Raven Report 2020 Cycle 2

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How 2020 Stole The Holidays, pgs 10-15

Cover photo of holiday decorations on Eucalyptus Street, San Carlos was taken by Taylor Gayner

Letter from the Editors This holiday season has felt anything but normal. We aren’t able to see the people we usually see, do the things we usually do, or fulfill our most favorite friend and family holiday traditions. The pandemic has felt exceedingly disruptive at many points throughout this year, from the transition to distance learning to the successive lockdowns. But it’s begun to feel more upsetting and troublesome during these holiday months. We naturally get caught up in the many things that we don’t have this year. Our focus is on all of the things we are missing out on this year compared to years past. As this is true for many of us, it is so important to think about what we do have this holiday season. As two high school seniors during this time, we’re missing out on major activities and events. We recognize how easy it is to dwell on the fact that we aren’t living normal “almost second-semester senior” lifestyles. We’ve been taking time to look at the things closest to us, and recognize all that we do have. We encourage all of you reading this to do the same. Although this wouldn’t normally be the first thing we’d think of, we’ve been feeling extremely lucky to have the school community that we have, even when we aren’t physically together. Our teachers have been dedicated to continuing our education by any means necessary since mid-March. Our administrators get up every day, attend


meetings and communicate with other school and district officials to help create the best distance learning environment possible. Without leaders who are as understanding, dedicated, and persistent as they are, our school would not have been able to carry on as smoothly as it has. Thank you to the teachers, staff members, and administrators. We wouldn’t be able to find the strength within ourselves to keep going everyday if we didn’t have incredible role models showing us how, and being present all along the way. As you flip through this issue of our magazine and read all about the COVID-19 safe activities, projects, events, and ideas that our staff has pulled together for you, we want to encourage you all to take the time and think of the specific things that you’re thankful for; the things that have helped you get through these extremely difficult times. Be aware of what has brought you glimmers of hope and peace during this abnormal holiday time. Be aware, be grateful, and of course, wear your mask this holiday season. Sincerely,

Taylor Gayner and Jay Tipirneni

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The Raven Report is a Sequoia High School student publication produced in the journalism class through the efforts and decisions of the staff and the publication’s editors and adviser. The Raven Report is a public forum for students, staff, parents and community members. The Raven Report strives to provide Sequoia High School with informative, engaging and relevant news. The staff will exercise integrity and adaptability while promoting justice and transparency through professional reporting about the school, the community and the world.


The Raven Report staff welcomes signed letters to the editor so that readers might share in the opportunities of the scholastic free press in open forum. The written views of students, parents or community members must be responsible, in good taste and free from libel, slander or obscenity. Letters may be edited for grammar or content if necessary; furthermore, editors will not guarantee that letters will be published. 1201 Brewster Ave. Redwood City, CA 94062 www.ravenreport.org ravenreport17@gmail.com









































TABLE of CONTENTS Dream Club dinner


On-campus cohorts


Sequoia COVID-19 resources


Historic firsts in 2020 elections


Reactions to Biden policies


Sharing thanks


Winter activities


Holiday traditions


Anti-semitism during Hanukkah


Cures to quarantine boredom


A review of Zareen’s


A review of Queen’s Gambit


Online friendships


Today and The Great Gatsby and The Scarlet Letter


Talking to grandma


Congresswoman Jackie Speier addresses the Dream Club dinner promising to support Dreamers

Dream Club exhibits Dreamers’ stories in virtual dinner and the likelihood that there was more than one person per device. “I think because it was virtually this year, Dreamers, community organizers, and the a lot of people weren’t able to join because I Sequoia community gathered on Nov. 20 over know that a lot of the Hispanic families that a live-stream for the 11th annual Dream Club support don’t know how to use the media that dinner to showcase immigrant stories and we use, so it definitely lowered the amount of people that watched,” Senior Sharon Song said. fundraise for Dreamers’ higher education. Though there was a lower turnout to the Each year, the Dream Club organizes an event to display the diverse stories of virtual dinner, the club’s fundraising ambitions undocumented students at Sequoia. The did not falter. “We raised fiftyevent began thousand dollars. alongside the club’s By the end of last creation as a way to year, we had raised support Dreamers, a similar amount the individuals or maybe a little bit protected under the We raised fifty-thousand more, but we’re not Deferred Action for dollars. By the end of last year, Childhood Arrivals we had raised a similar amount done this year either,” Dream Club Advisor (DACA) policy, and Jane Slater said. fundraise for their or maybe a little bit more, but Dream Club we’re not done this year either. college education. seniors held to the Because of dinner’s annual the COVID-19 Jane Slater, Dream Club Advisor tradition of sharing pandemic halting deeply personal campus activities, the stories of their own Dream Club adapted, experiences and their deciding to hold their annual dinner over Crowdcast, a live-streaming platform. Club family’s experiences being undocumented. “My parents and sisters were all born in members attribute the lowered event turnout to the lack of accessibility to the streaming site Mexico. My dad left for the United States to

BY JAY TIPIRNENI Editor-in-Chief

work and make money to send back to my mom and sisters. But after two years of them being separated, my mom wanted them to be reunited as a family. So they crossed the border in September of 2002 and were separated into different cars, given fake IDs, and fake documents. They reunited when they were on the side of the United States and my uncle picked them up and drove them to Redwood City to the place we live in now,” Senior Janet Lara said. Several influential political figures, ranging from the local to federal level, voiced their support for Dreamers in higher education, such as Representatives Anna Eshoo and Jackie Speier. For many Dream Club members, this level of recognition gave them faith in their futures. “Coming down to the actual events you have the support from so many different people, you have support from Congresswomen, all these people coming in together, just to recognize the Dream Club. It kind of gives you hope,” Song said. “It helps you recognize or just see that you’re not alone in this. It’s not just students, but it’s a whole community that’s willing to help and bring awareness to all the students that have to go through these things.”



