‘00s - Rikki Avila and Ron Howard
‘90s - Brad Wright and Beth Raber
‘80s - Gillian Haley and Zach Leonard
‘70s - Conrad Jackson and Alexis Neikamp
‘60s - Rachel Sarti and Nolan Weidling
‘50s - Paul Hicks and Mallory Barrett
‘40s - Leslie Costes, Michael McConell and Monique McConell
‘40s - Kym Lopez and Sally Ann McGee
‘20s - Phil Stephens and Dre Caldwell
Season 8: September 6th, 7:00 September 7th, 4:00
There is no better way to thank donors than to have the leading champions of our community be honored as distinguished citizens at a jaw dropping public event.
What better way to thank donors and honor citizens than by having them perform and dance, all for the clear purpose of ensuring great futures for our youth.
Scan for donation & ticket information!
Elaine M. Earle, CPA
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Comments and ideas: editor@roxco.com
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Tickets can be purchased for Western Heritage Center events
Wednesday - Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm and Sunday Noon - 4 pm 156 S. Montezuma Street · 928-910-2307
SEPTEMBER 18 · 7:00 PM · $15
Conrad Jackson, Presenter
Retired Prescott Fire Department Firefighter Conrad Jackson will present a thorough history of our local fire department. The presentation covers how the department came to be established, why it changed from a volunteer department to a paid one, as well as some background on the impactful fires that the community endured over the years. Firefighter Jackson’s historical journey is laced with photos from the late 1800s, the 1900s, and many colorful stories that come with the department’s 139 year history.
NOVEMBER 13 · 6:00 PM · $15
Eric Reed, Presenter
Eric Reed became obsessed with the history and legacy of the black soldiers while a Sergeant and twentysix-year member of the Phoenix Police Dept.
Since his retirement he has been telling their stories for over twenty years thru presentations, displays, and uniform reenactments.
How was it that the oppressed became the oppressor and then be honored by their enemy by calling them “Buffalo Soldiers.”
The “Buffalo Soldier” name would hence be applied to all members of the armed services, male or female from 1866 at its formation to 1948 when all the armed services were integrated. Executive Order 9981
OCTOBER 23 · 6:00 PM · $15
Warren Tracey, Presenter
Warren earned a BS in Business Economics at Arizona State University, so having worked at the Grand Canyon prior to college, the opportunity came up to drop down, down to Phantom Ranch.
Warren’s presentation provides a brief history of Phantom Ranch & what it was like to live at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Aside from covering the history and development of Phantom Ranch, he will provide a perspective of what it was like to live amidst this well noted wonder of the world; The Grand Canyon.
Recipient of the Governor’s Heritage Preservation Honor Award
This award is presented to individuals, organizations, or projects that represent outstanding achievements in preserving Arizona’s historic and prehistoric cultural resources. &
Recipient of the Elisabeth
The Keystone Award recognizes community leaders from Arizona whose motivation and passion have fostered the resources and connections necessary for preservation to thrive within their communities.
September 1st
Faire on the Square Arts & Crafts Show
Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza
Takes place at the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in Prescott on Sat. 8/31 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sun. 9/1 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Shop handcrafted items from 100+ vendors and be sure to stop by for some delicious food from the vendors. 928.445.2000
Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock Blues Jam hosted by the Scott O’Neal Band or Elvin Killerbee every Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night from 7:00-11:00 PM. The Windsock has live music every Tue. at 5:30 PM with Wheelhouse Trio or Sky Daddy & Friends, Travis Crow & Colton Burris every Wed. at 6:00 PM, and the Aragon Ping Band every Thu. from 6:00-9:00 PM. Located at 1365 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. 928.776.7309
Live Theater: Cheaper by the Dozen Main Street Theatre 2:30 PM
Lots of fun and excitement to go around with a dozen or more! Tickets $25. Ages 12 and under $10. This is the last performance of this live theater production. 928.436.8340
Chino Valley Territorial Days
Chino Valley Territorial Days events for Sun. 9/1 include a car show at Memory Park 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, free swim 3:00 PM at the Aquatic Center, and fireworks at 8:00 PM at the corner of Perkinsville & N. Old Home Manor. Gates open 6:30 PM with music and food trucks. 928.636.9780
www.facebook.com/ TownofChinoValleyAz
September 2nd
Merchandise Mondays at Bucky’s & Yavapai Casinos
Merchandise Mondays, a Preskitt favorite promotion at Bucky’s and Yavapai Casinos, is back by popular demand! Wear your authentic logoed Bucky’s or Yavapai Casino apparel, t-shirts, jackets or caps on Mondays and receive $10 in Gold Rewards. Visit the Gold Rush Club to qualify from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Rules and details of qualifying apparel items can be found at the Gold Rush Club or buckyscasino.com. Let’s Play Preskitt! Must be 21 or older. Please play responsibly. Gambling problem?
Call 1-800-NEXTSTEP
Labor Day Hot Seats
Bucky’s & Yavapai Casinos
Rush In and Win, up to $500 cash! Labor Day Hot Seats at Bucky’s and Yavapai Casinos are taking place on Sun. 9/1 and Mon. 9/2. Winners receive $250 on Sunday and $500 on Monday. Hot Seats are hourly from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at both casinos.
Chino Valley Public Library
September events include storytime, lego club, Master Gardener presentation, STEAM workshop and more. Check the website for all upcoming events.
Prescott Library Events This Month
Prescott Public Library
The library hosts a wide variety of events each month, including book clubs, events for teens, crafts, special interest talks and much more! Community groups meet at the library every week. See the events calendar page on the library website to see what’s offered in Sept. The 3rd Friday Chamber Music concert will take place on Sept. 20.
The Center - September
The Center is a nonprofit organization that offers a wide variety of events, activities and classes. They also provide rentals for private and community events. The Center is located at 1280B E Rosser St. in Prescott. Visit the event calendar page on their website to see the full list of classes and activities offered in Sept.
Explore Prescott’s History
Sharlot Hall Museum
Located in downtown Prescott at 415 W. Gurley St. The history museum has exhibits, galleries, gardens and historic buildings. Open Tue. to Sat. 10:00 AM-5:00 PM and 12:00-4:00 PM on Sundays. Check the museum website for info on Pop Up Programs, Living History Adventures, lectures and other special events. General admission gives access for two consecutive days.
YC Faculty Art Exhibition
The Yavapai College Prescott Art Gallery is located at 1100 E. Sheldon St. Gallery hours are Tue.-Sat. 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The current exhibition is by the YC Faculty and will end on Fri. 9/6. Check website for updates on upcoming shows.
www.ycvisualarts.com/ yc-prescott-gallery
Prescott Puzzle Rides
Puzzle Rides are interactive adventures games where players ride in a golf cart and use teamwork and clues to solve a series of puzzles. Like an escape room, players only have a limited amount of time to reach their destination. For ages 5 and up. A variety of themed puzzle rides are available. Open year-round in historic downtown Prescott. See website for details and to book your Puzzle Ride! 602.601.2261
September 3rd
Social Dance to Live Music! 4:30 PM-9:30 PM
Grab your dancing shoes and join us on the huge, beautiful wooden floor! We dance nonstop to 5 hours of live music by the Red Baron and Alan Harkrader! Full cash bar, cash cover charge is $10. See you on the dance floor! Location is 1245 White Spar Rd. in Prescott. www.facebook.com/ groups/3132317610356663
Movie Nights & Live Music at the Raven Cafe
Movie night Tue. 9/3 at 7:00 PM. Live music: Thu. 9/5 1st Thursday Jazz Jam with Cold Turkey, Fri. 9/6 Scandalous Hands, Sun. 9/8 Zach Dominguez (brunch). See website for the Sept. live music schedule. Located at 142 N. Cortez St. in Prescott. 928.717.0009 www.ravencafe.com
Art Classes & Programs
Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts offers a variety of classes and programs for youth and adults, including ceramics, 2D art and theater. Check the website to see what’s being offered in Sept. 928.445.3286 www.prescottartcenter.org/classes
September EventsPrescott Valley Public Library
September events for children, teens and adults at the Prescott Valley Public Library event include Beginning Spanish classes, Preschool Storytime, After School Craft Club, Read to a Dog, Teen Game Time, and more! See website for details. Some events are held online or may require registration. The library is located at 7401 E. Skoog Blvd. 928.759.3040 www.pvlib.net
Programs at James Family
Prescott YMCA
The James Family Prescott YMCA is located at 750 Whipple St. Visit their website to learn about programs and activities, which include aquatics, sports, fitness, gymnastics and more. The Prescott YMCA hosts the annual Whiskey Row Marathon in October. www.prescottymca.org
September 4th
Visit the Zoo!
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
Located at 1403 Heritage Park Rd. in Prescott and open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The HPZS is celebrating 35 years as a nonprofit wildlife sanctuary, dedicated to the conservation and protection of native and exotic animals. The zoo offers educational opportunities and special events throughout the year.
Prescott Coin Club Monthly Meeting
Prescott Country Club Property Owners Association 7:00 PM
The Prescott Coin Club is open to everyone interested in collecting coins or learning about numismatics and the history of money. The meeting officially starts at 7:00 PM, but come early to view items up for auction and to sign in. We meet at 1133 N. Old Chisholm Trail, Dewey. Info: mingovia@gmail.com.
Movies at the Elks: “European Vacation” Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Catch a classic movie at the Elks Theatre! See the Elks website for the summer movie schedule. Today’s movie is the classic “European Vacation.” Admission is free and a cash donation is always appreciated. The concession has soda, candy, popcorn, beer, and wine and accepts debit, credit, or cash.
www.prescottelkstheatre.org/ movies
MATFORCE - September Events MATFORCE Sept. events: Wed. 9/4 AZ Drug Summit (Tempe) 8:30 AM, Thu. 9/26 Online presentation “The Truth About Inhalants” 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, Sat. 9/28 Prescott Recovery Celebration 10:00 AM-2:00 PM at Prescott Mile High Middle School. See website for details.
September 5th
September Exhibits at the ‘Tis Gallery ‘Tis Art Center & Gallery 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
September gallery exhibits at the ‘Tis Art Center & Gallery: “Black and White with a Splash of Color 2024” is on display through Sept. 24. Fine Art Photography by Prescott area artists opens on Sept. 26. An exhibit by Saveria Judge & Jeannie Mehl will run from Sept. 15 to Nov. 14. See website for details on all of the exhibits.
The Gallery will be open during the monthly Prescott 4th Friday Art Walk. Located at 105 S. Cortez St. in downtown Prescott. Open ThursdayTuesday. Closed Wed. 928.775.0223
Explore Prescott’s Western Heritage Western Heritage Center 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
The Western Heritage Center is located on Historic Whiskey Row and is open Wednesday through Sunday. Explore the exhibits and learn about Prescott’s western history and culture. The WHC also hosts lectures and book signings. See Facebook page for event updates. Free admission! 928.910.2307 www.visitwhc.org
Bronzesmith Foundry Tour
Bronzesmith Fine Art Foundry & Gallery in Prescott Valley offers foundry tours every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Learn about the lost wax process of bronze casting. Fun and informative! The cost is $20 per person and advance reservations are required. Individuals and small groups are welcome.
Live Music at the Back Alley Wine Bar: STEFnROCK
Singer-songwriter Open Mic every Tue. from 6:00-9:00 PM, hosted by Andrew Deering. Live music: Thu. 9/5 STEFnROCK 5:00-8:00 PM, Fri. 9/6 Sir Harrison 6:30-9:30 PM, Sat. 9/7 Whiskey Pistols 6:30-9:30 PM, Sun. 9/8 Sunday Funday with the Back Alley Cats 3:00-6:00 PM. See website for live music updates. Located at 156 S. Montezuma St. in downtown Prescott. 480.570.5131
September 5th-8th
111th Yavapai County Fair
Takes place Sept. 5-8 at the Prescott Rodeo Grounds. The Yavapai County Fair is the longest-running fair in Northern Arizona, and is eagerly awaited by locals and visitors alike. This exciting event is packed with a wide range of activities, from live music and rodeo shows to BMX stunts, exhibits, and carnival rides. Tickets available online or at the gate. 928.899.6056
September 5th
Come Play With Us!
Prescott Ukulele Guild
Prescott Public Library
Prescott Ukulele Guild, comprised of ukulele players of all levels who enjoy playing together, meets the first Thursday of every month. First meetup is free. Free lessons. Wonderful new friends and camaraderie and music does great things for your brain. The room opens at 6:00 PM for socializing, tuning, etc. and the meeting starts at 6:15 PM.
Prescott Summer Concert Series: Scandalous Hands
Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Today’s concert by Scandalous Hands starts at 6:30 PM. The Summer Concert Series takes place at the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in downtown Prescott. Free admission. Bring a blanket or chair. See website for schedule.
September 6th
Double the Cash Drawings
Bucky’s & Yavapai Casinos
8:00 AM-11:00 PM
Double The Cash drawings take place Fridays in Sept. and winners receive $500 cash! Join the excitement at Yavapai Casino drawings at 5:00 PM and Bucky’s at 7:00 PM. There will be five Double The Cash winners at each casino every Friday in Sept. Let’s Play Preskitt!
Yavapai Humane Society Vaccine Clinic Vaccine clinic every Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at 2989 Centerpointe E. Drive. Cats: $60 (3 vaccines), dogs $75 (4 vaccines). Individual vaccines are available.
Continued on page 20
September 6th
Bonnie Raitt:
Just Like That Tour 2024
Findlay Toyota Center
Bonnie Raitt with special guest James Hunter. Bonnie Raitt is a singer, songwriter and guitarist whose unique style blends blues, R&B, rock and pop. After 20 years as a cult favorite, she broke through to the top in the early ‘90s with her GRAMMY-award winning albums, “Nick of Time” and “Luck of the Draw.” 928.772.1819 www.findlaytoyotacenter.com
Walking Tours of Historic Downtown Prescott
The Prescott Chamber of Commerce offers 90-minute free walking tours of the historic downtown. Stroll through history and learn about Prescott’s storied past! Offered most Fri./Sat./ Sun. Gather at 9:50 AM in front of the Visitor Information Center at 117 W. Goodwin St. Call ahead to confirm. Donations are appreciated. Special tours are available upon request for groups of 5 or more at a cost of $5 per person. Free parking at Granite St. parking garage. 928.445.2000
For Whipple Museum - Now Open 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
The museum reopened in May and is now open on Fridays and Saturdays. Learn about the history of medicine and hospital care in Prescott and its close interaction with the military and the development of the Prescott area. Located at 500 AZ-89 in Prescott. 928.445.3122
www.sharlothallmuseum.org/ fort-whipple-museum
September Exhibits & Events
at the Phippen Museum
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
This month at the Phippen Museum: The annual Hold Your Horses! Exhibition and Sale continues through 9/29. Pastel workshops with Don Rantz continue on Tue. and Wed. and there will be an Art & Wine event on Sat. 9/14. The museum is open Tuesday through Sunday. See website for hours, exhibit details, information about the permanent exhibits and additional programs and events. Guided tours led by museum docents are available.
Live Music at Del Rio Springs Tasting Room
Live music in the Del Rio Springs Tasting Room every Friday to Sunday from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. See website for the Sept. live music lineup and additional events. Located in the Old Firehouse Plaza, 220 W. Goodwin St. in Prescott.
September 6th
Highlands Center Book Club
Highlands Center for Natural History 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
This book club is for adults eager to learn more about the natural history of the Southwest and natural history in general. Meets the first Friday each month in the Discovery Gardens ramada. Register at any time to begin receiving email notices about the current books and meetings. Free to attend. Check website for upcoming books and dates.
Gardening with Native Plants
Highlands Center for Natural History Takes place on Fri. 9/6 and Fri. 9/13 from 2:30-4:00 PM. Students will assess and map their garden space, learn the basics of planting and maintaining a native plant garden, and learn to replicate nature’s gardening strategies.
