尊釀雲集 Finest and Rarest Wines

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Finest and Rarest Wines


This auction catalogue: US$50 per copy

羅芙奧台北 2023 春季藏酒拍賣會 尊釀雲集

RAVENEL SPRING AUCTION 2023 TAIPEI Finest and Rarest Wines















2023年6月1日(四)- 3日(六)上午11:00至下午7:00



WINE|Thursday, June 1, 2023, 2:00pm

WHISKY|Friday, June 2, 2023, 2:00pm

Marriott Taipei|Grand Space, 3F, No. 199, Lequn 2nd Road, ZhongShan Dist., Taipei



Saturday, May 13, 2023, 11:00am - 6:00pm

Sunday, May 14, 2023, 11:00am - 6:00pm

J. P. Art Center|8F, No. 63, Wufu 3rd Rd., Qianjin Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Saturday, May 20, 2023, 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Sunday, May 21, 2023, 11:00am - 6:00pm

Fong-Yi Art Gallery|B1, No. 110, Section 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung, Taiwan


Thursday, June 1 - Saturday, June 3, 2023, 11:00am - 7:00pm

Marriott Taipei|Grand Space, 3F, No. 199, Lequn 2nd Road, ZhongShan Dist., Taipei, Taiwan


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氣泡的誘惑-香檳專區 Lot 001 - 048


經典波爾多珍釀 Lot 050 - 096


酒莊直送專區 Lot 097 - 125


舊世界精選 Lot 130 - 146


淬鍊的雋永滋味-世界甜酒專區 Lot 147 - 155


新世界精選 Lot 157 - 167


風華絕代勃根地 Lot 170 - 399



Lot 215- 248



永遠的王者- DRC專區

Lot 281 - 340




威士忌 Lot 400 - 700


Lot 400 - 419


Lot 527 - 557



Lot 656 - 667





圖錄照片僅供參考,羅芙奧樂意提供您本次拍賣當中任何一項拍 品的狀況報告書,報告內容請參閱羅芙奧網站。

Photos in this catalogue are for reference only. Ravenel is glad to provide you with the condition report of any of the items at the auction. For more information, please refer to Ravenel.com.

葡萄酒專場 6月 1 日︵四︶ 2:00pm 威士忌專場 6月 2 日︵五︶ 2:00pm
氣泡的誘惑-香檳專區 Lot 001 - 048

香檳王 (Dom Pérignon) 可以說是頂級香檳的代名詞,品牌名稱源自香檳之父唐貝里儂神父,他於 17 世紀時擔任 Benedictine 修道院的酒窖主 管,畢生的心血造就了今日的「香檳法 (Champenoise)」釀製技術。Dom Pérignon 的所有酒款均以自有葡萄園的果實打造而成,其基酒混調 (L'Assemblage) 技藝亦令人讚嘆,不使用橡木桶,強調純淨無瑕的果香,口感豐潤如絲綢般滑順,七年以上的窖藏陳年更賦予香檳複雜而繽紛的風 味。於 1936 年首度推出 Vintage 1921 年份香檳後,僅在葡萄質量最佳的年份才會進行年份香檳的釀造。

Dom Pérignon 1990


The profoundly rich 1990 Dom Perignon is a creamy-textured, full styled offering that loses none of its elegance in spite of its flavor authority. It seems obvious that the quality of the 1990 Champagne vintage is going to be remarkable, and the world-wide demand will be unprecedented.

001 2 bts 1/OGB NT$ 24,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000
Pérignon 2002 WA:96 002 12 bts 6/OC NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 100,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000
Pérignon 2004 2sc 003 2 bts NT$ 11,000 - NT$ 15,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000
Pérignon 2005 004 6 bts 1/OGB NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000
Pérignon Rosé 2002 WA:98, 4cc 005 4 bts 1/OGB NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000
Pérignon P2 1998 006 1 bt NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Dom Pérignon Œnothèque 1962 007 3 bts OWC NT$ 260,000 - NT$ 340,000 HK$ 68,000 - HK$ 88,000

Henriot 家族自十六世紀起就居住於法國香檳區,直到 1808 年才正式成立 Champagne Henriot。1957 年,Joseph Henriot 接下家族釀酒事 業,並逐漸成為香檳區最有影響力的人物之一,1995 年更買下 Domaine Bouchard Père et Fils 的經營權。Henriot 將不同區域的收成分開榨汁,

以便保有每個地塊的原始風味。其香檳常帶有高比例的 Chardonnay,展現清新高雅的風貌,質地乾淨且帶有豐富的礦石色彩。Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 是酒莊的旗艦款香檳,挑選最優良的葡萄園在特定的年份生產,並在酒桶中陳放長達 12 個月,之後再裝瓶進行二次發酵,並在 Reims 區 Callo-Toman 18 公尺深的天然石灰岩酒窖中熟成達 10 年之久,讓香檳緩慢琢磨出最顛峰的綽約豐華。

38 La Réserve


016 1 mag (1.5L) OGB NT$ 13,000 - NT$ 17,000

HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

11 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1989 009 4 bts NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1995 010 6 bts 1/OGB NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1995 011 4 mags (1.5L) 1/OWC NT$ 46,000 - NT$ 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 16,000 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1996 012 12 bts 1/OWC NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1998 013 3 bts 1/OGB NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1998 014 3 mags (1.5L) 1/OWC NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000 Henriot Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1999 015 3 mags (1.5L) 1/OGB NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
Perpétuelle Blanc de Blancs

被全球香檳愛好者公認為 RM 小農香檳之王的 Jacques Selosse, 掌門人 Anselme Selosse 是香檳區的革命先驅,早在 1974 年接手 家族葡萄園之際,便將勃根地葡萄酒的風土概念與釀酒理念帶入香檳 的釀製,強調讓每一款香檳最大程度地展現葡萄果實自然的「地塊 (Terroir)」特色,不僅大幅地減低產量、採取有機耕種方式、採用純 天然的野生酵母發酵,更向 Leflaive、Coche-Dury 等勃根地白酒 名廠收購橡木桶,依照不同地塊的風土特色進行不等程度的陳年。

Jacques Selosse Initial Blanc de Blancs NV 1 bt

Jacques Selosse Blanc de Blancs Extra-Brut 1999

024 1 bt NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Roses de Jeanne Inflorescence La Parcelle NV


025 3 bts NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Roses de Jeanne Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs Brut NV

026 3 bts NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Jacques Selosse Initial Blanc de Blancs NV

Drappier Carte d'Or 1979

Jacques Selosse Substance Blanc de Blancs Brut NV

Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Rosé 2006

Jacques Selosse Lieux-dits 'Sous le Mont' – Mareuil sur Ay Extra Brut NV

Jacques Selosse Lieux-dits Collection Extra Brut NV

'Les Carelles' – Le Mesnil sur Oger WA:96+

'La Cote Faron' – Ay WA:98

'Le Bout du Clos' – Ambonnay WA:97

'Les Chantereines' – Avize WA:99

'Sous le Mont' – Mareuil sur Ay WA:96

'Chemin de Chalons' – Cramant WA:96

Jacques Selosse Rosé NV 1 bt
Total: 2 bts
36,000 -
9,000 - HK$ 11,000
020 6 bts OC
75,000 -
19,000 - HK$ 25,000
1scl 021 3 bts NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000 HK$ 13,000
HK$ 18,000
022 3 bts NT$ 60,000
NT$ 80,000 HK$
16,000 -
bts OWC NT$ 120,000
NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000
HK$ 42,000
Total: 6
bts OC NT$ 60,000
16,000 - HK$ 21,000
028 6 bts 1/OGB per lot NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 029 6 bts 1/OGB HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

Salon 創立於 1911 年,使用香檳區最知名的單一葡萄園 Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 中的 Chardonnay 進行白中白香檳的釀造。酒莊對完美品質的追求,

使得 Salon 在整個 20 世紀僅生產了 37 個年份,且年產量不超過六萬瓶,數量極為稀少。Salon 從葡萄果實開始便進行嚴格的篩選,同時僅採用榨

汁前段 70% 的葡萄汁液,有著優質白酒集中且厚實的口感;而除渣時僅添加少量的糖,更能保有葡萄汁液原始的酸度與立體的骨架,即便陳放 40 年, 酒體依舊新鮮迷人、充滿活力。Salon 堅信長時間的陳釀可以帶出香檳最完美的一面,因此所有的香檳都會帶渣陳年 10 年以上,直到釀酒師認為品 質已臻圓滿,才會陸續上市。

Salon Le Mesnil Blanc de Blancs 1995

031 1 bt NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 42,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

Salon Le Mesnil Blanc de Blancs 2002


Subtle aromas of brioche, iodine and walnuts now inflect its bouquet of ripe lemon, green apple and crushed chalk, and on the palate, the wine is full-bodied, broad and powerful, with a fine mousse and considerable depth and dimension, concluding with a delicately chalky finish.

032 6 bts 1/OWC NT$ 170,000 - NT$ 220,000

HK$ 44,000 - HK$ 57,000

Salon Le Mesnil Blanc de Blancs 2007


033 1 mag (1.5L) OWC NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000

Salon Le Mesnil Blanc de Blancs 2012


Unwinding in the glass with notes of citrus oil, wet stones, freshly baked bread, white currants and oyster shell, it's full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with a tightly wound core of fruit, racy acids and an elegant pinpoint mousse. Concluding with a long and resonant finish, this is a structured and powerful Salon.

034 3 bts OWC NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

創建於 1776 年,Louis Roederer 在法國香檳界一直擁有著貴族般 崇高的地位。1870 年,酒廠接受俄國沙皇亞歷山大二世的訂製,頂 級奢華的水晶香檳 Cristal 就此問世。稀少的產量、皇室御用的加持、 透明瓶身、無凹槽平底瓶、與防紫外線的金色玻璃紙為其標誌。

Louis Roederer Cristal 2002


040 3 bts 1/OGB

Louis Roederer Cristal 2004


36,000 - NT$ 44,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

It is a powerful, structured Cristal layered with considerable fruit. Chardonnay seems to play the leading role in 2004, at least today. Cristal is often accessible young, but that is far from the case here. This is a serious, painfully young Cristal that will require considerable patience. Readers who are willing to spend some time with the wine today will find a super-impressive, complete Cristal.

041 6 bts 1/OGB NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

Louis Roederer Cristal 2008

WA:98, 2bsl

The wine wafts from the glass with a pure and vibrant bouquet of crisp orchard fruit, clear honey, warm brioche, citrus zest and white flowers. On the palate, it's full-bodied, intense and incisive, with superb concentration, racy acids and a long, searingly chalky finish.

bts 1/OGB NT$ 24,000
NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000
HK$ 8,000 Delamotte Collection Blanc de Blancs 1999 035 3 bts 1/OWC NT$ 16,000 - NT$ 20,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Delamotte Collection Blanc de Blancs 2002 037 3 bts 1/OWC NT$ 14,000 - NT$ 18,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Delamotte Collection Blanc de Blancs 2000 036 3 bts 1/OWC NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Delamotte Collection Brut 1970 038 1 mag (1.5L) OWC NT$ 14,000 - NT$ 18,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Delamotte Collection Brut 1983 039 1 mag (1.5L) OWC NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

Krug 香檳酒廠成立於 1843 年,至今傳承至第六代,現為 LVMH 集團擁有,但釀造與調配仍由家族成員負責。Krug 堅持遵循傳統技法釀製香檳, 至今仍不計成本地使用小橡木桶進行發酵,以出產高品質香檳為其唯一的宗旨。Krug 的每一塊葡萄園都會進行獨立發酵,除此之外,破除了 Pinot Meunier 不適合陳年的迷思,Krug 的年份香檳運用了近兩成的 Pinot Meunier,除渣前進行超過十年以上的二次發酵,當瓶內熟成的時間達到二十 年以上,便會以 Krug Collection 系列發表。而酒廠最為人所稱頌的,便是其由單一葡萄園 Krug Clos du Mesnil 所打造的白中白香檳,僅 1.85 公頃的產地與 DRC 的 Romanée-Conti 相當,年產稀少而珍貴。

1damaged OGB 044 3 bts 1/OGB NT$ 28,000 - NT$ 36,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000 Krug Clos du Mesnil 1990 045 1 bt OWC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000 Krug Clos du Mesnil 1995 046 1 bt OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000
Clos du Mesnil 2006 WA:97 047 1 bt OWC NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000 Krug Collection 1988 048 1 bt OWC NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000
Rosé NV

BORDEAUX COLLECTION 經典波爾多珍釀 Lot 050 - 096

有別於周遭歐式古堡的莊嚴氣魄或是古典情調,走入 Château Cos d'Estournel 酒莊彷彿來到一個神祕國度。帶著東方色彩,酒莊內的 鐘樓、雕像及以大象做為酒莊標幟,其靈感來自於 19 世紀時其優異 的酒質受到王公貴族喜愛,聲名遠播至印度,並獲得了『Maharajah of Saint-Estèphe』稱號。但酒莊不僅僅以其充滿異國風情的建築 聞名。在一向給人單寧堅硬苦澀印象的 Saint-Estèphe 產區中, Château Cos d'Estournel 仍保留著酒液不容忽視的力道,卻以圓潤 豐厚,有如貴族般的優雅特質來呈現,穩坐 Saint-Estèphe 酒莊之首。

Château Cos d'Estournel 1996

Saint-Estèphe, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, 3within neck, 1ltl, 2lsc

050 3 bts NT$ 19,000 - NT$ 26,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

Château Cos d'Estournel 2003

Saint-Estèphe, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, 12within neck, 7lbsl, 7scl, 2sc, US import, OWC無上蓋

051 12 bts OWC NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000

HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000

Château Montrose 2010


Deep garnet colored, the 2010 Montrose opens with classic notions of warm blackcurrants, plum preserves, cedar chest and pencil shavings plus touches of menthol and underbrush. Fullbodied, concentrated and built like a brick house in the mouth, the densely packed, muscular black fruit is superbly supported by firm, ripe, grainy tannins, finishing with great length and depth.

052 12 bts OWC NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Château Léoville Barton 2003

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, 11within neck, 1scl, 6sc, 1crc, US import, loose OWC, source from Christie's

It exhibits a striking bouquet of forest floor and black currants as well as a full-bodied, exuberant, youthful style, an opaque plum/ ruby color, a lot of complexity, and striking depth and richness. This is a profound, stunning effort from Anthony Barton and his team.

053 11 bts

NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 46,000

HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000

Château Pontet-Canet 位於 Pauillac ,緊鄰 Château Mouton Rothschild,擁有 81 公頃的葡萄園。自 1975 年由 Tesseron 家 族接手後,品質不斷提升,在藏家間累積不少人氣。以 Cabernet Sauvignon 為主要葡萄品種,酒質醇厚,良好的單寧結構造就了酒 款的陳年潛力。酒莊堅持以最自然的方式來種植葡萄,是波爾多使用 有機農法及自然動力法的先驅。儘量減少人為干預,除了嚴格禁止使 用化學除草劑之外,酒莊甚至擁有自己的馬匹,以取代牽引機進行葡 萄園作業。種種的用心下,葡萄園發展出強健的生命力,健全的生態 環境生長出健康、品質絕佳的葡萄。

Château Pontet-Canet 2006

Pauillac, Cinquièmes Grand Cru Classé, 12within neck

054 12 bts OWC NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Château Mouton-Rothschild 位於波爾多 Médoc 的 Pauillac 村, 於 1973 年破格從二級酒莊升格成為波爾多一級酒莊。被羅勃帕克 喻為「超過一百分,突破味覺極限的酒款」,Mouton 的旗艦酒款 除了有著熱情奔放的風格、高大的骨架、與圓潤豐腴的質感外,自 1945 年起,每個年份都與藝術家合作酒標的設計,獨特的藝術酒標 述說只屬於當年份的故事,珍藏佳釀的同時亦是視覺的無上饗宴。

Château Mouton Rothschild 1986 1 bt Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:100, top shoulder, tal, scl, cc, crc

Château Mouton Rothschild 1986 1 mag Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:100, very high shoulder, scl, cc, sc

055 Total: 1 bt NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000 1 mag (1.5L) HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Château Mouton Rothschild 1993

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, 1within neck, 1base neck, 1wrl, 2scl, 1stl, 2wc, 2sc, multiple sources

056 2 bts NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 40,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Château Mouton Rothschild 2004

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, 3within neck, 1ltl, 2ldc, 2sc

057 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000


Lafite 酒莊的歷史可追溯至西元 1234 年,然而,自 1675 年

Jacques de Segur 公爵將酒莊納入西谷家族版圖,Lafite 酒莊才真

正開始有著飛躍性的發展。1855 年,Lafite 成為波爾多葡萄酒分級

制度中 Grand Cru Classé 之首的酒莊,葡萄園佔地 100 多公頃。

Château Lafite Rothschild 的葡萄園土壤黏土質較少,以顆粒粗大 的礫石為主,排水性極佳,對葡萄藤來說莫過於是最好的生長環境,

平均樹齡 45 年以上,打造出的酒質結構堅實、酒質內斂,帶著一股 油然而生的高貴質感,在《稀世珍釀》一書中被陳新民先生形容為 「極端優雅」,同時神祕地令人難以捉摸。

Château Lafite Rothschild 1975

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, base neck, tl, sc, wc

058 1 bt NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Château Lafite Rothschild 1990

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, 2within neck, 1lbsl, 1lcc, multiple sources

059 2 bts NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Château Lafite Rothschild 2003

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:100, 3within neck, 1lscl, 1sos

It exhibits a dense ruby/purple color to the rim along with a luxurious bouquet of cedarwood, lead pencil shaving, white chocolate, cocoa and cassis. Fat, rich, opulent and full-bodied with low acidity and stunning seductiveness and complexity, this noble wine possesses a bountiful, generous, heady style.

060 3 bts NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 100,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Château Lafite Rothschild 2003

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:100, within neck, lscl

061 1 dmag (3L) OWC NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000 HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Château Lafite Rothschild 2004

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:95, 3within neck, 1lpc

062 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Château Latour 2004

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:95, 3within neck

It has that quintessential graphite-scented bouquet intermixed with blackberry and cedar, although the liquorice note that I observed previously has receded. Again, there is wonderful definition. The palate is full-bodied but surprisingly more sultry than I expected, especially here where I was able to directly compare it with the other 2004 First Growths.

063 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000

Château Margaux 創建於 1590 年,早在 17 世紀,就被列為一級

酒莊,比 1855 年的官方分級制度提早了兩個世紀,是法國國宴的 指定用酒。以 Cabernet Sauvignon 為主要釀製品種的 Château Margaux,其酒款細緻溫柔、層次感豐富,香氣優雅複雜,變幻 多端,開瓶後的每一分鐘都帶來萬分的驚喜,漫畫《神之 雫 》更將 Château Margaux 比喻為埃及豔后,是一款深具女性魅力的葡萄酒。

Chateau Margaux 1982

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:98, 2base neck, 4top shoulder, 5very high shoulder, 1high shoulder, 12fl, 6lpc, 8cc, multiple sources

064 12 bts NT$ 360,000 - NT$ 440,000

HK$ 94,000 - HK$ 114,000

Château Margaux 1983

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, within neck, tl, wasl, wc, OWC無上蓋

065 1 jero (5L) OWC NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000

HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000

Château Margaux 2004

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, 3within neck

066 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Château Margaux 2015

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:99, 6within neck

Medium garnet-purple colored, the nose features oh-soseductive notes of warm blackberries, cassis and black forest cake with touches of forest floor, sandalwood, anise and cigar boxes plus a waft of lavender. Medium to full-bodied, it delivers taut, muscular, densely packed black fruits and exotic spice flavor layers supported by a very firm backbone of grainy tannins with oodles of freshness and a long, savory finish.

067 6 bts OWC NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000

HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Château Margaux 2015

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:99, within neck

068 1 imp (6L) OWC NT$ 340,000 - NT$ 420,000

HK$ 88,000 - HK$ 109,000

Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux 2005

Bordeaux, 6within neck, 6lbsl, 1sc, white wine of Château Margaux

069 6 bts NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 46,000

HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000

Château Palmer 位於波爾多左岸 Margaux 村,與 Château Margaux 毗鄰。有別於同村其他酒莊,Palmer 鍾情於 Merlot 的使 用,高比例的 Merlot 反映在其旗艦酒款圓潤而柔美的酒體;特殊的 長時間浸皮製程,使酒色濃郁,單寧豐富;此外,酒莊還加入些許 Petit Verdot,為酒款帶來神秘的辛香料風情。絲綢般柔美纏綿的質 感、花果馥郁優雅的香氣,與強勁的單寧架構帶來微妙的反差感,是 Château Palmer 令人迷醉的獨特魅力。

Château Palmer 1996

Margaux, Troisième Grand Cru Classé, 12within neck

070 12 bts OWC NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000

HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Château Palmer 2008

Margaux, Troisième Grand Cru Classé, 6within neck, 1lscl

071 6 bts NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

Alter Ego de Palmer 2005

Margaux, 12within neck, 8lscl, second wine of Château Palmer

072 12 bts OWC NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

Alter Ego de Palmer 2008

Margaux, 12within neck, second wine of Château Palmer

073 12 bts 6/OWC NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000

HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

有別於其他四大酒莊, Haut-Brion 位於 Pessac-Léognon 的

Graves 產區,是 1855 年波爾多酒莊分級制度中,歷史最為悠久的

一級酒莊。Haut-Brion 的紅葡萄酒氣質清新雋逸,越陳越香,有著

雪松、木炭、菸草與 Graves 區特殊的礦石氣息、以及黑色莓果濃郁 而迷人的果香,複雜華麗而神祕,酒質細膩卻帶著不容忽視的力道。

Château Haut-Brion 1994

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, within neck, bsl, wisl, sc, US import

074 1 mag (1.5L) NT$ 28,000 - NT$ 36,000

HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000

Château Haut-Brion 1995

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, within neck, lscl With a tight but promising nose of burning wood embers intermixed with vanilla, spice box, earth, mineral, sweet cherry, black currant, plum-like fruit, medium to full body, a high level of ripe but sweet tannin, and a finish that goes on for a good 40-45 seconds.

075 1 mag (1.5L) NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

Château Haut-Brion 1995

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, within neck, wrl, ltl, sc

076 1 dmag (3L) NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Château Haut-Brion 1995

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, within neck, fl

077 1 imp (6L) NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000

HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Château Haut-Brion 2001

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, 12within neck

078 12 bts OWC NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000 HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Château Haut-Brion 2004

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, 3within neck, 1ldc

079 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Château Haut-Brion 2006 1 bt

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:96, within neck, lwasl

Château Haut-Brion 2008 2 bts

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96, 2within neck, 1lbsl

080 Total: 3 bts NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1955

Pessac-Léognan, Cru Classé de Graves, RP:100, J. Vandermeulen-Decanniere label

LOT081: high to mid shoulder, bsl, wrl, ll, pc, cc, cif, crc, wc

LOT082: mid shoulder, bsl, wrl, wisl, pc, cc, cif, wc

081 1 bt per lot NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 42,000

082 1 bt

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000


與 Cheval Blanc 並列波爾多右岸 Saint-Émilion 超級名莊的

Château Ausone,佔地不到七公頃,以 Cabernet Franc 和 Merlot 為主要品種,年產量僅 2500 箱。Ausone 的葡萄園土壤以 石灰岩為主,所打造出的酒款有著漂亮的礦物氣息與渾然天成的高雅 氣質,風格細膩優雅的同時,有著集中馥郁的香氣與飽滿渾厚的酒 體,陳年實力極為卓越,老年份的酒款在歲月的打磨下如盛開的花 朵,香氣層層疊疊地開展,複雜迷人,有著「詩人之酒」的美譽。

Château Ausone 2012

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:96, 6within neck

083 6 bts OWC NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Chapelle d'Ausone 2010

Saint-Émilion, Saint-Émilion Grand Cru, 12within neck, second wine of Château Ausone

084 12 bts 6/OWC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000

HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000

Château Pavie 2010

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:100, 6within neck, 6wrl, 1tl

Candied violets, star anise and tapenade over a core of prunes, blueberry compote, Morello cherries and fruitcake with touches of underbrush and bouquet garni. Full-bodied, rich and exotically opulent, the palate has a rock-solid texture of velvety tannins and bold freshness supporting the generous palate of black and blue berry preserves, finishing long and fragrant.

60,000 - NT$ 80,000

16,000 - HK$ 21,000

與 Pomerol 毗鄰的白馬堡 Château Cheval Blanc,在 1955 年列 級酒莊評比中,獲得最高等級的 Premier Grand Cru Classé A。酒 莊極為重視葡萄園的維護與管理,每三年都會對一公頃的土地進行翻 整與重新種植,並不斷增添葡萄園的生物多樣性,力求從根本提升葡 萄的品質。酒莊罕見的使用較高比例的 Cabernet Franc,整體結構 結實有力卻不失優雅,年輕時飲用有著香料與熟透的黑色莓果韻味, 酒體柔軟輕盈 ; 陳年後品飲則有著緊實的架構與綿密有力的勁道,豐 滿而細膩優雅。

Château Cheval Blanc 2000


The wine has a sweet nose of menthol, melted licorice, boysenberry, blueberry, and cassis. A broad wine with compelling purity, a layered texture, and sweet tannin, with hints of coffee and earth in the background, this is by far the best Cheval Blanc since 1990 and before 2009.

086 2 bts

NT$ 46,000 - NT$ 60,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 16,000

Vieux Château Certan 2012

Pomerol, WA:95, 6within neck, 1ldc

087 6 bts NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Château L'Evangile 2000

Pomerol, RP:98, within neck, US import

085 6 bts
NT$ 110,000
NT$ 150,000 HK$
1 imp (6L)
29,000 -

波爾多右岸 Pomerol 未曾有過列級制度,但產區中的 Pétrus 絕對 是所有愛酒人士耳熟能詳的一間酒莊。Pétrus 的名字是為了紀念聖

人聖彼得 (Saint Peter),酒標上繪製的則是他的肖像,手持一把通

往天堂的鑰匙。酒莊以最為傳統的方式控管葡萄藤的生長,在採收 前進行多次剪枝,並控制芽眼的數量,以確保每一串葡萄都能得到 最充足的養分,粒粒皆為上乘的果實。但也正因為葡萄數量的控管, Pétrus 的產量極低,在葡萄狀況不好的年份甚至會選擇停產,堅持 以最嚴謹的釀造打造出最精彩的酒款。

Pétrus 1974

Pomerol, 1base neck, 1very high shoulder, 1ltl, 1tl, 1cif, 2wc, 2cc

089 2 bts NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Pétrus 1983

Pomerol, within neck, bsl, stl, sc

090 1 bt NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Pétrus 1986

Pomerol, 3within neck, 3wrl, 2scl, 1ll, 3sc, 1tc

091 3 bts NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000

HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000

Pétrus 1988

Pomerol, 6within neck, 2lbsl, 1ltl, 6sc, US import

092 6 bts NT$ 500,000 - NT$ 700,000

HK$ 130,000 - HK$ 182,000

Pétrus 1998

Pomerol, RP:98, within neck

093 1 bt NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Pétrus 2007

Pomerol, 12within neck, 1lsc

094 12 bts OWC NT$ 1,000,000 - NT$ 1,400,000

HK$ 260,000 - HK$ 364,000

Château Lafleur 2008

Pomerol, WA:96, 4within neck, lstl, lscl, 1ldc

和 Pétrus 毗鄰而立的 Château Lafleur 佔地僅 4.5 公頃,依據不同的土壤型 態,一半種植Merlot,一半種植 Cabernet Franc,優異的風土條件加上後

天的悉心照料,即便在較差的年份都能擁有絕佳的成熟度。此外,Château Lafleur 執行著極為嚴格的品質控管,扣除淘汰的數量,年產量僅 500-800 箱,高品質屢屢挑戰鄰近的 Pétrus 與 Le Pin。

095 4 bts

Le Pin 2012

NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000

Pomerol, WA:95, within neck, lwrl, ldc, lsc

Le Pin座落於從未有過列級制度的 Pomerol產區,酒莊歷史自1979 年開始, 右岸釀酒世家Thienpont 家族買下距離 Pétrus 僅500 公尺的一塊葡萄園,原

先是為了拓展原家族所擁有的老瑟丹Vieux Château Certan酒莊,卻意外 購得一塊風土條件極佳的貧瘠礫石地塊,並迅速在建莊 30 年後成為全球最 昂貴的紅酒之一,獲得酒評家們的一致好評,更受到愛酒人士的追捧。

096 1 bt

NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000





Château Léoville Las Cases 1982

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, WA:97, sealed OWC

097 12 bts OWC NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000 HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000

羅芙奧致力於為藏家找尋品質佳的陳年酒款,再度於 2023 年的春 季拍賣呈現酒莊直送專區。集結法國波爾多左右岸的精華酒莊,嚴 選八零年代至 2000 年初的優質年份原裝箱,每一件拍品皆為酒莊

精心打造的代表性作品。在酒莊的用心管理下,葡萄酒在最佳的儲 藏條件中靜待陳年,穩定的窖藏環境確保酒款自身的陳年實力得以 發揮至極致,最直接的來源值得您的信賴。本次專區的酒款乃暫存 於酒莊指定之合作酒商- JOANNE 的酒窖中,秉持著最嚴格的窖


同時,羅芙奧很榮幸能與酒莊指定合作酒商 JOANNE 攜手合作, 徵集來自世界名莊、狀況完好的原裝箱組合。JOANNE 在波爾多 已有 150 年歷史,極具聲望,長年與酒莊維持的良好關係,使得

JOANNE 擁有許多取自酒莊的第一手窖藏,其中不乏五大酒莊、 垂直年份的組合,精彩的品項盼能為藏家帶來更多選擇。

本次與 合作徵

酒莊直送專區 Lot 097 - 125 酒莊直送專區注意事項

1. 酒莊直送拍品與合作拍品全數儲存於波爾多酒商 JOANNE 的酒窖 中,待拍賣結束確認成交後,才會進行運輸作業。

2. 窖藏的環境及酒款的狀況皆符合上拍標準,品質無虞,唯如有瓶身老 舊、酒標輕微磨損等外觀上的狀況,則依現況為主。

3. 得標酒款委託海外代理方處理貼標、出口及運輸等事宜。若無指 定運輸方式,則酒款一律由冷藏海運運輸回台灣後再行配送,自海外 運輸回台灣本島的費用已包含在拍品的落槌金額中。

4. 若因天災、人為或其他不確定因素導致交期延誤,會再另行通知。 * 羅芙奧保留規則解釋及變更之權利。

Château Léoville Las Cases 2000

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, WA:98, sealed OWC Mingling aromas of dark berries and red fruits with aromas of pencil shavings, loamy soil, cedar box, bitter chocolate, dried rose petals and licorice, it's medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with a layered, complete mid-palate that's rare in this vintage, powdery tannins and a long, resonant finish.

098 12 bts OWC NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000 HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Château Léoville Las Cases 2003

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, WA:95, sealed OWC

099 12 bts OWC NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

Mixed Case of Château Léoville Las Cases

sealed OWC

Château Léoville Las Cases 1981

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé

Château Léoville Las Cases 2001

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé

Château Léoville Las Cases 2011

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, WA:95

1 mag

1 mag

1 mag

100 Total: 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

「 」之圖樣。


Château Léoville Las Cases 1989 Grape

Trilogie Case

of Château Léoville Poyferré

Château Gruaud Larose 1988

Château Gruaud Larose 1995

Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, sealed OWC 104 6 bts OWC NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
Château Léoville Las Cases sealed OWC
Léoville Las Cases 1990 1 mag
Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, RP:96
Léoville Las Cases 2000 1 mag Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, WA:98 Château Léoville Las Cases 2010 1 mag Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, WA:98 101 Total: 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000
Varieties Limited Edition Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé Château Léoville Las Cases 2 bts Cabernet Sauvignon 1 bt Cabernet Franc 1 bt Merlot 1 bt Petit Verdot 1 bt 102 Total: 6 bts OGB NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 100,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000
Château Léoville Poyferré 2003 1 mag Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, RP:96
Léoville Poyferré 2004 1 mag Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé Château Léoville Poyferré 2005 1 mag Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé 103 Total: 3 mags (1.5L) OWC NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000
Saint-Julien, Deuxième Grand Cru Classé, sealed OWC 105 6 bts OWC NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000


Château Mouton Rothschild 2000

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:97+, sealed OWC

The 2000 Mouton Rothschild boldly bursts from the glass with tantalizing Black Forest cake, dried mulberries, kirsch and blackcurrant pastilles notes plus wafts of iodine, incense, potpourri and cinnamon stick with a hint of cigar boxes. Medium to full-bodied, the palate packs in the muscular fruit, framed by firm, ripe, grainy tannins and seamless freshness, finishing with phenomenal length.

106 12 bts OWC NT$ 900,000 - NT$ 1,200,000

HK$ 234,000 - HK$ 312,000

Château Mouton Rothschild 2009

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:99, sealed OWC

The 2009 Mouton Rothschild gives up bold earthy notions of underbrush, tilled soil and fungi over a core of crème de cassis, plum preserves and Indian spices with a waft of camphor. Fullbodied with a firm, velvety tannin texture and packed with black fruit preserves and exotic spice layers, it has seamless freshness and a very long, decadently fruited finish.

107 12 bts OWC NT$ 320,000 - NT$ 400,000 HK$ 83,000 - HK$ 104,000

Tasting Case of Château Mouton Rothschild


sealed OWC Château Mouton Rothschild 1980 1 bt Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Mouton Rothschild 1981 1 bt Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Mouton Rothschild 1985 1 bt Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé 108 Total: 3 bts OWC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000
HK$ 21,000

Château Lafite Rothschild 1996

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:98, sealed OWC

The bouquet is classic Pauillac with pencil shavings and sous-bois infusing the black fruit, masculine and a little aloof, yet focused and very well delineated. The palate is very well balanced with crisp blackberry and boysenberry fruit, spicier than I recollect, a crescendo of flavors so that it seems understated at first but fans out with a sense of confidence towards the finish.

109 6 bts OWC NT$ 220,000 - NT$ 300,000 HK$ 57,000 - HK$ 78,000

Château Lafite Rothschild 2000

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:98+, sealed OWC

110 12 bts OWC NT$ 650,000 - NT$ 850,000 HK$ 169,000 - HK$ 221,000

Château Latour 2000

Pauillac, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:97, sealed OWC

The 2000 Latour has a deep garnet color and is showing a good amount of evolution, sporting mature notes of fried exotic spices, hoisin, unsmoked cigars and fruitcake with hints of incense, potpourri, cast iron pan and charcuterie. Medium-bodied, soft, plush and savory in the mouth, it has a long, mineral-tinged finish.

111 12 bts OWC NT$ 460,000 - NT$ 600,000 HK$ 119,000 - HK$ 156,000

Mixed Case of Château Pontet-Canet sealed OWC Château Pontet-Canet 1990 1 bt
Cru Classé Château Pontet-Canet 1994 1 bt
Cru Classé Château Pontet-Canet 1995 1 bt
Grand Cru Classé Château Pontet-Canet 1996 1 bt
Cinquièmes Grand Cru Classé Château Pontet-Canet 1998 1 bt
Cinquièmes Grand Cru Classé Château Pontet-Canet 1999 1 bt
Grand Cru Classé
Pauillac, Cinquièmes Grand
Pauillac, Cinquièmes Grand
Pauillac, Cinquièmes
Pauillac, Cinquièmes
112 Total: 6 bts
NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000


Château Margaux 2005

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:98+, sealed OWC

A lavish fragrance of blackcurrants, velvety new saddle leather, spring flowers and spice soars from the glass. The wood is already totally concealed beneath the cascade of fruit in this medium to full-bodied, pure and majestic wine. This concentrated, dense, but nevertheless strikingly elegant, multi-layered wine has a finish of 45+ seconds. It builds incrementally to a crescendo and finale.

