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with Drew white

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The first day of March usually marks the start of the season when my phone rings with calls from friends and family asking the same question, "what should I do with my yard this year"? So as I sat down to write this article, I figured I would take this opportunity to share some of the most common questions I receive about home yard care

Q: What should I do with all the bare spots in my yard? The seed I put down last time did not work

A: If your yard has a bare spot, there are a few things to consider before seeding the area. Is there a water issue? Too much or too little water can kill the grass Is there enough sunlight? Most grass plants require around 6 hours of sunlight to grow, but this varies from species to species Were there too many weed species present that outcompeted the desired plants? Most weeds die in the fall and reemerge in the spring/summer Your next step is to prepare the bare spot(s) for seeding Using a sturdy rake or shovel, loosen the soil of any bare spots to relieve compaction, add air, and give the seed somewhere to go Once you have prepared the bare spot soil, you can then apply seed. This moment is where most seeding attempts start to go wrong. To correctly apply, use a generous amount of seed-if you think it is enough, go ahead and put more down Next, use your rake or shovel to mix the seed and loosened soil, then lightly pack the area down with your feet or even the back of a shovel or rake If the area you are working on is large or on a slope or is large, consider adding a layer of straw once seeding is complete If you decide to use a straw layer, be certain to water the straw frequently so it does not end up in the neighbor's yard Water the entire bare spot area daily, with enough water to wet the top half inch of soil but not enough to leave a puddle. Generally, you can begin the seeding process in early April.

Q: When should I apply weed control products?

A: The answer to this question is contingent upon if the first question applies to you Pre-emergent herbicides will stop the germination of weed seeds and grass seeds So if you seeded bare spots or even your entire yard, you must wait for full germination of the desired seed before applying weed control products Generally, the best time to apply weed control products is late-April to mid-June.

Q: Should I bag my grass clippings?

A: At the time of mowing, if your yard is dry and the grass is not too long, you do not have to bag your grass clipping While returning clippings can return nutrients to the soil, grass clippings can clump up, which is not a desirable look and can be harmful to the grass under the clumps Alternatively, after mowing, use a blower to break up the clumps, or turn your rake teeth side up and use it to break up any clumps.

Q: Should I do anything to my flower beds besides planting?

I hope you have found this information helpful! If you have any other questions or follow-up questions, as always, please feel free to reach out to me

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