BMD Design Challenge

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0 6 . 0 8 . 2009


TOPI’ve thought, defined, undefined, written, sketched, listened, read, researched, viewed, reviewed, amassed, compiled, dissected and finally selected the most exciting and inspiring

TEN1-0 [in no particular order]


ideas, trends, innovations, projects, and institutions


inspiring, challenging + revolutionizing the major issues facing


the present collective circumstances, in which we live, work, grow interact, think, learn, build, move, give + consume, with a


hopeful + optimistic focus, and

NOWa sense of immediacy for what is relevant today [06.08.09], but has even greater implications for our shared future .




GLOBAL ISSUE: ECONOMIC RECESSION ACTION: FLASH FIRMS A global economic recession has affected the entire planet, resulting in widespread job losses, poverty and hunger. In the face of the recession and collapse of big business we are confronted with a great opportunity to restructure the organization of industry for the new globalized and digital environment. The decentralization of big business into distributed-information networks and Flash Firms will forever change the way many of us live, work, interact and move.

LATE 80s

MIT Professor Tom Malone predicted the internet would change the structure of industries, resulting in the fall of large vertically oriented companies and the emergence of a decentralized networked economy.

Big business keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger and bigger.

American companies faltered,resulting in a global economic recession. Huge top-down companies proved too slow to react, too dependent on debt, and unable to adequately control and cater to their diversified markets.


DECENTRALIZATION As many huge conglomerates are going on life support, it is thee expectation, as Malone predicted, that small, nimble distributedd information networks will emerge. Virtual flash firms madee up of small businesses, contract, and freelance labor, will comee together for one project, and then disperse and reconnect forr the next resulting in an efficiently employed and democratizedd global workforce. In Stephen Bakers 2008 book The Numerati, ti, he describes way in which IBM is making predictive models of its employees with the goal of better utilizing and deployingg its workforce. The mathematical models use employees profiless and information stored on their computers to create inventoriess of workers skills, interests, salary level, etc. to automate thee management process. In a decentralized economy, there aree immense possibilities for using these models on a regional, al, national, and global scale. Imagine a world where companiess and entrepreneurs will be able to enter the skills and budget et required for a project and receive a customized report of team m members drawn from a worldwide detailed database. <Flashh Firms> will affect unemployment, poverty, hunger, as well ass influencing worker education and reducing the environmental al impact of concentrated offices and transportation to and from m the workplace.


GLOBAL ISSUE: URBANIZATION ACTION: 19.20.21 19.20.21 is 5 year, multi-media initiative collecting, organizing and better understanding the populations effect regarding urban and business planning and its impact on consumers around the world. Subjects of exploration include health, education, transportation, demographics, energy, water, economics, and culture, to name a few. It is my personal hope is that 19.20.21 not only uncovers and quantifies the patterns of urban environments, but provides designers, planners and policy-makers with an action plan that enhances both individual experiences of urban environments and the environmental impact of urbanization.


The ill-prepared for life in the supercities of tomorrow.






More than two thirds of us will be living in cities.

Critical moment: Over half the worlds population lives in cities, amounting to more than 3 billions people

150 million people lived in the worlds cities.

3% of the world lived in cities and most people lived their entire liveswithout seeing one.

GLOBAL ISSUE: EDUCATION ACTION: UNIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLE Education empowers peoples, resulting in exponential change. The University of the People, in conjunction with efforts to bring technology to all corners of the earth, opens the opportunity of free, equal education to everyone on the planet.

David Wiley coins the term <open content>

1998 Creative Commons is founded in Massachusetts

MIT officially launches in October with 500 courses

2000 2001 2002 2002 MIT proposes the open courseware Project

UNESCO sponsors a forum and chooses <Open Educational Resources> to describe their efforts to create a universal educational resource for all of humanity

2003 The Open Courseware Consortium forms to advance education through open courseware

The Open Courseware Consortium grows to over 200 contributing institutions of higher education.