113 12 bts OWC NT$ 320,000 - NT$ 400,000 HK$ 83,000 - HK$ 104,000

Château Margaux 2006

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:95, sealed OWC 114

Tasting Case of Château Margaux


Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 2009

Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, second wine of Château Margaux, sealed OWC

116 6 bts OWC NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

Château Haut-Brion 2009

Pessac-Léognan, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:100, sealed OWC Slowly unfurling to reveal sensuous notions of warm blackberries, plum preserves, mulberries and blackcurrant cordial with touches of star anise, mocha and damp soil. Full-bodied, taut and tightly wound in the mouth, the palate delivers mouth-coating black fruit and mineral layers with a very firm frame of ripe, grainy tannins, finishing long and earthy.

117 12 bts OWC NT$ 320,000 - NT$ 400,000

HK$ 83,000 - HK$ 104,000

NT$ 110,000
NT$ 150,000 HK$
6 bts OWC
29,000 - HK$ 39,000
sealed OWC Château Margaux 1983 1 bt Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, RP:96 Château Margaux 1986 1 bt Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé, WA:97 Château Margaux 1988 1 bt Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Margaux 1992 1 bt Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Margaux 1993 1 bt Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Margaux 1997 1 bt Margaux, Premier Grand Cru Classé 115 Total: 6 bts OWC NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000 HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Château Cheval Blanc 2006

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:97, sealed OWC

It has the most floral bouquet of the four Serié A Grand Cru Classé: an explosion of crushed violets and potpourri, hints of leather and cigar box, the Cabernet Franc clearly lending this complexity and character. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannin. It feels wonderfully structured and comes with an insistent grip that coats the mouth. This is backward and almost surly, but you have to stand back and admire the precision and arching structure on the mineral-rich finish.

118 6 bts OWC NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Mixed Case of Château Cheval Blanc sealed OWC

Château Cheval Blanc 2000 1 bt

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, RP:99

Château Cheval Blanc 2005 1 bt

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, RP:100

Château Cheval Blanc 2010 1 bt

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:100

Château Cheval Blanc 2015 1 bt

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:100

119 Total: 4 bts OWC NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000

Château Ausone 2000

Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, RP:98, sealed OWC

This wine displays wonderful, sweet tannin and a big, sweet kiss of truffle, crushed rock, blueberry, blackberry, and licorice. Extremely rich, full-bodied, with astonishing power, precision, and delicacy, this is a sumptuous wine that should age well for 50-60 years.

120 12 bts OWC NT$ 420,000 - NT$ 500,000 HK$ 109,000 - HK$ 130,000


Château d'Yquem Vertical Case 2005-2010

sealed OWC Château d'Yquem 2005 1 bt Sauternes,
Château d'Yquem
1 bt
Château d'Yquem 2007 1 bt
Cru Supérieur
Château d'Yquem 2008 1 bt Sauternes,
Château d'Yquem
1 bt Sauternes,
Château d'Yquem
1 bt Sauternes,
122 Total: 6 bts OWC NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 100,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000
sealed OWC Château Cheval Blanc 2009 1 bt Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:100 Château Cheval Blanc 2015 1 bt Saint-Émilion, Premier Grand Cru Classé A, WA:100 Château d'Yquem 2009 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:100 Château d'Yquem 2015 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:100 Château d'Yquem Ygrec 2017 1 bt Bordeaux, dry white wine Domaine des Lambrays Clos des Lambrays 2016 1 bt Grand Cru 123 Total: 6 bts OWC NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000 Château d'Yquem
Case sealed OWC Château d'Yquem 1982 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé Château d'Yquem 1983 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, RP:96 Château d'Yquem 1985 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé Château d'Yquem 1986 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, RP:98 Château d'Yquem 1988 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:96 Château d'Yquem 1989 1 bt Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:97 121 Total: 6 bts OWC NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000
Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:96
Sauternes, Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:95+
Sauternes, Premier
Classé, WA:98+
Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:95
Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:100
Premier Cru Supérieur Classé, WA:98
LVMH Charity Collection Case

Dom Pérignon Collection 1964 - 2010

Dom Pérignon 1964

Dom Pérignon 1966

Dom Pérignon 1969

Dom Pérignon 1970

Dom Pérignon 1971

Dom Pérignon 1973

Dom Pérignon 1975

Dom Pérignon 1976 WA:96

Dom Pérignon 1978

Dom Pérignon 1980

Dom Pérignon 1982 RP:96

Dom Pérignon 1983

Dom Pérignon 1985 WA:95

Dom Pérignon 1988

Dom Pérignon 1990 RP:96

Dom Pérignon 1992

Dom Pérignon 1993

Vérité La Joie 20th Anniversary Mixed Case

sealed OWC

Vérité La Joie 1998

Sonoma County, USA

Vérité La Joie 2008

Sonoma County, USA, RP:98

Vérité La Joie 2018

Sonoma County, USA, WA:98

Dom Pérignon 1995

Dom Pérignon 1996 RP:98

Dom Pérignon 1998

Dom Pérignon 1999

Dom Pérignon 2000

Dom Pérignon 2002 WA:96

Dom Pérignon 2003

Dom Pérignon 2004

Dom Pérignon 2005

Dom Pérignon 2006 WA:96

Dom Pérignon 2008 WA:96

Dom Pérignon 2009

Dom Pérignon 2010

124 Total: 30 bts 6/OWC

NT$ 550,000 - NT$ 750,000 HK$ 143,000 - HK$ 195,000

125 Total: 3 bts OWC NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000

OLD WORLD CLASSIC 舊世界精選 Lot 130 - 146

Robert Parker 曾說過 :「如果世界上只剩下最後一瓶酒可喝,我 最想喝到的就是積架酒廠的 Cote Rotie La Mouline。」積架酒

廠 E.Guigal 是隆河產區的傳奇,其最為人所稱道的三款單一葡萄

園葡萄酒 LaLaLa 分別為 - 華麗奔放且極具深度的 La Mouline、雄

壯陽剛氣度非凡的 La Landonne 與 La Turque。過去 20 餘年來

Robert Parker Wine Advocate 的品評中,LaLaLa 共有 29 個年


E. Guigal Côte Rôtie La


Rhône, France, 2bc1cm, 1bc2.5cm, 3lwrl, 3neck label ll, 1pc, 3cc, 3sos



Hermitage 在古羅馬時代便已經是優秀產區,其總產區僅有 130 公 頃,產量稀少。18 世紀時也曾被波爾多生產者購入混調用以提升 品質。Domaine Jean-Louis Chave 即為此區建立於 15 世紀的菁 英酒莊,所生產的 Hermitage 被認為是該區的典範,從七塊葡萄 園的酒液中混調出來,完整呈現 Hermitage 風味的複雜和平衡。 而 Hermitage Cuvée Cathelin 則是僅在更精彩的年份所推出的 頂級酒款,此次徵集到的 1991 年份,年產量約莫 2500 瓶,獲得 Robert Parker 98 分的高分評價,實屬難得的珍稀佳釀。

Domaine Jean-Louis Chave Hermitage Blanc 1998

Rhône, France, 2bc1.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1bsl, 3cc

136 3 bts NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000

HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000

Domaine Jean-Louis Chave Ermitage

Cuvée Cathelin 1991

Rhône, France, RP:98, bc1.5cm, scl, wisl, wc, sc

137 1 bt NT$ 300,000 - NT$ 380,000

HK$ 78,000 - HK$ 99,000


E. Guigal Côte-Rôtie La Turque 2006

Rhône, France, 3bc1cm, 2lbsl, 1neck label stl, 3ldc

Chapoutier 的現任莊主 Michel Chapoutier 於 1989 年末接任莊


上,更對酒莊進行了多項改革,包含自 1995 年起全面改用自然動力

法、1996 年起將點字運用在所有酒標上等,逐漸將酒莊的聲譽推到 史無前例的高峰。

M. Chapoutier Côte-Rôtie La Mordorée 1990

Rhône, France, 2bc2cm, 1bc2.5cm, 1wasl, 2lwrl

- NT$ 28,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

M. Chapoutier Ermitage Le Méal 1998

Rhône, France, WA:95, 6bc1cm, 1wasl, 2lbsl, 2scl, 1wrl, 1pc, 2wc

135 6 bts OWC NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000

HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

130 3 bts NT$ 75,000
19,000 - HK$ 25,000
Guigal Côte-Rôtie La Landonne 2006
132 3 bts NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
Rhône, France, 3bc1cm, 1scl, 2ldc, 1cif
Guigal Côte-Rôtie La Mouline
131 3 bts NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000
Rhône, France, 3bc1cm, 1lbsl, 3ldc
- HK$
133 3 bts NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
134 3 bts

被譽為義大利 Pétrus 的旗艦酒款 Masseto 以 100% Merlot 打造,葡萄果實來自一塊佔地 7 公頃的葡萄園,酒莊將這塊葡萄園又分為 上中下三塊,不同區塊有著不同的土壤構成,分別賦予葡萄強勁濃郁的口感、穩健的單寧結構與優雅秀挺的骨幹,每年酒莊都會分開採 收分別釀造,最後再將每一個地塊所賜予的元素結合,放入中度烘烤的橡木桶中進行融合,打造出 Masseto 那豐盈飽滿的果香、率性 又鮮明的個性、與刻劃在骨子裡的優雅,無怪乎自 1987 年正式推出以來,幾乎年年獲得 Robert Parker 95 分以上的高分評價。

Masseto 2006

Tuscany, Italy, WA:100, 3within neck

The personality is sunny, expansive, articulate and sophisticated. You'll remember that the 2006 vintage is celebrated for the elegance of its wines. In the coastal Bolgheri appellation, it is also remembered for the power of its wines. You get the best of both worlds with this stunning creation: elegance and power. 139

Masseto 2010

Tuscany, Italy, WA:98, 2within neck

Masseto 2013

Tuscany, Italy, WA:97, base neck

義大利 Toscana 地區原先僅生產 Chianti 紅酒,1960 年代,在 Sassicaia 的帶動下,許多酒廠開始改種法國波爾多葡萄品種如

Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot 與 Cabernet Franc,並師法波爾

多的釀酒技術,打造出一系列被 Robert Parker 譽為「跳出侷限」

的酒,大幅度地提升了義大利酒的水平與市場能見度,引發超級托斯 卡尼風潮 (Super Tuscan)。

Sassicaia 2004

義大利 Gaja 酒莊坐落於 Piemonte,以出產高品質的 Barbaresco 及 Barolo 聞名世界。Gaja 家族釀酒歷史始於 1859 年,遵循著傳

統風格直到 1970 年第四代傳人 Angelo Gaja 接掌酒莊,開啟了 Piemonte 地區「新潮流改革派」的濫觴,開創單一葡萄園的概念, 甚至引進 Nebbiolo 以外的葡萄品種進行混釀。儘管以創新改革著 稱,Angelo 堅持以 100% 的 Nebbiolo 釀造酒莊創立之時便有的 酒款 Gaja Barbaresco,不僅代表 Gaja 家族世代傳承的光榮,更 是對義大利傳統的致敬。

Gaja Gaia & Rey 1999

Langhe DOC, Piedmont, Italy, 5bc1cm, 6bc1.5cm, 1bc2cm, 6lbsl, 2scl, 10lsc, 5cc 143

25,000 - HK$ 34,000

Gaja Costa Russi 2011

Langhe DOC, Piedmont, Italy, 6bc2cm, 2ldc, 5lsc

144 6 bts

60,000 - NT$ 80,000

16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Gaja Sorì San Lorenzo 2006 1 mag

Langhe DOC, Piedmont, Italy, within neck

Gaja Sperss 2005 1 mag

Langhe DOC, Piedmont, Italy, within neck

145 Total: 2 mags (1.5L) 1/OWC

NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

有西班牙 Latour 之稱的 Vega Sicilia 座落於 Ribera del Duero, Unico Gran Reserva 為酒莊的旗艦酒款,以 Tito Fino ( 即 Tempranillo ) 為主要釀製品種,複雜漫長的桶陳與換桶過程和長時 間的窖藏,打造出的酒款有著飽滿的黑色系果香與甜美的太妃糖香 氣,點綴著煙燻與辛香料的風情,彷彿看到巴洛克時期的繁複優雅, 又如磅礡有力的貝多芬交響曲,深不可測,有著超乎想像的堅強陳年 實力。

Vega-Sicilia Unico Gran Reserva 2003

Ribera del Duero, Spain, 2within neck, 1lscl

146 2 bts

NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

OWC NT$ 90,000
NT$ 120,000 HK$ 23,000
3 bts
- HK$ 31,000
2 bts NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000
HK$ 17,000
1 mag (1.5L) NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000
1 mag
142 Total: 2 mags (1.5L) 1/OWC NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000
Tuscany, Italy, within neck, ltl, sc Sassicaia 2005
Tuscany, Italy, within neck
bts OWC NT$
95,000 - NT$ 130,000

THE MAGICAL SWEET WINE 淬鍊的雋永滋味-世界甜酒專區 Lot 147 - 155

在葡萄酒的世界中,甜酒是個風格獨特且自成一格的分類。他迥異 於紅酒與白酒,帶甜甚或是極甜的口感,讓許多蟻迷們在甜酒迷幻 的饗宴中沉淪,逐甜而居。甜酒的製作多半承襲古法,或以晚摘的 手法讓葡萄顆粒在自然的熟成中濃縮、或以受到貴腐菌感染所造就 的高糖分葡萄釀製、亦或以風乾或日曬的葡萄乾釀製而成,濃縮葡 萄所能壓榨出的葡萄汁液自然較新鮮葡萄少得多,因此每一滴甜酒

都是來自大自然彌足珍貴的餽賞。本次拍賣,羅芙奧為喜愛那層次 複雜甜美的您,準備了來自法國、德國、奧地利、匈牙利等世界各 地最頂尖的甜酒,不同的葡萄品種、不同的釀製手法、相同的是那 經過幾經淬鍊的精華,請千萬別被她甜美的外表所迷惑而錯過了她 富涵深度的內在。

法國索甸 (Sauternes) 區自 18 世紀以來就開始生產貴腐甜白酒, Semillon 為貴腐酒帶來甜美的香氣和溫暖的酒體,Sauvignon Blanc 則為其帶來酸度架構和芬芳的果香。d'Yquem 有著柑橘類水 果的甜美、與甜蜜的香草奶油風情。經過長時間的陳放,煥發出複雜 而有深度的層次感,在甜美與齒頰留香的酸度中取得完美的平衡,是 為甜酒界的王者。

Château d'Yquem 2001

Sauternes, WA:100, 6within neck, 4lpc, US import

147 6 hbts (375ml) NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Dr. Bürklin-Wolf Wachenheimer Rechbächel Riesling

Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) 1990

Rheinpfalz, Germany, bc1cm, bsl

150 1 bt NT$ 12,000 - NT$ 16,000

HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) Grande Cuvée 1998

Burgenland, Austria, 6within neck, 2wasl, 1lsc 151 6 hbts


Kracher Weinlaubenhof No. 10
OC NT$ 24,000
NT$ 32,000
- HK$ 8,000

Kracher Weinlaubenhof Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA)

匈牙利北部的 Tokaj 是貴腐甜酒歷史最悠久的產區之一,也是全世 界唯一被聯合國列為世界文化遺產 (UNESCO World Heritage) 的 釀酒產區。路易十四曾形容它是「王者之酒,酒中之王」,酒體豐滿, 層次感豐富,酸度較高,常帶著熱帶水果與玫瑰花瓣的氣息,甜美而 雍容華貴。


Oremus Tokaji Eszencia 1995

HK$ 9,000

Château Pajzos Tokaji Esszencia 1999

Tokaj, Hungary, WA:100, 3within neck

155 3 hbts (375ml) 1/OWC NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

1998 Collection Burgenland, Austria,
neck No. 1 TBA Zweigelt Rosé 1 hbt No. 2 TBA Chardonnay 1 hbt No. 3 TBA Scheurebe 1 hbt No. 4 TBA Welschriesling 1 hbt No. 5 TBA Muskat Ottonel 1 hbt No. 6 TBA Welschriesling 1 hbt No. 7 TBA Chardonnay Welschriesling 1 hbt No. 8 TBA Traminer 1 hbt No. 9 TBA Chardonnay 1 hbt No. 10 TBA Grande Cuvée 1 hbt No. 11 TBA Welschriesling 1 hbt No. 12 TBA Scheurebe 1 hbt pc, cif, cc No. 13 TBA Chardonnay 1 hbt pc, cc 152 Total: 13 hbts (375ml) NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000
within neck 153 1 bt (500ml) 1/OWC NT$ 14,000 - NT$ 18,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000
Tokaji Eszencia 1975
Tokaj, Hungary,
Hungary, 3within neck 154 3 hbts (250ml) 1/OWC NT$ 26,000 - NT$ 34,000 HK$ 7,000 -


新世界精選 Lot 157 - 167

位於南澳的 Clarendon Hills 酒莊創立於 1990 年,旗下 Astralis 獨 佔園是莊主 Roman Bratasiuk 心目中最頂級的葡萄園,認為這塊葡 萄園代表著「不朽的潛力,如星星般的光芒」,故以「星光園」命名。

星光園的葡萄藤種植自 1920 年代,幾近百年的老藤凝結了歲月,孕 育著最濃縮精緻的果實。年產量極少,所打造出的酒款在充滿異國香 料風情的氣息中,有著細膩柔美的單寧、飽滿的口感、與紮實的架構。

Clarendon Hills Astralis Millennium Collection 2005-2010

Vale, Australia, 5bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm

從繁華的洛杉磯來到 Saint Helena,小家庭 Grace Family 選擇 在此落地生根。最初因為興趣開始種植葡萄,品質之高獲得名莊 Caymus 讚賞,自此家族第一款酒以 Caymus 的名義問世了。1983

年起 Grace Family 開始以自己酒莊的名義生產葡萄酒,超高水準的 品質很快的建立起名聲,但產量稀少,每年僅生產數百箱,甚至連知 名酒評家 Robert Parker 都曾怨嘆無緣品嚐。

Grace Family Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Napa Valley, USA, 6within neck

Shafer Hillside Select 2007 Napa Valley, USA, WA:100, 4within neck, loose OWC

Joseph Phelps Vineyards Insignia 2007 Napa Valley, USA, WA:100, 6within neck

Joseph Phelps Vineyards Insignia 2010 Napa Valley, USA, RP:95, 6within neck


HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 16,000

Clarendon Hills Astralis 2005 WA:99 1 bt Clarendon Hills Astralis 2006 WA:99 1 bt Clarendon Hills Astralis 2007 WA:97 1 bt Clarendon Hills Astralis 2008 WA:99 1 bt Clarendon Hills Astralis 2009 WA:97 1 bt Clarendon Hills Astralis 2010 WA:100 1 bt 157 Total: 6 bts OWC NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000
158 6 bts OWC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000
HK$ 21,000
159 4 bts NT$ 100,000
NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000
HK$ 36,000
160 6 bts OWC NT$ 75,000
NT$ 95,000 HK$
HK$ 25,000
19,000 -
OWC NT$ 46,000
NT$ 60,000
161 6 bts

Dominus Estate 1998

Harlan Estate 酒莊成立之初即以釀造世界級的葡萄酒為目標,於 1996 年推出首個年份。由釀酒總監 Bob Levy 與釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland 組成的堅強團隊,不僅讓 Harlan Estate 短短時間即晉升頂

級加州酒莊行列,更提升了美國膜拜酒在市場上的重要性,並重新定 義了 Napa 紅酒風格。酒評家 Robert Parker 給予數個年份滿分評

價,Jancis Robinson 更稱其為「20 世紀十款最好的酒之一」。

Opus One 2010

Bond 為 Harlan Estate 酒莊莊主 H. William Harlan 創立的另一個 品牌,緊鄰 Harlan Estate。以葡萄園的風土為出發點,運用單一葡 萄園的概念,精選出五個有個性、品質佳的地塊,釀造出五款風格鮮 明、品質可謂「Napa Valley 特級園」的葡萄酒。

Sine Qua Non Turn the Whole Thing... 1 bt Upside Down Grenache 2009 California, USA, within neck

Sine Qua Non The Thrill of... 1 bt Stamp Collecting Syrah 2009 Central Coast, USA, within neck

Napa Valley, USA, 3within neck, 1wasl 162 3 bts NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
Valley, USA, RP:96, 3within neck 163 3 mags (1.5L) NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000 Bond Estates Terrior Portfolio Set 2012 Bond Pluribus 1 bt Napa Valley, USA, RP:95+, within neck Bond Vecina 1 bt Napa Valley, USA, RP:100, within neck Bond St. Eden 1 bt Napa Valley, USA, RP:98, within neck Bond Quella 1 bt Napa Valley, USA, RP:(98-100), within neck Bond Melbury 1 bt Napa Valley, USA, RP:95, within neck 164 Total: 5 bts OWC NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000 Harlan Estate 2009 Napa Valley, USA, WA:97, 12within neck 165 12 bts 6/OWC NT$ 300,000 - NT$ 380,000 HK$ 78,000 - HK$ 99,000 Harlan Estate 2010 Napa Valley, USA, RP:98+, 12within neck 166 12 bts 6/OWC NT$ 320,000 - NT$ 400,000 HK$ 83,000 - HK$ 104,000
bts NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000
167 Total: 2


風華絕代勃根地 Lot 170 - 399

有著勃根地「香貝丹之王」美譽的 Armand Rousseau 是 GevreyChambertin 村內的第一名莊,坐擁村內最知名的葡萄園,如特級

園 Chambertin、Chambertin Clos de Bèze、品質凌駕特級園的

一級園 Clos St. Jacques 等,於 1930 年代首開獨立裝瓶銷售之風,

從人工採收、發酵溫度的嚴密掌握、兩次換桶、與裝瓶時的自然重力 法等等,酒莊對品質的嚴格控管帶出 Pinot Noir 的細膩優美,教科 書般忠實呈現著此地塊濃厚結實酒體的同時,又賦予其溫暖柔美的風 格,每每令人驚艷。

Domaine Armand Rousseau Gevrey-Chambertin Clos St. Jacques 2013

Premier Cru, 4bc1cm

170 4 bts

NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau Charmes-Chambertin 2002

Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 4bc1cm, 6sc

171 6 bts

NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau Chambertin 2007

Grand Cru, 2bc1cm, 2lwc, US import

172 2 bts NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000

HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau Chambertin 2008

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc0.5cm

A still mildly toasty nose features remarkably dense yet elegant aromas of deeply pitched yet extremely cool and restrained red and blue fruit aromas that are nuanced by a broad range of earth, game and underbrush hints. There is an utterly beguiling purity to the relatively refined but muscular medium full-bodied plus flavors that are strikingly complex, vibrant and perfectly balanced before culminating in a gorgeously long finish.

173 1 bt NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000

HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau

Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2008

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm

174 1 bt

Domaine Armand Rousseau

Domaine Armand Rousseau Ruchottes-Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes 2015

Grand Cru, BH:95, 2bc1cm

A moderately high-toned nose combines notes of dark cherry, plum, lavender, earth and a lovely array of spice elements. The sleek and intense middle weight plus flavors possess terrific delineation as well as evident minerality before concluding in a racy finish that is even more powerful than usual. This is impressive and the mouthfeel is one of class and grace thanks to the notably fine-grained tannins shaping the finish.

176 2 bts NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau Clos de la Roche 2013 Grand Cru, 3bc0.5cm

177 3 bts NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Domaine Georges Mugneret

Ruchottes-Chambertin 1990

Grand Cru, 1bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1lpc, US label

178 2 bts NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

Mugneret-Gibourg Echézeaux 1987

Grand Cru, 3bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 2cc, 1lpc, 1dc

179 4 bts NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Domaine Denis Mortet Gevrey-Chambertin 9 bts 2002

9bc0.5cm, 1ldc, 1lpc, multiple sources

Domaine Denis Mortet Gevrey-Chambertin 2 bts Combe-Du-Dessus 2002

1bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1tl, 1sos

Domaine Denis Mortet Gevrey-Chambertin 1 bt Au Vellé 2002


NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 100,000

HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2013

Grand Cru, BH:95-98, 1bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 1neck label lwrl, multiple sources

175 2 bts NT$ 170,000 - NT$ 220,000

HK$ 44,000 - HK$ 57,000

181 Total: 12 bts

NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Charles Mortet & Fils Chambertin 1988

Grand Cru, 2bc2cm, 1wrl, 1neck label lbsl, 1cc, US label

182 2 bts

NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 85,000

HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

Domaine Georges Roumier 酒莊創建於 1924 年,與同村的 Comte Georges de Vogüé 和 J-F Mugnier 並列 ChambolleMusigny 最頂尖的酒莊。現任莊主 Christophe Roumier 的釀 酒哲學強調地塊特色的展現,在葡萄產量極少的 Musigny 地塊, Roumier 大膽採取全部不去梗的手法,拉長發酵的時間,並使用全

新橡木桶桶陳 14 至 18 個月,在乾淨清新的果香中點綴著些許礦石


Chambolle-Musigny 高雅迷人的氣質。

Christophe Roumier Ruchottes-Chambertin 2009

Christophe Roumier Ruchottes-Chambertin 2011 Grand Cru, bc1cm, lbsl

Domaine G. Roumier Bonnes-Mares 1994

Domaine Bachelet Charmes-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes 1985

Grand Cru

LOT187: 2bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 2lwrl, 2ldc, 3wc LOT188: 1bc1cm, 2bc1.5cm, 1lstl, 1lpc, 1sos, 3wc

Bernard Dugat-Py Charmes-Chambertin 2008 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm

Bernard Dugat-Py Charmes-Chambertin 2012 1 bt Grand Cru, bc0.5cm

24,000 - NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Domaine Faiveley Chambertin Clos de Bèze 1997

Grand Cru, 1bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 1bc2cm

190 3 bts

30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

183 1 bt NT$ 42,000
NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000
HK$ 13,000
Grand Cru, bc1.5cm
184 1 bt NT$ 36,000
NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000
HK$ 11,000
lbsl 185 1 bt NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000
Cru, bc1cm,
187 3 bts per lot NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000 188 3 bts HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000
2 bts NT$

Domaine Dujac 座落於 Morey-Saint-Denis ,由 Jacques Seysses 成立於 1968 年,葡萄園由原先的 5 公頃擴展至今日

的 17.5 公頃,擁有包含 Bonnes-Mares、Clos Saint-Denis、 Échézeaux 與 Clos de la Roche 等在內七塊特級葡萄園。Dujac 酒莊亦釀造白酒,但讓其遠近馳名的仍是其充滿特色的紅酒,顏色清 透的酒液有著深邃迷人的吸引力。Domaine Dujac 自 80 年代中期 便開始採用自然動力法耕種,在大多數酒莊採以去梗方式釀造的現 今,罕見地採用不去梗的整串葡萄釀造方式,充滿芬芳酒香及層次鮮 明的酒體為其獨樹一格的標幟。

Domaine Dujac Charmes-Chambertin 2007 1 bt Grand Cru, bc1cm, lwrl, tl, scl

Domaine Dujac Charmes-Chambertin 2008 1 bt Grand Cru, bc0.5cm, lwrl, tl, ldc

Domaine Dujac Bonnes Mares 2001 Grand

Domaine Dujac Bonnes Mares 2006

Domaine Dujac Clos de la Roche 1985 Grand Cru LOT193: bc2.5cm, wasl, wc LOT194:

Domaine Louis Remy Clos de la Roche 2004


2 bts NT$ 24,000
- NT$ 32,000
6,000 - HK$ 8,000
193 1 bt per lot NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 194 1 bt HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000
bc2cm, wasl, wc, cc
195 6 bts NT$ 220,000 - NT$ 300,000 HK$ 57,000 - HK$ 78,000
Cru, 4bc2cm, 1bc2.5cm, 1bc3cm, 1wc
Grand Cru, bc1cm, tl, stl 196 1 bt NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
197 3 bts NT$ 13,000 - NT$ 17,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$
2bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 3ldc

創立於 1872 年,Domaine Ponsot 擁有 11 個特級園,佔地 3.4 公頃的地塊種植平均樹齡超過 60 年的老藤。堅持傳統尊重自然的釀造精神,且 採用人工採收。其酒質有著均衡飽滿的咀嚼口感,尾韻悠悠細長且綿延不絕,有令人著迷的多層次變化,充分展現出老藤風華以及地塊所表現出的 「terroir」,其中代表作品 Clos de la Roche Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 更時有近乎滿分的驚艷表現。

《Withgreathumility,IcontinuetoactasthecatalystbetweenNatureandYou.》- Laurent Ponsot

前莊主 Laurent Ponsot 30 多年來堅持不使用化學肥料,同時以更晚的採收時間讓葡萄果實展現天然的甜美,更於 2008 年開始使用複合式瓶塞, 降低軟木塞腐壞或斷裂對酒質造成的影響,不斷的突破與創新,為的就是讓土地最原始的聲音能以最自然的方式完整傳遞到消費者手中。

Domaine Ponsot Clos de la Roche

Grand Cru, 4bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 1bc2cm, 2sos 198 6 bts NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000
Domaine Ponsot Clos de la Roche
Vieilles Vignes 1999
Grand Cru, 5bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm 199 6 bts NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000 Domaine Ponsot Clos de la Roche 1 bt Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2004 Grand Cru, bc1cm, wasl, scl, lpc Domaine Ponsot Clos de la Roche 1 bt Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2006 Grand Cru, bc1cm, wasl, scl 200 Total: 2 bts NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
Cuvée Vieilles Vignes
201 5 bts NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000
Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2002
Clos de la Roche
2011 GrandCru,BH:95-97,5bc0.5cm,2lscl,USimport,multiplesources

Domaine Robert Groffier Père & Fils Bonnes-Mares 2002 Grand


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé 酒莊位於 ChambolleMusigny 村莊,擁有 Musigny 特級園中近七成的地塊、BonnesMares 特級園近兩成的地塊。酒款以低產量高品質著稱,其中標誌

性的 Vielles Vignes 老藤葡萄酒,以平均樹齡超過 40 年的葡萄藤

釀製,風味濃郁,充滿深度,年產量不到千箱。Vogüé 擁有佔地 7.2

公頃的 Musigny 特級園,被譽為最能表現黑皮諾細膩溫柔風味的葡 萄園。該酒莊從 15 世紀開始便擁有此園地,酒體結實有力且香氣多 變,單寧細緻不咬口,有著精巧宜人的風格,為 Musigny 經典風範。


Grand Cru, BH:97, bc0.5cm

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé

Musigny Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2012

Grand Cru, BH:97, 2bc0.5cm, multiple sources

203 12 bts OC NT$ 190,000
NT$ 260,000 HK$ 49,000
Cru, 2bc1cm, 10bc1.5cm, 1lll, 6ldc
- HK$
bt Bonnes-Mares
Comte Georges de Vogüé 1
2004 Grand Cru, bc1cm, scl
Vogüé 2 bts
Grand Cru,
204 Total: 3 bts NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000
Domaine Comte
Bonnes-Mares 2007
1bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1ll
Comte Georges
1 bt
205 Total: 3 bts NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000 Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé 1 bt Musigny Cuvée
Cru, BH:98, bc1cm
Comte Georges de Vogüé 1 bt
Comte Georges de Vogüé 2 bts Musigny Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2011 Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm Domaine
de Vogüé
Musigny Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2012 Grand
BH:97, bc0.5cm
Vieilles Vignes 2005 Grand
Musigny Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2015
206 Total: 2 bts NT$ 80,000
21,000 - HK$ 26,000
207 2 bts NT$ 50,000
NT$ 70,000 HK$
13,000 - HK$ 18,000

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier 是 Chambolle-Musigny 村莊最受人 推崇的酒莊之一,過去葡萄園曾租借給知名酒商 Faiveley。酒莊以

最極致細膩的 Musigny 聞名,使用老藤葡萄釀造,去梗並保留完整 果粒,不特意進行發酵前的低溫浸皮,使用較低比例的新桶,澄透的 風格卻架構感十足,芳馥綿延華美,是 Musigny 的典範。

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier Chambolle-Musingy

Les Amoureuses 2009

Premier Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm, lbsl, back label bsl

A strikingly spicy and sexy nose of ripe black cherry and raspberry liqueur aromas leads to silky-textured, pure and beautifully delineated mineral-inflected flavors that culminate in a driving, tension-filled and gorgeously harmonious finish. While aromatically showy and impressively complex, the overall feel of this wine is quite understated with an equanimity that is quite Zen-like. Fantastic.

