翰墨丹青—中國書畫專場 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings

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羅芙奧 2019 秋季拍賣會 翰墨丹青 — 中國書畫專場

RAVENEL AUTUMN AUCTION 2019 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings 拍賣日期/地點 2019年11月30日(六) 下午 2:00 萬豪酒店 台北市中山區樂群二路199號3樓(博覽廳) 預展日期/地點 台中 2019年11月9日(六)下午1:00至下午6:00 2019年11月10日(日)上午11:00至下午6:00 豐藝館 台中市西區五權西路一段110號B1 高雄 2019年11月16日(六)至 17日(日)上午11:00至下午6:00 琢璞藝術中心 高雄市前金區五福三路63號8樓 香港 2019年11月23日(六)至 24日(日)上午10:00至下午7:00 香港君悅酒店 香港港灣道1號 閣樓 中堂 台北 2019年11月28日(四)至 11月29日(五)上午10:00至下午7:00 2019年11月30日(六)上午10:00至下午2:00 萬豪酒店 台北市中山區樂群二路199號3樓(博覽廳)

AUCTION Saturday, November 30, 2019, 2:00 pm Marriott Taipei Grand Space, 3F , No. 199, Lequn 2nd Road, ZhongShan Dist., Taipei, Taiwan


Saturday, November 9, 2019, 1:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday, November 10, 2019, 11:00am - 6:00pm Fong-Yi Art Gallery B1, No. 110, Section 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung, Taiwan


Saturday, November 16 - Sunday, November 17, 2019, 11:00am - 6:00pm J. P. Art Center 8F, No. 63, Wufu 3rd Rd., Qianjin Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Hong Kong

Saturday, November 23 - Sunday, November 24, 2019, 10:00am - 7:00pm Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Lounge, M/F, No. 1 Harbour Road, Hong Kong

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Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29, 2019, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday, November 30, 2019, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Marriott Taipei Grand Space, 3F, No. 199, Lequn 2nd Road, ZhongShan Dist., Taipei, Taiwan

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目次 / Contents 4







翰墨丹青 - 中國書畫 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings










Masa Chen



Tel: +886 2 2708 9868 ext. 588 Email: masachen@ravenel.com

Zin Chen

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(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

歐豪年 平常心

Calligraphy in Running Script 2018 Ink on paper, framed 33.5 x 61 cm Signed HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

2018 水墨 紙本 鏡框 33.5 x 61 cm 釋文:平常心 款識:戊戌九秋,八十四老人豪年。 鈐印:自得(朱文)、歐豪年印(白文)

PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人

NT$ 20,000 - 40,000 HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 RMB 5,000 - 9,000

Ravenel 14


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

歐豪年 春風十里弄晴

Calligraphy in Running Script Ink on gold-flecked paper, framed 27.5 x 70 cm Signed HO-WENG in Chinese With two seals of the artist

水墨 灑金箋 鏡框 27.5 x 70 cm 釋文:春風十里弄晴 款識:豪翁 鈐印:自得(朱文)、歐豪年印(白文)

PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人

NT$ 20,000 - 40,000 HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 RMB 5,000 - 9,000


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

Calligraphy in Running Script

歐豪年 荷發夢皆香

2017 Ink on silk, framed 23.5 x 86 cm Signed HO-NIEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

2017 水墨 絹本 鏡框 23.5 x 86 cm 釋文:荷發夢皆香 款識:丁酉春夏,八十三叟豪年。 鈐印:白首名山自頡頏(白文)、歐豪年印(白文)

PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人

NT$ 20,000 - 40,000 HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 RMB 5,000 - 9,000

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(Taiwanese, b. 1936)

Poem in Running Script Ink on paper, framed 45 x 127 cm Signed FU SHEN in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 20,000 - 40,000 HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 RMB 5,000 - 9,000

傅申 行書王陽明泛海詩 水墨 紙本 鏡框 45 x 127 cm 釋文:險夷原不滯胸中,何異浮雲過太空。 夜靜海濤三萬里,月明飛錫下天風。 款識:陽明先生泛海詩,君約傅申書。 鈐印:觀復(朱文)、坦直鄉(白文)、 君約(朱文)、傅申(白文)

605 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b. 1941)

Raging Sea of the North 1986 Ink and colour on paper, framed 30.5 x 45.5 cm Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With one seal of the artist

周澄 北海聽濤 1986 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 30.5 x 45.5 cm 釋文:北海聽濤 款識:丙寅春周澄寫 鈐印:周澄(白文)

NT$ 30,000 - 60,000 HK$ 8,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,900 RMB 7,000 - 14,000 此幅《北海聽濤》一作繪於1986年,當時的周澄先生年過不惑,

This painting was completed in 1986 when Zhou Cheng was at his


mature age of 40. The state of mind was depicted in the painting


of two scholars observing the raging sea on top of the rocks. One


scholar was playing flute, the other listening to the sound of the


waves. Waves hitting hard on the shores creating white-heads.


Thick ink was used to create the basis of the painting. Dry brush


was applied to depict the outlines of waves and texture of rocks.


These rocks were carved through years by the merciless beating


of waves, reflected by variations of ink and ochre. Such realistic depiction and composition of the painting articulate the mind of the artist.

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606 WANG YACHEN (Chinese, 1894-1983)

Fish and Shrimp 1965 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 119 x 32 cm Signed YACHEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 30,000 - 60,000 HK$ 8,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,900 RMB 7,000 - 14,000 汪亞塵 魚蝦圖 1965 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 119 x 32 cm 釋文:浮根同荇藻,聚影覆魚蝦。 款識:一九六五年十月廿四日,亞塵戲墨於池上草堂, 時七十又九歲。 鈐印:亞塵(白文)

607 CHIANG MING-SHYAN (Taiwanese, b. 1942)

Autumn Scene of Qinhuai River 1988 Ink and colour on paper, framed 40 x 152 cm Signed CHIANG MING-SHYAN in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000

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江明賢 秦淮秋色 1988 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 40 x 152 cm 釋文:南京之夫子廟為明清考選人才之地,廟前之長形紅牆, 豎立於秦淮河上頗為壯觀與氣勢。河上漁舟三五橋上,遊客 如織,兩岸酒旗不再,笙歌已絕,已不復當年之繁華景象矣。 想起儒林外史中的秦淮抱景,以及桃花扇之秦淮艷跡,着實 令我對景低緬沉思不已。 款識:戊辰十月,金陵歸來并寫秦淮景色,江明賢并記。 鈐印:人間萬事塞翁馬(朱文)、寫心(朱文)、江(白文)、 明賢(朱文)

608 CHIANG MING-SHYAN (Taiwanese, b. 1942)

Pigs 2004 Ink and colour on paper, framed 57 x 96 cm Signed CHIANG MING-SHYAN in Chinese With five seals of the artist

NT$ 60,000 - 120,000 HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 RMB 14,000 - 28,000

江明賢 諸事吉祥圖 2004 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 57 x 96 cm 釋文:台灣民間認為養大豬賺大錢,豬來則富,戶戶 以飼養豬隻為副業,故農以豬為本,自古以來豬是吉 祥,天利之物也。 款識:甲申歲冬,江明賢並記。 鈐印:吉羊(白文)、江氏(白文)、明賢(朱文)、 江明賢書畫章(朱文)、美意延年(白文)

609 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b. 1941)

Scholar in the Woods 1985 Ink and colour on paper, framed 69 x 69 cm With four seals of the artist

NT$ 100,000 - 200,000 HK$ 25,000 - 51,000 US$ 3,200 - 6,500 RMB 23,000 - 46,000

Ravenel 22

李義弘 戲作好夢圖 1985 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 69 x 69 cm 釋文:睡鄉者莫如其處,或曰太始之初,六合之外,或曰不然。是鄉也,在 在有之,遊者多至焉,然非善遊者莫知云。蓋其鄉,冥然塊然,無有天地日 月與酬酢往來,以及災祥禍福、是非善惡、榮辱得喪皆無之。入其鄉者,若 迷若忘,凡所為可欣可嗜,可涕可悲者,不能隨之以入。一入其鄉輒絕,是 故善遊者往往慕睡鄉。嗚呼,睡鄉之境頑鈍然也,睡鄉之人枯槁然也,然其 天則全,其神則寧,其體則休,以適世之人孽孽焉汲汲焉,或不暇以遊,而 遊者又或往往呻吟囈噫,夫其呻吟唅囈,必有隨之以入者也,有隨之以入者 而睡鄉之遊不快也。昔者莊周至其鄉化為蝴蝶,莊周也,蝴蝶也,相化而未 有已也,於是乎睡鄉擾矣。 款識:乙丑孟冬,戲作好夢圖並錄戴世名睡鄉記於笛音凝室。 鈐印:義弘之印(白文)、在川小鉢(朱文)、快活無量(朱文)、好夢(白文)

610 LEE YIH HONG (Taiwanese, b. 1941)

Winter Garden 1987 Ink and colour on paper, framed 74 x 81 cm Signed LEE YIH HONG in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 100,000 - 200,000 HK$ 25,000 - 51,000 US$ 3,200 - 6,500 RMB 23,000 - 46,000

李義弘 冬園靜和 1987 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 74 x 81 cm 款識:丁卯暮冬,李義弘畫於笛音凝室。 鈐印:義弘之印(白文)、在川小鉢(朱文)



A LIFE-LONG COMMITMENT TO ART DEVELOPMENT 豪年畫品,山水、人物、走獸、花鳥、蟲魚,無不兼擅, 儼然今日嶺南畫派大宗師













花鳥、蟲魚,無不兼擅,儼然今日嶺南畫派大宗師。」 如有學生或畫盟舉辦書畫展覽,如能出席,歐氏必定親赴現場, 在前揭文中所示,秦孝儀院長對於國畫能深入耕耘者,首推張大


千與歐豪年先生,他認為張大千先生的書畫造詣雄視當時,而歐 豪年先生書法與畫作卻可兼能完備且充足,除了書畫創作之外,










的生機。對於歐氏的評許,並非存在與他們二者之間情誼交往的 榮耀,而是秦院長認為歐豪年先生而是真正華夏溫畫中的士林文





餘歲的年輕畫家,一再誠摯邀請,並奉數倍於其他教授之高薪以 示尊重。歐氏感於張其昀辦學精神與知遇之情,應允來台任教。



















每一筆都需要專注而下,不可瑣碎,著墨下紙,勿過輕恣」。 這都是歷經幾十年以來對於藝術的美感點滴累積而來的,對於空 歐氏年齡漸長,自文化大學退休後,平日仍在其「天寬樓畫室」










許多對研究生、大學生產生影響的努力。所以也把畫風帶到台 灣,鼓勵青年人,讓他們對繼承中國畫傳統,發展創新,有所開 拓。」


Ravenel 24

Former Director of the National Palace Museum of Taiwan, Qin Xiaoyi once mentioned, "Amongst my most respectable ink masters are Zhang Daqian and Au Ho-Nien. Zhang was the greatest artist of the modern times, while Au is an all-rounded artist in both calligraphy and paintings. Au emerged in the last 20 years with outstanding achievements in creating atmosphere and techniques of paintings. His paintings possess underlying meanings way beyond its depiction. His poems are as clear river, as blooming flowers of all colours and as buds waiting to bloom. Au excels in all forms of paintings, such as landscapes, portraits, animals, flowerand-birds, insects and fish, thus acclaimed as one of the greatest artists of Lingnan School. Qin had high regards to the artist as a promising scholar painter." Born in 1935 in Guangdong, Au Ho-Nien relocated to Taiwan in 1970 as a professor at the Chinese Culture University. At his current age of 85, after more than 50 years of teaching, Au is still a devoted teacher in art creation. As a teacher with high standard on students, Au believes that each brushstroke needs extra attention and structure has to be wellplanned. Regardless of genre, each feather and hair of animals have to be meticulously applied. When a student did not perform

Prominent figures of universities in Taiwan invited Au, a 30-year

well in certain areas, he encouraged students to keep the right

old young artist, as a teacher. Impressed by Zhang Qijun of Chinese

attitude and effort in each stroke.

Culture University, Au came to Taiwan as a professor. After hearing the news, Chao praised Au with a poem encouraging him in art

As Au ages and has retired from the Chinese Culture University,


he still holds courses in Tiankuan Studio and takes up roles in post-graduate courses, promoting art theories and techniques. In

Zhang Daqian once praised Au's skills, "Once Au paints, the

his autobiography, he mentioned "Since my relocation from the

universe fall under Au's brush and lies vividly in the paintings".

Mainland to Taiwan, and overseas travels, I have organized a lot

Zhang had close friendship with Au who composed poems,

of exhibitions and lectures. Throughout the years as a professor in

inscriptions and painted together. Au would visit Zhang in the US

art, I have devoted myself to education and art promotion. I have

every year. Au once mesmerized, "Zhang gave him a painting each

brought Lingnan School to Taiwan and the younger generation,

year and sent him written letters till his death."

encouraging continuous improvement and development in art." Au is an all-rounded scholar excelled in literature, calligraphy Having a life-long in art promotion, Au Ho-Nien established

and paintings. His calligraphy was uniquely developed from his

museums including the Lingnan Fine Arts Museum at the Academia

painting. In his works, animals and landscapes and flower and bird

Sinica, the Au Ho-Nien Fine Art Museum at the Chinese Culture

paintings were composed with extraordinary skills of brush. His

Museum, another one in Indiana of the US, one at the Anhui

calligraphy works possess a state of serenity.

Provincial Museum, one in Shanghai and one in Fu Jen Catholic University.

Such skills were obtained from years of practice and observation of space and structure. His skills of painting and calligraphy are

He would personally attend every single exhibition of his students

derived from observation which reflect the artist's experience and

if possible, and would write calligraphy for the event, so as to

state of mind. Such romantic depiction from poetry thus becomes

encourage his students in art development.

another element contributing to his success.

Au Ho-Nien is an all-rounded artist in literature, calligraphy and paintings. In his first encounter with Yu Youren, Yu wrote him a couplet as a gift, which was since hung in a prominent position in his studio.


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

歐豪年 紫藤舞蜂圖

Wisteria 1999 Ink and colour on paper, framed 38 x 41.5 cm Signed AU HO-NIEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist

1999 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 38 x 41.5 cm 釋文:己卯此夏,余將訪美行前一日,倚裝畫為侃為吾兄雅賞。 款識:歐豪年 鈐印:歐(朱文)、豪年(白文)、怡志養神(白文)

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 歐豪年使用山馬筆先以深淺墨寫繪紫藤花之枝幹,沾濃墨寫末端

This painting was painted with Shanma brush in with different


tones of ink on branches, depicting its form and vividness. Buds


were depicted with purple and green ink. Green leaves and purple


flowers were depicted in exquisite detail. White was used on


purple to depict the texture of petals. Darker purple was applied


on flowers in full bloom. A bee was drawn, approaching the


flower. The wings were painted in light ink, and fine dark black

蜜蜂飛舞之狀, 紫藤隱蔽其間,而花香隨風散逸,似美人流連徘

lines to depict layers of wings. Such depiction is so realistic as if


viewers could smell the scent in the summer breeze.

Ravenel 26


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

Hare 1974 Ink and colour on paper, framed 71 x 29 cm Signed HO-NIEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 80,000 - 160,000 HK$ 20,000 - 41,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200 RMB 19,000 - 37,000 歐豪年 兔子 1974 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 71 x 29 cm 釋文:偉中仁棣屬 款識:甲寅冬竹移軒晴窗,豪年漫興之作。 鈐印:歐(朱文) 《兔子》是歐豪年先生甲寅年(1974年)冬天在 竹移軒所繪,畫中寫玄灰色的兔子在野外撲朔傍地 而行,以濃墨的手法寫出兔子的頭部,身體層次漸 淡,畫面上方寫兔子撲朔跳躍的樣子,近處(左側 面)寫出較高的野草作為前景。他善用嶺南慣用的 山馬筆,寫出大自然中野草蒼茫的感覺,並染以翠 色,遠處點幾株淡淡的野草,以添畫面蒼潤之感。 兔子邊旁點綴數筆草地,整幅畫面畫幅由近而遠, 兔子跳躍其中,春意盎然而生。為歐豪年先生40歲 時所畫的精彩作品,讓人感到筆墨酣暢,卻層次深 遠的寫繪功力。 This painting was drawn by Au Ho-Nien in the winter of 1974. A grey hare was depicted crouching in the wild. Thick ink was used to paint the head and gradation was used on the body, giving an elusive quality to the animal. Grass was depicted on the left to enhance the scene. Au depicted the vastness of grassland, painted in green. Light strokes of grass farther away creates openness in the painting. Location of the hare gives action to the animal, as if it is moving towards the viewer. This work was done at the age of 40, letting one see the richness of ink used and his excellent painting techniques.


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

Buffalo and Herdboy 1981 Ink and colour on paper, framed 43.5 x 68.5 cm Signed AU HO-NIEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 150,000 - 240,000 HK$ 38,000 - 61,000 US$ 4,800 - 7,800 RMB 35,000 - 56,000 歐 豪年 春郊放牧圖 1981 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 43.5 x 68.5 cm 釋文:辛酉春日,嶺南歐介豪年挹翠山堂雨窗。 鈐印:豪年(朱文)

此《春郊放牧圖》是歐豪年先生辛酉年(1981年)春天在 「挹翠山堂」見窗外之景所繪,初春的雨天牧童放牛,遠處的 山邊迷濛,雲霧嬝繞,畫面左側依山勢而立,溪流川流緩緩而 下,山下農田數畝,平崗之上寫繪幾處農家,一個牧童在利用 農閒初歇之時,牽著家中的牛隻到澗外清涼的溪水散步閒放, 也可能是歐氏將心中理想的放牧生活寫入其中,平居恬淡,不 慕名利,平疇幽谷之中放牧,遠處染以白雲,水氣蒼潤之境為 歐氏常為營造之景,設色高雅,幽渺難尋,筆墨意境更高。 This work was drawn by Au Ho-Nien in the spring of 1981 at his studio looking out from his window. In the Spring shower, herdboy is herding buffalo, mist veils over distant mountains, clouds linger around the peaks. Hilly relief on the left of the painting leads the viewers to flowing river and patches of fields at the bottom of the hills. The painting depicts the relaxed strolling of herders along the riverside, echoing to the ideal image of herding in the mind of the artist. Such painting depicts the ideal austere lifestyle that Au longs to have.

Ravenel 28

曲盡化工之妙 ─ 喻仲林



1949渡海來台的文藝青年 1949年的台灣,當時有許多書畫造詣深厚的藝術家隨政府來台,





言:「作畫貴有古意,若無古意,雖工無益」。而喻仲林的畫 面,或「工」或「意」都是謹慎處理過的,以古的技法、今的意





系旁聽金勤伯先生的課程,同樣隨著政府軍來台的喻仲林先生, 也因公暇之餘,旁聽講課,而麗水精舍的結識,或許同樣的也能



簡約歸納為幾點:一、注重寫生,故而題材鮮活,不論翎毛、花 卉、禽畜、昆蟲…皆姿態靈動,造型準確。二、精研宋元,故而









鳥之精巧,宗孝忱臨書法之神妙;溥心畬則山水、人物、花鳥各 科皆通。

此次四件喻仲林的作品出自於1971 - 1980 之間,其繪畫中的精 處,能從其運色的巧妙、筆法的蒼勁或溫潤略察一二;首先是出






整體逸趣生動呈現出暖烘烘的情氛;二則是1975年一簇金黃的 《黃蟬花》與畫中枝葉的墨色形成相輔之比,作中一寫連雨濛濛










自1980年的一幅《麻雀》,畫中雀鳥飛起的姿態生趣靈巧,清涼 的翠竹枝葉,隨風輕擺,似乎有種日光灑落,綠蔭籠罩的氛圍。

而此次有喻仲林先生的《麻雀》(編號614)、《凌霄白頭》(編 號615)、《黃蟬花》(編號616)、《牡丹藍雀》(編號617)



墨彩的漸變與交疊,題材中花草蟲鳥與時節的相映,都足以見喻 仲林先生驚人的細膩觀察,也使得在他的畫作上那種與人相異,

喻仲林1925年生,字性根,原籍山東,師從金勤伯,專攻工筆花 鳥,其師認為他最難得的是做到「豔而不俗,細膩而不呆板」, 這是工筆畫中相當不易達到的境界,在其作品中又以工筆花鳥最 能代表其畫藝,其摹古卻又不拘泥於古法。


Ravenel 30


INFLUX OF YOUNG ARTISTS TO TAIWAN IN 1949 1949 is a year with a huge influx of scholar artists to Taiwan, including ink masters Yu Youren, Huang Chun-Pi, Pu Hsinyu and young artists Yu Chung-Lin and Sun Jiaqin. Yu Chung-Lin and Sun Jiaqin became acquaintances since their encounter at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). Sun sat-in a class of Jin Qinbo with a friend, while Yu followed the national army to Taiwan and sat-in the same class after work. Two of the founders of Li Shui Art Studio thus met under such circumstances. Broad brush was the dominant trend in Taiwan during the period and colourful gongbi works were not as popular. Academic courses were offered by teachers specialized in main areas such as Landscape offered by Huang Chun-Pi, Animals offered by Lin Yushan, Flower-and-Bird offered by Jin Qinbo and Calligraphy offered by Zong Xiaochen, while a combination of such genres by Pu Hsinyu. These four works by Yu Chung-Lin was painted between 1971Chinese paintings and calligraphy have always been a perfect

1980. Use of colour and calligraphy were excellent in Yu's paintings.

record of history, social and political events and aesthetic qualities of the period.

Through Yu's theory of creation, one could understand Yu's


regardless of subject matters, to uphold accuracy of his depiction.

philosophy, being: 1. Emphasis on live sketches and observation,

Li Shui Art Studio was established in 1949 to 1956. Its name was taken from the Li Shui Street behind the NTNU. The studio was among the pioneer for joint studio of artists, where Yu Chung-Lin was specialized in Flower-and-Bird paintings, Wu Nianzu specialized in Landscape, Sun Jiaqin specialized in Portrait paintings. They organized classes and promoted exchanges and discussions in the studio. In this sale, we have gathered masterpieces from Yu Chung-Lin's

Sparrow (Lot 614), Chinese Bulbul and Trumpet Vines (Lot 615), Bees Fluttering around Golden Trumpets (Lot 616), Peony and Blue Tits (Lot 617). Yu Ching-Lin was born in 1925 in Shandong, Yu Chung-Lin was a student of Jin Qinbo, specialized in Flower-and-Bird paintings. Yu was praised for the perfect colour combination and detailed depiction. Such comments are great compliments, acknowledging the artist for his graceful depiction yet different from classical depiction. In Yu's book, artists commented that Yu depicted flowers and birds as graceful as the artist himself. As mentioned by old masters, flowers and birds should be meticulous in both application of brush and its expression. Modern objects need to be expressed through careful and detailed depiction.

