Tablon NHS-Senior High School Book of Abstracts

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2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: “Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.”


March 21, 2018 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 2/F, ABM 12 Room, Senior High Building Tablon National High School Cagayan de Oro City


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.


JONATHAN S. DELA PEÑA, Ph.D., CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent In view of the importance of research especially in the change of the Philippine’s educational system, I am happy to note that this 2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit is convened. The theme chosen of “Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through studentteacher collaboration” is appropriate, considering the important roles of teachers in the constantly changing society. The present-day teachers should not only merely provide transmission of information but should also stimulate the process of teaching and learning. One way to do so is do research and share its findings. My desire is for Tablon National High School to continue to provide an avenue to spark the desire of everyone to do research, share its findings and come up with important recommendations to improve educational processes. Mabuhay!


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.


ALICIA E. ANGHAY, Ph.D., CESE Assistant Schools Division Superintendent In an increasingly challenging school environment, there is a critical need for coordinated strategies to provide our senior high school learners with a platform by which vital concerns are examined and responded to. Congratulations to Tablon National High School for establishing a coherent development strategy for them through the conduct of this 2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit. May this research activity inspire new and applicable standards in research and development and drive innovation across all disciplines. This summit is also a golden opportunity for other schools to benchmark on as we prepare our senior high school learners for productive curriculum exits. Learners presenting their researches alongside their advisers makes me very excited. I have great admiration for these learners and an even greater respect for these teachers for levelling the playing field. It is a reflection of a higher intellectual maturity. To the organizers, proponents, and participants to this summit, my salute to all of you!


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.


JOEL D. POTANE, Ph.D. Division Research Coordinator Senior Education Program Specialist With all endeavors that DepEd is doing on research which practically involves everyone in the academic community – from the division leaders to the school heads and then to the teachers – I am most happy and proud that this trickled down to the main clientele of this all--- our students. So my salute to the senior high school teachers and students for the joint effort in coming up with researches. As a researcher, I am a testament that research efforts can make us wise as decisionmakers. The emergence of decisions that is data-driven and literature-based will elevate us to a more higher level of thinking skills. It is with confidence that I congratulate everyone for this great accomplishment. May this continue to influence others in making more researches because it is in this undertaking that we remain to improve access to education, governance and most of all, quality of education. Again, my sincerest congratulations!


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.


ENGR. MACAPANGCAT U. MAMA, JR., MAEd Principal I Congratulations to everyone who shared their time and commitment, and the value you bring to research that makes this very important activity into a reality. This activity equips you participants with much needed knowledge and skills to develop outcome-based learning tasks. You are now researchers. Being a researcher requires inspiration and constant dedication. Maintaining a high level of intensity can be extremely difficult, especially when things do not go as planned. May the insightful presentations and candid exchanges inspire you to develop the tools that will bring out the best in you. In the meantime, my dear students, let us engineer your minds, hearts and hands so that you can go out and conquer this globalizing and material-oriented world. You must desire, discover and experience the essential things that will ease and accelerate your climb to this mountain of life through research. You may forget your location; but always bear in mind your direction! Again, it is my wish that you will continue in your mission to remain steadfast and resolute in doing research.


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.


RAY BUTCH D. MAHINAY, Ph.D. Master Teacher II for SHS Senior High Research Coordinator It started with the experience that research is actually fulfilling and this personal reflection positioned me to share to the fund of knowledge especially in Tablon NHS-Senior High School. Enriching research culture is admittedly not easy to any institution. However, the willingness of my colleagues to be partners with the students in the subject Practical Research eased our way to hold the 2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit with assurance. And true to the aims of DepEd in its research agenda, we respond to do research as a mechanism for improvement. In this summit, a total of 18 researches will be presented by Senior High students with the guidance of their research advisers. These researches were done one year long and as accurately as possible in terms of methodology and statistics. This book of abstracts also highlights the research accomplishments and collaborations of the administration and teaching workforce of the school. It will show that research is modeled by example. We hope that our preparations and prayers will merit a productive and smooth research summit!


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

SUMMIT PROCEEDINGS Registration (7:30 AM) Opening Prayer (8:00 AM) Philippine National Anthem Welcome Remarks Engr. Macapangcat U. Mama, MAEd Principal I Rationale of the Activity Ray Butch D. Mahinay, PhD Senior High Research Coordinator Keynote Speech Joel D. Potane, PhD Division Research Coordinator Introduction of the Guest Judges Psyche B. Cambo, MAIE Junior High Research Coordinator Reading of the Summit Rules Concepcion L. Eduria, MAEd Senior High School Coordinator Oral Research Presentation Morning Session (9:00 AM) Lunch Break Oral Research Presentation Afternoon Session (1:00 PM) Song Number (4:00 PM) Giving of Certificates of Recognition Announcement of Winners

Ricky T. Real Student, TVL-Plumbing Engr. Macapangcat U. Mama, MAEd Principal I Ray Butch D. Mahinay, PhD Senior High School Research Coordinator Psyche B. Cambo, MAIE Junior High School Research Coordinator

Concepcion L. Eduria, MAEd Senior High School Coordinator Acknowledgment Ray Butch D. Mahinay, PhD Senior High School Research Coordinator


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

PRESENTATION SCHEDULE Morning Session TITLE Group 1 Leadership Styles of the Junior and Senior High School Classroom Presidents and VicePresidents in Tablon National High School Group 2 Social Media in Education: Uses of Facebook among Junior and Senior High School Students Group 3 Survey on the Multiple Intelligences of Senior High School Students in Tablon National High School Group 4 Understanding the Study Habits of Junior and Senior High School Students in Tablon National High School Group 5 Consumer Perceptions on the School Canteen among Students and Teachers of Tablon National High School Group 6 Inventory of Science Learning Styles Tablon National High School Students Group 7 Reading Proficiency of Grade 7 Students in Tablon National High School Group 8 Perceptions on the Use of Smart Phones among Junior and Senior High School Students Group 9 Socioeconomic Profile, Eating Habits and Body Mass Index of Junior High School Students


