RA Issue #4

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A Portrait of a QUEEN

Rae Parker The Artist





Author Michael Drain

Who is First Lady Wanda Davis? AVAILABLE ON AMAZON NOW Get your copy today! www.amazon.com








APRIL 2014 Issue 4

06 07

MARCK ANGEL 08 Bill Coleman 12









Extreme Exposure








PUBLISHER/OWNERS Von Watts Jameelah Wilkerson Michael Drain EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tristan Rose CREATIVE DIRECTOR Von Watts PUBLIC RELATIONS Michael Drain GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Sharan Shepherd Von Watts

Welcome to the sickest SPRING in Raynbow Affairs history! We are pleased to fill this edition with an exclusive from the first ever crowned Queen, BeBe Zahara Benet, from Ru Paul Drag Race as well as an interview from the creators of the off Broadway show Mighty Real a Fabulous Sylvester Musical. These guys are onto something big so be sure to get your tickets. Plus we cannot forget the unforgettable Bill Coleman. This SPRING is an important milestone in the life of Raynbow Affairs since it marks an enhance commitment to our readers and the brand. As we speak there are HUGE things afoot concerning more exclusive coverage of news, celebrities, events and an expanded social media footprint that will keep you all glued to what’s new, now and next! Take a moment and say goodbye to the winter. SPRING is here, so throw it up to the number one source for LGBT news and entertainment RAYNBOW AFFAIRS! Michael Drain Publisher Raynbow Affair Magazine

CONTRIBUTORS Michael Drain Chandra Smith WEBSITE COORDINATORS Jameelah Wilkerson Von Watts

EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE 7399 North Shadeland Ave Suite 299 Indianapolis Indiana 46250 762-233-2477 contact@raynbowaffair.com www.raynbowaffair.com The Raynbow Affair is Published 4 times per year digital, and 4 times a year print. Cover and contents may not be reproduced or reprinted in any form or medium without prior written and granted permission from the publishers. Raynbow Affair does not assume responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photos or artwork and will only return submitted materials accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.




Producers responds to charges of dehumanizing the transgender community

Robin Roberts opens up about coming out! In a recent episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, contestants were asked to look at a photo, then tell if it were a “female” or a “she-male” According to NewNowNext the producers released this statement.. “We delight in celebrating every color in the LGBT rainbow. When it comes to the movement of our trans sisters and trans brothers, we are newly sensitized and more committed than ever to help spread love, acceptance and understanding,” said RuPaul Charles, Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato, Tom Campbell, Steven Corfe and Mandy Salangsang

After coming out in a Facebook post last December about being a lesbian, Roberts was criticized why she waited so long to do so. Robin Roberts interviews with Good Housekeeping about finally being out. Here is what she had to say.”News flash: Some people like their anonymity. This is what’s right for me.” “Love is love, and I’m grateful to have that. Sometimes there’s a stigma attached to how people view you if you’re living a certain way. Go to www.goodhousekeeping.com for more of Robin Robert’s interview

Logo said, “We have heard the concerns around this segment. We are committed to sharing a diverse range of trans stories across all of our screens and look forward to featuring positive and groundbreaking stories of trans people in the future.” GLAAD’s media reference lists “She-Male” as a defamatory term serve to dehumanize transgender people and should not be used. To view GlAAD’s media reference visit www.glaad. org

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If you have not had the opportunity to watch season 1 of Studville TV it’s highly recommended that you do. Studville TV is dating from a stud’s point of view. Four professional studs and close friends are on a journey to find love and you can only imagine the fireworks and drama that follows. Take the wild trip on dating and relationships from a stud’s point of view. You’ll be filled with drama, suspense, action, and comedy.

Watch StudvilleTV every other Sunday 9/8 central via their website at www.studvilletv.com or their YouTube Channel/StudvilleTV

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CREATIVE ANGEL by Tristan Rose

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Born in Queens New York but raised in Long Island, Marck Angel currently divides his time between New York and Washington DC, Calling them both home. Being brought up in a musical home at 2 he was dancing on beat, 4 he was singing and by 10 he was writing his own material then at 16 years of age producing his own songs. Marck’s father used to play old school music, Marck states that the softness in his voice comes from his father as he had a very soft high tenor as well as a falsetto singing voice, sadly Marck’s father passed away when he was young, his musical ability comes from his father but his business sense comes from his mother he states “she’s so smart and strategic and the strongest person I know; that and the fearlessness part of me comes from her.” At only 28 years old Marck has accomplished a lot in his music career with hits such as “Game,” “Love Lesson 101”. In 2010 Marck dropped a promotional singled titled “Go baby Go” which he wrote and produced himself the track had over 5000 downloads in its first week of release. That track gave Marck his first nomination at the OUTMusic Awards for Outstanding R&B Song. In 2011 and 2013 Marck released his single “Deep” and dropped a video to follow it, that song was used in the movie “Finding Me: Truth” this track got Marck his second OUTMusic Award nomination for Best Song on a Soundtrack, he also dropped the track “Earth Angel” which was produced by the legendary LGBT pioneer DJ Swanny River, this track also was nominated at the OUTMusic Awards and won “The Out Hip Hop Music Award for R&B Song of the Year”, Marck isn’t limited to just his singing and dancing abilities he also stars “Dominic” in “Finding me: The Series” and also stars as a main character “Brad” in “CockTAILS”. During the interview process I found a strikingly smart, kind and passionate individual, Marck what made you gravitate towards music, how old were you? I discovered music from my father who used to play old school R&B all the time – Motown artists being amongst his favorites. He used to listen to music in our basement up until the wee hours of the morning; as a toddler I used to wake up and sneak to the bottom of the staircase and secretly just sit and listen — not knowing at the time that I was absorbing and learning everything from Marvin Gaye to the Ojays to The Whispers to Nancy Wilson to Michael Jackson. I really didn’t know what all of that would mean until I went to my first concert – Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation tour. As young as I was, since that show I remember consciously saying, “THAT’S what I want to do when I grow up”. I was about 10 years old when, I got a role in a school play — as tiny as I was, surprisingly, I got the “lead” — and that was the start of actually performing.

