The Raven Review - Back to School Edition (September 2016)

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Back To School Edition | September 2016 | Issue 1 | Vol 11

Contents Student Council


Take part in an amazing experience!

Teacher Features Meet the newest faces at MacNeill!


MacNeill Q&A Your Questions, Answered


Clubs @ MacNeill Get Involved!


Raven Athletics


Join a team! Stay fit!

#Throwback A taste of the past



In Case You Missed It Lived under a rock this summer? Here’s what you missed.

This Issue TEACHER SPONSOR Ms. Phillips EDITORS IN CHIEF Dennise Leung Josh Ralla MANAGERS Judy Huang Justin Salinas

PRINT DESIGNERS Josh Ralla Masaab Hashmi SPECIAL THANKS Dominic Seriani

CONTRIBUTORS Dennise Leung Erica Caalaman Josh Ralla Justin Salinas Judy Huang Kelvin Chan Megan Ling Ryan Chong

FROM THE EDITORS Welcome back to another school year! For all the newcomers, welcome to MacNeill! The school might be small, but good things come in small packages, right? In this issue, you’ll find a lot of useful articles that might help you around MacNeill, like that Q&A, or just really interesting things that happened over the summer that you might or might not have heard about. Of course, this edition wouldn’t happen without the help of our journalists and sponsor teacher, Ms. Phillips. We hope you enjoy the “Back to School” edition and the awesome things coming your way this year!

- Dennise & Josh


About Us Hey Ravens! You’re reading The Raven Review. Since 2006, we have been bringing MacNeill’s news to the students. We feature MacNeill news, announcements and athletics, along with reviews, sports and arts. We publish our magazine every two months: October, December, February, April and June!

CONNECT WITH US /macneillravenreview

Meet Our Team




Artist - Comics

Journalist - Canucks Corner

Just your friendly neighbourhood Indian kid

Hockey, hockey and HOCKEY!! Nothing but hockey!



Editor in Chief & Journalist - Anime Review & News

Advertising Manager & Journalist

//constantly makes terrible auto-correct missed steaks while keeping Ralla in check. If you ever need to find someone for a black market trade, I’m the one ;) #pastaislyfe

UBC please accept me.

Join Our Team JOURNALISTS: You don’t have to be the best at writing to be a journalist! You just need to be curious and energetic. You can start your own column and write about anything you want, from food to sports to entertainment. You can also help out with an existing article, such as MacNeill’s news or reviews. EDITORS: These are the guys and gals who should be pretty good at writing, as they check each article for grammar and fluency. This is a pretty relaxed position, so if you just want to join us but aren’t ready to be a full journalist, this is the job for you! Want to join? Contact us online, talk to one of our members, or listen to the announcements for our next meeting!


Art Director

Josh has been pestering me for a week to do this.

Journalist - Horoscopes & Movie Review

Grumpy and tired student by day and still the same student by night. I have no idea why I’m here.



I like food. I wonder what would happen to the Hulk if he didn’t have food, would he turn greener or red or what?

Journalist - Weird World News


HERBERT PAN Journalist

You know who I am.


MEGAN LING Journalist

Josh said I’m required to have a bio.

MS. PHILLIPS Teacher Sponsor

Defender of the written word, enemy of the misplaced modifier. Librarian. Teacher. Reader. Writer.

I don’t know.


RALPH LI Artist - Comics


I like cats.



Editor in Chief & Journalist - News

Editor & Journalist - Recipe

Avid consumer of oxygen, blinks several thousand times a day, and enjoys cellular respiration.

A quirky student who likes food and bubbletea during the day but a punny memelord at night :)

JUSTIN SALINAS Manager & Journalist - News



YUKI XIA Journalist

I’d like to take a nap. Yeah, a nap sounds nice.

Josh and Dennise gave me waaaay too much responsibility.

JUDY HUANG Manager & Editor

200% anime, 45% K-Pop, 65% artist, 80% writer, 15% dabs, and 15% puns. Add that up and I’m 420% me. (You can check if you don’t believe in my math.)

Back to School Edition




Sarah L. Angela L. EDITOR IN CHIEF:

Kathy Y. EDITOR:


Liam M. Sandy S. Anna T. SPONSOR TEACHERS:

Ms. Carpenter Ms. Phillips


4 September 2016







A lot can happen in ten years. Ten years ago, the world as we know it was so much more different.