TIME 9:00-9:20

Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Psyche Cambo, MAIE


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Concepcion Eduria, MAEd


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Pedro Gamba, MIH


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Psyche Cambo, MAIE


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Pedro Gamba, MIH

ADVISER: Macapangcat U. Mama LEADER: Caduyac, Nick Vhanne ADVISER: Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD LEADER: Pestano, Steffi Griffith ADVISER: Concepcion Eduria LEADER: Larrobis, Bryan ADVISER: Psyche Cambo LEADER: Manlangit, Ryan Jay ADVISER: Nympa Epe LEADER: Hernani, Vincent Ray C. ADVISER: Emma Roxas LEADER: Abillar, Nhelgerica . ADVISER: Rhea Dablo LEADER: Lepiten, Shaharah Hope ADVISER: Ricky L. Rendiza Leader: Simbajon, Paul . ADVISER: Rafael Silagan



2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Afternoon Session Group 10 Prevalence of Absenteeism of Junior High School Students in Tablon National High School Group 11 Awareness and Practices of the DepEd’s Vision and Mission among the Junior and Senior High School Students Group 12 Perceptions of Junior High School Students on the Library Services of Tablon National High School Group 13 Preferences on Senior High School TVL Specializations among Grade 9 and 10 Students of Tablon National High School Group 14 Proficiency in the Installation of Cold Water System Supply Lines among Senior High School Students Group 16 Motivational Interest in English Subject among Junior High School Students in Tablon National High School Group 17 Proficiency of Filipino Grammar Skills among Junior High School Students in Tablon National High School Group 18 Core Exercises Performance of Grade 7 Students in Tablon National High School Group 19 Skills Readiness in Electrical Installation and Maintenance among Grade 10 Students in Tablon National High School

LEADER: Abbu, Glen ADVISER: Janice Espejo LEADER: Balos, Michelle ADVISER: Graceal Jurado LEADER: Magadan, Cherlyn Mae . ADVISER: Miraflor Labnotin LEADER: Sabellita, Rowena S. ADVISER: Christine Babida LEADER: Paigalan, Fritzie Mae ADVISER: Derson Pacudan LEADER: Macabodbod, Liezel ADVISER: Mary Cris Akut LEADER: Rosel, Anrose


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Pedro Gamba, MIH


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Pedro Gamba, MIH


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Concepcion Eduria, MAEd


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Concepcion Eduria, MAEd


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Rhea Dablo, MAEd


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Miraflor Labnotin


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Ray Butch Mahinay, PhD


Carol Lorono, PhD Marivic Labitad, PhD Concepcion Eduria, MAEd

ADVISER: Analyn Vestidas LEADER: Alulod, Kim Bryan ADVISER: Janet Pailagao LEADER: Banaay, April ADVISER: Jerry Del Puerto


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

STUDENTS’ ABSTRACTS These are actual research studies of the Senior High School students for Practical Research 1 and 2 which were collaborated with Tablon National High School teachers.


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Jade Noreen S. Bantoto Kent Paul O. Berendez Kevin Clark E. Subeza Windsor V. Sabanal Researchers Engr. Macapangcat U. Mama, MAEd Principal I, Research Adviser

Leadership Styles of the Junior and Senior High Classroom Presidents and Vice-Presidents in Tablon National High School Abstract Leadership begins with a simple realization that one wants to be a leader. Leaders have opportunities to move forward and take charge of a situation. This study investigated the leadership styles among the junior and senior high classroom presidents and vice-presidents in Tablon National High School for school year 2017-2018. The researchers used quantitative and qualitative methods. It utilized a field survey tool (Cronbach’s α=0.68) to determine the leadership styles. It also employed focus group discussion (FGD) to verify the gathered data. Descriptive statistics (i.e. mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (i.e. ANOVA) was used in interpreting and analyzing data. Among the four leadership styles namely, (1) autocratic; (2) democratic; (3) laissez-faire; and (4) paternalistic, majority of the leaders are democratic which is the most highly satisfactory because it involves the people in the decision-making with free-flowing ideas. While the other leadership styles are not present in the acting leaders. The study further posits that leaders motivate members according to their leadership style. It gives a good image of the classroom leaders that they are respectable and decent enough to manifest effective leadership in school. Keywords: student leadership, leadership styles, curricular activities


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Nick Vhanne Austine D. Caduyac Nilo M. Marquita Researchers Ray Butch D. Mahinay, PhD Master Teacher II for SHS, Research Adviser

Social Media in Education: Uses of Facebook among Junior and Senior High School Students Abstract With more than 1.71 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide (Statista, 2017). Popular activities on the social network include watching videos, liking content via button, reading articles and messaging friends on one-on-one basis. This enthused the researchers to investigate the perception of Facebook uses among the junior and senior high students in Tablon National High School. The study applied both quantitative and qualitative. A researcher-made questionnaire (Cronbach’s α=.89) was used in the field survey. Focus group discussion was also utilized. Descriptive analysis showed that the students have a high level of perceptions on both personal and educational purposes on Facebook. Moreover, correlation statistics manifested that the more the students use Facebook for personal reasons, the more they will use the same platform for classroom tasks. These data were verified during FGD that students interact and share files in Facebook with their classmates. The study recommends policy directions on the use of social media in schools. Keywords: Facebook, student perceptions, educational technology


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Steffi Griffith D. Pestaño Glenn P. Cainoy Researchers Concepcion L. Eduria, MAEd Master Teacher II for SHS, Research Adviser

