Soccer shooting for a season
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BY BEN SCHWARTZ Staff Reporter With the restrictions put in placed on depressed and filled with anxiety. soccer kids are not able to get the exercise “The lasting effects of just not being able and social interaction needed to keep a to hang out with people is something that you healthy state and they are missing recruitment kind of just have to deal with and it’s just hard opportunities. knowing that you’re not able to be around In the past, school soccer, like other sports friends all the time,” said Parker Allen. has been a way for kids to get P.E. credits and He brings up some good points and even go outside and play the game they love with though he says we just have to deal with things there friends from school. It provides relief like not being around are friends and hang out from tough home lives, and is a stress reliever with people, it is much easier said than done for anyone worried as situations like about school. are really tough Currently there are to get through several restrictions for everybody on school soccer involved. “The lasting effects of just not in California as For many the being able to hang out with people although you delay in starting is something that you kind of just can play both back in to school have to deal with and it’s just hard club soccer and soccer is just as school soccer right knowing that you’re not able to be Corona Virus now, because of rates are so high around friends all the time”. restrictions all the - Parker Allen, junior and soccer is a teams can only very physical do conditioning. sport where When you go to practice you must fill out a contact has to be applied in order to play the form stating that you do not have COVID-19 game properly. California has the second most and you have not been in contact with anyone cases in the U.S.A. at about 900,000 cases and who has had the virus, you must where a although our rates have been lower than many mask when not on the field, you must use other states lately we still have a lit of cases sanitizer when you get there and when you and many are still very concerned about that. leave, all social distancing rules still apply, It is a rightful worry as there probably would and practices are split between two days and be more new cases if we went back to school two different groups so it is almost never the soccer in full form combined with club soccer, full team playing together. So although teams this is the reason there are so many restrictions are allowed to gather, the process has been and guidelines right now, so when soccer does delayed and it does not provide the same come back, somewhere around January, the relief and opportunities it did before with the spread should be completely limited and there season taking place in the Spring instead of the should be minimal cases. Winter. With the introduction of COVID-19 into COVID-19 forced students to stay the U.S. last year taking place before many inside and limit there social interaction and Spring sports were able to compete last year activity which resulted in students becoming California had decided to prioritize those
sports over the winter sports that will be playing at the same time as them this year. That means there will be less, if not no, field space for soccer for both practices and games. “It was just kind of an “L” for them that they didn’t have a season,” said junior on the team, Dylan Bardsley. Bardsley continued with his beliefs describing that he thinks they should have gotten a season last spring. “It kind of sucks [soccer not being prioritized by school], but it’s not really that bad. You got to accommodate for everybody so i think its a good move,” said Bardsley. This is a differing opinion than lots of kids on the soccer teams but a just one as it is fair to say that the other sports deserve a good season like everybody else got last season but it also means, Soccer players will get less playing time and exposure so those looking to get drafted by colleges scouting around the campus will be at a much bigger disadvantage than previous seasons. To improve our situation we must continue to follow the rules and decrease COVID-19 cases so we can open back up again, although there are rumors of opening soccer back up, nothing is set in stone so we must wait and continue to wear our masks and follow proper social distancing protocols. Although it is important to get school soccer back but we must also consider everybody’s safety from the virus before we can get back to where we were before.