This fall, classes will begin at the worlds first tuition-free, online-only academic institution, University of the People. Israeli entrepreneur and founder Shai Reshef, seeks to take advantage of the worldwide presence of the Internet and dropping technology costs, open-source content and volunteer professors to provide collegiate level studies to everyone, including the poorest and most remotest places on earth. Reshef has a vision the UoPeople will serve as a global model for educating the next generation.

GLOBAL ISSUE: CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION: SUN COME UP Sun Come Up startles, informs, and inspires people to act now. The Carteret Islanders are a community in the Pacific Islands that is losing their homeland due to the effects of climate change, becoming the worlds first climate change refugees. Rising sea levels resulting from global warming largely the fault of the modern world have flooded their islands, contaminating crops and freshwater wells, despite the fact that the islanders live without electricity, cars or running water. Sun Come Up is a portrayal of the people faced with the loss of their land, and by extension their identity and way of life. The film raises awareness of this critical moment in history, shedding light on new issues of protecting human rights and culture of people displaced by the negligence and injudiciousness of other populations. The film inspires people to take action against climate change to prevent future transgressions. Last weekend [06.03.2009], the producers screened a short of the film [still a work in progress] at the Media that Matters film festival.


sea levels has risen 400 feet since the ice age as a result of global warming the Carteret Islanders have become the worlds first climate change refugees


climate change could displace up to

250 million people

GLOBAL ISSUE: RENEWABLE ENERGY ACTION: THE HYWIND Wind power available in the atmosphere is much greater than current world energy consumption. The most comprehensive study to date found the potential of wind power on land and near-shore to be 72 TW, equivalent to 54,000 MToE (million tons of oil equivalent) per year, or over five times the worlds current energy use in all forms. This weekend [06.06-07.2009] the Hywind became worlds first floating wind turbine.

The Hywind, a collaboration between Siemens and Statoil, is 2.3 MW wind turbine that will be tested off the coast of Norway for two years, in search of harvesting the stronger and more consistent winds at sea over larger areas, all while out of site. The wind turbine draws on knowledge of offshore oil and gas technologies, and combines this with current wind power technologies used on land or near shore. In addition to testing the current design of the pilot, Statoils goal is to reduce costs so that floating wind power can compete in the power market.

Hywind becames the first floating wind turbine.


The turbine has a 100 meter draft that is anchored to the seabed with cables, that can be up to 700 meters long.

Official testing begins.


GLOBAL ISSUE: SUSTAINABILITY ACTION: ECOTECT Building consume 48% of all energy, 76% of all electricity, and make-up 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. Ecotect is a building design and environmental analysis tool that covers the full range of simulation and analysis functions required to understand how a building design will operate and perform. It finally allows designers to work easily in 3D and apply all the tools necessary for an energy efficient and sustainable future. Ecotects allows designers to calculate sustainability data early and often in the design process, allowing designers to make changes in the crucial early stages of the project. Ecotect takes time, uncertainty, and cost out of the building, changing the way that arcihtects, engineers, and designers worldwide approach the design process. Ecotect will directly and positively impact the physical built environment on a worldwide scale.

MAR 09

Autodesk rolled out Ecotect Analysis 2010 to its 9 million customers, including architects, engineers, and designers worldwide.

Digital fabrication,and Building Information Modeling [BIM] have revolutionized the way in which design, engineer, communicate, construct, maintain, and ultimately demolish structures. BIM is the process of generating and managing building data during its life cycle, using three-dimensional, real-time, dynamic building modeling software to increase productivity in building design and construction. BIM has allowed for fewer coordination errors, more efficient scheduling and reduced construction time, better cost-estimates and by extension savings, and better quality products.


First implementation of BIM under the Virtual Building concept by Graphisofts ArchiCAD.