Academic cohorts address safety concerns

Academic cohort in B-wing. Photo taken by AVP Gary Gooch

school, and students who need connectivity. The enrichment cohorts happen twice a week for at least two hours. They “involve anything Sequoia is hosting in-person cohorts extra a teacher may want to offer students.” this year for students with technological and These cohorts usually take place after school. academic needs to support their success. Cohorts are mainly indoors, but the students These cohorts began Oct. 16 and are are required to eat lunch outside. helpful for the students who need internet Even though the cohorts help students and WiFi connectivity. These cohorts are in school, it is important that the students also for those who are failing in school due and teachers follow the proper guidelines to to home environments. While the cohort minimize the spread of COVID-19. system solves one of the issues facing students, “All students arrive before their first-period it must also solve how everyone will follow class and go through a health screening at strict COVID-19 guidelines and protocols on the front of the school before entering their campus. cohort,” Olliver said The cohorts contain 6-12 students of all The health screening is mandatory for grades and occur at everyone. Some staff, least once a week. The such as Coleman, teachers volunteer are taking extra to participate as a precautions by going host for a cohort. to weekly doctor Karol-Ann Coleman, Any time we have an appointments and a special education opportunity to have students getting tested. teacher, for example, back on campus, it’s a win! Not only does volunteered to there have to be participate in a health guidelines cohort for students Sophia Olliver, Adminsitrative Vice outdoors, there must who need help in Principal also be some rules math, biology or in place indoors for english. anyone who might There are two be asymptomatic and types of cohorts: academic and enrichment. spread the virus to others. Currently, there are six cohorts: four academic “Desks are over six feet apart, desks have and two enrichment cohorts. Sophia Olliver, plexiglass dividers, all persons in a room wear the Administrative Vice Principal (AVP) masks, there can be no more than 12 students explains that the academic cohorts “take place in a cohort/room, and they are consistently the during the bell schedule where students follow same students,” Olliver listed. their scheduled classes.” The academic cohorts The students are also required to social are for students who are in danger of failing distance outside at all times. The COVID-19

BY RHEA MUDGAL Staff Reporter

guidelines are based on the district and the county guidelines, so there is no telling of any future plans or protocols. When students were offered the chance to be interviewed and share their experiences and opinions, they did not respond to the requests. There seems to be no known coronavirus breakouts among the cohorts. Whether the school would be able to expand the cohorts or the school sticks to the current system is still unknown, but there is hope.


Students working with plexiglass around desks. Photo taken by Gooch.

Drawn by Alex Parker-Rogers

Provided technology for online school

requests were never brought to the IT departments because they didn’t use the right form… so, we decided to centralize everything At Sequoia, ensuring that every single where we’d have this one form and the district student has access to the proper technology is office would get the request and then we would accomplished with a recent program offering send it,” said Alva. computers and internet access to students Along with improving the efficiency who may not have access to those tools of the communication by creating a tech during distance learning. It’s important for all request form, this program also makes sure students to be aware of this program and take to accommodate all network coverage issues advantage of it if needed. regarding the provided mobile hotspots. On the SUHSD website, there is a link Different areas of Redwood City require to a Google form where students can make different services, so they needed to provide tech requests for mobile hotspots that chromebooks or could function on a mobile hotspots. variety of services. Once the form is “We made Sprint submitted, a site Everyone picked the best hotspots available tech manager from as well. But, we had [computers] to be given to students the program will those hiccups as who had a need, not founded on any get in touch with well where the 2 financial need; just a student who the student and gigabyte limit on the coordinate a place needed a laptop. Sprint hotspot wasn’t and time for the enough for the Zoom equipment pickup. Ricardo Alva, Chief Technology meetings so we had Ricardo Alva, the Officer to increase it, now chief technology they’re unlimited. officer for SUHSD Also, in the Redwood Technology and City area there are Information Services, elaborates more on the these pockets where some services aren’t process of receiving provided technology. available so Sprint couldn’t meet those “Initially, some of the student’s requests student’s needs...So we ended up buying a came to the wrong person so some of those couple hundred T-mobile ones for students


in those areas and then we also got a couple hundred Verizon ones too,” says Alva. While Chromebooks are a great tool for online school students, they are unable to install more intensive applications and are limited to only web-based applications. For kids in programs like Wood Shop, they may require those more sophisticated apps that Chromebooks can’t handle. Luckily for them, more robust computers capable of installing these programs are also available if needed. “We were able to make a purchase of about 600 devices of which 500 of them went out to the sites to help those students who are in programs that require more robust machines than the chromebooks.” he explained and continued, “For instance at Sequoia, Wood Shop is requiring autodesk and they require an application called fusion...so that is a more intensive application… more intensive than what a chromebook could do,” There are many people who have worked at improving this program and the process of getting students access to technology that students are thankful for. With the need for this program and the limited amount of time it had to be developed, it has done its best to give kids the ability to continue to learn, even during these unique times.



Historic firsts for America BY CAITLIN DULSKY Managing Editor

women are being elected to our government to close the gender gap. As a more equal representation of all genders is achieved, This past election we saw more women legal and social gender equality will be easier and women of color elected into Congress, to achieve which will benefit everyone.” said specifically the House of Representatives, than Melissa Piccoloto, co-president of the Young ever before. We saw many historic firsts as a Feminist Club. result of this past 2020 election in November. But women being elected into Congress Not only did we see the first ever female vice is not necessarily a representation of only president-elect with Kamala Harris, but she feminist views. Many conservative women is also the first woman of color and of South were also elected with this past election. Asian descent. According to Rutgers “Results: “Women in power is not inherently Women Candidates in the 2020 Election”, this feminist, for those women may not necessarily past election, 117 women were elected to the uphold feminist values of equity and body House of Representatives, higher than last autonomy,” said Marcus. year’s number of 102. This is also including Both Democratic and Republican women 48 women of color, which was more than the being elected into Congress does provide a last election. While women in the House of better reflection of the make up, and thus Representatives still opinions and views, of the only make up 23% U.S. And, fundamentally, of members, we can Congress is supposed to celebrate the victories represent all voices within of having the most It’s wonderful that young our country. women elected in this “Representation matters women and girls can look and I think seeing women past election. “With each to their leaders and see in these positions of power election cycle, more is really validating for themselves represented and more diversity other women and girls” comes to Congress. said IB history teacher Ms. Becky Marcus, Senior Women make up Cuffman. about a quarter of Vice President elect, Congress which is Kamala Harris, had a similar still a little sad, but there has been progress.” view, which she addressed in her speech given said Becky Marcus, co-president of the Young after receiving the position of Vice President Feminist Club at Sequoia. elect. Each election cycle there is more and more “Harris put it very impactfully in her diverse representation in Congress. acceptance speech when she said ‘[b]ut “I’m grateful that in each election more while I may be the first woman in this office,

Poster from freshman Claire Dulsky I will not be the last, because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities,” said Piccholoto. This year also marks the 100th year anniversary of women being able to vote, so to see more and more equal representation in government is hopeful. More votes than ever were casted this past election, meaning more people are making their opinions heard. More voices means more representation of the people, and more students can see people like them running our country. And teachers have the power to encourage students and have discussion with their classes on race and gender issues in society. “I teach IB history in America, so we specifically talk a lot about groups that have been underrepresented in our government and the various fights, like civil rights campaigns and what they’ve gone through to get more representation. And so I often tie that back to current events. Let’s talk about how 50 years ago. Most people of color, couldn’t vote, and 100 years ago, all women couldn’t vote,” said history teacher, Lydia Cuffman.

