Raynbow Affair Magazine Issue#3

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Author Michael Drain

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January 2014 Issue 3 www.raynbowaffair.com


FEATURES Gay Marriage Passed 06 Then Revoked!

DANI 08 Indiana REJECT HJR-3 20



I got no Selfie Control


GAY MEN TALK delivers the shock factor in spades

25 Extreme Exposure 28


What Happened to it being all about MUSIC?




014 2YEARS!


Welcome to 2014! A new year and new beginnings, I’m not one for making a New Years resolution but I am a believer in learning from our mistakes from the previous year and not bringing them into 2014 with us, with that being said what are your New Years resolutions if you have any? email me at tristanrose@raynbowaffair.com with your twitter handle and we will share them with our followers. We have a jam packed funny and inspiring issue this winter with interviews ranging from a talented comedian, a brilliant writer and director of a new web series, an out and successful gay rapper, book reviews and fashion tips just to name a few. On behalf of the team at Raynbow Affair Magazine, we wish you a health and happy 2014 and we look forward to and appreciate your support thus far. Tristan Rose Executive Editor Raynbow Affair Magazine



TEAM PUBLISHER/OWNERS Von Watts Jameelah Wilkerson Michael Drain EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tristan Rose CREATIVE DIRECTOR Von Watts PUBLIC RELATIONS Michael Drain GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Sharan Shepherd Von Watts CONTRIBUTORS Steph Rec Chandra Smith WEBSITE COORDINATORS Jameelah Wilkerson Von Watts

EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE 7399 North Shadeland Ave Suite 299 Indianapolis Indiana 46250 762-233-2477 contact@raynbowaffair.com www.raynbowaffair.com The Raynbow Affair is Published 4 times per year digital, and 4 times a year print. Cover and contents may not be reproduced or reprinted in any form or medium without prior written and granted permission from the publishers. Raynbow Affair does not assume responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photos or artwork and will only return submitted materials accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.


by Tristan Rose



n early October 2013 the same sex marriage bill was passed in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) it was one state out of six and two territories. However it was a massive step in the right direction, finally we were being heard and now we had the right to marry in one state in our country, one is better then none. That bill was passed in October and The High Court decided to wait until the 12th of December 2013 to decided to challenge it or not. On the 6th of December 2013 Australia made history when at 12:01am we had our first gay couple marry and it didn’t stop there 32 marriages took place over the next 24 hours with many more being booked. Yet on the 12 of December the High Court ruled in favor of the Federal Government and has deemed that the ACT Same Sex Marriage laws are not consistent with the Federal laws making those 32 marriages invalid. Our prime minister has a sister who is a lesbian and recently got engaged, how could you deny your own sister and country the joy of marriage that you have experience everyday for the past 40 odd years? If something god forbids was to happen to him or his wife he has the right to be beside her in hospital making the decisions on her behalf regarding her care. We don’t have that right and in some cases families that are against their children being gay will often shut their partner out of everything. Imagine being with someone for 10 years and then all of a sudden they end up in hospital and their family reappear out of the blue and you now have no say over what is going on with the person you’ve made a life with. This sort of thing happens and its horrible, marriage obviously is important to us because we want to marry the one we love but we also want to protect each other in case in unimaginable happens.

Right now in Australia we are powerless until the government actually takes a look around the world and realize that we need to follow suit and legalize gay marriage, this isn’t a taboo subject anymore, its nothing to be ashamed of we love exactly like the heterosexual couples you see everyday, we just don’t have the privilege to wear the wedding band they do and we so desperately want that. It blows my mind that in 2014 the Australian LGBT community is still fighting for the right to marry. We are a conservative country but I didn’t realize just how conservative we were and it saddens me, if not everyday, every week across the globe we are watching countries move forward and accept that we aren’t going away and we want to get married. On the 20th of December 2013 New Mexico legalized same sex marriage, it’s happening in some places in the world at lightening speed and in other countries at a snails pace. We have gay and lesbian actors, actresses, lawyers, judges, sporting stars that are coming out of the closed that we hardly bat an eye lid now and that’s how it should be, normal and not a big deal. I hope the Australian government comes to its senses and fast, we as a nation are running out of patience.

photo: BBC News

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Monday - Saturday

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C.R.E.A.T.I.V.U. Stands for (C)ollectively (R)eaching (E)veryone (A)broad (T)ransmitting (I)nspirational (V)ibes (U)niquely www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 7

Interviewed by Tristan Rose

Brooklyn Society Fashion Club 8 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

Danielle hails from Baltimore, MD, however she grew up in Brooklyn, New York. In her early 20s she decide to move back to Baltimore. Dani was 20 years old when she realized she had a love for modeling she took jobs in New York, Baltimore and Atlanta during her summer vacations. Dani during her college semesters started creating hoodies for herself and classmates while she studied for her degree in Mass Communications at Mary Baldwin College on a basketball scholarship. When Dani turned 22 she had created her first clothing line called “Brooklyn Society Fashion Club”. During her summer breaks from college Dani also found a love for photograph y. After graduating from college she worked for a non for-profit organization “Bell National” part time it was there that she came up with her own non for-profit organization titled “We Rock For Kids” based in Baltimore, MD. Dani has appeared Aggressive Magazine, Brown Girls and Boi’s Lesbian Magazine. Dani is currently based out of Virginia Beach Va, where she continues to model and get behind the camera.

company The Cultural Approach Photography!