2. Study of Song and Yuan paintings in order to enhance the elegant tone of the painting. 3. Innovation from traditions through applications of brushwork in an innovative way.

Chinese Bulbul and Trumpet Vines was painted in 1971 with Chinese Bulbuls looking passionately at each other at the branches of overhanging trumpet vines. This work of romantic birds was painted on silk. Second painting, Bees Fluttering around Golden Trumpets , was painted in 1975. Amidst the summer rain, wet and softened golden trumpets were said to attract bees and butterflies. Third painting is Peony and Blue Tits in 1980, with peonies in full bloom and blue tits singing in harmony. Fourth painting Sparrow was painted in 1980. The sparrow depicted is flying swiftly over bamboo waving along the summer breeze. Fine delicate brush was use outline objects and colour was filled with meticulous attention before the ink was dried, forming gradation. Subjects of flowers, birds and insects were depicted according to the time of the storyline depicted. This shows the artist's close observation and attention to detail, creating elegant and interesting scenes.


(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)

Sparrow 1980 Ink and colour on paper, framed 43 x 28 cm Signed YU CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 Ravenel 32

喻仲林 麻雀 1980 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 43 x 28 cm 款識:雲昇先生雅正,庚申歲暮山左喻仲林寫於台灣。 鈐印:喻仲林(朱文)、清泉郡(白文)


(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)

Chinese Bulbul and Trumpet Vines 1971 Ink and colour on silk, framed 44 x 58.5 cm Signed YU CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 80,000 - 160,000 HK$ 20,000 - 41,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200 RMB 19,000 - 37,000

喻仲林 凌霄白頭 1971 水墨 設色 絹本 鏡框 44 x 58.5 cm 釋文:直饒枝幹凌霄去,猶有根源與地平, 不道花依他樹發,強攀紅日鬥鮮明。 款識:治文吾兄正之,辛亥新春喻仲林寫。 鈐印:仲(朱文)、林(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)

Bees Fluttering around Golden Trumpets

喻仲林 黃蟬花

1975 Ink and colour on paper, framed 60 x 49 cm Signed CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With three seals of the artist

1975 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 60 x 49 cm 釋文:連日濛濛雨,黃蟬開滿枝。 款識:乙卯夏,仲林。 鈐印:喻鉥(白文)、仲林(朱文)、出身行伍(白文)

ILLUSTRATED: Elegance and Grace: A Commemorative Collection of Flower and Bird Paintings by Yu Chung-Lin , National Museum of History, Taipei, 2012, pp. 158-159

著錄: 《工緻典麗:喻仲林 88 花鳥畫紀念集》,國立歷史博物館, 台北,2012 年出版,頁 158-159

NT$ 130,000 - 200,000 HK$ 33,000 - 51,000 US$ 4,200 - 6,500 RMB 30,000 - 46,000 Ravenel 34


(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)

Peony and Blue Tits 1980 Ink and colour on paper, framed 91.5 x 71 cm Signed YU CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: A Collection of Masterpieces by Mr. Yu Chung-Lin , Crown Publishing Ltd, Taipei, p. 80

NT$ 380,000 - 600,000 HK$ 96,000 - 152,000 US$ 12,300 - 19,400 RMB 88,000 - 139,000

喻仲林 牡丹藍雀 1980 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 91.5 x 71 cm 款識:庚申夏日,山左喻仲林畫。 鈐印:喻仲林(朱文)、清泉郡(白文)、 肇自然之性成造化之功(朱文) 著錄: 《喻仲林花鳥畫冊》,皇冠出版社,台北, 1985 年 7 月初版,頁 80



歲月就像一個不停歇的鐘擺,催促著人向前卻又不忘回首 (編號 618 – 620 ) 1960年西門町那受人潮所烘托出的繁華,台灣第一間大型百貨也







的細膩,敷以溫潤色彩,畫面中心雄雀華美的羽毛以數筆工細描 繪成之,雄雀不時回頭望向母雀,能瞧出鶼鰈情深之意,實則美



則位在海天大樓的五樓,作為一個沙龍展覽的空間,沙龍之意著 於彼此交流、相互欣賞以提升自我,在那樣一個年代裡,所謂集






點呢? 除了整個戰後現代繪畫運動熱潮的帶起,同時一批學成海


歸的學子相繼帶回不同的思潮歸來,期待的興奮著,各個都準備 好要一展身手,而整個六零至七零間的台灣正是瀰漫在這股中美







文人書畫的價值與脈動 海天這一詞能想像在當時所展現出的氣魄,所謂海天連一色,望









土的根性脈絡,喜悅惆悵的交織,中國傳統知識份子在面臨西方 文化強烈激盪下,各出奇招,所用以不同的因應表現。

時代風氣的造就,海天畫廊並置在當時藝文展演的重要地位之 中,除了五月畫會、東方畫會都曾在此辦展覽外,與大師間互動















位大師在羅芙奧歷次的拍賣上更是都曾拍出相當亮眼的成績。大 時代的匯集,而歲月就像一個不停歇的鐘擺,催促著人向前卻又

同樣能看見在致力於文化推廣的道路上夫婦倆人不遺餘力,陳上 典先生於2008年回饋於母校泉州培元中學,建立了海天圖書館, 同時也設立海天獎學金。陳靜曾夫人身為黃君璧及喻仲林兩位大 師的女弟子,那些在大師身旁的點點滴滴。1966年並非只是想法 的開端,而是拓展出去的第一步,同時也辦期刊、辦美術比賽, 更請來席德進、喻仲林等大師擔任評審。

Ravenel 36


Ximending in the 1960s was the most bustling commercial

This sale offers three significant paintings once possessed by

district in Taipei. Taipei's first department store was established in

HaiTien Art Gallery. All three were obtained directly from the

Zhonghua Road, and this is where HaiTien Art Gallery was situated.

artists. Huang's painting demonstrates grandiosity of landscape, Yu's reflected his sophisticated and elegant brushwork, while Wu's

The 7-storey HaiTien Building had its printing department at the

integrated Pu Hsin-Yu's Northern style painting with reference to

basement and its gallery on the fifth floor. The gallery was founded

flower-and-bird paintings from Yuan and Song dynasty. Such works

as a salon and exhibition space to encourage exchanges between

demonstrate high aesthetic standards, two of the artists mentioned

artists and collectors in the perfect location and era of artistic

even achieved outstanding value at Ravenel auctions.

development. The 1960s was the perfect era for cultural, artistic and economic development, due to the influx of students returned

These three masterpieces are documentations from history. They

from their studies abroad. This ignited a series of discussions of

witnessed the past, while pushing forward the development of

Chinese-Western beliefs and local culture preservation.


HaiTien, in Chinese means "Sea" and "Sky," referring to the endless horizon. The gallery provided a platform for young artists to discuss and experiment, so as to achieve endless innovation to influence art in Taiwan and the world.

BRICK AND MORTAR - EXCHANGES WITH GREAT ARTISTS In this era, HaiTien Art Gallery played a crucial role in artistic development in Taiwan. Its platform were given to prominent art groups including Fifth Moon Group and Tonfan Art Group, photography master Long Chin-San. Shiy De-Jinn once held a sharing in the gallery with a video showing masterpieces in Parisian museums, showcasing French culture to the Taiwanese public. One of Shiy's paintings was given by the artist to Mrs Chen Ching-Tsen, depicted the scene of Keelung (Modern and Contemporary Asian Art Auction, Lot 193), as a gratitude to the gallery for holding his exhibition. Gallery owner Mr and Mrs Chen strived in cultural development. In 2008, Mr Chen Shang-Tien established a HaiTien library and HaiTien Scholarship at the Peiyuan Middle School in Fujian. While Mrs Chen, as the apprentice of both Huang Chun-Pi and Yu Chung-Lin, recorded documentation of the great artists, established journals, art competitions adjudicated by famous artists Shiy DeJinn and Yu Chung-Lin.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOLARLY PAINTINGS In the late 1950s, Taiwan was faced with an influx of various philosophies under political turbulence. Taiwanese art was re-defined in terms of culture, Western influence and local repositioning. Chinese scholars had great transformation in the face of such changes.



(Taiwanese, 1925-1985)

Peacocks 1966 Ink and colour on silk, framed 72 x 142 cm Signed YU CHUNG-LIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Former collection of Mrs. Chen Ching-Tsen, HaiTien Art Gallery, Taipei

NT$ 500,000 - 800,000 HK$ 127,000 - 203,000 US$ 16,200 - 25,900 RMB 116,000 - 185,000 喻仲林 孔雀 1966 水墨 設色 絹本 鏡框 72 x 142 cm 款識:上典先生暨夫人儷正。丙午二月,山左喻仲林寫。 鈐印:喻(朱文)、仲林所作(白文) 來源: 海天畫廊陳靜曾夫人舊藏 註: 上款人「上典先生」即為陳上典先生,海天畫廊及海天 印刷廠負責人,並於 2008 年捐資泉州培元中學建成海天 圖書樓並設立海天獎學金。


This work was completed in 1966. During the opening of HaiTien


Art Gallery, Mrs Chen commissioned this work from the artist.


Completed in silk, the feathers were delicately sketched and


painted with rich colours. The male bird looked towards the


female, its eyes blazed with vivid colours. This couple suggested


romantic love and reunion.

失於色,甚至顯得可愛依人。 Structure of this work was carefully planned with subjects spanning 觀其細膩之處,構圖中蚰松與雄雀於畫心處相交錯,沒骨蚰松若

outwards from the center. Pine leaves are outspread and painted in


dark ink, creating depth and harmony.

相牴,更添一絲諧和,底以區塊的墨色暈染,展現松球的蓬鬆, 而不致銳利,與工筆描繪的翎鳥產生畫面景深的和諧,整幅畫作 華美而典雅。

Ravenel 38

619 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)

Sea of Clouds 1963 Ink on paper, framed 75.5 x 142.5 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Former collection of Mrs. Chen Ching-Tsen, HaiTien Art Gallery, Taipei

NT$ 500,000 - 800,000 HK$ 127,000 - 203,000 US$ 16,200 - 25,900 RMB 116,000 - 185,000 黃君璧 雲歸大壑 1963 水墨 紙本 鏡框 75.5 x 142.5 cm 釋文:雲歸大壑 款識:癸卯春日畫於白雲堂,黃君璧。 鈐印:黃君璧(白文)、君翁日利長年(朱文)、 白雲堂(白文) 來源: 海天畫廊陳靜曾夫人舊藏

此幅《雲歸大壑》款題「癸卯春日畫於白雲堂,黃君璧。」可知 此作當時乃君翁六十五歲 (1963) 所繪,人說活墨,必能兼得雄 渾蘊藉與清雅幽奇之美,從君翁擅於雲煙飛瀑的表現,流洩濃厚 氣韻。君翁早年東登泰山,西虧劍閣,過三峽,探黃山,閱歷行 遍名山大川,其作品中更是常見飛瀑、流泉,風帆、霜林,筆墨 氤氳,水意蒸融,蒼勁有力,氣勢雄壯,亦能作工筆仕女和花 鳥,清新秀逸,張大千先生非常推崇黃君璧,曾言君翁的山水 「雲瀑空靈,吾仰黃君璧」,畫中層層排雲湧動,大量的留白再 以淡墨作烘染,筆墨氤氳。畫中吐現出文人氣息,動靜皆宜,雖 說設色帶彩能品畫作用色豐富的變化,以單純墨色的表現及大尺 幅的呈現,相較下似乎更顯大氣而純粹,同樣的亦更能感受墨色 的變化,書畫從墨色的濃淡看光影看層次,雲層的流動,濃密的 雲歸聚於山頭,從右邊襲來鋪天蓋地的氣勢,同時又做到不獨佔 風頭,書畫山水中「高遠」、「平遠」的視點構圖,遠眺山影迷 濛,近觀山峻嶙峋,偶有蒼松佇立於間。 Ravenel 40

Sea of Clouds was painted in 1963 when the artist was 65. It was believed that ink should be intelligently used to represent richness and elegance of landscapes. Huang’s representation of clouds and mists depicted such grandiosity. Early visits to Taishan, Jiange, Sanxia, Huangshan enabled the artist to depict such majestic misty landscapes. His Ladies and Flower-and-birds paintings in gongbi style were also genres he excelled in. Zhang Daqian once praised Huang openly on his depiction of misty mountains in light ink and blank spaces, creating a celestial atmosphere.His paintings demonstrate literati aura with sophisticated manipulation of ink. Such skills depicted light and shadow, the movement of clouds and layer of clouds around the mountain peaks. In terms of structure, Huang adapted traditional methods to represent spatial depth through height and horizontal distance, ornamented with vegetation.

620 WU YUNG-HSIANG (Taiwanese, 1913-1970)

Peonies Ink and colour on silk, framed 51.5 x 86 cm Signed WU YUNG-HSIANG in Chinese With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Former collection of Mrs. Chen Ching-Tsen, HaiTien Art Gallery, Taipei

NT$ 40,000 - 80,000 HK$ 10,000 - 20,000 US$ 1,300 - 2,600 RMB 9,000 - 19,000 吳詠香 牡丹 水墨 設色 絹本 鏡框 51.5 x 86 cm 釋文:鼠姑欹畫欄,春晚露華濃,深夜無人採,天香引數蜂。 款識:吳詠香寫於鷗波館。 鈐印:吳詠香(朱文)、鷗波館(白文) 來源: 海天畫廊陳靜曾夫人舊藏

此幅《牡丹》繪於鷗波館,款題「鼠姑欹畫欄,春晚露華濃,深 夜無人採,天香引數蜂」。牡丹繁綻之姿,舒展的蓬鬆欲墜,花 開正時,盛晚露,垂欲滴,濃抹若花香撲鼻,畫中牡丹和寫實所 求的真不盡相似,更似著意於意造無法的情氛,畫中牡丹繁綻之 芳顏,片瓣舒展錯落有致,見其賦色巧妙,牡丹之分色,墨赭瓣 色的點染如臥墨池,冠世墨色,墨中以赭紅做底,紅紫拾色做深 淺,其葉脈色深飽水,紫暈沒骨,或深或淺,另一則色粉,搖曳 於風中似如脂粉隨落地,牡丹瓣葉似絲絨,粉筆從瓣尖染入,一 次未盡腴澤勻和,再次補足,使花頭看來圓綻而不扁薄。結筆勾 繪小小蜜蜂添生意,蜂致,或成群,或獨行,觀者似蝶能與之一 同品香嚐蜜,通幅情氛描繪細膩,清趣盎然。

Peonies was painted in Oubo Studio with a poem describing the scene. The flowers were in full bloom and filled with sweet honey. Such realistic depiction allows the weight of the flower and shapes of petals to be accurately depicted. Colours were vividly applied to the petals and leaves. Regardless of the forms of flowers and saturation of ink, the painting was accurately depicted.Small bees were depicted in groups and individually to highlight the vibrant scene.

Ravenel 42

筆墨千秋趣,山河萬里情 .江兆申















感,筆勢頓挫帶有奇變,細品可得遠江寒雁、秋樹歸人的孤寂 感。江兆申的書法根基於傳統,楷、行、隸、篆兼擅,乃至傍



風,生長於書香門第的江兆申天才早慧、更受到徽派篆印的啟 發,六歲便開始雕刻,十歲賣印養家,近代冶印名家王北岳評其











心畬期間也多吟詩論文,或解書法意境、詩書疑義,直至後期才 得師傳畫藝。江兆申直到把詩文、學問、書法等揉合為一後才開 始水墨的創作,書畫同源的道理在他的作品中表露無遺。江兆申 1965年任職故宮博物院直至1991年退休,對於研究古人書畫頗有 心得,並完成了許多重要的學術研究,如《關於唐寅的研究》、 《宋畫精華》等專論;更於1973年籌辦共三期的「吳派九十年 展」,完整梳理了文徵明、沈周等吳派畫家的生平與水墨作品, 開啟台灣以專題為特展的先河,並引起了海外對於吳派畫作的研 究熱潮。因此,江兆申的水墨創作便得益於上述「詩、書、文」 的豐厚滋養。 江兆申的繪畫,由書法用筆與結構進入,嚴格要求章法筆勢變 化,《靈漚類稿》收錄篇文《書與畫》可瞭解一二,江兆申認為 書與畫的關係密切,作畫時的運筆習慣會影響畫作的成功與否, 書畫之間有脈息相通之處,江兆申提出書法的要點為:用筆、間 架、豐神;與其相通的畫法要點則是:筆墨、章法、氣韻。形式 構圖要求的用筆體現於筆墨,江兆申早期繪畫受黃賓虹、新安畫 派的影響,用筆嚴謹、筆墨縱橫;再以元四家、董王的章法間架 為輔,枯淡之中可見酣暢之興味;拜溥心畬門下多臨北宗山水, 尤重烘染之法;後期窮盡畢生學識集於水墨創作,講求豐神氣 韻、筆墨簡澹,江氏山水的藝術,既能讓觀者產生生動且感人的 力量,又能體現忠於自性與內在精神的自我實踐,江兆申在古人 與自然中博取精髓,以創新的藝術形式賦予了傳統文人畫全新的 意涵。江兆申的藝術生涯誠如其《我的藝術生涯》文末所言「就 像一道淡淡的蝸涎,緩緩地橫過階際。其實再細想,我一生的遭 遇也莫不如此,又何僅是繪畫。」江氏以蝸牛謙喻,但從未隨波 逐流,只把一生奉獻給書畫研究與水墨創作,然而他的藝術成就 卻讓近代水墨開啟了新的篇章。

Ravenel 44

The art of Chiang Chao-Shen was acclaimed as the latest model

Chiang his highest regard. Since then, he followed Pu to study

of literati art. The artist himself was acclaimed as an all-rounded

literature before advancing to art depiction. Such a combination

scholar of traditional literati ink art in Taiwan, in terms of poetry,

of literature, calligraphy and art had always been seen with pivotal

calligraphy, paintings and seal making. Chiang worked in the

importance for Chiang. During his career at the NPM from 1965

National Palace Museum (NPM) of Taiwan for 27 years and took up

to 1991, Chiang published prominent thesis in Chinese art history

prominent roles including Director of Chinese paintings and Deputy

and organized three important exhibitions of Wu School of Art in

Director of the museum. With reference to old masterpieces,

1973. Such projects promoted local and international attention

Chiang promoted studies of the Wu School of paintings of the

and recognition to the academic development of art history in

Ming dynasty, which includes art of Tang Yin, Wen Zhengming.

Taiwan. This once again proves Chiang's achievement to literature,

Chiang Chao-Shen promoted artistic innovation based on thorough

calligraphy and art development in Chinese art history.

studies of ancient art forms, thus encouraged modern literati ink art of Taiwan.

Chiang combined brushstrokes and structure of calligraphy into his paintings. In his published book, Chiang mentioned the importance

Seal carving scholars in Qing dynasty promoted clerical scripts,

of such relationship. Brush application, structure and aura of

while others in Anhui promoted Hui School. From Chiang's early

calligraphy correspond to those in a painting. Such composition

age, he was heavily influenced by the Hui School. He started

should be expressed through application of ink. Chiang's early

seal carving practice at the age of 6 and sold carved seals at

influence were Huang Binhong and Xinan School, with strict

10. Modern seal carving scholar Wang Beiyue once mentioned,

requirement of brushstrokes. Structure was influenced by the Four

Hui School was close to Wan and Zhe styles renowned for their

greatest artists of Yuan dynasty and artists Dong and Wang, which

elegance, sturdiness and solemnity. Chiang received education from

was reflected in his simplistic structure. As a student of Pu Hsin-

his mother and seal carving became part of his practice. His works

Yu, Chiang demonstrated Northern style of Landscape paintings

reflected his skills in seal carving with studiness and solemnity,

in terms of ink application. Chiang spent his whole scholar career

yet they are also light and swift. Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script (Lot 621) reflects the late style of Chiang. Tai Jing-nong once praised Chiang's calligraphy as one of the best after Ou Yangxun. In fact, Chiang's calligraphy possessed the style of Ou Yangxun, a combination of clerical and seal scripts and scripts used in stone tablets carvings. This calligraphy work is a combination of Ou's style and sturdiness of stone tablet carving. Each stroke appeared multi-dimensional and lively with variations of ink concentration and brushstrokes. With centered and inclined brushstrokes, each word possesses tranquility with variations. This diversity can only be achieved with a vast and solid foundation of calligraphy in all forms and styles.

investigating traditional aura depicted with ink. From Chiang's

Traditional literati art requires scholars to have all rounded achievements in literature and art practice. With a well-built solid foundation of scholar achievement, Chiang excelled in poetry. In 1950, Chiang nominated himself to follow Pu Hsin-Yu, who gave


work, audience could notice the aura and liveliness depicted, which has high resemblance to traditional paintings and nature, yet possesses the artist's individuality. This achievement created a novel definition to traditional literati ink art. In his publications, Chiang humbly compared his achievement to a snail. His career was indeed slow moving, yet it was solid and deep in scholarly achievement. He was true to himself and devoted a lifetime in Chinese art history, thus created a new chapter in ink art development.

