Shakespeare The Physicist Back in 1951, when I was a student in the Engineering College at Baghdad University, I remember that I had read a satirical article In Scientific American journal written by Banesh Hoffmann, a British professor of mathematics and theoretical physics at both Oxford and Princeton Universities. He coauthored research papers with Einstein, and wrote a biography of Einstein. The article is an entertaining fictional story written as a dialogue between Sherlock Holmes and his friend Doctor Watson, the two well-known collaborating personalities in fictional-criminal-investigation literature. The story runs as though the dedective-minded Holmes had discovered in Shakespeare`s plays and sonnets clues of covert foretelling several discoveries that took place in the late nineteenth and mid twentieth centuries, in modern science and technology, such as, wireless transmission, relativity theories, quantum mechanics, the atomic and Hydrogen bombs. I always felt the need for this article, whenever I had arguments with so-calledintellectuals, of different religions, affiliations, who, in spite of their intelligence, strongly believe that their thousands-years-old sacred books, contain, in cryptic manner foreknowledge of modern science and technology, including the Big Bang theory, Relativity Theory, Parallel Universes, and human reproduction , etc. The irrationality of their beliefs stems from the excessive sanctification brought on those sacred books I needed the article in order to confound those “intellectuals” by an article, which sarcastically models the irrationality of their beliefs. For several years I tried my best, to obtain the article. But, unfortunately I had forgotten its author`s name, its exact title and date. Thus, it was difficult for me to search for it in the nearby libraries. However, a couple of weeks ago, by searching the archives, I finally succeeded. Here is: “Shakespeare The Physicist” August 1951 issue of Scientific American 5, September, 2015 Dr. Raymond Shekoury
Banesh Hoffman published in The