What was it about modeling that made you want to venture into that world? I love the styling and being able to sell your self and create something for the world to see. Being able to express myself without words but with expression and attitude.

My clothing line is still up and coming we just got establish in 3 stores in 3 different states. I chose the name Brooklyn Society because I grew up in Brooklyn I always wanted to take a piece of Brooklyn with me where ever I went because I always grew home sick from moving around a lot. I wanted the line to have a classy edge to it. To still be urban but with a twist. That’s how I always thought about home. My non-profit We Rock For Kids is my way of giving back to the community! I have 150 kids listed into our program in Baltimore Md. And basically we help kids get into sport camps, music camps, and we provide our own summer camps for the arts. We have guest speakers come in talk to the kids give them motivation and a chance to hear someone else story..

Being an LGBT model with a distinct look has that helped or hindered you? I would say Helped me! A lot of jobs I have been on I have herd people say well you know she’s a girl right? Lol... and in the end the shoot comes fine or above expectations! With saying that, has the modeling world been open to you as an LGBT model? Of course! The company that I model for Alpha Models Inc. is small and they try to send me on shoots that ask for models that are LGBT. So it works out! You are also a photographer, what made you want to pursue that avenue? With being behind the camera a lot I always had questions about how this works and what does this button do , etc. So one summer I had an internship working for a photographer he helped me understand the different type of cameras to use and how to use them. After I got comfortable with Modeling I then starting to shoot my own photo shoots for my clothing line and branching out to starting my own photography

You went to collage on a basketball scholarship, how was that? Coming from a basketball family I felt like I didn’t have a choice. I have been playing basketball since I was 8 years old. It’s my first love... my first everything! I loved having the opportunity doing something I love and securing my future at the same time. With so many facets to you which hat do you like wearing the most being the model or behind the camera? To be honest I love being behind the camera. I have moments where I don’t want to be in front of the camera at all. My real passion is styling and creating. I love putting things together and making it happen. You own your own clothing line Brooklyn Society Fashion Club and you have a non profit organization called “We Rock For Kids” tell us about that?

What is your guilty pleasure? Wise Hot Cheese popcorn and I’m a sucker for red velvet cake!! Raynbow Affair wants to know...What’s..your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment?! Wooow I would say my 27th birthday! It was a night where I had a dare to take shots drink pitchers of liquor... we lost a person.. who we found BTW the next day.. I got thrown out of a strip club.. and I manage to wake up my entire block at 5am singing Monica Just of those days... and waking up at 12pm with bumps, scrapes, and going through my phone pics like what in the world happen last night.....smh! www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 9

RA REVIEW Reviewed by Michael Drain


TIM JOHN PETERSON Gay Men Talk I grew up on the south shore of Long Island N.Y. Pretty good childhood. Mom was good when I was a kid. Not so good when I was an adult. Dad is good now that I’m an adult. Wasn’t so good when I was a kid.

I started compiling material for the books in 1990. Most of the quotes and experiences I’ve used in the books were gathered while listening to friends, family, acquaintances and clients as well as reflecting back on experiences in my own life.

From nursery to college, I never really liked school, but I still did a lot of it. At age 18 I almost died in a motorcycle accident. Luckily I was drunk, so I was pretty loose when I crash landed. Having no idea about what to do with my life, I did the Army for 3 years. I had a desire to help people so decided to go to college after finishing my tour.

In 2000 I moved back to NY. My mother had been struggling with breast cancer for 4 yrs. I wanted the chance to spend some quality time with her rather than showing up for the last 2 weeks of her life. I also wanted to help the family deal with her treatment and trips to the Dr. They were pretty burnt out and very happy to have the help and support. Mom passed away in 2003. It was a powerful and challenging time for all of us.

While in school, I started seeing a therapist. I was pretty uncomfortable emotionally, mostly depressed, anxious and very confused. Counseling turned my life around. I also realized that I loved the work and decided to go back to school again to pursue a degree in mental health therapy. I worked as a therapist for years with kids, adults and families struggling with mental health as well as chemical dependency issues. Loved the job. Hated the paper work.

Currently living on Long Island again and experiencing the most amazing time in my life in terms of growth and change. I’ve also been focused solely on the Men Talk Book Series since moving here in 2011 as well as my Mental health blogs. For more information, take a peek at http://Mentalk.org. It’s all there