621 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)

Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 1995 Ink on paper, framed 175 x 47 cm (each) Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 160,000 - 260,000 HK$ 41,000 - 66,000 US$ 5,200 - 8,400 RMB 37,000 - 60,000 江兆申 行書五言聯 1995 水墨 紙本 鏡框 175 x 47 cm (每件) 釋文:遠江寒蕩雁,秋樹獨歸人。 款識:寒玉堂回文聯,乙亥莫春茮原江兆申書。 鈐印:兆申茮原(白文)、雙菩提樹盦(朱文)

Ravenel 46

622 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)

Residing by the River 1971 Ink and colour on paper, fan leaf, framed 22 x 50 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 60,000 - 120,000 HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 RMB 14,000 - 28,000

江兆申 臨水幽棲 1971 水墨 設色 紙本 扇面 鏡框 22 x 50 cm 釋文:夜鶴曉猿時復聞,寥寥長似耿離羣。 月中未要恨丹桂,嶺上且來看白雲。 棋子不妨臨水着,詩題兼好共僧分。 新憂他日榮名後,難得幽棲事靜君。 款識: (一)兆申 (二)辛亥盛暑茮原江兆申畫 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、茮原私記(朱文)、江兆申印(白文)、 茮原私記(朱文)

623 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)

Landscape Ink and colour on paper, scroll 99 x 30.5 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 150,000 - 240,000 HK$ 38,000 - 61,000 US$ 4,800 - 7,800 RMB 35,000 - 56,000 江 兆申 陰壑遠眺 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 99 x 30.5 cm 釋文:北望直百里,峨峨千仞青。斷虹迎日盡,飛雨帶龍腥。 陰壑煙雲蓄,陽崖草木靈。登臨終不厭,時許到茲亭。 款識:茮原江兆申畫。 鈐印:江兆申印(白文)、雙菩提樹盦(白文)、靈漚館(朱文)


This work was composed in classic structure. The relief was


sketched with extending brushstrokes, creating sturdy outlines,


yet delicately detailed. Mountain in the upper panel extended


to the top right, beyond the panel. Such typical Northern style


highlighted the steep rugged cliffs. Sketches to depict surface of


mountains were taken reference from paintings of Huang Binhong.


Hills were painted in indigo to create a serene atmosphere. Ochre


of the hills behind highlight the relief. On the other side of the river,


swift cun strokes were used to depict the rough surface of rocks.


Intersecting use of indigo and light ochre suggests the humid rocky


landscape. Three-point visual lines were used on the structure


of the painting, to highlight the height of looming mountains,


suggesting that the artist was viewing in the distance from a high


altitude. Such technique was cleverly used in the structure of the


painting. Various densities of leaves were painted with a mix of


ink tonality and dryness of brush. From dense forest on the left,


slightly sheltering the cottages, to a sparse distribution of leaves on


the right. Different tones were used to suggest distance of trees, while brushstrokes were used to depict their crooked forms. A picturesque scene of mountain ranges and a small bridge creates a relaxed view of the artist. This work is a typical example showing how Chiang followed styles and depiction of old masterpieces from Song dynasty, yet displayed his individuality.

Ravenel 48

624 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)

Landscapes in Four Seasons 1988 Ink and colour on paper, framed 67.5 x 34.5 cm (each) Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With eight seals of the artist

NT$ 700,000 - 1,200,000 HK$ 177,000 - 304,000 US$ 22,600 - 38,800 RMB 162,000 - 278,000

江兆申 四季山水 1988 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 67.5 x 34.5 cm(每件) 釋文: (一)花陰莎草長,藉草閒自酌。坐看鶯鬥枝,輕花滿樽杓。 葛巾竹稍掛,書卷琴上閣。沽酒過此生,狂歌眼前樂。 (二)懶搖白羽扇,裸體青林中,脫巾掛石壁,露頂灑松風。 (三)商氣颯已來,歲華又虛擲,朝雲藏奇峰,暮雨灑疏碧滴。 幾蜩默涼葉,數蛩思陰壁,落日空館中,歸心遠山碧。 (四)曉來紅日尚羞明,四外彤雲欲放晴。一夜九天開玉闕, 六花萬里散瓊英。 款識: (一)白傅句,江兆申畫。 (二)李青蓮詩句,自有一種拔倘不羣之氣,茮原江兆申畫。 (三)賈長江詩,江兆申畫。 (四)宋葛長庚詩,戊辰嘉平江兆申畫四景。 鈐印: (一)兆申茮原(白文)、雙菩提龕(白文) (二)兆申茮原(白文)、雙菩提龕(白文) (三)兆申茮原(白文)、雙菩提龕(白文) (四)兆申茮原(白文)、雙菩提龕(白文)


This work shows Chiang's personality, his painting skills and the


literati style of Song art. Brushstrokes were vividly applied based on


traditional techniques.


In the Spring panel, the right side was balanced with intersecting


hills. Light ink was used to highlight the distance. Lines and


structure highlight the relief of the landscape. Lower panel was


well-structured with rocks and a kiosk.


The Summer panel was painted with standard axe-cun strokes and


ink to depict lofty mountains. On the contrary to Chiang's typical


strokes, he used tonality of ink to express the humidity of hillside.


Colour was again used in the middle ground to depict dense forest.


Cliffs were depicted in ochre leading up to the kiosk on the top.


Running stream on the foreground adds freshness to the painting.


The Autumn panel has a three-point structure with a mountain


sketched with cun strokes. Distant mountains were outlined with


sturdy and edged zhuan zhou stroke, finally coloured in blue. The


autumn scene is steeped in tranquility. The lower part of the panel is depicted with rocky shore and a bridge. Middle ground shows


autumn woods ornamented with blazing red autumn leaves.

皴擦,敷淡赭色盡顯峭壁之倨險,中段林樹雜木,帶有殘葉秋 華,可知描繪的是初冬景致,畫面冷雋靜穆,格調清雅高逸,予

In the Winter panel, the mountain was completed with light crisp


brushstrokes. Looming over the scene, the mountain was depicted


with steep cliffs in light ochre. Nearly bare vegetation echoes with the harsh cold early winter. The panel depicts frosty winter in solemnity and elegance.

Ravenel 50

625 CHIANG CHAO-SHEN (Taiwanese, 1925-1996)

Landscape 1992 Ink on paper, framed 174 x 93 cm Signed CHIANG CHAO-SHEN in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: The Art of Chiang Chao-Shen , Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1992, p. 88

Chiang Chao-Shen Paintings and Calligraphy , Hanart T Z Gallery, Hong Kong, 1993, Plate 31

NT$ 950,000 - 1,500,000 HK$ 241,000 - 380,000 US$ 30,700 - 48,500 RMB 220,000 - 347,000 江兆申 墨山圖 1992 水墨 紙本 鏡框 174 x 93 cm 釋文:祗偎蒲褥岸烏紗,味道澄懷景便斜。 紅印寄泉慚郡守,青筐與筍慚媿僧家。 茗罏盡日燒松子,書案經時剝瓦花。 園吏暫棲君莫笑,不妨猶更著南華。 款識:壬申開歲作此幀,借皮襲美詩補白。 二米多不設色,蓋畫雲山雨景,黑白之外往往無他色也, 後人遂以水墨為戲,不必寫雲山矣!茮原江兆申。 鈐印:歙州江氏(白文)、茮原畫記(朱文)、埔里(白文) 著錄: 《江兆申的藝術》,台北市立美術館,台北,1992 年 10 月初版,頁 88 《江兆申書畫》,漢雅軒,香港,1993 年出版,圖版 31

Ravenel 52


After the retirement of Chiang Chao-Shen from the National Palace


Museum of Taiwan in September 1991, he retreated to Qieshe


Garden in Puli of Nantou. Chiang chose the name as a reminder to let


go in life when necessary. The tranquil landscape of Nantou allowed


Chiang to advance to another stage of artistic creation.

與文人畫的美學,創造出嶄新的面貌。 During this period, Chiang was very productive with works of high 此時期的江氏創作力旺盛,作品質豐量佳,經常受邀於國內外參展

aesthetic quality and was invited to overseas lecture. In 1992, his


work was collected in British Museum. In the same year, a solo


exhibition was held in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. During this


period, his works incorporated the essence of multiple old masters.


As suggested from his new home, Chiang devoted his retired life into painting and achieved the style of Song dynasty.

此幅《墨山圖》為江兆申作中少見精品,尺幅大且以單墨色畫成的 破墨山水圖,通幅直取唐人單線平塗的繪法,江兆申運用倚側的長

This painting is one of the highlights done by the artist. Painted in


monotone in a large scale, this work took reference to Tang style


with a visual line crossing from the left bottom to the upper right


of the panel. Variations of ink were used to represent overlapping


mountains, ridges and cliffs. Dry brush was used to depict distant


hills, while trees were depicted in zhua zhou strokes, resembling the style of Xinan School.

群山為密林圍繞,江兆申以蘸墨筆法畫就,下筆疾速,兩邊濃、中 間淡,成一列排開的寫意林樹;森然的夏林之中掩映屋舍,石壁間

Mountain ranges are surrounded by dense woods. Chiang used


dampened and swift brush to add variation to the tonality of trees.


Dense summer woods covered the cottage, juxtaposed with the space


in the middle ground, highlighting the serenity of the river. Chiang


used similar techniques in mountain ranges with an impenetrable


ranges of hills, creating dense solemnity to the scene. Cottages at the


sides are interconnected with paths. Two scholars are chatting inside


a cottage. Dense pine trees and edged rocks suggest the various


techniques of both the Northern and Southern strokes. Contrast


of tones and lines add elusiveness towards a classical depiction of Summer landscape.

Ravenel 54


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Misty Landscape Ink on paper, scroll 125 x 50 cm Signed HSIN-YU in Chinese With four seals of the artist and one seal of the collector ILLUSTRATED: Linde Studio: Modern Ink and Oil paintings (Highlighted Works) , Shushin Books, Taipei, 1996, p. 15

NT$ 1,500,000 - 2,400,000 HK$ 380,000 - 608,000 US$ 48,500 - 77,600 RMB 347,000 - 556,000 溥 心畬 澐山畫意 水墨 紙本 立軸 125 x 50 cm 釋文:長松搖日影亭亭,無限江頭倚杖情。 鴻雁欲來天拍水,白雲收盡暮山橫。 細路盤盤縛石根,蒼藤古木帶斜矄。 短笻不覺行來遠,回首青山半是雲。 款識:臨董文敏水墨澐山畫意,心畬。 鈐印:一壺之中(朱文)、舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)、 泉唐王藹雲鑑賞印(朱文)、二樂軒(朱文) 著錄: 《鄰德館:近代水墨、油畫(精品集)》,百通圖書 股份有限公司,台北,1996 年出版,頁 15

Ravenel 56


Acclaimed as the last scholar painter, Pu Hsinyu took reference to


paintings of Dong Qichang, Maxia School of Southern Song, Northern


School and Tang Yin. With a rich knowledge in literature and excellent


techniques in calligraphy, Pu incorporated such skills into paintings,


allowing elegance in his paintings with a literati atmosphere.


This landscape painting is in monotone, yet delicately detailed.


Such exquisite work is rare to the market. With high fluidity in


brushstrokes, elements and colours of the paintings are delicately


painted with minimal strokes. Poem of the painting was derived from


Dong Wenmin, but states the artist's practice of using calligraphy


techniques in paintings as a core attribute to literati painting. Using


Tang Yin's in the style of Northern School, Pu changed long strokes


into short ones and adjusted the cun strokes slightly, thus echoed


School, thus produced an elegant style. Short strokes of cun created


delicate images that reflects motion and force in between mountains.

with Huang Binhong's comments on the weakness of Southern

意隨筆到,此為筆墨突出之處;上方山石峭拔,層巒嶂壁沿伸至下 方近景坡石趨緩,山水樹石的輪廓線不斷地轉折又斷連接續,構圖

The composition of this Northern Style landscape was adopted from


Maxia axe strokes, Wang Meng's Pima dots and cun, and Ni Zan's


Zhedai cun strokes. With extensive short lines, dots and cun, Pu


composed with precise depictions, producing sharp edged rocky


mountains on the top, overlapping layers and relatively smooth cliff


at the bottom of the painting. Such complex structure was delicately


depicted. Kiosk was painted as half-hidden in the forests, suggesting


the artist's hermit state as a grandson of the imperial family. In the foreground, crooked ancient pine trees were depicted with calligraphy


strokes. Three scholars are either seated or standing, looking over to


the mountain ranges, composing a relaxed atmosphere.

法筆意,行筆設色則清麗淡雅;此作《澐山畫意》是溥氏融南北宗 山水為一體的代表,構圖蒼茫大氣,用色簡澹,蕭散曠遠,古風盎

Pu Hsinyu practised Southern School with explicit cun strokes and


variations. Colour application had reference to Maxia School. Later stages of paintings mostly carry the Northern Style with calligraphy strokes, creating an elegant style. This work was an implicit example of a blending of Southern and Northern Styles. Such structure creates a vast scene with simple colour depiction, creating a classical atmosphere in this exquisite painting.

Ravenel 58

627 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)

Thatched House in the Woods 1974 Ink and colour on paper, framed 93.5 x 56 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Huang Chun-Pi's Paintings , National Museum of History, Taipei, October 1974, p. 63

黃君璧 竹籬茅屋 1974 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 93.5 x 56 cm 釋文:竹籬茅屋趁溪斜,春入山村處處花。 無象太平還有象,孤烟起處是人家。 款識:甲寅初夏畫於白雲堂,黃君璧。 鈐印:黃君璧印(朱文)、君翁(白文)、白雲堂(白文) 著錄: 《黃君璧畫集》,國立歷史博物館,台北, 1974 年 10 月初版,頁 63

NT$ 850,000 - 1,300,000 HK$ 215,000 - 329,000 US$ 27,500 - 42,000 RMB 197,000 - 301,000

黃君璧 (1898-1991) ,世稱君翁。自幼習四書五經於私塾,因家

Huang Chun-Pi studied literature and started appreciating Chinese


Paintings at an early age, hence he managed to establish a


solid foundation of art appreciation. In 1914, he studied at the


art faculty in Guangdong and was heavily influenced by Kang


Youwei's propaganda to incorporate Chinese and Western art


techniques, in hopes of combining the strengths of both styles.


During this period, Huang Chun-Pi practised Western sketches


and watercolour paintings. At the age of 17, he followed Li


Yaoping in art practice. Under the influence of the New Culture


Movement, he rediscovered traditional ink paintings and was


fascinated by brushstrokes of old masters. Huang began imitating old masterpieces such as Wang Hui from Qing dynasty and


paintings from Southern and Northern school. Later he joined


Guihai Cooperative and painted in collaboration with other artists.


This society later became Ink Paintings Study Group, where Huang


became the key person, leading through studies and promotion



草原,君翁特意在林木草葉交疊之處染出陰影,用光影表現帶出 層次質感,近似於西方水彩畫的賦彩用色技巧,與傳統水墨設

This work was a typical example of blending East and West.


Adopting Western techniques in structure, perspective, light and


shade and proportion, the forest was depicted using one focal


point and converging visual lines leading towards the thatched


hut, and layers of trees in the woods. Dry brush was used to


depict texture using cun strokes. Shape of trees are depicted in thick application of ink, painted in green and ochre. The humid atmosphere was depicted using similar techniques as watercolour. In the lower part of the painting, short swift strokes were used to create dense grass, creating a flourishing forest. Hidden behind the trees, the hut seems secluded. A poem by Su Shi was extracted to describe the Spring landscape.

Ravenel 60

Ravenel 62

628 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

Winding River by the Hills Ink and colour on paper, framed 119.5 x 44.5 cm Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 850,000 - 1,300,000 HK$ 215,000 - 329,000 US$ 27,500 - 42,000 RMB 197,000 - 301,000 余承堯 九曲溪山 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 119.5 x 44.5 cm 釋文:九曲溪山雲不遙 款識:余承堯作 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) 《九曲溪山》通幅佈滿連綿相延的奇峰峻嶺,畫山 疊石之法脫自北宋「小青綠」山水的古樸雅趣,畫 面望之儼然,高遠幽靜,峰尖俏拔之勢帶有北宋許 道寧勁硬之筆。余承堯曾言:「學畫直指本心。」 明心見性才能畫出真山水,此作以短筆畫成凹凸的 山石紋理,密結細緻的亂筆繪出厚實交錯的岩峰, 青綠敷色成密聚叢生的樹木森林;山勢跌宕有姿, 層山聚合緊密,可知余老受造化自然蒙養創作成的 余氏山水,充滿強烈的立體感與生命力。畫面中下 幅以留白與石塊險勁的構圖,營造出質感緊密、峭 壁挾江水的撼人景色,山凹處細筆描繪房舍更有僻 靜幽深之情,觀全畫密不透風又疏可走馬,是余氏 山水深具代表性的經典作品。 This work shows layers of hills leading afar. Overlapping rocks took reference to Northern Song style. Yu once said that one should learn the underlying message of a painting, when learning how to paint. With short strokes, the shapes of rocks are depicted. These intersecting lines depicts the thick rough texture of rocky peaks. Green was applied to dense forest, creating movement and vividness of nature. Spaces and rocks were composed to highlight the crammed and dense landscapes. Such depiction encroaching landscape is typical of Yu's landscape works.

629 ZHANG DAQIAN (Taiwanese, 1899-1983)

張大千 空山新雨

Rainy Landscape 1979 Ink on paper, fan leaf, framed 18.5 x 47 cm Signed HUAN in Chinese

1979 水墨 紙本扇面 鏡框 18.5 x 47 cm 釋文:定山老長兄 款識:訪此山中為寫數筆博咲,己未三月弟爰。

NT$ 700,000 - 1,100,000 HK$ 177,000 - 278,000 US$ 22,600 - 35,600 RMB 162,000 - 255,000

註: 上款人「定山老長兄」即為陳定山(1896~1989),號定山居士。 陳氏為中國現代首位收藏研究「海上畫派」的人物,尤其專精鑒 定四王及海派,曾應故宮聘為書畫部審查委員。張大千、陳定山、 鄭曼青被稱為藝壇三才子。


This work was originally from the collection of Chen Dingshan


(1896-1989). Chen loved scholarly art and literature, and was


famous for his landscape and flower paintings. As an all-rounded


scholar, he was recognized as the first prominent scholar-collector


of modern paintings of the Shanghai School, specializing in


the Four Wang and Shanghai School of Paintings. He was also nominated to be a member of the Screening Committee in the


Chinese Paintings department of the National Palace Museum


in Taipei. Along with Zhang Daqian and Zheng Manqing, the


three were regarded as the three knowledgeable scholars of


the art community. Zhang Daqian and Chen Dingshan were


acquaintances long before moving to Taiwan. Their friendship was


strongly reflected in this work. The expression of brushstroke and


meticulous structure of landscape on the fan leaf suggest that

張大千早年臨作八大石濤,但重要的藝術成就仍在山水之上,雖 學摹古,但在用筆與設色上做了許多大膽創新的嘗試,因而促成

Zhang Daqian paid surmountable effort in creating this gift to an important literati friend.


At Zhang Daqian's early age, he copied works by Bada and Shi


Tao and thus developed superb skills in landscape paintings. Apart


from copying old masters, he innovated new skills of brushstrokes


and colour application to achieve pocai techniques later in his


artistic career. This painting is one of Zhang's boneless landscape


paintings, with high fluidity in brush applications. Thick ink was


applied to the center of the fan leaf. A prominent mountain was


depicted at the center, with overlapping hills on the left, while


precise brushstrokes were used on the right to depict the clouds.


Light ink was used to depict the rainy scene and the elusive and


humid mist. Such composition reflects Zhang's cautious attention


to the work. Zhang's paintings were inspired by his travels. To further enhance the realistic depiction of the Nature. Zhang added vegetation at the foreground and hidden cottages among the dampened woods of Spring. Poem on the top was written in running and cursive script with individual expression. This echoes with the elusive and traditional style of the painting. Such consistency with the rest of the painting enhances the historical style and traditions of literati art.

Ravenel 64


(Taiwanese, 1879-1964)

Calligraphy Couplet in Cursive Script Ink on paper, scroll 133 x 33.5 cm (each) Signed YU YOUREN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 400,000 - 650,000 HK$ 101,000 - 165,000 US$ 12,900 - 21,000 RMB 93,000 - 150,000 于 右任 草書七言聯 水墨 紙本 立軸 133 x 33.5 cm(每件) 釋文:天清地和若在古宇,情至氣盛是為大文。 款識:國柱先生法正,于右任。 鈐印:右任(朱文)、太平老人(朱文)

Ravenel 66

631 TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script: Imitation of Calligraphy by Hongyi Ink on paper, framed 88 x 16 cm (each) Signed JING-NONG in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Tai Jing-Nong: A Commemorative Collection of Calligraphy and Paintings , the National Museum of History, Taipei, 2001, p. 148

NT$ 280,000 - 440,000 HK$ 71,000 - 111,000 US$ 9,100 - 14,200 RMB 65,000 - 102,000 臺靜農 行書七言聯 - 臨弘一法師書法 水墨 紙本 鏡框 88 x 16 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文:照除一切愚癡闇,能然無上智慧燈。 款識:弘一法師集華嚴經句,靜農於龍坡丈室。 鈐印:龍坡(朱文)、靜農無恙(白文) 著錄: 《臺靜農書畫紀念集》,國立歷史博物館,台北, 2001 年 10 月出版,頁 148

Ravenel 68


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 94.5 x 18.2 cm (each) Signed HSINYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 260,000 - 420,000 HK$ 66,000 - 106,000 US$ 8,400 - 13,600 RMB 60,000 - 97,000 溥 心畬 行書七言聯 水墨 紙本 立軸 94.5 x 18.2 cm(每件) 釋文:臨巖松似餐霞客,倚澗花如照水人。 款識:玉輝女弟之屬,心畬。 鈐印:舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)

633 TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

Calligraphy Couplet in Clerical Script 1986 Ink on paper, framed 106 x 22.5 cm (each) Signed TAI JING-NONG in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 160,000 - 260,000 HK$ 41,000 - 66,000 US$ 5,200 - 8,400 RMB 37,000 - 60,000 臺靜農 隸書七言聯 1986 水墨 紙本 鏡框 106 x 22.5 cm (每件) 釋文:四壁磬懸雙石在,比鄰茶話一瓻緣。 款識:丙寅冬至前臺靜農於龍坡丈室。 鈐印:靜農八十後所書(白文)、淮南(朱文)、 靜農無恙(白文)

Ravenel 70

634 TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

Calligraphy Couplet in Clerical Script 1972 Ink on paper, framed 56 x 15 cm (each) Signed JING ZHE in Chinese With two seals of the artist EXHIBITED: "Ink Exhibition of Yu Youren and Liu Yantao", Fudan University, Shanghai, 21-23 September, 2007 "Modern Ink Exhibition of Yu Youren and Liu Yantao", National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature, 26 September - 1 October, 2007 ILLUSTRATED: Modern Literati Ink Exhibition: Yu Youren and Liu Yantao , The Chinese Congee Committee, Taipei, 2007, p. 41