Ten years ago a determined crew of Ravens decided MacNeill needed a student voice. Students needed to know what was going on at the school, what events were happening, what people were thinking, and what was weird and wonderful about our spanking new school. Not only that—students wanted to express themselves. They wanted their voices out there for the rest of the world to hear. Our first issue, in October, 2006, celebrated the coming fall and school events such as the Corpse Ball dance. Sara and Angela were fierce bosses, and no one dared be late with their copy. Nathan and Kathy polished up articles for publication on MS Word, and Liam, Anna and Sandy took care of the visuals. Ten years later, the original team still connects online. They’ve gone on to careers and families, but the Raven Review still holds a warm spot in their lives. This year’s team, led by Josh and Dennise, reflects many changes in our lives. Our audience is more than 750 students and staff; online editions reach many readers; the paper edition is programmed into a copy machine rather than stapled by hand; Review staff have attended journalism training sessions at the CBC. One thing is certain, however: the Review family is still a close-knit one, with dedicated leaders and journalists, and a polish unachievable ten years ago. Congratulations to the Raven Review family. I am proud to have sponsored such a powerful club, and I look forward to another ten years of journalism excellence.

Ten Years Ago: The first tweet was sent. The Nintendo Wii was released. Hannah Montana first aired. We watched High School Musical. MP3 players were the craze. The class of 2017 started second grade. The Raven Review was first published. Starting from small beginnings, The Raven Review has turned from that new little club at MacNeill to a community, reaching over 750 students, and an audience of hundreds more online. Here at The Review, we’re proud to be part of one big family of journalists. We may have different methods, designs or writing styles from those before us, but one thing remains: our dedication to bringing news to MacNeill. Ten years is a big milestone, and we’re definitely celebrating! All year long, keep an eye out for throwbacks, special contests, and even more content as we take a look back at a decade’s worth of effort from an endless hard-working team!

- Dennise & Josh




- Ms. Phillips




Back to School Edition



AR MacNeill

Student Council

Follow Us!


New to MacNeill? Want to become more involved? Need more service hours? MacNeill’s Student Council’s looking for students just like you! Student Council brings MacNeill our dances, spirit days, and school events, including Breakfast with Santa! You use this opportunitiy to make your voice heard, and gain leadership experience along with service hours. We are always looking for more people to join our team, along with new ideas to help make our school even better! To join, just pop in during one of our open meetings every Monday at lunch! See you there!

Your 2016/17 Student Council Executive Team:


Joshua Ralla (12) & Dennise Leung (12)



Bianca Kozica (12) & John Deasy (12)

Karen Liu (9) & Teresa Yuen (11)



9: Justin Salinas & Mark Cheng 10: Arisa Kinugawa & Selina Fu 11: Destinie Yang & Vivian Yan 12: Kayelah Tumamak & Sidonia Wu

Marc Chua (12)


Judy Huang (12) & Ryan Chong (12) EVENT COORDINATORS



Teresa Yuen (11) VICE PRESIDENTS

Serena Yeung (11) & Rachel Yuen (11)

6 September 2016


Marc Chua (12) & Masaab Hashmi (12)



Masaab Hashmi (12) ART DIRECTOR

Dominic Seriani (12) GENERAL EXECUTIVE

Jasper Chu (9)


Teacher Features Ms. Chu

BY RYAN CHONG With the start of a new year, we begin seeing new subjects, classes, and faces all around MacNeill. One of those new faces is Ms. Chu, who teaches Math, and leads a lucky grade 9 advisory. Ms. Chu, who is in for Ms. Padmanabhan while she is on maternity leave, previously taught her practicum at Hugh Boyd Secondary School before coming to MacNeill. In her first week at MacNeill, Ms. Chu tells us, “It’s not the first time I have been in here before. I came for the Incentive [program] and was a TOC before. I like this school very much; it’s so close to my home”. Ms. Chu has a strong passion for her favourite subject, Mathematics. “It’s fun - it’s my favourite subject. Some people have trouble, and some don’t and I want students to enjoy [and] love it like I

do,” Ms. Chu tells us. “It’s surprising there is so much Math in your life. From your cellphone to how you organize your music, everything is logic in Math,” Ms. Chu emphasizes on the importance of how Math and the world correlate. Looking to the year ahead, Ms. Chu is eager to meet her over two-hundred students. “I’m looking forward to working with the junior grades, hopefully to instil some enjoyment and love for the course. For the Grade 11s and 12s, I hope to help them get to where they want to go and get into the schools they want to go into,” Ms. Chu says, hoping to allow students to enjoy the wonders of Math. (P.S. She plays Pokemon Go and is on Team Valor)

