 買家之責任 有關拍賣品之狀況以及目錄說明所提述之事項,買家有責任自行查明並了解,並就拍賣 品為自己獨立之判斷及評估,確使自己感到滿意。 3.拍賣時 a. 拒絕入場 拍賣於本公司之場地進行,或於本公司為拍賣而具有控制權之場地進行,本公司具有完 全之決定權,可行使權利拒絕任何人進入拍賣場地或參與拍賣而無須作出任何解釋。 b. 競投之前作出登記 每一準買家在作出競投之前,必須填妥及簽署登記表格,並提供身分證明。準買家應注 意,本公司通常會要求對買家作出信用核查。 c. 競投者為買家 競投者將被視為買家而須承擔獨立之法律責任,除非登記時已經與本公司書面協定,競 投者僅為第三人之代理人,且該第三人須為本公司所同意接受者。

d. 委託競投 如準買家使用印於目錄說明之後之表格指示本公司代其競投,本公司將盡適當努力代 其競投,但代為競投指示須於拍賣前送抵本公司。如本公司就某一拍賣品而收到多個 委託競投之相等競投價,而在拍賣時此等競投價乃該拍賣品之最高競投價,則該拍賣 品會歸其委託競投最先送抵本公司之人。委託競投之承擔受拍賣時之其他承諾所限, 而拍賣進行之情況可能使本公司無法代為競投。由於此項承擔乃本公司為準買家按所 述條款提供之免費服務,如未能按委託作出競投,本公司將不負任何法律責任。準買 家如希望確保競投成功,應親自出席競投。 e. 電話競投 如準買家於拍賣前與本公司作好安排,本公司將盡適當努力聯絡競投者,使其能以電 話參與競投,但在任何情況下,如未能聯絡或無法參加電話競投,本公司對賣家或任 何準買家均不負任何責任。 f. 即時網上競投 若準買家未能出席拍賣會,或可透過 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務於網上競投指 定拍品,而承擔買方獨立責任。此項服務乃免費及保密。有關透過 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務登記,進行網上競投之詳情,請參閱本公司網頁 ravenel.com。使用 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務之準買家須接受透過 LiveAuctioneers 網上競投服務進行 即時網上競投之附加條款(可參閱羅芙奧 ravenel.com),以及適用於該拍賣之業務規 則所規範,本公司得隨時修改該業務規則。 g. 匯率轉換顯示板 拍賣會中,本公司會使用匯率轉換顯示板,然而競投仍會以港幣進行。匯率轉換顯示 板僅供參考,不論是顯示板所示之拍賣品編號或是港幣競投價之相等外匯,其準確程 度均可能會出現非本公司所能控制之誤差。買家因依賴匯率轉換顯示板(而非因以港 幣競投)所導致而蒙受之任何損失,本公司概不負責。 h. 錄映影像 在拍賣中會有影像投射,但其操作或會出現錯誤。不論影像是否與成功拍賣之拍賣品 相配合,或是如翻版影像之質素,本公司對買家均不負任何責任。 i.拍賣官之決定權 拍賣官具有絕對決定權,包括但不限於有權拒絕任何競投、以其決定之方式推動出 價、將任何拍賣品撤回或分批、將任何兩件或多件拍賣品合併拍賣,以及如遇有誤差 或爭議,將拍賣品重新拍賣。拍賣官會於拍賣開始前或於相關拍賣品競標前對應注意 事項作出通告,買家須自行注意此等通告。 j. 成功競投 在拍賣官之決定權下,下槌即顯示對最高競投價之接受,視為賣家與買家之成功拍賣 合約之訂立。買家即應對賣家負擔買受人之義務及責任。 4.拍賣後 a. 買家支付每件拍賣品之佣金費率 (1)買家除支付落槌價外,另須支付買家佣金予本公司,落槌價於港幣捌佰萬元以下 者(含港幣捌佰萬元),以20%計算。 (2)落槌價於港幣捌佰萬元以上者,採分二級計價,其中港幣捌佰萬元以20%計算, 超過港幣捌佰萬元之部份再以12%計算,加總計算佣金金額。 b. 稅項 買家應付予本公司之所有款項均不包括任何國家或地區稅賦、貨物或服務稅或其他稅 款。如有任何此等稅項適用,買家須負責按有關法律所規定之稅率及時間,自行繳付 此稅款。 c. 付款 成功拍賣後,買家須向本公司提供其姓名及永久地址。如遇要求,買方亦須提供付款 銀行之詳情,包含但不限於付款帳號。買方應於拍賣日期後起算七天內悉數支付應付 予本公司之款項(包含落槌價、佣金,以及任何適用之稅款及其他費用)。即使買家 希望將拍賣品出口並需要(或可能需要)出口許可證,此一付款條件亦適用。 買家如未向本公司支付應付之全部款項,則不能取得拍賣品之所有權,即使本公司已 將拍賣品交付予買家亦然。如支付予本公司之款項為港幣以外之貨幣,本公司將向買 家收取所引致之任何外匯費用。這包括銀行收費與兌換貨幣之規費及匯差。 以港幣以 外之貨幣付款予本公司之匯率,依拍賣日現場由香港匯豐銀行公佈之匯率,並以本公 司就此兌換率而發出之憑證為準。 d. 領取已購拍賣品 除非本公司另有特別相反協定,否則本公司將暫時保留已成功拍賣之拍賣品,直至所 有應付予本公司之款項已悉數由買家支付為止。拍賣品在暫時保留期間,由成功拍賣 日後起算七天將受保於本公司之保險,如屆時拍賣品已被領取,則受保至領取時為 止。七天期滿後或自領取時起(以較早者為準),拍賣品之風險全由買家承擔。 e. 包裝及搬運 本公司謹請買家注意,成功拍賣日後起算七天期滿後或自領取時起,拍賣品之風險全 由買家承擔,但不得損及本公司之權益。 f. 介紹裝運及運輸公司 本公司之貨運部門在買家要求下可為買家介紹運輸公司、安排付運及購買特定保險, 但本公司在此方面不負任何法律責任。買家必須預先繳付運送費用。 g. 不付款之補救辦法 如買家並未有在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款,本公司即有權行使下述一項或多項權 利或補救辦法: (1)在成功拍賣日後起算七天仍未付款,則按不超過香港匯豐銀行最優惠利率加10%之 年利率收取整筆欠款之利息。此外本公司可同時按日收取依賣價(含佣金)1%計 算之違約金。本公司亦得自行選擇將買家未付之款項,用以抵銷本公司或其他附屬 公司在任何其他交易中欠下買家之款項,買方絕無異議。 (2)對任何屬於買家所有而因任何目的(包含但不限於其他交易)而由本公司管有之 物品行使留置權,並在給予買家有關其未付之欠繳之14天通知後,安排將該物品出 售並將收益用以清償該未付之欠款。 (3)如買家因多項不同之交易而欠下本公司數筆款項,將所付之款項用以清償就任何 特定交易而欠下之任何款項,而不論買家是否指示用以清償該筆款項。 (4)在將來的任何拍賣中,拒絕買家作出或由他人代其作出之競投,或在接受其任何 競投之前先收取買家一筆保證金。如買家未有在三十五天內付款,本公司除上述者 外,另有權為下述一項或多項權利或補救辦法: (a)代賣家針對買家進行法律程序,以追討整筆欠款,連同此項以悉數賠償為基準 之法律程序之訴訟費及律師費等相關費用。 (b)取消同一次或任何其他拍賣中買家競投得之拍賣品或任何其他售予買家之拍賣 品之交易。 (c)安排將拍賣品公開或私下重售,如重售所得價格較低,就差額連同因買家未有 付款而引致之任何費用一併向買家索償。 h. 未有領取已購拍賣品 如已購得之拍賣品未有被買家在成功拍賣日後起算七天內領取,則不論是否已付款, 本公司將安排貯存事宜,費用由買家承擔。而買方在付清所引起之貯存、搬運、保險 及任何其他費用,連同欠本公司之所有其他款項付清後,買家才可領取已購得之拍賣 品。


