Raven Report Issue 3

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Homework load: too much for sandman? Page 3


Ask a Raven: Sequoia advice column debuts Page 6


Students choose Giants’ parade over school Page 7

Raven Report Sequoia High School

Volume IV, Issue 3

1201 Brewster Ave. Redwood City, CA 94062

NOVEMBER 24, 2010

Health academy offers students a dose of real world experiences By WILL JAMES Staff Reporter Due to the popularity of the Electronic Arts Academy at Sequoia, a similar program was introduced last year, the Health Careers academy, which provides students with real world experience needed to get a job in the field of health care. The program utilizes small class sizes to create a more personalized feel, and relates health career topics that students will be able to use later in life.

“The idea is that students, while they’re in high school, basically declare a major. In our case the major is health care,” said Nicholas Muys, the Academy chair. “Students from 10th to 12th grade are going through classes with the same people, sort of like a 9th and 10th grade house.” “I like the class sizes,” said senior Olivya Mariucci. “It’s really like a family. I also like how focused we are in the classes, and how they connect the basic standards with health related

topics.” Each of the 126 students in the academy is required to take at least one health care related elective every year, and they also take a general health sciences class. Juniors in the program take biotechnology in Sequoia’s new $2,006,667 lab building. The state-of-the-art 3,900-square-foot facility allows students to do experiments that are common in the field of health care. This practice is one of the ways

Give thanks to the best holiday


By DANIEL JUDE Sports Editor

the world’s

Stage ...” a

Students visit Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Seniors Charlotte Chounard, Siani Donellan, Nina Darner, Kate Ortiz (left to right) explore Lithia Park. Photo by Stephanie Lee.

By ALEX DEAS and ZEENAT ALI News Editors “To be or not the be that is the question...” is one of the many famous lines written by William Shakespeare. IB English seniors and Health Academy students had the opportunity to attend a Shakespeare festival in Ashland, Oregon on Friday Oct 29 to 30. The festival was founded in 1935, and it is one of the largest and oldest nonprofit

events in the nation. Ninety-one students, four teachers, and four parent chaperones attended three plays over the course of the weekend and participated in an acting workshop. They saw Pride and Prejudice, Hamlet, and a musical called She Loves Me. “The goal of this trip is to give students the experience of live on stage performances” said IB English teacher Amie Ranum. This trip happens every other year for IB English stu-

students can gain experience. “We expose our students to all of the many options and possibilities out there in the world of health care, and help them make informed decisions about their futures when they graduate,” Muys said. The classes are academically challenging, but the courses also have an emphasis on learning outside the classroom. Students go on field trips, participate in a mentor program with Go to HEALTH, page 4

dents; however, this year the Health Academy was given the opportunity to attend as a reward for receiving good grades. The trip was paid for by the Powell Endowment Fund, to ensure that every student had an equal chance of being able to go, and the Health Careers Academy provided some of the funding for transportation. “I want to make Ashland a place where we can take students each year for a rich experience,” said IB English Go to ASHLAND, page 6

Nobody is thinking about the presents soon forthcoming like in Christmas and Hanukkah, nobody is hyped up on candy like Halloween, and nobody is running around collecting decorative chocolate eggs. Instead, parents are telling their kids to be thankful for everything they have before they feast. “It’s a time to be together as a family, something I value a lot because I feel fortunate to have the family I do,” said junior Julia Dagum. “Thanksgiving gives us a chance to reflect on what we have and how grateful we should be,” said Wong. Sequoia’s Key Club fully understands the values of Thanksgiving, as they will be assisting the Second Harvest Food Bank in collecting canned foods for those in need. Thanksgiving may not have the “Christmas Spirit” of giving presents, but giving thanks and giving back to the community is just as valuable, if not more. Thanksgiving is that special time in the year where there is nothing to complain about. Families are together and checking in on each other’s lives. The whole country gets a break from every

It’s the best holiday of the year. It doesn’t have the commercial intoxication of Valentine’s Day, or the greedy undertones of any of the winter holidays. It’s simpler than Easter (a bunny that lays eggs?), but holds more meaning than Labor Day or Veterans Day. Thanksgiving: it has the perfect blend of history, values, and customs. And of course... the food. The key to Thanksgiving’s awesomeness lies in its simplicity. It has a simple history: Pilgrims came to America, met with Native Americans, and were welcomed. It has simple values: We should be grateful for the benefits we have. And it has simple customs, as described by junior James Beekley: “We eat a lot, watch some TV, and sleep.” When a family gets together for Thanksgiving Day it is one of the most pure experiences in our lifetimes. “[The rest of the year] everybody is busy, [but on Thanksgiving] no matter how busy you are, you come,” said math teacher Steven Wong. Go to TURKEYDAY, page 5