Ms. Hartmann BY ERICA CAALAMAN & JUDY HUANG As the new year rolls in, we welcome new students and new teachers alike. Coming from Hugh Boyd, we welcome Ms. Hartmann, our French teacher for grades 8, 9, and 10 along with her own advisory class. Although the move from Hugh Boyd must have been hard, she has already began liking the school. The school year has only just started, but she has already noticed that MacNeill “has a totally different demographic than [Hugh Boyd].” Being in MacNeill, she finds it “so crazy to see the difference in population from one side of Richmond to the

other.” Despite such huge changes to her school life, she has many faces around her to make her feel welcomed. When asked, she said that “all the staff are really nice [...] and everyone is good so far.” When asked about her reason for teaching, she said that she had “always had a love for little kids” and because she was the eldest of her siblings, she cultivated a love for teaching and watching people learn and grow.” As a new teacher, she looks “forward [to] getting to know the students here [and] taking new challenges.”

Back to School Edition






Q: WHAT’S UP WITH ADVISORY? A: Advisory is a weird class. It’s the class that can be cut from our schedule or shortened if other things come up, like assemblies or pep rallies. You’re stuck with the same classmates for all five years, so get used to them. You’re supposed to do silent reading, and higher grades have an option to do homework. Also, you’re not allowed to leave, so be sure to plan washroom breaks accordingly :)

Q: WHAT DO THEY SERVE AT THE CAFE? A: The tastiest food that students can afford from our measly wallets. They serve breakfast in the mornings, and have $6 lunch specials and snacks that change everyday.

Q: THE LOUNGE IS SO SMALL, HOW DOES EVERYONE FIT IN THERE? A: Unfortunately, not everyone gets to seat their butt in the lounge. But not all hope is lost, so don’t start going to the nearest washroom stall to eat! A lot of people like to sit by their lockers, in the stairwells, classrooms or outdoors for lunch. #HallwayCrew2k16


Q: THE SCHOOL HAS WIFI, RIGHT? A: Yes we do. We have MacNeill_Wireless and MacNeill_ Guest. You can probably find the guest password pretty easily after asking around, *cough*armac6212*cough*. Wireless is the fastest but it’s exclusively for staff use, so none of the students know the password...yet.

Q: WHICH CLUB SHOULD I JOIN FIRST? A: The Raven Review. Just kidding. Student Council (StuCo) is your best bet if you’re new to this school. But seriously, join the Raven Review. pls. You can read about other clubs on page 10!

Q: I LOVE BEING A LEADER. WHICH CLUB(S) SHOULD I JOIN? A: Take a look at being a POWER Rep, or joining the Leadership Class, Grad Committee or Student Council.

A: The library is open all day, including for some time before and after school. To use it during class, you must have a teacher’s note. It’s closed during the first half-hour of lunch, and sometimes it’s closed all lunch for meetings or presentations, so be sure to keep an eye out for any notices posted on the library doors.




A: The library is a great place to start, (1 free colour, then 50¢/page; 2 free B&W, then 10¢/page) and there’s also some computer labs around the school. There are three Mac labs and one PC Lab, but these labs are typically reserved for inclass use only.

8 September 2016

A: Of course they’ll listen to you! All the clubs at MacNeill are highly inclusive, and you don’t have to be in a high grade to make a difference!

A: If you can’t solve any problems between your peers, or you’re having other problems, go to your counsellor! You can talk about pretty much anything with them them in complete confidence, and they’ll step in if they have to. They’re also good to talk to if you need help with course selection or planning for your future.


Q: I’M NOT THE STRONGEST IN CLASS. WHERE CAN I GET HELP? A: Talk to your teacher! You can go to your teacher before school starts or after school, and he/she will be glad to help! Your teachers will always take the time to help you succeed. Your success matters to them!






A: You’re allowed to stay in the lounge and hallways for half an hour after school, but you must leave after that. If you’re doing an activity with a teacher, you can for stay as long as you need to. In the mornings, the school opens at 7, so that leaves plenty of time to do things!

Everyone knows what AR stands for, and when the school first opened, but do you really know MacNeill Secondary?