i. 出口許可證 除本公司另有書面同意外,買家希望申請出口許可證之事實,並不影響買家在成功拍 賣日後起算七天內付款之責任,亦不影響本公司對延遲付款收取利息之權利。 如買家要求本公司代為申請出口許可證,本公司有權向其收回與此項申請有關之付出款 項及零碎開支連同任何有關之稅款。 如買家不管需要有出口許可證之事實而作出付款,本公司並無責任退還買家因此而引致 之任何利息或其他開支。 5. 本公司之法律責任 本公司僅在第二條第6項所列之情況下,得將退還款項予買家。除此之外,不論賣家或本 公司,或本公司任何僱員或代理人,對任何拍賣品之作者、來歷、日期、年代、尺寸、 材質、歸屬、真實性、產地、保存狀況或估計售價之陳述,或任何拍賣品之任何缺陷, 均不負有任何責任。賣家、本公司、本公司之僱員或代理人,不論明示或暗示,均無就 任何拍賣品作出任何保證。 6. 贗品/贓物之退款 如經本公司拍賣之拍賣品,經本公司書面認可之專業鑑定機構出具鑑定報告證實為贗品 或贓物,則交易將取消,已付之款項於交付賣方前將退還予買家。但如: a. 在拍賣日發出之目錄說明或拍賣場通告符合當時學者或專家普遍接納之意見,或清楚 表明有抵觸當時學者或專家普遍接納之意見,或 b. 證明拍賣品為贗品之方法,只是一種在目錄出版前仍未普遍獲接納使用之科學程序, 或是一種在拍賣日仍屬昂貴得不合理或並不實際或很可能會對拍賣品造成損壞之程 序,則本公司無論如何並無責任退還任何款項。此外,買家只在滿足下述條件下方可 獲得退款: 1. 買家必須在付款領取拍賣品後的十日內以書面通知本公司,說明買家認為有關拍賣 品乃贗品或贓物之詳細理由及證據,並通知後十四日內及將拍賣品送還本公司,而 其狀況應維持與拍賣當日相同,不得有任何損壞;及 2. 送還拍賣品時,買家須出示證據,足以使本公司確信拍賣品乃贗品或贓物(本公司保 有最終及不可異議的決定權)。在任何情況下,本公司均毋須向買家支付多於買家就 有關拍賣品而支付予本公司之款項,而買家亦不能索取利息或任何賠償。 本條款之利益不能轉讓,完全屬於拍賣品成功拍賣時獲本公司發給正本發票之買家所有 (該買家名稱確係被記載於發票上),該名買家並須自拍賣後一直保持拍賣品擁有人之身 分,而且並無將拍賣品之任何利益讓予任何第三人。本公司有權依據任何科學程序或其 他程序確定拍賣品並非贗品,不論該程序在拍賣當日是否已使用或已在使用,如本公司 驗證拍賣品是否屬於贗品之結果與買家出示證據相衝突者,應以本公司驗證結果為準。 三.賣家 1. 本公司作為代理人 本公司在公開拍賣會中,以作為賣家代理人身份行事。拍賣品成功拍賣後,即產生賣家 通過本公司之代理與買家達成之合約,由賣家負責向買家履行出賣人義務及責任。 2. 開支 賣家須負責與下述各項有關之費用: a. 將拍賣品包裝並運予本公司作拍賣。 b. 任何適用之運送保險。 c. 如拍賣品交回賣家其包裝與付運。若拍賣品由海外進口,付運費與進口適用之稅項。 d. 受保於本公司之精品保險單(下文另有解釋)。 e. 預先與賣家協定之對拍賣品作出之任何修整。 f. 本公司為擬定目錄說明指定需由外界專家作出之鑑定。 g. 本公司指定之任何外界專家意見。 h. 拍賣品拍賣前後之裝卸、貯存及保管等費用。 i. 本公司之行政費用,金額為因賣家而引致之一切費用及損害金額之10%。 j. 任何市場之推廣及廣告費用。 3. 由本公司安排保險事宜 a. 除非與本公司另有協定外,否則拍賣品將自動受保於本公司藝術品精品保險單,保險 值為本公司自行評估 當時認為適當者。然而保險金額並非本公司承諾拍賣品會成功拍 賣之款額。 b. 本公司將向賣家收取拍賣落槌價之1%或若未拍賣成功時以拍賣品底價之1%,作為保險 費。如由本公司安排運送,本公司將向賣家收取額外款項,作為運送保險費,款額視 每宗拍賣品之特定情況而定。如有需要,本公司可建議/介紹承運人,但不論於何種情 況下,本公司均不承擔任何有關此方面之運送法律責任。 c. 拍賣品在成功拍賣日後起算七天內保險仍然有效。如拍賣品未能成功拍賣,保險屆期 以後風險全由賣家承擔。 d. 由蛀木蟲、空氣、水份情況轉變或其他不能預見或人力不可抗拒情況而對拍賣品造成 之損壞,或其他非可歸責於本公司之事由所致之損壞,本公司不承擔任何法律責任。 4. 物主購買保險 如賣家特別指示本公司毋須為拍賣品購買保險,風險全由賣家承擔,直至拍賣品交付予 買家為止。賣家無條件同意須保障本公司、本公司之僱員與代理人,以及買家(如適 用)免負因拍賣品而針對本公司、本公司之僱員與代理人,以及買家索償之賠償責任, 而不論索償因何引起。賣家亦同意應本公司、本公司之僱員與代理人,以及買家所要 求,負責償還因此種索償而引致之開支,縱使本公司、本公司之僱員與代理人,以及買 家有疏忽之處,而未證明有任何法律責任而作出之付款,亦須償還。賣家須自行將本條 條款揭露予賣家之承保人。 5. 賣家就拍賣品所作之承諾 本項列出本公司處理拍賣品之基準,規範賣家與買家之間的買賣關係。如此基準在任何 方面有不確實之處,本公司或買家可採取針對賣家之法律行動。本公司處理拍賣品及購 買拍賣品,均以賣家所作之下述承諾及擔保為基準,賣家承諾及擔保如下: a. 賣家為拍賣品之唯一所有權人及/或合法持有人,具備將其所有權及相關所有權利(於無 質押、無產權負擔及無涉及第三人權益或申索的情況下)轉讓予買家之無限制權利。 b. 賣家已遵守一切與拍賣品之進出口有關之法律或其他方面之規定,並已將過去任何第 三人未能遵守此等規定之事以書面通知本公司。 c. 賣家已將其所知之有關拍賣品之任何重大修改以及第三人就拍賣品之所有權、狀況或 歸屬所表示之任何關注以書面通知本公司。 如上述a、b或c等三項擔保有任何不確實之處,賣家須應本公司及/或買家之要求,完全負 責及彌償本公司及 或買家一切因此而引起之損失索償、訴訟費、律師費、所有費用及 開支,而不論是因拍賣品還是因拍賣收益而引起。