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Clutch your pearls and prepare your tea kettle, GAY MEN TALK delivers the shock factor in spades! I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started GAY MEN TALK by author Tim John Peterson. I guess the critic in me thought it would be about a few sad gay queens and their collection of stories and heart breaks. I was more than surprised when I was confronted with a series of quotes from different Gay Men detailing torrid ideas, experiences concerning sex and life. Many of these quotes left me quiet for a moment, reflecting the anonymous man’s life or lack thereof. Quote 19 I had a lover for a while who “swore” he was completely safe and virus free. We did it all. F$#KED each other. Blew each other. Never used a rubber. Two years after we broke up, he tells me he just found out he has HIV and has probably had it at least 8 years. He thinks the only way he could’ve gotten it was when he let a male prostitute f$#K him and it tore his hemorrhoid. I’d like to know how he qualifies fucking a male prostitute without protection as a completely safe sexual lifestyle. He was a total stranger when we met and I trusted him. Because I took his word for it, I could be dead. When they say never judge a book by its cover, this is such a book. Some of the quotes were very vivid and vulgar (Not my taste) but a slight part of me laughed because we all have had that friend that gave way too much information. However, with each of these quotes I was reminded of the shadow many LGBT people live in. How our experiences are kept silent in spite of the changing tide of history. Reading someone’s raw truth without the fluff pushed me to test my capacity for compassion and tolerance. After reading this book, I had to meet the author. Was this some sort of pervert, gathering tea from his drunken cohorts? Or was this guy a true genius shedding light on the unspoken. Quote 229 A friend of mine lives at home with his parents. He’s in his early 20’s. He drinks a case of beer a day. His parents buy it for him. After he gets drunk, his father f$#K him. My editor contacted Tim and we arranged a phone interview. I prepared for both outcomes, crazy or competent. As surprising as the books content I was amazed at how normal and down 12 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

to earth Tim was. He wasn’t a pervert or crusader but a man looking to give voice to the many gay men he had met throughout his professional/private life. I was curious, what had possessed him to write/quote such sexually vivid stories and thoughts? Tim thought the project would be interesting and wanted to put something down that was real. He believed that television, media and music were not aggressive with the truth concerning life and sex. I agreed wholeheartedly citing the influences of porn within the LGBT community. Tim was on to something, citing the truth rather than the sterilized, choreograph set of a porno or reality series. I guess one of my Mothers favorite bible quotes ring true. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” I was also curious to what surprised him during his writing process. Tim paused for a moment and asked me repeat the question. As a writer I am often stomped by this question myself, no matter the project. Tim responded that he didn’t experience many surprises. However, some of the toughest subjects he encountered had to do with incest and the ages of the victims. Speaking with Tim I could see that in order to write this book he had to be a man that believed in “No Judgment”. With each quote, he let the chips fall where they may, allowing the reader to reflect and react. Tim’s experience with working with drug addicts and abuse victims help craft his attitude toward people. Quote 569 How about judging me by my heart, not by who I f$#K? For anyone with delicate sensibilities, steer clear of this book. However, it’s your loss. A person’s truth can be messy, disgusting and offensive at times. However, challenging our ideas concerning one’s truth can help how we see the world and those around us. No matter the craziness contained within this novel, I suggest you put on your big boy drawers, gather some friends around, engage the F Bomb button and read aloud. Who knows, maybe you may find out something that changes things forever. Life and love can be a trip so keep your head up.

RA COVER STORY Interviewed by Tristan Rose

CAZWELL 16 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com



azwell has been creating waves in the music industry since the late 1990s, when he moved to New York. In 2008 Cazwell was featured on Lady Gaga’s number 1 hit “Just Dance” he was also in the video and has opened for Lady Gaga among many other high profile artists. Cazwell has been a You Tube Sensation first with his “I seen Beyonce at Burger king” in 2008 reaching over 1 and a half million views and still climbing. Cazwell followed that track up with “Ice Cream Truck in the summer of 2010 which has almost amassed 3 and a half million views and was used and reworked into another song involving frozen yogurt company “Snog”. After the release of “Ice Cream Truck,” Cazwell teamed up with his best friend and fashion icon Amanda Lepore to release “Get into it” and “Marilyn”. In 2011 Cazwell reunited with the director of “Ice Cream” Truck” Marco Ovando and dropped his long awaited video clip for “Get My Money Back” which showcases Cazwell’s light and dark sides. Cazwell has had the honor of performing at Radio City Music Hall as an opening act for Cyndi Lauper’s True Colours Tour, he has also preformed for Dior and has worked with Peaches. In Cazwell’s own words he describes his style as “if Biggie Smalls ate Donna Summer for breakfast.” He has also been a guest judge on such TV shows as VH1/LogoTV’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race,”. His songs have also been featured on HBO’s True Blood. Cazwell has released many singles most recently “I Got No Selfie Control” which was genius on his part which mocks people all over the world that don’t and can’t live in the moment they have to “capture a selfie” and share with their social network. The track also had Cazwell’s fans inundating him with their own selfies. His next titled single is Helen Keller which will drop sometime in January 2014. Cazwell is currently in the studio putting the finishing touches on his album ‘Hard 2 B Fresh’.