HISTORIC FIRSTS IN 2020 ELECTION » Cori Bush Missouri’s first Black congresswoman » New Mexico first state to elect all women of color to the U.S. House of Representatives » Yvette Herrell first Republican Native American woman elected to Congress » Kesha Ram first woman of color elected to Vermont’s Senate » Sarah McBride first out transperson Senator in U.S. history » Stephanie Byers first out trans person of color ever elected to state legislature » Marilyn Strickland is first Korean American woman elected to Congress and first Black woman to serve in Washington State » Cynthia Lummis first woman to serve in Wyoming Senate » Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan have all secured second terms in the House » Taylor Small is first out trans person elected to Vermont state legislature » Mauree Turner first nonbinary state legislator 8

Teachers and students react to President-elect Joe Biden policies BY ISABELLE BOGAN Staff Reporter On November 7, 2020, America prepared themselves for a new future, as Democratic Joe Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States, making Donald Trump a oneterm president. Among his numerous plans and policies, included a plan for educators and students and his roadmap for safely reopening schools that would benefit both Sequoia students and staff. One proposed Biden plan is to provide triple funds to Title I, which funds schools in communities with a high percentage of low income families, in order to show students that income and background shouldn’t determine the level of education received. Bradley Ramezane, a history teacher, shared, “There is a lot of uncertainty for student’s classmates and staff members, and Biden should focus on easing the road with better pathways towards federal programs for funding education, and colleges such as State and UC schools.” However, Biden has been criticized for not doing enough for schools, as many believe that college should be free for all students, regardless of their backgrounds and income. He supported free college in 2015, but hasn’t said much about it since. Many students from

A Biden/Harris lawn sign in San Carlos. Photo taken by Isabelle Bogan

these lower income communities, or who undocumented students. simply cannot afford the strenuous prices of “The school systems we have established in private and public universities in and out of the United States show many more educational state, attend smaller community colleges. Free opportunities to people with more money”, college would eliminate large sums of student reported senior Cassandra Miller. “I think one debt, and equal opportunities for everyone of Biden’s first priorities should be to provide as despite their financial situations. much funding as he can to schools with lower “As teachers, we income students want to be able to and work towards give our students making education accessibility, and make fair for those who them feel like they have want it.” choices”, said history I like that Biden is taking COVID Many schools teacher and AVID more seriously than our past all over the country coordinator Tessa president, and he has an actual have been advised Yeager. “Sequoia staff plan in place to create real to stay closed members have worked for in-person opportunities for us to go back together to address and classes and turn limit barriers present to school as long as we take the to remote distance at our school, such precautions to be safe now learning online, as as the language and Sequoia has. Biden preparation offered has a roadmap Eli Mihaly-Baker, Senior for IB classes and the for reopening pressures to attend schools as safely as 4-year universities, possible, in such when for many, community colleges or other unprecedented times, that include goals like options present more opportunities to them.” increasing testing stations, distributing more To combat mental health, Biden has goals masks and face shields, and ensuring the to provide schools with more, higher trained learning done remotely is still as high quality mental health professionals that will support as it would be in person. students, and communicate with their parents “I like that Biden is taking COVID more on how they can best support their health in seriously than our past president, and he order to work towards easier futures. Biden has an actual plan in place to create real also has plans to move towards eliminating opportunities for us to go back to school as gun violence in schools and provide survivors long as we take the precautions to be safe now,” with counseling and ensure that teachers and said Eli Mihaly-Baker, a senior. students can learn and teach in the safest In the past, Biden has said that Trump environment possible. has been pushing schools with high risks of “I am hopeful that Biden can offer support spreading COVID-19 to reopen. Biden plans to students and teachers who have been to focus on making sure that any schools that involved in violence and shootings at schools,” do open up again are kept under strict mandate said Rohma Mailk, a senior. “I don’t think to prioritize safety, and students, parents, people can grasp how badly events like this can and teachers have full transparency from the live with these people long past graduation.” government and higher powers to let them In order to combat racial and financial know if changes need to be made to go back divisions found in school systems, Biden also to being remote. He wants to use the HEROES wants to build the best schools possible in lower act in order to give $58 billion to local public income communities, and create educated schools to ensure that they have additional staff teams with higher amounts of diversity, COVID-19 resources and education. He hopes to make students feel more comfortable and that the support to schools will continue and safe at schools so they can focus solely on prosper, and the educational equity gaps will learning. Sequoia High School has a 48.6% be fixed through evidence based solutions that population of students who are eligible for free focus on learning, mental health and wellor reduced lunches, and a population of 12% being of students.



What are you thankful for this holiday season? BY LUCIE TENENBAUM Staff Reporter Everyone has had a different experience throughout 2020, whether it’s been because of mental health, family wellbeing, or something else. To get a sense of what people here at Sequoia are thankful for this year, we sent out a survey, which included 30 responses. Here are some things that students here at Sequoia are thankful for this year.

Photo credit from left to right: Kimberly White Redwood City Courthouse, Jack Yaco Lucie Tenenbaum Pexel by Erik Schee Pexel by Copokuh


I’m thankful for all the people that surround me and their humor.