You’re dancing skills are something else, were you always dancing as a kid? Some of my first memories as a baby were actually of me dancing on my parent’s coffee table in our living room. My mother tells me that at around 2 years old I was dancing and moving on beat and with rhythm whenever I heard music. When I got a little older I used to stay inside and used to record all the dance videos I saw — from Janet to Michael, Mary J Blige, Salt n Pepa, TLC, Aaliyah and watch them over and over and over again to learn the dance routines. LOL. I’ve actually never taken any dance lessons — for me “counts” are so difficult and confusing, but looking back, I realize that watching and learning those dance videos was in a sense “training”. When we rehearse for videos or shows I have to learn everything by rhythm. As an independent artist what have you learnt the most about the music industry? I believe the industry is opposed to anything “different” until someone else does it and makes it successful. It’s a very cowardice business in the sense that it’s rare to find labels truly behind anything cutting edge or pushing the envelope – which is what art is supposed to be. It’s like “how much longer can the same 10 artists support an entire industry and be overplayed on the radio?” LOL. I also learned that it’s a very hypocritical industry in regard to the LGBT community. It still amazes me that gays and lesbians can run and be the creative force behind an industry that we’re not allowed to openly be at the forefront of. We can be the stylist, the make-up artists, the writers, the producers, the choreographers, and the background singers, the managers and even the CEO’s but somehow being an openly gay music artist remains foreign and taboo. Who are your musical influences? I look at my influences in two ways – vocally and production/writer-wise. My vocal musical influences are Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, Tevin Campbell, ElDebarge, Ralph Tresvant and Marvin Gaye to name a few. Growing up I vocally gravitated towards artists that had similar timbres to mine; I consider that group to be some of the best high-tenors, or technically “counter-tenors” of our time. I listened to them and tried to learn how they used their voices. However, production-wise my favorites are Jam & Lewis, Teddy Riley and Quincy Jones. Can you tell us something we don’t already know about you? Hmmm… that’s a good one LOL. I’m actually a certified audio engineer. Many people don’t know that I write & produce about 90% of my music. The hits that they know from “Game” to “Deep” and even “Go Baby Go” were all written, produced and www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 9


engineered by me. On my new album, “AngelDust,” I actually wrote and produced 7 of the 9 tracks (with the other two written by me, but produced by DJ Swanny River). I think it’s important for me as an artist to be involved in every facet of my craft as much as possible. That’s everything from the writing all the way to writing video treatments and even helping to create choreography. What do you want your legacy in music to be? I want to be known as a trailblazer and innovator for OUTMusic and LGBT entertainment. I want to build a legacy that’s at the forefront, and be considered one of the best artists, in the movement that breaks through the hypocritical glass ceiling of the “mainstream”. I take my hat off to artists like Sylvester and B. Slade because they were/are fearless trailblazers for artists like myself that are fighting to be recognized by the “mainstream” and the world with every lyric and every beat. I also look back at artists such as Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, The Nicholas Brothers, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington and the many others that were doing the same during the Harlem Renaissance also as inspiration. I’m not sure if in their time they had any clue of what impact not only today’s gay artists of color, but the World, would have received from them… just like us, I’m sure they just wanted to have a good time and create art to make a difference for the time being, and could only hope that future generations would be inspired for centuries to come.

What can we expect from Marck Angel in 2014/2015? Currently, I’m on a film festival promotional tour with a web series I’m in called, “Finding Me: The Series”, that’s in its second season. I play a character by the name of, “Dominic”. We’ve already hit Philly and DC, and New York is next. And I actually have a few more scripts from different projects that I’m reading… so I guess more acting will happen. LOL. Music-wise, definitely more videos from the, “AngelDust” album is on the top of the list. I want people to not only experience the album by listening, but I want them to see how the music can be animated through visual stories. And that pushes through even to the summer tour we’re creating now. I can’t wait to get back out on the road to perform for the fans and supporters. I believe our first show will be in DC this coming May. Raynbow Affair wants to know...What’s your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment?! LOL. I love skinny dipping… with just the right amount of imbibing! LOL. I haven’t done it in a while… but the last time was with my good “Judy’s” in Cancun. Hmmm… after this tour I’ve got to take some time off and do it again somewhere else! LOL.