6.拍賣安排 a.本公司對目錄內拍賣品之描述與圖示方式、鑑定意見書、拍賣地點與方式、讓何人進場 競投以及競投價之接受、是否應尋求專家意見,以及將物品合併或分開拍賣等均有完 全之決定權。 b.任何估價,不論口頭或書面,均只屬意見,而非拍賣品最終可賣得的價錢之保證。 c.未得本公司事前書面同意,賣家不可撤回拍賣品之委託。但本公司保留隨時因後述原因 而撤回、中止或終止拍賣品委託授權之權利。此等原因為: (1)本公司對拍賣品之界定或真實性或上述第5a、 b或c項所指之承諾之準確性有懷疑; 或 (2)有任何違反本業務規則之情況;或 (3)本公司認定將拍賣品納入或繼續執行拍賣並不適當者。 d. 撤銷委託或授權條款 (1)非經本公司事前書面同意,賣家不得撤回、中止或終止對於標的作品之委託或授予 本公司之權利。 (2)賣家依前項規定撤回、中止或終止拍賣品之委託或授與本公司之權利者,委託者除 應對本公司負損害賠償或經濟上損失賠償責任外,尚須支付委託底價之40%作為懲 罰性違約金付與本公司。 (3)如賣家有任何違約情事,本公司有權隨時終止委託事項,賣家須支付本公司所有之 前為履行委託或授權工作所產生之費用及開支。 7. 拍賣守則 a. 本公司將會參照底價進行拍賣品之拍賣程序。底價不得高於拍賣目錄所印登載估價之 下限,但如所同意之底價為港幣以外之貨幣,並因協定底價之日與成功拍賣之日上匯 率波動而致底價高於估價下限,則不在此限。在此情況下,除本公司另行同意外,底 價須為相等於以緊接成功拍賣前一個工作天之收市匯率計算之港幣款項。 b. 如競投價不能達到底價,本公司在任何情況均不負有任何責任,但本公司有權決定將 拍賣品以低於底價拍賣。如本公司如此將拍賣品拍賣,本公司將有責任向賣家支付成 交價與底價之差額。 c. 賣家不得以自己或第三人名義隨意哄抬競投價格,不得以自己或第三人名義參與競標 拍賣品,亦不得聘請任何人代賣家參與競投,惟本公司有權代理賣家參與競投。 8.成功拍賣後 a. 結算 成功拍賣後,本公司協助賣方要求買家最遲於成功拍賣日後7日內全數付款。在買家付 款後,除非本公司收到通知謂拍賣品為贗品,否則,本公司會於成功拍賣日期後60個 工作天,將一筆相等於成交價減去賣家應支付之所有費用之款額匯予賣家。如遇買家 延遲付款,則本公司將在買家付款後7個工作天內匯款予賣家。如因任何理由而使本公 司在買家付款前即已付款予賣家,則本公司即獲得拍賣品之完整之擁有權與所有權。 但在本公司因拍賣品為贗品而被迫向買家收回拍賣品下,賣家方須將已收取之拍賣收 益退還予本公司。 除賣家另有書面指示外,本公司將以港幣付款。如賣家要求以港幣以外之貨幣付款, 依拍賣現場由香港匯豐銀行公佈之匯率計算付款金額。 b.賣家支付每件拍賣品之手續費: (1)本公司之拍賣須至拍賣完成後買家實際付清所有款項予本公司時,視為交易完成。 (2)當交易完成,賣家須依約定支付本公司手續費。 c. 買家不付款 如買家在成功拍賣日後起算7天內未支付應付之全部款項,本公司即有權代理賣家就 付款、貯存與保險而協定特別條款,並有權代理賣家採取本公司認為適當的任何步驟 以向買家收取其應付之款項,因而產生之相關費用及損害,概由賣家自行承擔。但本 公司並未承擔任何付款責任,亦無義務代理賣家採取任何行動(包括但不限於法律行 動)。但本公司將與賣家討論如何採取適當行動以向買家追討拍賣款額。 d. 贗品/贓物 如買家於付款領取拍賣品後之十日內,使本公司相信或懷疑拍賣品為贗品或贓物或涉 及任何不法情事者,本公司得自行決定無條件買家交付之拍賣落槌價(本公司得扣處因 此所致之相關處理費用)予買家時,而拍賣品將由本公司退回賣家或送交警方處理,賣 家不得異議或對本公司主張任何權利或請求,賣家並應於本公司通知後,於三日內無 條件退還其所得之全數金額予本公司,賣家並應於十日內付清相關基本支出費用,及 賠償本公司因此所致之所有損失、損害及相關費用等。逾期退還、給付者,賣家應另 外支付按不超過香港匯豐銀行最優惠利率加10%之年利率收取整筆欠款之利息。此外 本公司可同時按日收取依賣價(含佣金)1%計算之違約金。本公司亦得自行選擇將賣 家未付之款項,用以抵銷本公司或其他附屬公司在任何其他交易中欠下賣家之款項, 賣家絕無異議。 e. 未能成功拍賣之拍賣品 (1)任何拍賣品如未能成功拍賣,或不包括在拍賣之內,或因任何理由而撤回、中止或 終止拍賣,則在本公司發出通知予賣家要求賣家領回拍賣品後之35天內,賣家必須 領回拍賣品。 (2)任何此等拍賣品如在35天過期後仍未領回,本公司可向委託者徵收每天每件標的作 品參佰港元 (HK$300)貯存費,並收取額外費用以購買保險。賣家須在付清所有未付 費用後,方可領回拍賣品。 (3)此等拍賣品如在發出領回通知後之60天內仍未領回,則可被移往第三人之貨倉貯 存,開支費用由賣家承擔。 (4)任何此等拍賣品如在拍賣日期後或上述通知日期後之90天內(以較早之日期為準) 未被領回,則本公司可視乎是否合適而將該拍賣品處置。處置包括將拍賣品移往第 三人之貨倉而開支費由賣家承擔,以及將該拍賣品按本公司認為適當之條款(包括 有關估價與底價之條款)公開拍賣。本公司其後會將拍賣收益扣除所有欠款後支付 予賣家。 (5)任何拍賣品如在拍賣中收回或未能成功拍賣,則本公司有權代理賣家在拍賣後的兩 個月內作為賣家之獨家代理人,按賣家可收取之淨款額(即扣除賣家應付之一切費 用後之款額),私下出售拍賣品。本公司得事前扣除所致之費用。在此情況下,賣 家就該拍賣品而對本公司所負有之責任、義務及付款條件等,與拍賣品成功拍賣時 一樣。 9. 圖片與圖示 賣家同意本公司有權對拍賣品制作照片、圖示、錄像或其他形式的影像制品,此等照 片、圖示、錄像及影像制品之著作權及其他一切權利均屬本公司所有,且本公司有權以 任何本公司認為適合之方式使用之,賣家絕無異議。

