Ray Art Center Annual Report 2014-2015

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ANNUAL REPORT 年 报 2014 - 2015


3 5

总监致辞 关于瑞象馆

7 9 13 19 23 27 31

展览 当真 / REAL-LY / 本当に 新消息 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6 夺目的看板 上海 • 神圣 逝者如斯:中国乡村文化研究

35 37 53 65 75 83

公共活动 瑞象校园系列 瑞象面对面 展览相关活动 现实问题:纪实影像与纪录片 其他活动

87 89 103 105 107 109 115 117 121

项目合作 K11 艺术基金会 奥沙艺术基金 上海当代艺术馆 × 澎湃新闻 上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台 10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 上海外滩美术馆 台湾春之文化基金会 上海二十一世纪民生美术馆

123 125 147

研究出版 瑞象视点 出版








3 5

Address by the Director Ray Art Center – An Introduction

7 9 13 19 23 27 31

Exhibitions 当真 / REAL-LY / 本当に Poker Face Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6 The Contesting Body Shanghai Sacred As It Disappears: A Cultural Study of Rural China

35 37 53 65 75

Public Programs RayChat on Campus Series RayChat Vis-à-vis Exhibition Related Programs Reality Matters –Research Series on Documentary Films and Photography Other Events

83 87 89 103 105 107 109 115 117 121

Collaborations K11 Art Foundation Osage Art Foundation MoCA Shanghai × The Paper MoCA Pavilion 10 Corso Como Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum Spring Foundation Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum

123 125 147

Research & Publications RaySight Publications


Cooperation with Media


Ray Art Center SNS data



总监致辞 各位朋友: 当你看到这本年报的时候,瑞象馆已经走过了近 8 个年头。这期间,瑞象馆获得了很大的发展,工作方式和内容 也经历了一系列转变,但是我们最初所确立的使命和目标从未改变:我们希望搭建一个讨论摄影和影像的平台, 为相关的研究和创作提供支持,并促进专业领域内的同仁乃至普通人对影像及其相关现象的理解和把握。 从 2008 年成立之初,瑞象馆就得到了来自于顾铮、林路、陆元敏、王耀东、周明等诸多上海本地的摄影史论和 视觉文化研究者以及摄影艺术家的鼎力支持。以此为基础,“ 瑞象视点 ” 网站坚持发表立足于严肃的影像写作和研 究成果,同时瑞象馆也不定期地推出关注于本地摄影史的展览,以及主题更为多元化的 “ 瑞象面对面 ” 等公共活 动,而后者更是得到了郭立昕、张照堂、雍和、姜健等来自于海内外的优秀学者和艺术家的热情参与。2013 年, “ 瑞象视点 ” 推出了同名微信公众号,加快了微信和网站的更新频率,并邀请了更多优秀的青年研究者、写作者、 翻译者参与进来,他们贡献了大量及时、生动又具独特观点和思考的内容;同时,我们的视野也进一步扩大到电 影、影像艺术、网络图像,以及其他日常视觉现象之上。所有这些既是对今天网络和社交媒体环境所作出的回应, 也是因为我们期待与这群年轻的作者来共同面对这个影像创作井喷式地涌现、视觉文化空前错综复杂的时刻。在 此图像时代,我们愿意和大家一起,当然也包括更为广泛的读者,共同成长。 随着文本与活动的日益丰富和深入,2014 年 5 月,瑞象馆有了自己小小的展览空间,2015 年初还开放了常设的 讲座和活动空间 —— 象铺;由此,瑞象馆也从一个以视觉研究为主的文论网站,发展成为一个集写作、展览、活 动为一体的研究性艺术机构。正是在此综合性的平台上,来自于视觉艺术、历史、社会学、人类学等各个领域的学者、 师生得以共同从影像的角度切入,来呈现和发展各自领域内的工作成果和思考,让摄影和影像不再拘泥于其本身, 而去尝试与更大的文化、社会,乃至政治和历史主题发生关系。当然,瑞象馆毕竟只是一个年轻的小型的独立艺 术机构,我们所能涉及和关注的只是丰富的视觉文化和社会生活中极小的一个部分。但是相信通过大家的共同努力, 这些工作一定能够为未来进一步深入的工作积累下点滴的基础,亦或是激发出更多的想象和灵感,这也就是今天 努力的意义所在吧。 本年报呈现的只是瑞象馆从 2013 年底到 2015 年期间所展开的各项工作,它们既是之前 5 年工作的发展,也将是 之后进一步发展的新的起点。在此,我想再次感谢最初和我们一起创办瑞象馆的朋友们,还有在这 8 年里从各方 面给予支持的老师和志同道合者,当然还有持续推进瑞象馆各项工作的同事们。我们期待您的继续关注和支持。 谢谢大家! 施瀚涛 2016 年 4 月


Address by the Director Dear friends, As you read this annual report, Ray Art Center (RAC) has been established for nearly eight years. During those years, RAC has experienced huge growth as well as a series of transitions in methodology and working contents, but we never strayed away from our initial mission and goal—we strive to build a platform where we could open discussions on photography and images, provide support on related research and creative programs, and advance the understanding of photography and related phenomena among professional peers and the ordinaries alike. Upon its foundation in 2008, RAC immediately garnered full sponsorship from many local photography history researchers and photography artists in Shanghai, including Gu Zheng, Lin Lu, Lu Yuanming, Wang Yaodong, Zhou Ming, and many more. With their continuous support, our website “RaySight” was founded with an aim to publish critical photography writings and research results, while we periodically promoting exhibitions on local photography history and public events with more diverse themes such as “RayChat Vis-à-vis”. The latter has attracted enthusiastic participation from renowned scholars and artists home and abroad, such as Kuo Li-Hsin, Chang ChaoTang, Yong He, Jiang Jian, etc. In 2013, “RaySight” announced its WeChat official account of the same name, expediting updates on both WeChat and website platforms. Furthermore, we started to invite more young researchers, writers, and translators as our writers to timely contribute vivid and unique opinions and contents. Meanwhile, our vision enlarged to encompass films, visual art, Internet images, and other daily visual phenomena. Everything we involve with is not only a response to today’s world of Internet and social media, but also a consequence of our intention to face with this era of surging image production and unprecedentedly complicated visual culture along with these young writers. In this age of image, we would like to invite everyone, of course including the vast number of our readers, to grow up together.

This annual report lists all the projects hosted by Ray Art Center from the late 2013 to early 2015. These events serve as both the extension of the works done in the five years before them as well as a starting point of further progress. Hereby I wish to again express my gratitude to those friends who helped to build up Ray Art Center with us, to people who share the same interest and supported us in a myriad of ways in the past eight years, and of course, to my colleagues who will be realizing and promoting RAC’s various projects in the future. We look forward to your continued attention and support. Thank you! Shi Hantao April, 2016

馆长致辞 | Address by the Director

As the contents and programs develop in number and depth, Ray Art Center opened its own small exhibition space in May, 2014, and then RayPub, a space for regular lectures and events in early 2015. From then on, RAC developed from a commentary website for visual research to a research based art institute that integrates critical writings, exhibitions, and public events. Atop this synthesized platform, scholars, teachers, and students from different fields such as visual art, history, sociology, and anthropology can display and develop their working achievements and ideas within their own fields by examining images, with an effort to free film and photography away from their own substances and to encourage them interacting with the greater cultural, social, and even political or historical themes. Surely, RAC is still quite a small independent art institution in its youth, so what we could involve and focus on is only the tip of the iceberg of abundant visual culture and social life. However, we believe that through everyone’s effort, what we are doing now could definitely build up the steps along the way of more comprehensive works in the future, or produce even more imaginations and inspirations. And this would be the meaning of our efforts today.


关于瑞象馆 瑞象馆成立于 2008 年,是一家专注于影像艺术的非营利性机构 , 致力于支持中国摄影史论研究,资助当代影像艺 术创作,普及影像艺术知识以提升公众对图像的认知。瑞象馆的研究性工作包括作为国内外摄影师的最新影像实 践和瑞象馆研究项目呈现平台的瑞象空间,关注最新摄影文论写作的瑞象视点网站,以及瑞象出版;而瑞象谈和 象铺的工作则主要由一系列与影像相关话题的讲座、研讨、对话、工作坊,和放映活动构成。这些项目和活动促 进了摄影与其他学科间的互动,以及在艺术家、学者、策划人、学生以及其他公众之间的交流;瑞象馆期待藉此 参与到对影像文化的深入思考和知识生产中去。 瑞象空间 瑞象空间是瑞象馆呈现其影像研究成果的平台,每年推出 4-5 个展览,展览内容包括最新的当代摄影实践,以及 以影像为手段所展开的社会学、人类学、历史、政治等其他学科研究的成果。至今为止,瑞象馆的展览包括 “ 线索(I)”、 “ 线索(II)”、“ 上海祭忆 1980s”、“ 新消息 ”、“ 上海 · 神圣 ” 等与摄影史、图像研究相关的内容。瑞象空间同时还 包括一个阅读角,艺术家、爱好者以及艺术专业的师生们将可以在此免费阅读瑞象馆所藏的各类摄影画册、史论 书籍、新旧杂志以及艺术家手工书。 瑞象视点 瑞象视点是收集和分享在中文领域艺术史论方面经典写作和最新作品的网站平台,期待对今天丰富的摄影创作实 践做出及时而积极的反馈,并对各类摄影现象展开相应的思考和分析。瑞象视点主要采用约请写作和翻译的方式, 以坚持高质量的内容标准。瑞象视点至今已得到上百位来自于不同领域的海内外学者、评论家、策展人以及艺术 家的支持,网站现已积累了数百篇重要的摄影史论研究和评论的中文文章。 瑞象出版 就中国目前的艺术史论研究现状来看,一方面缺乏好的资料作参考,而另一方面,年轻学者的研究,特别是那些 尝试突破传统学术框架的新的成果又没有平台获得呈现。瑞象出版的主要工作 “ 瑞象视点 - 摄影文丛 ” 项目是一套 每年出版两期的摄影文论选集,其中包括国外在影像艺术研究方面重要文章的译介,以及国内年轻学者的最新写 作的发表。同时,结合瑞象馆策划和组织的活动,瑞象出版还包括与其他机构合作出版的文集和画册。 瑞象谈 瑞象谈是瑞象馆常年策划组织的面向公众的系列教育活动,其中包括瑞象面对面,瑞象校园系列,以及由瑞象馆 策划、在其他艺术机构中实现的各个系列的讲座、研讨、对话活动。通过与不同的机构、策划人、学者、艺术家 的合作,瑞象谈期待为影像相关的新现象和新话题提供一个自由讨论的平台,并展开深入的、持续的考察。 象铺 象铺是一个更为自由的艺术项目和衍生话题的自发性讨论空间,其项目包括电影放映、工作坊、小型演出,同时 也是艺术界人士、其他小型民间艺术团体相聚、交流,并分享最新工作的空间。它积极参与艺术社区的工作和生活, 是今天最为鲜活的本地艺术生态的一个部分。 5

Ray Art Center – An Introduction Established in 2008, Ray Art Center (RAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to photo-based art. The center has a threefold mission: support for research into the history and theory of Chinese photography; sponsorship of contemporary photography practice; and increase public awareness of photography and contemporary visual culture in general. It runs several platforms to promote photographic researches: RaySpace presents contemporary work by Chinese and international artists and research projects undertaken by RAC and other scholars or artists; RaySight is an online platform devoted to collecting and sharing writings on history and theories of photography; RayPublication is an annual publishing program of the center. The event-oriented sections RayChat and RayPub consist of a series of talks, panels, dialogues, workshops and screenings. These events promote understandings between photography and other disciplines, and communication between artists, scholars, curators, and students, by which, RAC hopes to explore visual culture and spark new ideas. RaySpace RaySpace, with 4-5 exhibitions a year, is a platform for experimental work as well as other photo-based research projects in sociology, anthropology, history, politics and other fields by photographers. To date, RAC has organized numerous exhibitions, such as “Trace I”, “Trace II”, “Commemorating Shanghai 1980s”, “Poker Face”, and “Shanghai Sacred”. The Reading Corner, as a part of the RaySpace, gives artists, art lovers and students free access to the center’s collection of catalogues, books, magazines, and hand-made books by artists. RaySight RaySight, an online platform dedicated to collecting and sharing writings on history and theories of photography, was initiated as a response to the state of photography today, and aims to inspire thinking and discussion on various visual phenomena. With a strict selection standard, RaySight has published hundreds of articles, essays and reviews, most of which are contributed after special requests to scholars, critics, curators and artists. It has been widely recognized as an important source of Chinese writings on photography.

RayChat RayChat is an array of public programs curated and organized by Ray Art Center. This includes “RayChat Vis-à-vis”, “RayChat on Campus”, and a series of talks, panels, and dialogues held at other art institutes. RayChat aims to provide a platform for open discussion responding to current issues and the latest topics related to photo-based art, to develop a closer and consistent investigation through collaborations with a great number of institutes and individual curators, scholars and artists. RayPub RayPub is a space that embraces fresh art projects and spontaneous discussion on a host of related topics. It supports different types of events, including screenings, workshops, and site-specific performances; it is at the same time a space for artists and other groups in the art community to gather and share ideas about their recent works. RayPub will serve as a lively addition to Shanghai’s artscene, and will take an active role in this community.

关于瑞象馆 | Ray Art Center – An Introduction

RayPublication For those engaged in writings on art history and theory, on one hand, there is often a lack of access to reliable resources in Chinese; on the other hand, emerging writers, especially those who attempt to break through the traditional academic framework and experiment with new ways of writing about photography, usually don’t have a proper platform to present their research findings. In light of this, RayPublication gives regular launches of collected writings and translations on photography, which particularly encourages the younger generation in doing relevant works. RAC also publishes catalogues and other materials to illustrate its exhibitions or events.


展览 Exhibitions 尽管在 2008 年瑞象馆的开馆就是以展览 “ 线索 ” 亮相,同时也以此表明了机构关注本地摄影史 的立场和研究性的特点,但是直到 2014 年 5 月瑞象馆才真正拥有了一个自己的空间,开始持续 推出一系列立足影像研究和研究中的影像的展览。在过去的两年间,瑞象空间一共举办了 5 档展览, 另外还有在连州国际摄影节和上海的 10 Corso Como 顶层空间的两次;这些展览分别从当代摄影、 当代艺术中的影像、摄影作为一种社会调查的工具、以及影像在女性行动主义中的作用等不同角 度,呈现了一系列优秀的摄影家、艺术家、学者和行动主义者的杰出工作。同时瑞象馆一直坚持 由展览延伸出相关主题的系列公共活动,并与自己的研究出版工作相结合。我们相信,通过多角 度的对一系列特定话题的深入探索,并邀请相关领域中学者、专家和艺术家的参与,将实现各项 工作的互相促进,成为一个有机的整体;而艺术项目也将藉此成为促进多学科交流、实现知识生 产和思想传播的、真正对社会有益的活动。 Ray Art Center embarked as an independent art platform in 2008 with the exhibition “Trace: Urban Photography in Shanghai”, indicating its firm standing on local photography and characteristic research focus. But not until the May of 2014 had RAC finally built its own space—RaySpace— and started to continuously host a series of exhibitions built upon photography research and imaging achievements in research projects.In the past two years, RaySpace has held five exhibitions in total, in addition to two collaborative projects with Lianzhou International Foto Festival and 10 Corso Como Shanghai. These exhibitions have presented outstanding works of many renowned photographers, artists, scholars, and activists, each from a distinctive perspective of either contemporary photography, images in contemporary art, photography as method for social research, or images’ functions in feminist activism. Meanwhile, RAC has been constantly implementing exhibition related programs to the public, combining these events with our own research and publishing endeavors. We believe that in-depth probing of a series of specific topics from multiple angles and then inviting scholars, experts, and artists within related fields to participate would mutually advance our work in all dimensions, and would ultimately facilitate each project into a systematic entity. Hence, art projects can also become public activities beneficial to the society, which promote the interaction of multiple disciplines, the fabrication of pragmatic knowledge, and the dissemination of ideas.

当真 REAL-LY / 本当に 展期:2014 年 5 月 25 日 - 7 月 27 日 地点:瑞象馆 主办:瑞象馆 支持:睿怡投资 Duration:2014/5/25 - 2014/7/27 Venue:Ray Art Center

当真 | REAL-LY / 本当に

Presented by: Ray Art Center Supported by: RIMC




瑞象馆的开幕展 “ 当真 /REAL-LY/ 本当に ” 邀请了 30 位来自于或者曾经驻留在





Daniele Mattioli,

评论家和学者,等等。在过去 6 年中他们都曾给予瑞象馆各种形式的支持,从





James Bollen, 姜庆共,

们没有设定任何 “ 学术 ” 的主题和对作品内容的要求,只是请这些瑞象馆的朋


友们每人提供一张他们 “ 非典型 ” 的照片,瑞象馆负责在有限的墙面上对这些



Monica Dematte, 乔氵 勇,沈祎,王耀东,

这样的一种 “ 策划 ” 并非轻率,而是出于两点考虑。其一,是想以一种轻松的方式,




着 “ 真 ” 的问题 —— 影像究竟在多大程度上、在怎样的语境中、以怎样的方式


再现 “ 真 ”;观众又是否会、是否应该将影像当真;我们又是否能够从影像的生产、 传播和接受的过程中看到这个过程所处的现实社会中种种 “ 真 ” 的权力和秩序。 这些都是影像研究的核心所在,也是瑞象馆工作的目标。所以,在这个由 “ 非 典型 ” 的照片所构成的、似乎不怎么 “ 当真 ” 的展览的背后,是瑞象馆 6 年以 来一如既往的 “ 当真 ” 态度,而在这些碎片式的、灵感纷呈的画面中,我们也 依然可以看到一些 “ 真 ” 的现实和内心。

REAL-LY / 本当に

The opening exhibition of Ray Art Center (RAC), “REAL-LY”, invites 30 friends


who came from or stayed in Shanghai doing photography-related work,

Cao Youtao, Chang He,

among whom there are photographers active in various fields such as news,

Chen Xiaofeng, Cheng

documentary, advertising and art, visual editors of daily newspaper, creative

Yifeng, Daniele Mattioli,

brains in advertising industry, curators, critics, scholars, etc. In the past six

Coca Dai, Dai Mouyu,

years, they contributed different kinds of support to RAC. From organizing and

Dai mouyu, Dai Wei,

participating events to a simple but sincere phone call, their contributions are

JPG, Gu Zheng, James

enormous support and encouragement to this small non-profit organization,

Bollen, Jiang Qinggong,

which commits itself to the research and education of folk image. As the first

Colourphilosophy, Lin

exhibition, we didn’t ask for “academic” themes or set any boundary for its

Lu, Lu Yuanmin, Luo

content. The only thing we asked was an “atypical” photo from every friend of

Yongjin, Maleonn, Jay

RAC. We made a simple arrangement for these photos on the space-limited

Miao, Monica Dematte,

wall. The audience could not even match the artwork with its title or author.

bzjonn, Shen Yi, Wang Yaodong, Ray Hsiao, Xu

Such arrangement was not frivolous at all, but was out of two factors. First, we

Haifeng, Yan Yibo, Boat

were trying to unite all our friends in an easy way and to open a new chapter

Zhang, Justine Zheng,

for Ray Art Center. Second, the production and reading of photography is

Zhou Ming, Zhu Feng,

always facing a “real” problem, namely, in which degree, which context and

Zhu Hao.

which way should photography reveal the “reality”; whether the audience will consider or should consider photography as real; and through the process of photographic production, dissemination and acceptance, are we able to see the “real” authority or order of this process in the society. All the above are core questions of image studies and also the goal of the efforts of Ray Art Center. Hence, behind the “unserious” exhibition made up of those “atypical” photos, as always, is the “sincere” attitude of RAC for the past six years. And among these fragmented inspiring scenes, we could still witness some “real” realities and

当真 | REAL-LY / 本当に



新消息 POKER FACE 展期:2014 年 9 月 6 日 - 11 月 2 日 地点:瑞象馆


Duration: 2014/9/6 - 2014/11/2 Venue: Ray Art Center




宛如显示在偌大艺术系统里的一条 “ 新消息 ”,瑞像馆的此次展览,构不成惊动,



艺术家 :

串 Poker Face(Lady Gaga),由图像的铺陈和叠加所带来的 “ 新消息 ” 则幻化



这些图像的含义及其中暧昧的趣味,渗透在翻动的平面素材里,乘方出一个慌乱 于接受的信息世界。它们不仅存在于 LED 粗糙的颗粒中,也在纵横排列的 Q、J、K、 A 及梅花、方块、红心、黑桃内;它们还在威廉 · 莫里斯和小镇青年几乎同维度 的显像中。同时它们也是被重复刻画,以纸本方式陈列的,一系列以 “Uncle” 命 名的同一图像;他们时常在二维动态和三维风景的交叠中反映着艺术家变化莫测 的创作面貌。

吴俊勇 , UNCLE / Wu Junyong, UNCLE, 2014



叶甫纳,炸金花扑克牌 / Ye Funa, Zha Golden Flower, 2014



Like a “new message” blinking in the constellation of headlines in the art society,


this exhibition brings the audience, airily, into a delicate and fleeting moment of

Chao Jiaxing

restlessness. The images spread, overlap and interweave, develop to be the


indifferent expressions, which echo to the Poker Faces steadily shifting and

Wu Junyong

rotating, a familiar ambience of the pop culture.