You can reach Marck Angel on his website at www.marckangel.com

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COLEMAN The Music Man by Tristan Rose

Bill Coleman was born in Pawling, New York and went to a Catholic school in the Hudson Valley. Bill’s early years were spend interning at Island Records during one of its most dominate eras where he was promoting the now legendary Melissa Etheridge, Propaganda and Frankie Goes to Hollywood just to name a few. When Bill wasn’t working with music he was perfecting his DJing on collage radio, which lead to features on various radio stations. Later on Bill launched Hudson’s Valley Alternative music night at a local hot spot, he had fresh talent coming through every week and it gave them a stepping stone to better things, that combined with all Bills previous accomplishments and knowledge lead him to Billboard Magazine where he was the editor of the single and dance chart reviews.

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Later on Bill joined the editorial board of OUT Magazine, which is widely known and respected LGBT publication. Bill then launched Peace Bisquit which with all his knowledge in the music industry has proven a success with managing artists such as Ultra Natè, The Beloved and the dance floor sensation Deee-Lite. His management company is still going strong today. Bill undoubtedly has a heavy weight tittle in the music world his knowledge alone is powerful and is accomplishments outstanding, he has and continue to have a career in a never ending revolving door that is the life of music but he’s managed to stake his claim and remain in the business, I had the opportunity to interview Bill, who I found to be graceful and his music knowledge and experience something most of us dream of having.

You have had longevity in music, you’ve seen it all, what has been your most loved genre? That’s a very good question, Tristan! I’m truly a DJ and dancer at heart so I’d have to say ‘Dance.’ But ... that is a diplomatic broad stroke title for me because it greedily includes everything I love and have grown up on - alternative, punk, disco, rock, hip hop, soul, etc...I’ve danced and spun it all! I grew up cherishing 45’s, vinyl albums, 8-tracks, reel to reels, cassettes, CDs and now MP3s. That’s a lot of formats, genres and sonic strata in a lifetime! When I really think about it, it’s crazy. The evolution and sheer technology of modern music and how we experience it has morphed so fast and the genres have too. It’s exciting to be able to recognize threads of different styles cross pollinating, inspired-by hooks, samples and influences as the years go by. I remember when hip hop was the bastard child of the biz. Now Katy Perry is dark horse-ing it with Juicy J! It truly will not cease until the fat lady sings! What keeps you still wanting to be in the music business in 2014? Pure drive and inspiration. I thrive off of creating and connecting talent and artists. There’s nothing better than when that synergy connects and folks combust to create magic! Music touches our souls. When you hear or see something you’ve help birth, so to speak, it’s very rewarding. Also, I have a great team here at Peace Bisquit. I would not still be doing this if it wasn’t for my business partner of the last 10+ years, Angelo “Pepe” Skordos who holds it down for all of us. I’ve always had supportive family and friends. I’m independent by nature - I can’t help it - but I do recognize that having folks around who have your back (and allow you to fail) is imperative. The business has become so fickle, so having foundations to anchor you when times are good and also not so good - are imperative. When you aren’t working what can we catch you doing? When am I not working, Tristan? That’s really the question. The curse of having your own business is that you’re kind of ‘always’ working. I’m not complaining, but it’s often tiresome ! I love all kinds of films. I read quite a bit, dance and go to concerts. I love good food, wine and a special someone that I share all of that with. I’m a lapsed hardcore yogi (of over 10 years) that’s headed back to the mat and I’ve returned to meditation recently which has been great. The sound of silence can be very refreshing, but I’m still a music junkie at heart.

During your vast experience of working within the music industry who has been your favorite artist to date? That’s such a hard one to answer. I have favorite artists and favorite projects. I’ve managed Ultra Naté since her 1990 Warner Bros. debut “Blue Notes In The Basement”, so simply by her being such a life force, inspiring artist and talent and the amount we’ve managed to accomplish and continue to produce (we recently released her 8th album, “Hero Worship” and are back in the studio), I have a very special place for her and all that we’ve laughed, fought, cried, cursed and cheered to make happen! That said, I’m also quite proud to have ushered in Deee-lite’s classic album debut, “World Clique” (check one of my vocal recording debuts on the album closer “Build The Bridge”), convinced Bette Midler to sing a cover of the late Kirsty MacColl’s “In These Shoes”, pulled an album out of NY sibling no wavers ESG, helped introduce Cazwell to the masses (We met through Mr. Larry Tee), collaborated with World Of Wonder founders and old buds Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato on the soundtracks for their feature films, “Party Monster” and “Inside Deep Throat” and to have been given the opportunity to music supervise a film at all! (talk about scary!) with Daisy von Scherler Mayer and Harry Birckmeyer’s downtown cult classic, “Party Girl” starring edgy ingenue Parker Posey.

Raynbow Affair wants to know... what’s.. your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” Moment?!? Damn. I don’t know how #turnt up it is, but having sex while I DJ’d has had me pretty #turnt, I guess?! Let’s say attempting to beat mix and being fingered or getting a bj at the same time is a very unique experience. Clubs are fierce environments. The freaks indeed come out at night! Life is definitely stranger than fiction. I’ve had people do, offer, promise and expose some crazy things to me while working. I used to dj at a legendary NYC East Village after hours called Save The Robots. I went to work at 3:30 am lugging vinyl! I remember one time some coked up guy threatened to kidnap me on my way home, throw me in a van and tie me to a tree. Um, what song did you want me to play, again? Very little shocks me. I have a pretty high tolerance level for the perversity of the world we live in. We’re all kind of nuts. Let that flag fly brothers and sisters. Log on to www.raynbowaffair.com for the complete Bill Coleman interview.