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You have an impressive music resume, what has been the biggest highlight thus far in your career? Finishing the new album ‘Hard 2 B Fresh’ was definitely the most recent highlight of my career. I’ve put a lot of thought and care to make sure it’s as close to perfect as possible. Besides that, the first thing that comes to mind is working with Peaches. She’s such a hero of mine, to be able to do a song and video with her was crazy. Also, working on the True Colours tour with Cyndi Lauper was a big deal for me of course because she’s such an inspiration as a live performer and artist. Being a member of the LGBT has it hindered or helped your path to success? HELPED! I don’t even think I would be doing what I do if I wasn’t gay. In the beginning of my career it certainly helped me stand out since every other rapper was straight. Being gay and rapping was unheard of. It has given me a unique point of view on things that you don’t get from straight rappers. Not to mention when you’re gay you tend to hang out with colorful people and they have had a huge influence on my work. I don’t think I would have been so involved with the night life if I wasn’t gay; the club world really had an effect on my sound. What was your coming out story like? My parents are divorced, I told each separately. Looking back I just treated it like it was no big deal and that caused my family to just shrug their shoulders and not make a big deal out of it either. I had so many gay friends - like, all of them - so i don’t think it was a huge surprise. What can we expect from your sophomore fulllength album? All floor bangers. Every song is made for the dance floor. Whether it’s EDM, hip-hop, moombahton or twerk, all the tracks are meant to get people moving. I also went through a breakup this past year so if you pay attention to the lyrics you’ll pick up on some lyrical therapy I incorporated in a couple of the songs. I’m super proud of the album and I hope to make a video for every song.

Follow Cazwell on Twitter: Instagram: @CAZWELLnyc CAZWELLnyc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ CAZWELLmusic


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Will there be any collaborations on it? On this album I collaborated with Cherie Lily, Peaches, Nicky Da B, Dai Burger to name a few – as well as the producers I worked like Richie Beretta and Dizzy Bell who are dope – and that’s just a couple of them. Who have been your musical influences? As far as writing I would say Biggie, Eminem, and the Beastie Boys were my biggest influences. Sound wise I’m constantly being influenced by DJ’s and producers. David Bowie has always been a huge influence from every direction as an artist - I listen to him at the gym. What artist do you most want to do a collaboration with ? Beyoncé! Hello?! Isn’t that everyone’s dream? LOL. She’s amazing. When your alone, what can we find you doing, aside from music? Writing, Cleaning, Watching porn, Playing with my dog, Typical shit. My favorite thing to do is just chill, I’m pretty low-key, I like to hang out at my apartment. What is something most people don’t know about you? I’m shy. Where do you see yourself five years from now? Rich as all hell! LOL. I want to be doing more with the music industry, to continue writing and producing for other people as well as myself. I’m also branching out into other things right now, I’m working on a sock and underwear line. As long as I can continue working for myself I’ll be happy. I love what I do. Raynbow Affair wants to know...What’s..your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment?! Well, if I was that ‘turnt up’ I’m sure I barely remember it. Cazwell has a massive fan base and he knows his audience and he plays to them, he’s not here to impress the masses just his core fan base. Cazwell is an artist you don’t want to sleep on. Official website: http://cazwell.com/

“I seen Beyonce at Burger King”

www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 19

INDIANA: VOTE NO ON HJR-3 Its color is often red, its values are predominantly traditional, and its location is tucked right in between the Midwestern states of Illinois and Ohio. Yes, you guested it, it’s the great state of Indiana. This state has the nation’s attention and it’s not due to a sporting event or a weather tragedy. All eyes are on the Hoosier state as it has become the battlefield towards the fight for freedoms for gay and lesbian families.

this is bad for Indiana.

Indiana’s lawmakers will be voting on aproposed constitutional amendment named, House Joint Resolution 3 (formerly known as HJR-6). This amendment reads as follows:

The amendment is duplicative as there is already a state law that states marriage is between one man and one woman.

SECTION 2. ARTICLE 1 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF INDIANA IS AMENDED BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Section 38. Only a marriage between one (1) man and one (1) woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Indiana.

“In addition to the duplicative and restrictive first sentence of the amendment, no one has been able to clearly define what effects the second sentence would have on existing marriages, domestic partner benefits, human rights ordinances, legal contracts and benefits for unmarried couples,” according to the Freedom Indiana website.

The proposed amendment is also vague because the second sentence can be interpreted many different ways. Now why would something redundant, vague, and harmful to Hoosier families belong in the state’s constitution? It doesn’t!

A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.

Other opposition form the amendment may come as a surprise, but hundreds of faith leaders and institutions from across the state are up in arms about HJR-3. A seemingly umbrella faith organization, ICON (Interfaith Coalition on Nondiscrimination) have organized clergy and faith leaders across denominations. ICON has sent letter to Indiana’s legislators with hundreds of signatures.

Just for some background:

An excerpt from the letter reads:

To amend the Indiana state constitution, the proposed amendment must pass two consecutive legislative sessions, in both the house and the senate (with no altering of language). HJR-3 (formerly known as HJR-6) passed in 2011 in the House (70 Yes and 26 No) as well as in the Senate (40 Yes and 10 No).

“We are Indiana clergy, leaders of faith communities, and other religious professionals. Our backgrounds and those of the people we serve vary widely. Our views on marriage differ. But we speak with one voice to oppose amending the Indiana Constitution to define marriage.

Now it’s up for a vote again in 2014. If it passes again in the House and Senate, then it will then go to the voters in November for a referendum. During the referendum, Indiana voters can vote the amendment into the constitution or kill it.