My parents who are able to support me and my siblings through this pandemic, as well as my teachers and everyone in the medical field

The opportunity to play sports

My family and having a roof over my head

My pets

Ability to access the internet

Not having COVID-19 yet

My parents still having jobs and having a loving family

Honey Bear Trees in Redwood City. Photo taken by Zoe Dufner

Holiday activities for 2020 BY ZOE DUFNER Staff Reporter Due to quarantine, the holidays will be honey, and an option to donate to any high quite a bit different this year. With taking school in the area. safety, weather, and more into consideration, “I’m always really excited at Christmas it may seem like there are a lot of traditions time because my dad and I can decorate our that have to be put on hold. However, there are house,” junior Nicole Miller said, “I really like still plenty of weather-approved activities that decorating the tree and I even have a small can be done safely this holiday season. village in my living room with snow and One option is seeing holiday lights on houses and stuff like that that lights up.” streets such as Eucalyptus in San Carlos. You Additionally, making baked goods alone can walk on the sidewalk to view them or or with family is always a good way to drive by in your car, however it is ideal to go brighten your spirits. One possibility is using at night since the lights and decorations will the “Trader Joe’s decorate your own holiday be much more visible, and since it tends to be ornaments” cookie kit, a kit that allows quite a bit colder at night, it would be a good you to make cookies that double as holiday idea to bundle up ornaments. or go in your car. “To celebrate Additionally, since the holidays I baked the sidewalks can get cookies then with my a bit crowded, going little cousin we did a in your car could be We did a cookie decorating kit cookie decorating kit quite a bit safer. And and the cookies could be used and the cookies could remember, wear a as ornaments so we put them be used as ornaments mask! so we put them on on our tree Yet another our tree,” junior possibility is to Karma Hilbert said. decorate your own Karma Hilbert, Junior Though this house with your year may be quite a family. Putting bit different, there holiday lights up around your house or getting are still many ways to celebrate the holidays. a Christmas tree can always help put you in Seeing lights, decorating, getting a tree, and the mood for the holidays. One great place baking treats with family are just a few of the to get a Christmas tree is Honey Bear Trees many ways you can get in the holiday spirit in Redwood City and San Carlos. Each tree this year! comes with a free bear-shaped container of

Holiday decorations in living room. Phototaken by Nicole Miller

Baked goods by Karma Hilbert. Photo taken by Karma Hilbert



The holiday tradition edition BY GRETA REICH News Editor The winter holidays are a time for celebration and relaxation, and although there will have to be some adjustments made because of the pandemic, this year will still hold stories, traditions, and warmth. No matter which religions or cultures one identifies with, almost everyone is celebrating something during winter break, even if it is just the time off. Winter break can mean something different for each person. It can mean celebrating Christmas by decorating the tree with family; lighting the candle on each night of Hanukkah and exchanging presents; traveling to see friends and relatives who live across the country; or simply spending time with loved ones and not having to worry about deadlines. Everyone has a unique way to spend the break based on their specific family traditions and cultures. While some traditions might not be possible this year, that doesn’t mean the tradition will end. It just might have to be replaced with another tradition this year. Junior Greg Parmer-Lohan explains what this means for him.

“In years past, we used to go down to San a candle on the menorah on each night of the Diego and visit extended family and stuff… eight days of Hanukkah. we can’t really do that this year.” Parmer“I think there’s something really special Lohan said. about having a celebration that lasts for so long Despite not being able to see his relatives, because I feel like you can kind of spread out Greg will still get to experience other favorite the fun.” Rosenberg said. family traditions. She usually sees her extended family for “Decorating the Christmas tree is so fun. this holiday, and though she won’t be able to I know sometimes do that this year, Becca it will take a while, still sees a silver lining. but looking for “There’s been the tree in the lot opportunities to do so and decorating Decorating the tree is so many more cool things. together… It’s a Like for instance in the fun... It’s a reminder that it’s reminder that it’s spring, there’s a Jewish Christmas time and Christmas time and we have a holiday and my family we have a relaxing relaxing break. from around here and break.” Parmerin Southern California Lohan said. and in Colorado were Greg Parmer-Lohan, Junior But celebrations all able to get on the and traditions don’t same call together and need to revolve that wouldn’t have around Christmas in order to celebrate happened if it weren’t for the circumstances,” the break. Sophomore Becca Rosenberg’s Rosenberg said. favorite holiday of the year is Hanukkah, Zara Ahsan, a junior who is Muslim, which she celebrates every year with her also looks for the fun opportunities she can family. Many Jewish families, including experience this year. Her family doesn’t Rosenberg’s, celebrate Hanukkah by lighting celebrate a specific holiday in December, but

Zara Ahsan and family near the fire pit!


Greg Parmer-Lohan an

d family with their Ch

ristmas tree!

Snowflakes from freepik.com

Spanish teacher Scott Stalder celebrates New they still have many traditions this time of Years with his family with a tradition from year. Spain. “We kind of just celebrate the fact that “For New Year’s Eve, we try to have everyone’s having time off on what they’re grapes. In Spain, you eat 12 grapes, like one doing. So typically we go on a vacation for each month of the somewhere because year, and you make everyone is off, but a wish for 12 things we can’t really go you want for the new anywhere right now, year,” Stalder said. so we’re just going I think there’s something All these to hang out at home, traditions the watch some movies, really special about having a grapes, decorating do fun stuff like that.” celebration that lasts for so the tree, relaxing Ahsan said. long. with family - are Even the teachers what make the this year will be holidays so special, taking much needed Becca Rosenberg, Sophomore specifically for these breaks from the never Sequoia students ending Zoom calls. and teachers. While For example, Sequoia

everyone’s holidays have been turned upside down this year, it is still possible to celebrate and have a wonderful winter break with friends and family if we can find the silver lining. As sophomore Becca Rosenberg explains: “It’s really nice to have some traditions in your family that you can keep alive in this time but also some are just going to have to wait till next year and then they’ll be even more special because you skipped a year.”

Happy Holidays!

nberg’s Becca Rose ings h th Hanukka Redwood City trees at




A photo of the graffiti on Main Street in Redwood City courtesy of senior Isael Lopez.

A fearful Hanukkah season BY TESSA RESTAINO Online Editor When I think of Judaism, I recall the joyous gatherings filled with the aroma of Bubby’s latkes, matzo ball soup, sour cream, brisket and applesauce. However, recently, as antiSemitic incidents have also reached a high in recent months, that feeling of warmth has been tainted by a deep-rooted fear. Some attacks on Jewish groups have even occurred in our own community, closer than you may think. Anti-Semitism is the hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people. The first instances of anti-Semitism can be traced all the way back to the Roman Empire, and many of the same prejudices towards Jewish people still exist today. In recent years, rates of antiSemitic hate crimes have skyrocketed. In 2019 alone, attacks on Jewish people made up 60.3% of religion-based hate crimes (Jewish Virtual Library), even though Jewish people make up only 0.2% of the global population (Global Religious Futures). Additionally, in recent years, hate crimes - from lewd slurs to death threats - have doubled against Jewish university students (Forbes). Although the Bay Area is extremely progressive and left-leaning, it is not excluded from these statistics. On Dec. 10, the first night of Hanukkah, Sequoia senior Isael Lopez came across a