NT$ 120,000 - 220,000 HK$ 30,000 - 56,000 US$ 3,900 - 7,100 RMB 28,000 - 51,000 臺靜農 隸書五言聯 1972 水墨 紙本 鏡框 56 x 15 cm(每件) 釋文:問蒼波無語,正極目空寒。 款識:壬子仲秋寄天驄兄發笑,靜者。 鈐印:歇腳盦(白文)、靜者(白文) 展覽: 「于右任、劉延濤:墨緣展」,上海復旦大學于右任書法 陳列館,2007 年 9 月 21 日 - 2007 年 9 月 23 日 「于右任、劉延濤:現代文人墨緣展」,北京中國現代文 學館大展廳,2007 年 9 月 26 日 - 2007 年 10 月 1 日 著錄: 《于右任、劉延濤:現代文人墨緣展》,中華粥會,台北, 2007 年出版,41 頁 註: 上款人「天驄」即為尉天聰,安徽碭山人,台灣著名學者、 文學評論家,曾任台灣政治大學中文系教授,主編《筆匯》 月刊、《文學季刊》、《中國論壇》等。

635 YANG SHANSHEN (Chinese, 1913-2004)

Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 139 x 34.5 cm (each) Signed SHANSHEN in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 80,000 - 160,000 HK$ 20,000 - 41,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200 RMB 19,000 - 37,000 楊善深 行書五言聯 水墨 紙本 立軸 139 x 34.5 cm(每件) 釋文:龍虎風雲會,文章山海經。 款識:善深 鈐印:楊善深(白文)

Ravenel 72


(Taiwanese, 1921-2007)

Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script 2001 Ink on paper, framed 122 x 28.5 cm (each) Signed CHIN HSIAO-YI in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 70,000 - 140,000 HK$ 18,000 - 35,000 US$ 2,300 - 4,500 RMB 16,000 - 32,000 秦 孝儀 篆書七言聯 2001 水墨 紙本 鏡框 122 x 28.5 cm(每件) 釋文:人望之吉金良玉,無以比甘雨惠風。 款識:集吉金文曰「人望之吉金良玉,無以比甘雨惠 風」。禿筆宿墨,別饒古趣,篆以為讚成先生、彩雲 夫人莞爾,並祝望賢梁孟眉壽景福無量。第三千禧之 始,辛巳盛秋既吉,玉丁寧館新晴。秦孝儀心波時年 八十有一,腕力殊不弱也。 鈐印:瀟湘之山衡山高(朱文)、秦孝儀(白文)、 心波(朱文)、八旬天貺(朱文)

雲水雙絕 — 傅狷夫的藝術生涯



傅狷夫(1910-2007),浙江杭州人。原名抱青,後為避傅抱石 之名,改號狷夫,亦號雪華邨人,七十歲後又號覺翁。生長於書 香門第,其父傅御,字守型,能書善篆,開啟他對書畫的興趣, 並親身指導他文學、詩詞、書法、篆刻與水墨畫的學習。自幼在 家作蘭、蟹寫生,也模擬畫冊,包括芥子園畫傳、奚岡樹木山石 畫法冊,以及其他名人畫集。十七歲正式入杭州西泠書畫社,從 遊於社長王仁治。王氏字潛廔,為前清拔貢,書畫兼擅,其風範 大大地影響日後為人師的傅氏。在這七年的學習歷程,他專攻山 水,同時亦透過畫冊廣泛涉獵當代名家。除臨摹師稿外,也利用 柯羅版印製之古代書畫,兼習古人之作,並自學畫梅與指畫。 1935年傅狷夫赴南京任事,此時正是徐悲鴻提出「以西潤中」之 論點,他亦開始醞釀中西合璧的創作觀。至1937年抗戰爆發,他 隨軍由南京經湖北、湖南、廣西到重慶,沿途見盡奇山異水,如 桂林山的突兀奇峭、嘉陵江的蜿蜒清朗、三峽諸峰的蕭森峻拔、 長江的急流險灘等。大山大水所帶來的震撼,使之體會「與其師 人不如師造化」之理。這些靈山秀水所給予的體悟感受,無疑為 其日後創作奠定了精實的基礎。在四川時師事近代花鳥畫名家陳






從傅狷夫的作品可見,抵台後其畫風有明確的轉變。早於南京時 他便尤為著迷石濤的風格,曾抄寫「二石」,石谿和石濤(16421707)的相關畫論。自滬搭船來台時,船行台灣海峽至高雄港登 岸,他便有感而發說「此行始識水深於黛,浪起如山的大海,心 中就醞釀著這種偉大畫面,於是常到太平洋濱大里一帶,去觀察 洶湧的波瀾。」遂常至宜蘭大里觀浪,發展出「點漬法」畫海濱 驚濤,其渲染之技彷佛分不開那是浪花或岩石,以及研製「染漬 法」來繪雲海壯闊,一展水墨畫的張力。他又曾三遊東西橫貫公 路、二登阿里山,研創出皴法好比如陶器上裂紋的「裂罅皴」, 畫巖壁嶙峋。在繪山峰時,於渲染中加擦筆,表現雲霧縹緲之 美。這實為來台後追憶大陸山川,故染法漸增,好比在繪畫夢裡 河山,亦隱約可窺探其日後風格之所趨。 寶島鄉間山巒環抱,再加上傅狷夫從細膩觀察中所得的感悟,其 「雲水雙絕,裂罅無儔」之譽實當之無愧,實在是台灣山水的最 佳代言人。他除以「裂罅皴」與「點漬法」描繪實景,同時亦關 注水墨意象的創造,於墨法更是有心得。


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其峻整恢弘之氣勢。抵台後始致力於大草的創作,尤喜作一筆畫 呵成的「連綿草」,欲藉縱恣的線條排遣憂思。他先於坊間購得 日本印行的王鐸(1592-1652)草書詩卷,潛心研究,而對抑揚 頓挫、爭讓避就等關鍵有所體悟。字體時而緊收、時而開張,筆 勢攲側,用筆翻轉且連綿相續。行草筆墨間充滿畫意,看其字好 比觀其畫。他於行筆佈局間摻入畫意,剛柔互濟,酣暢奔放。於 畫意外又參合字義,別樹一幟。他於五十歲時,毅然由軍職提早 退休,專注在心之所繫的繪畫創作。於五十二歲進入政工幹校, 翌年到國立藝專,即現國立台灣藝術大學,美術科任教至六十二 歲退休。手執教鞭九年,培養出許多優秀的藝術家。今日藝壇中 堅多出自其門下,桃李滿門,踵其步履者無數,對當代書畫界影 響深遠。他的書法作品超邁雋拔,可見其早年碑學的深厚功力, 晚年時其畫作更屢有奇思膽氣。八十歲後書風益發沉雄跌宕,翻 飛健勁,不拘小節,書畫造詣皆深厚。

Fu ChuanFu (1910-2007), a native of Hangzhou in Zhejiang,

Fu skillfully adopted the coastal waves, sea of clouds, and rugged

originally had the name Baoqing but became known by his

peaks of Taiwan, no wonder he was praised as "Unparalleled

sobriquet Chuan Fu, to avoid confusion with another famous

in clouds and waters, unrivalled in fissures and cracks� and

contemporary painter, Fu Baoshi. He also had the sobriquet Xuehua

becoming renowned as the spokesman for Taiwan's Landscape.

cunren and, after the age of seventy, took the sobriquet Jueweng,

He not only developed new techniques for depicting actual

referred as the Enlightened Elder. He was born into a scholarly

scenes, also concentrated on creating new realms of ink scenery,

family, his father, Fu Yu, style name Shouxing, was gifted at

gaining particular insight into the methods of ink wash. Especially

calligraphy and seal carving, inspiring his son's interest in painting

when rendered with large swathes of the brush to capture a

and calligraphy. The foundations of Fu's painting and calligraphy

solemn feeling of twilight and mountains drenched in rain, the

were laid when he joined the Xiling Painting and Calligraphy

compatibility of ink washes glittering in rich layers for a most

Society in Hangzhou by 17 years old. Being a student of its

dazzling effect. Many artists who had come from the mainland

president, Wang Renzhi, style name Qianlou, was a Tribute Student

were interested in depicting the sights of Taiwan then, but only

of the Qing dynasty and active in both painting and calligraphy

he was able to diverge from the actual scenery to present a more

circles, having a profound influence on his pupil, Fu who later

abstracted view. Not necessarily depicting actual sites, nonetheless

became an influential teacher. Fu specialized in landscape painting,

show how they were formed by his observations and studies of

simultaneously studying a wide range of styles by contemporary

the Taiwanese landscape. Still his sketch from real life and playing

artists and ancient masters via painting albums. He also self taught

with light and shadow in the natural world to invigorate traditional

how to depict plum blossoms and do finger paintings.

brush and ink, paving the way for a revolution in ink painting.

In 1935, Fu went to Nanjing to take up a post there and after

Fu excelled at both painting and calligraphy, his early study

the Second Sino-Japanese War erupted in 1937, he followed

followed the styles of such Tang dynasty masters as Ouyang

Chinese armies through Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi and Chongqing.

Xun, Liu Gongquan, and Yan Zhenqing as he sought to develop

The journey took him through some of the most famous and

a square and upright manner. However, upon coming across

spectacular mountain scenery in China, leading him to realize

"Model books of the Three Rarities Hall," he started studying

that "learning from a teacher cannot compare to learning from

the styles of other masters, being quite partial to the running

Nature." While in Sichuan, he also met the famous bird-and-flower

script of Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), the traces of whose

painter Chen Chih Fo (1896-1962), from whom he received much

calligraphy would remain in his writing for the rest of his life. He

inspiration. After the War, he then traveled to Shanghai and after

also dabbled in Northern Stele calligraphy, achieving its solemn

arriving in Taiwan in 1949, he never returned to the mainland

and majestic manner, reflecting its solid training. After coming to


Taiwan, he continued to innovate as an artist, and began to devote considerable effort and dedicated himself to develop a unique

Fu's works reflect the course of changes in his painting style from

form of major cursive script, being especially fond of a single-

time to time, especially before and after he came to Taiwan. While

stroke style known as "cursive script unbroken", using unbridled

in Nanjing, he was enamored with the style of the Qing dynasty

lines to apparently divert his attention from the uncertainties of

artist Shitao (1642-1707) . He even transcribed treatises related to

that time. Previously, he had purchased a hand scroll reproduction

painting by the "Two Shi's" (Shixi and Shitao). From his exhibition

of Wang Duo's (1592-1652) printed in Japan and studied it

in Shanghai in 1948, his early works are beautifully sharp, the

extensively, realizing the nuances of modulation and cadence in

forms in the scenery revealing the idea of Shitao's style. After

cursive brushwork. He incorporated a painterly approach to the

arriving in Taiwan, he also experimented with one-point perspective,

arrangement of his strokes and lines, achieving a balance between

not only depicting the iconic views of Taiwan, also more down-

hard and soft as well as fluid and unbridled. Therefore his script

to-earth Formosan countryside scenery, the stretches of fields and

brushwork was painterly in quality, observing his calligraphy is

paddies conveying a simple lifestyle. Hence in the prime of his

sort of like viewing his paintings. After the age of 80, his style

career, he changed his style once again after becoming enamored

of calligraphy became even more majestic and uninhibited, his

with the landscape of Taiwan. This skill shows a confluence of

winding and powerful lines unconstrained by the details, exhibiting

clouds and water for a lofty and pure demeanor full of uplifting

an unusual boldness. He reached great heights in both painting

brightness. He also made three trips along Taiwan's cross-island

and calligraphy and attracting many followers in his footsteps.

highway and numerous trips to Alishan, leading him to create a

Many of the artists today are indeed his students, demonstrating

"fissuring" method to portray precipitous peaks. His works recall the mountains of mainland China, his use of washes likewise increased, making his paintings appear as if dream-like realms, suggesting the direction that his style would thereupon take.

his profound influence in the fields of contemporary painting and calligraphy.


(Taiwanese, 1910-2007)

A Lovely Landscape 1969 Ink and colour on paper, framed 69.5 x 40 cm Signed FU CHUANFU in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: The World of the Chinese Painting in the Present Age , Cheng Chung Book Company, Taipei, 1971, p. 33

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 傅 狷夫 眉谿山 1969 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 69.5 x 40 cm 釋文:眉谿山遊所見。 款識:傅狷夫寫於有所不為齋,時己酉暮冬。 鈐印:狷夫 ( 白文 )、傅 ( 朱文 ) 著錄: 《當代中國畫壇》,正中書局出版,台北, 1971 年 1 月 1 日出版,頁 33

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(Taiwanese, 1910-2007)

Plum Blossoms 1969 Ink on paper, framed 92 x 54 cm Signed FU CHUANFU in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 傅 狷夫 梅 1969 水墨 紙本 鏡框 92 x 54 cm 釋文:牆角數枝梅,凌寒獨自開。 遙知不是雪,為有暗香來。 款識:己酉元日杭人傅狷夫寫於心香室, 並書王安石詩補白。 鈐印:傅狷夫印(白文)、心香室(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1910-2007)

Rainy Landscape 1986 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 102.5 x 59 cm Signed FU CHUANFU in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 110,000 - 220,000 HK$ 28,000 - 56,000 US$ 3,600 - 7,100 RMB 25,000 - 51,000 傅 狷夫 雨巖清泉 1986 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 102.5 x 59 cm 款識:丙寅人日,傅狷夫寫於有所不為齋。 鈐印:傅狷夫印(白文)、一囊詩畫作頭陀(朱文)


Upon his arrival in Taiwan in 1949, Fu Chuanfu was greatly


impressed by the rough sea of Taiwan and was determined


to depict such scenery. During his stay, Fu visited Alishan and


intersecting highways of Taiwan, watched the waves by the coasts


and sketched outdoors. To realistically depict the clouds and waves, he invented various cun, dots and strokes, thus received


acclamation from the public.

法:畫幅上段以細線勾勒主體山勢,兼用裂罅皴、點漬、染漬成 山,層次連綿分明,表現出高山峻岳的雄偉,又因墨色融融,彷

This painting is a typical work by Fu Chuanfu specializing in using


traditional techniques: thin lines for outlines of mountain ranges,


dots and cun strokes for the overlapping hills to depict the majestic


and typical Taiwanese mountain view. Rich ink was applied to


depict clouds and mist. In the foreground, rocks were depicted in


Shi Tao's style with rich thick ink. Forest, kiosk and bridge were


depicted meticulously with careful application of colour. A boat


drifts on a meandering river and lines were used to suggest its


vivid running river. Cun and dot strokes were used to depict the


landscape in its realistic forms and harmony.

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(Taiwanese, 1910-2007)

Calligraphy in running script 1990 Ink on paper, framed 91 x 182 cm Signed FU CHUANFU in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 90,000 - 180,000 HK$ 23,000 - 46,000 US$ 2,900 - 5,800 RMB 21,000 - 42,000

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傅狷夫 行書五言詩 1990 水墨 紙本 鏡框 91 x 182 cm 釋文:春秋多佳日,登高賦新詩。過門更相呼,有酒斟酌之。 農務各自歸,閑暇輒相思。相思則披衣,言笑無厭時。 此理將不勝,無為忽去茲。衣食當須紀,力耕不吾欺。 款識:陶淵明詩,建國七十九年,歲次庚午四月台灣日報社新 大廈落成之慶,覺翁傅狷夫書時年八十又一。 鈐印:傅狷夫印(白文)、覺翁八十後作(朱文)、浪跡藝壇 (朱文)、復旦(白文) 註: 上款「台灣日報」為台灣的一份綜合性日報。

641 KUANG ZHONGYING (Taiwanese, b. 1964)

Vegetables 1980 Ink and colour on paper, framed 42 x 68.5 cm Signed ZHONGYING in Chinese With five seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000

匡仲英 山廚清供 1980 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 42 x 68.5 cm 釋文:山廚清供 款識:庚申年十月自美歸國寫於鳳山,仲英匡時。 鈐印:樂安後人(朱文)、願花長好月長圓人長壽(白文)、 破墨真堪撥亂雲(朱文)、匡時之印(白文)、仲英大利(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1910-1998)

Birds Resting on Trees Ink and colour on paper, framed 92 x 41.5 cm Signed JIN QIN-BO in Chinese With five seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 金 勤伯 桐樹山鳥 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 92 x 41.5 cm 款識:吳興金勤伯。 鈐印:龝竹庵(白文)、金勤伯(白文)、 中國畫學會(朱文)、靜中自樂(朱文)、 難說於君畫與君(白文)

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643 CHANG KE-CHI (Taiwanese, b. 1950)

張克齊 荷塘清趣

Kingfisher by the Lotus 1981 Ink and colour on paper, framed 47.5 x 66.5 cm Signed KE-CHI in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 90,000 - 180,000 HK$ 23,000 - 46,000 US$ 2,900 - 5,800 RMB 21,000 - 42,000

1981 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 47.5 x 66.5 cm 釋文:荷塘清趣 款識:辛酉暮冬,克齊畫。 鈐印:張(白文)、克齊(朱文)、乘心游物(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1908-1998)

劉延濤 山水

Landscape 1956 Ink and colour on paper, framed 60.5 x 35 cm Signed LIU YANTAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 100,000 - 200,000 HK$ 25,000 - 51,000 US$ 3,200 - 6,500 RMB 23,000 - 46,000 Ravenel 84

1956 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 60.5 x 35 cm 款識:宏濤我兄法正,輟耕隴上鴻鴣志, 長嘯山中鸞鳳音,四十五年夏月寫放翁句劉延濤。 鈐印:延濤(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1930-2010)

孫家勤 月娥圖

Chang'e Ink and colour on paper, framed 55 x 36 cm Signed SUN JIAQIN in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 120,000 - 220,000 HK$ 30,000 - 56,000 US$ 3,900 - 7,100 RMB 28,000 - 51,000

水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 55 x 36 cm 款識:耘野孫家勤寫於台灣麗水精舍。 鈐印:耘(朱文)、野(白文)

646 CHENG SHIFA (Chinese, 1921-2007)

Lingzhi Mushroom 1973 Ink and colour on paper, framed 39.5 x 39.5 cm Signed CHENG SHIFA in Chinese With one seal of the artist and one seal of the collector

NT$ 160,000 - 260,000 HK$ 41,000 - 66,000 US$ 5,200 - 8,400 RMB 37,000 - 60,000

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程十髮 靈芝 1973 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 39.5 x 39.5 cm 款識:癸丑小春月,寫五色芝草奉振華同志養植, 雲間程十髮。 鈐印:程潼十發之鉢(朱文)、忠中東萍所藏(白文) 註: 上款人「振華同志」即為汪振華,中國民主社會黨中央常委。

647 CHAO SHAO-AN (Chinese, 1905-1998)

Songbirds of Spring 1989 Ink and colour on paper, framed 29.5 x 37.5 cm Signed SHAO-AN in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 150,000 - 240,000 HK$ 38,000 - 61,000 US$ 4,800 - 7,800 RMB 35,000 - 56,000

趙少昂 瑞鳥報春 1989 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 29.5 x 37.5 cm 釋文:天白樹梢分出奇。 款識:己巳春寒,少昂於香島。 鈐印:少昂(朱文)、趙(白文)、我之為我 自有我在(朱文)

648 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b. 1941)

Landscape in Four Seasons 1989 Ink and colour on gold-flecked paper and paper, framed 13.5 x 24.5 cm ; 33 x 24.5 cm (each) Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With eighteen seals of the artist

NT$ 160,000 - 260,000 HK$ 41,000 - 66,000 US$ 5,200 - 8,400 RMB 37,000 - 60,000 Ravenel 88

周澄 四季山水 1989 水墨 設色 灑金箋 紙本 鏡框 13.5 x 24.5 cm; 33 x 24.5 cm (每件) 釋文: (一)看花對酒無餘事,論史披圖有古香。 柔風吹楊柳,芳景流郊甸。 (二)一簾疏雨琴書潤,滿坐清風枕簟涼。 山色夏雲映,樹陰幽草連。 (三)秋色自隨黃葉老,野懷常共白雲舒。 蒼煙滿秋山,落日生暮煙。 (四)山中酒戶衝寒去,城裡行人踏雪來。 霜風盡脫千鱗葉,雲氣平沉一面山。

款識: (一)趙賜珍句,蓴波周澄書。己巳夏日,蓴波周澄。 (二)陸放翁句,蓴波周澄書。己巳端午,蓴波周澄畫。 (三)成廷珪句,蓴波周澄書。己巳夏日,蓴波周澄。 (四)錢選句,蓴波周澄書。己巳夏日,蓴波周澄畫。 鈐印: (一)寫心(白文)、周澄(白文)、蓴波(朱文)、 周(朱文) (二)好夢(朱文)、周澄之印(白文)、蓴波(朱文)、 周(朱文)、澄(朱文) (三)周澄之印(白文)、居山堂書畫(朱文)、周澄 (白文)、蓴波(朱文) (四)周澄(白文)、蓴波(朱文)、慈悲(白文)、 周郎(白文)、興之(朱文)

此幅作於1989年夏日,當時的周澄先生年四十八歲,而1988年七 月,周澄先生曾遊四川峨眉、青城等山,深入九寨溝,經三峽在返 台,此幅《四季山水》之作似接續著前年遊歷山川壯闊之餘韻。以 四連幅雙挖圖詩的形式作表現,詩文取歷代名人詩句與其畫中四季 之景相襯。 This work was completed in the summer of 1989 when Zhou Cheng was 48 of age. Previous year in July, the artist travelled to Emei Mountain in Sichuan, Mount Qingcheng, Jiuzhai Valley and Sanxia District etc. This work depicts landscape in four seasons echoing with his travel. Four panels were accompanied by four poems extracted from those of famous poets, highlighting the landscape drawn below.