Friday Night Barn Dance at Mortimer Farms
Enjoy a live band, dancing, campfire, lawn games and beautiful farm scenery! Cash bar available. Add dinner to your admission for only $15 more. Barn Dance events are held every Friday through October. The Sunflower Festival and Corn Maze is happening the first three weekends in September. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116
www.mortimerfarmsaz.com/ BarnDance
Prescott Summer Concert Series: The CheekTones
Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Today’s concert by The CheekTones starts at 6:30 PM and is the final show of the season. The Summer Concert Series takes place at the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in downtown Prescott. Free admission. Bring a blanket or chair. 928.443.5220
Continued on page 22
September 6th
Karaoke with Matt & Allie at Cooper’s Pub 7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Located at 4499 AZ-69 in Prescott at the La Quinta Inn & Suites. Karaoke every Friday night. Check Matt & Allies Karaoke Facebook page for more karaoke events in Prescott and Prescott Valley. 928.227.8772
www.facebook.com/ CoopersPubAZ
Dancing for the Stars - Premier Night Jim and Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Dancing for the Stars is the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Arizona’s signature fundraising event and Prescott’s premier dance competition, pairing local celebrities with professional dancers for a dazzling event. All proceeds directly benefit local Clubs. See website for info on the Premier Night (Fri. 9/6) and Main Event (Sat. 9/7). If you can’t attend please make an online donation and vote for your favorite dance team! 928.776.8686
Mark Cordes is The Spouse Whisperer Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Mark Cordes is an inventive comedian and humorist. He has been hailed by critics as a “One-Man Laugh Factory.” From his humble start at an open mic, he steadily worked his way up the comedy ladder. “The Spouse Whisperer” takes the audience through a hilarious insight into relationships from first date to exploring all the ups and downs of marriage. 928.777.1370 www.prescottelkstheatre.org
Movie on the Lake: “Jurassic Park” Watson Lake Park 7:30 PM
Hosted by Born to Be Wild Adventures. Tickets are $5 and available online. Bring your own personal watercraft or rent a kayak! To help with lake traffic for the event Born To Be Wild Adventures is offering a Kayak Valet Service for personal watercraft and a shuttle to the launch point. See website for event details. www.b2bwild.com/movie-onthe-lake
Live Music at the Jersey Lilly Saloon
Located at 116 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row in Prescott. Live music: Thu. 9/5 Little Larry 7:00-10:00 PM, Fri. 9/6 Funk Frequency 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Sat. 9/7 Little Larry 4:00-7:00 PM and Funk Frequency 8:00 PM-12:00AM, Sun. 9/8 Little Larry 4:00-7:00 PM, Tue. 9/10 The Home Boys 7:00-10:00 PM, Wed. 9/11 Jam Session 7:00-10:00 PM, Thu. 9/12
Little Larry 7:00-10:00 PM. 928.541.7854
Live Music at the Whiskey River Tavern Tue. 9/3 Line Dance Lessons 6:008:00 PM, Wed. 9/4 STEFnROCK
5:00-8:00 PM, and Elvin Killerbee Trio 6:30-9:30 PM, Thu. 9/5 Darin & Deering 6:30-9:30 PM, Fri. 9/6 Live music 7:00-10:30 PM (Bunkhouse) and 8:00-11:30 PM (Patio), Sat. 9/7
Justin & Autumn Hitson 1:00-5:00 PM and Palomino 3:30-6:30 PM (Bunkhouse) and The CheekTones 8:00-11:30 PM, Sun. 9/8 Llory McDonald Combo Deluxe 1:00-5:00 PM, Tue. 9/10 Line Dance Lessons 6:00-8:00 PM, Wed. 9/11 STEFnROCK
5:00-8:00 PM (Bunkhouse) and Justin Hitson 6:30-9:30 PM, Thu. 9/12 Darin and Deering 6:30-9:30 PM. 928.237.5817
Josh Roy Band at Matt’s Saloon
Located at 112 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row. Matt’s Saloon has live music Fri. & Sat. from 8:30 PM to 1:00 AM. Fri. 9/6 and Sat. 9/7 Josh Roy Band. Sun. & Wed. Karaoke 7:00 PM-12:00 AM, Thu. Line dance lessons
6:00-8:00 PM and country DJ 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Fri. Country-western couples dance lessons 6:00 PM. 928.771.8788
Sunflower Festival & Corn Maze Mortimer Farms
7:00 AM-7:00 PM
Takes place on Sat. and Sun. during the first three weeks of Sept. With a wide array of exciting activities and mouthwatering sweet corn treats, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. See website for event details and tickets. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116
Luau at the Lake (Sept. 6-7)
Watson Lake
Sept. 6-7. Luau at the Lake is a waterthemed event highlighting the beauty of Prescott’s Watson Lake. This family-friendly event will have a rain gutter regatta, wristlet lei-making, and ukulele lessons. Dragon boats will be organized into races every 15 minutes on the lake during the day. kayaks, canoes, and paddle boats will fill the lake around the racecourse. Check website for event details. Free admission. Parking at Watson Lake is $5. Bring a blanket or chair. www.prescott.events/prescottarizona-luau-lake
Prescott Farmers Market
YRMC Miller Valley Parking Lot
7:30 AM-12:00 PM
The market hosts local farmers, ranchers, food vendors and craft vendors each week. Find fresh specialty produce, meat, eggs, bread, baked goods, delicious ready-toeat foods and more. Annual Iris Rhizome Exchange takes place today at the market. See website for details. Accepts cash, credit, debit and double EBT/SNAP benefits! Pets are not allowed at the market but service animals are always welcome. Located at 900 Iron Springs Rd. 928.713.1227
Prescott’s new state of the art Hospital & 24/7 ER is coming to your community.
Accepting all commercial insurance plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare. We honor in-network benefits for emergency services even if we are out-of-network with your plan.
Monthly Watson Woods Bird Walk: Prescott Audubon
Watson Woods Riparian Preserve
8:00 AM
On the first Saturday of the month Prescott Audubon volunteers lead bird walks in Watson Woods. The walks are approximately 2 hours long and are open to birders of all ages and levels. Registration not required. Meet at the Peavine Trailhead parking area at 1624 Sundog Ranch Rd. in Prescott. (Park fee $3/vehicle.) See website for additional events and programs. Note that the start time changes with the seasons.
Arizona Concealed Weapons Permit Course
Compass Training Center
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Arizona 8-hour concealed weapons permit course includes classroom and shooting facility training and covers all aspects of safe gun handling and applicable state laws. See website for required equipment, course eligibility and to register. Morning: classroom instruction. Afternoon: learn to implement the fundamentals and drills learned during the classroom portion. Additional classes are available in Sept., check website calendar. Located in Chino Valley. 928.848.9885
Fandomania - A Comic Con Event
Findlay Toyota Center
10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Free admission This popular annual event is organized by the Town of Prescott Valley. Enjoy a fun-filled event that celebrates all things fandom, from medieval sword fighting to cartoonists. This event has it all! Includes a cosplay contest, face painting, authors, cartoonists, workshops, presentations and button making, Ghostbusters and much more. Dressing up for the event is encouraged but not mandatory! Visit website for event details.
www.prescottvalley-az.gov/ 1349/Fandomania
September 7th
Critter CampOut For Cancer
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary Fundraiser for Relay for Life of the Quad Cities (American Cancer Society) and the Heritage Park Zoological Society. Takes place on Sept. 7 & 8. See website for all the details for this unique and fun event at the zoo!
Garden Class:
Vines & Ground Covers Grown Easy Watters Garden Center
9:30 AM
Free garden class at Watters Garden Center, located at 1815 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. Vines climb quickly up pergolas, barbed wire, walls and trellis. They block, screen, and shade better than others. Special attention is given to ground cover plants that spill, fill and hold soil together.
www.wattersgardencenter.com/ classes
Public Viewing of Prehistoric Pit Houses
Willow Lake Heritage Park
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
The remains of three prehistoric pit houses will be open to the public. Docents from the Museum of Indigenous People and the Arizona Archaeological Society (AAS) will be onsite to explain and answer questions as well as show a few artifacts. All ages event and dogs are welcome. Open the first Saturday of every month. There is a $3 park entrance fee.
Discover Native History & Culture
Museum of Indigenous People
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Exhibits include prehistoric and contemporary examples of indigenous cultural and artistic materials from the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. The museum has special exhibits, art auctions and other special events throughout the year. Located at 147 N. Arizona Ave. in Prescott.
September 7th
Summer Concert Series at Winey Cats
12:30 PM
Winey Cats at Granite Creek Vineyard will have live music on Sat. and Sun. until the end of October. Opens at noon, music starts at 12:30 PM. Pack a lunch for a fun afternoon! See Facebook page and website for the fall schedule.
Prescott Computer Society Meeting
The Prescott Computer Society is a group of PC users who meet two times a month on Saturdays at 1:00 PM via Zoom. Participants must register to receive Zoom connection information at www.PCS4ME.com.
The topic for this week’s presentation is “Everyday Use of Android Devices and Apps Part 6,” with JB Burke. It will cover advanced features. This meeting is available via Zoom only. PCS meetings are available to anyone, including non-members, who wish to join us online. www.pcs4me.com
Live Music at Mogollon Vineyards
Mogollon Vineyards has live music on weekends. Sat. 9/7 Beyond Suspicion 2:00-5:00 PM. See website for the Sept. schedule. Located at 2430 AZ69 in Dewey.
Lecture Series:
Bill Hawes - Mining in Arizona Sharlot Hall Museum 2:00 PM
Discover the fascinating journey of one of Arizona’s pioneering industries — mining. This program traces the evolution of mining from the perilous days of prospectors facing hazardous conditions and conflicts with Native Americans, to the advanced and efficient operations of modern times. 928.445.3122
Continued on page 26
September 7th
Dancing for the Stars
Main Event & VIP Reception
Jim and Linda Lee Performing Arts Center
4:00 PM
Dancing for the Stars is the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Arizona’s signature fundraising event, and Prescott’s premier dance competition, pairing local celebrities with professional dancers for a dazzling event. All proceeds directly benefit local Clubs. See website for info on the Premier Night (Fri. 9/6) and Main Event (Sat. 9/7). If you can’t attend please make an online donation and vote for your favorite dance team!
Live Music at the Creekside Lodge: Kevin Rueb
Live music at The Cellar: Friday, 9/7
Kevin Rueb 6:30-9:30 PM. Creekside Lodge & Cabins is located at 11255 AZ-69 in Mayer. See website for the July live music schedule.
September 7th
Trance of the Tiki
EDM Festival & Silent Disco
Watson Lake
EDM from 7:00-11:00 PM. Silent disco 11:00 PM-1:00 AM. Check website for event info and tickets. 18+ event or accompanied by a legal guardian. www.prescott.events
Class of ‘74
Top Billboard Hits from 50 Years Ago! Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
This annual salute to the top songs from 50 years ago features chart toppers from 1974 such as, “The Way We Were,” “Dancing Machine,” “Bennie & the Jets,” “Band on the Run,” “Hooked on a Feeling” and many more. Crystal Stark, Alex Mack and Brian Hicks will capture “Time in a Bottle” with the greatest hits of 1974!
September 8th
27th Prescott Empty Bowls Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Soup’s On! For a $20 donation, select a handcrafted bowl, two gourmet soups, locally baked bread and a bottle of water. Purchase tickets at the event with cash or credit card only. Thanks to local potters and Prescott Area Woodturners, local bakeries, Credit Union West, and more for their contributions. The event will feature live music, an art raffle and a silent auction. Proceeds will go to local area food banks. Check website and Facebook page for updates. https://prescott-empty-bowls.square.site
September 8th
Prescott Valley Community Market 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
New location in Prescott Valley Town Center, 2991 N. Park Ave. The Artisan & Maker Market features food, artisans, crafters and local merchants. Free admission. 928.273.9767
Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock Blues Jam hosted by the Scott O’Neal Band or Elvin Killerbee every Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night from 7:00-11:00 PM. This weekend: Fri. 9/6 Road One South and Sat. 9/7 Sir Harrison. The Windsock also has live music on Tue. at 5:30 PM with Wheelhouse Trio or Sky Daddy & Friends, Travis Crow & Colton Burris every Wed. at 6:00 PM, and the Aragon Ping Band every Thu. from 6:00-9:00 PM. Located at 1365 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. 928.776.7309
Music in the Highlands: MacDougal Street West
2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Concert will take place in the Kiwanis Amphitheater at the Highlands Center. Come enjoy the memories, harmonies and the humor of America’s favorite folk trio, Peter, Paul and Mary, as recreated by MacDougal Street West. Tickets available online. 928.776.9550
AZ Phil: Passion, Peace, and Power 3:00 PM
Violin virtuoso Katherine McLin and Maestro Peter Bay open Arizona Philharmonic’s seventh season, featuring a vibrant blend of music that spans the contemporary to the classical. Concerts are held at the Ruth Street Theater in Prescott. See website for the concert details and tickets.
855.321.6724 www.azphil.org
Continued on page 28
September 8th
YSA presents The Phoenix Symphony Orchestra
Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center
3:00 PM
YSA classical music favorite for over 50 years, The Phoenix Symphony returns to Prescott to inaugurate the 2024-2025 Concert Season. YSA concert tickets are available ONLY by contacting the Yavapai Symphony Association by phone at 928.776.4255 or in person at 228 N. Alarcon St. in Prescott Tickets are not available online. Tickets may also be purchased at the door prior to each concert. 928.776.4255 www.ycpac.com
September 8th
Farm to Table Dinner at Mortimer Farms
4:00 PM-7:00 PM
The Farm to Table Dinners highlight farm-to-table food and Mortimer Farms’ beautiful farm scenery! The meals are prepared by our farm chefs with ingredients grown and raised at Mortimer Farms. An authentic farm-to-table experience.
September 9th
Chino Valley Food BankFood Share
Food Share event at the Chino Valley Food Bank, located at 840 E. Road 1 South. Available every M-W-F. See the Manzanita Outreach website for details. Hot meals are available at the Chino Valley Senior Center, 1021 W. Butterfield Road, Mon.-Thu. from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. A fee is charged for hot meals. 928.649.5772
Mogollon Highlands Naturalist Field Camp at Granite Basin
Recreation Area
Takes place Sept. 9-11. Join Professor David Gilligan in the heart of the Mogollon Highlands for quality time with fellow naturalists. We will spend our mornings birding, our afternoons botanizing, and our evenings telling stories by starlight. Each day will include structured sessions on highlands geology and ecology, hikes to field sites and ample time for break-out sessions focused on plant and animal identification and the practice of natural history. We will explore Granite Basin as well as the adjacent Granite Mountain Wilderness Area.
Coffee Club -
Ryleigh Wealth Management
Frannie’s Cones and Coffee 9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Join us as we discuss current economic trends and personal finance in a fun, relaxed setting. Coffee’s on me!
www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100069053562061
Chino Valley Quilters
Monthly Meeting
9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Chino Valley United Methodist Church, located at 735 E. Road 1 S. Free to attend and guests are welcome. See website for more information about the CV Quilters. 928.237.7488
Movie Nights & Live Music at the Raven Cafe
Movie night Tue. 9/10 at 7:00 PM. Live music: Thu. 9/12 Cosmic Gumbo, Fri. 9/13 Moving Edge. See website for the Sept. live music schedule. Located at 142 N. Cortez St. in Prescott. 928.717.0009 www.ravencafe.com
Continued on page 34
The Mission of Heartland Ranch is to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for children who have been abused and trafficked. We will work to accomplish this by instilling value that changes their perspective about who they are and their value in this world. This will be done by providing structure and encouraging autonomy through the arts, gardening, animals, nutrition, and counseling.
god’s children are not for sale.
A tradition stretching over 11 years, Prescott Valley’s Healing Field® display draws area residents of Northern Arizona together in a memorable and inspiring tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11th of 2001.
This display of nearly 3,000 U.S. flags creates an atmosphere of optimism and healing, which must be experienced in person to be truly appreciated. All are invited to visit the display at the Prescott Valley Town Center, which will run from Friday, September 6th through Friday, September 13th of 2024.