Ye Funa

While the plain pictures continuously shift, the meaning of the images and their ambiguous flavor exponentiate into a world of message, in which people are lost in telling the significance. The images are not only existing in the large LED grains, but also spreading in the array made of King, Queen, Jack, Ace and Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs; they at the same time present the story telling by the young people from the small towns in contemporary China with William Morris’s narratives 200 years ago. Meanwhile, the images are a series drawing of the identical theme, that have been repetitively drawn in the name of “Uncle”, of which the 2D motion images are interlocked with 3D landscapes,


revealing the unpredictable way of art creation.


摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6 Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6 展期:2014 年 11 月 21 日 - 12 月 20 日 地点:广东连州 主办:瑞象馆 支持:睿怡投资 特别支持:连州国际摄影年展、迅销中国(优衣库) Duration: 2014/11/20 - 2014/12/20 Venue: Lianzhou, Guang Dong Province

摄影与写作 | Photography and Writing

Presented by: Ray Art Center Co-presented by: RIMC Supported by: Lianzhou International Photo Festival, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd(UNIQLO)


摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6 艺术家 :

“ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6” 是瑞象馆为连州国际摄影节 10 周年大展所带去的一







但是小姐、顾铮、 克里斯多夫·康纳利、



其中辛冈的作品继承了在上海有着深厚传统的黑白街头摄影 —— 但同时又以其 鲜明的风格而与其他街头摄影师迥异。许志锋和肖睿的创作都关注到了监控在 社会生活中的普遍运用,却分别从监控头的两端以图像的形式甚至介入的方式 对此做出反馈。张小船对各种公共场所中禁令和警示符号的关注,以及在画面 上的涂改行为看似幽默,但却引人反思我们所习惯的私人和公共、危险和安全、 鼓励和禁止等种种观念的来源。而朱锋和吴鼎则是利用对物体本身的探究,以 及用物体作为元素所构造 “ 纯粹 ” 的画面,来编织一种更为抽象的叙述和思考。

Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6 “Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6” is an experiment project specially curated for the 10-year-anniversary of Lianzhou Foto Festival by Ray Art Center. The project consists of the work by 6 photographers and 6 writers, who live and work at Shanghai. Most of them are not professionals, but they all have been working in art related fields for years. In this project, they have brought a great diversity of the work that have showed their very personal views and expressions on various themes. For Xingang’s work, he carries on the way of black and white snapshots from streets, which has a deep root in the photography tradition in Shanghaithough his works appear a distinctive quality. Both Xu Zhifeng and Ray Hsiao are looking at different ways of surveillance in social life, but from two ends of the surveillance camera, and in two totally different ways of practice. Boat Zhang has concentrated on the regulatory or admonitory signs, and her explicit modification of the signs on the prints is not just a simple joke, but also alerts us to re-examine the ideas of private and public, safe and dangerous, allowed and forbidden, etc. Zhu Feng and Wu Ding have tried to explore the meaning of the objects by scanning or re-organizing the objects, which brings the thinking and narrative into a metaphysical level.

Artists: Wu Ding, Ray Hsiao, Xingang, Xu Zhifeng, Boat Zhang, Zhu Feng Writers: Miss But, Gu Zheng, Christopher Connery, Liu Congyun, Shen Jianwen, Xu Jie


夺目的看板 THE CONTESTING BODY 展期:2015 年 4 月 18 日 - 7 月 11 日 地点:瑞象馆 主办:瑞象馆 协办:妇女传媒监测网络 杨青工作室 鉴湖沙龙 Duration: 2015/4/18 - 7/11 Venue: Ray Art Center


Presented by: Ray Art Center Co-presented by: Media Monitor for Women Network Qing Studio Shero


夺目的看板 参与者:







和行动中的作用。从该文出发,同时在上海、广州和北京各相关个人和机构的 支持下,瑞象馆推出本次展览,期待在这一系列关于性别、身体、权益的行为 和讨论中,去进一步考察图像在今天所特有的生产和传播机制,以及它对个体 寻求政治权益和自我认知中所具有的特殊意义。

展览集中呈现了几个关于当代中国女性自主叙事、并利用新的媒体平台进行传 播的案例。艺术家对自己身体的自主观看,和行动主义者对于自身权益的自主 发声,是构建独立的群体认同和自我认知的尝试,而这种尝试将成为个人和特 定群体政治意识觉醒的基础。艺术家和图像从来不可能对现实直接带来改变, 左图 / Left 高灵," 胸器 ",现成品 Gao Ling, Hey! TTTToucch Me!, Found Objects, 2012 25

但是当图像成为艺术家和群体自我主张的一个有效部分之后,它也就有可能更 直接地参与到政治变革的诉求过程中去。所有这些为瑞象馆未来的研究工作提 出了新的议题和挑战,而那正是值得我们期待的未来。


This exhibition focuses on the narrative stories of several contemporary Chinese females and cases of how they took advantages of the new media platforms to disseminate their ideas. The artists’ initiative observation of their own bodies as well as the activists’ autonomous calls for one’s own rights and interests, are attempts to construct independent collective identification and individual self-awareness. Such endeavors will become a basis to arouse the political consciousness of individuals and specific communities. Artists and images can never bring about direct changes to the reality. However, when images become an effective component of the artists’ and the communities’ self-assertion, they are likely to engage with the appeal of political transformations in a more direct way. All these issues propose potential topics and challenges for Ray Art Center on its prospective researches and works, but they simultaneously foster a desired future which deserves our expectations.

Participants: Zhu Jieshu, Gao Ling, Wang Yanyun, Yang Qing, Gong Yi, Wu Xiaoyan, Guo Yujie


The name of the exhibition, “The Contesting Body”, orients from Zhu Jieshu’s article of the same title, with the subtitle “The Image Story of Women Seeking Their Body Autonomy”. This article reviews a series of feminism activities initiated by Chinese artists and female activists over the past four to five years, and highlights the role of images in these creations and operations. Starting from this article, and with the support of related individuals and institutions in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, Ray Art Center launched this exhibition. And through a series of discussion and actions about gender, physical body, and individual rights, we want to further explore the unique mechanism of production and dissemination of present-time images, as well as the special significance to individuals seeking for political rights and self-awareness.


上海·神圣 SHANGHAI SACRED 展期:2015 年 8 月 30 日 - 10 月 18 日 地点:瑞象馆 主办:瑞象馆 特别感谢:复旦大学哲学学院 · 利徐学社

Duration: 2015/8/30 - 10/18 Venue: Ray Art Center Presented by: Ray Art Center Special thanks to: the Xu-Ricci Dialogue Institute at Fudan University, School of Philosophy



上海大都市自视为中国 “ 现代性 ” 的摇篮、“ 新中国 ” 的诞生地、文化和宗教多元性


的中枢,多重身份的认同感纳诸于 “ 神圣空间 ” 之中。基于英国摄影师和学者尹黎与


复旦大学哲学院教授魏明德合作的研究项目,本次展览集中呈现了艺术家的 29 幅摄


影作品,透过对四个维度—— “ 地标 ”、“ 复体 ”、“ 私域 ” 和 “ 水路 ” ——的探索, 记录并彰显神圣性如何在今日上海继续阐扬。通过此次探索,艺术家发现教堂、庙宇、 清真寺都是由居所、工作空间、码头和虚拟联系加以补足。在这座充满活力的全球 化城市之中,定位 “ 神圣性 ” 意味着将神圣性视为不间断解离与移位的过程。



Shanghai is a metropolis that sees itself as the birthplace of “New China”, a hub of

Liz Hingley

cultural and religious diversity. This multilayered identity is enshrined in a patchwork


of “sacred spaces” scattered throughout the city. Based on an ongoing research

Benoit Vermander

project led by British photographer Liz Hingley and Prof. Benoit Vermander at Fudan University, this exhibition presents 29 photographs as part of their in-depth research. The series of images intimately documents how sacredness continues to be engineered in today’s Shanghai through the exploration of four dimensions: artist discovers that churches, temples and mosques are complemented by homes and workspaces as well as by piers and virtual networks. In a vibrant global city, locating “sacredness” means to understand it as process of ceaseless dislocation and relocation.

上图 / Above

排灯节上的库纳尔·克撒格 / Kunal Kshirsagar at Diwali, 2013

下图 / Below

雕像,龙华烈士陵园 / Statue,the Longhua Revolutionary Martyr’s Cemetery, 2015


”landmarks”, “compounds”, “privacy”, and “waterways.” Through this exploration, the


逝者如斯 中国乡村文化研究 As It Disappears: A Cultural Study of Rural China 展期:2015 年 10 月 31 日 - 2016 年 1 月 31 日 地点:瑞象馆 主办:瑞象馆 特别支持:瑞士驻上海总领事馆 媒体合作伙伴:瑞士资讯 Duration: 2015/10/31 - 2016/1/31 Venue: Ray Art Center Presented by: Ray Art Center Supported by: Consulate General of Switzerland, Shanghai Media Partner: swissinfo.ch

逝者如斯:中国乡村文化研究 艺术家 :

该展览源于瑞士的社会学家和摄影家孟牧轩(Matthias Messmer)先生和文化研


究者庄新眉(Hsin-Mei Chuang)女士对中国乡村所进行的一个田野研究项目。自 2006 年起,他们在七年的时间里,走访了遍及中国大陆的 21 个省市自治区的 50 余个自然村和镇,从建筑、民间艺术、宗教、风水、教育、环境、文化保护、农业生产, 以及农村公共政策等各种角度展开实地考察和研究。 孟牧轩和庄新眉的文化研究之旅的对象是剧变中的中国乡村景观和社会生活。这场 至今前途不明的生活和社会动荡从根本上来说是这片广袤的土地上持续逾百年的现 代化进程的结果,但同时它更与过去数十年间激烈的政治运动和社会改良直接相关。 与此同时,中国乡村在他们的研究中是作为一个文化空间而存在,在这里“文化” 一词既是指人们生活其间的确切的现实,同时它也是一个作为表征的传统和精神存 在。“中国正在消逝的世界”所直接反映出的正是现实空间中的社会危机,以及文 化消逝的过程所出现的精神,或者说认同的危机。他们的研究视野聚焦于最直接的 社会现实之中,而价值评判和终极关怀则落实在这个现实里活生生的人物命运之上。 基于此研究项目及其丰富的成果,本次展览着眼于“黄土高原”、“重庆 - 湘西”、“岭 南”、“云南”等四个区域,结合相应的研究话题进行展开。我们试图以摄影作品、 从农村收集来的实物和海报等材料,以图像和文字相结合的方式,对中国当代乡村 的文化和社会形态做一个生动的管窥式的呈现。


塘河古镇,重庆 / Tanghe Old Town,Chongqing, 2009

As It Disappears: A Cultural Study of Rural China

枣子坪, 重庆 / Zaoziping, Chongqing, 2009

This cultural study of Matthias Messmer and Hsin-Mei Chuang explored the altered landscape as well as shifting social life in a perpetually changing rural China. At its root, this social transition with uncertain outcomes results from a modernization process that has lasted for more than a century, but it also directly relates to the radical political movements and social reforms in the last few decades. They regard rural China as a cultural entity, and the culture here refers to both the real world space where people live and a representation of traditions and spirituality. “China’s Vanishing Worlds” directly reflects the social crisis in the real world and the spirituality or even identity crisis accompanying the fading of culture. Their study focuses on the more intuitive social reality, yet their values, their judgments, and their ultimate concerns rest upon the fate of those who’re living in this world. Born from the fruitful results of this grand research project, this exhibition displays four different regions along with their corresponding research themes: “Loess Plateau”, “Chongqing – Western Hunan”, “Lingnan”, and “Yunnan”. Combining the images and texts, we utilize photographs, posters, and even physical objects collected from those regions, in order to recreate a vivid glimpse of the contemporary rural China’s culture and society.

Artists: Hsin-Mei Chuang Matthias Messmer

逝者如斯 | As It Disappears

This exhibition is inspired by a field research project that probed into rural China, conducted by Swiss sociologist and photographer Matthias Messmer and Taiwanese researcher Hsin-Mei Chuang. For seven years since 2006, they visited more than 50 villages and towns in 21 provinces and autonomous regions of Mainland China, conducting research from various perspectives including architecture, folk art, religion, fengshui, education, environment, cultural preservation, agricultural production, and public policy.



Public Programs 2014 年 - 2015 年,瑞象馆共举行 60 场左右的讲座、放映、工作坊、研讨等形式的公共活动,这 些活动主要包括在全国高校校园内开展的 “ 瑞象校园系列活动 ” 和主要在 “ 瑞象馆-象铺 ” 空间 内发生的瑞象馆展览相关讲座系列、“ 瑞象面对面 ” 系列活动、自主策划或邀请策划人共同参与 的某一特定话题的系列活动以及与其他机构和个人合作的活动。瑞象馆力图以象铺这一实体空间 作为各界专业领域人士、社会群体相聚学习、自由交流讨论、分享最新工作的平台,并展开深入的, 持续的考察。同时,也及时将部分讲座及讨论内容回顾借由 “ 瑞象视点 ” 这一网络空间分享出来。 From 2014 to 2015, Ray Art Center hosted over 60 public events covering lectures, screenings, workshops, and forums. These events mainly consist of “RayChat on Campus Series” that took place on university campus throughout the country, exhibition-related lecture series that took place in RayPub, “RayChat Vis-à-vis” series, serial events on certain specific topics organized either independently or cooperatively with invited curators, and events in partnership with other institutions and individuals. Ray Art Center strives to use the tangible space of RayPub as a platform where professionals from different fields and varying social groups could meet to learn, to openly discuss, to share, and to further examine their latest accomplishments in depth and in continuation. Meanwhile, we would also share certain contents or reviews of these lectures and discussion on our online platform RaySight for continuous effects.

活动场次和观众统计 Events and attendences 2015

场次 / events

人数 / attendences

放映 screenings



讲座 talks



工作坊 workshops



对谈和讨论 dialogues and panels



公共活动 Public Programs

瑞象校园系列 RayChat on Campus 主办:瑞象馆 支持:迅销中国(优衣库) Hosted by: Ray Art Center Supported by: Rast Retailing Co., Ltd (UNIQLO)


瑞象校园系列活动是瑞象馆向高校学生以及社会公众普及影像相关知识和思想、培育视觉修养而推出的年度项目。 该项目以不同领域中的影像为研究对象,从影像的生产、传播、接受和阐释等各个角度,组织跨学科的讲座和工 作坊,并于一年内在不同城市的 9-10 所高校中展开。每场讲座的讲师或工作坊导师从自己熟悉的领域出发,以不 同的视角切入影像的世界 —— 摄影图片、视觉新媒体作品、电影、纪录片;总体来说,当代以及历史上发生的视 觉现象和表达方式都在考察之列。我们所邀请的讲座讲师和工作坊导师来自各个领域,这些出色的学者、实践者、 艺术创作者结合自己的学识和经验,提出对影像艺术某个方面的观点,以及就影像艺术对其他领域的影响阐述看法。 此系列活动围绕大学校园展开,旨在为不同背景的学生和校园里形形色色的听讲者提供交叉学科的理解影像之旅。


RayChat on Campus

“RayChat on Campus” is an annual program initiated by Ray Art Center. It aims to generalize the image related knowledge and ideologies to the college students and the public, and to cultivate the public’s sense of visual aesthetics. The program examines images produced in different areas. A series of interdisciplinary lectures and workshops will be given in 9 -10 different universities across the country every year, from various perspectives as image production, promotion, acceptance, and interpretation. Each lecturer or workshop instructor would reach a topic within their own field of expertise – photographs, new media artworks, films, and documentaries – providing different perspectives of the medium. Every aspect of photography’s different phenomena and breadth of expression, whether historical or contemporary, will be examined. Speakers and instructors we invite come from across the spectrum, with distinguished scholars, practitioners, and artists using their knowledge and experience to provide enlightenment on a particular area of photography – or, indeed, looking at the impact of photography on other disciplines. All the events are largely based on university campus, offering students from different backgrounds

瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus

and schools a vivid multi-disciplinary portrait of how photographic art has evolved.



2014 年 9 月至 12 月,瑞象馆邀请海内外著名的影像艺术工作者和相关领域的学者共同推出 2014 瑞象校园系列 讲座活动;活动对象为高校非艺术专业学生,同时也向社会公众开放。该系列活动包括十二场讲座和讨论,参与 该活动的讲者以跨学科的视角就 “ 影像作为艺术 ”、“ 影像的生产和传播 ”、“ 观看与被观看 ” 等三个方面展开讨论, 帮助听众了解影像艺术的知识和理论,培养视觉修养,并帮助他们更清晰地认识自身所处的环境和所面对的未来。 系列讲座结束后,其成果以瑞象视点·系列活动文集第一辑 《摄影的多元化空间》一书的出版得以进一步传播和 保存。


From September to December 2014, Ray Art Center invited renowned scholars in various related fields to give a series of lectures for the 2014 RayChat on Campus Program. These lectures were intended largely for students without art background, and they were also open to the general public. There were 12 separate lectures and seminars examining photography from an interdisciplinary perspective, along the following three themes: “photography as art”, “the production and dissemination of images”, and “seeing and seen”. This campus series aimed to improve public awareness as well as their appreciation of photographic art (theory and practice), and to further help the audience to understand the present state and future direction of photographic art. After the actual series concluded, a book about this program RaySight Event Series Collection-Volume One: The Multiple

瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus

Dimensions of Phototography has been published for continued discussion and for posterity.