RA COVER STORY Interviewed by Michael Drain


bebe zahara F Season one winner

resh of off the heels of her smash cabaret showcase “Vanity” at Joe’s Pub and the re-airing of the debut entry of Logo TV’s hit series Rupaul’s Drag Race, dubbed “The Lost Season,” for which she was the last queen standing, BeBe Zahara Benet will release her hotly anticipated new single, “Face,” March 3rd. Ricocheting tribal rhythms collide on the braggadocios dance anthem and ode to beauty, penned and produced by emerging Canadian music talent Dakarai, in which BeBe boasts of her signature exotic features and voluptuous frame: “If you look for curves, you’re in the right place. Yes I’ve got that too, but nothing beats the face,” BeBe coos on the sassy track and lead single from her upcoming debut album due out later this year, on which BeBe is currently putting the finishing touches. In creating the album, BeBe has crafted a unique sound by cleverly fusing several genres and styles of music together while still delivering infectious pop hooks. “Face” is not BeBe’s first foray into the music world; rather, it follows a string of commercial and critical hits for BeBe. Her debut single “I’m the Shit” went viral and is considered a fan-favorite throughout the country, while her follow-up “Cameroon” recently went viral in East Asia as a line-dancing sensation. “Dirty Drums” was a big seller on iTunes and “Give That Body to the Music,” a free download exclusive, became popular among many DJs around the country. BeBe has collaborated on original music with reputable producers in the dance music scene. Namely, BeBe has maintained a long-term relationship with the acclaimed producer/DJ Mark Picchiotti, who’s worked with the Kylie Minogue, and remixed for Madonna and Rihanna. BeBe has also worked with Ralphi Rosario, Felix Baumgartner and DJ Naughty Boyy. Moreover, BeBe partnered with renowned producer Beto Sutter for her sell-out show “Vanity,” who also produced “Vanity”’s hit predecessor and off Broadway spectacle “Creature.”

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BeBe has impacted countless fans and supporters with her many talents and appearances. In her music, style and performances BeBe has managed to fuse glamour and high fashion with tribal sensibilities and a punk rock edge, bringing an international flare to pop culture. Inspired by the sophistication and class of Diana Ross, the edge and boldness of Grace Jones, the sass and fierceness of Beyoncé and her own trademark “savage beauty,” BeBe is poised to once again take over the music scene. Through her appearances on RuPaul’s Drag U, her cameo appearance in Erasure’s “A Little Respect” music video, her spread in magazines such as Paper Magazine, a national campaign for L.A. Eyeworks and as a spokes model for Absolute Vodka’s Dirty Martini, BeBe’s on her way to becoming a household name with an already impressive following. BeBe Zahara Benet’s new single “Face” will be available for digital download on iTunes March 4th.

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I have to admit, when I was approached with conducting an interview with BeBe Zahara Benet, I was giddy with excitement. As many of you know BeBe is the FIRST crowned winner of the wildly successful Ru Paul Drag Race, now on its sixth season. Her fierce, uniqueness, nerve and talent stunned the world as we were exposed to the first of its kind television show. As a viewer I always wondered what BeBe made of her success? Time in and time out we are reminded of the sashay queens, namely Shangela Laquifa Wadley (Whom I love and adore) but never the winners (Tyra Sanchez) who slayed the competition every Monday night on Logo. Sometime I feel like giving Oprah a call and asking her to do a special edition of Where are they now? (A kid can wish, right?) Now back to BeBe….BeBe a native of Cameroon, Africa, stole the show, showcasing a classic yet primal approach to drag. Throughout the first season, Ru Paul created the catch phrase CAMEROON that would stick with BeBe and her country of origin till this day. As always I go in with an open mind never knowing what to expect. Let’s get real, BeBe is not a simple run of the mill performer that dresses up in women’s clothing. She is living drag history, who helped pushed the conversation of gender identity and challenged stereotypes concerning what is a drag queen and what is their place within mainstream entertainment. I wanted to pick BeBe’s brain on a range of topics and true to form BeBe was ready. Thank you for joining me. For starters I have to scream this or I will live in regret for the rest of my life, CAMEROON!!!!!! (Huge laughter on both ends) I am loving your new video FACE. You are giving me life and beyond. What made you get into music? Should be expect any more singles or a full album to drop? Thank you! I have always been surround by music. Growing up in Cameroon, I sung and directed my church choir. My Dad also played the guitar so music was always in our home. When I first discovered the art form of drag I didn’t think it was appropriate to use my voice. As time went on and artists such as Ru Paul and Sylvester emerged I began to grow more comfortable with the concept of emerging as a vocal performer. I’m in the studio now working on full album which will be released by the end of spring, early summer. I am reviewing another single which will followed FACE. Right now I am reviewing three songs could make the cut for the new single. 18