(Taiwanese, 1908-1990)

Three Friends (Pine, Chrysanthemums and Stone) Ink and colour on paper, framed 134 x 59 cm Signed YAO-TSU in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 180,000 - 280,000 HK$ 46,000 - 71,000 US$ 5,800 - 9,100 RMB 42,000 - 65,000 沈 耀初 三友圖 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 134 x 59 cm 款識:耀初 鈐印:士渡人(白文)

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650 CHAO SHAO-AN (Chinese, 1905-1998)

Bamboo and Cicada 1997 Ink and colour on paper, framed 102 x 27 cm Signed SHAO-AN in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 180,000 - 280,000 HK$ 46,000 - 71,000 US$ 5,800 - 9,100 RMB 42,000 - 65,000 趙 少昂 竹蟬圖 1997 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 102 x 27 cm 釋文:碧樹殘聲帶夕陽。 款識:丁丑夏五月少昂於蟬嫣室。育群先生過愛,因以奉貽。 戊寅冬寒,少昂弟並誌。 鈐印:少昂(白文)、趙(朱文)

651 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)

Spring Landscape 1955 Ink and colour on paper, framed 56.5 x 29 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist

黃君璧 春山欲雨圖 1955 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 56.5 x 29 cm 釋文:樹色猶含雨,山容未斂雲,草堂閒注目,春意正氤氳。 款識:乙未仲夏黃君璧。 鈐印:黃君璧印(白文)、君翁(朱文)、白雲堂(白文)

NT$ 190,000 - 300,000 HK$ 48,000 - 76,000 US$ 6,100 - 9,700 RMB 44,000 - 69,000


Seemingly plain and common in the genre, this painting shows


elegance in classical depiction. Distant mountains veiled by clouds,


suggesting the coming of rain, constitutes a serene depiction


of a beautiful scenery of the spring. The distant mountains and


clouds are sometimes visible, and the cottage hut is hidden in the


woods. The mist and the lake are treated blankly in this painting,


it almost seems abstract, yet it retains the concrete image. While


seems to adhere to realism, but at the same time there seems to


be slightly surreal. The brushstrokes and the shade demonstrated


are appropriate, with the dripping ink, both form and spirit are


retained. Huang Chun-Pi was such a calm and simple person, his unique combination of the ancient and modern techniques bring


images alive. Even in his old age with renowned reputation, he


still maintained a timely and conservative, attitude towards life,


and was strict with the principles of diligence and tireless self



窮,如有風動。總體而言,筆墨線條流暢,用筆簡練而瀉力無 窮。在表達個人漫步尋幽、雲影自在之意的同時,形成其融雅與

Among his creation, he excelled in landscape, which is also


the most prestigious genre. His structure is rigorous, as he has


invested in subjective choices and objective analysis of Nature. He


then blended in and shaped his personal style. The brushwork of


mountain and cloud was especially in high regard. In general, the


lines of ink are smooth, and the brushstrokes are full of power.


While expressing the individual's strolling for solitude and freedom, it therefore forms his own personal style that is composed of elegant and vulgar, literary and romantic simultaneously. Huang even once wrote a poem to declare his love for depicting mountains and clouds, even well known art history scholar Fu Shen also praised his unique control of ink and brushstrokes demonstrated in landscape paintings.

Ravenel 92


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

溥心畬 危峰雲霽

Lofty Mountains Ink on paper, framed 58.5 x 27.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With one seal of the artist

水墨 紙本 鏡框 58.5 x 27.5 cm 釋文:危峰臨春霄,迴立與雲齊,登眺瞰飛鳥, 泠然萬壑垣。 款識:心畬 鈐印:溥儒(白文)

NT$ 240,000 - 380,000 HK$ 61,000 - 96,000 US$ 7,800 - 12,300 RMB 56,000 - 88,000


Pu Hsinyu, with family name Aisin Gioro, had Ru as a given name


from the Guangxu Emperor. He was a highly recognized scholar in


modern Chinese history. Using Northern style as the primary basis


of landscape, Pu used Southern style strokes and gongbi strokes


to depict delicate objects and figures. Pu's devotion to artistic


development in literature, calligraphy and paintings, enabled him


to contribute in multiple academic areas, thus he was claimed as


an all round and talented scholar. The first Director of the National


Palace Museum, Jiang Fucong described Pu's paintings as having


elegance and simplicity, yet lively in a few strokes. Pu was self-


taught on how to paint through imitating old masters from his


family collection. In his book, Pu mentioned a painting is prized


for its realistic expression of atmosphere, aura of the scene and


resemblance of subjects. It is obtained with various brushstrokes


that should be precisely chosen and applied. Despite intense


influence of both the Northern and Southern strokes, his paintings


display strong individuality and character of a hermit. Zhang Daqian praised Pu's excellent skills in creating gentle yet sturdy


brushstrokes, thus he had utmost admiration to Pu.

上插天奇峰與右下危崖成對角線的經營安排,讓畫面活潑靈動而 不呆滯,邊角式的取景與對角線的構圖,深受「馬一角」、「夏

This painting was created with swift strokes and diagonal


structure. On the upper left shows soaring peaks, echoing with


slanted cliffs on the bottom right. Such composition shows


influence from Maxia styles. Extensive spaces highlight the height


of the mountain, creating spatial differentiation and allowing


imagination. This echoes with Southern Song painting styles.


Diagonal structure creates visual lines to separate viewer from


elements of the painting, allowing viewers to look over into


distant view of mountains. Pu depicted scenes from memories.


Using dots and cun strokes to depict soaring mountains and ancient pines in the foreground, ornamented with sparse woods and half-hidden temple. Fine brush was typically used for kiosks on cliffs, composing an elegant landscape painting.

Ravenel 94


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Plum Blossoms in Winter Ink and colour on paper, framed 58.5 x 27 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 260,000 - 420,000 HK$ 66,000 - 106,000 US$ 8,400 - 13,600 RMB 60,000 - 97,000

溥心畬 寒梅 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 58.5 x 27 cm 釋文:野渡浮煙水色空,扁舟猶過碧湖東, 歲寒天際無芳草,何處吹簫明月中。 款識:心畬 鈐印:溥儒之印(白文)、心畬(朱文)、 竹素(朱文)


Pu Hsinyu received an all-round education from the imperial court.


After the Revolution of 1911, he retreated to Xishan in Beijing, and


started art practising since then. He called himself Xishan Hermit


and established a studio called Hanyu Studio. Pu's paintings took


reference to ancient styles and observation of real objects. Having


resided in the Summer Palace and the imperial gardens, Pu excelled


in depicting flower and bird paintings in exquisite elegance. Pu's


flower paintings were derived from Song's style, with delicate


gonbi and fresh balance of colour. Such paintings are radiant in


colour and boneless style, which make them comparable to old


masters. In 1948, Pu visited Jiangnan and was impressed by ancient


plum blossoms. In 1955, he travelled to Japan and encountered


another winter plum blossom, which revives his homesickness. Plum blossom is not simply a plant for him, it symbolizes home.

溥心畬此作《寒梅》筆墨娟秀,敷色平澹,以出紙法構圖畫成, 橫幹斜出,梅花或盛開,或含苞欲放,梅幹自右上斜傾而落,取

This work was depicted in elegant application of ink, colour and


strokes. With diagonal branches and visual lines, the blossoming


plum blossom is highlighted, slanting downwards. Calligraphy


strokes were used to depict snowy white flowers, enhancing the


elegance of the plant. Structure was well-planned with a balance


composition of blank space and the plant, as if viewers are looking


out of the window, when viewing this painting. Branches were


crooked with dots of flowers. Fine brush was used to depict the


minute details. Such careful planning of application of brushstrokes


and colour enhance its reference to techniques promoted by


Northern school, and also its innovation from the Four Wangs from


Qing dynasty. The poem on this painting was written with edged


strokes, suggesting his proud hermit character that demonstrated


resilience under hardships.


Ravenel 96


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Vegetables Ink on paper, framed 27.5 x 56 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 260,000 - 420,000 HK$ 66,000 - 106,000 US$ 8,400 - 13,600 RMB 60,000 - 97,000 溥心畬 蔬果圖 水墨 紙本 鏡框 27.5 x 56 cm 釋文:寒畦培密雨,香氣覆霜根。 宜作閒居賦,真堪倒玉尊。 款識:心畬 鈐印:溥儒(白文)


This work stretches in horizontal form with vegetables composed


on the right. They are diagonally placed with poems on the left,


describing observation of the winter vegetables at leisure. Such


way of depiction was novel, with outlines sketched by ink and


colour dyed in boneless style. When ink was used to add colour


and depth. Cabbage leaves were painted with variations of tones,


brushstrokes, forming layers and depth. The shape and texture of


radish was outlined with fine strokes. Its leaves were outstretched,


dyed with think ink and swift strokes. Composition of the painting


is balanced with details. With outstanding observation, he painted


objects repeatedly to achieve perfection. After arriving in Taiwan,


Pu led an austere life. Such vegetable paintings suggests his


sentiments over such lifestyle as an austere hermit, which is also


regarded as an ideal of a literati scholar.


Ravenel 98

655 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

余承堯 高山鳴泉

Landscape Ink on paper, framed 31 x 36.5 cm; 69 x 36.5 cm Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 260,000 - 420,000 HK$ 66,000 - 106,000 US$ 8,400 - 13,600 RMB 60,000 - 97,000

水墨 紙本 鏡框 31 x 36.5 cm; 69 x 36.5 cm 釋文: (一)奉和,肖麟老兄七十感懷原均,日征月邁道茫茫,海國能 居笑虎狼,絕意繁華何偉大,蘊心迥奧耻輕狂,幽寥可語傾肝膽, 金石為交自鐵腸,研討雕鎪吟且善,高詞今已見非常,客路悠悠 渡歲年,羈人多病竟無氈,嚴霜酷雪辭家室,正國離鄉立海天, 亂世將難修故業,誓江何易執先鞭,如今七十精神爽,朗氣新秋 助壽筵。 (二)巖石永固,松柏長青。 款識: (一)余承堯。 (二)肖麟老兄七十華誕留念,余承堯作。 鈐印: (一)余承堯印(白文) (二)余承堯印(白文) 註: 上款人「肖麟老兄」即為張式玉(1896-1982),字肖麟。歷任營、 團長及漳碼公安局局長等職,來台後任國大代表,著有《南國萍 踪》和《蘭谷敞帶草》等書。


This painting was created with rich ink and reflected the style of


Li Tang's landscape paintings. Depth was created with a focused


depiction on the side and slopes of the mountains. Intersecting


strokes were used instead of cun strokes. Mountains in the


distance were depicted lightly with ink. Yu Cheng-Yao depicted


overlapping hills and rocks to create order amist criss-crossing


lines. Such depiction enhances elusive character of these strokes,


enhancing such characteristics of Nature. Foreground was depicted


with rows of trees. Light ink was used to depict objects afar, dense


ink was used to paint closer objects such as layering of rocks, their


texture and shapes of trees. Using the structure of the painting,


Yu used visual lines to create layering effect, which revolutionized


literati landscape paintings.


This painting was made for Zhang Xiaolin to celebrate his 70th


birthday. Thick ink was used in painting and solemn Standard


script incorporated with the thin Song Shoujin script was used in


calligraphy. Zhang Shiyu, also known as Xiaolin, was a general. In


1917, he joined the navy and took prominent roles in 1924-1933.


Zhang arrived in Taiwan in 1949 and became a representative


in the congress. Zhang was fluent in writing poems and wrote


important literature. He was in the army with Yu Cheng-Yao and


became old friends. Yu depicted landscape in this work and sighed


over the geographical separation between the two friends.

去國離鄉的患難情誼,金石之交盡顯露於筆墨之間,實屬難得逸 品。

Ravenel 100

656 ZHOU CHENG (Taiwanese, b. 1941)

Landscape 1976 Ink and colour on paper, framed 69.5 x 139 cm Signed ZHOU CHENG in Chinese With six seals of the artist

NT$ 280,000 - 440,000 HK$ 71,000 - 111,000 US$ 9,100 - 14,200 RMB 65,000 - 102,000

周澄 山水 1976 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 69.5 x 139 cm 釋文: (一)棹歌江上不揚波,雲裡翩翩一雁過。 客況難禁思故舊,何煙樹漲春多。 (二)移舟泊煙渚,日暮客愁新。 野曠天低樹,江清月近人。孟浩然詩。 款識: (一)丙辰歲暮寫春江放棹,拾石濤和尚句以補白。蓴波周澄。 (二)孟浩然詩。戊戌除夕前重睹舊作已隔四十餘矣,嘆時光之 飛逝,蓴波周澄。 鈐印:周澄(白文)、純波(朱文)、壽如金石佳且好兮(朱文)、 餈勝如歸(朱文)、周澄(白文)、蓴波(朱文)


This work was painted in 1976 titled with a poem by Shi Tao. Years


passed by when the painting came back to the artist. A poem


by Meng Haoran was added to the painting, with a melancholic


expression of the passing of time. This work aroused the artist's


emotion after seeing it again after 40 years. Zhou recalled strolling


by the hills thus painted the work. This painting captured the


misty environment. It also highlights the humble and gentleman-


like character of the artist, a student of Lingou Studio, who is also


an all round scholar in literature, calligraphy, paintings, seals and seal carving. Such achievements received high recognition from Li Qimao.


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Landscape Ink on paper, framed 58.5 x 26.5 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With two seals of the artist

溥心畬 清溪野渡 水墨 紙本 鏡框 58.5 x 26.5 cm 釋文:隨山將萬轉,趣途無百里。 款識:心畬 鈐印:明夷(朱文)、溥儒(白文)

NT$ 320,000 - 500,000 HK$ 81,000 - 127,000 US$ 10,300 - 16,200 RMB 74,000 - 116,000


Pu Hsinyu, a royal descendant of the Qing Imperial family, was


recognized as a modern all round literati. He was ranked with


Zhang Daqian and Wu Hufan. His skills were refined through the


years in Xishan. His imperial background allowed him to view the


Imperial collection of Tang and Song paintings up close. Pu was


self-taught throughout his art education. Pu started from literature


and calligraphy, followed by learning the styles of Southern Four


Wang and Northern style of landscape paintings. Pu Hsinyu's style


was similar to Dong Qichang from Ming dynasty, a bit of Zhe style,


and Tang Yin's elegant style, thus established a new style of his


own. From the elegant style of his early paintings, to a melancholic


style later in his career, Pu Hsinyu achieved elegant and light style


with grandiosity. With a deep understanding of Southern and


Northern styles, Pu was able to blend the two styles. Tai Jingnong


commented Pu's style broke the usual stillness of Northern


landscape, but took the essence of the School. Pu put great effort on the atmosphere of the painting. With such intense study of


ancient paintings, Pu's paintings display in a classic style as well.

鋒互用作出斧劈、披麻皴,析出爽颯的山峰石體,以墨色乾澀分 出層次;右下以鐵線銀鉤描出山體,略施濃墨暈染,近景山勢渾

This painting is made in the style of both Northern and Southern


style, using refined brushstrokes. Axe cun and Pima cun was used


in the paintings, with layers of dry ink to depict the texture of


rocks. Fine strokes were used to outline the hills and withered


ancient tree. The pair of trees lined up purging from the rocks. Such


composition suggests the loneliness of the artist. In between the


rocks, a scholar was sailing a boat. Pu used Northern Song style to


create a serene and relaxed landscape. Wang Wei's poem depicts a


raging river, which contrasts dramatically with the simple depiction


of the landscape. Such contrasting and harmonious combination


suggests Pu's preference to a hermit life than a lavish lifestyle.


Ravenel 104

658 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)

Strolling in the Mountain 1985 Ink and colour on paper, framed 91 x 56 cm Signed HUANG CHUN-PI in Chinese With three seals of the artist

黃君璧 負手閒吟 1985 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 91 x 56 cm 釋文:負手閒吟 款識:乙丑秋日畫於白雲堂燈下,米壽老人黃君璧。 鈐印:黃君璧(白文)、君翁(朱文)、白雲堂(白文)

NT$ 550,000 - 900,000 HK$ 139,000 - 228,000 US$ 17,800 - 29,100 RMB 127,000 - 208,000


Huang Chun-Pi, Zhang Daqian and Pu Hsinyu came to Taiwan in

抵台,被並稱為 「渡海三家」,是中國近現代美術史上的水墨

the face of the political turbulence in 1949 and was acclaimed as


"the Three Greatest Artists Relocated to Taiwan". The three artists


excelled in different areas of art. Eastern paintings were the main


trend at the period, and these artists were at the peak of their


career during this period, hence they promoted art development of


Chinese ink paintings in Taiwan. Zhang Daqian and Huang Chun-Pi


were friends for more than half a century. They met in 1930 where


Zhang was amazed by Huang's waterfall works in an exhibition


in Tokyo. Such masterpieces were made due to Huang's deep


knowledge in Chinese paintings and imitation of ancient works


from his family collection. Early landscape paintings were filled with


heavenly spirit and the use of brushwork had reached a perfect


state. In 1939, Zhang Daqian, Huang Chun-Pi and friends hiked


in Jianmen where Zhang Daqian named Huang as "Jun Weng"


and later carved a seal with this name as a gift. After the death of Zhang and Pu, Huang Chun-Pi dominated the art scene as a key


leader in art development.

構嚴謹,寫生畫風獨特創新;畫面上段兩側,以石蹊乾筆皴法作 出主山峭峻之勢,用筆紮實,背景遠山則以墨色澹墨渲染,尖拔

This work was made at Huang's age of 88. The creation from live


drawings demonstrates a solemn atmosphere with a complex


structure of landscape. The two sides of the painting as cun strokes


with dry brush to suggest rough surface of the rocks. Background


was painted with colour and sharp edged cliff. Colour scheme was


simple yet rich with ink. Waterfall pours down on the right forming


mists. Such depiction was Huang's unique and realistic creation.


Fluid strokes enhance the vividness of the humid environment. Pine


branches flourish in dark ink. A scholar stops to enjoy the majestic


view while expressing his melancholic mind of a literati. This


painting shows Huang's retired and opened mind towards his later


career. Strokes used were sophisticated and every elements such as light and shadow, rocks and mists were perfectly depicted.

Ravenel 106


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Mandarin Ducks in Warm Spring 1949 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 106.5 x 38.5 cm Signed PU RU in Chinese With three seals of the artist

溥心畬 趙昌秋塘圖意 1949 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 106.5 x 38.5 cm 釋文:趙昌秋塘圖意。 款識:己丑十月溥儒吟。 鈐印:飛鴻(朱文)、舊王孫(朱文)、溥儒(白文)

NT$ 650,000 - 1,000,000 HK$ 165,000 - 253,000 US$ 21,000 - 32,300 RMB 150,000 - 231,000


Since his relocation to Taiwan in 1949, Pu Hsinyu was hired as an


art professor at the National Taiwan Normal University and held his


first solo exhibition in the same year. Under such turbulent year,


Pu underwent ups and downs. Thus he expressed his emotions


through paintings, imitated works by ancient masters. During his


stay in Taiwan, Pu's works are based on traditional literati style.


Landscape was drawn in Northern style, Flower-and-Bird paintings


were painted in Northern Song style. Though the structure of these genres were borrowed from ancient paintings, his application of


brush was unique with strong trace of individuality. This becomes


explicit when one views the calligraphy and poem of Pu Hsinyu.

理,是指透過事物的本質,掌握事物的規律。此幅《趙昌秋塘圖 意》雖託北宋趙昌畫題,溥心畬卻以別出心裁的筆墨讓此作迭有

Pu once mentioned that, Landscape and Flower-and-Bird paintings


were painted as if one is immersed in such painting, observing


the objects closely. One should have own judgement on depiction


of subjects. Realism can only be achieved through understanding


the object thoroughly. This painting was titled Zhao Chang but Pu


painted with innovative use of strokes and ink. The painting carries a meaning beyond traditional flower and bird. Contrary to the


realistic depiction on silk, Pu used a relatively relaxed depiction of


objects as if one painted at their leisure. Its style hinted feelings of


a hermit with his life renewed.

瓣,敷色清麗典雅,雖用筆簡率,但可見溥氏寫意自然之心,所 謂「不特取其形似,直與花傳神者也」。下方一雙水鳥形貌各

This painting shows outdoor drawings of autumn lake. The


painting was split in two, top left and bottom right. Thick ink was


used on leaves and willow. Middle ground was painted with willow


branches leaning against broken branches swept by the wind. Hibiscus clustered and depicted with fine brush, coloured in austere elegance, forming a typical Pu's style of depiction. Mandarin ducks were painted in the lower panel, outlined in calligraphy techniques. Both birds were at leisure in the lake, in their natural forms. Such depiction gives this painting a peaceful atmosphere and an elegant tone.

Ravenel 108


A SYMPHONY OF MODERN LITERATURE POEMS - SONGS DICTATING OUR COLLECTIVE MEMORIES IN THE MODERN AGE 詩,序曲,徐徐的微風吹著,朗朗的誦讀著,現代詩人的集體回憶 朗誦的結尾,最原始的聲音,詩人間的相互交流詠讚,種種對於 社會的感知與抒情,台灣文學自1949年以來,深受西方文藝思 潮的影響,又以新詩最能反映此種狀況,其中又以新詩中的無韻 詩自成一格,被視為台灣文學的火車頭,當時一逕前衝的創作實 驗,幾乎是由詩人們所掀起著風潮。


三毛,我不求深刻,只求簡單 本名陳懋平,1943年生於重慶,台灣1970至1980年代的著名作 家。1970年代以其在撒哈拉沙漠的生活及見聞為背景,以幽默 文筆發表異國風情散文作品而成名,其讀者遍布全世界的華人。 此次一套出版自1985年的三冊書籍(編號664):傾城、談心、 隨想,其中於談心一書內有三毛一親簽,「跟拓蕪談心,三毛, 1985年3月」。《談心》裡藉由和讀者來信互動的三毛,在她的




《恩人.摯友.死黨 — 寫我所熟識的三毛》,裡面一處,道出


張拓蕪和三毛之間的友誼,全始於一篇三毛所寫的《張拓蕪的傳 奇》。

在《楷書自序》(編號660)中,當時的周夢蝶年八十七,看著他 從自序中娓娓道來,是回首過望著一生,一生運腕研墨,絲毫不 倦,台灣詩學季刊中《側寫詩人周夢蝶》一文曾提到:「其詩中 多處靜寂心態,多以動態描摹反襯之」,而此次一幅《自序》, 行句工整,偶以紅筆增寫、備註,作中周公的瘦金體小楷,如他 涓涓細流的口吻般,而他的筆墨儼然就是他輕瘦身子骨的寫照, 整體觀來書風的娟逸,以自序道出,更似是苦行僧一生的足跡。 回首,隨筆中的他投射出熠熠光輝,如行到水窮處的那種清幽心 境,一映生命中的諸多經驗與沉思。


蔣勳,城外的一抹清靜,發掘美的感動 1974年生於西安的蔣勳,在戰後舉家移居台灣。自小成長於台 北。蔣勳曾說:「真正的美,作假不得」。此次的兩幅作品《寒 梅圖》(編號661)、《八里望對岸》(編號662),皆出自1992 年。三毛曾這樣評價到:「蔣勳是個懂美的人」,讓我們也一同 隨著蔣勳發掘美的感動。 《寒梅圖》二月,蔣勳一寫繁花盛開的美景,蔣勳的梅,畫中無 他物,「凌寒獨自開,夢中繁華夢中過」,不惹人間一點塵,恰 似崔道融:「香中別有韻,清極不知寒」,寒梅之夢盛開朵朵,








畫中的梅與詩並提,總像在古今中來回穿梭著,1991年和楚戈、 席慕蓉合辦的「花季」聯展,能見蔣勳寒梅的足跡,那對於寒梅



契,運筆圓勁挺拔,流暢奔放,筆墨的停頓,篇幅的斷落、蘸墨 的濃淡,皆相襯著讀詩時的語氣。而《金龍禪寺》一詩,據悉,











「回想起左岸那一排苦楝樹,至初春二月那開滿一片片淺粉紫的 花」,那景,從八里望去,雲煙舒卷,看著夕陽在淡水出海口灑 下金黃光芒,開心的說著:「吃飯是藉口,看晚霞才是真的。」


Ravenel 110

Reciting poems ends with a poet's louange of his perceived and romantic view of society. Literature produced since 1949 was heavily influenced by the Western philosophies. Poems of the New Age with no rhyming endings reflected such phenomenon and became an experimental approach in literature.