顾铮 复旦大学新闻学院教授 策展人 视觉文化学者




韩丛耀 南京大学新闻传播学院 / 历史系教授 中华图像文化研究所所长

观看与思考 ——影像传播的受众视野



汪涤 华东师范大学美术史副教授

绘画之于影像 ——新旧视觉媒介的比较



邓启耀 中山大学社会学与人类学 学院教授

镜像自我和他性 ——摄影的人类学解读



林路 上海师范大学教授 上海市摄影家协会副主席




吕新雨 华东师范大学 - 康奈尔 比较人文研究中心主任 华东师范大学传播学院教授

纪录的美学 ——从本雅明的“灵晕”说起



郭力昕 台湾政治大学 广播电视学系副教授

摄影与人体:情色、政治与 主体性



龚卓军 国立台南艺术大学艺术创作 理论研究所副教授

从摄影到鬼魂徘徊学 ——现代摄影与新媒体艺术 的台湾语境



汪民安 首都师范大学文化研究院教授 《生产》丛刊主编

当代艺术与 80 年代






李公明 广州美术学院美术史系教授




赵川 作家 艺术批评家 剧场导演




海杰 独立策展人 影像批评家 作家 《ART289 艺术风尚》杂志主笔

2000 年以来的中国当代摄影


瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus










Gu Zheng Professor at the Journalism School, Fudan University scholar on visual studies, curator

Photography and the City: Shanghai Case Study

Shanghai International Studies University


Han Congyao Professor at Department of History and the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University

Observation and Reflection: Audience Perspectives in Dissemination of Images

Nanjing University


Wang Di Assistant Professor of History of Fine Arts, East China Normal University

Painting V.S. Photography: A Comparison of Traditional and New Visual Media

Beijing Foreign Studies University


Deng Qiyao Professor at the School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University

Mirroring the Self and the Other: an Anthropological Angle on Photography

Sun Yat-Sen University


Lin Lu Professor at Shanghai Normal University; Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Photography Association

Means of Expression in Contemporary Photography

Yunnan University


Lv Xinyu Director of the ECNU-Cornell Center for Comparative Humanities; Professor at the School of Communication at East China Normal University

The Aesthetics of Documentary Making: A Look at Walter Benjamin’s Aura

Zhejiang University


Kuo Li-Hsin Associate Professor of Department of Radio and Television at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University

Photography and the Nude: Eroticism, Politics and Subjectivity

Chongqing University


Gong Jow-Jiun Assistant Professor at the Graduate Institute of Art Creation and Theory at Tainan National University of the Arts

From Photography to Spectre Hauntology—Taiwan Context of Modern Photography and New Media Art

Fudan University


Wang Min’an Professor at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Capital Normal University; Chief Editor of Production

Contemporary Art and the 1980s

Wuhan University





Li Gongming Professor of Art History at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Political Narratives in Modern Photography

Shenzhen University


Zhao Chuan Author, art critic, theatre director

The Body and Photography: The Chinese Experience

Shaanxi Normal University


Hai Jie Independent curator, photography critic, and Chief Commentator at Nanfang Media Group’s ART289 Fengshang magazine

Chinese Contemporary Photography Since 2000

Xiamen University

瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus




在 2014 年的一系列关于影像本体的讲演之后,高校系列活动的主题开始细化到影像研究的各个理论分支,这不 仅将进一步深化我们对影像的讨论,同时也将讨论向其他学科和领域扩展并展开互动。

结合瑞象馆 2015 年各项活动的整体规划,这一年的高校系列活动围绕 “ 性别、身体、影像 ” 这一主题展开。该系 列活动的视野不仅覆盖当代艺术创作中对 “ 性别和身体 ” 的讨论、社会生活中各类图像里所呈现的相关内容,同 时还涉及身体行为本身对行动主体的意义。我们期待通过对上述领域的考察来探索人们对自己的认知和对他人的 观看,并试着揭示其背后深植于人们脑海中的观念,以及形塑这些观念的社会权力关系。


Based on 2014’s lectures featuring image ontology, the theme of RayChat on Campus series has been elaborated into various branches in image studies. It would not only facilitate a profounder discussion on images, but also expand our discussion into other disciplines and areas for interactions.

Considering the overall programming of Ray Art Center in 2015, the RayChat on Campus series of this year was implemented around the theme of “Gender, Body, Images”. These events not only involved discussions on “gender and body” in the contemporary art spectrum as well as the relevant content presented by various images in social life, but they also looked at the significance of physical behaviors in its relationship with the subject of actions. By examining the above-mentioned aspects, we expect a possibility to explore the mechanism of people’s selfrecognition and their watching at others, to try to uncover the hidden perceptions embedded in people’s mind and

瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus

the social power relations that invent these perceptions.









张念 同济大学人文学院副教授 女性主义批评家




林路 上海师范大学教授 上海市摄影家协会副主席




张真 纽约大学艺术学院电影学系 副教授(兼职历史系) 亚洲影媒教研计划创始人

DV 制 造 中 国: 数 码 时 代 的 影像实践与传播



朱盈桦 艺术家 摄影理论研究者 任教于台湾师范大学美术系

城市漫游:当代影像中的身 体感知



郭力昕 台湾政治大学 广播电视学系副教授

公共空间里的“身体剧场” 与影像再现



克里斯多夫·康纳利 美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 文学系教授;上海大学文化 研究系“自强教授”









Zhang Nian Associate Professor at the School of Humanities at Tongji University; feminist critic

The Seduction of Images: Crime and Punishment under the Gendered Gaze

Shenzhen University


Lin Lu Professor at Shanghai Normal University; Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Photography Association.


Zhang Zhen Associate Professor in Cinema Studies and History at New York University; founder and director of the Asian Film and Media Initiative

DV-Made China: The Making and Dissemination of Moving Images in the Digital Era

Hubei Institute of Fine Arts


Chu Yin-Hua Artist, scholar on photography theories; faculty of The College of Arts at National Taiwan Normal University

City Roaming: Body Perceptions in Contemporary Images

Zhejiang University


Kuo Li-Hsin Associate Professor of Department of Radio and Television at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University

“Body Theater” and Image Representations in Pubic Space

Xiamen Univeristy


Christopher Connery Professor at Literature Department at Univeristy of California Santa Cruz; “Ziqiang Professor” at Cultural Research Department of Shanghai University

Body and Liberation

Tsinghua University

Shaanxi Normal University

瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus

The Value Presentation and Image Orientation of Sexuality









顾铮 复旦大学新闻学院教授 策展人 视觉文化学者


瑞象馆 - 象铺 上海师范大学


赵川 作家 艺术批评家 剧场导演


瑞象馆 - 象铺 复旦大学


张献 剧作家 剧场导演 情境艺术家

半影 ——想象复活身体

瑞象馆 - 象铺 复旦大学






Gu Zheng Professor at the Journalism School, Fudan University; scholar on visual studies, curator

Place and Body

RayPub / Shanghai Normal University


Zhao Chuan Author, art critic, theatre director


RayPub Fudan University


Zhang Xian Playwright, theater director, situation artist

Penumbra: Imagination Revives Body

RayPub Fudan University

瑞象校园系列 | RayChat on Campus



公共活动 Public Programs

瑞象面对面 RayChat Vis-à-vis


“ 瑞象面对面 ” 是瑞象馆推出的一系列高端影像艺术论 坛。每个季度,将邀请国内外重要的摄影艺术家、评论 家和学者就艺术领域中的某个特定话题展开讨论和对 话,向公众免费开放。往期所邀请的嘉宾包括陆元敏、 张照堂、郭力昕、林路、朱浩、 Daniele Mattioli、雍和、 马良等。

RayChat Vis-à-vis

RayChat Vis-à-vis is a series of high-end forums focusing on photography and image-related art. Every season, we will invite well-known photographers, art critics or scholars from home or abroad to lead a conversation on one specific topic in the field of art. All events are open to the public and free of charge. Guests we have invited include Lu Yuanmin, Chang Jaw-Tarng, Kuo Li-Hsin, Lin Lu, Zhu Hao, Daniele Mattioli, Yong He, and Maleonn.


第 10 季 | 马良 × 沈奇岚 马良的《移动照相馆》,下一站去哪里? 时间:2014 年 11 月 8 日 地点:上海交通大学(徐汇校区)新上院报告厅 对话者 马良




马良的《移动照相馆》是在 2012 年轰动全国的艺术项目。他开着一辆大篷车,一座移动照相馆,历经 10 个月, 35 座城市,免费为 1600 多人拍照。《移动照相馆》是马良的成年礼,让他重新认识了创作的意义,对艺术创作 的本质有了新的思考:和世界产生温暖的关系,是他现在认定的事情。他坚信着:“一个艺术工作者最光荣的梦, 就是实现让自己和别人快乐的事。”此次对谈探讨的是《移动照相馆》之后的故事:暂时放下相机的马良对摄影 有了怎样的新思考?开始做一个木偶艺人的他如何进行新的艺术实践?《移动照相馆》给他的欣慰和痛苦,在他 的生命中留下来怎样的痕迹,结成了怎样的果实?

Season 10 | Maleonn × Shen Qilan Maleonn’s Studio Mobile, Next Stop is…? Date: 2014/11/8 Venue: Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus) Speakers: Maleonn

Artist; conceptual photographer

Shen Qilan

Art critic, columnist, and writer

cities in 10 months, photographing more than 1,600 people in his caravan—a mobile photo studio. Studio Mobile became Maleonn’s puberty rite. It enabled him to rediscover the meaning of creation and to rethink the essence of art making: to generate a tender relationship with the world now becomes his belief. Maleonn is convinced that “the most glorious dream of an artist is to realize the happiness of oneself and others.”This conversation explores the stories after Studio Mobile: as Maleonn temporarily put his camera aside, does he view photography differently? What can he create in the role of a puppet artist? How does Studio Mobile affect him and what does it bring to him?

瑞象面对面 | RayChat Vis-à-vis

In 2012, Maleonn’s art project Studio Mobile made a sensation throughout the country. He traveled around 35


第 11 季 | 文慧 × 张真 女性与历史共舞:文慧的身体剧场和影像实践 时间:2015 年 5 月 30 日 地点:上海当代艺术博物馆三楼小剧场 对话者 文慧



纽约大学艺术学院电影学系副教授(兼职历史系), 亚洲影媒教研计划创始人

诗人,电影学者及策展人张真与生活舞蹈工作室创始人及独立纪录片导演文慧一起追溯探寻从 1980 年代至今文 慧的创作生涯及其时代背景和历史变迁。聚焦身体与性别,纪录和记忆等母题,这场对话涉及艺术再现与社会介入, 身体感知与历史写作,跨媒体及新公共场域,文化在地性与全球化之间等交错复杂而充满张力的关系。

Season 11 | Zhang Zhen × Wen Hui Women Dancing With History: Wen Hui’s Body Theatre and Moving Image Practice Date: 2015/5/30 Venue: 3F Theater, Power Station of Art Speakers: Wen Hui

Choreographer and dancer; pioneer of the Chinese contemporary dance theatre

Zhang Zhen

Associate Professor in Cinema Studies and History at New York University; founder and director of the Asian Film and Media Initiative

In this public conversation, Zhang Zhen and Wen Hui reflect together on the historical background and epochal change that have left imprints on Wen Hui’s work as well as our collective experience. Focusing on body, gender, documentation, memory and other themes, this dialogue between two friends and fellow feminists touches on the complex and dynamic relationships between artistic representation and social engagement, embodied perception and historical writing, trans-media practice and alternative public sphere, cultural locality and globalization.


第 12 季 | 尹黎 × 魏明德 摄影与仪式:互涉的艺术形式 时间:2015 年 8 月 30 日 地点:上海当代艺术博物馆三楼小剧场 对话者: 尹黎



复旦大学哲学学院宗教学系教授 , “利徐学社”学术主任

此次对谈基于尹黎女士与复旦大学利徐学社的合作项目中关于当代上海宗教人类学的视觉成果而展开,细致探讨 这些照片所记录之宗教仪礼的本质与重要性。在此次活动中,讲者提出了宗教实践和摄影都是根植于表演的“互 涉的艺术形式”。在中国,特别是在上海的语境中,能够支撑仪式发生的特定时空的构建正是一种关于“神圣领域” 的群体经验。这些在宗教际遇与仪式过程中所拍摄的照片记录下了这座生机勃勃的大都市中宗教生活的视觉本质, 也体现出摄影行为是如何置身于一种空间性与精神性的连续体之中的,而这一连续体已超越于信仰者社群的边界 之上了。

Season 12 | Liz Hingley × Benoit Vermander Photography and Ritual: The Synergetic Art Forms Date: 2015/8/30 Venue: 3F Theater, Power Station of Art Speakers: Liz Hingley

British photographer and anthropologist

Benoit Vermander

Professor of religious studies at the School of Philosophy, Fudan University; Academic Director of the Xu-Ricci Dialogue Research Center

with the Xu-Ricci Institute at Fudan University, this talk reflects upon the nature and significance of the rituals that photographs here document. The speakers propose to consider religious practices and photography as synergetic art forms anchored into performances. In the context of China and, more specifically, Shanghai, the construction of determined time-spaces within which ritual performances can occur translates into the communal experience of “sacred territories.” Photographs taken during religious encounters and rituals document the visual nature of the religious life of a vibrant megalopolis and the way the photographic endeavour inserts itself into a spatial and spiritual continuum that extends beyond the frontiers of the practitioners’ community.

瑞象面对面 | RayChat Vis-à-vis

Based on the visual religious ethnography of contemporary Shanghai conducted by Liz Hingley in collaboration


第 13 季 | 梁鸿 × 孟牧轩、庄新梅 进退之间:中国乡村的困境 时间:2015 年 11 月 8 日 地点:瑞象馆 - 象铺空间 主持: 施瀚涛


对话者: 梁鸿






学者兼作家梁鸿女士的“梁庄”系列以及孟牧轩和庄新眉的《中国正在消逝的世界》是近几年关于中国乡村研究 中的两部杰出的成果。本次对话从三位作者在研究过程中所拍摄的照片出发,通过审视照片中的人物、物件和景 观来讨论照片背后的故事;话题延伸至农村社会的断裂,文化的变迁,命运的起伏,以及所有这些困境背后种种 更为深远的背景和原因。

Season 13 | Liang Hong × Matthias Messmer, Hsin-Mei Chuang In or Out: The Dilemma of the Countryside in China Date: 2015/11/8 Venue: RayPub Moderator: Shi Hantao

Executive Director of Ray Art Center

Speakers: Liang Hong Metthias Messmer Hsin-Mei Chuang

Award-won novelist; professor at Renmin University of China Swiss photographer, sociologist, and writer Taiwanese cultural researcher and writer

The “Liang Village” series written by Chinese scholar and writer Liang Hong as well as China’s Vanishing Worlds by Matthias Messmer and Hsin-Mei Chuang are two outstanding research pieces focusing on China’s rural spaces. This vis-à-vis event starts from the photos taken by these three researchers. By looking at the figures, objects and scenes captured in these pictures, the stories behind are revealed and discussed. The talk also reaches to topics of the fracture of rural society, the cultural transformation, and the individual’s destiny; it further examines the background and reasons that contribute to these dilemmas. 63

公共活动 Public Programs

展览相关活动 Exhibition Related Programs


1. 女性与历史共舞:文慧的身体剧场和影像实践

时间:2015/5/30 * 详情参见瑞象面对面第 11 季 , P.59

2. 论坛:显隐之间——感知性别暴力 时间:2015/6/12 - 2015/6/14 地点:季风书园

放映:《不能说的夏天》,《鸡蛋和石头》 讨论:显隐之间——感知性别暴力

主办:瑞象馆、杨青工作室、鉴湖沙龙 协办:中山大学性别教育论坛 策划:柯倩婷、杨青 嘉宾: 冯媛








3. 放映与对谈:老人的故事,女性的视角——杨荔钠与文慧的纪录片

时间:2015 年 6 月 28 日 地点:象铺








The Contesting Body

1.Women Dancing with History: Wen Hui’s Body Theatre and Moving Image Practice Date: 2015/5/30 *For details, please refer to RayChat Vis-à-vis Season 11, P.59 2.Forum: Between Implicit and Explicit—Perceiving Gender-based Violence Date: 2015/6/12 - 2015/6/14 Venue: Jifeng Book Store Screening: Sex Appeal; Egg and Stone Discussion: Between Implicit and Explicit—Perceiving Gender-based Violence Presented by: Ray Art Center, Qing Studio, Shero Co-presented by: Sex/Gender Education Forum of Sun Yat-sen University Curated by: Ke Qianting, Yang Qing Guests: Feng Yuan

Director of the Chinese Women's Research Society; founder of the Center for Women’s Studies at Shantou University

Zhang Nian

Associate Professor at the School of Humanities at Tongji University; feminist critic

Ma Shu

Associate Professor at School of Social Development, East China University of Political Science and La; scholar on feminist law studies

Ke Qianting

Associate Professor at the Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University; scholar on gender and cultural studies

3.Screening and Conversation: Story of the Elders and the Feminine Perspective—the

Date: 2015/6/28 Venue: RayPub Screening: Listening to Third Grandmother's Story; Lao An Guests: Yang Lina

Documentary director

Zhang Zhen

Associate Professor in Cinema Studies and History at New York University

展览相关活动 | Exhibition Related Programs

Documentaries of Yang Lina and Wen Hui


4. 性 / 别记录影像双周论坛

主办:瑞象馆 策划:鉴湖沙龙 地点:瑞象馆 - 象铺空间



情 / 欲多元



影片放映: 对抗男人的性别(44 分钟)

何小培 朱雪琴


短片放映: Love You Too(9 分钟) 我们要看女女色情片(29 分钟) 宠儿(36 分钟) 雪仙的妹妹(8 分钟)



论坛: 影像中的性别

主持:郭玉洁 嘉宾:张念、 马姝、何小培、袁园


影片放映: 我爱高跟鞋(56 分钟)

黎小锋 秦以平





影片放映: T 婆工厂(56 分钟) 彩虹芭乐(64 分钟)



短片放映: 议论芬芬(25 分钟) “ 我可以骚,你不能扰 ”(15 分钟) 我们在这里(30 分钟) 新前门大街(18 分钟)



论坛: 性 / 别变革中的影像

主持:吴筱燕 嘉宾:张真、范坡坡、袁园


影片放映: 小石城第一夫人(70 分钟)


4.The Documentary Images of Sex/Gender Two Weeks Forum

Hosted by: Ray Art Center Curated by: Shero

1st Week

Week Theme: Diverse Desires



Screening: Gender against Men (44min)

Dr. He Xiaopei Zhu Xueqin


Short Films Screening: Love You Too (9 min) We Want Lesbian Porns (29 min) The Beloved (36 min) Suet-Sin’s Sisters (8 min)

Yuan Yuan


Forum: Sex/Gender in Film Images

Moderator: Guo Yujie Speakers: Zhang Nian, Ma Shu, Dr. He Xiaopei, Yuan Yuan


Screening: My Fancy High Heels (56 min)

Li Xiaofeng Lesley Qin

2nd Week

Week Theme: Movements in Motion



Screening: Lesbian Factory (56min) Rainbow Popcorn (64min)

Guo Yujie


Short Films Screening: The Private Life of Fenfen (29 min) I Can Be Flirtatious but You Can’t Harass (15 min) We Are Here (30 min) New Beijing, New Marriage (18 min)

Wu Xiaoyan Fan Popo Zhao Jing


Forum: Films and Images in the Sex/Gender Revolutions

Moderator: Wu Xiaoyan Speakers: Zhang Zhen, Fan Popo, Yuan Yuan


Screening: Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock (70 min)

Dr. He Xiaopei

展览相关活动 | Exhibition Related Programs

Venue: RayPub



2015/8/30 摄影与仪式:互涉的艺术形式——尹黎与魏明德谈“上海·神圣” * 详情参见瑞象面对面第 12 季 , P.62

2015/9/12 讲座:上海宗教文化遗产及其价值 讲者:李天纲


2015/9/19 讲座:神明与市民——上海历史上的迎神赛会 讲者:郁吉吉隽


2015/9/26 讲座:《大地上的圣堂》——对皖北地区乡村教堂的文化观察 讲者:曹原铭


2015/10/17 讲座:诸相非相——江浙沪地区佛教信仰形式的演变与发展 讲者:成庆


2015/10/18 讲座:用图像攀登巴贝尔塔——发轫于上海的法国耶稣会士范世熙图像集事业 讲者:李丹丹



Shanghai Sacred

2015/8/30 Photography and Ritual: Synergetic Art Forms—A Conversation between Liz Hingley and Benoit Vermander on “Shanghai Sacred” *For details, please refer to RayChat Vis-à-vis Season 12, P.62