Healing Field Events at the Civic Center Amphitheater:
September 6th - 7am - Field Installation
September 7th - 9am - Blessing of the Field
September 11th - 6pm - 9/11 Ceremony
September 13th - 6pm - Patriotic Concert
September 14th - Flags are Retired
Veterans Appreciation Tuesdays
Bucky’s and Yavapai Casinos celebrate veterans and active-duty military Gold Rush Club members every Tuesday! Veterans receive 3X points, $10 Gold Rewards, and a $10 food comp. Also receive a complimentary entry into the end of month veterans drawing for $100 cash. Let’s Play, Preskitt! Visit buckyscasino.com for details. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-NEXT-STEP. 928.776.5696 www.buckyscasino.com
September 10th
Explore Prescott’s History
Sharlot Hall Museum
Located in downtown Prescott at 415 W. Gurley St. The history museum has exhibits, galleries, gardens and historic buildings. Open Tue. to Sat. 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, and 12:00-4:00 PM on Sundays. Check the museum website for info on Pop Up Programs, Living History Adventures, lectures and other special events. General admission gives access for two consecutive days.
Social Dance to Live Music!
Social Dance Club - Prescott 4:30 PM-9:30 PM
Grab your dancing shoes and join us on the huge, beautiful wooden floor! We dance nonstop to 5 hours of live music by the Red Baron and Alan Harkrader! Full cash bar, cash cover charge is $10. See you on the dance floor! Location is 1245 White Spar Rd. in Prescott.
www.facebook.com/ groups/3132317610356663
September 11th
Visit the Zoo!
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary Located at 1403 Heritage Park Rd. in Prescott and open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The HPZS is celebrating 35 years as a nonprofit wildlife sanctuary, dedicated to the conservation and protection of native and exotic animals. The zoo offers educational opportunities and special events throughout the year.
Seniors Day Wednesdays
Seniors are special at Bucky’s and Yavapai Casinos! Gold Rush Club members age 55 and older are eligible to earn $10 in Gold Rewards and may win $100 cash in Seniors Hot Seats from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, as well as enjoy food specials every Wednesday at both casinos. 928.776.5696
September 11th
Prescott Public Library: Wednesday Morning Book Club
Prescott Public Library
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
The Sept. book selection is “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” by Shelby Van Pelt. The library offers a variety of book clubs for teens and adults, including the WORDS Book Club, Mystery Book Club, Wednesday Morning Book Club and others. Check the library events calendar for details about the book clubs and their upcoming book selections.
Master Gardener Presentation
Chino Valley Public Library
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Yavapai County Master Gardener monthly presentation on the 2nd Wed. of the month, excluding Dec. New topic each month. Provided by University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
2024 Prescott Valley Healing Field of Northern Arizona 9/11 Ceremony
Prescott Valley Civic Center 6:00 PM
The annual display of nearly 3,000 U.S. flags can be seen at the Prescott Valley Civic Center lawn from Fri. 9/6 through Fri. 9/13. A tradition stretching over 11 years, Prescott Valley’s Healing Field® display draws area resident of Northern Arizona together in a memorable and inspiring tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Events include the Blessing of the Field on Sept. 7, a Patriotic Concert on Sept. 13, the 9/11 Ceremony at the Amphitheater, and the annual Patriot Run (date TBD). See website for event details.
928.848.0626 www.healingfieldpv.com
Continued on page 42
Gillian Haley, born and raised in Prescott, is the owner of Haley Construction and is a strong community advocate. Beyond her professional endeavors, she is dedicated to supporting many charitable organizations throughout the area.
This year she is excited to participate in the Dancing for the Stars event, organized by the Boys and Girls Club of Central Arizona. Dancing for the Stars is a highly anticipated annual fundraising event that brings together local celebrities and leaders to raise awareness and funds for the Boys & Girls Club.
“I am a big believer in the value of quality childcare, educational programming, and providing a safe place for our children – that is something as a community we should make sure EVERY family has access to….I want to be part of making that happen – I’ll even dance for it!”
Give us your support and scan our QR code to donate.
For a relatively small community Greater Prescott has an astoundingly vibrant music scene. You can hear live music pouring out of bars, saloons, breweries, clubs, coffeehouses, restaurants, concert halls, parks, galleries and anywhere else a crowd might form. Every month we’re putting a different local act in the spotlight.
Prescott NOW: How long have you guys been playing together?
The Scott O’Neal Band: I started The Scott O’Neal band in 2001. It seems like it evolves constantly, and members come and go for one reason or another. Merri McKee has been with me for four years, and Peter Kay, our drummer, has been with us for around three months. Other members — Carl Dahalgren, keys, Mark Winley, bass, and Brian
Waterbury, guitar — have been with us for one to two years.
Prescott NOW: What genre or genres of music do you play?
The Scott O’Neal Band: I describe our music as leaning toward the blues side of R&B. I am a songwriter, and probably 95% of the songs we play are originals. I was born and raised about 30 miles south of Motown so
that music is embedded in my heart and soul, and I believe it comes through in my writing and composing.
We do some covers, but they’re not songs that you’re going to hear from anyone else, in this town anyway. I’ve always said “I want to play songs that you wanted to hear, you just didn’t know you wanted to hear them.”
Prescott NOW: What is the key to being a successful musical act in Prescott and Northern Arizona?
The Scott O’Neal Band: My idea of how to be successful differs from other musicians around. A lot of people play music for money, and that’s a hard road to follow! I’ve always felt that you should play for the pleasure and the thrill of performing.
Don’t get me wrong, I like getting paid, and my band doesn’t do it for free. The caliber of talent that we bring deserves its just reward and besides that there are other people that do this for a living and it would be wrong to lower their value as performers.
We don’t play that many other gigs besides our regular every other Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock. When you see The Scott O’Neal Band you get something special!
Prescott NOW : What’s the smallest audience you’ve played for?
T he Scott O ’ N eal B and: I always play my new songs to my wife. If you’re talking about in public, I’ve played for three or four people.
Audience numbers are a confusing thing because I’ve played for a room full of people who were unappreciative and I’ve played for a few who applauded and gave you incentive to keep going just for them.
Prescott NOW : Where do you find the inspiration for your songwriting or performances?
T he Scott O ’ N eal B and: I usually start with a hook that is a phrase or a saying that catches your ear or gets your attention. How the rest of the process goes let me quote Bill Withers: “It’s magic. I don’t know how it happens and I really don’t want to know.” All I can tell you is that sometimes it’s a struggle, sometimes it just flows out of me.
Prescott NOW : What brought you to Prescott?
T he Scott O ’ N eal B and: My mom lived here in the ‘80s, and I would come up for a visit with my family. I always loved it. I spent 20 years in the Valley and just got tired of the big city lifestyle, and when I got the chance I moved up the mountain. Prescott has an amazing music scene and an adoring fan base and now I can’t see myself leaving.
Whiskey River Tavern
September Live Music & Events
September 1
12:00 PM-4:00 PM
September 1
The CheekTones
6:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 3, 10, 17, 24
Line Dance Lessons
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
September 4, 11, 18, 25
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
September 4
Elvin Killerbee Trio
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 5, 12, 19, 26
Darin and Deering
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 6
90 Proof
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 6
September 7
Justin and Autumn Hitson
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 7
Pearl Ridge
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 7, 14, 21, 28
Palomino Band 3:30 PM-6:30 PM
September 7
The CheekTones
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 8
Llory McDonald Combo Deluxe 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 11
Justin Hitson Solo
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 13
Hashknife Express 7:00 PM-10:30 PM
September 13
Hit Squad 17
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 14
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 14
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 14
Buffalo Star
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 15
Justin and Autumn Hitson
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 18
Wheelhouse Trio
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 20
Highway 260
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 20
Elvin Killerbee Trio
7:00 PM-10:30 PM
September 21
TBD - Bunkhouse
September 21
Free Radicals
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 21
Trey Friddle
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 22
The Dirty Halos 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 25
Sky Daddy 6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 27
Colton, Travis, and Forest
7:00 PM-10:30 PM
September 27
Groove Dawgs
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 28
Truly Reckless
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 28
Scandalous Hands
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 28
Sky Walker Trio
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 29
All She Wrote
The Bee’s Knees Dance Classes
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
6:00 PM
To register for a class please send an email, text message or PM on social media with your name(s), the classes you want to register in, and your email address. Sept. classes will be on Sept. 11, 18, 25 and will feature Country Swing Fundamentals and Progressive Two Step. See website for details.
AZ Wordsmith:
Prose Open Mic at the Elks 7:00 PM
Held on the second Wednesday of each month in The Elks 3rd floor Sundance Room. This is an opportunity to share your prose with other writers and people that love to read great literature in our community. Those who are just in the mood for listening are welcome to come. Grab a seat and enjoy some inspiring talks from area wordsmiths. Admission $5.
Oil and Acrylic Painting with Neil Orlowski
‘Tis Annex Art Education Building Oil and Acrylic painting classes take place on Thursdays in the Annex Art Education building, located at 235 N. Marina St. in Prescott. Improve and expand your art vision and techniques. Students of all levels are invited to work on independent oil or acrylic paintings projects and receive instruction that will guide them towards achieving desired goals. Ongoing weekly — join any time. There are acrylic painting classes with Mercie Marshall on Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. See website for more information on art classes, including the STEPS art education program for children and art workshops. 928.775.0223
Explore Prescott’s Western Heritage 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
The Western Heritage Center is located on Historic Whiskey Row and is open Wed. through Sunday. Explore the exhibits and learn about Prescott’s western history and culture. The WHC also hosts lectures and book signings. See Facebook page for event updates. Free admission!
Bronzesmith Foundry Tour
Bronzesmith Fine Art Foundry & Gallery in Prescott Valley offers foundry tours every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Learn about the lost wax process of bronze casting. Fun and informative! The cost is $20 per person and advance reservations are required. Individuals and small groups are welcome.
928.772.2378 www.bronzesmith.com
Ladies Day Thursdays
Bucky’s & Yavapai Casinos
4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Ladies Day is celebrated on Thursdays at Bucky’s and Yavapai Casinos! Ladies Day Hot Seat winners may receive $250 cash from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, are eligible to earn $10 in Gold Rewards and may enjoy food specials at both casinos! Must be a Gold Rush Club member to participate. Visit buckyscasino.com for details.
928.776.5696 www.buckyscasino.com
Live Music at the Back Alley Wine
Singer-songwriter Open Mic every Tue. from 6:00-9:00 PM hosted by Andrew Deering. Live music: Thu. 9/12 STEFnROCK 5:00-8:00 PM, Fri. 9/13 Aki and Tony Hale 6:30-9:30 PM, Sat. 9/14 Aragon Smith Ping 6:30-9:30 PM, Sun. 9/15 Sunday Funday with the Back Alley Cats 3:00-6:00 PM. See website for live music updates. Located at 156 S. Montezuma St. in downtown Prescott. 480.570.5131
September 12th
Suze’s PCA Presents: “Jersey Boys” Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts
7:00 PM
Jersey Boys is the inspiring rags-to-riches tale of The Four Seasons. Each member of the group takes a turn narrating events, illustrating how a ragtag group of guys from New Jersey became music history. Jersey Boys showcases the group’s most iconic hits and reveals the inspiring tale behind the music. 12 performances in the PCA Cabaret theater from Thu. 9/12 through Sun. 9/29, including 3 Sunday matinee shows. 928.445.3286
September 13th
Yavapai Humane Society
Vaccine Clinic - Prescott
Vaccine clinic every Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at 2989 Centerpointe E. Drive. Cats: $60 (3 vaccines), dogs $75 (4 vaccines). Individual vaccines are available.
September 13th
Walking Tours of Historic Downtown Prescott
10:00 AM
The Prescott Chamber of Commerce offers 90-minute free walking tours of the historic downtown. Stroll through history and learn about Prescott’s storied past! Offered most Fri./Sat./Sun. Gather at 9:50 AM in front of the Visitor Information Center at 117 W. Goodwin St. Call ahead to confirm. Donations are appreciated. Special tours are available upon request for groups of 5 or more at a cost of $5 per person. Free parking at Granite St. parking garage. 928.445.2000 www.prescott.org
APC Group Inc
3444 Gateway Blvd. Prescott, AZ 86303 623.266.4159 www.medreel.com
CarePatrol of Northern Arizona Prescott Valley, AZ 86327
928.515.3100 www.carepatrol.com
Commercial Properties Inc. Prescott, AZ 86303 928.614.7900 www.cpiaz.com
GRACE Direct Primary Care
1955 Commerce Center Cir. Prescott, AZ 86301 928.277.1099 www.choosegrace.life
Inject SkinCare
340 N. Mt. Vernon, Unit 3 Prescott, AZ 86301 928.251.0631 www.injectskincare.com
Legacy Mutual
325 W. Gurley St., Ste. 102 Prescott, AZ 86301 928.427.5156 www.gregriordan.com
Leslie Zann Consulting Prescott, AZ 86303 619.203.6652 www.lesliezann.com
Manzanita Outreach
406 S. 6th St. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928.963.0739 www.manzanitaoutreach.org
Moussetache Cafe
3250 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 338 Prescott, AZ 86303 928.778.9786
OCG Health Therapies
1024 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott, AZ 86301
602.741.5265 www.ocg.massagetherapy.com
Outskirts Saloon
444 W. Goodwin St. Prescott, AZ 86301 928.450.9877
Personnel Safety Enterprises
3716 N. Eagle Mountain Dr. Flagstaff, AZ 86004 928.526.3130 www.personnelsafety.com
Prescott Food Tour Prescott, AZ 86303 805.218.9790 www.prescottfoodtour.com
Arizona Philharmonic will launch its seventh season Sept. 8 with Passion, Peace and Power, a concert featuring the artistry of violinist Dr. Katherine McLin and the AZ Phil orchestra.
Maestro Peter Bay, music director and conductor of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the Bravo! Big Sky Classical Festival Orchestra in Montana, will return for his seventh season of leading Arizona Philharmonic. The performance will begin at 3 PM at the Ruth Street Theater on the Prescott High School grounds, 1050 Ruth St., with a pre-concert talk at 2 PM.
One of the highlights of Passion, Peace and Power is Felix Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E Minor, a piece brimming with joy and virtuosity. The program also will include the serene Pastorale été by Arthur Honegger and Haydn’s sophisticated
Symphony No. 92 in G Major.
The fourth work will come from a composer likely new to Prescott.
“In collaborating on this program, I wanted to include a living or female composer, something unique and enjoyable for our audiences,” says Henry Flurry, AZ Phil’s founder and artistic director. “In response, Peter introduced me to Gwyneth Walker, a living woman composer I did not know. Her piece, Fanfare, Interlude, and Finale, written in 1980, is a delightful and beautiful work of vibrant energy.”
To learn more or to purchase tickets for Passion, Peace and Power visit www.azphil.org
About Arizona Philharmonic:
Founded in 2018, Arizona Philharmonic (AZ Phil) is Prescott’s only professional
orchestra focused on classical music, presenting large and small concerts that engage and inspire listeners.
Beginning its seventh season, 2024-25, AZ Phil draws musicians from across Arizona and is committed to offering transformative music, while nurturing community participation and supporting the needs and growth of the Prescott area performing arts scene.
Recognized in 2021 by the Prescott Chamber of Commerce for Excellence in Arts and Culture, Arizona Philharmonic is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Ticket information, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities can be found at www.azphil.org or on Facebook.