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新石器時代 商 周 秦 漢 三國 晉 南北朝 隋 唐 五代 遼 宋 北宋 南宋 西夏 金 元 明 洪武 建文 永樂 洪熙 宣德 正統 景泰 天順 成化 弘治 正德 嘉靖 隆慶 萬曆 泰昌 天啟 崇禎 清 順治 康熙 雍正 乾隆 嘉慶 道光 咸豐 同治 光緒 宣統

10th - early 1st millennium BC NEOLITHIC 16th Century - C. 1050 BC SHANG DYNASTY C. 1050 - 221 BC ZHOU DYNASTY 221 - 206 BC QIN DYNASTY 206 BC - AD 220 HAN DYNASTY AD 220 - 265 THREE KINGDOMS AD 265 - 420 JIN DYNASTY AD 420 - 589 SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN DYNAST1ES AD 581 - 618 SUI DYNASTY AD 618 - 907 TANG DYNASTY AD 907 - 960 FIVE DYNASTIES AD 907 - 1125 LI AO DYNASTY AD 960 - 1279 SONG DYNASTY AD 960 - 1127 Northern Song AD 1127 - 1279 Southern Song AD 1038 - 1227 XIXIA DYNASTY AD 1115 - 1234 JIN DYNASTY AD 1279 - 1368 YUAN DYNASTY AD 1368 - 1644 MING DYNASTY AD 1368 - 1398 Hongwu AD 1399 - 1402 Jianwen AD 1403 - 1424 Yongle AD 1425 Hongxi AD 1426 - 1435 Xuande AD 1436 - 1449 Zhengtong AD 1450 - 1456 Jingtai AD 1457 - 1464 Tianshun AD 1465 - 1487 Chenghua AD 1488 - 1505 Hongzhi AD 1506 - 1521 Zhengde AD 1522 - 1566 Jiajing AD 1567 - 1572 Longqing AD 1573 - 1619 Wanli AD 1620 Taichang AD 1621 - 1627 Tianqi AD 1628 - 1644 Chongzhen AD 1644 - 1911 QING DYNASTY AD 1644 - 1661 Shunzhi AD 1662 - 1722 Kangxi AD 1723 - 1735 Yongzheng AD 1736 - 1795 Qianlong AD 1796 - 1820 Jiaqing AD 1821 - 1850 Daoguang AD 1851 - 1861 Xianfeng AD 1862 - 1874 Tongzhi AD 1875 - 1908 Guangxu AD 1909 - 1911 Xuan tong


Lot 616

Lot 617

Lot 619

Lot 621

Lot 622

Lot 623

Lot 624

Lot 625

Lot 626

Lot 628

Lot 629

Lot 640

Lot 645

Lot 647

Lot 660

Lot 663

Lot 667




Lot 646 Lot 605

Lot 614

Lot 648

Andy WARHOL (American,1928-1987)

Kazuo SHIRAGA (Japanese,1924-2008)

Pablo PICASSO (Spanish, 1881-1973)

Born in 1928 in Pittsburgh, Andy Warhol is best known for pioneering the Pop Art Movement. His revolutionary style brought him international fame, as his explored popular culture by adopting everyday objects and images of celebrities as the subjects for his mass-produced works. Warhol founded Interview Magazine, and was the author of numerous books detailing his artistic philosophy. His studio, "The Factory", was a famous artistic gathering place for intellectuals, celebrities, artists, and other members of the Contemporary popular stage. He coined the widely used expression "15 minutes of fame", and his works include some of the most expensive paintings ever sold. Even after his death, he has remained one of the most influential figures in Contemporary art and culture.

Born in Amagasaki, Japan, a painter, performance artist. He was a member of "Zero Kai" and of Gutai Group, an avant-garde artist. He created some performance art works in his early career life, and later he was influenced by the American abstract art, which leaded him to change his artistic language, and develop a signature style"Footpainting"; he defined his art as "a decision to the instant vitality between life and death."

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France. Regarded as one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Picasso, Henri Matisse and Marcel Duchamp are regarded as the three artists who most defined the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the 20th century, responsible for significant developments in painting, sculpture, printmaking and ceramics.













誌性人物之一。 沃荷透過以日常用品作為作品題材























迪.沃荷:七十年代的肖像」,紐約;1987年「懷 念安迪:沃荷的近期作品」,東京;2009年「安迪 •沃荷:普普政治」,紐約;2009年「安迪•沃 荷:最後的十年」,紐約;2010年「安迪•沃荷: 沃荷與舞蹈」,巴黎;2011年「安迪.沃荷與伊麗 莎白泰勒」,紐約;2012-2014年「安迪.沃荷: 15分鐘的永恆」,新加坡、香港、上海、北京和東 京。 154


Lot 649

Lot 650

Lot 674

Lot 675

Lot 603 Lot 609

Lot 611

BIAN Pingshan (Chinese, b.1958) Born in Beijing in 1958, Bian is a graduate from the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Chinese Painting, Chinese National Academy of Arts, and its Graduate class of famous painters of Chinese Painting. As a former editor at Rong Bao Zhai Publishing House, he has edited over 100 Fine Art related literatures and publications, and has been a recipient of the National Award for Outstanding Editors. He currently resides in Shanghai as a professional artist.