2015/9/12 Talk: The Religious and Cultural Heritage of Shanghai and Its Values Speaker: Li Tiangang

Professor of Religious Studies at Fudan University; Director of the China Religion Society; Vice Chairman of Shanghai Religion Society

2015/9/19 Talk: Gods and Citizens—the Folk-religious Processions in the History of Shanghai Speaker: Yu Zhejun

Associate Professor at School of Philosophy, Fudan University

2015/9/26 Talk: “Shrines on the Ground”—A Cultural Observation on Country Churches in Northern Anhui Province Speaker: Cao Yuanming

Artist; The Fine Art College of Shanghai University

2015/10/17 Talk: All Forms are Unreal—the Evolution and Development of Buddhist Beliefs in Forms around Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. Speaker: Cheng Qing

Department of History, Shanghai University

Talk: Climbing the Tower of Babel with Images—the Iconographic Project of the French Jesuit P. Vasseur Speaker: Li Dandan

PhD in Art History; College of Creative Studies, Shanghai Theatre Academy

展览相关活动 | Exhibition Related Programs



逝者如斯: 中国乡村文化研究

2015/11/8 进退之间:中国乡村的困境 * 详情参见瑞象面对面第 13 季 , P.63 2015/11/14 讲座:中国制造日志 —— 一部关于现代制造业的档案 讲者:格利高里·布鲁尼斯荷兹 瑞士 Anaïde Gregory 设计工作室联合创始人 2015/11/28 讲座:新的盛典 —— 重庆众生相 主持:伊娃·莫拉维兹 美术史学家,MO-Industries 的联合创始人之一 讲者:帕特里克·瓦克 法国独立摄影师 法国 - 波兰籍摄影师 蒂姆·弗兰科 2015/12/5 放映:广州湾 嘉宾:弗朗索瓦·布歇


2015/12/12 讲座:理想与现实 —— 乡村的规划和影像中的遗产 讲者:陈明磊 上海市城市规划设计院规划师 译者,独立摄影师 周仰 2015/12/19 放映:中国配方 —— 借鉴与创新 嘉宾:钮永辰 瑞士独立纪录片导演、电影制作人 2015/1/9 讲座:景象 —— 文化工业时期的乡村和艺术 器 ·Haus 空间的联合创办人与策展人,LP 艺术空间总监 讲者:倪昆 王家浩 建筑与艺术批评人、策划人,建筑实验者 2015/1/23 放映:从某处来,但无处可去:与摄影师安德烈亚斯 · 赛博特同行中国 嘉宾:安德烈亚斯·塞伯特 瑞士摄影师


As It Disappears: A Cultural Study of Rural China

2015/11/8 In or Out: the Dilemma of the Countryside in China *For details, please refer to RayChat Vis-à-vis Season 13, P.63 2015/11/14 Talk: Made in China Diary—A Modern Manufacturing Archive Speaker: Gregory Brunisholz Co-founder of the Anaïde Gregory Studio in Switzerland 2015/11/28 Talk: A New Celebration—Portrait(s) of Chongqing Moderator: Eva Morawietz Art Historian; Co-founder of MO-Industries Speakers: Patrick Wack French photographer based in Shanghai Tim Franco French-Polish photographer based in Asia 2015/12/5 Screening: The Ghost Colony Guest: François Boucher Director, journalist, and writer 2015/12/12 Talk: The Ideal and the Reality—Rural Planning and the Heritage in Images Speakers: Chen Minglei Planner from Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute Interpreter and independent photographer Zhou Yang

2015/1/9 Talk: Landscape—Rural and Art in the Era of Cultural Industry Speakers: Ni Kun Co-founder and curator of Organhaus; Director of LP Art Space Wang Jiahao Architecture and art critic, planner 2015/1/23 Screening: From Somewhere to Nowhere: on the Road in China with Photographer Andreas Seibert Guest: Andreas Seibert Swiss photographer

展览相关活动 | Exhibition Related Programs

2015/12/19 Screening: The Chinese Recipe –Bold and Smart Guest: Jürg Neuenschwander Swiss independent documentary film director, film producer


公共活动 Public Programs

现实问题 纪实影像研究系列活动 Reality Matters Research Series on Documentary Films and Photography 时间:2015 年 4 月 -2016 年(未完结) 地点:瑞象馆 - 象铺空间 Duration: 2015/4 – 2016 (in progress) Venue: RayPub


策划人:徐杰 主办方:瑞象馆,上午艺术空间,OCAT 上海馆 地点:瑞象馆 - 象铺空间

上海青年批评家徐杰(老徐)受邀为瑞象馆策划并组织了 “ 现实问题 —— 纪实影像研究系列活动 ”,这是一个关 涉 2005—2015 年间中国纪实摄影与独立纪录片的系列活动与展览项目。从 2015 年 4 月开始,徐杰将邀请雍和、 辛冈、戴建勇、李政德、谭伟山、高子鹏、林鑫、黎小峰、张战庆等 6 位中国当代纪实类摄影师和 15 位纪录片导演, 在瑞象馆 — 象铺空间介绍他们最新的工作和作品;同时每一场活动还将有来自于历史、文学、哲学、社会学、人 类学以及文艺批评等不同领域的学者与这些影像工作者展开对话,提供关于这些影像作品的各种解读的可能性。

Reality Matters—Research Series on Documentary Films and Photography

Curator: Xu Jie Hosted by: Ray Art Center, am art space, OCAT Shanghai Venue: RayPub Supported by Ray Art Center and curated by Xu Jie, “Reality Matters—Research Series on Documentary Films and Photography” is a talk series and exhibition project concerning Chinese documentary photography and independent documentaries from 2005 to 2015. From the April of 2015, Xu Jie invites six documentary photographers and over 15 documentary directors in contemporary China to introduce their latest works to audience at RayPub. The invited photographers and directors include Yong He, Xingang, Coca Dai, Li Zhengde, Tan Weishan, Gao Zipeng, Lin Xin, Li Xiaofeng and Zhang Zhanqing. For each event, a scholar/researcher with different background (such as history, literature, philosophy, sociology, cultural anthropology, and art critique) will also be invited as a guest speaker to lead a conversation with the photographer or film director. This will help to develop more possibilities in reading these photos and documentaries. 77


2015/4/25 第一场:是没看见,还是不想见?! 主讲人:雍和

著名摄影家、摄影记者 , 中国摄影家协会副主席



2015/5/10 第二场 : 默剧 主讲人:辛冈




2015/5/31 第三场:影像太极 主讲人:戴建勇




* 本场活动因故取消 2015/6/6 第四场:无名死者 主讲人:谭伟山




2015/7/4 第五场:黑白岁月——赵铁林和 90 年代的海南“女孩” 主讲人:那日松

北京 798 映艺术中心 / 映画廊艺术总监

2015/7/25 第六场:从《新国人》谈起






Documentary Photography Series

2015/4/25 Vol.1: Fail to See, or Refuse to See?! Speaker: Yong He

Photographer, photojournalist, Vice Chairman of the China Photographers' Association

Guest: Chen Zu’en

Professor at the School of Humanities, Donghua University; historian and writer

2015/5/10 Vol.2: Mime Speaker: Xin Gang

Photographer based in Shanghai

Guest: Jen-Hao Hsu

Post-doctoral researcher at Shanghai Theatre Academy

2015/5/31 Vol.3: Photo Tai-chi Speaker: Coca Dai Guest: Du Xiyun

Photographer and artist based in Shanghai Curator and art critic

*This event was cancelled due to irresistible reasons 2015/6/6 Vol.4: The Dead with No Name Speaker: Tan Weishan Guest: Yu Hai

Vice-director and producer of the Audio/Video Department of the Southern Metropolis Daily

Professor at School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University

2015/7/4 Vol.5: The Black and White Era—Zhao Tielin and the “Hainan Girls” in the 1990s Speaker: Na Risong

Art director of Inter Art Center/Gallery

2015/7/25 Vol.6: To Start with The New Chinese Speaker: Li Zhengde

Independent curator, photography critic 现实问题 | EReality Matters

Guest: Hai Jie




2015/5/9 第一场:青年与影像实践 主讲人:高子鹏 纪录片导演 对话嘉宾:赵川 作家、艺术批评家、剧场导演 2015/6/14 第二场:林鑫说《同学》 主讲人:林鑫 诗人、画家、纪录片导演 2015/6/27 第三场:黎小锋说《遍地乌金》 主讲人:黎小锋 纪录片导演;任教于同济大学艺术与传媒学院 2015/7/19 第四场:郭熙志说《喉舌》 主讲人:郭熙志 纪录片导演,深圳大学传媒与文化发展研究中心研究员 对话嘉宾:吕新雨 华东师范大学 - 康奈尔比较人文研究中心主任,华东师范大学传播学院教授 2015/8/22 第五场:范俭说《吾土》 主讲人:范俭 纪录片导演 对话嘉宾:聂欣如 华东师范大学传播学院教授 2015/9/13 第六场:徐星说《五加五》 主讲人:徐星 作家、纪录片导演 2015/10/24 第七场:李牧说《仇庄日志》 主讲人:李牧 艺术家 2015/11/7 第八场:张战庆说《活着一分钟,快乐六十秒》 主讲人:张战庆 纪录片导演,独立制片人 2015/12/25 第九场 : 周浩说《龙哥》 主讲人:周浩 纪录片导演 2015/12/26 第十场:雷建军说《2008· 纪》 主讲人:雷建军 清华大学新闻与传播学院副教授,纪录片导演 81

Documentary Films Series

2015/5/9 Vol.1: Youth and Documentary Practice Speaker: Gao Zipeng Documentary director Guest: Zhao Chuan Author, art critic, theatre director 2015/6/14 Vol.2: Lin Xin: on Classmates Speaker: Lin Xin Poet, artist, documentary director 2015/6/27 Vol.3: Li Xiaofeng: on Gold Underground Speaker: Li Xiaofeng Documentary director; faculty of the College of Arts & Media, Tongji University 2015/7/19 Vol.4: Guo Xizhi: on Mouthpiece Speaker: Guo Xizhi Documentary director, researcher at the Center for Media & Social Changes, Shenzhen University Guest: Lv Xinyu Director of the ECNU-Cornell Center for Comparative Humanities; Professor at the School of Communication at East China Normal University 2015/8/22 Vol.5: Fan Jian: on My Land Speaker: Fan Jian Documentary director Guest: Nie Xinru Professor at the School of Communication, East China Normal University 2015/9/13 Vol.6: Xu Xing: on Five Plus Five Speaker: Xu Xing Writer and documentary director 2015/10/24 Vol.7: Li Mu: on Qiuzhuang Log Speaker: Li Mu Artist

2015/12/25 Vol.9: Zhou Hao: on Using Speaker: Zhou Hao Documentary director 2015/12/26 Vol. 10: Lei Jianjun: on Beijing 2008 Speaker: Lei Jianjun Associate Professor at Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication

现实问题 | EReality Matters

2015/11/7 Vol.8: Zhang Zhanqing: on For Every Minute I Live, I’ll Enjoy the 60 Seconds Speaker: Zhang Zhanqing Documentary director, independent producer


公共活动 Public Programs

其他活动 Other Events 地点:瑞象馆 - 象铺空间 Venue: RayPub


2015/7/24 对话: “我们分享可能” 主办:瑞象馆 对谈人:缪佳欣 艺术家 林昱

作者和艺术评论人,《ArtReview Asia》主编

2015/8/16 彼岸观自在 II:最好的时代,最坏的时代? 放映会与艺术家 / 策展讲座 讲者:张耀辉






2015/9/12 讲座:来自不同背景下的“影像”与“写作” 主办:色影无忌 瑞象馆 主持:王欢






2015/12/27 " 再造影像场——关于影像教学在大学的再实践 " 学生作品展映交流 主办:瑞象馆 协办:中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院 中国美术学院影视动画学院 浙江工商大学艺术设计学院影视动画系 泼先生 主持:芬雷、王音洁 嘉宾:黎小锋、吴鼎、毛晨雨、刘智海


Other Events

2015/7/24 “We Share Possible”—A Conversation between Miao Jiaxin and Lin Yu Hosted by: Ray Art Center Speakers: Miao Jiaxin Aimee Lin

Artist Writer and art critic; Chief Editor of ArtReview Asia

2015/8/16 Both Sides Now II—It Was the Best of Times, it Was the Worst of Times? Screening and Artists/Curators’ Talk Speakers: Iven Cheung

Project assistant curator

Kevin Lam

Project assistant curator

Christopher Lee

General manager of Videotage (HK)

2015/9/12 Lecture: “Images” and “Writings” from Different Backgrounds Hosted by: XITEK, Ray Art Center Moderator: Wang Huan

Writer and photography critic

Speakers: He Yining

Independent curator, researcher on history of photography

Zhang Hanlu

Independent curator, writer

2015/12/27 Screening and Discussion: Rebuild the Image Field—Imaging Teaching Practices on Campus Hosted by: Ray Art Center Co-presented by: School of Inter-Media Art, China Academy of Art Department of Motion Picture Photography & Animation at China Academy of Art Department of Motion Picture Photography & Animation at Art Design College of Zhejiang Gongshang University PULSASIR Guests: Li Xiaofeng, Wu Ding, Mao Chenyu, Liu Zhihai

其他活动 | Other Events

Moderator: Fen Lei, Wang Yinjie


项目合作 Collabortions 秉持着开放的态度,同时也得益于大家对瑞象馆多年来在影像研究领域中工作的肯定,瑞象馆有 很大一部分活动是在与其他艺文机构、商业和大众团体的相互协作中共同推出的。这些活动有的 是在瑞象馆的平台上直接呈现,有的则在其他的公共或商业机构中展开。正是在交流和分享的基 础上,不仅使这些多方合作项目以及各位摄影家、艺术家、学者的工作得以在更为广泛的平台上 与公众见面,同时也让这些活动所涉及的主题得到了更加深入的挖掘和讨论。在此所介绍的这些 活动只是瑞象馆对外合作的一个部分;事实上,即便是瑞象馆自己所主导的活动,每一项多多少 少都会获得各界朋友的支持和帮助。这样一种广泛的合作除了可以催生出更多有意思的项目,同 时也表明着在艺文领域中的一种原则和精神——在这个领域中的所有工作本身都具有丰富公众的 文化生活和服务社会的目的和性质;因此这其中就并不存在竞争的关系,同行机构间应该永远处 于一种交流、分享和协作的开放状态,以帮助彼此各方共同携手成长。 With an open mind and thanks to everyone’s acknowledgement of Ray Art Center’s endeavors within the field of photography research in recent years, we devises a considerable number of events in cooperative liaison with other art institutions, as well as business and social groups. Some of these events were presented directly on RAC’s own platforms, while the others were hosted by other public space or business agencies. It was on the foundation of communication and sharing that not only did these multilateral projects and works of each photographer, artist, and scholar garners public exposure on much broader platforms, but the themes associated with events were also explored and discussed in greater depth.The events introduced here are only parts of RAC’s collaborative projects; but in fact, all our programs, even for those exclusively hosted by RAC, have received help and support from a myriad of friends in one way or another. In addition to stimulating more interesting projects, the extensive partnerships would at the same time speak for a certain principle and spirit in the art circle—every line of work inside this circle bears the purpose and characteristic of fulfilling the public’s cultural life and servicing the society. Therefore, the competition within gives way to an open-mindedness where all institutions are constantly communicating, sharing, and cooperating towards the goal of promoting collective growth among all.

K11 艺术基金会

“Mapping Shanghai” 系列讲座

策划人:尹黎(Liz Hingley) 主办:K11 艺术基金会 支持:瑞象馆 地点:上海 K11 购物艺术中心 B1

Mapping Shanghai 由一系列讲座和工作坊组成,它是 K11 Art Foundation 2014 年公共活动的重要部分,由英国 摄影家和研究者尹黎策划。“Mapping” 一词在这里将不再局限于地理学上的含义,而是指来自于不同领域的艺术家、 设计师、建筑师和学者通过各种手段对这个多样化的城市所展开的研究方法,以及创造性的感知手段。该系列活 动的主讲者和参与者由外来者和上海本地人组成,他们各自呈现给大家的正是对这个不断成长中的城市的各种独 特的记录。

2014/1/19 上海地铁线的那一端 IMG SRC 上海总监

主持:Yoshi Kawamura 讲者:尹黎


2014/2/23 Growing Up With Shanghai 讲者:Terence Lloren 沈祎

声音记录者 艺术家,作者

2014/4/13 “ 上海城市动物群 ” 漫游 讲者:Chloé Roubert



K11 Art Foundation

“Mapping Shanghai” Lecture Series

Curator: Liz Hingley Hosted by: K11 Art Foundation Supported by: Ray Art Center Venue: Shanghai K11 Art Mall, B1 “Mapping Shanghai” was a lecture and workshop series curated by the photographer and researcher Liz Hingley as major part of K11 Art Foundation's 2014 public program in Shanghai. This series has offered an extensive exploration of the city through the presentations of artists, designers, architects, and scholars. The word “mapping” here is taken beyond the geographical term to explore this multilayered city through different methods of research and creative channels of perception. “Mapping Shanghai” brought together expats and locals to document this expanding city. 2014/1/19 The End of the Line in Shanghai Moderator: Yoshi Kawamura Speaker: Liz Hingley

Managing Director of IMG SRC Shanghai

British photographer

2014/2/23 Growing Up With Shanghai Speakers: Terence Lloren Shen Yi

Sound recordist Artist and writer

The Shanghai Urban Fauna Mapping Project Speaker: Chloé Roubert


K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation



“ 莫奈和印象派 ” 系列讲座

策划人:王欣、高彦斐 主办:K11 艺术基金会 支持:瑞象馆、刘海粟美术馆、法国驻上海总领事馆 地点:上海 K11 购物艺术中心 “ 莫奈和印象派 ” 系列讲座是 K11 Art Foundation 上海配合同名展览所推出的大型系列公共教育活动。从 2014 年 3 月 15 日至 6 月 7 日之间,国内外艺术史、文化研究的学者从 “ 印象派艺术与同时期法国社会生活 ”、“ 法国艺术 对上海民国洋画界的影响 ”、以及 “ 印象派与其他艺术门类之间的关系 ” 等三个方面展开 13 场讲座活动,并在现 场与观众互动。这些活动帮助观众更好地理解了本次莫奈大展,同时也希望就印象派艺术及其背后的社会、文化 乃至政治的意义做出更深入的分析和理解。本系列讲座由刘海粟美术馆学术部的王欣女士以及上海法语培训中心 的高彦斐女士策划,并得到了刘海粟美术馆与法国驻沪总领事馆文化处的全力支持。本系列讲座的整体规划和组 织由 K11 Art Foundation 和瑞象馆执行。 2014/3/15 印象派的光色革命与视觉启蒙 主讲人:张闳