GLOBAL ISSUE: TRANSPORTATION ACTION: SUSTAINABLE PERSONAL MOBILITY + MOBILITY-ONDEMAND SYSTEMS (SPM/MoD) As cities continue to grow at never seen before rates, populations become increasingly mobile, and the environment continues to be exacerbated by fossil fuel emissions, many are looking to urban planner, policy makers, vehicle designers, transportation infrastructures and alternative energies to provide integrated alternatives to our current predicament. There are various programs all over the world being implemented to reduce the worlds dependence on fossil fuels and cater to population and mobility demands, including bike sharing, automobile innovation, and high-speed rail, to name a few. SPM/MoD is significant in that its integrated approach has the potential for immediate application in the United States, where dependence on oil and fossil fuel emissions are the greatest and most hazardous levels. „06.06.2009 the Buckminster Fuller Institute awarded SPM/MoD, an interdisci plinary student team represented 8 different countries from MIT, the $100,000 first prize for the 2009 Buckminster Fuller Challenge. SPM/MoD plans to use the money towards furthering the research and implementation of their proposal.







Green-Wheel Bicycle [technology applied to an existing bicycle]

<Mobility-on-Demand systems utilize fleets of shared-use lightweight electric vehicles placed at automatic charging racks throughout a city. The CityCar and RoboScooter, both folding vehicles, along with the Green-Wheel Bicycle, minimize parking space and can be picked-up and dropped-off at any rack. Mobility-on-Demand systems maximize mobility and dramatically reduce congestion and pollution through energy and land-use efficiency.>‰ [From the teams proposal for the Buckminster Fuller Challenge]

GLOBAL ISSUE: DISEASE ACTION: WAKE FOREST INSTITUTE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Everyday 17 people in the United States die waiting to receive an organ transplant. Imagine a world where there is no waiting, less uncertainty, and less diseases pervading the lives of families; a world where no one is relegated to a group of permanently disabled, but instead people are made continually made more able. Regenerative Medicine is on the cusp of eliminating the shortage of organs, and reducing the risk of organ rejection. North Carolines Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine is the largest bioengineering firm in the world.

The Institute announced it had grown human bladders in a lab,had been the first to successfully implant the lab-grown organs in people, and those people that received them were still healthy 5 years later.

Dr. Atala and his team have been able to shock cells back to their pluri potent state, which means the lab can grow complex organic structures from a few human cells, such as skin cells, instead of using embryonic stem cells.



The lab is currently working on growing 22 different tissues, including heart valves, muscles and fingers, having the potential to create the most pervasive influence on public health in the modern era.


GLOBAL ISSUE: HUNGER ACTION: THE VERTICAL FARM PROJECT By 2050, two thirds of us will be living in cities [see URBANIZATION]. Conservative estimates suggest that the human population will increase by 3 billion people. An estimated 109 hectares of new land [about 20% more land than is represented by the country of Brazil] will be needed to grow enough food to feed us, if traditional farming practices continue as they are practiced today. At present, throughout the world, over 80% of the land that is suitable for raising crops is in use. Historically, some 15% of that has been laid waste by poor management practices. Vertical farms offer the promise of urban renewal, sustainable production of a safe and varied food supply year-round, and may allow for the eventual repair of ecosystems that have been damaged by reckless practices in horizontal farming.

Could reduce the incidence of armed conflict over natural resources, such as waterand land for agriculture


May prove to be useful for integrating into refugee camps

Creates new employment opportunities Offers the promise of measurable economic improvement for tropical and subtropical LDCs.

+ +

+ Creates environments centers

sustainable for urban


Converts abandoned urban properties into food production centers


Dramatically reduces fossil fuel use [no tractors, plows, shi pping.]