This is disgusting to see in [my] city, in a place [I] call home. Isael Lopez, Senior

swastika spray painted on a real estate sign on Main Street in Redwood City. “This is disgusting to see in [my] city, in a place [I] call home. On top of this, it is still up. How has it been up for two days?” Lopez said about encountering the anti-Semitic symbol. I ponder the exact same question, and I implore Redwood City to take action. How can a symbol of hate remain in view of the public for multiple days, especially after garnering masses of public attention? This instance of anti-Semitism in Redwood City is not an isolated insident. Jewish senior Eli Mihaly-Baker can recall a multitude of hurtful encounters within the very walls (or on the fields) of Sequoia High School. “A popular anti-Semitic trope involves Jewish people controlling the world’s wealth,”

Mihaly-Baker said. “One time, someone on the soccer team threw a penny at my feet and told me to pick it up as the rest of the team stared and laughed. They thought they were joking with me, but I didn’t find it funny.” I have heard similar and equally horrifying stories from other Jewish students at Sequoia. I have even experienced it myself, from students and faculty alike. During this distanced Hanukkah season, and every other season, I urge you, Sequoia High School students, to lead with kindness. Even more so, I urge you to stand up for those who need it. Condemn anti-Semitism whenever you have the chance in order to aid Sequoia High School and its community members in living up to its reputation as “a place of friends”.

Students may report instances of anti-Semitism to the Administrative Vice Principal’s Office, a trusted teacher, or guidance counselor.


COOKING Cold weather fits hot food: try making these orange-cranberry cookies, that will be sure to make your household smell bright and festive - Preheat oven to 375 degrees - Cream together the butter, and brown and white sugar together for about 5 minutes, until the grainy texture is gone and the butter color has lightened. Beat in egg. Add in zest and orange juice, then combine flour, baking soda, and salt into mixture; then fold in cranberries

BY ELLE PROPP Staff Reporter Though I am not Vogue, I can predict that the new winter accessories (face masks, curfews, and stretchy pants) will often get paired with a side of boredom. Due to colder weather, rising COVID-19 cases, flu season, and new restrictions, it looks like we’re all in for a winter break spent at home. Ravens, here are some activities you can complete over winter break, in order to have a safe hoaliday season this year!

READING Cold weather and books feel like one of those classics that won’t go out of style. Speaking of, we’ve got you covered from a range of themes, from uplifting to whimsical. FOR MYSTERY AND EXPLORATION The Snow Child, Eowyn Ivey - The Snow Child follows a struggling couple in Alaska, in the 1920’s. While figuring out their new life, they decide to build a child out of snow, and are shocked to see her come to life overnight, changing their lives forever. Ivey’s debut novel is a hit, and was even a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2013. Pick up this invigorating novel as a way to escape this holiday season, and possibly begin to appreciate the warmth of the California winter. FOR FANTASY AND EXHILARATION The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis - Holidays wax nostalgia, and what better way than a fantasy book? Four English children are sent to be safe, and discover a wardrobe with the ability to transport them to Narnia, a magical world. The beginning of a seven part series, this novel is invigorating, exciting, and full of adventure, perfect for escaping your cozy bed. FOR UPLIFTING AND HILARITY The Best of Me, David Sedaris - Recently published, David Sedaris collects all of his best essays spanning his decades long career. Uplifting, hilarious, and tear-jerking, the longtime author and comedian compiles over three dozen essays, covering love to loss.

- Drop a tablespoon of dough two inches apart onto ungreased, parchment paper lined baking sheets - Place sheet in oven and bake for 12-14 minutes until golden - Prepare glaze by mixing together remaining zest, orange juice, and powdered sugar until smooth. Spread over cooled cookies, and eat when glaze is no longer runny Cookie Dough 1 cup softened butter* 1 cup white sugar ½ cup packed light brown sugar 1 egg* 1 tablespoon grated orange zest 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 ½ cups all purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt 2 cups chopped cranberries

Orange Glaze

½ teaspoon grated orange zest 3 tablespoons orange juice 1 ½ cups powdered sugar Vegan Substitutes *Use 1 cup of applesauce, or equal amount of Earth Balance as a replacement for butter *Use 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed in 3 tablespoons of water until a gelatinous consistency forms per each egg used.

NATURE Ever noticed those endless hills while driving over highways? You can actually visit most of them, and they boast hiking, kayaking, dog trails, bike trails, and more. Thornewood Preserve - Located at 707 La Honda Road in Woodside, this 167 acre preserve offers easy hiking trails amongst creeks and redwood forests. Leashed dogs are allowed on all paths, and Thornewood even offers equestrian paths, if horseback riding if more your speed. Baylands Nature Preserves - With over 1,900 acres, the Baylands preserve has both freshwater and saltwater marshland. Hiking, biking, and running trails are available, but for those of us looking to slow down the speed, windsurfing and boating are available here too. Check it out in Palo Alto, at 2690 Terminal Boulevard. Edgewood Park - 467 acres of grassland and woodland are perfect for joggers, equestrians, and regular hikers. Certain access points allow you to see the entirety of San Mateo county: bonus points if you are able to spot Sequoia from the scenic views at 10 Old Stage Coach Road, in Redwood City.



Zareen’s brings a new BY RYLAN BUTT Staff Reporter A new Michelin guide recommended restaurant, Zareen’s, opens on Broadway in Redwood City, their take of contemporary Pakistani and Indian food is sure to blow any Sequoia student or teacher away with its excellent taste. Zareen’s had its grand opening on Oct. 16 of 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic. It opened on Broadway near the theaters and a few blocks down from Sequoia High School. The star on the menu has to be their curries. The combination of the spice, sauce, and meats is spot-on, making customers sure to empty every drop out of the container. I was able to try their lamb gosht (stew) and their chicken tikka masala, which were both cooked to perfection. It goes without saying that the taste was good, but also the lamb was very tender, and there was a good amount of meat in the stew. The chicken, while boasting an amazing taste, was a bit on the drier side and there wasn’t as much of it in the tikka masala. An essential dish in any Pakistani/Indian meal is the naan and Zareen’s fails to disappoint, delivering not only an amazing classic naan, but putting a contemporary twist by adding flavors such as garlic and even jalapeno cheese naan. Another classic Indian dish is samosas. Zareen’s samosas are crispy and flavorful, obtaining that perfect balance of texture and taste. The only downside is the size, at $6 the samosas were smaller than expected, about half a palm to be exact, but who needs size when you have taste? The beverage I tried was the mango lassi, an Indian yogurt based mango smoothie. It was a pretty standard mango lassi, with good sweetness, but lacking a bit on the tart side, but for people who have never had mango lassi before, it’s sure to make you try it again. Overall, the food tasted amazing, with little to no complaints of the flavors. The spiciness of the food is a good level, which is sure to please both spicy lovers and the sensitive tongues. For a fast and casual place, the price is at a good medium, it’s not expensive, but it’s not cheap either. If you’re ordering family style and getting a lot of food, the price can add up quickly, but if you are just going for a quick meal plus a beverage, it will cost about $25. Zareen’s also offers a lot of vegetarian options that taste just as good. As for the down sides, let’s first address the grease. When you order from most restaurants,