2014/3/22 莫奈与印象派绘画的社会面相 主讲人:沈语冰


2014/3/29 莫奈:画家及其时代 主讲人:丁宁


2014/4/12 印象派与莫奈 主讲人:潘耀昌


2014/4/20 电影的印象主义形变:一种可能的描述 主讲人:杨北辰



“Monet and Impressionism” Lecture Series

Curators: Wang Xin, Gao Yanfei Hosted by: K11 Art Foundation Supported by: Ray Art Center, Liu Haisu Art Museum, French Consulate-General in Shanghai Venue: Shanghai K11 Art Mall "Monet and Impressionism" Lecture Series was a series of public programs specially organized for the major exhibition at K11 Art Foundation in 2014. From March 15th through June 7th, art history and cultural studies scholars were invited to give thirteen talks respectively in the following three large fields: Impressionism and French Society, The Influence of French Art on the Shanghai Painters in the Republican Era, and The Relationship Between Impressionism and Other Arts. The lecture series was expected to help the exhibition visitors gain further understanding into the show; it was at the same time an academic platform for a deepened discussion in the social, cultural and political significance of Impressionist art. This series was curated by Wang Xin from Liu Haisu Art Museum, and Gao Yanfei from Alliance Françoise de Shanghai, and supported by Liu Haisu Art Museum and the Department for Culture of the French Consulate-General Shanghai. It was planned by K11 Art Foundation and Ray Art Center. 2014/3/15 Impressionism: Enlightened Color and Vision Speaker: Zhang Hong

Culture critic, Professor at School of Humanities, Tongji University

2014/3/22 Representations of the Society in Monet and Impressionist Painting Speaker: Shen Yubing

Professor at Zhejiang University

2014/3/29 Monet: The Painter and His Time Professor at the School of Arts, Peking University

2014/4/12 Impressionists and Monet Speaker: Pan Yaochang

Professor at the College of Fine Arts, Shanghai University

2014/4/20 Impressionist Transformation in Movies: A Possible Narrative Speaker: Yang Beichen

Editor for artforum.com.cn

K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation

Speaker: Ding Ning


2014/4/26 上海 - 巴黎的友谊与艺术 1926 - 1937 主讲人:Gretchen Liu


2014/5/10 印象派时期的法国戏剧 主讲人:宫宝荣


2014/5/11 普鲁斯特与印象派绘画 主讲人:黄蓓


2014/5/17 择取与被择取 主讲人:沈揆一


2014/5/18 摄影:印象派画家的外遇 主讲人:顾铮


2014/5/25 上海美专的法国记忆 主讲人:樊林


2014/5/31 莫奈和近代中国 主讲人:李超


2014/6/7 “ 素描 ” 印象派的音乐:德彪西《海》中的海景 主讲人:刘彦玲



2014/4/26 A Window to the Past: Shanghai – Paris, Friendship and Art 1926 - 1937 Speaker: Gretchen Liu

Researcher on Singapore history

2014/5/10 French Theatre in the Impressionist Era Speaker: Gong Baorong

Professor at Shanghai Theatre Academy

2014/5/11 Proust and Impressionist Painting Speaker: Huang Bei

Chinese Literature Department, Fudan University

2014/5/17 Choosing and Being Chosen Speaker: Shen Kuiyi Professor of Art History at University of California, San Diego 2014/5/18 The Impressionists’ Affair with Photography Speaker: Gu Zheng

Professor at the Journalism College of Fudan University

2014/5/25 The French Influence to Shanghai Art Academy Speaker: Fan Lin

Researcher and Deputy Editor at Shanghai Municipal Archives

2014/5/31 Monet and Modern China Speaker: Li Chao

Professor at the Fine Arts College of Shanghai University

2014/6/7 Speaker: Annie Yen-Ling Liu

Associate Professor of Music History at the School of Music of Soochow University

K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation

Sketches of Musical Impressionism: Seascapes in Claude Debussy’s “La mer”


“ 虚拟蜕变 ” 系列公共活动

策划人:孙绍谊、颜晓东、李冰娜 主办:K11 艺术基金会 支持:瑞象馆 地点:chi K11 美术馆,上海

“ 虚拟蜕变 ” 系列讲座是 chi K11 Art Space 上海配合同名展览所推出的系列公共教育活动。从 2014 年 7 月 12 日 至 8 月 30 日之间,国内外艺术家、作家、策划人和视觉文化研究者从各个角度对参展艺术作品以及新媒体艺术 与其他领域的关系等话题展开交流和探索。同时年轻的创客群体也为公众带来了两场用手机制作携带设备的工作 坊。这些活动帮助观众更好地理解本次展览,并引发大家对新媒体艺术及其背后更广泛的文化和社会语境展开更 为深入的思考。本系列活动由上海戏剧学院的孙绍谊教授、新时线媒体艺术中心的颜晓东以及 “FAB 妹创客组织 ” 的李冰娜提供策划。活动的整体规划和组织由 K11 Art Foundation 和瑞象馆执行。

2014/7/12 讲座:回到未来的新媒体:低眉、迷幻与价值理性 讲者:七格


2014/7/19 讲座:失败现实的虚拟胜利:煞有介事的艺术游戏 讲者:郑闻

策展人 , 南京艺术学院美术馆学术部主任

2014/7/26 对谈:没有预设的对话 讲者:顾铮 缪晓春

复旦大学教授,视觉文化学者,策展人 中央美术学院教授

2014/8/3 对谈:我们谈论新媒体艺术的时候我们在谈什么 I:对当代艺术的参照和比较 讲者:颜晓东 林昱


时任新时线媒体艺术中心运营总监 作者和艺术评论人,《ArtReview Asia》主编

“Metamorphosis of the Virtual” Public Program

Curators: Sun Shaoyi, Art Yan, Li Bingna Hosted by: K11 Art Foundation Supporte by: Ray Art Center Venue: chi K11 art museum, Shanghai “Metamorphosis of the Virtual” Public Program was a series of lectures and workshops specially organized for the major exhibition at chi K11 Art Space. From July 12th through August 30th, some artists, writers, curators and scholars of visual cultural studies were invited to give six talks on various topics brought up by the exhibition, and also the relationship between new media art and other fields. Meanwhile these young Makers have brought in two workshops of making wearable AR/VR facilities with cellphones. This series activities was expected to help the exhibition visitors gain further understanding into the show, and also to inspire them having deepened thinking on new media art and its larger social and cultural context. This series was curated by Sun Shaoyi from Shanghai Theater Academy, Art Yan from Chronus Art Center, and Berlina Li from FAB MEI Maker Group. It was overall planned by K11 Art Foundation and Ray Art Center. 2014/7/12 Talk: New Media: Back to the Future—Lowbrow, Psychedelia and Value-Rationality Speaker: Qi Ge

Novelist, digital artist

2014/7/19 Talk: Pretentious Art Game: The Virtual Triumph in the Lost Reality Speaker: Zheng Wen

Curator, Director of Academic Division at the Museum of Nanjing Arts Academy

2014/7/26 Dialogue: An Un-preseted Conversation Speakers: Gu Zheng Miao Xiaochun

Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, China

2014/8/3 Dialogue: What Do We Talk When We Talk about New Media Art I: Referring and Comparing to Contemporary Art Speakers: Art Yan Aimee Lin

Then the Artistic Director of Chronus Art Center Writer and art critic; Chief Editor of ArtReview Asia

K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation

Professor at Fudan University, scholar on visual studies, curator


2014/8/10 对谈:我们谈论新媒体艺术的时候我们在谈什么 II:新媒体艺术的东亚景观 讲者:颜晓东 金元柱

时任新时线媒体艺术中心运营总监 K11 艺术基金会艺术项目经理

2014/8/17 对谈:我们谈论新媒体艺术的时候我们在谈什么 III: 跨界与合作网络 时任新时线媒体艺术中心运营总监

讲者:颜晓东 马蒂·派克斯卡


2014/8/23 工作坊:“ 戴上阿凡达 ” 工作坊系列 I:用手机做虚拟现实眼镜 嘉宾:达达


2014/8/30 工作坊:“ 戴上阿凡达 ” 工作坊系列 II:增强现实美甲屋 嘉宾:Thea Mai Baumann



2014/8/10 Dialogue: What Do We Talk When We Talk about New Media Art II: New Media Scene in East Asia Then the Artistic Director of Chronus Art Center

Speakers: Art Yan Joanne Kim

Art Project Manager at K11 Art Foundation

2014/8/17 Dialogue: What Do We Talk When We Talk about New Media Art III: Crossover and Cooperative Network Speakers: Art Yan

Then the Artistic Director of Chronus Art Center

Máté Pacsika

Hungarian new media artist

2014/8/23 Wearable Avatar Workshop I: Making Oculus Rift with Your Cell Phone Instructor: Dada

Experience projects developer

2014/8/30 Wearable Avatar Workshop II: Augmented Reality Nail Salon Australian artist and technologist

K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation

Instructor: Thea Mai Baumann


“ 欢迎来我家 ” 系列公共活动

主办:chi K11 美术馆 策划:瑞象馆、新茶锋潮、王凯梅 地点:chi K11 美术馆,上海

在 2014 年 12 月 5 日至 2015 年 3 月 5 日期间,chi K11 美术馆推出了 “ 欢迎来我家 ”—— 美国波普超现实主义艺 术家盖瑞 · 贝斯曼个展同名系列讲座活动。多位中国本地艺术家、插画家、媒体人和策划人受邀,从 “ 当代插画的 多样生态 ”、“ 当代动画影像的创作时间 ” 和 “ 当代动画产业及其语境 ” 等方面展开数场讲座及对谈活动,并在现 场与观众互动。本系列活动由 “ 新茶锋潮 ”、独立策展人王凯梅等提供策划,由 K11 购物艺术中心和瑞象馆组织 和执行。

2014/12/6 对谈:遇上梦游者:叶凌翰的动画影像作品放映与座谈 讲者:叶凌翰 王凯梅

艺术家 独立策展人

2014/12/20 对谈:一个寻冰者的旅程:汤柏华谈《夏虫国》的创作和艺术 讲者:汤柏华 王凯梅

艺术家 独立策展人

2015/1/3 讲座:一个插画师的自述 讲者:小龙花


2015/1/17 讲座:插画背后的秘密 讲者:PP 殿下



“The Door is Always Open” Public Program

Hosted by: chi K11 Art Museum Curated by: Ray Art Center, Neocha edge, Kaimei Olsson Wang Venue: chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai “The Door is Always Open” was a lecture series of the solo exhibition about the Pop-surrealist artist Gary Baseman at chi K11 Art Museum from 5th December 2014 to 5th March 2015. Artists, illustrators, medias, and curators were invited to give talks respectively in the following three fields: the dynamics of contemporary illustration, the art practice of contemporary animation film, the industry of contemporary animation and its context. This series was curated by Neocha edge, Kaimei Olsson Wang, etc. It was overall planned by chi K11 Art Museum and Ray Art Center. 2014/12/6 Dialogue: To Meet with Dreamwalker: Ye Linghan’s Animation Film Speakers: Ye Linghan


Kaimei Olsson Wang

Independent curator

2014/12/20 Dialogue: The Journey of a Man Looking for Ice: Tang Bohua’s Talk on the Creation and Art of The Country of Summer Insects Artist

Speakers: Tang Bohua Kaimei Olsson Wang

Independent curator

2015/1/3 Talk: The Self-narrative of an Illustrator Illustrator

2015/1/17 Talk: The Secret behind the Illustration Speaker: PP SAMA


K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation

Speaker: Xiao Longhua


2015/1/31 讲座:异常的漫画 讲者:胡晓江 张迅

插画师 插画师

2015/2/7 讲座:盖瑞 · 贝斯曼和 20 世纪末的美国动画艺术 讲者:陆蓉之


2015/2/14 工作坊:我是艺术家:纯女性插图工作坊 嘉宾:卜佳媚




2015/2/28 讲座:夜行的日本漫画 讲者:逆柱 臆想图志


日本漫画家、插画师 漫画评论人

2015/1/31 Talk: Unusual Comics Speakers: Hu Xiaojiang Zhang Xun

Illustrator Illustrator

2015/2/7 Talk: Gary Baseman and American Animation Art in the Late 20th Century Speaker: Victoria Lu

Independent curator, art critic

2015/2/14 Workshop: I am an Artist: Illustration Workshop by Female Artist Instructors: Bu Jiamei Wang Xiaoxiao

Illustrator Illustrator

2015/2/28 Talk: Japanese Manga in the Night Journey


Japanese cartoonist, illustrator Manga critic

K11 艺术基金会 | K11 Art Foundation

Speakers: Irimi




主办:奥沙艺术基金 策划:瑞象馆 地点:奥沙上海 2014/11/19 对谈:无名文档 讲者:胡昀




2014/11/21 讲座:艺团 IRWIN 与 “ 新斯洛文尼亚艺术国 ” 的实践 IRWIN 成员

讲者:米兰·莫豪尔 回应及对话者:张培力


2014/11/28 对话:“ 啊,朋友再见!” —— 制度化的友谊 对话者:米兰·莫豪尔






2014/12/20 讲座:我的抽象故事 讲者:余友涵 艺术家 2014/1/24 讲座:激进何为? 讲者:宋涛 于吉

鸟头小组成员 艺术家

2015/2/7 讲座及新书发布:重印:上海首届国际传真艺术展 1996 讲者:法燕·德飞 施勇 103

3-ply 成员 艺术家

Osage Art Foundation

“Just as Paper is the Money, the Gallery is the Room” Public Program Presented by: Osage Art Foundation Curated by: Ray Art Center Venue: Osage Shanghai 2014/11/19 Dialogue: Untitled Files Speakers: Hu Yun


Luke Willis Thompson


2014/11/21 Talk: The Art Practice of IRWIN and the NSK State in Time Speaker: Miran Mohar

IRWIN member

Respondent: Zhang Peili


2014/11/28 Dialogue: Bella Ciao!—The Institutionalization of Friendship Speakers: Miran Mohar

IRWIN member

Huang Xiaopeng


Sang Tian

Editor of Art Time

2014/12/20 Talk: My Abstraction Story Speaker: Yu Youhan


Talk: Do We Deserve Radicality? Speakers: Song Tao Yu Ji

Birdhead member Artist

2015/2/7 Talk and Book Launch: Re-print: The First International Fax Art Exhibition in 1996 Speakers: Fayen d’Evie Shi Yong

3-ply member Artist

奥沙艺术基金 | Osage Art Foundation



上海当代艺术馆 × 澎湃新闻 “对照——三峡与三峡图像”系列讲座

策划人:夏佑至 主办:瑞象馆、上海当代艺术馆、澎湃新闻 地点:上海当代艺术馆三楼

作为一处令人惊叹的自然风景,以及中国文化历史悠久的 母题,三峡还因为巨大的三峡工程以及由此带来的社会和 经济变迁而举世闻名。关于三峡的文字和图像如此之多, 且类型多样,以致于任何后来的工作,一方面受惠于前人 的成果,另一方面则是对它们的影响力的抗拒。每一次拍 摄和讲述,既使历史上的三峡和今天的三峡互相映照,也 使不同类型图像得以交流和对话。

2015/3/21 第一场:跨越 130 年的三峡之旅 主讲人:夏佑至

资深媒体人 , 专栏作家

2015/7/25 第二场:他们的三峡 主讲人:陈曦


2015/9/19 第三场:三峡变迁和摄影的故事 主讲人:许海峰

摄影师 , 供职于东方早报澎湃新闻

2015/12/19 第四场:三峡——科学与诗 主讲人:蔡庆华


生态学家 , 中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员

MoCA Shanghai × The Paper

“Compare—Three Gorges and Images” Lecture Series

Curator: Xia Youzhi Hosted by: Ray Art Center, MoCA Shanghai, The Paper Venue: MoCA Shanghai 3F

As a piece of stunning landscape and a historical motif in Chinese culture, the Three Gorges is also famous for the gigantic Three Gorges Project as well as the social and economical changes it brought about. There are so many writings and images in relation to the Three Gorges with a great diversity, that subsequent work, on the one hand, benefits from the previous results; on the other hand, tries to resist their influence. Each process of documenting and narrating not only contrasts today’s Three Gorges with its past, but also enables images of different kinds to communicate and speak to each other.

2015/3/21 Vol.1: A Journey of the Three Gorges across 130 Years Speaker: Xia Youzhi

Senior journalist and columnist


Speaker: Chen Xi

Video editor of the Center for Visual News at The Paper

2015/9/19 Vol.3: Three Gorges: Changes Captured in Photography and Their Stories Speaker: Xu Haifeng

Photographer at Oriental Morning Post and The Paper

2015/12/19 Vol.4: Three Gorges: Science and Poem Speaker: Cai Qinghua

Ecologist; researcher member of the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science

上海当代艺术馆 × 澎湃新闻 | MoCA Shanghai × The Paper

Vol.2: Three Gorges of Theirs


上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台 展览 | 公园里的爱情

艺术家:武佳音、徐杰、魏勃之 主办:瑞象馆,上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台

展期:2015 年 7 月 23 日 - 2015 年 8 月 9 日 地点:上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台

位于艺术亭台中的项目包含两部:“ 免费婚纱摄影 ” 部分试图用情景再现的方式,联系起现在与过去二三十年间上 海婚纱摄影的发展过程与审美变化。其中访谈环节也将用纪录片的方式为上一代人的爱情留下视频文献;周末的 “ 偶遇 ” 则是根据人民公园现在相亲角的情况,用一种艺术重组的形式,将这种奇特的中国式景观在美术馆的空间 里再次呈现,并通过一种与观众互动的形式,尝试社会的调查。

展览相关讲座:“ 相亲 ” 离相爱有多远? —— 谈现代年轻人的婚恋观 时间:2015 年 8 月 2 日 地点:上海当代艺术馆 3 楼










MoCA Pavilion

Exhibition | Love in the Park

Artists: Wu Jiayin, Xu Jie, Wei Bozhi Presented by: Ray Art Center, MoCA Pavilion Duration: 2015/7/23 – 8/9 Venue: MoCA Pavilion This project consisted of two parts and took place at MoCA Pavilion. The part of “Free Wedding Photography” tried to use reconstructed scenes to present the development and aesthetic changes of the wedding photography scenario in Shanghai during the past three decades. Interviews were also made and recorded as video documents to witness the love stories of the previous generation. The part of “Encounter” on weekends was inspired by the well-known “match-making corner” in People’s Park. It used a way of art recombination to re-exhibit this peculiar Chinese landscape in the space of a museum, and tried to conduct researches about the society through an interaction with the audience. Exhibition Related Talk: “Blind Date” and True Love—A Conversation on Marriage Views of the Younger Generation Date: 2015/8/2 Moderator: Wu Jiayin


Speakers: Fu Titi


Qian Jianan


Liang Jie

Economist; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台 | MoCA Pavilion

Venue: MoCA Shanghai 3F


10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 展览 | 张克纯:河流的隐喻 展期:2015 年 6 月 26 日 - 8 月 26 日 地点:10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 5 楼画廊 艺术家:张克纯 策展人:施瀚涛 主办:10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 支持:瑞象馆

此次展览呈现了来自于成都的著名当代摄影家张克纯的 19 幅作品,这些作品选自其重要的系列 “ 北流活活 ”。这 个系列的作品曾经在巴黎、伦敦、格拉斯哥、北京等不同城市展出,并于 2014 年阿尔勒摄影节上获得非常重要的 “ 发 现奖 ”。本次展览是该系列作品第一次较为完整地在上海展出,同时也是艺术家在上海的第一次个展。

开幕对谈:逆流而上 —— 张克纯镜头下的黄河 对话人:海杰 张克纯

独立策展人、影像批评家、作家 摄影家

时间:2015 年 6 月 25 日 地点:10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 5 楼画廊


10 Corso Como Shanghai

Exhibition | Zhang Kechun: the Metaphorical River Duration: 2015/6/26 – 8/26 Venue: 10 Corso Como Gallery, Shanghai Artist: Zhang Kechun Curator: Shi Hantao Presented by: 10 Corso Como Shanghai Supported by: Ray Art Center

The exhibition presented nineteen photographs from the renowned project The Yellow River by contemporary photographer Zhang Kechun from Chengdu, China. His work from this project has been exhibited in Paris, London, Glasgow, Beijing, and other various cities. It also won the “Discovery Award” at Arles 2014. This exhibition for the first time showcased a considerably complete display of this series in Shanghai; it was meanwhile Zhang Kechun’s first solo exhibition in this city.