CHANG Yu (Sanyu, Chinese-French, 1901-1966) Born in 1901, Sichuan. Sanyu attended Art College in Shanghai and went to Japan in 1919. In 1921, he went to France as part of the first wave of Chinese artists to study there. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Sanyu decided to remain in Paris. Since 1925, Sanyu exhibited his work regularly at the Paris salons and in local galleries. Before World War II, Sanyu returned to China briefly and then moved on to New York where he lived for two years. In 1948, the Museum of Modern Art in New York held an exhibition of his work. Since Sanyu's death in Paris in 1966, the National Museum of History in Taipei has held three retrospective exhibitions of his works. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Sanyu, the National Museum of History held a grand exhibition of over 129 oil paintings. In 2004, the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet held a restrospective show of Sanyu's 60 works.

DW (Chinese, b.1981) DW was born in 1981 Hong Kong, and had his debut solo photography exhibition "Luminance From The Dark" in 2012 at the Hong Kong Art Centre. While furthering his studies in Central St Martins, he was able to take his techniques to higher level through the inspiration of his mentor. DW's passion and love of processing and developing all his works in a darkroom with the play on other various materials and techniques were then further explored through the use of not only darkroom development processing, but also with street photography, and his latest method on Wet Plate Collodion.

邊平山(中國, 1958年生)














人的攝影技術推向更高的水平。D W對使用暗房技








1990年共舉辦三次他的回顧展,2001年常玉百歲冥 誕時,歷史博物館又展出常玉百歲紀念大展,2004 年6月巴黎國立居美東方美術館舉辦常玉回顧展,展 出60餘件作品。足見其作為海外華人藝術家在中國 畫壇的重要性。主要收藏機構有:台北國立歷史博 物館、中國美術館等。



Lot 632

Lot 639

Lot 651

Lot 652

Lot 601

FANG Zhaolin (Chinese, 1914-2006)

HAN Fei (Chinese, b.1979)

Nobuyoshi ARAKI (Japanese, b.1940)

Fang Zhaolin, born in Wuxi, Jiangsu, and later migrated to Hong Kong, was a Chinese painter and calligrapher. Fang began studying calligraphy and painting. In her teens, the young artist was sent to the U.K. to pursue her studies. She studied under great artists like Chang Dai-chien and attended both the University of Hong Kong and Oxford University in the U.K. Fang continued to work throughout her 80s and, in 1996, received an honorary doctorate from the University of Hong Kong. In 2005, Fang and her family donated more than 40 of her works to the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.

Born in 1979 in Jiangsu Xiangshui. Graduated from Department of Fine Arts of Nanjing Normal University in 2002 and obtained Master of Fine Arts under the supervision of Jiang Hongwei from Nanjing Institute of Arts. Han currently working at the Museum of Modern Art in Jiangsu Province, director of Chinese Painting Society of Jiangsu, executive vice president of Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Nanjing Presidential Palace, Distinguished artist academy researcher Nanjing Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Born in Tokyo in 1940, Araki studied photography during his college years. He has published over 350 books since his debut and still more every year. Araki is considered one of the most prolific artists in Japan and around the world. Many of his photographs are erotic; some have been called pornographic. Some of his most popular publications include albums entitled: "Sentimental Journey", "Tokyo Lucky Hole" and "Shino". His works are held in numerous museum collections including the Tate and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.





















愁之旅》、《東京幸運洞》和《S h i n o》等。作品






師,1954年入讀香港大學,隨國學大師饒宗頤、劉 百閔等研讀中國哲學及文學,1955年在港大舉辦辦 個人畫展,1956年到英國牛津大學修讀文學博士學 位。1970年在張大千美國之「可以居」隨侍聆教一 年,創繪山水作品。



Lot 634

Lot 627

Lot 630 Lot 653

Lot 655

Lot 656

JIANG Zhaoshen (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)

LI Jing (Chinese, 1972)

LI Yihong (Lee Yih-Hong, Taiwanese, b.1941)

Jiang Zhaoshen, born in August 1925 in Anhui Shexian. Jiang is a painter and art historian. He studied calligraphy, seal carving at young age. Moved to Taiwan in 1949, Jiang learnt classical poetry and painting from Pu Hsin. She studied corpus linguistics from various bodies. Jiang had been engaged in the history of Chinese painting, specialized in the Wu School of Southern School of Chinese Painting. Jiang was former researcher and vice president of Taipei Palace Museum. In addition to academic and professional, Jiang is also outstanding in museum administration. Jiang was not only renowned both domestically and internationally as a historian of Chinese art, he was also held in exceptionally high regard for his outstanding achievements in painting, calligraphy, and seal carving. Diligent in his art, he held major exhibitions of painting and calligraphy at such venues as the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, and the Huangshan Municipal Museum in Anhui Province.

Li Jing, also known as Mo An and Shi Yue Nan Ying, has been an artist for years, and has the honor of being a student of the great Chinese artist Zhou Kai. The works of Li are rooted from the traditional Chinese styles and search for a natural and fluid flow of the ink. Li has participated in many national and Hong Kong major exhibitions, and his works are kept in many private collections. He has established JM Culture in 2003 with a motto “Cleanse the heart with ink. With a pure heart to write with ink”. JM Culture aims to pass on the traditional Chinese cultures through ink, purify the heart as well as realizing the truth from the heart.

Lee Yih-Hong, also known as Chai-Chuan, was born in Sikang Township, Tainan County in 1941 and graduated from the National Taiwan College of Art in 1966. He taught at Keelung Chungshan Junior High School and Taipei National University of the Arts, and has won both the Chungshan Art & Literature Award and the Wusanlien Art & Literature Award. Lee’s fresh strokes incorporate the humanity of photography as scenes of the Southern Taiwanese countryside are brought to life in the ink. He lived in Sanzhi Township after the age of 50, where he finally established himself as an influential artist, though he greatly missed the affections of his hometown.






