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier Musigny 2007


& Cie. Musigny 1983

208 1 bt NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000
bc1cm, wrl
bc1cm 209 1 bt per lot NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 210 1 bt HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000
Grand Cru, 2bc1cm, US import 211 2 bts NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000 HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000 Domaine Jaboulet-Vercherre Musigny 1962 1 bt Grand Cru, bc3cm, hbsl, scl, ldc Poulet Père et Fils Musigny 1972 1 bt Grand Cru, bc2cm, bsl, htl, nol, sc Louis Jadot Musigny 1982 1 bt Grand Cru, bc3cm, hbsl, hwisl, ldc Daniel Moine-Hudelot Musigny 1988 1 bt Grand Cru, bc1.5cm, wrl 212 Total: 4 bts NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000
Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier Musigny 2011
Grand Cru, 2bc1.5cm, 2bsl, 2ltl, 1lwrl, 2ldc 213 2 bts NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000


樂華傳奇- LEROY 專區 Lot 215- 248

有『勃根地鐵娘子』之稱的 Lalou Bize-Leroy 女士,無論是因 其強烈的個人色彩、與勃根地酒王 DRC 酒莊間的愛恨糾葛、抑 或是她對葡萄種植與釀造獨到的見解,絕對是勃根地討論度最高 的一位莊主暨釀酒師。

Lalou 女士於 1955 年時加入家族的 Maison Leroy 工作。以其 豐富的酒莊工作經驗及精準的選酒眼光,將酒莊推向世界頂尖 的地位。儘管如此,她很快發現,要挑選出符合她心目中嚴格 標準的葡萄農越來越困難,於是決定擴大自家葡萄園的規模, 於 1988 年買下位處 Vosne-Romanée 的 Domaine Charles Noëllat 與 Gevrey-Chambertin 的 Philippe-Rémy 兩間酒莊, 成立了 Domaine Leroy。自 1992 年離開 DRC 的經營團隊後,

Lalou 女士便全心投入 Leroy S.A. 與她和先生創建的 Domaine d'Auvenay。根據 2010 年出版的《The Great Domaines of Burgundy》統計,目前 Domaine Leroy 旗下共有約 22 公頃

的自有葡萄園,四十六塊葡萄園包含九個特級園與八個一級園, 年產量約在 35,000 至 45,000 瓶,款款都是全球葡萄酒迷追逐

的焦點,其特級園作品更是勃根地的不朽傳奇。 身兼釀酒師的 Lalou 女士,受到羅亞爾河的 Nicolas Joly 啟蒙, 全面引進順應自然的自然動力法耕作,為確保每一顆葡萄果實的 高品質,更採用僅保留 1/3 果串的極低產量剪枝法。1993 年, 黴菌疫情席捲整個勃根地產區,Lalou 女士在生物動力法的概念

下堅決不使用任何的化學藥劑,此舉讓陪伴她建立起 Domaine Leroy 的前首席釀酒師 André Porcheret 分道揚鑣,自此, Lalou 女士一手主導酒莊的葡萄種植和釀造,可以說 1993 年才 真正開啟了 Lalou 女士的黃金時代。種種堅持加上 Lalou 女士

無庸置疑的高超釀酒水準,造就匹敵 DRC 的美酒,獨特的莓果


Maison Leroy Bourgogne Blanc 2000

2bc2cm, 6bc2.5cm, 4bc3cm, 1ldc, 2dc

215 12 bts OC

42,000 - NT$ 50,000

11,000 - HK$ 13,000

Maison Leroy Bourgogne Rouge 2009

1bc0.5cm, 4bc1cm, 1bc2cm, 6pc, 2cif, loose OC

216 6 bts

Domaine Leroy Gevrey-Chambertin

Aux Combottes 2014

Premier Cru, BH:95, bc2cm, stl, scl

A wonderfully fresh, airy and expressive nose is composed by notes of red cherry, anise, plum, underbrush and newly turned earth. The delicious, round, generous and naturally sweet medium-bodied flavors culminate in a firm, dazzlingly complex and superbly long finish. 217 1 bt

Domaine Leroy Latricières-Chambertin 2013

Grand Cru, bc1cm, lstl, lscl, back label stl

Domaine Leroy Clos de la Roche 2013

bc1cm, ltl, stl

219 1 bt

NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Domaine Leroy Chambolle-Musigny Les Fremières 2011

1bc2.5cm, 1bc3cm, 2wasl, 2back label wasl, 1ltl, 1cracked wax capsule, 1sos

220 2 bts

NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000

HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000

Maison Leroy Musigny 1949

Grand Cru, bc4cm, hstl, htal, hwrl, hscl, back label tl, bsl, wc, sc 老年份的 Leroy 絕對有著神奇的魔力,而絕佳老年份的 Leroy 更是難得可貴 的珍品,Musigny 1949 宛如已蛻變為優雅、風姿綽約的迷人女性,成熟富 有智慧,酒香深邃濃郁,絕對是值得細細品味的頂級佳釀。勃根地酒后美稱, 絕非浪得虛名。

221 1 bt

NT$ 440,000 - NT$ 550,000

HK$ 114,000 - HK$ 143,000

26,000 - NT$ 34,000
7,000 - HK$ 9,000
80,000 - NT$ 100,000
21,000 - HK$ 26,000
bt NT$ 120,000
NT$ 160,000 HK$
31,000 - HK$ 42,000

佔有 1.9 公頃 Clos de Vougeot 為 Leroy 旗下最大的葡萄園,堪稱經 典。細致優雅的藍莓果香揉和在強勁卻又溫馴的單寧裡,又帶著土壤裡 清爽的礦物風味,所謂「terroir」正在這細節中表露無遺。

Domaine Leroy Clos de Vougeot 1994

Grand Cru

LOT223: bc1cm, pc, sc

LOT224: bc1cm, pc, sc

223 1 bt per lot NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000

224 1 bt HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000

Domaine Leroy Clos de Vougeot 2013

Grand Cru, bc1.5cm, ll, back label wisl

225 1 bt NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Domaine Leroy Clos de Vougeot 2014

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc2cm, bsl, scl

226 1 bt NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000 HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Domaine Leroy Vosne-Romanée Les Genaivrières 2009

bc2cm, stl, tl, back label hstl, heavily cracked wax capsule

227 1 bt NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

Domaine Leroy Vosne-Romanée Aux Genaivrières 2015

2bc1cm, 1lll, 1wrl, 2wasl, 1back label scl, 1sos 228 2 bts NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000 HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Les Beaux Monts 為鄰近特級園 Échézeaux 的地塊,在 Leroy 手中 更是展現精緻有力的酒風,精彩萬分更甚其它酒莊特級園水準。經典的 Vosne-Romanée 風格,有著煙燻香氣、異國香草以及黑色果實的驚喜 演出。

Domaine Leroy Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 2009

Premier Cru, BH:95, bc4cm, tl, scl, bsl, neck label tl, cracked wax capsule, lcc, back label wasl

229 1 bt NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Domaine Leroy Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 2014

Premier Cru, BH:95, 1bc1.5cm, 1bc2cm, 2wrl, 1ltl, 2stl

230 2 bts NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000

HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Domaine Leroy Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 2015

Premier Cru, BH:96, bc1.5cm, lscl, ltl

A strikingly floral-saturated nose reflects notes of Asian-style tea, red currant and a plethora of spice elements. The notably more refined and stonier middle weight flavors possess superb drive if not quite the same power and muscle on the balanced and gorgeously persistent finish. This built-to-age beauty is textbook VRBM.

231 1 bt

NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000

HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000


Richebourg 葡萄園位於 Romanée-Conti 的上坡處,面積 8.03 公 頃,Leroy 擁有其中位於中心區三個地塊共近 0.78 公頃的葡萄園,為 第二大的擁有者。以不去梗不破皮、保留完整葡萄串的方式進行釀造, 裝瓶前不進行過濾和澄清,以最原始的樣貌呈現風土的特色,完整表達 Richebourg 葡萄園特有的華麗豐美。

Domaine Leroy Richebourg 1993

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc1cm, lbsl, lpc

This has become quite expressive with a simply stunning nose of spice, blue and black pinot fruit and warm earth nuances leading to seductive, broad and powerful flavors that offer superb depth and intensity plus stupendous length. This is dripping with velvet as the concentrated sap that seemingly suffuses every aspect of the wine.

233 1 bt

NT$ 260,000 - NT$ 340,000

HK$ 68,000 - HK$ 88,000

Domaine Leroy Richebourg 2007

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc3cm, scl, lightly cracked wax capsule

A deep, brooding and almost taciturn nose of ripe black berry fruit, intense violet notes and spice hints and warm earth gives way to sweet, rich and exceptionally fresh big-bodied flavors that are textured and completely saturate the palate with buckets of dry extract while at the same time buffering the ripe but very firm tannins, all wrapped in a stunningly long finish that has some of the best overall complexity of the entire range.

236 1 bt NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000 HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Domaine Leroy Richebourg 2013

Grand Cru, bc2cm, lscl, sos

237 1 bt NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000 HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Domaine Leroy Romanée-St.-Vivant 1991

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc1cm, bsl, back label bsl, wax re-sealed, US import 238 1 bt


Grand Cru

Leroy Richebourg 1998

LOT234: bc1.5cm, ldc, wc

LOT235: bc1.5cm, lscl, ldc, wc, sc

234 1 bt per lot NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000

235 1 bt HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Domaine Leroy Romanée-St.-Vivant 1996

- NT$ 170,000 HK$ 34,000
NT$ 130,000
239 1 bt NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000 HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000
Grand Cru, bc2cm, scl, sc, wc

Domaine Leroy Nuits-St.-Georges Aux Lavières 2005 bc1.5cm, wasl, scl, back label tl

- NT$

21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Domaine Leroy Nuits-St.-Georges Aux Lavières 2014 1bc2cm, 1bc2.5cm, 1wasl, 1lscl,

Domaine Leroy Nuits-St.-Georges Aux Allots 2009 bc2cm, lscl, ltl, nc, back label scl, lightly cracked wax capsule

Domaine Leroy Nuits-St.-Georges Aux Allots 2014 bc2.5cm,

Domaine Leroy Nuits-St.-Georges Les Vignerondes 2009

Domaine Leroy Savigny-les-Beaune Les Narbantons 2011

Domaine Leroy Corton-Charlemagne 2006

Domaine Leroy Corton-Charlemagne 2011

bt NT$ 80,000
100,000 HK$
242 2 bts NT$ 160,000
NT$ 200,000 HK$ 42,000
HK$ 52,000
2lwrl, 1lsos
243 1 bt NT$ 95,000
NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000
- HK$
244 1 bt NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000
bsl, back label ltl 245 1 bt NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000
Cru, bc1cm,
lscl 246 1 bt NT$ 65,000
NT$ 85,000 HK$ 17,000
HK$ 22,000
Grand Cru, bc2cm 247 1 bt NT$ 180,000
NT$ 240,000 HK$ 47,000
HK$ 62,000
Grand Cru, bc2cm,
lwrl 248 1 bt NT$ 170,000
NT$ 220,000 HK$ 44,000
HK$ 57,000
back label

Domaine Prieuré Roch 成立於 1988 年,酒莊主人 Henry Frédéric Roch 是 Domaine Leroy 莊主 Lalou 女士的外甥,也是 現任 DRC 的共同管理者。酒莊的葡萄園部分購自 DRC,在前任釀 酒師-自然酒大師 Philippe Pacalet 的帶領之下,全面採用自然動

力法,手工摘採葡萄,施行嚴格的低產量,並使用野生酵母進行發 酵,讓葡萄酒展現最自然的風貌,是勃根地自然派的代表。

Domaine Prieuré Roch Clos de Vougeot 2012

Grand Cru, 3bc0.5cm, 1lpc

70,000 - NT$ 90,000

18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Domaine Prieuré Roch Clos de Vougeot 2015

Grand Cru, bc0.5cm

6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Domaine Prieuré Roch Vosne-Romanée Les Clous 2014 bc0.5cm

20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

Domaine Prieuré Roch Nuits-Saint-Georges 1 bt

1er Cru 2015

Premier Cru, bc0.5cm, wrl

Domaine Prieuré Roch Nuits-Saint-Georges 1 bt

1er Cru Vieilles Vignes 2015

Premier Cru, bc0.5cm, wrl, ldc

Domaine Prieuré Roch Ladoix 3 bts

Cloud Blanc 2013


Domaine Prieuré Roch Ladoix 3 bts

Cloud Blanc 2014

3bc1cm 254 Total: 6 bts

24,000 - NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Robert Arnoux 是 Vosne-Romanée 村的知名酒莊。1987 年,女婿 Pascal Lachaux 加入酒莊團隊,在兩人的攜手合作下,酒莊開始擁抱 有機,並大幅降低單位面積產量,已屬上乘的酒質開始有著飛躍性的 提升,酒體更加飽滿圓潤、層次更加複雜,高比例的使用新桶也使酒 款更具陳年實力。老莊主 Robert 於 1994 年辭世,Pascal Lachaux 挑起大樑,酒莊也於 2009 年正式更名為 Arnoux Lachaux。

Domaine Robert Arnoux Clos de Vougeot 1999

Grand Cru, 3bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 3lbsl, 1ltl, 1wrl, 2wc

255 4 bts

NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Domaine Robert Arnoux Vosne-Romanée

Les Suchots 2000

Premier Cru, 1bc0.5cm, 3bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 1lstl, 1cc

256 5 bts NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000

HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000

Domaine Robert Arnoux Romanée-Saint-Vivant 2001 Grand Cru, 2bc1cm, 1stl, 1lpc, 2wc

257 2 bts NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

250 3 bts
1 bt
24,000 - NT$ 32,000
252 1 bt
253 Total: 2 bts NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Charles Noëllat Clos Vougeot 2001 3 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm

Comte de Chapelle Chateau Masson 3 bts Clos de Vougeot 2002

年輕的酒莊 Domaine Cécile Tremblay 成立於 2003 年。過去由 家族所擁有的葡萄園長期出租給佃農,直到 Cécile Tremblay 展現 了對酒莊工作的熱忱,以繼承的 3 公頃土地,開啟了釀酒之路。以 其名為酒莊起名,Cécile 致力於將葡萄園改為有機種植,不過度干 預葡萄生長,彰顯每個地塊的特性,以良好的平衡度及圓潤細膩的酒 質廣受喜愛。

Domaine Cecile Tremblay Nuits-Saint-Georges

Murgers 2009

Alain Hudelot-Noëllat Richebourg 2001

26,000 - NT$ 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000

Alain Hudelot-Noëllat Richebourg 2002

Alain Hudelot-Noëllat Richebourg 2003

Jean Gros Richebourg 1993

Domaine Francois Lamarche Grands Échézeaux 2002

前莊主 Sylvain Cathiard 的祖父曾在 DRC 等多個知名酒莊工作 並學習技術,在買下了數塊葡萄園後,開啟了釀酒事業。第三代的 Sylvain Cathiard 在加入酒莊工作時,充滿野心的他盼能以自身的 名義裝瓶,便向父親承租一小塊葡萄園,成立了 Domaine Sylvain Cathiard。如今酒莊由第四代 Sebastien 接手經營,經驗的傳承與 新世代的潛質,再度將品質提升到新的高度。被譽為有著純淨與絕佳 香味,無論是特級園或是一級園都有著極度濃縮的複雜感。

Sylvain Cathiard Vosne-Romanée Aux Malconsorts 2005

259 Total: 6 bts NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000
HK$ 7,000
Grand Cru, 3bc0.5cm, 1lwrl, 3ldc
Grand Cru, bc2cm 260 1 bt NT$ 26,000 - NT$ 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000
Grand Cru, bc1cm 261 1 bt NT$ 26,000 - NT$ 34,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000
Grand Cru, bc1.5cm 262 1 bt NT$ 24,000 - NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000
Grand Cru, 1bc0.5cm, 1bc1.5cm, 2lbsl, 1tl, 1wc, 1sc 263 2 bts NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000 HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000
Grand Cru, 7bc1cm, 2bc1.5cm, 9sc, 2sos 264 9 bts NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000
Premier Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm 265 1 bt NT$ 46,000 - NT$ 60,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 16,000
Premier Cru, 2bc0.5cm 266 2 bts

於 2000 年成立的年輕酒莊 Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair,其莊主 Louis-Michel Liger-Belair 來自一個著名的葡萄酒世家,於勃根地經營葡 萄酒已有 200 年歷史。家族所擁有的珍貴的葡萄園,一度因為繼承和分產的問題不得不出售,甚至因此失去了當時就很著名的 La Tâche 特級葡萄園。

其中兩位家族成員,包含現任莊主 Louis-Michel 的祖父,將特級葡萄園 La Romanée、一級葡萄園 Les Chaumes 與 Aux Reignots 買回,委託給 當地的釀酒師,延續家族的葡萄酒事業。積極學習農業工程與釀酒的 Louis-Michel,於 2000 年初成立酒莊,購入 1.5 公頃位於 Vosne-Romanée 的葡萄園,2002 年時又收回了 Aux Reignots 和 La Romanée 兩個精華地塊,從葡萄種植到釀造皆親自管理,一個傳奇酒莊自此誕生。「葡萄酒 的品質始於葡萄園。」基於這樣的理念,比起追求釀造技術,他更傾力於葡萄園管理,使得 Comte Liger-Belair 葡萄酒的品質從村莊級到特級園皆 凌駕於眾酒莊之上。其中最著名的 La Romanée 獨佔園,佔地僅 0.845 公頃,是勃根地最小的特級葡萄園,產量稀少常一瓶難求,卓越的品質與貴 族般的氣質,成為媲美 Romanée-Conti 的世界級酒款。

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair La Romanée 2006

Grand Cru, BH:95

LOT268: bc0.5cm

LOT269: bc0.5cm

268 1 bt per lot NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000

269 1 bt HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair La Romanée 2010

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc0.5cm, lbsl, ldc

Mild reduction is enough to push what appear to be fresh spicesuffused aromas to the background. There is a palpable sense of energy to the brilliantly well-delineated, cool and restrained flavors that possess outstanding mid-palate concentration with focused power and a strong mineral component that culminate in a driving and explosive finish.

270 1 bt NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000

HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair La Romanée 2017

Grand Cru, BH:96, 2bc0.5cm

Offers up various floral elements that include lavender and rose petal along with various spice and red berry fruit scents. Several of the wines in the range possess beautiful textures and mouthfeels but the exquisitely delineated, vibrant and stony flavors are silky to the point of resembling liquid lace if such a thing existed, while exhibiting stunningly good persistence on the harmonious and superbly well-balanced finish.

271 2 bts

NT$ 320,000 - NT$ 400,000

HK$ 83,000 - HK$ 104,000

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Échézeaux 2009

Grand Cru LOT272: bc0.5cm LOT273: bc0.5cm 272 1 bt per lot NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000 273 1 bt HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Échézeaux 2017

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Vosne-Romanée

Aux Reignots 2014

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Vosne-Romanée

Aux Reignots 2002

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Vosne-Romanée

Premier Cru, BH:95, 3bc0.5cm, back label overlapping printed A highly perfumed, airy and cool nose exhibits an elegant blend of relatively high-toned red and dark cherry fruit, lilac, orange peel, anise and sandalwood scents. This, along with the La Romanée, is the most refined wine in the range thanks to the super-fine but dense tannins that shape the lively, intense and mineral-driven middle weight flavors as well as the impeccably well-balanced, lengthy and youthfully austere finish. 277 3

180,000 - NT$ 240,000

47,000 - HK$ 62,000

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Vosne-Romanée

Aux Reignots 2017

Premier Cru, 2bc0.5cm

150,000 - NT$ 190,000

39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Vosne-Romanée

La Colombière 2012 2bc0.5cm, 1wrl

17,000 - HK$ 22,000

NT$ 170,000
Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm 274
44,000 - HK$ 57,000
275 1 mag (1.5L) NT$ 120,000
NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000
HK$ 42,000
Premier Cru, bc0.5cm, wrl
276 3 bts NT$ 190,000 - NT$ 260,000 HK$ 49,000 - HK$ 68,000
Aux Reignots 2008 Premier Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 3wc
2 bts
2 bts
65,000 - NT$ 85,000



永遠的王者- DRC 專區 Lot 281 - 340

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 酒莊擁有世界上最知名也最昂貴 的葡萄園之一,旗下的酒款擁有超凡的醉人魅力,愛酒之人無不想一 親芳澤,尤以 Romanée-Conti 特級園最出名,被封為勃根地紅酒 之王。酒莊以極為嚴格的標準挑選葡萄,以接近自然的方式細心管 理,所生產的佳釀陳年潛力極高,喝過的人無不陶醉在其令人驚豔的 酒液中。

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Assortment 2006

Romanée-Conti 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm

La Tâche 3 bts Grand Cru, BH:96, 3bc0.5cm

Richebourg 2 bts Grand Cru, BH:95, 2bc0.5cm

Romanée-St.-Vivant 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm

Grands Échézeaux 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm

Échézeaux 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm

281 Total: 12 bts 6/OWC

NT$ 1,800,000 - NT$ 2,400,000

HK$ 468,000 - HK$ 623,000


Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Vosne-Romanée

Cuvée Duvault-Blochet 2002 Premier

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Échézeaux 2014

Cru, bc0.5cm, lstl, back label lstl, US import

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grands Échézeaux 1994

Grand Cru, bc2.5cm, wasl

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Échézeaux 1991 Grand

bc4cm, cc, sc

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Échézeaux 1997

289 1 bt

65,000 - NT$ 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grands Échézeaux 1996

Grand Cru, bc0.5cm, bsl, back label lbsl 290 1 bt

80,000 - NT$ 100,000

21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Richebourg 位於 Romanée-Conti 的上坡處,面積 8.03 公頃,是 Vosne-Romanée 村面積第二大的特級園,其中 3.51 公頃為 DRC 所擁有。「Riche」意指豐富,彰顯著此區葡萄酒的豐美濃郁,神 之 雫 中更曾以「盛開的百花園」來形容此地塊華麗的氣息,成熟的 Richebourg 不僅有著瑰麗眩目的複雜香氣,飽滿有力的酒體與絲絨般 滑溜完美的單寧更是令人心醉。

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Échézeaux 2011

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Richebourg 2015

Grand Cru, BH:97, bc0.5cm, US import

291 1 bt NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

283 2 bts NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000 HK$ 39,000
HK$ 49,000
Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 1lscl
284 1 bt NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000
285 1 bt per lot NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 286 1 bt HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000
LOT285: bc2cm, lbsl, US import LOT286: bc1.5cm, lbsl, back label ltl
Grand Cru, bc0.5cm, cc 287 1 bt NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000
288 1 bt NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000
- HK$ 25,000

Romanée-Conti 是 Vosne-Romanée 村、亦是勃根地最知名的特級 園,也是 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 最著名的獨佔園,位於勃 根地紅酒最精華的產區 Vosne-Romanée 的山坡中段,佔地僅 1.8 公 頃,卻成就全球最頂級、最精彩的酒款,被讚嘆具有無與倫比的複雜 層次、高深莫測,脫俗高雅卻又神祕非凡的特質。1990 是 RomanéeConti 的絕佳年份,有著令人驚嘆的亞洲辛香料、熱帶水果與些許的土 壤氣息,悠長的尾韻與豐富的滋味幾乎可用奢華來形容,卻又有如在味 蕾上披上一層天鵝絨般,高貴而內斂。

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti 1990

Grand Cru, BH:99

LOT293: bc1.5cm, hbsl, tl, stl, ldc

LOT294: bc1cm, wasl, ldc, back label bsl

LOT295: bc1cm, scl, lstl, back label tl, bsl, wrl, ldc

293 1 bt

294 1 bt per lot NT$ 750,000 - NT$ 950,000

295 1 bt

HK$ 195,000 - HK$ 247,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti 1990

Grand Cru, BH:99, bc4cm, lscl, sc, US import

296 1 mag (1.5L) NT$ 1,500,000 - NT$ 1,900,000

HK$ 390,000 - HK$ 494,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti 1996

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc3cm, lbsl, lpc, cc

Subtle aromas of black fruit, hoisin, spice, underbrush, anise and violets emerge. The palate impression is one of understatement as the refined, delineated and manifestly classy flavors offer incredible breed and fantastic complexity on the focused, linear and hugely long finish.

297 1 bt

NT$ 600,000 - NT$ 800,000

HK$ 156,000 - HK$ 208,000


Romanée-Saint-Vivant 鄰近 Romanée-Conti,地勢平坦,土壤以鈣 質豐富的黏土層為主,所打造出的酒款在 Vosne-Romanée 村裡風格 最為輕柔,香氣精緻可人,單寧滑順柔美卻不失架構,氣質宛若知書達 禮的世家小姐。

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti

Romanée-St.-Vivant 1997

Grand Cru

LOT299: bc2cm, lpc, US import

LOT300: bc1.5cm, scl, back label lbsl, US import 299 1 bt per


21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 的獨佔園 La Tâche 與 RomanéeConti 葡萄園僅隔一小片葡萄園的距離。19 世紀根瘤蚜蟲肆虐時,La Tâche 也難能倖免,後以 Romanée-Conti 的葡萄芽重新栽植,故或許 La Tâche 可能是唯一可以挑戰 Romanée-Conti 的一款佳釀。杯中的 酒液隨著時間,風味不斷變化是其一大特色,每每品嚐總令人驚喜連連。

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1984

Grand Cru, bc3.5cm, scl, neck label scl, sc

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1988

Grand Cru

LOT304: bc2.5cm, lwrl, cc

LOT305: bc2cm

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti

Romanée-St.-Vivant 1998

Grand Cru

LOT301: bc0.5cm, lwrl

LOT302: bc0.5cm

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1992

Grand Cru

LOT306: bc2cm, tl, US import

LOT307: bc2cm, lstl, US import


306 1 bt per lot NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000

307 1 bt

HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000

NT$ 100,000 300 1 bt
bt per lot NT$ 90,000
NT$ 120,000 302 1 bt HK$ 23,000
HK$ 31,000
301 1
303 1 bt NT$ 120,000
31,000 - HK$
304 1 bt per lot NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000 305 1 bt HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1994

Grand Cru

LOT309: bc1.5cm, lpc, US import

LOT310: bc2cm, lscl, sc, US import

309 1 bt per lot NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000

310 1 bt HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1995

Grand Cru, bc1cm, scl, US import

311 1 bt NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000

HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1996

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc1.5cm, scl

Fantastically pure with the classic spice box, hoisin and soy nose followed by big, rich, very structured flavors that display notes of earth, leather and tea. The tannins are big, ripe and are completely buffered by the sap with length that is simply phenomenal.

312 1 bt NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000

HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1997

Grand Cru, bc1cm, lpc

313 1 bt NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000

HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 1998

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm, ltl, neck label wrl

314 1 bt

NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000

HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 2004

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm, hscl, stl, back label stl, lsc

315 1 bt

NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tâche 2006

Grand Cru, BH:96, bc0.5cm, lbsl, back label bsl, US import

The big and generous flavors are an exercise in contrasts as they are at once round and rich while remaining wonderfully defined and precise with an intense minerality coming to the fore, all wrapped in a linear, palate staining and explosive finish.

316 1 bt

NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000


Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Collection 2012

Romanée-Conti 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:98, bc0.5cm La Tâche 2 bts Grand Cru, BH:97, 2bc0.5cm Richebourg 2 bts Grand Cru, BH:96, 2bc0.5cm, lscl Romanée-St.-Vivant 2 bts Grand Cru, BH:95, 2bc0.5cm Échézeaux 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 1wasl Grands Échézeaux 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:92-95, bc0.5cm, wisl, back label wasl 318 Total: 10 bts NT$ 1,400,000 - NT$ 1,800,000 HK$ 364,000 - HK$ 468,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 不僅以頂級 Pinot Noir 聞名全球,其

所釀造的 Montrachet,更是全球最著名且最難取得的白葡萄酒。DRC

在 Montrachet 擁有 0.68 公頃的葡萄園,全面採取自然動力法耕作,

平均樹齡 40 至 50 年,年產 250 箱,數量極其稀少。馥郁誘人的香氣、

圓潤豐滿的酒體與堅強的陳年潛力,精彩地表現了 Chardonnay 迷倒眾


因此 1992 年時便有停產 Montrachet 一事,可見品質嚴格把關。

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1972

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc2cm, lwrl

The expressive and cool nose is fully tertiary with plenty of sousbois and spice elements suffusing the strikingly layered aromas. There is excellent density and first-rate energy to the powerful and mineral-driven flavors that possess the same stunning complexity as the nose, all wrapped in a beautifully persistent if slightly austere finale.

320 1 bt

NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000

HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1979

Grand Cru, BH:97, bc2cm, bsl

A simply exquisite nose of smoke, truffle and spice lead to deeply colored, mature, incredibly complex and powerful flavors supported by plenty of supporting acidity and a finish that lasts for minutes. The thick, dense flavors stain the palate and this is almost liqueur-like in its concentration yet there is no heaviness.

321 1 bt

NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000

HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1981

Grand Cru, bc2.5cm

322 1 bt

NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000

HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1982

Grand Cru, bc2cm, tl, scl, wc, cc, sc, ldc

323 1 bt

NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000

HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1983

Grand Cru, bc2.5cm, bsl, lwc

324 1 bt

NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000

HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1985

Grand Cru, BH:97, bc2cm

A huge, even massive nose of now fully mature white flower and green apple fruit mixed with a deft trimming of the exotic is followed by thick, rich, almost viscous yet stunningly precise and pure flavors that coat the palate and despite the sheer heft, there is a silky quality on the finish that seems without end. Incredibly impressive in every respect and this is really quite youthful and vibrant with simply indescribable complexity. A great, great Montrachet worthy of the name.

325 1 bt NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000 HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 1986

Grand Cru

LOT326: bc2cm, scl, wc

LOT327: bc2cm, tl, scl, wc

326 1 bt per lot NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000 327 1 bt HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000


Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 2005

Grand Cru, BH:98, bc1cm, lwc, back label scl, wisl

An opulent, ripe and moderately oaked in-your-face nose explodes from the glass, bringing incredibly complex and layered aromas that run from floral, citrus, spice and a full range of white and yellow fruit notes that complement to perfection the lush, rich and amazingly concentrated broad-scaled flavors that are underpinned by an intense minerality and a palate staining finish of simply unbelievable length.

328 1 bt NT$ 220,000 - NT$ 300,000 HK$ 57,000 - HK$ 78,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 2009

Grand Cru, BH:95, London import

LOT330: bc0.5cm

LOT331: bc1cm, lscl

LOT332: bc0.5cm

LOT333: bc0.5cm

LOT334: bc0.5cm

LOT335: bc0.5cm

330 1 bt

331 1 bt

332 1 bt

333 1 bt

334 1 bt per lot NT$ 200,000 - NT$ 280,000

335 1 bt HK$ 52,000 - HK$ 73,000

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet 2011

Grand Cru, bc0.5cm

336 1 bt OWC NT$ 220,000 - NT$ 300,000 HK$ 57,000 - HK$ 78,000

Caves Augé Bourgogne

Hautes-Côtes de Nuits Blanc 2010

bc0.5cm, lbsl

西元九百年左右由Vergy 領主馬納賽一世所興建的 Saint Vivant De Vergy

修道院,自十二世紀便以其葡萄種植和葡萄酒在當地小有聲譽。十三世紀修 道院陸續收購並接受信徒的捐贈,園區不斷擴大,其中便包含了DRC 的葡萄 園。然而,這個當年位於 DRC發源地的修道院如今已成廢墟,DRC自1998 年 起,開始協助 Cave Augé及Lavinia 兩間老牌的巴黎酒商生產灌裝白葡萄酒 Hautes-Côtes de Nuits,用於籌措復建修道院的經費。

1 bt

44,000 - NT$ 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 14,000

Romanée-Conti Assortment 2007 Romanée-Conti 1 bt Grand Cru, bc0.5cm La Tâche 3 bts Grand Cru, 3bc0.5cm Richebourg 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm Romanée-St.-Vivant 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm Grands Échézeaux 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm Échézeaux 2 bts Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm 339 Total: 12 bts 6/OWC NT$ 1,800,000 - NT$ 2,400,000 HK$ 468,000 - HK$ 623,000
de la

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Assortment 2009

Tâche 2
2 bts
2 bts Grand Cru, BH:96, 2bc0.5cm Grands Échézeaux 2 bts Grand Cru, BH:95, 2bc0.5cm, 2lscl Échézeaux 3 bts Grand Cru, 3bc0.5cm, 3lscl 340 Total: 12 bts OWC NT$ 2,000,000 - NT$ 2,800,000 HK$ 519,000 - HK$ 727,000
Romanée-Conti 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:97, bc0.5cm La
bts Grand Cru, BH:98, 2bc0.5cm, 2lscl, 1neck label scl Richebourg
Grand Cru, BH:97, 2bc0.5cm, 1lscl Romanée-St.-Vivant

Henri Jayer Richebourg 1962

Grand Cru, BH:98, bc5cm, htl, hstl, hbsl, hwisl, hwasl, wc, sc

343 1 bt NT$ 400,000 - NT$ 480,000 HK$ 104,000 - HK$ 125,000

Emmanuel Rouget 是勃根地傳奇釀酒師 Henri Jayer 的姪子,自 1976 年開始跟在 Henri Jayer 身邊學習,嚴格且長時間的指導為他打 下堅強的基礎。自 1985 年開始,Emmanuel Rouget 陸續承租葡萄園、 接受委託代耕,開始了自己的酒莊事業。2006 年 Henri Jayer 辭世後, 更獲得旗下所有葡萄園的所有權。釀酒之神的親手傳授與葡萄園的傳承, 使得 Emmanuel Rouget 被視為神的傳人。

Emmanuel Rouget Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1999

Premier Cru

LOT344: bc1cm

LOT345&346: bc0.5cm

344 1 bt

345 1 bt per lot NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 100,000

346 1 bt HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Emmanuel Rouget Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 2003

Premier Cru, 2bc1cm, 2lwc, 1lsc

347 2 bts

NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Emmanuel Rouget Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 2008

Premier Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 2lbsl, back labe lscl

348 2 bts NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000

對於釀酒,Domaine Bizot 的莊主 Jean-Yves Bizot 有自己的一套 哲學。除了不干預葡萄園的自然生態外,釀酒亦沒有現代化設備,以 傳統的腳踩方式踩皮,榨汁亦以人工方式進行,整個過程緩慢而柔 和,卻一點也不馬虎,對於木桶的運用相當純熟,釀造出的酒保有最 自然的風貌,每年僅 900 餘箱的產量在市場上十分炙手可熱。

Domaine Bizot Vosne-Romanée 2010


349 1 bt

NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Domaine Bizot Vosne-Romanée Les Jachées 2014

3bc1cm, US import

350 3 bts NT$ 240,000 - NT$ 320,000 HK$ 62,000 - HK$ 83,000

創立於 1731 年的知名勃根地酒商之一 Bouchard Père & Fils,規 模龐大,生產著眾多紅、白佳釀。不同的地塊在酒莊的個別照顧下皆 有不一樣的特質與個性,呈現出多元複雜的風格。La Romanée 是 勃根地面積最小的特級葡萄園,佔地僅 0.845 公頃,產量稀少常一

瓶難求,長久以來 Bouchard Père & Fils 向 Liger-Belair 家族租借 此葡萄園,打造出品質卓越,媲美頂級名莊的世界級酒款。

Bouchard Père et Fils Chapelle-Chambertin 2016

Grand Cru, BH:92-95, 6bc1cm, 6lwrl 352

Domaine Bouchard Père & Fils Montrachet 2015

16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Domaine Bouchard Père & Fils

Chevalier-Montrachet 2006

6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Bouchard Père et Fils La Romanée 1982

Grand Cru, bc3cm, lscl, lbsl, neck label scl, sc

Bouchard Père et Fils La Romanée 2002

Grand Cru, BH:96, 2bc3cm, 1sos, loose OWC 357

mags (1.5L) NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Domaine Bouchard Père & Fils

Chevalier-Montrachet La Cabotte 2006

Grand Cru, BH:95, 1bc0.5cm, 3bc1cm, 2bc1.5cm, 1sos

358 6 bts OWC NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000

Bouchard Père & Fils Hospices de Beaune

Domaine Bouchard Père & Fils Montrachet 2012 Grand Cru, BH:95, 6bc1cm

Mazis-Chambertin Cuvée Madeleine-Collignon 1985

Grand Cru, 3bc1.5cm, 2ldc, 2cc

359 3 bts NT$ 44,000 - NT$ 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 14,000

OWC NT$ 24,000
6 bts
- NT$ 32,000
353 1 mag (1.5L) NT$ 120,000
31,000 - HK$ 42,000
354 3 bts NT$ 150,000
NT$ 190,000 HK$ 39,000
Grand Cru, BH:95, 3bc0.5cm
- HK$
355 6 bts OWC NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000
Grand Cru, 4bc1cm 356 4 bts
60,000 - NT$ 80,000


名列勃根地頂級葡萄酒之林,除了是一間大型酒 商,同時也自行生產品質優異的葡萄酒。採用自然動力法的栽種方 式,在傳統與創新間取得平衡,酒風呈現細緻均衡的面貌。

361 12 bts OWC NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 170,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000
Joseph Drouhin Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2016 Grand Cru, BH:96, 12bc1cm
362 2 bts NT$ 40,000
NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000
Joseph Drouhin Griotte-Chambertin 1988 Grand Cru, 1bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1ll, 2neck label wisl, 1crc, US label
- HK$ 12,000
363 4 bts NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000
Joseph Drouhin Griotte-Chambertin 1996 Grand Cru, 2bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 1lpc, loose OWC
- HK$

Joseph Drouhin Chambolle-Musigny

Les Amoureuses 1995

Premier Cru, 2bc1cm, loose OWC

364 2 bts NT$ 28,000 - NT$ 36,000

HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000

Joseph Drouhin Chambolle-Musigny

Les Amoureuses 2016

Premier Cru, 6bc1cm, 2ldc

365 6 bts OWC

80,000 - NT$ 100,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 26,000

Grand Cru, 6bc0.5cm

370 6 bts OC

NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Joseph Drouhin Grands Échézeaux 2016

Grand Cru, BH:96, 6bc1cm, 1sos, 1ldc

There is enough wood influence to mention setting off the liqueur-like aromas of black cherry liqueur, plum, smoke, Asianstyle tea and subtle floral wisps. Like the Clos de Vougeot the big-bodied and overtly muscular flavors possess superb richness while displaying evident power on the mouth coating, extract-rich and superbly persistent finish where the wood exhibited by the nose reappears. In short, this is breathtakingly good.