Campus news briefs Student enrollment sets new record for 10-11

year to 1977 this year (20102011). The freshman class has increased from a low of 386 in the 2000-2001 year to 546 in the 2010-2011 year. This year the school Sequoia ushered in anothscrambled to hire more staff er record-breaking freshman class numbering 546 students members to deal with the large influx of new students. this year, pushing the total According to Instructional enrollment to 1977 for the Vice Principal Lisa Gleaton, 2010-2011 school year. the school hired 25 more staff Enrollment is growing members this year to match because more students are enrollment. transfering to Sequoia (175 The enrollment cap that last school year). Also more the school middle school district sets students from The freshman class infor Sequoia San Carlos creased from a low of 386 in is 1900 are coming the 2000-2001 year to 546 students. to Sequoia in the 2010-2011 year. Gleaton instead of says that Carlmont. the 2011Many new people are 2012 freshmen class “will coming to Sequoia because be smaller than this year” to of its academic record, being adhere to the cap. a California Distinguished Kelley O’Hern, a math school, and the only school teacher whose largest class in the district to offer the IB is 36, said, “[having a large Program. class] might mean we do less Sequoia’s enrollment has group activities because of grown steadily over the last ten years from 1531 students time restraints.” —William Baker in the 2001-2002 school

They were created and ordered online on a site called logotags.com that allows you to create custom bracelets with nearly unlimited choices in shapes and colors. “Silly Bandz are a big deal now, everybody has them,” Sequoia Leadership has said senior created a silly new “It’s cool and miscellaneous, Maria Jose Arroyo. way to not like a big obnoxious tThe money spread shirt [to show] that you have made from the spirit called spirit.” the Sequoia —senior Gloria Saldana sales will help fund LeaderSilly Band. ship’s trip to “It’s cool and miscellaneous, not like a a weekend conference called the California Association of big obnoxious t-shirt, and it Student Leaders in San Jose. shows that you have spirit,” —Rebecca Sand said senior Gloria Saldana. Sequoia Silly Bandz are $1 for a pack with one purple band and one white band in the shape of the letters SHS. They are sold during lunch in Proposition 19 was burned the student activities center. when the results of the The rest will be sold at home Calif. General Election were basketball games if there are shared on Nov. 4. The elecany left. About 100 packs tion concluded Democrat were sold on the first day, 30 Jerry Brown as governor and packs were sold at the Carlmont game and there are now proved the failures of Prop. 19, Prop. 21, and Prop. 23. 300 packs left. Prop. 19, which would “It’s a fun and inexpensive way to encourage spirit,” said have legalized recreational use of marijuana, drew in voters Leadership teacher Lauren under the age of 40 and came Reibstein.

School spirit takes new form

2010 Ballot Results

in third, according to the National Voter Pool Survey. Although a Field Poll in July showed a majority of voters in favor of Prop. 19, it was defeated with 56 percent voting against it, according to the Field Poll. Prop. 23 would have suspended California’s climate laws while Prop. 21 would have raised vehicle registration fees by $18 in order to provide funding to state parks. All of these measures failed in the election. The main attraction for voters of the election was the matter of governor. Republican Meg Whitman, who spent about $160 million on her campaign, lost to former Calif. Gov. Democrat Jerry Brown, who won with 54 percent of the votes. During his previous term Brown was the youngest governor to serve the state. Now, 72-year-old Brown is the oldest governor yet to hold the position. He has dedicated himself to creating more jobs for Californians while continuing to focus on environmental policies. —Sarina Kocher Gross

This month’s Financial Literacy article is sponsored by the RCSSE:

Ringtone Scams: Don’t Get Caught! Imagine this, you’re watching TV when you should be doing homework and a cool ad suggests receiving your cell phone calls to a polyphonic ringtone of “Bootylicious.” Sounds like a good idea. You’ve probably seen many commercials like this from companies such as Jamster and Crazy Frog. They offer seemingly low-cost ringtones of popular songs you know, pay $2 and get a ringtone. But there’s a big catch: in many cases, you aren’t making a one-time purchase. Many offerings lock you into a weekly or monthly “subscription service” that charges for every text message they send you. Yes, you read that right, they charge you for the messages they send. Easy to get into; tough to get out of.

Redwood City Sequoia School Employees Federal Credit Union

http://www.rcsse.org/ 530 El Camino Real, P.O. Box 5413, Redwood City (650) 366-7777 Serving employees and their families in the following districts: Redwood City Sequoia San Carlos Belmont Ravenswood Las Lomitas Menlo Park Portola Valley Woodside Canada College

To target young people the companies use animated characters and popular songs from MTV in their commercials. The ads often appear on channels with high student audiences such as Nickelodeon, MTV and VH-1. Because the ads are misleading, you think you are downloading “free” or “low-cost” ringtones. It’s easy to get caught. The service terms and conditions in tiny print flash too quickly on the screen for anyone to read. Often the language is confusing and misleading. You don’t know what’s happened until the bill arrives. You or your parents are then stuck with big charges you didn’t know you’d agreed to. Finding out how to un-subscribe can be very difficult. Why do mobile phone services put up with these “independent contractors” who mislead and fleece their customers of big bucks? Downloads of ringtones and games (and other content) make money for the mobile phone companies because the third parties providing the downloads pay them fees. And downloading is popular. A survey by IDC, a technology market research firm, of mobile users last year found that more than half of respondents in Europe and about 25 percent in the United States had downloaded a ringtone. So what can you do about the problem? Step 1: Educate yourself. Plenty of online articles, blogs, petitions and general gripes are available on websites such as Grumbletext and PC World which recount stories from both the United States and Europe. Remember, when things are advertised as free, there’s usually a catch. So do your homework and don’t let hype cloud your judgment. Step 2: Download ringtones and games from secure places such as your mobile service provider’s website. If you want to use an “independent” service, go to their website and check out the deal thoroughly. Check their privacy policy, too; many companies readily share information about you with other parties. Step 3: Complain to your mobile phone company about misleading or fraudulent services. Consumer advocates and concerned groups have begun to file lawsuits and formal complaints. Your voice counts! Wireless customers are getting fed up and letting their companies know what they think of unscrupulous text messaging companies who send unsolicited text and then charge for it. If you’ve been “trapped” by such a scheme, let your company’s customer service department know what you think.