燈片組優秀作家獎、黑白照片組年度最佳作品金牌 獎、幻燈片組年度最佳作品金牌獎。



Lot 669

Lot 671

Lot 672 Lot 604

Lot 613

Lot 618

Lot 620

LIANG Lanbo (Leong Lampo, Chinese-American, b.1961)

LUO Yangwen (Teddy Lo, Chinese, b.1974)

Yoshitomo NARA (Japanese, b.1959) Nara was born in Hirosaki, a village located in the northern prefecture of Aomori, Japan. After obtaining a Masters in Fine Arts from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music in Nagoya, Japan in 1987, Nara moved to Germany to study at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, from which he graduated in 1993. Until 2000, Nara continued to live and work in Germany before returning to Japan, and is currently based out of Tokyo. Nara’s work spans a diverse range of media, from postcards to canvas paintings to three-dimensional sculptural works, and has acquired a cult-like following as varied as his methods.

Liang was born in Guangzhou in 1961, received his PhD in Art Theory and Practice from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, MFA in painting with High Distinction from the California College of the Arts, and BFA in ink painting from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Liang currently works as a professor of Art at the University of Missouri-Columbia and a former Art Department Chair. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Central China Normal University. Liang’s works can be found in the collection of Stanford University, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Museu de Arte de Macau, the Guangdong Museum of Art, the Written Art Foundation in Germany, etc.

Teddy Lo is an internationally acclaimed light artist based in Hong Kong who has exhibited his works in the US, Europe, and Asia. Recognized in international art circles as a pioneering figure in the new media and contemporary art scene, Lo’s creative luminous works present a fusion of technological, conceptual and aesthetic elements. In 2003, Lo held his first solo art exhibition in NYC, Morphology, and was featured in lighting magazine’s “Who’s Who of Lighting 2004” list, for his contributions to the lighting industry. Since then, Lo has been focusing on developing LED artworks that dealt with spectrum manipulations, sculptural designs and interactive dynamics. His current works emphasize and challenge the norm and intricacies in visual, scientific and spiritual realm through the use of luminous and contemporary technologies. Lo held exhibitions in prestigious locations around the world, including Luminale in Frankfurt, Asia Society in Hong Kong, Museum of Art and Design in NYC, Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Arts, Art Centre BUDA Kortrijk in Belgium, Hong Kong Museum of Art and Esplanade in Singapore, among others.




梁藍波,1961年生於廣州,1983 年畢業於廣州美術




























術展,包括在美國紐約的「Russell Simmons' Art for Life」,德國法蘭克福的「Luminale」和新加 坡濱海藝術中心的「2006 National Day Singapore Expo」。



Lot 631

Lot 612

Lot 676

PENG Wei (Chinese, b.1974)

PU Ru (Pu Xinyu, Chinese, 1896-1963)

Natsuki URUSHIHARA (Japanese, b.1977)

Peng Wei was born in 1974, in Chengdu, China. She is a contemporary Chinese artist from Sichuan, China. She graduated from Nankai University with a BA in Fine Art in 1997, and earning a Master of Philosophy in Aesthetics in 2000. From 2000 to 2006, she was an editor for ART Magazine. She was one of 25 artists included in the "Contemporary Art from China: Visual Expression through Ink and Paper" exhibition. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at the He Xiangning Museum in Shenzhen, the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, the National Art Museum of Malaysia, Fukuoka Art Museum in Yokohama, and Kunst museum Luzern in Switzerland. Her work resides in the permanent collection of the National Museum of Art in China, the Brooklyn Museum, the Asian Art Center of San Francisco, and the Hong Kong Museum of Art.

Pu Ru, also known as Pu Xinyu with Xinyu as his courtesy name, was a traditional Chinese painter and calligrapher. He was a member o f t h e M a n c h u A i s i n G i o ro c l a n , t h e r u l i n g house of the Qing dynasty. He was a student at the University of Berlin. After he returned from Europe, he retreated into the Western Mountains, where he spent many years in Jietai Monastery to concentrate on his studies. He was appointed in October 1949 as a professor of fine arts at the National Taiwan Normal University. In 1959, he held a two-week-long art exhibition at the National Museum of History with 318 works on display.

Natsuki was born in 1977 in Kanagawa, Japan. Graduated in 2001 and graduate studies of Japanese painting in 2003 from Japanese Painting of University of Tokyo of Arts respectively. His works are delicate and imaginative, emphasizing on ancient Japanese art techniques. Natsuki is currently an active young contemporary art painter in Japan.




彭薇 ,女,1974年生於成都。 1997年畢業於南開大


漆原夏樹 ,1977年出生於日本神奈川縣。2001年,



畢業於東京藝術大學繪畫科日本畫 攻。他的作品細




碩士學位。 2000年至2006年任中國美術家協會《美






吳湖帆並稱「南吳北溥」。 溥心畬行草學二王、米



福岡市美術館和瑞士盧塞恩市立美術館展出,並被 中國美術館、布魯克林美術館、舊金山亞洲藝術博 物館和香港藝術館永久地收藏。



Lot 606

Lot 615

Lot 657

QIN Ai (Chinese, b.1979)

WAN Qingli (Chinese, b.1945)

Born in 1973 in Nantong, Jiangsu. Graduated from Nanjing Art Institute of Chinese Painting in 1996. Qin now is a professional painter. Qin rendered by meticulous brushwork, with main theme being animals and natural scene, showing the depth of tension and scenes arrangements. Exhibitions: 2012 “The End of the World by My Side, First Solo Tour Exhibition of Qin Ai”, Ping Art Space/Hanmo Art Gallery/Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Taipei/ Beijing/Nanjing, China; 2015, “Xu Hong & Qin Ai: Ksana” Today Art Museum, Beijing. Important collections: “The Chest of Pandora I”, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum.