Opening Talk: Go Upstream—the Yellow River in Zhang Kechun’s Photographs Speakers: Hai Jie Zhang Kechun

Independent curator, photography critic, and writer Photographer

Date: 2015/6/25

10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 | 10 Corso Como Shanghai

Venue: 10 Corso Como Gallery, Shanghai


“ 上海青年文化系列 ” 第一季

主办:10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 策划:瑞象馆 地点:10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 5 楼画廊

由 10 Corso Como 发起、瑞象馆协助策划和组织的 “ 上海青年文化系列 ” 是一个专注于呈现和支持本地年轻文化 创作者群体的平台。第一季活动于 2015 年 7 月至 8 月进行,邀请了来自于电影、设计、手工艺、摄影、时尚、 和多媒体等领域中的青年创作者、学者,以讲座、工作坊和表演等形式与观众分享其最新的实践和思考。此系列 旨在通过展示这些原创性的工作和思想上的交流碰撞,让年轻文化群体获得更多的关注,其工作成果为更多人所 了解,并最终激发出更多的创造性的活动。

2015/7/26 第一场:想象上海的方法:程亮《寂寞芳心》放映会 主讲人:程亮 对谈嘉宾:btr

青年导演 作家、影评人

2015/8/8 第二场:“ 再造衣银行 ” 和 “ 再设计 ” 主讲人:张娜

FAKENATOO 创办人 & 设计总监

2015/8/15 第三场:年轻收藏家和上海杂货铺 主讲人:周祺


2015/8/22 第四场:郑知渊和 “ 上海面目 ”






Shanghai Youth Culture Series · Season One

Hosted by: 10 Corso Como Shanghai Curated by: Ray Art Center Venue: 10 Corso Como Gallery, Shanghai “Shanghai Youth Culture Series” initiated by 10 Corso Como is a platform dedicated to presenting and supporting the cultural creative groups among the local youth. The first season of this series was launched in late July of 2015. In this season, we have invited young artists, writers, and scholars from realms of cinema, design, handcraft, photography, fashion, and multi-media to share their latest practices and ideas with the audience by ways of lectures, workshops, and performances. By showcasing these original creations and by fostering communication and collision of ideas, we expect that the young cultural groups would earn greater attention from the society, that their working achievements can be perceived by more people, and that it would finally stimulate the emergence of more creative activities. This event series was curated and co-presented by Ray Art Center. 2015/7/26 Vol.1: The Way to Imagine Shanghai: Cheng Liang’s Lonely Hearts Speaker: Cheng Liang Guest: btr

Filmmaker based in Shanghai

Writer and film critic

2015/8/8 Vol. 2: “Reclothing Bank” and “Re-design” Founder and design director of FAKENATOO

2015/8/15 Vol.3: The Young Collector and Shanghai Housewares Speaker: Zhou Qi

Free-lance writer, photographer, and illustrator

2015/8/22 Vol.4: Zheng Zhiyuan and “Morphology of Shanghai” Speaker: Zheng Zhiyuan Respondent: Lin Lu

Independent photographer

Professor at Shanghai Normal University; Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Photography Association

10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 | 10 Corso Como Shanghai

Speaker: Zhang Na


“BLACKOUT” 全球黑白摄影巡展上海站 · 展览相关讲座 主办:10 Corso Como 上海,Memorieslab 特别支持:瑞象馆 地点:10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 5 楼画廊 2015/12/12 传统黑白工艺与当代摄影 主讲人:林路 上海师范大学教授,上海市摄影家协会副主席 2015/12/19 沉淀在光影中的时间 主讲人:骆丹 摄影师

“BLACKOUT” Exhibition Related Lectures Hosted by: 10 Corso Como Shanghai, Memorieslab Supported by: Ray Art Center

2015/12/12 Traditional Black and White Technique and Contemporary Photography Speaker: Lin Lu Professor at Shanghai Normal University; Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Photography Association 2015/12/19 The Sense of Time in Light and Shadow Speaker: Luo Dan Photographer

10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间 | 10 Corso Como Shanghai

Venue: 10 Corso Como Gallery, Shanghai


上海外滩美术馆 展览“陈箴:不用去纽约巴黎,生活同样国际化” 系列公众教育活动

主办:上海外滩美术馆 策划:瑞象馆 地点:女青年会大楼二楼 此系列活动是瑞象馆为上海外滩美术馆展览《陈箴:不用去纽约巴黎,生活同样国际化》所策划的公众教育活动。 此次在外滩美术馆展出的作品中,“上海调查”两个系列的作品在媒材和手法上迥异于陈箴为人所熟知的装置艺 术创作,而从作品所表现出的艺术家的关注又在根本上应和了策展人侯瀚如所说的“他的每一次征程都是在探索 人类境遇的永恒道路上的新步伐——从个人健康到城市突变,到经济与政治动荡和社会危机——也是艺术创作的 途径,内在的、精神的探索,以及外在的、社会政治的功用。”这个作品让我们看到了艺术家多样化的创作手法 和他敏感而强烈的社会关怀。 从这两个系列的作品出发,瑞象馆规划了一系列的讲座、放映和讨论活动,我们期待通过邀请不同领域的学者的 参与,来激发出对于作品的新的解读,更展开一次从一些案例出发的,对于上海 1990 年代的摄影、文化乃至历 史和社会的回顾和梳理,由此也帮助观众对陈箴的创作有更深入的理解。 2015/7/18 对谈:电影九 O(一) 讲者:吴觉人 郑大圣

影评人、策展人、电影保护修复研究者 上海电影制片厂导演

2015/8/8 对谈:变动中的瞬间:90 年代的淞沪铁路 讲者:葛剑雄 许海峰

著名学者,历史学家 摄影师 , 供职于东方早报澎湃新闻

2015/8/21 对谈:九 O 年代上海摄影的底蕴 讲者:林路 周明

上海师范大学教授 上海师范大学摄影专业副教授

2015/9/11 对谈:电影九 O(二) 讲者:吴觉人 路内 115

影评人、策展人、电影保护修复研究者 小说家,任职于上海市作家协会

Rockbund Art Museum

“Chen Zhen: Without Going to New York and Paris, Life Could be Internationalized ” Exhibition Related Program

Hosted by: Rockbund Art Museum Curated by: Ray Art Center Venue: Y.W.C.A. Building, 2F This event series was planned by Ray Art Center as part of the exhibition related programs of “Chen Zhen: Without Going to New York and Paris, Life Could be Internationalized ” Exhibition Related Program” in Rockbund Art Museum (RAM). Among all the works exhibited in RAM, the two series of “Social Investigation-Shanghai” distinguished themselves from Chen Zhen’s well-known installation creations in their using of medium and techniques. The artist’s concern shown by this two series was fundamentally cater to what the curator Hou Hauru has said, “Every journey of his has set a new pace on that eternal path of exploring the human condition—from personal well-being to abrupt urban transformations, to economic and political turmoil and social crises—and are also channels for artist creation, inward spiritual exploration, and outward socio-political function.” These works allow us to see the diverse creative approaches of the artist as well as his subtle yet intense sense of social care. Ray Art Center curated a series of lectures, screening and discussion based on the “Social Investigation—Shanghai” series. By inviting scholars from different fields to join these events, we hope that new readings and thoughts about the exhibition would be inspired. Started from specific cases, this public program looked back at 1990s’ Shanghai in different aspects, including photography, culture, history and society, and thus fostered a deeper understanding of Chen Zhen’s work among the audience.

Film critic, curator, and researcher on film restoration Director at the Shanghai Film Group Co. Ltd.

2015/8/8 Dialogue: Moments in Movements: Songhu Railway in the 1990s Speakers: Ge Jianxiong Scholar and historian Xu Haifeng Photographer at Oriental Morning Post and The Paper 2015/8/21 Dialogue: The Connotation of Shanghai Photography in the 1990s Speakers: Lin Lu Professor at Shanghai Normal University Zhou Ming Associate Professor of Photography at Shanghai Normal University 2015/9/11 Dialogue: Cinema 90s II Speakers: Wu Jueren Film critic, curator, and researcher on film restoration Lu Nei Novelist, Shanghai Writers Association

上海外滩美术馆 | Rockbund Art Museum

2015/7/18 Dialogue: Cinema 90s I Speakers: Wu Jueren Zheng Dasheng


春之文化基金会 《记录与记忆》影像论坛

规划:春之文化基金会、瑞象馆 时间:2015 年 8 月 1 日 - 8 月 2 日 地点:台北当代艺术馆 1F 活动大厅

记录是人们试图认识现实的手段和途径;而记忆则是关于过去的既成经验和知识。记录常常直接参与进塑造记忆 的过程,但是这个过程充满筛选和编排,其背后也隐含着种种有意识或无意识的权力的作用。因此,我们的记忆 与其说是来自于每一次记录本身的内容,不如说更多取决于记忆形成的机制;尤其当本质上属于个体经验的记忆 开始转换成集体共识的时候,那个记忆背后的记录的含义也在相应地发生着变化。

影像作为一种媒介和语言,相较于文字,它在记录和叙事方面有着独特的天赋。随着影像技术的提升和普及、以 及网络和社交媒体对人们生活的全面渗透,当代影像的生产和传播正在重新构造我们对于现实的记录以及对于历 史的记忆的方式。来自于日常的、多样化的、个体的讲述正在威胁原本宏观的、单一的、集体的叙事。在这个转 变过程中,艺术家和影像工作者是重要的主导者和革新者;他们在各自的领域中展现出空前的创造力,并产生出 优秀的成果;这也为未来关于今天的记忆提供了愈加丰富而全面的记录。


2015/8/1 思考记录与记忆之关系 主讲人:顾铮


从创作谈记录与记忆的参照性 主讲人:杜海滨


杜海滨的创作和活动影像审美 主讲人:张献民 117


Spring Foundation

Film Forum on “Documentation and Memory”

Organized by: Spring Foundation, Ray Art Center Date: 2015/8/1- 8/2 Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei Documentation is a way and means by which people attempt to comprehend reality; while memory represents established experiences and knowledge about the past. Documentation often plays a direct hand in the process of shaping memories, but the process is one of selective filtering and arrangement, affected by both conscious and unconscious forces. Hence, our memories often come from the mechanisms of memory formation, rather than from the content of the documentation itself; this is especially true when memories of an individual’s experience begins to transform into a collective consciousness. The implications of the documentation behind these memories will transform correspondingly. Images act as a type of mediation and language. Compared with text, images have a unique potential for documentation and narration. With recent the advances in imaging technology and its proliferation, as well as the saturation of the internet and social media into our everyday lives, the production and dissemination of contemporary images are reconstructing the ways in which we document reality and remember history. A discourse that originates in the quotidian, the diverse, and the individual, is now threatening a narrative that had been macrocosmic, uniform, and collective. In this process of transformation, artists and image workers are important leaders and revolutionaries. They present a pioneering creative force in their respective fields, and produce excellent results that provide a rich and holistic record of the present that will become memories in the future.

Forum Agenda

Contemplating the Relationship between Documentary and Memory Speaker: Gu Zheng

Professor at Fudan University School of Journalism

Documentary and Memory as Reference from a Creative Perspective Speaker: Du Haibin

Film director

The Aesthetics of Du Haibin’s Creativity and Active Images Speaker: Zhang Xianmin

Professor at Beijing Film Academy

春之文化基金会 | Spring Foundation



讨论与提问环节 主持人:郭力昕










电影赏析 杜海滨作品《铁路沿线》、《伞》、《1428》、《少年小赵》(影片皆为部分放映)

2015/8/2 30219 天:对父亲的追忆和想象 主讲人:黎朗


从摄影的本体论出发 主讲人:林路














Discussion and Questions Moderator: Kuo Li-Hsin

Associate Professor at National Chengchi University

Panelists: Du Haibin

Film director

Zhang Xianmin

Professor at Beijing Film Academy

Jane H.C. Yu

Film festival curator

Hung Chien-Hung

Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts

Viewing of Du Haibin’s Films: Along the Railway, Umbrella, 1428, and A Young Patriot; followed by discussion (all these films were not screened in their entirety)

2015/8/2 30,219 Days: Memories and Imaginings about My Father Speaker: Li Lang


Beginning from the Ontology of Photography Guest: Lin Lu

Professor at Shanghai Normal University

Moderator: Lin Chi-Ming

Professor at National Taipei University of Education Department of Arts and Design

Panelists: Li Lang


Lin Lu

Professor at Shanghai Normal University

Kao Chung-Li


Chang Shih-Lun

Art critic

春之文化基金会 | Spring Foundation

Discussion and Questions


上海二十一世纪民生美术馆 “ 图像与形象 ” 专题系列(未完结)

主办:上海二十一世纪民生美术馆、瑞象馆 地点:上海二十一世纪民生美术馆二楼多媒体互动室 “ 图像和形象 ” 专题系列是一组从 Image 出发的讨论。我们邀请艺术家、学者和策划及评论工作者,以案例的形式 去考察 Image 在绘画、摄影、电影和大众传媒等各个领域中的表现和作用;同时还将看到当代艺术家和文化工作 者所开展的自觉地打破图像和形象枷锁的种种尝试。 结合民生 21 世纪美术馆的展览 “ 非形象 —— 叙事的运动 ”,以及瑞象馆所一直关注的图像研究主题的文论写作, 本系列讲座是在线下公共教育活动和线上理论写作之间展开互动的一次尝试。我们期待严肃的写作能够让活动中 已经展开却未及深入的内容得以进一步发展、丰富和沉淀;同时,活动又能使作者和观众 / 读者进行更直接的对话, 激发出更多更新的思考。 讲座系列 2015/12/6 讲座:封面上的民族 讲者:叶甫钠


2015/12/13 借尸还魂:图像和三种历史意识 讲者:黄静远




2016/1/17 焦点之外:《黄宝妹》和艺术性纪录片的 “ 形象 ” 策略 讲者:汤惟杰


2016/1/23 你的表情是我的符号 讲者:刘庆元


写作系列 篇名:创刊至今《民族画报》的封面变迁 作者:叶甫纳 发布日期:2015 年 12 月 21 日 121

Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum “Image and Imagery” Feature Series (in progress)

Hosted by: Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Ray Art Center Venue: Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, 2F. “Image and Imagery” is a series of discussion based on image. We have invited artists, scholars, curators and critics to examine the role of image and its function in painting, photography, film and mass media on the basis of case studies. Through these events, we also want to perceive the artists’ and cultural researchers’ conscious attempts to break through the constraints of image and imagery. Based on the “Nonfigurative” exhibition held in Minsheng 21st Century Art Museum and Ray Art Center’s constant emphasis on image related research and writing, the “Image and Imagery” feature series attempts to foster interactions between off-line public events and online theoretical writings. We expect that the more rigorous writings would help with the offline events to develop, enrich, and preserve their contents which are usually promptly perceived by the audience. Meanwhile, offline events enable the authors to directly speak to their audience/readers. This would also inspire more fresh ideas and thoughts. Lecture Series 2015/12/6 Ethnic Minorities on the Cover Artist; Central Academy of Fine Arts

2015/12/13 Reincarnation: Image and Three Historical Consciousness Speaker: Huang Jingyuan Moderator: Zhang Hanlu

Artist Independent curator, writer

2016/1/17 Outside of the Spotlight: Huang Baomei and the Image-shaping Strategy in Artistic Documentaries Speaker: Tang Weijie

Associate Professor at the School of Humanities, Tongji University

2016/1/23 Your Expressions are My Symbols Speaker: Liu Qingyuan

Artist; Associate Professor at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Critical Writings Title: Cover Change: The Transition of the Covers of Nationality Pictorial Author: Ye Funa Date of Release: 2015/12/21

上海二十一世纪民生美术馆 | Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum

Speaker: Ye Funa


研究出版 Research Publications

瑞象视点 瑞象馆于 2008 年成立的时候,就以 “ 瑞象视点 ” 网站作为立足点,发布影像艺术相关文论,推介摄影艺术家的作 品。自 2014 年起,瑞象馆在新的馆址成立了团队,瑞象馆的功能也更加完整,展览、公共教育活动和影像艺术 文论三种功能并行。其中文论部分仍以在线形式发布,同步于瑞象馆官方网站及微信公众号,并沿用了 “ 瑞象视点 ” 网络影像志的名称。 2014 至 2015 年,“ 瑞象视点 ” 每年通过瑞象馆官方微信和网站发布逾 300 篇文章,这些文章有的与瑞象馆的展 览紧密结合,有的来自于瑞象馆主办的公共教育活动,有的与上海这座城市内正在发生的影像艺术事件密切相关, 更多的则来自于瑞象视点作者和译者的供稿 —— 他们每两周、每月或每季度向瑞象视点提供他们最新撰写或翻译 的文章。这些围绕某个主题深入探讨或设定一个方向持续写作的文章往往带有研究性质,不仅能给影像艺术的研 究者以参考,也能拓宽影像艺术家和影像艺术工作者的视野。 截至 2015 年底,瑞象视点共有逾 20 位作者和译者,无论从地域分布、教育背景还是年龄来看,瑞象视点的作者 群比以往更加多样了。瑞象馆愿意给在影像艺术写作上长期探求的作者提供一个成长的平台。现在瑞象视点的栏 目包括 “ 展评 ”、“ 连载 ”、“ 专题 ”、“ 专栏 ”、“ 影集 ” 等,未来可能容纳更多栏目,并探索与读者互动的可能。


RaySight RaySight is an online platform set up in 2008 as a fundamental block of Ray Art Center (RAC) when it was founded. It dedicates to distribute image-related critiques and introduce photography works. In 2014, RAC moved to a new site with its new team formed. It became a more functional organization operating exhibitions, public programs, as well as article publication which is mainly fulfilled through RaySight. Until now, RaySight is still functional as the major channel to publish art critiques and articles, with all its contents synchronized on our official website and WeChat official account.

By the end of 2015, over 20 writers and translators have been published on RaySight. These authors are also becoming more diverse in their age and backgrounds. RAC is glad to cooperate with authors who have been engaged in photography research and writing, offering them a platform to perform and develop. Currently, RaySight’s general staples include “Reviews”, “Serials”, “Columns”, “Features”, “Photo Book”, etc., and there could be a lot of possibilities in the future that we look forward to develop.

瑞象视点 | RaySight

From 2014 to 2015, RaySight has published over 300 pieces of articles each year through WeChat and website. While part of the articles were closely related to the exhibitions or public programs we presented, part of them derived from the art events took place in Shanghai, the majority of the articles were critiques or essays contributed by RaySight writers and translators at certain intervals. Their writings were usually research oriented. Some of them were series or features with certain topics or a settled direction. These writings not only functioned as an important source for researchers working on image-related art, but they also helped artists and art professionals to broaden their horizons.