Survey on the Multiple Intelligences of the Senior High School Students in Tablon National High School Abstract Multiple intelligence differentiates intellect into specific modalities rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability. This study determined the multiple intelligences of the senior high school students of Tablon National High School for school year 2017-2018. This research is quantitative in design. It utilized field survey to the respondents with a questionnaire. It is descriptive in nature as it focused on the surveying of senior high school students’ multiple intelligences. Descriptive statistics (i.e. mean and standard deviation, frequency distribution and percentage) and inferential statistics (i.e. ANOVA) were employed for data analyses. Results revealed that respondents have high intelligence in bodily-kinesthetic and have low intelligence in visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal and naturalistic. There are significant differences in some of the intelligences if the respondents are grouped according to gender, grade level and strand. Keywords: multiple intelligences, learning approaches, senior high school


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Ryan Jay T. Manlangit Shella Mae Oyao Ger Adrian E. Padrigao Rex Jefferson C. Ayuman Researchers Nympa G. Epe, MBA Teacher I, Research Adviser

Consumer Perceptions on the School Canteen among Students and Teachers of Tablon National High School Abstract All schools in the Philippines have a canteen with various management implementations among public elementary and secondary schools. This study investigated the consumer perception on the school canteen among teachers and students of Tablon National High School for school year 2017–2018. The researchers used both quantitative and qualitative designs. It utilized field survey and focus group discussion (FGD) to the respondents with a questionnaire and FGD script. Descriptive statistics (i.e. mean and standard deviation, frequency distribution and percentage) and inferential statistics (i.e. Pearson Product Moment Correlation) were employed for data analyses. The survey has concurred high to all the factors which are cleanliness, affordability, availability and palatability of the students’ perceptions on the school canteen. Meanwhile on teachers’ perceptions, all the factors are high except in cleanliness. This manifests that students and teachers have different insights in terms of cleanliness. Moreover, association analysis provided that all the factors are related with each other. It is recommended in this study that cleanliness will be seriously considered in canteen operations.

Keywords: school canteen, cleanliness, affordability, availability, palatability


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Vincent Ray C. Hernani Alfrancis M. Bagongon Decerie Mae S. Tibalan Researchers Emma S. Roxas, MASE Teacher I, Research Adviser

Inventory of Science Learning Styles among Tablon National High School Students Abstract Identifying how to improve learners’ Science approaches is important for teachers to enhance the teaching-learning process. This research investigated the Science learning styles of junior and senior high school students of Tablon National High School. The study used a mixed methods design where the students answered a survey tool. This was modified from the visual-auditorykinesthetic (VAK) questionnaire of Neil Flemming (2017). Focus group discussion was utilized to get qualitative results from the respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied: (1) frequency distribution and percentage; (2) mean and standard deviation; and (3) Chi-square test. The students learn best by visual means, next is auditory, kinesthetic, and combination. There are no significant differences in their science learning if characterized according to their section and gender. The study concludes that the students should maximize their science learning with the use of science visual aids (i.e. charts, pictures). Keywords: Science improvement, learning styles, study method


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Nhelgerica I. Abillar Shaila Mae L. Dayaday Researchers Rhea S. Dablo, MAEd Teacher I, Research Adviser

Reading Proficiency of Grade 7 Students in Tablon National High School Abstract Reading proficiency is a fundamental skill that affects the learning experiences and school performances of children and adolescents. This study determined the reading proficiency level of the Grade 7 students of Tablon National High School for school year 2017-2018. This research is quantitative in design. It utilized field testing to the respondents of the study with a questionnaire (Kuder-Richardson 21, reliability coefficient=.99) adapted from the Reading Power textbook. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, and frequency distribution and percentage, were used to determine the reading proficiency level of the respondents. After the survey were conducted, both gender had high level of reading proficiency in Noting Details and had low reading proficiency level in Making Inferences. The reading comprehension of the student has 50.27% of proficiency level which describe that the respondents has low reading comprehension. ANOVA analysis determined significant differences on most reading proficiency factors if based on gender and section. The study recommends enriching the school’s reading activities to increase students’ reading comprehension levels. Keywords: noting details, getting the main idea, making inferences, reading comprehension


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Shaharah Hope V. Lepiten Christy S. Alenguira Lazer Psalm B. Taldo Marvin Jay V. Cabaluna Researchers Ricky L. Rendiza Teacher II for SHS, Research Adviser

Perceptions on the Use of Smart Phones among Junior and Senior High School Students Abstract Mobile phones have become an almost essential part of human daily life with their rapid growth in popularity which started in the late 1990s. This study investigated the perceptions on the use of smart phones among junior and senior high school students of Tablon National High School for the school year 2017-2018. The researchers used quantitative design. It utilized a field survey tool with a Cronbach’s α coefficient of .61. The researchers used the following statistical tools: (1) means and standard deviation; (2) frequency and percentage; and (3) Pearson Product Moment Correlation. After the field survey was conducted, the results revealed that the students have high perception level on affordability, usability and technical capabilities of smart phones. The results revealed that the respondents have high preferences in using smart phones than keypad phones. This means that students are in the millennial time and most owns smart phones that have been deeply integrated to one’s lifestyles. Keywords: smart phone, affordability, usability, technical capabilities


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Paul M. Simbajon Mark Jules E. Pasco Nestea Bustamante Researchers Rafael Silagan, RN Teacher I, Research Adviser

Socioeconomic Profile, Eating Habits and Body Mass Index of Junior High School Students Abstract Body Mass Index (BMI) is expressed as the person’s weight in kilogram divided by the square of height in meters. Extreme BMI categories such obesity or severely wasted are major health issues among students nowadays. The study investigated the effects of family income, frequency of food intake, and choice of food of junior high students for the school year 2017-2018. Researchers used both qualitative and quantitative designs so that the study can effectively address the research problems. It utilized a field survey tool and focus group discussion (FGD) to gather and substantiate the results of the survey. Percentage and frequency was used to tally the socioeconomic profile and BMI status of the respondents. Kendall’s tau-b was used to determine the significant differences of BMI according to respondent’s profiles. Results showed that majority of the respondents eat three times a day and they are in the normal weight for the BMI category. However, watching television is ascertained while eating and the respondents did not eat their meals on time. The students are complying the sufficient number of meals per day however their malpractices led them to overall unhealthy routine.

