jade noun (1) \jÄ d\ Jade is a given name derived from the ornamental stone jade, which is used in artwork and in jewellery making. It has a soothing purity about it, and it goes about purifying your energy field in a manner that is accepting, loving, and wise. One obvious meaning of the jade stone is purity or purification. And because jade is regarded as a stone that protects and supports loving heart energy.
jade ashley c. dizon
jade noun (1) \jÄ d\ Jade is a given name derived from the ornamental stone jade, which is used in artwork and in jewellery making. It has a soothing purity about it, and it goes about purifying your energy field in a manner that is accepting, loving, and wise. One obvious meaning of the jade stone is purity or purification. And because jade is regarded as a stone that protects and supports loving heart energy.