Revelstoke Prenatal Directory

Page 1

Revelstoke There are many website resources listed in this Directory. For Free Public Access Computers visit:


Okanagan Regional Library at 605 Campbell Ave. For more information call 250-837-5095 or Visit Revelstoke Child Care Society at Room 124-1001 Mackenzie Ave. or call 250-837-6669.

Table of Contents Page: Early Childhood Development Committee 2 Some Handy Phone Numbers


Physicians/ Prenatal Classes




Revelstoke Public Health


General Pregnancy Info


Prenatal Nutrition


Breastfeeding Information


Pregnancy and Post Partum Mental Health


Self Care


Infant Health and Safety


Okanagan Regional Library


Revelstoke Child Care Society


Welcome Wagon


Children’s Services Directory


Speech-Language Services


More Information


Mother Goose


Community Connections



Revelstoke Early Childhood Development Committee: We are a coalition of service providers, parents, and businesses interested in creating the best environment possible for the children of our community. The Revelstoke Early Childhood Development (ECD) Committee is committed to strengthening supports and services for families with young children in our community. Positive early childhood development benefits our entire community. If you share our vision, please join us! Our Vision for Revelstoke: Revelstoke envisions a caring community that acknowledges, values and supports the shared responsibility of investing in young children so that they may live, learn, play and dream in safe and healthy surroundings. For up to date program and event information: Children’s Information Board: located at the Revelstoke Community Centre on the way to the Reception Desk. This board is updated weekly and provides the latest brochures, event and program information. Young Children’s Monthly Calendar: The latest program and event information for young children. The Calendar is displayed at the Revelstoke Community Centre and a number of organizations throughout our community. Call to have your email address added to our list so that you receive the calendar directly!

For more information on programs and initiatives, please contact Tracy Spannier, Early Childhood Development Coordinator Phone: 250-805-2305 Email: Web:

Some Handy Phone Numbers: Community Connections ………………… 250-837-2920 Children Services Directory……………… 250-805-2305 Ministry of Children and Family Development……………………… 250-837-7612 Okanagan College (Prenatal Programs) ... 250-837-4235 Okanagan Regional Library....................... 250-837-5095 Public Health ............................................... 250-814-2244 Queen Victoria Hospital.............................. 250-837-2131 Selkirk Medical Clinic ................................ 250-837-9321 Revelstoke Child Care Society ................... 250-837-6669 Rev. Early Child Development Committee 250-805-2305 Revelstoke Women’s Shelter……………… 250-837-1111

The Revelstoke ECD Committee appreciates support from Success by 6, Children First and community partnerships with Revelstoke Credit Union and the Revelstoke Community Foundation. 2 3

Physician Services For emergencies call 911 Queen Victoria Hospital 1200 Newlands Road. 250-837-2131 There are several family doctors who practice at the Selkirk Medical Group 101 West 1st Street. 250-837-9321 Information on all health services available in Revelstoke can be found in the Revelstoke Social Services Directory:

Prenatal Classes Prenatal Complete Series This information series includes 4 sessions, plus a hospital tour. Topics covered include labour and delivery, interventions and complications, postpartum for mother and baby, breastfeeding and newborn care.

Midwife Services Midwives in British Columbia offer primary care to healthy pregnant women and their newborn babies from early pregnancy, through labour and birth, and up to six weeks after birth. BC Ministry of Health funding covers the cost of midwifery care for all BC residents with a valid Carecard through the BC Medical Services Plan. It is important to note that coverage is provided for only one type of healthcare provider for healthy pregnancies in BC. To find out more including: What is a midwife? Do I need a referral? What are my options? Visit:

For Midwifery Services in Revelstoke contact:

Please note: All courses take place at Queen Victoria Hospital. Financial assistance is available if needed - please enquire with the receptionist at Okanagan College, 1401 W 1st Street.

