阿拔赫家族常玉收藏專拍 Sanyu: The Habart Collection

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SELECT: MODERN & CONTEMPORARY ART Sanyu: The Habart Collection

羅芙奧 2019 春季拍賣會 薈萃:國際現代與當代藝術 阿拔赫家族常玉收藏專拍


拍賣日期 / 地點

Saturday, June 1, 2019, 2:00 pm Marriott Taipei 3F (Grand Space) No. 199, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhong Shan District, Taipei

2019年6月1日(六) 下午 2:00 萬豪酒店三樓(博覽廳) 台北市中山區樂群二路199號


預展日期 / 地點


台中 2019年5月11日(六) 下午1:00至下午6:00 2019年5月12日(日) 上午11:00至下午6:00 豐藝館 台中市西區五權西路一段110號B1


高雄 2019年5月18日(六)至5月19日(日) 上午11:00至下午6:00 琢璞藝術中心 高雄市前金區五福三路63號8樓

Saturday, May 11, 2019, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday, May 12, 2019, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Fong-Yi Art Gallery B1, No. 110, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung, Taiwan

Saturday, May 18 - Sunday, May 19, 2019, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm J. P. Art Center 8F, No. 63, Wu Fu 3rd Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Hong Kong Sunday, May 26, 2019, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 11F (The Poolhouse) No. 1, Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Thursday, May 30 - Saturday, June 1, 2019 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Marriott Taipei 3F (Grand Space) No. 199, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhong Shan District, Taipei

香港 2019年5月26日(日) 上午10:00至下午7:00 香港君悅酒店11樓(The Poolhouse) 香港灣仔港灣道1號 台北 2019年5月30日(四)至6月1日(六) 上午10:00至下午7:00 萬豪酒店三樓(博覽廳) 台北市中山區樂群二路199號

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「薈萃:國際現代與當代藝術」專場,S e s s i o n I 推薦「阿拔赫家族常玉收藏專 拍」單元,呈獻21幅近半世紀珍藏的常玉素描作品。已故收藏家米謝•阿拔赫 (Michel Habart, 1911-1987)先生,曾任法國駐摩洛哥的農業工程師,退休後 以詩文寫作、翻譯及藝術鑑賞為樂。1970 年代初,一日他於巴黎圖歐Drouot拍賣公 司遇見一批綑裝的畫作,同行友人看出應 是出自中國畫家常玉之手。他如獲至寶, 爽快買下超過百幅的常玉紙上作品。他珍 視常玉的藝術,多年來曾幾度割愛與同 好,即使1987年過世之後多件作品仍由家 族珍藏,誠屬難得。 米謝•阿拔赫,與已故藝評家陳炎鋒 (Antoine Chen, 1949-2001)為忘年之 交,他們二人因常玉而結緣。陳炎鋒曾於 1982年在台北版畫家畫廊舉辦常玉首次在 台展覽,即是得自於阿拔赫的舊藏。陳炎

常玉 Sanyu 1895-1966

鋒極力推崇常玉的紙上作品,進而尋覓畫 家的足跡,考證與研究,並出版常玉的畫

集與傳記《巴黎的一曲相思》 (1982)以及《華裔美術選集─常玉》(1995) 著作。 陳炎鋒生前研究常玉生平與藝術貢獻良多,為飄零異鄉飛鴻雪地留泥爪。後繼有 衣淑凡女士接力,花費二十年完成常玉的出平史料考證,完成油畫、水彩與素 描、版畫作品全集的編年目錄(catalogue raisonné),並策畫常玉專題展覽,兩 人都是有口皆碑的常玉專家,見識過阿拔赫或其家族的收藏。 陳炎鋒從見到友人得自阿拔赫贈與的一幅常玉素描開始,展開他的探索之旅,對 於早期留法學人回憶錄中提及熱愛巴黎的中國畫家,他有著無比的憧憬,因此結 下不解之緣。在衣淑凡女士編輯的《常玉素描與水彩全集》一書中,詳細地描述 米謝•阿拔赫(衣淑凡女士於其出版中譯作「米謁爾•哈巴爾」)如何先發現常 玉,且結識陳炎鋒的點滴經過,摘錄於後。