The Tradeoff: Sleep or success? Students sacrifice sleep, extracurriculars to keep up with homework and IB program

Student workload tipping scales too far

said. Typically teachers will tell students that they need to learn to manage time better, not only for right now, but for when we have jobs as adults. But at some point it runs through a students mind, that that’s just not possible. By SANTIAGO ORTEGA and Teachers think “dead week” is the CONNOR GROSSMAN solution to these problems. We’re Layout Editor and Staff Reporter supposed to just study all week for You have a history project, science the upcoming finals, but teachers notes and a commentary essay due find a way to sneak in more work Tuesday. A Spanish and math test than usual. “Dead week” is just anon Wednesday, and don’t forget the other burden to add onto the heap chemistry packet. On top of all this, of pressure most students face going you have sports practice everyday into finals. after school, not to mention the time Students from around the world you miss from class because of games. answered this question and proved So how is it that teachers can exthat homework overload is not a pect kids to handle Sequoia-specific “Sometimes it feels like [teach- problem, but such a large workers] don’t think we have things load and also play an international to do other than homework and one. “I get home a school sport or other extra-curricu- we end up getting piled with it around 5:30 and lar activities? usually [by] 1 almost every night” Students are — Sophomore Marisa Steck a.m. I am [still getting pummeled not] done with all with several hours of my homework” of homework from nearly all of their said a student from Munich. classes. Meanwhile a student doing Homework is a burden that will any extracurricular activities is expect- follow us throughout school regarded to balance academics with such less of what anyone does. As stuextra activities, meaning they will get dents we just ask that teachers conhome later and ultimately get a later sider our out of school lives before start on their homework, making it they want to assign that research quite a challenge for students to get paper over winter break. through their nightly homework and manage to achieve the recommended nine hours of sleep. “Playing a sport and then coming home to a lot of homework definitely cuts in to my sleep and makes the next day even harder,” said freshman Matt Jenkins. It is a general consensus among doctors who study sleep that teenagers need nine hours of sleep to reach their maximum “potential” for the upcoming day. Students who go to school sleep deprived are much less likely to keep their focus in class throughout the day and their brains cannot function to their fullest extent due to the lack of rest. Many teens participate in afterschool activites, sending them home around 6 p.m. Also, multiple students have jobs and can only get home at 8 or 9 p.m. This is five hours after school has ended, so these students are at a severe disadvantage to those who don’t participate in such activities. “Sometimes it feels like [teachers] don’t think we have things to do other than schoolwork and we end up getting piled with homework almost every night,” sophomore Marisa Steck

IB stressing? More students choose rigorous program

that says pick two: sleep, social life, or grades. I think most of us left out sleep. Sleep would be my sacrifice,” said senior Audrey Spickermann, an IB diploma candidate. Despite this, Spickermann believes there are benefits. “It’s worth it; classes are interesting and fun,” Spickermann said. There are two options for taking By SAMI MAST IB classes, the diploma or the certifiFeature Editor cate. A person who commits to the diploma takes six IB classes during Sequoia adopted the International Baccalaureate (IB) program in junior and senior year and the exams, writes an extended essay of 4,000 February 2001, and the number of students enrolling has been growing words, takes the Theory of Knowlevery year because of it. This year 28 edge (TOK) class, and commits to 150 community service hours. students are expected to graduate On the other hand, a certificate with the IB diploma, whereas for the student is one who takes one to six IB junior class, there are 71 projected courses and the candidates. corresponding “We have ap“IB exams are mind torture exams, according proximately 400 to Bussey. upperclassmen with a time limit.” currently taking — Senior Audrey Spickerman For many students, it can be at least one IB hard to balance course,” this year extracurriculars. said IB coordinator Marlyn Bussey. “I definitely had to sacrifice sports. The IB program is a rigorous I did a couple of plays but it was difeducation course offered at 2,181 ficult to juggle them and schoolwork,” high schools around the world in said senior Hannah Hamley, another countries such as France, Germany, diploma candidate. and Australia. Rumors about how When you take six IB classes and difficult the program is have been get a 24 (out of the possible 45) or going around for years. For some above on the corresponding IB tests, students, it’s so rigorous they are sacrificing parts of their lives to be in it counts as a type of college credit. For diploma students who achieve the this program. required grade on the IB tests, they “There’s this joke that goes around that’s half in jest and half not can skip some or all of the recommended freshman classes in college. “The IB program is definitely as tough as it is made out to be, and IB exams are mind torture with a time limit,” said Spickermann. The program is not just about difficult classes, it is also about learning about international issues. “This year, we’re running a pilot project,” Bussey said. “The IB teachers chose Climate Change. All IB classes will focus on during the same time period. This will allow students to examine these issues from a variety of vantage points, understanding the international implications of each subject’s perspective.” “If you attended the art show in the Powell Gallery, you got a taste of how deeply students thought about and expressed their views and concerns about the impact of climate change both now and in the future,” Bussey said.