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Are you willing to announce the new single to our readers now? You know us kids always love some spilt tea? When I figure it out you will be the first to know. Thank you BeBe! wWhen you walked out in the tiger outfit on stage I knew you were the winner. Where do you derive your personal style from? Thank you! My personal style comes from my personal alter ego. I am well-traveled and have been blessed with the opportunity to experience people from difference cultures and backgrounds. I love glamor, funk, and tribal realness. BeBe is a savage beauty, drawn to the wild and what is raw, tribal and animalistic. At first I wasn’t sure how people would receive it, especially Africans and African Americans but people loved it! So I must be doing something right. Well I for one agree. Please continue to make us gag! Well let’s get to some questions our readers are dying to know. Ru Paul’s Drag Race is in its six season. How has your life changed since then? I can’t say that my life has changed. The show has afforded me the privilege of traveling and experiencing many different people. I have also been blessed to hear the stories of my fans. As the winner, the show has helped me figure out what to do with this exposure. Being an independent artist is hard. I have had my challenges but things so far have been very rewarding on my journey. What do you think about the new batch of queens this season? Any advice for them? Umm they are young acting and that is not a put down. They are a lot of young queens on this season. They have a lot of spunk and fire and that’s entertaining. I love seeing the different genres of entertainers and drag. I am trying to watch and enjoy the show for what it is. When you are on the show it is easy to get caught up in the experience and not savor the experience. My advice for this new batch of queens is to take time to enjoy every single moment because moments become memories. This show is the first of its kind. Whatever the outcome is take the time and enjoy the experience. Since BeBe’s persona is tied so closely to your heritage, I would like to know if you have returned to your home country since your win? I have not been back since my win. I have a lot of family back home but with my schedule and upcoming projects, it has been hard for me to get back. Plus life back home being in this lifestyle can be unexpected. I pray often for my brothers and sisters back home. I would be neglectful if I didn’t ask you about the anti- gay laws taking affect in Uganda. Begin from

Cameroon how do you feel about this? It’s so ridiculous and sad. There needs to be a conversation between the communities. People are scared and afraid of what they don’t understand. It’s so important to take the time to talk and understand why people do the things they do. My sincere hope is that countries such as the US and my home country can help facilitate this conversation on human rights and allowing others that are different to live freely as human beings. Being open to a conversation can help people open there minds and not live in fear of the unknown. I am blessed to live in the US where I can walk down the street and come home safe, that’s freedom… Okay that is my President Obama speech. (Laughter on both ends) We have talked a lot about your professional life. How are things going in your private life? Are you in a relationship? Things in my life are stable, sane, all of the above. (Laughter on both ends) BeBe you handled that question expertly (Laughter). This question is very important to me. Take your time to answer. What would you want to be remembered for? What is BeBe’s legacy? (A short pause/ Strike one for me : ) I have stumped a queen, lol). That I did my best…I tried and made an effort regardless of the outcome. No matter the result I was the best that I could be. I don’t strive to be anyone’s hero… I have lived my truth and hopefully I have inspired others... I try my best to give my all with anything that I do and I want others to see that I did my best and gave my all. I closed the interview regarding BeBe as a true Queen and ambassador. For word count sake I couldn’t put in a lot of our back and forth but trust me we had a good ole sit down. This wasn’t just a Q&A session but a conversation. I remarked at the end of our conversation that BeBe didn’t seem too different than the persona displayed on television. It’s a relief to know that the person you cheered for countless nights is the same person off screen. Now I don’t profess to know her all like that but I can say it was refreshing. I wish BeBe/Kudi the best of luck in every endeavor. In closing I continue on as a fan of this trailblazing Queen. CAMEROON!!!!!!.

interviewed by Michael Drain a columnist and author of Who is First Lady Wanda Davis? And Wicked Harvest Book II, due out this Spring 2014.

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“Having to overcome a childhood filled with constant bullying, low self-esteem, and a rejection of my own identity, I know what it’s like to feel alone, to think suicide is the only solution to your problems,” says New York City-based radio personality Unique on what fuels her work in the LGBT community. “My goal is not only to be a voice in my community, but to help give a voice to those who have been muted, or are afraid to live openly and happily because of societal pressures.” And she’s racked up a sizable fan base doing just that. Unique, Rain, Woody and Breeze founded the C.R.E.A.T.I.V.U. (Collectively Reaching Everyone Abroad Transmitting Inspirational Vibes Uniquely) radio show, where they addresses a range of LGBT-pertinent issues, helping listeners along the way. When she’s not running things at C.R.E.A.T.I.V.U., Unique works as a motivational speaker, mentor, writer, LGBTQIA activist, actress, celebrity interviewer and graphic designer, all with the overarching goal of creating a positive impact on as many lives as possible.

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Creativ U Radio Giving a voice to the voiceless

Being a CEO of your own company in a world where its a struggle just to make it to your 9-5 job how does that feel, to achieved what you have? It feels pretty awesome to do something like this at young age. I’ve always challenged myself in life to do better than I did yesterday. The sky is not the limit I am. I’ve always tell people those who love to take short cuts in life will be cut short in life. What inspires you the most in life? Helping people do the right thing with their life. And reminding them they have greatness within them. You have to make fear your greatest ally. You must look at it, and walk right through it! Life is a struggle but you have to fight life back. No ifs ands or buts When did you make it your mission to help people? When I started to get bullied I wanted to quit life completely because I couldn’t take it. I got bullied for wanting to help people which I think is crazy. Because of It tried to take my own life but God! He save my life and for that my prayer was to help others who felt all hope is lost. I’ve learned in life we all need HOPE!!