Keywords: body mass index status, eating habits, healthy lifestyle


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Glen M. Abbu Aldrin A. Tiongco Vanessa B. Aguilar Researchers Janice P. Espejo Teacher I, Research Adviser

Prevalence of Absenteeism of Junior High School Students in Tablon National High School Abstract Absenteeism is one of the major problems in schools and this is presumed to have rooted to different factors. This study investigated the reasons of absenteeism of Tablon National High School students in the division of Cagayan de Oro City for school year 2017-2018. Using the quantitative methods, a field survey was used to determine what is their highest reason of absenteeism. Focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted to support the survey. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to organize and analyze the data. Chi-square test was used to determine the significance differences of absenteeism if characterized according to their profiles. The results showed that majority of the respondents lived with their parents. Mostly, students encounter once a week absence because of sickness. Students are aware of retention policies if they are absent always. FGD verified these causes of their being absent. This study directs the role of students to stay present in their classes, improve attendance, and perform academic tasks. Keywords: absenteeism, retention policies, classroom attendance


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Michelle P. Balos Kirk P. Logronio Cherry Jean G. Suson Researchers Graceal A. Jurado Teacher I, Research Adviser

Awareness and Practices of the DepEd’s Mission and Vision among the Junior and Senior High School Students Abstract The Department of Education (DepEd) established the mission and vision that are ought to be followed by teachers and students at every education level. This study investigated the DepEd’s mission and vision level of awareness of the junior and senior high school students in Tablon National High School for the school year 2017-2018. Using the descriptive research design, it utilized a field survey tool (Cronbach’s α coefficient=.88) to determine the levels of awareness and practices of the respondents in DepEd’s Mission and Vision. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage, and mean and standard deviation were used. Result showed that the students have a high level of awareness and practices. Correlation analyses revealed that there is significantly high relationship between the two variables. It can manifest that the more the students are aware, the more they can practice the vision and mission. In spite the results, this study still recommends for the school to initiate awareness activities for the students to sustain the status quo for the school community to follow and abide at all times.

Keywords: DepEd’s mission and vision, awareness level, institutional goals


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Cherlene Mae J. Magadan Haidie A. Vidad Christian L. Maňamosa Researchers Miraflor B. Labnotin Teacher II, Research Adviser

Perceptions of Junior High School Students on Library Services of Tablon National High School Abstract Library services plays a major role in the academic life of students. This study investigated the perceptions on the library services of the students of Grades 7 to 10 in Tablon National High School for the school year 2017-2018. Using the quantitative design, the study involved field survey to the respondents with a validated survey questionnaire (Cronbach’s α=0.57). It is descriptive in nature as it focuses on junior high school students and their perceptions on the library services. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, frequency distribution and standard deviation were used to determine the perceptions of students on the library services of the participants before and after the interventions. ANOVA was also used to get the differences of their perceptions according to their profile. After the interventions were conducted, the findings revealed that most of the students chose to borrow books in the library to find sources of information. Other students preferred going to the internet café to do some research regarding with their lessons. It also revealed that the study space is not totally enough for them because the said area is enough for 1015 students to observe tolerable silence. The study points out that the need for library services is to utilize approaches in improving study space in the school’s library. Keywords: library services, study space, student services


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Rowena T. Sabellita Richard G. Nob Joenard N. Barcelona Marvin U. Urbano Researchers Christine D. Babida Teacher II, Research Adviser

Preferences on Senior High School TVL Specializations among Grade 9 and Grade 10 Students of Tablon National High School Abstract Senior High School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12. This study investigated on the preference of student’s choices of Technical-VocationalLivelihood specialization as a career. The options are as follows: Plumbing, Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM), Bread and Pastry, Housekeeping and Hairdressing. Using the quantitative and qualitative methods, a field survey design was used to determine their preferences. A focus group discussion (FGD) was utilized to support the results of the survey. Descriptive statistics used were frequencies and percentages to describe the chosen specializations of the respondents. Chi-square was used to determine the significant differences of their preferences according to their profiles. Majority of the students preferred to take (1) cookery as their first choice; (2) electrical installation and maintenance as second; and (3) plumbing as third. Most of the students chose a specialization in accordance to their interest and having an influence from their parents. Some students were also forced to take a course even if they do not like it because it is the only available in the school. It is recommended that the most preferred specialization will be offered in school.