Back Alley Wine Bar
September Live Music
September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Sunday Funday with the Back Alley Cats
3:00 PM-6:00 PM
September 3, 10, 17, 24
Open Mic with Andrew Deering
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 5, 12, 19, 26
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
Band Schedule Subject to Change
September 6
Sir Harrison
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 7
Whiskey Pistols
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 13
Aki and Tony Hale
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 14
Aragon Smith Ping Band
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 20
Gurley Girls
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 21
Billy Bond and Austin Lynn Austin
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 27
CheekTones TRIO 6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 28
Wheelhouse Trio 6:30 PM-9:30 PM
Band Schedules Subject to Change
September 17
Back Alley Wine Bar
September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Sunday Funday with the Back Alley Cats
3:00 PM-6:00 PM
September 3, 10, 17, 24 Open Mic with Andrew Deering
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 5, 12, 19, 26 STEFnROCK
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
September 6
Sir Harrison
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 7
Whiskey Pistols
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 13
Aki and Tony Hale
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 14
Aragon Smith Ping Band
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 20 Gurley Girls
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 21
Billy Bond and Austin Lynn Austin
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 27
CheekTones TRIO
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 28
Wheelhouse Trio
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
Cooper’s Pub
September 6, 13, 20, 27
Karaoke with Matt & Allie
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Jersey Lilly Saloon
September 1
Little Larry Solo
3:00 PM-7:00 PM
September 1 Hit Squad 17
8:00 PM-12:00 AM
September 2
Little Larry Solo
11:00 AM-3:00 PM
September 3
Sky Daddy
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 4, 11, 18, 25 Jam Session w/ Glen
7:00 PM-10:00 AM
September 5, 12, 19, 26 Little Larry Solo
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 6, 7
Funk Frequency
8:00 PM-12:00 AM
September 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 29
Little Larry Solo
4:00 PM-7:00 PM
September 10 The Home Boys
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 13, 14
Combo Deluxe
8:00 PM-12:00 AM
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 20, 21
Cassandra Long Band
8:00 PM-12:00 AM
September 24 The Home Boys
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 27
Little Larry Solo
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
September 27, 28 Flashback
8:00 PM-12:00 AM
Matt’s Saloon
September 1
Western Fusion
8:30 PM-1:00 AM
September 4, 11, 18, 25
Karaoke Night with Fire & Rose
7:00 PM-12:00 AM
September 5, 12, 19, 26 Line Dancing Lessons
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
September 5, 12, 19, 26 Country DJ
8:00 PM-12:00 AM
September 6, 13, 20, 27
Country Western Couples Dance Lessons
Starting at 6:00 PM
September 6, 7
Josh Roy Band
8:30 PM-1:00 AM
September 8, 15, 22, 29
Karaoke Night
7:00 PM-12:00 AM
September 13
Lacey Rashea & The Young Guns
8:30 PM-1:00 AM
September 14
Josh Roy Band
8:30 PM-1:00 AM
September 20, 21
Shari Rowe 8:30 PM-1:00 AM
September 27, 28 In Color Band
8:30 PM-1:00 AM
The Raven Cafe
September 1
Lee Zimmer 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
September 3, 10, 1 7, 24
Movie Night
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 5
Thursday Jazz Jam: Hosted by Cold Turkey
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 6
Scandalous Hands
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 8, 29
Zach Dominguez 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
September 12
Cosmic Gumbo
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 13
Moving Edge
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 19
The OrganNauts + Friends!
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 20
Songwriters in the Round
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 21
Darci Carlson
11:00 AM-1:00 PM
September 22
Michael Jaramillo
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
September 25
Troy Schilperoort
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
See the events page on the Raven Cafe website to confirm the live music schedule.
The Windsock Lounge
September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Blues Jam
2:00 PM-6:00 PM
September 3, 10, 17, 24
Live Music
Starting at 5:30 PM
September 4, 11, 18, 25
Travis Crow & Colton Burris
Starting at 6:00 PM
September 5, 12, 19, 26
Aragon Ping Band
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
September 6
Road One South
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
September 7
Sir Harrison
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
September 13
The CheekTones
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
September 14
Tone Kings
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
September 20, 21
Llory McDonald
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
September 27
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
September 28
Well Dressed Wolves
7:00 PM-11:00 PM
Whiskey River Tavern
September 1
12:00 PM-4:00 PM
September 1
The CheekTones
6:00 PM-10:00 PM
September 3, 10, 17, 24
Line Dance Lessons
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
September 4, 11, 18, 25
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
September 4
Elvin Killerbee Trio
6:30 PM-9:30 PM
September 5, 12, 19, 26
Darin and Deering
6:30 PM-9:30 PM Patio
September 6
90 Proof
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 6
TBD Bunkhouse
September 7
Justin and Autumn Hitson
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 7
Pearl Ridge
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Bunkhouse
September 7, 14, 21, 28
Palomino Band
3:30 PM-6:30 PM Bunkhouse
September 7
The CheekTones
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 8
Llory McDonald Combo Deluxe 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
September 11
Justin Hitson Solo
6:30 PM-9:30 PM Patio
September 13
Hashknife Express
7:00 PM-10:30 PM Bunkhouse
September 13
Hit Squad 17
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 14
1:00 PM-5:00 PM Patio
September 14
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 14
Buffalo Star
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Bunkhouse
September 15
Justin and Autumn Hitson
1:00 PM-5:00 PM Patio
September 18 Wheelhouse Trio
6:30 PM-9:30 PM Patio
September 20
Highway 260
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 20
Elvin Killerbee Trio
7:00 PM-10:30 PM
September 21
TBD - Bunkhouse
September 21
Free Radicals
1:00 PM-5:00 PM Patio
September 21
Trey Friddle
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 22
The Dirty Halos
1:00 PM-5:00 PM Bunkhouse
September 25
Sky Daddy 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Patio
September 27
Colton, Travis, and Forest 7:00 PM-10:30 PM Bunkhouse
September 27
Groove Dawgs
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 28
Truly Reckless
1:00 PM-5:00 PM Patio
September 28
Scandalous Hands
8:00 PM-11:30 PM Patio
September 28
Sky Walker Trio
8:00 PM-11:30 PM
September 29
All She Wrote
September 13th
2024 High Point
Saddle & Buckle Series
Open arena from 3:00-4:00 PM and race begins at 4:30 PM. Entry fee $10/horse. Enter online at www. saddlebook.com. WPRA approved event. Olsen’s Arena is located at 344 S. Hwy 89 in Chino Valley. The final event in the Saddle & Buckle Series will be on Sept. 13. 928.202.2003
Friday Night Barn Dance at Mortimer Farms
6:00 PM-10:00 PM
Enjoy a live band, dancing, campfire, lawn games and beautiful farm scenery! Cash bar available. Add dinner to your admission for only $15 more. Barn Dance events are held every Friday through Oct. The Sunflower Festival and Corn Maze is happening the first three weekends in Sept. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116
www.mortimerfarmsaz.com/ BarnDance
Movies Under the Stars
Prescott Valley Civic Center
6:45 PM-9:00 PM
Sept. 13 movie is “Trolls Band Together” and the Sept 27 movie will be “The Hunger Games.” Bring a blanket or chair, popcorn and snacks for this free outdoor movies series. www.prescottvalley-az.gov
Karaoke with Matt & Allie at Cooper’s Pub
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Located at 4499 AZ-69 in Prescott at the La Quinta Inn & Suites. Karaoke every Friday night. Check Matt & Allies Karaoke Facebook page for more karaoke events in Prescott and Prescott Valley.
www.facebook.com/ CoopersPubAZ
Planetarium Show - September
The Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium is located on the campus of EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University. Check the planetarium’s website for the Sept. show schedule.
www.prescott.erau.edu/about/ planetarium
September 13th
The Scott O’Neal Band
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
7:00 PM
Scott O’Neal has been a major player in the Northern Arizona and Arizona blues scene for over 20 years and is a 5-time Arizona Blues Hall of Fame nominee. Enjoy an evening of high energy blues and R&B the way only they can serve it up, hot and spicy! The show will open with Arizona Hired Guns, a highly regarded Allman Brothers tribute band.
Live Music at the Jersey Lilly Saloon
Located at 116 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row in Prescott. Live music: Fri. 9/13 Combo Deluxe 8:00 PM12:00 AM, Sat. 9/14 Little Larry 4:007:00 PM and Combo Deluxe 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Sun. 9/15 Little Larry 4:00-7:00 PM, Tue. 9/17 RAVEn 7:0010:00 PM, Wed. 9/18 Jam Session 7:00-10:00 PM, Thu. 9/19 Little Larry 7:00-10:00 PM.
Live Music at the Whiskey River Tavern - H it Squad 17
This week at the Whiskey River Tavern: Fri. 9/13 Hit Squad 17 8:0011:30 PM and Hashknife Express 7:00-10:30 PM (Bunkhouse), Sat. 9/14 STEFnROCK 1:00-5:00 PM, Palomino 3:30-6:30 PM (Bunkhouse) and live music on patio 8:00-11:30 PM and Buffalo Star 8:00-11:30 PM (Bunkhouse), Sun. 9/15 Justin & Autumn Hitson 1:00-5:00 PM, Tue. 9/17 Line Dance Lessons 6:00-8:00 PM, Wed. 9/18 STEFnROCK 5:00-8:00 PM (Bunkhouse) and Wheelhouse Trio 6:30-9:30 PM, Thu. 9/19 Darin and Deering 6:30-9:30 PM See website for the Sept. live music schedule. 214 S. Montezuma St. in Prescott.
September 13th
Lacey Rashea & The Young Guns at Matt’s Saloon 8:30 PM-1:00 AM
Located at 112 S Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row. Matt’s Saloon has live music Fri. & Sat. from 8:30 PM to 1:00 AM. Fri. 9/13 Lacey Rashea & The Young Guns, Sat. 9/14 Josh Roy Band. Sun. & Wed. Karaoke 7:00 PM-12:00 AM, Thu. Line dance lessons 6:008:00 PM and country DJ 8:00 PM12:00 AM, Fri. country western couples dance lessons 6:00 PM.
September 14th
Prescott Farmers Market
YRMC Miller Valley Parking Lot 7:30 AM-12:00 PM
The market hosts local farmers, ranchers, food vendors and craft vendors each week. Find fresh specialty produce, meat, eggs, bread, baked goods, delicious ready-to-eat foods and more. Accepts cash, credit, debit and double EBT/SNAP benefits! Pets are not allowed at the market but service animals are always welcome. Located at 900 Iron Springs Rd. 928.713.1227
Navajo Rug & Indian Art Auction Museum of Indigenous People Preview from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM and the live auction will begin at noon. Free admission and free to register as a bidder. Over 300 lots at the best prices in the southwest. Located at 147 N. Arizona Ave. in Prescott. 928.445.1230
Breakfast with the Animals — Black Bear
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary Includes a light breakfast in front of the spotlight animal, a special animal feeding and keeper talk and an animal activity for the kids. The featured animal for Sept. is the black bear. It is the best way to learn more and feel closer to your favorite sanctuary residents! Breakfasts run from 9:00 to 10:30 AM on Saturday mornings. After breakfast, you’re welcome to roam the park at your leisure. RSVP.
Continued on page 50
• Build trust within the community
• Exceed expectations
• Provide a positive experience
• Superior finished products
• Empower our team to thrive and grow.
September 14th
Legacy Ranch Horse Sale
8:00 AM-8:00 PM
The 9th Annual The Legacy Ranch Horse Sale is a collaboration between historic Arizona ranches – the K4 Ranch and Diamond A Ranch. The sale offers the public an opportunity to purchase horses carrying the brands of legendary outfits that have a history in producing quality horses and cattle. Free to attend and open to the public. Held at the Prescott Rodeo Grounds as part of the Equifest Arizona event. 520.360.9524 www.ranchhorsesale.com
September 14th
Ranch Open House
Hallelujah Horsemanship
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Second Saturday of the month open house event. Meet and great horses and watch a Royal Horse of Spain in action. Pet horse noses & hear their stories. There is some walking, but the demonstration is inside and you can sit. Event is free but you must register to attend so we can tell the horses you are coming! Entrance is on corner of Larry Caldwell and Phippen Trail in Prescott. 928.374.1234
September 14th
Garden Class: Tough 8 & How to Grow Them
Watters Garden Center
9:30 AM
Free garden class at Watters Garden Center, located at 1815 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. Learn how to garden with these simple, but effective planting combinations for a design that wows all four seasons of the year. 928.445.4159
www.wattersgardencenter.com/ classes
Living History AdventureSeptember
Sharlot Hall Museum
10:00 AM-3:00 PM
What was daily life on the Arizona frontier like? Step into the past as Living History interpreters demonstrate historic livelihoods and discover how life was for territorial Prescottonians. Living History Adventure is held the second Saturday of the month, AprilNovember. Included with general admission to the museum. 928.445.3122
12th Annual HOPE FEST Arizona Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza
10:00 AM
Northern Arizona’s premier community gathering welcomes families for a day filled with fun activities, live music, a car & bike show and many resources at the HOPE Serves Family Resource Fair. This all takes place on the beautiful park setting of the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza.
Live Music at
Mogollon Vineyards in Dewey Mogollon Vineyards has live music and other events on weekends. Sip & Paint event on Fri. 9/13 from 5:30-7:30 PM and live music on Sat. 9/14 with Christy Fisher from 2:005:00 PM. See website for the Sept. schedule. Located at 2430 Hwy. 69 in Dewey. 928.243.8387
September 14th
Prescott Computer Society Meeting
The Prescott Computer Society is a group of PC users who meet two times a month on Saturdays at 1:00 PM via Zoom. Participants must register to receive Zoom connection information at www.PCS4ME.com. This week’s topic is “How the Electric Telegraph Changed the World,” with JB Burke, followed by Phil Ball presenting “Windows Tips and Tricks.” PCS meetings are available to anyone, including non-members, who wish to join us online. This meeting is via Zoom only.
International Folk DancingLine & Circle Dances
Boys & Girls Clubs of Prescott
Learning ethnic dances from around the world is fun, easy, recreational, educational and a great way to meet new friends and a partner is not necessary! We have a great collection of dances, from beginner dances to the more advanced dances. Everyone is encouraged to join in to learn and have fun! Every Sunday from 2:004:00 PM.
Prescott Food Tour
Downtown Prescott
2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Take a food tour of downtown Prescott and discover a wide variety of shops and restaurants. Tours can be booked online. Get back-of-thehouse peeks, talk with owners, chefs and local characters — some in period costumes! Each tour typically visits 4 or 5 places, and the tour fee includes snacks and nibbles. Learn about Prescott’s fascinating history along the way. Pre-registration is required. Custom tours for groups can be arranged.
Continued on page 54
VERSA-LOK retaining wall systems are cost-effective, easy-to-install, and give you endless design options.
VERSA-LOK segmental retaining walls are made from high-strength concrete units, dry-stacked, interlocked with pins, and set on granular leveling pads. These mortarless walls do not need frost footings. And when stabilized with geogrid soil reinforcement, VERSA-LOK walls can be built 50 feet tall and even higher. From intricate landscaping features to tall, commercial walls, VERSA-LOK delivers your best value in segmental retaining wall solutions.
September 14th
Hustle Workshop and Dance
Prescott Ballroom
Hustle workshop with Alex and Bonnie from 5:00-7:00 PM. Followed by a social dance from 7:00-9:00 PM. Will play a variety of hustle and Latin dances and more. Located at 1962 Shadow Valley Dr. in Prescott Valley. Workshop $20. Dance $5. Cash only at door.
Billy Currington On Tour
Findlay Toyota Center
7:00 PM
Billy Currington on Tour, with Eli Young Band and Marlon Funaki. Tickets from $46.25. Tickets are available online, by phone at 928.772.1819 or at the arena box office Mon.-Fri. 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. 928.772.1819
Shine On Floyd -
Pink Floyd Tribute Band
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
7:00 PM
Shine On Floyd is a Pink Floyd tribute band from Phoenix formed by a group of very talented musicians and singers with a love of everything Floyd! They play and sing all the Pink Floyd classics note-for-note and their concerts are a complete Pink Floyd experience with a light and laser show, backup singers, video wall, special effects, audience interaction, costume changes and of course great vocals and music.