另一個透過圖歐拍賣公司發掘常玉作品的收藏家是米謁爾•哈巴爾(1911-1987)。哈巴爾1930年代在法屬摩洛哥政府擔任農業工程師,退 休返回巴黎之後,展開了他作家、詩人以及譯者的生涯,並透過好友吉內特•席涅克(1913-1980,畫家保羅•席涅克的女兒),追尋他畢生 對藝術的熱情。他大部分的時間都待在法國國家圖圖書館或是鄰近的圖歐拍賣公司尋珍覓寶。 吉內特•席涅克的繼子亨利•卡山是《法國晚報》的記者,筆名亨利•克雷亞。他與常玉的好友兼畫迷亞爾拔•達昂共事,進而得知常玉。 1970年代早期,有一次哈巴爾和卡山在圖歐看到大批的常玉素描,卡山馬上認出這些作品,哈巴爾也毫不遲疑地買下一箱。哈巴爾的女兒朵 瑞絲回憶:「我還記得父親帶著他的寶貝回家時,臉上流露出的光芒……。簡約俐落的線條以及從這些二十年代女體流瀉而出的性感,看過的 人莫不議論紛紛。我們在中國書法和這些無數裸女中找到共同點。我父親從這些畫作中看到馬諦斯、馬約爾的雕塑,以及亨利•摩爾。常玉用 毛筆的溫潤筆觸創造了專屬的獨特。」 對常玉素描著迷不已的哈巴爾開始想盡辦法要更了解這個沒沒無名的藝術家,卡山便把他介紹給達昂。達昂在1981年寫了一封文情並茂的推 薦信給哈巴爾:「如果您見過29至30年代的素描……您可以體會常玉的藝術是隨著時光的前進而簡化……」達昂如是說。「我從來沒有看過 他正在作畫……就那麼一次看到他拿著筆……是為了向我示範中國人如何握筆,如此才能發揮更柔和的效果……」的確,常玉在1920至1930 年代間使用中國筆墨的創作,不但能展現律動與韌性,演繹出簡雅的中國美學,同時還融入當時風靡巴黎的當代極簡主義。 同年,旅居巴黎的陳炎鋒從友人處看到一幅常玉的素描,喚醒了他記憶中這個被遺忘的中國藝術家。這幅畫是友人的父親從米謁爾•哈巴爾處 取得的,陳炎鋒因此希望和哈巴爾見上一面。第一次碰面時,哈巴爾向陳炎鋒展示了上百幅在圖歐標得的素描與水彩,並分享了他從達昂口中 認識到的常玉。「此次,只略翻了百來張!」陳炎鋒在重新感受常玉作品後如此說:「但我心裡所受的震撼確是這百來張重量的千萬倍。」哈 巴爾和陳炎鋒的友誼自此展開,共同為拼湊常玉的生平及推廣他的藝術而努力。「他們兩個可以聊常玉聊上好幾個小時,」朵瑞絲說:「他們 試圖填滿常玉的生平,而且在日期的考證上總是意見相左,談話往往就在笑聲中結束。」 幾次討論後,哈巴爾同意陳炎鋒的提案,於1982年5月在台北版畫家畫廊舉辦了常玉在台的第一場展覽,名為《常玉,30年代的素描與水彩》。 儘管觀展人潮踴躍,但收藏的意願卻大不如陳炎鋒所預期。接著在1984年5月,哈巴爾和陳炎鋒在巴黎東方畫廊舉辦常玉紙上作品展。關於這個 活動並沒有太多記載,只知道每幅水彩售價二千五百法國法郎,有落款的素描一千五百,未落款素描一千,但卻幾乎沒有成交。 1

此次徵集的21幅阿拔赫家族藏品,已悉數收錄於衣淑凡女士 編著的《常玉素描全集》電子目錄中,且經衣女士確認所有 素描皆為常玉真跡無誤。 1921年,常玉自中國遠渡重洋至藝術之都,捨棄藝術學院學 習,1920-30年代進入大茅屋學院(Académie de la Grande Chaumière),以人體速寫起始,素描基本功開始探索,運 用其自幼擅長的中國水墨書寫、線條勾勒、寫意風格,結合 西方現代藝術的變形、抽象,炭筆暈染出雕塑量感,巴黎自 由浪漫的風氣,孕育出常玉個性的創新繪畫。