Keywords: student preferences, technical-vocational-livelihood specialization, senior high school


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Fritzie Mae A. Paigalan Harvey B. Langbid Researchers Derson T. Pacudan Teacher I, Research Adviser

Proficiency in the Installation of Cold Water System Supply Lines among Senior High School Students Abstract One of the technical-vocational-livelihood offerings in Tablon National High School for senior high school students is Plumbing. The study investigated the plumbing grades of the Grade 11and 12 students alongside their level of proficiency of installing the cold water supply lines. The research is quantitative in design and it utilized actual skills demonstration of the respondents with a performance rubric. The researchers used the following descriptive statistical tools: mean and standard deviation. Mean is used to identify the average level of proficiency in installing cold system. Standard deviation tells whether the data is scattered or clustered. The study found that the Plumbing students are improving in their basic, common, and core competencies. All respondents have high competence. This means that the respondents are competent enough to face real-life experience in a competitive world and explore career opportunities in Plumbing. Keywords: cold water supply system, plumbing, senior high school


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Liezel Macabodbod Kenny Balabag Norman Porsuelo Researchers Mary Cris Akut Teacher I, Research Adviser

Motivational Interest in English Subject among Junior and Senior High School Students Abstract Motivational interest in English subject plays a major role in the intrinsic and extrinsic academic life of the students. This study investigated the motivational interest in English subject among the students in Grade 7 to Grade 12 in Tablon National High School. Using both quantitative and qualitative research designs, the study involved field survey and focus group discussion (FGD) to the respondents. The survey questionnaire has a Cronbach’s α=.82. Descriptive results revealed that the respondents have a high motivational interest in English subject. Intrinsically, some students said that they admire people who can speak English very well. While, on the extrinsic side, some students believed that speaking good in English is a tool for academic excellence. Correlation analysis established that there is significant relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Focus group discussion with the respondents uncovered that the teacher’s mastery of subject is important in an English class. Keywords: library services, study space, student services


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

April Sheverie C. Banaay Dawn Marie L. Rances Researchers Jerry L. Del Puerto Teacher I, Research Adviser

Skills Readiness in Electrical Installation and Maintenance among Grade 10 Students in Tablon National High School Abstract Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) Readiness Assessment is a national electrical industry specific aptitude tests designed to assess the potential of aspiring electrical apprentices, covering 15 areas of numeracy and literacy required to be successful in electrical apprenticeship. This study investigated the skills readiness of Grade 10 junior high school students in Tablon National High School for school year 2016 – 2017. Using the descriptive method research design, the researchers used a survey questionnaire for respondents’ profiling. Also, actual skills demonstration was conducted to identify their skills readiness. With the use of a rubric, it classified whenever they are prepared or not. Results showed that the respondents had low competency in (1) Performing Mensuration and Calculation; and (2) Interpreting Drawing and Plans. However, they have high competency in Preparing Construction Materials and Tools. This means that most of the respondents have difficulties in learning the interpretations, measuring and calculations. Directions of this study recommends in strengthening the EIM instruction and practical hands-on applications in school. Keywords: skill readiness, electrical installation and maintenance, tech-voc-livelihood


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Kim Bryan P. Alulod Antonette U. Galicia Marjorie Armesin Researchers Janet C. Pailagao Teacher I, Research Adviser

Core Exercises Performance of Grade 7 Students in Tablon National High School Abstract One of the DepEd curricular programs is physical education. It refers to the instruction of physical activities and games. It is used to denote the courses in school in which student receive instruction and practice in physical exercise to promote good health. This study investigated the level of performance of the Grade 7 students in Tablon National High School in performing specific core exercises. The researchers used a quantitative method of research where the skills demonstration with rubrics and checklist were used. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage were used to obtain how many respondents performed specific core exercises and how much does of the data partake in a whole. The results revealed that among the levels of performance, the Grade 7 students level of performance in (1) Curl-ups is developing; (2) Push-ups is advance; and (3) Step Test is proficient. Moreover, analysis also showed that majority of males have the highest performance level compared to females which can be attributed to their strength differences. The study points that disciplining and continuing core exercises can lead to advance performance level. It gives a good image of the students in Tablon National High School that they are physically fit and motivated to do core exercises daily. Keywords: core exercises, performance level, MAPEH


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Bryan M. Larrobis Ricky T. Real Researchers Psyche B. Cambo Teacher III, Research Adviser

Study Inventory of the Junior High School Students in Tablon National High School Abstract The importance of study habits plays a big role in the academic lives of the students in Tablon National High School. This study investigated the major role of the students’ habit that might affect their academic life, this includes, aural, verbal, logical, solitary, and social habits. This habit helps the student to nurture their ability and to inhabit their skills. Using the qualitative and quantitative research design, the study involved the whole number of population consisting of 237 respondents that were exposed to the Five Study Habit Styles. Descriptive statistics was being used, such as percentage, mean, frequency to determine the study habits and its role in the academic life of the respondents. After the interventions were conducted, the result was being found off the records that the students ability counts on how they perform that depends on their habits. This also aligned to as how they were being named upon on their strength. However, the study also found that a student can perform well when their habit is being present. The study points to the need of the respondent’s skills to be improve by the mentors and by the students himself. Keywords: aural, verbal, social, logical, and solitary learning


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Anrose Rosel Stephany Macabenta Dawson Gomonay Adrian Ambil Researchers Analyn Vestidas Teacher I, Research Adviser

Kahusayan ng Tamang Paggamit ng mga Salita sa Filipino ng mga Estudyante sa Tablon National High School Abstract Ang kasanayan sa tamang paggamit ng mga salita sa Filipino ay may malaking papel sa buhay ng akademiko ng mga mag-aaral. Inimbestigahan ng pag-aaral na ito ang paggamit ng kakayahan ng tamang salita sa Filipino ng mga estudyante sa Tablon National High School para sa taong 20172018. Paggamit ng quantitative na disenyo, ang pag-aaral ay nagsasangkot ng field survey sa mga respondente. Ito ay naglalarawan sa likas na katangian na ito ay nakatuon sa mga mag-aaral ng Junior at Senior High School at ang kanilang kakayahan sa tamang paggamit ng salita sa Filipino. Ang parehong descriptive at inferential statistics tulad ng porsyento, ibig sabihin, pamamahagi ng dalas, karaniwang paglihis at differences ng mga variables ay ginamit. Ang mga natuklasan ay nagpahayag na ang mga estudyante ay nagtataglay ng mababang mga paniniwala at pag-unawa sa likas na pag-aaral ng tamang paggamit ng salita sa Filipino at ang kanilang mga patuloy na pamamaraan sa pag-aaral ng paksa sa dahilang mababa ang kanilang nakuhang marka sa isinagawang pagsusuri gamit ang mga palatanungan. Gayunpaman, inilalarawan ito sa pamamagitan ng mga equation na ang mga estudyante ay nalalapit sa pag-aaral ng Filipino na makabuluhang nakapagbigay ng kontribusyon sa pagbuo ng kanilang kasanayan sa Filipino. Keywords: kasanayan sa filipino, tamang paggamit ng mga salita