Jazz Journey - Barry Dale
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
7:00 PM - Crystal Hall
Join us for the next concert of Jazz Journeys. Back by popular demand. Barry Dale sings the ‘30s to the ‘50s. Mike Vax and musicians and from around Arizona will present historical facts and anecdotes about the music and the musicians who have performed America’s true art form for over 100 years.
September 14th
2024 Equifest Arizona
This annual event takes place at the Prescott Rodeo Grounds and includes the Legacy Ranch Horse Sale. Check website for the schedule and details about this year’s Equifest. Presented by Olsen’s Grain. 928.202.2003
September 15th
Prescott Valley Community Market Prescott Valley Town Center
9:00 AM-2:00 PM
New location in Prescott Valley Town Center, 2991 N. Park Ave. The Artisan & Maker Market features food, artisans, crafters and local merchants. Free admission.
September 15th
Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock Blues Jam hosted by the Scott O’Neal Band or Elvin Killerbee every Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night from 7:0011:00 PM. This weekend: Fri. 9/13 The CheekTones and Sat. 9/14 Tone Kings. The Windsock also has live music on Tue. at 5:30 PM with Wheelhouse Trio or Sky Daddy & Friends, Travis Crow & Colton Burris every Wed. at 6:00 PM, and the Aragon Ping Band every Thu. from 6:00-9:00 PM. Located at 1365 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. 928.776.7309
September 15th
The 2nd Peace Concert Granite Creek Park 1:30 PM-4:30 PM Come for the Music! Stay for the Vibes! The 2nd Peace Concert presented by Prescott Peacebuilders. Awesome local performers including Rita Cantu, Salt of the Earth, Meg Borhman and Galactagogues, Morphus, Doc Garvey and the Remedy and Womansong. Bring a picnic! Bring your family and friends! 480.262.9867 www.facebook.com/ PrescottAzPeacebuilders
September 15th
Prescott POPS presents “The Music of the West” Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 3:00 PM
The POPS goes Wild West with selections by Aaron Copland (from “Rodeo” and “Billy the Kid”), John Williams (The Cowboys Overture), James Newton Howard (Wyatt Earp Suite) and much more. No one does western like Prescott! Wear your best of the west and join us! Featuring Roy “Dusty” Rogers, Jr. & The Rogers Legacy. 928.776.2000 www.ycpac.com
Continued on page 58
by Julia Fields and Alex Cabral
Where Sheldon Street meets Gurley Street, nestled in the entrance to Downtown Prescott, is local favorite Prescott Junction.
It was adopted into the Gabby’s Family of Restaurants when prior owners Don and Nancy Burton decided to retire. It brings decades of local history and service to the community. Prescott Junction serves its full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu from open to close (usually 7 A M to 8 P M Monday to Saturday; and 7 A M to 7 P M Sunday) with nearly a dozen daily pie options.
For those who can’t decide, breakfast at the buffet bar is served from open until 11 A M.
It then transitions to a full salad bar with three daily rotating soups, a mini taco bar and even a build-your-own frozen yogurt station available all day.
The longevity of the crew speaks to the warm atmosphere of the store and the welcoming yet relaxed nature of the environment.
Locally owned and operated, Prescott Junction recognizes the needs of its community by giving back where it can. For example, opening on major holidays such as Thanksgiving — and even featuring a special holiday buffet bar — has allowed residents to enjoy the holidays without the labor of cooking and cleaning themselves, a popular choice among the retirement-aged community who frequent this mom-and-pop shop. More recently implemented has been the buy-one, get-one free entree special (with the purchase of two beverages) on Manic Mondays! (See www.prescottjunctionaz.com and Facebook for other terms and conditions).
Owners Jim and Kelley Cabral saw the need for an affordable, delicious, comfort food meal in a way that was appealing even to those not on a fixed income. Whether you’re in the mood for breakfast for dinner or a little bit of everything, Prescott Junction is sure to send you home full and dreaming of which pie to try on your next stop by.
September 15th
Puente de la Comunidad
Mountain Valley ParkPrescott Valley
This event takes place each year during Hispanic Heritage Month and is a chance for members of the Hispanic Community to celebrate their rich culture with local law enforcement. The Mexican Consulate will be in attendance and Spanish speaking officers will be in attendance to answer any questions the community may have. Puente de la Comunidad is now in its seventh year and is open to everyone in the community. Listed as an all day event.
www.prescottvalley-az.gov/1014/ Puente-de-la-Comunidad
September 16th
Prescott Valley Food BankFood Share
Prescott Valley Food Bank
12:00 PM-2:45 PM
Food Share event at the Prescott Valley Food Bank, located at 8671 E. Spouse Dr. Open Mon.-Fri. 928.649.5772
September 17th
Explore Prescott’s History Sharlot Hall Museum
Located in downtown Prescott at 415 W. Gurley St. The history museum has exhibits, galleries, gardens and historic buildings. Open Tue. to Sat. 10:00 AM-5:00 PM and 12:00-4:00 PM on Sundays. Check the museum website for info on Pop Up Programs, Living History Adventures, lectures and other special events. General admission gives access for two consecutive days. 928.445.3122 www.sharlothallmuseum.org
Window on NaturePrescott Audubon Society
Highlands Center for Natural History 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Mix and mingle with other bird enthusiasts. Learn about the citizen science projects, bird surveys, habitat preservation, and birding opportunities in the Prescott area. Open to the public. No fee. 281.682.6068
September 17th
Social Dance to Live Music! Social Dance Club - Prescott 4:30 PM-9:30 PM
Grab your dancing shoes and join us on the huge, beautiful wooden floor! We dance nonstop to 5 hours of live music by the Red Baron and Alan Harkrader! Full cash bar, cash cover charge is $10. See you on the dance floor! Location is 1245 White Spar Rd. in Prescott. www.facebook.com/groups/3132317610356663
September 17th
Yavapai Digital Arts & Photo Club
Prescott Public Library 5:30 PM
Meeting will take place at the Prescott Public Library. Challenge: Prescott and Prescott Valley. Program: Using Photoshop AI Editing Tools. www.yavapaiphotoclub.com
September 17th
Movie Nights & Live Music at the Raven Cafe
Movie night Tue. 9/17 at 7:00 PM. Live music: Thu. 9/19 The OrganNauts & Friends, Fri. 9/20 Songwriters in the Round, Sat. 9/21 Darci Carlson, Sun. 9/22 Michael Jaramillo. See website for the Sept. live music schedule. Located at 142 N. Cortez St. in Prescott. 928.717.0009 www.ravencafe.com
Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts produced eight performances of the stage musical “Footloose,” based on the 1980s film, from June 28-July 7 at the group’s cabaret theater, starring the PCA Teen Summer Stock Rising Stars. They used their talent and exuberant energy to bring to life the story of Ren McCormack, who moves with his mother from Chicago to the small town of Bomont, where dancing is outlawed. The shows were packed with dancing, of course, along with songs and the enthusiasm of the youthful cast.
September 17th
RWOP presents an Evening of Sanity & Satire with Riley Gaines
Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Riley Gaines is the 2022 SEC Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year. She is a fearless leader who speaks out for women, common sense, and basic truth. Also featuring Kyle Mann of The Babylon Bee. Tickets also available for the VIP reception at 5:00 PM, prior to the main event. Tickets available online or by phone.
Zoo By Moonlight
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
7:30 PM-9:30 PM
Zoo By Moonlight is an evening event held from May through Sept. It provides a great opportunity to see the sanctuary’s nocturnal residents. See the clouded leopards, wolves, coyotes and much more by the light of the full moon. It’s a howling good time! Don’t forget to bring your flashlights, your curiosity and enjoy the sights and sounds of the animals. Docents will be available to provide direction and answer questions. $10 admission.
September 18th
Visit the Zoo!
Located at 1403 Heritage Park Rd. in Prescott and open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The HPZS is celebrating 35 years as a nonprofit wildlife sanctuary, dedicated to the conservation and protection of native and exotic animals. The zoo offers educational opportunities and special events throughout the year.
Pastel Workshop at the Phippen Museum
The Phippen Museum offers pastel classes with Don Rantz for both beginner and experienced artists. They are held on Tue. and Wed. from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. New students start on the first Wed. of every month. Call 928.778.1385 to enroll. Cost is $35 per session.
September 18th
History of Prescott’s Fire Department Western Heritage Center
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Conrad Jackson is the Prescott Fire Department’s wildfire risk manager and community liaison. He will present a thorough history of our local fire department. The presentation covers how the department came to be established, why it changed from a volunteer department to a paid one, as well as some background on the impactful fires that the community endured over the years. 928.910.2307
September 18th
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
The food share program at St. Vincent De Paul in Prescott is open Mon. to Thu. at 120 N. Summit St. See the Manzanita Outreach website for the hours and additional food share programs offered by the Salvation Army, Prescott Community Cupboard and area churches. The website also lists food share programs available in Chino Valley, Prescott Valley and Dewey-Humboldt. 928.649.5772
September 18th
The Fungi Around Us Highlands Center for Natural History 12:30 PM
Free class. Suggested $10 donation. Learn about native fungi of the Central Arizona Highlands and their roles in our environment. Topics will include local mushrooms, lichens, slime molds, and plant diseases caused by fungi. 928.776.9550
The Prescott Area Artist Studio Tour will return October 4-6, offering attendees an opportunity to visit with 74 juried artists across 53 private studios (as well as additional artists in four art centers), observe their creative processes and purchase one-of-a-kind works of art.
The free, self-guided tour runs 10 AM to 4 PM each day. Attendees may begin at any location and visit as many studios as they like. For detailed information and maps, visit www.prescottstudiotour.com
Among many others, the tour’s selection of artists includes:
Dale Andress, metal sculpture. Dale has been making art in one form or another for as long as he can remember. He leans toward sculpture for the tactile sensation in creating. Dale will appear at Tour Studio No. 29: Andress Studio, 246 W. Soaring Ave. in Prescott.
Denise Incao, ceramics. Denise creates abstract expressionistic wall pieces, as well as whimsical and functional vessels and everyday ware. Meet Denise at Tour Studio No. 47, Denise Incao Studio, 450 W. Gina Marie Blvd. in Paulden.
Alison Heavirland, jewelry. Alison’s jewelry designs reflect organic movement and shapes. Alison will appear at Tour Studio No. 6: AH Metalworks, 697 6th St., Ste 106 in Prescott.
Patty Lindsey, glass. Patty started with stained glass, then moved to metal sculptures and has finally blended the two to create sculptural glass. Find Patty at Tour Studio No. 26: Glass Goons, 4455 N. Juniper Dr. in Chino Valley.
Holly Weisel, painting. Holly describes oil paintings as “luscious” and watercolors as “wild and
unexpected.” Guiding mules into Bryce Canyon and working with horses for most of her life makes for some beautiful paintings of amazing animals. Holly will appear at Tour Studio No. 44: Thunderheart Jewelry, 11301 N. Sleek Way in Prescott Valley.
Carol Ward, fiber art. A colorful palette of botanically dyed silk and linen threads interwoven with prayers brings Carol’s vision to life in tiny tapestries. Meet Carol at Tour Studio No. 23: Blue Violet Prayers, 455 Bernice Dr. in Chino Valley.
Most artists on the tour will be raffling one of their works. Raffle tickets may be purchased and used at any tour location. Proceeds from ticket sales will be used to fund art programs for children in the Quad-City area as well as next year’s tour. The winning tickets will be drawn at each location after 4 PM on Sunday, Oct. 6.
September 19th
Prescott Area Kennel Club (PAKC) Dog Show
Indoor and outdoor events including conformation, rally and obedience. Takes place Sept. 19-22 at Findlay Toyota Center from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM each day. The Prescott Area Kennel Club warmly extends an invitation to its Annual Dog Show, an event not to be missed for any canine enthusiast. Established in 1966, this non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership within the community. 928.772.1819 www.findlaytoyotacenter.com
September 18th
Margot Fonteyn Academy of Ballet Classes
The Academy offers a wide variety of workshops, courses and certification programs. See website for details. Located at 300 E. Gurley St. in downtown Prescott. 928.445.5400 www.mfab.org
September 19th
Table Tennis Club
The Tri-City Table Tennis Club meets at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley. It’s the game everyone plays, but not many play it well. Come and join us and get better in no time at all. Four tournament-quality tables, nets, official balls and racquets. A robotic serving machine is now available for practice sessions. Meets Tue.-Thu. 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, Fri. 2:00-4:30 PM, and Sat. 9:30 AM-12:30 PM. 928.277.4720 www.tricitytabletennis.club
September 19th & 20th
Color Clinic with Gretchen Lopez Phippen Museum
10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Takes place over two days, Sept. 1920. Complementary color can open up a new world and way of looking at and formulating color into your paintings. By focusing on a particular formula of mixing color, mixing and understanding the color spectrum can be simplified. Check website for workshop info and registration. 928.778.1385
September 19th
Explore Prescott’s Western Heritage Western Heritage Center 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
The Western Heritage Center is located on Historic Whiskey Row and is open Wednesday through Sunday. Explore the exhibits and learn about Prescott’s western history and culture. The WHC also hosts lectures and book signings. See Facebook page for event updates. Free admission! 928.910.2307
September 19th
Bronzesmith Foundry Tour
Bronzesmith Fine Art Foundry & Gallery in Prescott Valley offers foundry tours every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Learn about the lost wax process of bronze casting. Fun and informative! The cost is $20 per person and advance reservations are required. Individuals and small groups are welcome.
Coffee with a Cop - Prescott Valley Stoneridge Community Center 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Community members are invited to attend this event and enjoy some coffee with the Prescott Valley Police Dept. 928.759.3090
September 19th
PAAC Cruise-In
BMO Harris Bank Parking Lot 4:00 PM
The monthly PAAC Cruise-In takes place in the BMO Bank parking lot at the intersection of Montezuma and Sheldon streets in Prescott. Non-PAAC members are invited to bring their individually owned cars and enjoy the Cruise-In. Visit the Prescott Antique Auto Club website for more information about club activities. www.paacaz.com
Continued on page 72
by John Mason Glen, Ph.D., the Prescott Western Heritage Foundation
July 14, 1900, was a hot, sultry Saturday night in Prescott, and saloon keepers were enjoying a profitable evening as the miners, cowboys and locals enjoyed their favorite “adult beverage.”
Sheriff George Ruffner later testified that “in order to jail all the drunks, you’d have to put a roof over the whole town.”
In the wooden building that served as a rooming house adjacent to the Scopel Hotel, aka The Grand View at the southwest corner of Goodwin and Montezuma streets, an unknown miner left the candle in his miner’s pick burning when he left to join in the festivities. A gust of wind through the open window apparently caught this miner’s candle, ignited the cheap curtains, and the blaze was on!
Fires were a relatively common
occurrence in the mostly wooden towns of the Old West. In May of 1879 the Arizona Miner had editorialized: “At least four deep wells should be made on our public plaza … which might be the means of saving our town, should a fire break out in the wooden buildings on Montezuma Street. We can’t afford a fire just yet.”
The wells were dug (one can still be seen at the southeast corner of the plaza), after the devasting fire of July 4, 1883, but on the night in question the pumping plant on Aubrey Street was undergoing repairs and inoperable. The four fire crews did the best they could, but with inadequate water, the fire raged.
It quickly destroyed Ferdinand Scopel’s pride and joy, jumped Goodwin Street and raced north through virtually all of the parched
wooden structures in the 100 block of Montezuma Street, including the Sam Hill Hardware Store (the rebuilt building that the Western Heritage Center now occupies), the Cobb Well House, the Palace bar, as well as the Burke Hotel, which advertised as “the only fireproof hotel in Arizona.”
Local merchants set up temporary structures, including tents, on the courthouse plaza to continue business, with the saloons especially doing a “land office business.”
Total loss was estimated to be in excess of $1.5 million. Prescott rebuilt itself quickly, this time using concrete, brick and mortar, and stone.
Much more Arizona history and myth can be found at the Western Heritage Center, 156 S. Montezuma. Admission is free.