371 6 bts OWC NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 85,000

HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000


366 1 bt

NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Joseph Drouhin Montrachet Marquis de Laguiche 2016

Grand Cru, BH:95, 4bc1cm, 2bc1.5cm, loose OWC

Laguiche 家族擁有逾兩公頃的 Montrachet 地塊,為此特級園最大的擁 有者。長年以來葡萄園委由酒商 Joseph Drouhin 管理及釀造,所生產的 酒款有著豐富的花果調性與些許蜂蜜的甜美香氣,口感圓潤,扎實的酒體 卻不顯厚重,以其細緻均衡的酒風廣受藏家喜愛。

372 6 bts NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

Joseph Drouhin Musigny 2016

Grand Cru, BH:97, LOT367&368出自同一原裝木箱

LOT367: 6bc1cm

LOT368: 6bc1cm

This is the first wine in the Drouhin range that I would describe as generously wooded though the oak toast isn't so strong as to completely relegate the wonderfully spicy dark berry fruit, violet, anise, orange pekoe tea and cigar box aromas to the background. The almost painfully intense large-scaled flavors display obvious power and minerality that carries over to the superbly complex, persistent and well-balanced finale. This is a definite 'wow' wine though one that is very much built-to-age.

367 6 bts per lot

368 6 bts

150,000 - NT$ 190,000

39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Nicolas Potel Clos de la Roche 2005 Grand Cru, 5bc0.5cm, 5bc1cm, 2bc1.5cm

373 12 bts NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000 HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Nicolas Potel Le Montrachet 2005 Grand Cru, 5bc1.5cm, 1bc1cm, 1wasl

374 6 bts NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000



369 3 bts NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Louis Jadot Chevalier-Montrachet Demoiselles 2002 Grand Cru, bc6cm

375 1 jero (3L) OWC NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 85,000 HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

Joseph Drouhin Musigny 1998 Cru, bc1cm Joseph Drouhin Clos de Vougeot 1988 Cru, 2bc1cm, 1bc1.5cm, 3lbsl, Italy Joseph Drouhin Échézeaux 1996

Thepricesarepainfulbutthewinesarenottobemissed. Allen Meadows

Domaine d'Auvenay 為 Domaine Leroy 莊主 Lalou Bize-Leroy 女士和她先生 Marcel 於 1988 年共同購入經營的獨立酒莊。與 Domaine Leroy

有著相同的執著與堅持,Domaine d'Auvenay 的釀造全面採用自然動力法,每個地塊年產量不超過三桶 ( 900 瓶 ),以不計成本的超低產量來維持 其一貫的品質。純粹的深度、完美的品質、加上稀少的產量,使 d'Auvenay 成為受到全球酒迷追逐的稀世珍釀。

Domaine d'Auvenay Bonnes-Mares 1995

Domaine d'Auvenay Meursault Les Narvaux 2008

Domaine d'Auvenay Bourgogne Aligoté Sous Chatelet 2012 bc1.5cm, tl, back label tl

Domaine d'Auvenay Puligny-Montrachet Les Folatières 2006

Domaine d'Auvenay Auxey-Duresses 2007

Domaine d'Auvenay Meursault Les Narvaux 2006 bc2cm, lcrc, cracked wax capsule

Domaine d'Auvenay Chevalier-Montrachet 2013

Grand Cru, bc1.5cm

382 1 bt NT$ 550,000 - NT$ 750,000

HK$ 143,000 - HK$ 195,000

376 1 bt NT$ 160,000
NT$ 200,000 HK$ 42,000
HK$ 52,000
Grand Cru, bc2cm, ldc, wc, lcc, sos
377 1 bt NT$ 85,000
NT$ 110,000 HK$ 22,000
HK$ 29,000
bc2cm 378 1 bt NT$ 140,000
NT$ 180,000 HK$ 36,000
HK$ 47,000
379 1 bt NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000 HK$ 36,000
HK$ 47,000
bc1cm 380 1 bt NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000 HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000
Premier Cru, bc1cm 381 1 bt NT$ 220,000 - NT$ 300,000 HK$ 57,000 - HK$ 78,000

Léon Coche 於 1920 年創立 Coche-Dury 酒莊,其所擁有葡萄園大多分佈於 Meursault 產區。1975 年,酒莊在第三代繼承者 Jean-Francois 與

其妻 Odile Dury 結婚後,正式更名成為 Coche-Dury。Jean-Francois 是勃根地的傳奇釀酒師,他謹守著酒莊多年的釀酒傳統,採用老藤釀製,維 持低產量,利用 50% 的新橡木桶進行 18-22 個月的陳年,並於裝瓶時不做任何過濾處理,保留酒液最原始的風味。低產量與無可挑剔的葡萄品質是 其白酒的釀造關鍵。酒評家 Jancis Robinson 曾表示 Coche-Dury 是頂級 Chardonnay 的代名詞,公認其 Corton-Charlemagne 是最偉大的白酒 之一,有著豐滿的焦糖與花果氣息,與相輔相成的礦石風味,是一款頗具深度的白葡萄酒。

J.-F. Coche-Dury Bourgogne Aligoté 2010

5bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, US import

383 6 bts NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 85,000

HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

J.-F. Coche-Dury Meursault 2014

2bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 2ldc

384 3 bts NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

J.-F. Coche-Dury Meursault 2015

3bc0.5cm, 1pc, 1cif

385 3 bts NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000

J.-F. Coche-Dury Meursault 2016

3bc0.5cm, 2ldc

386 3 bts NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000

HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000

J.-F. Coche-Dury Meursault Les Chevalières 2008

bc1cm, dc, wc, sc

387 1 bt NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

J.-F. Coche-Dury Meursault-Perrières 1996

Premier Cru, BH:95, bc0.5cm, lpc

388 1 bt NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

J.-F. Coche-Dury Corton-Charlemagne 1996

Grand Cru, BH:98+, bc2cm, lscl, wc

This is an absolutely brilliant Corton-Charlemagne and despite still being incredibly young, offers simply unbelievable aromatic elegance and complexity; indeed the nose is almost ethereal with that wonderful perfumed airiness that captivates and enchants. The medium full flavors have it all with superb depth, incredible precision and an almost palpable stony quality where the minerality dominates the mid-palate and explodes like a grenade on the stupendously long finish.

389 1 bt NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000 HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000

Domaine Paul Pernot Puligny-Montrachet 2 bts

Les Folatières 2010

Premier Cru, 1bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm

Domaine Paul Pernot Puligny-Montrachet 4 bts

Les Pucelles 2009

Premier Cru, 3bc0.5cm, 1bc1cm, 4wasl, 4neck label wc, 1ldc

390 Total: 6 bts NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

Domaine Paul Pernot 3 bts

Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2010

Grand Cru, BH:95, 3bc0.5cm, 1tl, 3wrl, 1stl

Domaine Paul Pernot Bâtard-Montrachet 2010 3 bts

Grand Cru, BH:95, 3bc0.5cm, 3wasl, 3wrl, 1tl, 1lbsl, 1ldc

Domaine Ramonet 始於 1934 年,雖然迄今只是第三代,卻早已 建立了非常高的聲譽,為 Chassagne 村內白酒第一名莊,是生產 Montrachet 的佼佼者之一,僅佔 0.2 公頃,產量稀少。酒風特色為 不沉澱除渣,此舉可保留釀造後的原味以外,也能使 Chardonnay 釋放出更多樣的香氣變化,濃郁複雜,風格陽剛,往往可以輕易地 陳放數十年,熟成時飲用更能讓藏家玩味不已。知名勃根地酒評家 Allen Meadow 曾說若是要從眾多勃根地白酒中挑出一支佳釀放入 時間錦囊中珍藏,Domaine Ramonet 美酒肯定是他的首選,可見 其陳年實力。

Jean-Claude Ramonet Bâtard-Montrachet 2015

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc1cm, neck label ll

In the same fashion as the BBM there are soft notes of wood toast and petrol that set off the ripe and overtly ripe but not really exotic aromas of both white and yellow orchard fruit that flash background spice and citrus nuances. The wood is more prominent on the palate though there is so much concentration and sappy dry extract that the big-bodied flavors should have no difficulty ultimately integrating it.

392 1 bt

32,000 - NT$ 40,000

8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Etienne Sauzet 位於 Puligny-Montrachet 村,其白酒豐美且集中, 擁有豐富的礦物氣息和甜美的果香、精巧的平衡感與絕對優雅的法式 風情,與 Domaine Leflaive、Ramonet 公認為勃根地白酒三大頂 尖品牌。特級園風格華麗肥美,一級園更是酒莊的代表作,其酒質酸 度精巧、結構扎實,擁有絕佳的陳年潛力。

Etienne Sauzet Chevalier-Montrachet 2009 1 bt

Grand Cru, BH:95, bc1cm

Etienne Sauzet Chevalier-Montrachet 2013 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:93-95, bc0.5cm, lstl

393 Total: 2 bts

NT$ 46,000 - NT$ 60,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 16,000

Etienne Sauzet Bâtard-Montrachet 2010 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:93-96, bc0.5cm

Etienne Sauzet Bâtard-Montrachet 2016 1 bt Grand Cru, BH:95, bc1.5cm

394 Total: 2 bts NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

391 Total: 6 bts NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

2015 年 4 月 5 日,Domaine Leflaive 前莊主 Anne-Claude Leflaive 與世長辭,享年 59 歲。Anne 於 1990 年加入家族產業,並於 1993 年正式成 為 Leflaive 酒莊莊主。在她的推動下,酒莊自 1997 年起全面採用自然動力法耕種葡萄,成為勃根地自然動力法的先驅,酒質集中飽滿且細膩,有著絕 佳的層次感與複雜度,忠實傳達著 Puligny-Montrachet 的風土特色。Leflaive 擁有多塊頂級葡萄園,除了備受讚譽的 Montrachet 外,還包括特級葡

萄園如 Chevalier-Montrachet、Bâtard-Montrachet 與 Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet,以及數個品質凌駕特級園的一級園。

Domaine Leflaive Chevalier-Montrachet 2008

Grand Cru, BH:97, 2bc0.5cm

Chevalier-Montrachet 特級園佔地七公頃大,與 Montrachet 園毗鄰。此 區多為卵石以及帶有石灰質的岩塊組成,使得釀成的酒質帶有纖瘦酒體以及 礦石風味,常被認為可以與 Montrachet 的酒相提並論或與之相庭抗衡。

395 2 bts NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000

Domaine Leflaive Bâtard-Montrachet 2004

GrandCru,2bc1cm,1necklabelwisl,1backlabelwisl,USimport 396 2 bts NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Domaine Leflaive Bâtard-Montrachet 2012

Grand Cru, BH:92-95, bc0.5cm

Bâtard-Montrachet 位於 Montrachet下坡處將近 12 公頃的葡萄園,同 樣橫跨 Puligny、Chassagne 兩村。酒質比 Montrachet、ChevalierMontrachet 多了些油脂感以及成熟水果香味以外也保有了Puligny 特有的 迷人酸度。相較於其他特級園,此特級園所產的白酒溫柔婉約,甘美水果氣息 之外也散發著礦物風味,在輕柔之中展現出一股不疾不徐、力道中庸的酒體。 397 1 bt NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 40,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon 生產的白酒在全世界有著極高的讚譽,葡萄園主要分布於 Meursault 產區,採用自然動力法耕作,產量極低。酒風 精巧多變化,迷人的礦石氣味中有宜人適中的酸度,強而有力,展現出 Meursault 的地道風格。此外所釀造的 Montrachet 可謂是白酒精品中難得 的佳釀,往往供不應求,一般只使用全新的橡木桶,在經過乳酸發酵後換桶,熟成 15 個月後始裝瓶,除了增添層次以外,極少攪桶的做法也保留了 果實純粹的風味。

Domaine des Comtes

Lafon Montrachet 1996

Grand Cru, BH:97, bc1cm, tl, stl, wc

Offers up an explosive mix of white flower aromas, spice hints and ripe citrus notes that continue on to the vibrant, muscular, dense and exceptionally powerful flavors that possess flat out incredible detail, all wrapped in a racy, elegant and gorgeously pure finish.

- NT$ 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon Montrachet 2010

Grand Cru, BH:97, bc1cm

There is still enough wood to merit mentioning framing the aromas of acacia, citrus and spicy white-fleshed orchard fruit. There is fine concentration to the big, muscular and broad-shouldered flavors that coat the palate with dry extract still imparts a borderline chewy texture on the mineral-driven, powerful and hugely long finish.



398 1 bt NT$ 85,000 399 1 bt OWC NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 25,000 HK$
Lot 400 | 700


Distillery Pages Distillery Pages Ardbeg 91,113-115,124,153 Lagavulin 93,116,117 Balblair 94 Laphroaig 92,105 Balvenie 88,89,139 Littlemill 98,99 BenRiach 109,155 Longmorn 122 Bowmore 93,104 Macallan 87,88,121,123,124, 143-148,153 Brora 110-112 Port Ellen 106,122,124,125 Bruichladdich 121,125,136,137,154 Rosebank 99 Bunnahabhain 95,137 Springbank 96,122 Caol Ila 91,125 Talisker 118,119,122 Clynelish 136 Teaninich 91 Convalmore 109 三得利株式會社 Suntory 126,127 Dalmore 94,125 山崎 Yamazaki 90,126-133 Edradour 136 白州 Hakushu 134 Glen Grant 121,123,137 響 Hibiki 140-142 Glen Scotia 97 一甲 Nikka 100,101 Glendronach 95,155 余市 Yoichi 102 Glenfarclas 95,107,108,125 宮城峽 Miyagikyo 102 Glenfiddich 89,138 竹鶴 Taketsuru 100 Glenglassaugh 90,109 伊知郎 Ichiro's 103 Glengoyne 149-151 羽生 Hanyu 103 Glenlivet 124,137 川崎 Kawasaki 103 Glenmorangie 117 輕井澤 Karuizawa 156-165 Highland Park 90,123,125,135,136 其他 Others 94,95,97,109,118, 122,123,154


典藏原裝箱 Lot 400 - 419

Lot 400

復刻版是麥卡倫為人津津樂道的實驗系列,以 19 世紀留存至今 的威士忌為範本,打造出反應時代的風味,當時多半使用泥煤烘 焙麥芽、蒸餾器則直接以煤炭加熱,與如今酒款的口感有相當 大的差別,此復刻系列作品包含 Macallan 1841 Replica、1851 Inspiration、1861 Replica、1874 Replica 及 1876 Replica。

Macallan 1841 Replica

Speyside, 41.70%, 6酒標輕微髒污, 6外盒輕微髒污, 六瓶原裝箱

400 6 (75cl) OC NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 95,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 25,000

Macallan 1851 Inspiration

Speyside, 41.30%, 3酒標輕微髒污, 1外盒輕微磨損, 六瓶原裝箱

401 6 (70cl) OC NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 95,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 25,000

Macallan 1876 Replica

Speyside, 40.60%, 3酒標輕微髒污, 1酒標變色, 3外盒輕微髒污, 六瓶原裝箱

402 6 (70cl) OC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 100,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 26,000

Lot 401
Lot 402

Macallan Classic Travel Range 1930s Propeller Plane

Speyside, 42.80%, X-Ray photography by Nick Veasey, 十二瓶原裝箱

繼千禧年推出復古年代旅行系列 (Travel Series) 後,麥卡倫與 英國攝影大師 Nick Veasey 合作,再次於 2016 年推出 Whisky Maker's Edition - Classic Travel Range 系列作品,以各個 劃時代的交通工具發明-輪船、火車、汽車、飛機的 X 光影 像,刻畫人類文明不斷推進的軌跡,於免稅通路獨家販售。 此番徵集的為 12 瓶一箱、代表 1930 年代的 Propeller Planes 。

403 12 (70cl) OC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 150,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 39,000

Macallan Concept Number 2 2019

Speyside, 40.00%, Sherry-seasoned American Oak, 六瓶原裝箱, inspired by the captivating world of music

404 6 (70cl) OC NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

The Balvenie 30 Years Old 紙盒

Speyside, 47.30%, 三瓶原裝箱

2004年,為紀念David Stewart擔任百富首席調酒師滿30年,酒 廠推出了膾炙人口的百富30年,前後有數個版本,酒精濃度皆 為47.3%。此為2011年至2013年間發行的紙盒版本。

405 3 (70cl) OGB NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 39,000

Lot 403 Lot 404 Lot 405

The Balvenie 30 Years Old 木盒 Speyside, 47.30%, 1酒標輕微破損, 1外盒輕微髒污, 三瓶原裝箱, whiskyfun:90

此為 2004 至 2010 年間的上開木盒版本,也是最早期的 30 年 版本。此版本獲得 whiskyfun Serge 的好評,形容它有著香甜

的蜂蜜氣息和飽滿如同六零年代 Bowmore 酒款的熱帶水果風 情,口感濃郁卻又點綴著恰到好處的辛香料和木頭氣息,極 致享受的品飲體驗。

406 3 (70cl) OGB NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 39,000

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 2

Speyside, 48.80%, Sherry Butts:11439, 13145, 763, Traditional Whisky Casks:15915, 5247, 15340, 7050, 15344, 15337, 5824, 1500, 446, 2水位頸部, 六瓶原裝箱

繼「 Tun 1401 」,百富於 2012 年推出以更高年份調和而成的 「 Tun 1858 」系列,源自蘇格蘭幾近失傳的古老造酒工法 「 Marry 」,將數個高年份的酒桶裝進更大的酒桶,經過一段 時間的陳放融合,工法繁雜,需要調酒師絕對精準的感官。

調酒師 David Stewart 希望藉著這個系列向世人展示圓潤滑美 的老酒與豐沛奔放的年輕酒液在相互融合後帶出的香醇甘美 和豐富的層次感。 Tun 1858 Batch 2 使用九個美國傳統橡木 桶和三個西班牙雪莉桶,每一個酒桶都各自於桶中陳年超過 37 年的時間,於 2013 年推出,總量約 2500 瓶,於台灣市場限 定販售。

407 6 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Glenfiddich Winter Storm 21 Years Old Speyside, 43.00%, Icewine Casks, 6外盒發霉, 三瓶原裝箱, Experimental Series 03 Batch No. Two

408 6 (70cl) OGB NT$ 44,000 - NT$ 55,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 14,000

Lot 406 Lot 407 Lot 408

Glenglassaugh 1972 39 Years Old

Speyside, 1972蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 50.60%, Bottle#25&26&27&37&38&39, 限量135瓶, 6盒內皮革輕微脫落, 1外盒輕微損傷, 三瓶原裝箱

位於斯貝賽區的 Glenglassaugh 創立於 1875 年, 1892 年易主愛 丁頓集團的前身- Highland Distillers ,主要產能作為 Famous Grouse 和 Cutty Sark 的基酒使用。然而,由於其酒質繁複且充 滿個性,強烈的風格並不適合早年風行的調和威士忌,故往往 在景氣不好的情形下第一個成為停產止損的選擇,故酒廠幾經 轉手與關廠,從建廠以來有超過一半的時間蒸餾器都未能正常

運作, 1986 年再次關廠後又一直要到 2008 年,才在一群威士忌 愛好者的推波助瀾下重啟蒸餾作業。 2013 年, Billy Walker 將 Glenglassaugh 納入班瑞克集團,認為 Glenglassaugh 不但酒質 獨特,且所有酒桶皆於離海岸線不遠的酒廠倉庫進行陳年,微 型氣候帶來的影響使得每一桶來自 Glenglassaugh 的酒都有令 人驚喜的細微差異。 2016 年又因班瑞克集團為美國最大酒業公 司-百富門 Brown Forman 收購,成為百富門旗下一員。

409 6 (70cl) OGB NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 220,000 HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 57,000

Highland Park 30 Years Old Orkney, 48.10%, 6盒扣氧化, 六瓶原裝箱, whiskyfun:91

此為 2007 年出版的 Highland Park 30 年,與 2006 年推出的紅盒 圓瓶版本在酒質上極為相似,皆有著大量的花朵、無花果和果 乾氣息,口感飽滿有力,充滿香料氣息的尾韻綿延不絕。獲得 Whiskyfun 91 分的評價。

410 6 (70cl) OGB NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 140,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 36,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 2015 Limited Edition

Japan, 43.00%, 六瓶原裝箱

411 6 (70cl) OC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000

HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000

Lot 409 Lot 410 Lot 411

Rare Malts Selection 為聯合酒業集團 (UD) 於 1995 至 2015 年 間推出的系列酒款,每年分成春秋兩次,一開始只在免稅通 路販售,後來才進入一般市場,值得注意的是,由於 UD 為 Diageo 的前身,因此這一系列的作品儘管時常被誤會,實為 原廠裝瓶 (Original Bottling)。

這一系列發行在單一麥芽威士忌才剛剛崛起的年代,所有裝瓶 酒款皆為 18 年以上以未經冷凝過濾的原桶強度裝瓶,每一批 次都有獨立瓶號,為七零與八零年代早期留下不少精彩且稀有 難得的作品。

Rare Malts Teaninich 1972 23 Years Old

Highland, 1972蒸餾, 64.95%, Bottle#5005&5008&5009& 5116&5221&5431, 六瓶原裝箱, whiskynotes:90

412 6 (75cl) OC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000

HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000

Rare Malts Caol Ila 1975 20 Years Old

Islay, 1975蒸餾, 61.12%, Bottle#2334&2838&3145&3146& 3147&3149, 六瓶原裝箱, whiskynotes:90

413 6 (75cl) OC NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000

HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Ardbeg 1998 Still Young

Islay, 1998蒸餾/2006裝瓶, 56.20%, 2nd Release, 六瓶原裝箱 建立於 1815 年的 Ardbeg ,其狂野不馴的泥煤風味讓許多 愛好者為之沈淪,就連村上春樹亦被其強烈的性格深深吸 引。然而由於運營不佳,酒廠數度被迫停產,直至 1997 年 由格蘭傑 (Glenmorangie) 收購後,這才重整旗鼓,踏上復興 之路。在往第一個 10 年邁進的路上,新團隊一手打造了藏 家間暱稱「青春系列」的「 The Path to Maturity 」四款作 品,從 2004 年第一款的 Very Young 、 2006 年第二款的 Still Young 、 2007 年的 Almost There 和最後一款於 2008 年推出的 Renaissance ,代表 Ardbeg 在新團隊的帶領下,已完成了泥 煤熟成的探索之路。此次徵集為 2006 年推出之第二款作品- Still Young 。

414 6 (70cl) OC NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Lot 412 Lot 413
Lot 414

Laphroaig 10 Years Old Original Cask Strength

Islay, 55.70%, 1水位頸部, 5水位頸部以下, 1酒標輕微破損, 6

Laphroaig 18 Years Old


六瓶原裝箱, LF版 415 6 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000
六瓶原裝箱 416 6 (75cl) 圓筒 NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000
, 5
, 1
Lot 415
Lot 417 Lot

Lagavulin 1976 37 Years Old

Islay, 1976蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 51.00%, Bottle#0569&0671&1704&1711, 3水位頸部, 4酒封殘膠, 4瓶身雷雕輕微掉漆, 4盒內皮革輕微脫落, 四瓶原裝箱, whiskyfun:94, whiskynotes:94

Lagavulin 37 年為帝亞吉歐 2013 年推出的特殊版本,也是酒廠至 今所推出的官方裝瓶中年份最高的作品。這款直接以原桶強度呈 現的酒款於 1976 年蒸餾,有著濃郁的煙燻和灰燼風格,個性強 悍, whiskyfun 的 Serge 不僅給予了這款酒 94 分的高分讚譽,更 因為其氣味和口感在品飲過程中不停變化,彷彿與前世界西洋棋 冠軍卡斯帕羅夫 (Garry Kasparov) 對弈般,表示這是一款極具挑 戰性的威士忌 (a brilliantly challenging whisky) ,讓他不知不覺 間撰寫了一篇長度超越以往的酒評。 Lagavulin 37 年僅生產 1868 瓶。

Bowmore 1982 29 Years Old

Islay, 1982蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 47.30%, 限量501瓶, 1頸部金屬扣遺失, 三瓶原裝箱


Bowmore 1984 28 Years Old

/20.03.2013裝瓶, 48.70%, Bourbon Cask, 三瓶原裝箱

Islay, 24.04.1984

4 (70cl) OGB NT$ 420,000 - NT$ 550,000 HK$ 109,000
HK$ 143,000
418 3
OGB NT$ 110,000
NT$ 150,000 HK$ 29,000
419 3 (70cl) OGB NT$ 100,000
NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000
HK$ 36,000
418 93

Dalmore 1976 27 Years Old

Highland, 30.6.76蒸餾/23.7.03裝瓶, 60.50%, Cask#7661, Bottle#275, 酒標磨損

420 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

Oban 1969 32 Years Old

Highland, 1969蒸餾/2002裝瓶, 55.10%, Bottle#1416, 限量6000瓶, whiskyfun:93

Oban 位於蘇格蘭高地沿海,創建於 1794 年,由 Stevenson 家族傳承三 代至 1830 年,其後幾經易主與關廠,直至 1989 年納入帝亞吉歐集團旗

下。 Oban 蒸餾廠是蘇格蘭公認規模最小的酒廠之一,廠內僅有兩座 壺式蒸餾器,年產量不到 70 萬公升。此款蒸餾於 1969 年的 32 年酒款, 是 2002 年帝亞吉歐推出的 Special Release 之一,蒸餾於酒廠仍隸屬 Distillers Company Limited 集團 (United Distillers 前身 ) 時,此集團於 1986 年由 Guinness 收購,且酒廠在蒸餾完這批酒後,便再度進入長達 四年的休廠。 Whiskyfun 給予這款酒 93 分的評價,形容他「 Not gentle at all I must say, this one is rather a beast and I'd say it's for true aficionados only 」。

421 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

Balblair 1966 38 Years Old

Highland, 1966蒸餾/September 2004裝瓶, 44.00%, Bottle#802, Spanish Oak Sherry Casks, whiskyfun:92

追根究源回溯 1749 年, Balblair 可以說是蘇格蘭最古老的蒸餾廠之一, 曾在二次世界大戰時休廠,後於 1970 年由 Hiram Walker 買下,作為 Ballentine 百齡罈調和威士忌的基酒; 1996 年再度轉手於 Inver House , 回歸獨立酒廠的身分,並於 2006 年開始僅推出單一年份的單一麥芽威士 忌,堅持以最高品質打造最完美的酒款,向傳統致敬。這款於 1966 年蒸 餾的 38 年作品有著優雅而漂亮的均衡感,被 whiskyfun 的 Serge 評為這間 酒廠他個人品嘗過最棒的作品。

422 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 28,000 - NT$ 38,000

HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 10,000

Glenury Royal 1970 36 Years Old

Highland, 1970蒸餾/2007裝瓶, 57.90%, Bottle#678, 限量1926瓶, 外盒髒污

423 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000

HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Lot 420 Lot 421 Lot 422.423

Glendronach 1995 20 Years Old

Highland, 02.06.1995蒸餾/09.2015裝瓶, 55.30%, Cask#2901, Bottle#517&518&519&520, 限量681瓶, Oloroso Sherry Puncheon

Speyside 1966 40 Years Old, The Whisky Fair

Speyside, 1966蒸餾/2007裝瓶, 52.40%, 限量150瓶, Oloroso Sherry Wood

425 1 (70cl)

Bunnahabhain 1990 24 Years Old Classic Car Series

Islay, 1990蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 47.20%, Jaguar E type, Bottled for Bresser & Timmer

Glen Garioch 1993 21 Years Old Classic Car Series

Highland, 1993蒸餾/2014裝瓶, 52.90%, Aston Martin DB6, Bottled for Bresser & Timmer

Caperdonich 1994 20 Years Old Classic Car Series

Speyside, 1994蒸餾/2014裝瓶 , 47.60%, Ferrari 250 GTO, Bottled for Bresser & Timmer

Benrinnes 1996 18 Years Old Classic Car Series

Speyside, 1996蒸餾/2014裝瓶, 51.90%, Porsche 911 Turbo, Bottled for Bresser & Timmer

Tomatin 1998 16 Years Old Classic Car Series

Highland, 1998蒸餾/2014裝瓶, 50.60%, Mustang Shelby GT500, Bottled for Bresser & Timmer

Highland 1953, Macleod's Extremely Rare

Highland, 1953蒸餾/2005裝瓶, 43.00%, Cask#1670, Bottle#106&109, Sherry Cask

427 2 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 44,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 21,000

Highland 1964, Macleod's Extremely Rare

Highland, 1964蒸餾/2006裝瓶, 48.00%, Cask#41, Bottle#019&022, Sherry Cask



424 4 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
無盒 NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 60,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 16,000
NT$ 30,000
NT$ 38,000 HK$
HK$ 10,000
8,000 -
426 Total: 5 (70cl) OC NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000
Lot 424 Lot 425.426
Lot 427.428

位於 Campbeltown 的雲頂酒廠創立於 1828 年,自 1837 年開始由 蘇格蘭 Mitchell 家族獨資擁有,至今仍保留傳統的地板發芽 (Floor Malting) 技術,並使用艾雷泥煤進行大麥的烘烤作業,是全蘇格蘭唯 一從原料到裝瓶每個步驟都在自家完成的酒廠。十九世紀的坎培爾鎮 就彷彿今日的斯貝賽區,是蘇格蘭威士忌重鎮,最繁榮的時期擁有超 過三十多家的蒸餾廠,但僅有雲頂酒廠撐過了一次次的蕭條,如今更 以三個產品線、三種全然不同的風格,致力保留坎培爾鎮過去多元的 威士忌風情。

Longrow 2005 13 Years Old

Campbeltown, February 2005蒸餾/24th May 2018發行, 58.70%, 限量1096瓶, Refill Port Casks, Open Day 2018

Hazelburn 2007 10 Years Old

Campbeltown, June 2007蒸餾/24th May 2018發行, 59.60%, 限量1070瓶, Refill Marsala Hogsheads, Open Day 2018

Springbank 2004 9 Years Old

Campbeltown, February 2004蒸餾/23rd May 2013裝瓶, 58.60%, 限量295瓶, Refill Gaja Barolo Hogshead, Open Day 2013

Springbank 1966 Local Barley

Campbeltown, Feb 66蒸餾/Aug 97裝瓶, 53.20%, Cask#1966 483, Bottle#163, Matured in Oak Bourbon Casks

Springbank 1969, Macleod's Extremely Rare

Campbeltown, 1969蒸餾/2004裝瓶, 45.60%, Cask#53, Bottle#112, 酒標輕微磨損, 頭封輕微膠痕


30,000 - NT$ 40,000

8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Springbank 1969, Macleod's Extremely Rare

Campbeltown, 1969蒸餾/2004裝瓶, 43.90%, Cask#49, Bottle#99

433 1 (70cl) 無盒

NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 40,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

Springbank 1969 42 Years Old, Macleod's Very Rare

Campbeltown, 1969蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 46.00%, Cask#974, Bottle#032, Sherry Cask, ICF Selection

434 1 (70cl) 無盒

NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 48,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 12,000

429 Total: 2 (70cl) 無盒
9,000 -
2,000 - HK$ 4,000
NT$ 13,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 3,000
2 (70cl) 無盒
431 1 (75cl) OGB NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 200,000 HK$
39,000 - HK$
432 1 (70cl) 無盒
Lot 429.430 Lot 431 Lot 432-434

Speyside 1966 44 Years Old, Macleods Very Rare

Speyside, 1966蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 50.00%, Cask#4178, Bottle#082, Sherry Cask, ICF Selection

Speyside 1967 43 Years Old, Macleods Very Rare

Speyside, 1967蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 45.80%, Cask#7163, Bottle#163&166, Sherry Cask, ICF Selection

Glen Scotia 1994 19 Years Old Exclusive to Taiwan

Campbeltown, 10.01.1994蒸餾, 59.80%, Cask#31, Bottle#057&145, 限量215瓶, Bourbon Cask

Glen Scotia 1991 20 Years Old, Wilson & Morgan

Campbeltown, 1991蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 44.20%, Butt#1, Sherry Butt

18,000 - NT$ 24,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 6,000

1832 年,舊名「Scotia」的酒廠創

建於坎培爾鎮,1939 年於 Bloch Brothers 收購期間更名為「Glen Scotia」,彼時,曾經於蘇格蘭威士 忌產業中鼎盛一時的坎培爾鎮,竟 僅存雲頂酒廠和 Glen Scotia 依然鼎 立。在其近 200 年的歷史中,Glen Scotia 歷經無數次的易主與停產, 2014 年易主英國私募股權基金,目 前由 Loch Lomond 集團代管運營。

儘管命運坎坷,Glen Scotia 的蒸餾 生產設備卻仍保留著最初始的設計, 每年酒廠會撥出六週以上的時間製作 帶有泥煤風味的新酒,年產量不到 80 萬公升,以小批次的方式製作, 力求將鼎盛時期坎培爾鎮那濃烈的硬 漢風格展現給世人。

435 1 (70cl) 無盒
15,000 - NT$ 22,000
4,000 - HK$
436 2 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 28,000
NT$ 40,000 HK$ 7,000
HK$ 10,000
437 2
圓筒 NT$ 8,000
NT$ 12,000 HK$ 2,000
HK$ 3,000
438 3
Lot 435.436
Lot 437.438

Littlemill 官方成立時間為 1772 年,但酒廠歷史卻可回溯到 1750 年 或更早之前,可以說 Littlemill 是蘇格蘭最古老且運行最久的威士忌 酒廠之一。從創廠初期一直到 1930 年代初期為止,Littlemill 都使用 低地傳統的三次蒸餾,1931 年後改為二次蒸餾,但始終堅持著低地 無泥煤風味的純淨特色。兩百多年的製酒歷史中,Littlemill 歷經多次 關廠與轉手,1994 年正式停止生產,2004 年的一場火災更摧毀了酒 廠的建築物。儘管如此,1994 年關廠後的 Littlemill 仍在母集團 Loch Lomond 的運營下每年挑選庫存老酒裝瓶釋出,讓世人得以持續窺見 蘇格蘭最古老酒廠的風貌。

Littlemill 21 Years Old

Lowland, 46.00%, Bottle#2720&2775, 限量3000瓶, 1357g&1359g

5,000 - HK$ 7,000

Littlemill 21 Years Old Second Release

Lowland, 47.00%, Bottle#0161, 限量4550瓶, 1252g

Littlemill 1964

Lowland, 1964蒸餾/December 1996裝瓶, 40.00%

OGB NT$ 20,000
439 2 (75cl)
- NT$ 28,000
NT$ 11,000
1 (70cl) OGB
3,000 - HK$ 4,000
OC NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 36,000 HK$ 6,000
1 (70cl)
- HK$ 9,000
Lot 439 Lot 440 Lot 441

Littlemill 1990 Private Cask Taiwan Edition

Lowland, AUG.1990蒸餾/OCT.2021裝瓶, 41.50%, Cask#2573, Bottle#016, 限量180瓶, 含5cl小樣酒

442 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000

HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000

Rosebank 這間低地酒廠成立於 1840 年,以低地傳統的三次蒸餾打 造出乾淨輕盈的酒質與淡雅浪漫的花香,Jim Murray 稱其為世界上最 厲害的十大蒸餾廠之一。過去 Rosebank 一直是帝亞吉歐集團中負責 提供頂級調和威士忌- King George IV 的基酒,原廠作品極少,特 別是酒廠已於 1993 年正式關廠。儘管 2019 年酒廠已在 Ian Macleod Distillers 的手中重啟生產,但舊時代的風華是否能被複製延續,仍有 待觀察。

Rosebank 1981 25 Years Old

Lowland, 1981蒸餾/2007裝瓶, 61.40%, Bottle#02449&03365, 限量4710瓶, 1酒標髒污, 1背標輕微掀起, 2酒封輕微氧化, 1酒封輕微皺褶龜裂, 2外盒髒污磨損

443 2 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000

HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000

Rosebank 1990 26 Years Old, SMWS 25.70

Lowland, 14 November 1990蒸餾, 58.30%, 限量170瓶, Refill Ex-Bourbon Barrel, In a perfumed garden