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

TEACHERS’ ABSTRACTS These are research studies of the school head and teachers which were solely or collaboratively authored. Many of these outputs were presented in local and international research conferences.


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Engr. Macapangcat U. Mama, MAEd Principal I, Researcher Psyche B. Cambo, MAIE Teacher III, Co-Researcher This research was presented in the International Conference for Basic Education Researchers at PICC, Manila.

Tracking the Leadership and Management Styles of School Heads: Implications to Development in East II District Abstract Leadership and management are highly interrelated and important words for the school heads in their day-to-day functions. This study was primarily aimed to determine the leadership and management skills among public secondary school administrators in the East II District-Division of Cagayan de Oro City based on the evaluation of their teachers. The descriptive research design was used to depict the performance of the school administrators based on their roles and functions as enumerated in RA 9155 or the Basic Governance Act of 2001. The respondents were drawn from the five public secondary schools in East II district, Cagayan de Oro City. Based on the findings of this study, the following findings were drawn: most of the respondents had the MA units or MA in Education as their highest educational attainment; majority of the respondents had performance rating of Very Satisfactory; majority of the position of the respondents were either Teacher I or Teacher II; most of the respondents were in service above five years which implied that most of the respondents have been teaching for quite some time; the level of competency of the administrators with regard to leadership and management skill were described by the respondents as Competent. Most of the respondents’ profiles do not make significant difference in their evaluation on their administrators’ leadership and management skills in the operation of the public secondary schools. These shows the homogeneity in the teachers’ evaluation of their leaders.

Keywords: leadership, management, skills, school head


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Nick Vhanne Austine D. Caduyac Nilo M. Marquita Researchers, Tablon NHS-Senior High School Ray Butch D. Mahinay, Ph.D. Master Teacher II for SHS, Co-Researcher This research was presented in the International Conference for Basic Education Researchers at PICC, Manila.

Traversing Facebook Trends: Personal Uses and its Correlation for Classroom Purposes Abstract The internet penetration among the population in the Philippines is humongous. A big number of Facebook users is projected to be dominant from 2015 to 2021 (Statista, 2017). There is myriad of literature that established Facebook is both effective as a mobile social platform and as a learning tool for students. This study identified the uses of Facebook for social and educational purposes among randomly sampled 253 junior and senior high school students. Using a researcher-made questionnaire (Cronbach’s α=.89), a survey was conducted in one public high school in Cagayan de Oro City. Usage profiling accounted that 70% of the students do access Facebook with the use of smartphones in a minimum of one to three hours per day through free cellular data. Descriptive analyses showed that students have high extent of use of Facebook both for social and learning purposes. Correlation statistics revealed that there is significant association in their uses of Facebook for the two intentions. This infers that the more the students engage with his social circle through Facebook, the more he is likely to use Facebook as a learning tool. This consistency conforms to different related studies that supports the use of social media in classrooms. All these calls for a second look at existing policies on the limited use of cellphones in schools and maybe reconsider mobile social platforms as emerging learning tools.

Keywords: Facebook, social media, learning tool, education technology


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Pedro C. Gamba, MIH Teacher III for SHS, Researcher This research was presented in The Remains of a Dictatorship: International Conference on the Philippines under Marcos organized by Ateneo de Manila University.

An Oral History on the Political Activism of the Cagayanons during the Marcos Regime: 1969-1986 Abstract This paper is an oral history of the political activism in Cagayan de Oro City during the Marcos regime which covered the period 1969-1986. It provided the answers to the questions as to why were the Cagayanons drawn into political activism during Martial Law and what factors helped shape their social consciousness of the period. Oral history and snowball sampling (chain-referral sampling) were employed in the methodology. Results revealed that socio-economic condition in the late 1960s and 1970s helped shaped the social consciousness of the people and eventually led to activism. As one of the strongest oppositions of Marcos, the city projected an independent opposition primarily because of its social awareness campaigns by different academic institutions and ecumenical efforts of the churches. Although, Xavier University took the leadership in conscienticizing the students, there was no monopoly of social-action initiative as various academic institutions took their share in the resistance period. The city produced activists since the advent of Kabataang Makabayan (KM) in 1969 up to the founding of Nene Pimentel’s Partido Demokratiko Pilipino (PDP), the first real anti-Marcos political party in 1980. The activism of the middle force was more effective than that of the Left and was instrumental to the EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986. However, the city during the Martial Law period was not considered as the laboratory of activism. Instead, the image of Cagayan de Oro during Martial Law period was more on the formation center of the activists due to the presence of academic institutions. Keywords: Marcos regime, political activism, martial law


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Ray Butch D. Mahinay, Ph.D. Master Teacher II for SHS This research was presented and won best paper in the Regional Research Congress 2017. This was funded by the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF).