September 19th
Live Music at the Back Alley Wine Bar: STEFnROCK
Singer-songwriter Open Mic every Tue. from 6:00-9:00 PM, hosted by Andrew Deering. Live music: Thu. 9/19 STEFnROCK 5:00-8:00 PM, Fri. 9/20 Gurley Girls 6:30-9:30 PM, Sat. 9/21 Billy Bond and Austin Lynn Austin 6:30-9:30 PM, Sun. 9/22 Sunday Funday with the Back Alley Cats 3:00-6:00 PM. See website for live music updates. Located at 156 S. Montezuma St. in downtown Prescott. 480.570.5131 www.backalleywine.com
Gardening Talks
Prescott Public Library
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Gardening Talks take place every month and are presented by members of Yavapai Master Gardeners. See website for program details for the talk on 9/19. 928.777.1500 www.prescottlibrary.info
Suze’s PCA Presents: “Jersey Boys” Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts 7:00 PM
Jersey Boys is the inspiring ragsto-riches tale of The Four Seasons. Each member of the group takes a turn narrating events, illustrating how a ragtag group of guys from New Jersey became music history. Jersey Boys showcases the group’s most iconic hits and reveals the inspiring tale behind the music. 12 performances in the PCA Cabaret theater from Thu. 9/12 through Sun. 9/29, including 3 Sunday matinee shows. 928.445.3286
September 20th
Mountain Artists Guild Open Studio: Portraiture
Drop-in open studio Friday mornings from 9:00 AM to noon. $15 members and $20 non-members. Oil & Acrylic Painting open studio sessions are offered on Wed. See website for shows and exhibits in the galleries. 928.445.2510
September 20th
Yavapai Humane Society
Vaccine Clinic - Prescott
Vaccine clinic every Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at 2989 Centerpointe E. Drive. Cats: $60 (3 vaccines), dogs $75 (4 vaccines). Individual vaccines are available.
2024 Prescott PowwowElders Embracing the Youth Watson Lake Park
10:00 AM
Takes place Fri. 9/20 through Sun. 9/22 at Watson Lake. Check website for program updates and event details. Open to the public. Parking is $5. The annual Powwow includes traditional dances, arts, and food. www.prescottpowwow.org
Third Friday Chamber Music at the Library
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Enjoy music by local chamber players and special guests at the Third Friday Chamber Music Series. Free admission with limited seating. Arrive early. 928.777.1500 www.prescottlibrary.info
September 20th
Walking Tours of Historic Downtown Prescott
The Prescott Chamber of Commerce offers 90-minute free walking tours of the historic downtown. Stroll through history and learn about Prescott’s storied past! Offered most Fri./Sat./Sun. Gather at 9:50 AM in front of the Visitor Information Center at 117 W. Goodwin St. Call ahead to confirm. Donations are appreciated. Special tours are available upon request for groups of 5 or more at a cost of $5 per person. Free parking at Granite St. parking garage. 928.445.2000
Friday Night Barn Dance at Mortimer Farms
6:00 PM-10:00 PM
Enjoy a live band, dancing, campfire, lawn games and beautiful farm scenery! Cash bar available. Add dinner to your admission for only $15 more. Barn Dance events are held every Friday through October. The Sunflower Festival and Corn Maze is happening the first three weekends in September. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116
www.mortimerfarmsaz.com/ BarnDance
September 20th
Artisan & Maker Early Fall Gift Fair
Hampton Inn - 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Takes place Sept. 20-24 at the Hampton Inn in Prescott Valley. Unique handcrafted jewelry, t-shirts, decorated wine bottles and wine caddy holders, charcuterie boards, coasters, wreaths and aprons, Minivers houses and hand painted stones, home and garden decorations, scroll saw artwork, leather goods, local writers and much much more. Free admission. 775.513.1347
September 20th
Karaoke with Matt & Allie at Cooper’s Pub 7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Located at 4499 AZ-69 in Prescott at the La Quinta Inn & Suites. Karaoke every Friday night. Check Matt & Allies Karaoke Facebook page for more karaoke events in Prescott and Prescott Valley. 928.227.8772
www.facebook.com/ CoopersPubAZ
The Folk Sessions presents: Angels Band 3 Highlands Center for Natural History 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Some of the Folk Sessions favorite musicians, including Eric Ramsey, come together “under the stars” in the Highlands Center Amphitheater for the Angels Band 3 – “How Can I Keep from Singing” to offer songs of hope, joy and deliverance.
928.710.1906 www.folksessions.com
Josh Turner: The Greatest Hits Tour Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Round up “Your Man” or your “Hometown Girl” and bring them to the exciting return of a PAC favorite! The multi-platinum country artist with the sublime, rumbling baritone is back for an evening of chart-toppers like “Would You Go With Me” and “Long Black Train.” 928.776.2000 www.ycpac.com
Live Music at the Jersey Lilly Saloon 8:00 PM-12:00 AM
Located at 116 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row in Prescott. Live music: Fri. 9/20 Cassandra Long Band 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Sat. 9/21 Little Larry 4:00-7:00 PM and Cassandra Long Band 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Sun. 9/22 Little Larry 4:00-7:00 PM, Tue. 9/24
The Home Boys 7:00-10:00 PM, Wed. 9/25 Jam Session 7:00-10:00 PM, Thu. 9/26 Little Larry 7:00-10:00 PM.. 928.541.7854 www.jerseylillysaloon.com
September 20th
Live Music at the Whiskey River Tavern - Highway 260 Band This week at the Whiskey River Tavern: Fri. 9/20 Elvin Killerbee Trio 7:00 PM10:30 PM (Bunkhouse) and Highway 260 8:00-11:30 PM, Sat. 9/21 Free Radicals 1:00-5:00 PM and Palomino 3:30-6:30 PM (Bunkhouse) and Trey Friddle 8:00-11:30 PM, Sun. 9/22 The Dirty Halos 1:00-5:00 PM, Tue. 9/24 Line Dance Lessons 6:00-8:00 PM, Wed. 9/25 STEFnROCK 5:00-8:00 PM (Bunkhouse) and Sky Daddy 6:30-9:30 PM, Thu. 9/25 Darin and Deering 6:309:30 PM See website for the Sept. live music schedule. 214 S. Montezuma St. in Prescott. 928.237.5817
Josh Roy Band at Matt’s Saloon Located at 112 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row. Matt’s Saloon has live music Fri. & Sat. from 8:30 PM to 1:00 AM. Fri. 9/20 and Sat. 9/21 Josh Roy Band Sun. & Wed. Karaoke 7:00 PM-12:00 AM, Thu. line dance lessons 6:00-8:00 PM and country DJ 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Fri. country western couples dance lessons 6:00 PM. 928.771.8788
September 21st
Prescott Farmers Market
YRMC Miller Valley Parking Lot
7:30 AM-12:00 PM
The market hosts local farmers, ranchers, food vendors and craft vendors each week. Find fresh specialty produce, meat, eggs, bread, baked goods, delicious ready-toeat foods and more. Accepts cash, credit, debit and double EBT/SNAP benefits! Pets are not allowed at the market but service animals are always welcome. Located at 900 Iron Springs Rd. 928.713.1227
Prescott Great Strides: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Yavapai College
8:00 AM-1:00 PM
Every Great Strides participant is committed to helping advance a cure for cystic fibrosis. By joining us at Great Strides you can help us reach this lifesaving goal. Enjoy a 1-mile walk, breakfast from Chick-Fil-A and Outlaw Donuts, coffee and more! Free event. Registration is required and you can set your own fundraising goal. 602.224.0068
September 21st
Garden Class: Privacy Plants for Secret Gardens Watters Garden Center
9:30 AM
Continued on page 82
Free garden class at Watters Garden Center, located at 1815 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. Students learn to grow the fastest plants to fill in your privacy screens! You can screen unsightly neighbors, enhance views, and block traffic and light pollution. You are going to love your backyard again. 928.445.4159
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The Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 50th anniversary with a Golden Gala July 19, a glittery, shining evening of award presentations, food, live music, raffle prizes, networking and much more held at Findlay Toyota Center. Executive Director Marnie Uhl, who subsequently announced her retirement, and other community leaders presided an evening that looked back at the illustrious history of the chamber and ahead to an exciting future for the area. Award winners included Citizen of the Year Jane Harrison, Business Leaders of the Year Ben and Sasha Naaz and Chamber Member of the Year Desert Financial Credit Union.
September 21st-22nd
2024 Prescott Indian Art Market (PIAM)
Sharlot Hall Museum
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
PIAM is Sharlot Hall Museum’s Native American fine arts market, featuring Indigenous art, music, performances, demonstrations, and more. Over 80 top Native artists exhibit artwork in this juried show, showcasing art media ranging from oil painting and beadwork to pottery and weaving. 928.445.3122
www.sharlothallmuseum.org/ piam.com/classes
September 21st
Discover Native History & Culture Museum of Indigenous People
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Exhibits include prehistoric and contemporary examples of indigenous cultural and artistic materials from the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. The museum has special exhibits, art auctions and other special events throughout the year. Located at 147 N. Arizona Ave. in Prescott. 928.445.1230
Live Music at
Mogollon Vineyards in Dewey Mogollon Vineyards has live music and other events on weekends. There will be a Trivia Night on Fri. 9/20 from 6:00-8:00 PM and live music on Sat. 9/21 with Ron Barnes 2:00-5:00 PM. Line dancing lessons on Fri. 9/27 from 6:00-8:00 PM. See website for the Sept. schedule. Located at 2430 AZ69 in Dewey. 928.243.8387 www.mogollonvineyards.com
Art Swoop Fundraiser 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
The annual Art Swoop will include 12”x12” 2-D works, 3D works in various sizes, wearable art and jewelry. Join the exciting Art Swoop exchange! Will include a silent auction, Heads & Tails interactive game, appetizers, cash bar and more. Takes place in the 3rd floor banquet hall at the ‘Tis Gallery building at 105 S. Cortez St. Funds raised will benefit the ‘Tis Annex free art education classes for children. RVSP. Register on website. 928.775.0223
September 21st
Phippen Museum
Fall Gathering Barbecue
Call your friends and neighbors, grab the kids and your dancing boots, and come on out for all the fun and entertainment at our 18th Fall Gathering Barbecue. Doors open at 5:15 PM. Featuring a delicious ranch-style dinner with all the fixins by Catering by Liz and live western entertainment by the Danny Romero and the Band. The event pays tribute to the museum’s origins. Tickets are $60 for members and $70 for guests. Free for children 8 and under.
September 21st
After Dark at the ParkHeritage Park Zoo Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
5:30 PM-8:30 PM
After Dark at the Park is the coolest adult-only after hours event in Prescott. Enjoy a fall evening as you sip and stroll through the park. Includes keeper talks, animal feedings and fun activities. Tickets are $40 for individuals and $60 for couples. Includes 2 drink tickets. Tickets available online or at the gate. 928.778.4242
September 21st
Ronnie DeBenedetta Dance at The Center
The Center - Prescott Monthly Dance Night — Dance lesson from 6:30-7:15 PM and dancing from 7:15-10:00 PM. Cost is $15 per person. See the calendar for dance lessons offered in Sept. at The Center. 928.778.3000
September 21st
United Nations International Day of Peace - Cultivating a Culture of Peace Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
The UN International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the UN General Assembly, a period of nonviolence/cease-fire. Cultivating a Culture of Peace: ring the peace bell; proclamation by Eric Moore, city councilmember; music; peace poems by students. Join us for this time of peace & reflection.
www.facebook.com/ PrescottAzPeacebuilders
Whitney Houston:
Evolution of an Icon 2024
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Dynamic diva Crystal Stark pays tribute to Houston’s versatility with a selection of the icon’s greatest hits and enduring classics. As the only artist to have seven consecutive number one singles on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, Whitney Houston has forever etched her place in music history.
September 22nd
Prescott Valley Community Market
Prescott Valley Town Center 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
New location in Prescott Valley Town Center, 2991 N. Park Ave. The Artisan & Maker Market features food, artisans, crafters, and local merchants. Free admission.
2024 Prescott Indian Art Market (PIAM)
Sharlot Hall Museum 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
PIAM is Sharlot Hall Museum’s Native American fine arts market, featuring Indigenous art, music, performances, demonstrations, and more. Over 80 top Native artists exhibit artwork in this juried show, showcasing art media ranging from oil painting and beadwork to pottery and weaving. 928.445.3122
Continued on page 86
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September 22nd
Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock Blues Jam hosted by the Scott O’Neal Band or Elvin Killerbee every Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night from 7:00-11:00 PM. This weekend: Fri. 9/20 and Sat. 9/21 Llory McDonald. The Windsock also has live music on Tue. at 5:30 PM with Wheelhouse Trio or Sky Daddy & Friends, Travis Crow & Colton Burris every Wed. at 6:00 PM, and the Aragon Ping Band every Thu. from 6:00-9:00 PM. Located at 1365 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. 928.776.7309 www.thewindsocklounge.net
Sundays at the Sundance
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Don’t miss the chance to attend this free concert at The Elks Performing Arts Center’s Crystal Hall. Although complimentary, please reserve your seat! Without reservations, admittance at the door will be subject to availability. Concert will feature singer/songwriter/guitarist Terry Berrett, Lovely Sky duo (Alicia Previn and Sky Daddy) and songwriter and storyteller Becky Dalke. Tips for the musicians will be gratefully accepted during the show. Performers are not paid and tips and donations made at the concert go to performers. 928.756.2844 www.prescottelkstheatre.org
Explore Prescott’s History
Located in downtown Prescott at 415 W. Gurley St. The Sharlot Hall museum has exhibits, galleries, gardens and historic buildings. Open Tue. to Sat. 10:00 AM-5:00 PM and 12:00-4:00 PM on Sundays. Check the museum website for info on Pop Up Programs, Living History Adventures, lectures, and other special events. General admission gives access for two consecutive days.
Social Dance to Live Music!
4:30 PM-9:30 PM
Grab your dancing shoes and join us on the huge, beautiful wooden floor! We dance nonstop to 5 hours of live music by the Red Baron and Alan Harkrader! Full cash bar, cash cover charge is $10. See you on the dance floor! Location is 1245 White Spar Rd. in Prescott. www.facebook.com/ groups/3132317610356663
Movie Nights & Live Music at the Raven Cafe
Movie night Tue. 9/24 at 7:00 PM. Live music: Wed. 9/25 Troy Schilperoort, Sun. 9/29 Zach Dominguez (brunch). See website for the Sept. live music schedule. Located at 142 N. Cortez St. in Prescott. 928.717.0009 www.ravencafe.com
September 25th
Visit the Zoo!
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
Located at 1403 Heritage Park Rd. in Prescott and open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The HPZS is celebrating 35 years as a nonprofit wildlife sanctuary, dedicated to the conservation and protection of native and exotic animals. The zoo offers educational opportunities and special events throughout the year.
Starry Nights Star Party
Highlands Center for Natural History 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Join the Prescott Astronomy Club’s 50th anniversary celebration at the Highlands Center for Natural History. Enjoy an evening under the stars, viewing galaxies and star clusters through club telescopes. Carpooling is encouraged.
Explore Prescott’s Western Heritage 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
The Western Heritage Center is located on Historic Whiskey Row and is open Wednesday through Sunday. Explore the exhibits and learn about Prescott’s western history and culture. The WHC also hosts lectures and book signings. See Facebook page for event updates. Free admission! 928.910.2307 www.visitwhc.org
Bronzesmith Foundry Tour
Bronzesmith Fine Art Foundry & Gallery in Prescott Valley offers foundry tours every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Learn about the lost wax process of bronze casting. Fun and informative! The cost is $20 per person and advance reservations are required. Individuals and small groups are welcome.
September 23rd
Art Talk - How to Look at Art Like a Cro Magnon Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Monday Morning Art Talk will be presented by Phoenix Art Museum Master Docent Cathie Rubins. Open to the public and takes place at the Artists’ Lounge at Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts. Hosted by the Prescott Art Docents.