The proposed “Marriage Amendment” would strip civil rights from committed same-gender couples. As many of us affirmed when supporting legislation to prevent sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace, public accommodations, and housing; each of our faith traditions emphasizes justice. For our society to be just, the civil rights of all people, even those with whom we may disagree, must be protected. We should not be writing discrimination into our State Constitution. This fact alone merits rejection of the Marriage Amendment.”

We have to kill it! I vote kill it in the legislator a majority group to vote on the right of a minority group. (Sound familiar, Civil Rights movement in the 1960s comes to my mind) Thanks to Freedom Indiana, the bi-partisan grassroots coalition working to defeat this amendment, they are working tirelessly to educate Indiana voters and legislators on why 20 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

Opposition to this amendment comes in various forms and from many groups around the state. Army Veteran and lifelong Hoosier resident, Shanika Bullock states her disapproval for the amendment and how harmful this amendment will be for family. “If discrimination is written into our constitution, my unconditional love for my partner will not be deemed equal to that of a straight couple. Love is all equal and real,” Shanika said. “I am proud to serve this country and all I ask in return is that I be treated fairly when I come home. Indiana is home for me and HJR-3 has no place here.” Many share in the same sentiment as Shanika on how using our constitution to takeaway protections is very harmful to Indiana’s residents. 13 mayors across the state of Indiana, both Republican and Democrat, have voiced their opposition to the amendment HJR-3. Major city mayors such as Indianapolis’ Mayor Greg Ballard, Fort Wayne’s Mayor Tom Henry, and Bloomington’s Mayor Mark Kruzan. “I understand that many people hold differing views on this subject, but Indiana law already defines marriage and I don’t see the overriding government interest in adding such an amendment to our state’s constitution, says Indianapolis’ Mayor Greg Ballard.

He continues on to say that “Indy is renowned for its ‘Hoosier hospitality’ and working hard to attract new jobs and people to our city. My hope is that we can continue to work together and focus on those things that make Indy a place where people want to live, work and raise a family.” Mayor Ballard touched on one of the major reasons why this amendment should not go forth, there is already a state law that defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. This reality just showcases to us that the proposed amendment is very redundant of existing law. Among opponents of HJR-3 are many of the state’s universities such as Indiana University, Butler University, Depauw University and Wabash. IU President Michael A. McRobbie stated that “…HJR-3 sends a powerfully negative message to prospective employees of Indiana as a place to live and work that is not welcoming to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. As a major employer in the state, IU competes with universities and companies around the world for the very best talent, and HJR-3 would needlessly add challenges to our ability to attract employees to our campuses around the state.” From faith leaders to army veterans to fellow Politian’s, legislators are hearing a resound VOTE NO ON HJR-3! Let your voice be heard as well.

REJECT HJR-3 Formerly known as HJR-6

Please visit www.freedomindian.org to call your legislator, write a letter, join in on rallies, and other actions.

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Interviewed by Tristan Rose

From pain comes laughter

ampson McCormick, its a name that stands out and the man behind it commands attention not intentionally its his aura and self confidence; that is what first makes you do a double take whether you’re watching him in person or via the internet, Sampson stops you dead in your tracks you want to know what he has to say. Born in North Carolina however he was raised DC and currently he resides in Oakland, California, Sampson is 27 years old and he has 3 siblings. Sampson McCormick didn’t have the white picket fence family life the most of us dream of, he endured physical abuse at the hands of his step father, which is why he found himself homeless at a young age if that wasn’t enough he was a young black man who was gay and to top it all off his family was extremely religious so coming out as gay wasn’t easy in the least in fact when Sampson told his mother he was gay she didn’t accept it but with time and understanding now he states she is his biggest cheerleader to date.

22 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

Sampson turned his adversities into comedy in order to get his message across, he has written two books, produced three comedy albums and won multiple awards the most recent one being the Gillard-Alston Award for his contributions to the LGBT Youth Empowerment in 2012. Sampson was also named Love from the Sound Stage’s Best Comedian in 2011. He is also an activist. Sampson has been in various print publications such as The Advocate, The Washington Post, Blade and Examiner he has also been featured in Metro and Truth weekly. Sampson has appeared on such television networks as BET, VH1, MTV and The Own Network. Sampson has preformed at the Kennedy Centre and had the privilege in August 2013 to become the first openly gay, black stand up comedian to headline the Howard Theatre in Washington, DC. Which is where his DVD “That Bitch Better Be Funny” was filmed, which is to be released in January 2014’ Those accolades and being on mainstream TV is something to be so proud of alone, mix it with