you should expect a fair amount of grease and oil, but when I got my food, I was taken aback by the thick layer of oil that coated every single tub of curry. If you’re on a diet or are not a fan of fatty foods, then maybe stay away from the curries. Another downside was the chicken. I felt as if the consistency of the chicken wasn’t the best, some pieces were perfect, but some were dry. I also noticed that there was significantly less chicken in the tikka masala than there was lamb in the lamb gosht. COVID-19 has hit Zareen’s about as hard as any other restaurant, but they are still

taste to Redwood City

Mango Lassi ordered over Door Dash. Photo courtesy of Rylan Butt. the pick up option because not only do you get to see the restaurant, the food is much more fresh and there is a lower chance of getting your order wrong. Overall, it’s a very chill and humble restaurant that delivers amazing food. You can order for pick up at Zareen’s, or you can order delivery through DoorDash. I would highly recommend you try some of Zareen’s food in the near future.

Front of Zareen’s restaurant during COVID-19. Photos courtesy of Rylan Butt.

Zareen’s 2039 Broadway Redwood City, CA 94063 (650) 257 - 7185

going strong. They offer outdoor dining and have had some pretty decent in person numbers. Before the second wave, a lot of their outdoor seating was filled. Not only do they offer delivery through DoorDash, GrubHub, Uber Eats, and more, but they also have some outdoor dining. Its modern design and sleek furniture give a very chill and laid back vibe to the place. As you are waiting for your food, you can observe the hard working chefs in the kitchen right behind the counter. I was able to both order online and pick up in person. The online ordering went smoothly, but I would recommend



Who knew a show about chess could be so interesting? BY VIVIAN KREVOR Staff Reporter

With 62 million Netflix accounts streaming the show within 28 days of its release, much of the Sequoia community and world outside it has watched and loved The Queen’s Gambit. With a 100% rating on rotten tomatoes, The Queen’s Gambit is one of the most highly rated shows of our time. The show is a Netflix original, following the life of Beth Harmon, a female chess player, and how she grows throughout many aspects of her life in the setting of the 1950s and 1960s. The show begins with her being put in an orphanage after the suicide of her mother. She frequently snuck to the janitor’s closet, learning chess from Mr. Shaibel, and pursuing a chess career from then on. While she embarks on her ambitious and determined journey to become the grandmaster of chess, she has to overcome personal obstacles, such as a traumatic childhood and addiction. Harmon displays an empowering, determined, and forward thinking role,

When she [Beth] was independent she thought about herself and how she could improve and win Lucie Tenenbaum, Freshman especially considering that The Queen’s Gambit takes place in the 1950s and 1960s, a male dominated chess and general era. The humbleness of Harmon’s character is part of what makes her so intriguing, from calmly triumphing over all the highschool chess team in a tournament at the age of nine to nonchalantly defying judges that questioned her for not entering into the beginners bracket for her first chess tournament, in which she was one of two females. Despite the judges suggestions and judgements, Harmon continued to triumph over everyone, almost


Photo courtesy of George Becker

Screenshot of Queen’s Gambit from Netflix

entirely men, in the advanced bracket. Her quiet confidence is powerful. “You’re relating to a young girl, but it’s... the 50s and 60s, so I think it can reach a lot of different audiences,” commented teacher Adrian Dilley. Dilley commented that many people, with varied age ranges, globally and in the Sequoia community, have watched The Queen’s Gambit. He makes the point that many demographics can find a way to relate to the show. The setting is of an older time period, appealing to older viewers, while the main character is a young female. “You get a really good sense of, like, the time period, with how everybody’s dressed... You see her [Harmon] going up to the window to get her medication, that’s how they did it... it just seems like that’s how life was back in the 50s and 60s,” physical education teacher Adrian Dilley described. The clothing and sets contribute to the accuracy for the time period of the show. Beth is depicted in many outfits and sets, her style growing with her chess playing abilities. For example, Harmon’s room with intricate baby

pink patterns from floor to ceiling, sparking articles describing how to make your room have the ‘The Queen’s Gambit Look’. The Queen’s Gambit set designer Uli Hanisch describes that he made the sets by using a variety of patterns connected by a color scheme. Dilley describes his doubts before watching the show, which voices the thoughts of a large number of potential viewers. Despite his initial thoughts, Dilley remarks on how he very much enjoys The Queen’s Gambit.

I don’t play chess, I have never played it. So initially I was like, is this going to be interesting and captivating? Adrian Dilley, PE Teacher The show portrayed chess in a way that was interesting, even to those who couldn’t relate to playing. Dilley also commented on how the show enforced the idea of him wanting to play chess, which is a common opinion. Sales for

chess books rose 603% within three weeks of the release of The Queen’s Gambit. “When she [Harmon] made a mistake she felt bad for herself and turned to alcohol,” freshman Lucie Tenenbaum said. Beth Harmon’s addiction provides an additional layer to the storyline, the many overlapping layers and signs of character growth being some of the most captivating concepts to the watcher. It shows the viewer another aspect of growth within her character; addiction being shown as a constant obstacle, outlasting her childhood and remaining in her adult life. Dilley liked the aspect of the show that simultaneously follows a present day storyline, while reflecting on the past. He says that he thought the many layers of the show flowed smoothly, in an interesting way, that displayed Beth’s growth. “I watched the entire show in two days,” proclaimed freshman Lucie Tenenbaum.