For more information on Okanagan College courses and services please call: 250-837-4235 4


General Pregnancy Information

Revelstoke Public Health 1200 Newlands (Queen Victoria Hospital) Phone: 250-814-2244 C a n

s o m e o n e

h e l p

m e ?

Pregnancy, childbirth, and new parenthood bring physical and emotional changes. Knowing what to expect can make these changes easier to handle and enjoy. Contact a Public Health Nurse at 250-814-2244 to learn about important information such as:  Choosing a health care provider 

What to expect during prenatal visits

How your unborn baby is developing

What you should eat during pregnancy

Keeping active and gaining an appropriate amount of weight

Information for dads-to-be

Supports for new mothers

Immunization information

Providing health inforReferral and resources for nutrition, parenting, child

Baby’s Best Chance: This website is filled with up-to-date and practical information, useful tools and resources for women,expectant parents, and families with babies and toddlers up to 3 years of age: HealthlinkBC– Specific information on Pregnancy - call 811 or visit: Healthy Pregnancy-Healthy Canada—a website provided by the Government of Canada. This site includes resources on healthy eating and a healthy pregnancy. A Healthy Pregnancy—information provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada. This site includes the Healthy Pregnancy Calendar, the Healthy Pregnancy Quiz as well as links and resources. Call (604) 666-2083 Healthy Choices in Pregnancy (Provincial Health Services Authority) working to support healthy choices for women who use substances during the childbearing years. Resources and information on the prevention of FASD. Website: Phone: 604-875-2189 Canada’s Food Guide: Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Following the Canada Food Guide can help women eat the amount and type of food that is right for her and her baby. Website: women-femmes-eng.php

mation 

Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada Womens Health information includes useful resources on pregnancy, labour, and delivery pregnancy_e.asp or call: 1-800-561-2416


healthy lifestyles. There is tons of great information out there but it is important to find sources you can trust. We have asked Public Health to recommended trusted sites and resources for this directory. Call Public Health to check that you are getting the best 6 information for you and your child.

Perinatal Services BC: An agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority. Information and resources to optimize neonatal, maternal, and fetal health. Website includes “The Pregnancy Passport” which details what to expect throughout pregnancy and childbirth. Phone: 1-604-877-2121. Website: 7 default.htm

Prenatal Nutrition From Health Canada: 1 (866) 225-0709 Prenatal nutrition information and additional recommended resources from Health Canada - -eng.php Canada’s Food Guide is available in multiple languages. You can order a hardcopy or check out information online. - http:// Pregnancy Weight gain calculator Learn about healthy weight gain to promote a healthy pregnancy: hwgdp-ppspg-eng.php Weight Gain Calculator: prenatal/bmi/index-eng.php My Food Guide Serving Tracker for pregnant women aged 1950 years - track-suivi/table_female-femme_preg-ence_age19-50eng.php Society of Obstetricians and Gynecolgists of Canada (SOGC) Healthy Eating, Exercise and Weight Gain - a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy body weight promote good health, and have a positive effect on your pregnancy. 1 (800) 561-2416 BC Health Link: Dial 811 to speak to a dietitian. Pregnancy and Nutrition: Learn about the importance of Folic Acid and Folate hfile38c.stm Interior Health A Healthy Baby is Worth the Weight this site shares information about weight gain and health. HealthyBabyWorthWeight.aspx Revelstoke Nutitionists: Contact information for nutritionists practicing in Revelstoke can be found In the Revelstoke Social Services Directory: 8