Q: WHAT ARE POWER CARDS? A: POWER Cards are awarded to students who show excellent examples of any aspect of POWER. These cards may be dropped in the Tower of POWER at the office for a prize draw each term!

Q: SERVICE HOURS, VOLUNTEER HOURS, WORK HOURS? WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? A: Service hours consist of the time you put in to volunteer with the school, like with Student Council or The Raven Review. Service hours must be with the school, and must have a supervising teacher. Volunteer hours consist of the time you volunteer with other organizations, like with City Centre. Work hours consist of the time you put into a paying job. You need at least 30 hours of volunteer/work hours combined to meet graduation requirements, which doesn’t start counting until the summer after grade 10. Service hours do not go towards graduation, but allow you to recieve awards and/or scholarships.

Q: TWIN TEACHERS? A: For those that have noticed, yes, your eyes aren’t decieving you: there are twin teachers at MacNeill. If you haven’t caught on yet, have fun figuring out who is who :)

Q: DOGS, AT A SCHOOL?! A: MacNeill is a very dog-friendly school. In the past, we had three teachers bring in their dogs regularly, Ms. Mullen’s Titus, Mr. Marsic’s Bobby, and Ms. Misfeldt’s Bear (trust me, he’s a dog). But for people who are allergic to fur (like me), you have been warned for all except Bobby, he’s hypo-allergenic!! :D

1. ACCORDING TO THE RUMOURS, WHERE IS THE SCHOOL’S SWIMMING POOL LOCATED? a) The room next to the elevator b) On the roof c) Room 212 d) Next to the teacher’s lounge 2. WHERE IS THE HOME OF THE ALLEGED MACNEILL GHOST? a) Tech room b) Counselling centre c) Theatre d) Dance Room dark room 3. WHERE DOES THE SECOND GHOST LIVE? a) Change rooms b) Large gym (ball is after-life) c) Library d) Somewhere 4. HALF OF THE CLOCKS IN THE SCHOOL HALLWAYS WORK. a) True b) False 5. HOW MANY PAIRS OF STUDENT BATHROOMS ARE THERE IN MACNEILL? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

Answers on Page 20! Back to School Edition




Grade 8s... FROM A GRADE 9:


elcome, fresh meat—oh wait, never mind. Welcome grade 8s, the Class of 2021 (The better class year belongs to the grade 9s, muahaha)! I remember when I was like you, bright eyed on that September day in 2015. Can you believe that you’re past elementary school and you’re this much closer to becoming a full-fledged adult? High school is a lot of fun, even from only being here the first year, and here are a couple of tips and a couple of words of wisdom from a grade 9 – someone who has only spent a year in MacNeill. Where do I even start? Well, first of all, don’t procrastinate. Easier said than done, right? Well, yeah, but you can just say that without having to take any action, but you never know until you try. Create a schedule earlier in the year that you can follow. Again, easier said than done, but take some time, initiative and action devising your plan of attack for this year. Speaking of taking time, initiative and action, join clubs and volunteer! Not just to help out your school, it’s actually so much fun! Checking back with the Raven Review’s occasional Volunteer Opportunities article lets you know where the hottest places to volunteer! You can meet the people in your community and make friends from other schools! Keep listening to

10 September 2016

the announcements for Clubs Day so you can see where you can show your talents to everybody else! StuCo, POWER Reps, Drama Production, Animal Rescue, The Raven Review, Gay-Straight Alliance, there are seriously so many things you can do at MacNeill. But of course, don’t let them get in the way of your academics. I learned that the hard way… “Take some time, initiative and action devising your plan of attack for this year.” You’re probably getting closer to the bottom of your page, so here are some quick tips – don’t be late for PE, unless you want pushups. Follow StuCo on social media, so you’re in the know about what’s up. Ask questions if you don’t understand something in class. it’ll come back around to you eventually. And finally, high school isn’t like what you see in the movies. It’s way better if you are capable of being in control – your high school life started on the 6th, and it goes until June 2021 – until then, life may be a rollercoaster, but if you are able to take the reins, it’ll only be uphill from here. Good luck, you guys. See you in the halls (Or at a StuCo meeting!)