Sampson’s journey and it that saying “you can do anything you set your mind to” rings so true. After watching Sampson on stage via You Tube turning his stories into comedy, he touches on subjects ranging from his mother not accepting him being a young gay black man using religion to stop him from being gay, his step father being abusive towards him facing and dealing with being homeless and fighting homophobia in his religion, bullying and domestic violence. While on stage Sampson has that platform to use humor to talk about the adversities he has faced as a young gay black man, He tells his story on stage with humor not only to get his message across that it gets better, but to do it in a not confrontational way, a way that sinks in. Beyond everything he has over came on stage or off stage, in an interview or a conversation during my time talking to Sampson he made me smile, had me laughing out loud in emails and in our general conversation. The man has the funny gene and I can’t wait to keep watching him evolve. Sampson has had the pleasure of working with artists such as Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, Whoopi Goldberg, Mo’Nique, Luenell, Thea Vidale, Karen Williams, and RuPaul. Sampson’s mission is to allow people of all walks of life, to come together and feast on laughter, as his shows have received reviews that call his performances “riveting, conversational, uplifting, honest, fun, original, and full of good news.” Sampson is a warrior of life and being able to deal with laughter is the best medicine. I can’t wait to see him headlining shows across America and as the saying goes the world is your oyster, in this case his. What was your “moment” of realizing you were gay and how did your family and friends take it? I’ve always known that I was gay. I first knew, when I was about 5, in kindergarten or first grade, there was a boy, named Will. Little white boy, with a blonde haired bowl cut and fat freckled cheeks. I had the biggest crush on him! I use to do all his arts and crafts for him, kiss him and feed him glue. (Laughs) He peed on himself in class one day, that turned me off. I determined he wasn’t my type after that! I was like “oh hell naw!” As I got older, I began to understand what my sex-

uality really was, because of some of the names that I got called, by boys in the neighborhood, my stepfather, things people said to my mother about me, and of course being black, they had my ass up in church every Sunday. Trying to pray the gay away. That went on for YEARS!! After a while, especially after I got grown and was able to express myself a lot better and fight back, things got better. My mother is my biggest cheerleader now. I do have a few folks in my family who have things to say, but we have come to the understanding that I am who I am, and unless you plan on paying my bills and putting food on my table, your opinions about me don’t matter. It feels good to be at this point, especially considering how much hell you go through to get to this point. Being funny is one thing but how did you know you could make people laugh and make a living being a comedian? I’ve always known, that naturally, without trying that I made people laugh. I didn’t try hard, I was just always very lighthearted about things and that came through, I was goofy and silly growing up. When I became a teenager, I don’t know why, but I became interested in being a comedian. Finally, when I was 16, I started doing little things at school and during talent shows, finally at 17, my English teacher forced me to get onstage. She said if I didn’t, that she would fail me. I’ve been doing it ever since then, for over 10 years. What’s has been your favorite moment of your career so far? I have so many, the journey itself has been great, I could go on and on. But, I guess the fact that I’ve used comedy to overcome challenges in my life, depression, suicidal urges, all kinds of things. I’ve performed with some amazing people at some amazing places and it’s still fresh. Every time I step on stage, is my favorite moment. I love what I do. Who is your favorite comedian? I have three Whoopi Goldberg, Adele Givens and Bill Cosby. What is Sampson’s ultimate goal?

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SAMPSON CONTINUED To give a voice and face to black gay men on the mainstream stage. To win a couple Grammys and an Emmy Award. If I get that, I will be happy as far as personal accomplishments goes. I want to use my platform to inspire, empower, and invoke radical social change, in our schools, churches, media and thought. And do it with honesty, love and humor. And I’m still trying to bribe Oprah into adopting me as her son, a pet or something, shit. I’ll let her put me on a leash and walk on all fours for Oprah, honey! What do you wish to achieve in the gay community? I think the same, as my overall goal, to be revered as a fabulous entertainer, to help us to be our best selves. Love each other and laugh. Encourage self love, acceptance and contribute to our image in media. I want us to be able to look back over work that I’ve done and say; “he was one of the best”, or “ yesss, that bitch did that!” (Laughs) when I was growing up, the only gays you saw were stereotypical. Now we can create more authentic images of ourselves in our variety, I want to contribute to that in a big way. Raynbow Affair wants to know...What’s..your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment?! (Laughs) holding my 6-year-old niece down, so we could give her a mild perm. That girls hair was outta control! Every time we combed her hair, It was like that child on the Color Purple, screaming “it’s hurting huh ! It’s hurting huh !” ( laughs ) that’s one that comes to mind. We turned up and got that girls hair under control. Make sure you follow Sampson on Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to his You Tube channel and visit his website! Sampson is truly a selfless and gifted comedian and there aren’t enough of them in the world.

24 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

CONNECT WITH SAMPSON AT Twitter: @OfficialSampson Instagram: MisterSampson Website: www.sampsoncomedy.com Youtube: www.youtube. com/sampson247


The Web Series

by Eddie Griffith www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 25



was going through my stack of emails one day a few months ago when I came to one with the heading “Ken” intrigued I clicked on it, read the email then went on to watch what was to become “Ken The Web Series” I was given a link to the first two episodes and I was enthralled at the writing and the content.

Eddie Griffith is doing a tremendous job lifting the lid and showing anyone in that situation that it’s hard but it’s okay. Eddies directing and writing is impeccable I love how he’s shooting the web series, it’s a high class production with an amazing cast.

The struggle of a young black man coming to terms with fact that he is gay. Watching the main character Ken played by “Jarret Janako“ was such a real portrayal his facial expressions and eyes only enhanced the pain you felt watching him go from being engaged to a women to a one night stand with a man and how much it affected him. Coming from a religious background only made his journey that much harder.

Eddie himself has worked on numerous TV shows most notably “Royal Pains” and “Nurse Jackie” Eddie wanted more for himself then just being an Assistant Director he began directing music videos. While directing other peoples stories he realized he should be telling his own; many scripts and meetings two years later “Ken” was born.