Breastfeeding Information and Resources Breastfeeding Inc.: At Breastfeeding Inc. the aim is to empower parents by ensuring they receive the most up-to-date information to assist them with their breastfeeding baby. Breastfeeding resources include free information sheets, video clips and articles – www. includes breastfeeding Q&A discussions and multiple topics such as Getting Prepped, Working Mamas, Latches and Positioning and more. The La Leche League Canada encourages, promotes, and provides mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and information – Healthlink BC Breastfeeding information. Includes answers to questions such as why and when should you breastfeed? How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk? Does your baby need anything other than breast milk? When should you get help? Info available in English, French, Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. Go to: Breastfeeding after Breast and Nipple Surgeries. This site provides information and support to mothers who wish to breastfeed after surgerieshttp:/ Multiple Births Canada - includes information and supports for parents of multiples (including breastfeeding). index.php All Babies and Toddlers Need Vitamin D—this interior health pamphlet provides information on why babies need Vitamin D, how much they need and the best ways to provide it. HavingABaby/Documents/Vitamin%20D.pdf Local Breastfeeding Support in Revelstoke: Contact Revelstoke Public Health for breastfeeding support 9 with our local health nurses. 250-814-2244

Understanding Your Mental Health during Pregnancy and Postpartum Information fact sheets from BC Mental Health: Depression during pregnancy - rdonlyres/43B5D558-E9CB-4ADA-97E4-604E2BBCE131/52702/ RMHDepressionDuringPregnancyFactSheet.pdf Baby blues & postpartum depression - rdonlyres/43B5D558-E9CB-4ADA-97E4-604E2BBCE131/52703/ RMHBabyBluesPPDFactSheet.pdf

Coping with depression during pregnancy and following the birth - BCRMH_CWD_Sept2011.pdf

Perinatal depression treatment options - NR/rdonlyres/43B5D558-E9CB-4ADA-97E4604E2BBCE131/52704/RMHPNDTreatmentFactSheet.pdf

Pacific Post Partum Support Society A non‑profit society dedicated to supporting the needs of postpartum mothers and their families. They also publish Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: A Self‑Help Guide for Mothers. Website: Phone: 604‑255‑7999 BC Womens Hospital Reproductive Mental Health Program Provides counselling to women with depression in pregnancy and after birth. ReproductiveMentalHealth/default.htm 24 Hour Crisis Line 1-888-353-CARE (2273) BC Mental Health Information Lines Offers information and advice 24 hours a day. Phone: 310-6789 (no area code needed) - this is a provincial line. This line provides empowering emotional support and information.

In Revelstoke, call Public Health (250-814-2244), your health care provider (doctor or midwife) or 811


Self Care

You are the most important person in your child’s life. You need to take care of yourself in order to be able to best care for your child. Consider your nutrition, sleep, and exercise needs.

Supports and Information Resources: Motherisk – includes information on morning sickness, drugs in pregnancy and breastfeeding, use of supplements (vitamins), herbal products and more: or phone: 1 (877) 439-2744 Health Canada Fetal Alcohol Specrtum Disorder, information - http:// For more information contact our local FASD Key Worker at (250) 833-0164 ext. 7 or email Tabacco Reduction Quit Now - Smokers helpline - On the roasd to quitting – guide to becoming a non-smoker - http:// HIV and Pregnancy HIV Treatment In Pregnancy - Motherisk Canadian Federation for sexual health stis-and-hiv/hiv-aids/hiv-andpregnancy.aspx You can have a healthy pregnancy if you are HIV positive – CATIE -

For local support, call Public Health (250-814-2244), your health care provider (doctor or midwife) or 811 11

Infant Health and Safety

Infant Health and Safety

HealthLink BC: call 811 (24 hours a day) to talk to a nurse, pharmacist or dietitian. You can get answers to your health-care concerns, including when to see a doctor or visit Emergency. Check your symptoms, get health fact sheets or learn more about your health questions from a trusted source. Website:

Your Home: Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment (CPCHE) Tips to make your home healthier for kids. Website: Helpline for Children A child is anyone under the age of 19. Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Abuse can be abandonment, desertion, neglect, ill treatment, or failure to meet the physical, emotional, or medical needs of a child. Anyone can call the Helpline for Children for help 24 hours a day, including parents who are afraid they might hurt their child or if you know a child is being abused. You can call anonymously. Website: Phone: 310‑1234 (no area code needed)