wisdom: 1. DON’T

procrastinate 2. GET involved 3. BE on time 4. STAY connected 5. ASK questions 6. TAKE control




elcome to A.R MacNeill Secondary school! I’m sure a lot of you guys are really excited for the new school year and a lot of questions, but we’ll get to that later. The first year of high school is the most fun yet awkward year out of the five years you’ll experience. High school is a big step from being a part of the playground in elementary school or staying in one classroom for the entire year with the same teachers. It’s okay if you’re nervous being here because everyone felt that way when we all came to MacNeill. “The journey ahead is not an easy path” When I first came to MacNeill back in 2012, I was so scared yet excited to be there and make so many new friends and memories. Even though it was nothing like High School Musical, I was excited to do all of the fun things that elementary school didn’t offer. Looking back at my eighth grade year as a graduate of MacNeill, there are so many things that I would go back and change. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything because it’s part of the high school

experience and you’ll grow from it when you get older. You guys may think that five years will drag on forever, but it goes by really fast. That’s why you have to have fun and live in the moment. Eighth grade is a year that I will cherish in my heart forever and it made me be who I am today. So when you arrive at MacNeill, make new friends in classes so you have homework buddies and join clubs to meet other students from different grades so that you can get advice on how to survive the rest of high school. DO YOUR HOMEWORK ON TIME AND DON’T SLACK OFF. Your future self will thank you for it if you do your work and hand it in on time. Use your class time wisely because time is precious during the school year so you have to make every second count. Also, be kind to other students and be an example of what a POWERFUL Raven should be. Start volunteering if you haven’t already. Don’t overwork yourself and take some breaks. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have any problems understanding a lesson. Ask your peers in class first and if it still doesn’t help you, ask the teacher during work time or after class. Also

don’t forget to have fun and never forget that you don’t change for anyone. Be unique and remember that no one has the power to make you change for them. You are oneof-a-kind. “Eighth grade is a year that I will cherish in my heart forever and it made me be who I am today.” Honestly, I wished that I had this advice when I started high school. However, I’m glad to share it so that you can survive high school too. The journey ahead is not an easy path and there will be some setbacks coming your way to stop you from achieving your goal. But the challenges you’ll face will make it a more fun and memorable experience. It may not be like High School Musical or Mean Girls, but the memories that you’ll create here at MacNeill will be ones that you won’t forget. I wish you all the best of luck surviving high school.


Write, Edit, Design. JOIN THE RAVEN REVIEW!


Back to School Edition 11


Clubs @ MacNeill


te Gu a m i t l U The

Coming to high school, you’d think it would be all about academics. Well, in some cases, you aren’t wrong, but your grades shouldn’t be the only thing on your mind! Here at MacNeill, we’ve got a wide selection of clubs to suit everyone’s tastes. From arts to leadership, there’s plenty to be done outside of your textbook!. Don’t wait in your seats with just your pencil in hand and get out there and enjoy high school doing the things you love with people who do the same! After all, high school is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so make the most of it!

30 Hour Famine Teacher Contact: Student Contact: Meeting Date:

Mr. Henders (218) Ryan Chong (12) Weds. @ Lunch

The 30 Hour Famine is held every April, during which participants fundraise at least $20, refrain from eating, and get to sleep over in the small gym, all while supporting WorldVision! The sleepover itself brings an amazing and fun experience to everyone involved.

Animal Rescue Club Teacher Contact: Student Contact:

Mr. Irani (246) Bianca Kozica (12)

Do you love animals and want to care for them? Do you need some volunteer hours? Then join the Animal Rescue Club where we fundraise for animals in need and help out at the shelters! We visit the shelters often in a group so there is no reason to be shy!

Anime Club Teacher Contact: Student Contact: Meeting Date:

Mr. Littlewood (113) We’re the club that watches one episode of a new Dennise Leung (12) anime each week, from shōnen to shōjo. There isn’t Fri. @ Lunch

a official sign up; it’s just a drop in when you can and want. After all, anime is something that’s enjoyed!

The Black Feather Quill Teacher Contact: Meeting Date:

Ms. Phillips (114) Fri. @ Lunch

12 September 2016

This creative writing club was formed to try different writing activities, explore ideas about writing, talk about writing we’ve done and work towards production of an anthology of student writing at the end of the year.


Business Club Teacher Contact: Student Contact: Meeting Date:

Ms. Lo (115) Brian Hong (12) Thurs. @ Lunch

The business club enables you to get hands on experience in attaining business knowledge and skills. If you’re looking for an opportunity to widen your knowledge in the field of business, the business club is the place for you to be!