A not-so-Infinite Campus: database tests patience of users BY JOSH PITKOFSKY and NICKIE PUCEL Staff Reporters Phones rang in the homes of 8000 students all over the Sequoia district towards the end of summer, on Aug. 2. Strangely, the calls were made at midnight, disturbing many families. These calls were sent out through Infinite Campus, Sequoia’s new system for keeping grades, updating homework, creating schedules, and more. “An all-call was set to go out around 3 p.m., but it went out at midnight to every work, home, and cell phone number in the system. The next night, it did it again. The third night, it called everyone it didn’t get the first two nights,” said Instructional Vice Principal Lisa Gleaton. Infinite Campus’ bad reputation is documented across the Internet, with “It was terribly embarrassing, and almost 3,000 in a Facebook group documenting complaints. it was a tough way to start off the new program,” said Superintendent James Lianides. “I deeply regret any disrup- Hansen believes Infinite Campus was ly looking at ways to make it work better for us.” the best choice. tion it caused to families.” Until it does work better, some “Infinite Campus was higher rated Lianides, along with a committeachers’ patiences for these problems than other school servers,” she said. tee of staff, made the decision to use will remain very finite, for they can “The district went with a new data Infinite Campus. cause infinite frustration. system when SASI Since switching “I want to be able to post assignto Infinite Campus “Now I have to click here, (Communicado) ments online,” said Electronic Arts was shut down, and from Communicado click here, click here, Academy teacher Cameron Dodge. this year, staff and click here to finally get to they chose Infinite “This feature was available on Comstudents have encoun- something, whereas before Campus.” municado, but not Infinite Campus.” However, this tered problems with I could just click and “There’s no way to add attachswitch has not been the website, includhere it is.” ments, and that’s a real problem; I ing these accidental —Teacher Cameron Dodge flawless. “There have been would find that very frustrating as a phone calls, the many hurdles with us- teacher,” said Gleaton. inability to attach homework assign“The grade book is also very coming the program for staff and families, ments, a complicated grade book, plicated. This is the third or fourth but we are ironing those problems and general difficulty navigating the electronic grade book I’ve used, and out,” said Hansen. “Anytime you website. none of them have been this difficult.” implement something district wide, There were several different op“For those people that don’t have there will be problems.” tions after Schools Administrative “The migration proved to be more a lot of experience with computers, Student Information (SASI), which they’ve been having a lot of struggles,” ran Communicado, stopped support- challenging than we had expected,” said Lianides. “[But] we are constant- said computer teacher Greg Stein. ing the district. Principal Bonnie


from page 1) a health care professional, and even get internships. “Sometimes we go on field trips, but we also go to the computer lab to research careers, or just talk about careers in class,” said Mariucci. While in the mentor program, students shadow at the professional’s job, go to a career fair, practice writing resumes and conduct mock interviews. These activities give students experience with important job skills and business etiquette that they can use when applying for jobs later in life. The topics covered in Health Careers Academy classes don’t limit job opportunities to being a doctor or nurse. “Any of my students who successfully complete a year of biotech can go on to intern in a lab,” said biotech teacher Kirsten Milks. “Students could work for drug discovery companies, for the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), for companies that are building new research materials, or in a hospital trying to diagnose people.” The program opens up doors, not only into health care, but into the business world. These skills are some of the most important things to learn, and can give one a serious advantage when looking for a job. Even if students don’t become medical professionals, the knowledge from these classes can prepare them for jobs as lawyers, spokespeople, writers, etc. in the field of health care and biology. The skills taught in this program are universally applicable.

“You want to have it be easy for first time users to use, and you want to make all users feel comfortable.” Still, Gleaton believes the interface is user-friendly, but math teacher Melissa Schmidt, sophomore Drew Tweedy, junior Chris McCreddin, and Stein disagree. “I can’t view what the students can see on their accounts, which can cause confusion,” said Schmidt. “On Communicado, all of your grades were on one page,” said McCreddin. “With Infinite Campus, you have to click on each separate class to view your grade, for just that class.” “There are many things that are not easy for new users to discover on their own,” said Stein. “Communicado was better; the large pictures on the side made it more visual,” said Tweedy. “Also, things are more hidden on Infinite Campus, you have to click more tofind what you’re looking for.” However, many people understand that Infinite Campus is new, and with time and practice, it will become easier to use. Teachers also realize it has many positive features. “It’s a great way to communicate with parents and students,” said Dodge. “This way, my grades are correct. Students have no excuse to say, ‘What’s my grade?’” “The teachers will get it...eventually,” said junior Chris McCreddin. “People love the master schedule building tool. The referal and attendance tools are also efficient,” said Hansen. “We’re still learning it, and parts of it are very user-friendly.” “Within a few minutes, if you have any computer savvy at all, you have enough knowledge to make your way around it,” said Gleaton. “We’re just starting to see what it can do.”