High School Teachers’ Assessment Practices with the Streamlined Policy Guidelines: Current Situation and Future Directions Abstract The Department of Education (DepEd) implemented the K to 12 basic education curriculum on school year 2012-2013. Imperative to this change of curricula are adjustments in assessment policies. This study investigated the current content knowledge and practices on classroom assessment of the junior and senior high school teachers in one secondary school in the Division of Cagayan de Oro City. Complete enumeration identified the teacher-respondents for this study. A validated researcher-made questionnaire based on (1) DepEd Order No. 8, series 2015; (2) DepEd Order No. 36, series 2016; and (3) DepEd Order No. 55, series 2016 was used in a survey. Descriptive analysis results that teachers have proficiency level lower than the planning standard in the basic and technical concepts on assessment of student learning. However, it was revealed in non-directive interviews that these teachers practice the rudiments of both traditional and authentic assessments. Acknowledging some constraints, they suggested activities that can be integrated in learning action cells or in the biennial in-service trainings to help them improve their classroom assessment practices. This research is posed to strengthen the implementation of the agency’s streamlined assessment policy guidelines and hopefully improve the quality of pedagogical practices among the teachers.

Keywords: classroom assessment, assessment policies, assessment content knowledge


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Jewel Joy P. Bobadilla Frezie Jaine S. Dablo Prince Nikko L. Orgada Augustine Uriel P. Serrano Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University Concepcion L. Eduria, MAEd Master Teacher II for SHS, Co-Researcher

Improving Problem Solving Skills of Grade 10 Students in Mathematics Through Three-Stay-One-Stray Approach Abstract This study determined the effectiveness of Three-Stay One-Stray as an approach in teaching polynomials. The objectives are to increase the students’ level of engagement in learning polynomials and to identify the effectiveness of three-stay one-stray approach. The tools used are Pre-test and Post Test Questionnaire, a Three-Stay One-Stray observation checklist, and an FGD (Focus Group Discussion) questions. The study was conducted at Tablon National High School with 49 Grade 10 students. The diagnostic scores revealed that the participants mean score in posttest (8.12) is higher than in pre-test (3.08). Each of the participants did their role as a member and there are factors behind the change of learning after the intervention. They allowed each person to respond after speaking again and they put together their ideas before arriving into conclusions. Also, there is an increase in the level of participation and at the same time, helps them learn the lesson in a fun way. Therefore, the approach will help the learners improve their problem-solving skills in polynomials.

Keywords: three-stay one-stray, cooperative learning, teaching mathematics


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Daisy Dianne O. Dadula Leonella Marie T. Silvosa Jathniel C. Santonil Shiela Marie C. Sanguila Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University Graceal A. Jurado Teacher I, Co-Researcher

James Mursell's Principles of Teaching: Its Significance on Grade 9 Student's Mastery and Retention of Four SubjectVerb Agreement Rules Abstract Retention of basic rules in subject-verb agreement is crucial to sentence construction. Anchored on James Mursell’s principles of teaching namely: individualization, sequence and evaluation, this study investigated how the application of these principles help improve the level of mastery and students’ retention of the four subject-verb agreement rules. A Grade 9 class of Tablon National High School were the respondents of the two-month study. Pre-test and post-test were conducted before and after the intervention. Also, a retention test was given a month thereafter. A researchermade multiple-choice questionnaire was utilized in the study. Results of the study revealed that: (1) students’ level of mastery on four subject-verb agreement rules in the pre-test is Very Poor; (2) there is an improvement on the respondents’ level of mastery after the principles were applied; and (3) there is an increase in the scores of the students in the retention test. The researchers recommend considering and observing the psychological principles of Mursell in planning and delivering the flow of the lesson for better retention in learning.

Keywords: Mursell’s principles of teaching, subject-verb agreement, retention


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Mitzi Rose G. Godmalin Jedidiah J. Quidet Aemee Rozzann V. Uy Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University Derson T. Pacudan Teacher I, Co-Researcher

Integrating Kinesthetic Instructional Strategy in Teaching Power to Grade 8 Physics Students Abstract A teacher is bound to explore on various strategies to make learning more meaningful for the students. This study aims to integrate kinesthetic strategies in teaching science concepts and prove that learning is effective when the students move and experience it first-hand. The respondents of this study are Grade 8 students of Tablon National High School with the total of 145 students. The study utilized the qualitative design specifically action research adapting the lesson study. Three runs were considered in the implementation stage. The first run in the first section was a plain kinesthetic teaching strategy and it is done without lesson study. On the second run, the lesson study was introduced. The students performed the activity consecutively every after a group was done. Thus, time is a great deal during this run. Lastly, on the third run, an improved lesson plan was used based on the results of the second run. To negate the effect of time, the kinesthetic activity that was used was done simultaneously and tasking among members of the group was initiated. During the three runs, the scores of the students in pre-test increased significantly in the posttest. The increase of the scores in the third run is the highest. With the results, an improved lesson plan was crafted with the confidence that in this study, kinesthetic teaching strategy is effective in teaching power in Physics to Grade 8 students. Keywords: kinesthetic teaching strategy, science learning, teaching Physics


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Mer Jun Q. Canas Sandra May L. Chua Clifford M. Tejor Melshe Quira C. Yanez Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University Miraflor B. Labnotin Teacher II, Co-Researcher