Buzz Art Club Teacher Contact: Student Contact: Meeting Date:

Ms. Walker (151) Serena Yeung (11) Tues. After School

From painting, sculpting to 3D art, the Buzz Art Club does a lot! Club members agree on what theme they should follow and create art based on the theme. Being a part of the club is as simple by signing up and coming to club meetings!

Dance Team Teacher Contact: Student Contact:

The Dance Team competes in competitions against schools from a variety of school districts. It is an all Miguel Peralta (12) year commitment of hardcore training which takes effort, determination and skill. Audition signups will be available soon, just outside the dance room! Ms. Mullens (155)

Drama Production Teacher Ms. Mullens (Theatre) Contact: Student Contact: Erica Caalaman (12) Meeting Actors Tues. & Thurs. Date:

Crew Wed.

The drama production is a team of actors, backstage and booth crew that work on a one-of-a-kind production from preparation in October to showtime in March. It’s loads of fun and a great way to make friends! This year’s production? Beauty and The Beast!

DVD Club Teacher Contact:

Mr. Klose (160)

The DVD Club films many school events, from Pep Rallies to Remembrance Day assemblies. They take their footage and edit it into the year DVD which is distributed to students in June.

First Responders Teacher Contact: Student Contact:

Mr. F Chiang (265) James Chan (11)

The First Responders are a team of students trained in first aid and respond to medical incidents at MacNeill. To join, you must be at least grade ten, have your First Aid certificate and then enter the First Responder’s Course to receive your FR certificate.

Back to School Edition 13


Gay-Straight Alliance Teacher Contact:

Mr. Henders (216)

Macneill’s Gay-Straight Alliance meets weekly to discuss a variety of topics. Through our meetings, we hope to serve as advocates to promote change and understanding for all people with regards to LGBTQ rights. The atmosphere of our meetings is relaxed, casual and fun.

Green Team Stay tuned for information!

The Green Team is looking for people who strive for change in our environment, and have the heart to help out! Work with us and get opportunities to work at City of Richmond events, and you will have a great way to fill up some volunteer hours or to top up your resume. Let’s put a plan into action together this year, on behalf of our planet!

Grad Committee Teacher Contact: Meeting Date:

Ms. Phillips & Ms. Carpenter Thursday 15th

Grad Committee runs every year and holds events such as the annual grad fashion show and grad car wash. All procceeds go towards Dry Grad at the end of the year. The grad committee is a great way to bring the grad class together in their final year of high school. It’s a very rewarding group to be a part of for people with ideas and those willing to work. The more money we can raise, the more likely our dry grad celebration will be the best it can be!

Gardening Club Teacher Contact:

Ms. Urton

The Gardening Club tends to and takes care of the MacNeill garden, located to the north-west corner of the school. This club is a great way to express your green thumb and help the Earth!

Library Monitors Teacher Contact: Student Contact: Meeting Date:

Ms. Phillips (Library) Library Monitors do simple tasks from shelving & organizing books to cleaning up the

library. Students can sign up by speaking to Ms. Phillips or Ms. Hercus in the library and attend orientation/training session at the beginning of the year. Being a library monitor is Orientation in Sept. a great way to pick up service hours! Kelvin Chan (12)

14 September 2016


Raven Readers Teacher Contact: Student Contact: Meeting Date:

Ms. Phillips (Library) The Raven Readers choose a book of the month Sara Salad (11) Last Tues. each month.

to read and talk about. We also share a bookrelated snack. We have lots of lively discussion and entertaining arguements!

The Raven Review

See Page 3!

Ski and Snowboard Club Teacher Contact: Student Contact:

Student Council

Mr. McDowell (214) Whether you are strapping into a pair of skies for Austen Schenk (12)

the first time or shredding the terrain park, you will be challenged to improve your current skill level. Let’s get above the rainclouds and enjoy a winter wonderland of opportunities on our surrounding slopes!

See Page 6!

Unity Club Teacher Contact:

Ms. Minuk

Unity Club hangs out with and get to know students who have special needs. We make them feel included by playing games, chatting, and eating lunch together.

Back to School Edition 15



Athletics MacNeill prides itself on its excellent athletics program, with sports throughout the year from the classics of volleyball and basketball to the growing badminton and ultimate teams. Join a sport this year, and be part of the amazing athletic community while staying fit at the same time!