SAN MO - A PURSUIT OF SIMPLICITY San Mo, also known as Chen Maoping, was born in 1943 in Chongqing. She became a well-known writer in the 70s and 80s, known internationally among the Chinese communities. She was better known in the 70s with her life in the Sahara Desert and a satirical writings of foreign cultures.


This set of three books (Lot 664) were published in 1985, with one

Chou Meng-Tieh was born in 1920 with his name derived from

of these signed by the author to Tuowu in March 1985. The book

Zhuang Zhou dreaming of butterflies, hinting his yearn for freedom.

recorded letters between readers and San Mo, where one could

Chou started writing poems in 1952 from his military service to his

see her sincerity. Later Zhang Tuowu wrote a commemorative

little bookstore business below Astoria Cafe for 21 years.

passage describing their friendship.

This Autobiography (Lot 660) was composed at Chou's age


of 87. In this work, he wrote a reminiscence of his life and his dedication to literature. One publication of Bulletin of Taiwanese Poetics mentioned, Chou's poems describe active movement to juxtapose with stillness. This work used regular Shoujin script with slight amendments in red, suggesting the writer's light and fluent depiction of himself leading an austere life of a monk. Upon his reminiscence, his writing reflects a glorious life with rich experience and thoughts.

LUO FU - MANIPULATION OF MOODS Born in 1928 in Hunan, Luo changed his name to Mo Luofu. He started writing at 15. In the summer of 2016, he returned to stay permanently in Taiwan. He created the Epoch Poetry Quarterly and was the Editor-in-Chief for several years. This publication has

Born in 1974 in Xi’an, he moved to Taiwan after the war with his family and was raised in Taipei. Chiang mentioned that genuinity cannot be faked. These two paintings were made in 1992. San Mo once mentioned that Chiang Hsun is a person with high aesthetic sense. Let’s explore the aesthetic journey of Chiang Hsun.

Plum blossoms (Lot 661) depicted blossoming flowers. The work features only the plant, hinted the hermit character or not following trends. Plum blossoms flourish with elegance. Light ink was used to outline the plants with layers to colour the subject. The poem was written with fluid strokes. His plum blossoms paintings were once exhibited in 1991 with Chu Ge and Xi Murong.

been translated into English, French, Japanese, Korean, Dutch and Swedish. This calligraphic work (Lot 663) shows the poet's strong state of mind with fluid and sturdy strokes, rich ink and a structure that reflects the way readers read the poem. This poem was Luo Fu's favourite piece. Created in 1970, this poem was written using Wuyun, where the rhythm is composed in its relaxed form. Luo Fu wrote from a third person's point of view. The relaxed tone suggests the lights of candles wavering in the dark. Luo Fu's poem captured readers' emotion with unique creativity, delivering his message.

View from Bali (Lot 662) shows hilly landscape and a serene beauty of the landscape. A melancholic feeling and soliloquy of the artist thinking about the downfall of the Southern dynasty. This work was painted on paper depicting a huge portion of blue and highlights of green. Strokes were applied upon seeing the landscape echoing the artist’s carefree state of mind. To Chiang Hsun, Bali’s left bank were filled with trees and by early Spring, the landscape will be filled with light purple flowers. Mist surrounds the landscape opposite to Bali in the evening. To the artist, such scenery was his true enjoyment.

660 CHOU MENG-TIEH (Taiwanese, 1920-2014)

Autobiography 2007 Ink on paper, framed 28 x 68 cm PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

NT$ 600,000 - 950,000 HK$ 152,000 - 241,000 US$ 19,400 - 30,700 RMB 139,000 - 220,000 周 夢蝶 楷書自述 2007 水墨 紙本 鏡框 28 x 68 cm 釋文: 簡介,周夢蝶自述,余於民九農曆臘月廿九日,誕於河南省浙川縣一小村 落中。其村曰陳店,凡三十餘戶,都姓陳,故名;四面環山,有薄田四十畝, 並於祖課徒行醫所購置,祖諱如楨,性剛直,而樂善好施,兼喜為人排難 解紛,村人皆畏而愛之敬之。祖凡三娶:初娶郭氏,無出。繼娶白,育三女, 大姑適陳,二姑適簡,三姑不及嫁而殤,白亦病亡。續娶龔,生余父及二 叔與四姑。父風儀俊美,善彈三弦,書法娟逸,略似蘇子瞻。時科舉已廢, 輾轉無所施為,年三十二,遂鬱鬱以終。母亦姓龔。父歿後四個月,余始 呱呱墜地,所謂遺腹子也。 余年十三,從塾師周誠齋先生受四字畫。十七始入小學,由三下超級六下, 一年即畢業。以第二十四名,考取省立安陽中學。後三年,復以二十四名 考取開封第一師範;未兩年即輟學。年二十八,棄家走武漢,隨青年軍二 O 六師補充團渡海來臺,為陸軍工兵下士七年。退伍後曾為書店店員二 年,於台北市武昌街一段七號明星咖啡屋騎樓下擺書攤為生,凡二十一年。 五十九歲,以胃疾,住院、開刀,胃割去四分之三,體重由四十一公斤銳 減為三十七。書攤不擺了,人則一朝而三分為托缽僧,七分為寄生蟹矣。 余幼而零丁孤苦,長而顛沛流離,生年未弱冠,額端已出現魚尾紋。所幸 天公疼憨人,於垂垂之日,獲識南師懷瑾夫子及印順道源諸上善人,雖望 道未見,一向憂思怨亂之慘綠情結,得小寬解,亦足鏤肺肝,慰平生而死 朝夕。 月前重讀《指月錄》,夢中拈得七言二十八字,似詩非詩,非偈似偈,畫 餅而已。媿媿。辭曰:也無門戶也無牆,風自翩翩水自香,曉來覓句五峰頂, 霜林一抹為誰黃? 款識:丁亥之冬十月既望於新店市五峰山下。 來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人

Ravenel 112

661 CHIANG HSUN (Taiwanese, b. 1947)

Plum Blossoms 1992 Ink and colour on paper, framed 74 x 31.5 cm Signed CHIANG HSUN in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 150,000 - 240,000 HK$ 38,000 - 61,000 US$ 4,800 - 7,800 RMB 35,000 - 56,000 蔣勳 寒梅圖 1992 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 74 x 31.5 cm 釋文:水作精神玉作魂,空山月中淚浥痕, 夢中繁華夢中過,不惹人間一點塵。 款識:一九九二年二月東海蔣勳,寫繁華盛開。 鈐印:肖形印(白文)、蔣勳(朱文)、多情應笑 我(朱文)

Ravenel 114

662 CHIANG HSUN (Taiwanese, b. 1947)

View from Bali 1992 Ink and colour on paper, framed 33 x 110 cm Signed CHIANG HSUN in Chinese With four seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Caves Art Center, Taipei

NT$ 90,000 - 180,000 HK$ 23,000 - 46,000 US$ 2,900 - 5,800 RMB 21,000 - 42,000

蔣勳 八里望對岸 1992 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 33 x 110 cm 釋文:一九九二年秋冬之際,從八里望對岸淡水大屯山脈, 雲煙舒卷,山水都安靜如常,但我心中為何有南朝的慘傷, 這樣看江山歲月彷彿都在夢中啊。 款識:東海蔣勳 鈐印:微笑(白文)、肖形章(白文)、蔣(朱文)、勳(白文) 來源: 敦煌藝術中心,台北

663 LUO FU

(Taiwanese, 1928-2018)

Poem in Running Script Ink on paper, framed 34 x 68 cm Signed LUO FU in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 40,000 - 80,000 HK$ 10,000 - 20,000 US$ 1,300 - 2,600 RMB 9,000 - 19,000 Ravenel 116

洛夫 金龍禪寺 水墨 紙本 鏡框 34 x 68 cm 釋文:金龍禪寺,晚鐘,是遊客下山的小路,羊齒植物, 沿著白色的石階,一路嚼了下去。如果此處降雪,而只見, 一隻驚起的灰蟬,把山中的燈火,一盞盞地,點燃。 款識:洛夫 鈐印:水墨為天(朱文)、洛夫(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1943-1991)

Signed Books (A set of three) Books 18.7 x 13.2 x 1.5 cm (each) Signed SAN MAO in Chinese

NT$ 80,000 - 160,000 HK$ 20,000 - 41,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200 RMB 19,000 - 37,000

三毛 簽名書三冊一組 簽名書 18.7 x 13.2 x 1.5 cm (每本) 款識:跟拓蕪談心,三毛,1985 年。 註: 三毛有親簽,上款人「拓蕪」即為張時雄,為台灣作家。 筆名有沈甸、左殘、沈犁、屯墾,曾和三毛為筆友的關係。




At the end of Han Dynasty, the Seven Scholars of Jian'an gathered


and drinking while composing poems and songs. By Western Jin


Dynasty, a wealthy businessman Shi Chong build a cottage in Jingu


to hold banquets and to compose poems. In Eastern Jin Dynasty,


scholars gathered by the stream, drinking wine while composing


poems. Such tradition was practised in centuries to come.


Throughout history, as restricted by transportation, such gatherings


were located in main cities such as Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou,


Shanghai, Fujian and Guangdong, later in Hong Kong.

香港。 By the 50s, Chiang Kai-Shek moved to Taiwan, followed by a 1949年蔣介石政府遷至台灣,第一批在現代中國文學界教育界和

large influx of scholars from educational and artistic sectors. This


induced a flow of Chinese culture and ink traditions to Taiwan.


Scholars relocated to Taiwan were Pu Hsinyu, Yu Youren, Huang


Chun-Pi and Zhang Daqian, Liu Yantao, Liu Tai-Hsi, Peng Chunshi,


Chuang Yan, Tai Jing-Nong, Chiang Chao-Shen, Wang Zhuangwei,


Wu Ping, Wang Beiyue, to name but a few.


Lingnan School representatives Au Ho-Nien, Huang Lvsheng, Lu


Qingyuan arrived to Taiwan by the 1970s, promoting yet another


wave of artistic development to modern Taiwanese ink art.In


the earlier period, gathering among scholars were hindered by


transport. With such relocation, scholars gather and live together


forming scholar communities.


In this Sale, Huang Chun-Pi and Au Ho-Nien composed Cottage by the Woods (Lot 667) titled by Liu Tai-Hsi. Huang and Au both came from Guangdong with a close bonding. Gatherings and collaborative works were common between the two. Liu and Au were close friends. Au once painted Lushan, a favourite place of Liu, as a gift of friendship to Liu.

(編號667),並由劉太希先生依照二位名家繪製的情境,即興作 詩一首,並題於畫上,詩文如下:「僻野無佳客,孤吟獨舉杯, 只餘明月色,流影入襟懷。劉太希居士題。黃君翁歐豪年合作山 水」。黃君璧先生與歐氏同是廣東同鄉,交誼甚深,常有雅集聚 會,也常合繪以為樂趣。而劉太希先生(錯公)與歐氏交誼也頗 深,因錯公為江西信安縣人,而廬山為於江西為錯公魂牽夢縈之 地,歐氏曾應太希翁之屬繪《廬山圖》,歐氏在廬山圖上題:

Tai Jing-Nong and Au Ho-Nien were acquaintances with frequent


meetings to compose poems and paintings. Tai was known to write


on small tables regardless of the size of works to be produced. This Sale offers six works of Au's early period with four flower paintings


(Lot 668) and Amaranthus (Lot 665), each with a poem by Tai Jing-


Nong. While the other work Vegetables (Lot 666) was titled by Liu


Tai-Hsi and was regarded as a precious piece.

品,此四幅「水仙、紅荷、松色雙雀、菊色二喬」(編號668)和 《雁來香》(編號665),臺老分別於每禎小品題上對應詩詞,一 字一畫頗為佳趣。另一幅《菜根香》(編號666)則由劉太希先生 即興做詩,題上詩堂,為時代留下具為珍貴的逸品。

Ravenel 118


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

Amaranthus Ink and colour on paper, framed 32 x 44.5 cm; 34 x 44.5 cm Signed TAI JING-NONG and HO-NIEN in Chinese With four seals of the artists

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000

歐豪年;臺靜農 雁來紅 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 32 x 44.5 cm; 34 x 44.5 cm 釋文:霜落荊門煙樹空,布颿無恙挂秋風,此行不為 鱸魚膾,自愛名山入剡中。 款識: (一)太白詩,臺靜農書於龍坡。 (二)豪年 鈐印:臺靜農(白文)、龍坡(朱文)、歐(白文)、 挹翠山堂(白文)


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)


(Taiwanese, 1899-1989)

Vegetables 1986 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 28 x 33.5 cm; 57 x 33.5 cm Signed TAI-HSI and HO-NIEN in Chinese With three seals of the artists

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 歐豪年;劉太希 菜根香 1986 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 28 x 33.5 cm; 57 x 33.5 cm 釋文:福須淡泊方能永,壽與瓜蔬似結盟, 齡得菜根吾願足,不求靈藥自長生。 布衣暖菜根香,詩書滋味長。 款識:太希居士。丙寅豪年。 鈐印:希翁米壽(朱文)、歐介(白文)、 挹翠山堂(白文)

Ravenel 120

667 HUANG CHUN-PI (Taiwanese, 1898-1991)


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)


(Taiwanese, 1899-1989)

Cottage by the Woods Ink and colour on paper, framed 62.5 x 96 cm Signed TAI-HSI, HUANG-WENG and AU HO-NIEN in Chinese With three seals of the artists

NT$ 90,000 - 180,000 HK$ 23,000 - 46,000 US$ 2,900 - 5,800 RMB 21,000 - 42,000

黃君璧;歐豪年;劉太希 山堂佳色圖 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 62.5 x 96 cm 釋文:僻野春佳客,孤吟獨舉杯,品餘明月色,流影入襟懷。 款識:太希居士題,黃君翁、歐豪年合作山水。 鈐印:劉太希(白文)、歐豪年印(白文)、黃君璧印(白文)


(Taiwanese, b. 1935)

TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

Flowers (A set of four) 1987 Ink and colour on paper, framed 33 x 44 cm; 34 x 44 cm (each) Signed JING-NONG and HO-NIEN in Chinese With thirteen seals of the artists

NT$ 200,000 - 320,000 HK$ 51,000 - 81,000 US$ 6,500 - 10,300 RMB 46,000 - 74,000 歐豪年;臺靜農 花卉圖四屏 1987 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 33 x 44 cm; 34 x 44 cm ( 每件 ) 釋文: (左上)玉府仙人冰雪姿,生來即遣侍瑤池。 碧雲隔斷塵凡路,說著人間總不知。 (右上)綠影遷延舞袖遲,恍如金粉散琳池。 最憐謝客詩遍好,曾比芙蓉出水時。 (左下)錦石如雲落翠翹,曲殘金縷度纖腰。 黃鶯赤鳳還同舞,不數江東有二喬。 (右下)蒼松影靜白雲閒,路轉深溪第幾灣。 好是雨晴秋色里,杖藜隨處看青山。 款識: (左上)南田水仙詩,靜農。 丁卯春日,豪年寫生。 (右上)靜農,豪年。 (左下)南天詠菊,靜農。粲粲秋日英,豪年。 (右下)靜農,豪年。 鈐印: (左上)臺靜農(白文)、歐(朱文)、 豪年(白文)、陽春煙景(朱白文) (右上)臺靜農(白文)、歐介(朱文)、 得而自在(白文) (左下)臺靜農(白文)、歐介(白文)、 美意延年(白文) (右下)臺靜農(白文)、歐豪年(白文)、 挹翠山堂(白文)

Ravenel 122


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Poem in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 98 x 33.5 cm Signed PU RU in Chinese With two seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Christie's Hong Kong, 25 April 1999, Lot 160

NT$ 190,000 - 300,000 HK$ 48,000 - 76,000 US$ 6,100 - 9,700 RMB 44,000 - 69,000 溥 心畬 行書七言詩 水墨 紙本 立軸 98 x 33.5 cm 釋文:縹緲雲光接遠天,羣呼倒影鏡中懸,女墙月前餘秋草, 官舍湖生但暮煙,去國誰知上廣信,乘桴何處問張騫,蓮壺咫 尺求靈藥,砍掃松花枕石眠。 款識:溥儒 鈐印:心畬翰墨(朱文)、溥儒之印(白文) 來源: 香港佳士得,1999 年 4 月 25 日,編號 160


(Chinese, b. 1953)

Figure 1972 Watercolor and charcoal on paper, framed 38 x 21 cm;18 x 7.5 cm Signed LIU TAN in Chinese and English With one seal of the artist

NT$ 260,000 - 420,000 HK$ 66,000 - 106,000 US$ 8,400 - 13,600 RMB 60,000 - 97,000

Ravenel 124

劉丹 人物 1972 水彩 炭筆 紙本 鏡框 38 x 21 cm;18 x 7.5 cm 釋文:年冬月寫此。 款識:OO 留念,劉丹於南京,1972.8.31 Liu Tan, mimicry 鈐印:劉丹(白文)

671 TONG YANG TZE (Taiwanese, b. 1942)

Calligraphy 1994 Ink on paper, framed 91 x 241 cm With three seals of the artist EXHIBITED: "Calligraphy Works of Grace Y. T. Tong", Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, October 1994 ILLUSTRATED: Calligraphy Works of Grace Y. T. Tong , Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1 October 1994, Plate 86

NT$ 340,000 - 550,000 HK$ 86,000 - 139,000 US$ 11,000 - 17,800 RMB 79,000 - 127,000

董陽孜 取之不盡用之不竭 1994 水墨 紙本 鏡框 91 x 241 cm 釋文:取之不竭用之不盡。 鈐印:縱浪而化(朱文)、董印(白文)、陽孜(朱文) 展覽: 「董陽孜書法展」,台北市立美術館,台北,展期 1994 年 10 月 著錄: 《董陽孜作品集》,台北市立美術館,台北,1994 年 10 月 1 日 出版,圖版 86

672 YU CHENG-YAO (Taiwanese, 1898-1993)

Calligraphy of Poems from Emperor Wen of Wei 1990 Ink on gold-flecked paper, framed 68 x 177 cm Signed YU CHENG-YAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Hermit, Talents of Yu Cheng-Yao , Hsiung Shih Books Pte. Ltd., Taipei, 1998, pp. 56-57

NT$ 160,000 - 260,000 HK$ 41,000 - 66,000 US$ 5,200 - 8,400 RMB 37,000 - 60,000

Ravenel 126

余承堯 魏文帝雜詩兩首 1990 水墨 灑金箋 鏡框 68 x 177 cm 釋文:漫漫秋夜長,烈烈北風涼。展轉不能寐,披衣起彷徨。 彷徨忽已久,白露沾我裳。俯視清水波,仰看明月光。 天漢回西流,三五正縱橫。草蟲鳴何悲,孤雁獨南翔。 鬱郁多悲思,綿綿思故鄉。願飛安得翼,欲濟河無梁。 向風長嘆息,斷絕我中腸。西北有浮雲,亭亭如車蓋。 惜哉時不遇,適與飄風會。吹我東南行,行行至吳會。 吳會非我鄉,安得久留滯。棄置勿復陳,客子常畏人。 款識:庚午夏日書魏文帝雜詩二首,余承堯。 鈐印:余承堯印(白文) 著錄: 《隱士.才情.余承堯》,雄獅圖書股份有限公司,台北, 1998 年初版,頁 56-57

673 TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

Calligraphy in Running Script 1987 Ink on paper, framed 34 x 126 cm Signed TAI JING-NONG in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 180,000 - 280,000 HK$ 46,000 - 71,000 US$ 5,800 - 9,100 RMB 42,000 - 65,000

臺靜農 行書蘇東坡赤壁懷古 1987 水墨 紙本 鏡框 34 x 126 cm 釋文:大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物。故壘西邊,人道是, 三國周郎赤壁。亂石穿空,驚濤拍岸,捲起千堆雪。江山如畫, 一時多少豪傑。遙想公瑾當年,小喬初嫁了,雄姿英發。羽扇綸 巾,談笑間,檣櫓灰飛煙滅。故國神遊,多情應笑我,早生華髮。 人間如夢,一尊還酹江月。 款識:蘇東坡赤壁懷古,丁卯冬臺靜農書。 鈐印:守斯寧靜為君大年(朱文)、臺靜農(白文)、龍坡丈室(朱 文)

674 TAI JING-NONG (Taiwanese, 1902-1990)

臺靜農 行書陶淵明咏貧士詩

Calligraphy in Running Script 1978 Ink on paper, framed 37 x 66 cm Signed JING ZHE in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 150,000 - 240,000 HK$ 38,000 - 61,000 US$ 4,800 - 7,800 RMB 35,000 - 56,000

Ravenel 128

1978 水墨 紙本 鏡框 37 x 66 cm 釋文:拙,仲蔚愛窮居,繞宅生蒿蓬。翳然絕交遊, 賦詩頗能工。舉世無知者,止有一劉龔。此事胡獨然, 實由罕所同。介焉安其業,所樂非窮通。人事固以拙, 聊得長相從。 款識:戊午溽暑書陶公詩於台北龍坡歇腳盫,靜者。 鈐印:老莊而所學者(朱文)、臺靜農(白文)、 歇腳盦(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1896-1963)

Calligraphy in Cursive Script after Wang Xizhi

溥心畬 草書臨王羲之行穰帖

Ink on paper, framed 29.5 x 58 cm Signed HSINYU in Chinese With one seal of the artist

水墨 紙本 鏡框 29.5 x 58 cm 釋文:足下行穰。九人還示應決不大都當任。(文略) 款識:心畬 鈐印:溥儒(白文)

PROVENANCE: Obtained from the collection of Mr Bian Zhenghai

來源: 卞正海先生舊藏(得自藝術家本人)

Acquired directly from the artist

NT$ 150,000 - 240,000 HK$ 38,000 - 61,000 US$ 4,800 - 7,800 RMB 35,000 - 56,000

註: 卞正海先生,原籍江蘇揚州,與溥儒先生極為熟稔,常至 溥老居處觀賞其作畫,陪旁在側,再將字畫取回精心裝裱。 其裱鋪商號「碧雲軒裝池」即為溥儒親筆揮毫,以肯定卞 氏的高超技藝。


(Taiwanese, b. 1949)

劉墉 萬壑爭流

Waterfall in Pocai Ink and colour on paper, framed 64.5 x 91.5 cm Signed LIU YONG in Chinese With two seals of the artist The painting is to be sold with a certification of authenticity issued by Taiwan H & W Art Center.