专题 | 画面之外的城市印象——“当真”访谈

2014 年 6 月 - 2014 年 8 月 撰文、采访:姚瑶

“ 当真 ” 展览举办期间,瑞象馆陆续推出了一系列参展摄影师的访谈文章。这些访谈的内容并不以摄影为话题,我 们所希望了解和呈现的是这群曾经或正在上海生活的摄影师们的城市生活经历、体验和思考。摄影师往往感受敏锐、 视角独特,那么他们所看到的、感受到的城市到底是怎样的?他们又在生活中逐渐与他们所生活的城市发展出一 种怎样的关系?在我们逐渐熟悉了这群摄影师的影像之后,这组访谈也许可以帮助我们留下一份在他们的画面之 外的城市印象。

发表篇目 · 张小船:散步的时候碰见一个认识的人也是奇遇 · 厉致谦:都市是一种源泉 · 严怿波:我欢喜公园的鱼龙混杂


Feature | City Impressions beyond Images —The “REAL-LY” Interview Series 2014/6 - 2014/8 Interviewer and author: Yao Yao While the exhibition “ 当真 /REAL-LY/ 本当に ” was on view at Lianzhou, Ray Art Center has simultaneously released a series of interviews with its participating artists. These interviews are not exclusively focused on photography, but they tried to reveal the living experience and thoughts of these photographers who are currently or once based in Shanghai. Photographers are always acute and unconventional observers; then what does the city look like in their perspectives? What kind of relationship have they developed with the city they live in? As we gradually become familiar with the works taken by these photographers, this series of interviews may help us to develop some impressions about the city beside the images. Published Articles ·Boat Zhang: Meeting an Acquainted Person While Taking a Walk is Also an Amazing Encounter ·Li Zhiqian: Urban is a Source

瑞象视点 | RaySight

·Yan Yibo: I Like the Mixed-up Park


连载 | 塞尔吉奥·拉莱:在迷宫里的光

2014 年 7 月 - 2015 年 1 月 作者:贡萨洛 · 雷瓦 · 基哈达 译者:郑菀蓁

2012 年 2 月 7 日早晨,马格南元老级的摄影师塞尔吉奥 · 拉莱(Sergio Larrain)在智利家中去世,享年 81 岁。 2013 年夏天,阿尔勒摄影节上,马格南图片社推出了拉莱的大型回顾展。正是拉莱颇为传奇的人生经历吸引了生活、 工作在上海的摄影文化研究者郑菀蓁女士,她受北京美术摄影出版社之邀翻译 Thames & Hudson 出版的《塞尔吉 奥 · 拉莱:流浪的摄影师》(Sergio Larrain: Vagabond Photographer),中文版由北京美术摄影出版社于 2014 年 9 月出版。由于多语言版本的版面限制,译稿在出版时略有调整,瑞象馆 “ 瑞象视点 ” 以连载的形式独家刊发本书 第五部分《在迷宫里的光》(拉莱传记)译稿,更全面地展示这位摄影艺术家的创作和人生经历。

发表篇目 · 塞尔吉奥 · 拉莱:在迷宫里的光(一)家庭和社会背景 · 塞尔吉奥 · 拉莱:在迷宫里的光(二)早期艺术生活(1954-1959) · 塞尔吉奥 · 拉莱:在迷宫里的光(三)玛格南时期(1959-1967) · 塞尔吉奥 · 拉莱:在迷宫里的光(四)在改革和独裁时期(1968-1978) · 塞尔吉奥 · 拉莱:在迷宫里的光(五)图片的秘密(1978-2012)


Serial | Sergio Larrain: Lights in the Labyrinth

2014/7 - 2015/1 Author: Gonzalo Leiva Quijada Translator: Zheng Wanzhen In the morning of February 7th, 2012, Sergio Larrain, the senior member of Magnum Photos, died at home in Chili at his 81. In the summer of 2013, the Magnum Photos presented a major Larrain retrospective at the Arles Photography Festival. Larrain’s legendary life experience has greatly attracted Zheng Wanzhen, a Shanghai-based cultural researcher on photography. Invited by BPG Artmedia, Zheng Wanzhen translated the book Sergio Larrain: Vagabond Photographer published by Thames & Hudson. In the September of 2014, the Chinese version of this book was published by BPG Artmedia. However, because of the page limit, the translated text was only partly used in the book. Authorized by the publisher and translator, Ray Art Center exclusively published the complete translated text of the book’s fifth chapter “Lights in the Labyrinth” (Larrain’s biography). This serial has thoroughly displayed Larrain’s creative life. Published Articles ·Lights in the Labyrinth: Part I. Family and Social Background ·Lights in the Labyrinth: Part II. Artistic Aspects: The Early Years (1954-1959) ·Lights in the Labyrinth: Part III. Profession Aspects: The Magnum Years (1959-1967) ·Lights in the Labyrinth: Part IV. Historical Aspects: The Years of Revolution and Dictatorship (1968-1978)

瑞象视点 | RaySight

·Lights in the Labyrinth: Part V. Critical Aspects: The Secret of Larrain's Images (1978-2012)


专题 | 英国纪实摄影

2014 年 8 月 - 2015 年 2 月 作者:何伊宁


发表篇目 · “ 只在英格兰 ”—— 托尼 · 雷 - 琼斯及英国七十年代社会纪实摄影的复兴 · 撒切尔时代的英国摄影及新彩色纪实派的诞生(1979-1990) · “ 时代的标志 ”—— 马丁 · 帕尔九十年代的消费主义文化镜像 · 从纪实到观念 —— 九十年代英国摄影的转型(1990-2000)(上) · 从纪实到观念 —— 英国当代摄影的转型(1990-2000)(下) · 从移民到身份认同 —— 英国黑人经验的图像(1950-1990) · 英国摄影中的海滨再现 —— 传统与当代实践 · 黑乡奏鸣曲:当代社会纪实摄影的多重叙事


Feature | British Documentary Photography

2014/8 - 2015/2 Author: He Yining He Yining turned her focus to British documentary photography while she attended school in England. She continued her study on this topic after she returned to China and has developed it into a series of in-depth research and discussion results . Published Articles ·Only in England—Tony Ray-Jones and the Revival of British Social Documentary Photography in the 1970s ·British Photography from the Thatcher Times and the Birth of New British Color Documentarists (1979-1990) ·Sign of Time: Consumer Culture of the 1990s' England Through the Image of Martin Parr ·A Period of Transition: British Documentary Photography in the 1990s (PART I) ·A Period of Transition: British Documentary Photography in the 1990s (PART II) ·Photographs of Black British Experience 1950s-1990s: Immigration and Identity ·The Representation of British Seaside in Photography: Tradition and Contemporary Practices

瑞象视点 | RaySight

·Black Country Sonata: Multiple Narrative Perspective of Contemporary Documentary Photography


专题 | “摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”展览相关项目

2014 年 11 月 - 2014 年 12 月

“ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6” 是一个关于写作和摄影的实验项目,旨在于探索摄影与写作的关系。我们邀请了 6 位摄 影艺术家 —— 吴鼎、肖睿、辛冈、许志锋、张小船和朱峰,以及 6 位一对一的写作者 —— 沈健文、顾铮、徐杰、 但是小姐、刘丛匀和克里斯多夫 · 康纳利参与这个项目。这些写作已经完全超越了对图像的简单阐释,转而成为 由图像所激发出的创造性的文字成果;我们也可籍此注意到摄影更多的可能性。此项目参与了 2014 连州国际摄 影节大展。

发表篇目 · 关于瑞象 6+6 · “ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”(一)吴鼎 × 沈健文 · “ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”(二)肖睿 × 顾铮 · “ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”(三)辛冈 × 徐杰 · “ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”(四)许志锋 × 但是小姐 · “ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”(五)朱锋 × 刘丛匀 · “ 摄影与写作:瑞象 6+6”(六)张小船 × 克利斯多夫 · 康纳利


Feature | “Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6”


“Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6” was an experiment project exploring the relationship between writing and photography. We invited 6 photographers—Wu Ding, Ray Hsiao, Xingang, Xu Zhifeng, Boat Zhang, Zhu Feng—and 6 corresponding writers—Shen Jianwen, Gu Zheng, Xu Jie, Miss But, Liu Congyun and Christopher Connery—to join the project. These writings were no longer simple interpretations about images, but they have gone beyond and turned into creative results inspired by images. Through this process, we also became aware that there could be more possibilities about photography. This project was specially curated for the 2014 Lianzhou Foto Festival.

Published Articles ·“Photography and Writing: RayArt 6+6”—An Introduction ·Part I. Wu Ding × Shen Jianwen ·Part II. Ray Hsiao × Gu Zheng ·Part III. Xingang × Xu Jie ·Part IV. Xu Zhifeng × Miss But ·Part V. Zhu Feng × Liu Congyun

瑞象视点 | RaySight

·Part VI. Boat Zhang × Christopher Connery


专栏 | 30 分钟写

2015 年 2 月开始(未完结) 作者:张涵露

“30 分钟写 ” 是张涵露的专栏名称,也是她写作本专栏文章时给自己设定的限制条件,不仅仅是要写得快速,而且 在写作的这段时间里 “ 不受审查 ”。这里的审查包括了媒体风格的迎合、敏感话题的避免以及自我审查等等,“ 因 为要快速,如果有很多时间考虑的话,有时候会绕着圈子说话,把真正想说的过滤掉 ”。

发表篇目 · 30 分钟写《查理周刊》、“ 零忍耐度 ” 和言论自由 · 30 分钟写《新博物馆三年展》 · 30 分钟写希托 · 史特耶尔(Hito Steyerl) · 30 分钟写 Bora Kim 作品 “immabb” · 30 分钟写米洛万和鲍里斯的乡愁 · 30 分钟写 “ 以雅典为鉴 ” · 30 分钟写艺术家说不出口的事 · 30 分钟写《培训》和《轻松自在》 · 30 分钟写无人机枪击案 · 30 分钟写图画与真相 · 30 分钟写 ISIS 与圣像破坏 · 30 分钟写威尼斯双年展 · 30 分钟写参加 “15 个房间 ” 表演的经验 · 30 分钟写不仅关于建筑的建筑 · 30 分钟写便利的微信 · 30 分钟批评对政治正确的批评 · 30 分钟写互联网社会的空间分化


Column | 30min on

2015/2- (in progress) Author: Zhang Hanlu

“30min on” is the name of Zhang Hanlu’s column, and is also the restriction she set for this column. This means she must write with speed and “uncensored”. “Censorship” here refers to one’s catering to the media format, one’s avoiding of sensitive topics, and the writer’s self-censorship process. “It has to be fast. If there are too much time for thinking, we would possibly reiterate the unnecessary part and filter out what we really want to say. ”

Published Articles ·30min on Charlie Hebdo, “Zero Tolerance”, and Freedom of Speech ·30min on New Museum Triennial ·30min on Hito Steyerl ·30min on Bora Kim’s immabb ·30min on the Nostalgia of Milovan and Boris ·30min on “Learning from Athens” ·30min on Things Artists Never Said ·30min on Die Ausbildung and Libre et Assoupi ·30min on Drone Shooting Cases ·30min on Image and Truth ·30min on ISIS and Iconoclasm ·30min on Venice Biennale ·30min on Performing Experience in “Fifteen Rooms” ·30min on Architecture beyond Architecture ·30min on the Convenient WeChat ·30min Criticizing the Criticism against Political Correctness 瑞象视点 | RaySight

·30min on the Spatial Division of Internet Societies


连载 | 《日本艺术摄影史》选译

2015 年 4 月 - 2015 年 9 月 作者:西村智弘 译者:林叶

在此专栏中,林叶逐篇选译日本美术出版社出版的《日本艺术摄影史》一书,该书作者西村智弘于 1963 年出生, 作为日本映像评论家、艺术评论家的他在本书中以全新的视角审视了日本艺术摄影的历史。他认为日本以往的艺 术摄影论多数沉迷于 1930 年代兴起的“现代主义史观”,始终“以西方式的视点把握日本的摄影史”,基于对 这种“西方式的”“现代主义史观”的批判,他回顾日本摄影史,对浮世绘、画意摄影、30 年代的新兴摄影、战 后的当代艺术与概念摄影、原版照片以及后现代主义摄影、数码摄影等一系列映像表现的历史与特性进行深入细 致的考察,尝试重新对“作为美术与映像的接点的摄影”进行解读,系统地对日本多彩多姿的摄影表现手法进行 归纳总结。希望这本书能够帮助大家对日本摄影以及日本摄影美学有一定的了解与认识。


Serial | History of Japanese Fine-art Photography Serialized Installments 2015/4 - 2015/9 Author: Tomohiro Nishimura Translator: Lin Ye In this serial, Lin Ye translated selections that he meticulously chose from The History of Japanese Fine-art Photography, published by Bijutsu Shuppan Holdings Co., LTD.. Its author Tomohiro Nishimura, born in 1963, is a Japanese photography and art critic. In this book, Nishimura examines the history of Japanese photography as fine art from an entirely new perspective. He believes that the earlier Japanese photography historical critiques all have been overly obsessed with the idea of “modernism” popularized in the 1930s, and they consistently “perceive the history of Japanese photography from a western perspective.” Based on his criticism on this “westernized” “modernism”, he reviews Japanese photography history, thoroughly examines the history and features of a series of graphic representations such as Ukiyoe, pictoralism, the 1930s’ emerging photography, postwar modern art and conceptual photography, original prints and postmodern photography, digital photography, etc. Nashimura attempts to redefine “photography as the integration of fine art and imagery”, and systematically summarizes Japan's rich photographic expressions. We hope that this book would help our readers to learn something about Japanese

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photography and its photographic aesthetics.


发表篇目 ·日本艺术摄影史(一):博览会与摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(二):摄影与绘画的分离 ·日本艺术摄影史(三):宝物调查与摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(四):日本美术史与摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(五):艺术摄影与绘画主义 ·日本艺术摄影史(六):风景摄影与白马会 ·日本艺术摄影史(七):后印象派与非自然主义的倾向 ·日本艺术摄影史(八):野岛康三与绘画 ·日本艺术摄影史(九):染色印相法与直接摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(十):从艺术摄影到新型摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(十一):新兴摄影的诞生 ·日本艺术摄影史(十二):《光画》、中山岩太 ·日本艺术摄影史(十三):小石清、安井仲治、瑛九 ·日本艺术摄影史(十四):土门拳与每月选评、“关于肉体的八章”与“关于皮肤的八章”、摄影的题材 ·日本艺术摄影史(十五):土门拳与绘画、木村伊兵卫与土门拳、社会写实主义 十清司与前卫摄影、石元泰博与造型摄影、主观主义摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(十六):战后的前卫摄影运动、大辶

·日本艺术摄影史(十七):“10 人之眼”与 VIVO 、名取—东松争论、个人纪实 ·日本艺术摄影史(十八):VIVO 与超现实主义、VIVO 与前卫艺术运动 ·日本艺术摄影史(十九):VIVO 的技法、VIVO 的象征性 ·日本艺术摄影史(二十):晃动·模糊的照片、作为表现的摄影批判、个人生活的即时记录 ·日本艺术摄影史(廿一):VIVO 与“挑衅”、媒体社会与摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(廿二):“挑衅”与波普艺术、挑衅与概念艺术、 《循环》与当代艺术、 《为什么,是植物图鉴吗?》 ·日本艺术摄影史(廿三):数码相机、摄影与数码摄影 ·日本艺术摄影史(廿四):数码相机的修改性、物质性与消除性、艺术性与信息性


Published Articles ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography I: Exhibition and Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography II: The Separation of Photography and Painting ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography III: Relic Investigation and Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography IV: Japanese Art History and Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography V: Fine-art Photography and Pictorialism ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography VI: Landscape Photography and Hakubakai ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography VII: Postimpressionism and Non-naturalism Trend ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography VIII: Yasuzo Nojima and Painting ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography IX: Pigment Printing and Direct Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography X: From Fine-art Photography to New Style Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XI: The Birth of New Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XII: Kōga, Iwata Nakayama ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XIII: Kiyoshi Koishi, Nakaji Yasui, and Ei-Q ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XIV: Ken Domon and Monthly Commentary; “Eight Chapters of Flesh” and “Eight Chapters of Skin”; The Theme of Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XV: Ken Domon and Painting; Ihei Kimura and Ken Domon; Social Realism ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XVI: Postwar Avant-Garde Photography Movement; Kiyoji Ōtsuji and Avant-Garde Photography; Yasuhiro Ishimoto and Stylistic Photography; Subjective Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XVII: “Eye of the Ten” and VIVO, Natori-Tōmatsu Dispute, Personal Documentary ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XVIII: VIVO and Surrealism; VIVO and Surrealism; VIVO and AvantGarde Art Movement ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XIX: VIVO’s Technique, ViVO’s Symbolism ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XX: Shaken-Blurred Photos; Photographic Criticism as Expression; Simultaneous Coverage of Personal Life ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XXI: VIVO and “Provoke”; Media Society and Photography ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XXII: “Provoke” and Pop Art; Provoke and Concept Art; CIRCULATION and Contemporary Art; Why an Illustrated “Botanical Dictionary” ·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XXIII: Digital Camera; Photography and Digital Photography

Informativity of Digital Camera

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·History of Japanese Fine-art Photography XXIV: The Modifiability, Materiality and Erasablity, Artistic Merit and


专题 | 摄影教育专题 2015 年 7 月开始(未完结) 作者、译者:刘张铂泷、何伊宁、李蘅熹


发表篇目 · 何伊宁:“ 当下的伤痛 ”—— 伦敦传媒学院 MAP15 摄影硕士毕业生展 · 李蘅熹:丹尼尔 · 鲁宾斯坦:何为二十一世纪摄影? · 何伊宁:透过 “ 新面孔 & 野眼神 ” 浅谈千禧年之后的英国摄影教育 · 刘张铂泷:视觉艺术学院摄影系研究生的毕业展

专题 | 影像收藏与策展 2015 年 9 月开始(未完结) 策划、翻译:陈芳菲

从 2015 Photo Shanghai 期间开始推出的 “ 影像收藏与策展 ” 专题,每期由陈芳菲采访一位欧美国家博物馆或美术 馆影像收藏部门的策划人,或翻译一篇访谈,为国内有意于收藏影像艺术作品的机构或个人打开一扇窗口。

发表篇目 · 索非亚 · 拉提:什么是芬兰文化、摄影和艺术?(上) · 索非亚 · 拉提:什么是芬兰文化、摄影和艺术?(下) · 马越:社区历史博物馆的力量 —— 美国华人博物馆(上) · 马越:社区历史博物馆的力量 —— 美国华人博物馆(下) · 丹尼尔 · 帕尔默访谈米娅 · 法恩曼


Feature | Photography Education Series 2015/7- (in progress) Authors/translators: Liu Zhang Bolong, He Yining, Li Hengxi This is a series of articles and discussion on photography education. They are derived from the graduate exhibition of photography students. Published Articles ·He Yining: The Present Hurts—London College of Communication MA Photography 15 Degree Show ·Li Hengxi: Daniel Rubinstei: What is the 21st Century Photography? ·He Yining: A Brief Introduction to British Photography Education through “FreshFaced+WildEyed” ·Liu Zhang Bolong: School of Visual Arts MA Photography Graduate Show

Feature | Photography Collection and Curation 2015/9 - (in progress) Curator and translator: Chen Fangfei Chen Fangfei started this feature column when the 2015 Photo Shanghai was on view. In this series, she would interview curators from western galleries or art museums in person or translate some pieces on same topic, to provide resources for organizations or individuals who are interested in photography collection. Published Articles ·Sofia Lahti: What is Finnish Culture, Photography, and Art? (I) ·Sofia Lahti: What is Finnish Culture, Photography, and Art? (II) ·Ma Yue: The Power of Community History Museum—Museum of Chinese in American (I) ·Daniel Palmer’s Interview with Mia Fineman

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·Ma Yue: The Power of Community History Museum—Museum of Chinese in American (II)


专题 | “日本—中国”摄影对照研究计划之“私之向度”

2015 年 10 月开始(未完结) 策划:林叶 译者:林叶、袁璟

“ 私摄影 ” 是将镜头对准自身最隐秘、与自己密切相关的一部分世界,以摄影的方式来审视私人化的 “ 我 ” 以及 “ 我 ” 的私生活,借此对自我进行认知与思考。由林叶所发起的 “ 日本 — 中国 ” 摄影对照研究计划,试图从日本摄影中 抽取一些文本、图像与中国摄影中的相关行为进行对照,借此引起相关的讨论与思考。“ 私之向度 ” 是这个研究计 划的第一部分,意在对 “ 私摄影 ” 这个概念进行重新的认识与研究,厘清这个概念应有的意义;同时希望以 “ 私摄 影 ” 作为一个切入点,通过对 “ 私摄影 ” 的探讨,来理解 “ 私 ” 的向度。

发表篇目 《私摄影论》选译 作者:饭泽耕太郎 译者:袁璟、林叶

·《私摄影论》选译(一):所有的摄影都是 “ 私摄影 ” 吗? ·《私摄影论》选译(二):家庭照相簿与 “ 私摄影 ” ·《私摄影论》选译(三):私密照片(Private Photo)的发展 ·《私摄影论》选译(四): 中平卓马:纯粹摄影家的狭路 ·《私摄影论》选译(五):“ 植物图鉴 ” 的倾向 ·《私摄影论》选译(六):逆行性失忆症 ·《私摄影论》选译(七):牛肠茂雄,作为他者的 “ 我 ” ·《私摄影论》选译(八):转向《SELF AND OTHERS》 ·《私摄影论》选译(九):“ 另一个人 ” ·《私摄影论》选译(十):为什么拍摄 “ 私摄影 ” ? ·《私摄影论》选译(十一):为了忘记 “ 私 ”


Feature | Comparative Research Project on “Japan China” Photography: “The Dimension of Privacy” 2015/10 - (in progress) Curator: Lin Ye “Shi Sha Shin” (namely, private photography) set the lens on our most secretive part and looks at the most intimate world around us. It uses the way of photography to examine the personalized “me” and the “self’s” personal life, whereby we can learn and think about ourselves. The Comparative Research Project on “JapanChina” Photography initiated by Lin Ye attempts to sample some texts and images in Japanese photography as a contrast to those from China, to trigger relevant discussion and thinking over this issue. “The Dimension of Privacy” is the first part of this research project. It aims to redefine and reanalyze the concept of “Shi Sha Shin”, to clarify the proper meanings of this term. Meanwhile, it hopes to set “Shi Sha Shin” as an overture to read “Shi” (private/ privacy) through discussions about “private photography”. Published Articles Shi-shashinron Excerpts Author: Kotaro Lizawa Translators: Yuan Jing, Lin Ye ·Shi-shashinron I: Are All Kinds of Photography “Shi Sha Shin”? ·Shi-shashinron II: Family Album and “Shi Sha Shin” ·Shi-shashinron III: The Progress of Private Photo ·Shi-shashinron IV: Takuma Nakahira: The Narrow Path of an Absolute Photographer ·Shi-shashinron V: The Tendency in “Botanical Dictionary” ·Shi-shashinron VI: Retrograde Amnesia ·Shi-shashinron VII: Shigeo Gochō, the Objective “Me” ·Shi-shashinron VIII: Towards SELF AND OTHERS ·Shi-shashinron IX: “The Other One” ·Shi-shashinron X: Why “Shi Sha Shin”?