Call Revelstoke Public Health at 250-814-2244 BC Drug and Poison Information Centre Website: Phone toll‑free: 1‑800‑567‑8911

Child safety seats 

BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation Child Passenger Safety Information Line. Call to find out more about child passenger safety. Website: safety/ Phone toll-free: 1-877-247-5551 ICBC - tips and information to ensure you are installing and using your child’s car seat correctly. Website: Transport Canada—up to date information about car seat recalls, public notices and safety. roadsafety/safedrivers-childsafety-index-53.htm Road Safety Recalls Database - saf-sec-sur/7/vrdb-bdrv/search/Search.aspx?lang=eng

Immunization: ImmunizeBC: This website has information about immunizations in British Columbia, including common questions and chat with an online nurse. Website: Call Public Health at 250-814-2244. Vaccination and Your Child A web page of the Canadian Paediatric Society that answers many common questions about having your child vaccinated. Website:

Consumer product safety 

Health Canada: Consumer Product Safety (cribs, sleepwear etc) Phone: 1‑866‑662‑0666


Safe Sleeping 

Safe Sleep for Your Baby: learn more about how to create a safe sleep environment for your baby- Public Health Agency of Canada - http:// sids/bsse-essb-eng.php Safe Sleep for Babies and Healthy Sleep for Your Baby and Child- Caring for Kids - Canadian Paediatric Society - safe_sleep_for_babies Safe Sleep Tips: SIDS Canada –


Caring for Kids A website designed to provide parents with information about their child’s health and well‑being. Developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society. Website: Caring for Kids

Resources recommended by Revelstoke Public Health and Baby’s Best Chance:


Revelstoke Child Care Society The Child Care Society is a non-profit organization that works to provide parents with information about quality child care choices and early childhood development and supports child care providers through training, education and resources.

REVELSTOKE BRANCH OPEN HOURS: Tuesday: 12-8 p.m. Wednesday 12-7 p.m. Thursday 10-4 p.m. Friday: 10-5 p.m. Saturday: 10-5 p.m.

605 Campbell Avenue 250-837-5095

Room 124-1001 Mackenzie Ave Phone: 250-837-6669 Website: .

Before Baby Arrives:  Borrow pregnancy information books  Come on in and learn about community programs and services for families.  Music CDs to enjoy with your growing child After Baby Arrives:  Parenting Books  Baby board books and children’s picture books  A full range of early childhood development resources.  Borrow developmentally appropriate toys  Borrow infant and toddler equipment (including baby swings, playpens, and Exersaucers.)  Child Care information and referrals.

Prenatal Information:  Pregnancy books  Baby Name Books  Music on CD  Prenatal Exercise and Information on DVDs

After Baby Arrives:  Parenting Books  Parenting Magazines  Books on parenting  Music on CD  Books on CD  Baby Board Books  Picture Books  Online Library to Go  Ask about our children’s programs Families are welcome! Come on in to get your library card.

There is something for everyone at the Library! 14

Your community’s best source of child care information and resources. 15

Welcome Wagon Welcome Wagon is a Canadian-owned, FREE greeting service for families experiencing lifestyle change. Welcome Wagon brings gifts and valuable information from local businesses and civic organizations to help you and your baby. All this is free for you. For more information about Welcome Wagon or to request a visit, go to In Revelstoke, call Coralie Dias at 250-837-5890.

Children’s Services Directory:

The next few pages will give you some ideas on where to find information and an introduction to some programs for families with babies.

Pick up your copy of the Revelstoke Children Services Directory to learn about the programs and services available to your family. You can find a copy at the following locations:  Revelstoke Child Care Society: Room 124, 1001 Mackenzie Ave  Revelstoke Early Childhood Development: Room 120, 1001 Mackenzie Ave  Community Connections (Revelstoke) Society: 314 - 2nd Street East  Ministry of Children and Family Development: 210 Garden Ave.  StrongStart Centre: Room 130-1001 Mackenzie Ave  ECD Children’s Information Board

Children’s Information Boards at the Community Centre and Neighbourhood Learning Centre: Check the information board across from the reception desk at the Revelstoke Community Centre and outside the StrongStart Centre in the Neighbourhood Learning Centre (located at Begbie View Elementary) for information on events, programs and services for children and families.