Sequoia High School

Raven Report 2010-2011 Editor-in-Chief Sarina Kocher Gross News Editors Zeenat Ali and Alex Deas

Feature Editor Sami Mast

Layout Editor Santiago Ortega Sports Editor Daniel Jude

Staff Reporters William Baker Matt Brotherton Anna Dagum Laurel Dearborn Layne Diener Connor Grossman Will James Caroline Lempert Liam O’Hara Josh Pitkofsky Nickie Pucel Rebecca Sand Jacob Warren Mission Statement The Raven Report strives to provide Sequoia High School with informative, engaging and relevant news. The staff will exercise integrity and adaptability while promoting justice and transparency through professional reporting about the school, the community, and the world. Letters to the Editor The Raven Report welcomes letters to the editor from students, parents, or community members, sent to adviser Kim Vinh’s room, 308, or by email to ravenreport09@gmail.com. Letters must include the writer’s full name and ID number, and the staff reserves the right to edit for space and style. Corrections: Manny Avila is the 4th fastest runner ever at Sequoia, not the 30th as reported last issue.



Snowy days lift skiers to the slopes

Sophomore Chris King, a ski and snowboard club member, flies over a jump at a terrrain park. Photo courtesy of Chris King. By MATT BROTHERTON and JOSH PITKOFSKY

Staff Reporters

Snow. Love it or hate it, it draws millions of people to ski resorts every year, including Sequoia students. Sequoia students can often be found on the slopes, especially from Sequoia’s own snowboard and ski club. Senior and skier Mikey Peralta started his skiing debut by joining Sequoia ski club because his friends were in it. He went up with the club for his first ski trip ever last year. “I went pro in one day,� Peralta joked. “I’ve never skied before so I thought I’d give it a try because I’m an active person. I went out and I picked it up on the third run and later

in the day I went down a black diamond. My friends were very helpful. They taught me technique and I did what they told me and luckily they knew what they were doing. I just picked it up quick.� Peralta didn’t do it perfectly: “I definitely fell in the beginning. I attempted a jump and I think I’m going to stick to the slopes for now.� Due to last year’s trip popularity, club president junior Kayla Bauhaus said this year’s club is even bigger than last year’s 50 students. “There’s definitely a really wide range of skiers and snowboarders in the club,� said Bauhaus. “A lot of my friends joined ski club. I love snowboarding because it’s fun and it’s a good opportunity to go to the snow with my friends.� said

sophomore Chris King. Last year, the club took two trips; one to Alpine meadows, and the other to trip to Kirkwood. They’re hoping on going on three trips this year to the Lake Tahoe area, sometime in early January. This year they also plan on having grade level trips. Last year they used the Bay Area Ski Bus for lift tickets, sacks, ad transportaion. This bus picked up all the skiers with all their equipment at 3 a.m. The skiers slept on the bus from 3-7 a.m. At 7 a.m. they were served breakfast and watched snowboard videos on the bus’ T.V.s until they arrived at the ski resort an 9 a.m. before the lifts open. The skiers were picked up after a long day at around 5 p.m. The ski bus service served them snacks and hot chocolate until all the skiers returned to the bus. They then drove home in the bus returning at about 10:00pm after a thrilling day of skiing with their friends. Skiing is expensive, but the snowboard club has a plan to raise money so that the price isn’t too much. “So far we’ve sold hot chocolate in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we will continue until the end of November. We are trying to get sponsors from outdoor sports stores. We are also planning a car wash.� Kayla said about here fundraising plans. This year, if the club chooses to use Bay Area Ski Bus the price will be 105 dollars for one trip. Muys received a donation of used ski equipment that is available for the members who need to borrow them.

Snow day necessitiies

r #BZ "SFB 4LJ #VT JODMVEFT GVMM EBZ lift ticket, snacks, transportation: $105 r 3FOUBMT JG OFFEFE ~$25 skiis, boots and poles ~$30 snowboard and boots r 0VS UPQ GBWPSJUF TLJ SFTPSUT 1.Heavenly Ski Resort 2. Northstar-at-Tahoe 3. Kirkwood 4. Squaw Valley 5. Alpine Meadows All of the main ski resorts plan on opening on December 18.


