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I have made it a tradition to remind you of this as the start to the season gets closer, as it is something that I truly believe in Each Spring, so many of us say something along the lines of “I’d really like to play more golf this year!” Inevitably, as the summer months fly by, it gets to be September and you look back at how many times you played this past year, and you realize that you just couldn’t get to the course as much as you had hoped!

I truly believe that scheduling golf into your week is the key to making sure you get out there and play more It's easy to get caught up in our busy lives and forget about the things we love, but if you make it a priority and schedule it in, you'll be more likely to make it happen

So, let's make this the year that you actually follow through on your goal of playing more golf Whether it's 9 holes or an hour on the range, mark it on your calendar and commit to making time for yourself and the game you love You deserve it! So, get out there, enjoy the fresh air, and have some fun on the course

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