16 17

Watch for More Information: Speech-Language Services Open Monday-Thursday Room 134-1001 Mackenzie Ave

8:30 to 4:30

Phone: 250-837-4285 Email:

It’s never too early to talk, read and sing to your baby! If you have any questions regarding speech, language or hearing difficulties please contact Carolyn Duncan at the number above. Feel free to ask Carolyn questions when you see her out at the StrongStart Centre, at Mother Goose, or at local children’s events such as the annual Teddy Bear Picnic. Revelstoke Speech and Language Services are dedicated to improving the communication skills of children age 0 to 6 years of age. 18

Watch for the monthly Young Children’s Calendar for the latest information and events in Revelstoke. To be added to the email list please send a request to Tracy at or pick up a copy of the calendar at the Revelstoke Community Centre Children’s Bulletin Board (across from the reception desk) or at the Child Care Society at Room 124-1001 Mackenzie Ave. Recreation: Please note that recreational activities including prenatal yoga, swim classes and family programs are offered throughout the year. Please contact Parks, Recreation and Culture at 250-837-9351 or or consult the City of Revelstoke Leisure Guide for up to date information. Baby Talk A weekly series of guest speakers on a variety of topics (such as language development, nutrition or baby massage). Watch for sessions in the Young Children’s Calendar or call Public Health at 250-814-2244 for information. 19

Revelstoke Mother Goose Fun with your little one! What is the Revelstoke Mother Goose Program?  A fun and free program for your family  A chance to share rhymes, songs, stories, and giggles with your infant to three year old!  A chance to meet other parents!  Snacks for everyone!  Don’t let the name Mother Goose mislead you—Dads and other family members are welcome too! Little Goslings Activity Time: Older brothers and sisters (3-5) are invited to attend Little Goslings during Mother Goose. This program is a fun time with rhymes, stories and a craft facilitated by qualified staff.

Call the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy at 250-805-2305 or drop in to Room 120-1001 Mackenzie Ave for dates and times of the next session!

314, 2nd Street East For information call 250-837-2920 or website: Parents & Community Together (PACT) A relaxed, and informal drop-in group for any family with preschool aged children (0 -6 years old) . Group leaders facilitate discussions on both parenting and personal issues, provide information on a variety of family oriented topics, demonstrate play and craft activities and make referrals to other services the family may need. Parents determine discussion topics and activities. Funded by CAP-C (Public Health Agency of Canada). Every Monday and Thursday 9:30 – 12:30 Call Cathy Girling 250-837-2920 ext. 38 Community Connections Baby Bundles Program This program provides items specifically for pregnant and new moms including prenatal vitamins, nutritious food and newborn necessities. Call Patti Larson at 250-837-2920, ext. 28 Infant Development Program - The Infant Development Program is a family centered service that supports families raising children between birth and 3 years of age who are at risk for or have a developmental delay or disability. Any parent who has questions about their young child (birth to three years) may contact the Infant Development program. For more information, contact Amanda MacIntosh, Infant Development Program Consultant at 250-837-2920.



Forth Edition

Revelstoke Prenatal Services Directory Revelstoke Early Childhood Development Committee Room 120-1001 Mackenzie Ave, Box 2059, Revelstoke, BC, V0E 2S0 Telephone: (250) 805-2305 Fax: (250) 837-6668 E-Mail: Local information on the web: Like Revelstoke Early Childhood Development on Facebook! This directory was created by the Revelstoke Early Childhood Development Committee who appreciates support from Success by Six, Revelstoke Credit Union and Children First. For more information please contact us today!

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