馬諦斯《粉紅裸女》美國巴爾的摩美術館收藏 Henri Matisse, Large Reclining Nude , 1935, oil on canvas, 66 x 92.7 cm, collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art

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陳炎鋒,《巴黎的一曲鄉思》,印刷出版社, 1982.02.28 出版 Antoine Chen, SAN YU, Une Chanson Nostalgique , Yin-Shua Publication, 28 Feburary, 1982.

荷蘭籍藝評家沃斯庫爾(Jan D. Voskuil)在1932年時曾寫道:「觀賞常玉的畫作而不受感動的人, 可說是毫無情趣。」常玉與生俱來的細膩觀察力,高貴淡雅的佈局,散發無人能及的魅力與氣質。東 方與西方文化的激盪,在他的筆下精確又美妙的和諧地化為一幅幅美麗篇章。 在阿拔赫的收藏中有多幅變形風格的抽象圖像,如 Lot 001的《抽象裸女》:常玉簡化裸女的頭部描 繪,不斷的簡化、簡化,減筆至近乎無形,在二十世紀初期可謂十足前衛,如 Lot 002《雙手報頭的 裸女》、L o t 004《站姿裸女》、L o t 010《側身裸女》。速寫素描的探索,後期也運用於其油畫創 作,傳達極簡的美感。 常玉早期曾受超現實主義、野獸派與巴黎畫派等多位現代名家的啟發,然而其特殊人體速寫造形, 可看出與幾位大師如亨利摩爾(Henry Moore)、馬諦斯(Henri Matisse)、藤田嗣治(Léonard Foujita)雷捷(Fernand Léger)、馬松(André Masson)互相觀摩。這些特色表現於手指如梳 齒狀、毛筆自動性技法、誇張比例、炭墨暈染肌理、瞇著單眼,如 Lot 005《摩登雙姝》、Lot 006 《戴珍珠項鍊的女士》、L o t 011《裸女坐姿》、L o t 017《穿著襯衫的女士》、L o t 019《站姿裸 女》、Lot 021《坐姿裸男》等。 素描裸女或人物往往即興又快速,靈感來時信手拈來,墨色線條一氣呵成畫就。在中西合併的過程 中,常玉為了找尋自我的風格,多方以素描練習,常見類似構圖的作品,但每一幅皆是獨立存在,各 具特色。也由於常玉一生創作多不為牟利或討好而作,許多素描上未必會有簽名,尤其是極簡化再極 簡化的水墨裸女。 極簡美學或許在二十世紀初期顯得過於前衛,常玉繪畫之美能突破時空的限制,即使今日看來依然十 足摩登。若非無比的才賦,能將「簡單」詮釋得既有氣勢又顯優雅。常玉一方面以水墨概括西方現代 美術造形,另一方面也以油彩鋪陳心中的水墨境界。無論布面油畫或是紙上作品,常玉都充滿自信、 完美地詮釋無邊的自由及其個性魅力,無疑是恆久經典、夢幻逸品。 註1:(摘錄自衣淑凡編著的《常玉素描與水彩全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會,台北,2014,頁4與頁6)

“Sanyu: The Harbart Collection” is recommended in Session

course of Chen’s life, he studied Sanyu’s life and made many

I of the sale SELECT Modern and Contemporary Art. This

contributions to art, leaving behind footprints while he was

collection features 21 precious drawings by Sanyu from

far away from home. His works were succeeded by Mrs.

nearly half a century ago. The late collector Mr. Michel

Rita Wong, who spent twenty years verifying historical data

Habart (1911-1987) was a French agricultural engineer in

about Sanyu’s life and completing the curation of Sanyu’s

Morocco. Upon retirement, he enjoyed spending his days

exhibitions. Both Chen and Wong are well-known Sanyu

composing poetry, conducting translation, and appreciating

experts who had either met Habart or directly viewed the

art. In the early 1970s, Mr. Habart came across a bundle

Habart family’s collection.

of paintings one day at the Drouot auction house in Paris. His friend recognized the paintings as the work of the Chinese artist, Sanyu. As if suddenly coming across a trove of treasure, Mr. Habart purchased more than a hundred pieces of Sanyu’s works on paper. While Mr. Habart cherished Sanyu’s art very much, he gave away some of the paintings to other enthusiasts over the years. Fortunately, many of the paintings still remain in the family’s collection even after Mr. Habart passed away in 1987.