[Harmon] starts off the show at a young age, she’s like eight or nine at the orphanage. And then she grows into a young woman, so you get the change of her adolescence and development, as well as the time period Adrian Dilley

Photos courtesy of Hassan Pasha




Illustrated by Hope Callaghan

Friendships Through A Screen BY HOPE CALLAGHAN ART EDITOR

For the past few decades, making friends has not been limited by city, country, or even language and making friends online has become a popular method of starting relationships for teens everywhere. As technology has advanced, many things in our society have become easier to manage or create, including friendships. As our world has developed around the new technology, new ways of communication have been born. Not only can friends stay connected online, but new friendships are easily nurtured. As more social media sites and online video games open, more and more opportunities for new relationships become available. Although it might not seem like a popular way of making friends, over half of the world’s teenagers use the internet to create new friendships according to CBS News, some of which connect people from opposite sides of the globe. This is particularly due to the easy and optional nature of online friendships; the lack of stress that comes with talking or seeing each other everyday. It is easier for me to be who I want to be because the internet provides a peaceful anonymity, a reset button on who I can choose to talk to and what we will talk about, and new chances for change. Despite this, online communication is limited to words and text without allowing social cues that define our tone.

My journey with meeting people online has been a long one, first starting when I was ten years old. I started my own secret art account on Music.Ly and I met a lot of people who were passionate (but not great) at art, like me. I moved on to Instagram and briefly Snapchat where I

talked to mutual friends and people who went to my school that I had never spoken to before. Finally, I discovered Discord where I met friends through video games and shared fandoms.

I use my screen as a shield, a way to be who I want to be without the pressure of having to be funny or needing to take risks for the benefit of my friends. When I am interacting online, I am quiet, calm, and do what I love: talking about art, video games, and plants. Making and maintaining friends online is sometimes challenging, but despite the effort and lack of physical contact, meeting people online has been one of my favorite experiences. I talk to one of my friends almost everyday while I talk to the other every few weeks and although they are on different levels of friendship, they both have changed my perspective on the world in a way that wouldn’t have been possible a few decades ago.

In my experience, making friends online is very rewarding and a great way to connect with people that I never would have met without the help of the internet. I use my online platform almost every day to reach out to friends from all over the world through text, memes, and video games. It is much easier to communicate and set boundaries online because of how quickly I can access my friends. I also feel more comfortable making mistakes and asking for help online because I feel much more confident being myself or clarifying or asking for what I need. Sometimes, real life is too overwhelming, whether it is feeling left out, the constant stream of questions and conversation, or even just my social battery running out, an advantage of talking online is how I can quickly turn off my phone or computer and step away. The pandemic, especially in the first few weeks of the quarantine, has also played a role in the nature of friendships, making friend groups transition completely to online. This experience is very similar to having friends you only know online because interactions are limited to video calls and texting, much like how you would communicate with someone whose only connection to you is the internet. All of that being said, talking online has its challenges . For one, online friendships also lack physical aspects, which for some people is a dealbreaker, but for others is a strong “pro” in the long list of “pros and cons” of online relationships. Not being able to see and touch the person you are talking to can lead to a difference in online versus real life personalities and someone’s online personality can be completely different than the person sitting behind the screen. It is easy to be manipulated online and it can lead to tricky situations. In real life, I see myself as outgoing and loud but online,



Has society from The Great Gatsby and The Scarlet Letter changed from ours today? BY ALEXANDRA DANCE Staff Reporter *Spoilers ahead* Society and its standards and expectations have drastically changed over the last 170 years… or have they? After having read and spoken to people who have read The Scarlet Letter and The Great Gatsby, I can argue that society norms have not changed as much as people like to think. The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850. It follows the life of Hester Prynne who has an affair with the minister and is forced to embroider the letter A for adulterer on her clothes. She is continuously punished, shamed and bullied by the people in her town for having committed adultery, which was considered to be a sin in their religion. The Great Gatsby was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1924. It is the story of a very wealthy man called Jay Gatsby and his love for the rich and married Daisy Buchanan. Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan, a man from old money and a man who continuously has affairs with other women. Gatsby and Daisy begin having an affair. After a tale of unfortunate events, Gatsby is killed. In an interview with freshman Ethan Rudy, we spoke about The Great Gatsby and discussed themes that he felt were very similar from the society of when The Great Gatsby took place (1924). He said, “Greed is definitely a theme I would associate with today’s society and the one from the book.” In The Great Gatsby money is what matters. If you have money you are a part of society’s elite club, especially if you come from old money. If you are not wealthy, you are considered to be unimportant. In 2020, there is a very similar system: people with money and good financial situations have access to more things. For example: education. Families with money can afford to send their children to private schools. In the last couple of years there have been more

and more scandals regarding parents bribing colleges to accept their children in a school. It presents an unfair message that says no matter how hard you work, if you don’t have money you can’t get anywhere. Although there is not the same subject of being unimportant or worthless if one does not have money, there is still a class hierarchy system. The wealthier families are more positively looked upon and embraced and the less privileged families aren’t acknowledged. In an interview with one of Sequoia’s english teachers Renita Spears, we further discussed the blatant disregard towards the working class, and the act of putting the rich and wealthy on the top. In The Great Gatsby, the rich lived fabulous and lavish lives while the poor worked day and night without

people, people are very quick to judge and spread rumors as a form of bullying. The same slut-shamming Hester Prynne received, lots of women recieve today. Today’s society is all about acceptance but as soon as a woman makes a decision for herself, people start shaming and bashing her like people would do in 1850, which was 170 years ago by the way. At Sequoia, we have the power to stop a vicious cycle of bullying and shaming by accepting one another and one another’s choices. This impacts Sequoia students because we are the next generation. We’re the future. We’re the ones who can demand that the racism, prejudice and slut shaming in this world come to an end.


Greed is definetely a theme I would associate with today’s society and the one from the book Ethan Rudy, Freshman recognition. In 2020, the world is also ruled by the insanely wealthy and powerful. In addition, Spears presented another aspect of the story which is the racism that Tom Buchanan presents all throughout the novel. It is very obvious that there is still racism going on today, 95 years later. Some of the racism today is shown through police brutality, violence and the same prejudice and stereotypes from 1925. After reading and analyzing The Scarlet Letter (1850), the treatment Hester Prynne received is not all that different from the treatment women recieve today. Instead of direct and face to face insults like Hester Prynne received, in 2020 there is now social media. If a woman has made the choice to have sexual relations to someone or multiple