FALL SEASON September - December

Girls’ Volleyball (Bantam - Senior) > Boys’ Volleyball (Junior & Senior) Boys’ Soccer (Senior) Cross Country Swimming

WINTER SEASON January - March

Girls’ Basketball (Bantam - Senior) < Boy’s Basketball (Bantam - Senior) Table Tennis Curling


Boys’ Volleyball (Bantam & Juvenile) Badminton (Bantam, Junior & Senior) Tennis Track & Field Ultimate (Junior & Senior) >

16 September 2016




Layers and Grunge Lead Girls’ Fashion Trends BY MEGAN H. - OCTOBER 2006 Fall fashion is ALL about RICH colours and BOLD prints. Could layers be the new “sexy”? Marc Jacobs fall collection clearly shows a more covered up grunge look for fall; dark rich colours of red, purple, green and navy blues. Thick above the knee sweaters paired with tights and patent pumps are hot for fall, a warm comfortable alternative to the summer dresses and skirts we’re all used to. There’s no need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe; this season is simple. Instead of taking your scarf off when you get to work or school, keep it on; it’s a simple accessory that can pull together an outfit in seconds! And if you insist on getting a new scarf, I recommend a soft brown or khaki color in cashmere; try the cashmere mini stripe warp in Smokey Bear Brown around $70. Thermal shirts are popping up everywhere this fall, whether you are into a thin thermal for layering, or a guy inspired thermal, there is something for you.

Physical Education 11


Are you in shape? Who can’t be if you’re taking P.E. 11 with Mr. Mayan? For the first month, we have been playing volleyball and soon switching to badminton. Every week, we do a block run 2 times! So, you are running, huffing and puffing, and of course sweating like Niagara Falls. After each P.E. class, you’re tired and drained of energy like a dog that’s been sitting in the hot sun for 2 hours! What do you do? Well, to regain your energy and the nutrients lost, make sure you: 1. Drink lots of water and/or juice 2. Eat a healthy snack (i.e. a fruit) 3. Take a short nap when you get home (approx. ½ an hour) When you join us in our short runs, you’ll be surer to lose at least 5 pounds in a month! So what are you waiting for? Join us today for our next run to live a better and healthier lifestyle!

Wang’s Weird Trivia OCTOBER 2006

1. WHY DID THE NHL HEAD OFFICE HAVE TO CALL THE VANCOUVER CANUCKS AFTER GINO ODJICK’S FIRST NHL GAME? a) He beat up too many players b) He deliberately attempted to injure the Penguin’s star player, Mario Lemieux c) He took off his clothes during the game d) He wore the #66

ANSWERS ON PAGE 20! 2. WHY ARE GUINEA PIGS NAMED AFTER PIGS? a) Because they look like little pigs b) Because they are related to pigs biologically c) Because they squeal like pigs d) Because they taste like pork

3. WHAT IS THE HARDEST WORKING MUSCLE IN THE BODY? a) Brain b) In the eyes c) In the feet d) Cheeks

Back to School Edition 17



In Case You Missed It

God Save America


In case you’ve been under a rock for the summer, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have officially been named as nominees of their respective parties, now putting them on the ballots to see who will win the White House! Although Trump and Clinton won the majority in their parties, this election is not without extreme controversy. Donald Trump’s approval with minority voters is very, very low, mainly due to his very outspoken comments about these groups (I’ll let you Google them on your own). Clinton isn’t receiving very much love, either. Her constant flip-flopping - changing of her stances on issues like same-sex marriage, marijuana, and gun control, is making people’s head spin, including me, someone who sides (federally) as a Liberal. So by far, this is the weirdest election the United States has ever seen, and although American voters are voting for what’s being called the lesser of two evils, divine intervention is still an option…

Offseason Operations KELVIN CHAN

The Vancouver Canucks faced a lot of changes this offseason, including the drafting of Finnish defenceman Olli Juolevi in the 1st round, 5th overall. Later in August, the Canucks signed the promising defenceman to a three-year, entry level contract worth $1.975 million AAV. But, as the saying goes, "it's better late than never". The Canucks also signed free agent Loui Eriksson to a 6-year contract worth $36 million and carries a cap hit of $6 million AAV. The Canucks offered a key contract extension to Jacob Markström, one of the most prominent players extended this offseason. His contract consists of a 3-year deal worth $11 million with a cap hit of $3.67 million AAV. His extension was the most significant as he could take over the crease next season. Keep in mind, it will be an intense season for the Canucks as they would want to kick off the season on a high note and carry the momentum throughout the season.