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·Shi-shashinron XI: To Leave “Shi” (Privacy) Behind


专栏 | 公共影像系统

2015 年 10 月开始(未完结) 作者:张献民

张献民自 2014 年起在《凤凰都市》杂志发布评论文章,每次围绕一种由于 “ 同义重复 ” 而固化为我们影像潜意识 的公共活动影像进行阐发。瑞象视点有幸获得作者授权,从 2015 年 10 月起以专栏形式连载这些文章。文章的顺 序不同于以往发布时的顺序,内容上也有所更新。插图部分有的使用了原文的插图,有的将采取从网络中搜罗或 向网友征集图片的方式。

发表篇目 · 移动视觉系统 · 窗口 · 洗吧! · 喝吧! · 会议新闻为什么这么拍?

* 2014-2015 瑞象视点发文列表详见附录


Column | Public Imaging System

2015/10 - (in progress) Author: Zhang Xianmin Since 2014, Zhang Xianmin has been contributing articles for Phoenix Metropolis, in which he tries to elaborate those public images that have been stereotyped as visual sub-conscience through “repetitions”. Authorized by Zhang Xianmin, Ray Art Center is honored to serialize his articles since October, 2015. This series will be sequenced in a distinct order, with some updates in contents as well. Some of the original illustrations will be kept, while the others come from the Internet or our subscribers’ contributions. Published Articles · Mobile Visual System · Window · WASH! · DRINK! · Why are Conference News Shot Like This?

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* Please refer to Appendix for the complete record of RaySight in 2014, 2015


出版 瑞象视点·系列活动文集 第一辑


主编:施瀚涛、沈健文 出版社:上海文化出版社

2014 年 9 月至 12 月,瑞象馆邀请了海内外著名的影像艺术工作者和相关领域的学者共同推出了 2014 瑞象校园 系列讲座活动;活动对象为高校非艺术专业学生,同时也向社会公众开放。该系列活动包括十二场讲座和讨论, 参与该活动的讲者以跨学科的视角就 “ 影像作为艺术 ”、“ 影像的生产和传播 ”、“ 观看与被观看 ” 等三个方面展开 讨论,期待能帮助听众了解影像艺术的知识和理论,培养视觉修养,并帮助他们更清晰地认识自身所处环境和所 面对的未来。

系列讲座结束后,我们希望将其内容以一系列出版计划得以进一步传播和保存,讲座的受众有限,这 12 场在不同 的学校面向不同专业学生开放的讲座犹如 12 堂摄影理论入门公开课,将它们作为一个整体来读,再按图索骥地收 集资料来阅读,相信这样的方法能给读者更大的收益。我们在本书中保留了讲座设计时的三个分类,使得文集呈 现一定的结构,方便读者各取所需。每篇文章都经过讲者修订,有的大体展示了讲座的全貌,有的经由讲者改写 成了一个完整的章节,这样的章节可能会出现在讲者未来的专著中,在这样的情况下文集中的文章标题与讲座的 标题相比已经起了变化。无论是哪一种情况,都真实反应了瑞象馆举办 2014 瑞象校园系列讲座的取向:以非营 利机构的身份参与推动影像艺术的理论前沿。



RaySight Event Series Collection - Volume One

The Multiple Dimensions of Photography

Edited by: Shi Hantao, Shen Jianwen Shanghai Culture Publishing House From September to December 2014, Ray Art Center invited renowned scholars in various related fields to give a series of lectures for the 2014 RayChat on Campus Program. These lectures were intended largely for students without art background, but they were also open to the general public. There were 12 separate lectures and seminars examining photography from an interdisciplinary perspective, along the following three themes: “photography as art”, “the production and dissemination of images”, and “seeing and seen”. This campus series aimed to improve public awareness as well as their appreciation of photographic art (theory and practice), by which to help the audience to understand the present state and future direction of photographic art. After the actual series concluded, a book about this program has been published for continued discussion and for posterity. Each event accommodated a limited number of attendees, and thus the 12 talks at different universities open to students of varying majors are more or less like 12 open introductory lectures on photography theories. If reading them as a whole and using them as blueprint to collect materials, it would benefit our readers even further. We also retained in the book the same three themes as we proposed for the actual events in order to make the book more structured and more convenient to read. Each article in the book is edited by its corresponding lecturer—some present the entire content of the talk, while the others are polished by lecturers to form completed chapters that likely would one day become part of their individual works. In the latter case, the title of the article in the book is likely to be different from that of the corresponding lecture. All the articles collected in the book correspond with the substance of the 2014 RayChat on Campus Lecture Series, that is to promote the study of

出版 | Publications

image-related art with the identity of nonprofit organization.


瑞象视点·当代摄影文丛 第一辑

《身体·性别·摄影》 主编:施瀚涛 出版社:上海文化出版社

瑞象馆自 2015 年起,开始 “ 瑞象视点 · 当代摄影文丛 ” 系列的出版工作。该文丛由瑞象馆自主策划和编辑,计划 每年选择一至两个主题,邀请在这些领域中优秀的写作者和翻译者,从不同角度贡献针对相应主题的文章,其中 包括现象、案例的介绍和分析,历史、理论的发现和梳理;它们或者是对这些领域中尚未有中文版的重要文本的 译介,或者是国内外作者受邀为此主题专门撰写的新作。我们并不期待所选用的文章对每一辑主题的覆盖是全面的, 但力求这些文字是深入的、新鲜的和有针对性的。同时,每辑主题的选择本身亦与瑞象馆的网站、展览和活动内 容有关,以期使相关话题能够以各种形式获得相对充分的讨论。

2015 年所出版的第一辑专题为《身体 · 性别 · 摄影》。这一主题的选择本身与 2015 年瑞象馆展览《夺目的看板》, 以及展览相关活动有关。更重要的是,当性别和身体的话题在文学、艺术,乃至历史、社会和政治领域中获得较 为密集讨论的时候,国内摄影和影像领域对此话题的严肃讨论几近于无。因此在这一辑中,我们邀请了国内年轻 的译者范静雯、张渊、向娟娟等翻译了 Abigail Solomon-Godeau,Jan Avgikos,以及 Roberta Mcgrath 等人的经 典文章,同时也有幸获得黄胤毓,石塚洋介,朱洁树、庾凯,殷罗毕等一系列年轻写作者所撰写的相关文字;在 此值得特别提出的是,本书还收录了由张涵露翻译的刚刚过世的女性艺术家 Barbara DeGenevieve 的“Censorship in the U.S. or Fear and Loathing of the Arts” 一文,这是艺术家十年前所撰写的关于女性话题的一篇重要檄文。

“ 瑞象视点 - 当代摄影文丛 ” 的第二辑主题已经基本确定,我们将围绕 “ 空间 · 政治 · 影像 ” 展开一系列稿件 目前, 的策划和邀请。我们期待通过这一文丛的持续出版,为国内的摄影和影像话题的讨论介绍更多有意思的文本,并 使得本地摄影写作在视野和内容能有进一步的拓展和加深。这可以说是 “ 瑞象视点 ” 网站工作的延伸,也将是瑞 象馆一直以来所努力的推进影像研究和文论写作的一片新的重要阵地。


RaySight Series on Contemporary Photography - Volume One

Body, Gender, Photography

Edited by: Shi Hantao Shanghai Culture Publishing House In 2015, Ray Art Center (RAC) started a publishing project of “RaySight · Series on Contemporary Photography”. Independently organized and edited by RAC, this series envisions one or two themes each year and invites renowned writers and translators in those respective fields to contribute articles according to the specified topics from different perspectives. In each volume, these selected articles would incorporate phenomena and case studies as well as discussion on history and theories; they would be either translation of significant texts that has not yet to have a Chinese version, or theme articles contributed by our specially invited writers home and broad. We certainly do not expect that our selection of articles in each volume would illustrate its corresponding theme in all directions, but we strive to ensure that each article is comprehensive, fresh, and pertinent in content. Meanwhile, each volume of this series has a theme that is tightly connected to RAC’s website, exhibitions, and events, in the hope that relevant topics would garner sufficient discussion in varying formats. The first volume of this series published in 2015 was themed Body, Gender, Photography. The theme itself is derived from RAC’s exhibition "The Contesting Body" and its related events. More importantly, when topics of gender and body are intensely discussed in the scopes of literature, art, or even history, society, or politics, there is a severe lack of serious discussion of almost any kind in the domestic photography and film area. Therefore in this volume, we invited young translators Fan Jingwen, Zhang Yuan, and Xiang Juanjuan to translate several classic pieces by Abigail Solomon-Godeau,Jan Avgikos,and Roberta Mcgrath; while we also included relevant articles authored by Huang Yinyu, Yosuke Ishizuka, Zhu Jieshu, Yu Kai, Yin Luobing, and some other young writers. It is worth noting that this volume has also incorporated the recently deceased female artist Barbara DeGenevieve’s article translated by Zhang Hanlu, Censorship in the U.S. or Fear and Loathing of the Arts. This is an influential article on feminism written by the artist a decade ago. The second volume of this series will be themed around “Space, Politics, Photography”, and we will curate and invite submissions accordingly. We hope that our continuous efforts in publishing this series will introduce more meaningful texts for discussion on photography and visual phenomena in China, to further broaden the vision and mission and also a new frontier to facilitate photography research and documentation that RAC has always aimed to achieve.

出版 | Publications

contents of local photography writing practices. In its own way, this series is an extension of “RaySight” website’s



瑞象馆的常规宣传工作开始于 2015 年 6 月,主要围绕我馆所主办的展览展开,以媒体预览及统发新闻的方式向 中外媒体介绍展览及艺术家,同时积极配合媒体对我馆所策划、协办、参与的公共活动和合作项目进行报道。在 过去的一年中,与瑞象馆展览、活动相关的媒体报道数逾百篇,其中纸质媒体发文约 25 篇,网络媒体报道超过 80 篇,通过新媒体平台(手机移动端应用程序等)的发布则超过 15 篇。在此百余篇的媒体发文中,艺术家专访、 展览专版及相关专题文章逾 22 篇,报道的质量和深度值得关注,取得了良好的宣传效果,也引发了一定的社会反响。

作为一个年轻的艺术空间,我们努力通过有效的信息传达和媒体合作来建设自己的品牌形象。2015 年以来,我 们与凤凰艺术、雅昌艺术网、燃点等专业艺术媒体建立了常规的合作关系,与《生活月刊》《周末画报》《外滩 画报》等传媒平台共同为公众呈现了丰富的艺术活动及资讯。与此同时,由于我馆一贯的对社会话题和学术项目 的关注,《澎湃新闻》《文汇学人》《城市中国》等新闻和研究机构也成为了我们的深度合作伙伴。

除常规媒体宣传渠道以外,我们还在燃点、Smart Shanghai、艺述英国等网站上建立了瑞象馆的空间专页,即 时更新展览和活动资讯;与艺术地图(Art Detour)、VART 等机构的合作也成为我馆吸引新观众的有效渠道之一。


Cooperation with Media

The regular promotion of Ray Art Center (RAC) commenced in June 2015. Centering on exhibitions hosted by us, we introduce our projects and artists to domestic and international media through press releases and newsletters, while actively cooperate with media partners to report on the public programs and partnered events that we devised, assisted, or participated. In the past year, news and media reports on RAC’s exhibitions or events were in the hundreds. Among them about 25 pieces were published via print media, 80 pieces via Internet media, and over 15 pieces were released through new media platforms (such as Mobile Apps). Artist interviews, exhibition specials and feature articles amounted to 22 pieces, which were especially worth reading in regard to their quality and depth. These efforts have achieved great promotional effects and also received positive responses from the society.

As a young art space, we put great effort into establishing RAC’S brand image through effective information dissemination and media collaboration. Since 2015, we have established regular partnership with professional art media such as art. Ifeng.com, Artron, and Randian. We also worked closely with other media platforms such as China Life Magazine, Modern Weekly, and The Bund, to bring forth a myriad of art events and information to the public. Meanwhile, due to RAC’s consistent concern on social issues and research programs, we have built extensive partnership with news and research organizations like The Paper, Wenhui Scholar, and Urban China.

Besides these regular channels, we have also created space pages for Ray Art Center with live updates of exhibitions and events on websites including Randian, Smart Shanghai, UK Now. Our collaboration with Art Detour

媒体合作 | Cooperation with Media

and VART has also become a very effective way to attract audience.




阅读人数 / 次数



202042 208684 (51%)



325937 (61%)

分享转发人数 / 次数

16876 16524 (33%)


24816 (47%)

微信收藏人数 / 次数

136 4925 (5834%)



数据(增长率) 83



数据(增长率) 12416




5843 (4196%)






10449 (57%)

2015 年

微博关注人数累积 84636 人

2015 年

豆瓣小站关注人数累积 387 人

2015 年

facebook 瑞象馆主页 110 人表示喜欢

Ray Art Center SNS data

Page view



202042 208684 (51%)



325937 (61%)


16876 16524 (33%)


24816 (47%)


Data (rates) 83


136 4925 (5834%)



Data (rates) 12416



Data (rates)

5843 (4196%)


Data (rates)




10449 (57%)


weibo followers 84636


douban followers 387


facebook page 110 likes

瑞象馆网络平台数据 | Ray Art Center SNS data



特别感谢 : 合作伙伴和赞助商









OCAT 上海馆





缪佳欣工作室 北外性别行动小组





北京外国语大学文学研究所 复旦大学新闻学院学生会

厦门大学摄影协会 云南大学艺术学院





上海外国语大学思索讲坛文化中心 南京大学教务处



K11 艺术基金会



上海交通大学 EMBA 摄影协会 深圳大学荔鸣读书会





10 Corso Como 上海生活概念空间

复旦大学复新传媒·纪录工坊 上海外国语大学学生联合会







Acknowledgment:Sponsors and Partners

Shanghai Cooliving

Ningbo Cooliving

Fast Retailing Co., Ltd (UNIQLO)

The Paper

Torres China

Spring Foundation

OCAT Shanghai


Osage Art Foundation

am space

MoCA Shanghai

Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum

Consulate General of France, Shanghai

Miao Jiaxin Studio


Rockbund Art Museum

Jifeng Book Store

Garden Books

Consulate General of Switzerland, Shanghai

Pure Movies

BFSU Gender Activism Group

10 Corso Como Shanghai


Qing Studio

K11 Art Foundation


Beaver Club

Lianzhou International Photo Festival

ZPoint Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

Foreign Literature Research Institute, Beijing Foreign Studies University The Xu-Ricci Dialogue Institute at Fudan University, School of Philosophy Fudan University Fusion Media Docu Crew SISU Sisuo Forum

Studenet Union for Fudan Journalism School

Students’ Union of SISU

EMBA Photography Association, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of Chinese Image Culture Shenzhen University Library

Academic Affairs Office of Nanjing University

Liming Book Club at Shenzhen University

School of Journalism and Communication, Shaanxi Normal University

School of Literature, Wuhan University

Sound Corps Vision Force Lab at Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

Communication Forum at Zhejiang University

Association of Photography, Xiamen University

Tsinghua University Student Photography Association Sun Yat-sen University Media Anthropology Research Center 特别感谢 | Acknowledgment

Department of Arts, Yunnan University



















学术顾问 顾铮 林路

感谢曾在瑞象馆工作过的伙伴: 姚瑶 张小船 庾凯 张一琤 张濬东 张佳梅 马逸雯 唐卫

瑞象馆年度报告 2014-2015 编辑:龚斯悦 阮海蓉 翻译:阮海蓉 熊猫译社 校对:阮海蓉 设计:罗仲忆 栾兴发 胡佳旦 *文章及图片版权归瑞象馆所有

瑞象馆 上海市花园路 128 号运动 LOFT 创意基地五街区 A 座 182 室 +86 21 5393 1060 ext 810 info@rayartcenter.org www.rayartcenter.org


Ray Hsiao


Shi Hantao

Executive Director

Gong Siyue

Deputy Executive Direcotor

Chen Binkang


Shen Jianwen


Ruan Hairong


Wang Jiechen

Staff (Part-time)

Zhao Fangxue Intern

Academic Consultants Gu Zheng, Lin Lu

Special thanks to the following colleagues who have worked in RAC: Yao Yao, Boat Zhang, Yu Kai, Zhang Yicheng, Zhang Jundong, Zhang Jiamei, Ma Yiwen, Tang Wei

Ray Art Center Annual Report 2014-2015 Editors: Gong Siyue, Ruan Hairong Translators: Ruan Hairong, Panda Translation Agency Proofreading: Ruan Hairong Designers: Luo Zhongyi, Luan Xingfa, Hu Jiadan * Copyrights of the texts and pictures are reserved by Ray Art Center.

Ray Art Center Room 182, Block 5A Sport Loft, No. 128 Huayuan Road, Shanghai +86 21 5393 1060 ext 810 info@rayartcenter.org www.rayartcenter.org

特别支持:上海睿怡投资管理有限公司 Supported by: Shanghai Ray Investment Management Co.,Ltd

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