The whole country gets a break from every day life to be with loved ones. There are no religious connotations to it, so everybody and anybody can join in and have Thanksgiving their own special way. Each family has its own unique custom on Thanksgiving. Many watch and play football, which is closely associated with Thanksgiving because of the three annual NFL games played on Thanksgiving day. “After we eat, we all play mahjong, it’s a family activity,� said Wong. Thanksgiving customs such as these are what brings families together; its what defines a family. And of course, the food. Enough turkey to last until winter break, the scent of gravy which makes your mouth water, and mashed potatoes you can’t wait to dig in to. Pumpkin pie in the oven and ice cream in the freezer, waiting to be devoured by those who were smart enough to leave room for it. These foods may not be unique when eaten separately, but when all piled together it tastes like...Thanksgiving. No two turkeys are stuffed UIF TBNF XBZ FTQFDJBMMZ JG JUT UVSEVDLFO BOE FBDI QFSTPO has a different way of combining the food for optimal taste. “I will put gravy on the mashed potatoes, and then eat stuffing and everything else separately,� said Dagum. “I always aim for the meat first, save the best piece for myself, then get some salad and mix it up,� said Wong. Holidays are about repeated customs and traditions, more of the same each year. However, the customs and traditions in Thanksgiving allow everybody to be unique. Everyone can interpret Thanksgiving in their own way to make it the best for them. That is why Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.



Ask a Raven: An Advice Column “I’m kind of struggling with my relationship with my best friend. We compete for everything: boys, grades,etc. How can we stop competing and just be normal again?�

Dear bad time management, I would recommend getting and organizing a separate binder for all things college related if you have not done so already. Being organized is the key to good time management. Plan each day out ahead of time and designate a couple hours to a certain subject, scholarship or college app.This way you won’t be bombarded with work that slipped your mind at the last minute.

Dear head-butting besties, Your situation is not uncommon. Best friends, usually those with the same personality, have a higher chance of liking the same guy and doing some of the same activities. If the two of you are not talking about these silent competitions, you “My best friend goes to a difshould be. If everything is a compeferent school and I feel like we’re tition between you, it’s not a healthy drifting apart. What should I do friendship. Try speaking with him to keep her as my friend?� or her about it. Maybe he or she doesn’t even realize that they are Dear drifting friends, competing with you. Find a way to My best friend and I are now solve the competitions. at different schools as well, so I For grades; don’t share them! know what you’re going through. There is no obligation to tell yourI don’t see her very often, but we friends your personal grade. Because are keeping up our friendship. it feels like a competition to you, Here are a few suggestions that you will automatically feel bad we have tried that will hopefully about your grade if they get a better work for you: one, even if you got a good grade 1. Email Often. If you don’t overall. like how everyone on Facebook As for boys; can read your tell each other comments “Best friends are supposed and want more who you like. I know you’re think- to have good intentions for personal talks, ing, ‘but what if I each other.� email is a great don’t want to tell solution. After her?’ It’s the best coming home way for both of you to assess the from a long day at school, there situation. You won’t be competing if is nothing more satisfying then you two are truly best friends. Best having a new email from your friends are supposed to have good bestie! 2. Don’t use not being at intentions for each other. If you are the same school as an excuse to competing for a guy, you don’t have not hang out! Though you may the best intentions. I hope you and have different days off, plan weeks your friend start helping each other in advance when you can both get out instead of competing. Let us together. This way you won’t both know how it turns out. be booked! 3. If nothing above works, give her a call. It may be “I’m embarrassed about grades. cheesy, but it really works. If you My friends always ask me what I both can’t settle on a time to get get on tests. I want to make my together, then simply listening to grades better, but I hate studying.� her voice might reassure you of your friendship. Dear disgruntled student, We all hate studying. But it is “My boyfriend doesn’t come necessary to get the grades you to see me at lunch. He eats with want. Some good studying tips his friends. I want to eat lunch are use acronyms, making a song with him but I don’t like his or poem, or listen to music while friends. How do we both get memorizing. For an acronym take what we want?� the first letter of every item on the Dear lonely girlfriend, list and try to spell something that Try a compromise. On some most closely resembles a word. days you can both eat with his For a poem, try to find things that friends, and on other days you can rhyme, or create a phrase about eat together without them. On the information that is more easily remembered. If you listen to music the days you eat with his friends, while memorizing, you can associate try to talk to them. Even if you really don’t like them, talking to the song with the facts. You should them will make you a little less try to do a little studying every day uncomfortable, and you might so you don’t have to cram before a find out that they aren’t so bad. test. Also, when your friends ask Even if you truly don’t like them, about your grades, you don’t have to tell them what you got. Studying it’s nice to acknowledge them so eating with them is a better expetakes time and effort, but you’ll be rience for you. rewarded in the end. Want to have your questions answered?Email us at askara“I can’t find time between colven@gmail.com or put questions lege stuff and regular school stuff. in our box in the guidance office. Can I manage my time better?�


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teacher Nicholas Muys. The experience that students had seemed to be one of a kind. “Seeing Hamlet performed live really helped me understand the play better than when I had just read it in class� said senior Julian HiltbrandConsoli. “It was amazing to learn that many of the actors memorize all of their lines in one to two weeks.� The actors performing in each play are well trained and dedicated. They often participate in multiple plays during each season. “I did not like the play version of Hamlet, but the actor playing Hamlet was really good� said senior Kyle Martin. On Saturday morning, the students and chaperones attended an acting workshop taught by the festival’s actors. During the workshop, they learned about the structure of famous stories. “The actors were really funny and entertaining during the workshops,� said sophomore Mayra Contreras Gonzalez. Many students had never been to Oregon before, or even out of state, and the overall trip provided them with an opportunity they may have not been able to have on their own. “I really like seeing my students out of their comfort zone, having an unique experience, exploring their independence, and think differently about the world and themselves,� said Muys. Not only did students enjoy seeing plays performed live, but they also