444 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 85,000

HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

Lot 442 Lot 443
Lot 444

43.00%, Bottle#0239, 限量700瓶, 水位頸部以下, whiskyfun:90, whiskynotes:92

竹鶴 35 年是 Nikka 集團最老年份的一款調和式威士忌,使用陳年 35 年以 上的麥芽威士忌與穀物威士忌,以 1:1 的比例調和,長時間的陳年帶來濃 郁的香氣與豐腴的口感。酒標描繪了Nikka集團多年來追求「日本で本物 のウイスキーを造りたい」的歷程。

Nikka 高麗青磁 雲鶴草花文様


Japan, 43.00%, 1100g, 外盒酒標輕微磨損, 外紙盒髒污

446 1 (60cl) OGB

NT$ 12,000 - NT$ 16,000

HK$ 3,000 - HK$

4,000 竹鶴 Taketsuru Pure Malt
1 (70cl) Japan,
竹鶴 Taketsuru Pure Malt
年 1 (70cl) Japan,
竹鶴 Taketsuru Pure Malt
年 1 (70cl) Japan,
Taketsuru Pure Malt
年 1 (70cl) Japan,
1 (75cl) Japan,
43.00% 竹鶴
43.00% 竹鶴
445 Total: 5 bts OGB NT$ 170,000 - NT$ 220,000 HK$ 44,000 - HK$ 57,000
Lot 445
Lot 446

The Nikka 40 Years Old

Japan, 43.00%, Bottle#0802, 限量1000瓶, 盒內皮革輕微破損, whiskyfun:93

為紀念 Nikka 威士忌的前身-大日本果汁株式會社-成立八十周年,同時也為慶祝 Nikka 威士忌創始人竹鶴政孝先生誕辰 120 周年,朝日啤酒公司於 2014 年發售了這款

The Nikka 40 年。選用 Nikka 旗下蒸餾廠最老的窖藏原酒進行調合,其中更包含余市 1945 年與宮城峽 1969 年蒸餾的酒液。甫一倒入杯中是滿缽的新鮮熱帶水果-黃澄澄的 芒果、鮮紅欲滴的草莓、多汁的橘瓣,溫和的辛香料與木頭氣息緊接其後,瞬間寧靜 下來的氛圍仿若身處教堂,正聆聽著巴哈的無伴奏大提琴,旋律層層疊疊地推進著, 時間彷彿凝結在了那一刻,安靜卻充滿張力。入口是點綴著肉桂的黑巧克力與擠上新 鮮檸檬的紅茶、帶著點苦味的橘子皮、與繚繞的菸草,極度綿長的尾韻,帶著令人驚 奇的活力,"e.x.t.r.a.o.r.d.i.n.a.r.y. It's not whisky, it's a journey through Japan. The nose was otherworldly." whiskyfun:93

447 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 240,000 - NT$ 320,000 HK$ 62,000 - HK$ 83,000

余市蒸溜所 Yoichi 10年 1 (70cl) OC Japan, 45.00%

宮城峽蒸溜所 Miyagikyo 10年 1 (70cl) 無盒 Japan, 45.00%

448 Total: 2 (70cl) NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 6,000

余市蒸溜所 Yoichi 1988 單桶原酒

Japan, 1988.06.14蒸餾/2013.04.08裝瓶, 62.00%, Cask#100212

449 1 (75cl) OC NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 120,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 31,000

余市蒸溜所 Yoichi 1987 20年 彩標

Japan, 1987蒸餾, 55.00%

Nikka 自 2004 年首度推出 1984 年蒸餾的二十年單一年份酒款,接續六 年以「時間そのもの ( 時間本質 ) 」做為主軸,推出俗稱的「彩標」系 列。 2007 年, 1986 年蒸餾的余市彩標被 WWA 評選為最佳日本單一麥芽 威士忌; 2008 年, 2007 年推出的余市 1987 彩標更取得過去一向由蘇格 蘭威士忌壟斷的 Whisky Magazine Best Single Malt ( 全球最佳單一純麥 威士忌 ) 殊榮,引起全世界威士忌迷的關注,逐步將日本威士忌推向世界 舞台。儘管受到市場的熱烈歡迎,集團於 2010 年開始面臨原酒庫存吃緊 的窘境,不得不停止此一系列的發行。 450

1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 200,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 52,000
Lot 448 Lot 449 Lot 450

川崎 Kawasaki 1982 龍 100th Anniversary

Japan, 1982蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 65.40%, Cask#G7452, Bottle#511, 限量663瓶, Sherry Butt, 水位頸部 川崎蒸餾廠 (Kawasaki Distillery) 是輕井澤酒廠擁有者 Ocean Group 旗 下的另一家蒸餾所,以生產穀物威士忌做為調和威士忌基酒為主力,酒 廠於 1983 年左右停產,並在 2006 年易主麒麟麥酒株式會社,酒窖內的 庫存又由肥土伊知郎買下,於多年後以Ichiro's Malt品牌的包裝將川崎威 士忌重新帶回世人眼前,目前市面上僅有八款川崎的單一穀物威士忌。

451 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000

伊知郎 Ichiro's Malt 鳳凰于飛 ほうおううひ

Japan, 46.50%

452 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 40,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

伊知郎 Ichiro's Malt 鳳凰于飛 ほうおううひ

Japan, 46.50%

453 3 (20cl) OC NT$ 26,000 - NT$ 34,000

HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000

羽生原是一家小型獨立蒸餾廠,一開始主要製作清酒及燒酌, 同時亦會使用蒸餾燒酌的連續式蒸餾器去蒸餾穀物威士忌, 1980 年後才引進銅製蒸餾器,開始麥芽威士忌的釀造。逃不 過自九十年代開始日本經濟衰退帶來的危機,蒸餾廠於 2000 年停止生產、2004 年關廠,不甘自祖父起三代的心血就這樣 消逝,肥土伊知郎決定將 400 桶庫存原酒買回,將老酒重新包 裝,以 Ichiro's Malt 的裝瓶廠品牌推出羽生酒款。

羽生 Hanyu 1988 一番 Mizunara Finish

Japan, 1988蒸餾/2007裝瓶, 55.60%, Cask#9501, 限量352瓶, Bourbon Hogshead, finished in Japanese oak

454 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

羽生 Hanyu 1990 一番 Mizunara Finish

Japan, 1990蒸餾/2007裝瓶, 55.50%, Cask#9511, 限量374瓶, Bourbon Hogshead, finished in Japanese oak

455 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

羽生 Hanyu 1991 一番 Mizunara Finish

Japan, 1991蒸餾/2009裝瓶, 57.30%, Cask#370, 限量361瓶, Hogshead, finished in Japanese oak

456 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

Lot 451 Lot 452.453
Lot 454-456

Bowmore 是艾雷島歷史最為悠久的酒廠,自 1779 年創立以來,一直豎立於艾雷島 Indaal 海岸邊。酒廠保有傳統的地板發芽工序,在傳統泥煤窯上 烘烤大麥近 15 小時,使其擁有平均 20-25ppm 的泥煤濃度,不刻意張顯艾雷島最富盛名的泥煤風情、亦不刻意打壓,優雅平衡的酒質受到全球威士 忌迷的喜愛,更屢屢獲得國際大獎的肯定。

Bowmore Sherriff's

Islay, 70 PROOF, 酒標髒污皺褶

Bowmore Sherriff's

Islay, 70 PROOF, 水位頸部以下, 酒標髒污輕微皺褶 458

Bowmore Hand Filled

1 (26 2/3 FL.OZS.)

1 (13.33 FL.OZS.)

Bowmore 1981 28 Years Old

Islay, 1981蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 49.60%, Bottle#039, 限量402瓶, Fine Oak Casks

Islay, 22.06.98蒸餾/26.07.14裝瓶, 56.90%, Cask#32152, Bottle#103, 1st Fill Bordeaux Wine Barrique

Bowmore Hand Filled

Islay, 2006蒸餾, 61.30%, Cask#848, 1st Fill Wine Barrique

Bowmore 1985 26 Years Old

Islay, 1985蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 52.30%, Bottle#487, 限量750瓶, Bourbon and Sherry Casks

無盒 NT$ 65,000
NT$ 85,000 HK$ 17,000
Total: 2 bts
459 Total: 2 (70cl) 布袋 NT$ 24,000 - NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000
HK$ 8,000
460 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000
461 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
Lot 460.461 Lot 458 Lot 459

Laphroaig 1976 Vintage

Islay, 1976蒸餾, 43.00%, Bottle#3432, 限量5400瓶, 酒標泛黃輕微皺褶, 外盒髒污磨損, whiskyfun:93, whiskynotes:93

1976 年蒸餾,約莫於 2000 年前後裝瓶,點綴著精緻的花香與鮮美的海 味,經典的 Laphroaig 泥煤氣息在奔放的熱帶水果包圍下綻放著,得到 Malt Maniacs 評審團平均 92 分的高分肯定。 462 1 (75cl) OC

Laphroaig 20 Years Old Double Cask

Islay, 46.60%, Bottle#571, 限量750瓶, whiskyfun:92

Laphroaig 'Kilbride' 1989 28 Years Old, Shinanoya Godzilla

, 51.00%

Laphroaig 1996 20 Years Old MasterPieces

Islay, 2nd May 1996蒸餾, 50.60%, 限量516瓶, Pedro Ximenez Sherry Butt, 頭封蠟裂痕, whiskynotes:90

NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 14,000
HK$ 19,000
NT$ 22,000
NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000
463 1 (70cl) 圓筒
- HK$
464 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 22,000
NT$ 30,000 HK$
Islay, 1989蒸餾/2017裝瓶
6,000 - HK$
無盒 NT$ 28,000 - NT$ 36,000 HK$ 7,000
HK$ 9,000
464.465 105
1 (70cl)

建廠於 1825 年的 Port Ellen 酒廠命運多舛,在其近 160 年的歷史上 幾經易主,雖於 1925 年開始併入 Diageo 集團,卻因美國禁酒令的 施行,於 1929 年便停產直至 1967 年,八零年代初期的威士忌經濟泡 沫更讓 Diageo 決定於 1984 年正式關閉 Port Ellen 蒸餾廠,僅保留麥

芽製作的工序,提供麥芽給艾雷島上其他蒸餾廠使用。爾後又一直要 到 2001 年,才由 Diageo 包裝其酒廠庫存老酒,推出「限量版系列 Limited Edition」。

Port Ellen 1979 30 Years Old 9th Release

Islay, 1979蒸餾/2009裝瓶, 57.70%, Bottle#2507, 限量5916瓶, 酒封髒污氧化, 外盒髒污, whiskyfun:93, whiskynotes:92

Superb, obviously something that reminds me of the revered Rare Malts (20 and 22yo), minus the brutality rather intellectual, just the opposite of these modern easy-sexy drams with no soul (and no cojones). whiskyfun:93

466 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

Port Ellen 1982 28 Years Old, Wilson & Morgan

Islay, 1982蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 60.00%, Butt#2033, Bottle#229, 限量534瓶, 2011MMA金牌, whiskyfun:90

slightly disconcerting at times but quality is very high. A very worthy award-winner at the MM Awards 2011 whiskyfun:90

467 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 32,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

Port Ellen 1982 30 Years Old, Wilson & Morgan

Islay, 1982蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 57.70%, Butt#2031, Bottle#127&128, 限量420瓶

468 2 (70cl) OGB NT$ 44,000 - NT$ 60,000

HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 16,000

PE2, Elements of Islay

Islay, 59.50%, 酒標髒污輕微磨損, 2010MMA金牌

Elements of Islay ( 艾雷元素 ) 是 The Whisky Exchange 母公司 Speciality Drinks Limited 裝瓶廠旗下的系列品牌,於 2008 年上市,矮胖的瓶身上 僅以化學元素般的符號代表蒸餾酒廠,如 PE 即為 Port Ellen 。

469 1 (50cl) 無盒 NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000

HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000

Lot 466 Lot 467.468 Lot 469

Lot 471-476

Glenfarclas Family Casks 1953 第一版木盒

Speyside, 1953蒸餾/27.02.07裝瓶, 53.70%, Cask#1678, 限量480瓶, Sherry Butt, 1酒標泛黃髒污, 1水位頸部, 1水位頸部以下, 1酒封褪色

471 2 (70cl) OGB NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 49,000

Glenfarclas Family Casks 1955 第一版木盒

Speyside, 1955蒸餾/27.02.07裝瓶, 46.10%, Cask#2211, 限量545瓶, Sherry Butt, 酒標泛黃髒污, 酒封皺褶, 水位頸部以下

472 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

Glenfarclas Family Casks 1958 第一版木盒

Speyside, 1958蒸餾/27.02.07裝瓶, 51.60%, Cask#2245, 限量455瓶, Sherry Butt

473 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000

HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000

Glenfarclas Family Casks 1963 第一版紙盒

Speyside, 1963蒸餾/27.02.07裝瓶, 56.70%, Cask#4098, 限量420瓶, Sherry Butt, whiskyfun:92

474 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Glenfarclas Family Casks 1964 第一版木盒

Speyside, 1964蒸餾/27.02.07裝瓶, 53.10%, Cask#4717, 限量415瓶, Sherry Butt

475 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000

Glenfarclas Family Casks 1973 第一版木盒

Speyside, 1973蒸餾/28.02.07裝瓶, 58.80%, Cask#2578, 限量457瓶, Sherry Butt

476 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 46,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 12,000


Glenfarclas 30 Years Old

Speyside, 43.00%, 2水位頸部以下, 1酒標輕微掀起, 1酒封皺褶

477 6 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 70,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 18,000

Glenfarclas 40 Years Old Scottish Classic 'Rob Roy'

Speyside, 43.00%, 限量300瓶, from Sir Walter Scott's Rob Roy, illustrated by Stephen Shankland

於 1836 年建立酒廠的格蘭花格,在即將跨入第三個世紀的 2000 年推出 了這一系列共 600 瓶的 Scottish Classic ,全數以獲獎無數的經典雪莉 40 年作為內容,每一瓶都有自己的編號,共分為三十種不同的酒標。

478 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 46,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000

Glenfarclas 1953 Queen's Coronation 60th Anniversary, The Whisky Exchange

Speyside, 1953蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 51.10%, Bottle#4, 限量60瓶, 盒內皮革輕微脫落, whiskyfun:93

2013 年由 The Whisky Exchange 母公司 Speciality Drinks 出 品,以 1953 年蒸餾和近六十年來於桶號 1669 的初次雪莉酒桶 陳年的酒液原酒裝瓶,歡慶伊麗莎白二世 (Queen Elizabeth II) 加冕六十週年。僅生產 60 瓶,皆以 Glencairn 水晶瓶盛裝。

In truth everything's there and the way the fruits are counterbalancingtheoakisquitespectacular...these1953s were miraculous. whiskyfun:93

479 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 220,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 57,000

Lot 477 Lot 478

1898 年,Longmorn 酒廠的創始人 John Duff 建立了 BenRiach 酒廠, 儘管隨即在 1900 年遇上導致威士忌產業大衰退的 Pattison Crash,因

而停產長達 65 年,1965 年才又重新啟動,並於 1972 年起投入泥煤

威士忌的生產,所蒸餾的威士忌全數提供調合使用,直至 2004 年由 Billy Walker 接手後才榮獲新生。

BenRiach 1970 37 Years Old

Speyside, 1970蒸餾/NOV.07裝瓶, 48.00%, Cask#1893, Bottle#97&100, 限量221瓶, Sherry Hogshead

480 2 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

BenRiach 1975 30 Years Old


Convalmore 1977 28 Years Old

Lot 480.481

Convalmore 1984 32 Years Old

Glenglassaugh 1978 33 Years Old The Chosen Few

1 (70cl) 無盒

Mortlach 1971 32 Years Old

- HK$ 5,000

Speyside, 1971蒸餾/2004裝瓶, 50.10%, Bottle#00539, whiskyfun:92

485 1 (70cl) OGB

481 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000
1975蒸餾/June.06裝瓶, 55.00%, Cask#7007, Bottle#281, 限量542瓶, Gomez Sherry Butt
酒封輕微裂痕 482 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000
Speyside, 1977
, 57.90%,
483 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
Speyside, 1984蒸餾/2017裝瓶, 48.20%,
, whiskyfun:93
Speyside, October 1978
, 46.30%,
限量275瓶, Bourbon Barrel, whiskyfun:90
NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 20,000 HK$ 4,000
NT$ 32,000
NT$ 44,000
- HK$
Lot 482.483
Lot 484.485

Lot 487-491

由 Diageo 發行的 Brora Special Release 系列,2002 年為第一版,每

批次限量 1500 至 3000 瓶。此一系列可以說是功績累累,甫一推出的 2002 年第一版即獲得 2003 年 MMA 金牌;2003 年第二版獲得 2004 年 MMA 金牌暨至高無上大獎;2004 年第三版獲得 Whiskyfun Serge 的 94 超高分評價;2005 年第四版更一舉奪得 2006 年與 2007 年的 MMA 金牌,好成績令人咋舌。

Brora 30 Years Old 2002 Edition

Highland, 2002裝瓶, 52.40%, Bottle#2605, 限量3000瓶, 2003MMA金牌, whiskyfun:91

487 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 23,000

Brora 30 Years Old 2003 Edition

Highland, 2003裝瓶, 55.70%, Bottle#0603, 限量3000瓶, 水位頸部以下, 酒標髒污, 圓筒蓋內生鏽, 2004MMA金牌&至高無上大獎, whiskyfun:93 how elegant! Simply beautiful, better than I remembered. How richandbold,yetperfectlybalancedand,again,elegant another 'unspittable' Brora! whiskyfun:93

488 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 21,000

Brora 30 Years Old 2004 Edition

Highland, 2004裝瓶, 56.60%, Bottle#1265, 限量3000瓶, 水位頸部以下, 圓筒輕微髒污, 圓筒蓋內生鏽, whiskyfun:95, whiskynotes:95

likeintheverybestArdbegs,thesmokeandthepeatthendevelop into a magnificent continuum, even if the whisky remains always refined and subtle. The finish is very long, on a perfect cocktail of smokylemonjuicewithpepper.Whatafantasticpresence,deserving no less than 95 points in my book whiskyfun:95

489 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 23,000

Brora 30 Years Old 2005 Edition

Highland, 2005裝瓶, 56.30%, Bottle#001691, 限量3000瓶, 圓筒蓋內生鏽, 2006&2007MMA金牌, whiskyfun:94

490 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 23,000

Brora 25 Years Old 2008 Edition

Highland, 2008裝瓶, 56.30%, Bottle#00684, 限量3000瓶, 水位頸部, 酒標輕微髒污, whiskyfun:90, whiskynotes:90

491 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 55,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 14,000

Brora 30 Years Old 2009 Edition

Highland, 2009裝瓶, 53.20%, Bottle#0852, 限量2652瓶, 酒封頂部輕微裂痕, whiskyfun:91, whiskynotes:90

A very interesting Brora halfway between the early 70s' austere majesty and the 80s' waxy fruitiness. In a certain way, it reminds me of the old 20yo 1975 Rare Malts but with more fruits. Excellent once again! whiskyfun:91

492 1 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 70,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 18,000

Brora 30 Years Old 2010 Edition

Highland, 2010裝瓶, 54.30%, 限量3000瓶, whiskyfun:91, whiskynotes:91

LOT493: Bottle#2945&2946, 1水位頸部, 2酒標輕微髒污, 1酒標輕微磨損

LOT494: Bottle#2955&2957, 1水位頸部, 1酒標輕微髒污褪色

493 2 (70cl) 圓筒

Brora 32 Years Old 2011 Edition

Highland, 2011裝瓶, 54.70%, Bottle#0857, 限量1500瓶, whiskyfun:94, whiskynotes:94

RathermoreoomphthaninthealreadywonderfulTWE,moretowards 1972. Brora lovers will understand. But warning, this baby mustn't be rushed, because it takes its time to unfold. And it's definitely more complex than last year's 30 while it's got something of the 22yo1972s Rare Malts. whiskyfun:94 495 1 (70cl)

44,000 -


11,000 - HK$ 19,000

per lot NT$ 90,000
NT$ 130,000 494 2 (70cl) 圓筒 HK$ 23,000
HK$ 34,000
Lot 492-495

Brora 35 Years Old 2013 Edition

Highland, 2013裝瓶, 49.90%, Bottle#0522&0524&0529, 限量2944瓶, 3外盒髒污, whiskyfun:95, whiskynotes:93

496 3 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 260,000

HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 68,000

Brora 1978 40 Years Old 200th Anniversary

Highland, 1978蒸餾, 49.20%, Bottle#801, 限量1819瓶, 水位頸部, whiskyfun:93, whiskynotes:92

2018 年裝瓶的這款 Brora 40 年,於建廠 200 週年紀年的 2019 年推出,是 酒廠為迎接即將到來的酒廠重啟所推出的特別作品,對於酒廠和其所屬 的帝亞吉歐集團都有著特殊的意義。選用於 1978 年蒸餾的酒液,完美

Brora 35 Years Old 2014 Edition

Highland, 2014裝瓶, 48.60%, Bottle#0807&0844&0905, 限量2964瓶, whiskyfun:93

497 3 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 220,000

HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 57,000

展現了 Brora 揉合高地威士忌那帶著花草氣息的特殊風味、使用重度泥 煤燻烤大麥創造出的濃厚煙燻風情、以及酒廠本身那膾炙人口的蜂蠟口 感。 Brora 的首席調酒師 Craig Wilson 博士將這款酒定名為「 The Age of Peat 泥煤世代」,以 12 個存放於美國橡木豬頭桶中陳年的酒液, 遙對泥煤威士忌盛行的七零年代與曾經的風華致敬,限量 1819 瓶也別 具巧思,呼應著 Brora 建廠的年份。It's an irrefutable reminder of just how great this distillery and its varied styles of distillate was. There's a freshness and a consistency of complexity across nose and palate about this whisky that would embarrass most other 40 year olds. whiskyfun:93

498 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000 HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000
Lot 496
Lot 498 Lot 497

Lot 500.501

位於艾雷島南岸的 Ardbeg 酒廠於 1815 年成立,八零年代初期的威 士忌泡沫導致大批蒸餾廠面臨停產危機,Ardbeg 也難逃此劫,幸而 格蘭傑集團於 1997 年注資,這才有了今日 Ardbeg 的復甦。在所有 的泥煤煙燻威士忌中,Ardbeg 可以說是泥煤濃度最高的一家,性感 狂野的泥煤與豔麗甜美的果香交織出 Ardbeg 桀驁不馴的威士忌精神。 蒸餾廠總監暨首席 Dr. Bill 以更長時間的發酵賦予威士忌綿密感與立體 的酸度,同時開始使用更多首次裝填的美國橡木桶,突顯 Ardbeg 粗 獷直率的特質。

Ardbeg 1975 Limited Edition

Islay, 1975蒸餾/2000裝瓶, 43.00%, 水位頸部, whiskyfun:91

"what's really superb in these batches is the fact that they were both powerful and complex." whiskyfun: 91

500 1 (70cl) OC

NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 34,000

HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 9,000

Lot 502.503

Ardbeg 1977 Limited Edition

Islay, 1977蒸餾, 46.00%, 水位頸部

1977 Limited Edition 可以說完美呈現甜美果香與濃烈煙燻泥煤揉合的 作品。於美國波本橡木舊桶中進行陳年,熱力四射的熱帶水果、飽滿的 焦糖香草與柔中帶剛的菸草泥煤,交織出艷麗誘人的神秘風情。絲滑的 質感與充滿咀嚼感的飽滿口感,「 A vintage of exceptional balance and depth! 」

501 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Ardbeg 1990 Airigh Nam Beist

Islay, 1990蒸餾/2006裝瓶, 46.00%, 水位頸部, whiskyfun:91

Airigh Nam Beist 意為庇護所內的野獸, 2006 至 2008 年間,每年推出一 版,此系列由於需求熱烈,供不應求,目前已停止生產,令人惋惜。

Ardbeg Guaranteed 30 Years Old

Islay, 40.00%, whiskyfun:91 503 1 (70cl)

Ardbeg Supernova Stellar Release 2009

1 (70cl) Islay, 2009裝瓶, 58.90%, 水位頸部

Ardbeg Supernova SN2010

4 (70cl) Islay, 2010裝瓶, 60.10%, whiskyfun:90

Lot 504
502 1 (70cl) OC
8,000 - NT$ 12,000
2,000 - HK$ 3,000
NT$ 38,000
NT$ 46,000 HK$ 10,000
- HK$
NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 55,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 14,000 113
504 Total: 5 (70cl) OC

2000 年 1 月 1 日,Ardbeg 蒸餾廠的官方粉絲俱樂部 Ardbeg Committee 成立,成立宗旨為推廣知識並享受 Ardbeg,一開始的 Ardbeg Committee 是自由加入的,酒廠也特別為了這群會員灌裝 Committee Release 會員專 屬版本的酒款。

Ardbeg Dark Cove 2016 Committee Release

Islay, 2015裝瓶, 55.00%, Ex-bourbon Casks & Dark Sherry Casks

505 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 12,000 - NT$ 16,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

Ardbeg 1996 Guaranteed 22 Years Old Twenty Something Committee Release

Islay, Spring 1996蒸餾/18th July 2018裝瓶, 46.40%, Ex-bourbon

506 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000

HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000

Ardbeg 1998 Rare Cask

Islay, 28.01.1998蒸餾/2020裝瓶, 56.50%, Cask#50, Bottle#385&391, 限量500瓶, 2nd Fill Oloroso Butt, Benjamin Tan's Private Collection, whiskyfun:92

這一款 1998 年蒸餾的 Ardbeg 單桶為新加坡線上威士忌品鑑俱樂部 Whisky Butler 共同創辦人 Benjamin Tan 的包桶。於重新裝填的波本桶中 首先進行了六年的熟成,爾後移至雪莉桶中進一步熟成十六年,最終於 2020 年裝瓶面市。

"it's a thrill to compare the Quaich and this one, for they are so different and yet remain within the same family. Same super-high quality in my book." whiskyfun:92

507 2 (70cl) OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 95,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 25,000

Lot 505 Lot 506 Lot 507

Ardbeg 1974 Double Barrel

Islay, 1974蒸餾/2007裝瓶, 49.00%&44.30%, Cask#3160&3528, 限量250套, 酒杯氧化 2007 年 10 月, Ardbeg 酒廠推出了以英式貴族狩獵活動為設計藍本的 Ardbeg Double Barrel 雙管來福槍組,酒液一共來自六個 1974 年蒸餾的單一橡木桶酒款,兩兩一組於 不同市場發售,亞洲地區販售的橡木桶編號分別為 3151 與 1745 ,歐洲大陸為 3145 與 3524 ,此番徵集的桶號為 3160 與 3528 ,於英國地區限定販售,全球三種組合共推出 250 組。被收藏家們暱稱為「雙槍」的 Ardbeg Double Barrel ,其收藏箱以狩獵槍盒為 概念,由倫敦著名的槍械製造商、同時也是皮革專家的 James Purdey & Son 打造,手 工皮革箱內附有八只由 Hamilton & Inches 手工打製的純銀酒杯、以橡木特製的義大利

OMAS 鋼筆、與兩本 Ardbeg 的手工縫製皮革筆記書。是阿貝迷不容錯過的經典收藏。

508 2 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 850,000 - NT$ 1,200,000 HK$ 221,000 - HK$ 312,000


Lagavulin 酒廠位於艾雷島 Ellen 港,蒸餾用水攜帶著泥煤,並使用獨 特的洋蔥型蒸餾器,所打造出的酒款有著強健的酒質、濃郁的泥煤氣 息與富饒的海水風情,深邃的複雜度令人著迷。

Lagavulin 12 Years Old Special Release 2004 2 (70cl)

Islay, 2004裝瓶, 58.20%, 2水位頸部, 2酒標輕微髒污, 1外盒輕微破損

Lagavulin 12 Years Old Special Release 2008 1 (70cl)

Islay, 2008裝瓶, 56.40%, 酒標輕微髒污, whiskyfun:91

Lagavulin 12 Years Old Special Release 2009 1 (70cl)

Islay, 2009裝瓶, 57.90%, 水位頸部, whiskyfun:91

Lagavulin 12 Years Old Special Release 2011 1 (70cl)

Islay, 2011裝瓶, 57.50%, whiskyfun:90

509 Total: 5 (70cl) OC NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 34,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 9,000

Lagavulin 1993 The Manager's Choice

Islay, 25.10.1993入桶/19.02.2009裝瓶, 54.70%, Cask#4477, Bottle#232&235, 限量612瓶, Bodega Sherry European Oak, 1水位頸部, whiskyfun:93

510 2 (70cl) OC NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 23,000

Lagavulin 21 Years Old

Islay, 1991蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 52.00%, Bottle#1990, 限量2772瓶, 1st Fill Ex-Sherry European Oak Casks, Diageo Special Release 2012, 水位頸部, 外盒髒污, whiskyfun:91, whiskynotes:92

511 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000

Lagavulin 1976 30 Years Old

Islay, 1976蒸餾/2006裝瓶, 52.60%, Bottle#0035, 限量2340瓶, 水位頸部, 外盒髒污, whiskyfun:93, whiskynotes:92

"The finish is long, almondy, peaty, smoky and salty and the whole is just a beautiful Lagavulin that doesn't taste his age. I'd advise any taster to take his/her time with this one, it's really the development that is fantastic – and I think this 30 yo has more to tell than the 25." whiskyfun: 93

512 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 110,000 HK$ 22,000 - HK$ 29,000

Lot 512 Lot 510.511 Lot 509

Lagavulin 1991 28 Years Old Casks Of Distinction

Islay, 04.11.1991入桶/14.11.2019裝瓶, 48.40%, Cask#5397, Bottle#459, 限量522瓶, European Oak, Whisky Big Nose

Cask of Distinction ( 簡稱 COD) 是全球最大烈酒集團帝亞吉歐 (Diageo) 旗下的私人訂製企畫,作為原廠出品 (OB) ,每一個橡木 桶不僅被要求具備酒廠核心特色、桶陳至完美狀態,同時又要能 帶給包桶客戶獨一無二的品飲體驗,是罕見的原廠包桶作品。

513 1 (70cl) OGB

70,000 - NT$ 90,000

18,000 - HK$ 23,000

格蘭傑 Glenmorangie 位於蘇格蘭高地區,1843 年從啤酒廠轉型成為威士 忌酒廠,是高地區唯一使用硬水釀酒的酒廠,富含礦物質的水質與高大優雅 的天鵝頸蒸餾器,孕育出格蘭傑輕盈純淨的特質。擁有生物化學博士學位的 格蘭傑首席調酒師 Dr. Bill Lumsden 是業界公認的橡木桶專家,他認為威士 忌有 60% 的風味來自橡木桶,因此致力於探索換桶陳年工藝的可能性。

Glenmorangie 25 Years Old

Highland, 43.00%

514 3 (75cl) OGB NT$ 26,000 - NT$ 40,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 10,000

Glenmorangie 1975

Highland, 1975蒸餾, 43.00%, 6圓筒蓋生鏽

515 6 (75cl) 圓筒 NT$ 80,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 21,000 - HK$ 34,000
Lot 513 Lot 514 Lot 515

Lot 517

Lot 518.519

Jura Paps Trilogy Feis Ile 2009

Jura, 46.00%

Mountain of Gold 15 Years Old

Pinot Noir Cask Finish, 限量1366瓶

Mountain of the Sound 15 Years Old

Cabernet Sauvignon Cask Finish, 限量1366瓶

The Sacred Mountain 15 Years Old

Barolo Cask Finish, 限量1366瓶

2,000 - HK$ 3,000

Talimburg 1986 19 Years Old, The Whisky Fair

Skye, May 1986蒸餾/June 2005裝瓶, 45.90%, Cask#1485, 限量252瓶, Bourbon Hogshead, Distilled by Talisker

518 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000


創建於 1830 年的 Talisker,名稱來自挪威語中傾斜的岩石。海島 的環境賜予其迷人又獨一無二的海島風味與明顯的煙燻風格,同 時,Talisker 雖不位於艾雷島,卻有著濃烈飽滿的泥煤風味和充滿 力量的酒體,強勁的泥煤、複雜的辛香料、與獨特的巧克力風情, 遂成為 Talisker 標誌性的風格。酒廠 90% 的蒸餾是做為調和威士

忌的基酒,獨特的氣息使他無法從 Johnnie Walker 等調和威士忌 中缺席,是以酒廠明明有五支蒸餾器,單一麥芽的年產量卻如此 之少。

Talisker 1982 20 Years Old

Skye, 1982蒸餾/2003裝瓶, 58.80%, Bottle#2116&2117, 限量12000瓶, Refill Casks, 2水位頸部, 1酒標髒污, 1外盒髒污, whiskyfun:92

2003 年推出的這款 Talisker 20 年,自 1982 蒸餾後便於波本橡木桶中

陳年,Serge給了這款酒92分的評價,形容他「somewhat austere」

。新鮮的木質、胡椒和泥煤為主調,點綴著方才收割的麥香、濃郁的 香草、各式新鮮草藥、和裹著麥芽的蘋果,胡椒與木質的尾韻充滿勁 道,有些嚴肅,卻依然優雅。

519 2 (70cl) OC

NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 13,000

Talisker 25 原桶強度系列自 2004 年推出以來,便一直是酒廠的明星商 品,入口柔和甜美,後勁卻藏著十足的煙燻和泥煤滋味,在口中迸發 如煙花般絢爛豐富的飽滿口感,特殊的白胡椒滋味更為人津津樂道, 可惜原酒強度版本的 25 年在 2010 年後未再推出,令許多藏家惋惜。

Talisker 25 Years Old Cask Strength 2004

Skye, 2004裝瓶, 57.80%, Bottle#11985, 限量21000瓶, Refill Casks, 酒標輕微髒污, 外盒輕微髒污

520 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 24,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 6,000

Talisker 25 Years Old Cask Strength 2007

Skye, 2007裝瓶, 58.10%, Bottle#2020, 限量6894瓶, Refill Casks, 水位頸部, whiskyfun:92

Talisker 25 Years Old Cask Strength 2008

Skye, 2008裝瓶, 54.20%, Bottle#1366, 限量9708瓶, Refill Casks, 水位頸部, 酒標輕微髒污, 盒內髒污, whiskyfun:91

Talisker 25 Years Old Cask Strength 2009

Skye, 2009裝瓶, 54.80%, Bottle#2238, 限量5862瓶, Refill Casks, 水位頸部以下, 酒標髒污, 外盒髒污

521 Total: 3 (70cl) OC NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
NT$ 8,000
NT$ 12,000
Total: 3 (70cl) OC

Talisker 25 Years Old Cask Strength 2009

Skye, 2009裝瓶, 54.80%, Bottle#0475&2714, 限量5862瓶, Refill Casks, 2水位頸部, 1酒標輕微破損, 1外盒髒污盒內發霉, 1外盒輕微破損, 無外紙套

Talisker 30 Years Old 2006 Release

Skye, 2006裝瓶, 51.90%, Bottle#2067, 限量3000瓶, 盒內手冊髒污, 外盒髒污, whiskyfun:91

As close as you can get to a plate of oysters with slices of buttered toast and fresh lemon, I'd say. It's very elegant, very fresh and very clean, with something 'sylphlike'.......The finish is rather long, beautifully balanced and clean, with a very 'coastal' signature ExcellentandveryinterestingasmostoldindieTaliskersonecanfind are sherried versions. Whiskyfun:91


- NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Talisker 30 Years Old 2010 Release

Skye, 2010裝瓶, 57.30%, Bottle#2311, 限量2958瓶, 酒標輕微皺褶, 盒內髒污, 盒內手冊髒污, whiskyfun:92

524 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 24,000 - NT$ 32,000 HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Talisker 1977 35 Years Old

Skye, 1977蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 54.60%, Bottle#2344, 限量3090瓶, whiskyfun:94 1977 年蒸餾入桶的 Talisker 35 年,於 2012 年作為 Diageo 當年度的 Special Release 裝瓶面市。爽朗的熱帶水果氣息吹拂著濃郁的泥煤、 剛從海底打撈上岸的生蠔擠上酸甜多汁的檸檬、再灑上新鮮的胡椒 粒,絕佳的組合帶來豐腴飽滿的口感,煙燻木炭與鹹鹹的海味在喉間 盤旋,久久不散。有趣的是,如此強壯結實的酒體卻有著優雅柔軟的 氣韻,每一個回眸都是風情萬種。

"s.t.u.n.n.i.n.g. It's hard to imagine a nicer nose...Great feeling of fullness, it's all perfectly integrated, like in Mona Lisa's portrait."