NT$ 160,000 - 260,000 HK$ 41,000 - 66,000 US$ 5,200 - 8,400 RMB 37,000 - 60,000 Ravenel 130

水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 64.5 x 91.5 cm 款識:劉墉潑墨 鈐印:劉墉(白文)、問園(朱文) 註: 附有熊氏藝術中心鑑存卡


(Taiwanese, b. 1947)

小魚 瓷章十方及印譜

Seals and A Collection of Seal Impressions Signed XIAO YU in Chinese on each seal With ten seals of the artist on the Seal Impressions

NT$ 140,000 - 280,000 HK$ 35,000 - 71,000 US$ 4,500 - 9,100 RMB 32,000 - 65,000

邊款:小魚作 印文與鈐印: 行人萬萬千(朱文)、乾坤一草亭(白文)、 七縱八橫(朱文)、繁華世界(白文)、獨具隻眼(白文)、 春服既成(白文)、寫意(白文)、何妨特地來(朱文)、 味無味(朱文)、踏破草鞋(白文)


(Taiwanese, 1925-2019)

李奇茂 品壺

Appreciating Teapots Ink and colour on paper, framed 94 x 178.5 cm Signed LI QIMAO in Chinese With two seals of the artist

水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 94 x 178.5 cm 釋文:品壺 款識:采風堂主人,李奇茂。 鈐印:李奇茂(朱文)、采風堂(白文)

ILLUSTRATED: Ink Paintings of Li Qimao , Jingcai Arts, Taichung, 2018, p. 23

著錄: 《李奇茂水墨天地展覽專輯》,精彩藝術,台中, 2018 年,頁 23

NT$ 130,000 - 200,000 HK$ 33,000 - 51,000 US$ 4,200 - 6,500 RMB 30,000 - 46,000

Ravenel 132

註: 附藝術家與作品合照


(Taiwanese, 1908-1990)

Two Roosters 1963 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 88 x 41 cm Signed YAO-TSU in Chinese With two seals of the artist ILLUSTRATED: Three Masters of Art: Calligraphy and Paintings by Yu Chen-yao, Shen Yao-chu, and Zhen Shan-xi, National Museum of History, Taipei, 2013, p. 115

NT$ 130,000 - 200,000 HK$ 33,000 - 51,000 US$ 4,200 - 6,500 RMB 30,000 - 46,000 沈 耀初 雙雞雄風 1963 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 88 x 41 cm 款識:泰來老侄清正,癸卯歲闌耀初。 鈐印:士渡人(朱文)、耀初書畫(白文) 著錄 : 《閩臺三傑 : 余承堯、沈耀初、鄭善禧書畫集》, 國立歷史博物館,台北,2013 年出版,頁 115


(Taiwanese, b. 1965)

Landscape in Five Panels 2008 Ink on paper 180 x 50 cm (each) Signed with TU SAN-HSIN in Chinese With eight seals of the artist

NT$ 110,000 - 220,000 HK$ 28,000 - 56,000 US$ 3,600 - 7,100 RMB 25,000 - 51,000

Ravenel 134

杜三鑫 山水五連屏 2008 水墨 紙本 180 x 50 cm(每件) 釋文略 款識:戊子十二月散仙涂鴉於得其所齋以自娛也。 鈐印:散仙長年(白文)、得其所齋(朱文)


(Taiwanese, b. 1957)

Fish Swimming in the Pond 2015 Ink and colour on paper, framed 24.5 x 98 cm Signed WU SHI-WEI in Chinese With five seals of the artist

NT$ 110,000 - 220,000 HK$ 28,000 - 56,000 US$ 3,600 - 7,100 RMB 25,000 - 51,000

吳士偉 悠游 2015 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 24.5 x 98 cm 釋文:悠游,風做不動萍,紅雨灑花津, 跳波魚出藻,擾碎一池春。 款識: (一)二零一五年乙未之春,吳士偉畫。 (二)惲壽平句,二零一七年丁酉之秋吳士偉再題。 鈐印:吳士偉(朱文)、千花百草(白文)、 吳士偉(朱文)、春華秋實(朱文)、尋花(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1879-1964)

Calligraphy in Cursive Script Ink on paper, framed 97 x 29 cm Signed YU YOUREN in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 100,000 - 200,000 HK$ 25,000 - 51,000 US$ 3,200 - 6,500 RMB 23,000 - 46,000 于右任 草書七言詩 水墨 紙本 鏡框 97 x 29 cm 釋文:自斷此生休問天,杜曲幸有桑麻田, 故將移住南山邊。 短衣匹馬隨李廣,看射猛虎終殘年。 款識:杜詩,若無先生,于右任。 鈐印:右任(朱文)

Ravenel 136

683 TONG YANG TZE (Taiwanese, b. 1942)

Calligraphy in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 136 x 34 cm With three seals of the artist

NT$ 70,000 - 140,000 HK$ 18,000 - 35,000 US$ 2,300 - 4,500 RMB 16,000 - 32,000 董 陽孜 無為無不為 水墨 紙本 立軸 136 x 34 cm 釋文:無為無不為。 鈐印:阿五(朱文)、董(白文)、陽孜(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1925-2019)

Taiwan Local Food Stall Ink on paper, framed 52.5 x 227 cm Signed LI QI-MAO in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 80,000 - 160,000 HK$ 20,000 - 41,000 US$ 2,600 - 5,200 RMB 19,000 - 37,000

Ravenel 138

李奇茂 台灣鄉土小吃攤 水墨 紙本 鏡框 52.5 x 227 cm 釋文:台灣鄉土小吃攤。 款識:李奇茂時歲九十。 鈐印:李奇茂印(朱文)、羊開百世(朱文) 註: 附藝術家與作品合照

685 CHEN CHAO-PAO (Taiwanese, b. 1948)

A Copy of Guanyin from Tang Dynasty Ink and colour on paper and silk, scroll 107 x 50 cm Signed CHAO-PAO in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 60,000 - 120,000 HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 RMB 14,000 - 28,000 陳朝寶 唐末觀音菩薩 水墨 設色 紙本 絹本 立軸 107 x 50 cm 釋文:敦煌藏經洞發現唐代絹畫觀世音菩薩像, 現藏於美國不列顛博物館。 款識:朝寶九五 鈐印:陳氏(白文)、朝寶(白文)、菩薩像(朱文)、 朝寶書畫(朱文)

686 SUN YUNSHENG (Taiwanese, 1918-2000)

Plum Blossoms 1982 Ink and colour on paper, framed 50 x 90 cm Signed SUN YUNSHENG in Chinese With four seals of the artist

NT$ 60,000 - 120,000 HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 RMB 14,000 - 28,000

Ravenel 140

孫雲生 梅花 1982 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 50 x 90 cm 釋文:第六橋頭雪乍晴,杖藜曾引鶴同行, 詩成酒力都消盡,人與梅花一樣清。 款識:七十一年歲次,壬戌秋九月末,五峰山中菁園小築, 雨後初晴,承銘仁兄法教,雲生孫家瑞。 鈐印:大風堂門人(朱文)、福德長壽(白文)、 孫家瑞(白文)、雲生(朱文)

687 SUN YUNSHENG (Taiwanese, 1918-2000)

Birds Resting on Autumn Tree 1960 Ink and colour on paper, framed 81 x 38.5 cm Signed SUN YUNSHENG in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 60,000 - 120,000 HK$ 15,000 - 30,000 US$ 1,900 - 3,900 RMB 14,000 - 28,000 孫 雲生 枝上雙鳥 1960 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 81 x 38.5 cm 釋文:秋老青城雨雪濛,千林風刷碧山空。 靜言自索蕭疏意,暮葉偏憐鬥艷紅。 款識:庚子春二月擬保華先生法家教正, 雲生孫家瑞同在台北。 鈐印:孫家瑞(白文)、雲生(朱文)


(Taiwanese, 1911-2007)

Buffalos and Herdboys 1999 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 129.5 x 57.5 cm Signed JI KANG in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 季康 牧牛童子 1999 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 129.5 x 57.5 cm 釋文:雨寒空何處,沙淺水波留,勞勞煙中柳, 猶還敬三年。 款識:德爵老先生法家雅屬,己卯冬月寧復季康。 鈐印:季康(白文)、三不朽(白文)

Ravenel 142


(Taiwanese, b. 1947)

Endless Scenery Ink and colour on paper, framed 47 x 90.5 cm Signed XIAO YU in Chinese With three seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000

小魚 無邊光景 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 47 x 90.5 cm 釋文:無邊光景。 款識:小魚。紙短情長難描繪前後上下左右, 不可追小魚造句並題。 鈐印:小魚(白文)、在我旁(朱文)、 在他鄉(白文)


(Taiwanese, 1899-1980)

Poem in Running Script Ink on paper, scroll 94.5 x 41 cm With two seals of the artist

NT$ 50,000 - 100,000 HK$ 13,000 - 25,000 US$ 1,600 - 3,200 RMB 12,000 - 23,000 莊嚴 行書八指頭陀詩 水墨 紙本 立軸 94.5 x 41 cm 釋文:忽忽江湖老,悠悠天地間,孤雲歸楚岫, 春雨夢吳山,異域同漂泊,故人悲未還,祉應幽澗水, 留照鬢毛斑。 高閣一憑眺,蒼茫太古情,天疑入海盡,潮欲挾山行, 芳草金陵渡,斜陽鐵瓮城,鄉關杳何處,向晚客愁生。 款識:八指頭陀詩,敏貫仁兄,翁時年八十。 鈐印:六一翁(朱文)、莊嚴(白文)

Ravenel 144

691 NIU GE

(Taiwanese, 1925-1997)

Comics (A set of four) Ink and colour on paper, framed 55.5 x 35 cm (each) Signed NIU GE in Chinese With eight seals of the artist

NT$ 40,000 - 80,000 HK$ 10,000 - 20,000 US$ 1,300 - 2,600 RMB 9,000 - 19,000 牛哥 漫畫四件一組 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 55.5 x 35 cm(每件) 釋文: (左上)春江水暖鴨先知。 (右上)助人為快樂之本。 (左下)鸛雀之家。 (右下)蝴蝶來儀。 款識: (左上)牛哥 (右上)牛哥 (左下)牛哥 (右下)牛哥 鈐印: (左上)牛哥(朱文)、牛哥(白文) (右上)牛哥(朱文)、牛哥(白文) (左下)牛哥(朱文)、牛哥(白文) (右下)牛哥(朱文)、牛哥(白文)


(Taiwanese, 1911-2005)

Autumn Landscape 1974 Ink and colour on paper, scroll 114.5 x 33.5 cm Signed LU FO-TING in Chinese With two seals of the artist

NT$ 30,000 - 60,000 HK$ 8,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,900 RMB 7,000 - 14,000 呂 佛庭 臨溪秋木 1974 水墨 設色 紙本 立軸 114.5 x 33.5 cm 釋文:九月霜寒重,臨溪秋木紅,山深人迹少,何處是隆中。 款識:甲寅九月寫於台員,一民先生雅正,呂佛庭。 鈐印:呂佛庭印(白文)、半僧(朱文)

Ravenel 146

693 CHEN CHAO-PAO (Taiwanese, b. 1948)

陳朝寶 藍眼貓

Cat 2003 Ink and colour on paper, framed 45.5 x 32 cm Signed PAO in Chinese With one seal of the artist

NT$ 30,000 - 60,000 HK$ 8,000 - 15,000 US$ 1,000 - 1,900 RMB 7,000 - 14,000

2003 水墨 設色 紙本 鏡框 45.5 x 32 cm 款識:寶 鈐印:陳朝寶(朱文)

694 CHENG SHAN-HSI (Taiwanese, b. 1932)

Calligraphy Couplet in Running Script 2015 Ink on paper, scroll 135 x 33 cm (each) Signed CHENG SHAN-HSI in Chinese With four seals of the artist PROVENANCE: Acquired directly from the artist

NT$ 20,000 - 40,000 HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 RMB 5,000 - 9,000 鄭善禧 行書六言聯 2015 水墨 紙本 立軸 135 x 33 cm(每件) 釋文:閒看花開花落,慢品茶浮茶沉。 款識:鄭善禧,二零一五年民國一零四年, 乙未暮秋,時在當頭。 鈐印:大自在(朱文)、希上(白文)、 善禧(白文)、謙軒(朱文) 來源: 現藏家得自藝術家本人 註: 附藝術家與作品合照

Ravenel 148

695 The Victory in the Pacification of Dzungars


and Muslims (A set of eighteen)

法國復刻銅版畫 十八件

Copperplate Engravings 23.5 x 41.5 cm (each) With thirty seals of Emperor Qianlong

版畫 23.5 x 41.5 cm(每件) 釋文略

This eighteen panels of copperplate engravings were commissioned in the spring of 1766. These engravings were made in France from sketches drawn by Giuseppe Castiglione and his associates, describing the victory in the pacification of Dzungars and Muslims

此銅版畫撰寫於乾隆丙戌年孟春(三十一年正月),由郎世寧 等人繪製稿樣,後交由法國承作銅板畫,記錄清高宗平定準噶 爾回部得勝的重要政績。

NT$ 20,000 - 40,000 HK$ 5,000 - 10,000 US$ 600 - 1,300 RMB 5,000 - 9,000

委託競投表格 委託競投表格須於拍賣24小時前送抵羅芙奧。競投表格可傳真至: 台北 香港

電話:+886-2-2708 9868 電話:+852-2889 0859

傳真:+886-2-2708 8955 傳真:+852-2889 0850


拍 賣 名 稱:羅芙奧 2019 秋季拍賣會 翰墨丹青—中國書畫專場 拍 賣 編 號:TC1904 拍 賣 日 期:2019 年 11 月 30 日(星期六) 下午 2:00 萬豪酒店 台北市中山區樂群二路 199 號 3 樓 博覽廳

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RAVENEL AUTUMN AUCTION 2019 Refined Brushwork: Fine Chinese Paintings Saturday, November 30, 2019, 2:00 pm TC1904 Taipei Marriott Hotel Grand Space, 3rd Floor, No. 199, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei

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業務規則 下述規則,為羅芙奧股份有限公司(下稱「本公司」)與賣家訂立合約,亦 作為賣家之代理人與買家訂立合約之條款。準買家、買家及賣家務須細讀 各項規則並完全同意遵守本業務規則。準買家、買家請特別留意第二條第5 項,其對本公司之法律責任作了限定。 一、本業務規則所用詞彙之定義 在下列規定中,某些常用詞彙需加以解釋。此等詞彙定義如下: 1. 「買家」:指本公司所接受之出價最高之自然人或法人。 2. 「準買家」:指任何有意參加本公司舉辦拍賣之任何自然人或法人。 3. 「賣家」:指將拍賣品獨家委託本公司於本公司舉辦之拍賣會參與拍賣 之自然人或法人。 4. 「拍賣品」:指交予本公司以供拍賣出售之物品,尤其在任何目錄內以 任何編號描述之一項或多項物品。 5. 「落槌價」:指本公司就某一拍賣品而接受之最高出價之價款。 6. 「買家服務費」:指買家按落槌價之某一百分比而支付本公司之費用; 收費率如第二條第4a項所列。 7. 「底價」:指本公司與賣家協定之最低價格,拍賣品不能以低於該價之 價格售出。 8. 「膺品」:指拍賣品構成模仿,而模仿之原構想及其整體執行均具有欺 詐意圖,以就拍賣品之作者、來歷、年代、時期、文化或來源進行欺 騙,而對此等事項之正確描述並未在目錄之描述上反映出來,而拍賣品 在拍賣當日之價值,遠低於按照目錄之描述所應有之價值。按此定義, 任何拍賣品均不會因為有任何損壞及/或任何形式之修整(包括重新上 漆)而成為膺品。 9. 「保險值」:指本公司不時按其絕對決定權認為拍賣品所應購買之保險 之價值(不論保險是否由本公司安排購買)。 10. 「賣家服務費」:指賣家應支付本公司之費用。 二、買家 1. 本公司作為賣家代理人 本公司作為賣家代理人之身分行事。除另行協定外,在本公司之拍賣中 成功拍賣之物品,即產生賣家通過本公司之代理與買家達成之合約。 2. 拍賣前 a. 鑑定物品 本公司鄭重建議,準買家應於拍賣進行之前親自鑑定其有興趣競投之 物品。本公司就任何拍賣品及相關證明文件之真偽,均不對買家作任 何保證。 b. 拍賣品狀況之重要注意事項 請準買家注意,在可能的範圍內,目錄中對於拍賣品特性上之描述, 皆已提及顯著的損壞,惟不包括所有的缺陷、瑕疪與不完整。對任何 拍賣品之描述亦不應視作表示其無經過重整或修理,亦不應視作對拍 賣品狀態或保存情況的陳述或保證。在目錄中若有狀態陳述的缺乏或 損害鑑定的缺乏,並不代表拍賣品是為良好狀態。本公司鄭重建議, 準買家在拍賣進行之前,對於有興趣競投之拍賣品狀況應經由親自檢 閱,不應依據目錄中的描述或陳述,因為任何在目錄中所列出的描述 或陳述是為純粹本公司的主觀意見,並非提供聲明或擔保。準買家知 悉並瞭解所有拍賣品均以「現狀」售出,本公司對於任何拍出之拍賣 品狀態不作任何承諾或保證。 c. 符號表示 以下為本目錄所載符號之說明 o保證項目 拍賣品編號旁註有o符號者,表示賣家已取得本公司保證,可在一次 或一連串拍賣中得到最低出售價格。此保證可由本公司、第三方或由 本公司與第三方共同提供。保證可為由第三方提供之不可撤銷競投之 形式做出。若保證拍賣品成功售出,提供或參與提供保證之第三方可 能會取得財務利益;惟銷售不成功時,則可能會產生虧損。若提供或 參與保證之第三方成功競投保證拍賣品時,他們仍需支付全額的買家 服務費。 d. 目錄說明 本公司於目錄或鑑定意見書內對任何拍賣品及其證書之作者、來歷、 日期、年代、尺寸、材質、歸屬、真實性、出處、保存狀況或估計售 價之陳述,或另行對此等方面之口頭或書面陳述,均僅屬意見之陳 述,不應依據為確實事實之陳述。目錄圖示亦僅作為指引而已,不應 作為任何拍賣項目之依據,藉以決定其顏色或色調,或揭示其缺陷。