Your radio station, what made you start that? The reason for Creativu was giving a voice to the voiceless and showing people you don’t have to be muted or afraid anymore because you’re voice matter to us. The vision behind Creativu was also created by three other people Rain, Woody and Breeze. If it wasn’t for them believing in my vision CreativU would not be here. Who would thought at 8:00 in the morning we started with a name and ideas and by 6:30pm Creativu was started in one day with 17 people. Talk about 22 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

Interviewed by Tristan Rose

fired up and ready to save the world. How has that experience been? The experience been truly wonderful and amazing. I’ve met and connected with so many people and shared a journey with them. It melts my heart when people would say because of Creativu I was able to be confident, overcome my fear, be a better man etc. one of my favorite thing is when someone say because of Creativu I can connect with the world and express myself freely without being judge. And all I could say is thank you Jesus because that’s our mission to give a voice to the voiceless. Musically who are you favorite artists and why? I don’t have any favorites but I listen to gospel and old R& B. It’s very soothing and relaxing. And most songs relate to what I’m going through In 5 years time where do you see yourself and your career what do you hoped to have achieved? In 5 years I see myself taking my business to another level to motivate and inspire others. Oprah is my motivation and Role model. That’s the direction I want go in. Have my own network and giving more people an outlet to express themselves. I love to act so something in film as well. But wherever God position me I will go. Raynbow Affair wants to know...What’s..your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment?! Lol I don’t really have a turnt up moment but I would say just hanging with friends or with my mommy. I love spending time with her and just having fun.



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rae parker THE ARTIST

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orn and raised in Newark, NJ art has always been in my life. My father was a artist so the passion became stronger through me. From drawing to graffiti art around Newark I was always inspired. As a kid I won numerous awards and it felt good. Then I knew what I wanted to do. Moving to Indianapolis as a teen gave me more resources. I was granted scholarships for weekend and summer art classes through Herron School of Art and the Indianapolis Art League. Classes ranged from photography to comic book illustration. There were no excuses for me to be bored. During high school I was one of those kids that other kids would ask to draw stuff for. Did I mind? Not at all! I was doing something that I loved to do. Create. Now, I have my Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in Visual Communications from The Illinois Institute of Art. After years of doing graphic and web design I wanted to take my art to the next level. So I began having a interest in tattooing. During my time living in Atlanta I came across tattoo artists of color. Lord Yatta and Miya Bailey. I talked to both and it inspired

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me even more. In 2010 I began my apprenticeship through two different shops in Indianapolis. Becoming certified was a huge deal for me. Not too many women in Indianapolis are tattoo artist. Moving to LA was another jewel in my life. I learned so much more about myself as an artist. Nothing can stop me and that anything is possible. I can say that I’m a LA artist. Working in tattoo shops there and being selected to be a artist with the RAW Artist organization. That was the best experience thus far for me. Unfortunately I had to return to Indianapolis to help my mother who needs to have hip surgery. As I return to take care of her, I became ill. In January, two weeks before my 35th birthday, I was diagnosed with having a tumor on my pituitary gland. In my words a brain booger. I am determined to not let it stop me from creating. Life is too beautiful to give up on anything. Right now my focus is having my own art studio and giving back to the community to guide the youth through art. Creating is my muse. It’s what gives me peace. If you can create a universe through art, you can create so many possibilities in the world.

I had the chance to interview SheRae and I found her nothing but humble and gracious. What age were you when you picked up a pencil or paint brush and started drawing/painting? According to my mother I was 2 years old when I held my first pencil. When did you realize this was a career you wanted to pursue and not just a hobby? That’s a really good question; I would say during high school it became deeper than a thought. I mean, I knew as a kid but then I also wanted to be an Archeologist and a Veterinarian…we see how that turned out :) What art do you most identify with? I identify with all forms of art. From abstract expressionism to whatever my imagination creates. It’s hard to identify to just one for myself. I’ve been intrigued by so much artistically that even my passion for art has become refined through the years. Who are the artists you most look up to ? My father, Lucille Malkia Roberts, Wangechi Mutu, Gerhard Richter, Norman “Nomzee” Maxwell, Elizabeth Catlett and Faith147 are artists who inspire me. What has been your biggest achievement so far in regard to your art work ? My biggest achievement so far is this. My first magazine feature, plus, having my work shown in Los Angeles and becoming a LA artist. As well as having offers from exhibits in New York and London. If you could describe your art in 3 words what would they be? Three words to describe my art..hmmm, free spirited, organic and dope. What is your most prominent theme in your art work? Prominent theme... vibrantly formed complexities touching on social spirituality and identity and my perspective on love What inspires you to create art? Music inspires me to create. It’s like coffee. From Hip-Hop, Punk to Drum n Bass..Jazz. However the music moves me, I allow it to dictate my creative visions. What would be your dream art project to work on? I would love to do a project for Adidas. It’s such a classic global brand. I’m already thinking of pieces to attract Adidas. You are also certified tattoo artist do you prefer that over your other artistic outlets? Becoming a tattoo artist took my art to another level. It has also helped me refine my artistry with patience and pushing myself. Yet, illustration and painting will always be my first loves.