928.533.5806 www.prescottartdocents.net
Continued on page 88
International Cuisine from Around the World
The Grey Room at Bucky’s Casino 4:00 PM-12:00 AM
Experience three delectable days of international cuisine from around the world at The Grey Room at Bucky’s Casino on Sept. 26-28. Each day will be a global culinary adventure consisting of an authentic three-course meal paired with a regional cocktail and representing a different world location. September travels will take you to Taiwan on Thursday, Sept. 26, Pakistan on Friday, Sept. 27 and Serbia on Sept. 28. Service begins at 4:00 PM daily, offered at $38 and Around the World creations will be available while supplies last. Indulge in your favorite or all three! Visit website for more information. 928.776.5696 www.buckyscasino.com
Yavapai Humane Society Vaccine Clinic - Prescott Vaccine clinic every Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at 2989 Centerpointe E. Dr. Cats: $60 (3 vaccines), dogs $75 (4 vaccines). Individual vaccines are available. www.yavapaihumane.org
Live Music at the Back Alley Wine Bar: STEFnROCK Singer-songwriter Open Mic every Tue. from 6:00-9:00 PM, hosted by Andrew Deering. Live music: Thu. 9/26 STEFnROCK 5:00-8:00 PM, Fri. 9/27 CheekTones TRIO 6:30-9:30 PM, Sat. 9/28 Wheelhouse Trio 6:30-9:30 PM, Sun. 9/29 Sunday Funday with the Back Alley Cats 3:00-6:00 PM. See website for live music updates. Located at 156 S. Montezuma St. in downtown Prescott. 480.570.5131 www.backalleywine.com Continued
Suze’s PCA Presents: “Jersey Boys” Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts 7:00 PM
Jersey Boys is the inspiring ragsto-riches tale of The Four Seasons. Each member of the group takes a turn narrating events, illustrating how a ragtag group of guys from New Jersey became music history. Jersey Boys showcases the group’s most iconic hits and reveals the inspiring tale behind the music. 12 performances in the PCA Cabaret theater from Thu. 9/12 through Sun. 9/29, including 3 Sunday matinee shows.
928.445.3286 www.prescottartcenter.org
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September 27th
Pumpkin Fest & Corn Maze
Mortimer Farms
7:00 AM-9:00 PM
This year’s Pumpkin Fest & Corn Maze begins on the weekend of Sept. 27/28 and continues into October. See website for details and tickets. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116
Double the Cash Drawings
Bucky’s & Yavapai Casinos
Double The Cash drawings take place Fridays in Sept. and winners receive $500 cash! Join the excitement at Yavapai Casino drawings at 5:00 PM and Bucky’s at 7:00 PM. There will be five Double The Cash winners at each casino every Friday in Sept. Visit website for details. Must be 21 or older. Please play responsibly. 928.776.5696 www.buckyscasino.com
Prescott’s 4th Friday Art Walk
5:00 PM-9:00 PM
Experience the vibrant arts scene in Prescott every 4th Friday of the month as 16 galleries around the downtown courthouse plaza open their doors for evening events, including exhibits and artist receptions. This monthly event showcases the work of local and nationally acclaimed artists. www.artthe4th.com
Walking Tours of Historic Downtown Prescott
The Prescott Chamber of Commerce offers 90-minute free walking tours of the historic downtown. Stroll through history and learn about Prescott’s storied past! Offered most Fri./Sat./ Sun. Gather at 9:50 AM in front of the Visitor Information Center at 117 W. Goodwin St. Call ahead to confirm. Donations are appreciated. Special tours are available upon request for groups of 5 or more at a cost of $5 per person. Free parking at Granite St. parking garage.
Live Music at the Creekside Lodge: Nicki Parks
Live music at The Cellar: Friday, 9/27 Nicki Parks 6:30-9:30 PM, Sat. 9/28 Calvin Rainwater 7:00-10:00 PM. Creekside Lodge & Cabins is located at 11255 AZ-69 in Mayer. See website for the Sept. live music schedule.
Friday Night Barn Dance at Mortimer Farms
6:00 PM-10:00 PM
Enjoy a live band, dancing, campfire, lawn games and beautiful farm scenery! Cash bar available. Add dinner to your admission for only $15 more. Barn Dance events are held every Friday through October. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116
www.mortimerfarmsaz.com/ BarnDance
Movies Under the Stars
Prescott Valley Civic Center 6:45 PM-9:00 PM
Sept. 13 movie is “Trolls Band Together,” and the Sept. 27 movie will be “The Hunger Games.” Bring a blanket or chair, popcorn and snacks for this free outdoor movies series. www.prescottvalley-az.gov
Continued on page 96
The Yavapai College Prescott Art Gallery and the Yavapai College Foundation will present “Art in the Pines: The 5th Annual Prescott Plein Air Festival,” Oct. 9-13. The free festival will feature 19 juried Arizona artists and one California artist painting in outdoor settings throughout Yavapai County, including the area’s beautiful pine forests and highland lakes, as well as amidst the historical and architectural beauty of downtown Prescott.
At specific accessible demonstration sites, the public will have an opportunity to observe and engage with the artists.
Featured artists include Carol Benally, Betty Carr, Cindy Carrillo, Tom Conner, Jonathan Gaetke, Lydia Gatzow, Terri Gay, Kathryn Gipson, Robert Goldman, Lindsay Green, Lance Gulseth, Cathy Krieger, Gretchen Lopez, Harold Nelson, Eric Neubert, Beth Okurowski, Linda Pullinsi, Kyle Rafferty
and Luke Watson.
“I love how educational the Prescott Plein Air event is, as it pertains to the history, process and environment,” says Sedona-based artist Lydia Gatzow, who is returning to the festival this year after participating in 2023. “It really brings you into the spirit of observation and appreciation.”
Gatzow adds that her favorite aspect of painting in the Prescott area is “how vast and diverse the landscape is.”
“One can delight in an early morning vista, forest or creek scene, and by sunset you could be painting on the shore of Watson Lake capturing the light on the Granite Dells or rendering the backlit meadows at the base of Granite Mountain,” she says.
The Plein Air Festival’s pre-event will run Sept. 16 to Oct. 9, with a special exhibition of works by festival judges and award-winning artists
Bill Cramer and Dawn Sutherland.
This exhibition will feature a charity auction of signature paintings by each artist accepted into the festival. Sale proceeds from the auction will support scholarships, student art prizes at Yavapai College and festival awards.
Pre-event programming will include a free opening reception Sept. 27 from 5 to 7 PM at Yavapai College Prescott Art Gallery, 1100 E. Sheldon St.
The festival concludes with a ticketed public gala reception, art sale and presentation of artist awards on Sunday, Oct. 13 from 1:30-4:30 PM at the Yavapai College Prescott Art Gallery in the Jim and Linda Lee Performing Arts Center. Attendees will be able to visit with the artists and purchase their paintings directly.
For more information call 928.776.2031 or email Timothy.Hull@ yc.edu.
“School Days”
School days during the territorial era were quite different from school life today. Experience the
“Governor’s Mansion Mourning” OCTOBER 12TH | 10 AM-3 PM
The Victorian era was filled with superstitions and life beyond. Mourning was especially a prominent practice after the passing of a loved one during this time. Learn about mourning traditions in territorial Prescott and the superstitions revolving around life and death at this October event.
September 27th
Karaoke with Matt & Allie at Cooper’s Pub 7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Located at 4499 AZ-69 in Prescott at the La Quinta Inn & Suites. Karaoke every Friday night. Check Matt & Allies Karaoke Facebook page for more karaoke events in Prescott and Prescott Valley. 928.227.8772
www.facebook.com/ CoopersPubAZ
Big Daddy D and the Dynamites Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Big Daddy and the Dynamites is a long-running, high-quality blues band established in Prescott in 1999. Always a crowd favorite, they provide variations of up-tempo rock, rhythm, soul and funk blues. Celebrate 25 years with bandleader Darryl Porras and friends with his vocalist Betty Jo Vachon. 928.756.2844 www.prescottelkstheatre.org
Live Music at the Jersey Lilly Saloon
Located at 116 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row in Prescott. Live music: Fri. 9/27 Flashback 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Sat. 9/28 Tacos & Beer Charity Event 2:00-5:00 PM, Little Larry 2:00-7:00 PM and Flashback 8:00 PM-12:00 AM. 928.541.7854 www.jerseylillysaloon.com
Live Music at the Whiskey River Tavern - Groove Dawgs
This week at the Whiskey River Tavern: Fri. 9/27 Groove Dawgs 8:0011:30 PM and Colton/Travis/Forest 7:00-10:30 PM (Bunkhouse), Sat. 9/28 Truly Reckless 1:00-5:00 PM and Palomino 3:30-6:30 PM (Bunkhouse) and Scandalous Hands 8:00-11:30 PM and Sky Walker Trio 8:00-11:30 PM (Bunkhouse), Sun. 9/29 All She Wrote. See website for the Sept./Oct. live music schedule. 214 S. Montezuma St. in Prescott. 928.237.5817 www.whiskeyrivertavern.com
In Color Band at Matt’s Saloon
Located at 112 S. Montezuma St. on Whiskey Row. Matt’s Saloon has live music Fri. & Sat. from 8:30 PM to 1:00 AM. Fri. 9/27 and Sat. 9/28 In Color Band. Sun. & Wed. Karaoke 7:00
PM-12:00 AM, Thu. line dance lessons 6:00-8:00 PM and country DJ 8:00 PM-12:00 AM, Fri. country western couples dance lessons 6:00 PM. 928.771.8788
Prescott Farmers Market
YRMC Miller Valley Parking Lot
7:30 AM-12:00 PM
The market hosts local farmers, ranchers, food vendors and craft vendors each week. Find fresh specialty produce, meat, eggs, bread, baked goods, delicious ready-toeat foods and more. Accepts cash, credit, debit and double EBT/SNAP benefits! Pets are not allowed at the market but service animals are always welcome. Located at 900 Iron Springs Rd.
Garden Class:
Stunning Container Gardens
Watters Garden Center
9:30 AM
Free garden class at Watters Garden Center, located at 1815 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. Everyone is going to comment on your potting success! Bring your own container or buy a new one. We’ll have potting stations open, with experts to help you put together a stunning container garden.
www.wattersgardencenter.com/ classes
Discover Native History & Culture
Museum of Indigenous People
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Exhibits include prehistoric and contemporary examples of indigenous cultural and artistic materials from the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. The museum has special exhibits, art auctions and other special events throughout the year. Located at 147 N. Arizona Ave. in Prescott.
September 28th-29th
Prescott Highland Games and Celtic Faire
Watson Lake Park
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sept. 28-29. A family event! Heavy athletics, Highland dancing, pipe bands and drummers, live entertainment, food and merchandise vendors, children’s glen, whisky tasting seminars, lots of beer and whisky and a whole lot more! Please come and explore the Celtic Heritage and Information Center! Tickets $15 for adults and free for children under 5. 928.642.0020
September 28th
Sip & Paint at the Zoo
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
4:00 PM-7:00 PM
For ages 21 and over, all materials included. Enjoy wine & appetizers while a local artist teaches you to paint one of the wonderful animals here at HPZS. Register online. 928.778.4242 www.heritageparkzoo.org
September 28th
Live Music at Mogollon Vineyards in Dewey Mogollon Vineyards has events and live music on weekends. Line dancing lessons on Fri. 9/27 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Sat. 9/28 live music with Sasquatch Fur Co. from 2:00-5:00 PM. See website for the Sept. schedule. Located at 2430 AZ-69 in Dewey. 928.243.8387 www.mogollonvineyards.com
Concert - “The Music of Peace”
Ruth Street Theater - 2:00 PM
Come listen to the Prescott Chorale as they present two works that will evoke sentiments that run the gamut from mournful to joyful and dramatic to serene. The voices of the Prescott Chorale, special soloists and full orchestra. Tickets available on the Prescott Chorale website. www.prescottchorale.com
Prescott Astronomy Club 50th
Celebration Fundraising Party Hassayampa Inn
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
Join PAC for a fundraising party! Enjoy an evening of fun, food and festivities to support our astronomy educational and outreach programs. Highlights include a silent auction and raffle featuring businesses and astronomy items. Don’t miss the chance to support astronomy education in Prescott! www.prescottastronomyclub.org
Teresa Joy & Drew HallAn Original Blend of Ambient Rock Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Introducing the virtuosic writing and performing talents of violinist Teresa Joy and guitarist Drew Hall. Together they weave a tapestry of mesmerizing soundscapes with their full band, one night only at the Crystal Hall. They blend ambient rock with lush, orchestral elements to create a sonic experience that transcends the ordinary. Join them for their debut performance at the Crystal Hall in the Elks Performing Arts Center in Prescott, where the fusion of strings and guitar will not only echo through the hall but also stir the soul.
Continued on page 100
September 27 & 28th
One Stage Family Theatre presents: “Disney’s Finding Nemo JR.” Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
Come and support the One Stage Family Theatre production of “Disney’s Finding Nemo JR.” Fri. 9/27 at 7:00 PM and two shows on Sat. 9/28 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Tickets are available online or at the door. The show is a musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie “Finding Nemo.” 928.499.8664
www.prescottelkstheatre.org/ theatre-events
Mortensen Bull Riding Invitational Findlay Toyota Center 7:30 PM
Join us for the Yavapai Bottle Gas Mortensen Invitational, presented by Bucky’s Casino and Coors Light! Experience the thrill of the most exciting 8 seconds as the best riders from PBR and PRCA compete. Each rider will take on one bull in the Long Round, with the top 10 advancing to the Short Round. Tickets start at $15. 928.583.6098
2024 Prescott Vette Sette Corvette Show
Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza Takes place around the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in Prescott. The Corvette Car Show will have an impressive selection of hundreds of Corvettes, vintage and modern. The 19th Annual Corvette Show is hosted by the Prescott Vette Sette club. See website for details. www.prescottvettesette.com
AZ Wordsmith Presents: Stories That Matter
3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Celebrate the diversity and the unity of the human experience through the ancient art of storytelling! AZ Wordsmith and the Elks Performing Arts Center is thrilled to announce the next presentation in our Stories That Matter series! Our mission is to encourage and promote the artistry of true stories told before a live audience, creating an intimate and enriching experience for the storyteller and audience. Tickets available on the Elks website. 928.756.2844
September 29th
Grapes 4 Good Prescott Frontier Rotary Watters Garden Center
The wine flows and spirits are lifted as the gardens come alive at Watters Garden Center! Watters Garden Center is hosting Prescott Frontier Rotary’s 16th benefit! On Sept. 29th from 5:00-8:00 PM, the garden center transforms into “A Garden Party.” 928.445.4159 www.prescottfrontierrotary.com
Prescott Valley Community Market
9:00 AM-2:00 PM
New location in Prescott Valley Town Center, 2991 N. Park Ave. The Artisan & Maker Market features food, artisans, crafters and local merchants. Free admission. 928.273.9767
Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock
2:00 PM-6:00 PM
Blues Jam hosted by the Scott O’Neal Band or Elvin Killerbee every Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night from 7:00-11:00 PM. This weekend: Fri. 9/27 Wheelhouse and Sat. 9/28 Well Dressed Wolves. The Windsock also has live music on Tue. at 5:30 PM with Wheelhouse Trio or Sky Daddy & Friends, Travis Crow & Colton Burris every Wed. at 6:00 PM, and the Aragon Ping Band every Thu. from 6:00-9:00 PM. Located at 1365 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. 928.776.7309
Wander the Wild 2024 Windmill House - Chino Valley 2:30 PM-5:30 PM
Wander the Wild is the Highlands Center for Natural History’s signature annual fundraising event, which supports educational programs for 10,000 children annually and provide scholarships for children and elementary school classes to attend outdoor programs. Features an auction and dinner at Windmill House in Chino Valley.
928.776.9550 www.highlandscenter.org
Merchandise Mondays
Merchandise Mondays, a Preskitt favorite promotion at Bucky’s and Yavapai Casinos, is back by popular demand! Wear your authentic logoed Bucky’s or Yavapai Casino apparel, t-shirts, jackets or caps on Mondays and receive $10 in Gold Rewards. Visit the Gold Rush Club to qualify from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Rules and details of qualifying apparel items can be found at the Gold Rush Club or online.