拍賣價格之估計,不應依據為拍賣品會成功拍賣之價格或拍賣品作 其他用途之價值陳述。 許多拍賣品基於其年代或性質,使其未能有完美之狀況,目錄內有 些說明或鑑定意見書會提述拍賣品之損壞及/或修整資料。此等資 料僅作為指引而已,如未有提述此等資料,亦不表示拍賣品並無缺 陷或修整,如已提述特定缺陷,亦不表示並無其他缺陷。 e. 買家之責任 有關拍賣品之狀況以及目錄說明所提述之事項,買家有責任自行查 明並瞭解,並就拍賣品為自己獨立之判斷及評估,並確使自己感到 滿意。 3. 拍賣時 a. 估價 目錄內及拍賣當日所提供之美金等貨幣估價,僅為參考依據。本拍 賣會須以新台幣結算,買家如須以新台幣之外其他貨幣繳付,須依 拍賣日現場公佈之匯率,折合所繳付之等值貨幣計算。 b. 拒絕入場 拍賣於本公司之場地進行,或於本公司為拍賣而具有控制權之場地 進行,本公司具有完全之決定權,可行使權利拒絕任何人進入拍賣 場地或參與拍賣。 c. 競投之前作出登記 每一準買家在作出競投之前,必須填妥及簽署登記表格,並提供身 分證明。準買家應注意,本公司通常會要求對買家作出信用核查。 d. 競投保證金 競投者,應在領取競投號牌前繳納競投保證金,競投保證金的金額 由本公司在拍賣日前公佈。 (1) 若競投者未支付競投保證金,本公司有權不接受其競投。若競 投者未能購得拍賣品且對本公司無任何欠款則將無息退還保證 金。 (2) 若競投者成為買家,則本公司有權將此保證金自動轉化為已成 交拍賣品購買款項之一部(包含落槌價、服務費或運費等相關 費用),若尚有餘款須退回給買家;若買家無正當理由未於成 功拍賣日期後七天內支付全部應支付之成交拍賣品購買款項 (包含落槌價、服務費或運費等相關費用)予本公司,買家不 得請求返還競投保證金。 e. 競投者為買家 競投者將被視為買家而須承擔個人法律責任,除非登記時已經與本 公司書面協定,競投者僅為第三人之代理人,且該第三人復為本公 司所接受者。 f. 委託競投 如準買家使用印於目錄說明之後之表格指示本公司代其競投,本公 司將盡適當努力代其競投,但代為競投指示須於拍賣前送抵本公 司。如本公司就某一拍賣品而收到多個委託競投之相等競投價,而 在拍賣時此等競投價乃該拍賣品之最高競投價,則該拍賣品會歸其 委託競投最先送抵本公司之人。委託競投之承擔受拍賣時之其他承 諾所限,而拍賣進行之情況可能使本公司無法代為競投。由於此項 承擔乃本公司為準買家按所述條款提供之免費服務,如未能按委託 作出競投,本公司將不負任何法律責任。準買家如希望確保競投成 功,應親自出席競投。 g. 電話競投 如準買家於拍賣前與本公司作好安排,本公司將盡適當努力聯絡競 投者,使其能以電話參與競投,但在任何情況下,如未能聯絡或無 法參加電話競投,本公司對賣家或任何準買家均不負任何責任。 h. 透過 Invaluable 進行網上競投 若準買家未能出席拍賣會,或可透過Invaluable網上競投服務於網上 競投屬意拍品,而承擔買家獨立責任。此項服務乃免費及保密。有 關透過 Invaluable 網上競投服務登記,進行網上競投之詳情,請參閱 本公司網頁 ravenel.com。使用Invaluable網上競投服務之準買家須接 受透過Invaluable網上競投服務進行即時網上競投之附加條款(可參 閱網站),以及適用於該拍賣之業務規則所規範,本公司得隨時修 改該業務規則。 i. 匯率轉換顯示板 拍賣會中,本公司會使用匯率轉換顯示板。匯率轉換顯示板僅供參 考,不論是顯示板所示之拍賣品編號或是新台幣競投價之相等外 匯,其準確程度均可能會出現非本公司所能控制之誤差。買家因依 賴匯率轉換顯示板(而非因以新台幣競投)所導致而蒙受之任何損 失,本公司概不負責。

j. 錄映影像 在有些拍賣中會有影像投射,但其操作或會出現錯誤。不論影像是 否與成功拍賣之拍賣品相配合,或是翻版影像之質素,本公司對買 家均不負任何責任。 k. 拍賣官之決定權 拍賣官具有絕對決定權,有權拒絕任何競投、以其決定之方式推動 出價、將任何拍賣品撤回或分批、將任何兩件或多件拍賣品合併, 以及如遇有誤差或爭議,將拍賣品重新拍賣。拍賣官會於拍賣開始 前或於相關拍賣品競標前對注意事項作出通告,準買家須負責自行 注意所有於拍賣會場發表之通告。建議使用即時網上競投服務參與 競投的準買家,於拍賣開始前登入,以確保準買家得知拍賣開始前 所作出之通告。 l. 成功競投在拍賣官之決定權下,下槌即顯示對最高競投價之接受, 亦即為賣家與買家合意依落槌價拍定拍賣品,視為成功拍賣合約之 訂立。 4. 成功拍賣後 a. 買家支付每件拍賣品之服務費費率 (1) 買家除支付落槌價外,另須支付服務費予本公司,落槌價於新台 幣參仟貳佰萬元以下者含參仟貳佰萬元以落槌價之20%計算。 (2) 落槌價於新台幣參仟貳佰萬元以上者,採分為二階段計費,其中 新台幣參仟貳佰萬元以落槌價之20%計算,超過新台幣參仟貳 佰萬元之部份再以落槌價之12%,加總計算服務費金額。 b. 稅項 買家應付予本公司之款項,如須另行支付貨物、服務稅或其他稅則 時(不論由台灣政府或別處所徵收)。買家須負責按有關法律所規 定之稅率及時間,自行繳付稅款。 c. 付款 成功拍賣後,買家須向本公司提供其真實姓名及永久地址。如經本 公司要求,買家亦須提供付款銀行之詳情,包含但不限於付款帳 號。買家應於拍賣日期後七天內悉數支付應支付予本公司之款項 (包含落槌價、服務費或運費等相關費用)。即使買家希望將拍賣 品出口並需要(或可能需要)出口許可證,此一付款條件亦適用。 買家如未向本公司支付所欠之全部款項,則不能取得拍賣品之所有 權,即使本公司已將拍賣品交付予買家亦然。如支付予本公司之 款項為新台幣以外之貨幣,須依拍賣日現場公佈之匯率(台灣銀 行),並以本公司就此兌換率而發出之憑證為準。 d. 領取已購拍賣品 除非本公司另有特別相反協定,否則本公司將暫時保留已成功拍賣 之拍賣項目,直至欠本公司之款項已悉數支付為止。已購拍賣品在 暫時保留期間,由成功拍賣日後起算七天將受保於本公司之保險, 如屆時拍賣品已被領取,則受保至領取時為止。七天期滿後或自領 取時起(以較早者為準),已購拍賣品之風險全由買家承擔。 e. 介紹裝運及運輸公司 本公司之貨運部門在買家要求下,可為買家介紹運輸公司、安排付 運及購買特定保險,但本公司在此方面不負任何法律責任。買家必 須預先繳付運輸費用。 f. 不付款或未有領取已購拍賣品之補救辦法 如買家並未在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款,本公司即有權行使下 述一項或多項權利或補救辦法: (1) 在成功拍賣日後起算超過七天仍未付款,則按不超過台灣銀行基 本放款利率加收10%之年利率收取整筆欠款之利息。此外本公司 可同時按日收取依成交價(含落槌價、服務費)1%計算之懲罰 性違約金。本公司亦得自行選擇將買家未付之款項,用以抵銷 本公司或其他關係企業在任何其他交易中欠下買家之款項,買 家絕無異議。 (2) 對任何屬於買家所有而因任何目的(包含但不限於其他交易)而由 本公司管有之已購拍賣品行使留置權,並在給予買家有關其未 付之欠繳之十四天通知後,安排將該物品出售並將收益用以清 償該未付之欠款。 (3) 如買家因多項不同之交易而欠下本公司數筆款項,將所付之款項 用以清償已購拍賣品就任何特定交易而欠下之任何款項,而不 論買家是否指示用以清償該筆款項。 (4) 在將來的任何拍賣中,拒絕買家作出或由他人代其作出之競投, 或在接受其任何競投之前先收取買家一筆競投保證金。如買家 未有在三十五天內付款,本公司除上述辦法外,另有權為下述 一項或多項權利或補救辦法:

(a) 代賣家針對買家進行法律程序,以追討整筆欠款,連同此項以悉 數賠償為基準之法律程序訴訟費。 (b) 取消同一次或任何其他拍賣中買家競投得之拍賣品或任何其他售 予買家之拍賣品交易。 (c) 安排將拍賣品公開或私下重售,如重售所得價格較低,就差額連 同因買家未有付款而引致之任何費用一併向買家索償。 g. 未有領取已購拍賣品 如已購得之拍賣品未有在成功拍賣日後起算七天內領取,則不論是 否已付款,本公司將安排貯存事宜,費用由買家承擔。而買家在付 清所引起之貯存、搬運、運輸、保險及任何其他費用,連同欠本公 司之所有其他款項後,方可領取已購拍賣品項目。 h. 出口許可證 除本公司另有書面同意外,買家希望申請出口許可證,並不影響買 家在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款之責任,亦不影響本公司對延遲 付款收取利息之權利。 如買家要求本公司代為申請出口許可證,本公司有權向其收取與此 項申請有關之款項及零碎開支連同任何有關之稅則。 如買家不需要出口許可證而作出付款,本公司並無責任退還買家因 此而引致之任何利息或其他開支。 5. 本公司之法律責任 本公司僅在第二條第6項所列之情況下,得退還款項予買家。除此之 外,不論賣家或本公司,或本公司任何僱員或代理人,對任何拍賣品之 作者、來歷、日期、年代、歸屬、真實性或出處之陳述,或任何其他說 明之誤差,任何拍賣品之任何瑕疵或缺陷,均不負有任何責任。賣家、 本公司、本公司之僱員或代理人,不論是明示或暗示均無就任何拍賣品 作出任何保證。任何種類之任何擔保,均不包含在本條之內。 6. 膺品/贓物之退款 本公司之拍賣品,經本公司書面認可之專業鑑定機構出具鑑定報告證實 為膺品、贓物或涉及不法情事者,則交易將取消,已付之款項於交付賣 家前將退還予買家。但如: a. 在拍賣日發出之目錄說明或拍賣場通告符合當時學者或專家普遍接納 之意見,或清楚表明有牴觸當時學者或專家普遍接納之意見。 b. 或證明拍賣品為膺品或贓物之方法,只是一種在目錄出版前仍未普遍 獲接納使用之科學程序,或是一種在拍賣日仍屬昂貴得不合理或並 不實際或很可能會對拍賣品造成損壞之程序,則本公司無論如何並 無責任退還任何款項。此外,買家只在滿足下述條件下方可獲得退 款: (1) 買家必須在拍賣日起十日內以書面通知本公司,說明買家認為有 關拍賣品乃膺品或贓物之詳細理由及證據。 (2) 且買家需於書面通知後十四天內將拍賣品送還本公司,而其狀況 應維持與拍賣當日相同,不得有任何損壞。 (3) 送還拍賣品後,買家須盡快出示證據,足以使本公司確信拍賣品 乃膺品或贓物(本公司保有最終及不可異議之決定權),買家並可 將拍賣品之完整所有權及相關權利轉讓予本公司,而與任何第 三人之索償無涉。在任何情況下,本公司均毋須向買家支付多 於買家就有關拍賣品而支付之款項,而買家亦不能索取利息。 本擔保之利益不能轉讓,完全屬於拍賣品成功拍賣時獲本公司發給正本 發票之買家所有(該買家名稱被記載於發票上),該名買家並須自拍賣後 一直保持拍賣品擁有人之身分,而且並無將拍賣品之任何利益讓予任何 第三人。本公司有權依據任何科學程序或其他程序確定拍賣品並非膺品 或贓物,不論該程序在拍賣當日是否已使用或已在使用,如本公司驗證 拍賣品是否屬於贗品或贓物結果與買家出示證據相衝突者,應以本公司 驗證結果為準。

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TRANSACTION AGREEMENT The following provisions are entered into by and between Ravenel Ltd., as the auctioneer, (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”),and the Seller (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"). This Agreement is also entered into by and between the Company as the agent of the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter the "Buyer"). The Prospective Buyer, the Buyer and the Seller must carefully review and completely agree all provisions hereunder and any revisions from time to time. The Prospective Buyer, the Buyer should pay special attention to Article 2, Section 5 which provides limitations as to the legal responsibilities of the Company. ARTICLE 1.DEFINITION Some of the phrases commonly seen herein are defined as follows: 1. "The Buyer" shall mean highest bidder accepted by the Company. 2. "The Prospective Buyer" shall mean any potential bidder willing to attend the auction sale hosted by the Company. 3. 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and shall not be deemed the basis for the statements of actual fact. The photographs shown in the catalogue shall serve as reference only and shall not be deemed as the basis for determining the color or tone of any Lots or disclosure of the defects of such item. The estimates of the auction price shall not be deemed the price at which such item will be successfully sold or the statement of the value of the item for other purposes. Many Lots fail to maintain their perfect condition because of time and other environmental factors. Some of the explanations in the catalogue or the authentication opinions will state defects and/or the repair background of the Lots. Such information is meant for reference only. Missing information in the statements does not mean the Lot has no defects or has not been repaired. Any statement of one particular defect does not mean there is no any other defect. e. Responsibility of the Buyer The Buyer is responsible for clarifying and satisfying himself about the condition of the items and any related matters stated in the catalogue descriptions and making his/her/its own judgment or estimation independently regarding the Lots.ing his/her own judgment or estimation independently regarding the Lots. 3. In the Auction a. Estimates The prices in US dollars or other currencies reproduced in the auction and this catalogue are for reference only. The Buyer is requested to pay by New Taiwan dollars or other foreign currencies in its equivalency based on the exchange rate announced by the Company on the day of auction. b. Refusal of Admission The auction is held at the premises of the Company or any location where the Company has control of for the auction. The Company has full discretion to exercise the right to refuse entry to the premises for the auction or to prevent participation in the auction. c. Registration Prior to the Bidding Prospective Buyers must fill in and sign the registration forms prior to the bidding and provide personal identification. Prospective Buyers should also note that the Company may request to conduct credit checks against Buyers. d. The Bidding Deposit The bidder shall pay the bidding deposit before receiving the bidding number. The Company will announce the amount of the bidding deposit before the auction day. (1) If the bidder fails to pay the bidding deposit in advance, the Company has the right to refuse the bid. If the bidder is not able to purchase any Lot and has no outstanding debts to the Company, the Company will return the bidding deposit to the bidder. (2) If the bidder becomes the Buyer, the Company has the right to transfer the bidding deposit into the payment (including but without limitation, Hammer price, Buyer's Premium, Costs and expenses for shipping and related costs ) of the Lot for which transaction is concluded. And the Company will return the balance of the deposit to the Buyer (if any). If the Buyer ,without any good cause, fails to pay any and all payment (including but without limitation, Hammer price, Buyer's Premium, Costs and expenses for shipping and related costs) of the Lot to the Company within 7 days after the auction date ,the Buyer shall not claim for the return of the bidding deposit. e. The Bidder is the Buyer Unless a written agreement has been made upon registration that the bidder will be the agent who acts on behalf of a third person and such third person is accepted by the Company, the bidder will be deemed as the Buyer who will bear individual legal responsibilities. f. Commission Bids The Company will make the proper effort to bid for the Prospective Buyers who instruct us to bid on their behalf by using the provided forms attached to the explanations of the catalogue; however, bid commission instructions must be delivered to the Company prior to the auction. If the Company receives several commission bids for one particular item, with all bid prices being equal and of the highest bid price at the auction, priority shall be given to the Buyer whose bid commission is delivered to the Company first. Commission bids are subject to auction conditions. The situation at the auction may prevent the Company from making the bid as commissioned. This is a free service provided by the Company to the Prospective Buyers pursuant to the provisions prescribed. The Company will not be held legally liable if it fails to make the bid as commissioned. The Prospective Buyers should attend the auction in person if they wish to ensure a successful bid. g. Bid by Phone The Company will make proper effort to contact the bidder so he/she can participate in the auction by phone if the Prospective Buyer make arrangements with the Company prior to the auction. However, the Company will bear no responsibilities to the Seller or any prospective Buyer if no contact is made or any failure to participate in the auction by phone under any circumstances. h. Online Bids via Invaluable If the bidder cannot attend the auction, it may be possible to bid online via Invaluable for preferred Lots to bear individual buyer's responsibilities. This service is free and confidential. For information about registering to bid via Invaluable, please refer to Ravenel.com. The Bidders using the Invaluable online bidding service are subject to the additional terms and conditions for online bidding via Invaluable, which can be viewed at Ravenel.com and be revised by the Company from time to time. i. Exchange Rate Conversion Board There will be an exchange rate conversion board operating in auctions. Nonetheless, the auction will still be conducted in NT dollars. The exchange rate conversion board is not absolutely reliable and for the reference only. The accuracy of either the Lot numbering shown on the board or the equivalent of the bid price in any foreign currency is not within the control of the Company. The Company will not be responsible for any losses caused by the reliance of the Buyer on the exchange rate conversion board.

j. Recorded Images There is image projection in some auctions; however, errors may occur during the operation. The Company is not liable for the color accuracy of the reproduced image and whether the projected image corresponds to the item being auctioned. k. Determining Power of the Auctioneer The auctioneer has the absolute power to reject any bid, push for bids at his/her discretion, withdraw any auction items, separate or combine two or more auction items, and if there is any error or dispute, re-auction the items. If the auctioneer announces the points for attention before the auction or the bidding, the Prospective Buyers shall pay attention for any announcement as its own responsibility. We recommend the Prospective Buyers using Online Bids Services to log in the system prior to the commencement of the auction, to ensure the timely awareness of any notices or announcements made prior to the auction. l. Successful Bids Under the discretion of the auctioneer, the fall of the hammer indicates the acceptance of the highest bid price, i.e., the Seller and the Buyer enter into a successful auction agreement on Hammer Price. 4. Following the Auction a. The Buyer's Premium of Each Lot (1) The Buyer should pay the hammer price and, in addition, the Buyer's Premium to the Company. For hammer price below NT$ 32,000,000 (inclusive), the Buyer's Premium should be calculated at 20% of the hammer price. (2) For hammer price higher than NT$ 32,000,000, total amount of the Buyer's Premium should be that the first NT$ 32,000,000 of the hammer price should be calculated at 20% and the rest of the amount of the hammer price should be calculated at 12% of the hammer price. b. Taxes All the payments payable by the Buyer to the Company do not include any commodity or service taxes or any other value added taxes (whether imposed by the Taiwanese government or elsewhere). The Buyer should be responsible for paying any applicable taxes as required by the law. c. Payment The Buyer should provide his/her/its true name and permanent address to the Company upon the successful bid. Relevant bank information, including but without limitations the payment account, should also be provided upon the company request. All payments due (including the hammer price, the Buyer's Premium and any freights or other expenses) should be paid within 7 days following the auction date. The aforesaid provision also applies if the Buyer intends to export the Lot and (may) need the export permit. If the Buyer fails to pay to the Company all the payments due, the Buyer will not acquire the ownership of the Lot even if the Company has delivered such item to the Buyer. If the payment to the Company are made in any currency other than NT dollars, the exchange rate of the payments to the Company should be the exchange rate reported by the Bank of Taiwan to the Company on the auction date and should be based on the certificates issued by the Company according to such exchange rate. d. Collection of the Lot Sold Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Company will hold temporarily the successfully sold Lots until all payments to the Company are made in full. The Lot will be covered by the insurance of the Company from the auction date for 7 days during the temporary holding period. The insurance coverage will terminate upon earlier collection of such item. The Buyer should be responsible for all risks following expiration of the said 7-day period or the collection (whichever is the earlier). e. Referral of Packaging or Transportation Companies The shipping department of the Company may introduce the forwarder, assist in the arrangement of delivery, or purchase particular insurance upon the Buyer's request. The Company will not be held liable for any legal responsibilities in this regard. And the Buyer shall prepay the freight charges. Costs and expenses for shipping and insurance shall be paid in advance. f. Remedies for Non-Payment or Non-Collection of Items Sold The Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights or remedies if the Buyer fails to make payment within 7 days following the auction date: (1) An interest at the annual rate of no higher than 10% plus the base interest rate of Bank of Taiwan will be imposed on all of the payment due if payment is not made within 7 days following the auction date. Besides, we have the right of charging also 1% selling price (including of hammer price and Buyer's Premium) multiplied by the number of delayed days as punitive damage for the default. The payment to be made by the Buyer may offset any payment owed by the Company or its subsidiaries to the Buyer for any other transactions upon the Company's sole decision. (2) To exercise lien of any items owned by the Buyer and held by the Company for any purpose including but without limitations other transactions. The Company may arrange to sell such items after serving a 14-day notice to the Buyer about his/hers/its non-payment. The proceeds shall make up for the payment due. (3) If the Buyer owes the Company several payments as a result of different transactions, the payments will set-off any payments due in any particular transaction, regardless of whether the Buyer specifies to setoff such payments. (4) Refuse the Buyer to make, or to make on behalf of others, bids in any future auctions and/or to require a security deposit from the Buyer before accepting any future bids from him/her/it. If the Buyer fails to make payment within 35 days, the Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights in addition to the aforementioned: (a) To bring legal proceedings against the Buyer on behalf of the Seller to claim the entire payment due and the legal fees and attorney fees resulting from such proceeding based on a total claim. (b) Cancel the transaction of Lots bid by the Buyer or any other auction items sold to the Buyer at the same or any other auctions. (c) To arrange a public or private re-sale of the Lot. If the re-selling price is lower, the difference will be claimed against the Buyer together with any cost incurred as a result of the non-payment by the Buyer.

g. No Collection of the Lot Sold The Company will arrange for the storage of the Lot if such item sold is not collected within 7 days following the successful auction, regardless of payment. Such storage cost will be borne by the Buyer. Only when the storage, handling, shipping, insurance cost and any other expenses together with any other payments due to the Company are paid in full can the sold Lot be collected. h. Export Permit Except where otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, the fact that the Buyer's wishes to apply for an export permit does not affect the Buyer's responsibility to make the payments in 7 days following the auction date; nor does it affect the Company's right to impose interest on delayed payments. If the Buyer requests that the Company applies for the export permit on his/hers/its behalf, the Company is entitled to collect monies made in connection with such an application and any miscellaneous expenses together with any relevant value added taxes. If the Buyer makes the payment regardless of the fact that an export permit is needed, the Company is not responsible for returning to the Buyer any interest or other expenses incurred therefrom. 5. The Legal Responsibility of the Company The Company is responsible for returning payment to the Buyer pursuant to Article 2, Section 6. Otherwise, whether the Buyer, the Company, any employees or agents of the Company will not be held liable for any statements of the author, history, date, year, ownership, authenticity or origin of any auction item or any errors with respect to any explanations and any flaws or defects of any auction item. The Seller, the Company, the employees or the agents of the Company make no guarantee impliedly or explicitly with respect to any auction items. Any warranty of any kind shall not be included herein. 6. Return of Payments for Counterfeits or stolen goods The transaction will be cancelled and payments made before remit to the Seller will be returned to the Buyer if the Lot of the Company is confirmed to be a counterfeit or stolen goods, or involved in obvious illegality by the professional appraisal party agreed and recognized by the Company in writing. However, if: a. The catalogue explanations or the notice at the auction distributed on the auction day corresponds to the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields or explicitly indicates it conflicts with the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields. b. Or the method used to prove that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods is a scientific procedure not generally accepted for use before the publication of the catalogue or a procedure unreasonably expensive on the day of the auction, or impractical, or may cause damage to the Lot; the Company is not liable for the return of any payment under any circumstances. In addition, the Buyer's payment can only be refunded when the following terms are met: (1) The Buyer must notify the Company in writing within 10 days following the auction day that he/she considers the relevant auction item a counterfeit or stolen goods. (2) The Buyer must return the Lot to the Company within the following 14 days and the condition of the item must be the same as on the auction day without any damage. (3) Upon returning the Lot, the Buyer must present evidence as soon as possible to convince the Company that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods (The Company has the final and sole discretion and decision and such decision shall not be objected in this regard). The Buyer may also assign the good ownership of the Lot to the Company, which shall not concern any third party claim. Under no circumstances is it necessary for the Company to pay the Buyer an amount more than what the Buyer pays in connection with the Lot and the Buyer cannot claim interests. The interests of the warranty cannot be assigned and belong solely to the Buyer who receives the original invoice on which such Buyer's name is recorded from the Company when the Lot is sold. Such Buyers shall remain the owner of the auction Lot and cannot assign any interest of the Lot to any other person. The Company is entitled to ascertain that the Lot is not a counterfeit or stolen goods based on a scientific procedure or any other procedure, regardless of whether such procedure is being used on the day of the auction. If the result of appraising and verifying whether the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods by the Company conflicts with the evidence provided by the Buyer, the Company's said result shall prevail over the evidence provided by the Buyer.

Please refer to our website for seller’s Transaction Agreement. http://ravenel.com http://ravenelart.com.cn


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