525 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000

522 2 (70cl) OC
36,000 - NT$ 44,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
1 (70cl) OGB


Lot 527 - 557

獨立裝瓶威士忌 Independent Bottling ( 簡稱 IB),與原廠裝瓶威士忌 Official Bottling ( 簡稱 OB) 最大的不同在於,獨立裝瓶廠一般不自行蒸餾生產威士忌,而是向擁有蒸 餾器的酒廠購買原酒,自行裝瓶貼標販售。

獨立裝瓶廠與蒸餾廠自威士忌市場剛開始發展時就有著密切的分工關係,在玻璃工業 尚未發達的私酒年代,蒸餾廠並不直接面對一般消費者,而是以橡木桶為單位,提供 給蘇格蘭各地的雜貨零售商,一般消費者再帶著自家的容器到店裡如同古時買油一般 「打酒」。

然而,橡木桶內的酒質參差不齊,許多雜貨商為確保銷售品質的穩定,開始利用多個 橡木桶間酒液的混合調配,成為了調和威士忌 (Blended Malt) 的濫觴,而這些雜貨商 也成了獨立裝瓶廠的前身,在大量經驗的積累下,逐漸從單純的零售轉向裝瓶廠、再 到全方位的收藏、品牌包裝、與桶裝酒仲介。有著巨大庫存量的 Gordon & MacPhail 便是從最早期的雜貨零售商崛起,目前已然成為全球最大的獨立裝瓶廠之一。

或許有人會質疑獨立裝瓶廠的品質,認為其所拿到的橡木桶都是原蒸餾酒廠挑選剩下 的。但回頭看看蘇格蘭威士忌的歷史就能理解,從雜貨通路演變而來的裝瓶廠不僅能 協助沒有裝瓶設備的蒸餾廠將一桶桶酒液裝瓶貼標,也能提供沒有行銷預算或通路資 源的蒸餾廠銷售管道,可以說早期的蒸餾廠若非有裝瓶廠的配合是不可能生存的,而 出售桶裝威士忌給裝瓶廠自然也是蒸餾廠一直以來維持基本營運的重要收入來源之 一。近幾年來,我們更可以看到許多蒸餾酒廠以極高的價格向裝瓶廠買回自家酒廠早 期蒸餾的高年份原酒,再度破除獨立裝瓶廠酒質不如蒸餾酒廠原廠出品的迷思。

原廠裝瓶與獨立裝瓶雖沒有孰優孰劣之分,但各自的中心思想確實大不相同。原廠 的核心系列產品強調的是酒廠一貫的精神,酒質穩定,且風格經典不變,舉例來說

Glenmorangie 原廠出品的所有酒款都帶著輕快的花果香調性;裝瓶廠則沒有這樣的 包袱,他們更重視的,是讓每一桶酒展現出最極致的風格:在存酒倉庫夠大的條件下, 他可以將威士忌陳年超乎想像久的時間,推出如 Gordon & MacPhail Mortlach 70 年 這樣瘋狂的作品;也可以大膽打破經典與傳統,在調和威士忌盛行的年代推出原桶強 度的單一純麥威士忌如 Samaroli Bowmore 1966 Bouquet、把向來只裝填雪莉桶的 酒廠蒸餾酒液陳放在波本桶中如 Cadenhead's Chairman's Stock Glenfarclas 33 年、 甚或推出看不出是從哪家酒廠蒸餾的神秘酒款來挑戰威士忌玩家的味蕾如 Blackadder 1980 Blairfindy。蒸餾酒廠本身並非沒有突破傳統的創新酒款,但礙於有限的經費與 市場操作考量,往往無法為單一個橡木桶所裝出的幾百瓶威士忌打造一個全新的系列 進行獨立行銷,因此裝瓶廠作品可以說比原廠裝瓶多了更多的可能性,對於消費者而 言,也就意味著更多挖掘的樂趣與邂逅意外的驚喜。

時隔多年,羅芙奧尊釀雲集再次推出 IB 專區。在威士忌價格直線上漲的現下,早期推 出的獨立裝瓶廠作品相較之下物美價廉,除了如今益發珍稀的長時間桶陳,品飲一款 蒸餾於六零至八零年代、與原廠裝瓶個性或許相同、也或許大不相同的老酒,對愛酒 人那騷動的靈魂來說更有著致命的吸引力。期待所有威士忌愛好者都能於此專區,覓 得屬於您的那款心頭好。

成立於 1895 年的 Gordon & MacPhail 原為食品雜貨行,是蘇格蘭獨立裝瓶廠的先驅之一,以超過萬桶且跨越蘇格蘭各產區的驚人原酒藏量最為人所 津津樂道。與其他裝瓶廠最不一樣的是,Gordon & MacPhail 不僅強調其選桶能力,更主打自行入桶陳年的技術與實力,打從二十世紀初便開始收購 具有特色的橡木桶,並向各個酒廠購買剛剛蒸餾出來的新酒自行入桶陳年,因此常能有跳脫蒸餾酒廠思維的大膽創新之作的產生,每一位威士忌愛好 者都能從 Gordon & MacPhail 多元的產品中尋到自己的心頭好。Speymalt from Macallan 則是 Gordon & MacPhail 特別為 Macallan 所創建的系列。

Bruichladdich 1969, Gordon & MacPhail

Islay, 16.7.1969蒸餾/September 1999裝瓶, 53.50%, Cask#2975-2976, 水位頸部以下


Glen Grant 1960, Gordon & MacPhail

Speyside, 24th October 1960蒸餾/3rd June 2013裝瓶, 40.00%, Cask#5052, First Fill Sherry Butt 528

Macallan 1967, Gordon & MacPhail Speymalt

Speyside, 1967

, 43.00%, 酒封磨損

Macallan 1968, Gordon & MacPhail Speymalt


, 43.00%, 2

, 2酒標髒污, whiskyfun:91

OC NT$ 15,000
- NT$ 19,000
4,000 - HK$ 5,000
1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 24,000 - NT$ 46,000 HK$ 6,000
- HK$
529 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 21,000
530 2 (70cl) OGB NT$ 85,000 - NT$ 130,000 HK$ 22,000
Lot 527-530

Douglas Laing & Co. 獨立裝瓶廠於 1948 年成立於 Glasgow,以挑選 出最好的蘇格蘭威士忌並行銷到全球為目標。早期裝瓶廠就開始購買 新蒸餾完成酒液,自行陳年,豐富的窖藏除了能將珍稀的威士忌以最 佳比例調合出具特色口感的酒款,自 1999 年起更開始推出單桶原酒。

2013 年,Douglas Laing 一分為二,第二代的弟弟 Stewart 和他的兩 個兒子成立 Hunter Laing,旗下包含俗稱老麥桶的原桶原酒系列「Old Malt Cask」以及以已關廠和高年份酒桶為主的珍稀系列「Old & Rare」;原 Douglas Laing 則交棒第三代 Cara,旗下擁有 Big Peat、 非冷凝過濾的 46%「Provenance」等系列。

Springbank 18 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Campbeltown, 1989 December蒸餾/2007 December裝瓶, 50.00%, Cask#3964, 限量353瓶, Refill Hogshead, 外盒酒標髒污

532 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 6,000 - NT$ 10,000

HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 3,000

Tactical 1973 27 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Skye, 1973 October蒸餾/2001 February裝瓶, 46.00%, 限量264瓶, 水位頸部, Distilled by Talisker

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 6,000

Port Ellen 1979 21 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Islay, 1979 September蒸餾/2001 April裝瓶, 50.00%, 限量618瓶, Sherry Cask, 水位頸部以下

534 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 24,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 6,000

Longmorn 1981 20 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Speyside, 1981 November蒸餾/2001 November裝瓶, 50.00%, 限量570瓶, Sherry Cask, 水位頸部, 外盒輕微髒污

535 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 6,000 - NT$ 10,000

HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 3,000

Glen Keith 1968 30 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Speyside, 1968 March蒸餾/1998 November裝瓶, 50.00%, 限量209瓶, 水位頸部以下,

533 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 24,000
酒標輕微髒污掀起 536 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 7,000 - NT$ 11,000 HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 3,000
Lot 532-536

Glen Grant 1967 32 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Speyside, 1967 April蒸餾/1999 November裝瓶, 50.00%, 限量186瓶, 水位頸部以下, 酒封皺褶, 酒標輕微髒污

537 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 28,000 - NT$ 36,000

HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 9,000

Highland Park 1970 30 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Orkney, 1970 November蒸餾/2001 April裝瓶, 50.00%, 限量570瓶, 水位頸部以下

538 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 10,000 - NT$ 16,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

Glenlochy 1952 49 Years Old, Douglas Laing

Old Malt Cask

Highland, 1952 April蒸餾/2001 May裝瓶, 43.00%, Bottle#000041, 限量311

Douglas Laing 的創辦人 Fred Douglas Laing,於 1947 年以來自艾雷島 的妻子 Morag McGibbon 的家族姓氏創立了 Douglas McGibbon 裝瓶廠, 早期推出的高爾夫球袋造型瓷瓶調和威士忌於八零年代大獲成功,目前 隸屬 Cara 執掌的 Douglas Laing。

Macallan 1975 25 Years Old, The McGibbon's Provenance

Speyside, 1975 Winter蒸餾

, 50.00%, 水位頸部以下,

- HK$ 9,000

Macallan 1980 22 Years Old, The McGibbon's Provenance

Speyside, 1980 Winter蒸餾/2003 Spring裝瓶, 50.30%, Cask#REF722, 酒標輕微破損 541 1 (70cl) OC

5,000 - HK$ 8,000

Macallan 1982 21 Years Old, The McGibbon's Provenance

Speyside, 1982 Spring蒸餾/2003 Spring裝瓶, 54.70%, Cask#REF799, 酒標輕微髒污 542 1 (70cl) 無盒

539 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 23,000
540 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$
/2001 Summer裝瓶
22,000 - NT$ 36,000 HK$ 6,000
19,000 - NT$ 30,000
17,000 - NT$ 24,000
4,000 - HK$ 6,000
Lot 537-539
Lot 540-542

Port Ellen 1979 31 Years Old, Douglas Laing Old & Rare

Islay, December 1979蒸餾/June 2011裝瓶, 54.60%, Bottle#120&152, 限量171瓶, Refill Hogshead, Ever Rich, 2盒內說明卡髒污

543 2 (70cl) OGB

Ardbeg 1975 30 Years Old, Douglas Laing Old & Rare

Islay, 1975蒸餾/2006裝瓶, 46.10%, Bottle#137, 限量180瓶, 水位頸部

Macallan 1977 27 Years Old, Douglas Laing Old & Rare

Speyside, 1977蒸餾/2004裝瓶, 51.10%, Bottle#067, 限量138瓶, 水位頸部

Macallan 1977 30 Years Old, Douglas Laing Old & Rare

Speyside, May 1977蒸餾/March 2008裝瓶, 53.20%, Bottle#83, 限量207瓶, 水位頸部

546 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 34,000

HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 9,000

Glenlivet 1972 42 Years Old, Berry Bros. & Rudd

Speyside, 10th March 1972蒸餾, 46.10%, Cask#1081, Bottle#31&32, 限量40瓶, 2外盒發霉

Berry Bros. & Rudd (BBR) 是英國最老牌的酒商,創立於 1698 年,原為 倫敦 St. James 街上的一家小酒商,如今事業版圖遍佈全球,是英國皇室 特許的酒商。

547 2 (70cl) OGB NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000 HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

50,000 - NT$ 70,000
13,000 - HK$ 18,000
50,000 HK$
544 1 (70cl) OGB
36,000 - NT$
9,000 - HK$ 13,000
NT$ 20,000
NT$ 30,000 HK$ 5,000
HK$ 8,000
1 (70cl) OGB
Lot 543-546 Lot 547

Lot 550.551 Lot 553-557

Duncan Taylor 創立於 1938 年,早期以承銷與仲介桶裝威士忌原酒為 主,經年累月的買賣過程中亦珍藏了許多品質極佳的威士忌;如今,

Duncan Taylor 已成為全球擁有最多高年份蘇格蘭威士忌庫藏的私人企

業。1985 年,Euan Shang 接掌公司,開始以自有品牌 Duncan Taylor 裝瓶販售,豐沛的老酒庫藏與對每個環節的認真對待,使 Duncan Taylor 奠定了精品裝瓶廠的形象。

Bruichladdich 1969 33 Years Old, Duncan Taylor

Islay, 05.1969蒸餾/12.2002裝瓶, 48.70%, Cask#2329, Bottle#20, 限量209瓶, 水位頸部

550 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000

HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Caol Ila 1982 27 Years Old, Duncan Taylor

Islay, 04.1982蒸餾/08.2009裝瓶, 55.20%, Cask#2743, Bottle#175, 限量221瓶, 水位頸部

551 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 10,000 - NT$ 15,000

HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

黑蛇裝瓶廠於 1995 年由瑞典威士忌愛好者 Robin Tucek 創立。作品 以原桶強度為主,不加焦糖不稀釋,強調威士忌最原始的風味。其最 受藏家追捧的 Raw Cask 系列更主打完全不過濾,故常有黑色橡木桶 屑的出現,百分之百的原桶原味。

Caol Ila 1979 25 Years Old, Blackadder Raw Cask

Islay, 2nd May 1979蒸餾/June 2004裝瓶, 61.20%, Cask#5334, 限量44瓶, Oak Hogshead, 水位頸部以下

553 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 10,000 - NT$ 16,000

HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

Port Ellen 1983 21 Years Old, Blackadder Raw Cask

Islay, 3rd November 1982蒸餾/June 2004裝瓶, 62.70%, Cask#2734, Bottle#359, 限量563瓶, Sherry Butt, 水位頸部以下, 酒標簽名字跡, whiskyfun:92

554 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000

HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

Blairfindy 1964 40 Years Old, Blackadder Raw Cask

Speyside, 4th December 1964蒸餾/May 2005裝瓶, 55.00%, Cask#4711, Bottle#206, 限量541瓶, Sherry Butt, 水位頸部, Distilled by Glenfarclas

555 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 36,000 - NT$ 46,000

HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 12,000

Dalmore 1976 28 Years Old, Blackadder Raw Cask

Highland, December 1979蒸餾/October 2005裝瓶, 58.00%, Cask#BA0244, Bottle#338, 限量348瓶, 水位頸部, 酒標輕微髒污

556 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 20,000

HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000

Highland Park 1978 28 Years Old, Blackadder Raw Cask

Orkney, March 1978蒸餾/May 2006裝瓶, 54.80%, Cask#4212, Bottle#157, 限量328瓶, Refill Sherry Butt, 水位頸部

557 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 13,000 - NT$ 17,000

HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000

Suntory Whisky 100th Anniversary 1 (70cl) OGB Decanter 1999 感謝百年 Japan, 43.00%, 1397g, 外盒髒污 Suntory Whisky 90th Anniversary 1 (72cl) 無盒 Decanter Released 1989 Japan, 43.00%, 1458g Suntory Whisky 60th Anniversary 1 (76cl) OGB 創業 1899 Japan, 43.00%, 水位頸部以下 558 Total: 3 bts NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000 Suntory The Whisky 有田燒 Japan, 43.00%, 1435g 559 1 (75cl) OGB NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000 Suntory Whisky Ageing 15 Years Old 1 (50cl) 藍色豎琴 Japan, 43.00%, 1339g Suntory Royal Whisky Violin 1 (70cl) Japan, 43.00%, 1342g 山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 12年 Accordion 1 (70cl) Japan, 43.00%, 1618g 山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 12年 Saxophone 1 (60cl) Japan, 43.00%, 1334g 560 Total: 4 bts 無盒 NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 65,000 HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 17,000
559 Lot 560

Suntory Pure Malt Whisky 1981


Japan, 43.00%, 2酒標髒污, 2盒內輕微髒污 山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 仕込水割

The Essence of Suntory Whisky 山崎蒸溜所

Yamazaki Distillery Refill Spanish Cask

Japan, 2008蒸餾/2019裝瓶, 53.00%

The Essence of Suntory Whisky 山崎蒸溜所

Yamazaki Distillery Spanish Oak

Japan, 2009蒸餾/2019裝瓶, 56.00%

The Essence of Suntory Whisky 山崎蒸溜所

Yamazaki Distillery Montilla Wine Cask

Japan, 2009蒸餾/2019裝瓶, 55.00%, 外盒壓痕

5 bts NT$ 34,000 - NT$ 42,000 HK$ 9,000 - HK$ 11,000
Japan, 12.00% 561 Total:
562 Total: 3 (50cl) OC NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000
Lot 562 127
Lot 561

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Pure Malt Gold Bottle

Japan, 43.00%, 1351g, 60th Anniversary, 瓶身輕微磨損

於 1983 年推出的金色特別版,是山崎蒸餾廠特別為紀念酒廠成立六 十週年所推出的紀念酒款,並未正式對外販售,小批次的生產僅作為 謝禮贈予當時與酒廠業務相關的人們。瓶身上以「 Suntory Pure Malt Whisky 」作為品名,是三得利將酒廠單一麥芽威士忌正式命名為「山 崎」最早期的作品。

564 1 (76cl) OGB

NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 190,000

HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 49,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Pure Malt 首版 1980年代中期

Japan, 43.00%, 雙獅酒標, 酒標髒污

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Pure Malt 1980年代中期

Japan, 43.00%, 雙獅酒標, 酒標髒污水漬, 酒封輕微折起

565 Total: 2 (76cl) 無盒

NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000

HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Pure Malt 12年 1980年代後期

Japan, 43.00%, 雙獅酒標, 3酒標輕微髒污

566 3 (75cl) 無盒

NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 46,000

HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 12,000

Lot 564 Lot 565 Lot 566

Suntory Royal Whisky 12年 1 (70cl) OC

2000 Millennium

Japan, 43.00%, 外盒輕微磨損

Suntory Pure Malt Whisky 1 (70cl) 無盒 2000 Millennium

Japan, 43.00%

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Pure Malt 12年 1 (75cl) 無盒 2000 Millennium

Japan, 43.00%

567 Total: 3 bts NT$ 26,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 7,000 - HK$ 10,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 12年 渡邊美樹

Japan, 43.00%, Sherry Cask

568 3 (66cl) 無盒 NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 38,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 10,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki

花の万博 記念ボトル


Pure Malt

Japan, 43.00%, 1217g, 小卡髒污

569 1 (60cl) 無盒 NT$ 19,000 - NT$ 26,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000

Lot 567 Lot 568
Lot 569

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 12年 Suntory SUNBIRDS

9th 紀念 V4 四連霸達成

Japan, 43.00%, 1082g

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 12年 Suntory SUNBIRDS

10th 紀念 V5 五連霸達成

Japan, 43.00%, 1080g 570

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 2014 Limited Edition

Japan, 2014裝瓶, 43.00%

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 2015 Limited Edition

Japan, 2015裝瓶, 43.00%

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 2016 Limited Edition

Japan, 2016裝瓶, 43.00%

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 2017 Limited Edition

Japan, 2017裝瓶, 43.00%

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 18年 Limited Edition

Japan, 43.00%

OC NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000
2 (60cl)
571 Total: 4 (70cl) OC NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 100,000 HK$ 18,000
HK$ 26,000
572 6 (70cl) OGB NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 150,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 39,000
Lot 570 Lot 571 Lot 572

Lot 575 Lot 573

Lot 576

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 1994 Vintage Malt

Japan, 1994蒸餾/2004裝瓶, 56.00%

山崎蒸餾所 Vintage Malt 年份系列當初僅在酒廠內獨賣,每一個年份的 產量都不多,每一個年份的木桶使用、發酵槽、蒸餾器、儲藏位置等細 節都明確地被記載著,足見山崎酒廠的重視與用心。年份系列如今已停 產,最早的年份為 1979 年,最後一個年份則為 1995 年。

573 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 95,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 25,000 - HK$ 34,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 25年 Japan, 43.00%, Bottle#12068, 無外紙盒

為紀念由鳥井信治郎於 1899 年創建的三得利集團即將迎來一百週年,山

崎蒸餾所提早於 1998 年推出經典的山崎 25 年。這一款威士忌在國際威 士忌舞台大放異彩,於 2012 年的 WWA (World Whiskies Awards) 獲得世 界最佳單一麥芽威士忌的認可,隨後又於 2015 年奪下 SWSC (World Spirits Competition) 的 Double Gold 雙金獎牌。此次徵集的版本為 2006 年至 2021 年 6 月之間的紙盒版本,為百分之百雪莉橡木桶陳年超過 25 年 的酒液裝填而成。

575 1 (70cl) OGB


NT$ 280,000 - NT$ 360,000

HK$ 73,000 - HK$ 94,000

Yamazaki Sherry Cask 2011 雪莉桶

Japan, 2011裝瓶, 48.00%, 外盒輕微摺痕, 2012MMA金牌

576 1 (70cl) OC

NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 220,000

HK$ 26,000 -

HK$ 57,000


2009 年是「山崎」品牌成立的 25 週年,一向認為橡木桶是孕育高品質威士忌的關鍵的三得利陸續於 2009 至 2010 年間推出了一系列酒精濃度 48 度 的風味桶,他們相信正是這些不同橡木桶帶來的不同風味,架構出了山崎威士忌複雜的風味與充滿層次的口感,而首席調酒師則認為 48% 的酒精濃 度以及非冷凝過濾的製程最能充分享受不同橡木桶為同樣麥芽原酒所帶來的風味上的差異。2009 年 2 月份,酒廠率先延續 2000 年後不再生產的雪 莉威士忌,2009 年 10 月份推出第一版的邦穹桶 (Puncheon),2010 年 2 月份推出第三彈的波本桶 (Bourbon Barrel),2010 年 8 月份推出第四彈的水 楢桶 (Mizunara)。由於每一款的推出都大受市場好評,山崎蒸餾所於 2011 年 8 月開始接續推出各種風味桶的第二版。

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Bourbon Barrel 波本桶

Japan, 2010裝瓶, 48.00%, 酒標輕微磨損, 外盒輕微磨損

577 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 32,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Bourbon Barrel 2011 波本桶

Japan, 2011裝瓶, 48.00%, 外盒輕微磨損

578 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 32,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Puncheon 美國白橡木桶

Japan, 2009裝瓶, 48.00%, 酒標輕微磨損, 外盒輕微磨損

579 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 32,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Puncheon 2011 美國白橡木桶

Japan, 2011裝瓶, 48.00%, 酒標輕微髒污, 外盒輕微皺褶

580 1 (70cl) OC

18,000 - NT$ 32,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Puncheon 2012 美國白橡木桶

Japan, 2012裝瓶, 48.00%, 外盒磨損

581 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 32,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki Puncheon 2013 美國白橡木桶

Japan, 2013裝瓶, 48.00%, 外盒輕微摺痕

582 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 32,000

HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 8,000

Lot 577-582

1984 年對於山崎蒸餾所來說有著無與倫比的意義,就是在這一年, 酒廠正式推出蒸餾所同名品牌「山崎」,並推出日本國產威士忌 界第一款的單一麥芽威士忌。而這款山崎 1984 正是山崎蒸餾所為 慶祝山崎作為單一麥芽威士忌品牌的 25 周年紀念酒款,除了是山 崎少見的年份酒款,更使用夢幻的水楢桶進行酒款桶陳,帶來日 本神社的線香風情,是西方世界難以想像亦無法模仿的東方風格, 不僅得到酒評家們的高分評價,更屢獲國際大獎。

山崎蒸溜所 Yamazaki 1984 Mizunara Oak 水楢桶

Japan, 1984蒸餾, 48.00%, Bottle#0917, Japanese Mizunara Oak, 輿水精一簽名, 無小卡, 無外紙盒, whiskyfun:91

583 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 360,000 - NT$ 500,000 HK$ 94,000 - HK$ 130,000



2012 雪莉桶


Hakushu The Owner's Cask 1992

Japan, 1992蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 59.00%, Cask#2K40636, Bottle#147, 限量210瓶, Hogshead

589 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 18,000

白州蒸溜所 Hakushu Paul Rusch

120th Anniversary of Birth


Hakushu Sherry Cask 2013 雪莉桶

Japan, 2013裝瓶, 48.00%, 酒標泛黃, 頸標輕微磨損

587 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

白州蒸溜所 Hakushu Sherry Cask

Japan, 2014裝瓶, 48.00%

2014 雪莉桶

588 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Japan, 58.00%, Bottle#044, 限量120瓶, Bourbon Barrel 距離東京約三小時車程的清里高原,自七零年代起便是日本熱門的避暑 勝地,被譽為「離星星最近的高原小鎮」的萌木の村度假村也於 1977 年建成。創辦人 舩 木不僅自 2014 年的第 25 屆清里芭蕾舞節開始,每年 都與日本威士忌品牌合作推出紀念威士忌,更在 2017 年推出了這款限 量 120 瓶的 Paul Rusch 波本威士忌。 1925 年關東大地震後,年僅 28 歲 的美國博士 Paul Rusch 被派來協助清泉寮的重建工程,之後在 1938 年 成立 KEEP 協會,一輩子致力於清泉寮的教育與信仰推廣,被譽為「清 里開拓之父」。這款威士忌於 2017 年推出,正是為紀念其誕辰 120 週 年,獲得了 2019 年 Jim Murray 編撰的《 Whisky Bible 》 年度日本威士忌 Japanese Whisky of the Year 大賞。

590 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000
Japan, 2012裝瓶, 48.00% 586 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 23,000
Sherry Cask
Lot 586-588 Lot 589 Lot 590


Lot 593

1798 年成立於 Orkney 群島的高原騎士 Highland Park 酒廠,200 多 年來維持著最傳統的釀酒工藝,傳承手翻麥技術,使得麥芽得以均勻 地接觸當地強勁的海風,為酒款帶來獨特強勁的風味;使用當地富含 花香的泥煤烘烤大麥,則賦予酒體花瓣的甜美;最後再使用雪莉桶作 為桶陳,更帶給 Highland Park 豐富的酒體與多層次的口感。

Highland Park 25 Years Old Orkney, 50.70%, whiskyfun:90

早期裝瓶的 Highland Park 版本公認與現今的版本相差異甚大,早期的酒 體較為醇厚,個性也較為鮮明強勁,帶有更多的泥煤氣息。 25 年的高原 騎士在《尋找屬於自己的 12 使徒》一書中,被林一峰選為第五使徒,形 容他有著「足夠的麥芽香、柔順可口、尾韻悠長、飽滿的酒體、回甘無 窮,更重要的是蘇格蘭威士忌的煙燻味,高原騎士還有自成一格的美麗 石楠花蜜香氣,在那煙燻味的繚繞中,像是攀之而上的神龍」。

592 6 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 60,000 -

HK$ 16,000 -

Highland Park 25 Years Old

Orkney, 2000裝瓶, 51.50%, 外盒輕微磨損

Highland Park 25 Years Old

Orkney, 50.70%, 酒標輕微磨損, whiskyfun:90

1 (70cl)

1 (75cl)

Highland Park 25 Years Old 1 (75cl)

Orkney, 48.10%, whiskyfun:91

593 Total: 3 bts OGB NT$ 46,000 - NT$ 70,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 18,000

Highland Park 30 Years Old

Orkney, 48.10%, whiskyfun:92

Highland Park 1973 36 Years Old

Orkney, 1973蒸餾/2009裝瓶, 40.70%, Cask#4778, 限量156瓶, 盒內輕微髒污

NT$ 100,000

HK$ 26,000

594 Total: 2 (70cl) OGB


HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 16,000

NT$ 44,000
NT$ 60,000
592 Lot 594

Highland Park 40 Years Old

Orkney, 48.30%, 酒標輕微髒污, 盒內手冊髒污, whiskyfun:91

Highland Park 40 年堪稱酒廠集大成之作,首度於 2008 年發 行。迷人且一波波襲來的煙燻氣息中有著柑橘和果乾的甜美、 巧克力的苦甜、奶油糖的飽滿圓潤,豐富的層次完美融合。

595 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 23,000

Clynelish 1996, Mayuka Yamamoto 山本麻友香

Highland, 1996蒸餾/2021裝瓶, 48.40%, Cask#9, Bottle#289, 限量318瓶, Hogshead, selected by Stefan Van Eycken

597 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 23,000

Edradour 2011, Hiroyuki Matsuura 松浦浩之

Highland, 2011蒸餾/2021裝瓶, 57.20%, Cask#226, Bottle#133&134, 限量631瓶, 1st Fill Sherry Butt, selected by Stefan Van Eycken

598 2 (70cl) OGB

Bruichladdich 1990 32 Years Old,

Takeru Amano 天野健

60,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Islay, 1.6.1990蒸餾/8.6.2022裝瓶, 42.10%, Cask#2691, 限量271瓶, Sherry Cask, The Munros, Apportfolio

LOT599: Bottle#44

LOT600: Bottle#45

599 1 (70cl) OGB per lot NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 48,000 600 1 (70cl) OGB HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 12,000
Lot 597-600

Bruichladdich Private Cask 12 Years Old,

Glenlivet 1997 12 Years Old, Exclusive Malts 冠羽畫眉

Speyside, 08.Apr.1997蒸餾/Feb.2010裝瓶, 54.00%, Cask#100288, Bottle#188&189&191, 限量388瓶, First Fill Sherry Butt

Basquiat x 1800 Tequila

Bunnahabhain 1986 24 Years Old, Exclusive Malts 蘭嶼角鴞

Islay, 20th October 1986蒸餾, 50.90%, Cask#1283, 限量561瓶, Refill ex-Sherry Butt, 正頭: Bottle#55&59&60, 歪頭: Bottle#194&197&198

Glen Grant 1975 37 Years Old, Exclusive Malts 栗背林鴝

Speyside, 18th April 1975蒸餾, 49.60%, Cask#5477, Bottle#31&33&36, 限量140瓶, Refill hogshead

602 6 (70cl) OC NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 13,000
603 3 (70cl) OC NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
604 3 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 10,000 - NT$ 14,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 4,000
March 2014裝瓶, 40.00% 605 6 (75cl) OC NT$ 30,000 - NT$ 46,000 HK$ 8,000 - HK$ 12,000
601 3 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 5,000 Lot 601-604 Lot 605 137
Kingfisher Selection Islay, 63.20%, Cask#0287, Bottle#13&15&16, 限量216瓶

1886 年, William Grant 於蘇格蘭斯貝賽區 Dufftown 創建了 Glenfiddich 酒廠,並於 1887 年的聖誕節打造出第一滴的格蘭菲迪。 在人人都喝調和式威士忌的 1963 年,Glenfiddich 大膽地以 Single Malt ( 單一麥芽威士忌 ) 做為酒廠訴求,更為了將蘇格蘭的威士忌 帶到全世界,將酒瓶改為便於運送且節省空間的三角瓶,開創了威 士忌的新領域。獨特的清新細膩口感,使得發展至第五代的今日, Glenfiddich 已成為全球最受歡迎的蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌之一,迄今 仍秉持著此先鋒精神持續於威士忌界發光發熱。

Glenfiddich 30 Years Old XXX

Speyside, 40.00%, 6圓筒蓋內生鏽

607 6 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 65,000 - NT$ 90,000 HK$ 17,000 - HK$ 22,000

Glenfiddich 1958 Private Vintage

Speyside, 1958蒸餾/5th July 2006裝瓶, 46.30%, Cask#8642, Bottle#23, 酒標輕微掀起

608 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Glenfiddich 1964 44 Years Old Rare Collection

Speyside, 1964蒸餾, 41.40%, Cask#13428, Bottle#107, 限量179瓶

609 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000

Glenfiddich 40 Years Old Release No.10

Speyside, 30.04.2013裝瓶, 45.90%, Bottle#166, 限量600瓶, 盒內皮革脫皮, 無外包裝盒

格蘭菲迪 40 年自 2000 年開始發行第一版,使用 1925 年、 1937 年、 1939 年、以及 1960 年的原酒調和而成。其後的每一個版本皆採用獨特的「遺 留混合系統 Remnant Vatting System 」,每一個新的批次都會加入部分 前一批次的 40 年,每一批次限量 600 瓶。

610 1 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 70,000 - NT$ 90,000

HK$ 18,000 - HK$ 23,000

Lot 607 Lot 608.609 Lot 610

The Balvenie 30 Years Old 木盒 Speyside, 47.30%, Oak Casks and Oloroso Sherry Butt, 水位頸部, 酒標輕微髒污, 外盒髒污

611 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 13,000



The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 1 - 7


The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 1

50.40%, Sherry Butts:6443, 1041, 7497, Traditional Whisky Casks:2387, 9917, 5036, 5245, 15338, 15325, whiskynotes:90

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 2

48.80%, Sherry Butts:11439, 13145, 763, Traditional Whisky Casks:15915, 5247, 15340, 7050, 15344, 15337, 5824, 1500, 446

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 3

46.10%, Sherry Butts:16088, 1042, 8554, Traditional Whisky Casks:15919, 5248, 13135, 7073, 15347, 15332, 6129, 13461, 1634, 487

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 4

46.80%, Sherry Butts:12613, 3712, Traditional Whisky Casks:15922, 5037, 5250, 158, 940, 15354, 15349, 2703, 11502, 1639, 7088, 12869

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 5

51.40%, Sherry Butts:783, 9000, 9002, 11367, Traditional Whisky Casks:1, 25, 36, 37, 38, 39

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 6

52.30%, Sherry Butts:314319, 314320, 30081, 347134, Traditional Whisky Casks:30911, 30912, 36451, 42891, 42892, 32279

The Balvenie Tun 1858 Batch 7

52.10%, Sherry Butts:3734, 3245-138, 3250-112, 3250-116, Traditional Whisky Casks:11966, 3471-6

繼「Tun 1401」,百富於2013年推出以更高年份調和而成的「Tun 1858」

系列,調酒師 David Stewart 希望藉著這個系列向世人展示圓潤華美的 老酒與豐沛奔放的年輕酒液在相互融合後帶出的香醇甘美和豐富的層次 感。 Batch 1 選用三個雪莉桶與六個美國橡木桶調和而成,平均桶齡高 達 40 年以上,限定台灣市場販售。

612 Total: 7 (70cl) 圓筒 NT$ 180,000 - NT$ 240,000 HK$ 47,000 - HK$ 62,000 139

Lot 614

Lot 616

Lot 615

響 Hibiki 在日文中有著和諧之意,是 Suntory 企業創立 90 周年的象徵 符號,代表著人與自然、自然與社會的和諧共鳴。鍾情於交響樂的第 二代首席調酒師稻富孝一在調製「響 Hibiki」時,精心挑選三十六種

酒齡 17 年以上的威士忌,布拉姆斯第一號交響曲第四樂章盤旋心中, 奠定了響燦爛奢華卻又和諧的獨特風格。而其標誌性的 24 道切割面瓶 身,更寓意著 24 節氣的更迭,代表響系列經時間淬煉的風情。