Chen began his journey of exploration ever since he saw a piece of Sanyu’s sketch that Habart gave to his friend. When he read the memoirs written by early students in France, he admired those Chinese artists who passionately love d Paris. Th at w as h ow th e ir fate s became intertwined. Edited by Wong, the book titled Sanyu Catalogue Raisonné: Drawings and Watercolors contains a detailed description of how Michel

A cross-generational friendship had for med between

Habart (with a slightly different

Michel Habart and the late art critic Antoine Chen (1949-

Chinese translation in Rita

2001) when their paths crossed because of Sanyu. In 1982,

Wong’s edition) discovered

Antoine Chen held Sanyu’s first exhibition in Taiwan at the

Sanyu and came to know

Taipei Printmaker's Gallery. All of the works exhibited were

Chen, which is included

obtained from Habart’s collection. Chen highly praised

as an excerpt at the

Sanyu’s works on paper and used them to trace the artist’s


path. In addition to examining and studying these works, Chen also published Sanyu’s albums of painting and biographies such as Une Chanson Nostalgique (1982) and Overseas Chinese

Fine Arts Series (I) San Yu (1995) . O v e r t h e

Ravenel 11

A n o t h e r p e r s o n w h o d i s c o v e re d S a n y u ’s d r a w i n g s a n d

a Chinese ink brush, adding “This will let you have the

watercolors at the Hotel Drouot was Michel Habart (1911-

most flexibility.” Indeed, Sanyu’s drawings of the 1920s and

1987), an agricultural engineer living and working in Morocco

1930s using Chinese ink and brush demonstrate a fluidity

in the 1930s as a member of the French colonial administration.

and suppleness that epitomized the Chinese aesthetic of

Upon his retirement, he returned to Paris and started his career

simplicity, while embracing the modernist minimalism that was

as a writer, poet, and translator and also pursued his lifelong

all the rage in Paris.

passion for art, counting among his close friendes Ginette Signac (1913-1980), daughter of the painter Paul Signac. He spent most of his time at the Bibliothèque nationale de France or the nearby Drouot auction house looking for treasures.

In the same year, Antoine Chen, a Chinese living in Paris, was shown a Sanyu drawing by a friend that sparked his memory of this forgotten Chinese artist. This particular drawing had been given to his friend’s father by Michel Habart, whom Chen

Habart discovered Sanyu’s drawings and watercolors on a

asked to meet. At their first meeting Habart showed Chen

visit to the Hotel Drouot with Ginette Signac’s stepson, Henri

the more than one hundred drawings and watercolors that

Cachin, in the early 1970s. Cachin, a journalist for France Soir

he had bought at Drouot and relayed what he had learned

who wrote under the pen name Henri Kréa, had learned of

about Sanyu from Dahan. “The jolt I felt was indescribable,”

Sanyu from his colleague Albert Dahan, who was a friend of

exclaimed Chen upon rediscovering Sanyu’s works, “ten

Sanyu’s and greatly admired his skill as an artist. When they saw

million times the weight of the hundreds of drawings!” Thus

the many Sanyu drawings for sale at the Hotel Drouot, Cachin

began a friendship dedicated to trying to reconstruct Sanyu’s

pointed them out to Habart, who readily bought one box.

life and promote his art. “These two could talk for hours about

Habart’s daughter, Doris, reminisces, “I remember the beaming

Sanyu,” recalls Doris, “they attempted to fill the gaps in the

face of my father when he came home with his treasure under

biography of the painter, and never agreed on the dates. It

his arm…. The simplicity of the line, and the moving sensuality

always ended in peals of laughter.”

that emanated from the 1920s women evoked comments from the people who saw them. We made parallels between Chinese calligraphy and these innumerable nudes. My father saw in these works inspiration from Matisse, Maillol sculptures and Henry Moore. With his calligrapher’s brush creating a tender line, Sanyu had indeed invented something unique.”