Raynbow Affair wants to know...What’s..your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment?! My craziest Turn Up moment was in LA...getting my life dancing all night at The Do Over then at this one club I can’t remember (will get back to you with the name)...but they were playing House music with famous DJs. I hadn’t dance so much like that in years and it felt good. Then walking around the movie studios in North Hollywood, were I was living, at 5am drunk as fvck. I miss my Cali family. www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 27




In the Spring of Things The season of new beginnings boast an array of colors for spring 2014. The color palette cast the vibe of hues, tints & tones found in nature. In the event bold color is not your thing the neutral palette is sleek, smoky yet simple. This edition of Exposure we go beyond the color lines, spring forward and pass the Raynbow to see what’s on for 2014!

Beyond the Rainbow The colors yellow, blue, green, orange, brown and pink appear to be easy to remember. The mixtures of primary and secondary colors are far from simple this spring. Yellow is bold as a sunflower under a Tuscan sun to pail as a summer squash. May your blues be as lush as the open seas or shine bright like the stars in space. Grasp the green like the grass which grows under your feet or like the moss on top of some peat. Embrace aura filled orange tints that are subtle like peach rose petals to bold hues spicy like chili peppers grown in Thailand. Braised browns that are succulent like the beef it embodies to silky smooth iridescent tones of the natural freshwater pearl. Flaunt the pinks that stir the sensual senses like that of a wild plum ripe for the picking or seductive pink sands on the coast of Bermuda. Let the wonderful colors inspired by nature guide you beyond the color of the rainbow. .

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Extreme & Calculated Neutrals The definition of neutral simply means without color. However in the world of fashion neutrals are hues with undertones of colors that are slightly muted. Your basic neutral colors consist of white, beige, ivory, taupe, gray and black. The neutrals for spring 2014 were contrived to complement the mono chromatic trends in fashion. For instance head to toe in black & white or shades of gray. This season’s selection of neutrals not only raises the bar yet poses a challenge to those whom seek neutrals as a safe haven at the risk of being fashionably challenged. The neutrals, much like things found in nature are fashioned to be simple yet deliver a heavy impact when utilized properly. The whites are bright like fresh fallen snow or that of electricity. Muted lavender hues that cast sleek silhouettes like that of the mysterious Abalone shell. Engineered grays that are crisp yet are defined like quartz or refined like steel. A high fashioned black that is deep, rich and pigmented like onyx stone. This black carries the “classic” back to any occasion. Neutrals are no longer the muted momentous of safety, they are calculated as forces to be reckon with

Trends beyond the Seam of Doubt Trends come, go and linger within the fashion community all the time. For spring the trend of androgynous rebels are leading the forefront of what’s hot in fashion. Whether you are male or female your gender will not be captivated by boundaries. Like any other season, it’s all in what you make of it.

In the


Extreme calculated





of things

LOOKS FOR LESS Love those looks for the season yet loathe those price tags that follow. Below are a few places to find the looks for a reasonable price.


Fashion Jackets: H & M (40%-50% Retail Price)** Macy’s(25%-30% off Retail Price)** TJ Maxx/Marshall’s ( 40%-50% off Retail Price)** Fashion Apparel Nordstrom Rack (25%-30% off Retail Price) City Chic Online ($25-$178)** Fashion Accessories TJ Maxx/Marshall’s ( 40%-50% off Retail Price)** 6PM.Com($30-$400+)**

* Online Store **Includes Men & Women Plus Sizes


Fashion Jackets: Bang Good.com ($20-$50)* Destination & Casual Male XL.com ($140350)** H & M (40%-50% Retail Price)** Fashion Apparel MyHabit.com(40%-50% off Retail Price)* Westport Big & Tall ($25-$351)** Fashion Accessories Topman.com($30-$300)* Rochester Big & Tall($10-$200)**

* Online Store **Includes Men & Women Plus Sizes

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MIGHTY REAL: A FABULOUS SYLVESTER MUSICAL® is a Musical, written by Anthony Wayne, which tells the life story of Sylvester through his music and his point of view. Beyond all the trials, tribulations, glitz and glamour of his lifestyle, he was a symbol for being FABULOUS, but, also, a symbol for unapologetically being who he was. The words and music of this show will enter your ear, soar through your heart and inspire your soul. It’s GUARANTEED to have EVERYONE dancing in the aisles. Broadway Star Anthony Wayne (Broadway’s “PIPPIN”, “PRISCILLA”, “Anything Goes” [2011]) sings, lives and breathes life as the 1970’s Disco Singer SYLVESTER. The show, also, features Broadway’s Anastacia McCleskey (“PRISCILLA”; “HAIR”, “Book Of Mormon”) and Jacqueline B. Arnold (“We Will Rock You”, “PRISCILLA”) as The Two Tons of Fun/Weather Girls.

interviewed by Michael Drain a columnist and author of Who is First Lady Wanda Davis? And Wicked Harvest Book II, due out this Spring 2014.

