The quarantine games among us
BY STEVEN ORTEGA AND XAVIER CASTILLO Staff Reporters “Among Us”, a game that is like murder mystery, which came out in 2018. The game has been populating a lot since the beginning of 2020. In order to get more information we have interviewed three people and asked them how they feel about “Among Us”. “Among Us” has a backstory, there is a headquarters building known as MIRA HQ. Therefore, we can assume that the crewmates are part of the MIRA organization. The imposters try to sabotage the crewmates in order to complete their goals. Their goals are to sabotage the ship and the planet, kill all the crewmates, and to hide their identity while doing everything. They start to do this by cutting the oxygen, turning off the power, and turning off their communication. MIRA tries to investigate who is/are the impostors by talking to each other and discussing.
The three people that we have interviewed so far are Juan Lopez, a college student, Jonathan Ortega, a college student, and Christan Garcia, a freshman. First we are going to talk about Juan Lopez, he told us that he likes to play many different video games. We continued by asking him a few questions about “Among Us”. Juan stated that he found out about “Among Us” in 2018 and he found out because his friends told him about it. Juan replied that he loved the game because of the different positions and objectives that the game provides. Juan answered, “Imposter is probably my favorite role because I get to kill others without people knowing.” Second we are going to talk about Christan Garcia, he started telling us about how he got into video games and how he loves them. Afterwards we asked him some questions about the different video games he played. Christian first found out
about video games when he was eight years old, his first console was an xbox 360. His favourite video games are, “Fortnite”, “Among Us”, and “Roblox”. Unfortunately he said that he cannot play with any of his friends, so he decides to play with random people. There are many people in the world that can call themselves gamers, therefore there is a reason to interview others and find news about video games. The next person we interviewed was Jonathan Ortega who is a college student. We asked him some questions about the video games he plays and when he started to play them. Jonathan began to explain that he loved to play video games and some of his favorites were, “Call of duty”, “Crash Bandicoot”
and many more. He stated that he has been playing video games ever since he was a kid. Growing up he did not have all the new consoles or video games but he had one old console, he was happy with it though. He started to get into video games when he was about 10, he saw an ad about some new video games, so then he asked his mother and father if they could get him the game, and they said yes. From there on he played that game and many others to the most and enjoyed each of them. We then asked him questions about “Among Us”. He confirmed that he had found out about “Among Us” when he had seen a youtube video about the game. He loved the game because of the concept of the game. He explained that he loved to be an imposter and play the game with his friends. To conclude “Among Us” took over the gaming world by having an amazing objective and making online possible.