After some discussion, Habart agreed to Chen’s proposal to exhibit Sanyu’s drawings and watercolors in Taiwan. In May 1982 Chen organized the first exhibition of Sany’s works in Taiwan – "Sanyu, dessins et aquarelles des années 30"—at Printmaker’s Gallery in Taipei. Although the exhibition was well attended, few paintings sold; much to Chen’s disappointment,

Intrigued by Sanyu’s drawings, Habart began a quest to learn

few showed interest in collecting the works. Following the first

more about this unknown artist. Cachin introduced Habart to

collaboration, Habart and Chen held another exhibition of

Dahan, who wrote a long, emotional testimonial to Habart

Sanyu’s works on paper at the Orient Galerie in Paris in May

about Sanyu in 1981. “If you could see some of his drawings

1984. Not much is known of this event except that the works

of the 1929-1930, you could see that his talent foresaw the

were for sale: 2,500 French francs for the watercolors, 1,500

trend towards simplification of the modern era,” wrote Dahan.

for the signed drawings, and 1,000 for the unsigned drawings.

“I never saw him paint, but once he showed me how to hold

Few, if any, sold. 1

The 21 drawings of the Habart Family’s collection for this

Drawing nude or character sketches is often impromptu and

occasion are all recorded in the catalogue in Rita Wong’s

quick. When inspiration comes, charcoal lines can be drawn

edition of Sanyu: Index of drawings. Mrs. Wong has confirmed

in one go. During the process of integrating the east and

all of these drawings to be Sanyu’s authentic works.

west, Sanyu often practiced sketching to find his own style.

In 1921, Sanyu left China and travelled across the sea to arrive at the capital of art. Instead of studying at a more esteemed art school, Sanyu entered the Académie de la Grande Chaumière during the 1920s-1930s. Starting with human body sketches, Sanyu began to explore the basic skills of sketching. He applied the skills that he learned from childhood, such

He created many composition-like pieces, each of which existed independently with its unique characteristics. Since most of Sanyu’s works were not intended to make money or please other people, many of his sketches do not necessarily contain his signature on them. This is especially the case for the extremely simplified ink-wash sketches of nude women.

as the Chinese styled ink wash painting, outlining, freehand

Minimalist aesthetics might have appeared too avant-garde

drawing, and combined them with contemporary western

in the early twentieth century. Nevertheless, the beauty of

art in terms of transformation and abstraction. The use

Sanyu’s paintings has broken through the limitations of time

of charcoal created a sculpture-like feeling. The free and

and space as they still look very modern on this present day.

romantic atmosphere in Paris cultivated Sanyu’s personal and

It takes exceptional talent to interpret “simplicity” in such

innovative paintings.

a powerful and elegant way. Sanyu used ink wash to outline

As the Dutch art critic Jan D. Voskuil once wrote in 1932, “He who is not charmed by the work of Yu Sanyu is a real grouch.” Sanyu was born with the power of exquisite observation; his noble and elegant layout created a charming temperament that could not be paralleled. Sanyu’s pen strokes precisely and beautifully transformed the fusion of eastern and western cultures into beautiful paintings with ease. There are many abstract paintings with a transformative style in Habart’s collection. For example, in Lot 001 Abstract

shapes in western contemporary art on one hand, and applied oil paint to lay out the ink wash world in his mind on the other hand. Regardless of whether he drew on oil canvas or paper, Sanyu confidently and perfectly expressed infinite freedom as well as his charming personality through his paintings. His works are undoubtedly a timeless classic that everyone dreams to possess. 1 Rita Wong, Sanyu Catalogue Raisonné: Drawings and Watercolors , The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, p. 7 & p. 9