Kylie’s New Look MEGAN LING Earlier this month, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” star Kylie Jenner revealed her new and daring platinum blonde hair on Snapchat. The 19-yearold rocks the light colour, being the last of her sisters to dye this daring “do”. However those shiny locks were the result of an accident. Kylie had been aiming to dye her usual dark hair to a light honey brown shade, and as the bleach worked its magic on her hair, Kylie had noticed that the bleach was working faster than she had thought it would; feeling brave, Kylie decided to go all the way and give herself a shocking and popping new look with her platinum blonde hair. Since her bold decision, Kylie has rocked her colourless hair with various outfits, truly living up the name of the “Fashion Queen”.

18 September 2016


Going for the Gold


To say that the 31st Olympiad was a weird one, is an understatement. From the Mongolian wrestling nudity, to Tonga’s rather well-oiled flag bearer, many odd moments plagued the Rio Olympics, putting the South American nation under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. A lot is still left to investigation, possibly even their green-hued pools, because “Chemistry is not an exact science,” according to Rio spokesman Mario Andrada. Joking aside, Canada performed rather well at these Summer Games, considering the Winter Olympics is more of the nation’s forté. A big standout was the beloved swimmer Penny Oleksiak. Oleksiak, only 16 years of age, won a gold, a silver, and two bronze, for a total of four medals at her first Olympics - the most ever by a Canadian in a single games. Of course, who could forget the photogenic sprinter Andre De Grasse, with a silver and two bronze to his name following Rio. More so than his speed, De Grasse made headlines with his adorable big-brother-little-brother relationship with Olympic Champion Usain Bolt. Bolt, now retired, has notably taken the Canadian under his wing, who also is touted to be the successor to Bolt’s Olympic career. Oleksiak and De Grasse were only two of the total 314 amazing athletes over 27 sports representing the True North, Strong and Free, who collectively hit the podium 22 times, with 4 gold, 3 silver, and 15 bronze, landing Canada in 10th place by medal count.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All


Team Mystic? Or perhaps Team Valour? Maybe you prefer Team Instinct, but everyone differs. A blast from the past remade with modern technology, Pokémon Go has become the #1 app to be downloaded from App and Google Play Stores from all around the world. Developed by Niantic, this game is a virtual-reality location-based with the intent of maintaining and improving the user’s daily fitness routine. The app utilises the device’s GPS, tracking and placing you on the exact same spot on a map in the app. Keep the app open as you walk, because as you go about your daily routine, a Pokémon may pop out! You’ve gotta catch them all, right? Well, several players are taking that goal to an extreme, including two people from Encinitas, California, who fell down more than 20 metres from a cliff and onto a beach in July, knocking one of them unconscious. Encinitas firefighters said that they had to cross a fenced area to get to a Pokestop. A Baltimore man got distracted while driving while playing the game, and where it all came crumbling down on him – he crashed into a parked police car while 3 officers were looking at him. The man is later quoted saying “That’s what I get for playing this dumb… game.” In New Jersey, a man walked into a cemetery, but that’s not all – he got stuck up a tree, which prompted East Greenwich Fire & Rescue to save him. In all of these cases, one theme was prevalent – after these incidents, police and fire & rescue questioning if the game is really worth all the risk. But the real question is... what team are you on?

Back to School Edition 19


No cheating! Be sure you check out the questions before you read these answers!

Answers to MacNeill Trivia - Page 9 1. ACCORDING TO THE RUMOURS, WHERE IS THE SCHOOL’S SWIMMING POOL LOCATED? a) The room next to the elevator. 2. WHERE IS THE HOME OF THE ALLEGED MACNEILL GHOST? c) Theatre 3. WHERE DOES THE SECOND GHOST LIVE? d) Somewhere - Trust us, there’s another ghost, we just don’t know where. 4. HALF OF THE CLOCKS IN THE SCHOOL HALLWAY WORK. b) False - Good luck getting to class on time :) 5. HOW MANY PAIRS OF STUDENT BATHROOMS ARE THERE IN MACNEILL? c) 5 - By the tech room; Lower B Wing; 2nd Floor by the book room; in the theatre.


20 September 2016



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