Students try to get through a maze of shoes with their eyes closed during an acting workshop in Ashland. Photo taken by Zeenat Ali. enjoyed the Ashland scenery. Many attended the trip for this reason. “I wanted to see what Oregon was like,� said Gonzalez. Students enjoyed walking around the town of Ashland and seeing the scenery of Oregon during the fall. “It was significantly cleaner than Redwood City and we saw colorful leaves that we are not able to see around here,� said Martin. Senior Kate Ortiz agreed. “It was a lot prettier in Ashland. People say California doesn’t really have seasons but I never really realized this, until I saw the fall colors in Oregon,� Ortiz said.

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Giant numbers skip for parade in SF

Fall Sports Tribute


Crazed fans sitting on top of buildings, hanging from stop lights, standing on parked cars, moving cars, trees and window sills. Sequoia students joined this orange and black mob in San Francisco on Nov. 3 to celebrate the beloved Giants’ victory... instead of going to school. On the day of the parade over 400 Sequoia students were absent from school, according to the attendance office, compared to the 65-80 absences on a typical school day. “The parade was a once in a lifetime opportunity I will never forget, and missing one day of school isn’t a big deal.” said sophomore Makayla Genardini. Although this was the first world victory since the Giants started playing in San Francisco in 1958, there was controversy over the issue of missing school. “It’s definitely not okay to miss school for a parade,” Giulia Solari, Sequoia’s attendance office manager said, “It was unfortunate planning. If the parade had been on the weekend, I would have loved for students to have gone.” Empty classrooms left teachers frustrated. This presented the issue of missing instruction and homework assingments. Although it was agreed that the parade was a rare celebration, there was disagreement among faculty on whether students should miss classes forit. “It depends on the parents’ judgement. If the student is doing well, then they should be able to miss school... If the student is doing poorly, it’s still the parents’ decision whether or not they should be able to go to the parade,” said Adili Skillin, RSP teacher. “As long as all the missed work is made up, I totally understand.” Spanish teacher Evelyn Nadeau’s fourth period class was missing 15 students on the day. “It depends on how big of a fan you are,” said Nadeau, “Students could have seen it, [the parade] was broadcasted on TV and online. I wouldn’t have missed school for it.” For Sequoia students who went, however, it was more the experience of being there. “It was definitely worth it. There was confetti everywhere, it was like we were in a movie,” said junior Tarah Haslett.

Above: Runningback sophomore Dylan Anderson turns the corner against an El Camino player Left: Sophomores Julian O’Hara (left) and Aaron Jacobson (middle) race for Sequoia Cross Country

Above: Freshman Joy Robertson spikes as juniors Nicole Kielty and Bethany Landrum help her win the point. Photos courtesy of Sequoia Yearbook.

Above: Sophomore Emma Martino (13) grabs for the ball as freshmen Laurel Dearborn (3) and Samantha Peyton (5) help her. Left: Junior Amanda Torres reaches out for a forehand.

Cherokee spirit should extend to all sports By LAUREL DEARBORN Staff Reporter What have you done these past Friday nights? Cheered on the football team at the Carlmont game? Its no secret that everyone is going to football games, after all they are league champs, but can we continue that attention and attendance throughout the year and support other Sequoia teams as well? Girls tennis practices five times a week and volleyball has two to three games a week. There are about 20 members of the tennis team and about the same on volleyball. The Cross Country Girls are going

to CCS for the first time ever as well as the Girls Water Polo team. The boys Cross Country is also going for the first time in about 11 years. But when’s the last time you went to one of these games or matches? You “go to [our games] and there is no one there,” said sophomore Brandi Robertson, a player on the girls tennis team. “But I accept it.” What draws people to the football games rather than tennis matches? Why do some football stadiums hold up to 100,000 people when Wimbledon, the biggest tennis match in the worlds, draws 42,000? Sophomore Jerod Woo thinks that the reason other sports don’t get the same coverage or “fanfare” is lack of awareness. “[On game days, there are ] people walking around in [football] uni-

forms and you’ll know something is going on that day,” Woo said. “[Football games are] a good place to hang out with friends and it’s exciting. [It’s] the environment.” But if volleyball had hot-dogs on stock, a band playing, and endless tradition, would you attend? We need to make all “arenas” more like this—fan friendly. Leadership should sell the Silly Bandz at the games of other sports. Sell T-shirts and drinks. How about teachers giving extra credit to those who attend games and support students? Students need motivation. They won’t go to games if there isn’t anything benefiting them. Garlic fries? I’m so there! Students will not only benefit; this can help the school save and make money for sports that don’t generate revenue.