Nude , Sanyu simplified the depiction of the nude woman’s head to the extent of being nearly indiscernible. This was an avant-garde approach in the early twentieth century. Other examples include Lot 002 Standing Nude with Hands

on Head , Lot 004 Standing Nude , and Lot 010 Nude . In exploration of quick sketching, Sanyu also applied this method to his oil paintings later on to deliver the aesthetics of minimalism. In his early days, Sanyu had been influenced and inspired by several famous modern artists in Surrealism, Fauvism, and the School of Paris. In exchange with masters such as Henry Moore, Henri Matisse, Léonard Foujita, Fernand Léger, and André Masson, Sanyu formed his unique way of sketching the human body. Some of their common characteristics include comb-like fingers, calligraphy automatism, exaggerated proportion, charcoal skin, and squinted eyes. Some examples include Lot 005 Two Ladies , Lot 006 Lady with Pearl Necklace , L o t 011 Sitting Nude , L o t 017 Lady in Blouse , L o t 019

Standing Nude , and Lot 021 Seated Male Nude .

米謝.阿拔赫(前中)、陳炎鋒(第二排)與友人在巴黎常玉素描與 水彩展,1984年5月。朵瑞絲.阿拔赫、立青基金會提供。 Michel Habart (front center) and Antoine Chen (second row) with friends at the exhibitions of Sanyu's drawings and watercolors in Paris, May 1984. Courtesy of Doris Habart & The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation.

Ravenel 13



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Abstract Nude 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 41 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0345, p. 34 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 480,000 - 700,000 HK$ 122,000 - 179,000 US$ 15,600 - 22,800 RMB 105,000 - 154,000

常玉 抽象裸女 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 41 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D0345,頁34(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 15



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Standing Nude with Hands on Head 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 44 x 26.5 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0504, p. 44 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 雙手抱頭的裸女 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 44 x 26.5 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D0504,頁44(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 17



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Reclining Nude 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 28 x 45 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0219, p. 23 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 臥姿裸女 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 28 x 45 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D0219,頁23(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 19



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Standing Nude 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0524, p. 45 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 500,000 - 750,000 HK$ 128,000 - 191,000 US$ 16,300 - 24,400 RMB 110,000 - 164,000

常玉 站姿裸女 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D0524,頁45(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 21



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Two Ladies 1920s - 1930s Charcoal on paper 45 x 27 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D3089, p. 121 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 550,000 - 850,000 HK$ 140,000 - 217,000 US$ 17,900 - 27,700 RMB 121,000 - 186,000

常玉 摩登雙姝 1920 - 1930年代 炭筆 紙本 45 x 27 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D3089,頁121(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 23



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Lady with Pearl Necklace 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2379, p. 108 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 550,000 - 850,000 HK$ 140,000 - 217,000 US$ 17,900 - 27,700 RMB 121,000 - 186,000

常玉 戴珍珠項鍊的女士 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2379,頁108(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 25



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Lady with Pearl Necklace 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2341, p. 106 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 戴珍珠項鍊的女士 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2341,頁106(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 27



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Seated on Stool Sketching 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45.5 x 28.3 cm Signed lower right YU in Chinese and SANYU in French PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2403, p. 110 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 凳上的素描者 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45.5 x 28.3 cm 簽名右下:玉SANYU 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2403,頁110(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 29



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Standing Nude 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 30 x 20 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0564, p. 47 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 440,000 - 650,000 HK$ 112,000 - 166,000 US$ 14,300 - 21,200 RMB 96,000 - 143,000

常玉 抬腿裸女 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 30 x 20 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》, 財團法人立青文教基金會,台北,2014, 彩色圖版,編號D0564,頁47(電子圖錄)


(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Nude 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0407, p. 38 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 550,000 - 850,000 HK$ 140,000 - 217,000 US$ 17,900 - 27,700 RMB 121,000 - 186,000

常玉 側身裸女 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》, 財團法人立青文教基金會,台北,2014, 彩色圖版,編號D0407,頁38(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 31



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Sitting Nude 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm Signed lower right YU in Chinese and SANYU in French PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0084, p. 14 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 裸女坐姿 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 簽名右下:玉SANYU 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D0084,頁14(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 33




(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)


Sitting Nude

1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 28 x 45 cm

1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 28 x 45 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D0279, p. 28 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 480,000 - 700,000 HK$ 122,000 - 179,000 US$ 15,600 - 22,800 RMB 105,000 - 154,000