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ylvester... a legend, performance artist, writer, disco/R&B phenomena. Sylvester dominated the music charts with such


hits as You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real), Dance Disco Heat, Hard Up and lesser known ballets Loving Grows Up Slow. His influence within the LGBT community has recently seen a resurgence due to television and now the Broadway stage. Sylvester’s unique style and androgynous appearance captivated mainstream media; enduring him to millions. In the off Broadway production, MIGHTY REAL: A FABULOUS SYLVESTER MUSICAL , the essence of this icon is explored through song and dance. I was honored to sit down with the creators of this production, Anthony Wayne and Kendrell Bowman for an inside look into the wildly successful off Broadway sensation. What made you want to tackle the vocal genius that is Sylvester? It started with being inspired by the television show Unsung on TV One. We began discussing his influence and recognized immediately that he was a pioneer. Sylvester lived his life to the fullest and that inspired people within the LGBT community and beyond. This production celebrates his life story. How did you research this living Unsung Legend? 32 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

We did a lot of research. We both watched a lot of videos, read books and spoke to people who knew him, such as his estate attorney. This allowed us to dive faced first into the essence of who he was and what he meant to his fans and loved ones. Anthony Wayne you play Sylvester onstage. What has been your process to vocally channel someone who was perceived to be bigger than life? I had to vocally pace myself and rest. Sylvester’s vocal influences were the Church, Pop and R&B. My goal was to bring all these styles together and make it seem easy so people would enjoyed it. This show perfectly captures that time warp, pulling our audience into an era/lifestyle long forgotten by many. What is your favorite song to perform on stage? You Are My Friend, It is a moment in the show where we talk about his life and experiences. It captures who he was and what he meant to those around him. What was the audition process like for Two Tons of Fun? The original members were the esteemed vocal giants Martha Walsh and Izora Armstead. What was it like to cast two additional legends? We went to see the Broadway show Pricilla Queen of the Desert. There is a moment in the show when Anastacia McCleskey and Jacqueline B. Arnold come

down from the ceiling singing It’s Raining Men. We knew then and there that they had to be our Two Tons of Fun. We were blessed to have an amazing chemistry on stage. This was so important to us that we pushed this upcoming show back to September to keep the magic. Kendrell what was it like to reach back into the excess of the 70’s and 80’s to create the image of Sylvester. I mean Sylvester took his queues from icons such as Josephine Baker. What was your creative process? A lot of research went into the image of the show. I studied videos, live performances, books, photo shoots and examined many of Sylvester’s signature looks. Syvester was famous for his fur coats. I have heard stories of him riding on the backs of mopeds in a long fur coat and entering clubs decked in fur. One of his signature looks was the white tuxedo which he wore during the music video of Mighty Real. I wanted to recreate that look for the stage but dressing actors for the stage takes an artistic eye for correct fabric choices. I was able to incorporate the perfect long mink coat from a furrier in New York and crystals that worked perfectly on the stage.

On Broadway today there are currently forty shows running. Out of those forty there are only four African American shows running. It’s sad but people would rather see a realty show than something positive. Sylvester died of HIV/Aids. This show brings awareness concerning his triumphs and struggles. It’s time we as a people rally around positive things African American Males are doing instead of negative things. This show is just such an opportunity and we hope more people from our community embrace this show and the legacy of this trailblazer. (Group tickets are on sale now/ Individual tickets go on sales June 2nd 2014)

How does it feel to have this project positively received? It feels incredible. We have had so many people that have come out to the show who remember him and the decadence of that time period. It is inspirational for us to see the fruits of our hard work. Making the show is like a similar journey Sylvester took. Back then no black man was wearing women’s clothing in the mainstream media. He broke a lot of barriers and that message has inspired us as creators and a couple.

The D.I.V.A. Foundation (Divinely Inspired Victoriously AIDS Aware) is a national not-for-profit 501C (3) charitable organization founded by Sheryl Lee Ralph in 1990 as a memorial to the many friends she lost to AIDS as an original company member of “Dreamgirls.” The organization focuses on generating resources and coordinating artistic activities to create awareness of and combat HIV/AIDS. The D.I.V.A. Foundation utilizes music and entertainment as a vehicle to inform, educate and erase the stigma attached to this deadly disease.

How did you get connected to Broadway/Screen Royalty, Sheryl Lee Ralph? We were on twitter and started to tweet her in December. I kept tweeting her and tweeting her about the show. I mean all she could do was say no. She finally responded and we set up a meeting in Philly. She picked us up and we sat down and talked. After that discussion she decided that she would like to co-produce the show. We are firm believer in social media and it paid off. She has been so hands with the project ever since. We have all developed a great relationship and speak almost every day.

“As we acknowledge National AIDS Awareness Day, I know Sylvester is singing and dancing under that great disco ball in heaven and we prepare to light up Broadway with his music and memory.” Said Ralph

What has been your greatest challenge in bringing this show to the stage?

MIGHTY REAL is set to start previews September 5th, 2014 at the Theatre at St. Clements. Group Tickets (10+) go on Sale Today. Individual Tickets go on Sale June 2nd, 2014. Call OVATIONTIX at 866.811.4111 or go to www.FABULOUSSYLVESTER.com Also, follow the show on Instagram and Twitter: @ FABSYLVESTER www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 33


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