Each team is given only the money they need (specifically for equipment) and aren’t guaranteed extra money if they want it for other items. Having items to sell at games can give teams the extra money to buy items that they specifically want, and not take money from the school. The money from the food sold at football games goes toward all sports, and the coaches are once again, given what they need, but most of the money just goes towards equipment. If a sport wants something special, like CCS sweatshirts, most of the time that money comes out of the pockets of athletes. With equal opportunities for fundraising and more awareness and advertising, attendance and support for all sports is sure to bloom and all will become equally supported.



League Champions!

Cherokee football goes undefeated for first time in 60 years, sweeping the Lake Division Cherokees met Los Altos in their first CCS playoff game on Friday, Nov. 19. It was their first playoff game in 16 years. Photos courtesy of Sequoia Yearbook. By JACOB WARREN Staff Reporter For the first time in 60 years our Sequoia Cherokees have gone undefeated. With a undefeated season at stake, the Cherokees went to battle against the Carlmont Scotts on Friday Nov. 12. It was a grind to the very end. Quarterback James Beekley had a 58 yard touchdown run in the second quarter, with help from the offensive line. On the ensuing kickoff, Carlmonts’ Josh Brass ran back the kick 68 yards to the end zone. In the fourth quarter it was knotted at 14, and the Cherokees dug in. Sequoia had two crushing personal fouls. On top of that, to end the fourth quarter running back Josh

wanted to end his senior year with Lauese was tackled for a 14 yard loss. a bang, and he did just that. He Then it was overtime. Carlmont plugged the gap and wrapped up was the away team so they had the Johnson first offensive at his possession. It knees and came down drove to fourth him and two on into the Sequoia’s ground. A two yard textbook line, when tackle. the Scots It gave handed the the Cherball to Robert okees Johnson who Junior Josh Lauese helped the Sequoia football it was a is leading all team to a playoff berth. chance to of San Mateo win. County with And that they did. With the game 1,946 yards. in the balance and the Cherokees But when he ran for the goal line with the ball, quarterback James he was meet by a brick wall named Christian Chavez. The senior Chavez Beekley snapped the ball and looked

in the corner of the end zone and found his man. Junior wide reciever Dalton Diaz was wide open in the left side of the end zone and it was game over. Time to celebrate. Sequoia is going to the playoffs for the first time since 1994. Much congratulations should go to all of the Cherokee coaches including head coach Rob Poulos. Coach Poulos is in his second year as Sequoias head coach and he is doing an excellent job. Also much congratulations should go to all of the seniors who have played their hearts out all year. It was a senior night for all to remember. First the Carlmont game. Then overtime. Then playoffs. The Cherokees played Los Altos in their first CCS game on Friday, Nov. 19 on their home turf.

Cheer team promotes the spirit of community service By SARINA KOCHER GROSS Editor-in-Chief Raising breast cancer awareness and contributing to the community: this is not what comes to mind when you think of cheerleaders. Our cheerleaders are not the stereotypical kind. The cheerleading team is dedicated to serving the community, with their most recent success in the Breast Cancer Walk in San Francisco on Oct. 3. “[The team has] a sisterly bond, and I think that community service brings us even closer together as a team”, said senior cheerleader Jessica Angel. Angel said that a new major goal of the team is to continue raising breast cancer awareness for the entire year. Efforts so far, which will persist throughout the year, include wearing pink bows at events, using pink pom-poms for cheers, and planning fundraising.

“I loved cheering at the San Francisco walk. It was fun and brought a lot of faith to the team”, said senior cheerleader Maria Jose Arroyo. However, the team’s engagement in October’s Breast Cancer Awareness month is just one example of their many community service efforts. “Cheerokee points,” a new addition to the team this year, are points given to cheerleaders for doing community service, and the girl with the most points at the end of the year wins a prize. During

the summer, the members of the team volunteer at cheer camps to teach cheers. Their good-deeds have not gone unnoticed: [what date] they were recognized by the district as well as the city and were given a certificate for their accomplishments. “Usually, when people think of cheerleaders they think... ‘whatever’, but it feels good to get recognition for what we’re doing now”, said Angel. Other important events for the cheerleaders have been their involvement at the 49ers-Raiders football game

attention as other sports, but in San Francisco on Oct. 17, we love it when people come where the team got to showto support us at competicase their talent. This year, tions”, said Angel. the team received second With competitions, pracplace in the Large Varsity tices, and community service, Novice division and will be being a cheerleader proves to going to nationals in March. be a major time commitment. The team aims to cheer for “Cheerleading takes 110 as many sports as they can percent of your time, but it’s this year. Although football totally worth it”, said Arroyo. and basketball are the main There is no doubt that sports that they cheer for, Sequoia’s they will cheer cheerleaders for water polo, are dedicated, soccer, tennis, not only to and volleyball their sport as well. At but to the an upcoming community as event on Dec. well. 5, the team will “You never preform at a hear of cheercompetition leaders helpat Carlmont. ing out. We Team members want people said that they appreciate it Sequoia cheerleaders commit to know what when students time to community service as we’re doing come to their well as cheering. Photos by and to folevents because Sarina Kocher Gross. low our lead it encourages and to spread them. our cause”, said senior team “Cheer doesn’t get as much captain Arina Garcia.

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