This may be a web series but it’s the story of real life. That is happening everyday across the world and some men either ignore their feelings, or see men on the side or they can’t take the pressure of what it would mean to their community and family so they commit suicide.

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Since the first episode was uploaded to You Tube just under 4 months ago 3 episodes have amassed almost 40 thousand views and rising. The web series in such a short amount of time gives you so much to think about most of all, gay straight, black or white we all want to be loved for who we are. I applaud Eddie for making “Ken” because I know if he isn’t saving lives he is helping other young men come to terms with being gay.

After watching the first three episodes of Ken on You Tube I was floored with the message and the performance the actors gave, especially “Ken” played by Jarret Janako. What has the feedback been and reception you have had so far? Audiences have really enjoyed episode 3. Someone said “The show got better”. I could laugh because I wrote the script so that by the third episode every character is at a turning point. After watching the episodes that are up on You Tube, how many in total are there? There are three episodes on You Tube but six in total. I personally as a viewer would love this to be made into a movie, is that at all in your thought process down the line? Possibly and ideally I want to launch it as a miniseries via the web. Being an LGBT project have you found it more difficult than your other projects in terms of the movie/TV friends and family being accepting of it? It’s an LGBT project and Christian themed, with the holidays, it hasn’t been table talk. But I think they watch and are proud. I hope. 
After Ken is finished what is your next project? We are launching an Indiegogo campaign soon to produce about six more episodes. What do you want to have achieved in the next few years? More truthful clever storytelling to an audience that is ready to receive it, God willing.

FOLLOW KEN AT You Tube: KenWebSeries FB: facebook/KenTheWebseries Twitter: @KenWebSeries

Raynbow Affair wants to know what’s been your CRAZIEST “Turnt Up” moment? Oh God, my friends can answer this better than I can. For me has to be my 30th birthday party where I didn’t keep my shirt on and after this, I can’t tell you what happened. Make sure you jump on youtube and watch “Ken” and stay tuned where to watch the remaining episodes. Interviewed by Tristan Rose www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 27




Fashion Innovators New ideas and methods are introduced daily in the world of fashion. Some ideas are so old they appear new and the rest are just what they are, pure innovation. Even though fashion seems to operate like a revolving door forever in motion, innovators act as the momentum. Without these forces at work fashion would lack exposure. Winter is the season to actively explore and incorporate all the ideas of the past seasons. This issue of exposure will reflect upon location, concept and voice. These thresholds lead to a solid foundation for fashion innovation.

East of Africa The introduction to African textile in western history was a tragic yet historic innovation. The art of textiles were brought to the Americas by the people of Bakongo (Bantu + Kongo[hunter]) and West Africa, through means of slave trade. Slaves were stripped of their freedom, heritage and cultural believes. The people of Bakongo and West Africa chose the safest means of expression through quilting. Intricate expressions, proverbs and messages were relayed through quilting. Such forms of symbolic expression help shape the American textile history. As time went on and the abolishment of sla very occurred, the expression of African ancestry flourished. These once deprived means of expression were revived through political movements, music, art and dress. Whether it was the Dashiki and platted hair of the 60’s & 70’s. The Kenta cloth and Bogolanfini (mud cloth) fashioned hats and scarves of the 80’s & 90’s. The 2000’s geles (head wraps), dresses, shirts and 28 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

bottoms constructed from colorful brocaded and resin printed fabrics. African ancestry lives on through several races instead of just one. Modern day influences from Africa have shifted from Central and West Africa to East Africa. There are five designers that are shaping the world of fashion in Africa and leaving a lasting impression upon the world. The first innovator to watch for is Italian native Margherita Marvasi for MAGO East African for Zanzibar. Margherita’s designs are the perfect infusion of Italian & African influences. The number two spot belongs to Rwanda’s House of Tayo’s founder Matthew Rugamba. Matthew is a fashion forward scholar redefining the Rwandian social image. The fashion heat seekers that hold slot three & four are Christine Mhando for Chichia (Tanzania) and Annesophie Achera of Achera Designs (Kenya). The final slot goes to the infamous Sylvia Owori of Uganda. This entrepreneur and feminist is the shining example of perseverance amidst adversity. Sylvia began her quest in fashion in the late 90’s. The male driven Ugandan business community could not tame the prowess of Sylvia Owori. Whether it’s a clothing line, modeling agency or high end fashion magazine? Sylvia always vowed that anything she put her mind to would be a success. Fifteen years later this fashion power house is still going strong.

Margherita Marvasi MAGO Matthew Rugamba House of TAYO Christine Mhando Chichia Annesophie Achera Achera Designs Sylvia Owori Sylvia Owori Designs

FASHION INNOVATORS Match the style with the picture. Email us at contact@raynbowaffair with your answers

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She & He Wears Skins: Protection from the elements was the single use for animal skins, furs & pelts. This discovery was the key to human survival in various parts of the world. The prehistoric man hunted, trapped and skinned an animal for consumption. The prehistoric mans intuitive nature lead him to make use of the remaining parts of the animal. Thus fashion innovation was alive and primal in the prehistoric era. The inventions were anew in the forms of loin clothes, belts, shoes, jewelry etc. Today’s fashions are an extreme reflection of this basic necessity. Even though protection from the elements is still the driving factor, adornment is the accelerator. Whether you’re into skins, fur or a faux fur the winter season is all about extreme outerwear.