Wan Qingli was born in Beijing in 1945, Wan graduated from the Department of Art History and the Department of Chinese painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1968 and 1981 respectively. He studied from some of the major artists of the past century including Li Keran (1907-1989) and Lu Yanshao (1909-1993). Wan completed his PhD degree in art history at The University of Kansas in the United States and since 1989 has taught at the Department of Fine Arts of The University of Hong Kong. Wan worked at Art Academy of Beijing and Beijing Chinese Painting Research Institute for eight years. From 1985 to date, Wan is a fellow of the College Art Association (CAA, New York); fellow of the UNESCO International Art Critics Association from 1995 onwards (IACA, Paris) and director of the Hong Kong branch; and served as the International Art History academic publications editorial consultant.









修部中國水墨畫課程文憑, 2011年取得澳洲皇家



墨爾本理工大學藝術碩士。 個人藝術作品包括現代



水墨、裝置、攝影、公共藝術、雕塑、 以及地景









第八屆、第十屆全國美術作品展」, 北京中國美術



館, 1989-2004;「新水墨藝術:創新與超越」,香港








年展」,蒙古國立現代美術館, 2010。曾獲「香港




屆全國美術作品特別獎」,2004等獎項。 作品可見

(CAA,New York);1995年起至今,為聯合國科

於香港國際機場、 濕地公園、香港警察總部、西貢






收藏。 160

WU Guanlin (NG Kwun Lun Tony, Chinese, b.1964) Born in Hong Kong in 1964, Ng obtained a D i p l o m a i n C h i n e s e i n k p a i n t i n g f ro m t h e Department of Extralmural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1986 and obtained M a s t e r o f F i n e A r t f ro m R o y a l M e l b o u r n e Institute of Technology in 2011. Ng’s works include contemporary ink painting, installation, photography, public art, sculpture and “land art” on site. His art has been featured in more than 70 overseas and local exhibitions.His works have also been collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, the Hong Kong Museum of Art and private collectors.


Lot 602

Lot 635

Lot 661

XIA Yifu (HSIA Yifu, Chinese, b.1927)

ZHANG Yu (Chinese, b.1959)

ZHOU Cheng (Taiwanese, b.1941)

HSIA Yifu was born in Shandong, also named Hsia Hongxi. Graduated from Yantai School and taught in an elementary school. Hsia moved to Taiwan due to the civil war in 1949. The artist established Eastern Gallery in 1971 and specialized in his art craft work. Hsia learned painting skills from a famous artist FU Chuan-Fu in 1988 and Hsia’s works were wildly exhibited in a plenty of famous museums and galleries. He also held his solo exhibitions in Taiwan. His work was collected at Taipei Fine Art Museum, National Taiwan Museums of Fine Arts, Harvard University of America, etc.

Born in Tianjin, China. Zhang graduated from Tian Jin Arts and Crafts Vocational College in 1988. In 1993, he was invited to give lectures at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium. Zhang is an important figure in the contemporary experimental Chinese ink and wash painting of the 1990’s. Major exhibitions including: 1992, “Chinese Artist Zhang Yu: Modern Ink and Wash Exhibition”, Belyaevo Modern Art Museum, Moscow, Russia; 1999, “Color, Brush and Ink: Zhang Yu and Heidi Meyer”, German Embassy, Beijing, China; 2001, “Zhang Yu: Experimental Ink and Wash”, Red Mansion Foundation, London, UK; “Diffused Fingerprints – Zhang Yu’s Art works”, National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan; “Cultivation Practice – Exhibition of Zhang Yu’s Fingerprint Works 1991-2013”, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea. Main collections: Hong Kong Art Museum, Hong Kong, China; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S.A; the Estella Collection Foundation, New York, U.S.A; Olenska Foundation Art Museum, Geneva, Switzerland; Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium; Belyaevo Modern Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Zhou Cheng, courtesy name: Chunbo, born in Yilan, Taiwan in 1941, is a famous contemporary calligrapher, painter and educator in Taiwan, known for his extraordinary skills in poet, calligraphy, painting and seal-cutting. His works have been exhibited in his own solo exhibition as well as in museums, galleries all around the world. In 2003, he became the first contemporary artist whose works were exhibited in Painting Hall of the Palace Museum in Beijing. He is now an artist of Tamkang University, professor of Department of Fine Arts of National Taiwan University of Arts, Collection Committee member of the Palace Museum in Taipei, Evaluation Committee member of Taipei History Museum, president of Taiwan Seal Art Society, member of Xiling Seal Art Society, deputy dean of Chinese Painting School of Chinese Painting Academy, researcher of Seal Art Department of Chinese Fine Arts Institute, honorary advisor of Chinese Culture and Arts Foundation.































C O N T E X T邁阿密國際藝術博覽會,2013年「修


行—張羽個展」韓國光州,光州市立美術館。作品 典藏︰香港藝術館、紐約大都會博物館、美國紐約 艾絲戴拉基金會美術館、瑞士日內瓦奧蘭斯卡基金 會美術館、比利時安特衛普皇家美術學院博物館、 俄羅斯莫斯科比納耶烏現代美術館。



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