響 Hibiki Whisky Riragita

Japan, 43.00%, 1339g, 底座輕微磨損

響 Hibiki Whisky Piano

Japan, 43.00%, 1294g, 卡榫斷裂

響 Hibiki Whisky Trumpet

Japan, 43.00%, 1180g, 配件斷裂

614 Total: 3 bts 無盒

1 (60cl)

1 (60cl)

1 (50cl)

響 Hibiki 1990年代後期

Japan, 43.00%, 金花布面金色標

響 Hibiki 17年 金花受賞版

Japan, 43.00%, 金色標

初代響於 1989 年發佈, 1990 年 4 月正式上市時,瓶身的標籤已從金獅 改為金花, 1990 年代初期的瓶蓋也由原先的金色塑料蓋改為與瓶身相 同的 24 切面透明瓶蓋,又一直要到 2001 年,響才開始標記 17 年於瓶 身。 1990 年代裝瓶的響優雅醇厚,和諧卻不失力度,有著芬芳的香草與 豐富的水果氣息,華麗燦然。

615 Total: 2 (75cl) 無盒 NT$ 22,000 - NT$ 30,000

HK$ 6,000 - HK$ 8,000

響 Hibiki 17年 50.5

Japan, 50.00%-50.90%

616 1 (70cl) 無盒

NT$ 42,000 - NT$ 55,000

HK$ 11,000 - HK$ 14,000

NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 46,000
10,000 - HK$ 12,000

Japan, 43.00%, 外盒輕微破損

響 Hibiki 12年 意匠ボトル 白鷺

Japan, 43.00%, 外盒輕微摺痕

響 Hibiki 12年 意匠ボトル

Japan, 43.00%, 外盒輕微摺痕破損

響 Hibiki 12年 意匠ボトル 四季花鳥 武藏野富士
Total: 3 (50cl) OC NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000
618 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 200,000 HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000
響 Hibiki 17年 意匠ボトル 鳳凰
Japan, 43.00%
響 Hibiki 21年 意匠ボトル 富士風雲図
619 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 180,000 HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 47,000
Japan, 2015發行, 43.00%, 酒封輕微裂痕
響 Hibiki 21年 意匠ボトル 花鳥風月
620 6 (70cl) OGB NT$ 100,000 - NT$ 140,000 HK$ 26,000 - HK$ 36,000
617-620 141
Japan, 43.00%, 1酒封破裂
響 Hibiki 30年 意匠ボトル
Japan, 43.00% 621 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 180,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 47,000 響 Hibiki 30年 Japan, 43.00%, Bottle#43348 622 1 (70Cl) OGB NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 180,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 47,000

Macallan 12 Years Old 1990s

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured In Sherry Wood

Macallan 12 Years Old 2000s

Speyside, 40.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 2酒標輕微髒污, 寰盛背標

Macallan 12 Years Old 2000s

Speyside, 40.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 酒標輕微髒污, 寰盛背標

Macallan 12 Years Old early 2000s

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 昇恆昌背標 623

1 (70cl) OC

2 (75cl) OGB

Macallan 1992 Elegancia

Speyside, 1992蒸餾/2004裝瓶, 40.00%, Matured In Selected Oloroso and Fino Sherry Oak Casks from Jerez, 4酒標髒污, 2酒標輕微髒污,

Macallan 15 Years Old Gran Reserva 2017

Limited Edition

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured Exclusively In Sherry Seasoned Oak Casks

1 (75cl) OGB
1 (100cl) OC
5 bts NT$ 50,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 13,000 - HK$ 19,000
624 6 (100cl) OC NT$ 38,000 - NT$ 70,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 18,000
, 1
, 4外盒發霉
625 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 75,000 HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 19,000
Lot 625 143
Lot 624

Lot 626-629

麥卡倫 18 年是酒廠的經典系列,以經典的西班牙雪莉桶進行桶陳,桃花 心木般的酒色、甜美如蜜糖和果乾,同時點綴著丁香與肉豆蔻等辛香料 的氣息。此系列在 1980 年前為紙盒包裝, 1981 年始則改為圓筒紙盒包 裝, 1986 年則有圓筒紙盒版舊標與紙盒版新標併行,也在同年開始了曼 妙瓶瓶身與草寫正寫標的陸續替換。

Macallan 1985 18 Years Old

Speyside, 1985蒸餾, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 水位頸部, 圓筒蓋生鏽, 寰盛背標 626 1 (75cl) 圓筒

Macallan 1986 18 Years Old

80,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000

Speyside, 1986蒸餾, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 水位頸部, 酒標髒污, 圓筒髒污, 圓筒蓋生鏽, 寰盛背標 627 1 (75cl) 圓筒

Macallan 1990 18 Years Old

Speyside, 1990蒸餾, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 寰盛背標

Macallan 1991 18 Years Old

Speyside, 1991蒸餾, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 寰盛背標

Macallan 1992 18 Years Old

Speyside, 1992蒸餾, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 寰盛背標 628 Total: 3 (70cl) OGB NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 85,000

HK$ 14,000 - HK$ 22,000

Macallan 1993 18 Years Old

Speyside, 1993蒸餾, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks

From Jerez, 寰盛背標

629 3 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 80,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 18,000

60,000 -
NT$ 55,000
HK$ 14,000

Lot 631-633

Macallan 25 Years Old Sherry Oak 2019 Release

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured Exclusively In Hand-picked Sherry Seasoned Oak Casks From Jerez, 昇恆昌背標

634 1 (70cl)

Macallan 25 Years Old Fine Oak

- HK$ 21,000

Speyside, 43.00%, Carefully Matured in a Unique Combination of Bourbon & Sherry Oak Casks, 酒標輕微髒污


Macallan 25 Years Old Fine Oak Triple Cask

Speyside, 43.00%, Sherry Seasoned European and American Oak, and Bourbon Casks, 愛丁頓寰盛背標

Macallan 1962 25 Years Old Anniversary Malt

Speyside, 1962蒸餾/1988裝瓶, 43.00%, Matured In Sherry Oak, 酒封輕微皺褶, whiskyfun:91

631 1 (75cl) 無盒 NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 120,000 HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 31,000


25 Years Old Anniversary Malt

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured In Sherry Oak, 酒標髒污, 人頭馬寰盛背標, 皮帶版

632 1 (75cl) OGB NT$ 110,000 - NT$ 150,000 HK$ 29,000 - HK$ 39,000


25 Years Old Anniversary Malt

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured In Sherry Oak, 寰盛背標, 舊版紅木盒


633 1
OGB NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 160,000 HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 42,000
NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000
, 外盒輕微磨損, 采盟背標 635 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 50,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$
636 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 55,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$
Lot 634-636

Lot 637.638

Macallan 30 Years Old Fine Oak

Speyside, 43.00%, Carefully Matured in a Unique Combination of Bourbon & Sherry Oak Casks, 外盒輕微磨損, 寰盛背標

637 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 34,000

Macallan 30 Years Old Fine Oak Triple Cask

Speyside, 43.00%, European oak casks seasoned with sherry, American oak casks seasoned with sherry and American oak casks seasoned with bourbon, 酒標輕微髒污, 寰盛背標

638 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 90,000 - NT$ 130,000

HK$ 23,000 - HK$ 34,000

Macallan 40 Years Old 2017 Release

Speyside, 44.00%, Bottle#7, 限量465瓶, Exclusively Matured In Hand Crafted Sherry Oak Casks From Jerez

自 2005 年首度於免稅通路推出以來,麥卡倫 40 年便一直都是最受到藏

家喜愛的收藏品項之一。此次徵集的 40 年為 2017 年推出的版本,限量

465 瓶,酒液分別由一個歐洲雪莉橡木桶 (European Oak Sherry Butt) 、

一個歐洲雪莉豬頭桶 (European Sherry Hogshead) 、以及一個美國橡木 雪莉桶 (American Oak Sherry Butt) 三個性格截然不同的橡木桶所陳年, 相互融合後造就深邃誘人的酒液和複雜而濃郁豐滿的酒體,如以肉桂燉 煮的水果軟糖般多汁可口,再以木質調性包裹,帶來沈穩的氣質。

639 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 700,000 - NT$ 900,000 HK$ 182,000 - HK$ 234,000

麥卡倫珍稀系列 (The Macallan Fine & Rare) 是麥卡倫熟成時間最長、年份最完整的典藏佳釀系列,跨越六個年代,從 1926 年至 1976 年,完整呈現麥 卡倫的釀酒歷史;以原桶強度直接裝瓶,更能讓酒迷們直接地品嚐麥卡倫經過歲月淬鍊的精華。此一系列已成為全球酒迷們眼中最珍貴最奢華的威士忌 品項,屢屢於拍賣會上創下新紀錄。

Macallan Fine & Rare 1954 47 Years Old Speyside,

蒸餾/2002裝瓶, 50.20%, Cask#1902, 限量366瓶, 頸標輕微掀起, 酒封氧化變色, Unique Reference no. phjgwe,

1966 35 Years Old

Macallan Fine & Rare 1967 35 Years Old

Speyside, 1967蒸餾/2002裝瓶, 55.90%, Cask#1195, 限量432瓶, 水位頸部, 酒標輕微髒污, 頸標輕微破損, 酒封磨損, Unique Reference no. 5scoci, Date 1/3/06, Mature Only In Sherry Wood



515瓶, Unique Reference no. qyu6bw, Date 27/4/06, Mature
Sherry Wood 643 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 600,000 - NT$ 800,000 HK$ 156,000 - HK$ 208,000
Fine & Rare 1971 30 Years Old Speyside, 1971
, 55.90%,
Only In
9/1/06, Mature
Sherry Wood 640 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 750,000 - NT$ 950,000 HK$ 195,000 - HK$ 247,000
Fine & Rare
Speyside, 1966蒸餾/2002裝瓶, 55.50%, Cask#7878, 限量135瓶, Unique Reference no. chlnmk, Date 20/7/07, Mature Only In Sherry Wood 641 1 (70cl) OGB NT$
Only In
NT$ 800,000
156,000 - HK$ 208,000
642 1 (75cl) OGB NT$ 650,000
NT$ 850,000 HK$ 169,000

Macallan Travel Series 20年代

Speyside, 40.00%, 酒標輕微褪色

Macallan Travel Series 30年代

Speyside, 40.00%, 酒標輕微褪色

Macallan Travel Series 40年代

Speyside, 40.00%, 酒標輕微褪色

Macallan Travel Series 50年代

Speyside, 40.00%, 酒標輕微褪色

不同交通工具的出現刻畫著人類文明不斷推進的軌跡,麥卡倫蒸餾廠向 來對此感到著迷。於千禧年之際,麥卡倫就曾推出復古年代旅行系列 (Travel Series) ,包裝盒的四面分別為各時代代表性的大眾交通工具,試 圖復刻舊時代威士忌的口感與面貌,喚起 1920 年代至 1950 年代的懷舊 風味。

644 Total: 4 (50cl) OC

NT$ 48,000 - NT$ 75,000

HK$ 12,000 - HK$ 19,000

Macallan Glenlivet 1968 30 Years Old, Signatory

Speyside, 10.12.1968蒸餾/16.07.1999裝瓶, 46.00%, Cask#10545, Bottle#198, 限量225瓶, 酒標輕微磨損褪色

Macallan 1989 25 Years Old, Sansibar

Speyside, 1989蒸餾/2014裝瓶, 51.40%, 限量206瓶, Bourbon Cask, Spirits Shop Selection

Macallan 1997 16 Years Old, The Speakeasy

Speyside, 15.10.1997蒸餾/19th May 2014裝瓶, 57.60%, Cask#10151, Refill Hogshead, Taiwan Exclusive

645 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000
646 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 32,000
NT$ 40,000 HK$ 8,000
647 1 (70cl) 布袋 NT$ 8,000 - NT$ 12,000 HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 3,000
Lot 646.647

Glengoyne 蒸餾廠創立於 1833 年,原名 Glen Giun,意指野鵝群聚的 山谷。酒廠橫跨高低兩地,高地蒸餾、低地熟成,按蒸餾器位置來判定, 屬蘇格蘭高地產區。1876 年左右酒廠易主 Lang Brothers,1965 年由 愛丁頓集團前身之一的 Robertson & Baxter Group 接手。2003 年 4 月, 則正式被 Ian Macleod 納入旗下,如今年產量約 100 萬公升。

Glengoyne 相信時間可以成就價值。為保留大麥最原始的風味,採取耗 時的空氣乾燥法,讓大麥在溫暖的空氣中慢慢烘乾;同時以超慢速蒸餾, 留給酒液與蒸餾器更多的「銅對話」時間,打造出複雜豐富的酒質。相 信橡木桶對風味的影響至關重要,格蘭哥尼正如過去於愛丁頓集團的同 門師兄麥卡倫般,有特定簽約的西班牙桶廠,每一顆桶子的製成都需要 至少三年的自然風乾和三年以上的雪莉酒潤桶。儘管幾經易主,「等待, 直到超乎期待」是 Glengoyne 的兩百年以來不變的信念。

Glengoyne Cask Strength Batch #001-009

Glengoyne 25 Years Old Sherry Cask

Highland, 2014.09.04裝瓶, 48.00%, Sherry Cask, whiskyfun:91 649 1 (70cl) OGB

Glengoyne 1981 22 Years Old, The Whisky Fair

Highland, November 1981蒸餾/April 2004裝瓶, 49.10%, Cask#4105, 限量234瓶, 酒標皺褶 650 1 (70cl) OGB

22,000 - NT$ 30,000
6,000 - HK$ 8,000
OC NT$ 20,000
NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000
HK$ 7,000
Total: 9 (70cl)
Lot 648 Lot 649 Lot 650
NT$ 8,000 - NT$ 16,000 HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 4,000

Glengoyne 1972 33 Years Old

Highland, December 1972蒸餾/November 2006裝瓶, 55.00%, Cask#90282, 限量372瓶

Glengoyne 1973 30 Years Old

Highland, March 1973蒸餾/Febuary 2005裝瓶, 49.00%, Cask#705, 限量

Glengoyne 1972 35 Years Old Miniature

Highland, December 1972蒸餾/November 2006裝瓶, 50.00%, Cask#90284, 限量6000

651 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 28,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
瓶, 1酒標髒污 652 2 (70cl) 1 OGB, 1 無盒 NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 55,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$ 14,000
653 24 (5cl) OC NT$ 60,000 - NT$ 80,000 HK$ 16,000 - HK$ 21,000 Lot 651 Lot 652 Lot 653

2009 年面市的格蘭哥尼 40 年,酒液蒸餾自 1968 年 11 月,是創廠 175 年以來酒廠最高年份的作品,僅發售 250 瓶,每瓶皆以 Glencairn 水 晶瓶盛裝,並附上酒廠經理 Robbie Hughes 親自簽名的品酒筆記本。

Glengoyne 40 年推出後,立即於 2010 年 The Whisky Show 上獲得當年 度 Dram of the Festival 首獎,也獲得 Whiskyfun 91 分的高分讚賞。

Extremely lively and fresh after all these years, not an old whisky that you 'must' like just because it's old and 'decanterised'. Superb old Glengoyne,verycomplexandmagnificentlybalanced. whiskyfun:91

Glengoyne 40 Years Old

Highland, 45.90%, Bottle#2, whiskyfun:91

654 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 240,000 - NT$ 320,000 HK$ 62,000 - HK$ 83,000



4.5 公升大瓶裝專區 Lot 656 - 667

Macallan 12 Years Old Fine Oak Triple Cask

Speyside, 40.00%, European oak casks seasoned with sherry, American oak casks seasoned with sherry and American oak casks seasoned with bourbon, 寰盛背標

Ardbeg MÓR Guaranteed 10 Years Old Cask Strength

Macallan 12 Years Old Sherry Cask

Speyside, 43.00%, Matured In Selected Sherry Oak Casks From Jerez, 酒標髒污


Ardbeg MÓR Guaranteed 10 Years Old

657 1 (450cl) 展示架 NT$ 44,000
11,000 -
Islay, 2008裝瓶,
659 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 11,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 5,000
658 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 40,000 - NT$ 60,000 HK$ 10,000 - HK$
Islay, 2007裝瓶, 57.30%, Bottle#107, 限量1000瓶, 1st Edition
656 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 30,000
NT$ 46,000 HK$ 8,000
Lot 656.657 Lot 658.659 ▲ 示意對比圖 ▲ 示意對比圖 153

Bruichladdich Laddie Classic Big Daddy Edition 01

Really Big Peat

Bruichladdich 10 Years Old The Laddie Ten

Big Peat Taiwan Exclusive Batch No.2 野柳女王頭

Islay, 46.00%, American Oak 661 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 15,000 - NT$ 24,000 HK$ 4,000 - HK$ 6,000
Islay, 46.00% 660 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 12,000 - NT$ 20,000 HK$ 3,000 - HK$ 5,000
Islay, 52.30%, 限量300瓶 663 1 (450cl) OGB NT$ 7,000 - NT$ 14,000 HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 4,000
Islay, 46.00% 662 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 7,000 - NT$ 14,000 HK$ 2,000 - HK$ 4,000 Lot 662.663 Lot 660.661 ▲ 示意對比圖 ▲ 示意對比圖

BenRiach 12 Years Old Sherry Wood

Speyside, 舊版亮面標, 43.00%

Glendronach 12 Years Old

Highland, 43.00%, Pedro Ximenez and Oloroso Sherry Casks

Glendronach 2002 Single Cask 9 Years Old

Highland, 19.07.2002蒸餾/05.2012裝瓶, 55.30%, Cask#2020, Bottle#63, 限量88瓶, Pedro Ximenez Puncheon

32,000 -


8,000 - HK$ 13,000

Glendronach 1996 Single Cask 15 Years Old

Highland, 23.02.1996蒸餾/09.2011裝瓶, 53.70%, Cask#1495, Bottle#6, 限量105瓶, Pedro Ximenez Sherry Puncheon, 100th Anniversary of Taiwan-ROC

664 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 12,000 - NT$ 19,000 HK$ 3,000
HK$ 5,000
665 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 20,000 - NT$ 34,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 9,000
1 (450cl)
667 1 (450cl) OC NT$ 55,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 14,000
HK$ 25,000
664-667 ▲ 示意對比圖 155

輕井澤 Karuizawa Hanshin Tigers Mercian 2003


輕井澤 Karuizawa 12年 Pure Malt

Japan, 40.00%, 長期貯藏原酒使用31-12年, IWSC金賞受賞, 酒標破損, 酒封斷裂

輕井澤 Karuizawa 25 Malts Japan, 40.00%, 外盒髒污

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1972 黑白標

Japan, 1972蒸餾

670 1 (70cl) 無盒 NT$ 19,000 - NT$ 26,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 7,000
671 1 (72cl) OGB NT$ 18,000 - NT$ 24,000 HK$ 5,000 - HK$ 6,000
669 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 32,000 - NT$ 40,000 HK$ 8,000
HK$ 10,000
優勝記念 Japan, 40.00%, 長期貯藏原酒使用31-12年, 外盒輕微磨損
/04.10.2011裝瓶, 63.30%, Cask#7038, 酒標輕微破損 672 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 220,000 - NT$ 360,000 HK$ 57,000 - HK$ 78,000
Karuizawa 1980 黑白標 Japan, 1980蒸餾/02.08.2011裝瓶, 56.40%, Cask#6568, 酒標輕微髒污, 外盒髒污 673 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 160,000 - NT$ 240,000 HK$ 42,000 - HK$ 52,000
Karuizawa 1984 黑白標 Japan, 1980蒸餾/20.09.2011裝瓶, 57.20%, Cask#2963 674 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 130,000 - NT$ 190,000 HK$ 34,000 - HK$ 44,000 Lot 669 Lot 670 Lot 671

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1977 藝伎標

Japan, 1977蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 65.90%, Cask#4010, 限量427瓶, Sherry Butt, whiskynotes:93

676 1 (70cl)

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1977 藝伎標

220,000 - NT$ 360,000

57,000 - HK$ 94,000

Japan, 1977蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 64.10%, Cask#3584, Bottle#20, 限量169瓶, Sherry Butt, whiskynotes:90

677 1 (70cl) OC

200,000 - NT$ 380,000

52,000 - HK$ 99,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1984 藝伎標

Japan, 1984蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 58.00%, Cask#3186, 限量540瓶, Sherry Butt, whiskynotes:91 678 1 (70cl) OC

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 藝伎標

190,000 - NT$ 260,000

49,000 - HK$ 68,000

Japan, 1981蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 56.70%, Cask#2042, Bottle#116, 限量440瓶, Sherry Butt

200,000 - NT$ 300,000

52,000 - HK$ 78,000

1 (70cl) OC
Lot 676-679

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1971 藝伎標

Japan, 1971蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 62.80%, Cask#7267, Bottle#295, 限量467瓶, Sherry Butt, whiskynotes:92

680 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 300,000 - NT$ 460,000

HK$ 78,000 - HK$ 119,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1974 40年 藍藝伎

Japan, 1974蒸餾/2014裝瓶, 58.80%, Cask#4560, 限量192瓶, Sherry Butt

681 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 650,000 - NT$ 850,000

HK$ 169,000 - HK$ 221,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 30年 黑命之水

Japan, 2014裝瓶, 59.30%, Cask#3655, 限量285瓶, Sherry Butt 682

輕井澤 Karuizawa 40年 白命之水

輕井澤 Karuizawa 45年 黑命之水

Japan, 2012裝瓶, 59.60%, Cask#2725, Bottle#100, 限量310瓶, Sherry Butt, whiskynotes:94

輕井澤 Karuizawa 45年 白命之水

Japan, 2013裝瓶, 62.00%, Cask#1946, Bottle#129, 限量137瓶, Sherry

1 (75cl)
160,000 -
42,000 - HK$ 62,000
683 1 (75cl) OGB NT$ 380,000 - NT$ 460,000 HK$ 99,000 - HK$ 119,000
Japan, 2014裝瓶, 57.40%, Cask#6114, 限量309瓶, Sherry Butt
Butt 684 Total: 2 (70cl) OGB NT$ 1,100,000 - NT$ 1,600,000 HK$ 286,000 - HK$ 416,000 159

輕井澤 Karuizawa

Japan, 1999-2000入桶

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 1st Batch

49.3%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 2nd Batch

52.10%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 3rd Batch

51.80%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 4th Batch

48.50%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 5th Batch

52.20%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 6th Batch

51.10%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 7th Batch

52.10%, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 絕響 8th Batch

49.40%, Sherry Butt

685 Total: 8 (70cl) OGB NT$ 700,000 - NT$ 900,000

HK$ 182,000 - HK$ 234,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1968 WhiskyLive 2010

Japan, 1968蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 61.10%, Cask#6955, Bottle#105, 限量428瓶, Sherry Butt

688 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 600,000 - NT$ 900,000

HK$ 156,000 - HK$ 234,000

絕響八色組 Lot 685 Lot 688

Lot 689-693

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1989 一番

Japan, 1989蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 59.60%, Cask#4587, 限量240瓶, Sherry Butt, 酒標輕微磨損

689 1 (70cl) OC

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1984 地圖標

NT$ 120,000 - NT$ 170,000

HK$ 31,000 - HK$ 44,000

Japan, 1984蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 57.10%, Cask#2962, 限量554瓶, Sherry Butt

690 1 (75cl) OC

NT$ 190,000 - NT$ 260,000

HK$ 49,000 - HK$ 68,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 Cocktail Series La Maison du Whisky

Japan, 1981蒸餾/2012裝瓶, 55.80%, Cask#162, whiskynotes:94

691 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 240,000 - NT$ 320,000

HK$ 62,000 - HK$ 83,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 31年 La Maison du Whisky Prendre Le Rythme

Japan, Oct.1981蒸餾/July 2013裝瓶, 60.50%, Cask#78, Sherry Butt, whiskyfun:93

we're far from the thick oloroso style that other old Karuizawas can display. Unexpectedly clean and fresh...A restless and even youthful oldsherriedKaruizawa,probablyex-refill.Perfect...aprettyIndianold Karuizawa at a perfect age. I've already tried quite a few 1981s but I think this one just became my favourite. Whiskyfun:93

692 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 280,000 - NT$ 360,000

HK$ 73,000 - HK$ 94,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 壹佰火龍

Japan, 1981蒸餾/2011裝瓶, 53.80%, Cask#6370, Bottle#330, 限量378瓶, Sherry Butt 693 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 150,000 - NT$ 220,000

HK$ 39,000 - HK$ 57,000


輕井澤 Karuizawa Noh 能 Multi-Vintages #1

Japan, 1981.1982.1983.1984蒸餾/Oct 2011裝瓶, 59.10%, Cask#6405.4973.8184.6437, Sherry Butt & Bourbon Cask, whiskyfun:92, whiskynotes:91

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 相撲全景標

Japan, 1981蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 56.90%, Cask#818, Bottle#48, 限量120瓶, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa Noh 1997 能 13年

Japan, 1997蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 60.20%, Cask#3312, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa Noh 1991 能 19年

Japan, 1991蒸餾/2010裝瓶, 60.80%, Cask#3206, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 相撲全景標

Japan, 1983蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 58.40%, Cask#3408, Bottle#146, 限量168瓶, Sherry Butt

694 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 140,000 - NT$ 220,000 HK$ 36,000 - HK$ 57,000
695 Total: 2 (20cl) 無盒 NT$ 75,000 - NT$ 95,000 HK$ 19,000 - HK$ 25,000
696 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 240,000
NT$ 320,000 HK$ 62,000
HK$ 83,000
697 1 (70cl) OC NT$ 220,000
NT$ 300,000 HK$ 57,000
HK$ 78,000
Lot 694.695

輕井澤 Karuizawa 相撲標 錦盒組

Japan, Bottle#187, 限量340組

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1981 相撲標

1981蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 56.90%, Cask#818, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1982 相撲標

1982蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 57.90%, Cask#4971, Sherry Butt

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1983 相撲標

1983蒸餾/2013裝瓶, 58.40%, Cask#3408, Sherry Butt

698 Total: 3 (70cl) OGB

NT$ 900,000 - NT$ 1,300,000 HK$ 234,000 - HK$ 338,000


輕井澤 Karuizawa 1965 50 Years Old Sherry Cask

Japan, 1965蒸餾, 62.30%, Cask#2372, Bottle#265, Sherry Cask, 蠟封裂痕, 無外運輸箱, whiskyfun:90 699 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 900,000 - NT$ 1,300,000 HK$ 234,000 - HK$ 338,000

輕井澤 Karuizawa 1964 48 Years Old

Japan, 1st September 1964蒸餾/24th December 2012裝瓶, 57.70%, Cask#3603, Bottle#54, 限量143瓶, Sherry Cask, whiskyfun:95, whiskynotes:95

700 1 (70cl) OGB NT$ 1,400,000 - NT$ 2,000,000 HK$ 364,000 - HK$ 519,000 165

酒樽狀況說明 波爾多 勃根地

• 頸部:較新葡萄酒的正常水位。

• 頸底:此酒液耗損量適用於各年份之葡萄酒。

• 頂肩:此酒液水平適用於各年份之葡萄酒,對 10 年或以上之酒 為常見水位。

• 上肩:木塞鬆弛造成酒液蒸發減少之現象,品質無虞。對 20 年 以上酒齡為正常。

• 中肩:木塞老化或變質,將列入估價考慮範圍。

• 肩底:有多種不同情況,或有木塞之一定程度損壞,除非為極稀 有或獨特之酒品。

狀況描述 Condition Description 縮語 abbreviation

l – lightly, h – heavily 酒標狀況 LABEL CONDITION

髒汙 bin soiled label bsl

水漬 water stained label wasl

酒漬 wine stained label wisl

記號 / 寫字 writing on label wl

磨損 scuffed label scl

破損 torn label tl

皺折 wrinkled label wrl

掀起 loose label ll

脫落 no label nol

褪色 faded label fl

破爛 tattered label tal

汙跡 stained label stl


頸底 base neck bn

頂肩 top shoulder ts

最上肩 very high shoulder vhs

上肩 high shoulder hs

對於勃根地、德國或其他盛裝於斜頸酒瓶,酒液耗損狀況以度量瓶 塞與水位之間的高度,自瓶塞底部向下測量,單位以公分計算。範例: (2bc5cm) 即表示兩瓶酒液之自然耗損量為五公分。

• 三點五公分以上距離:對酒齡少於二十年的勃根地屬正常水位。

• 四至五公分之距離:對二十年以上酒齡來說,儲存狀況良好。

• 五至七公分之距離:對四十年以上酒齡,屬常見之耗損情況。但 若水位越低,則酒樽狀況之風險越高。


酒塞下 __ 公分 below cork bc


凸出 protruding cork pc

壓入 depressed cork dc

滲漏 signs of seepage sos


腐蝕 corroded capsule cc

破裂 cracked capsule crc

膨脹 inflate capsule cif

切除 ( 鑑定用 ) cut capsule (for authenticate) cuc

無酒封 no capsule noc

裂痕 nicked capsule nc

皺折 wrinkled capsule wc

撕裂 torn capsule tc

磨損 scuffed capsule sc


原裝木箱 original wooden case owc

原裝紙箱 original carton oc

原裝禮盒 original gift box ogb


• n. (within neck): the normal fill of young wines.

• bn. (base neck): a common fill for wines of any age.

• ts. (top shoulder): an acceptable level for wines of any age, and usual level for wines over 10 years old.

• hs. (high shoulder): typical reduce through the cork with natural evaporation, usually no problem for wines over 20 years old.

• ms. (mid-shoulder): may suggest weakening of cork with some risk and variation.

• ls. (low-shoulder): risky and usually acceptable for sale only if rare and interesting bottling.

酒瓶尺寸 / 容量 ( 公升 ) 對照 (Bottle Size – Quantity of Litres)

For Burgundy, German and other wines in bottles with sloping necks the ullage in shown in centimeters, measure from the base of the cork. Example: (2bc5cm) means 2 bottles ullaged 5 centimeters.

• 3.5cm fill level or above: normal for wines younger than 20 years.

• 4-5cm fill level: considered well provenance for wine of aged 20 years or more.

• 5-7cm fill level: not uncommon for wine of 40 years or more. But the lower fill level with higher risk.

注意事項說明 (Cautionary Notes)

1. 本目錄酒評引述自 Wine Advocate 雜誌、Robert Parker,以及 Allen Meadows 之評論。

2. 本公司當盡一切義務及努力正確標示老酒之液面高度,然而 目錄上所載之資料與拍賣時之實物仍有可能有差異,造成此 一現象的原因包括瓶塞老化、儲存溫度變化、或酒品運送過 程中造成之影響。

3. 買家應了解瓶塞老化或毀壞所造成酒品變質之風險。

4. 羅芙奧於付運後將不接受價格協議之情事,亦不接受退貨及 賒帳。

5. 在任何情況下,羅芙奧都不提供代替拍品,如酒品發生破裂 或描述標示錯漏。

1. All notes taken from the Wine Advocate, Robert Parker and Allen Meadows' comments.

2. While every possible effort is made to indicate accurately the levels of the older wines, such levels may change between cataloguing and sales. This may be caused by the ageing of the cork or by a change in the temperature of the storage conditions or the shipment of the wines.

3. There is a risk of cork failure with old wines which must be taken into account by the potential buyer.


羅芙奧樂意提供您本次拍賣當中任何一項拍品的狀況報告書,報告內容請 參閱羅芙奧網站。

Ravenel is glad to provide you with the condition report of any of the items at the auction. More information please refer to Ravenel.com.

4. Any price negotiation or credit will not be made after the delivery, and returns will not be accepted.

5. Ravenel will not provide substitutes under no circumstances, for example in the case of breakage, or error of description and measurement. Labels may be stained where wines have been stored in damp conditions. It should be noted that such storage conditions are generally.

勃根地 Burgundy 波爾多 Bordeaux 香檳 Champagne hbt half bottle 0.375 0.375 0.375 bt bottle 0.75 0.75 0.75 mag magnum 1.5 1.5 1.5 dmag double magnum 3 jero jeroboam 3 4.5-5 3 reho rehoboam 4.5 imp imperial 6 meth methuselah 6 6 salm salmanazar 9 9 balth balthazar
nebu nebuchanezzar
melr melchior
12 12
15 15



Commission Bids

If the bidder is unable to attend an auction in person, we will make every effort to bid for the prospective buyers who instruct us to bid on their behalf by using the forms attached to the explanations of the catalogue; Commission bids are subject to auction conditions. The situation at the auction may prevent the Company from making the bid as commissioned. This is a free service provided by the Company to the prospective buyers pursuant to the provisions prescribed. The Company will not be held legally liable if it fails to make the bid as commissioned. Prospective Buyers should attend the auction in person if they wish to ensure a successful bid.

Bid commission instructions are delivered to the Company prior to the auction. And please make sure to provide accurate Lot numbers, description and the maximum bid price that the buyer is willing to pay for each Lot. Appropriate bids will be rounded down to the nearest amount consistent with the bidding increments. If the Company receives several commission bids for one particular item, with all bid prices being equal and of the highest bid price at the auction, priority shall be given to the Buyer whose bid commission is delivered to the Company first.

Example to use the Absentee Bid Form

As the bidder wish to purchase 12 bottles of Château Mouton Rothschild 1982, three cases are available in a parcel from Lots 1 to 3.

Château Mouton Rothschild 1982

The auctioneer retains the right to call bids at his own discretion, the bidding increment will give buyers an indication of regular bid steps. When making order bids, to record your bid according to the normal increments. Unusual bid will be recorded to the lowest regular increment.

Successful Bids

Successful bidders will receive an invoice issuing the purchasing Lots and instructions for payment and goods collections.