Adds energy back to the grid via methane generation from composting non-edible parts of plants and animals

Converts black and gray water into potable water by collecting the water of evapotranspiration


Reduces the incidence of many infectious diseases that are acquired at the agricultural interface


Returns farmland to nature, restoring ecosystem functions and services


Eliminates agricultural runoff by recycling black water


Organic: no herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers



No weather-related crop failures due to droughts, floods, pests


Year-round crop production; 1 indoor acre is equivalent to 4-6+ outdoor acres


GLOBAL ISSUE: POVERTY ACTION: ABDUL LATIF JAMEEL POVERTY ACTION LAB [J-PAL] Over three billion people, roughly half the worlds population, live on less than two dollars a day. The Poverty Action Lab (J-Pal) will positively impact over 100 million of these people in the next three years. Traditional policy approaches to alleviate poverty including monetary assistance and increased trade have not solved the problem, and in some cases, worsened it. J-PAL realizes that radical change requires taking a step back to critically understand of the underlying systems in place in order to move ahead into the future. J-PALs goal is to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is based on scientific evidence. Some of the findings are surprising. Providing textbooks to students does not improve test scores or drop-out rates. WhatĂŠs in a name? Emily and Greg are more employable than Lakisha and Jamal. Students less likely to take deworming drugs if they learn about them through their social network. While others are obvious but mayve failed to get the attention of policy makers. Women are more politically active in village councils with a female leader. Recipients of consumer credit retain wage employment and are less impoverished. The work being done by J-PAL not only changes the lives of millions of people, but also changes the way in which people approach issues facing the world today.

2005 29 Evaluations Completed


30 Million Lives Positively Impacted

2010 180 Evaluations Completed

100 Million

Lives Positively Impacted 2013

GLOBAL RECESSIONFLASH FIRMS Anderson, Chris. The New New Economy. Wired Magazine: June 2009. 98-99. Baker, Stephen. The Numerati. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: August 12, 2008. Malone, Tom. The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style, and Your Life. Harvard University Press: 2004. URBANIZATION19.20.21 EDUCATIONUNIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLE Open CourseWare The Open Education Resource Timeline. May 6, 2009. Retrieved from University of the People UN News Centre. UN announces launch of worlds first tuition-free, online university. May 19, 2009. http:// CLIMATE CHANGE SUN COME UP MacFarquhar, Neil. Refugees Join List of Climate-Change Issues. The New York Times-Global Edition: May 28, 2009. Retrieved from Media that Matters. Sun Come Up. RENEWABLE ENERGY THE HYWIND BTM Consult (2009). International Wind Energy Development World Market Update 2009. Retrieved from StatOil Hydra. Hywind Floating Wind Turbine. Retrieved from TechnologyInnovation/NewEnergy/RenewablePowerProduction/Onshore/Pages/Karmoy.aspx LaBarre, Suzanne. Harvesting the Wind. Metropolis Magazine: May 13, 2009. Madslien, JoStarn. Floating wind turbine launched. BBC News: June 5, 2009. Wiki pedia. Wind Power. Retrieved from

SUSTAINABILITY ECOTECT ECOTECT (Building Performance Simulation Software) Kamenetz, Anya. 20: Dawn Danby, Sustainable Design Program Manager, AutoDesk. 100 Most Creative People in Business. Fast Company. June 2009. p 70. Wiki pedia. BIM. Retrieved from Wong, Kenneth. Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2010. May 13, 2009. Retrieved from http://www.architectureweek. com/2009/0513/tools_1-1.html TRANSPORTATION [SPM + MoD] Buckminster Fuller Challange. Mobility on Demand. MIT. DISEASEREGENERATIVE MEDICINE Enriquez, Juan. The Next Big Thing: A New You. Foreign Policy: Global Politics, Economics, Ideas. Issue 172, May/June 2009: 84-85. Salter, Chuck. 100 Most Creative People in Business: Dr. Anthony Atala, Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Fast Company: June 2009. 97. Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine. HUNGER THE VERTICAL FARM PROJECT Alter, Lloyd. Vertical Farm in Dubai Uses Seawater. March 5, 2009. Treehugger. Retrieved from http://www. Kain, Alexandra. Pyramid Farm: Vertical Agriculture for 2060. Inhabitat. June 3, 2009. Retrieved from http:// Steffen, Bridgette. Amazing Skyscraper Farm for Vancouver. Inhabitat. May 11, 2009. Retrieved from http:// The Vertical Farm Project POVERTY J-PAL


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