來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D0279,頁28(電子圖錄)


(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Seated Nude 1920s - 1930s Charcoal on paper 46 x 29 cm Signed lower right YU in Chinese and SANYU in French PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D1351, p. 79 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 480,000 - 700,000 HK$ 122,000 - 179,000 US$ 15,600 - 22,800 RMB 105,000 - 154,000

常玉 裸女坐姿 1920 - 1930年代 炭筆 紙本 46 x 29 cm 簽名右下:玉SANYU 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》, 財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014, 彩色圖版,編號D1351,頁79(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 35



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Profile of A Lady 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2385, p. 109 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 480,000 - 700,000 HK$ 122,000 - 179,000 US$ 15,600 - 22,800 RMB 105,000 - 154,000

常玉 女子側影 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2385,頁109(電子圖錄)


(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Profile of a Lady 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D4093, p. 129 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 500,000 - 750,000 HK$ 128,000 - 191,000 US$ 16,300 - 24,400 RMB 110,000 - 164,000

常玉 女子側影 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D4093,頁129(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 37



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Lady Reading 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 28 x 23 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2211, p. 98 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 440,000 - 650,000 HK$ 112,000 - 166,000 US$ 14,300 - 21,200 RMB 96,000 - 143,000

常玉 凝視的女子 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 28 x 23 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2211,頁98(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 39



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Lady in Blouse 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 45 x 28 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2337, p. 106 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 穿著襯衫的女士 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 45 x 28 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2337,頁106(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 41



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Lady with Curly Hair Reading 1920s - 1930s Ink on paper 49 x 31 cm Signed center right YU in Chinese and SANYU in French PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings , The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D2071, p. 89 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 650,000 - 950,000 HK$ 166,000 - 242,000 US$ 21,200 - 30,900 RMB 143,000 - 208,000

常玉 閱讀中的捲髮女子 1920 - 1930年代 水墨 紙本 49 x 31 cm 簽名右中:玉SANYU 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D2071,頁89(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 43



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Standing Nude 1920s - 1930s Charcoal on paper 49 x 30 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D1234, p. 71 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 480,000 - 700,000 HK$ 122,000 - 179,000 US$ 15,600 - 22,800 RMB 105,000 - 154,000

常玉 站姿裸女 1920 - 1930年代 炭筆 紙本 49 x 30 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D1234,頁71(電子圖錄)

Ravenel 45



(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Kneeling Nude 1920s - 1930s Charcoal on paper 53 x 35.5 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings, The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D1064, p. 60 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 460,000 - 650,000 HK$ 117,000 - 166,000 US$ 15,000 - 21,200 RMB 101,000 - 143,000

常玉 跪姿裸女 1920 - 1930年代 炭筆 紙本 53 x 35.5 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》, 財團法人立青文教基金會,台北,2014,彩色圖版, 編號D1064,頁60(電子圖錄)


(Chinese-French, 1895 - 1966)

Seated Male Nude 1920s - 1930s Charcoal on paper 27 x 21 cm PROVENANCE Hotel Drouot, Paris Michel Habart Collection, France ILLUSTRATED Rita Wong, Sanyu Catalogue Raisonné: Drawings and Watercolors , The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D1056, p. 90 Rita Wong, Sanyu: Index of Drawings , The Li-Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2014, color illustrated, no. D1056, p. 59 (E-Catalogue)

NT$ 400,000 - 600,000 HK$ 102,000 - 153,000 US$ 13,000 - 19,500 RMB 88,000 - 132,000

常玉 坐姿裸男 1920 - 1930年代 炭筆 紙本 27 x 21 cm 來源 圖歐拍賣會,巴黎 米謝.阿拔赫家族收藏,法國 圖錄 衣淑凡,《常玉素描與水彩全集》, 財團法人立青文教基金會,台北,2014年, 彩色圖版,圖版編號D1056,頁90 衣淑凡,《常玉素描全集》,財團法人立青文教基金會, 台北,2014,彩色圖版,編號D1056,頁59(電子圖錄)

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