928.776.5696 www.buckyscasino.com
October 1st
Social Dance to Live Music! Social Dance Club - Prescott 4:30 PM-9:30 PM
Grab your dancing shoes and join us on the huge, beautiful wooden floor! We dance nonstop to 5 hours of live music by the Red Baron and Alan Harkrader! Full cash bar, cash cover charge is $10. See you on the dance floor! Location is 1245 White Spar Rd. in Prescott. www.facebook.com/ groups/3132317610356663
Continued on page 104
Wet & Wild Water Day brought hordes of families to Heritage Park Zoo Aug. 17 to escape the summer heat with the most fun water activities around! Festivities included water games, a giant water slide, Kiwanis sprinkler area, special animal treats, concessions and much more! One of the zoo’s most popular events of the year, all proceeds supported the zoo, which is celebrating 35 years as an animal sanctuary.
Celebrating 50 Years of Astronomy in Arizona
Prescott Public Library
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Join PAC for a special 50th anniversary club meeting featuring Rev. Christopher J. Corbally, S.J., of the Vatican Observatory and the University of Arizona. This presentation will reflect on the innovative achievements of astronomy in Arizona, particularly since the founding of the club. Meets in the Founders Suite at the library. www.prescottastronomyclub.org
Art Classes & Programs
Suze’s Prescott Center for the Arts offers a variety of classes and programs for youth and adults, including ceramics, 2D art and theater. Check the website to see what’s being offered in August. 928.445.3286
www.prescottartcenter.org/ classes
Bronzesmith Foundry Tour
Bronzesmith Fine Art Foundry & Gallery in Prescott Valley offers foundry tours every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Learn about the lost wax process of bronze casting. Fun and informative! The cost is $20 per person and advance reservations are required. Individuals and small groups are welcome. 928.772.2378
Programs at
James Family Prescott YMCA
The James Family Prescott YMCA is located at 750 Whipple St. Visit their website to learn about programs and activities, which include aquatics, sports, fitness, gymnastics and more. The Prescott YMCA will host the annual Whiskey Row Marathon on Sat. 10/12. www.prescottymca.org
Walking Tours of
Historic Downtown Prescott
10:00 AM
The Prescott Chamber of Commerce offers 90-minute free walking tours of the historic downtown. Stroll through history and learn about Prescott’s storied past! Offered most Fri./Sat./ Sun. Gather at 9:50 AM in front of the Visitor Information Center at 117 W. Goodwin St. Call ahead to confirm. Donations are appreciated. Special tours are available upon request for groups of 5 or more at a cost of $5 per person. Free parking at Granite St. parking garage.
Prescott Area Artist Studio Tour
Friday Night Barn Dance at Mortimer Farms
6:00 PM-10:00 PM
Enjoy a live band, dancing, campfire, lawn games and beautiful farm scenery! Cash bar available. Add dinner to your admission for only $15 more. Barn Dance events are held every Friday through October. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey.
www.mortimerfarmsaz.com/ BarnDance
The self-guided 2024 Studio Tour will be held Friday, Oct. 4 through Sun., Oct. 6 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM each day. There will be 74 artists in 53 private studios plus additional artists at 4 Art Centers. See all the wonderful art offered by this year’s artists. The Tour is a celebration of the arts and the artists in the Prescott Quad-City area. It is a free 3-day event which allows you to visit private artists’ studios, see the artists in action, learn how they create their art and purchase unique art for yourself or as gifts. Map and artist info available on website. www.prescottstudiotour.com
Karaoke with Matt & Allie at Cooper’s Pub
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Located at 4499 AZ-69 in Prescott at the La Quinta Inn & Suites. Karaoke every Friday night. Check Matt & Allies Karaoke Facebook page for more karaoke events in Prescott and Prescott Valley. 928.227.8772 www.facebook.com/ CoopersPubAZ
Dia de los Muertos Spectacular Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM
Mariachi Garibaldi de Jaime Cuéllar and Ballet Folklórico del Rio Grande present a celebration of life, with lively music and dance, beautiful costumes and a virtual altar to those we have lost. An homage to Mexico’s rich cultural heritage, Eternamente blends graceful traditional dance with vibrant storytelling that also tips a hat to the great Mexican singers of yesteryear such as Vicente Fernandez, Pedro Infante, Lucha Villa and more. Food trucks on site from 4:00-7:00 PM 928.776.2000 www.ycpac.com
Prescott Farmers Market
YRMC Miller Valley Parking Lot 7:30 AM-12:00 PM
The market hosts local farmers, ranchers, food vendors and craft vendors each week. Find fresh specialty produce, meat, eggs, bread, baked goods, delicious ready-toeat foods and more. Accepts cash, credit, debit and double EBT/SNAP benefits! Pets are not allowed at the market but service animals are always welcome. Located at 900 Iron Springs Rd. 928.713.1227 www.prescottfarmersmarket.org
Monthly Watson Woods Bird Walk: Prescott Audubon
Watson Woods Riparian Preserve 8:30 AM
On the first Saturday of the month Prescott Audubon volunteers lead bird walks in Watson Woods. The walks are approximately 2 hours long and are open to birders of all ages and levels. Registration not required. Meet at the Peavine Trailhead parking area at 1624 Sundog Ranch Rd. in Prescott. (Park fee $3/vehicle.) See website for additional events and programs. Note that the start time changes with the seasons.
October 5th
Mindful Meandering: Tuning into Nature Through Smell Highlands Center for Natural History
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
On a Mindful Meander, we set aside such worthy activities for a couple of hours to focus instead on simply being present in nature. We practice using our senses to expand our awareness of the natural world, both what’s around us and ourselves within it. A mindfulness walk with Grace Burford focused on our sense of smell. Presented in collaboration with the Natural History Institute. Register online.
October 5th
Harvest Festival
Prescott Valley Civic Center
11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Costume parade, art, live music, bounce houses, food trucks and more! Join in the festive spirit of the autumn season with the Harvest Festival! Free admission.
www.prescottvalley-az.gov/1145/ Harvest-Festival
The Met Opera Simulcast: Les Contes d’Hoffmann
Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 10:00 AM
HD simulcast by satellite with general admission seating. An ensemble of leading lights take the stage for Offenbach’s fantastical final work, headlined by tenor Benjamin Bernheim in the title role of the tormented poet. Tickets $24 ($20 seniors.)
Evening with the Animals - Jaguar
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Bring your family to meet part of our family! Our education staff will share some fun facts while the keepers introduce you to the individual animals and their stories. This private after-hours event will include some tasty treats for both the animals and our guests, plus some fun activities! See website to register online.
Fall Swing Dance Concert
ft. Northern AZ Big Band
Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center
7:00 PM
Swing Dance Concert with the Northern Arizona Big Band. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Free dance lesson from 6:15-6:45 PM courtesy of The Bee’s Knees Dance Prescott. The concert/dance will start at 7:00 PM. The Northern Arizona Big Band is a 17-piece band with a vocalist performing swing music from the past and present. They will be providing wonderful music for dancing or listening.
High Desert Roughriders
Trail Ride & All Horse Parade
The annual 10-mile ride will bring the High Desert Roughriders onto Whiskey Row in Downtown Prescott for the impressive All Horse Parade. Proceeds from this event support local veterans. Ride starts at 7:30 AM and will arrive in Downtown Prescott in the afternoon.
Continued on page 108
Indulge in the spacious serenity of our luxurious apartment homes nestled amidst the majestic Pines.
• Enclosed garage parking – steps away from your front door or direct entry available
• Pet Friendly – Community Park with an enclosed Dog play area and gas grilling stations
• Dedicated Fiber Internet with Concierge Service and On-Site IT Support
• Tankless Water Heaters with InstaHot Water upgrade
• 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance and Security Camera Monitoring
• Natural Park-Like Feel Surrounded by Pine Trees
October 6th
Sunday Blues Jam at the Windsock Blues Jam hosted by the Scott O’Neal Band or Elvin Killerbee every Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night from 7:00-11:00 PM. This weekend: Fri. 10/4 Rick Schmidt and the Rangers and Sat. 10/5 Wes Williams. The Windsock also has live music on Tue. at 5:30 PM with Wheelhouse Trio or Sky Daddy & Friends, Travis Crow & Colton Burris every Wed. at 6:00 PM, and the Aragon Ping Band every Thu. from 6:00-9:00 PM. Located at 1365 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. 928.776.7309 www.thewindsocklounge.net
AZ Phil: James D’Leon and Friends 3:00 PM
Steinway Artist James D’León and Arizona Philharmonic’s principal string musicians unite in this annual audience favorite for a chamber concert that spans the romantic fervor and lyrical depth of the 19th and 20th centuries. Concerts are held at the Ruth Street Theater in Prescott. See website for the concert details and tickets. 855.321.6724 www.azphil.org
October 6th
Central Arizona Concert BandAutumn Concert ERAU Davis Learning Center Auditorium
3:00 PM
Bring your friends and family for an afternoon of great symphonic band music. Tickets are available at the door. $12/adults and $5/ students. Located at 3700 Willow Creek Rd. in Prescott. www.centralarizonaconcertband.com
October 6th
Gabriel Iglesias - Don’t Worry Be Fluffy Tour Findlay Toyota Center
7:30 PM
Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias is one of the world’s most successful standup comedians. He recently became the second-highest grossing touring comedian and is one of the most-watched comedians on YouTube with over 1.1 billion views and over 25 million fans on social media. Tickets available online, by phone or at the arena box office. 928.772.1819 www.findlaytoyotacenter.com
The real estate industry is undergoing a significant transformation, particularly for members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). The changes stem from a pivotal settlement reached by NAR aimed at enhancing transparency and fairness in real estate transactions, specifically regarding compensation.
These adjustments are set to reshape the professional practices of NAR REALTOR® members and alter how they work with clients.
Central to these changes is the commitment to increased transparency in commission practices. To achieve this goal, the settlement mandates that buyer agents now negotiate their commissions directly with clients.
Previously, compensation was communicated within the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The new requirement ends this standard practice, moving commissions out of the MLS system and necessitating direct communication. This change empowers buyers to have more of a
say, ensuring that agents’ fees reflect their provided services and value.
Additionally, both buyers and sellers will gain a clearer understanding of commission structure and fiduciary responsibilities. Such transparency is expected to foster greater trust between Realtors® and their clients, promoting a more productive market environment.
With the settlement comes the prohibition of other MLS policies deemed to be anti-competitive.
NAR members no longer can use MLS rules to deny access to listings based on commission offers. This change is expected to level the playing field, allowing more Realtors® to compete fairly and ensuring that consumers have access to all listings.
The settlement also includes provisions designed to prevent Realtors® from misrepresenting their provided services.
Having a written agreement between buyers and agents is a required
practice in many states, but not in Arizona. Now, all MLS participants working with buyers must enter into agreements before even showing a home. This measure helps to maintain integrity, verifying that consumers receive accurate information when starting a transaction.
NAR hopes this practice will reinforce the trust clients place in their Realtors® through additional transparency.
The new regulations for NAR REALTOR® members marks a significant step toward a more transparent and fair real estate industry. By requiring greater commission transparency, mandating service agreement and eliminating anti-competitive practices, the settlement aims to create a more equitable environment for all involved.
While the new rules may initially require Realtors® to adapt their practices and form new approaches, the long-term benefits are expected to be substantial for both them, and most importantly, their clients.
Show information and tickets: www.prescottelkstheatre.org
Turn the Page - Tribute to Bob Seger Friday, October 11
Mirage - Visions of Fleetwood Mac Friday, October 18
Still Crazy After All These YearsTribute to Paul Simon Saturday, October 19
The High Waymen meet The Traveling Will Berries Friday, October 25
Evil Waze: The Ultimate Santana Tribute Experience Friday, November 1
Legendary Ladies of Country Music
Featuring the music of Patsy, Loretta, Dolly, Tanya, and more… Saturday, November 2
Piano Men Generations Friday, November 8
Coast to Coast - The 4Gents Saturday, November 9
Live Theater: Legally Blonde The Musical Presented by One Stage Family Theatre November 15-16
Show information and tickets: www.prescottelkstheatre.org
Tony Buck and Cadillac Angels With special guest Sky “Daddy” Conwell Friday, October 11
Misery at the Masquerade Interactive Murder-Mystery Experience October 25 & 26
Jon Chandler Sunday, October 27
80s Daze - Super 80s Dance Party Friday, November 1
Catch a WaveBeach Boys Live Tribue Saturday, November 2 at 2:00 PM
Paperback WriterTribute to The Beatles Saturday, November 2 at 7:00 PM
Simon and Garfunkel –Performed by Feelin’ Groovy Sunday, November 3
Doc Garvey’s Remedy Friday, November 8
Celia Farran - In Concert Friday, November 17
Live Theater“Additional Particulars” November 21-23
FINDLAY TOYOTA CENTER Tickets: www.findlaytoyotacenter.com or by phone at 928.772.1819 ext 6060
Gabriel IglesiasDon’t Worry Be Fluffy Tour Sunday, October 6
Parker McCollum Thursday, October 17
AMA EnduroCross Championship Saturday, October 19
Jo Koy - Comedy Tour Thursday, November 7
Styx - In Concert Saturday, November 9
Event information and tickets: www.ycpac.com
Eternamente: A Día de los Muertos Spectacular Friday, October 4
Melissa Etheridge: I’m Not Broken Tour Friday, October 11
12th Annual Evening of Destiny
Featuring: The Lisa Mitts Band, with Special Guest Brandon Bee Saturday, October 12
Anastasia - Presented by the Yavapai College Performing Arts Dept.
November 8-17
Dionne Warwick Friday, November 22
Concert Information and Tickets: www.azphil.org
Concerts are at the Ruth Street Theater in Prescott
Passion, Peace, and Power Sunday, September 8
James D’León and Friends Sunday, October 6
Messiah Sing-Along Sunday, November 24
A Renaissance Christmas Sunday, December 8
CONCERT INFORMATION: www.yavapaisymphony.org
Tickets are available by phone at 928.776.4255.
Concerts are held at the Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center
The Phoenix Symphony in Concert Sunday, September 8
Emmanuel Ax in Concert (Piano) Tuesday, October 22
Michelle Cann in Concert (Piano) Tuesday, November 19
FallFest in the Park Arts & Crafts Show
Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza
October 5-6
The Big StingCountry Music Festival
October 11-12 at Watson Lake Park in Prescott
Museum of Indigenous People Dia de Los Muertos Celebration
Sunday, October 27
Museum of Indigenous People
First Fire Fall Fundraiser
Sunday, November 16
Prescott’s Holiday Light Parade & Bonfire Festival
Saturday, November 30
Museum of Indigenous People Christmas Indian Art Market
December 6-7
Frontier ChristmasSharlot Hall Museum
Saturday, December 7
42nd Annual Prescott Chamber
Christmas Parade and Courthouse Lighting
Saturday, December 7
2024 Acker Night Musical Showcase
Friday, December 13
At Wilson Aesthetics we have 3 VIP programs available (Bronze, Gold, Diamond) to get exclusive access to member savings! Think of it as your beauty bank account. The money is yours and it’s yours to spend how you wish! If you’d like a service that is over the existing amount of credit in your account, we will apply it and you can pay the difference and still receive the VIP pricing. Our VIP Memberships are a great option for clients who consistently see us for treatments and skin health needs! Some exclusions apply! Call our office today and our Patient Care Coordinator can answer all of your questions!
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With a proven track record of success, we offer more than just a platform—we provide a personalized approach to showcasing your property to the widest audience possible. Our team of seasoned professionals utilizes cutting-edge marketing strategies, extensive market knowledge, and a vast network of connections to ensure your property gets the attention it deserves. Trust us to elevate your listing experience and maximize your property's potential. List with confidence, list with us.