Paggamit ng Larawan bilang Lunsaran ng Sentro sa Pagkatuto sa Pagtuturo ng Panitikan: Implikasyon sa Makabuluhang Pagkatuto Abstract Ang paggamit ng isang guro ng media sa pagtuturo ay maaaring maging paraan upang sila ay maging mas aktibo at maging interesado. Sa paglipas ng panahon, marami na ring natuklasan na mga iba’t-ibang istratehiya. Sa paglipas ng panahon, marami na ring natuklasan na mga iba’t-ibang istratehiya. Isa sa mga stratehiya ay ang tinawag ng mga mananaliksikna Point System Noise Deduction Management Strategy. Sa pamamagitan ng mga pamamaraan na mauuri katulad nito ay nasasanay ang mga mag-aaral na hindi gumawa ng mga di angkop na gawain. May mga mag-aaral na naiinganyo kapag may mga kagamitan o media na ginagammit sa pagtuturo, may iba rin naman na di gaano. Dapat tandaan na magkakaiba ang uri ng mga mag-aaral sa isang silid-aralan. Ang pagsasanay din ng mga kakayanan at pagkaintindi ng mga mag-aaral ang isang paraan na magpapanukala at magpapahiwatig ng kaalaman sa paksa. Panukat na bahagi din ang perpormans lebel ng isang mag-aaral. Katulad na lamang ng pagbabalagtasan, maipaparanas sa mga mag-aaral kung paano ang aktwal na gawain ay isinasagawa. Sa pangkalahatan, nararapat lang na gamitin ang media at pumili ng angkop na estratehiya. Keywords: paggamit ng larawan, makabuluhang pagkatuto, panitikan


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Mary Eleiza Bentuzal Lawrence Jerome Castro Steffany Pahuyo Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University Miraflor B. Labnotin Teacher II, Co-Researcher

Dula-Dulaaan: Alternatibong Estratihiya Sa Pagtuturo Ng Maikling Kwento Abstract Bilang mga guro sa hinaharap, ninanais natin na magkaroon ng interaktibong talakayan ang ating klase upang mas matuto ang mga mag-aaral. Ninanais na magkaroon ng aktibong pagkatuto ang mga mag-aaral. Kaya ang mga mananaliksik ay nakabuo ng maaring makatulong upang maging mas interaktibo ang pagkatuto ng mga mag-aaral. Ang pag-aaral na ito ay tumatalakay sa paggamit ng dula-dulaan bilang isang alternatibong estratehiya sa pagtuturo sa mga mag-aaral sa mga panitikan partikular na sa maikling kwento. Ang mga instrumento ng pananaliksik na ginamit upang masagot ang mga ito ay ang pre-test, post-test, rubrik at sarbey. Ang mga respondente ng pag-aaral na ito ay dalawang seksyon mula sa ika-10 balita ng Tablon National High School. Ang seksyon A ay gumamit ng dula-dulaan sa pagtatalakay ng maikling kwento at ang seksyon B naman ay diskusyon. Makikita mula sa mga datos na ang mga iskor ng Seksyon A ay nadagdagan o tumaas kumpara sa kanilang iskor mula sa pre-test, samantala, ang Seksyon B naman, makikita sa kanilang iskor sa post-test na hindi ito nagkakalayo sa mga iskor nila mula sa pre-test. Negatibo ang naging resulta ng post-test ng Seksyon B dahil makikita ang dalawang pagbabago nito, una, walang pagbabago ang mga iskor at pangalawa, bumaba ang kanilang iskor mula sa pre-test. Mula sa resultang ito, masasabing naging epektibo ang paggamit ng dula-dulaan sa pagtuturo ng maikling kwento dahilmas magkaroon ng pagtaas sa iskor ang seksyon na gumamit ng estratihiyang ito kumpara sa seksyon na diskuyon lamang ang ginamit. Keywords: dula-dulaaan, maikling kwento, Filipino


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Mitzi Rose G. Godmalin Jedidiah J. Quidet Aemee Rozzann V. Uy Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan Rhea S. Dablo, MAEd Teacher I, Co-Researcher

The Use of Frayer Model in Enhancing Vocabulary Knowledge among Tablon National High School Grade 10 Students Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Frayer Model as a strategy in enhancing the vocabulary knowledge of the Grade 10 students of Tablon National High School. Frayer Model is a graphic organizer that can cater different grade levels in building their vocabulary and to enrich their knowledge in various concepts and content areas (Lupiani, 2018). This study utilized the KUMILOS action research framework. The research objectives that the researchers aim to meet are: (1) the comprehension level of the students; (2) the difference between the comprehension level of the students before and after using Frayer Model; and (3) the effectiveness of Frayer Model in enhancing the vocabulary of the Grade 10 student. The instruments that will be used are pre-test and post-test, intervention quizzes, and interview questions that were constructed by the researchers. The standard method of DepEd in assessing the competency level in reading comprehension of the students were used to interpret the results of their pre-test and post-test. Keywords: Frayer model, vocabulary knowledge, English teaching


2nd SHS Students’ In-House Research Summit Theme: Responding to DepEd’s call for research excellence through student-teacher collaboration.

Brent Brixxell G. Bonior Cynthia Emiko C. Iwai Jaen Kieth F. Rocios Researchers, School of Education-Xavier University Rafael Silagan, RN Teacher I, Co-Researcher

Teaching Photosynthesis to Grade 9 Students Using Diagrams: A Lesson Study Abstract This paper sought to investigate the level of students’ performance in pre- and post-test; the trend of the average score of each class as the lesson plan evolved incorporating diagrams; and the performance of the students based on their learning style when active lesson participation was incorporated. A learning style test adapted from VARK Strategies (2016) was used to determine the learning styles of the students before the actual Lesson Study was conducted. A total of 105 Grade 9 students at Tablon National High School, Division of Cagayan de Oro City were chosen as respondents of the study. When the results of the post-test were compared, there is an observed upward trend in their level of performance. Furthermore, the use of diagrams yielded higher results among visual learners although it is also beneficial to all types of learners. With these results, the use of diagrams in teaching photosynthesis and active involvement of the students were found out to have contributed greatly in the efficiency of students’ learning. To further improve the lesson study, it is highly encouraged that active engagement of the students be utilized by letting them manipulate the diagrams used during the discussion.

Keywords: instructional diagrams, learning styles, teaching Biology


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