如買家未能親身出席拍賣會作出競投,可使用印於目錄說明之後 之表格,指示本公司代為競投,本公司將盡適當努力代其競投, 且不超出買家所指示之最高價格。由於此項承擔乃本公司為準買 家按所述條款提供之免費服務,如未能按委託作出競投,本公 司將不負任何法律責任。委託競投之承擔受拍賣時之其他承諾所 限,而拍賣進行之情況可能使本公司無法代為競投。

代為競投指示須於拍賣前送抵本公司,並確保正確填寫拍賣品編 號及描述,以及買家願意就每件拍賣品支付之最高成交價。如適 當時,買家之競投價將會被大概調整至最接近拍賣官之遞增競投 金額。如本公司就某一拍賣品而收到多個委託競投之相等競投 價,而在拍賣時此等競投價乃該拍賣品之最高競投價,則該拍賣 品會歸其委託競投最先送抵本公司之人。

委託競投表 使用範例

如買家欲購買一打1982年Château Mouton Rothschild,現有3箱屬 包裹性拍品可供競投,拍賣品編號為1至3號。

Château Mouton Rothschild 1982

Lot 1 12瓶 (owc)

Lot 2 12瓶 (owc)

Lot 3 12瓶 (owc)

拍賣品編號 競投拍賣品數量 競投價 台幣 (不含買方服務費)

如買方競投之拍賣品非同一批包裹拍品之一部分,僅須填寫拍賣 品編號及最高競投價即可。


拍賣官保留自行酌情叫價之權利,以上可做為買家正常出價之指 引買家於作出缺席競投時,請根據正常標準遞增出價。若以非標 準遞增出價,將記錄為以最低之標準遞增出價。


成功作出競投之買家,將收到本公司之發票,發票將載有其購買 拍賣品之資料、付款及交貨指示。

1-3 1 買家之最高競投價 (台幣)
(幣別:台幣) 20,000元或以下........................................每口1,000元 20,000元-50,000元....................................每口2,000元 50,000元-100,000元..................................每口5,000元 100,000元-200,000元..............................每口10,000元 200,000元-500,000元.............................每口20,000元 500,000元-1,000,000元 每口50,000元 1,000,000元以上 每口100,000元
Lot 1 12 bts (owc) Lot 2 12 bts (owc) Lot 3 12 bts (owc) Lot No. Quantity of Lots Required Bid Price (TWD) (not including Buyer's Premium) 1-3 1 Maximum bid price Bidding Increments Up to TWD 20,000………...........................in TWD 1,000 TWD 20,000-50,000…….............................in TWD 2,000 TWD 50,000-100,000……...........................in TWD 5,000 TWD 100,000-200,000….......................…in TWD 10,000 TWD 200,000-500,000….....................…..in TWD 20,000 TWD 500,000-1,000,000............................in TWD 50,000 Above TWD 1,000,000….........................in TWD 100,000

委託競投表格 1


藏酒部 電話:+886-2-2708-9868 |傳真:+886-2-2708-3926


客戶編號 姓名


電話號碼 (住宅) (辦公室)

拍賣期間之聯絡電話 (僅限電話競投)





藏酒拍賣會 尊釀雲集


拍賣日期:葡萄酒專場 |2023年6月1日(四) 14:00

威士忌專場|2023年6月2日(五) 14:00



簽署 : 日期:

羅芙奧在取得投標者之個人 / 公司資料及簽名後方才接受競標 簽名即代表確認以上登記 / 競投,詳閱並同意接受羅芙奧載於圖錄及網站內之業務規則


1. 茲請求羅芙奧就下列拍賣品於下列競投價範圍 內投標。

2. 本人知悉書面及電話競標乃羅芙奧基於投標者 之便利而提供代為投標之服務而不成立任何委 託投標之契約,羅芙奧不因執行投標而負任何 責任。倘羅芙奧就同一項拍賣品收到相同競價 之委託,以最先收到者優先辦理。

3. 本人同意如投標成功,本人應付之購買價款為 最後落槌價加上服務費,服務費依業務規則第 二條第 4 項之規定計算。 (4a. 買家支付每件拍賣 品之服務費費率 : 買家除支付落槌價外,另須支 付服務費予本公司,買家服務費,以每件拍賣 品落槌價之19%計算。但單一買家於單場拍得品 項之落槌價總金額超過新台幣壹仟貳佰萬元, 則買家服務費以每件拍賣品落槌價之 17 %計 算。)

4. 本競投,本人同意並遵守本目錄所載所有業務 規則。 ( 包含但不限於羅芙奧不負瑕疵擔保責任 及保證責任等規定)

5. 如投標者未曾於羅芙奧競投拍賣品,請附上投 標者資料之副本及銀行證明資料。

6. 本人同意買家須知、投標者登記表格、委 託 競 投表格及業務規則等附屬文件均視為本契約之 一部分。

Ltd. 18F, No. 76,
Tel: +886 2 2708 9868 | Fax: +886 2 2708 3926
傳真號碼 地址 Ravenel
Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 106485, Taiwan
ravenel.com | ravenelart.com.cn
□ 書面競標 □ 電話競標 | 請以正楷清楚填寫並儘早提出競投表格 拍賣品編號
(台幣) / (買方服務費

拍賣品編號 競投拍賣品數量 競投價 (台幣) / (買方服務費19%不計在內)


藏酒拍賣會 尊釀雲集


拍賣日期:葡萄酒專場 |2023年6月1日(四) 14:00

威士忌專場 |2023年6月2日(五) 14:00




1. 投標者同意羅芙奧於拍賣相關事宜及其他非營 利目的而蒐集、處理及利用投標者所提供之個 人資料。

2. 羅芙奧基於上述原因而需蒐集、處理或非營利 目的之利用投標者個人資料,該資料將在前開 蒐集目的之存續期間及依法令規定要求之期間 內被處理或利用。

3. 投標者所提供之個人資料將僅被利用在羅芙奧 及羅芙奧關係企業之註冊地。

4. 羅芙奧就投標者所提供個人資料之利用方式如下 所示:

(1) 以自動化機器或其他非自動化方式所為之利 用,包括但不限於:

a.書面或電子 b.國際傳輸等。

(2) 投標者所提供之個人資料都將於第一條所示 之目的範圍內予以利用,並採取適當之安全 措施予以保護。

5. 投標者得就本人之個人資料依法向羅芙奧以書面 或電話請求行使以下權利:

(1) 查詢或請求閱覽。

(2) 製給複製本。

(3) 補充或更正。

(4) 請求停止蒐集、處理或非營利目的之利用。

(5) 請求刪除

6. 如投標者不同意羅芙奧蒐集、處理或基於拍賣 相關事宜及非營利目的之利用投標者所提供之 個人資料,基於拍賣相關事宜之執行,羅芙奧 將無法接受投標者之競標,尚祈見諒。

7. 投標者所提供個人資料,羅芙奧除於經行政機 關、法院之要求或法令另有規定外,將不會提 供投標者之個人資料予任何非關係企業之第三 方 。

Ravenel Ltd. 18F, No. 76, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 106485, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2708 9868 | Fax: +886 2 2708 3926 ravenel.com | ravenelart.com.cn
請以正楷清楚填寫並儘早提出競投表格 客戶姓名



The absentee bid forms must be delivered to the Wine Department at least 24 hours before the auction begins. The bid forms may be faxed to: Wine Department

Tel: +886-2-2708-9868 |Fax: +886-2-2708-3926

Bidder's Details


Finest and Rarest Wines

Sale Number TW2301

Date WINE|Thursday, June 1, 2:00pm WHISKY|Friday, June 2, 2:00pm

Location Marriott Taipei 3F (Grand Space)

Address No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Zhong Shan District, Taipei

※Bidding Rules:

1. It is requested hereby that Ravenel tenders the bid on my behalf for the following auction items within the bidding range described hereunder.

2. I understand and agree that Ravenel provides such bid services for the convenience of customers and no contract or agreement shall be constituted. Ravenel shall not be held liable for any failure to execute a bid. If Ravenel receives more than one commission of the same bid price with regard to a particular auction item, priority will be given to the person whose bid is first received.

3. I understand and agree that if my bid is successful, I shall pay the final hammer price together with the buyer's premium. For detail please refer to Article 2,section 4 of the Transaction Agreement to the buyer.(4a. The buyer's premium of each lot payable by the Buyer. The Buyer should pay the hammer price and, in addition, the buyer's premium to the Company. The buyer's premium should be calculated at 19% of the hammer price. However, if the total Hammer Price of the Lots bid by a single Buyer in a single auction exceeds NT$12,000,000, the Buyer's Premium will be calculated at 17% of the Hammer Price of each Lot.)

4. The bid shall be subject to the Transaction Agreement prescribed in the catalogue.(including but not limited to Ravenel's non-defect warranty and non-guaranteed liability).

5. If the bidder has not bid for the auction item at Ravenel, please attach a copy of the bidder's information. (Individual: ID card or passport with photo issued by the government)

6. I agree that the Notice To Bidders, Bidder Registration, Absentee Bid Form and Transaction Agreement and other attached documents are regarded as part of this agreement.

We accepts the bid only after obtaining the personal/company information and signature to execute this bid.

By signing this form, you confirm your registration/bid(s) as above and you agree that you have read and understood the Transaction Agreement as stated in our catalogues and on our website.

Signature: Date: Ravenel Ltd. 18F, No. 76, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 106485, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2708 9868 | Fax: +886 2 2708 3926 ravenel.com | ravenelart.com.cn

Customer Number Name Passport number/ID number/Unified Business number Tel (Home) (Company) Tel (For Phone Bid) Email Fax Address
□ Written Bid □ Phone Bid | Please print legibly Auction Lot Number Quantity Bid Price (TWD) (Not including Buyer's premium 19%)

Please print legibly and submit the form at least 24 hours before the Sale.


Finest and Rarest Wines

Sale Number TW2301

Date WINE|Thursday, June 1, 2:00pm WHISKY|Friday, June 2, 2:00pm

Location Marriott Taipei 3F (Grand Space)

Address No. 199 Lequn 2nd Road, Zhong Shan District, Taipei

1. The bidder agrees that Ravenel will collect, process and use the personal data provided by the bidder for auction-related matters and other non-profit purposes.

2. For the above reasons or non-profit purposes , it is necessary for Ravenel to collect, process and use bidder's personal data. The data will be processed or used within the duration of the previous collection purpose and the period required by laws and regulations.

3. The personal data provided by the bidder will only be used in registered office of Ravenel and Ravenel's affiliated enterprice.

4. The use of personal information provided by the bidder is as follows:

(1) Utilization by automated machines or other nonautomated methods, including but not limited to: a. written or electronic b. cross-border transfer, etc.

(2) All personal data provided by the bidder will be used within the purpose of Article 1, and will be protected by appropriate security measures.

5. The bidder may request Ravenel to exercise the following rights in writing or by telephone regarding their personal data in accordance with the law and regulation:

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6. If the bidder does not agree with Ravenel's collection, processing, or use of the personal data provided by the bidder for auction-related matters and non-profit purposes, Ravenel will not be able to accept the bidder's bid based on the execution of the auction-related matters. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

7. Ravenel will not provide the personal data of the bidder to any non-affiliated enterprise third party unless requested by the administrative agency, court or otherwise provided by the laws and regulations.

Ravenel Ltd. 18F, No. 76, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei 106485, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2708 9868 | Fax: +886 2 2708 3926 ravenel.com | ravenelart.com.cn
委託競投表格 2
客戶姓名 客戶編號
Auction Lot Number Quantity Bid Price (TWD) (Not including Buyer's premium 19%)


拍賣會中,本公司會使用匯率轉換顯示板。匯率轉換顯示板僅供參考,不 論是顯示板所示之拍賣品編號或是台幣競投價之相等外匯,其準確程度均 可能會出現非本公司所能控制之誤差。買家因依賴匯率轉換顯示板(而非 因以新台幣競投)所導致而蒙受之任何損失,本公司概不負責。


在有些拍賣中會有影像投射,但其操作或會出現錯誤。不論影像是否與成 功拍賣之拍賣品相配合,或是翻版影像之質素,本公司對買家均不負任何 責任。


拍賣官具有絕對決定權,有權拒絕任何競投、以其決定之方式推動出價、 將任何拍賣品撤回或分批、將任何兩件或多件拍賣品合併,決定成功競投 人,以及如遇有誤差或爭議,將拍賣品重新拍賣。拍賣官會於拍賣開始前 或於相關拍賣品競標前對注意事項作出通告,準買家須負責自行注意所有 於拍賣會場發表之通告。建議使用即時網上競投服務參與競投的準買家, 於拍賣開始前登入,以確保準買家得知拍賣開始前所作出之通告。


在拍賣官之決定權下,下槌即顯示對最高競投價之接受,亦即為賣家與買 家合意依落槌價拍定拍賣品,視為成功拍賣合約之訂立。



買家除支付落槌價外,另須支付服務費予本公司,買家服務費,以每件拍 賣品落槌價之19%計算。但單一買家於單場拍得品項之落槌價總金額超過 新台幣壹仟貳佰萬元,則買家服務費以每件拍賣品落槌價之17%計算。

b.稅項 買家應付予本公司之款項,如須另行支付貨物、服務稅或其他稅則時(不 論由台灣政府或別處所徵收)。買家須負責按有關法律所規定之稅率及時 間,自行繳付稅款。

c.付款 成功拍賣後,買家須向本公司提供其真實姓名及永久地址。如經本公司要 求,買家亦須提供付款銀行之詳情,包含但不限於付款帳號。買家應於拍 賣日期後七天內悉數支付應支付予本公司之款項(包含落槌價、服務費或 運費等相關費用)。即使買家希望將拍賣品出口並需要(或可能需要)出 口許可證,此一付款條件亦適用。

買家如未向本公司支付所欠之全部款項,則不能取得拍賣品的所有權,即 使本公司已將拍賣品交付予買家亦然。如支付予本公司之款項為新台幣以 外之貨幣,須依拍賣日現場公佈之匯率(臺灣銀行),並以本公司就此兌 換率而發出之憑證為準。


除非本公司另有特別相反協定,否則本公司將暫時保留已成功拍賣之拍 賣項目,直至欠本公司之款項已悉數支付為止。已購拍賣品在暫時保留 期間,由成功拍賣日後起算七天將受保於本公司之保險,如屆時拍賣品已 被領取,則受保至領取時為止。七天期滿後或自領取時起(以較早者為 準),已購拍賣品之風險全由買家承擔。


本公司之貨運部門可在買家要求下,可為買家介紹運輸公司、安排付運及 購買特定保險,但本公司在此方面不負任何法律責任。買家必須預先繳付 運輸費用。

f.不付款或未有領取已購拍賣品之補救辦法 如買家並未在成功拍賣日後起算七天內付款,本公司即有權行使下述一項 或多項權利或補救辦法:

(1) 在成功拍賣日後起算超過七天仍未付款,則按不超過臺灣銀行基本放 款利率加收 10% 之年利率收取整筆欠款之利息。此外本公司可同時按 日收取依成交價(含落槌價、服務費)1%計算之懲罰性違約金。本公

司亦得自行選擇將買家未付之款項,用以抵銷本公司或其他關係企業 在任何其他交易中欠下買家之款項,買家絕無異議。

(2) 對任何屬於買家所有而因任何目的 ( 包含但不限於其他交易 ) 而由本公 司管有之已購拍賣品行使留置權,並在給予買家有關其未付之欠繳之 十四天通知後,安排將該已購拍賣品出售並將收益用以清償該未付之 欠款。

(3) 如買家因多項不同之交易而欠下本公司數筆款項,將所付之款項用以 清償就任何特定交易而欠下之任何款項,而不論買家是否指示用以清 償該筆款項。

(4) 在將來的任何拍賣中,拒絕買家作出或由他人代其作出之競投,或 在接受其任何競投之前先收取買家一筆競投保證金。如買家未有在 三十五天內付款,本公司除上述辦法外,另有權為下述一項或多項權 利或補救辦法:

(a) 代賣家針對買家進行法律程序,以追討整筆欠款,連同此項以悉數賠 償為基準之法律程序訴訟費。

(b) 取消同一次或任何其他拍賣中買家競投得之拍賣品或任何其他售予買 家之拍賣品交易。

(c) 安排將拍賣品公開或私下重售,如重售所得價格較低,就差額連同因 買家未有付款而引致之任何費用一併向買家索償。


如已購得之拍賣品未有在成功拍賣後七天內領取,則不論是否已付款,本 公司將安排貯存事宜,費用由買家承擔。而買家在付清所引起之貯存、搬 運、運輸保險及任何其他費用,連同欠本公司之所有其他款項付清後,方 可領取已購拍賣品項目。


除本公司另有書面同意外,買家希望申請出口許可證,並不影響買家在成 功拍賣日後起算七天內付款之責任,亦不影響本公司對延遲付款收取利息 之權利。

如買家要求本公司代為申請出口許可證,本公司有權向其收取與此項申請 有關之款項及各項開支費用連同任何有關之稅則。

如買家不需要出口許可證而作出付款,本公司並無責任退還買家因此而引 致之任何利息或其他開支。


本公司僅在第二條第 6 項所列之情況下,得退還款項予買家。除此之外, 不論賣家或本公司,或本公司任何僱員或代理人,對任何拍賣品之原產 地、年代、實質狀況、質素、罕有度、真實性、歸屬、保存狀況,或任何 其他說明之誤差,任何拍賣品之任何瑕疵或缺陷,均不負有任何責任。賣 家、本公司、本公司之僱員或代理人,不論是明示或暗示均無就任何拍賣 品作出任何保證。任何種類之任何擔保,均不包含在本條之內。

6.贗品/贓物之退款 本公司之拍賣品,經本公司書面認可之專業鑑定機構出具鑑定報告證實 為贗品、贓物或涉及不法情事者,則交易將取消,已付之款項於交付賣 家前將退還予買家。但如:

a. 在拍賣日發出之目錄說明或拍賣場通告符合當時學者或專家普遍接納 之意見,或清楚表明意見有牴觸當時學者或專家普遍接納之意見。

b. 或證明拍賣品為贋品或贓物之方法,只是一種在目錄出版前仍未普遍 獲接納使用之科學程序,或是一種在拍賣日仍屬昂貴得不合理或並不 實際或很可能會對拍賣品造成損壞之程序,則本公司無論如何並無責 任退還任何款項。此外,買家只在滿足下述條件下方可獲得退款:

(1) 買家必須在拍賣日起十日內以書面通知本公司,說明買家認為有關拍 賣品乃贋品或贓物之詳細理由及證據。

(2) 買家需於書面通知後十四天內將拍賣品送還本公司,而其狀況與拍賣 當日相同,不得有任何損壞。

(3) 送還拍賣品後,買家須盡快出示證據,足以使本公司確信拍賣品乃贋 品或贓物(本公司保有最終及不可異議之決定權),買家並可將拍賣品之 完整所有權及相關權利轉讓予本公司,而與任何第三人之索償無涉。 在任何情況下,本公司均毋須向買家支付多於買家就有關拍賣品而支 付之款項,而買家亦不能索取利息。

本擔保之利益不能轉讓,完全屬於拍賣品成功拍賣時獲本公司發給正 本發票之買家所有,該名買家並須自拍賣後一直保持拍賣品擁有人之 身分,而且並無將拍賣品之任何利益讓予任何第三人。本公司有權依 據任何科學程序或其他程序確定拍賣品並非贋品或贓物,不論該程序 在拍賣當日是否已使用或已在使用,如本公司驗證拍賣品是否屬於贗 品或贓物結果與買家出示證據相衝突者,應以本公司驗證結果為準。




The following provisions are entered into by and between Ravenel Ltd., as the auctioneer, (hereinafter referred to as the"Company"), and the Seller (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"). This Agreement is also entered into by and between the Company as the agent of the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter the "Buyer"). The Prospective Buyer, the Buyer and the Seller must carefully review and completely agree all provisions hereunder and any revisions from time to time. The Prospective Buyer, the Buyer should pay special attention to Article 2, Section 5 which provides limitations as to the legal responsibilities of the Company.

Article 1.Definition

Some of the phrases commonly seen herein are defined as follows:

1. "The Buyer" shall mean highest bidder accepted by the Company.

2. "The Prospective Buyer" shall mean any potential bidder willing to attend the auction sale hosted by the Company.

3. "The Seller" shall mean the Seller who provides the Lot and agrees to appoint the Company as its exclusive agent to sell the Lot at the Auction and participate, and cooperate, in exhibitions prior to the Auction if so required by the Company.

4. "The Lot" shall mean the item delivered to the Company to be sold in the auction, especially the single or multiple pieces of items numbered in the catalogue.

5. "Hammer Price" shall mean the highest bid with respect to one particular Lot accepted by the auctioning party.

6. The "Buyer's Premium" shall mean the fee based on a certain percentage of the Hammer Price paid to the Company by the Buyer; the percentage shall be as prescribed in Article 2, Section 4a.

7. "The Reserve Price" shall mean the lowest price agreed by the Company and Seller. The Lot cannot be sold at a price lower than such price.

8. "Counterfeit" shall mean the Lot constitutes imitation and the original concept of the imitation and its overall execution result in fraud to cause deception in connection with the manufacturing company, history, year, age, culture or origin of the Lot, for which the accurate description is not reflected in the catalogue and the value of the Lot on the auction day is far less than the value it should have according to the description in the catalogue. Therefore, neither auction item will become a counterfeit as a result of any damage and/or any repairing in any manner (including repaints).

9. "Insured amount" shall mean the value of the insurance purchased for the Lot which the Company considers necessary under its absolute power from time to time (regardless whether such insurance is purchased by the Company).

10. The "Seller Service Fee" shall mean the fee is paid to the Company by the Seller.

Article 2.The Buyer

1.The Company as the Agent of the Seller

The Company, shall act as the agent of the Seller. Except otherwise provided, items successfully sold in the auction held by the Company shall be bound by the agreement made by and between the Seller, through the agency of the Company, and the Buyer.

2.Prior to the Auction

a. Authentication

We strongly recommend that the prospective buyers conduct their own authentication for the Lots they are interested in bidding prior to the auction. The Company provides no guarantee to the buyer including but without limitations whether the Lot is a counterfeit or the authentication of the Lot related certificates.

b. Important Notice

Attention, the Prospective Buyers: As far as possible, the descriptions of auction items will mention obvious defects of the items; however, they do not necessarily include all flaws, defects, or incomplete aspects. The description of the auction items do not imply or guarantee that the items have not gone through readjustment or repair or allude anything about the current state or storage conditions of the items. Any omission in the catalogue description regarding the current condition or the appraisal of defects in the items would by no means represent that those items are in good condition, function normally. The Prospective buyers fully understand and will accept the auction items "as is" at the time of delivery to buyers, including but not limited to any natural wear and tear, and the actual condition of containers, labels, corks, seals and the wine. We strongly recommend the Prospective buyers shall personally view the items for which they plan to bid before the auction. If a prospective buyer is unable to view an item for whatever reason, then in our role as a service provider, we would be more than happy to offer our opinion of an item's special characteristics and current condition at the request of prospective buyer. Any description in the catalogue or any statement provided by the Company is purely the Company's subjective opinion and not a statement of fact, not for representations or warranties. The Prospective Buyer completely understands and acknowledges that all of the items on auction are being sold in "as is" condition. The Company does not provide any representation or guarantee as to the condition of any of the items.

c. Symbol Key

The following key explains the symbol you may see inside this catalogue.


In order to bid on "Premium Lots" the Buyer must complete the required pre-registration application and deliver to the Company such necessary financial references, guarantees, deposits and / or such other security as the Company may in its absolute discretion require for your bid. The Company's decision whether to accept any pre-registration application shall be final. We recommend you complete and return the Lot pre-registration form in this catalogue in the manner required therein or contact the Company at least 5 working days prior to the relevant sale in order to process the pre-registration.

oGuaranteed Property

The Seller of the Lots with this symbol next to the Lot number has been guaranteed a minimum price from one auction or a series of auctions. This guarantee may be provided by the Company, by a third party or jointly by the Company and a third party. A guarantee may be in the form of an irrevocable bid provided by a third party. Third parties providing or participating in a guarantee may benefit financially if a guaranteed Lot is sold successfully and may incur a loss if the sale is not successful. If third parties providing or participating in a guarantee is the successful bidder for the guaranteed Lot, they should be required to pay the full Buyer's Premium.

d. Catalogue Explanations

Any statement of the origin, year, condition, material, rarity, authenticity, ownership, condition of preservation, value or estimated selling price of any of the Lot shown in the catalogue or the authentication opinion made by the Company, or any other verbal or written statements made separately shall be solely statements of opinions and shall not be deemed the basis for the statements of actual facts nor representations or warranties made by the Company as to the condition of any auction items. The photographs shown in the catalogue shall serve as reference only and shall not be deemed as the basis for determining the color or tone of any Lots or disclosure of the defects of such item. The estimates of the auction price shall not be deemed the price at which such item will be successfully sold or the statement of the value of the item for other purposes. Many auction items fail to maintain their perfect condition because of time and other environmental factors. Some of the explanations in the catalogue or the authentication opinions will state defects and/or the repair background of the Lots. Such information is meant for reference only. Missing information in the statements does not mean the Lot has no defects or has not been repaired. Any statement of one particular defect does not mean there is no any other defect.

e. Responsibility of the Buyer

The Buyer is responsible for clarifying and satisfying himself about the condition of the items and any related matters stated in the catalogue descriptions and making his/her own judgment or estimation independently regarding the Lots.

3.In the Auction

a. Estimates

The prices in US dollars or other currencies reproduced in the auction and this catalogue are for reference only. The Buyer is requested to pay by New Taiwan dollars or other foreign currencies in its equivalency based on the exchange rate announced by the Company on the day of auction.

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The auction is held at the premises of the Company or any location where the Company has control of for the auction. The Company has full discretion to exercise the right to refuse entry to the premises for the auction or to prevent participation in the auction.

c. Registration Prior to the Bidding

Prospective buyers must fill in and sign the registration forms prior to the bidding and provide personal identification. Prospective buyers should also note that the Company may request to conduct credit checks against buyers.

d. The Bidding Deposit

The bidder shall pay the bidding deposit before receiving the bidding number. The Company will announce the amount of the bidding deposit before the auction day.

(1)If the bidder fails to pay the bidding deposit in advance, the Company has the right to refuse the bid. If the bidder is not able to purchase any Lot and has no outstanding debts to the Company, the Company will return the bidding deposit to the bidder.

(2)If the bidder becomes the Buyer, the Company has the right to transfer the bidding deposit into the payment (including but without limitation, Hammer Price, Buyer's Premium, Costs and expenses for shipping and related costs) of the Lot for which transaction is concluded. And the Company will return the balance of the deposit to the Buyer (if any). If the Buyer ,without any good cause, fails to pay any and all payment (including but without limitation, Hammer Price, Buyer's Premium, Costs and expenses for shipping and related costs) of the Lot to the Company within 7 days after the auction date ,the Buyer shall not claim for the return of the bidding deposit.

e. The Bidder is the Buyer

Unless a written agreement has been made upon registration that the bidder will be the agent who acts on behalf of a third person and such third person is accepted by the Company, the bidder will be deemed as the Buyer who will bear individual legal responsibilities.

f. Commission Bids

The Company will make the proper effort to bid for the prospective buyers who instruct us to bid on their behalf by using the provided forms attached to the explanations of the catalogue; however, bid commission instructions must be delivered to the Company prior to the auction. If the Company receives several commission bids for one particular item, with all bid prices being equal and of the highest bid price at the auction, priority shall be given to the Buyer whose bid commission is delivered to the Company first. Commission bids are subject to auction conditions. The situation at the auction may prevent the Company from making the bid as commissioned. This is a free service provided by the Company to the prospective buyers pursuant to the provisions prescribed. The Company will not be held legally liable if it fails to make the bid as commissioned. The Prospective Buyers should attend the auction in person if they wish to ensure a successful bid.

g. Bid by Phone

The Company will make proper effort to contact the bidder so he/she can participate in the auction by phone if the prospective buyer make arrangements with the Company prior to the auction. However, the Company will bear no responsibilities to the Seller or any prospective buyer if no contact is made or any failure to participate in the auction by phone under any circumstances.

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If the bidder cannot attend the auction, it may be possible to bid online via Invaluable for preferred Lots to bear individual buyer's responsibilities. This service is free and confidential. For information about registering to bid via Invaluable, please refer to Ravenel.com. The Bidders using the Invaluable service are subject to the additional terms and conditions for online bidding via Invaluable, which can be viewed at the website and be revised by the Company from time to time.


i. Parcel Lots Bid/ Selective Bid

"Parcel Lots Bid" refers to the bid placed for the items in a parcel which are equivalent in quality and style. However, individual item may be different from others in the same parcel in its grade, condition or other aspects. Buyers shall read the statements in the catalogue carefully. As far as the Auctioneer is concerned, the successful bidder placed a "parcel lots bid" of the first lot in a parcel has the right, but not obligation, to buy single or multiple item(s) in the same parcel at the same price of the first successful bid. If no single lot of a parcel was sold successfully, the Auctioneer may start the auction of the next lot, and the buyer who placed a "parcel lots bid" of the first successful bid has the right, but not obligation, to buy in sequential order the single or multiple lot(s) in the parcels which were not sold, and the purchase price of such items shall be negotiated based on the new price offered by the buyer in the successful bid.

j. Exchange Rate Conversion Board

There will be an exchange rate conversion board operating in auctions. Nonetheless, the auction will still be conducted in NT dollars. The exchange rate conversion board is not absolutely reliable and for the reference only. The accuracy of either the Lot numbering shown on the board or the equivalent of the bid price in any foreign currency is not within the control of the Company. The Company will not be responsible for any losses caused by the reliance of the Buyer on the exchange rate conversion board.

k. Recorded Images

There is image projection in some auctions; however, errors may occur during the operation. The Company is not liable for the color accuracy of the reproduced image and whether the projected image corresponds to the item being auctioned.

l. Determining Power of the Auctioneer

The auctioneer has the absolute power to reject any bid, push for bids at his/her discretion, withdraw any auction items, separate or combine two or more auction items, determine the successful bidder, and if there is any error or dispute, re-auction the items. If the auctioneer announces the points for attention before the auction or the bidding, the prospective buyers shall pay attention for any announcement as its own responsibility. We recommend the prospective buyers using Online Bids Services to log in the system prior to the commencement of the auction to ensure the timely awareness of any notices or announcements made prior to the auction.

m.Successful Bids

Under the discretion of the auctioneer, the fall of the hammer indicates the acceptance of the highest bid price, i.e., the Seller and the Buyer enter into a successful auction agreement on Hammer Price.

4. Following the Auction

a. The Buyer's Premium

The Buyer should pay the Hammer Price and, in addition, the Buyer's Premium to the Company. The Buyer's Premium should be calculated at 19% of the Hammer Price of each Lot. However, if the total Hammer Price of the Lots bid by a single Buyer in a single auction exceeds NT$12,000,000, the Buyer's Premium will be calculated at 17% of the Hammer Price of each Lot.

b. Taxes

All the payments payable by the Buyer to the Company do not include any commodity or service taxes or any other value added taxes (whether imposed by the Taiwanese government or elsewhere). The Buyer should be responsible for paying any applicable taxes as required by the law.

c. Payment

The Buyer should provide his/her/its true name and permanent address to the Company upon the successful bid. Relevant bank information, including but without limitations the payment account, should also be provided upon the company request. All payments due (including the Hammer Price, the Buyer's Premium and any freights or other expenses) should be paid within 7 days following the auction date. The aforesaid provision also applies if the Buyer intends to export the Lot and (may) need the export permit.

If the Buyer fails to pay to the Company all the payments due, the Buyer will not acquire the ownership of the Lot even if the Company has delivered such item to the Buyer. If the payment to the Company are made in any currency other than NT dollars, the exchange rate of the payments to the Company should be the exchange rate reported by the Bank of Taiwan to the Company on the auction date and should be based on the certificates issued by the Company according to such exchange rate.

d. Collection of the Lot Sold

Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Company will hold temporarily the successfully sold Lots until all payments to the Company are made in full. The Lot will be covered by the insurance of the Company from the auction date for 7 days during the temporary holding period. The insurance coverage will terminate upon collection of such item. The Buyer should be responsible for all risks following expiration of the said 7-day period or the collection (whichever is the earlier).

e. Referral of Packaging or Transportation Companies

The shipping department of the Company may introduce the forwarder, assist in the arrangement for delivery, or purchase particular insurance upon the Buyer's request. The Company will not be held liable for any legal responsibilities in this regard. And the Buyer shall prepay the freight charges. Costs and expenses for shipping and insurance shall be paid in advance.

f. Remedies for Non-Payment or Non-Collection of Items Sold

The Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights or remedies if the Buyer fails to make payment within 7days following the auction date:

(1)An interest at the annual rate of no higher than 10% plus the base interest rate of Bank of Taiwan will be imposed on all of the payment due if payment is not made within 7 days following the auction date. Besides, we have the right of charging also 1% selling price (including of Hammer Price and Buyer's Premium ) multiplied by the number of delayed days as punitive damage for the default. The payment to be made by the Buyer may offset any payment owed by the Company or its subsidiaries to the

Buyer for any other transactions upon the Company's sole decision..

(2)To exercise lien of any items owned by the Buyer and held by the Company for any purpose including but without limitations other transactions. The Company may arrange to sell such items after serving a 14-day notice to the Buyer about his/her/its non-payment. The proceeds shall make up for the payment due.

(3)If the Buyer owes the Company several payments as a result of different transactions, the payments will setoff any payments due in any particular transaction, regardless of whether the Buyer specifies to setoff such payments.

(4)Refuse the Buyer to make, or to make on behalf of others, bids in any future auctions and/or to require a bidding deposit from the Buyer before accepting any future bids from him/her/it. If the Buyer fails to make payment within 35 days, the Company is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights in addition to the aforementioned:

(a)To bring legal proceedings against the Buyer on behalf of the Seller to claim the entire payment due and the legal fees and attorney fees resulting from such proceeding based on a total claim.

(b)Cancel the transaction of Lots bid by the Buyer or any other auction items sold to the Buyer at the same or any other auctions.

(c)To arrange a public or private re-sale of the Lot. If the re-selling price is lower, the difference will be claimed against the Buyer together with any cost incurred as a result of the non-payment by the Buyer.

g. No Collection of the Lot Sold

The Company will arrange for the storage of the Lot if such item sold is not collected within 7 days following the successful auction, regardless of payment. Such storage cost will be borne by the Buyer. Only when the storage, handling, shipping, insurance cost and any other expenses together with any other payments due to the Company are paid in full can the sold Lot be collected.

h. Export Permit

Except where otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, the fact that the Buyer's wishes to apply for an export permit does not affect the Buyer's responsibility to make the payments in 7 days following the auction date; nor does it affect the Company's right to impose interest on delayed payments. If the Buyer requests that the Company applies for the export permit on his/ hers/its behalf, the Company is entitled to collect monies made in connection with such an application and any miscellaneous expenses together with any relevant value added taxes. If the Buyer makes the payment regardless of the fact that an export permit is needed, the Company is not responsible for returning to the Buyer any interest or other expenses incurred therefrom.

5. The Legal Responsibility of the Company

The Company is responsible for returning payment to the Buyer pursuant to Article 2, Section 6. Otherwise, whether the Buyer, the Company, any employees or agents of the Company will not be held liable for any statements of the origin, year, condition, material, rarity, authenticity, ownership, condition of preservation of any auction item or any errors with respect to any explanations and any flaws or defects of any auction item. The Seller, the Company, the employees or the agents of the Company make no guarantee impliedly or explicitly with respect to any auction items. Any warranty of any kind shall not be included herein.

6. Return of Payments for Counterfeits or stolen goods

The transaction will be cancelled and payments made before remit to the Seller will be returned to the Buyer if the Lot of the Company is confirmed to be a counterfeit or stolen goods or involved in obvious illegality by the professional appraisal party agreed and recognized by the Company in writing. However, if:

a. The catalogue explanations or the notice at the auction distributed on the auction day corresponds to the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields or explicitly indicates it conflicts with the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields.

b. Or the method used to prove that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods is a scientific procedure not generally accepted for use before the publication of the catalogue or a procedure unreasonably expensive on the day of the auction, or impractical, or may cause damage to the Lot; the Company is not liable for the return of any payment under any circumstances. In addition, the Buyer's payment can only be refunded when the following terms are met:

(1)The Buyer must notify the Company in writing within 10 days following the auction day that he/she considers the relevant auction item a counterfeit or stolen goods.

(2)The Buyer must return the Lot to the Company within the following 14 days and the condition of the item must be the same as on the auction day without any damage.

(3)Upon returning the Lot, the Buyer must present evidence as soon as possible to convince the Company that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods(The Company has the final and sole discretion and decision and such decision shall not be objected in this regard.) The Buyer may also assign the good ownership of the Lot to the Company, which shall not concern any third party claim. Under no circumstances is it necessary for the Company to pay the Buyer an amount more than what the Buyer pays in connection with the Lot and the Buyer cannot claim interests.

The interests of the warrantee cannot be assigned and belong solely to the Buyer who receives the original invoice on which such Buyer's name is recorded from the Company when the Lot is sold. Such Buyers shall remain the owner of the Lot and cannot assign any interest of the Lot to any other person. The Company is entitled to ascertain that the Lot is not a counterfeit or stolen goods based on a scientific procedure or any other procedure, regardless of whether such procedure is being used on the day of the auction. If the result of appraising and verifying whether the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods by the Company conflicts with the evidence provided by the Buyer, the Company's said result shall prevail over the evidence provided by the Buyer.

refer to our website for seller's Transaction Agreement. http://ravenel.com
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