Fashion’s that speak volumes (Wearable Art) There is an extreme form of expression in the form of wearable art. Slogan clothing, apparel with words that speaks volumes in regards to everyday life. The art of clothing bearing words were brought to life in the fashion world by the likes of Vivian Westwood in the 70’s. Vivian Westwood is a fashion designer from the UK who wanted to shake up the fashion world with her passion for the new genre of modern punk. The words on Vivian’s shirts spoke of the movements, sex and free speech of the 70’s. Cool Earth, Act Fast, Save the World, Love and t-shirts demanding destruction with an altered swastika. With the help of her colleague Malcolm McLaren, Vivian’s political t-shirts broke ground for her own shop and self entitled label. Today’s slogan apparel goes beyond expression of love and political movements. The act of free speech has taken on a whole different meaning. Slogan’s cover the top of religion, onomatopoeia (sound effects), profanity and raw emotion. Slogan clothing has always been a constant staple in the fashion world, what does your clothing say about you?

Today’s slogan apparel goes beyond expression of love and political movements. The act of free speech has taken on a whole different meaning. Slogan’s cover the top of religion, onomatopoeia (sound effects), profanity and raw emotion. Slogan clothing has always been a constant staple in the fashion world, what does your clothing say about you?

Fashion’s that speak volumes (Wearable Art) There is an extreme form of expression in the form of wearable art. Slogan clothing, apparel with words that speaks volumes in regards to everyday life. The art of clothing bearing words were brought to life in the fashion world by the likes of Vivian Westwood in the 70’s. Vivian Westwood is a fashion designer from the UK who wanted to shake up the fashion world with her passion for the new genre of modern punk. The words on Vivian’s shirts spoke of the movements, sex and free speech of the 70’s. Cool Earth, Act Fast, Save the World, Love and t-shirts demanding destruction with an altered swastika. With the help of her colleague Malcolm McLaren, Vivian’s political t-shirts broke ground for her own shop and self entitled label. Today’s slogan apparel goes beyond expression of love and political movements. The act of free speech has taken on a whole different meaning. Slogan’s cover the top of religion, onomatopoeia (sound effects), profanity and raw emotion. Slogan clothing has always been a constant staple in the fashion world, what does your clothing say about you?

Raynbow Innovator /Trend-setter: This issue of Exposure was all about innovations and trend setting. Fashion innovators and trend setters reside the world over. Thus, here is your chance to show Raynbow Affair and followers what you’re working with. Please provide a brief description and a photo of your contribution to fashion innovation or trend setting. Include your name, city and state in the email. Email your submissions to contact@raynbowaffair.com. If your submission is selected you could appear in the next issue of Raynbow Affair. 30 PAGE www.raynbowaffair.com

RA EDITORIAL by Tristan Rose

What happened to it being about


the music

remember being a young teenager with my bedroom walls covered in Hanson, The Spice girls and Alanis Morrisette. Every Sunday I would be in my room listening to the radios top 40 countdown and it was the best part of my week. It was all about the music there was no internet in the mid to late 90s we didn’t know anything about the artists except the music they released, we knew what they wanted us to know nothing more nothing less.

Fast forward and its 2014, we have direct access to artists via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for instance. The paparazzi stalk celebrities endlessly for that exclusive photo for a trash magazine that writes what they want to, not the truth, what would that sell, trashy magazines make their money off of a celebrities photo and a made up story 99 percent of the time. Being hounded by the press I believe is part and parcel of being famous and having the luxury to fly via private planes and buy whatever they want in saying that they can also avoid the circus if they so wish to, by being more low key like.. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, some may not all enjoy the attention. However twitter beefs, scandals and what not its all taken away the mystery of an artist we pretty much know everything its almost like their music comes second to following them on Twitter or Facebook and the paparazzi following their every move. I miss the build up to an album and the promotion because that’s when we would get a glimpse of who the artist is, now they are almost an open book. Fans are on twitter 24/7 tweeting their favorite artist just to get a “mention”.

Singers aren’t just singers anymore they brand themselves with clothing lines, perfumes and so forth. It’s interesting to look at prices of clothes, perfumes and when artists ticket prices when they go on tour to see who is doing it for their fans or to make more money than necessary. I had this article half written when all of a sudden Beyoncè dropped Beyoncè and I was like that’s how its done! She is set to sell over 700 thousand albums on iTunes alone. She keeps her life as private as she can and keeps it all about the music. Another classic example is Eminem he’s just gone number one again with The Monster featuring Rihanna. Eminem is a recluse we don’t know much about him these days apart from his music and I like that because when I listen to him. His songs become the sound track to my life I don’t listen to his song and go, oh that was when he was in a night club fight (Chris Brown and Drake) we relate the song back to the artist more than our own life and after all, Music is the sound track to our lives, right?

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Loco Ninja

T Smuv

Jai Rouge

Anastasia Luna

Glitterlust www.raynbowaffair.com PAGE 33


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