The Great Gastby book cover & The Scarlet Letter book cover Alexandra Dance

Talks with grandma BY CARLA ROBERTS Copy Editor


aL yn


For Thanksgiving this year, my family and I drove down to San Diego to visit my grandparents. As per usual, the constant blaring of Rush Limbaugh radio and the Fox News channel spurred some uncomfortable conversations between myself and my grandma, Bernie “Pama” Lynch, who is 82 years old and going strong. Anyways, you’ll be glad to know that for once, my attempts at reasoning with my stubborn grandparents were not a total waste--I took the chance to interview Pama about the struggles of our nation and gleaned some interesting responses that, for me, provided some much-needed insight into viewpoints that differ from my own. To start off, I asked Pama a couple of questions about the all-consuming (or so I’d thought) COVID-19 pandemic. “You can’t let these things get in the way of living your life. I still have the gals over every Saturday for brunch. And it’s chilly, no one is

eating outside or wearing masks. None of us to which Pama responded have it so we don’t stress over those things.” “Pffft. They go back and forth, ‘the masks Well. Considering these are the people with work, the masks don’t work…’ how is anyone the highest risks associated with contracting supposed to believe a word about that? That’s COVID-19, this is what I’m saying. No quite the statement. one knows. It’s not It was time to dig even constitutional. deeper into Pama’s You can’t force people arguable ideas about to do that.” Well, I know you’re a liberal COVID-19 safety. Since I’d gotten When asked and you’re using this for your a pretty good idea about the decision to liberal school and I hope about Pama’s views close schools, Pama’s on the pandemic, I response shared the people read this and it makes decided to shift gears same sentiments. a bit. I asked Pama them think. “It’s bullsh*t. what she thought Kids can’t even get it. about the way the Pama Lynch, Grandma No kids are getting media is portraying Corona. It’s stupid. the election results. The liberals want “Well, I know the kids to stay at home, did you hear about you’re a liberal and you’re using this for your Cuomo? He’s so extreme, wants to close the liberal school and I hope people read this and whole damned state.” it makes them think. You can’t watch CNN I mentioned the mandates that require or any of those lefty channels. Way more masks in most businesses and establishments, people voted in the election than there are in America. They don’t talk about that. Illegals are voting, the billionaires are buying votes, it can’t be trusted.” I asked Pama where she had gotten these statistics. “Fox News. None of you ever look at different perspectives, and that’s why America is so dumb. You can’t watch CNN. It’s radical, it’s funded by Soros.” “Soros?” I asked. “George Soros. You don’t know about him? That’s what you need to be learning about. He is the evilest man I’ve ever seen, I’ll tell you. Turned against his own people. He’s actually behind the whole Black Lives Matter movement. He’s a big socialist, and he’s trying to take over everything. You need to be aware of these things, always ask questions about where your information is coming from.” To my credit, I had completed this interview thus far without a word of challenge against Pama’s opinions. Not sure if I could go much longer, I decided to ask one final question before calling it quits. “What do you believe is the largest issue that the American people are facing right now?” Pama had three words for me. yP “The liberal agenda.” b lfie Se



Teen Resource Center “TRC”

Centro de Recursos para Jóvenes

During Distance Learning all TRC services have transitioned to telehealth: Phone, Zoom, Google Meets, Google Chats, etc. (650) 367-9780 x60065

Durante el aprendizaje a distancia, todos los servicios de TRC han pasado a telesalud: Teléfono, Zoom, Google Meets, Google Chats, etc. (650) 367-9780 x60065

Services Offered: Counseling,mentoring, mindfulness, conflict mediation, youth development programs, health education

Servicios ofrecidos: Asesoramiento/consejería, Tutoría, Atención plena “mindfulness”, Mediación de conflictos, Programas de desarrollo para jóvenes, Educación para la salud

Additional mental Recursos adicionales de salud mental health resources StarVista Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Center Partnering with the San Mateo County Pride Center and provides a free, confidential, nonjudgmental, 24-hour crisis line to callers in San Mateo County. Additionally, Onyourmind.net is a StarVista program that provides a safe and anonymous place for teens & youth to talk, find support, and explore resources. They don’t share your information outside of the chat. Onyourmind.net is available to youth/teens, Monday- Thursday, 4:30pm-9:30pm http://www.onyourmind.net/ Local and National Hotlines 650-579-0350 – StarVista Crisis Line (San Mateo County) 800-273-8255 – Suicide Hotline 877-565-8860 – Trans Lifeline (may not be available 24 hours) 866-488-7386 – Trevor Lifeline (ages 13-24) 888-843-4564 – LGBTQ+ National Hotline (may not be available 24 hours) 800-300-1080 – Relationship Abuse & Domestic Violence 888-220-7575 – Parent Support Line 650-579-0356 – Alcohol and Drug Hotline (San Mateo County) 800-931-2237 – Eating Disorder Helpline (may not be available 24 hours) 800-366-8388 – Self Harm Hotline (may not be available 24 hours) 800-656-4673 – Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline 800-786-2929 – Runaway Safeline Text “START” to 741741 – Crisis Text Line (free & confidential) Lifeline Crisis Chat – 24 hours/7 days per week chat services http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx

Centro StarVista de Intervención en Crisis y Prevención del Suicidio Asociados con San Mateo County Pride Center / el Centro del Orgullo del Condado de San Mateo y proporciona una línea de crisis gratuita, confidencial, sin prejuicios, las 24 horas a las personas que llaman en el condado de San Mateo. Además, Onyourmind.net es un programa de StarVista que ofrece un lugar seguro y anónimo para que los adolescentes y los jóvenes hablen, encuentren apoyo y exploren recursos. No comparten tu información fuera del chat. Onyourmind. net está disponible para jóvenes / adolescentes, de lunes a jueves, de 4:30-9:30 pm, http://www.onyourmind.net/ Líneas directas locales y nacionales 650-579-0350 - línea de crisis StarVista (Condado de San Mateo) 800-273-8255 - Línea directa de suicidio 877-565-8860 -línea de vida para trans (puede no estar disponible las 24 horas) 866-488-7386 - línea de vida Trevor (edades 13-24) 888-843-4564 - Línea directa nacional LGBTQ + (puede no estar disponible las 24 horas) 800-300-1080 - Abuso de relaciones y violencia doméstica 888-220-7575 - Línea de apoyo para padres 650-579-0356 - Línea directa de alcohol y drogas (Condado de San Mateo)w 800-931-2237 - Línea de ayuda para trastornos alimentarios (puede que no esté disponible las 24 horas) 800-366-8388 - Línea directa de autolesiones (puede no estar disponible las 24 horas) 800-656-4673 - Línea directa de violación y agresión sexual 800-786-2929 - línea segura para los que han huido de sus hogares Envíe el mensaje de texto “START” al 741741 - Crisis Text Line/ línea de texto para los que están en crisis (gratis y confidencial) “Lifeline” Crisis Chat: 24/7 http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx

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